80_FR_22697 80 FR 22619 - Importation of Apples From China

80 FR 22619 - Importation of Apples From China

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 78 (April 23, 2015)

Page Range22619-22635
FR Document2015-09508

We are amending the fruits and vegetables regulations to allow the importation of fresh apples (Malus pumila) from China into the continental United States. As a condition of entry, apples from areas in China in which the Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) is not known to exist will have to be produced in accordance with a systems approach that includes requirements for registration of places of production and packinghouses, inspection for quarantine pests at set intervals by the national plant protection organization of China, bagging of fruit, safeguarding, labeling, and importation in commercial consignments. Apples from areas in China in which Oriental fruit fly is known to exist may be imported into the continental United States if, in addition to these requirements, the apples are treated with fumigation plus refrigeration. All apples from China will also be required to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration stating that all conditions for the importation of the apples have been met and that the consignment of apples has been inspected and found free of quarantine pests. This action allows for the importation of apples from China into the continental United States while continuing to provide protection against the introduction of quarantine pests.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 78 (Thursday, April 23, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 78 (Thursday, April 23, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 22619-22635]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-09508]

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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules 
and Regulations

[[Page 22619]]


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

7 CFR Part 319

[Docket No. APHIS-2014-0003]
RIN 0579-AD89

Importation of Apples From China

AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are amending the fruits and vegetables regulations to allow 
the importation of fresh apples (Malus pumila) from China into the 
continental United States. As a condition of entry, apples from areas 
in China in which the Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) is not 
known to exist will have to be produced in accordance with a systems 
approach that includes requirements for registration of places of 
production and packinghouses, inspection for quarantine pests at set 
intervals by the national plant protection organization of China, 
bagging of fruit, safeguarding, labeling, and importation in commercial 
consignments. Apples from areas in China in which Oriental fruit fly is 
known to exist may be imported into the continental United States if, 
in addition to these requirements, the apples are treated with 
fumigation plus refrigeration. All apples from China will also be 
required to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an 
additional declaration stating that all conditions for the importation 
of the apples have been met and that the consignment of apples has been 
inspected and found free of quarantine pests. This action allows for 
the importation of apples from China into the continental United States 
while continuing to provide protection against the introduction of 
quarantine pests.

DATES: Effective May 26, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. David B. Lamb, Senior Regulatory 
Policy Specialist, RPM, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 133, 
Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; (301) 851-2018.



    The regulations in ``Subpart--Fruits and Vegetables'' (7 CFR 
319.56-1 through 319.56-71, referred to below as the regulations) 
prohibit or restrict the importation of fruits and vegetables into the 
United States from certain parts of the world to prevent the 
introduction and dissemination of plant pests that are new to or not 
widely distributed within the United States.
    The national plant protection organization (NPPO) of China has 
requested that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) 
amend the regulations to allow apples (Malus pumila) from China to be 
imported into the continental United States.
    In response to that request, we prepared a pest risk assessment 
(PRA) and a risk management document (RMD). Based on the conclusions of 
the PRA and the RMD, on July 18, 2014, we published in the Federal 
Register (79 FR 41930-41934, Docket No. APHIS-2014-0003) a proposal \1\ 
to amend the regulations to authorize the importation of fresh apples 
into the continental United States, provided that the apples were 
produced in accordance with a systems approach consisting of the 
following requirements: Production by a grower who is part of a 
certification program administered by the NPPO of China; fruit bagging; 
pre-harvest NPPO inspection; packing in packinghouses that are 
registered with the NPPO; packinghouse procedures including traceback 
and box marking; post-harvest washing; waxing; treatment with 
inspection after packing for quarantine pests; issuance of a 
phytosanitary certificate; importation in commercial consignments only; 
sealed boxes; and location of apples in a cold storage facility while 
awaiting export to the continental United States. For apples from those 
areas of China south of the 33rd parallel, where the Oriental fruit fly 
(Bactrocera dorsalis) is known to exist, we proposed to require 
treatment in accordance with 7 CFR 305.2, which provides that approved 
treatment schedules are set out in the Plant Protection and Quarantine 
(PPQ) Treatment Manual, found online at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/manuals/ports/downloads/treatment.pdf.

    \1\ To view the proposed rule, its supporting documents, or the 
comments that we received, go to http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2014-0003.

    We note that we are changing the bagging protocol from that which 
was set out in the proposed rule. The proposed systems approach would 
have required that bags remain on the fruit until its arrival at the 
packinghouse. In the final rule, we are requiring that the bags stay on 
until at least 14 days prior to harvest instead of remaining on the 
fruit until it reaches the packinghouse. Though we modeled the systems 
approach on a similar systems approach for the importation of pears 
from China, bag removal at this stage is a necessary practice among 
apple growers in countries where bagging protocols are employed as 
apples must be exposed to sunlight so that they may color up prior to 
harvest. Pears do not require similar treatment in order to achieve 
their coloration.
    Bagging is an important mitigation; however, we believe that 
removing the bags for the last 14 days before harvest is unlikely to 
significantly increase the risk because bagging is only one mitigation 
out of a number that are part of a systems approach.
    Apples produced south of the 33rd parallel will require an APHIS-
approved treatment for Oriental fruit fly. Specifically, this is 
fumigation plus refrigeration. This treatment will effectively mitigate 
any pests that might be present on the fruit after the removal of the 
    Most, if not all, of the apple production areas in China are north 
of the 33rd parallel. All of the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera listed in 
the PRA as following the pathway of fresh apples from China were 
assigned a medium risk of doing so. These pests are mitigated by a 
number of other factors apart from bagging, including commercial 
production only, culling at the packinghouse, and the required 
inspection by the NPPO of China.
    APHIS does not expect this change to significantly increase the 
risk of pests from China apples. Growers will still be responsible for 
maintaining low pest

[[Page 22620]]

populations of target quarantine pests, with oversight by the NPPO of 
China and APHIS. These measures and others, including removing fallen 
fruit, will maintain low pest populations in the production sites. The 
required culling will also remove pests from the pathway. The biometric 
sampling rate can be increased, if necessary, in order to look for 
pests that may be present in smaller numbers in consignments, thus 
heightening the level of phytosanitary security. In addition, the bags 
will be removed for 2 weeks in the fall, when temperatures are rapidly 
declining leading to winter and insects are prone to reduced activity 
leading to dormancy.
    Some of the pests of concern primarily attack the fruit early in 
the season when the fruit is at a small stage. For example, the 
Rhynchites spp. adult weevils attack small, newly formed fruit in the 
spring and early summer and the eggs are laid in those fruit often 
causing fruit drop. The larvae develop in 3 or 4 weeks after the eggs 
are laid and the larvae emerge from the fruit and pupate in the soil. 
There is only one generation per year. Infested fruit are misshapen 
with feeding damage and can easily be identified and culled. These 
pests are very unlikely to be present in the fruit in the fall when the 
bags are removed 2 weeks before the apples are harvested, and any 
infested, misshapen fruit would be unlikely to be packed and can be 
easily spotted upon inspection.
    Some of the Lepidoptera species do not attack the fruit, and are 
only present on the fruit as contaminants, for example Cryptoblabes 
gnidiella primarily attacks fruit that has infestations of Homoptera 
sp., which produce honey dew. Small larvae feed on the honey dew and do 
not attack the fruit until they have grown to a larger stage. The 
larvae initially feed on the surface of the fruit and do not bore into 
the fruit. Based on the pest damage symptoms, inspection and culling 
will remove Lepidoptera pests from the pathway.
    Carposina sasakii larvae may bore into the fruit near the calyx, 
but according to a 2014 data sheet from the European and Mediterranean 
Plant Protection Organization, ``Infested apples exude a sticky gum, 
pears turn yellow and apricots ripen unevenly.'' \2\ These symptoms 
would allow any infested fruit to be readily detected during culling 
and inspections. The window for the pests to attack after the bags are 
removed is also very small; for approximately 90 percent of the time 
after blossom drop and fruit set, the fruit will be protected by bags.

    \2\ You may view the data sheet on the Internet at https://www.eppo.int/QUARANTINE/insects/Carposina_sasakii/CARSSA_ds.pdf.

    The Euzophera spp. may also attack the bark of the trees as well as 
fruit. These pests build up in unmanaged and backyard fruit trees. 
Well-managed production sites will rarely have infestations.
    Leucoptera malifoliella, the pear leaf blister moth, is a leaf 
mining species that is only found on the fruit if leaves are attached 
to the fruit. Leaves and other plant parts are prohibited, so the risk 
of importing this pest with the fruit is minimal. This pest is an 
external miner; any leaves or mines should be readily detected and 
culled or found during inspection.
    The eight species of Tortricidae, (Adoxophyes orana, Archips 
micaceana, Argyrotaenia ljungiana, Cydia funebrana, Ulodemis trigrapha, 
Grapholita inopinata, Spilonota albicana, and Spilonota prognathana) 
are leaf rollers. They typically lay eggs on leaves and roll them up 
and feed on leaf tissue. When fruit are adjacent to leaves, the larvae 
may attack the fruit, usually leaving external feeding damage and 
sometimes boring into the fruit leaving visible holes and larval waste. 
These species are unlikely to be present in any numbers during the fall 
and are also expected to be controlled by required pest management and 
standard agricultural best practices. This, combined with the small 
amount of time that the fruit will be exposed when the bags are 
removed, will greatly reduce the possibility that these Tortricidae 
will follow the pathway. In addition APHIS readily inspects for 
Tortricidae on many commodities. The only time quarantine treatments 
are required is when high populations and frequent interceptions occur. 
APHIS does not expect this, but removal of production sites in any 
problem areas will allow APHIS to mitigate this risk further.
    As noted previously, the window for pest attack after the bags are 
removed is very small (approximately 90 percent of the time after 
blossom drop and fruit set, the fruit will be protected by bags). 
Attacks on the fruit by Lepidoptera and Curculionidae pests during this 
time are unlikely when these pest populations are kept in check by good 
pest management and agricultural practices, which has been our 
experience with pears from China and we expect this to be true for 
apples. All of the Lepidoptera and Curculionidae pests are borers into 
the fruit from eggs laid externally. Besides inspection for external 
oviposition, there will be larval holes and feeding damage and larval 
waste that is readily apparent on inspection. If necessary, APHIS can 
suspend production sites with pest interceptions until pest populations 
are mitigated.
    We are also adding two post-harvest treatment requirements to those 
listed in the proposed rule. The RMD that accompanied the proposed rule 
required apples to undergo washing and waxing. This procedure was 
included because washing removes hitchhiking, casual, and surface pests 
associated with smooth-skinned fruit such as apples, and waxing also 
serves to eliminate many surface pests including Homoptera and mites. 
Washing and waxing may also remove external spores of plant pathogens.
    The two treatments we are adding in this final rule are fruit 
brushing and spraying with compressed air. Fruit brushing will be 
required as an additional packinghouse treatment requirement, while 
spraying with compressed air will be an alternative to waxing. Brushing 
adds another level of phytosanitary protection against surface pests 
and external spores and spraying with compressed air serves the same 
purpose as waxing in removing hitchhiking, casual, and surface pests. 
While brushing and spraying with compressed air are not widely used in 
fruit processing in the United States, these treatments are commonly 
used in the fruit packing industry in China and other Asian countries. 
For example, in Sec.  319.56-65(c)(2), we require spraying with 
compressed air as a treatment for pineapples imported from Malaysia.
    We solicited comments concerning our proposal for 60 days ending 
September 16, 2014. We received 128 comments by that date. They were 
from a national organization that represents U.S. apple producers, 
State departments of agriculture, a State representative, scientific 
advisory groups, an environmental organization, domestic apple 
producers, and private citizens. The comments that we received are 
discussed below, by topic.

General Comments on the Proposed Rule

    One commenter asked what sort of outreach APHIS had conducted to 
publicize the availability of the proposed rule for comment. The 
commenter claimed that the number of comments received suggested that 
stakeholders and other interested parties were unaware of its 
    We disagree with the commenter's assessment. As stated above, we 
received 128 comments on the proposed rule from a variety of 
commenters. In addition to notifying members of PPQ's

[[Page 22621]]

Stakeholder Registry,\3\ we performed outreach activities to the 
following industry and trade groups: The U.S. Apple Export Council, the 
U.S. Apple Association, the Washington Apple Commission, the Northwest 
Horticultural Council, and the Apple Commodity Committee of Northwest 
Fruit Exporters.

    \3\ You may sign up for the PPQ Stakeholder Registry on the 
Internet at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDAAPHIS/subscriber/new/.

    A number of commenters stated that we produce sufficient apples 
domestically and should therefore not import apples from China.
    Such prohibitions would be beyond the scope of APHIS' statutory 
authority under the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7701 et seq., 
referred to below as the PPA). Under the PPA, APHIS may prohibit the 
importation of a fruit or vegetable into the United States only if we 
determine that the prohibition is necessary in order to prevent the 
introduction or dissemination of a plant pest or noxious weed within 
the United States.
    Additionally, as a signatory to the World Trade Organization's 
Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement), the 
United States has agreed that any prohibitions it places on the 
importation of fruits and vegetables will be based on scientific 
evidence related to phytosanitary measures and issues, and will not be 
maintained without sufficient scientific evidence. The blanket 
prohibitions requested by the commenters would not be in keeping with 
this agreement.
    Another commenter suggested that we should instead focus on 
importing fruits and vegetables from Europe instead of China.
    APHIS's phytosanitary evaluation process only begins once a country 
has submitted a formal request for market access for a particular 
commodity. APHIS does not solicit such requests, nor do we control 
which countries submit requests.
    One commenter said that we should require that every imported apple 
be labeled as a product of China.
    Under the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law, which is 
administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service, retailers, such as 
full-time grocery stores, supermarkets, and club warehouse stores, are 
required to notify their customers with information regarding the 
source of certain food, including fresh and frozen fruits. Any apples 
imported from China would be subject to such requirements.
    Other commenters stated that, if imported Chinese apples were to be 
processed into products such as apple juice or applesauce, COOL would 
be circumvented.
    While, as stated above, APHIS does not administer COOL and, as 
such, these concerns are outside the scope of our authority, we believe 
that the relatively high price of apples imported from China when 
compared to domestic apple prices will prevent a situation such as the 
one described by the commenters. A full explanation of the economic 
factors associated with this rule, including apple pricing, see the 
section entitled, ``Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility 
    One commenter observed that the importation of apples from China 
would bypass U.S. regulations regarding plant origins, growing 
practices, and laborer and produce health standards set out by the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).
    While we agree that Chinese producers are not subject to DOL rules 
and regulations, given that DOL's authority does not extend beyond the 
United States, we disagree with the assessment that apples from China 
would not be subject to agricultural standards. The regulations and the 
operational workplan set out requirements, including requirements 
regarding sourcing of apples only from registered places of production 
and growing practices which Chinese producers must meet in order to 
export apples to the United States. Further, the FDA samples and tests 
imported fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues. Yearly 
monitoring reports and information on the program may be found here: 
    A number of commenters were concerned about the environmental state 
of China, citing in particular, heavy metal pollution in the Chinese 
air, water, and soil as a specific concern. The commenters further 
suggested that potential Chinese use of pesticides currently banned in 
the United States would lead to contamination of crops shipped from 
that country.
    While the United States does not have direct control over 
pesticides that are used on food commodities such as apples in other 
countries, there are regulations in the United States concerning the 
importation of food to ensure that commodities do not enter the United 
States containing illegal pesticide residues. Through section 408 of 
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the EPA has the authority to 
establish, change, or cancel tolerances for food commodities. These 
EPA-set tolerances are the maximum levels of pesticide residues that 
have been determined, through comprehensive safety evaluations, to be 
safe for human consumption. Tolerances apply to both food commodities 
that are grown in the United States and food commodities that are grown 
in other countries and imported into the United States. The EPA 
tolerance levels are enforced once the commodity enters the United 
States. Chemicals such as DDT that are banned in the United States do 
not have tolerances on food commodities. Federal Government food 
inspectors are responsible for monitoring food commodities that enter 
the United States to confirm that tolerance levels are not exceeded and 
that residues of pesticide chemicals that are banned in the United 
States are not present on the commodities. Tolerance levels for all 
chemicals that are acceptable for use on apples may be found in EPA's 
regulations in 40 CFR 180.101 through 180.2020. Tolerance information 
can also be obtained at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/food/viewtols.htm. Pesticide use in China is regulated by the Institute for 
the Control of Agrochemicals (ICAMA) under the current pesticide 
management law, the ``Regulation on Pesticide Administration (RPA)''. 
Under this authority, all pesticides are required to be registered and 
all pesticide handlers must be licensed. In addition, the ICAMA 
restricts or bans the use of any pesticide when evidence shows that the 
pesticide is an imminent hazard to crops, fish, livestock, the 
environment, or public health.
    One commenter said that the FDA is currently unable to cope with 
its obligation to safety test the current level of imported food coming 
into U.S. markets. The commenter asserted that allowing the importation 
of apples from China would prove overly burdensome.
    As stated previously, the FDA samples and tests imported fruits and 
vegetables for pesticide residues. We have received no indication from 
the FDA that they are unable to successfully carry out these duties. 
Furthermore, the commenter provided no support for the assertions 
regarding the FDA's oversight capabilities.

Comments on APHIS Oversight

    Several commenters stated that there exists doubt that APHIS 
possesses the necessary resources to oversee and monitor the terms of 
the operational workplan and successfully intercept any quarantine 
pests as necessary. The commenters cited governmental budget cuts and 
staffing levels as the reason for these systemic weaknesses.

[[Page 22622]]

    APHIS has reviewed its resources and believes it has adequate 
coverage across the United States to ensure compliance with its 
regulations, including the Chinese apple import program, as established 
by this rule. In addition, the APHIS International Services Area 
Director in Beijing serves as APHIS' representative in China in order 
to assess the operations of the program there.
    Two commenters asked how APHIS will regulate apple shipments to 
avoid the importation of leaves and debris, which, the commenter 
stated, may pose a risk of introducing pests which may not feed or 
reproduce in or on the fruit.
    APHIS inspectors have the authority to reject consignments that 
contain contaminants such as leaves and other plant debris, especially 
if any pests are found to be generally infesting that shipment. As 
stipulated in Sec.  319.56-3(a), ``All fruits and vegetables imported 
under this subpart, whether in commercial or noncommercial 
consignments, must be free from plant litter or debris and free of any 
portions of plants that are specifically prohibited in the regulations 
in this subpart.''
    One commenter stated that APHIS would be unable to directly 
participate in the Chinese import program until such time as a pest 
infestation or other problem arose. The commenter suggested that APHIS 
expand its oversight to allow for action prior to that point.
    Contrary to the commenter's assertion, our standard practice is to 
conduct site visits prior to the initiation of any import program. This 
is to ensure that all required mitigations are in place and the agreed 
upon operational workplan is being enforced. Subject matter experts 
inspect production sites and packinghouses and report their findings to 
APHIS. Furthermore, the operational workplan authorizes the APHIS 
International Services Area Director in Beijing to conduct periodic 
audit visits of production sites.

Comments on Chinese Oversight

    A number of commenters expressed distrust in the Chinese NPPO's 
ability to maintain the program at an acceptable level of compliance. 
One commenter specifically cited an FDA report that highlights risks 
associated with China's inadequate enforcement of food safety 
standards. Another commenter stated that contaminants such as arsenic 
are of concern, citing a paper entitled ``Current Research Problems of 
Chronic Arsenicosis in China'' \4\ (June 2006).

    \4\ You may view the paper on the Internet at http://bioline.org.br/pdf?hn06022.

    Like the United States, China is a signatory to the SPS Agreement. 
As such, it has agreed to respect the phytosanitary measures the United 
States imposes on the importation of plants and plant products from 
China when the United States demonstrates the need to impose these 
measures in order to protect plant health within the United States. The 
PRA that accompanied the proposed rule provided evidence of such a 
need. That being said, as we mentioned in the proposed rule, APHIS will 
monitor and audit China's implementation of the systems approach for 
the importation of apples into the continental United States. If we 
determine that the systems approach has not been fully implemented or 
maintained, we will take appropriate remedial action to ensure that the 
importation of apples from China does not result in the dissemination 
of plant pests within the United States.
    The report referenced by the commenter was prepared by the United 
States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Economic Research Service \5\ 
utilizing data collected by the FDA. The report found that three broad 
categories of products--fish and shellfish, fruit products, and 
vegetable products--combined accounted for 70 to 80 percent of FDA 
import refusals from China in recent years. Fruit and vegetable 
products are those that have been processed in China before being 
shipped to the United States, whereas the main concern when it comes to 
contamination of unprocessed fruits and vegetables is the presence of 
plant pests being introduced into the United States via the importation 
of unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Given the findings of the PRA, we 
are confident that the systems approach required for apples from China 
will mitigate the risk posed by such apples to introduce these pests. 
The other paper cited by the other commenter refers only to the effects 
of arsenic in drinking water and not to food contamination. As stated 
previously, FDA samples and tests imported fruits and vegetables for 
pesticide residues as well as other adulterants and additives, such as 

    \5\ The report, entitled, ``Imports From China and Food Safety 
Issues,'' (July 2009) may be viewed on the Internet at http://www.ers.usda.gov/media/156008/eib52_1_.pdf.

    Several commenters expressed concern that the rule gives authority 
for inspecting for pests to the NPPO of China and therefore U.S. 
phytosanitary security would be under the purview of a foreign 
    While it is true that after initial APHIS approval of the export 
program is made, the required regular inspections are the 
responsibility of the NPPO of China, APHIS may request submission of 
inspection records at any time. In addition, port of entry inspection 
is performed by trained agriculture specialists employed by U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
    A commenter pointed out that we had modeled the systems approach on 
a similar systems approach for the importation of pears from China, and 
that pears imported under this protocol had sometimes been determined 
to be infested with plant pests. The commenter stated that this calls 
into question the efficacy of China's ability to employ the systems 
    The pest interceptions referred to by the commenter were 15 
infested pears over a 15 year period. Given the lengthy time period in 
question and the level of imports during that time, this interception 
rate does not call into question the efficacy of the systems approach, 
but rather underscores its quality.
    One commenter stated that Chinese producers are not subject to the 
same regulatory oversight as U.S. producers and therefore would be at a 
competitive advantage. The commenter said that the United States should 
not accept any produce or products from China for that reason.
    As stated previously, such a prohibition would be beyond the scope 
of APHIS' statutory authority under the PPA, whereby APHIS may prohibit 
the importation of a fruit or vegetable into the United States only if 
we determine that the prohibition is necessary in order to prevent the 
introduction or dissemination of a plant pest or noxious weed within 
the United States. Additionally, as a signatory to the World Trade 
Organization's SPS Agreement, the United States has agreed that any 
prohibitions it places on the importation of fruits and vegetables will 
be based on scientific evidence related to phytosanitary measures and 
issues, and will not be maintained without sufficient scientific 
evidence. The blanket prohibition requested by the commenters would not 
be in keeping with this agreement.
    One commenter said that, apart from the requirements specifically 
listed in the regulations and the operational workplan, the methods of 
growth, harvest, treatment, and export of apples from China are 
generally unknown. The commenter argued that this makes it difficult 
for APHIS to ensure that the apples were handled with care, without 
pesticides banned in the United States,

[[Page 22623]]

and with the precautions necessary to prevent the introduction of 
invasive pests. The commenter concluded that, until a more strictly 
monitored set of requirements are established, APHIS should not allow 
the importation of apples from China.
    We disagree with the commenter's assessment. The commenter is 
asking for certain requirements that either the mandatory systems 
approach does require or does not need to address for reasons we have 
explained above. Further, the commenter's characterization of the 
extent of the operational workplan is incorrect. While the regulations 
themselves are written more broadly to allow for programmatic 
flexibility, operational workplans establish detailed procedures and 
guidance for the day-to-day operations of specific import/export 
programs. Workplans also establish how specific phytosanitary issues 
are dealt with in the exporting country and make clear who is 
responsible for dealing with those issues.
    The NPPO of China is expected to maintain program records for at 
least 1 year and provide them to APHIS upon request. One commenter 
asked why we only expect the NPPO of China to maintain program records 
for 1 year. The commenter suggested that we make record maintenance a 
permanent requirement.
    There is no technical justification for keeping records for longer 
than 1 year. If a pest problem is detected, the immediate past records 
will likely offer the most valuable information necessary to aid in 
resolution of the issue. This period of time is the APHIS standard for 
almost all pest programs and there is no special justification to 
extend it here.

General Comments on Phytosanitary Security

    A commenter expressed concern that apples from China pose a high 
risk of introducing quarantine pests into the United States. Another 
commenter asked that APHIS prove that any pests associated with the 
importation of apples from China would lend themselves to effective 
control measures if they were to become established in the United 
States. Another commenter asked if APHIS has experience with the listed 
pathogens to ensure that the proposed mitigations will be effective in 
controlling diseases that are not present in the United States. Another 
commenter said that the RMD's report of 15 pest interceptions in 15 
years in the Chinese pear importation program, which features a similar 
pest complex and mitigation measures as were proposed for Chinese 
apples, calls the efficacy of the systems approach into question. The 
commenter concludes that interception records cover only known 
interceptions and ignores the possibility of infested or diseased fruit 
that is imported but not detected.
    For the reasons explained in the proposed rule, the RMD, and this 
final rule, we consider the provisions of this final rule adequate to 
mitigate the risk associated with the importation of apples from China. 
The commenters did not provide any evidence suggesting that the 
mitigations are individually or collectively ineffective.
    One commenter suggested that past history bears out the fact that 
invasive species from China may prove to be destructive plant pests. 
The commenter cited the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, 
and the vinegar fly, Drosophila suzukii, as two examples that are 
causing significant damage to American crops.
    As stated above, we consider the provisions of this final rule 
adequate to mitigate against the pests of concern as identified by the 
PRA. Specific to the commenter's examples, both pests have been present 
in the United States for many years and originated in Asia, not 
necessarily China in particular. The brown marmorated stink bug most 
likely entered the United States as a hitchhiking insect overwintering 
in a cargo container. Drosophila suzukii possibly made its initial 
entrance via importation of strawberries. Strawberries have been 
permitted entry from almost all countries since well before APHIS began 
requiring PRAs. Neither of these pests has been identified as being 
associated with a crop that has been permitted importation into the 
United States subsequent to the preparation of a PRA. Rather they are 
hazards of international trade, which occur infrequently over the span 
of decades.
    Another commenter stated that APHIS lacks information on the full 
range of pests associated with apples imported from China as Chinese 
literature sources have proven deficient or incomplete.
    We disagree. The PRA that accompanied the proposed rule provided a 
list of all pests of apples known to exist in China. This list was 
prepared using multiple data sources to ensure its completeness. For 
this same reason, we are confident it is accurate. Further, the pest 
complex associated with apples from China is very similar to the pest 
complex associated with pears from China, which have been imported into 
the United States for 15 years under a very similar systems approach 
with very few pest interceptions.
    Another commenter observed that certain areas in the United States 
must establish buffer zones to keep non-commercially grown apples 
separated from high production orchards in order to maintain pest 
freedom. The commenter stated that phytosanitary treatments or other 
measures, such as those we proposed to require for apples from China, 
were insufficient to achieve this separation domestically and therefore 
a similar quarantine is necessary in China.
    APHIS will require bagging and phytosanitary treatment to mitigate 
risk of fruit flies and other insects in apples imported from China. 
The bagging is an equivalent measure to a domestic quarantine since, 
done correctly, bagging excludes pest species from the fruits. We are 
also requiring additional mitigation measures including fumigation plus 
refrigeration for those apples grown in areas where the Oriental fruit 
fly is known to exist. In the United States, bagging is not used as a 
mitigation measure for fruit because of the labor requirements 
necessary to bag each fruit. Bagging is used as a mitigation for fruit 
from China, Japan, and Korea, because it is a culturally indigenous 
mitigation to those countries and because large scale labor at a lower 
cost is available to apply the mitigation.
    One commenter stated that while the RMD asserts that the designated 
phytosanitary measures will mitigate the risk presented by the 
importation of apples from China into the continental United States, 
the document makes no claim as to a specific amount of risk reduction. 
The commenter further states that the RMD does not establish an 
appropriate level of phytosanitary protection, or state that the listed 
mitigation measures will achieve such a level. The commenter said that 
the PRA should provide more precise and preferably quantitative 
information about the likelihood that imported apple fruit would 
transmit any actionable pest or disease. The commenter concluded that 
APHIS has never established or published any explicit level, either 
qualitative or quantitative, by which it consistently judges risk.
    APHIS believes that a qualitative analysis is appropriate in this 
situation. APHIS' evaluations are based on science and conducted 
according to the factors identified in Sec.  319.5(d), which include 
biosecurity measures, projected export quantity, and the proposed end 
use of the imported commodity (e.g., propagation, consumption, milling, 
decorative, processing, etc.). Most of APHIS' risk assessments have 
been, and continue to be, qualitative in nature. Contrary to the 
commenter's assertion

[[Page 22624]]

that a qualitative analysis should include an explicit level of 
phytosanitary protection, the relative flexibility afforded by a 
qualitative analysis allows us to evaluate commodity import programs in 
a holistic way.
    While APHIS believes that quantitative risk assessment models are 
useful in some rare cases, qualitative risk assessments, when coupled 
with site visit evaluations, provide the necessary information to 
assess the risk of pest introduction through importation of commodities 
such as apples from China. Additionally, there are several 
disadvantages associated with the use of quantitative risk assessment 
models. Quantitative models also tend to be data-intensive, and the 
types of data required by such models are often not available or 
adequate. Quantitative models are also necessarily developed using a 
set of assumptions that may not always adequately represent the 
biological situation in question, thus resulting in a wide range of 
uncertainty in interpretation of the model outcomes. The models also 
require constant updating, which is dependent on availability of 
current research and data, and thus may not always represent the 
current state of scientific information. Finally, uncertainty in the 
results or outcomes of quantitative models also arises from a large 
number of sources, including problem specification, conceptual or 
computational model construction and model misspecification, estimation 
of input values, and other model misspecification issues. Neither the 
regulations in 7 CFR part 319 nor APHIS guidance documents require a 
quantitative risk analysis or indicate that one is needed here.
    The same commenter said that the PRA's assessment that certain of 
the pests considered were ``unlikely'' or ``highly unlikely'' to follow 
the pathway of importation of apples from China was not the same thing 
as stating that these pests would never follow the pathway. The 
commenter went on to say that the PRA provides no quantitative 
indication of what level of incidence is signified by the 
determinations ``unlikely'' and ``highly unlikely.'' The commenter 
added that the systems approach specified in the proposed rule could 
prove ineffective if one of the pests deemed ``unlikely'' or ``highly 
unlikely'' to follow the pathway were imported, as the elements of the 
systems approach were not developed with those pests in mind.
    For the reasons stated previously, APHIS rarely performs 
quantitative risk assessments. However, just because the risk is not 
quantified does not mean it cannot be assessed and mitigated. Each 
organism carries its own risk of following the pathway, and APHIS has 
been very successful in assessing and mitigating the risks associated 
with new market access. We have stated in the past that if zero 
tolerance for pest risk were the standard applied to international 
trade in agricultural commodities, it is quite likely that no country 
would ever be able to export a fresh agricultural commodity to any 
other country. Our pest risk analysis process will identify and assign 
appropriate and effective mitigations for any identified pest risks. 
If, based on our PRA, we conclude that the available mitigation 
measures against identified pest risks are insufficient to provide an 
appropriate level of protection, then we will not authorize the 
importation of the particular commodity.
    The same commenter claimed that the brevity of the RMD, 
particularly the portion evaluating the efficacy of the proposed 
mitigation measures, was of concern given the biologic and economic 
complexities of the proposed action.
    It would be inappropriate for APHIS to include an economic analysis 
in the RMD. Our economic assessment of this action may be found in both 
the initial regulatory flexibility analysis that was made available 
with our July 2014 proposed rule and the final regulatory flexibility 
analysis prepared for this final rule. Copies of the full analyses are 
available on the Regulations.gov Web site (see footnote 1 in this 
document for a link to Regulations.gov) or by contacting the person 
    We disagree with the commenter's claim that the length of a 
document is in any way directly correlated to the efficacy of the 
mitigation measures discussed therein. The bagging requirements for all 
fruit intended for export will exclude almost all pests. We are 
confident of this fact because similar pest mitigations have 
successfully been used to allow for the importation of pears from 
China, which have a similar pest complex to apples from China. The pear 
importation program has been highly effective--15 pest interceptions in 
15 years--with an import volume of about 10,000 metric tons (MT) 
annually. Although the bagging requirement differs slightly from that 
used for pears, we have detailed previously why the phytosanitary 
protections are expected to be effective.
    The same commenter stated that the low interception rate reported 
in the RMD does not prove the efficacy of the proposed mitigation 
measures. The commenter argued that interception rates of fruit with a 
high actual infestation rate may be low or even zero if the inspection 
procedure has a low sensitivity or sampling rate. The commenter 
concluded that, because the RMD includes no information about 
inspection sensitivity or sampling rate, there is not enough 
information available to determine if the low interception rate truly 
reflects reality or if it is instead due to low inspection sensitivity 
or sampling.
    Generally, CBP inspectors use a sample rate of 2 percent as a 
standard sample rate. Specific sampling rates may be adjusted based on 
various factors including the inspector's experience working with the 
shipper and the type of fruits or vegetables being imported. The 
standard sample rate may be increased for smaller shipments, or for a 
shipper or commodity that the inspector is encountering for the first 
time. APHIS reserves the right to suspend a program and readjust 
sampling levels accordingly if unacceptable levels of pests are 
    The RMD included a description of packinghouse culling, which is a 
standard industry practice to remove all obviously blemished, diseased, 
and insect-infested fruits from the importation pathway. The same 
commenter argued that the RMD's supposition of the efficacy of culling 
ignores the potential existence of diseased, and insect-infested fruit 
that are not obviously diseased or insect-infested. The commenter said 
that, in the projected 10,000 MT of apples imported from China, the 
likelihood of a number of asymptomatic diseased or insect-infested 
fruit may not be negligible.
    We are confident that packinghouse culling, in concert with the 
other requirements of the systems approach will be effective in 
mitigating phytosanitary risk. Any fruit that appeared asymptomatic, as 
posited by the commenter, would likely be in the early stages of 
disease or infestation. Given the transit time required to ship apples 
from China to the United States as well as mandatory port of entry 
inspections, it is likely that any latent infection or infestation 
would be detected at this point in the importation process. We have 
stated in the past that if zero tolerance for pest risk were the 
standard applied to international trade in agricultural commodities, it 
is quite likely that no country would ever be able to export a fresh 
agricultural commodity to any other country and, thus, zero risk is not 
a realistic standard.

[[Page 22625]]

    The same commenter cited Article 5.4 of the SPS Agreement, which 
requires that members institute phytosanitary requirements while 
simultaneously minimizing negative trade effects; and Article 5.6, 
which requires that members ensure that any required phytosanitary 
measures are not more trade-restrictive than necessary, taking into 
account technical and economic feasibility. The commenter noted that 
the RMD contains no analysis indicating that the proposal is compliant 
with these articles and goes on to state that the RMD only evaluates 
one option, which consists of 14 specific measures. The commenter 
suggested that, if evaluated individually and in varying combinations, 
fewer than the 14 measures presented might prove sufficient to mitigate 
the phytosanitary risk posed by apples from China, a smaller systems 
approach that would be easier to implement and less trade-restrictive.
    APHIS has determined that the listed risk management measures, 
along with the requirement of a phytosanitary certificate and the port 
of entry inspection, will mitigate the risk of pest introductions on 
apples from China into the continental United States. While bagging is 
the primary mitigation, the other mitigations serve to ensure that no 
pests will follow the importation pathway. Once the system has been in 
place and is operational, it may become clear that some mitigations may 
be reduced or removed. Prior to the program becoming operational, APHIS 
will not remove mitigations since, as stated previously, a similar 
systems approach is successfully utilized for the importation of pears 
from China. Although the bagging requirement differs slightly from that 
used for pears, we have detailed previously why the phytosanitary 
protections otherwise remain the same.
    The commenter went on to state that the RMD provides no evidence to 
support the assertion that the 14 phytosanitary measures are sufficient 
to mitigate the pest risk associated with the importation of apples 
from China. In particular, the commenter observes that there is no 
description of apple growing or commercial apple processing in China 
that would support the claim that standard packinghouse procedures, 
such as culling and inspection, will prove efficacious. Similarly, 
another commenter stated that the required inspections do not guarantee 
that quarantine pests will not be introduced.
    APHIS (and its predecessor agencies within the USDA) has been 
relying on inspection for almost 100 years to remove pests and we are 
therefore confident in its efficacy as a mitigation. As stated 
previously, APHIS' evaluations are based on science and conducted 
according to the factors identified in Sec.  319.5(d). Specifically, 
paragraph (d)(5) of that section requires that any country requesting 
market access for a specific commodity to submit a full account of 
measures currently utilized in-country to mitigate against pests of 
concern in a domestic setting. We also require references to back up 
the information supplied by the country. APHIS then conducts its own 
assessment of the in-country mitigations, which includes multiple site 
visits in order to assess potential places of production, 
packinghouses, etc. We are confident that we have fully taken into 
account the ability of Chinese producers and the NPPO of China to meet 
the standards set out in the systems approach and the operational 
    The same commenter stated that Article 6.3 of the SPS Agreement 
requires that, ``Exporting Members claiming that areas within their 
territories are pest- or disease-free areas or areas of low pest or 
disease prevalence shall provide the necessary evidence thereof in 
order to objectively demonstrate to the importing Member that such 
areas are, and are likely to remain, pest- or disease-free areas or 
areas of low pest or disease prevalence, respectively.'' The commenter 
said that APHIS does not provide any information about evidence 
provided by China concerning pest- or disease-free areas or areas of 
low pest or disease prevalence within China or within specific regions 
in China. The commenter concluded that it appears that APHIS never even 
considered the existence of pest- or disease-free areas or areas of low 
pest or disease prevalence.
    While the section of the SPS Agreement cited by the commenter is 
accurate concerning official recognition of pest- or disease-free areas 
or areas of low pest or disease prevalence, the recognition of such 
areas requires a formal request be made on the part of the exporting 
country. China did not request that APHIS recognize any such areas. 
Consequently, APHIS is not establishing formal pest- or disease-free 
areas or areas of low pest or disease prevalence in relation to the 
importation of apples from China, nor are such designations a 
requirement for the importation of commodities into the United States. 
As stated previously, we are confident that the systems approach 
provides the necessary pest mitigation for the importation of apples 
into the continental United States.
    The same commenter said that the PRA's lack of information 
concerning pest and disease prevalence in China calls into question the 
adequacy of China's pest and disease surveillance programs and added 
that the PRA does not provide the information necessary for a 
determination regarding the adequacy of pest and disease surveillance. 
The commenter stated that there may be pests and diseases of concern 
not considered by the PRA and RMD due to the potential inadequacy of 
Chinese phytosanitary surveillance.
    As stated previously, APHIS' evaluations are based on science and 
conducted according to the factors identified in Sec.  319.5(d). 
Specifically, the requirements of paragraphs (d)(4) and (d)(5) of that 
section require that any country requesting market access for a 
specific commodity must submit to APHIS a complete list of pests 
present in that country that are associated with the commodity in 
question as well as the measures currently utilized in-country to 
mitigate against those pests in a domestic setting. We also require 
references to back up the information supplied by the country. APHIS 
then conducts its own assessment of the pest complex and in-country 
mitigations, which includes multiple site visits in order to assess 
potential places of production, packinghouses, etc.
    Another commenter asked if APHIS will require a trapping program be 
established for the listed pests of concern.
    As stated in the proposed rule, paragraph (b)(1) would require the 
place of production to carry out any phytosanitary measures specified 
for the place of production under the operational workplan. Depending 
on the location, size, and plant pest history of the orchard, these 
measures may include surveying protocols or application of pesticides 
and fungicides. Trapping programs may be required in the case of fruit 
fly, key Lepidoptera, and/or weevils. This will be decided on a case-
by-case basis, with the details of any such programs laid out in the 
operational workplan.

Comments on the Pest List

    The PRA that accompanied the proposed rule identified 21 pests of 
quarantine significance present in China that could be introduced into 
the continental United States through the importation of Chinese 
     Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von R[ouml]slerstamm), summer 
fruit tortix.
     Archips micaceana (Walker), a moth.
     Argyrotaenia ljungiana (Thunberg), grape tortix.

[[Page 22626]]

     Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Oriental fruit fly.
     Carposina sasakii Matsumura, peach fruit moth.
     Cenopalpus pulcher (Canestrini & Fanzago), flat scarlet 
     Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Milli[egrave]re), honeydew moth.
     Cydia funebrana (Treitschke), plum fruit moth.
     Euzophera bigella (Zeller), quince moth.
     Euzophera pyriella Yang, a moth.
     Grapholita inopinata Heinrich, Manchurian fruit moth.
     Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa), apple leaf miner.
     Monilia polystroma van Leeuwen, Asian brown rot.
     Monilinia fructigena Honey, brown fruit rot.
     Rhynchites auratus (Scopoli), apricot weevil.
     Rhynchites bacchus (L.), peach weevil.
     Rhynchites giganteus Krynicky, a weevil.
     Rhynchites heros Roelofs, a weevil.
     Spilonota albicana (Motschulsky), white fruit moth.
     Spilonota prognathana Snellen, a moth.
     Ulodemis trigrapha Meyrick, a moth.

We received a number of comments regarding these pests as well as 
suggestions for other pests commenters believed to be of phytosanitary 
significance that were not included.
    One commenter stated that many irrelevant species, such as longhorn 
beetles (Cerambycidae sp.), were included in the PRA. The commenter 
said that the PRA should focus only on those pests associated with 
apple fruit or those that could be transported with the commodity. The 
commenter said that including a number of species that do not meet 
those criteria results in a large document, which renders it difficult 
to assess pests that may be of true significance and thus determine the 
quality and value of the PRA.
    Our task in developing the PRA was to review all pests of apple 
that are present in China and then assess how likely they are to be 
associated with harvested fruit. For the sake of transparency, we 
include those pests that we conclude are not of quarantine significance 
or unlikely to follow the pathway of importation as we must first 
identify all pests that exist in China before narrowing the list to the 
specific pests of concern. This allows stakeholders and other 
interested parties the fullest degree of access to the pest list.
    Another commenter wanted to know whether the reference to ``stem'' 
as the plant part affected in the PRA includes the fruit pedicel, which 
may, in some cases, be attached to the fruit in the marketplace. The 
commenter said that if the term ``stem'' refers only to woody tissue, 
such as an apple branch, then the commenter agrees with many of the 
assessments made regarding infestation of stems and the likelihood of 
such a pest following the pathway of importation. The commenter went on 
to state that many of the pests in the Cerambycidae, Lucanidae, 
Scolytinae, Tenebrionidae, and Curculionidae species listed in the PRA 
may infest stems and also the fruit pedicel, which would mean they 
could potentially pose a phytosanitary risk.
    We considered the importation of apple fruit only, with no stem 
attached. This does not include the fruit pedicel.
    Another commenter observed that the PRA did not consider the risks 
posed by those pests of phytosanitary concern in the United States that 
may be present in China but are not currently reported or known to be 
present. The commenter additionally stated that the PRA did not 
consider the risks posed by those pests that are of phytosanitary 
concern in the United States that are present in China but not 
currently reported to be associated with apples.
    A second commenter stated that one of the general challenges 
encountered in reviewing the PRA is in understanding the biology of 
some of the exotic insect species and the specific risk of early season 
latent infection or late season infestation that may not be 
unequivocally obvious at harvest.
    We believe that the standard suggested by the commenters would call 
for APHIS to postulate based on wholly unknowable risk factors. The PRA 
that accompanied the proposed rule provided a list of all pests of 
apples known to exist in China. This list was prepared using multiple 
data sources to ensure its completeness. For this same reason, we are 
confident it is accurate.
    If, however, a new pest of apples is detected in China, APHIS will 
conduct further risk analysis in order to evaluate the pest to 
determine whether it is a quarantine pest, and whether it is likely to 
follow the pathway of apples from China that are imported into the 
United States. If we determine that the pest is a quarantine pest and 
is likely to follow the pathway, we will work with the NPPO of China to 
adjust the pest list and related phytosanitary measures to prevent its 
introduction into the United States.
    Since the Oriental fruit fly is known to exist, in varying 
population densities, in areas of China south of the 33rd parallel, 
apples from such areas will be subject to treatment in accordance with 
7 CFR part 305. Within part 305, Sec.  305.2 provides that approved 
treatment schedules are set out in the PPQ Treatment Manual, found 
online at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/manuals/ports/downloads/treatment.pdf. (The manual specifies that fumigation plus 
refrigeration schedule T108-a is effective in neutralizing Oriental 
fruit fly on apples.) The RMD also states that any other treatment 
subsequently approved by APHIS may be used. One commenter expressed 
concern at the non-specific nature of those potential alternative 
    While APHIS cannot offer specifics on phytosanitary treatments that 
are not currently approved for use, the language in the RMD is intended 
to indicate that such treatments may become available in the future. 
APHIS has a rigorous procedure for approving new quarantine treatments, 
which includes soliciting comments from stakeholders in accordance with 
Sec.  305.3. New treatments are tested to a very high standard of 
efficacy. Generally speaking, that means that an approved treatment is 
effective in removing 99.99 percent of pests.
    Another commenter said that there is a lack of research to support 
that the systems approach proposed by APHIS will be effective in 
mitigating the phytosanitary risk posed by the Oriental fruit fly.
    We disagree with the commenter's assertion. These mitigations have 
been used on a similar pest complex for the importation of pears from 
China. This is a highly successful import program with only 15 
interceptions of any quarantine pests in 15 years of operation and no 
fruit fly interceptions. As most apples in China are grown above the 
33rd parallel, the risk of fruit fly interceptions in consignments of 
apples is small. The commenter provided no specific data to support the 
argument that apples from China pose a unique pest risk.
    One commenter stated that the Oriental fruit fly and the apple leaf 
miner are of particular concern given that they are high risk pests and 
Oriental fruit flies have been detected on numerous occasions at U.S. 
ports of entry.
    While it is true that APHIS has made interceptions of Oriental 
fruit fly at U.S. ports of entry, most of those interceptions were in 
passenger baggage. Oriental fruit fly is additionally present in 
Hawaii, which may lead to a higher number of interstate interceptions.

[[Page 22627]]

    Another commenter said that melon fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) and 
solanum fruit fly (Bactrocera latifrons) are known pests of apple, but 
the PRA states that non-cucurbit hosts require confirmation. The 
commenter reasons that, for such severe pests of commodities other than 
apple, it would make sense to consider both as potential pests of 
apple. The commenter asked if there are areas of overlap between the 
flies' distribution areas and apple growing areas. Lastly, the 
commenter said that the honeydew moth (Cryptoblabes gnidiella) remained 
on the list in spite of the facts that the pest has a warm climate 
distribution and that apple is only an occasional host. The commenter 
said it would therefore be consistent to treat melon fly and solanum 
fruit fly similarly.
    These particular fruit flies are not found in apple producing parts 
of China and, as the commenter observes, apple is not a primary host. 
Thus infestations of apple would be unusual and exclusionary 
mitigations like bagging will help prevent any infestation. We found 
references indicating the host status of apples (regardless of major or 
minor status) for the honeydew moth whereas we did not for either melon 
fly or solanum fruit fly. If, upon inspection, melon fly or solanum 
fruit fly are found to be generally infesting shipments of apples we 
will adjust our mitigations as necessary.
    One commenter stated that there is an unknown risk of apple leaf 
miner escaping detection.
    We disagree with the commenter's claim that apple leaf miner may 
easily escape detection. Leaf miners are not typically found on fruit; 
leaves, which they more readily infest, are not authorized for 
importation. In addition, leaf miners typically leave a visible tunnel 
as they mine, which aids in inspection and detection.
    Another commenter asked why apple ring rot (Macrophoma kawatsukai) 
and the fungus, Penicillium diversum, were removed from the pest list 
when both were present on a draft version of the list. The commenter 
asked why the genus Penicillium is considered non-actionable at ports 
of entry.
    These pests are post-harvest pathogens. In general, post-harvest 
pathogens are not considered for analysis because most are cosmopolitan 
and it is unlikely to impossible for them to be transferred to fruit in 
the field. Penicillium is a cosmopolitan genus that only causes post-
harvest rots. Consequently, it is not actionable. APHIS determines 
whether a pest is actionable based on its novelty and known prevalence 
or distribution within and throughout the United States, its potential 
harm to U.S. agricultural, environmental, or other resources, and the 
need to mitigate its pest risk, if any.
    The same commenter stated that spores from the fungal pathogens 
Monilia polystroma and Monilinia fructigena might easily go undetected 
in inspections and present a risk of becoming established on several 
crops in the State of Florida.
    Phytosanitary security is provided by several layers of inspection: 
Field inspection, packinghouse inspection, and port of entry 
inspection. As these inspections take place over a period of time, it 
becomes increasingly likely that any consignments with symptomatic 
fruit will be identified. As stated previously, these mitigations have 
been successfully used on a similar pest complex for the importation of 
pears from China.
    The same commenter stated that, contrary to APHIS's assertion in 
the PRA that interception records indicate no association between 
Tetranychus species of spider mite and commercially produced and 
shipped apples, the apple industry has experienced infestations of 
Tetranychus and Panonychus spider mite species in apple production 
areas. The commenter added that the hawthorn spider mite 
(Amphitetranychus viennensis) could present a similar risk given that 
it is recorded as attacking leaves, fruit, and blossoms. Another 
commenter stated that, late in the growing season, hawthorn spider 
mites sometimes collect in the calices of apples, with either motile 
forms or eggs present. The commenters urged APHIS to reexamine the data 
in light of this.
    While we have made no changes in response to this comment, as the 
data we have do not support the commenters' assertion, we do note that 
typical required mitigations for spider mites are packinghouse 
procedures (i.e., washing, brushing, spraying with compressed air), 
culling, and inspection. Those measures will be included as 
requirements in the operational workplan and should mitigate against 
any unforeseen pests of this nature. If one of these pests is detected 
upon inspection we will take appropriate measures to prevent its 
introduction into the United States. The hawthorn spider mite was 
considered in the PRA. It attacks apple leaves; we found no evidence of 
it being present on fruit.
    The same commenter asked why Eotetranychus sp. mites were listed as 
being associated with apples in China with actionable or undetermined 
regulatory status but was not included in the listing of actionable 
pests reported on apples in any country and present in China on any 
    While Eotetranychus sp. mites are generally actionable, 
investigation into the Eotetranychus species that are present in China 
and known to affect apples did not reveal any known species that are 
considered actionable in the United States, so we did not include them 
in the second listing. Some non-actionable species from this genus are 
listed in an appendix to the PRA.
    The same commenter expressed concern that multivoltine fruit 
feeding insects may be able to oviposit on fruit once the bags that are 
required by the systems approach to be placed over each developing 
fruit are removed. The commenter further asked that APHIS ensure that 
the required fruit bags are not applied too late in the spring or 
removed too early as the fruit matures in the interest of addressing 
horticultural quality needs and color development at the expense of 
pest mitigation.
    Our requirement, which will be stipulated in the operational 
workplan, is that the bags must remain on the fruit until at least 14 
days before harvest. PPQ will ensure that the bags are in place early 
enough to exclude insect pests. If infestations of insects such bagging 
is intended to exclude are found upon inspection, production sites and 
packinghouses may be suspended from the export program.
    The same commenter stated that snout beetles (Curculionidae) can be 
serious pests of tree fruit with limited control options. While the 
commenter noted that the PRA lists a number of Curculionidae species as 
following the importation pathway, the commenter noted the following 
additional species of weevils for inclusion: Coenorrhynus sp., 
Enaptorrhinus sinensis Waterhouse, Involvulus sp., Neomyllocerus hedini 
(Marshall), Rhynchites coreanus Kono, and Rhynchites heros Roelofs.
    In particular, the commenter asked why Enaptorrhinus sinensis 
Waterhouse is listed as infesting fruit, but unlikely to follow the 
pathway of importation. The commenter observed that Enaptorrhinus 
sinensis Waterhouse is one of three species on the PRA list of 
quarantine pests that are likely to follow the pathway that is classed 
as a fruit feeder. The commenter went on to state that Neomyllocerus 
hedini (Marshall) is also present on the PRA list of quarantine pests 
that are likely to follow the pathway.
    Finally, the commenter stated that an Australian PRA cites 
Rhynchites coreanus Kono as a high-risk quarantine

[[Page 22628]]

pest from China, but was not considered in the APHIS PRA.
    The bagging requirement discussed above should effectively exclude 
Curculionidae. In addition, weevils typically leave feeding damage and 
holes with frass that are easily visible upon inspection. We would note 
that we analyzed Rhynchites heros Roelofs and determined that it 
presents a medium risk of introduction via the importation pathway and 
that Rhynchites coreanus Kono is a synonym of Rhynchites heros Roelofs.
    Contrary to the commenter's assertion, Enaptorrhinus sinensis 
Waterhouse is not listed in the PRA as affecting fruit: ``Adults, which 
are moderately large beetles (body length: 6.2-6.4 mm, width: 3.2-3.3 
mm; Han, 2002), may feed on apple fruit (You, 2004), but are considered 
unlikely to remain with fruit through harvest and post-harvest 
processing.'' Neomyllocerus hedini (Marshall) is listed as affecting 
leaves but not fruit.
    As for the other weevils cited by the commenter, we found no 
evidence during our assessment that those pests were likely to follow 
the pathway.
    The same commenter observed that, since members of the Diapididae 
and Pseudococcidae families of scale insects feed on stems, leaves, and 
fruit in U.S. apple orchards and are treated as quarantine pests in 
many countries around the world, the following species should have been 
included in the PRA: Diaspidiotus (= Quadraspidiotus) slavonicus 
(Green), Phenacoccus pergandei Cockerell, Spilococcus (= Atrococcus) 
pacificus (Borchsenius), and Leucoptera malifoliella (Lyonetiidae).
    Another commenter said that the PRA's determination of a negligible 
possibility of Japanese wax scale (Ceroplastes japonicas) following the 
pathway of importation was based on the idea that Chinese apples will 
be safely discarded. The commenter stated that, if even a small 
percentage of imported apples are discarded improperly, there is risk, 
particularly if they are discarded near host material.
    In general, scale insects are excluded via washing, brushing, 
spraying with compressed air, culling, and inspection. These mandatory 
measures will be a part of the operational workplan. However, 
Phenacoccus pergandei Cockerell is found to affect leaves only, 
Spilococcus (= Atrococcus) pacificus (Borchsenius) is found to affect 
stems only, and Ceroplastes japonicas is found to affect both leaves 
and stems. The commenters provided no evidence that these scales were 
of concern on fruit. Although Leucoptera malifoliella (Lyonetiidae) is 
not on the pest list, Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa) is listed with a 
high risk of following the pathway and will be mitigated as described 
previously. Lyonetiidae is the family name for this pest, Costa is the 
authority. They are the same pest, notated differently. Finally, in a 
risk analysis titled, ``Phytosanitary Risks Associated with Armored 
Scales in Commercial Shipments of Fruit for Consumption to the United 
States'' (June 2007) \6\ we determined that the likelihood of 
introduction of armored scales via the specific pathway represented by 
commercially produced fruit shipped without leaves, stems, or 
contaminants is low because these scales have a very poor ability to 
disperse from fruits for consumption onto hosts. Females do not possess 
wings or legs; legs are also absent in feeding immature forms. Males 
are capable of flight, however they are short-lived, do not feed, and 
tend to mate only with nearby females. For this reason, the armored 
scale Diaspidiotus (= Quadraspidiotus) slavonicus (Green) is not a pest 
of concern.

    \6\ Copies of the full analysis are available by contacting the 

    One commenter stated that since the taxonomy of the fungus 
Botryosphaeria dothidea is under active consideration by the research 
community, the assertion that the Asian Botryosphaeria dothidea is the 
same species as is found in the United States is not settled science. 
The commenter argued that they should be considered distinct species 
until scientists from China provide additional studies demonstrating 
that they are synonymous.
    We disagree. The most recent and conclusive study on this matter 
\7\ found that the causal agent of apple ring spot and apple white rot 
was the same. The agent was identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea for 
both diseases. Thus, the pathogen is present in both the United States 
and China.

    \7\ That study, Phylogenetic and pathogenic analyses show that 
the causal agent of apple ring rot in China is Botryosphaeria 
dothidea, may be found on the Internet at http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/pdf/10.1094/PDIS-08-11-0635.

    Another commenter stated that there is an unknown risk of fungi of 
the genus Monilinia escaping detection.
    We disagree with the commenter's assertion regarding unknown risk. 
Monilinia mali is unlikely to be present on mature fruit. Monilinia 
fructigena is unlikely to come in contact with host material, since 
spores need to be near actual apple trees. Unless Monilinia fructigena-
infected fruit are sporulating in close proximity to host material, 
they cannot infect it and we consider this possibility unlikely. Other 
specific members of Monilinia sp. are discussed below.
    One commenter said that it needs to be demonstrated, through 
scientific study and examination of mature fruit taken from orchards 
which have suffered epidemics at several early seasonal timings, that 
latent infections of the fungus Monilinia ma/1, which is the causal 
agent of monilia leaf blight, are not sometimes still present later at 
harvest on normal appearing fruit.
    Field inspection data for Monilinia fructigena and Monilinia 
polystroma was presented by all orchards inspected in our site visit 
and certified by the Chinese Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine 
Service. This data shows no report of the diseases, and if there are no 
disease records, then there can be no latency problem such as the 
commenter described. In addition, packinghouse inspections show no 
history of the disease.
    The same commenter said that the fungus Monilinia mali, which does 
not occur in the United States, was not included in the listing of 
actionable pests reported on apples in any country and present in China 
on any host and should be added. The commenter additionally stated that 
the fungus Monilinia polystroma should be added to that list as well, 
as it has been reported to attack apples in Europe and has been 
recently reported from China.
    Contrary to the commenter's assertion, both pathogens are listed. 
Currently there is only a single report of Monilinia polystroma on 
apples. That identification is debatable since it was based on 
molecular evidence alone. The European report stated that the symptoms 
disappeared after the initial observation. Thus, the observations have 
not been replicated outside of this single incident. In Japan and 
China, where stone fruit (the primary host for the pathogen) and apples 
are grown in close proximity, there are no reports of Monilinia 
polystroma on apples. Despite the weak evidence, we did analyze 
Monilinia polystroma and found it to be high risk. It was therefore 
considered when we were developing the requirements of the systems 
approach and will be considered in development of the operational 
workplan. There is also considerable uncertainty about the presence of 
Monilinia mali but it was also listed. However, it was not analyzed 
because it is not found on mature fruit.
    The PRA lists certain organisms that APHIS is only able to identify 
to the

[[Page 22629]]

genus level and notes that these organisms may prove to have actionable 
status. One commenter noted this and categorized this as an arbitrary 
decision by APHIS. The commenter stated that APHIS is incorrect to say 
that the risk potential of these species should be considered low 
because APHIS cannot evaluate risk as completely as would be desirable. 
The commenter appears to suggest that APHIS study these unknown 
organisms further or that APHIS evaluate risk for genera taken as a 
    Another commenter requested further information regarding the 
following fungi, identified only to the genus level, which were listed 
as being associated with apples in China with actionable or 
undetermined regulatory status: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Fusidium, 
Penicillium, and Psuedocercospora. The commenter stated that these may 
represent novel species and wanted to know if APHIS went back to 
original sources or voucher specimens to attempt to confirm the 
specific identity of these fungi.
    Another commenter observed that some pest organisms were only 
identified to the genus level in the PRA and are thus not included in 
the evaluation. The commenter particularly cited Drosophila sp. as of 
potential concern, stating that, though many members of the species 
only attack and reproduce in damaged fruit, the U.S. apple industry has 
found that the spotted-wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) readily 
attacks and reproduces in intact fruit. The commenter said that this 
behavior is present in many plant-attacking arthropods and added that 
the Chinese arthropod fauna is very poorly known and therefore we have 
no idea of their geographic or host ranges and, consequently, their 
possible agricultural and ecological impacts.
    These commenters ask APHIS to meet an impossible standard of 
certainty in terms of species knowledge. Further, the SPS Agreement 
allows for signatory countries to only consider risks that are known 
and scientifically documented. Under the SPS Agreement, if a country 
cannot scientifically document the risk associated with a given pest or 
commodity as a whole, then that country cannot mitigate that unknown 
risk by imposing phytosanitary requirements or denying market access. 
We do not have access to any further information on the specific 
species cited by the commenters as there is no existing research on 
these species beyond the genus level. While, as stated, we are unable 
to assess the risk associated with scientifically unknown species, we 
include the genera in the PRA in case more information is discovered 
later. In the event of new pest information and research, we will 
adjust our mitigations as necessary.
    Another commenter stated that the sooty blotch and flyspeck complex 
of fungi, which occurs in China, represents a phytosanitary challenge 
given that most of these fungi have an extremely long incubation period 
or latent period before colonies become visible on fruit surfaces. 
Additionally, the commenter identified three species, Zygophiala 
cylindrical, Zygophiala qianensis, and Strelitziana mali, which are 
reported to occur on apples in China but are not included on the pest 
    As with Penicillium, which was discussed previously, these pests 
are post-harvest pathogens. In general, post-harvest pathogens are not 
considered for analysis because most are cosmopolitan and it is 
unlikely to impossible for them to be transferred to fruit in the 
    The same commenter observed that nematodes are often mistakenly 
considered to be solely root feeders. While root feeders would not 
likely be expected to be part of the fruit pathway, Aphelenchoides 
limberi, a shoot feeder, might present a higher risk than assigned in 
the pest list and therefore be deserving of additional consideration. 
The commenter asked why no Ditylenchus or Anguina species were included 
in the PRA, given the regional proximity of seed-gall nematode, Anguina 
    As the commenter stated, generally speaking, nematodes inhabit the 
soil and infest plant roots. While there are a few tissue feeding 
species, it is highly unlikely that any will be present on apples given 
that they are shoot feeders and not pathogens of the mature fruit. We 
are confident that the PRA has captured all fruit feeding pests of 
    The same commenter observed that the moth Spulerina astaurota, the 
lace bug (Stephanitis (Stephanitis) nashi Esaki & Takeya, 1931), and 
the tortricid moths Acleris fimbriana, Adoxophyes orana, and Spilonota 
lechriaspis are listed as associated with fruit in a 2003 Australian 
review of pests associated with Chinese pears. The commenter said that 
this association should prove true for apples from China as well and 
these pests should therefore be added to the pest list.
    We are aware of the review referenced by the commenter but disagree 
with the commenter's conclusions. Our examination of the source 
literature for the review as well as other documents did not indicate 
that any of these pests, with the exception of Adoxophyes orana, is 
present on apple fruit. Adoxophyes orana was analyzed in the PRA and we 
determined that it presents a medium likelihood of introduction. It is 
therefore covered by the mitigations in the systems approach.
    Another commenter asked why the summer fruit tortix (Adoxophyes 
orana) and the plum fruit moth (Cydia funebrana) would not require an 
approved treatment in regions where these pests are present, as will be 
required for Oriental fruit fly.
    These pests are mitigated by the required bagging protocol that is 
part of the systems approach. Bagging excludes all Lepidoptera pests. 
This systems approach has been used for pears from China for the past 
15 years, resulting in a very low number of Lepidoptera sp. 
    Another commenter stated that, although there are four species of 
thrips (Thysanoptera) listed in the PRA, none were considered to follow 
the pathway of importation since they only damage leaves. The commenter 
said that many thrips are known to shelter in the calyxes of fruit and 
could enter the importation pathway in this manner.
    We disagree with the commenter's assessment. Apart from principally 
attacking leaves, thrips are a highly mobile pest. Any thrips that 
sheltered in the fruit calyx or elsewhere would not do so for long and 
would be mitigated by the required washing, brushing, and spraying with 
compressed air at the packinghouse.
    The same commenter said that the PRA did not consider the pear 
fruit borer (Pempelia heringii) as a candidate for risk management 
based primarily on the fact that it has not been a significant pest in 
the last 100 years, but that records indicate that it was a pest that 
bored into the fruit of apples and pears. The commenter stated that a 
report of this species in Hawaii throws into doubt the restricted host 
range it is thought to have and therefore the precautionary principle 
should be applied in including it on the pest list.
    One of the risk elements analyzed in the guidelines for risk 
assessment is damage potential in the endangered area. Considering all 
available information, the analysis determines whether or not a 
significant level of damage would be likely to occur in the endangered 
area (e.g., more than 10 percent yield loss, significant increases in 
production costs, impacts on threatened or endangered species). As the 
commenter notes, reports of significant damage in fruit production as a 
result of Pempelia heringii infestation are over 100 years old. Apple 
and pear production in China and Japan are economically important 
aspects of

[[Page 22630]]

national agriculture; if significant damage was to occur again, it 
would have been reported in the literature. While there is some 
uncertainty regarding the cause of the absence of Pempelia heringii 
infestations, based on available literature, the potential for damage 
in the United States is considered low.
    The same commenter stated that the mealybug Pseudococcus cryptus 
was not considered a candidate for risk management in the PRA because 
risk of establishment was considered first, and since that was deemed 
negligible, the likelihood of introduction was not evaluated. The 
commenter said the argument regarding negligible establishment is based 
on the idea that it is unlikely that an infested fruit will be 
discarded near a potential host, as well as the presumed frailty of the 
crawlers. The commenter went on to say that, in the event that apples 
are or become a host, the crawlers of other mealybug species are known 
to aggregate around the calyx of fruit, which would provide shelter and 
render them difficult to detect and therefore the absence of any 
mealybug species from the PRA list for risk management measures should 
be examined.
    The mealybug analysis concludes as follows: ``Dispersal by wind is 
dependent on prevailing wind direction; nymphs have no control over 
where they are blown. This dispersal strategy relies on a very high 
number of nymphs, so that a few will arrive serendipitously on a 
suitable new host. Commercial fruit arriving in the United States is 
highly unlikely to carry high populations of pregnant females. Crawlers 
would be unlikely to survive shipment, especially in chilled, low 
humidity conditions. Some people dispose of inedible fruit in outdoor 
compost bins, but since only a small number of fruit are likely to be 
infested, only very rarely would infested fruit be composted. For these 
reasons, mealybugs arriving on commercial fruit for consumption have a 
negligible likelihood of dispersing to hosts.'' Sufficient evidence to 
change this has not been presented.
    The same commenter observed that the oriental red mite 
(Eutetranychus orientalis) was dismissed as a risk by the PRA as there 
were no records indicated in a ``thorough National Agricultural 
Library, Google Scholar, and PestID database search.'' The commenter 
stated that, to the contrary, there is literature that lists 
Eutetranychus orientalis as a pest of apple and other rosaceous hosts.
    This species is a well-known and thoroughly researched pest of 
citrus. Given the vast amount of literature available on this species, 
primary records of detections on apple should be available, if extant. 
Given the lack of such primary records, we consider the listing of 
apples as a natural host for Eutetranychus orientalis dubious and 
therefore we did not include it on the pest list.
    The same commenter stated that the peach fruit moth (Carposina 
sasakii) is treated as not meeting the criteria for spread potential in 
the PRA, but that the PRA also states that the lack of spread is due to 
strict quarantine regulations. The commenter went on to say that this 
is a serious pest in infested regions and should be included for risk 
    We concluded in the PRA that the peach fruit moth was likely to 
cause unacceptable consequences if introduced into the United States. 
It was assigned a medium likelihood of introduction and is therefore 
covered by the requirements in the systems approach.

Comments on the Systems Approach

    We proposed to require the NPPO of China to provide an operational 
workplan to APHIS that details the activities that the NPPO would, 
subject to APHIS' approval of the workplan, carry out to meet the 
requirements of the regulations. An operational workplan is an 
agreement between PPQ, officials of the NPPO of a foreign government, 
and, when necessary, foreign commercial entities that specifies in 
detail the phytosanitary measures that will comply with our regulations 
governing the import or export of a specific commodity. Operational 
workplans establish detailed procedures and guidance for the day-to-day 
operations of specific import/export programs. Workplans also establish 
how specific phytosanitary issues are dealt with in the exporting 
country and make clear who is responsible for dealing with those 
issues. The implementation of a systems approach typically requires an 
operational workplan to be developed. Two commenters stated that since 
the operational workplan, in particular the section on required 
production practices, has not yet been approved by APHIS it was 
impossible to adequately evaluate the risks of the proposal. Another 
commenter asked us to present details of the operational workplan.
    Generally speaking, APHIS does not finalize an operational workplan 
until after the rule itself is finalized given that changes may be made 
to the rule as a result of public comment. However, given the 
similarity of the systems approaches, we anticipate that the 
operational workplan associated with the importation of apples from 
China will be very similar to the workplan for the importation of pears 
from China, which has been used to mitigate risk successfully for the 
past 15 years. This will likely include such requirements as field 
inspection, orchard control, culling, and spraying with compressed air.
    We proposed to require that, when any apples destined for export to 
the continental United States are still on the tree and are no more 
than 2 centimeters in diameter, double-layered paper bags must be 
placed wholly over the apples.
    We are making a minor change to the requirements as they pertain to 
when the bags are placed as they were set out in the proposed rule. 
Instead of requiring that bags be placed over the apples when they are 
no more than 2 centimeters in diameter, we are requiring that the bags 
be placed over the apples when they are no more than 2.5 centimeters in 
diameter. The 2 centimeter diameter specified in the proposed rule was 
an error and the change to 2.5 centimeters is necessary to keep the 
regulations in line with bagging protocols for pears from China. The 
change from 2 centimeters to 2.5 centimeters will have no effect on the 
phytosanitary safety of the young apple fruit. At this stage in the 
fruit's growth any attacks made by surface feeding or internally 
feeding pests will lead to visible deformation of the fruit and to 
fruit drop. Further, an increase of 0.5 centimeters in fruit diameter 
at this stage represents generally a week's worth of growth, which is 
insufficient time for any widespread infestation of young fruit to 
    Two commenters asked which studies confirm APHIS's assertion that 
bagging the fruit will mitigate all the pests of concern discussed in 
the PRA. Another commenter wanted to know whether APHIS can prove the 
effectiveness of fruit bagging as a phytosanitary mitigation based on 
the volume of apples that will likely be shipped. Another commenter 
pointed out that we had modeled the bagging protocol on a similar 
protocol for the importation of pears from China, and that pears 
imported under this protocol had sometimes been determined to be 
infested with plant pests. The commenter stated that this calls into 
question the efficacy of this mitigation.
    We did not claim that the required bagging will serve as sole 
mitigation for the pests of concern listed in the PRA. The entire 
systems approach, which comprises a number of requirements working in 
concert, will provide that mitigation. While we do not possess

[[Page 22631]]

evidence regarding the efficacy of bagging for apples in particular, 
the efficacy of bagging as a means of preventing fruit from becoming 
infested with quarantine insects is well established: The RMD cited 
several peer-reviewed studies regarding its efficacy. Additionally, we 
note that bagging is a pest-exclusionary technique that is similar to 
safeguarding with mesh, tarps, containment structures, and other 
mitigations APHIS has relied on to prevent pests from following the 
pathway of fruits for many years.
    Fruit bagging has been a required aspect of the systems approach 
for the importation of pears from China for the past 15 years. This 
program experiences an extremely low interception rate--15 
interceptions in 15 years--with an import volume of about 10,000 MT 
annually. Although it is not possible to say with absolute certainty, 
given the structure and past behavior of the Chinese apple industry, 
which is discussed in detail in the final regulatory flexibility 
analysis, we expect apples to be imported at a similar rate. Contrary 
to the third commenter's claim that 15 pest interceptions over a 15-
year period is troubling, given the time period in question and the 
level of imports during that time, this interception rate does not call 
into question the efficacy of bagging, but rather underscores its 
    We proposed to require the NPPO of China to visit and inspect 
registered places of production prior to harvest for signs of 
infestations. One commenter stated that the required interval for 
inspection was insufficient and would not serve to ensure compliance. 
Two commenters said that the required inspection frequency was also 
inadequate to enforce the requirement for removal of fallen fruit at 
the place of production.
    As stated in the proposed rule, this provision is modeled on an 
existing provision that has been successfully employed as part of the 
systems approach that used by APHIS for the importation of fragrant 
pears and sand pears from China. Given our knowledge and experience 
with the importation of these pears, we are confident that the 
requirement is adequate. In addition, as with any regulatory program, 
unannounced inspections and spot checks are often used to ensure 
compliance. Suspension or expulsion from the export program would also 
serve to discourage noncompliance. Our approach to any required orchard 
procedures, such as the removal of fallen fruit, would be the same.
    We proposed to set forth requirements for mitigation measures that 
would have to take place at registered packinghouses. These measures 
include a requirement that during the time registered packinghouses are 
in use for packing apples for export to the continental United States, 
the packinghouses may only accept apples that are from registered 
places of production and that are produced in accordance with the 
regulations, tracking and traceback capabilities, establishment of a 
handling procedure (e.g., culling damaged apples, removing leaves from 
the apples, wiping the apples with a clean cloth, air blasting, or 
grading) for the apples that is mutually agreed upon by APHIS and the 
NPPO of China, washing, brushing, spraying with compressed air, and box 
marking. A commenter said that the inspection procedures for 
packinghouses do not provide sufficient detail. The commenter said that 
packinghouse inspections must adequately ensure that leaf removal and 
washing of apples are conducted according to applicable requirements 
and added that the packinghouse must address the risk associated with 
apples originating from nonregistered places of production that may 
have been processed ahead of the packaging of the apples destined for 
U.S. markets. Several commenters stated that we should require that 
Chinese packinghouses handling apples intended for export to the United 
States not accept commodities destined for any other markets given that 
the phytosanitary standards required to access non-U.S. markets may be 
weaker. Another commenter pointed out that the size of the required 
biometric sample was unspecified. Another commenter stated that 
packinghouse culling and inspection do not eliminate all lepidopteran 
and curculionid pests in the United States, so APHIS should not assume 
that they will do so in China.
    As stated previously, APHIS inspectors have the authority to reject 
consignments that contain contaminants such as leaves and other plant 
debris, especially if any pests are found to be generally infesting 
that shipment. As stipulated in Sec.  319.56-3(a), ``All fruits and 
vegetables imported under this subpart, whether in commercial or 
noncommercial consignments, must be free from plant litter or debris 
and free of any portions of plants that are specifically prohibited in 
the regulations in this subpart.'' Washing of apples will be required 
under the regulations, with specific washing procedures set out in the 
operational workplan. We will also stipulate that packinghouses may not 
be used for packing apples from non-registered places of production 
simultaneous to packing apples from registered places of production. 
Requiring a facility be dedicated for shipping only to the United 
States is not technically justified if that facility can demonstrate 
and practice effective methods for identifying and segregating fruit 
destined for different markets.
    The specifics of packinghouse inspection procedures are listed in 
the operational workplan in order to offer the greatest amount of 
flexibility in responding to any rapidly changing pest issues that may 
arise. Typically APHIS will require at least 300 fruit be inspected, a 
number that will detect a 1 percent or greater pest population with 95 
percent confidence. APHIS will also require that a portion of the fruit 
be cut open to look for internally feeding pests. Any fruit with damage 
or signs of pest presence will be sampled first.
    We disagree with the commenter's assessment of the presence of 
lepidopteran and curculionid pests in the United States post culling 
and inspection. The commenter did not provide any support for the claim 
that these pests are evading domestic phytosanitary measures.
    One commenter said that, while box labeling and traceback 
information are vital to prevent the further spread of any plant pest, 
this information alone does not prevent the establishment of the pest 
in the United States.
    We agree. However, box labeling and traceback are only one aspect 
of the required systems approach for the importation of apples from 
China. The systems approach must be considered as a whole with its 
combined effect of various mitigation measures in order that its pest 
mitigation capabilities be fully assessed. We are confident that it 
will prove effective.
    We proposed to require treatment of fumigation plus refrigeration 
for those apples grown south of the 33rd parallel, since Oriental fruit 
fly is known to exist, in varying population densities, in that region. 
One commenter stated that it is possible that a mutated gene may 
eventually allow a number of Oriental fruit flies to resist fumigation.
    If Oriental fruit flies were to become resistant to the designated 
phytosanitary treatment, the import program would be shut down 
completely until an investigation has been completed and the reason for 
the program failure resolved.
    Several commenters stated that we should require that Chinese cold 
storage facilities housing apples intended for export to the United 
States not accept commodities destined for any other

[[Page 22632]]

markets given that the phytosanitary standards required to access non-
U.S. markets may be weaker.
    Requiring a facility be dedicated for shipping only to the United 
States is not technically justified if that facility can demonstrate 
and practice effective methods for identifying and segregating fruit 
destined for different markets.

Comments on the Economic Analysis

    We prepared an initial regulatory flexibility analysis in 
connection with the proposed rule regarding the economic effects of the 
rule on small entities. We invited comments on any potential economic 
effects and received a number of comments. Those comments are discussed 
and responded to in detail in the final regulatory flexibility analysis 
associated with this final rule. Copies of the full analysis are 
available on the Regulations.gov Web site (see footnote 1 in this 
document for a link to Regulations.gov) or by contacting the person 

Comments on General Economic Effects

    While specific comments on the initial regulatory flexibility 
analysis are addressed in the final regulatory flexibility analysis as 
previously stated, we received a number of comments concerning the 
overall economic effect of the rule as it relates to U.S. trade 
policies concerning China that are more appropriately addressed here.
    One commenter stated that APHIS did not meet those requirements of 
Executive Order 13563 that specify that agencies must take into account 
the benefits and costs, both qualitative and quantitative, of the rules 
they promulgate. The commenter specifically said that APHIS had failed 
to demonstrate that the proposed rule provided any benefit to U.S. 
consumers and stakeholders.
    We disagree with the commenter's assessment. Executive Order 13563 
requires that agencies propose or adopt a regulation upon a reasoned 
determination that its benefits justify its costs (recognizing that 
some benefits and costs are difficult to quantify). The Executive Order 
also states that, where appropriate and permitted by law, each agency 
may consider (and discuss qualitatively) values that are difficult or 
impossible to quantify, including equity, human dignity, fairness, and 
distributive impacts. The Executive Order ultimately leaves the type of 
analysis to the discretion of the Agency. We have previously explained 
the reasons for which APHIS conducts qualitative rather than 
quantitative analyses.
    As detailed in the initial regulatory flexibility analysis that 
accompanied the proposed rule and restated in the final regulatory 
flexibility analysis associated with this rule, we find it unlikely 
that the importation of apples from China will represent a cost to the 
U.S. apple industry or to U.S. consumers. This is due to the relatively 
small amount of apples that are expected to be exported and qualitative 
factors associated with consumer demand such as variety, flavor (acids, 
sugars, aroma), juiciness, crispness, firmness, appearance (color, 
shape and size), freshness, perceived health benefits, production 
method (organic or conventional), and product origin (local, regional, 
domestic or import). Moreover, trade with China represents an 
opportunity for potential expansion of the U.S. export market and the 
benefits associated with such an expansion.
    One commenter claimed that China is not an open market for fair 
trade and, as a result, efforts to market U.S. apples in China in 
return for allowing Chinese apples access to U.S. markets will prove 
unsuccessful. Another commenter said that, in the past, China claimed 
that U.S. apples presented unacceptable phytosanitary risk and 
subsequently halted all importation of apples from the United States 
into China. The commenter stated that this was done without 
substantiated claims or investigation as a tactic to force the United 
States to open its markets to Chinese apples.
    We disagree with the claim that China's prohibition on the 
importation of apples from the United States was without basis and was 
motivated by bilateral trade concerns. In 2012, the NPPO of China 
suspended access for red and golden delicious apples from the State of 
Washington due to repeated interceptions of three apple pests the NPPO 
considers significant: Speck rot (caused by Phacidiopycnis 
washingtonensis), bull's-eye rot (caused by four species of 
Neofabraea), and Sphaeropsis rot (caused by Sphaeropsis 
pyriputrescens). In response, APHIS worked with the U.S. apple industry 
to develop additional safeguarding measures to address China's concerns 
about these pests. As a result, red and golden delicious apples were 
permitted to be imported from the United States into China beginning in 
early November 2014.
    Another commenter stated that Chinese import competition affects 
local labor markets by triggering declines in associated wages and 
    While APHIS is sensitive to the costs its actions may impose on 
producers in the United States, as detailed in the final regulatory 
flexibility analysis, apples are not inexpensive to produce in China 
due, in large part, to differences between the way the apple industry 
is structured in the United States and China. Most apple growers in 
China operate on a very small scale and production is labor-intensive, 
requiring significant labor resources to plant, tend, and harvest the 
    One commenter urged APHIS to support and encourage consumers in 
doing business with local farmers. The commenter claimed that the low 
price of Chinese apples would cause domestic producers economic 
    We would observe that consumer practices when purchasing fresh 
apples are influenced by factors other than price. These factors 
include variety, size, color, flavor, texture, freshness, product 
origin, and production method. American consumers benefit from a 
diverse and abundant supply of fresh apples that are locally, 
regionally, and nationally distributed to them; it is highly unlikely 
that China will become a dominant supplier.

Comments on Bilateral Trade

    Several commenters pointed out that access to Chinese markets for 
U.S. apples is not currently assured at this point in time. The 
commenters asked that APHIS make sure that the proposed rule would not 
be finalized before reciprocal market access is granted. One of the 
commenters added that, if Chinese apples were able to be imported into 
the United States, but U.S. apples could not be exported to China, then 
the underlying assumptions concerning the economic impact of the 
importation of apples from China would prove incorrect. Another 
commenter stated that, if China were to allow for the importation of 
apples from the United States, there is concern that small American 
producers will not be able to make such market access opportunities 
profitable. Another commenter suggested that APHIS regulate the amount 
and variety of apples allowed into the United States from China.
    Other countries make decisions as to whether to allow the 
importation of U.S. products only when formally requested. APHIS 
formally requested that China allow the importation of U.S. apples, and 
we worked with the U.S. apple industry to address concerns raised by 
the NPPO of China, resulting in the successful reopening of the Chinese 
apple market to U.S. apple growers in November 2014. However, APHIS' 
primary responsibility with regard to international import trade is 
now, and has been for many years, to identify and manage the 
phytosanitary risks

[[Page 22633]]

associated with importing commodities. When we determine that the risk 
associated with the importation of a commodity can be successfully 
mitigated, it is our responsibility under the trade agreements to which 
we are signatory to make provisions for the importation of that 
commodity. Moreover, under the PPA, our decisionmaking related to 
allowing or denying the importation of commodities must be based on 
phytosanitary considerations rather than the goal of reciprocal market 
    Another commenter stated that the PPA requires that APHIS base its 
regulations on sound science and that the desire for reciprocal apple 
trade with China is not science-based. The commenter said that if hope 
of such mutual access was influential in the development of the 
proposed rule, then the rule is not compliant with the PPA, and 
therefore illegal. The same commenter also stated that such a situation 
violates the conditions of the SPS Agreement, particularly Article 2.2, 
which requires that signatories base sanitary and phytosanitary 
regulations on scientific principles, and Article 5.1, which requires 
that signatories base their actions on a risk assessment. The commenter 
reiterates that reciprocal trade is neither a scientific principle nor 
a risk assessment and APHIS's proposed action may therefore be out of 
compliance with the SPS Agreement.
    This action was predicated on several risk assessment documents 
that provide a scientific basis for potential importation of apples 
from China. Without these risk assessment documents, which have 
withstood several reviews and public comment periods, APHIS would not 
have proposed this action. Political and economic interests may 
stimulate consideration of the expansion of trade of agricultural 
commodities between countries, but all decisionmaking concerning 
phytosanitary restrictions on trade must be science-based. APHIS stands 
behind the risk assessment documents that support this rule, and 
believes they are based on sound science.
    Therefore, for the reasons given in the proposed rule and in this 
document, we are adopting the proposed rule as a final rule, with the 
changes discussed in this document.

Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act

    This final rule has been determined to be not significant for the 
purposes of Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, has not been reviewed 
by the Office of Management and Budget.
    In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 604, we have performed a final 
regulatory flexibility analysis, which is summarized below, regarding 
the economic effects of this rule on small entities. Copies of the full 
analysis are available on the Regulations.gov Web site (see footnote 1 
in this document for a link to Regulations.gov) or by contacting the 
    Apples are the second most popular fresh fruit for U.S. consumers 
and the third most valuable fruit crop produced in the United States. 
The United States is the world's second largest apple producer and 
became the world's largest apple exporter in terms of value in 2012, 
generating a surplus of $909 million in fresh apple trade (exports 
minus imports). That year, the United States commercially produced 4.1 
million metric tons (MT) of apples, valued at $3 billion, of which 3 
million MT of apples were sold fresh and 1.1 million MT were used for 
processing. Although apples are commercially grown in all 50 States, 9 
States accounted for 96 percent of production. The State of Washington 
was by far the largest producer, at more than 2.9 million MT per year 
(over 70 percent of the U.S. total).
    Almost all apple farms are family-owned, and many of these families 
have been engaged in apple production for many generations. The U.S. 
apple industry is challenged by relatively flat domestic apple 
consumption, and its continued growth relies on expanded global trade. 
Roughly 30 percent of fresh apples produced in the United States were 
exported in 2012. That year, roughly 8 percent of fresh apples consumed 
in the United States were imported, totaling 183,000 MT and valued at 
$164 million. Virtually all imports came from four trading partners: 
Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and Argentina.
    By quantity, China was the world's largest producer, consumer and 
exporter of apples in 2012. (In 2013, Poland became the world's largest 
exporter of apples in quantity, whereas the United States remained the 
world's largest exporter of apples in value). Apples are the leading 
fruit produced in China, with production having increased from 2.3 
million MT in 1978, to 38.5 million MT (33.3 million MT for fresh 
markets and 5.2 million MT for processing) in 2012. China's apple 
consumption has grown to 37.5 million MT.
    In contrast to that of the United States, China's apple industry 
relies marginally on international trade--in 2012, it exported about 3 
percent of fresh apples produced and imported 0.1 percent of fresh 
apples consumed. China's exports of fresh apples peaked in 2009 at 1.2 
million MT and declined to 0.98 million MT in 2012. Most of the 4.3 
million apple growers in China operate on a small scale, with farm 
acreages averaging 1.3 acres. The Fuji variety accounts for about 70 
percent of China's apple production. China's heavy dependence on the 
Fuji variety is in sharp contrast to the many diverse varieties 
produced in the United States. China's export markets are concentrated 
in Russia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Chinese fresh apples 
also have been exported for more than a decade to Canada; however, 
Canada accounted only for 0.4 percent of China's fresh apple exports in 
2012. In fact, China's combined export volume to Canada, European Union 
(EU) member countries, Australia, and Mexico is very small (0.8 percent 
of its total fresh apple exports in 2012), and has significantly 
declined in the last 6 years, from 45,267 MT in 2007 (4.4 percent of 
Chinese apple exports) to 8,273 MT in 2012. Average export prices of 
fresh apples from China in 2012 to the aforementioned countries 
(Canada, $1.50/kilogram (kg); EU, $1.10/kg; Australia, $1.83/kg; and 
Mexico, $1.55/kg) are consistently higher than the average price paid 
in all 67 countries to which China exported fresh apples ($0.98/kg). It 
is reasonable to expect that price for fresh apples exported to the 
United States will be similar to prices paid in Canada and Mexico. 
Considering the current availability of relatively low-priced imported 
apples in the United States and the wide range of domestic varieties, 
apples imported from China are not likely to compete solely on price in 
the U.S. market. U.S. consumers make their purchasing decisions for 
fresh apples based not only on price, but also on intrinsic product 
attributes such as variety, color, size, flavor, texture, freshness, 
production method, and product origin.
    Based on historic data of China's apple production, consumption, 
export volumes, and prices, we expect no more than 10,000 MT of fresh 
apples will be imported from China into the continental United States 
annually, which represents less than 0.44 percent of the U.S. domestic 
fresh apple supply and less than 5 percent of U.S. imports in 2012. 
Most of China's fresh apple exports to the United States will likely be 
shipped to West Coast ports, primarily ones in California, and are 
expected to be distributed through Asian ethnic supermarkets mainly to 
Asian communities.
    California is the largest market for Washington State apples; any 
effects of the rule may be borne mainly by

[[Page 22634]]

Washington and California apple growers. In particular, U.S. apple 
growers of the Fuji variety, which comprised about 8 percent of U.S. 
production in 2011, may be more directly affected by an increase in 
supply because we expect the majority of fresh apples from China will 
be of the Fuji variety. However, given the relatively small quantity 
expected to be imported from China, any negative impacts for U.S. small 
entities will not be significant.

Executive Order 12988

    This final rule allows apples to be imported into the continental 
United States from China. State and local laws and regulations 
regarding apples imported under this rule will be preempted while the 
fruit is in foreign commerce. Fresh fruits are generally imported for 
immediate distribution and sale to the consuming public, and remain in 
foreign commerce until sold to the ultimate consumer. The question of 
when foreign commerce ceases in other cases must be addressed on a 
case-by-case basis. No retroactive effect will be given to this rule, 
and this rule will not require administrative proceedings before 
parties may file suit in court challenging this rule.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    In accordance with section 3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the information collection or 
recordkeeping requirements included in this final rule, which were 
filed under 0579-0423, have been submitted for approval to the Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB). When OMB notifies us of its decision, 
if approval is denied, we will publish a document in the Federal 
Register providing notice of what action we plan to take.

E-Government Act Compliance

    The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is committed to 
compliance with the EGovernment Act to promote the use of the Internet 
and other information technologies, to provide increased opportunities 
for citizen access to Government information and services, and for 
other purposes. For information pertinent to E-Government Act 
compliance related to this rule, please contact Ms. Kimberly Hardy, 
APHIS' Information Collection Coordinator, at (301) 851-2727.

List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319

    Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs, Nursery stock, Plant 
diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Rice, Vegetables.

    Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR part 319 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 319 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701-7772, and 7781-7786; 21 U.S.C. 136 
and 136a; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.3.

2. Section 319.56-72 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  319.56-72  Apples from China.

    Fresh apples (Malus pumila) from China may be imported into the 
continental United States from China only under the conditions 
described in this section. These conditions are designed to prevent the 
introduction of the following quarantine pests: Adoxophyes orana 
(Fischer von R[ouml]slerstamm), summer fruit tortix; Archips micaceana 
(Walker), a moth; Argyrotaenia ljungiana (Thunberg), grape tortix; 
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Oriental fruit fly; Carposina sasakii 
Matsumura, peach fruit moth; Cenopalpus pulcher (Canestrini & Fanzago), 
flat scarlet mite; Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Milli[egrave]re), honeydew 
moth; Cydia funebrana (Treitschke), plum fruit moth; Euzophera bigella 
(Zeller), quince moth; Euzophera pyriella Yang, a moth; Grapholita 
inopinata Heinrich, Manchurian fruit moth; Leucoptera malifoliella 
(Costa), apple leaf miner; Monilia polystroma van Leeuwen, Asian brown 
rot; Monilinia fructigena Honey, brown fruit rot; Rhynchites auratus 
(Scopoli), apricot weevil; Rhynchites bacchus (L.), peach weevil; 
Rhynchites giganteus Krynicky, a weevil; Rhynchites heros Roelofs, a 
weevil; Spilonota albicana (Motschulsky), white fruit moth; Spilonota 
prognathana Snellen, a moth; and Ulodemis trigrapha Meyrick, a moth. 
The conditions for importation of all fresh apples from China are found 
in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section; additional conditions 
for apples imported from areas of China south of the 33rd parallel are 
found in paragraph (f) of this section.
    (a) General requirements. (1) The national plant protection 
organization (NPPO) of China must provide an operational workplan to 
APHIS that details the activities that the NPPO of China will, subject 
to APHIS' approval of the workplan, carry out to meet the requirements 
of this section.
    (2) The apples must be grown at places of production that are 
registered with the NPPO of China.
    (3) Apples from China may be imported in commercial consignments 
    (b) Place of production requirements. (1) The place of production 
must carry out any phytosanitary measures specified for the place of 
production under the operational workplan as described in the 
    (2) When any apples destined for export to the continental United 
States are still on the tree and are no more than 2.5 centimeters in 
diameter, double-layered paper bags must be placed wholly over the 
apples. The bags must remain intact and on the apples until at least 14 
days prior to harvest.
    (3) The NPPO of China must visit and inspect registered places of 
production prior to harvest for signs of infestation and/or infection.
    (4) If Monilia polystroma van Leeuwen or Monilinia fructigena is 
detected at a registered place of production, APHIS may reject the 
consignment or prohibit the importation into the continental United 
States of apples from the place of production for the remainder of the 
season. The exportation to the continental United States of apples from 
the place of production may resume in the next growing season if an 
investigation is conducted by the NPPO, and APHIS and the NPPO conclude 
that appropriate remedial action has been taken.
    (c) Packinghouse requirements. (1) Packinghouses must be registered 
with the NPPO of China, and during the time registered packinghouses 
are in use for packing apples for export to the continental United 
States, the packinghouses may only accept apples that are from 
registered places of production and that are produced in accordance 
with the requirements of this section.
    (2) Packinghouses must have a tracking system in place to readily 
identify all apples destined for export to the continental United 
States that enter the packinghouse and be able to trace the apples back 
to their place of production.
    (3) Following the packinghouse inspection, the packinghouse must 
follow a handling procedure for the apples that is mutually agreed upon 
by APHIS and the NPPO of China.
    (4) The apples must be washed and brushed as well as waxed or 
sprayed with compressed air prior to shipment.
    (5) The apples must be packed in cartons that are labeled with the 
identity of the place of production and the packinghouse.

[[Page 22635]]

    (d) Shipping requirements. Sealed containers of apples destined for 
export to the continental United States must be held in a cold storage 
facility while awaiting export.
    (e) Phytosanitary certificate. Each consignment of apples imported 
from China into the continental United States must be accompanied by a 
phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of China with an 
additional declaration stating that the requirements of this section 
have been met and the consignment has been inspected by the NPPO and 
found free of quarantine pests.
    (f) Additional conditions for apples from areas of China south of 
the 33rd parallel. In addition to the conditions in paragraphs (a) 
through (e) of this section, apples from areas of China south of the 
33rd parallel apples must be treated in accordance with 7 CFR part 305. 
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

    Done in Washington, DC, this 20th day of April 2015.
Kevin Shea,
Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-09508 Filed 4-22-15; 8:45 am]


                                              Rules and Regulations                                                                                         Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                            Vol. 80, No. 78

                                                                                                                                                            Thursday, April 23, 2015

                                              This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                    DATES:    Effective May 26, 2015.                     fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) is known to
                                              contains regulatory documents having general            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:               Mr.    exist, we proposed to require treatment
                                              applicability and legal effect, most of which           David B. Lamb, Senior Regulatory                      in accordance with 7 CFR 305.2, which
                                              are keyed to and codified in the Code of                                                                      provides that approved treatment
                                                                                                      Policy Specialist, RPM, PPQ, APHIS,
                                              Federal Regulations, which is published under                                                                 schedules are set out in the Plant
                                              50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
                                                                                                      4700 River Road Unit 133, Riverdale,
                                                                                                      MD 20737–1231; (301) 851–2018.                        Protection and Quarantine (PPQ)
                                              The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Treatment Manual, found online at
                                              the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of                                                                    http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_
                                              new books are listed in the first FEDERAL               Background                                            export/plants/manuals/ports/
                                              REGISTER issue of each week.                               The regulations in ‘‘Subpart—Fruits                downloads/treatment.pdf.
                                                                                                      and Vegetables’’ (7 CFR 319.56–1                         We note that we are changing the
                                                                                                      through 319.56–71, referred to below as               bagging protocol from that which was
                                              DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                               the regulations) prohibit or restrict the             set out in the proposed rule. The
                                                                                                      importation of fruits and vegetables into             proposed systems approach would have
                                              Animal and Plant Health Inspection                      the United States from certain parts of               required that bags remain on the fruit
                                              Service                                                 the world to prevent the introduction                 until its arrival at the packinghouse. In
                                                                                                      and dissemination of plant pests that are             the final rule, we are requiring that the
                                              7 CFR Part 319                                          new to or not widely distributed within               bags stay on until at least 14 days prior
                                              [Docket No. APHIS–2014–0003]                            the United States.                                    to harvest instead of remaining on the
                                                                                                         The national plant protection                      fruit until it reaches the packinghouse.
                                              RIN 0579–AD89                                           organization (NPPO) of China has                      Though we modeled the systems
                                                                                                      requested that the Animal and Plant                   approach on a similar systems approach
                                              Importation of Apples From China                        Health Inspection Service (APHIS)                     for the importation of pears from China,
                                              AGENCY:  Animal and Plant Health                        amend the regulations to allow apples                 bag removal at this stage is a necessary
                                              Inspection Service, USDA.                               (Malus pumila) from China to be                       practice among apple growers in
                                                                                                      imported into the continental United                  countries where bagging protocols are
                                              ACTION: Final rule.
                                                                                                      States.                                               employed as apples must be exposed to
                                              SUMMARY:   We are amending the fruits                      In response to that request, we                    sunlight so that they may color up prior
                                              and vegetables regulations to allow the                 prepared a pest risk assessment (PRA)                 to harvest. Pears do not require similar
                                              importation of fresh apples (Malus                      and a risk management document                        treatment in order to achieve their
                                              pumila) from China into the continental                 (RMD). Based on the conclusions of the                coloration.
                                              United States. As a condition of entry,                 PRA and the RMD, on July 18, 2014, we                    Bagging is an important mitigation;
                                              apples from areas in China in which the                 published in the Federal Register (79                 however, we believe that removing the
                                              Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) is             FR 41930–41934, Docket No. APHIS–                     bags for the last 14 days before harvest
                                              not known to exist will have to be                      2014–0003) a proposal 1 to amend the                  is unlikely to significantly increase the
                                              produced in accordance with a systems                   regulations to authorize the importation              risk because bagging is only one
                                              approach that includes requirements for                 of fresh apples into the continental                  mitigation out of a number that are part
                                              registration of places of production and                United States, provided that the apples               of a systems approach.
                                              packinghouses, inspection for                           were produced in accordance with a                       Apples produced south of the 33rd
                                              quarantine pests at set intervals by the                systems approach consisting of the                    parallel will require an APHIS-approved
                                              national plant protection organization of               following requirements: Production by a               treatment for Oriental fruit fly.
                                              China, bagging of fruit, safeguarding,                  grower who is part of a certification                 Specifically, this is fumigation plus
                                              labeling, and importation in commercial                 program administered by the NPPO of                   refrigeration. This treatment will
                                              consignments. Apples from areas in                      China; fruit bagging; pre-harvest NPPO                effectively mitigate any pests that might
                                              China in which Oriental fruit fly is                    inspection; packing in packinghouses                  be present on the fruit after the removal
                                              known to exist may be imported into the                 that are registered with the NPPO;                    of the bags.
                                              continental United States if, in addition               packinghouse procedures including                        Most, if not all, of the apple
                                              to these requirements, the apples are                   traceback and box marking; post-harvest               production areas in China are north of
                                              treated with fumigation plus                            washing; waxing; treatment with                       the 33rd parallel. All of the Lepidoptera
                                              refrigeration. All apples from China will               inspection after packing for quarantine               and Coleoptera listed in the PRA as
                                              also be required to be accompanied by                   pests; issuance of a phytosanitary                    following the pathway of fresh apples
                                              a phytosanitary certificate with an                     certificate; importation in commercial                from China were assigned a medium
                                              additional declaration stating that all                 consignments only; sealed boxes; and                  risk of doing so. These pests are
                                              conditions for the importation of the                   location of apples in a cold storage                  mitigated by a number of other factors
                                              apples have been met and that the                       facility while awaiting export to the                 apart from bagging, including
                                                                                                      continental United States. For apples
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              consignment of apples has been                                                                                commercial production only, culling at
                                              inspected and found free of quarantine                  from those areas of China south of the                the packinghouse, and the required
                                              pests. This action allows for the                       33rd parallel, where the Oriental fruit               inspection by the NPPO of China.
                                              importation of apples from China into                     1 To view the proposed rule, its supporting
                                                                                                                                                               APHIS does not expect this change to
                                              the continental United States while                     documents, or the comments that we received, go
                                                                                                                                                            significantly increase the risk of pests
                                              continuing to provide protection against                to http://www.regulations.gov/                        from China apples. Growers will still be
                                              the introduction of quarantine pests.                   #!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2014-0003.                     responsible for maintaining low pest

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:11 Apr 22, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00001   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\23APR1.SGM   23APR1

                                              22620              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                              populations of target quarantine pests,                 after blossom drop and fruit set, the fruit           necessary, APHIS can suspend
                                              with oversight by the NPPO of China                     will be protected by bags.                            production sites with pest interceptions
                                              and APHIS. These measures and others,                      The Euzophera spp. may also attack                 until pest populations are mitigated.
                                              including removing fallen fruit, will                   the bark of the trees as well as fruit.                  We are also adding two post-harvest
                                              maintain low pest populations in the                    These pests build up in unmanaged and                 treatment requirements to those listed in
                                              production sites. The required culling                  backyard fruit trees. Well-managed                    the proposed rule. The RMD that
                                              will also remove pests from the                         production sites will rarely have                     accompanied the proposed rule required
                                              pathway. The biometric sampling rate                    infestations.                                         apples to undergo washing and waxing.
                                              can be increased, if necessary, in order                   Leucoptera malifoliella, the pear leaf             This procedure was included because
                                              to look for pests that may be present in                blister moth, is a leaf mining species                washing removes hitchhiking, casual,
                                              smaller numbers in consignments, thus                   that is only found on the fruit if leaves
                                                                                                                                                            and surface pests associated with
                                              heightening the level of phytosanitary                  are attached to the fruit. Leaves and
                                                                                                                                                            smooth-skinned fruit such as apples,
                                              security. In addition, the bags will be                 other plant parts are prohibited, so the
                                                                                                                                                            and waxing also serves to eliminate
                                              removed for 2 weeks in the fall, when                   risk of importing this pest with the fruit
                                                                                                                                                            many surface pests including
                                              temperatures are rapidly declining                      is minimal. This pest is an external
                                                                                                                                                            Homoptera and mites. Washing and
                                              leading to winter and insects are prone                 miner; any leaves or mines should be
                                                                                                                                                            waxing may also remove external spores
                                              to reduced activity leading to dormancy.                readily detected and culled or found
                                                                                                                                                            of plant pathogens.
                                                Some of the pests of concern                          during inspection.
                                              primarily attack the fruit early in the                    The eight species of Tortricidae,                     The two treatments we are adding in
                                              season when the fruit is at a small stage.              (Adoxophyes orana, Archips                            this final rule are fruit brushing and
                                              For example, the Rhynchites spp. adult                  micaceana, Argyrotaenia ljungiana,                    spraying with compressed air. Fruit
                                              weevils attack small, newly formed fruit                Cydia funebrana, Ulodemis trigrapha,                  brushing will be required as an
                                              in the spring and early summer and the                  Grapholita inopinata, Spilonota                       additional packinghouse treatment
                                              eggs are laid in those fruit often causing              albicana, and Spilonota prognathana)                  requirement, while spraying with
                                              fruit drop. The larvae develop in 3 or 4                are leaf rollers. They typically lay eggs             compressed air will be an alternative to
                                              weeks after the eggs are laid and the                   on leaves and roll them up and feed on                waxing. Brushing adds another level of
                                              larvae emerge from the fruit and pupate                 leaf tissue. When fruit are adjacent to               phytosanitary protection against surface
                                              in the soil. There is only one generation               leaves, the larvae may attack the fruit,              pests and external spores and spraying
                                              per year. Infested fruit are misshapen                  usually leaving external feeding damage               with compressed air serves the same
                                              with feeding damage and can easily be                   and sometimes boring into the fruit                   purpose as waxing in removing
                                              identified and culled. These pests are                  leaving visible holes and larval waste.               hitchhiking, casual, and surface pests.
                                              very unlikely to be present in the fruit                These species are unlikely to be present              While brushing and spraying with
                                              in the fall when the bags are removed                   in any numbers during the fall and are                compressed air are not widely used in
                                              2 weeks before the apples are harvested,                also expected to be controlled by                     fruit processing in the United States,
                                              and any infested, misshapen fruit would                 required pest management and standard                 these treatments are commonly used in
                                              be unlikely to be packed and can be                     agricultural best practices. This,                    the fruit packing industry in China and
                                              easily spotted upon inspection.                         combined with the small amount of                     other Asian countries. For example, in
                                                Some of the Lepidoptera species do                    time that the fruit will be exposed when              § 319.56–65(c)(2), we require spraying
                                              not attack the fruit, and are only present              the bags are removed, will greatly                    with compressed air as a treatment for
                                              on the fruit as contaminants, for                       reduce the possibility that these                     pineapples imported from Malaysia.
                                              example Cryptoblabes gnidiella                          Tortricidae will follow the pathway. In                  We solicited comments concerning
                                              primarily attacks fruit that has                        addition APHIS readily inspects for                   our proposal for 60 days ending
                                              infestations of Homoptera sp., which                    Tortricidae on many commodities. The                  September 16, 2014. We received 128
                                              produce honey dew. Small larvae feed                    only time quarantine treatments are                   comments by that date. They were from
                                              on the honey dew and do not attack the                  required is when high populations and                 a national organization that represents
                                              fruit until they have grown to a larger                 frequent interceptions occur. APHIS                   U.S. apple producers, State departments
                                              stage. The larvae initially feed on the                 does not expect this, but removal of                  of agriculture, a State representative,
                                              surface of the fruit and do not bore into               production sites in any problem areas                 scientific advisory groups, an
                                              the fruit. Based on the pest damage                     will allow APHIS to mitigate this risk                environmental organization, domestic
                                              symptoms, inspection and culling will                   further.                                              apple producers, and private citizens.
                                                                                                         As noted previously, the window for                The comments that we received are
                                              remove Lepidoptera pests from the
                                                                                                      pest attack after the bags are removed is             discussed below, by topic.
                                                Carposina sasakii larvae may bore                     very small (approximately 90 percent of
                                                                                                      the time after blossom drop and fruit                 General Comments on the Proposed
                                              into the fruit near the calyx, but
                                                                                                      set, the fruit will be protected by bags).            Rule
                                              according to a 2014 data sheet from the
                                              European and Mediterranean Plant                        Attacks on the fruit by Lepidoptera and
                                                                                                      Curculionidae pests during this time are                One commenter asked what sort of
                                              Protection Organization, ‘‘Infested                                                                           outreach APHIS had conducted to
                                              apples exude a sticky gum, pears turn                   unlikely when these pest populations
                                                                                                      are kept in check by good pest                        publicize the availability of the
                                              yellow and apricots ripen unevenly.’’ 2                                                                       proposed rule for comment. The
                                                                                                      management and agricultural practices,
                                              These symptoms would allow any                                                                                commenter claimed that the number of
                                                                                                      which has been our experience with
                                              infested fruit to be readily detected                                                                         comments received suggested that
                                                                                                      pears from China and we expect this to
                                              during culling and inspections. The                                                                           stakeholders and other interested parties
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                      be true for apples. All of the Lepidoptera
                                              window for the pests to attack after the                                                                      were unaware of its existence.
                                                                                                      and Curculionidae pests are borers into
                                              bags are removed is also very small; for                                                                        We disagree with the commenter’s
                                                                                                      the fruit from eggs laid externally.
                                              approximately 90 percent of the time                                                                          assessment. As stated above, we
                                                                                                      Besides inspection for external
                                                2 You may view the data sheet on the Internet at      oviposition, there will be larval holes               received 128 comments on the proposed
                                              https://www.eppo.int/QUARANTINE/insects/                and feeding damage and larval waste                   rule from a variety of commenters. In
                                              Carposina_sasakii/CARSSA_ds.pdf.                        that is readily apparent on inspection. If            addition to notifying members of PPQ’s

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         22621

                                              Stakeholder Registry,3 we performed                     processed into products such as apple                 for food commodities. These EPA-set
                                              outreach activities to the following                    juice or applesauce, COOL would be                    tolerances are the maximum levels of
                                              industry and trade groups: The U.S.                     circumvented.                                         pesticide residues that have been
                                              Apple Export Council, the U.S. Apple                       While, as stated above, APHIS does                 determined, through comprehensive
                                              Association, the Washington Apple                       not administer COOL and, as such,                     safety evaluations, to be safe for human
                                              Commission, the Northwest                               these concerns are outside the scope of               consumption. Tolerances apply to both
                                              Horticultural Council, and the Apple                    our authority, we believe that the                    food commodities that are grown in the
                                              Commodity Committee of Northwest                        relatively high price of apples imported              United States and food commodities
                                              Fruit Exporters.                                        from China when compared to domestic                  that are grown in other countries and
                                                 A number of commenters stated that                   apple prices will prevent a situation                 imported into the United States. The
                                              we produce sufficient apples                            such as the one described by the                      EPA tolerance levels are enforced once
                                              domestically and should therefore not                   commenters. A full explanation of the                 the commodity enters the United States.
                                              import apples from China.                               economic factors associated with this                 Chemicals such as DDT that are banned
                                                 Such prohibitions would be beyond                    rule, including apple pricing, see the                in the United States do not have
                                              the scope of APHIS’ statutory authority                 section entitled, ‘‘Executive Order                   tolerances on food commodities. Federal
                                              under the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C.                12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act.’’               Government food inspectors are
                                              7701 et seq., referred to below as the                     One commenter observed that the                    responsible for monitoring food
                                              PPA). Under the PPA, APHIS may                          importation of apples from China would                commodities that enter the United
                                              prohibit the importation of a fruit or                  bypass U.S. regulations regarding plant               States to confirm that tolerance levels
                                              vegetable into the United States only if                origins, growing practices, and laborer               are not exceeded and that residues of
                                              we determine that the prohibition is                    and produce health standards set out by               pesticide chemicals that are banned in
                                              necessary in order to prevent the                       the U.S. Environmental Protection                     the United States are not present on the
                                              introduction or dissemination of a plant                Agency (EPA), the U.S. Food and Drug                  commodities. Tolerance levels for all
                                              pest or noxious weed within the United                  Administration (FDA), and the U.S.                    chemicals that are acceptable for use on
                                              States.                                                 Department of Labor (DOL).                            apples may be found in EPA’s
                                                 Additionally, as a signatory to the                     While we agree that Chinese                        regulations in 40 CFR 180.101 through
                                              World Trade Organization’s Agreement                    producers are not subject to DOL rules                180.2020. Tolerance information can
                                              on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures                  and regulations, given that DOL’s                     also be obtained at http://www.epa.gov/
                                              (SPS Agreement), the United States has                  authority does not extend beyond the                  pesticides/food/viewtols.htm. Pesticide
                                              agreed that any prohibitions it places on               United States, we disagree with the                   use in China is regulated by the Institute
                                              the importation of fruits and vegetables                assessment that apples from China                     for the Control of Agrochemicals
                                              will be based on scientific evidence                    would not be subject to agricultural                  (ICAMA) under the current pesticide
                                              related to phytosanitary measures and                   standards. The regulations and the                    management law, the ‘‘Regulation on
                                              issues, and will not be maintained                      operational workplan set out                          Pesticide Administration (RPA)’’. Under
                                              without sufficient scientific evidence.                 requirements, including requirements                  this authority, all pesticides are required
                                              The blanket prohibitions requested by                   regarding sourcing of apples only from                to be registered and all pesticide
                                              the commenters would not be in                          registered places of production and                   handlers must be licensed. In addition,
                                              keeping with this agreement.                            growing practices which Chinese                       the ICAMA restricts or bans the use of
                                                 Another commenter suggested that we                  producers must meet in order to export                any pesticide when evidence shows that
                                              should instead focus on importing fruits                apples to the United States. Further, the             the pesticide is an imminent hazard to
                                              and vegetables from Europe instead of                   FDA samples and tests imported fruits                 crops, fish, livestock, the environment,
                                              China.                                                  and vegetables for pesticide residues.                or public health.
                                                 APHIS’s phytosanitary evaluation                     Yearly monitoring reports and                            One commenter said that the FDA is
                                              process only begins once a country has                  information on the program may be                     currently unable to cope with its
                                              submitted a formal request for market                   found here: http://www.fda.gov/Food/                  obligation to safety test the current level
                                              access for a particular commodity.                      FoodborneIllnessContaminants/                         of imported food coming into U.S.
                                              APHIS does not solicit such requests,                   Pesticides/UCM2006797.htm.                            markets. The commenter asserted that
                                              nor do we control which countries                          A number of commenters were                        allowing the importation of apples from
                                              submit requests.                                        concerned about the environmental                     China would prove overly burdensome.
                                                 One commenter said that we should                    state of China, citing in particular,                    As stated previously, the FDA
                                              require that every imported apple be                    heavy metal pollution in the Chinese                  samples and tests imported fruits and
                                              labeled as a product of China.                          air, water, and soil as a specific concern.           vegetables for pesticide residues. We
                                                 Under the Country of Origin Labeling                 The commenters further suggested that                 have received no indication from the
                                              (COOL) law, which is administered by                    potential Chinese use of pesticides                   FDA that they are unable to successfully
                                              the Agricultural Marketing Service,                     currently banned in the United States                 carry out these duties. Furthermore, the
                                              retailers, such as full-time grocery                    would lead to contamination of crops                  commenter provided no support for the
                                              stores, supermarkets, and club                          shipped from that country.                            assertions regarding the FDA’s oversight
                                              warehouse stores, are required to notify                   While the United States does not have              capabilities.
                                              their customers with information                        direct control over pesticides that are
                                              regarding the source of certain food,                   used on food commodities such as                      Comments on APHIS Oversight
                                              including fresh and frozen fruits. Any                  apples in other countries, there are                    Several commenters stated that there
                                              apples imported from China would be                     regulations in the United States                      exists doubt that APHIS possesses the
                                              subject to such requirements.
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                      concerning the importation of food to                 necessary resources to oversee and
                                                 Other commenters stated that, if                     ensure that commodities do not enter                  monitor the terms of the operational
                                              imported Chinese apples were to be                      the United States containing illegal                  workplan and successfully intercept any
                                                3 You may sign up for the PPQ Stakeholder
                                                                                                      pesticide residues. Through section 408               quarantine pests as necessary. The
                                              Registry on the Internet at https://
                                                                                                      of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic               commenters cited governmental budget
                                              public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDAAPHIS/              Act, the EPA has the authority to                     cuts and staffing levels as the reason for
                                              subscriber/new/.                                        establish, change, or cancel tolerances               these systemic weaknesses.

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                                              22622              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 APHIS has reviewed its resources and                    Like the United States, China is a                    While it is true that after initial
                                              believes it has adequate coverage across                signatory to the SPS Agreement. As                    APHIS approval of the export program
                                              the United States to ensure compliance                  such, it has agreed to respect the                    is made, the required regular
                                              with its regulations, including the                     phytosanitary measures the United                     inspections are the responsibility of the
                                              Chinese apple import program, as                        States imposes on the importation of                  NPPO of China, APHIS may request
                                              established by this rule. In addition, the              plants and plant products from China                  submission of inspection records at any
                                              APHIS International Services Area                       when the United States demonstrates                   time. In addition, port of entry
                                              Director in Beijing serves as APHIS’                    the need to impose these measures in                  inspection is performed by trained
                                              representative in China in order to                     order to protect plant health within the              agriculture specialists employed by U.S.
                                              assess the operations of the program                    United States. The PRA that                           Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
                                              there.                                                  accompanied the proposed rule                            A commenter pointed out that we had
                                                 Two commenters asked how APHIS                       provided evidence of such a need. That                modeled the systems approach on a
                                              will regulate apple shipments to avoid                  being said, as we mentioned in the                    similar systems approach for the
                                              the importation of leaves and debris,                   proposed rule, APHIS will monitor and                 importation of pears from China, and
                                              which, the commenter stated, may pose                   audit China’s implementation of the                   that pears imported under this protocol
                                              a risk of introducing pests which may                   systems approach for the importation of               had sometimes been determined to be
                                              not feed or reproduce in or on the fruit.               apples into the continental United                    infested with plant pests. The
                                                 APHIS inspectors have the authority                  States. If we determine that the systems              commenter stated that this calls into
                                              to reject consignments that contain                     approach has not been fully                           question the efficacy of China’s ability
                                              contaminants such as leaves and other                   implemented or maintained, we will                    to employ the systems approach.
                                              plant debris, especially if any pests are               take appropriate remedial action to                      The pest interceptions referred to by
                                              found to be generally infesting that                    ensure that the importation of apples                 the commenter were 15 infested pears
                                              shipment. As stipulated in § 319.56–                    from China does not result in the                     over a 15 year period. Given the lengthy
                                              3(a), ‘‘All fruits and vegetables imported              dissemination of plant pests within the               time period in question and the level of
                                              under this subpart, whether in                          United States.                                        imports during that time, this
                                              commercial or noncommercial                                The report referenced by the                       interception rate does not call into
                                              consignments, must be free from plant                   commenter was prepared by the United                  question the efficacy of the systems
                                              litter or debris and free of any portions               States Department of Agriculture’s                    approach, but rather underscores its
                                              of plants that are specifically prohibited              (USDA) Economic Research Service 5                    quality.
                                              in the regulations in this subpart.’’                   utilizing data collected by the FDA. The                 One commenter stated that Chinese
                                                 One commenter stated that APHIS                      report found that three broad categories              producers are not subject to the same
                                              would be unable to directly participate                 of products—fish and shellfish, fruit                 regulatory oversight as U.S. producers
                                              in the Chinese import program until                                                                           and therefore would be at a competitive
                                                                                                      products, and vegetable products—
                                              such time as a pest infestation or other                                                                      advantage. The commenter said that the
                                                                                                      combined accounted for 70 to 80
                                              problem arose. The commenter                                                                                  United States should not accept any
                                                                                                      percent of FDA import refusals from
                                              suggested that APHIS expand its                                                                               produce or products from China for that
                                                                                                      China in recent years. Fruit and
                                              oversight to allow for action prior to that                                                                   reason.
                                                                                                      vegetable products are those that have                   As stated previously, such a
                                              point.                                                  been processed in China before being
                                                 Contrary to the commenter’s                                                                                prohibition would be beyond the scope
                                                                                                      shipped to the United States, whereas                 of APHIS’ statutory authority under the
                                              assertion, our standard practice is to                  the main concern when it comes to
                                              conduct site visits prior to the initiation                                                                   PPA, whereby APHIS may prohibit the
                                                                                                      contamination of unprocessed fruits and               importation of a fruit or vegetable into
                                              of any import program. This is to ensure                vegetables is the presence of plant pests
                                              that all required mitigations are in place                                                                    the United States only if we determine
                                                                                                      being introduced into the United States               that the prohibition is necessary in
                                              and the agreed upon operational                         via the importation of unprocessed
                                              workplan is being enforced. Subject                                                                           order to prevent the introduction or
                                                                                                      fruits and vegetables. Given the findings             dissemination of a plant pest or noxious
                                              matter experts inspect production sites                 of the PRA, we are confident that the
                                              and packinghouses and report their                                                                            weed within the United States.
                                                                                                      systems approach required for apples                  Additionally, as a signatory to the
                                              findings to APHIS. Furthermore, the                     from China will mitigate the risk posed
                                              operational workplan authorizes the                                                                           World Trade Organization’s SPS
                                                                                                      by such apples to introduce these pests.              Agreement, the United States has agreed
                                              APHIS International Services Area                       The other paper cited by the other
                                              Director in Beijing to conduct periodic                                                                       that any prohibitions it places on the
                                                                                                      commenter refers only to the effects of               importation of fruits and vegetables will
                                              audit visits of production sites.                       arsenic in drinking water and not to                  be based on scientific evidence related
                                              Comments on Chinese Oversight                           food contamination. As stated                         to phytosanitary measures and issues,
                                                                                                      previously, FDA samples and tests                     and will not be maintained without
                                                A number of commenters expressed
                                                                                                      imported fruits and vegetables for                    sufficient scientific evidence. The
                                              distrust in the Chinese NPPO’s ability to
                                                                                                      pesticide residues as well as other                   blanket prohibition requested by the
                                              maintain the program at an acceptable
                                                                                                      adulterants and additives, such as                    commenters would not be in keeping
                                              level of compliance. One commenter
                                                                                                      arsenic.                                              with this agreement.
                                              specifically cited an FDA report that                      Several commenters expressed
                                              highlights risks associated with China’s                                                                         One commenter said that, apart from
                                                                                                      concern that the rule gives authority for             the requirements specifically listed in
                                              inadequate enforcement of food safety                   inspecting for pests to the NPPO of
                                              standards. Another commenter stated                                                                           the regulations and the operational
                                                                                                      China and therefore U.S. phytosanitary
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              that contaminants such as arsenic are of                                                                      workplan, the methods of growth,
                                                                                                      security would be under the purview of                harvest, treatment, and export of apples
                                              concern, citing a paper entitled ‘‘Current              a foreign government.
                                              Research Problems of Chronic                                                                                  from China are generally unknown. The
                                              Arsenicosis in China’’ 4 (June 2006).                     5 The report, entitled, ‘‘Imports From China and
                                                                                                                                                            commenter argued that this makes it
                                                                                                      Food Safety Issues,’’ (July 2009) may be viewed on
                                                                                                                                                            difficult for APHIS to ensure that the
                                                4 You may view the paper on the Internet at           the Internet at http://www.ers.usda.gov/media/        apples were handled with care, without
                                              http://bioline.org.br/pdf?hn06022.                      156008/eib52_1_.pdf.                                  pesticides banned in the United States,

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        22623

                                              and with the precautions necessary to                   efficacy of the systems approach into                    Another commenter observed that
                                              prevent the introduction of invasive                    question. The commenter concludes                     certain areas in the United States must
                                              pests. The commenter concluded that,                    that interception records cover only                  establish buffer zones to keep non-
                                              until a more strictly monitored set of                  known interceptions and ignores the                   commercially grown apples separated
                                              requirements are established, APHIS                     possibility of infested or diseased fruit             from high production orchards in order
                                              should not allow the importation of                     that is imported but not detected.                    to maintain pest freedom. The
                                              apples from China.                                         For the reasons explained in the                   commenter stated that phytosanitary
                                                 We disagree with the commenter’s                     proposed rule, the RMD, and this final                treatments or other measures, such as
                                              assessment. The commenter is asking                     rule, we consider the provisions of this              those we proposed to require for apples
                                              for certain requirements that either the                final rule adequate to mitigate the risk              from China, were insufficient to achieve
                                              mandatory systems approach does                         associated with the importation of                    this separation domestically and
                                              require or does not need to address for                 apples from China. The commenters did                 therefore a similar quarantine is
                                              reasons we have explained above.                        not provide any evidence suggesting                   necessary in China.
                                              Further, the commenter’s                                that the mitigations are individually or                 APHIS will require bagging and
                                              characterization of the extent of the                   collectively ineffective.                             phytosanitary treatment to mitigate risk
                                              operational workplan is incorrect. While                   One commenter suggested that past                  of fruit flies and other insects in apples
                                              the regulations themselves are written                  history bears out the fact that invasive              imported from China. The bagging is an
                                              more broadly to allow for programmatic                  species from China may prove to be                    equivalent measure to a domestic
                                              flexibility, operational workplans                      destructive plant pests. The commenter                quarantine since, done correctly,
                                              establish detailed procedures and                       cited the brown marmorated stink bug,                 bagging excludes pest species from the
                                              guidance for the day-to-day operations                  Halyomorpha halys, and the vinegar fly,               fruits. We are also requiring additional
                                              of specific import/export programs.                     Drosophila suzukii, as two examples                   mitigation measures including
                                              Workplans also establish how specific                   that are causing significant damage to                fumigation plus refrigeration for those
                                              phytosanitary issues are dealt with in                  American crops.                                       apples grown in areas where the
                                              the exporting country and make clear                       As stated above, we consider the                   Oriental fruit fly is known to exist. In
                                              who is responsible for dealing with                     provisions of this final rule adequate to             the United States, bagging is not used as
                                              those issues.                                           mitigate against the pests of concern as              a mitigation measure for fruit because of
                                                 The NPPO of China is expected to                     identified by the PRA. Specific to the                the labor requirements necessary to bag
                                              maintain program records for at least 1                 commenter’s examples, both pests have                 each fruit. Bagging is used as a
                                              year and provide them to APHIS upon                     been present in the United States for                 mitigation for fruit from China, Japan,
                                              request. One commenter asked why we                     many years and originated in Asia, not                and Korea, because it is a culturally
                                              only expect the NPPO of China to                        necessarily China in particular. The                  indigenous mitigation to those countries
                                              maintain program records for 1 year.                    brown marmorated stink bug most likely                and because large scale labor at a lower
                                              The commenter suggested that we make                    entered the United States as a                        cost is available to apply the mitigation.
                                              record maintenance a permanent                          hitchhiking insect overwintering in a                    One commenter stated that while the
                                              requirement.                                            cargo container. Drosophila suzukii                   RMD asserts that the designated
                                                 There is no technical justification for              possibly made its initial entrance via                phytosanitary measures will mitigate
                                              keeping records for longer than 1 year.                 importation of strawberries.                          the risk presented by the importation of
                                              If a pest problem is detected, the                      Strawberries have been permitted entry                apples from China into the continental
                                              immediate past records will likely offer                from almost all countries since well                  United States, the document makes no
                                              the most valuable information necessary                 before APHIS began requiring PRAs.                    claim as to a specific amount of risk
                                              to aid in resolution of the issue. This                 Neither of these pests has been                       reduction. The commenter further states
                                              period of time is the APHIS standard for                identified as being associated with a                 that the RMD does not establish an
                                              almost all pest programs and there is no                crop that has been permitted                          appropriate level of phytosanitary
                                              special justification to extend it here.                importation into the United States                    protection, or state that the listed
                                                                                                      subsequent to the preparation of a PRA.               mitigation measures will achieve such a
                                              General Comments on Phytosanitary
                                                                                                      Rather they are hazards of international              level. The commenter said that the PRA
                                                                                                      trade, which occur infrequently over the              should provide more precise and
                                                 A commenter expressed concern that                   span of decades.                                      preferably quantitative information
                                              apples from China pose a high risk of                      Another commenter stated that APHIS                about the likelihood that imported apple
                                              introducing quarantine pests into the                   lacks information on the full range of                fruit would transmit any actionable pest
                                              United States. Another commenter                        pests associated with apples imported                 or disease. The commenter concluded
                                              asked that APHIS prove that any pests                   from China as Chinese literature sources              that APHIS has never established or
                                              associated with the importation of                      have proven deficient or incomplete.                  published any explicit level, either
                                              apples from China would lend                               We disagree. The PRA that                          qualitative or quantitative, by which it
                                              themselves to effective control measures                accompanied the proposed rule                         consistently judges risk.
                                              if they were to become established in                   provided a list of all pests of apples                   APHIS believes that a qualitative
                                              the United States. Another commenter                    known to exist in China. This list was                analysis is appropriate in this situation.
                                              asked if APHIS has experience with the                  prepared using multiple data sources to               APHIS’ evaluations are based on science
                                              listed pathogens to ensure that the                     ensure its completeness. For this same                and conducted according to the factors
                                              proposed mitigations will be effective in               reason, we are confident it is accurate.              identified in § 319.5(d), which include
                                              controlling diseases that are not present               Further, the pest complex associated                  biosecurity measures, projected export
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              in the United States. Another                           with apples from China is very similar                quantity, and the proposed end use of
                                              commenter said that the RMD’s report of                 to the pest complex associated with                   the imported commodity (e.g.,
                                              15 pest interceptions in 15 years in the                pears from China, which have been                     propagation, consumption, milling,
                                              Chinese pear importation program,                       imported into the United States for 15                decorative, processing, etc.). Most of
                                              which features a similar pest complex                   years under a very similar systems                    APHIS’ risk assessments have been, and
                                              and mitigation measures as were                         approach with very few pest                           continue to be, qualitative in nature.
                                              proposed for Chinese apples, calls the                  interceptions.                                        Contrary to the commenter’s assertion

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                                              22624              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                              that a qualitative analysis should                      risk is not quantified does not mean it               commenter argued that interception
                                              include an explicit level of                            cannot be assessed and mitigated. Each                rates of fruit with a high actual
                                              phytosanitary protection, the relative                  organism carries its own risk of                      infestation rate may be low or even zero
                                              flexibility afforded by a qualitative                   following the pathway, and APHIS has                  if the inspection procedure has a low
                                              analysis allows us to evaluate                          been very successful in assessing and                 sensitivity or sampling rate. The
                                              commodity import programs in a                          mitigating the risks associated with new              commenter concluded that, because the
                                              holistic way.                                           market access. We have stated in the                  RMD includes no information about
                                                 While APHIS believes that                            past that if zero tolerance for pest risk             inspection sensitivity or sampling rate,
                                              quantitative risk assessment models are                 were the standard applied to                          there is not enough information
                                              useful in some rare cases, qualitative                  international trade in agricultural                   available to determine if the low
                                              risk assessments, when coupled with                     commodities, it is quite likely that no               interception rate truly reflects reality or
                                              site visit evaluations, provide the                     country would ever be able to export a                if it is instead due to low inspection
                                              necessary information to assess the risk                fresh agricultural commodity to any                   sensitivity or sampling.
                                              of pest introduction through                            other country. Our pest risk analysis                    Generally, CBP inspectors use a
                                              importation of commodities such as                      process will identify and assign                      sample rate of 2 percent as a standard
                                              apples from China. Additionally, there                  appropriate and effective mitigations for             sample rate. Specific sampling rates
                                              are several disadvantages associated                    any identified pest risks. If, based on               may be adjusted based on various
                                              with the use of quantitative risk                       our PRA, we conclude that the available               factors including the inspector’s
                                              assessment models. Quantitative models                  mitigation measures against identified                experience working with the shipper
                                              also tend to be data-intensive, and the                 pest risks are insufficient to provide an             and the type of fruits or vegetables being
                                              types of data required by such models                   appropriate level of protection, then we              imported. The standard sample rate may
                                              are often not available or adequate.                    will not authorize the importation of the             be increased for smaller shipments, or
                                              Quantitative models are also necessarily                particular commodity.                                 for a shipper or commodity that the
                                              developed using a set of assumptions                       The same commenter claimed that the                inspector is encountering for the first
                                              that may not always adequately                          brevity of the RMD, particularly the                  time. APHIS reserves the right to
                                              represent the biological situation in                   portion evaluating the efficacy of the                suspend a program and readjust
                                              question, thus resulting in a wide range                proposed mitigation measures, was of                  sampling levels accordingly if
                                              of uncertainty in interpretation of the                 concern given the biologic and                        unacceptable levels of pests are
                                              model outcomes. The models also                         economic complexities of the proposed                 detected.
                                              require constant updating, which is                     action.
                                                                                                         It would be inappropriate for APHIS                   The RMD included a description of
                                              dependent on availability of current
                                                                                                      to include an economic analysis in the                packinghouse culling, which is a
                                              research and data, and thus may not
                                                                                                      RMD. Our economic assessment of this                  standard industry practice to remove all
                                              always represent the current state of
                                                                                                      action may be found in both the initial               obviously blemished, diseased, and
                                              scientific information. Finally,
                                                                                                      regulatory flexibility analysis that was              insect-infested fruits from the
                                              uncertainty in the results or outcomes of
                                              quantitative models also arises from a                  made available with our July 2014                     importation pathway. The same
                                              large number of sources, including                      proposed rule and the final regulatory                commenter argued that the RMD’s
                                              problem specification, conceptual or                    flexibility analysis prepared for this                supposition of the efficacy of culling
                                              computational model construction and                    final rule. Copies of the full analyses are           ignores the potential existence of
                                              model misspecification, estimation of                   available on the Regulations.gov Web                  diseased, and insect-infested fruit that
                                              input values, and other model                           site (see footnote 1 in this document for             are not obviously diseased or insect-
                                              misspecification issues. Neither the                    a link to Regulations.gov) or by                      infested. The commenter said that, in
                                              regulations in 7 CFR part 319 nor APHIS                 contacting the person listed under FOR                the projected 10,000 MT of apples
                                              guidance documents require a                            FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.                          imported from China, the likelihood of
                                              quantitative risk analysis or indicate                     We disagree with the commenter’s                   a number of asymptomatic diseased or
                                              that one is needed here.                                claim that the length of a document is                insect-infested fruit may not be
                                                 The same commenter said that the                     in any way directly correlated to the                 negligible.
                                              PRA’s assessment that certain of the                    efficacy of the mitigation measures                      We are confident that packinghouse
                                              pests considered were ‘‘unlikely’’ or                   discussed therein. The bagging                        culling, in concert with the other
                                              ‘‘highly unlikely’’ to follow the pathway               requirements for all fruit intended for               requirements of the systems approach
                                              of importation of apples from China was                 export will exclude almost all pests. We              will be effective in mitigating
                                              not the same thing as stating that these                are confident of this fact because similar            phytosanitary risk. Any fruit that
                                              pests would never follow the pathway.                   pest mitigations have successfully been               appeared asymptomatic, as posited by
                                              The commenter went on to say that the                   used to allow for the importation of                  the commenter, would likely be in the
                                              PRA provides no quantitative indication                 pears from China, which have a similar                early stages of disease or infestation.
                                              of what level of incidence is signified by              pest complex to apples from China. The                Given the transit time required to ship
                                              the determinations ‘‘unlikely’’ and                     pear importation program has been                     apples from China to the United States
                                              ‘‘highly unlikely.’’ The commenter                      highly effective—15 pest interceptions                as well as mandatory port of entry
                                              added that the systems approach                         in 15 years—with an import volume of                  inspections, it is likely that any latent
                                              specified in the proposed rule could                    about 10,000 metric tons (MT) annually.               infection or infestation would be
                                              prove ineffective if one of the pests                   Although the bagging requirement                      detected at this point in the importation
                                              deemed ‘‘unlikely’’ or ‘‘highly unlikely’’              differs slightly from that used for pears,            process. We have stated in the past that
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              to follow the pathway were imported, as                 we have detailed previously why the                   if zero tolerance for pest risk were the
                                              the elements of the systems approach                    phytosanitary protections are expected                standard applied to international trade
                                              were not developed with those pests in                  to be effective.                                      in agricultural commodities, it is quite
                                              mind.                                                      The same commenter stated that the                 likely that no country would ever be
                                                 For the reasons stated previously,                   low interception rate reported in the                 able to export a fresh agricultural
                                              APHIS rarely performs quantitative risk                 RMD does not prove the efficacy of the                commodity to any other country and,
                                              assessments. However, just because the                  proposed mitigation measures. The                     thus, zero risk is not a realistic standard.

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         22625

                                                 The same commenter cited Article 5.4                 confident in its efficacy as a mitigation.              The same commenter said that the
                                              of the SPS Agreement, which requires                    As stated previously, APHIS’                          PRA’s lack of information concerning
                                              that members institute phytosanitary                    evaluations are based on science and                  pest and disease prevalence in China
                                              requirements while simultaneously                       conducted according to the factors                    calls into question the adequacy of
                                              minimizing negative trade effects; and                  identified in § 319.5(d). Specifically,               China’s pest and disease surveillance
                                              Article 5.6, which requires that                        paragraph (d)(5) of that section requires             programs and added that the PRA does
                                              members ensure that any required                        that any country requesting market                    not provide the information necessary
                                              phytosanitary measures are not more                     access for a specific commodity to                    for a determination regarding the
                                              trade-restrictive than necessary, taking                submit a full account of measures                     adequacy of pest and disease
                                              into account technical and economic                     currently utilized in-country to mitigate             surveillance. The commenter stated that
                                              feasibility. The commenter noted that                   against pests of concern in a domestic                there may be pests and diseases of
                                              the RMD contains no analysis indicating                 setting. We also require references to                concern not considered by the PRA and
                                              that the proposal is compliant with                     back up the information supplied by the               RMD due to the potential inadequacy of
                                              these articles and goes on to state that                country. APHIS then conducts its own                  Chinese phytosanitary surveillance.
                                              the RMD only evaluates one option,                      assessment of the in-country                            As stated previously, APHIS’
                                              which consists of 14 specific measures.                 mitigations, which includes multiple                  evaluations are based on science and
                                              The commenter suggested that, if                        site visits in order to assess potential              conducted according to the factors
                                              evaluated individually and in varying                   places of production, packinghouses,                  identified in § 319.5(d). Specifically, the
                                              combinations, fewer than the 14                         etc. We are confident that we have fully              requirements of paragraphs (d)(4) and
                                              measures presented might prove                          taken into account the ability of Chinese             (d)(5) of that section require that any
                                              sufficient to mitigate the phytosanitary                producers and the NPPO of China to                    country requesting market access for a
                                              risk posed by apples from China, a                      meet the standards set out in the                     specific commodity must submit to
                                              smaller systems approach that would be                  systems approach and the operational                  APHIS a complete list of pests present
                                              easier to implement and less trade-                     workplan.                                             in that country that are associated with
                                              restrictive.                                               The same commenter stated that                     the commodity in question as well as
                                                 APHIS has determined that the listed                 Article 6.3 of the SPS Agreement                      the measures currently utilized in-
                                              risk management measures, along with                    requires that, ‘‘Exporting Members                    country to mitigate against those pests
                                              the requirement of a phytosanitary                      claiming that areas within their                      in a domestic setting. We also require
                                              certificate and the port of entry                       territories are pest- or disease-free areas           references to back up the information
                                              inspection, will mitigate the risk of pest                                                                    supplied by the country. APHIS then
                                                                                                      or areas of low pest or disease
                                              introductions on apples from China into                                                                       conducts its own assessment of the pest
                                                                                                      prevalence shall provide the necessary
                                              the continental United States. While                                                                          complex and in-country mitigations,
                                                                                                      evidence thereof in order to objectively
                                              bagging is the primary mitigation, the                                                                        which includes multiple site visits in
                                                                                                      demonstrate to the importing Member
                                              other mitigations serve to ensure that no                                                                     order to assess potential places of
                                                                                                      that such areas are, and are likely to
                                              pests will follow the importation                                                                             production, packinghouses, etc.
                                                                                                      remain, pest- or disease-free areas or
                                              pathway. Once the system has been in                                                                            Another commenter asked if APHIS
                                                                                                      areas of low pest or disease prevalence,
                                              place and is operational, it may become                                                                       will require a trapping program be
                                                                                                      respectively.’’ The commenter said that
                                              clear that some mitigations may be                                                                            established for the listed pests of
                                                                                                      APHIS does not provide any
                                              reduced or removed. Prior to the                                                                              concern.
                                              program becoming operational, APHIS                     information about evidence provided by
                                                                                                                                                              As stated in the proposed rule,
                                              will not remove mitigations since, as                   China concerning pest- or disease-free
                                                                                                                                                            paragraph (b)(1) would require the place
                                              stated previously, a similar systems                    areas or areas of low pest or disease
                                                                                                                                                            of production to carry out any
                                              approach is successfully utilized for the               prevalence within China or within
                                                                                                                                                            phytosanitary measures specified for the
                                              importation of pears from China.                        specific regions in China. The
                                                                                                                                                            place of production under the
                                              Although the bagging requirement                        commenter concluded that it appears
                                                                                                                                                            operational workplan. Depending on the
                                              differs slightly from that used for pears,              that APHIS never even considered the
                                                                                                                                                            location, size, and plant pest history of
                                              we have detailed previously why the                     existence of pest- or disease-free areas or
                                                                                                                                                            the orchard, these measures may
                                              phytosanitary protections otherwise                     areas of low pest or disease prevalence.
                                                                                                                                                            include surveying protocols or
                                              remain the same.                                           While the section of the SPS                       application of pesticides and fungicides.
                                                 The commenter went on to state that                  Agreement cited by the commenter is                   Trapping programs may be required in
                                              the RMD provides no evidence to                         accurate concerning official recognition              the case of fruit fly, key Lepidoptera,
                                              support the assertion that the 14                       of pest- or disease-free areas or areas of            and/or weevils. This will be decided on
                                              phytosanitary measures are sufficient to                low pest or disease prevalence, the                   a case-by-case basis, with the details of
                                              mitigate the pest risk associated with                  recognition of such areas requires a                  any such programs laid out in the
                                              the importation of apples from China. In                formal request be made on the part of                 operational workplan.
                                              particular, the commenter observes that                 the exporting country. China did not
                                              there is no description of apple growing                request that APHIS recognize any such                 Comments on the Pest List
                                              or commercial apple processing in                       areas. Consequently, APHIS is not                       The PRA that accompanied the
                                              China that would support the claim that                 establishing formal pest- or disease-free             proposed rule identified 21 pests of
                                              standard packinghouse procedures,                       areas or areas of low pest or disease                 quarantine significance present in China
                                              such as culling and inspection, will                    prevalence in relation to the importation             that could be introduced into the
                                              prove efficacious. Similarly, another                   of apples from China, nor are such                    continental United States through the
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              commenter stated that the required                      designations a requirement for the                    importation of Chinese apples:
                                              inspections do not guarantee that                       importation of commodities into the                     • Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von
                                              quarantine pests will not be introduced.                United States. As stated previously, we               Röslerstamm), summer fruit tortix.
                                                 APHIS (and its predecessor agencies                  are confident that the systems approach                 • Archips micaceana (Walker), a
                                              within the USDA) has been relying on                    provides the necessary pest mitigation                moth.
                                              inspection for almost 100 years to                      for the importation of apples into the                  • Argyrotaenia ljungiana (Thunberg),
                                              remove pests and we are therefore                       continental United States.                            grape tortix.

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                                              22626              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 • Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel),                         Another commenter wanted to know                   in areas of China south of the 33rd
                                              Oriental fruit fly.                                     whether the reference to ‘‘stem’’ as the              parallel, apples from such areas will be
                                                 • Carposina sasakii Matsumura,                       plant part affected in the PRA includes               subject to treatment in accordance with
                                              peach fruit moth.                                       the fruit pedicel, which may, in some                 7 CFR part 305. Within part 305, § 305.2
                                                 • Cenopalpus pulcher (Canestrini &                   cases, be attached to the fruit in the                provides that approved treatment
                                              Fanzago), flat scarlet mite.                            marketplace. The commenter said that if               schedules are set out in the PPQ
                                                 • Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Millière),                the term ‘‘stem’’ refers only to woody                Treatment Manual, found online at
                                              honeydew moth.                                          tissue, such as an apple branch, then the             http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_
                                                 • Cydia funebrana (Treitschke), plum                 commenter agrees with many of the                     export/plants/manuals/ports/
                                              fruit moth.                                             assessments made regarding infestation                downloads/treatment.pdf. (The manual
                                                 • Euzophera bigella (Zeller), quince                 of stems and the likelihood of such a                 specifies that fumigation plus
                                              moth.                                                   pest following the pathway of                         refrigeration schedule T108-a is
                                                 • Euzophera pyriella Yang, a moth.                   importation. The commenter went on to                 effective in neutralizing Oriental fruit
                                                 • Grapholita inopinata Heinrich,                     state that many of the pests in the                   fly on apples.) The RMD also states that
                                              Manchurian fruit moth.                                  Cerambycidae, Lucanidae, Scolytinae,                  any other treatment subsequently
                                                 • Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa),                   Tenebrionidae, and Curculionidae                      approved by APHIS may be used. One
                                              apple leaf miner.                                       species listed in the PRA may infest                  commenter expressed concern at the
                                                 • Monilia polystroma van Leeuwen,                    stems and also the fruit pedicel, which               non-specific nature of those potential
                                              Asian brown rot.                                        would mean they could potentially pose                alternative treatments.
                                                 • Monilinia fructigena Honey, brown                  a phytosanitary risk.                                    While APHIS cannot offer specifics on
                                              fruit rot.                                                 We considered the importation of                   phytosanitary treatments that are not
                                                 • Rhynchites auratus (Scopoli),                      apple fruit only, with no stem attached.              currently approved for use, the language
                                              apricot weevil.                                         This does not include the fruit pedicel.              in the RMD is intended to indicate that
                                                 • Rhynchites bacchus (L.), peach                        Another commenter observed that the                such treatments may become available
                                              weevil.                                                 PRA did not consider the risks posed by               in the future. APHIS has a rigorous
                                                 • Rhynchites giganteus Krynicky, a                   those pests of phytosanitary concern in               procedure for approving new quarantine
                                              weevil.                                                 the United States that may be present in              treatments, which includes soliciting
                                                 • Rhynchites heros Roelofs, a weevil.                China but are not currently reported or               comments from stakeholders in
                                                 • Spilonota albicana (Motschulsky),                  known to be present. The commenter
                                                                                                                                                            accordance with § 305.3. New
                                              white fruit moth.                                       additionally stated that the PRA did not
                                                                                                                                                            treatments are tested to a very high
                                                 • Spilonota prognathana Snellen, a                   consider the risks posed by those pests
                                                                                                                                                            standard of efficacy. Generally speaking,
                                                                                                      that are of phytosanitary concern in the
                                              moth.                                                                                                         that means that an approved treatment
                                                                                                      United States that are present in China
                                                 • Ulodemis trigrapha Meyrick, a                                                                            is effective in removing 99.99 percent of
                                                                                                      but not currently reported to be
                                              moth.                                                                                                         pests.
                                                                                                      associated with apples.
                                              We received a number of comments                           A second commenter stated that one                    Another commenter said that there is
                                              regarding these pests as well as                        of the general challenges encountered in              a lack of research to support that the
                                              suggestions for other pests commenters                  reviewing the PRA is in understanding                 systems approach proposed by APHIS
                                              believed to be of phytosanitary                         the biology of some of the exotic insect              will be effective in mitigating the
                                              significance that were not included.                    species and the specific risk of early                phytosanitary risk posed by the Oriental
                                                 One commenter stated that many                       season latent infection or late season                fruit fly.
                                              irrelevant species, such as longhorn                    infestation that may not be                              We disagree with the commenter’s
                                              beetles (Cerambycidae sp.), were                        unequivocally obvious at harvest.                     assertion. These mitigations have been
                                              included in the PRA. The commenter                         We believe that the standard                       used on a similar pest complex for the
                                              said that the PRA should focus only on                  suggested by the commenters would call                importation of pears from China. This is
                                              those pests associated with apple fruit                 for APHIS to postulate based on wholly                a highly successful import program with
                                              or those that could be transported with                 unknowable risk factors. The PRA that                 only 15 interceptions of any quarantine
                                              the commodity. The commenter said                       accompanied the proposed rule                         pests in 15 years of operation and no
                                              that including a number of species that                 provided a list of all pests of apples                fruit fly interceptions. As most apples in
                                              do not meet those criteria results in a                 known to exist in China. This list was                China are grown above the 33rd parallel,
                                              large document, which renders it                        prepared using multiple data sources to               the risk of fruit fly interceptions in
                                              difficult to assess pests that may be of                ensure its completeness. For this same                consignments of apples is small. The
                                              true significance and thus determine the                reason, we are confident it is accurate.              commenter provided no specific data to
                                              quality and value of the PRA.                              If, however, a new pest of apples is               support the argument that apples from
                                                 Our task in developing the PRA was                   detected in China, APHIS will conduct                 China pose a unique pest risk.
                                              to review all pests of apple that are                   further risk analysis in order to evaluate               One commenter stated that the
                                              present in China and then assess how                    the pest to determine whether it is a                 Oriental fruit fly and the apple leaf
                                              likely they are to be associated with                   quarantine pest, and whether it is likely             miner are of particular concern given
                                              harvested fruit. For the sake of                        to follow the pathway of apples from                  that they are high risk pests and
                                              transparency, we include those pests                    China that are imported into the United               Oriental fruit flies have been detected
                                              that we conclude are not of quarantine                  States. If we determine that the pest is              on numerous occasions at U.S. ports of
                                              significance or unlikely to follow the                  a quarantine pest and is likely to follow             entry.
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              pathway of importation as we must first                 the pathway, we will work with the                       While it is true that APHIS has made
                                              identify all pests that exist in China                  NPPO of China to adjust the pest list                 interceptions of Oriental fruit fly at U.S.
                                              before narrowing the list to the specific               and related phytosanitary measures to                 ports of entry, most of those
                                              pests of concern. This allows                           prevent its introduction into the United              interceptions were in passenger baggage.
                                              stakeholders and other interested parties               States.                                               Oriental fruit fly is additionally present
                                              the fullest degree of access to the pest                   Since the Oriental fruit fly is known              in Hawaii, which may lead to a higher
                                              list.                                                   to exist, in varying population densities,            number of interstate interceptions.

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        22627

                                                 Another commenter said that melon                    States, its potential harm to U.S.                    in the listing of actionable pests
                                              fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) and solanum                 agricultural, environmental, or other                 reported on apples in any country and
                                              fruit fly (Bactrocera latifrons) are known              resources, and the need to mitigate its               present in China on any host.
                                              pests of apple, but the PRA states that                 pest risk, if any.                                       While Eotetranychus sp. mites are
                                              non-cucurbit hosts require confirmation.                   The same commenter stated that                     generally actionable, investigation into
                                              The commenter reasons that, for such                    spores from the fungal pathogens                      the Eotetranychus species that are
                                              severe pests of commodities other than                  Monilia polystroma and Monilinia                      present in China and known to affect
                                              apple, it would make sense to consider                  fructigena might easily go undetected in              apples did not reveal any known species
                                              both as potential pests of apple. The                   inspections and present a risk of                     that are considered actionable in the
                                              commenter asked if there are areas of                   becoming established on several crops                 United States, so we did not include
                                              overlap between the flies’ distribution                 in the State of Florida.                              them in the second listing. Some non-
                                              areas and apple growing areas. Lastly,                     Phytosanitary security is provided by              actionable species from this genus are
                                              the commenter said that the honeydew                    several layers of inspection: Field                   listed in an appendix to the PRA.
                                              moth (Cryptoblabes gnidiella) remained                  inspection, packinghouse inspection,                     The same commenter expressed
                                              on the list in spite of the facts that the              and port of entry inspection. As these                concern that multivoltine fruit feeding
                                              pest has a warm climate distribution                    inspections take place over a period of               insects may be able to oviposit on fruit
                                              and that apple is only an occasional                    time, it becomes increasingly likely that             once the bags that are required by the
                                              host. The commenter said it would                       any consignments with symptomatic                     systems approach to be placed over each
                                              therefore be consistent to treat melon fly              fruit will be identified. As stated                   developing fruit are removed. The
                                              and solanum fruit fly similarly.                        previously, these mitigations have been               commenter further asked that APHIS
                                                 These particular fruit flies are not                 successfully used on a similar pest                   ensure that the required fruit bags are
                                              found in apple producing parts of China                 complex for the importation of pears                  not applied too late in the spring or
                                              and, as the commenter observes, apple                   from China.                                           removed too early as the fruit matures
                                              is not a primary host. Thus infestations                   The same commenter stated that,
                                                                                                                                                            in the interest of addressing
                                              of apple would be unusual and                           contrary to APHIS’s assertion in the
                                                                                                                                                            horticultural quality needs and color
                                              exclusionary mitigations like bagging                   PRA that interception records indicate
                                                                                                                                                            development at the expense of pest
                                              will help prevent any infestation. We                   no association between Tetranychus
                                                                                                      species of spider mite and commercially               mitigation.
                                              found references indicating the host                                                                             Our requirement, which will be
                                              status of apples (regardless of major or                produced and shipped apples, the apple
                                                                                                      industry has experienced infestations of              stipulated in the operational workplan,
                                              minor status) for the honeydew moth
                                                                                                      Tetranychus and Panonychus spider                     is that the bags must remain on the fruit
                                              whereas we did not for either melon fly
                                                                                                      mite species in apple production areas.               until at least 14 days before harvest.
                                              or solanum fruit fly. If, upon inspection,
                                                                                                      The commenter added that the                          PPQ will ensure that the bags are in
                                              melon fly or solanum fruit fly are found
                                                                                                      hawthorn spider mite                                  place early enough to exclude insect
                                              to be generally infesting shipments of
                                                                                                      (Amphitetranychus viennensis) could                   pests. If infestations of insects such
                                              apples we will adjust our mitigations as
                                                                                                      present a similar risk given that it is               bagging is intended to exclude are found
                                                 One commenter stated that there is an                recorded as attacking leaves, fruit, and              upon inspection, production sites and
                                              unknown risk of apple leaf miner                        blossoms. Another commenter stated                    packinghouses may be suspended from
                                              escaping detection.                                     that, late in the growing season,                     the export program.
                                                 We disagree with the commenter’s                     hawthorn spider mites sometimes                          The same commenter stated that
                                              claim that apple leaf miner may easily                  collect in the calices of apples, with                snout beetles (Curculionidae) can be
                                              escape detection. Leaf miners are not                   either motile forms or eggs present. The              serious pests of tree fruit with limited
                                              typically found on fruit; leaves, which                 commenters urged APHIS to reexamine                   control options. While the commenter
                                              they more readily infest, are not                       the data in light of this.                            noted that the PRA lists a number of
                                              authorized for importation. In addition,                   While we have made no changes in                   Curculionidae species as following the
                                              leaf miners typically leave a visible                   response to this comment, as the data                 importation pathway, the commenter
                                              tunnel as they mine, which aids in                      we have do not support the                            noted the following additional species
                                              inspection and detection.                               commenters’ assertion, we do note that                of weevils for inclusion: Coenorrhynus
                                                 Another commenter asked why apple                    typical required mitigations for spider               sp., Enaptorrhinus sinensis Waterhouse,
                                              ring rot (Macrophoma kawatsukai) and                    mites are packinghouse procedures (i.e.,              Involvulus sp., Neomyllocerus hedini
                                              the fungus, Penicillium diversum, were                  washing, brushing, spraying with                      (Marshall), Rhynchites coreanus Kono,
                                              removed from the pest list when both                    compressed air), culling, and                         and Rhynchites heros Roelofs.
                                              were present on a draft version of the                  inspection. Those measures will be                       In particular, the commenter asked
                                              list. The commenter asked why the                       included as requirements in the                       why Enaptorrhinus sinensis Waterhouse
                                              genus Penicillium is considered non-                    operational workplan and should                       is listed as infesting fruit, but unlikely
                                              actionable at ports of entry.                           mitigate against any unforeseen pests of              to follow the pathway of importation.
                                                 These pests are post-harvest                         this nature. If one of these pests is                 The commenter observed that
                                              pathogens. In general, post-harvest                     detected upon inspection we will take                 Enaptorrhinus sinensis Waterhouse is
                                              pathogens are not considered for                        appropriate measures to prevent its                   one of three species on the PRA list of
                                              analysis because most are cosmopolitan                  introduction into the United States. The              quarantine pests that are likely to follow
                                              and it is unlikely to impossible for them               hawthorn spider mite was considered in                the pathway that is classed as a fruit
                                              to be transferred to fruit in the field.                the PRA. It attacks apple leaves; we                  feeder. The commenter went on to state
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              Penicillium is a cosmopolitan genus that                found no evidence of it being present on              that Neomyllocerus hedini (Marshall) is
                                              only causes post-harvest rots.                          fruit.                                                also present on the PRA list of
                                              Consequently, it is not actionable.                        The same commenter asked why                       quarantine pests that are likely to follow
                                              APHIS determines whether a pest is                      Eotetranychus sp. mites were listed as                the pathway.
                                              actionable based on its novelty and                     being associated with apples in China                    Finally, the commenter stated that an
                                              known prevalence or distribution                        with actionable or undetermined                       Australian PRA cites Rhynchites
                                              within and throughout the United                        regulatory status but was not included                coreanus Kono as a high-risk quarantine

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                                              22628              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                              pest from China, but was not considered                 (Lyonetiidae) is not on the pest list,                fructigena-infected fruit are sporulating
                                              in the APHIS PRA.                                       Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa) is listed             in close proximity to host material, they
                                                 The bagging requirement discussed                    with a high risk of following the                     cannot infect it and we consider this
                                              above should effectively exclude                        pathway and will be mitigated as                      possibility unlikely. Other specific
                                              Curculionidae. In addition, weevils                     described previously. Lyonetiidae is the              members of Monilinia sp. are discussed
                                              typically leave feeding damage and                      family name for this pest, Costa is the               below.
                                              holes with frass that are easily visible                authority. They are the same pest,                      One commenter said that it needs to
                                              upon inspection. We would note that                     notated differently. Finally, in a risk               be demonstrated, through scientific
                                              we analyzed Rhynchites heros Roelofs                    analysis titled, ‘‘Phytosanitary Risks                study and examination of mature fruit
                                              and determined that it presents a                       Associated with Armored Scales in                     taken from orchards which have
                                              medium risk of introduction via the                     Commercial Shipments of Fruit for                     suffered epidemics at several early
                                              importation pathway and that                            Consumption to the United States’’                    seasonal timings, that latent infections
                                              Rhynchites coreanus Kono is a synonym                   (June 2007) 6 we determined that the                  of the fungus Monilinia ma/1, which is
                                              of Rhynchites heros Roelofs.                            likelihood of introduction of armored                 the causal agent of monilia leaf blight,
                                                 Contrary to the commenter’s                          scales via the specific pathway                       are not sometimes still present later at
                                              assertion, Enaptorrhinus sinensis                       represented by commercially produced                  harvest on normal appearing fruit.
                                              Waterhouse is not listed in the PRA as                  fruit shipped without leaves, stems, or                 Field inspection data for Monilinia
                                              affecting fruit: ‘‘Adults, which are                    contaminants is low because these                     fructigena and Monilinia polystroma
                                              moderately large beetles (body length:                  scales have a very poor ability to                    was presented by all orchards inspected
                                              6.2–6.4 mm, width: 3.2–3.3 mm; Han,                     disperse from fruits for consumption                  in our site visit and certified by the
                                              2002), may feed on apple fruit (You,                    onto hosts. Females do not possess                    Chinese Entry and Exit Inspection and
                                              2004), but are considered unlikely to                   wings or legs; legs are also absent in                Quarantine Service. This data shows no
                                              remain with fruit through harvest and                   feeding immature forms. Males are                     report of the diseases, and if there are
                                              post-harvest processing.’’                              capable of flight, however they are                   no disease records, then there can be no
                                              Neomyllocerus hedini (Marshall) is                      short-lived, do not feed, and tend to                 latency problem such as the commenter
                                              listed as affecting leaves but not fruit.               mate only with nearby females. For this               described. In addition, packinghouse
                                                 As for the other weevils cited by the                                                                      inspections show no history of the
                                                                                                      reason, the armored scale Diaspidiotus
                                              commenter, we found no evidence                                                                               disease.
                                                                                                      (= Quadraspidiotus) slavonicus (Green)
                                              during our assessment that those pests                                                                           The same commenter said that the
                                                                                                      is not a pest of concern.
                                              were likely to follow the pathway.                         One commenter stated that since the                fungus Monilinia mali, which does not
                                                 The same commenter observed that,                                                                          occur in the United States, was not
                                                                                                      taxonomy of the fungus Botryosphaeria
                                              since members of the Diapididae and                                                                           included in the listing of actionable
                                                                                                      dothidea is under active consideration
                                              Pseudococcidae families of scale insects                                                                      pests reported on apples in any country
                                                                                                      by the research community, the
                                              feed on stems, leaves, and fruit in U.S.                                                                      and present in China on any host and
                                                                                                      assertion that the Asian Botryosphaeria
                                              apple orchards and are treated as                                                                             should be added. The commenter
                                              quarantine pests in many countries                      dothidea is the same species as is found
                                                                                                                                                            additionally stated that the fungus
                                              around the world, the following species                 in the United States is not settled
                                                                                                                                                            Monilinia polystroma should be added
                                              should have been included in the PRA:                   science. The commenter argued that
                                                                                                                                                            to that list as well, as it has been
                                              Diaspidiotus (= Quadraspidiotus)                        they should be considered distinct
                                                                                                                                                            reported to attack apples in Europe and
                                              slavonicus (Green), Phenacoccus                         species until scientists from China
                                                                                                                                                            has been recently reported from China.
                                              pergandei Cockerell, Spilococcus                        provide additional studies                               Contrary to the commenter’s
                                              (= Atrococcus) pacificus (Borchsenius),                 demonstrating that they are                           assertion, both pathogens are listed.
                                              and Leucoptera malifoliella                             synonymous.                                           Currently there is only a single report of
                                                                                                         We disagree. The most recent and                   Monilinia polystroma on apples. That
                                                 Another commenter said that the                      conclusive study on this matter 7 found               identification is debatable since it was
                                              PRA’s determination of a negligible                     that the causal agent of apple ring spot              based on molecular evidence alone. The
                                              possibility of Japanese wax scale                       and apple white rot was the same. The                 European report stated that the
                                              (Ceroplastes japonicas) following the                   agent was identified as Botryosphaeria                symptoms disappeared after the initial
                                              pathway of importation was based on                     dothidea for both diseases. Thus, the                 observation. Thus, the observations
                                              the idea that Chinese apples will be                    pathogen is present in both the United                have not been replicated outside of this
                                              safely discarded. The commenter stated                  States and China.                                     single incident. In Japan and China,
                                                                                                         Another commenter stated that there
                                              that, if even a small percentage of                                                                           where stone fruit (the primary host for
                                                                                                      is an unknown risk of fungi of the genus
                                              imported apples are discarded                                                                                 the pathogen) and apples are grown in
                                                                                                      Monilinia escaping detection.
                                              improperly, there is risk, particularly if                                                                    close proximity, there are no reports of
                                                                                                         We disagree with the commenter’s
                                              they are discarded near host material.                                                                        Monilinia polystroma on apples. Despite
                                                 In general, scale insects are excluded               assertion regarding unknown risk.
                                                                                                                                                            the weak evidence, we did analyze
                                              via washing, brushing, spraying with                    Monilinia mali is unlikely to be present
                                                                                                                                                            Monilinia polystroma and found it to be
                                              compressed air, culling, and inspection.                on mature fruit. Monilinia fructigena is
                                                                                                                                                            high risk. It was therefore considered
                                              These mandatory measures will be a                      unlikely to come in contact with host
                                                                                                                                                            when we were developing the
                                              part of the operational workplan.                       material, since spores need to be near
                                                                                                                                                            requirements of the systems approach
                                              However, Phenacoccus pergandei                          actual apple trees. Unless Monilinia
                                                                                                                                                            and will be considered in development
                                              Cockerell is found to affect leaves only,                 6 Copies of the full analysis are available by
                                                                                                                                                            of the operational workplan. There is
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              Spilococcus (= Atrococcus) pacificus                    contacting the person listed under FOR FURTHER        also considerable uncertainty about the
                                              (Borchsenius) is found to affect stems                  INFORMATION CONTACT.                                  presence of Monilinia mali but it was
                                              only, and Ceroplastes japonicas is found                  7 That study, Phylogenetic and pathogenic
                                                                                                                                                            also listed. However, it was not
                                              to affect both leaves and stems. The                    analyses show that the causal agent of apple ring     analyzed because it is not found on
                                                                                                      rot in China is Botryosphaeria dothidea, may be
                                              commenters provided no evidence that                    found on the Internet at http://                      mature fruit.
                                              these scales were of concern on fruit.                  apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/pdf/10.1094/PDIS-08-          The PRA lists certain organisms that
                                              Although Leucoptera malifoliella                        11-0635.                                              APHIS is only able to identify to the

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         22629

                                              genus level and notes that these                        PRA in case more information is                       Adoxophyes orana was analyzed in the
                                              organisms may prove to have actionable                  discovered later. In the event of new                 PRA and we determined that it presents
                                              status. One commenter noted this and                    pest information and research, we will                a medium likelihood of introduction. It
                                              categorized this as an arbitrary decision               adjust our mitigations as necessary.                  is therefore covered by the mitigations
                                              by APHIS. The commenter stated that                        Another commenter stated that the                  in the systems approach.
                                              APHIS is incorrect to say that the risk                 sooty blotch and flyspeck complex of                     Another commenter asked why the
                                              potential of these species should be                    fungi, which occurs in China, represents              summer fruit tortix (Adoxophyes orana)
                                              considered low because APHIS cannot                     a phytosanitary challenge given that                  and the plum fruit moth (Cydia
                                              evaluate risk as completely as would be                 most of these fungi have an extremely                 funebrana) would not require an
                                              desirable. The commenter appears to                     long incubation period or latent period               approved treatment in regions where
                                              suggest that APHIS study these                          before colonies become visible on fruit               these pests are present, as will be
                                              unknown organisms further or that                       surfaces. Additionally, the commenter                 required for Oriental fruit fly.
                                              APHIS evaluate risk for genera taken as                 identified three species, Zygophiala                     These pests are mitigated by the
                                              a whole.                                                cylindrical, Zygophiala qianensis, and                required bagging protocol that is part of
                                                 Another commenter requested further                  Strelitziana mali, which are reported to              the systems approach. Bagging excludes
                                              information regarding the following                     occur on apples in China but are not                  all Lepidoptera pests. This systems
                                              fungi, identified only to the genus level,              included on the pest list.                            approach has been used for pears from
                                              which were listed as being associated                      As with Penicillium, which was                     China for the past 15 years, resulting in
                                              with apples in China with actionable or                 discussed previously, these pests are                 a very low number of Lepidoptera sp.
                                              undetermined regulatory status:                         post-harvest pathogens. In general, post-             interceptions.
                                              Cladosporium, Fusarium, Fusidium,                       harvest pathogens are not considered for                 Another commenter stated that,
                                              Penicillium, and Psuedocercospora. The                  analysis because most are cosmopolitan                although there are four species of thrips
                                              commenter stated that these may                         and it is unlikely to impossible for them             (Thysanoptera) listed in the PRA, none
                                              represent novel species and wanted to                   to be transferred to fruit in the field.              were considered to follow the pathway
                                              know if APHIS went back to original                        The same commenter observed that                   of importation since they only damage
                                              sources or voucher specimens to                         nematodes are often mistakenly                        leaves. The commenter said that many
                                              attempt to confirm the specific identity                considered to be solely root feeders.                 thrips are known to shelter in the
                                              of these fungi.                                         While root feeders would not likely be                calyxes of fruit and could enter the
                                                 Another commenter observed that                      expected to be part of the fruit pathway,             importation pathway in this manner.
                                              some pest organisms were only                           Aphelenchoides limberi, a shoot feeder,                  We disagree with the commenter’s
                                              identified to the genus level in the PRA                might present a higher risk than                      assessment. Apart from principally
                                              and are thus not included in the                        assigned in the pest list and therefore be            attacking leaves, thrips are a highly
                                              evaluation. The commenter particularly                  deserving of additional consideration.                mobile pest. Any thrips that sheltered in
                                              cited Drosophila sp. as of potential                    The commenter asked why no                            the fruit calyx or elsewhere would not
                                              concern, stating that, though many                      Ditylenchus or Anguina species were                   do so for long and would be mitigated
                                              members of the species only attack and                  included in the PRA, given the regional               by the required washing, brushing, and
                                              reproduce in damaged fruit, the U.S.                    proximity of seed-gall nematode,                      spraying with compressed air at the
                                              apple industry has found that the                       Anguina tritici.                                      packinghouse.
                                              spotted-wing drosophila (Drosophila                        As the commenter stated, generally                    The same commenter said that the
                                              suzukii) readily attacks and reproduces                 speaking, nematodes inhabit the soil                  PRA did not consider the pear fruit
                                              in intact fruit. The commenter said that                and infest plant roots. While there are               borer (Pempelia heringii) as a candidate
                                              this behavior is present in many plant-                 a few tissue feeding species, it is highly            for risk management based primarily on
                                              attacking arthropods and added that the                 unlikely that any will be present on                  the fact that it has not been a significant
                                              Chinese arthropod fauna is very poorly                  apples given that they are shoot feeders              pest in the last 100 years, but that
                                              known and therefore we have no idea of                  and not pathogens of the mature fruit.                records indicate that it was a pest that
                                              their geographic or host ranges and,                    We are confident that the PRA has                     bored into the fruit of apples and pears.
                                              consequently, their possible agricultural               captured all fruit feeding pests of                   The commenter stated that a report of
                                              and ecological impacts.                                 concern.                                              this species in Hawaii throws into doubt
                                                 These commenters ask APHIS to meet                      The same commenter observed that                   the restricted host range it is thought to
                                              an impossible standard of certainty in                  the moth Spulerina astaurota, the lace                have and therefore the precautionary
                                              terms of species knowledge. Further, the                bug (Stephanitis (Stephanitis) nashi                  principle should be applied in
                                              SPS Agreement allows for signatory                      Esaki & Takeya, 1931), and the tortricid              including it on the pest list.
                                              countries to only consider risks that are               moths Acleris fimbriana, Adoxophyes                      One of the risk elements analyzed in
                                              known and scientifically documented.                    orana, and Spilonota lechriaspis are                  the guidelines for risk assessment is
                                              Under the SPS Agreement, if a country                   listed as associated with fruit in a 2003             damage potential in the endangered
                                              cannot scientifically document the risk                 Australian review of pests associated                 area. Considering all available
                                              associated with a given pest or                         with Chinese pears. The commenter                     information, the analysis determines
                                              commodity as a whole, then that                         said that this association should prove               whether or not a significant level of
                                              country cannot mitigate that unknown                    true for apples from China as well and                damage would be likely to occur in the
                                              risk by imposing phytosanitary                          these pests should therefore be added to              endangered area (e.g., more than 10
                                              requirements or denying market access.                  the pest list.                                        percent yield loss, significant increases
                                              We do not have access to any further                       We are aware of the review referenced              in production costs, impacts on
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              information on the specific species cited               by the commenter but disagree with the                threatened or endangered species). As
                                              by the commenters as there is no                        commenter’s conclusions. Our                          the commenter notes, reports of
                                              existing research on these species                      examination of the source literature for              significant damage in fruit production
                                              beyond the genus level. While, as stated,               the review as well as other documents                 as a result of Pempelia heringii
                                              we are unable to assess the risk                        did not indicate that any of these pests,             infestation are over 100 years old. Apple
                                              associated with scientifically unknown                  with the exception of Adoxophyes                      and pear production in China and Japan
                                              species, we include the genera in the                   orana, is present on apple fruit.                     are economically important aspects of

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                                              22630              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                              national agriculture; if significant                    available on this species, primary                    operational workplan associated with
                                              damage was to occur again, it would                     records of detections on apple should be              the importation of apples from China
                                              have been reported in the literature.                   available, if extant. Given the lack of               will be very similar to the workplan for
                                              While there is some uncertainty                         such primary records, we consider the                 the importation of pears from China,
                                              regarding the cause of the absence of                   listing of apples as a natural host for               which has been used to mitigate risk
                                              Pempelia heringii infestations, based on                Eutetranychus orientalis dubious and                  successfully for the past 15 years. This
                                              available literature, the potential for                 therefore we did not include it on the                will likely include such requirements as
                                              damage in the United States is                          pest list.                                            field inspection, orchard control,
                                              considered low.                                            The same commenter stated that the                 culling, and spraying with compressed
                                                 The same commenter stated that the                   peach fruit moth (Carposina sasakii) is               air.
                                              mealybug Pseudococcus cryptus was not                   treated as not meeting the criteria for                  We proposed to require that, when
                                              considered a candidate for risk                         spread potential in the PRA, but that the             any apples destined for export to the
                                              management in the PRA because risk of                   PRA also states that the lack of spread               continental United States are still on the
                                              establishment was considered first, and                 is due to strict quarantine regulations.              tree and are no more than 2 centimeters
                                              since that was deemed negligible, the                   The commenter went on to say that this                in diameter, double-layered paper bags
                                              likelihood of introduction was not                      is a serious pest in infested regions and             must be placed wholly over the apples.
                                              evaluated. The commenter said the                       should be included for risk                              We are making a minor change to the
                                              argument regarding negligible                           management.                                           requirements as they pertain to when
                                              establishment is based on the idea that                    We concluded in the PRA that the                   the bags are placed as they were set out
                                              it is unlikely that an infested fruit will              peach fruit moth was likely to cause                  in the proposed rule. Instead of
                                              be discarded near a potential host, as                  unacceptable consequences if                          requiring that bags be placed over the
                                              well as the presumed frailty of the                     introduced into the United States. It was             apples when they are no more than 2
                                              crawlers. The commenter went on to say                  assigned a medium likelihood of                       centimeters in diameter, we are
                                              that, in the event that apples are or                   introduction and is therefore covered by              requiring that the bags be placed over
                                              become a host, the crawlers of other                    the requirements in the systems                       the apples when they are no more than
                                              mealybug species are known to                           approach.                                             2.5 centimeters in diameter. The 2
                                              aggregate around the calyx of fruit,                                                                          centimeter diameter specified in the
                                                                                                      Comments on the Systems Approach
                                              which would provide shelter and render                                                                        proposed rule was an error and the
                                              them difficult to detect and therefore the                 We proposed to require the NPPO of                 change to 2.5 centimeters is necessary to
                                              absence of any mealybug species from                    China to provide an operational                       keep the regulations in line with
                                              the PRA list for risk management                        workplan to APHIS that details the                    bagging protocols for pears from China.
                                              measures should be examined.                            activities that the NPPO would, subject               The change from 2 centimeters to 2.5
                                                 The mealybug analysis concludes as                   to APHIS’ approval of the workplan,                   centimeters will have no effect on the
                                              follows: ‘‘Dispersal by wind is                         carry out to meet the requirements of                 phytosanitary safety of the young apple
                                              dependent on prevailing wind direction;                 the regulations. An operational                       fruit. At this stage in the fruit’s growth
                                              nymphs have no control over where                       workplan is an agreement between PPQ,                 any attacks made by surface feeding or
                                              they are blown. This dispersal strategy                 officials of the NPPO of a foreign                    internally feeding pests will lead to
                                              relies on a very high number of nymphs,                 government, and, when necessary,                      visible deformation of the fruit and to
                                              so that a few will arrive serendipitously               foreign commercial entities that                      fruit drop. Further, an increase of 0.5
                                              on a suitable new host. Commercial fruit                specifies in detail the phytosanitary                 centimeters in fruit diameter at this
                                              arriving in the United States is highly                 measures that will comply with our                    stage represents generally a week’s
                                              unlikely to carry high populations of                   regulations governing the import or                   worth of growth, which is insufficient
                                              pregnant females. Crawlers would be                     export of a specific commodity.                       time for any widespread infestation of
                                              unlikely to survive shipment, especially                Operational workplans establish                       young fruit to occur.
                                              in chilled, low humidity conditions.                    detailed procedures and guidance for                     Two commenters asked which studies
                                              Some people dispose of inedible fruit in                the day-to-day operations of specific                 confirm APHIS’s assertion that bagging
                                              outdoor compost bins, but since only a                  import/export programs. Workplans also                the fruit will mitigate all the pests of
                                              small number of fruit are likely to be                  establish how specific phytosanitary                  concern discussed in the PRA. Another
                                              infested, only very rarely would infested               issues are dealt with in the exporting                commenter wanted to know whether
                                              fruit be composted. For these reasons,                  country and make clear who is                         APHIS can prove the effectiveness of
                                              mealybugs arriving on commercial fruit                  responsible for dealing with those                    fruit bagging as a phytosanitary
                                              for consumption have a negligible                       issues. The implementation of a systems               mitigation based on the volume of
                                              likelihood of dispersing to hosts.’’                    approach typically requires an                        apples that will likely be shipped.
                                              Sufficient evidence to change this has                  operational workplan to be developed.                 Another commenter pointed out that we
                                              not been presented.                                     Two commenters stated that since the                  had modeled the bagging protocol on a
                                                 The same commenter observed that                     operational workplan, in particular the               similar protocol for the importation of
                                              the oriental red mite (Eutetranychus                    section on required production                        pears from China, and that pears
                                              orientalis) was dismissed as a risk by                  practices, has not yet been approved by               imported under this protocol had
                                              the PRA as there were no records                        APHIS it was impossible to adequately                 sometimes been determined to be
                                              indicated in a ‘‘thorough National                      evaluate the risks of the proposal.                   infested with plant pests. The
                                              Agricultural Library, Google Scholar,                   Another commenter asked us to present                 commenter stated that this calls into
                                              and PestID database search.’’ The                       details of the operational workplan.                  question the efficacy of this mitigation.
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              commenter stated that, to the contrary,                    Generally speaking, APHIS does not                    We did not claim that the required
                                              there is literature that lists                          finalize an operational workplan until                bagging will serve as sole mitigation for
                                              Eutetranychus orientalis as a pest of                   after the rule itself is finalized given that         the pests of concern listed in the PRA.
                                              apple and other rosaceous hosts.                        changes may be made to the rule as a                  The entire systems approach, which
                                                 This species is a well-known and                     result of public comment. However,                    comprises a number of requirements
                                              thoroughly researched pest of citrus.                   given the similarity of the systems                   working in concert, will provide that
                                              Given the vast amount of literature                     approaches, we anticipate that the                    mitigation. While we do not possess

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         22631

                                              evidence regarding the efficacy of                      to take place at registered                           packing apples from non-registered
                                              bagging for apples in particular, the                   packinghouses. These measures include                 places of production simultaneous to
                                              efficacy of bagging as a means of                       a requirement that during the time                    packing apples from registered places of
                                              preventing fruit from becoming infested                 registered packinghouses are in use for               production. Requiring a facility be
                                              with quarantine insects is well                         packing apples for export to the                      dedicated for shipping only to the
                                              established: The RMD cited several                      continental United States, the                        United States is not technically justified
                                              peer-reviewed studies regarding its                     packinghouses may only accept apples                  if that facility can demonstrate and
                                              efficacy. Additionally, we note that                    that are from registered places of                    practice effective methods for
                                              bagging is a pest-exclusionary technique                production and that are produced in                   identifying and segregating fruit
                                              that is similar to safeguarding with                    accordance with the regulations,                      destined for different markets.
                                              mesh, tarps, containment structures,                    tracking and traceback capabilities,                     The specifics of packinghouse
                                              and other mitigations APHIS has relied                  establishment of a handling procedure                 inspection procedures are listed in the
                                              on to prevent pests from following the                  (e.g., culling damaged apples, removing               operational workplan in order to offer
                                              pathway of fruits for many years.                       leaves from the apples, wiping the                    the greatest amount of flexibility in
                                                 Fruit bagging has been a required                    apples with a clean cloth, air blasting,              responding to any rapidly changing pest
                                              aspect of the systems approach for the                  or grading) for the apples that is                    issues that may arise. Typically APHIS
                                              importation of pears from China for the                 mutually agreed upon by APHIS and the                 will require at least 300 fruit be
                                              past 15 years. This program experiences                 NPPO of China, washing, brushing,                     inspected, a number that will detect a 1
                                              an extremely low interception rate—15                   spraying with compressed air, and box                 percent or greater pest population with
                                              interceptions in 15 years—with an                       marking. A commenter said that the                    95 percent confidence. APHIS will also
                                              import volume of about 10,000 MT                        inspection procedures for                             require that a portion of the fruit be cut
                                              annually. Although it is not possible to                packinghouses do not provide sufficient               open to look for internally feeding pests.
                                              say with absolute certainty, given the                  detail. The commenter said that                       Any fruit with damage or signs of pest
                                              structure and past behavior of the                      packinghouse inspections must                         presence will be sampled first.
                                              Chinese apple industry, which is                        adequately ensure that leaf removal and                  We disagree with the commenter’s
                                              discussed in detail in the final                        washing of apples are conducted                       assessment of the presence of
                                              regulatory flexibility analysis, we expect              according to applicable requirements                  lepidopteran and curculionid pests in
                                              apples to be imported at a similar rate.                and added that the packinghouse must                  the United States post culling and
                                              Contrary to the third commenter’s claim                 address the risk associated with apples               inspection. The commenter did not
                                              that 15 pest interceptions over a 15-year               originating from nonregistered places of              provide any support for the claim that
                                              period is troubling, given the time                     production that may have been                         these pests are evading domestic
                                              period in question and the level of                     processed ahead of the packaging of the               phytosanitary measures.
                                              imports during that time, this                                                                                   One commenter said that, while box
                                                                                                      apples destined for U.S. markets.
                                              interception rate does not call into                                                                          labeling and traceback information are
                                                                                                      Several commenters stated that we
                                              question the efficacy of bagging, but                                                                         vital to prevent the further spread of any
                                                                                                      should require that Chinese
                                              rather underscores its efficacy.                                                                              plant pest, this information alone does
                                                                                                      packinghouses handling apples
                                                 We proposed to require the NPPO of                                                                         not prevent the establishment of the
                                                                                                      intended for export to the United States
                                              China to visit and inspect registered                                                                         pest in the United States.
                                                                                                      not accept commodities destined for any                  We agree. However, box labeling and
                                              places of production prior to harvest for
                                                                                                      other markets given that the                          traceback are only one aspect of the
                                              signs of infestations. One commenter
                                                                                                      phytosanitary standards required to                   required systems approach for the
                                              stated that the required interval for
                                                                                                      access non-U.S. markets may be weaker.                importation of apples from China. The
                                              inspection was insufficient and would
                                              not serve to ensure compliance. Two                     Another commenter pointed out that the                systems approach must be considered as
                                              commenters said that the required                       size of the required biometric sample                 a whole with its combined effect of
                                              inspection frequency was also                           was unspecified. Another commenter                    various mitigation measures in order
                                              inadequate to enforce the requirement                   stated that packinghouse culling and                  that its pest mitigation capabilities be
                                              for removal of fallen fruit at the place of             inspection do not eliminate all                       fully assessed. We are confident that it
                                              production.                                             lepidopteran and curculionid pests in                 will prove effective.
                                                 As stated in the proposed rule, this                 the United States, so APHIS should not                   We proposed to require treatment of
                                              provision is modeled on an existing                     assume that they will do so in China.                 fumigation plus refrigeration for those
                                              provision that has been successfully                       As stated previously, APHIS                        apples grown south of the 33rd parallel,
                                              employed as part of the systems                         inspectors have the authority to reject               since Oriental fruit fly is known to exist,
                                              approach that used by APHIS for the                     consignments that contain contaminants                in varying population densities, in that
                                              importation of fragrant pears and sand                  such as leaves and other plant debris,                region. One commenter stated that it is
                                              pears from China. Given our knowledge                   especially if any pests are found to be               possible that a mutated gene may
                                              and experience with the importation of                  generally infesting that shipment. As                 eventually allow a number of Oriental
                                              these pears, we are confident that the                  stipulated in § 319.56–3(a), ‘‘All fruits             fruit flies to resist fumigation.
                                              requirement is adequate. In addition, as                and vegetables imported under this                       If Oriental fruit flies were to become
                                              with any regulatory program,                            subpart, whether in commercial or                     resistant to the designated phytosanitary
                                              unannounced inspections and spot                        noncommercial consignments, must be                   treatment, the import program would be
                                              checks are often used to ensure                         free from plant litter or debris and free             shut down completely until an
                                              compliance. Suspension or expulsion                     of any portions of plants that are                    investigation has been completed and
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              from the export program would also                      specifically prohibited in the                        the reason for the program failure
                                              serve to discourage noncompliance. Our                  regulations in this subpart.’’ Washing of             resolved.
                                              approach to any required orchard                        apples will be required under the                        Several commenters stated that we
                                              procedures, such as the removal of                      regulations, with specific washing                    should require that Chinese cold storage
                                              fallen fruit, would be the same.                        procedures set out in the operational                 facilities housing apples intended for
                                                 We proposed to set forth requirements                workplan. We will also stipulate that                 export to the United States not accept
                                              for mitigation measures that would have                 packinghouses may not be used for                     commodities destined for any other

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                                              22632              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                              markets given that the phytosanitary                       As detailed in the initial regulatory              final regulatory flexibility analysis,
                                              standards required to access non-U.S.                   flexibility analysis that accompanied the             apples are not inexpensive to produce
                                              markets may be weaker.                                  proposed rule and restated in the final               in China due, in large part, to
                                                Requiring a facility be dedicated for                 regulatory flexibility analysis associated            differences between the way the apple
                                              shipping only to the United States is not               with this rule, we find it unlikely that              industry is structured in the United
                                              technically justified if that facility can              the importation of apples from China                  States and China. Most apple growers in
                                              demonstrate and practice effective                      will represent a cost to the U.S. apple               China operate on a very small scale and
                                              methods for identifying and segregating                 industry or to U.S. consumers. This is                production is labor-intensive, requiring
                                              fruit destined for different markets.                   due to the relatively small amount of                 significant labor resources to plant,
                                              Comments on the Economic Analysis                       apples that are expected to be exported               tend, and harvest the crop.
                                                                                                      and qualitative factors associated with                  One commenter urged APHIS to
                                                 We prepared an initial regulatory                    consumer demand such as variety,                      support and encourage consumers in
                                              flexibility analysis in connection with                 flavor (acids, sugars, aroma), juiciness,             doing business with local farmers. The
                                              the proposed rule regarding the                         crispness, firmness, appearance (color,               commenter claimed that the low price of
                                              economic effects of the rule on small                   shape and size), freshness, perceived                 Chinese apples would cause domestic
                                              entities. We invited comments on any                    health benefits, production method                    producers economic distress.
                                              potential economic effects and received                 (organic or conventional), and product                   We would observe that consumer
                                              a number of comments. Those                             origin (local, regional, domestic or                  practices when purchasing fresh apples
                                              comments are discussed and responded                    import). Moreover, trade with China                   are influenced by factors other than
                                              to in detail in the final regulatory                    represents an opportunity for potential               price. These factors include variety,
                                              flexibility analysis associated with this               expansion of the U.S. export market and               size, color, flavor, texture, freshness,
                                              final rule. Copies of the full analysis are             the benefits associated with such an                  product origin, and production method.
                                              available on the Regulations.gov Web                    expansion.                                            American consumers benefit from a
                                              site (see footnote 1 in this document for                  One commenter claimed that China is                diverse and abundant supply of fresh
                                              a link to Regulations.gov) or by                        not an open market for fair trade and,                apples that are locally, regionally, and
                                              contacting the person listed under FOR                  as a result, efforts to market U.S. apples            nationally distributed to them; it is
                                              FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.                            in China in return for allowing Chinese               highly unlikely that China will become
                                                                                                      apples access to U.S. markets will prove              a dominant supplier.
                                              Comments on General Economic Effects
                                                                                                      unsuccessful. Another commenter said                  Comments on Bilateral Trade
                                                 While specific comments on the                       that, in the past, China claimed that U.S.
                                              initial regulatory flexibility analysis are             apples presented unacceptable                            Several commenters pointed out that
                                              addressed in the final regulatory                       phytosanitary risk and subsequently                   access to Chinese markets for U.S.
                                              flexibility analysis as previously stated,              halted all importation of apples from the             apples is not currently assured at this
                                              we received a number of comments                        United States into China. The                         point in time. The commenters asked
                                              concerning the overall economic effect                  commenter stated that this was done                   that APHIS make sure that the proposed
                                              of the rule as it relates to U.S. trade                 without substantiated claims or                       rule would not be finalized before
                                              policies concerning China that are more                 investigation as a tactic to force the                reciprocal market access is granted. One
                                              appropriately addressed here.                           United States to open its markets to                  of the commenters added that, if
                                                 One commenter stated that APHIS did                  Chinese apples.                                       Chinese apples were able to be imported
                                              not meet those requirements of                             We disagree with the claim that                    into the United States, but U.S. apples
                                              Executive Order 13563 that specify that                 China’s prohibition on the importation                could not be exported to China, then the
                                              agencies must take into account the                     of apples from the United States was                  underlying assumptions concerning the
                                              benefits and costs, both qualitative and                without basis and was motivated by                    economic impact of the importation of
                                              quantitative, of the rules they                         bilateral trade concerns. In 2012, the                apples from China would prove
                                              promulgate. The commenter specifically                  NPPO of China suspended access for red                incorrect. Another commenter stated
                                              said that APHIS had failed to                           and golden delicious apples from the                  that, if China were to allow for the
                                              demonstrate that the proposed rule                      State of Washington due to repeated                   importation of apples from the United
                                              provided any benefit to U.S. consumers                  interceptions of three apple pests the                States, there is concern that small
                                              and stakeholders.                                       NPPO considers significant: Speck rot                 American producers will not be able to
                                                 We disagree with the commenter’s                     (caused by Phacidiopycnis                             make such market access opportunities
                                              assessment. Executive Order 13563                       washingtonensis), bull’s-eye rot (caused              profitable. Another commenter
                                              requires that agencies propose or adopt                 by four species of Neofabraea), and                   suggested that APHIS regulate the
                                              a regulation upon a reasoned                            Sphaeropsis rot (caused by Sphaeropsis                amount and variety of apples allowed
                                              determination that its benefits justify its             pyriputrescens). In response, APHIS                   into the United States from China.
                                              costs (recognizing that some benefits                   worked with the U.S. apple industry to                   Other countries make decisions as to
                                              and costs are difficult to quantify). The               develop additional safeguarding                       whether to allow the importation of U.S.
                                              Executive Order also states that, where                 measures to address China’s concerns                  products only when formally requested.
                                              appropriate and permitted by law, each                  about these pests. As a result, red and               APHIS formally requested that China
                                              agency may consider (and discuss                        golden delicious apples were permitted                allow the importation of U.S. apples,
                                              qualitatively) values that are difficult or             to be imported from the United States                 and we worked with the U.S. apple
                                              impossible to quantify, including                       into China beginning in early November                industry to address concerns raised by
                                              equity, human dignity, fairness, and                    2014.                                                 the NPPO of China, resulting in the
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              distributive impacts. The Executive                        Another commenter stated that                      successful reopening of the Chinese
                                              Order ultimately leaves the type of                     Chinese import competition affects local              apple market to U.S. apple growers in
                                              analysis to the discretion of the Agency.               labor markets by triggering declines in               November 2014. However, APHIS’
                                              We have previously explained the                        associated wages and employment.                      primary responsibility with regard to
                                              reasons for which APHIS conducts                           While APHIS is sensitive to the costs              international import trade is now, and
                                              qualitative rather than quantitative                    its actions may impose on producers in                has been for many years, to identify and
                                              analyses.                                               the United States, as detailed in the                 manage the phytosanitary risks

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         22633

                                              associated with importing commodities.                     In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 604, we                China’s exports of fresh apples peaked
                                              When we determine that the risk                         have performed a final regulatory                     in 2009 at 1.2 million MT and declined
                                              associated with the importation of a                    flexibility analysis, which is                        to 0.98 million MT in 2012. Most of the
                                              commodity can be successfully                           summarized below, regarding the                       4.3 million apple growers in China
                                              mitigated, it is our responsibility under               economic effects of this rule on small                operate on a small scale, with farm
                                              the trade agreements to which we are                    entities. Copies of the full analysis are             acreages averaging 1.3 acres. The Fuji
                                              signatory to make provisions for the                    available on the Regulations.gov Web                  variety accounts for about 70 percent of
                                              importation of that commodity.                          site (see footnote 1 in this document for             China’s apple production. China’s heavy
                                              Moreover, under the PPA, our                            a link to Regulations.gov) or by                      dependence on the Fuji variety is in
                                              decisionmaking related to allowing or                   contacting the person listed under FOR                sharp contrast to the many diverse
                                              denying the importation of commodities                  FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.                          varieties produced in the United States.
                                              must be based on phytosanitary                             Apples are the second most popular                 China’s export markets are concentrated
                                              considerations rather than the goal of                  fresh fruit for U.S. consumers and the                in Russia, Southeast Asia, and the
                                              reciprocal market access.                               third most valuable fruit crop produced               Middle East. Chinese fresh apples also
                                                 Another commenter stated that the                    in the United States. The United States               have been exported for more than a
                                              PPA requires that APHIS base its                        is the world’s second largest apple                   decade to Canada; however, Canada
                                              regulations on sound science and that                   producer and became the world’s largest               accounted only for 0.4 percent of
                                              the desire for reciprocal apple trade                   apple exporter in terms of value in 2012,             China’s fresh apple exports in 2012. In
                                              with China is not science-based. The                    generating a surplus of $909 million in               fact, China’s combined export volume to
                                              commenter said that if hope of such                     fresh apple trade (exports minus                      Canada, European Union (EU) member
                                              mutual access was influential in the                    imports). That year, the United States                countries, Australia, and Mexico is very
                                              development of the proposed rule, then                  commercially produced 4.1 million                     small (0.8 percent of its total fresh apple
                                              the rule is not compliant with the PPA,                 metric tons (MT) of apples, valued at $3              exports in 2012), and has significantly
                                              and therefore illegal. The same                         billion, of which 3 million MT of apples              declined in the last 6 years, from 45,267
                                              commenter also stated that such a                       were sold fresh and 1.1 million MT                    MT in 2007 (4.4 percent of Chinese
                                              situation violates the conditions of the                were used for processing. Although                    apple exports) to 8,273 MT in 2012.
                                              SPS Agreement, particularly Article 2.2,                apples are commercially grown in all 50               Average export prices of fresh apples
                                              which requires that signatories base                    States, 9 States accounted for 96 percent             from China in 2012 to the
                                              sanitary and phytosanitary regulations                  of production. The State of Washington                aforementioned countries (Canada,
                                              on scientific principles, and Article 5.1,              was by far the largest producer, at more              $1.50/kilogram (kg); EU, $1.10/kg;
                                              which requires that signatories base                    than 2.9 million MT per year (over 70                 Australia, $1.83/kg; and Mexico, $1.55/
                                              their actions on a risk assessment. The                 percent of the U.S. total).                           kg) are consistently higher than the
                                              commenter reiterates that reciprocal                       Almost all apple farms are family-                 average price paid in all 67 countries to
                                              trade is neither a scientific principle nor             owned, and many of these families have                which China exported fresh apples
                                              a risk assessment and APHIS’s proposed                  been engaged in apple production for                  ($0.98/kg). It is reasonable to expect that
                                              action may therefore be out of                          many generations. The U.S. apple                      price for fresh apples exported to the
                                              compliance with the SPS Agreement.                      industry is challenged by relatively flat             United States will be similar to prices
                                                 This action was predicated on several                domestic apple consumption, and its                   paid in Canada and Mexico.
                                              risk assessment documents that provide                  continued growth relies on expanded                   Considering the current availability of
                                              a scientific basis for potential                        global trade. Roughly 30 percent of fresh             relatively low-priced imported apples in
                                              importation of apples from China.                       apples produced in the United States                  the United States and the wide range of
                                              Without these risk assessment                           were exported in 2012. That year,                     domestic varieties, apples imported
                                              documents, which have withstood                         roughly 8 percent of fresh apples                     from China are not likely to compete
                                              several reviews and public comment                      consumed in the United States were                    solely on price in the U.S. market. U.S.
                                              periods, APHIS would not have                           imported, totaling 183,000 MT and                     consumers make their purchasing
                                              proposed this action. Political and                     valued at $164 million. Virtually all                 decisions for fresh apples based not
                                              economic interests may stimulate                        imports came from four trading                        only on price, but also on intrinsic
                                              consideration of the expansion of trade                 partners: Chile, New Zealand, Canada,                 product attributes such as variety, color,
                                              of agricultural commodities between                     and Argentina.                                        size, flavor, texture, freshness,
                                              countries, but all decisionmaking                          By quantity, China was the world’s                 production method, and product origin.
                                              concerning phytosanitary restrictions on                largest producer, consumer and exporter                  Based on historic data of China’s
                                              trade must be science-based. APHIS                      of apples in 2012. (In 2013, Poland                   apple production, consumption, export
                                              stands behind the risk assessment                       became the world’s largest exporter of                volumes, and prices, we expect no more
                                              documents that support this rule, and                   apples in quantity, whereas the United                than 10,000 MT of fresh apples will be
                                              believes they are based on sound                        States remained the world’s largest                   imported from China into the
                                              science.                                                exporter of apples in value). Apples are              continental United States annually,
                                                 Therefore, for the reasons given in the              the leading fruit produced in China,                  which represents less than 0.44 percent
                                              proposed rule and in this document, we                  with production having increased from                 of the U.S. domestic fresh apple supply
                                              are adopting the proposed rule as a final               2.3 million MT in 1978, to 38.5 million               and less than 5 percent of U.S. imports
                                              rule, with the changes discussed in this                MT (33.3 million MT for fresh markets                 in 2012. Most of China’s fresh apple
                                              document.                                               and 5.2 million MT for processing) in                 exports to the United States will likely
                                                                                                      2012. China’s apple consumption has                   be shipped to West Coast ports,
                                              Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                      grown to 37.5 million MT.                             primarily ones in California, and are
                                              Flexibility Act                                            In contrast to that of the United                  expected to be distributed through
                                                This final rule has been determined to                States, China’s apple industry relies                 Asian ethnic supermarkets mainly to
                                              be not significant for the purposes of                  marginally on international trade—in                  Asian communities.
                                              Executive Order 12866 and, therefore,                   2012, it exported about 3 percent of                     California is the largest market for
                                              has not been reviewed by the Office of                  fresh apples produced and imported 0.1                Washington State apples; any effects of
                                              Management and Budget.                                  percent of fresh apples consumed.                     the rule may be borne mainly by

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                                              22634              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                              Washington and California apple                         recordkeeping requirements, Rice,                        (2) The apples must be grown at
                                              growers. In particular, U.S. apple                      Vegetables.                                           places of production that are registered
                                              growers of the Fuji variety, which                                                                            with the NPPO of China.
                                              comprised about 8 percent of U.S.                         Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR                     (3) Apples from China may be
                                              production in 2011, may be more                         part 319 as follows:                                  imported in commercial consignments
                                              directly affected by an increase in                                                                           only.
                                                                                                      PART 319—FOREIGN QUARANTINE                              (b) Place of production requirements.
                                              supply because we expect the majority
                                                                                                      NOTICES                                               (1) The place of production must carry
                                              of fresh apples from China will be of the
                                              Fuji variety. However, given the                                                                              out any phytosanitary measures
                                              relatively small quantity expected to be                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 319              specified for the place of production
                                              imported from China, any negative                       continues to read as follows:                         under the operational workplan as
                                              impacts for U.S. small entities will not                  Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701–7772, and             described in the regulations.
                                              be significant.                                         7781–7786; 21 U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 7 CFR                 (2) When any apples destined for
                                                                                                      2.22, 2.80, and 371.3.                                export to the continental United States
                                              Executive Order 12988                                                                                         are still on the tree and are no more than
                                                This final rule allows apples to be                   ■ 2. Section 319.56–72 is added to read               2.5 centimeters in diameter, double-
                                              imported into the continental United                    as follows:                                           layered paper bags must be placed
                                              States from China. State and local laws                                                                       wholly over the apples. The bags must
                                                                                                      § 319.56–72       Apples from China.                  remain intact and on the apples until at
                                              and regulations regarding apples
                                              imported under this rule will be                           Fresh apples (Malus pumila) from                   least 14 days prior to harvest.
                                              preempted while the fruit is in foreign                 China may be imported into the                           (3) The NPPO of China must visit and
                                              commerce. Fresh fruits are generally                    continental United States from China                  inspect registered places of production
                                              imported for immediate distribution and                 only under the conditions described in                prior to harvest for signs of infestation
                                              sale to the consuming public, and                       this section. These conditions are                    and/or infection.
                                                                                                      designed to prevent the introduction of                  (4) If Monilia polystroma van
                                              remain in foreign commerce until sold
                                                                                                      the following quarantine pests:                       Leeuwen or Monilinia fructigena is
                                              to the ultimate consumer. The question
                                                                                                      Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von                         detected at a registered place of
                                              of when foreign commerce ceases in
                                                                                                      Röslerstamm), summer fruit tortix;                   production, APHIS may reject the
                                              other cases must be addressed on a case-
                                                                                                      Archips micaceana (Walker), a moth;                   consignment or prohibit the importation
                                              by-case basis. No retroactive effect will
                                                                                                      Argyrotaenia ljungiana (Thunberg),                    into the continental United States of
                                              be given to this rule, and this rule will
                                                                                                      grape tortix; Bactrocera dorsalis                     apples from the place of production for
                                              not require administrative proceedings
                                                                                                      (Hendel), Oriental fruit fly; Carposina               the remainder of the season. The
                                              before parties may file suit in court
                                                                                                      sasakii Matsumura, peach fruit moth;                  exportation to the continental United
                                              challenging this rule.
                                                                                                      Cenopalpus pulcher (Canestrini &                      States of apples from the place of
                                              Paperwork Reduction Act                                 Fanzago), flat scarlet mite; Cryptoblabes             production may resume in the next
                                                                                                      gnidiella (Millière), honeydew moth;                 growing season if an investigation is
                                                In accordance with section 3507(d) of
                                                                                                      Cydia funebrana (Treitschke), plum                    conducted by the NPPO, and APHIS and
                                              the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                                                                      fruit moth; Euzophera bigella (Zeller),               the NPPO conclude that appropriate
                                              (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the information
                                                                                                      quince moth; Euzophera pyriella Yang,                 remedial action has been taken.
                                              collection or recordkeeping                                                                                      (c) Packinghouse requirements. (1)
                                              requirements included in this final rule,               a moth; Grapholita inopinata Heinrich,
                                                                                                      Manchurian fruit moth; Leucoptera                     Packinghouses must be registered with
                                              which were filed under 0579–0423,                                                                             the NPPO of China, and during the time
                                              have been submitted for approval to the                 malifoliella (Costa), apple leaf miner;
                                                                                                      Monilia polystroma van Leeuwen, Asian                 registered packinghouses are in use for
                                              Office of Management and Budget                                                                               packing apples for export to the
                                              (OMB). When OMB notifies us of its                      brown rot; Monilinia fructigena Honey,
                                                                                                      brown fruit rot; Rhynchites auratus                   continental United States, the
                                              decision, if approval is denied, we will                                                                      packinghouses may only accept apples
                                              publish a document in the Federal                       (Scopoli), apricot weevil; Rhynchites
                                                                                                      bacchus (L.), peach weevil; Rhynchites                that are from registered places of
                                              Register providing notice of what action                                                                      production and that are produced in
                                              we plan to take.                                        giganteus Krynicky, a weevil;
                                                                                                      Rhynchites heros Roelofs, a weevil;                   accordance with the requirements of
                                              E-Government Act Compliance                             Spilonota albicana (Motschulsky),                     this section.
                                                                                                      white fruit moth; Spilonota                              (2) Packinghouses must have a
                                                 The Animal and Plant Health                                                                                tracking system in place to readily
                                              Inspection Service is committed to                      prognathana Snellen, a moth; and
                                                                                                      Ulodemis trigrapha Meyrick, a moth.                   identify all apples destined for export to
                                              compliance with the EGovernment Act                                                                           the continental United States that enter
                                              to promote the use of the Internet and                  The conditions for importation of all
                                                                                                      fresh apples from China are found in                  the packinghouse and be able to trace
                                              other information technologies, to                                                                            the apples back to their place of
                                              provide increased opportunities for                     paragraphs (a) through (e) of this
                                                                                                      section; additional conditions for apples             production.
                                              citizen access to Government                                                                                     (3) Following the packinghouse
                                              information and services, and for other                 imported from areas of China south of
                                                                                                                                                            inspection, the packinghouse must
                                              purposes. For information pertinent to                  the 33rd parallel are found in paragraph
                                                                                                                                                            follow a handling procedure for the
                                              E-Government Act compliance related                     (f) of this section.
                                                                                                                                                            apples that is mutually agreed upon by
                                              to this rule, please contact Ms. Kimberly                  (a) General requirements. (1) The                  APHIS and the NPPO of China.
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              Hardy, APHIS’ Information Collection                    national plant protection organization                   (4) The apples must be washed and
                                              Coordinator, at (301) 851–2727.                         (NPPO) of China must provide an                       brushed as well as waxed or sprayed
                                              List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319                      operational workplan to APHIS that                    with compressed air prior to shipment.
                                                                                                      details the activities that the NPPO of                  (5) The apples must be packed in
                                               Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs,                 China will, subject to APHIS’ approval                cartons that are labeled with the identity
                                              Nursery stock, Plant diseases and pests,                of the workplan, carry out to meet the                of the place of production and the
                                              Quarantine, Reporting and                               requirements of this section.                         packinghouse.

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 78 / Thursday, April 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                22635

                                                 (d) Shipping requirements. Sealed                    require repetitive weighing of fire                   section. Comments will be available in
                                              containers of apples destined for export                extinguisher bottles having a certain                 the AD docket shortly after receipt.
                                              to the continental United States must be                part number, and eventual replacement                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom
                                              held in a cold storage facility while                   of those bottles to terminate the                     Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer,
                                              awaiting export.                                        repetitive weighing. This AD was                      International Branch, ANM–116,
                                                 (e) Phytosanitary certificate. Each                  prompted by our determination that                    Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA,
                                              consignment of apples imported from                     certain text in the method of compliance              1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA
                                              China into the continental United States                language specified in AD 2013–26–05                   98057–3356; telephone 425–227–1137;
                                              must be accompanied by a                                incorrectly refers to Airbus, instead of              fax 425–227–1149.
                                              phytosanitary certificate issued by the                 ‘‘Dassault Aviation.’’ We are issuing this            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              NPPO of China with an additional                        AD to detect and correct a dormant
                                              declaration stating that the requirements               failure in the fire suppression system,               Discussion
                                              of this section have been met and the                   which could result in the inability to                   On August 29, 2014, we issued AD
                                              consignment has been inspected by the                   put out a fire in an engine, auxiliary                2013–26–05, Amendment 39–17714 (79
                                              NPPO and found free of quarantine                       power unit (APU), or rear compartment.                FR 54897, September 15, 2014), which
                                              pests.                                                  DATES: This AD becomes effective May                  applied to all Dassault Aviation Model
                                                 (f) Additional conditions for apples                 8, 2015.                                              FAN JET FALCON, FAN JET FALCON
                                              from areas of China south of the 33rd                      The Director of the Federal Register               SERIES C, D, E, F, and G airplanes;
                                              parallel. In addition to the conditions in              approved the incorporation by reference               Model MYSTERE–FALCON 200
                                              paragraphs (a) through (e) of this                      of certain other publications listed in               airplanes; and Model MYSTERE–
                                              section, apples from areas of China                     this AD as of October 20, 2014 (79 FR                 FALCON 20–C5, 20–D5, 20–E5, and 20–
                                              south of the 33rd parallel apples must                  54897, dated September 15, 2014).                     F5 airplanes. AD 2013–26–05 was
                                              be treated in accordance with 7 CFR                        We must receive comments on this                   prompted by reports of a manufacturing
                                              part 305. (Approved by the Office of                    AD by June 8, 2015.                                   defect in the charge indicator on fire
                                              Management and Budget under control                     ADDRESSES: You may send comments by                   extinguisher bottles. AD 2013–26–05
                                              number 0579–0423)                                       any of the following methods:                         required repetitive weighing of fire
                                                Done in Washington, DC, this 20th day of                 • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                extinguisher bottles having a certain
                                              April 2015.                                             http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the                part number, and eventual replacement
                                              Kevin Shea,                                             instructions for submitting comments.                 of those bottles to terminate the
                                              Administrator, Animal and Plant Health                     • Fax: 202–493–2251.                               repetitive weighing. We issued AD
                                              Inspection Service.                                        • Mail: U.S. Department of                         2013–26–05 to detect and correct a
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–09508 Filed 4–22–15; 8:45 am]             Transportation, Docket Operations, M–                 dormant failure in the fire suppression
                                              BILLING CODE 3410–34–P                                  30, West Building Ground Floor, Room                  system, which could result in the
                                                                                                      W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,                  inability to put out a fire in an engine,
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20590.                                 APU, or rear compartment.
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                               • Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of                   AD 2013–26–05, Amendment 39–
                                                                                                      Transportation, Docket Operations, M–                 17714 (79 FR 54897, September 15,
                                              Federal Aviation Administration                         30, West Building Ground Floor, Room                  2014), corresponds to Mandatory
                                                                                                      W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,                  Continuing Airworthiness Information
                                              14 CFR Part 39                                          Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5                  (MCAI) European Aviation Safety
                                                                                                      p.m., Monday through Friday, except                   Agency (EASA) AD 2012–0189, dated
                                              [Docket No. FAA–2015–0830; Directorate
                                              Identifier 2015–NM–024–AD; Amendment                    Federal holidays.                                     September 24, 2012. You may examine
                                              39–18141; AD 2015–08–05]                                   For service information identified in              the MCAI on the Internet at http://
                                                                                                      this AD, contact Dassault Falcon Jet,                 www.regulations.gov by searching for
                                              RIN 2120–AA64                                           P.O. Box 2000, South Hackensack, NJ                   and locating Docket No. FAA–2015–
                                                                                                      07606; telephone 201–440–6700;                        0830.
                                              Airworthiness Directives; Dassault                                                                               Since we issued AD 2013–26–05,
                                                                                                      Internet http://www.dassaultfalcon.com.
                                              Aviation Airplanes                                                                                            Amendment 39–17714 (79 FR 54897,
                                                                                                      You may view this referenced service
                                              AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                               information at the FAA, Transport                     September 15, 2014), we have
                                              Administration (FAA), Department of                     Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue                determined that there is an error in the
                                              Transportation (DOT).                                   SW., Renton, WA. For information on                   manufacturer’s name in the method of
                                              ACTION: Final rule; request for                         the availability of this material at the              compliance language in certain text in
                                              comments.                                               FAA, call 425–227–1221.                               the ‘‘Explanation of Change Made to
                                                                                                                                                            This AD’’ section and in certain
                                              SUMMARY:    We are superseding                          Examining the AD Docket                               paragraphs of the regulatory text of AD
                                              Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013–26–                     You may examine the AD docket on                    2013–26–05. AD 2013–26–05 refers to
                                              05 for all Dassault Aviation Model FAN                  the Internet at http://                               Airbus’s EASA Design Organization
                                              JET FALCON, FAN JET FALCON                              www.regulations.gov by searching for                  Approval (DOA), instead of Dassault
                                              SERIES C, D, E, F, and G airplanes;                     and locating Docket No. FAA–2015–                     Aviation’s EASA DOA. In order to refer
                                              Model MYSTERE–FALCON 200                                0830; or in person at the Docket                      to the appropriate EASA DOA, this AD
                                              airplanes; and Model MYSTERE–                           Operations office between 9 a.m. and 5                replaces ‘‘Airbus’s’’ with ‘‘Dassault
rljohnson on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                              FALCON 20–C5, 20–D5, 20–E5, and 20–                     p.m., Monday through Friday, except                   Aviation’s’’ in paragraphs (h)(2),
                                              F5 airplanes. AD 2013–26–05 required                    Federal holidays. The AD docket                       (h)(2)(i), (h)(2)(ii), (h)(2)(iii), (h)(2)(iv),
                                              repetitive weighing of fire extinguisher                contains this AD, the regulatory                      (i), (i)(1), (i)(2), (i)(3), (i)(4), (j)(1), (j)(2),
                                              bottles having a certain part number,                   evaluation, any comments received, and                (j)(3), (j)(4), and (l)(2) of this AD. The
                                              and eventual replacement of those                       other information. The street address for             ‘‘Explanation of Change Made to This
                                              bottles to terminate the repetitive                     the Docket Operations office (telephone               AD’’ section of AD 2013–26–05 is not
                                              weighing. This new AD continues to                      800–647–5527) is in the ADDRESSES                     restated in this AD.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:11 Apr 22, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00017   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\23APR1.SGM   23APR1

Document Created: 2015-12-16 08:41:21
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 08:41:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective May 26, 2015.
ContactMr. David B. Lamb, Senior Regulatory Policy Specialist, RPM, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 133, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; (301) 851-2018.
FR Citation80 FR 22619 
RIN Number0579-AD89
CFR AssociatedCoffee; Cotton; Fruits; Imports; Logs; Nursery Stock; Plant Diseases and Pests; Quarantine; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Rice and Vegetables

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