80_FR_26167 80 FR 26080 - Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations

80 FR 26080 - Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 87 (May 6, 2015)

Page Range26080-26084
FR Document2015-10534

This notice lists communities where the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard determinations), as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for each community, is appropriate because of new scientific or technical data. The FIRM, and where applicable, portions of the FIS report, have been revised to reflect these flood hazard determinations through issuance of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), in accordance with Title 44, Part 65 of the Code of Federal Regulations (44 CFR part 65). The LOMR will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the contents of those buildings. For rating purposes, the currently effective community number is shown in the table below and must be used for all new policies and renewals.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 87 (Wednesday, May 6, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 87 (Wednesday, May 6, 2015)]
[Pages 26080-26084]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-10534]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

[Docket ID FEMA-2015-0001; Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA-B-1509]

Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice lists communities where the addition or 
modification of Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, 
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries or zone designations, or 
the regulatory floodway (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard 
determinations), as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and 
where applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance Study (FIS) 
reports, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for 
each community, is appropriate because of new scientific or technical 
data. The FIRM, and where applicable, portions of the FIS report, have 
been revised to reflect these flood hazard determinations through 
issuance of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), in accordance with Title 
44, Part 65 of the Code of Federal Regulations (44 CFR part 65). The 
LOMR will be used by insurance agents and others to calculate 
appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the 
contents of those buildings. For rating purposes, the currently 
effective community number is shown in the table below and must be used 
for all new policies and renewals.

DATES: These flood hazard determinations will become effective on the 
dates listed in the table below and revise the FIRM panels and FIS 
report in effect prior to this determination for the listed 
    From the date of the second publication of notification of these 
changes in a newspaper of local circulation, any person has 90 days in 
which to request through the community that the Deputy Associate 
Administrator for Mitigation reconsider the changes. The flood hazard 
determination information may be changed during the 90-day period.

ADDRESSES: The affected communities are listed in the table below. 
Revised flood hazard information for each community is available for 
inspection at both the online location and the respective community map 
repository address listed in the table below. Additionally, the current 
effective FIRM and FIS report for each community are accessible online 
through the FEMA Map Service Center at www.msc.fema.gov for comparison.
    Submit comments and/or appeals to the Chief Executive Officer of 
the community as listed in the table below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Luis Rodriguez, Chief, Engineering 
Management Branch, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, 
FEMA, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-4064, or 
(email) Luis.Rodriguez3@fema.dhs.gov; or visit the FEMA Map Information 
eXchange (FMIX) online at www.floodmaps.fema.gov/fhm/fmx_main.html.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The specific flood hazard determinations are 
not described for each community in this notice. However, the online 
location and local community map repository address where the flood 
hazard determination information is available for inspection is 
    Any request for reconsideration of flood hazard determinations must 
be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer of the community as listed 
in the table below.
    The modifications are made pursuant to section 201 of the Flood 
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are in accordance 
with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq., 
and with 44 CFR part 65.
    The FIRM and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain management 
measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show 
evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified 
for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
    These flood hazard determinations, together with the floodplain 
management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are 
required. They should not be construed to mean that the community must 
change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their 
floodplain management requirements. The community may at any time enact 
stricter requirements of its own or pursuant to policies established by 
other Federal, State, or regional entities. The flood hazard 
determinations are in accordance with 44 CFR 65.4.
    The affected communities are listed in the following table. Flood 
hazard determination information for each community is available for 
inspection at both the online location and the respective community map 
repository address listed in the table below. Additionally, the current 
effective FIRM and FIS report for each community are accessible online 
through the FEMA Map Service Center at www.msc.fema.gov for comparison.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 97.022, ``Flood 

    Date: April 22, 2015.
Roy E. Wright,
Deputy Associate Administrator for Mitigation, Department of Homeland 
Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency.

[[Page 26081]]

                                                         Chief executive                         Online location of
        State and county           Location and  case      officer of         Community map        letter of  map       Effective date of     Community
                                          No.               community          repository             revision             modification          No.
Arkansas: Benton................  City of Rogers (14-  The Honorable Greg  City Hall, 301      http://                Jul. 6, 2015.........       050013
                                   06-2125P).           Hines, Mayor,       West Chestnut       www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        City of Rogers,     Street, Rogers,     lomc.
                                                        301 West Chestnut   AR 72756.
                                                        Street, Rogers,
                                                        AR 72756.
Delaware: Dover.................  City of Dover (15-   The Honorable       Department of       http://                Jun. 26, 2015........       100006
                                   03-0103P).           Robin R.            Planning and        www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Christiansen,       Inspection, 15      lomc.
                                                        Mayor, City of      Loockerman Plaza,
                                                        Dover, 15           Dover, DE 19901.
                                                        Loockerman Plaza,
                                                        Dover, DE 19901.
Louisiana: Rapides..............  City of Alexandria   The Honorable       City Hall, 915 3rd  http://                May 21, 2015.........       220146
                                   (14-06-4775P).       Jacques M. Roy,     Street, 1st         www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      Floor,              lomc.
                                                        Alexandria, P.O.    Alexandria, LA
                                                        Box 71,             71301.
                                                        Alexandria, LA
New Jersey: Burlington..........  Township of Medford  Ms. Katherine       Municipal Center,   http://                Jun. 19, 2015........       340104
                                   (14-02-2411P).       Burger, Interim     17 North Main       www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Manager, Township   Street, Medford,    lomc.
                                                        of Medford, 17      NJ 08055.
                                                        North Main
                                                        Street, Medford,
                                                        NJ 08055.
New Mexico:
    Bernalillo..................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Bernalillo County   http://                May 12, 2015.........       350001
                                   areas of             Maggie Hart         Public Works        www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   Bernalillo County    Stebbins,           Division, 2400      lomc.
                                   (14-06-0924P).       Chairman,           Broadway
                                                        Bernalillo County   Boulevard
                                                        Board of            Southeast,
                                                        Commissioners, 1    Albuquerque, NM
                                                        Civic Plaza         87102.
                                                        Albuquerque, NM
    Bernalillo..................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Bernalillo Public   http://                Jun. 19, 2015........       350001
                                   areas of             Maggie Hart         Works Division,     www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   Bernalillo County    Stebbins,           2400 Broadway       lomc.
                                   (14-06-0925P).       Chairman,           Boulevard
                                                        Bernalillo County   Southeast,
                                                        Board of            Albuquerque, NM
                                                        Commissioners, 1    87102.
                                                        Civic Plaza
                                                        Albuquerque, NM
    Santa Fe....................  City of Santa Fe     The Honorable       200 Lincoln         http://                Jun. 25, 2015........       350070
                                   (15-06-0598P).       Javier M.           Avenue, Santa Fe,   www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Gonzales, Mayor,    NM 87501.           lomc.
                                                        City of Santa Fe,
                                                        200 Lincoln
                                                        Avenue, Santa Fe,
                                                        NM 87501.
    Santa Fe....................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Santa Fe County,    http://                Jun. 25, 2015........       350069
                                   areas of Santa Fe    Shannon Broderick   102 Grant Avenue,   www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (15-06-       Bulman, Santa Fe    Santa Fe, NM        lomc.
                                   0598P).              County Probate      87501.
                                                        Judge, 102 Grant
                                                        Avenue, Santa Fe,
                                                        NM 87501.
    Franklin....................  City of Columbus     The Honorable       Department of       http://                Apr. 22, 2015........       390170
                                   (14-05-8003P).       Michael B.          Public Utilities,   www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Coleman, Mayor,     Stormwater and      lomc.
                                                        City of Columbus,   Regulatory
                                                        90 West Broad       Management
                                                        Street, 2nd         Section, 1250
                                                        Floor, Columbus,    Fairwood Avenue,
                                                        OH 43215.           Columbus, OH
    Franklin....................  City of Hilliard     The Honorable Don   City Hall, 3800     http://                Apr. 22, 2015........       390175
                                   (14-05-8003P).       Schonhardt,         Municipal Way,      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      Hilliard, OH        lomc.
                                                        Hilliard, 5171      43026.
                                                        Hilliard, OH
    Franklin....................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Franklin County     http://                Apr. 22, 2015........       390167
                                   areas of Franklin    Marilyn Brown,      Economic            www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (14-05-       President,          Development and     lomc.
                                   8003P).              Franklin County     Planning
                                                        Board of            Department, 150
                                                        Commissioners,      South Front
                                                        373 South High      Street, Front
                                                        Street, 26th        Street Level,
                                                        Floor, Columbus,    Suite 10,
                                                        OH 43215.           Columbus, OH
Oklahoma: Tulsa.................  City of Broken       The Honorable       City Hall, 220      http://                Jun. 22, 2015........       400236
                                   Arrow (14-06-        Craig Thurmond,     South 1st Street,   www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   3286P).              Mayor, City of      Broken Arrow, OK    lomc.
                                                        Broken Arrow, 220   74012.
                                                        South 1st Street,
                                                        Broken Arrow, OK
    Berks.......................  City of Reading (13- The Honorable       Office of Zoning,   http://                Jun. 26, 2015........       420145
                                   03-2114P).           Vaughn D.           Planning and        www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Spencer, Mayor,     Preservation,       lomc.
                                                        City of Reading,    Community
                                                        815 Washington      Development
                                                        Street, Reading,    Department, 815
                                                        PA 19601.           Washington
                                                                            Street, Reading,
                                                                            PA 19601.
    Berks.......................  Town of Cumru (13-   Ms. Jeanne E.       Cumru Township      http://                Jun. 26, 2015........       420130
                                   03-2114P).           Johnston,           Office Building,    www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Manager, Township   1775 Welsh Road,    lomc.
                                                        of Cumru, 1775      Mohnton, PA 19540.
                                                        Welsh Road,
                                                        Mohnton, PA 19540.

[[Page 26082]]

    Bell........................  City of Temple (13-  The Honorable       3210 East Avenue    http://                Jul. 13, 2015........       480034
                                   06-3510P).           Danny Dunn,         H, Building A,      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      Suite 107,          lomc.
                                                        Temple, 2 North     Temple, TX 76501.
                                                        Main Street,
                                                        Suite 103,
                                                        Temple, TX 76501.
    Bexar.......................  City of San Antonio  The Honorable Ivy   Transportation and  http://                May 6, 2015..........       480045
                                   (14-06-0780P).       R. Taylor, Mayor,   Capital             www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        City of San         Improvements        lomc.
                                                        Antonio, P.O. Box   Department, Storm
                                                        839966, San         Water Division,
                                                        Antonio, TX 78283.  1901 South Alamo
                                                                            Street, 2nd
                                                                            Floor, San
                                                                            Antonio, TX 78204.
    Bexar.......................  City of San Antonio  The Honorable Ivy   Transportation and  http://                Jun. 19, 2015........       480045
                                   (14-06-3298P).       R. Taylor, Mayor,   Capital             www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        City of San         Improvements        lomc.
                                                        Antonio, P.O. Box   Department, Storm
                                                        839966, San         Water Division,
                                                        Antonio, TX 78283.  1901 South Alamo
                                                                            Street, 2nd
                                                                            Floor, San
                                                                            Antonio, TX 78204.
    Bexar.......................  City of San Antonio  The Honorable Ivy   Transportation and  http://                May 6, 2015..........       480045
                                   (15-06-0882X).       R. Taylor, Mayor,   Capital             www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        City of San         Improvements        lomc.
                                                        Antonio, P.O. Box   Department, Storm
                                                        839966, San         Water Division,
                                                        Antonio, TX 78283.  1901 South Alamo
                                                                            Street, 2nd
                                                                            Floor, San
                                                                            Antonio, TX 78204.
    Bexar.......................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Bexar County        http://                Jun. 19, 2015........       480035
                                   areas of Bexar       Nelson W. Wolff,    Public Works        www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (14-06-       Bexar County        Department, 233     lomc.
                                   4527P).              Judge, Paul         North Pecos-La
                                                        Elizondo Tower,     Trinidad Street,
                                                        101 West Nueva      San Antonio, TX
                                                        Street, 10th        78207.
                                                        Floor, San
                                                        Antonio, TX 78205.
    Bexar.......................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Bexar County        http://                Jun. 19, 2015........       480035
                                   areas of Bexar       Nelson W. Wolff,    Public Works        www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (15-06-       Bexar County        Department, 233     lomc.
                                   1160X).              Judge, Paul         North Pecos-La
                                                        Elizondo Tower,     Trinidad Street,
                                                        101 West Nueva      San Antonio, TX
                                                        Street, 10th        78207.
                                                        Floor, San
                                                        Antonio, TX 78205.
    Caldwell....................  City of Martindale   The Honorable       409 Main Street,    http://                May 15, 2015.........       481587
                                   (13-06-3462P).       Doyle Mosier,       Martindale, TX      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      78655.              lomc.
                                                        Martindale, P.O.
                                                        Box 365,
                                                        Martindale, TX
    Caldwell....................  Unincorporated       The Honorable Ken   Caldwell County,    http://                May 15, 2015.........       480094
                                   areas of Caldwell    Schawe, Caldwell    110 South Main      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (13-06-       County Judge, 110   Street, Lockhart,   lomc.
                                   3462P).              South Main          TX 78644.
                                                        Street, Room 201,
                                                        Lockhart, TX
    Collin......................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Collin County       http://                Jun. 4, 2015.........       480130
                                   areas of Collin      Keith Self,         Engineering         www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (14-06-       Collin County       Department, 4690    lomc.
                                   2017P).              Judge, 2300         Community Avenue,
                                                        Bloomdale Road,     Suite 200,
                                                        Suite 4192,         McKinney, TX
                                                        McKinney, TX        75071.
    Dallas......................  City of Lancaster    The Honorable       211 North Henry     http://                Jun. 1, 2015.........       480182
                                   (14-06-3046P).       Marcus E. Knight,   Street,             www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      Lancaster, TX       lomc.
                                                        Lancaster, P.O.     75146.
                                                        Box 940,
                                                        Lancaster, TX
    Denton......................  City of Frisco (14-  The Honorable       George A. Purefoy   http://                May 4, 2015..........       480134
                                   06-3421P).           Maher Maso,         Municipal Center,   www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      6101 Frisco         lomc.
                                                        Frisco, 6101        Square Boulevard,
                                                        Frisco Square       3rd Floor,
                                                        Boulevard,          Frisco, TX 75034.
                                                        Frisco, TX 75034.
    Denton......................  Town of Flower       The Honorable       Engineering         http://                Jun. 19, 2015........       480777
                                   Mound (14-06-        Thomas Hayden,      Department, 1001    www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   4522P).              Mayor, Town of      Cross Timbers       lomc.
                                                        Flower Mound,       Road, Suite 3220,
                                                        2121 Cross          Flower Mound, TX
                                                        Timbers Road,       75028.
                                                        Flower Mound, TX
    Denton......................  Town of Little Elm   The Honorable       Town Hall, GIS      http://                May 4, 2015..........       481152
                                   (14-06-3421P).       David Hillock,      Development         www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, Town of      Services, 100       lomc.
                                                        Little Elm, 100     West Eldorado
                                                        West Eldorado       Parkway, Little
                                                        Parkway, Little     Elm, TX 75068.
                                                        Elm, TX 75068.

[[Page 26083]]

    Denton......................  Unincorporated       The Honorable Mary  Denton County       http://                Jun. 24, 2015........       480774
                                   areas of Denton      Horn, Denton        Government          www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (14-06-       County Judge, 110   Center, 1505 East   lomc.
                                   2414P).              West Hickory        McKinney Street,
                                                        Street, 2nd         Suite 175,
                                                        Floor, Denton, TX   Denton, TX 76209.
    Fort Bend...................  City of Richmond     The Honorable       City Hall, 402      http://                Jul. 9, 2015.........       480231
                                   (15-06-0769P).       Evalyn W. Moore,    Morton Street,      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      Richmond, TX        lomc.
                                                        Richmond, 402       77469.
                                                        Morton Street,
                                                        Richmond, TX
    Fort Bend...................  Pecan Grove          Mr. Chad Howard,    Pecan Grove         http://                Jul. 9, 2015.........       481486
                                   Municipal Utility    President, Pecan    Municipal Utility   www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   District (15-06-     Grove Municipal     District, Jones     lomc.
                                   0769P).              Utility District,   and Carter
                                                        Allen Boone         Engineering, 6335
                                                        Humphries           Gulfton Drive,
                                                        Robinson LLP,,      Suite 200,
                                                        3200 Southwest      Houston, TX 77081.
                                                        Freeway, Suite
                                                        2600, Houston, TX
    Fort Bend...................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Fort Bend County    http://                Jul. 9, 2015.........       480228
                                   areas of Fort Bend   Robert Hebert,      Engineering         www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (15-06-       Fort Bend County    Office, 301         lomc.
                                   0769P).              Judge, 401          Jackson Street,
                                                        Jackson Street,     Richmond, TX
                                                        Richmond, TX        77469.
    Guadalupe...................  Unincorporated       The Honorable Kyle  Guadalupe County,   http://                May 15, 2015.........       480266
                                   areas of Guadalupe   Kutscher,           2605 North          www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (13-06-       Guadalupe County    Guadalupe Street,   lomc.
                                   3462P).              Judge, 211 West     Seguin, TX 78155.
                                                        Court Street,
                                                        Seguin, TX 78155.
    Harris......................  Unincorporated       The Honorable Ed    Harris County       http://                May 18, 2015.........       480287
                                   areas of Harris      M. Emmett, Harris   Permit Office,      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (15-06-       County Judge,       10555 Northwest     lomc.
                                   0108P).              1001 Preston        Freeway, Suite
                                                        Street, Suite       120, Houston, TX
                                                        911, Houston, TX    77092.
    Hunt........................  City of Greenville   The Honorable       Public Works        http://                Jul. 8, 2015.........       485473
                                   (14-06-1302P).       Steve Reid,         Department, 2315    www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      Johnson Street,     lomc.
                                                        Greenville, P. O.   Greenville, TX
                                                        Box 1049,           75401.
                                                        Greenville, TX
    Tarrant.....................  City of Fort Worth   The Honorable       Department of       http://                May 22, 2015.........       480596
                                   (14-06-4247P).       Betsy Price,        Transportation      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Mayor, City of      and Public Works,   lomc.
                                                        Fort Worth, 1000    1000 Throckmorton
                                                        Throckmorton        Street, Fort
                                                        Street, Fort        Worth, TX 76102.
                                                        Worth, TX 76102.
    Tarrant.....................  City of Keller (14-  The Honorable Mark  Public Works        http://                Jul. 6, 2015.........       480602
                                   06-4310P).           Mathews, Mayor,     Department, 1100    www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        City of Keller,     Bear Creek          lomc.
                                                        P.O. Box 770,       Parkway, Keller,
                                                        Keller, TX 76244.   TX 76248.
    Albemarle...................  Unincorporated       Mr. Thomas C.       Albemarle County    http://                Jun. 3, 2015.........       510006
                                   areas of Albemarle   Foley, Alebemarle   Department of       www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (14-03-       County Executive,   Community           lomc.
                                   0864P).              401 McIntire        Development, 401
                                                        Road,               McIntire Road,
                                                        Charlottesville,    Charlottesville,
                                                        VA 22902.           VA 22902.
    Fairfax.....................  Unincorporated       Mr. Edward L.       Fairfax County      http://                Jun. 5, 2015.........       515525
                                   areas of Fairfax     Long, Jr.,          Stormwater          www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (15-03-       Fairfax County      Planning            lomc.
                                   0079P).              Executive, 12000    Division, 12000
                                                        Government Center   Government Center
                                                        Parkway, Fairfax,   Parkway, Suite
                                                        VA 22035.           449, Fairfax, VA
    Frederick...................  City of Winchester   Ms. Eden Freeman,   Department of       http://                May 21, 2015.........       510173
                                   (14-03-2926P).       Manager, City of    Public Services,    www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Winchester, 15      Engineering         lomc.
                                                        North Cameron       Division, 15
                                                        Street,             North Cameron
                                                        Winchester, VA      Street,
                                                        22601.              Winchester, VA
    Loudoun.....................  Town of Leesburg     The Honorable       Town Hall, 25 West  http://                May 14, 2015.........       510091
                                   (14-03-1706P).       Kristen C.          Market Street,      www.msc.fema.gov/
                                                        Umstattd, Mayor,    Leesburg, VA        lomc.
                                                        Town of Leesburg,   20176.
                                                        25 West Market
                                                        Street, Leesburg,
                                                        VA 20176.
    Loudoun.....................  Unincorporated       The Honorable       Loudoun County      http://                May 14, 2015.........       510090
                                   areas of Loudoun     Scott K. York,      Building and        www.msc.fema.gov/
                                   County (14-03-       Chairman-at-        Development         lomc.
                                   1706P).              Large, Loudoun      Department, 1
                                                        County Board of     Harrison Street
                                                        Supervisors, P.O.   Southeast,
                                                        Box 7000,           Leesburg, VA
                                                        Leesburg, VA        20175.

[[Page 26084]]

[FR Doc. 2015-10534 Filed 5-5-15; 8:45 am]

                                              26080                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 87 / Wednesday, May 6, 2015 / Notices

                                                                       Location and             Chief executive            Community map             Online location of letter of   Effective date of    Community
                                                State and county         case No.            officer of community            repository                    map revision               modification          No.

                                              Virginia: Loudoun ..   (Unincorporated     Mr Scott K York, Chair-     Loudoun County Building,      http://www msc fema gov/lomc     May 15, 2015 .....      510090
                                                                       Areas) (15–         man, Board of Super-        Building and Develop-
                                                                       03–0229P).          visors, P O Box 7000, 1     ment Department, 1
                                                                                           Harrison Street, S E ,      Harrison Street, S E ,
                                                                                           5th Floor, Leesburg, VA     Leesburg, VA 20177.
                                              Wisconsin:             (Unincorporated     The Honorable Thomas M      County Administration         http://www msc fema gov/lomc     June 24, 2015 ....      550302
                                               Outagamie.              Areas) (15–         Nelson, Outagamie           Building, 410 South
                                                                       05–1349P).          County Executive,           Walnut Street, Apple-
                                                                                           County Administration       ton, WI 54911.
                                                                                           Building, 410 South
                                                                                           Walnut Street, Apple-
                                                                                           ton, WI 54911.

                                              [FR Doc. 2015–10532 Filed 5–5–15; 8:45 am]                the dates listed in the table below and                of the community as listed in the table
                                              BILLING CODE 9110–12–P                                    revise the FIRM panels and FIS report                  below.
                                                                                                        in effect prior to this determination for                 The modifications are made pursuant
                                                                                                        the listed communities.                                to section 201 of the Flood Disaster
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                       From the date of the second                         Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105,
                                              SECURITY                                                  publication of notification of these                   and are in accordance with the National
                                                                                                        changes in a newspaper of local                        Flood Insurance Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C.
                                              Federal Emergency Management                              circulation, any person has 90 days in                 4001 et seq., and with 44 CFR part 65.
                                              Agency                                                    which to request through the                              The FIRM and FIS report are the basis
                                              [Docket ID FEMA–2015–0001; Internal                       community that the Deputy Associate                    of the floodplain management measures
                                              Agency Docket No. FEMA–B–1509]                            Administrator for Mitigation reconsider                that the community is required either to
                                                                                                        the changes. The flood hazard                          adopt or to show evidence of having in
                                              Changes in Flood Hazard                                   determination information may be                       effect in order to qualify or remain
                                              Determinations                                            changed during the 90-day period.                      qualified for participation in the
                                              AGENCY: Federal Emergency                                 ADDRESSES: The affected communities                    National Flood Insurance Program
                                              Management Agency, DHS.                                   are listed in the table below. Revised                 (NFIP).
                                                                                                        flood hazard information for each                         These flood hazard determinations,
                                              ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                        community is available for inspection at               together with the floodplain
                                              SUMMARY:   This notice lists communities                  both the online location and the                       management criteria required by 44 CFR
                                              where the addition or modification of                     respective community map repository                    60.3, are the minimum that are required.
                                              Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood                  address listed in the table below.                     They should not be construed to mean
                                              depths, Special Flood Hazard Area                         Additionally, the current effective FIRM               that the community must change any
                                              (SFHA) boundaries or zone                                 and FIS report for each community are                  existing ordinances that are more
                                              designations, or the regulatory floodway                  accessible online through the FEMA                     stringent in their floodplain
                                              (hereinafter referred to as flood hazard                  Map Service Center at                                  management requirements. The
                                              determinations), as shown on the Flood                    www.msc.fema.gov for comparison.                       community may at any time enact
                                              Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and                             Submit comments and/or appeals to                   stricter requirements of its own or
                                              where applicable, in the supporting                       the Chief Executive Officer of the                     pursuant to policies established by other
                                              Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports,                      community as listed in the table below.                Federal, State, or regional entities. The
                                              prepared by the Federal Emergency                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Luis                  flood hazard determinations are in
                                              Management Agency (FEMA) for each                         Rodriguez, Chief, Engineering                          accordance with 44 CFR 65.4.
                                              community, is appropriate because of                      Management Branch, Federal Insurance                      The affected communities are listed in
                                              new scientific or technical data. The                     and Mitigation Administration, FEMA,                   the following table. Flood hazard
                                              FIRM, and where applicable, portions of                   500 C Street SW., Washington, DC                       determination information for each
                                              the FIS report, have been revised to                      20472, (202) 646–4064, or (email)                      community is available for inspection at
                                              reflect these flood hazard                                Luis.Rodriguez3@fema.dhs.gov; or visit                 both the online location and the
                                              determinations through issuance of a                      the FEMA Map Information eXchange                      respective community map repository
                                              Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), in                         (FMIX) online at                                       address listed in the table below.
                                              accordance with Title 44, Part 65 of the                  www.floodmaps.fema.gov/fhm/fmx_                        Additionally, the current effective FIRM
                                              Code of Federal Regulations (44 CFR                       main.html.                                             and FIS report for each community are
                                              part 65). The LOMR will be used by                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The                     accessible online through the FEMA
                                              insurance agents and others to calculate                  specific flood hazard determinations are               Map Service Center at
                                              appropriate flood insurance premium                       not described for each community in                    www.msc.fema.gov for comparison.
                                              rates for new buildings and the contents                  this notice. However, the online                       (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No.
                                              of those buildings. For rating purposes,                  location and local community map                       97.022, ‘‘Flood Insurance.’’)
                                              the currently effective community                         repository address where the flood                       Date: April 22, 2015.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              number is shown in the table below and                    hazard determination information is                    Roy E. Wright,
                                              must be used for all new policies and                     available for inspection is provided.
                                              renewals.                                                                                                        Deputy Associate Administrator for
                                                                                                           Any request for reconsideration of                  Mitigation, Department of Homeland
                                              DATES:These flood hazard                                  flood hazard determinations must be                    Security, Federal Emergency Management
                                              determinations will become effective on                   submitted to the Chief Executive Officer               Agency.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   20:25 May 05, 2015     Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00086   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06MYN1.SGM     06MYN1

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 87 / Wednesday, May 6, 2015 / Notices                                                            26081

                                                                            Location and             Chief executive            Community map              Online location of letter of   Effective date of       Community
                                                State and county              case No.            officer of community            repository                     map revision               modification             No.

                                              Arkansas: Benton ..         City of Rogers   The Honorable Greg             City Hall, 301 West            http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 6, 2015 ........      050013
                                                                            (14–06–2125P).   Hines, Mayor, City of          Chestnut Street, Rog-
                                                                                             Rogers, 301 West               ers, AR 72756.
                                                                                             Chestnut Street, Rog-
                                                                                             ers, AR 72756.
                                              Delaware: Dover ...         City of Dover    The Honorable Robin R.         Department of Planning         http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 26, 2015 .....        100006
                                                                            (15–03–0103P).   Christiansen, Mayor,           and Inspection, 15
                                                                                             City of Dover, 15              Loockerman Plaza,
                                                                                             Loockerman Plaza,              Dover, DE 19901.
                                                                                             Dover, DE 19901.
                                              Louisiana: Rapides          City of Alexan-  The Honorable Jacques          City Hall, 915 3rd Street,     http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 21, 2015 .....         220146
                                                                            dria (14–06–     M. Roy, Mayor, City of         1st Floor, Alexandria,
                                                                            4775P).          Alexandria, P.O. Box           LA 71301.
                                                                                             71, Alexandria, LA
                                              New Jersey: Bur-            Township of      Ms. Katherine Burger, In-      Municipal Center, 17           http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 19, 2015 .....        340104
                                                lington.                    Medford (14–     terim Manager, Town-          North Main Street, Med-
                                                                            02–2411P).       ship of Medford, 17           ford, NJ 08055.
                                                                                             North Main Street, Med-
                                                                                             ford, NJ 08055.
                                              New Mexico:
                                                 Bernalillo ........      Unincorporated   The Honorable Maggie           Bernalillo County Public       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 12, 2015 .....         350001
                                                                            areas of         Hart Stebbins, Chair-          Works Division, 2400
                                                                            Bernalillo       man, Bernalillo County         Broadway Boulevard
                                                                            County (14–      Board of Commis-               Southeast, Albu-
                                                                            06–0924P).       sioners, 1 Civic Plaza         querque, NM 87102.
                                                                                             Northwest, Albu-
                                                                                             querque, NM 87102.
                                                   Bernalillo ........    Unincorporated   The Honorable Maggie           Bernalillo Public Works        http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 19, 2015 .....        350001
                                                                            areas of         Hart Stebbins, Chair-          Division, 2400 Broad-
                                                                            Bernalillo       man, Bernalillo County         way Boulevard South-
                                                                            County (14–      Board of Commis-               east, Albuquerque, NM
                                                                            06–0925P).       sioners, 1 Civic Plaza         87102.
                                                                                             Northwest, Albu-
                                                                                             querque, NM 87102.
                                                   Santa Fe ........      City of Santa Fe The Honorable Javier M.        200 Lincoln Avenue,            http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 25, 2015 .....        350070
                                                                            (15–06–0598P).   Gonzales, Mayor, City          Santa Fe, NM 87501.
                                                                                             of Santa Fe, 200 Lin-
                                                                                             coln Avenue, Santa Fe,
                                                                                             NM 87501.
                                                   Santa Fe ........      Unincorporated   The Honorable Shannon          Santa Fe County, 102           http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 25, 2015 .....        350069
                                                                            areas of Santa   Broderick Bulman,              Grant Avenue, Santa
                                                                            Fe County        Santa Fe County Pro-           Fe, NM 87501.
                                                                            (15–06–0598P).   bate Judge, 102 Grant
                                                                                             Avenue, Santa Fe, NM
                                                  Franklin ..........     City of Columbus The Honorable Michael B.       Department of Public Utili-    http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Apr. 22, 2015 .....        390170
                                                                            (14–05–8003P).   Coleman, Mayor, City           ties, Stormwater and
                                                                                             of Columbus, 90 West           Regulatory Manage-
                                                                                             Broad Street, 2nd Floor,       ment Section, 1250
                                                                                             Columbus, OH 43215.            Fairwood Avenue, Co-
                                                                                                                            lumbus, OH 43206.
                                                   Franklin ..........    City of Hilliard  The Honorable Don             City Hall, 3800 Municipal      http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Apr. 22, 2015 .....        390175
                                                                            (14–05–8003P).    Schonhardt, Mayor, City       Way, Hilliard, OH
                                                                                              of Hilliard, 5171 North-      43026.
                                                                                              west Parkway, Hilliard,
                                                                                              OH 43026.
                                                   Franklin ..........    Unincorporated    The Honorable Marilyn         Franklin County Economic       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Apr. 22, 2015 .....        390167
                                                                            areas of Frank-   Brown, President,             Development and Plan-
                                                                            lin County (14–   Franklin County Board         ning Department, 150
                                                                            05–8003P).        of Commissioners, 373         South Front Street,
                                                                                              South High Street, 26th       Front Street Level,
                                                                                              Floor, Columbus, OH           Suite 10, Columbus,
                                                                                              43215.                        OH 43215.
                                              Oklahoma: Tulsa ...         City of Broken    The Honorable Craig           City Hall, 220 South 1st       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 22, 2015 .....        400236
                                                                            Arrow (14–06–     Thurmond, Mayor, City         Street, Broken Arrow,
                                                                            3286P).           of Broken Arrow, 220          OK 74012.
                                                                                              South 1st Street, Bro-
                                                                                              ken Arrow, OK 74012.
                                                 Berks ..............     City of Reading  The Honorable Vaughn D.        Office of Zoning, Planning     http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 26, 2015 .....        420145
                                                                            (13–03–2114P).   Spencer, Mayor, City of        and Preservation, Com-
                                                                                             Reading, 815 Wash-             munity Development
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                             ington Street, Reading,        Department, 815 Wash-
                                                                                             PA 19601.                      ington Street, Reading,
                                                                                                                            PA 19601.
                                                   Berks ..............   Town of Cumru    Ms. Jeanne E. Johnston,        Cumru Township Office          http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 26, 2015 .....        420130
                                                                            (13–03–2114P).  Manager, Township of            Building, 1775 Welsh
                                                                                            Cumru, 1775 Welsh               Road, Mohnton, PA
                                                                                            Road, Mohnton, PA               19540.

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                                              26082                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 87 / Wednesday, May 6, 2015 / Notices

                                                                             Location and             Chief executive            Community map             Online location of letter of   Effective date of      Community
                                                State and county               case No.            officer of community            repository                    map revision               modification            No.

                                                  Bell .................   City of Temple    The Honorable Danny           3210 East Avenue H,           http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 13, 2015 ......      480034
                                                                             (13–06–3510P).    Dunn, Mayor, City of          Building A, Suite 107,
                                                                                               Temple, 2 North Main          Temple, TX 76501.
                                                                                               Street, Suite 103, Tem-
                                                                                               ple, TX 76501.
                                                   Bexar ..............    City of San Anto- The Honorable Ivy R.          Transportation and Cap-       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 6, 2015 .......       480045
                                                                             nio (14–06–       Taylor, Mayor, City of        ital Improvements De-
                                                                             0780P).           San Antonio, P.O. Box         partment, Storm Water
                                                                                               839966, San Antonio,          Division, 1901 South
                                                                                               TX 78283.                     Alamo Street, 2nd
                                                                                                                             Floor, San Antonio, TX
                                                   Bexar ..............    City of San Anto-   The Honorable Ivy R.        Transportation and Cap-       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 19, 2015 .....       480045
                                                                             nio (14–06–         Taylor, Mayor, City of      ital Improvements De-
                                                                             3298P).             San Antonio, P.O. Box       partment, Storm Water
                                                                                                 839966, San Antonio,        Division, 1901 South
                                                                                                 TX 78283.                   Alamo Street, 2nd
                                                                                                                             Floor, San Antonio, TX
                                                   Bexar ..............    City of San Anto-   The Honorable Ivy R.        Transportation and Cap-       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 6, 2015 .......       480045
                                                                             nio (15–06–         Taylor, Mayor, City of      ital Improvements De-
                                                                             0882X).             San Antonio, P.O. Box       partment, Storm Water
                                                                                                 839966, San Antonio,        Division, 1901 South
                                                                                                 TX 78283.                   Alamo Street, 2nd
                                                                                                                             Floor, San Antonio, TX
                                                   Bexar ..............    Unincorporated     The Honorable Nelson W.      Bexar County Public           http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 19, 2015 .....       480035
                                                                             areas of Bexar     Wolff, Bexar County          Works Department, 233
                                                                             County (14–        Judge, Paul Elizondo         North Pecos-La Trini-
                                                                             06–4527P).         Tower, 101 West              dad Street, San Anto-
                                                                                                Nueva Street, 10th           nio, TX 78207.
                                                                                                Floor, San Antonio, TX
                                                   Bexar ..............    Unincorporated     The Honorable Nelson W.      Bexar County Public           http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 19, 2015 .....       480035
                                                                             areas of Bexar     Wolff, Bexar County          Works Department, 233
                                                                             County (15–        Judge, Paul Elizondo         North Pecos-La Trini-
                                                                             06–1160X).         Tower, 101 West              dad Street, San Anto-
                                                                                                Nueva Street, 10th           nio, TX 78207.
                                                                                                Floor, San Antonio, TX
                                                   Caldwell .........      City of Martindale The Honorable Doyle          409 Main Street,              http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 15, 2015 .....        481587
                                                                             (13–06–3462P).     Mosier, Mayor, City of       Martindale, TX 78655.
                                                                                                Martindale, P.O. Box
                                                                                                365, Martindale, TX
                                                   Caldwell .........      Unincorporated     The Honorable Ken            Caldwell County, 110          http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 15, 2015 .....        480094
                                                                             areas of           Schawe, Caldwell             South Main Street,
                                                                             Caldwell Coun-     County Judge, 110            Lockhart, TX 78644.
                                                                             ty (13–06–         South Main Street,
                                                                             3462P).            Room 201, Lockhart,
                                                                                                TX 78644.
                                                   Collin ..............   Unincorporated     The Honorable Keith Self,    Collin County Engineering     http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 4, 2015 .......      480130
                                                                             areas of Collin    Collin County Judge,         Department, 4690 Com-
                                                                             County (14–        2300 Bloomdale Road,         munity Avenue, Suite
                                                                             06–2017P).         Suite 4192, McKinney,        200, McKinney, TX
                                                                                                TX 75071.                    75071.
                                                   Dallas .............    City of Lancaster The Honorable Marcus E.       211 North Henry Street,       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 1, 2015 .......      480182
                                                                             (14–06–3046P).     Knight, Mayor, City of       Lancaster, TX 75146.
                                                                                                Lancaster, P.O. Box
                                                                                                940, Lancaster, TX
                                                   Denton ...........      City of Frisco     The Honorable Maher          George A. Purefoy Munic-      http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 4, 2015 .......       480134
                                                                             (14–06–3421P).     Maso, Mayor, City of        ipal Center, 6101 Frisco
                                                                                                Frisco, 6101 Frisco         Square Boulevard, 3rd
                                                                                                Square Boulevard, Fris-     Floor, Frisco, TX 75034.
                                                                                                co, TX 75034.
                                                   Denton ...........      Town of Flower     The Honorable Thomas         Engineering Department,       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 19, 2015 .....       480777
                                                                             Mound (14–         Hayden, Mayor, Town          1001 Cross Timbers
                                                                             06–4522P).         of Flower Mound, 2121        Road, Suite 3220,
                                                                                                Cross Timbers Road,          Flower Mound, TX
                                                                                                Flower Mound, TX             75028.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                   Denton ...........      Town of Little     The Honorable David Hill-    Town Hall, GIS Develop-       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 4, 2015 .......       481152
                                                                             Elm (14–06–        ock, Mayor, Town of          ment Services, 100
                                                                             3421P).            Little Elm, 100 West El-     West Eldorado Park-
                                                                                                dorado Parkway, Little       way, Little Elm, TX
                                                                                                Elm, TX 75068.               75068.

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 87 / Wednesday, May 6, 2015 / Notices                                                            26083

                                                                           Location and             Chief executive            Community map               Online location of letter of   Effective date of       Community
                                                State and county             case No.            officer of community            repository                      map revision               modification             No.

                                                  Denton ...........     Unincorporated      The Honorable Mary            Denton County Govern-         http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 24, 2015 .....        480774
                                                                           areas of Den-       Horn, Denton County           ment Center, 1505 East
                                                                           ton County          Judge, 110 West Hick-         McKinney Street, Suite
                                                                           (14–06–2414P).      ory Street, 2nd Floor,        175, Denton, TX 76209.
                                                                                               Denton, TX 76201.
                                                  Fort Bend .......      City of Richmond The Honorable Evalyn W.          City Hall, 402 Morton         http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 9, 2015 ........      480231
                                                                           (15–06–0769P).      Moore, Mayor, City of         Street, Richmond, TX
                                                                                               Richmond, 402 Morton          77469.
                                                                                               Street, Richmond, TX
                                                  Fort Bend .......      Pecan Grove         Mr. Chad Howard, Presi-       Pecan Grove Municipal         http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 9, 2015 ........      481486
                                                                           Municipal Util-     dent, Pecan Grove Mu-         Utility District, Jones
                                                                           ity District (15–   nicipal Utility District,     and Carter Engineering,
                                                                           06–0769P).          Allen Boone Humphries         6335 Gulfton Drive,
                                                                                               Robinson LLP,, 3200           Suite 200, Houston, TX
                                                                                               Southwest Freeway,            77081.
                                                                                               Suite 2600, Houston,
                                                                                               TX 77027.
                                                  Fort Bend .......      Unincorporated      The Honorable Robert          Fort Bend County Engi-        http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 9, 2015 ........      480228
                                                                           areas of Fort       Hebert, Fort Bend             neering Office, 301
                                                                           Bend County         County Judge, 401             Jackson Street, Rich-
                                                                           (15–06–0769P).      Jackson Street, Rich-         mond, TX 77469.
                                                                                               mond, TX 77469.
                                                  Guadalupe .....        Unincorporated      The Honorable Kyle            Guadalupe County, 2605        http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 15, 2015 .....         480266
                                                                           areas of Gua-       Kutscher, Guadalupe          North Guadalupe
                                                                           dalupe County       County Judge, 211            Street, Seguin, TX
                                                                           (13–06–3462P).      West Court Street,           78155.
                                                                                               Seguin, TX 78155.
                                                  Harris .............   Unincorporated      The Honorable Ed M. Em-       Harris County Permit Of-      http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 18, 2015 .....         480287
                                                                           areas of Harris     mett, Harris County           fice, 10555 Northwest
                                                                           County (15–         Judge, 1001 Preston           Freeway, Suite 120,
                                                                           06–0108P).          Street, Suite 911, Hous-      Houston, TX 77092.
                                                                                               ton, TX 77002.
                                                  Hunt ...............   City of Greenville The Honorable Steve            Public Works Department,      http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 8, 2015 ........      485473
                                                                           (14–06–1302P).      Reid, Mayor, City of          2315 Johnson Street,
                                                                                               Greenville, P. O. Box         Greenville, TX 75401.
                                                                                               1049, Greenville, TX
                                                  Tarrant ...........    City of Fort        The Honorable Betsy           Department of Transpor-       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 22, 2015 .....         480596
                                                                           Worth (14–06–       Price, Mayor, City of         tation and Public
                                                                           4247P).             Fort Worth, 1000              Works, 1000
                                                                                               Throckmorton Street,          Throckmorton Street,
                                                                                               Fort Worth, TX 76102.         Fort Worth, TX 76102.
                                                  Tarrant ...........    City of Keller      The Honorable Mark Mat-       Public Works Department,      http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jul. 6, 2015 ........      480602
                                                                           (14–06–4310P).      hews, Mayor, City of          1100 Bear Creek Park-
                                                                                               Keller, P.O. Box 770,         way, Keller, TX 76248.
                                                                                               Keller, TX 76244.
                                                   Albemarle .......     Unincorporated   Mr. Thomas C. Foley,             Albemarle County Depart-      http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 3, 2015 .......       510006
                                                                           areas of Albe-   Alebemarle County Ex-            ment of Community De-
                                                                           marle County     ecutive, 401 McIntire            velopment, 401 McIntire
                                                                           (14–03–0864P).   Road, Charlottesville,           Road, Charlottesville,
                                                                                            VA 22902.                        VA 22902.
                                                  Fairfax ............   Unincorporated   Mr. Edward L. Long, Jr.,         Fairfax County                http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     Jun. 5, 2015 .......       515525
                                                                           areas of Fair-   Fairfax County Execu-            Stormwater Planning
                                                                           fax County       tive, 12000 Government           Division, 12000 Govern-
                                                                           (15–03–0079P).   Center Parkway, Fair-            ment Center Parkway,
                                                                                            fax, VA 22035.                   Suite 449, Fairfax, VA
                                                  Frederick ........     City of Win-        Ms. Eden Freeman, Man-        Department of Public          http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 21, 2015 .....         510173
                                                                           chester (14–        ager, City of Win-            Services, Engineering
                                                                           03–2926P).          chester, 15 North Cam-        Division, 15 North Cam-
                                                                                               eron Street, Win-             eron Street, Win-
                                                                                               chester, VA 22601.            chester, VA 22601.
                                                  Loudoun .........      Town of Lees-       The Honorable Kristen C.      Town Hall, 25 West Mar-       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 14, 2015 .....         510091
                                                                           burg (14–03–        Umstattd, Mayor, Town         ket Street, Leesburg,
                                                                           1706P).             of Leesburg, 25 West          VA 20176.
                                                                                               Market Street, Lees-
                                                                                               burg, VA 20176.
                                                  Loudoun .........      Unincorporated      The Honorable Scott K.        Loudoun County Building       http://www.msc.fema.gov/lomc     May 14, 2015 .....         510090
                                                                           areas of            York, Chairman-at-            and Development De-
                                                                           Loudoun             Large, Loudoun County         partment, 1 Harrison
                                                                           County (14–         Board of Supervisors,         Street Southeast, Lees-
                                                                           03–1706P).          P.O. Box 7000, Lees-          burg, VA 20175.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                               burg, VA 20177.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014       19:49 May 05, 2015     Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00089   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990     E:\FR\FM\06MYN1.SGM     06MYN1

                                              26084                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 87 / Wednesday, May 6, 2015 / Notices

                                              [FR Doc. 2015–10534 Filed 5–5–15; 8:45 am]                (2) Evaluate the accuracy of the                      DHS estimates completing the form,
                                              BILLING CODE 9110–12–P                                  agency’s estimate of the burden;                      and gathering and submitting the
                                                                                                        (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and               information will take approximately one
                                                                                                      clarity of the information to be                      hour. The annual respondent
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                  collected; and                                        population was derived from data
                                              SECURITY                                                  (4) Minimize the burden of the                      contained within the DHS case
                                                                                                      collection of information on those who                management database and reflects the
                                              Transportation Security Administration                  are to respond, including using                       actual number of respondents for the
                                                                                                      appropriate automated, electronic,                    most recent calendar year. Thus, the
                                              Intent To Request Renewal From OMB                      mechanical, or other technological                    total estimated annual number of
                                              of One Current Public Collection of                     collection techniques or other forms of               burden hours for passengers seeking
                                              Information: Department of Homeland                     information technology.                               redress, based on 19,067 annual
                                              Security Traveler Redress Inquiry
                                                                                                      Information Collection Requirement                    respondents, is 19,067 hours (19,067 ×
                                              Program (DHS TRIP)
                                                                                                         OMB Control Number 1652–0044;
                                              AGENCY:  Transportation Security                                                                                 Dated: April 30, 2015.
                                                                                                      Department of Homeland Security
                                              Administration, DHS.                                                                                          Christina A. Walsh,
                                                                                                      (DHS) Traveler Redress Inquiry Program
                                              ACTION: 60-Day notice.                                  (DHS TRIP). DHS TRIP is a single point                TSA Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, Office
                                                                                                      of contact for individuals who have                   of Information Technology.
                                              SUMMARY:   The Transportation Security
                                              Administration (TSA) invites public                     inquiries or seek resolution regarding                [FR Doc. 2015–10526 Filed 5–5–15; 8:45 am]
                                              comment on one currently approved                       difficulties they have experienced                    BILLING CODE 9110–05–P

                                              Information Collection Request (ICR),                   during their travel screening. These
                                              Office of Management and Budget                         difficulties could include: (1) Denied or
                                              (OMB) control number 1652–0044,                         delayed boarding; (2) denied or delayed               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                              abstracted below that we will submit to                 entry into or departure from the United
                                              OMB for renewal in compliance with                      States at a port of entry; or (3) identified          Fish and Wildlife Service
                                              the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).                      for additional (secondary) screening at
                                              The ICR describes the nature of the                     our Nation’s transportation facilities,               FXRS12610600000–156–FF06R06000]
                                                                                                      including airports, seaports, train
                                              information collection and its expected
                                                                                                      stations and land borders. The TSA                    Rocky Mountain Arsenal National
                                              burden. The collection involves the
                                                                                                      manages the DHS TRIP office on behalf                 Wildlife Refuge, Commerce City, CO;
                                              submission of identifying and travel
                                                                                                      of DHS. To request redress, individuals               Draft Comprehensive Conservation
                                              experience information by individuals
                                                                                                      are asked to provide identifying                      Plan and Environmental Impact
                                              requesting redress through the
                                                                                                      information as well as details of their               Statement
                                              Department of Homeland Security
                                                                                                      travel experience.
                                              (DHS) Traveler Redress Inquiry Program                     The DHS TRIP office serves as a                    AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                              (TRIP).                                                 centralized intake office for traveler                Interior.
                                              DATES: Send your comments by July 6,                    requests for redress and uses the online              ACTION: Notice of availability; request
                                              2015.                                                   Traveler Inquiry Form (TIF) to collect                for comments.
                                              ADDRESSES: Comments may be emailed                      requests for redress. DHS TRIP then
                                              to TSAPRA@tsa.dhs.gov or delivered to                   passes the information to the relevant                SUMMARY:   We, the U.S. Fish and
                                              the TSA PRA Officer, Office of                          DHS TRIP practitioner office(s),                      Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
                                              Information Technology (OIT), TSA–11,                   including components of DHS, the U.S.                 availability of a draft comprehensive
                                              Transportation Security Administration,                 Department of State, and the U.S.                     conservation plan (CCP) and
                                              601 South 12th Street, Arlington, VA                    Department of Justice, to process the                 environmental impact statement (EIS)
                                              20598–6011.                                             request, as appropriate. Participating                for the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        DHS components include the TSA, U.S.                  National Wildlife Refuge (refuge). In
                                              Christina A. Walsh at the above address,                Customs and Border Protection, U.S.                   these documents, we describe
                                              or by telephone (571) 227–2062.                         Immigration and Customs Enforcement,                  alternatives, including our proposed
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              U.S. Citizenship and Immigration                      action alternative, to manage the refuge
                                                                                                      Services, the National Protection and                 for the 15 years following approval of
                                              Comments Invited                                        Programs Directorate’s Office of                      the final CCP.
                                                 In accordance with the Paperwork                     Biometric Information Management,                     DATES: To ensure consideration, please
                                              Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501                   Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties,           send written comments by July 6, 2015.
                                              et seq.), an agency may not conduct or                  and the Privacy Office, along with the                We will hold public meetings; for
                                              sponsor, and a person is not required to                U.S. Department of State, Bureau of                   information on the public meetings or to
                                              respond to, a collection of information                 Consular Affairs, and the U.S.                        request reasonable accommodations,
                                              unless it displays a valid OMB control                  Department of Justice, Terrorist                      please see Public Meetings in the
                                              number. The ICR documentation is                        Screening Center. This collection serves              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
                                              available at http://www.reginfo.gov.                    to distinguish misidentified individuals              ADDRESSES: You may submit your
                                              Therefore, in preparation for OMB                       from an individual actually on any                    comments or requests for copies or more
                                              review and approval of the following                    watch list that DHS uses, to initiate the             information by one of the following
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              information collection, TSA is soliciting               correction of erroneous information                   methods. You may request hard copies
                                              comments to—                                            about an individual contained in                      or a CD–ROM of the documents.
                                                 (1) Evaluate whether the proposed                    government-held records, which are                       Email: rockymountainarsenal@
                                              information requirement is necessary for                leading to travel difficulties, and, where            fws.gov. Include ‘‘Rocky Mountain
                                              the proper performance of the functions                 appropriate, to help streamline and                   Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge draft
                                              of the agency, including whether the                    expedite future check-in or border                    CCP and EIS’’ in the subject line of the
                                              information will have practical utility;                crossing experiences.                                 message.

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Document Created: 2015-12-16 07:41:05
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 07:41:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThese flood hazard determinations will become effective on the dates listed in the table below and revise the FIRM panels and FIS report in effect prior to this determination for the listed communities.
ContactLuis Rodriguez, Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, FEMA, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-4064, or (email) [email protected]; or visit the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) online at www.floodmaps.fema.gov/fhm/fmx_main.html.
FR Citation80 FR 26080 

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