80_FR_27068 80 FR 26978 - Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Under OMB Review

80 FR 26978 - Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Under OMB Review


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 90 (May 11, 2015)

Page Range26978-26979
FR Document2015-11268

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is publishing this notice to comply with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), which requires agencies to submit proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements to OMB for review and approval, and to publish a notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has made such a submission. This notice also allows an additional 30 days for public comments.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 90 (Monday, May 11, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 90 (Monday, May 11, 2015)]
[Pages 26978-26979]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-11268]



Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Under OMB Review

AGENCY: Small Business Administration.

ACTION: 30-Day notice.


SUMMARY: The Small Business Administration (SBA) is publishing this 
notice to comply with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) 
(44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), which requires agencies to submit proposed 
reporting and recordkeeping requirements to OMB for review and 
approval, and to publish a notice in the Federal Register notifying the 
public that the agency has made such a submission. This notice also 
allows an additional 30 days for public comments.

DATES: Submit comments on or before June 10, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the information collection by name 
and/or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Agency Clearance 
Officer, Curtis Rich, Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street 
SW., 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20416; and SBA Desk Officer, Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 
New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Curtis Rich, Agency Clearance Officer, 
(202) 205-7030 curtis.rich@sba.gov.
    Copies: A copy of the Form OMB 83-1, supporting statement, and 
other documents submitted to OMB for review may be obtained from the 
Agency Clearance Officer.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:  Each form is used to notify recipients of 
grant awards and cooperative agreement awards. Form 1222 is used also 
to document logistical and budgetary information gathered from the 
awardees application and proposal. Awardees/Respondents are 
universities, colleges state and local government, for-profit and non-
profit organization. Form 1224 is used to certify the cost sharing by 
the recipient.

[[Page 26979]]

Solicitation of Public Comments

    Comments may be submitted on (a) whether the collection of 
information is necessary for the agency to properly perform its 
functions; (b) whether the burden estimates are accurate; (c) whether 
there are ways to minimize the burden, including through the use of 
automated techniques or other forms of information technology; and (d) 
whether there are ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information.

Summary of Information Collections

    Title: Notice of Award and Grant/Cooperative Agreement Cost Sharing 
    Description of Respondents: SBA Grant Recipients.
    Form Numbers: SBA Forms 1222 and 1224.
    Estimated Annual Respondents: 2,338.
    Estimated Annual Responses: 2,338.
    Estimated Annual Hour Burden: 187,040.

Curtis B. Rich,
Management Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2015-11268 Filed 5-8-15; 8:45 am]

                                              26978                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 90 / Monday, May 11, 2015 / Notices

                                              and recordkeeping requirements to                       satisfaction with VBOCs, and lessons                    Estimated Annual Responses: 2,251.
                                              OMB for review and approval, and to                     learned and recommendations by the                      Estimated Annual Hour Burden:
                                              publish a notice in the Federal Register                VBOCs and clients. Through the                        2,313.08.
                                              notifying the public that the agency has                WebCATS/Neoserra system, SBA has
                                              made such a submission. This notice                     the ability to collect some data on VBOC              Curtis B. Rich,
                                              also allows an additional 30 days for                   clients and VBOC activities. However,                 Management Analyst.
                                              public comments.                                        to get a better understanding of the full             [FR Doc. 2015–11267 Filed 5–8–15; 8:45 am]
                                              DATES: Submit comments on or before                     range of topics mentioned above, SBA                  BILLING CODE 8025–01–P
                                              June 10, 2015.                                          needs to collect survey and interview
                                              ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to                     data from VBOC clients, directors, and
                                              the information collection by name and/                 staff (non-directors of VBOCs that help               SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
                                              or OMB Control Number and should be                     provide services to people). Specifically,
                                              sent to: Agency Clearance Officer, Curtis               SBA proposes the use of five different                Reporting and Recordkeeping
                                              Rich, Small Business Administration,                    instruments for data collection and                   Requirements Under OMB Review
                                              409 3rd Street SW., 5th Floor,                          analysis. These instruments are: (1) A
                                              Washington, DC 20416; and SBA Desk                      VBOC client survey; (2) a VBOC director               AGENCY:   Small Business Administration.
                                              Officer, Office of Information and                      survey; (3) VBOC client interviews; (4)
                                                                                                      VBOC director interviews; and (5)                     ACTION:   30-Day notice.
                                              Regulatory Affairs, Office of
                                              Management and Budget, New                              VBOC staff interviews. SBA plans to
                                              Executive Office Building, Washington,                  administer each instrument to more                    SUMMARY:   The Small Business
                                              DC 20503.                                               than nine individuals. The surveys will               Administration (SBA) is publishing this
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        be administered electronically, while                 notice to comply with requirements of
                                              Curtis Rich, Agency Clearance Officer,                  the interviews will be conducted either               the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
                                              (202) 205–7030 curtis.rich@sba.gov.                     in-person or via phone. The interview                 U.S.C. Chapter 35), which requires
                                                 Copies: A copy of the Form OMB 83–                   questions will contain all open-ended                 agencies to submit proposed reporting
                                              1, supporting statement, and other                      questions, while the web-based survey                 and recordkeeping requirements to
                                              documents submitted to OMB for                          will contain both open- and close-ended               OMB for review and approval, and to
                                              review may be obtained from the                         questions. The types of information that              publish a notice in the Federal Register
                                              Agency Clearance Officer.                               will be collected in the instruments can              notifying the public that the agency has
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office                   be found in the ‘‘Summary of                          made such a submission. This notice
                                              of Veterans Business Development                        Information Collection’’ section below.               also allows an additional 30 days for
                                              (OVBD) at the U.S. Small Business                       Quantitative analysis (the primary                    public comments.
                                              Administration implements applicable                    method of data analysis for the survey
                                                                                                                                                            DATES: Submit comments on or before
                                              sections of the Small Business Act, of                  data) and qualitative analysis (the
                                                                                                                                                            June 10, 2015.
                                              Public Laws and Executive Orders                        primary method of data analysis for the
                                              governing veteran programs, and to                      interview data) will be used on the data              ADDRESSES:   Comments should refer to
                                              support the SBA mission to assist                       collected. Quantitative analysis will                 the information collection by name and/
                                              eligible American veterans and                          consist of univariate and multivariate                or OMB Control Number and should be
                                              Reservist Component service members                     statistical analyses, while qualitative               sent to: Agency Clearance Officer, Curtis
                                              by providing access to the tools and                    analysis will consist of establishing                 Rich, Small Business Administration,
                                              resources necessary for entrepreneurs to                clear rules for interpretation and finding            409 3rd Street SW., 5th Floor,
                                              start, run, and grow their businesses.                  themes in the interview data. The                     Washington, DC 20416; and SBA Desk
                                              OVBD manages the Veterans Business                      information collected and analyzed                    Officer, Office of Information and
                                              Outreach Centers (VBOC) which was                       from these instruments will contribute                Regulatory Affairs, Office of
                                              established in 1999 pursuant to Public                  to performance metrics and program                    Management and Budget, New
                                              Law 106–50. VBOCs offer pre-business                    goals as well as recommendations on                   Executive Office Building, Washington,
                                              plan workshops, concept assessment                      improving program practices.                          DC 20503.
                                              and business plan preparation,                          Solicitation of Public Comments                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              feasibility analysis entrepreneurship                     Comments may be submitted on (a)                    Curtis Rich, Agency Clearance Officer,
                                              counseling and training, online                         whether the collection of information is              (202) 205–7030 curtis.rich@sba.gov.
                                              assistance, and mentorship service to                   necessary for the agency to properly                     Copies: A copy of the Form OMB 83–
                                              veteran entrepreneurs and veteran-                      perform its functions; (b) whether the                1, supporting statement, and other
                                              owned small business concerns                           burden estimates are accurate; (c)                    documents submitted to OMB for
                                              controlled by veterans, service-disabled                whether there are ways to minimize the                review may be obtained from the
                                              veterans, and Reserve Component                         burden, including through the use of                  Agency Clearance Officer.
                                              members. As part of OVBD’s effort to                    automated techniques or other forms of
                                              enhance the services provided by                        information technology; and (d) whether               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      Each form
                                              VBOCs to veterans and veteran-owned                     there are ways to enhance the quality,                is used to notify recipients of grant
                                              small businesses, OVBD has acquired                     utility, and clarity of the information.              awards and cooperative agreement
                                              the service of a research firm to conduct                                                                     awards. Form 1222 is used also to
                                              a series of data collection. In addition,               Summary of Information Collections                    document logistical and budgetary
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              a part of the forthcoming new cycle of                    Title: Evaluation of the Veterans                   information gathered from the awardees
                                              grant solicitation for 2015, SBA will                   Business Outreach Centers.                            application and proposal. Awardees/
                                              assess the population assisted by                         Description of Respondents: Veterans                Respondents are universities, colleges
                                              current VBOCs, funded in 2010, the                      Business Outreach Centers.                            state and local government, for-profit
                                              services provided to individuals, the                     Form Number: N/A.                                   and non-profit organization. Form 1224
                                              preliminary impact of services on the                     Estimated Annual Respondents:                       is used to certify the cost sharing by the
                                              business goals of clients, client                       2,251.                                                recipient.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:07 May 08, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00090   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11MYN1.SGM   11MYN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 90 / Monday, May 11, 2015 / Notices                                                   26979

                                              Solicitation of Public Comments                         President’s major disaster declaration on             Endowment for the Arts will serve as a
                                                Comments may be submitted on (a)                      04/30/2015, Private Non-Profit                        judge. This reference should be removed
                                              whether the collection of information is                organizations that provide essential                  and the sentence should read:
                                              necessary for the agency to properly                    services of governmental nature may file                5. Selection of Winners: SBA will select a
                                              perform its functions; (b) whether the                  disaster loan applications at the address             judging panel that will consist of SBA
                                              burden estimates are accurate; (c)                      listed above or other locally announced               Officials and Program Managers of the SBIR/
                                              whether there are ways to minimize the                  locations.                                            STTR participating Federal agencies.
                                              burden, including through the use of                       The following areas have been
                                                                                                                                                            John R. Williams,
                                              automated techniques or other forms of                  determined to be adversely affected by
                                                                                                      the disaster:                                         Director, Office of Innovation and
                                              information technology; and (d) whether                                                                       Technology.
                                              there are ways to enhance the quality,                  Primary Counties: Boyd, Boyle,
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–11277 Filed 5–8–15; 8:45 am]
                                              utility, and clarity of the information.                     Caldwell, Clark, Estill, Floyd,
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE P
                                                                                                           Harlan, Jackson, Jessamine, Knott,
                                              Summary of Information Collections                           Knox, Lawrence, Lee, Letcher,
                                                Title: Notice of Award and Grant/                          Lyon, Marshall, Menifee, Metcalfe,
                                              Cooperative Agreement Cost Sharing                           Morgan, Pendleton, Perry, Pike,                  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                              Proposal.                                                    Powell, Simpson, Taylor,
                                                                                                           Washington, Wolfe.                               Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                Description of Respondents: SBA
                                              Grant Recipients.                                          The Interest Rates are:
                                                Form Numbers: SBA Forms 1222 and                                                                            [Docket No. FMCSA–2015–0059]
                                              1224.                                                                                              Percent
                                                Estimated Annual Respondents:                                                                               Qualification of Drivers; Exemption
                                              2,338.                                                  For Physical Damage:                                  Applications; Diabetes Mellitus
                                                Estimated Annual Responses: 2,338.                      Non-Profit Organizations With
                                                Estimated Annual Hour Burden:                             Credit Available Elsewhere .....          2.625   AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                              187,040.                                                  Non-Profit Organizations Without                    Administration (FMCSA).
                                                                                                          Credit Available Elsewhere .....          2.625   ACTION: Notice of applications for
                                              Curtis B. Rich,                                         For Economic Injury:                                  exemptions request for comments.
                                              Management Analyst.                                       Non-Profit Organizations Without
                                                                                                          Credit Available Elsewhere .....          2.625   SUMMARY:   FMCSA announces receipt of
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–11268 Filed 5–8–15; 8:45 am]
                                              BILLING CODE 8025–01–P
                                                                                                                                                            applications from 51 individuals for
                                                                                                        The number assigned to this disaster                exemption from the prohibition against
                                                                                                      for physical damage is 14295B and for                 persons with insulin-treated diabetes
                                                                                                      economic injury is 14296B.                            mellitus (ITDM) operating commercial
                                              SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                      (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance               motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate
                                              [Disaster Declaration #14295 and #14296]                Numbers 59002 and 59008)                              commerce. If granted, the exemptions
                                              Kentucky Disaster #KY–00055                             James E. Rivera,                                      would enable these individuals with
                                                                                                      Associate Administrator for Disaster                  ITDM to operate CMVs in interstate
                                              AGENCY: U.S. Small Business                             Assistance.                                           commerce.
                                              Administration.                                         [FR Doc. 2015–11278 Filed 5–8–15; 8:45 am]            DATES: Comments must be received on
                                              ACTION: Notice.                                         BILLING CODE 8025–01–P                                or before June 10, 2015.
                                              SUMMARY:   This is a Notice of the                                                                            ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                              Presidential declaration of a major                                                                           bearing the Federal Docket Management
                                                                                                      SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                         System (FDMS) Docket No. FMCSA–
                                              disaster for Public Assistance Only for
                                              the State of Kentucky (FEMA–4216–                                                                             2015–0059 using any of the following
                                                                                                      SBIR/STTR Logo Design Competition
                                              DR), dated 04/30/2015.                                                                                        methods:
                                                                                                      Announcement: Correction
                                                Incident: Severe Winter Storms,                                                                               • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
                                              Snowstorms, Flooding, Landslides, and                     The Small Business Administration                   http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                              Mudslides.                                              published a document in the Federal                   on-line instructions for submitting
                                                Incident Period: 02/15/2015 through                   Register of May 5, 2015 (Vol. 80, No. 86,             comments.
                                              02/22/2015.                                             Pages 25763–25765), concerning the                      • Mail: Docket Management Facility;
                                                Effective Date: 04/30/2015.                           announcement of a competition to                      U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
                                                Physical Loan Application Deadline                    design a logo for the Small Business                  New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building
                                              Date: 06/29/2015.                                       Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small                  Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
                                                Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
                                                                                                      Business Technology Transfer (STTR)                   Washington, DC 20590–0001.
                                              Application Deadline Date: 02/01/2016.                                                                          • Hand Delivery: West Building
                                                                                                      Programs. The document needs to be
                                              ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan                        corrected to reflect the fact that the only           Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
                                              applications to: U.S. Small Business                    judges for the competition will be SBA                New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
                                              Administration, Processing and                          Officials and other SBIR/STTR Program                 DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
                                              Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport                    Managers. The current document                        through Friday, except Federal
                                              Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.                             indicates that at least one of the judges             Holidays.
                                                                                                                                                              • Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A                      will be from the National Endowment
                                              Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,                 for the Arts.                                           Instructions: Each submission must
                                              U.S. Small Business Administration,                       In the document printed on May 5,                   include the Agency name and the
                                              409 3rd Street SW., Suite 6050,                         2015, the first full sentence on page                 docket numbers for this notice. Note
                                              Washington, DC 20416.                                   25764 under the caption: ‘‘5. Selection               that all comments received will be
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is                    of Winners’’ includes a reference that at             posted without change to http://
                                              hereby given that as a result of the                    least one official from the National                  www.regulations.gov, including any

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:07 May 08, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00091   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11MYN1.SGM   11MYN1

Document Created: 2018-02-21 10:25:53
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 10:25:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Action30-Day notice.
DatesSubmit comments on or before June 10, 2015.
ContactCurtis Rich, Agency Clearance Officer, (202) 205-7030 [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 26978 

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