80_FR_23133 80 FR 23054 - Copyright Protection for Certain Visual Works

80 FR 23054 - Copyright Protection for Certain Visual Works

U.S. Copyright Office

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 79 (April 24, 2015)

Page Range23054-23056
FR Document2015-09575

The U.S. Copyright Office is reviewing how certain visual works, particularly photographs, graphic artworks, and illustrations, are monetized, enforced, and registered under the Copyright Act. The Office seeks commentary on the current marketplace for these visual works, as well as observations regarding the real or potential obstacles that authors, and, as applicable, their licensees or other representatives face when navigating the digital landscape. This work builds upon previous studies and public inquiries in a number of areas, including small claims, the making available right, resale royalties, registration, recordation, and the interoperability of records. As always, the Office is interested in the perspectives of copyright owners as well as users of these creative works. This is a general inquiry that will likely lead to additional specific inquiries.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 79 (Friday, April 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 79 (Friday, April 24, 2015)]
[Pages 23054-23056]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-09575]



U.S. Copyright Office

[Docket No. 2015-01]

Copyright Protection for Certain Visual Works

AGENCY: U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress.

ACTION: Notice of Inquiry.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Copyright Office is reviewing how certain visual 
works, particularly photographs, graphic artworks, and illustrations, 
are monetized, enforced, and registered under the Copyright Act. The 
Office seeks commentary on the current marketplace for these visual 
works, as well as observations regarding the real or potential 
obstacles that authors, and, as applicable, their licensees or other 
representatives face when navigating the digital landscape. This work 
builds upon previous studies and public inquiries in a number of areas, 
including small claims, the making available right, resale royalties, 
registration, recordation, and the interoperability of records. As 
always, the Office is interested in the perspectives of copyright 
owners as well as users of these creative works. This is a general 
inquiry that will likely lead to additional specific inquiries.

DATES: Comments are due July 23, 2015. Reply comments are due August 
24, 2015.

ADDRESSES: All comments should be submitted electronically using the 
comment submission page on the Office Web site at http://copyright.gov/policy/visualworks/. To meet accessibility standards, submitters must 
upload comments in a single file not to exceed six (6) megabytes (MB) 
in one of the following formats: The Adobe Portable Document File (PDF) 
format that contains searchable, accessible text (not an image); 
Microsoft Word; WordPerfect; Rich Text Format (RTF); or ASCII text file 
format (not a scanned document). The form and face of the comments must 
include the submitter's name and organization (if any). The Office will 
post all comments publicly on the Office's Web site exactly as they are 
received, along with names and organizations. If electronic submission 
of comments is not feasible, please contact the Office at 202-707-8350 
for special instructions.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Catherine Rowland, Senior Advisor to 
the Register of Copyrights, by telephone at 202-707-8350 or by 
electronic mail at crowland@loc.gov.


I. Background

    The Copyright Act \1\ has long protected photographs, graphic 
artworks, and illustrations, which encompass a wide range of formats, 
from fine art pieces to duplications of fine art to media photographs 
to political cartoons and images created to enhance or sell popular 
products or services. Whether these works are created by one's own hand 
or using a computer program, significant creative talent is frequently 
involved. The types of authorship also vary greatly. Some authors are 
professionals who spend many years creating unique portfolios for the 
sake of art or for commercial customers, and who publish and license 
their works with the expectation that they will be properly attributed 
and compensated. Others are amateurs or hobbyists who create or 
disseminate images on an informal basis using mobile phones and other 
consumer devices as well as social media.

    \1\ 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq.

    Photographs, graphic artworks, and illustrations have had a broad 
impact on U.S. culture. Few would question the

[[Page 23055]]

iconic importance of photographs like Dorothea Lange's ``Migrant 
Mother,'' which epitomize eras of American history. Photographs that 
document current events often provide gripping images that illuminate 
critically important news of the day. For example, the remarkable image 
of firefighters raising an American flag amidst the wreckage of the 
World Trade Center provides an intense connection to the events of 
September 11, 2001, and is, in fact, the subject of recent litigation. 
Media art such as political cartoons provide commentary as well as 
entertainment; graphic art is everywhere in popular culture and on 
products; and professional illustrations such as those depicting 
medical instruction are crucial to educational texts. In short, images 
are ubiquitous and essential to life in the twenty-first century.
    Despite the protections afforded by the Copyright Act and the 
prevalence of such works in society, authors face significant 
challenges in the modern era. Photographers note that ``the average 
revenues for working photographers declined over the past year . . . 
[and] visual artists remain the group most vulnerable to the 
unauthorized uses of their works while being the group least 
financially able to bear the resulting economic losses.'' \2\ An 
illustrator recounts that ``[i]t has been a constant battle to educate 
the good faith persons who have used my art [in an] unauthorized 
[manner] because they found the works in media where pirates had 
deliberately deleted my copyright watermark and published my images 
illegally.'' \3\ Finally, the Graphic Artists Guild explains that ``50 
percent of the people who are infringing are not responding before any 
legal action is taken. They are not responding to the rights holder or 
their attorney who asks them to stop, to cease and desist, or ask for 
money.'' \4\

    \2\ Comments of American Society of Media Photographers in 
Response to U.S. Copyright Office's Oct. 22, 2012 Notice of Inquiry 
on Orphan Works and Mass Digitization (``Orphan Works NOI''), at 3 
(Feb. 4, 2013).
    \3\ Comments of Gerrity Medical Art in Response to Orphan Works 
NOI, at 1 (Feb. 4, 2013).
    \4\ U.S. Copyright Office Hearing on Small Copyright Claims, Tr. 
at 266:17-21 (Nov. 16, 2012) (Lisa Shaftel, Graphic Artists Guild), 
available at http://copyright.gov/docs/smallclaims/transcripts/.

    Regarding monetization, in the online era, many individuals and 
companies seek to use photographs and other illustrations to further 
their businesses. Some of these users license images from the authors 
or their representatives, e.g., stock photography companies. However, 
many authors are likely missing opportunities to monetize their works. 
These difficulties may be heightened when photographs, graphic 
artworks, and illustrations are embedded into other works that are the 
subject of licenses between third parties.
    Many of these works ``are particularly vulnerable to orphaning'' 
\5\ because the identity of the rights holder often is not included on 
the face of a work. In the digital world, some authors embed copyright 
information in their works, but this rights management information may 
be unlawfully stripped from digital copies.\6\ This, in turn, makes it 
very difficult for potential users to contact the copyright owner to 
obtain a license to use visual works they may find (i.e., on Web 
sites), and thus decreases artists' opportunities to monetize their 

    \5\ Comments of Association of Medical Illustrators in Response 
to Orphan Works NOI, at 1 (Feb. 4, 2013).
    \6\ This removal of rights information may violate Section 1202 
of the Copyright Act but is difficult to police.

    The significant enforcement challenges also pose substantial 
difficulties. For example, ``[p]urloining of [photographs], whether 
produced for use by multi-national corporations for advertising 
purposes, use on apparel, product packaging or reportage, has become 
routine.'' \7\ Authors have found that ``[c]opyright infringement is 
rampant, especially by copying of digital works and the scanning [of] 
visual works into digital format.'' \8\ Accessing a photograph, graphic 
artwork, or illustration online is generally simple and images can 
frequently be copied or downloaded with ease, thus making it effortless 
for third parties to use images without permission.

    \7\ Comments of American Photographic Artists in Response to 
U.S. Copyright Office's Oct. 17, 2012 Notice of Inquiry on Remedies 
for Small Copyright Claims (``Small Claims NOI''), at 3 (Jan. 17, 
    \8\ Comments of Graphic Artists Guild in Response to Small 
Claims NOI, at 3 (Jan. 16, 2012).

    Authors and licensees who try to pursue infringements may face an 
uphill battle. Litigation can be costly and expensive, and while the 
monetary harm of an individual infringement may be low, the impact of 
numerous infringements can be quite high. Similar issue are at play 
with the Copyright Act's notice and takedown procedures, which, while a 
valuable mechanism, can provide an incomplete or challenging solution 
for small authors.
    The Copyright Office has been concerned for some time about these 
and related issues. For example, in recent years, the Office studied 
and proposed the possibility of an alternative dispute resolution 
process for copyright claims that have a low economic value,\9\ the 
possibility of a resale royalty for certain visual art works,\10\ and 
the importance of the making available right in the online 
environment.\11\ The Office has also looked extensively at the problem 
of orphaned photographs and artworks, and how best to facilitate an 
exchange between a good faith user and a rightful owner.

    \9\ See http://copyright.gov/docs/smallclaims/.
    \10\ See http://copyright.gov/docs/resaleroyalty/.
    \11\ See http://copyright.gov/docs/making_available/.

    Aside from legal solutions, the Copyright Office is mindful of 
emerging practical solutions. Through an academic partnership with 
Stanford Law School, the Office has focused its attention on the 
subject of photographs and licensing gridlock. Stanford's students are 
exploring ways to centrally assemble information concerning marketplace 
resources for the licensing of photographs and the data standards 
relied upon by copyright owners and licensees to engage in such 
transactions. This project will not only serve creators and their 
customers, but will also help to inform the Copyright Office as it 
further adopts or, as necessary, establishes, global identifying 
information for copyright registration and recorded transactions. 
Across the sea, the United Kingdom's Copyright Hub is working on a 
prototype for transactions involving photographs as its first major 
project. And the Internet Task Force of the Department of Commerce 
recently explored photography questions as part of a broader public 
meeting hosted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office about 
facilitating the online licensing environment.\12\

    \12\ See U.S. Dep't of Commerce Internet Policy Task Force, 
Facilitating the Development of the Online Licensing Environment for 
Copyrighted Works, Apr. 1, 2015 Agenda, available at http://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/ip-policy/copyrights; see also 
U.S. Dep't of Commerce Internet Policy Task Force, Copyright Policy, 
Creativity, and Innovation in the Digital Economy (2013) (the 
``Green Paper'').

    Finally, photographers, graphic artists, and illustrators face 
challenges when registering their copyrights. Many photographers, for 
example, are prolific, creating thousands of works per year or even per 
week or month. Because it can be expensive to register these works on 
an individual basis, the Copyright Office has provided certain group 
alternatives. At the same time, the Office also must provide an 
effective public record that includes sufficient detail regarding who 
has created what. Statutory damages are available against a user when 
an author has timely registered a work, and thus the granularity of the 
record is critical.

[[Page 23056]]

For this reason, while group options are helpful, they have to be 
carefully calibrated. How to improve the registration record by 
leveraging technology solutions is thus a priority.

II. Subjects of Inquiry

    The Office invites comments that address the subjects listed below. 
When submitting a comment, please identify the nature of your interest 
in this subject (e.g., whether you are a creator, licensee, etc.):
    1. What are the most significant challenges related to monetizing 
and/or licensing photographs, graphic artworks, and/or illustrations?
    2. What are the most significant enforcement challenges for 
photographers, graphic artists, and/or illustrators?
    3. What are the most significant registration challenges for 
photographers, graphic artists, and/or illustrators?
    4. What are the most significant challenges or frustrations for 
those who wish to make legal use of photographs, graphic art works, 
and/or illustrations?
    5. What other issues or challenges should the Office be aware of 
regarding photographs, graphic artworks, and/or illustrations under the 
Copyright Act?

III. Conclusion

    If there are any additional pertinent issues not discussed above, 
the Office encourages interested parties to raise those matters in 
their comments.

    Dated: April 21, 2015.
Catherine R. Rowland,
Senior Advisor to the Register of Copyrights.
[FR Doc. 2015-09575 Filed 4-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                              23054                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 79 / Friday, April 24, 2015 / Notices

                                              States Courts, Thurgood Marshall                        application submissions and review;                   perspectives of copyright owners as well
                                              Federal Judiciary Building, One                         outreach efforts; and to vote on the                  as users of these creative works. This is
                                              Columbus Circle NE., Suite 7–240,                       position of Board Chairperson.                        a general inquiry that will likely lead to
                                              Washington, DC 20544, Telephone (202)                      This meeting/conference call is open               additional specific inquiries.
                                              502–1820.                                               to the public at the offices of the Bureau            DATES: Comments are due July 23, 2015.
                                                Dated: April 21, 2015.                                of Justice Assistance. For security                   Reply comments are due August 24,
                                              Rebecca A. Womeldorf,
                                                                                                      purposes, members of the public who                   2015.
                                                                                                      wish to participate must register at least            ADDRESSES: All comments should be
                                              Secretary, Committee on Rules of Practice
                                              and Procedure.
                                                                                                      seven (7) days in advance of the                      submitted electronically using the
                                                                                                      meeting/conference call by contacting                 comment submission page on the Office
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–09579 Filed 4–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      Mr. Joy. All interested participants will             Web site at http://copyright.gov/policy/
                                              BILLING CODE 2210–55–P
                                                                                                      be required to meet at the Bureau of                  visualworks/. To meet accessibility
                                                                                                      Justice Assistance, Office of Justice                 standards, submitters must upload
                                                                                                      Programs; 810 7th Street NW.,                         comments in a single file not to exceed
                                              DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE                                   Washington, DC, and will be required to               six (6) megabytes (MB) in one of the
                                                                                                      sign in at the front desk. Note: Photo                following formats: The Adobe Portable
                                              Office of Justice Programs
                                                                                                      identification will be required for                   Document File (PDF) format that
                                              [OJP (OJP) Docket No. 1688]                             admission. Additional identification                  contains searchable, accessible text (not
                                                                                                      documents may be required.                            an image); Microsoft Word;
                                              Meeting of the Public Safety Officer                       Access to the meeting/conference call
                                              Medal of Valor Review Board                                                                                   WordPerfect; Rich Text Format (RTF); or
                                                                                                      will not be allowed without prior                     ASCII text file format (not a scanned
                                              AGENCY:  Bureau of Justice Assistance                   registration. Anyone requiring special                document). The form and face of the
                                              (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP),                accommodations should contact Mr. Joy                 comments must include the submitter’s
                                              DOJ.                                                    at least seven (7) days in advance of the             name and organization (if any). The
                                                                                                      meeting. Please submit any comments                   Office will post all comments publicly
                                              ACTION: Notice of meeting.
                                                                                                      or written statements for consideration               on the Office’s Web site exactly as they
                                              SUMMARY:   This is an announcement of a                 by the Review Board in writing at least               are received, along with names and
                                              meeting (via conference call-in only) of                seven (7) days in advance of the meeting              organizations. If electronic submission
                                              the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor                date.                                                 of comments is not feasible, please
                                              Review Board to consider a range of                     Gregory Joy,                                          contact the Office at 202–707–8350 for
                                              issues of importance to the Board, to                   Policy Advisor/Designated Federal Officer,            special instructions.
                                              include but not limited to: membership/                 Bureau of Justice Assistance.                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              terms; applicant eligibility; the pending               [FR Doc. 2015–09529 Filed 4–23–15; 8:45 am]           Catherine Rowland, Senior Advisor to
                                              2013–2014 MOV recommendations; the                      BILLING CODE 4410–18–P                                the Register of Copyrights, by telephone
                                              application submissions and review;                                                                           at 202–707–8350 or by electronic mail at
                                              outreach efforts; and to vote on the                                                                          crowland@loc.gov.
                                              position of Board Chairperson. The                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                      LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
                                              meeting/conference call date and time is
                                              listed below.                                                                                                 I. Background
                                                                                                      U.S. Copyright Office
                                              DATES: June 18, 2015, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00                                                                          The Copyright Act 1 has long
                                                                                                      [Docket No. 2015–01]                                  protected photographs, graphic
                                              p.m. EST.
                                              ADDRESSES: This meeting will take place                 Copyright Protection for Certain Visual               artworks, and illustrations, which
                                              via conference call.                                    Works                                                 encompass a wide range of formats,
                                                                                                                                                            from fine art pieces to duplications of
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      AGENCY: U.S. Copyright Office, Library                fine art to media photographs to
                                              Gregory Joy, Policy Advisor, Bureau of
                                                                                                      of Congress.                                          political cartoons and images created to
                                              Justice Assistance, Office of Justice
                                                                                                      ACTION: Notice of Inquiry.                            enhance or sell popular products or
                                              Programs, 810 7th Street NW.,
                                                                                                                                                            services. Whether these works are
                                              Washington, DC 20531, by telephone at                   SUMMARY:   The U.S. Copyright Office is               created by one’s own hand or using a
                                              (202) 514–1369, toll free (866) 859–                    reviewing how certain visual works,                   computer program, significant creative
                                              2687, or by email at Gregory.joy@                       particularly photographs, graphic                     talent is frequently involved. The types
                                              usdoj.gov.                                              artworks, and illustrations, are                      of authorship also vary greatly. Some
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The                     monetized, enforced, and registered                   authors are professionals who spend
                                              Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor                    under the Copyright Act. The Office                   many years creating unique portfolios
                                              Review Board carries out those advisory                 seeks commentary on the current                       for the sake of art or for commercial
                                              functions specified in 42 U.S.C. 15202.                 marketplace for these visual works, as                customers, and who publish and license
                                              Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 15201, the                        well as observations regarding the real               their works with the expectation that
                                              President of the United States is                       or potential obstacles that authors, and,             they will be properly attributed and
                                              authorized to award the Public Safety                   as applicable, their licensees or other               compensated. Others are amateurs or
                                              Officer Medal of Valor, the highest                     representatives face when navigating the              hobbyists who create or disseminate
                                              national award for valor by a public                    digital landscape. This work builds                   images on an informal basis using
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              safety officer.                                         upon previous studies and public                      mobile phones and other consumer
                                                 The purpose of this meeting/                         inquiries in a number of areas,                       devices as well as social media.
                                              conference call is to consider a range of               including small claims, the making                       Photographs, graphic artworks, and
                                              issues of importance to the Board, to                   available right, resale royalties,                    illustrations have had a broad impact on
                                              include but not limited to: Membership/                 registration, recordation, and the                    U.S. culture. Few would question the
                                              terms; applicant eligibility; the pending               interoperability of records. As always,
                                              2013–2014 MOV recommendations; the                      the Office is interested in the                         1 17   U.S.C. 101 et seq.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:30 Apr 23, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00088   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24APN1.SGM    24APN1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 79 / Friday, April 24, 2015 / Notices                                                    23055

                                              iconic importance of photographs like                   when photographs, graphic artworks,                     economic value,9 the possibility of a
                                              Dorothea Lange’s ‘‘Migrant Mother,’’                    and illustrations are embedded into                     resale royalty for certain visual art
                                              which epitomize eras of American                        other works that are the subject of                     works,10 and the importance of the
                                              history. Photographs that document                      licenses between third parties.                         making available right in the online
                                              current events often provide gripping                      Many of these works ‘‘are particularly               environment.11 The Office has also
                                              images that illuminate critically                       vulnerable to orphaning’’ 5 because the                 looked extensively at the problem of
                                              important news of the day. For example,                 identity of the rights holder often is not              orphaned photographs and artworks,
                                              the remarkable image of firefighters                    included on the face of a work. In the                  and how best to facilitate an exchange
                                              raising an American flag amidst the                     digital world, some authors embed                       between a good faith user and a rightful
                                              wreckage of the World Trade Center                      copyright information in their works,                   owner.
                                              provides an intense connection to the                   but this rights management information                     Aside from legal solutions, the
                                              events of September 11, 2001, and is, in                may be unlawfully stripped from digital                 Copyright Office is mindful of emerging
                                              fact, the subject of recent litigation.                 copies.6 This, in turn, makes it very                   practical solutions. Through an
                                              Media art such as political cartoons                    difficult for potential users to contact                academic partnership with Stanford
                                              provide commentary as well as                           the copyright owner to obtain a license                 Law School, the Office has focused its
                                              entertainment; graphic art is everywhere                to use visual works they may find (i.e.,                attention on the subject of photographs
                                              in popular culture and on products; and                 on Web sites), and thus decreases                       and licensing gridlock. Stanford’s
                                              professional illustrations such as those                artists’ opportunities to monetize their                students are exploring ways to centrally
                                              depicting medical instruction are                       works.                                                  assemble information concerning
                                              crucial to educational texts. In short,                    The significant enforcement                          marketplace resources for the licensing
                                              images are ubiquitous and essential to                  challenges also pose substantial                        of photographs and the data standards
                                              life in the twenty-first century.                       difficulties. For example, ‘‘[p]urloining               relied upon by copyright owners and
                                                 Despite the protections afforded by                  of [photographs], whether produced for                  licensees to engage in such transactions.
                                              the Copyright Act and the prevalence of                 use by multi-national corporations for                  This project will not only serve creators
                                              such works in society, authors face                     advertising purposes, use on apparel,                   and their customers, but will also help
                                              significant challenges in the modern era.               product packaging or reportage, has                     to inform the Copyright Office as it
                                              Photographers note that ‘‘the average                   become routine.’’ 7 Authors have found                  further adopts or, as necessary,
                                              revenues for working photographers                      that ‘‘[c]opyright infringement is                      establishes, global identifying
                                              declined over the past year . . . [and]                 rampant, especially by copying of                       information for copyright registration
                                              visual artists remain the group most                    digital works and the scanning [of]                     and recorded transactions. Across the
                                              vulnerable to the unauthorized uses of                  visual works into digital format.’’ 8                   sea, the United Kingdom’s Copyright
                                              their works while being the group least                 Accessing a photograph, graphic                         Hub is working on a prototype for
                                              financially able to bear the resulting                  artwork, or illustration online is                      transactions involving photographs as
                                              economic losses.’’ 2 An illustrator                     generally simple and images can                         its first major project. And the Internet
                                              recounts that ‘‘[i]t has been a constant                frequently be copied or downloaded                      Task Force of the Department of
                                              battle to educate the good faith persons                with ease, thus making it effortless for                Commerce recently explored
                                              who have used my art [in an]                            third parties to use images without                     photography questions as part of a
                                              unauthorized [manner] because they                      permission.                                             broader public meeting hosted by the
                                              found the works in media where pirates                     Authors and licensees who try to                     U.S. Patent and Trademark Office about
                                              had deliberately deleted my copyright                                                                           facilitating the online licensing
                                                                                                      pursue infringements may face an uphill
                                              watermark and published my images                                                                               environment.12
                                                                                                      battle. Litigation can be costly and
                                              illegally.’’ 3 Finally, the Graphic Artists                                                                        Finally, photographers, graphic
                                                                                                      expensive, and while the monetary                       artists, and illustrators face challenges
                                              Guild explains that ‘‘50 percent of the
                                                                                                      harm of an individual infringement may                  when registering their copyrights. Many
                                              people who are infringing are not
                                                                                                      be low, the impact of numerous                          photographers, for example, are prolific,
                                              responding before any legal action is
                                                                                                      infringements can be quite high. Similar                creating thousands of works per year or
                                              taken. They are not responding to the
                                                                                                      issue are at play with the Copyright                    even per week or month. Because it can
                                              rights holder or their attorney who asks
                                                                                                      Act’s notice and takedown procedures,                   be expensive to register these works on
                                              them to stop, to cease and desist, or ask
                                                                                                      which, while a valuable mechanism,                      an individual basis, the Copyright Office
                                              for money.’’ 4
                                                 Regarding monetization, in the online                can provide an incomplete or                            has provided certain group alternatives.
                                              era, many individuals and companies                     challenging solution for small authors.                 At the same time, the Office also must
                                              seek to use photographs and other                          The Copyright Office has been                        provide an effective public record that
                                              illustrations to further their businesses.              concerned for some time about these                     includes sufficient detail regarding who
                                              Some of these users license images from                 and related issues. For example, in                     has created what. Statutory damages are
                                              the authors or their representatives, e.g.,             recent years, the Office studied and                    available against a user when an author
                                              stock photography companies. However,                   proposed the possibility of an                          has timely registered a work, and thus
                                              many authors are likely missing                         alternative dispute resolution process                  the granularity of the record is critical.
                                              opportunities to monetize their works.                  for copyright claims that have a low
                                              These difficulties may be heightened                                                                              9 See http://copyright.gov/docs/smallclaims/.
                                                                                                        5 Comments   of Association of Medical Illustrators     10 See http://copyright.gov/docs/resaleroyalty/.
                                                2 Comments of American Society of Media               in Response to Orphan Works NOI, at 1 (Feb. 4,            11 See http://copyright.gov/docs/making_

                                              Photographers in Response to U.S. Copyright             2013).                                                  available/.
                                                                                                        6 This removal of rights information may violate
                                              Office’s Oct. 22, 2012 Notice of Inquiry on Orphan                                                                12 See U.S. Dep’t of Commerce Internet Policy
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Works and Mass Digitization (‘‘Orphan Works             Section 1202 of the Copyright Act but is difficult      Task Force, Facilitating the Development of the
                                              NOI’’), at 3 (Feb. 4, 2013).                            to police.                                              Online Licensing Environment for Copyrighted
                                                3 Comments of Gerrity Medical Art in Response           7 Comments of American Photographic Artists in
                                                                                                                                                              Works, Apr. 1, 2015 Agenda, available at http://
                                              to Orphan Works NOI, at 1 (Feb. 4, 2013).               Response to U.S. Copyright Office’s Oct. 17, 2012       www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/ip-policy/
                                                4 U.S. Copyright Office Hearing on Small              Notice of Inquiry on Remedies for Small Copyright       copyrights; see also U.S. Dep’t of Commerce
                                              Copyright Claims, Tr. at 266:17–21 (Nov. 16, 2012)      Claims (‘‘Small Claims NOI’’), at 3 (Jan. 17, 2012).    Internet Policy Task Force, Copyright Policy,
                                              (Lisa Shaftel, Graphic Artists Guild), available at       8 Comments of Graphic Artists Guild in Response       Creativity, and Innovation in the Digital Economy
                                              http://copyright.gov/docs/smallclaims/transcripts/.     to Small Claims NOI, at 3 (Jan. 16, 2012).              (2013) (the ‘‘Green Paper’’).

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:30 Apr 23, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00089   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24APN1.SGM       24APN1

                                              23056                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 79 / Friday, April 24, 2015 / Notices

                                              For this reason, while group options are                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                                              helpful, they have to be carefully                      Gerard Poliquin, Secretary of the Board,              COMMISSION
                                              calibrated. How to improve the                          Telephone: 703–518–6304.
                                              registration record by leveraging                                                                             [NRC–2015–0001]
                                              technology solutions is thus a priority.                Gerard Poliquin,
                                                                                                      Secretary of the Board.                               Sunshine Act Meeting Notice
                                              II. Subjects of Inquiry
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–09726 Filed 4–22–15; 4:15 pm]
                                                 The Office invites comments that                                                                           DATE: April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, June
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 7535–01–P
                                              address the subjects listed below. When                                                                       1, 2015.
                                              submitting a comment, please identify                                                                         PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference
                                              the nature of your interest in this subject                                                                   Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
                                              (e.g., whether you are a creator, licensee,             NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION                           Maryland.
                                              etc.):                                                                                                        STATUS: Public and Closed.
                                                 1. What are the most significant                     Sunshine Act Meetings; National
                                              challenges related to monetizing and/or                                                                       Week of April 27, 2015
                                                                                                      Science Board
                                              licensing photographs, graphic                                                                                Thursday, April 30, 2105
                                              artworks, and/or illustrations?                            The National Science Board’s
                                                 2. What are the most significant                                                                           9:00 a.m. Briefing on the Status of
                                                                                                      Committee on Strategy and Budget,                         Lessons Learned from the
                                              enforcement challenges for
                                                                                                      Subcommittee on Facilities (SCF),                         Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident
                                              photographers, graphic artists, and/or
                                              illustrators?                                           pursuant to NSF regulations (45 CFR                       (Public Meeting); (Contact: Jack
                                                 3. What are the most significant                     part 614), the National Science                           Davis, 301—415–2239)
                                              registration challenges for                             Foundation Act, as amended (42 U.S.C.                   This meeting will be webcast live at
                                              photographers, graphic artists, and/or                  1862n–5), and the Government in the                   the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.
                                              illustrators?                                           Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C. 552b), hereby
                                                 4. What are the most significant                     gives notice of the scheduling of a                   Week of May 4, 2015—Tentative
                                              challenges or frustrations for those who                teleconference for the transaction of                   There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              wish to make legal use of photographs,                  National Science Board business, as                   the week of May 4, 2015.
                                              graphic art works, and/or illustrations?                follows:
                                                 5. What other issues or challenges                                                                         Week of May 11, 2015—Tentative
                                              should the Office be aware of regarding                 DATE  & TIME: Thursday, April 30, 2015                  There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              photographs, graphic artworks, and/or                   at 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. EDT. Open session:               the week of May 11, 2015.
                                              illustrations under the Copyright Act?                  5:00 to 5:40 p.m.; closed session: 5:40 to
                                                                                                      6:00 p.m.                                             Week of May 18, 2015—Tentative
                                              III. Conclusion
                                                                                                      SUBJECT MATTER: Open meeting subjects:                Tuesday, May 19, 2015
                                                 If there are any additional pertinent
                                              issues not discussed above, the Office                  Chairman’s remarks; subcommittee                      9:00 a.m. Briefing on Cumulative
                                              encourages interested parties to raise                  member goals for May 2015 through                         Effects of Regulation and Risk
                                              those matters in their comments.                        May 2016; future directions for the                       Prioritization Initiatives (Public
                                                                                                      subcommittee. Closed meeting subjects:                    Meeting); (Contact: Steve Ruffin,
                                                Dated: April 21, 2015.
                                                                                                      approval of closed minutes of February                    301- 415–1985)
                                              Catherine R. Rowland,
                                                                                                      2015 subcommittee meeting; discussion                   This meeting will be webcast live at
                                              Senior Advisor to the Register of Copyrights.
                                                                                                      of regional class research vessels.                   the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–09575 Filed 4–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                              BILLING CODE 1410–30–P                                  STATUS:  Partly open, partly closed.                  Thursday, May 21, 2015
                                                                                                         This meeting will be held by                       9:00 a.m. Briefing on the Results of the
                                                                                                      teleconference. A public listening line                   Agency Action Review Meeting
                                              NATIONAL CREDIT UNION                                   will be available for the open portion of                 (Public Meeting); (Contact: Nathan
                                              ADMINISTRATION                                          the meeting. Members of the public                        Sanfilippo, 301–415–8744)
                                                                                                      must contact the Board Office [call 703–                This meeting will be webcast live at
                                              Sunshine Act: Notice Of Agency
                                                                                                      292–7000 or send an email message to                  the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.
                                                                                                      nationalsciencebrd@nsf.gov] at least 24
                                                                                                      hours prior to the teleconference for the             Week of May 25, 2015—Tentative
                                              TIME AND DATE: 2:30 p.m., Wednesday,
                                              April 29, 2015                                          public listening number. Please refer to                There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              PLACE: Board Room, 7th Floor, Room                      the National Science Board Web site for               the week of May 25, 2015.
                                              7047, 1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA                  additional information and schedule                   Week of June 1, 2015—Tentative
                                              22314–3428.                                             updates (time, place, subject matter or
                                                                                                      status of meeting) which may be found                   There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              STATUS: Closed.
                                                                                                      at http://www.nsf.gov/nsb/notices/. The               the week of June 1, 2015
                                              MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:
                                                1. Administrative Action under                        point of contact for this meeting is Elise            *     *     *    *     *
                                              NCUA’s Rules and Regulations. Closed                    Lipkowitz, elipkowi@nsf.gov).                           The schedule for Commission
                                              pursuant to Exemptions (8), (9)(i)(B),                                                                        meetings is subject to change on short
                                                                                                      Ann Bushmiller,                                       notice. For more information or to verify
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                2. Consideration of Supervisory                       Senior Counsel to the National Science Board.         the status of meetings, contact Glenn
                                              Action under NCUA’s Rules and                           [FR Doc. 2015–09734 Filed 4–22–15; 4:15 pm]           Ellmers at 301–415–0442 or via email at
                                              Regulations. Closed pursuant to                         BILLING CODE 7555–01–P                                Glenn.Ellmers@nrc.gov.
                                              Exemptions (8), (9)(i)(B), (9)(ii).                                                                           *     *     *    *     *
                                                3. Creditor Claim Appeal. Closed                                                                              The NRC Commission Meeting
                                              pursuant to Exemption (6).                                                                                    Schedule can be found on the Internet

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Document Created: 2015-12-16 08:43:01
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 08:43:01
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Inquiry.
DatesComments are due July 23, 2015. Reply comments are due August 24, 2015.
ContactCatherine Rowland, Senior Advisor to the Register of Copyrights, by telephone at 202-707-8350 or by electronic mail at [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 23054 

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