80_FR_21781 80 FR 21706 - Melamine From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment of Final Determination With Final Antidumping Duty Determination

80 FR 21706 - Melamine From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment of Final Determination With Final Antidumping Duty Determination

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 75 (April 20, 2015)

Page Range21706-21707
FR Document2015-09004

The Department of Commerce (``Department'') preliminarily determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to producers/exporters of melamine from the People's Republic of China (``PRC''). The period of investigation is January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 75 (Monday, April 20, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 75 (Monday, April 20, 2015)]
[Pages 21706-21707]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-09004]



International Trade Administration


Melamine From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary 
Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment of Final 
Determination With Final Antidumping Duty Determination

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (``Department'') preliminarily 
determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to 
producers/exporters of melamine from the People's Republic of China 
(``PRC''). The period of investigation is January 1, 2013, through 
December 31, 2013. Interested parties are invited to comment on this 
preliminary determination.

DATES: Effective Date: April 20, 2015.

Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
6231 and (202) 482-4987, respectively.


Alignment of Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Final 
Antidumping Duty Determination

    The Department published its notice of initiation of this 
countervailing duty (``CVD'') investigation on December 9, 2014; on the 
same day, the Department published its notice of initiation of an 
antidumping duty (``AD'') investigation of melamine from the PRC.\1\ 
The CVD and AD investigations cover the same merchandise. On April 1, 
2015, in accordance with section 705(a)(1) of the Tariff Act of 1930, 
as amended (``the Act''), Cornerstone Chemical Company (``Petitioner'') 
requested alignment of the final CVD determination with the final AD 
determination of melamine from the PRC.\2\ Therefore, in accordance 
with section 705(a)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.210(b)(4), we are 
aligning the final CVD determination with the final AD determination. 
Consequently, the final CVD determination will be issued on the same 
date as the final AD determination, which is currently scheduled to be 
issued no later than August 24, 2015, unless postponed.

    \1\ See Melamine From the People's Republic of China and 
Trinidad and Tobago: Initiation of Countervailing Duty 
Investigations, 79 FR 73030 (December 9, 2014). See also Melamine 
From the People's Republic of China and Trinidad and Tobago: 
Initiation of Less-Than-Fair-Value Investigations, 79 FR 73037 
(December 9, 2014).
    \2\ See Letter from Petitioner entitled ``Melamine From The 
People's Republic of China And The Republic of Trinidad And Tobago/
Request For Alignment,'' dated April 1, 2015.

Scope of the Investigation

    The product covered by this investigation is melamine from the PRC. 
For a complete description of the scope of the investigation, see 
Appendix 1 to this notice.


    The Department is conducting this CVD investigation in accordance 
with section 701 of the Act. For a full description of the methodology 
underlying our preliminary conclusions, see the Preliminary Decision 
Memorandum.\3\ The Preliminary Decision Memorandum is a public document 
and is made available to the public via Enforcement and Compliance's 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service 
System (``ACCESS'').\4\ ACCESS is available to registered users at 
http://access.trade.gov, and is available to all parties in the 
Department's Central Records Unit, located at room 7046 of the main 
Department of Commerce building. In addition, a complete version of the 
Preliminary Decision Memorandum can be found at http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/. The signed and the electronic versions of 
the Preliminary Decision Memorandum are identical in content.

    \3\ See Memorandum to Paul Piquado, Assistant Secretary for 
Enforcement and Compliance, From Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant 
Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations, titled 
``Decision Memorandum for Preliminary Determination of 
Countervailing Duty Investigation: Melamine from the People's 
Republic of China,'' dated concurrently with this notice 
(``Preliminary Decision Memorandum'').
    \4\ On November 24, 2014, Enforcement and Compliance changed the 
name of Enforcement and Compliance's AD and CVD Centralized 
Electronic Service System (``IA ACCESS'') to AD and CVD Centralized 
Electronic Service System (``ACCESS''). The Web site location was 
changed from http://iaaccess.trade.gov to http://access.trade.gov. 
The Final Rule changing the references to the Regulations can be 
found at 79 FR 69046 (November 20, 2014).

    For this preliminary determination, we relied on facts available 
pursuant to section 776(a) of the Act because the Government of the PRC 
and the five companies selected for individual examination--i.e., the 
mandatory respondents: Far-Reaching Chemical Co., Ltd. (``Far-Reaching 
Chemical''), Zhongyuan Dahua Group Co., Ltd. (``Zhongyuan Dahua''), 
Qingdao Unichem International Trade Co., Ltd. (``Qingdao Unichem''), M 
and A Chemicals Corp China (``M&A Chemicals''), and Shandong Liaherd 
Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (``Shandong Liaherd''). failed to provide 
information requested by the Department and, by refusing to participate 
as respondents, significantly impeded the investigation.\5\ Further, 
because they failed to cooperate by not acting to the best of their 
ability to respond to the Department's requests for necessary 
information, pursuant to section 776(b) of the Act, in selecting from 
among the facts otherwise available, we have drawn an adverse 
inference. Specifically, the Department applied an adverse inference to 
find that the programs on which the Department initiated this 
investigation and the programs which the Department subsequently 
included in this investigation pursuant to allegations made by 
Petitioner,\6\ are countervailable. Further, the Department applied an 
adverse inference in its calculation of the ad valorem estimated 
countervailable subsidy rate for Far-Reaching Chemical,

[[Page 21707]]

Zhongyuan Dahua, Qingidau Unichem, M&A Chemicals, and Shandong Liaherd. 
For further information, see ``Use of Facts Otherwise Available and 
Adverse Inferences'' section in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum.

    \5\ See sections 776(a)(2)(A) and (C) of the Act.
    \6\ See the Department's memorandum entitled ``Countervailing 
Duty Investigation on Melamine from the People's Republic of China: 
January 27, 2015 New Subsidy Allegations,'' dated March 25, 2015.

Preliminary Determination and Suspension of Liquidation

    In accordance with section 703(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, we 
calculated estimated subsidy rates for each individually examined 
producer/exporter of the subject merchandise: Far-Reaching Chemical, 
Zhongyuan Dahua, Qingidau Unichem, M&A Chemicals, and Shandong Liaherd.
    In accordance with sections 703(d)(1)(A)(i) and 705(c)(5)(A) of the 
Act, for companies not individually examined, we calculated an ``all-
others'' rate by weighting the subsidy rates of the individual 
companies selected as respondents by those companies' exports of the 
subject merchandise to the United States, not including zero and de 
minimis rates or any rates based solely on facts available. With 
respect to the all-others rate, section 705(c)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act 
provides that, if the countervailable subsidy rates established for all 
exporters and producers individually investigated are determined 
entirely in accordance with section 776 of the Act, the Department may 
use any reasonable method to establish an all-others rate for exporters 
and producers not individuallyexamined. In this case, the 
countervailable subsidy rate calculated for each of the investigated 
companies is based entirely on facts available under section 776 of the 
Act. There is no other information on the record upon which to 
determine an all-others rate. As a result, we assigned the simple 
average of the five rates assigned for Far-Reaching Chemical, Zhongyuan 
Dahua, Qingidau Unichem, M&A Chemicals, and Shandong Liaherd as the 
all-others rate. This method is consistent with the Department's past 

    \7\ See, e.g., Carbon and Certain Alloy Steel Wire Rod From the 
People's Republic of China: Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty 
Determination and Final Affirmative Critical Circumstances 
Determination, 79 FR 68858 (November 19, 2014); see also Calcium 
Hypochlorite From the People's Republic of China: Final Affirmative 
Countervailing Duty Determination, 79 FR 74064 (December 15, 2014).

    We preliminarily determine the countervailable subsidy rates to be:

                                                           Subsidy Rate
                         Company                             (percent)
Far-Reaching Chemical Co., Ltd..........................          147.62
M and A Chemicals Corp China............................          147.62
Qingdao Unichem International Trade Co., Ltd............          147.62
Shandong Liaherd Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.............          150.52
Zhongyuan Dahua Group Co., Ltd..........................          147.62
All Others..............................................          148.20

    In accordance with sections 703(d)(1)(B) and (2) of the Act, we are 
directing U.S. Customs and Border Protection to suspend liquidation of 
all entries of melamine from the PRC that are entered, or withdrawn 
from warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of the publication 
of this notice in the Federal Register, and to require a cash deposit 
for such entries of merchandise in the amounts indicated above.

Disclosure and Public Comment

    Because the Department has reached its conclusions on the basis of 
adverse facts available, the calculations performed in connection with 
this preliminary determination are not proprietary in nature, and are 
described in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum. Interested parties 
may submit case and rebuttal briefs, as well as request a hearing.\8\ 
For a schedule of the deadlines for filing case briefs, rebuttal 
briefs, and hearing requests, see the Preliminary Decision Memorandum.

    \8\ See 19 CFR 351.309(c)-(d) and 19 CFR 351.310(c).

U.S. International Trade Commission (``ITC'') Notification

    In accordance with section 703(f) of the Act, we will notify the 
ITC of our determination. In addition, we are making available to the 
ITC all non-privileged and non-proprietary information relating to this 
investigation. We will allow the ITC access to all privileged and 
business proprietary information in our files, provided the ITC 
confirms that it will not disclose such information, either publicly or 
under an administrative protective order, without the written consent 
of the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
    In accordance with section 705(b)(2) of the Act, if our final 
determination is affirmative, the ITC will make its final determination 
within 45 days after the Department makes its final determination.
    This determination is issued and published pursuant to sections 
703(f) and 777(i) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.205(c).

    Dated: April 13, 2015.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.

Appendix 1

Scope of the Investigation

    The merchandise subject to this investigation is melamine 
(Chemical Abstracts Service (``CAS'') registry number 108-78-01, 
molecular formula C3H6N6).\9\ 
Melamine is a crystalline powder or granule typically (but not 
exclusively) used to manufacture melamine formaldehyde resins. All 
melamine is covered by the scope of this investigation irrespective 
of purity, particle size, or physical form. Melamine that has been 
blended with other products is included within this scope when such 
blends include constituent parts that have been intermingled, but 
that have not been chemically reacted with each other to produce a 
different product. For such blends, only the melamine component of 
the mixture is covered by the scope of this investigation. Melamine 
that is otherwise subject to this investigation is not excluded when 
commingled with melamine from sources not subject to this 
investigation. Only the subject component of such commingled 
products is covered by the scope of this investigation.

    \9\ Melamine is also known as 2,4,6-triamino-s-triazine; l,3,5-
Triazine-2,4,6-triamine; Cyanurotriamide; Cyanurotriamine; 
Cyanuramide; and by various brand names.

    The subject merchandise is provided for in subheading 
2933.61.0000 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States 
(``HTSUS''). Although the HTSUS subheading and CAS registry number 
are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written 
description of the scope is dispositive.

Appendix 2

List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum

1. Summary
2. Background
3. Scope Comments
4. Scope of the Investigation
5. Respondent Selection
6. Voluntary Respondent Treatment
7. Injury Test
8. Application of the Countervailing Duty Law to Imports from the 
9. Use of Facts Otherwise Available and Adverse Inferences
10. ITC Notification
11. Disclosure and Public Comment
12. Conclusion

[FR Doc. 2015-09004 Filed 4-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  21706                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 75 / Monday, April 20, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Estimated Time Per Response: 13                       telephone: (202) 482–6231 and (202)                   Compliance’s Antidumping and
                                                  hours, 28 minutes                                       482–4987, respectively.                               Countervailing Duty Centralized
                                                    Estimated Total Annual Burden                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Electronic Service System (‘‘ACCESS’’).4
                                                  Hours: 22,512.                                                                                                ACCESS is available to registered users
                                                    Estimated Total Annual Cost to                        Alignment of Final Countervailing Duty                at http://access.trade.gov, and is
                                                  Public: $0.                                             Determination With Final Antidumping                  available to all parties in the
                                                                                                          Duty Determination                                    Department’s Central Records Unit,
                                                  IV. Request for Comments                                                                                      located at room 7046 of the main
                                                                                                             The Department published its notice
                                                     Comments are invited on: (a) Whether                 of initiation of this countervailing duty             Department of Commerce building. In
                                                  the proposed collection of information                  (‘‘CVD’’) investigation on December 9,                addition, a complete version of the
                                                  is necessary for the proper performance                 2014; on the same day, the Department                 Preliminary Decision Memorandum can
                                                  of the functions of the agency, including               published its notice of initiation of an              be found at http://enforcement.trade.
                                                  whether the information shall have                      antidumping duty (‘‘AD’’) investigation               gov/frn/. The signed and the electronic
                                                  practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the              of melamine from the PRC.1 The CVD                    versions of the Preliminary Decision
                                                  agency’s estimate of the burden                         and AD investigations cover the same                  Memorandum are identical in content.
                                                  (including hours and cost) of the                       merchandise. On April 1, 2015, in                        For this preliminary determination,
                                                  proposed collection of information; (c)                 accordance with section 705(a)(1) of the              we relied on facts available pursuant to
                                                  ways to enhance the quality, utility, and               Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the                 section 776(a) of the Act because the
                                                  clarity of the information to be                        Act’’), Cornerstone Chemical Company                  Government of the PRC and the five
                                                  collected; and (d) ways to minimize the                 (‘‘Petitioner’’) requested alignment of               companies selected for individual
                                                  burden of the collection of information                 the final CVD determination with the                  examination—i.e., the mandatory
                                                  on respondents, including through the                   final AD determination of melamine                    respondents: Far-Reaching Chemical
                                                  use of automated collection techniques                  from the PRC.2 Therefore, in accordance               Co., Ltd. (‘‘Far-Reaching Chemical’’),
                                                  or other forms of information                           with section 705(a)(1) of the Act and 19              Zhongyuan Dahua Group Co., Ltd.
                                                  technology.                                             CFR 351.210(b)(4), we are aligning the                (‘‘Zhongyuan Dahua’’), Qingdao
                                                                                                          final CVD determination with the final                Unichem International Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                    Dated: April 16, 2015.
                                                                                                          AD determination. Consequently, the                   (‘‘Qingdao Unichem’’), M and A
                                                  Glenna Mickelson,                                                                                             Chemicals Corp China (‘‘M&A
                                                  Management Analyst, Office of the Chief                 final CVD determination will be issued
                                                                                                          on the same date as the final AD                      Chemicals’’), and Shandong Liaherd
                                                  Information Officer.                                                                                          Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (‘‘Shandong
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–09181 Filed 4–20–15; 8:45 am]             determination, which is currently
                                                                                                                                                                Liaherd’’). failed to provide information
                                                                                                          scheduled to be issued no later than
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–34–P                                                                                        requested by the Department and, by
                                                                                                          August 24, 2015, unless postponed.
                                                                                                                                                                refusing to participate as respondents,
                                                                                                          Scope of the Investigation                            significantly impeded the
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                                                        investigation.5 Further, because they
                                                                                                            The product covered by this
                                                                                                          investigation is melamine from the PRC.               failed to cooperate by not acting to the
                                                  International Trade Administration                                                                            best of their ability to respond to the
                                                                                                          For a complete description of the scope
                                                                                                          of the investigation, see Appendix 1 to               Department’s requests for necessary
                                                  [C–570–021]                                                                                                   information, pursuant to section 776(b)
                                                                                                          this notice.
                                                                                                                                                                of the Act, in selecting from among the
                                                  Melamine From the People’s Republic
                                                                                                          Methodology                                           facts otherwise available, we have
                                                  of China: Preliminary Affirmative
                                                                                                            The Department is conducting this                   drawn an adverse inference.
                                                  Countervailing Duty Determination,
                                                                                                          CVD investigation in accordance with                  Specifically, the Department applied an
                                                  and Alignment of Final Determination
                                                                                                          section 701 of the Act. For a full                    adverse inference to find that the
                                                  With Final Antidumping Duty
                                                                                                          description of the methodology                        programs on which the Department
                                                                                                          underlying our preliminary conclusions,               initiated this investigation and the
                                                  AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,                    see the Preliminary Decision                          programs which the Department
                                                  International Trade Administration,                     Memorandum.3 The Preliminary                          subsequently included in this
                                                  Department of Commerce.                                 Decision Memorandum is a public                       investigation pursuant to allegations
                                                  SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce                                                                           made by Petitioner,6 are
                                                                                                          document and is made available to the
                                                  (‘‘Department’’) preliminarily                                                                                countervailable. Further, the
                                                                                                          public via Enforcement and
                                                  determines that countervailable                                                                               Department applied an adverse
                                                  subsidies are being provided to                            1 See Melamine From the People’s Republic of       inference in its calculation of the ad
                                                  producers/exporters of melamine from                    China and Trinidad and Tobago: Initiation of          valorem estimated countervailable
                                                  the People’s Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’).               Countervailing Duty Investigations, 79 FR 73030       subsidy rate for Far-Reaching Chemical,
                                                                                                          (December 9, 2014). See also Melamine From the
                                                  The period of investigation is January 1,               People’s Republic of China and Trinidad and              4 On November 24, 2014, Enforcement and
                                                  2013, through December 31, 2013.                        Tobago: Initiation of Less-Than-Fair-Value            Compliance changed the name of Enforcement and
                                                  Interested parties are invited to                       Investigations, 79 FR 73037 (December 9, 2014).       Compliance’s AD and CVD Centralized Electronic
                                                  comment on this preliminary                                2 See Letter from Petitioner entitled ‘‘Melamine
                                                                                                                                                                Service System (‘‘IA ACCESS’’) to AD and CVD
                                                  determination.                                          From The People’s Republic of China And The           Centralized Electronic Service System (‘‘ACCESS’’).
                                                                                                          Republic of Trinidad And Tobago/Request For           The Web site location was changed from http://
                                                  DATES: Effective Date: April 20, 2015.                  Alignment,’’ dated April 1, 2015.                     iaaccess.trade.gov to http://access.trade.gov. The
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             3 See Memorandum to Paul Piquado, Assistant        Final Rule changing the references to the
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    Eve                 Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance, From        Regulations can be found at 79 FR 69046
                                                  Wang or Andrew Medley, AD/CVD                           Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant Secretary for       (November 20, 2014).
                                                  Operations, Enforcement and                             Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations,          5 See sections 776(a)(2)(A) and (C) of the Act.

                                                  Compliance, International Trade                         titled ‘‘Decision Memorandum for Preliminary             6 See the Department’s memorandum entitled
                                                                                                          Determination of Countervailing Duty Investigation:   ‘‘Countervailing Duty Investigation on Melamine
                                                  Administration, U.S. Department of                      Melamine from the People’s Republic of China,’’       from the People’s Republic of China: January 27,
                                                  Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution                  dated concurrently with this notice (‘‘Preliminary    2015 New Subsidy Allegations,’’ dated March 25,
                                                  Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230;                       Decision Memorandum’’).                               2015.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:56 Apr 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\20APN1.SGM   20APN1

                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 75 / Monday, April 20, 2015 / Notices                                                     21707

                                                  Zhongyuan Dahua, Qingidau Unichem,                                                                          Subsidy Rate   and 777(i) of the Act and 19 CFR
                                                  M&A Chemicals, and Shandong                                                                                   (percent)    351.205(c).
                                                  Liaherd. For further information, see                                                                                        Dated: April 13, 2015.
                                                  ‘‘Use of Facts Otherwise Available and                          M and A Chemicals Corp
                                                  Adverse Inferences’’ section in the                               China .................................         147.62   Paul Piquado,
                                                                                                                  Qingdao Unichem Inter-                                     Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
                                                  Preliminary Decision Memorandum.                                  national Trade Co., Ltd. ....                   147.62   Compliance.
                                                  Preliminary Determination and                                   Shandong Liaherd Chemical
                                                  Suspension of Liquidation                                         Industry Co., Ltd. ..............               150.52   Appendix 1
                                                                                                                  Zhongyuan Dahua Group
                                                     In accordance with section                                     Co., Ltd. ............................          147.62   Scope of the Investigation
                                                  703(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, we calculated                       All Others ..............................         148.20
                                                                                                                                                                                The merchandise subject to this
                                                  estimated subsidy rates for each                                                                                           investigation is melamine (Chemical
                                                  individually examined producer/                                   In accordance with sections                              Abstracts Service (‘‘CAS’’) registry number
                                                  exporter of the subject merchandise:                            703(d)(1)(B) and (2) of the Act, we are                    108–78–01, molecular formula C3H6N6).9
                                                  Far-Reaching Chemical, Zhongyuan                                directing U.S. Customs and Border                          Melamine is a crystalline powder or granule
                                                  Dahua, Qingidau Unichem, M&A                                    Protection to suspend liquidation of all                   typically (but not exclusively) used to
                                                  Chemicals, and Shandong Liaherd.                                entries of melamine from the PRC that                      manufacture melamine formaldehyde resins.
                                                     In accordance with sections                                  are entered, or withdrawn from                             All melamine is covered by the scope of this
                                                  703(d)(1)(A)(i) and 705(c)(5)(A) of the                         warehouse, for consumption on or after                     investigation irrespective of purity, particle
                                                  Act, for companies not individually                             the date of the publication of this notice                 size, or physical form. Melamine that has
                                                  examined, we calculated an ‘‘all-others’’                       in the Federal Register, and to require                    been blended with other products is included
                                                  rate by weighting the subsidy rates of                          a cash deposit for such entries of                         within this scope when such blends include
                                                  the individual companies selected as                            merchandise in the amounts indicated                       constituent parts that have been
                                                  respondents by those companies’                                 above.                                                     intermingled, but that have not been
                                                  exports of the subject merchandise to                           Disclosure and Public Comment                              chemically reacted with each other to
                                                  the United States, not including zero                                                                                      produce a different product. For such blends,
                                                  and de minimis rates or any rates based                            Because the Department has reached                      only the melamine component of the mixture
                                                  solely on facts available. With respect to                      its conclusions on the basis of adverse                    is covered by the scope of this investigation.
                                                  the all-others rate, section                                    facts available, the calculations                          Melamine that is otherwise subject to this
                                                  705(c)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act provides that,                      performed in connection with this                          investigation is not excluded when
                                                  if the countervailable subsidy rates                            preliminary determination are not                          commingled with melamine from sources not
                                                  established for all exporters and                               proprietary in nature, and are described                   subject to this investigation. Only the subject
                                                  producers individually investigated are                         in the Preliminary Decision                                component of such commingled products is
                                                  determined entirely in accordance with                          Memorandum. Interested parties may                         covered by the scope of this investigation.
                                                  section 776 of the Act, the Department                          submit case and rebuttal briefs, as well                      The subject merchandise is provided for in
                                                  may use any reasonable method to                                as request a hearing.8 For a schedule of                   subheading 2933.61.0000 of the Harmonized
                                                  establish an all-others rate for exporters                      the deadlines for filing case briefs,                      Tariff Schedule of the United States
                                                  and producers not                                               rebuttal briefs, and hearing requests, see                 (‘‘HTSUS’’). Although the HTSUS
                                                  individuallyexamined. In this case, the                         the Preliminary Decision Memorandum.                       subheading and CAS registry number are
                                                  countervailable subsidy rate calculated                                                                                    provided for convenience and customs
                                                                                                                  U.S. International Trade Commission                        purposes, the written description of the
                                                  for each of the investigated companies                          (‘‘ITC’’) Notification
                                                  is based entirely on facts available                                                                                       scope is dispositive.
                                                  under section 776 of the Act. There is                             In accordance with section 703(f) of
                                                  no other information on the record upon                         the Act, we will notify the ITC of our                     Appendix 2
                                                  which to determine an all-others rate.                          determination. In addition, we are
                                                                                                                  making available to the ITC all non-                       List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
                                                  As a result, we assigned the simple                                                                                        Decision Memorandum
                                                  average of the five rates assigned for Far-                     privileged and non-proprietary
                                                  Reaching Chemical, Zhongyuan Dahua,                             information relating to this                               1. Summary
                                                  Qingidau Unichem, M&A Chemicals,                                investigation. We will allow the ITC                       2. Background
                                                  and Shandong Liaherd as the all-others                          access to all privileged and business                      3. Scope Comments
                                                  rate. This method is consistent with the                        proprietary information in our files,                      4. Scope of the Investigation
                                                  Department’s past practice.7                                    provided the ITC confirms that it will                     5. Respondent Selection
                                                                                                                  not disclose such information, either                      6. Voluntary Respondent Treatment
                                                     We preliminarily determine the
                                                                                                                  publicly or under an administrative                        7. Injury Test
                                                  countervailable subsidy rates to be:                                                                                       8. Application of the Countervailing Duty
                                                                                                                  protective order, without the written
                                                                                                                  consent of the Assistant Secretary for                          Law to Imports from the PRC
                                                                                                Subsidy Rate
                                                                Company                                                                                                      9. Use of Facts Otherwise Available and
                                                                                                  (percent)       Enforcement and Compliance.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Adverse Inferences
                                                                                                                     In accordance with section 705(b)(2)
                                                  Far-Reaching Chemical Co.,                                                                                                 10. ITC Notification
                                                                                                                  of the Act, if our final determination is
                                                    Ltd. ....................................           147.62                                                               11. Disclosure and Public Comment
                                                                                                                  affirmative, the ITC will make its final
                                                                                                                                                                             12. Conclusion
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                  determination within 45 days after the
                                                    7 See, e.g., Carbon and Certain Alloy Steel Wire
                                                                                                                  Department makes its final                                 [FR Doc. 2015–09004 Filed 4–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  Rod From the People’s Republic of China: Final
                                                  Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and               determination.                                             BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                  Final Affirmative Critical Circumstances                           This determination is issued and
                                                  Determination, 79 FR 68858 (November 19, 2014);                 published pursuant to sections 703(f)                         9 Melamine is also known as 2,4,6-triamino-s-
                                                  see also Calcium Hypochlorite From the People’s
                                                  Republic of China: Final Affirmative Countervailing                                                                        triazine; l,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine;
                                                  Duty Determination, 79 FR 74064 (December 15,                     8 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)–(d) and 19 CFR                   Cyanurotriamide; Cyanurotriamine; Cyanuramide;
                                                  2014).                                                          351.310(c).                                                and by various brand names.

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 10:12:33
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 10:12:33
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesEffective Date: April 20, 2015.
ContactEve Wang or Andrew Medley, AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482- 6231 and (202) 482-4987, respectively.
FR Citation80 FR 21706 

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