80_FR_21371 80 FR 21297 - Petition for Waiver of Compliance and Notice of Public Hearing; Correction

80 FR 21297 - Petition for Waiver of Compliance and Notice of Public Hearing; Correction

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 74 (April 17, 2015)

Page Range21297-21298
FR Document2015-08938

On April 3, 2015 (80 FR 18292), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) provided notice of a public hearing to receive views, data, and comments regarding BNSF Railway's (BNSF) petition for modification and extension of its waiver of compliance from certain provisions of the Federal railroad safety regulations contained in title 49 Code of Federal Regulations part 232, Brake System Safety Standards for Freight and Other Non-Passenger Trains and Equipment, in Docket Number FRA-2006-24812. The notice contained an incorrect date of the public hearing.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 74 (Friday, April 17, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 74 (Friday, April 17, 2015)]
[Pages 21297-21298]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-08938]



Federal Railroad Administration

[Docket Number FRA-2006-24812]

Petition for Waiver of Compliance and Notice of Public Hearing; 

AGENCY: Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation.

ACTION: Notice; correction.


SUMMARY: On April 3, 2015 (80 FR 18292), the Federal Railroad 
Administration (FRA) provided notice of a public hearing to receive 
views, data, and comments regarding BNSF Railway's (BNSF) petition for 
modification and extension of its waiver of compliance from certain 
provisions of the Federal railroad safety regulations contained in 
title 49 Code of Federal Regulations part 232, Brake System Safety 
Standards for Freight and Other Non-Passenger Trains and Equipment, in 
Docket Number FRA-2006-24812. The notice contained an incorrect date of 
the public hearing.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Zuiderveen, Railroad Safety 
Specialist, FRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, 
(202) 493-6337, Steven.Zuiderveen@dot.gov.

[[Page 21298]]


    In the Federal Register of April 3, 2015, in FR Doc. 2015-07656, on 
page 18292, in the second column, correct the paragraph to read:
    In addition, FRA is extending the comment period for this waiver 
petition to June 21, 2015, to allow adequate time for any additional 
comments to be submitted following the public hearing on May 21, 2015.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on April 11, 2015.
Ron Hynes,
Director, Office of Technical Oversight.
[FR Doc. 2015-08938 Filed 4-16-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 74 / Friday, April 17, 2015 / Notices                                                21297

                                              determines whether granting the                         Summary of Applications                               stable on therapies for both conditions
                                              exemption would likely achieve a level                                                                        and his CPAP compliance is acceptable
                                                                                                      Thomas Skagen
                                              of safety equivalent to, or greater than,                                                                     to excellent. He is maintained on
                                              the level that would be achieved by the                    Mr. Skagen is a 53-year-non-CDL                    Provigil and Zoloft and by all accounts
                                              current regulation (49 CFR 381.305).                    holder from Washington. He is route                   his sleep disorders are stable and well-
                                              The Agency may grant an exemption                       sales representative for a bakery. He was             treated on his current therapeutic
                                              subject to specified terms and                          diagnosed with Narcolepsy without                     regimen. Medication or dosing changes
                                              conditions. The decision of the Agency                  cataplexy 1 in 2008. His physician has                have not been required since [the
                                              must be published in the Federal                        treated him for 3 years and is supportive             specialist] took over his care in 2012.
                                              Register (49 CFR 381.315(b)) with the                   of Mr. Skagen’s exemption request. He                 His specialists support Mr. Jandreau’s
                                              reasons for denying or granting the                     states that Mr. Skagen is treated with                petition for exemption based on his
                                              application and, if granted, the name of                Adderall and has a known 3-year                       condition being stable for quite some
                                              the person or class of persons receiving                history of being very compliant with                  time and is not likely to worsen so long
                                              the exemption, and the regulatory                       medical treatment, his Epworth                        as he continues his current therapeutic
                                              provision from which the exemption is                   Sleepiness Scale scores remain within                 regimen. Mr. Jandreau would like to be
                                              granted. The notice must also specify                   normal limits, and he does not fall                   granted an exemption in interstate
                                              the effective period and explain the                    asleep at any inappropriate times. He                 commerce.
                                              terms and conditions of the exemption.                  has driven a step van (a walk-in or
                                                                                                      multi-stop truck) since 2005 and says                 Request for Comments
                                              The exemption may be renewed (49 CFR
                                              381.300(b)).                                            that sleepiness has never been an issue                 In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31315
                                                 FMCSA provides medical advisory                      and in 37 years of driving he has never               and 31136(e), FMCSA requests public
                                              criteria in the Medical Examination                     caused an accident. He would like to be               comment from all interested persons on
                                                                                                      granted an exemption in order to obtain               the applications for exemption
                                              Report at 49 CFR 391.43 for use by
                                                                                                      a medical certificate to operate in                   described in this notice. We will
                                              medical examiners in determining
                                                                                                      interstate commerce.                                  consider all comments received before
                                              whether drivers with certain medical
                                                                                                                                                            the close of business on the closing date
                                              conditions should be certified to operate               Charles ‘‘Larry’’ Peterson
                                                                                                                                                            indicated earlier in the notice.
                                              commercial motor vehicles in interstate                    Mr. Charles Larry Peterson is a 56-
                                              commerce. The advisory criteria for 49                                                                          Dated: April 13, 2015.
                                                                                                      year old Class A CDL holder in
                                              CFR 391.41(b)(8), indicates that if an                                                                        Larry W. Minor,
                                                                                                      Washington. He is tractor-trailer driver.
                                              individual has had a sudden episode of                  He was diagnosed with Narcolepsy in                   Associate Administrator for Policy.
                                              a non-epileptic seizure or loss of                      1987 and has been continually treated                 [FR Doc. 2015–08857 Filed 4–16–15; 8:45 am]
                                              consciousness of unknown cause that                     for this condition since his diagnosis. A             BILLING CODE 4910–EX–P
                                              did not require anti-seizure medication,                November 2014 letter from Mr.
                                              the decision whether that person’s                      Peterson’s physician states he is
                                              condition is likely to cause the loss of                successfully treated with Provigil. He                DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                              consciousness or loss of ability to                     has never known of any traffic
                                              control a CMV should be made on an                                                                            Federal Railroad Administration
                                                                                                      incidents, accidents or problems related
                                              individual basis by the medical                         to his narcolepsy or treatment. In his                [Docket Number FRA–2006–24812]
                                              examiner in consultation with the                       opinion his narcolepsy is well
                                              treating physician. Before certification is             controlled and he is safe to drive. A                 Petition for Waiver of Compliance and
                                              considered, it is suggested that a 6-                   November 6 letter from his employer                   Notice of Public Hearing; Correction
                                              month waiting period elapse from the                    supports Mr. Peterson’s request for an                AGENCY: Federal Railroad
                                              time of the episode. Following the                      exemption. The employer reports that                  Administration, Department of
                                              waiting period, it is suggested that the                Mr. Peterson has been employed since                  Transportation.
                                              individual have a complete neurological                 2012 and has been an exemplary driver                 ACTION: Notice; correction.
                                              examination. If the results of the                      since he was hired. The employer
                                              examination are negative and anti-                      reports there have been no accidents,                 SUMMARY:   On April 3, 2015 (80 FR
                                              seizure medication is not required, then                communication problems, and no                        18292), the Federal Railroad
                                              the driver may be qualified.                            questionable performance issues during                Administration (FRA) provided notice
                                                 In those individual cases where a                    his employment. Mr. Peterson would                    of a public hearing to receive views,
                                              driver had a seizure or an episode of                   like to be granted an exemption to                    data, and comments regarding BNSF
                                              loss of consciousness that resulted from                continue to operate in interstate                     Railway’s (BNSF) petition for
                                              a known medical condition (e.g., drug                   commerce.                                             modification and extension of its waiver
                                              reaction, high temperature, acute                                                                             of compliance from certain provisions of
                                              infectious disease, dehydration, or acute               Stanley Jandreau                                      the Federal railroad safety regulations
                                              metabolic disturbance), certification                      Mr. Jandreau is a 43 year old Class A              contained in title 49 Code of Federal
                                              should be deferred until the driver has                 CDL holder in Maine. A February 2015                  Regulations part 232, Brake System
                                              fully recovered from that condition, has                letter from his sleep medicine                        Safety Standards for Freight and Other
                                              no existing residual complications, and                 specialists states that Mr. Jandreau has              Non-Passenger Trains and Equipment,
                                              is not taking anti-seizure medication.                  been a patient since 2002 when he was                 in Docket Number FRA–2006–24812.
                                                 The advisory criteria for 49 CFR                     found to have obstructive sleep apnea                 The notice contained an incorrect date
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              391.41 (b)(9), indicates that a variety of              and narcolepsy with cataplexy. Mr.                    of the public hearing.
                                              functional disorders can cause                          Jandreau’s specialists report that he is              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              drowsiness, dizziness, confusion,                                                                             Steve Zuiderveen, Railroad Safety
                                                                                                        1 According to National Institutes of Health,
                                              weakness or paralysis that may lead to                                                                        Specialist, FRA, 1200 New Jersey
                                                                                                      National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
                                              incoordination, inattention, loss of                    Stroke, cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle tone
                                                                                                                                                            Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590,
                                              functional control and susceptibility to                while the person is awake that leads to feelings of   (202) 493–6337,
                                              accidents while driving.                                weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control.      Steven.Zuiderveen@dot.gov.

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                                              21298                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 74 / Friday, April 17, 2015 / Notices

                                              Correction                                              America waiver request should be                      Dear Mr. Gans:
                                                In the Federal Register of April 3,                   provided to the FRA on or before April                   As you are aware, on February 19, 2015,
                                              2015, in FR Doc. 2015–07656, on page                    22, 2015.                                             the New York Metropolitan Transportation
                                              18292, in the second column, correct                    ADDRESSES: Please submit your                         Authority (MTA) on behalf of its commuter
                                              the paragraph to read:                                  comments by one of the following                      railroad subsidiaries, Long Island Rail Road
                                                In addition, FRA is extending the                     means, identifying your submissions by                (LIRR) and Metro-North Commuter Railroad
                                              comment period for this waiver petition                 docket number FRA–2012–0033. All                      Company (Metro-North), requested a waiver
                                                                                                      electronic submissions must be made to                from the Federal Railroad Administration’s
                                              to June 21, 2015, to allow adequate time
                                                                                                      the U.S. Government electronic site at                (FRA) Buy America requirement to purchase
                                              for any additional comments to be
                                                                                                      http://www.regulations.gov.                           (a) transponders and (b) Temporary Speed
                                              submitted following the public hearing                                                                        Restriction (TSR) safety servers for use in
                                              on May 21, 2015.                                        Commenters should follow the
                                                                                                                                                            LIRR’s and Metro-North’s Positive Train
                                                Issued in Washington, DC, on April 11,
                                                                                                      instructions below for mailed and hand-
                                                                                                                                                            Control system (PTC). The Rail Safety
                                              2015.                                                   delivered comments.                                   Improvement Act of 2008 requires certain
                                                                                                        (1) Web site: http://
                                              Ron Hynes,                                                                                                    railroads, including LIRR and Metro-North,
                                                                                                      www.regulations.gov. Follow the                       to implement a PTC system on all nonexempt
                                              Director, Office of Technical Oversight.
                                                                                                      instructions for submitting comments                  commuter main-line tracks by December 31,
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–08938 Filed 4–16–15; 8:45 am]             on the U.S. Government electronic                     2015. Facilitating PTC implementation is one
                                              BILLING CODE 4910–06–P                                  docket site;                                          of FRA’s top priorities.
                                                                                                        (2) Fax: (202) 493–2251;                               MTA requested the waiver, stating that the
                                                                                                        (3) Mail: U.S. Department of                        components were not produced in the U.S.
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            Transportation, 1200 New Jersey                       in sufficient and reasonably available
                                                                                                      Avenue SE., Docket Operations, M–30,                  amounts or are not of a satisfactory quality.
                                              Federal Railroad Administration
                                                                                                      Room W12–140, Washington, DC                          The transponders and TSR safety servers are
                                              [Docket No. FRA–2012–0033]                              20590–0001; or                                        manufactured in Sweden. The two non-
                                                                                                        (4) Hand Delivery: Room W12–140 on                  domestic components represent
                                              Notice of Intent To Grant a Buy                         the first floor of the West Building, 1200            approximately 1% of the total value of the
                                              America Waiver to the New York                          New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,                    PTC system integrator contracts (PTC
                                              Metropolitan Transportation Authority                   DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,                  Contracts). MTA values the TSR safety
                                              for the Use of Transponders and                         Monday through Friday, except Federal                 servers at less than $1 million and the
                                              Temporary Speed Restriction Safety                      holidays.                                             transponders at approximately $4 million.
                                              Servers                                                   Instructions: All submissions must                  Total contract costs are approximately $428
                                                                                                      make reference to the ‘‘Federal Railroad              million. For the reasons set forth below, FRA
                                              AGENCY: Federal Railroad                                                                                      is granting a waiver for the purchase of the
                                              Administration (FRA), United States                     Administration’’ and include docket
                                                                                                      number FRA–2012–0033. Due to                          transponders and TSR safety servers.
                                              Department of Transportation (DOT).                                                                              A waiver is appropriate because
                                                                                                      security procedures in effect since
                                              ACTION: Notice of intent to grant Buy                                                                         domestically-produced transponders and
                                                                                                      October 2001, mail received through the
                                              America waiver.                                                                                               TSR safety servers meeting MTA’s technical
                                                                                                      U.S. Postal Service may be subject to
                                                                                                                                                            and schedule requirements are not currently
                                              SUMMARY:   FRA is issuing this notice to                delays. Parties making submissions
                                                                                                                                                            ‘‘produced in sufficient and reasonably
                                              advise the public that it intends to grant              responsive to this notice should                      available amount or are not of a satisfactory
                                              the New York Metropolitan                               consider using an express mail firm to                quality.’’ Coordinating with FRA, MTA
                                              Transportation Authority (MTA) on                       ensure the prompt filing of any                       engaged the U.S. Department of Commerce’s
                                              behalf of its commuter railroad                         submissions not filed electronically or               National Institute of Standards and
                                              subsidiaries, Long Island Rail Road                     by hand. Note that all submissions                    Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing
                                              (LIRR) and Metro-North Commuter                         received, including any personal                      Extension Partnership (NIST–MEP) to
                                              Railroad Company (Metro-North), a                       information therein, will be posted                   conduct market research for the transponders
                                              waiver from FRA’s Buy America                           without change or alteration to http://               and TSR safety servers. In conducting that
                                              requirement for the use of (a)                          www.regulations.gov. For more                         research, MTA contacted several potential
                                              transponders and (b) Temporary Speed                    information, you may review DOT’s                     manufacturers identified by NIST–MEP.
                                              Restriction (TSR) safety servers, which                 complete Privacy Act Statement in the                 None produced the transponders or TSR
                                              are made in Sweden. Transponders and                    Federal Register published on April 11,               safety servers.
                                              TSR safety servers are two components                   2000 (65 FR 19477), or visit http://                     On February 20, 2015, FRA provided
                                                                                                      www.regulations.gov.                                  public notice of this waiver request and a 15-
                                              of LIRR’s and Metro-North’s Positive
                                                                                                                                                            day opportunity for comment on its Web site.
                                              Train Control system (PTC). The two                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   Mr.                FRA also emailed notice to over 6,000
                                              non-domestic components represent                       John Johnson, Attorney-Advisor, FRA                   persons who have signed up for Buy America
                                              approximately 1% of the $428 million                    Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New                     notices through ‘‘GovDelivery.’’ See http://
                                              total value of the contracts Metro-North                Jersey Avenue SE., Mail Stop 25,                      www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0784. FRA received
                                              and LIRR entered into with a system                     Washington, DC 20590, (202) 493–0078,                 one comment, which was not responsive to
                                              integrator to design and furnish PTC                    John.Johnson@dot.gov.                                 this waiver request. FRA will publish this
                                              (PTC Contracts). The TSR safety servers                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            letter granting MTA’s request in the Federal
                                              cost less than $1 million and the                         The letter granting MTA’s request is                Register and provide notice of such finding
                                              transponders approximately $4 million.                  quoted below:                                         and an opportunity for public comment after
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              FRA anticipates funding the PTC                                                                               which this waiver will become effective.
                                                                                                      Mr. Richard L. Gans
                                              Contracts, and other PTC-related                        Vice President—General Counsel & Secretary
                                                                                                                                                               Question about this letter can be directed
                                              projects, under a $967.1 million FRA                                                                          to, John Johnson, Attorney-Advisor, at
                                                                                                      Long Island Rail Road
                                              Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement                   Jamaica Station                                       John.Johnson@dot.gov or (202) 493–0078.
                                              Financing loan.                                         Jamaica, NY 11435–4380                                Sincerely,
                                              DATES: Written comments on FRA’s                        Re: Request for Waiver of Buy America                 Sarah Feinberg
                                              determination to grant MTA’s Buy                          Requirement                                         Acting Administrator

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:19:55
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:19:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; correction.
ContactSteve Zuiderveen, Railroad Safety Specialist, FRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, (202) 493-6337, [email protected] Correction
FR Citation80 FR 21297 

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