80_FR_22579 80 FR 22502 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

80 FR 22502 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 77 (April 22, 2015)

Page Range22502-22503
FR Document2015-09249

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 77 (Wednesday, April 22, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 77 (Wednesday, April 22, 2015)]
[Pages 22502-22503]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-09249]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

    The Department of Commerce will submit to the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) for clearance the following proposal for collection of 
information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 
U.S.C. Chapter 35).
    Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
    Title: Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Vessel and Gear Marking.
    OMB Control Number: 0648-0373.
    Form Number(s): None.
    Type of Request: Regular (extension of a currently approved 
information collection).
    Number of Respondents: 6,857.
    Average Hours Per Response: Vessel marking, 45 minutes; gear 
marking, 15 minutes.
    Burden Hours: 6,976.
    Needs and Uses: This request is for an extension of a current 
information collection. These requirements apply to vessel owners in 
the Atlantic HMS Fishery.
    Under current regulations at 50 CFR 635.6, fishing vessels 
permitted for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species must display their 
official vessel numbers on their vessels. Flotation devices and high-
flyers attached to certain fishing gears must also be marked with the 
vessel's number to identify the vessel to which the gear belongs. These 
requirements are necessary for identification, law enforcement, and 
monitoring purposes.

[[Page 22503]]

    Specifically, all vessel owners that hold a valid HMS permit under 
50 CFR 635.4, other than an HMS Angling permit, are required to display 
their vessel identification number. Numbers must be permanently affixed 
to, or painted on, the port and starboard sides of the deckhouse or 
hull and on an appropriate weather deck, so as to be clearly visible 
from an enforcement vessel or aircraft. In block Arabic numerals 
permanently affixed to or painted on the vessel in contrasting color to 
the background. At least 18 inches (45.7 cm) in height for vessels over 
65 ft (19.8 m) in length; at least 10 inches (25.4 cm) in height for 
all other vessels over 25 ft (7.6 m) in length; and at least 3 inches 
(7.6 cm) in height for vessels 25 ft (7.6 m) in length or less.
    Furthermore, the owner or operator of a vessel for which a permit 
has been issued under Sec.  635.4 and that uses handline, buoy gear, 
harpoon, longline, or gillnet, must display the vessel's name, 
registration number or Atlantic Tunas, HMS Angling, or HMS Charter/
Headboat permit number on each float attached to a handline, buoy gear, 
or harpoon, and on the terminal floats and high-flyers (if applicable) 
on a longline or gillnet used by the vessel. The vessel's name or 
number must be at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) in height in block letters or 
arabic numerals in a color that contrasts with the background color of 
the float or high-flyer.
    Affected Public: Business or other for-profit organizations; 
individuals or households.
    Frequency: Annually.
    Respondent's Obligation: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
    This information collection request may be viewed at reginfo.gov. 
Follow the instructions to view Department of Commerce collections 
currently under review by OMB.
    Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information 
collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice 
to [email protected] or fax to (202) 395-5806.

Sarah Brabson,
NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-09249 Filed 4-21-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    22502                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 77 / Wednesday, April 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                    collections, as required by the                         of net benefits derived from living                   agency’s estimate of the burden
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.                        marine resources; (4) predict the                     (including hours and cost) of the
                                                    DATES: Written comments must be                         biological, ecological, and economic                  proposed collection of information; (c)
                                                    submitted on or before June 22, 2015.                   impacts of existing management action                 ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                    ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments                  and proposed management options; and                  clarity of the information to be
                                                    to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental                        (5) ensure that the observer programs                 collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
                                                    Paperwork Clearance Officer,                            can safely and efficiently collect the                burden of the collection of information
                                                    Department of Commerce, Room 6616,                      information required for the previous                 on respondents, including through the
                                                    14th and Constitution Avenue NW.,                       four uses. In particular, these biological            use of automated collection techniques
                                                    Washington, DC 20230 (or via the                        and economic data collection programs                 or other forms of information
                                                    Internet at JJessup@doc.gov).                           contribute to legally mandated analyses               technology.
                                                                                                            required under the Magnuson-Stevens                      Comments submitted in response to
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                            Fishery Conservation and Management                   this notice will be summarized and/or
                                                    Requests for additional information or                                                                        included in the request for OMB
                                                    copies of the information collection                    Act (MSA), the Endangered Species Act
                                                                                                            (ESA), the Marine Mammal Protection                   approval of this information collection;
                                                    instrument and instructions should be                                                                         they also will become a matter of public
                                                    directed to Jane DiCosimo, (301) 427–                   Act (MMPA), the National
                                                                                                            Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the                  record.
                                                    8109.or Jane.Dicosimo@noaa.gov.
                                                                                                            Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),                       Dated: April 3, 2015.
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                            Executive Order 12866 (E.O. 12866), as                Sarah Brabson,
                                                    I. Abstract                                             well as a variety of state statutes. The              NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
                                                       The National Oceanic and                             confidentiality of the data will be                   [FR Doc. 2015–09250 Filed 4–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      protected as required by the MSA,                     BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                    National Marine Fisheries Service                       Section 402(b).
                                                    (NMFS) deploys fishery observers on                     II. Method of Collection
                                                    United States (U.S.) commercial fishing                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                    vessels and to fish processing plants in                   The information will be collected by
                                                    order to collect biological and economic                (1) NMFS observers while they are                     National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                    data. NMFS has at least one observer                    deployed on a vessel to observe a                     Administration
                                                    program in each of its five Regions.                    particular fishing trip; questions will be
                                                                                                            asked in-person to the captain, crew                  Submission for OMB Review;
                                                    These observer programs provide the
                                                                                                            and/or owner (if on board the vessel)                 Comment Request
                                                    most reliable and effective method for
                                                    obtaining information that is critical for              during the course of the observed trip;                 The Department of Commerce will
                                                    the conservation and management of                      (2) via mail through follow up surveys                submit to the Office of Management and
                                                    living marine resources. Observer                       of economic information not available                 Budget (OMB) for clearance the
                                                    programs primarily obtain information                   during the trip; (3) via telephone or mail            following proposal for collection of
                                                    through direct observations by                          survey by the observer program staff or               information under the provisions of the
                                                    employees or agents of NMFS; and such                   contractor planning to deploy observers;              Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
                                                    observations are not subject to the                     or (4) via feedback questionnaires                    Chapter 35).
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).                          mailed to the vessel owners or captains                 Agency: National Oceanic and
                                                    However, observer programs also collect                 to evaluate observer performance.                     Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
                                                    the following information that requires                 III. Data                                               Title: Atlantic Highly Migratory
                                                    clearance under the PRA: (1)                                                                                  Species Vessel and Gear Marking.
                                                                                                               OMB Control Number: 0648–0593.                       OMB Control Number: 0648–0373.
                                                    Standardized questions of fishing vessel                   Form Number: None.
                                                    captains/crew or fish processing plant                                                                          Form Number(s): None.
                                                                                                               Type of Review: Regular submission.                  Type of Request: Regular (extension of
                                                    managers/staff, which include gear and                     Affected Public: Business or other for-            a currently approved information
                                                    performance questions, safety questions,                profit organizations.                                 collection).
                                                    and trip costs, crew size and other                        Estimated Number of Respondents:                     Number of Respondents: 6,857.
                                                    economic questions; (2) questions asked                 20,643.                                                 Average Hours Per Response: Vessel
                                                    by observer program staff/contractors to                   Estimated Time per Response: 51                    marking, 45 minutes; gear marking, 15
                                                    plan observer deployments; (3) forms                    minutes. Information will be collected                minutes.
                                                    that are completed by observers and that                for observed fishing trips and                          Burden Hours: 6,976.
                                                    fishing vessel captains are asked to                    deployments to fish processing plants;                  Needs and Uses: This request is for an
                                                    review and sign; (4) questionnaires to                  therefore, there will be multiple                     extension of a current information
                                                    evaluate observer performance; and (5)                  responses for some respondents, but                   collection. These requirements apply to
                                                    a form to certify that a fisherman is the               counted as one response per trip or                   vessel owners in the Atlantic HMS
                                                    permit holder when requesting observer                  plant visit.                                          Fishery.
                                                    data from the observer on the vessel.                      Estimated Total Annual Burden                        Under current regulations at 50 CFR
                                                    NMFS seeks to renew OMB PRA                             Hours: 26,172.                                        635.6, fishing vessels permitted for
                                                    clearance for these information                            Estimated Total Annual Cost to                     Atlantic Highly Migratory Species must
                                                    collections.                                                                                                  display their official vessel numbers on
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Public: $1,160.
                                                       The information collected will be                                                                          their vessels. Flotation devices and
                                                    used to: (1) Monitor catch and bycatch                  IV. Request for Comments                              high-flyers attached to certain fishing
                                                    in federally managed commercial                            Comments are invited on: (a) Whether               gears must also be marked with the
                                                    fisheries; (2) understand the population                the proposed collection of information                vessel’s number to identify the vessel to
                                                    status and trends of fish stocks and                    is necessary for the proper performance               which the gear belongs. These
                                                    protected species, as well as the                       of the functions of the agency, including             requirements are necessary for
                                                    interactions between them; (3)                          whether the information shall have                    identification, law enforcement, and
                                                    determine the quantity and distribution                 practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the            monitoring purposes.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:00 Apr 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00030   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22APN1.SGM   22APN1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 77 / Wednesday, April 22, 2015 / Notices                                             22503

                                                       Specifically, all vessel owners that                 PLACE:  Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st               * Federal Rulemaking Portal: http://
                                                    hold a valid HMS permit under 50 CFR                    Street NW., Washington, DC, 9th Floor                 www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                    635.4, other than an HMS Angling                        Commission Conference Room.                           instructions for submitting comments.
                                                    permit, are required to display their                   STATUS: Closed.                                         * Mail: Department of Defense, Office
                                                    vessel identification number. Numbers                   MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:                             of the Deputy Chief Management
                                                    must be permanently affixed to, or                      Surveillance, enforcement, and                        Officer, Directorate of Oversight and
                                                    painted on, the port and starboard sides                examinations matters. In the event that               Compliance, Regulatory and Audit
                                                    of the deckhouse or hull and on an                      the time, date, or location of this                   Matters Office, 9010 Defense Pentagon,
                                                    appropriate weather deck, so as to be                   meeting changes, an announcement of                   Washington, DC 20301–9010.
                                                    clearly visible from an enforcement                     the change, along with the new time,                    Instructions: All submissions received
                                                    vessel or aircraft. In block Arabic                     date, and/or place of the meeting will be             must include the agency name and
                                                    numerals permanently affixed to or                      posted on the Commission’s Web site at                docket number for this Federal Register
                                                    painted on the vessel in contrasting                    http://www.cftc.gov.                                  document. The general policy for
                                                    color to the background. At least 18
                                                                                                            CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION:                  comments and other submissions from
                                                    inches (45.7 cm) in height for vessels
                                                                                                            Christopher Kirkpatrick, 202–418–5964.                members of the public is to make these
                                                    over 65 ft (19.8 m) in length; at least 10
                                                                                                                                                                  submissions available for public
                                                    inches (25.4 cm) in height for all other                Christopher J. Kirkpatrick,                           viewing on the Internet at http://
                                                    vessels over 25 ft (7.6 m) in length; and               Secretary of the Commission.                          www.regulations.gov as they are
                                                    at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) in height for                [FR Doc. 2015–09455 Filed 4–20–15; 4:15 pm]           received without change, including any
                                                    vessels 25 ft (7.6 m) in length or less.                BILLING CODE 6351–01–P                                personal identifiers or contact
                                                       Furthermore, the owner or operator of
                                                    a vessel for which a permit has been
                                                    issued under § 635.4 and that uses                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   Ms.
                                                    handline, buoy gear, harpoon, longline,                 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                 Cindy Allard, Chief, OSD/JS Privacy
                                                    or gillnet, must display the vessel’s                                                                         Office, Freedom of Information
                                                    name, registration number or Atlantic                   Office of the Secretary                               Directorate, Washington Headquarters
                                                    Tunas, HMS Angling, or HMS Charter/                                                                           Service, 1155 Defense Pentagon,
                                                    Headboat permit number on each float                    [Docket ID: DoD–2015–OS–0035]                         Washington, DC 20301–1155, or by
                                                    attached to a handline, buoy gear, or                                                                         phone at (571) 372–0461.
                                                    harpoon, and on the terminal floats and                 Privacy Act of 1974; System of
                                                    high-flyers (if applicable) on a longline               Records                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The Office
                                                    or gillnet used by the vessel. The                                                                            of the Secretary of Defense notices for
                                                                                                            AGENCY:  Office of the Secretary of                   systems of records subject to the Privacy
                                                    vessel’s name or number must be at
                                                                                                            Defense, DoD.                                         Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended,
                                                    least 1 inch (2.5 cm) in height in block
                                                    letters or arabic numerals in a color that              ACTION: Notice to add a new System of                 have been published in the Federal
                                                    contrasts with the background color of                  Records.                                              Register and are available from the
                                                    the float or high-flyer.                                                                                      address in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                                                                            SUMMARY:    The Office of the Secretary of            CONTACT or at http://dpcld.defense
                                                       Affected Public: Business or other for-              Defense proposes to add a new system
                                                    profit organizations; individuals or                                                                          .gov/. The proposed system report, as
                                                                                                            of records, DWHS P51, entitled ‘‘WHS                  required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(r) of the
                                                    households.                                             DefenseReady’’ to its inventory of record
                                                       Frequency: Annually.                                                                                       Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, was
                                                                                                            systems subject to the Privacy Act of                 submitted on April 9, 2015, to the
                                                       Respondent’s Obligation: Required to                 1974, as amended.
                                                    obtain or retain benefits.                                                                                    House Committee on Oversight and
                                                                                                              The system will provide human                       Government Reform, the Senate
                                                       This information collection request                  resource information and system
                                                    may be viewed at reginfo.gov. Follow                                                                          Committee on Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                                            support for the OSD/WHS civilian and                  and the Office of Management and
                                                    the instructions to view Department of                  military workforce; and track the status
                                                    Commerce collections currently under                                                                          Budget (OMB) pursuant to paragraph 4c
                                                                                                            of personnel actions, benefit queries, in-            of Appendix I to OMB Circular No. A–
                                                    review by OMB.                                          processing, out-processing, and military
                                                       Written comments and                                                                                       130, ‘‘Federal Agency Responsibilities
                                                                                                            billets. This system will also manage                 for Maintaining Records About
                                                    recommendations for the proposed                        civilian honorary and military award
                                                    information collection should be sent                                                                         Individuals,’’ dated February 8, 1996
                                                                                                            records along with tracking for the                   (February 20, 1996, 61 FR 6427).
                                                    within 30 days of publication of this                   purpose of validation and analysis
                                                    notice to OIRA_Submission@                                                                                      Dated: April 17, 2015.
                                                                                                            throughout the lifecycle. Records may
                                                    omb.eop.gov or fax to (202) 395–5806.                   also be used as a management tool for                 Aaron Siegel,
                                                    Sarah Brabson,                                          statistical analysis, reporting, evaluating           Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
                                                                                                            program effectiveness, and conducting                 Officer, Department of Defense.
                                                    NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–09249 Filed 4–21–15; 8:45 am]             research.                                             DWHS P51
                                                    BILLING CODE P                                          DATES: Comments will be accepted on or
                                                                                                                                                                  SYSTEM NAME:
                                                                                                            before May 22, 2015. This proposed
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            action will be effective the day                         WHS DefenseReady
                                                                                                            following the end of the comment
                                                    COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING                               period unless comments are received                   SYSTEM LOCATION:
                                                    COMMISSION                                              which result in a contrary                              Washington Headquarters Services
                                                                                                            determination.                                        (WHS), Enterprise Information
                                                    Sunshine Act Meetings
                                                                                                            ADDRESSES:  You may submit comments,                  Technology Services Directorate, 1155
                                                    TIME AND DATE:     10:00 a.m., Friday, April            identified by docket number and title,                Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC
                                                    24, 2015.                                               by any of the following methods:                      20301–1132.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:00 Apr 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00031   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22APN1.SGM   22APN1

Document Created: 2015-12-16 08:28:30
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 08:28:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 22502 

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