80_FR_25407 80 FR 25322 - National Environmental Policy Act: Implementing Procedures; Revision to Categorical Exclusions for U.S. Geological Survey (516 DM 9)

80 FR 25322 - National Environmental Policy Act: Implementing Procedures; Revision to Categorical Exclusions for U.S. Geological Survey (516 DM 9)

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 85 (May 4, 2015)

Page Range25322-25323
FR Document2015-10242

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality regulations implementing NEPA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the Department of the Interior (the Department) is revising two existing categorical exclusions included in the Department of the Interior's Departmental Manual 516 DM 9. The revisions to the categorical exclusions pertain to two types of activities conducted by the USGS: The excavation of trenches across potentially active faults to assess the history of earthquakes along those faults; and the removal of hydrologic and water-quality monitoring structures and equipment and restoration of the sites. USGS experience with these activities indicates that they do not normally have the potential for significant environmental impacts in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. The intent of the revisions is to improve the efficiency of the environmental review process.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 85 (Monday, May 4, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 85 (Monday, May 4, 2015)]
[Pages 25322-25323]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-10242]



Office of the Secretary


National Environmental Policy Act: Implementing Procedures; 
Revision to Categorical Exclusions for U.S. Geological Survey (516 DM 

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of Final National Environmental Policy Act implementing 


SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 
1969 (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality regulations 
implementing NEPA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the Department 
of the Interior (the Department) is revising two existing categorical 
exclusions included in the Department of the Interior's Departmental 
Manual 516 DM 9. The revisions to the categorical exclusions pertain to 
two types of activities conducted by the USGS: The excavation of 
trenches across potentially active faults to assess the history of 
earthquakes along those faults; and the removal of hydrologic and 
water-quality monitoring structures and equipment and restoration of 
the sites. USGS experience with these activities indicates that they do 
not normally have the potential for significant environmental impacts 
in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. The intent of the 
revisions is to improve the efficiency of the environmental review 

DATES: Effective Date: The categorical exclusions are effective 

ADDRESSES: To obtain a copy of the revised categorical exclusions 
contact Esther Eng, Chief, Environmental Management Branch--USGS, 12201 
Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192, email: eeng@usgs.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Esther Eng, Chief, Environmental 
Management Branch--USGS, (703) 648-7550.



    The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires Federal 
agencies to consider the potential environmental consequences of their 
decisions before deciding whether and how to proceed. The Council on 
Environmental Quality encourages Federal agencies to use categorical 
exclusions to protect the environment more efficiently by (a) reducing 
the resources spent analyzing proposals that normally do not have the 
potential to significantly impact the environment and, (b) focusing 
resources on proposals that may have significant environmental impacts. 
The appropriate use of categorical exclusions allows the NEPA review to 
conclude without preparing either an environmental assessment (EA) or 
an environmental impact statement (EIS) (40 CFR 1500.4(p) and 40 CFR 
1508.4) in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. The Department's 
list of extraordinary circumstances under which a normally excluded 
action would require further analysis and documentation in an EA or EIS 
is found at 43 CFR 46.215.

[[Page 25323]]

Categorical Exclusion Revision for Trenching

    The USGS excavates trenches across potentially active faults to 
assess the history of earthquakes along those faults. The study of 
ancient earthquakes and their rates of occurrence is known as 
paleoseismology. Paleoseismic data obtained from trenching studies is a 
fundamental input for USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps. The USGS 
National Seismic Hazard Maps are used to inform emergency response and 
to guide building codes. The revision of this categorical exclusion 
will allow for a more efficient NEPA review.
    Public comments were solicited through a notice placed in the 
Federal Register on August 22, 2014 (79 FR 49799). The proposed 
language for the categorical exclusion in the notice was as follows: 
``Digging and subsequent site restoration of exploratory trenches not 
to exceed one acre of surface disturbance.''

Categorical Exclusion for Water Monitoring Equipment

    One of the seven science mission areas of the USGS, the Water 
Mission Area, is tasked with collecting and disseminating reliable, 
impartial, and timely information that is needed to understand the 
Nation's water resources. The Water Mission Area actively promotes the 
use of this information by decision makers to: (1) Minimize loss of 
life and property as a result of water-related natural hazards, such as 
floods, droughts, and land movement; (2) effectively manage groundwater 
and surface-water resources for domestic, agricultural, commercial, 
industrial, recreational, and ecological uses; (3) protect and enhance 
water resources for human health, aquatic health, and environmental 
quality; and (4) contribute to the wise physical and economic 
development of the Nation's resources for the benefit of present and 
future generations. To achieve this science mission, the USGS 
constructs and operates a variety of hydrologic and water-quality 
monitoring structures and equipment at streams, rivers, springs, 
wellheads, and other sites across the Nation. After these structures 
are no longer needed for scientific data collection, they are removed 
and the site is restored. The revision of this categorical exclusion 
will allow for a more efficient NEPA review.
    Public comments were solicited through the same notice placed in 
the Federal Register on August 22, 2014 (79 FR 49799). The proposed 
language for the categorical exclusion as set out in the notice was as 
follows: ``Operation, construction, installation, and removal--
including restoration of sites to the pre-structure condition or 
equivalent of the surrounding environment--of hydrologic and water-
quality monitoring structures and equipment including but not limited 
to weirs, cableways, streamgaging stations, groundwater wells, and 
meteorologic structures.''

Public Comments

    No public comments were received.

Categorical Exclusion

    The Department of the Interior will add the following categorical 
exclusions to the Departmental Manual at 516 DM 9, section 9.5 
Categorical Exclusions:
    E. Operation, construction, installation, and removal--including 
restoration of sites to the pre-structure condition or equivalent of 
the surrounding environment--of hydrologic and water-quality monitoring 
structures and equipment including but not limited to weirs, cableways, 
streamgaging stations, groundwater wells, and meteorologic structures; 
    I. Digging and subsequent site restoration of exploratory trenches 
not to exceed one acre of surface disturbance.

Willie R. Taylor,
Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2015-10242 Filed 5-1-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  25322                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 85 / Monday, May 4, 2015 / Notices

                                                  data is also used to make decisions on                    Estimated Time per Response: 2 min.                 1969 (NEPA) and the Council on
                                                  future functional requirements within                     Estimated Annual Burden Hours:                      Environmental Quality regulations
                                                  the system.                                             2,800.                                                implementing NEPA, the U.S.
                                                     Earth Explorer is a Web application                    Estimated Reporting and                             Geological Survey (USGS) in the
                                                  that enables users to find, preview, and                Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’                       Department of the Interior (the
                                                  download or order digital data                          Burden: None.                                         Department) is revising two existing
                                                  published by the U.S. Geological                          Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA                categorical exclusions included in the
                                                  Survey. There are more than 300 USGS                    (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an            Department of the Interior’s
                                                  Datasets available from the site. To                    agency may not conduct or sponsor and                 Departmental Manual 516 DM 9. The
                                                  download or order products from EE,                     you are not required to respond to a                  revisions to the categorical exclusions
                                                  users must register with the EE system.                 collection of information unless it                   pertain to two types of activities
                                                     The information is stored on an                      displays a currently valid OMB control                conducted by the USGS: The excavation
                                                  internal encrypted database. The data is                number and current expiration date.                   of trenches across potentially active
                                                  provided by the customer and utilized                                                                         faults to assess the history of
                                                  to contact the customer to notify                       III. Request for Comments                             earthquakes along those faults; and the
                                                  customer of data ready for download. If                   We are soliciting comments as to: (a)               removal of hydrologic and water-quality
                                                  downloads are unsuccessful, the                         Whether the proposed collection of                    monitoring structures and equipment
                                                  customer is contacted to provide                        information is necessary for the agency               and restoration of the sites. USGS
                                                  updated information. In addition, EE                    to perform its duties, including whether              experience with these activities
                                                  requires certain fields to be completed                 the information is useful; (b) the                    indicates that they do not normally have
                                                  such as name, address, city and zip code                accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the              the potential for significant
                                                  before an account can be established                    burden of the proposed collection of                  environmental impacts in the absence of
                                                  and an order can be submitted. Email is                 information; (c) ways to enhance the                  extraordinary circumstances. The intent
                                                  sent to new registered users to validate                quality, usefulness, and clarity of the               of the revisions is to improve the
                                                  user email information.                                 information to be collected; and (d) how              efficiency of the environmental review
                                                     EE does not derive new data and does                 to minimize the burden on the                         process.
                                                  not create new data through aggregation.                respondents, including the use of                     DATES: Effective Date: The categorical
                                                     Personal information is not used as                  automated collection techniques or                    exclusions are effective immediately.
                                                  search criteria. Access to the                          other forms of information technology.                ADDRESSES: To obtain a copy of the
                                                  information uses the least privileged                     Please note that the comments                       revised categorical exclusions contact
                                                  access methodology. Authorized                          submitted in response to this notice are              Esther Eng, Chief, Environmental
                                                  individuals with specifically granted                   a matter of public record. Before                     Management Branch—USGS, 12201
                                                  access to the Privacy Act data can                      including your personal mailing                       Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192,
                                                  retrieve only by account number or                      address, phone number, email address,                 email: eeng@usgs.gov.
                                                  order number Personal data is encrypted                 or other personally identifiable                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  while stored in the Database. Contact ID                information in your comment, you                      Esther Eng, Chief, Environmental
                                                  is generated when account is created.                   should be aware that your entire                      Management Branch—USGS, (703) 648–
                                                  II. Data                                                comment, including your personally                    7550.
                                                                                                          identifiable information, may be made
                                                     OMB Control Number: 1028–NEW.                                                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                          publicly available at any time. While
                                                     Title: Earth Explorer User Registration              you can ask us in your comment to                     Background
                                                  Service.                                                withhold your personally identifiable
                                                     Type of Request: Existing information                                                                        The National Environmental Policy
                                                                                                          information from public view, we                      Act (NEPA) requires Federal agencies to
                                                  collection without prior approval.                      cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                                     Affected Public: Federal Agencies,                                                                         consider the potential environmental
                                                                                                          do so.                                                consequences of their decisions before
                                                  state, tribal, and non-government
                                                  individuals who have requested USGS                     Francis P. Kelly,                                     deciding whether and how to proceed.
                                                  products from USGS/Earth Explorer                       Director, EROS Center.                                The Council on Environmental Quality
                                                  application are covered in this system.                 [FR Doc. 2015–10317 Filed 5–1–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                encourages Federal agencies to use
                                                  The system has only one category for                                                                          categorical exclusions to protect the
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 4311–AM–P
                                                  individuals.                                                                                                  environment more efficiently by (a)
                                                     Respondent’s Obligation: Participant                                                                       reducing the resources spent analyzing
                                                  data is furnished by the individual and                 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            proposals that normally do not have the
                                                  is required for order fulfillment.                                                                            potential to significantly impact the
                                                     Frequency of Collection: The                         Office of the Secretary                               environment and, (b) focusing resources
                                                  information is collected at the time of                                                                       on proposals that may have significant
                                                                                                          [GX15AE3800C2000]                                     environmental impacts. The appropriate
                                                  registration and is only updated by the
                                                  individual. Updates to the information                                                                        use of categorical exclusions allows the
                                                                                                          National Environmental Policy Act:
                                                  are accomplished by the individual                                                                            NEPA review to conclude without
                                                                                                          Implementing Procedures; Revision to
                                                  when they feel the need to update.                                                                            preparing either an environmental
                                                                                                          Categorical Exclusions for U.S.
                                                  Occasions’ that user might want to                                                                            assessment (EA) or an environmental
                                                                                                          Geological Survey (516 DM 9)
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  update would be if something has                                                                              impact statement (EIS) (40 CFR
                                                  changed in their demographic (email                     AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Interior.            1500.4(p) and 40 CFR 1508.4) in the
                                                  address as an example).                                 ACTION:Notice of Final National                       absence of extraordinary circumstances.
                                                     Estimated Annual Number of                           Environmental Policy Act implementing                 The Department’s list of extraordinary
                                                  Respondents: 84,000.                                    procedures.                                           circumstances under which a normally
                                                     Estimated Total Number of Annual                                                                           excluded action would require further
                                                  Responses: Approximately 84,000 new                     SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                      analysis and documentation in an EA or
                                                  users are added on an annual basis.                     National Environmental Policy Act of                  EIS is found at 43 CFR 46.215.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:40 May 01, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00049   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04MYN1.SGM   04MYN1

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 85 / Monday, May 4, 2015 / Notices                                                   25323

                                                  Categorical Exclusion Revision for                      the notice was as follows: ‘‘Operation,                 In accordance with Commission
                                                  Trenching                                               construction, installation, and                       policy, subject matter listed above, not
                                                    The USGS excavates trenches across                    removal—including restoration of sites                disposed of at the scheduled meeting,
                                                  potentially active faults to assess the                 to the pre-structure condition or                     may be carried over to the agenda of the
                                                  history of earthquakes along those                      equivalent of the surrounding                         following meeting.
                                                  faults. The study of ancient earthquakes                environment—of hydrologic and water-                    By order of the Commission:
                                                  and their rates of occurrence is known                  quality monitoring structures and                       Issued: April 28, 2015.
                                                  as paleoseismology. Paleoseismic data                   equipment including but not limited to                Lisa R. Barton,
                                                  obtained from trenching studies is a                    weirs, cableways, streamgaging stations,              Secretary to the Commission.
                                                  fundamental input for USGS National                     groundwater wells, and meteorologic
                                                                                                                                                                [FR Doc. 2015–10385 Filed 4–30–15; 11:15 am]
                                                  Seismic Hazard Maps. The USGS                           structures.’’
                                                                                                                                                                BILLING CODE 7020–02–P
                                                  National Seismic Hazard Maps are used                   Public Comments
                                                  to inform emergency response and to
                                                                                                            No public comments were received.
                                                  guide building codes. The revision of                                                                         DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
                                                  this categorical exclusion will allow for               Categorical Exclusion
                                                  a more efficient NEPA review.                                                                                 [OMB Number 1110–NEW]
                                                                                                             The Department of the Interior will
                                                    Public comments were solicited                        add the following categorical exclusions
                                                  through a notice placed in the Federal                                                                        Agency Information Collection
                                                                                                          to the Departmental Manual at 516 DM                  Activities; Proposed eCollection
                                                  Register on August 22, 2014 (79 FR                      9, section 9.5 Categorical Exclusions:
                                                  49799). The proposed language for the                                                                         eComments Requested; Approval of a
                                                                                                             E. Operation, construction,                        New Collection; Rap Back Services
                                                  categorical exclusion in the notice was                 installation, and removal—including
                                                  as follows: ‘‘Digging and subsequent site                                                                     Form (1–796)
                                                                                                          restoration of sites to the pre-structure
                                                  restoration of exploratory trenches not                 condition or equivalent of the                        AGENCY:  Federal Bureau of
                                                  to exceed one acre of surface                           surrounding environment—of                            Investigation, Department of Justice.
                                                  disturbance.’’                                          hydrologic and water-quality                          ACTION: 30-day notice.
                                                  Categorical Exclusion for Water                         monitoring structures and equipment
                                                                                                          including but not limited to weirs,                   SUMMARY:   The Department of Justice
                                                  Monitoring Equipment
                                                                                                          cableways, streamgaging stations,                     (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation
                                                     One of the seven science mission                                                                           (FBI), Criminal Justice Information
                                                                                                          groundwater wells, and meteorologic
                                                  areas of the USGS, the Water Mission                                                                          Services (CJIS) Division will be
                                                                                                          structures; and
                                                  Area, is tasked with collecting and                                                                           submitting the following information
                                                                                                             I. Digging and subsequent site
                                                  disseminating reliable, impartial, and                                                                        collection request to the Office of
                                                                                                          restoration of exploratory trenches not
                                                  timely information that is needed to                                                                          Management and Budget (OMB) for
                                                                                                          to exceed one acre of surface
                                                  understand the Nation’s water                                                                                 review and approval in accordance with
                                                  resources. The Water Mission Area                                                                             the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
                                                  actively promotes the use of this                       Willie R. Taylor,                                     The proposed information collection
                                                  information by decision makers to: (1)                  Director, Office of Environmental Policy and          was previously published in the Federal
                                                  Minimize loss of life and property as a                 Compliance.                                           Register (80 FR 9753), on February 24,
                                                  result of water-related natural hazards,                [FR Doc. 2015–10242 Filed 5–1–15; 8:45 am]            2015, allowing for a 60 day comment
                                                  such as floods, droughts, and land                      BILLING CODE 4310–AM–P                                period.
                                                  movement; (2) effectively manage
                                                                                                                                                                DATES:  Comments are encouraged and
                                                  groundwater and surface-water
                                                                                                                                                                will be accepted for an additional 30
                                                  resources for domestic, agricultural,                   INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                   days until June 3, 2015.
                                                  commercial, industrial, recreational,                   COMMISSION
                                                  and ecological uses; (3) protect and                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If
                                                  enhance water resources for human                       [USITC SE–15–015]                                     you have comments, especially on the
                                                  health, aquatic health, and                                                                                   estimated public burden or associated
                                                                                                          Government in the Sunshine Act                        response time, suggestions, or need a
                                                  environmental quality; and (4)
                                                                                                          Meeting Notice                                        copy of the proposed information
                                                  contribute to the wise physical and
                                                  economic development of the Nation’s                                                                          collection instrument with instructions
                                                                                                          AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETING:    United                 or additional information, please
                                                  resources for the benefit of present and                States International Trade Commission.
                                                  future generations. To achieve this                                                                           contact the Office of Management and
                                                                                                          TIME AND DATE: May 7, 2015 at 11 a.m.                 Budget, Office of Information and
                                                  science mission, the USGS constructs
                                                  and operates a variety of hydrologic and                PLACE: Room 101, 500 E Street SW.,                    Regulatory Affairs, Attention
                                                  water-quality monitoring structures and                 Washington, DC 20436, Telephone:                      Department of Justice Desk Officer,
                                                  equipment at streams, rivers, springs,                  (202) 205–2000.                                       Washington, DC 20503. Additionally,
                                                  wellheads, and other sites across the                   STATUS: Open to the public.                           comments may be submitted via email
                                                  Nation. After these structures are no                   MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:
                                                                                                                                                                to OIRA_submission@omb.eop.gov.
                                                  longer needed for scientific data                         1. Agendas for future meetings: none                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Written
                                                  collection, they are removed and the site                 2. Minutes                                          comments and suggestions from the
                                                                                                                                                                public and affected agencies concerning
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  is restored. The revision of this                         3. Ratification List
                                                  categorical exclusion will allow for a                    4. Vote in Inv. Nos. 731–TA–1013                    the proposed collection of information
                                                  more efficient NEPA review.                             (Second Review)(Saccharin from China).                are encouraged. Your comments should
                                                     Public comments were solicited                       The Commission is currently scheduled                 address one or more of the following
                                                  through the same notice placed in the                   to complete and file its determination                four points:
                                                  Federal Register on August 22, 2014 (79                 and views of the Commission on May                    —Evaluate whether the proposed
                                                  FR 49799). The proposed language for                    20, 2015.                                               collection of information is necessary
                                                  the categorical exclusion as set out in                   5. Outstanding action jackets: none                   for the proper performance of the

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 10:22:32
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 10:22:32
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Final National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures.
DatesEffective Date: The categorical exclusions are effective immediately.
ContactEsther Eng, Chief, Environmental Management Branch--USGS, (703) 648-7550.
FR Citation80 FR 25322 

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