80_FR_27420 80 FR 27328 - Decision To Evaluate a Petition To Designate a Class of Employees From the Blockson Chemical Company in Joliet, Illinois, To Be Included in the Special Exposure Cohort

80 FR 27328 - Decision To Evaluate a Petition To Designate a Class of Employees From the Blockson Chemical Company in Joliet, Illinois, To Be Included in the Special Exposure Cohort


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 92 (May 13, 2015)

Page Range27328-27329
FR Document2015-11471

NIOSH gives notice of a decision to evaluate a petition to designate a class of employees from the Blockson Chemical Company in Joliet, Illinois, to be included in the Special Exposure Cohort under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 92 (Wednesday, May 13, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 92 (Wednesday, May 13, 2015)]
[Pages 27328-27329]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-11471]



Decision To Evaluate a Petition To Designate a Class of Employees 
From the Blockson Chemical Company in Joliet, Illinois, To Be Included 
in the Special Exposure Cohort

AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and 
Human Services.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: NIOSH gives notice of a decision to evaluate a petition to 
designate a class of employees from the Blockson Chemical Company in 
Joliet, Illinois, to be included in the Special Exposure Cohort under 
the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stuart L. Hinnefeld, Director, 
Division of Compensation Analysis and Support, National Institute for 
Occupational Safety and Health, 1090 Tusculum Avenue, MS C-46, 
Cincinnati, OH 45226-1938, Telephone 877-222-7570. Information requests 
can also be submitted by email to DCAS@CDC.GOV.

[[Page 27329]]


    Authority: 42 CFR 83.9-83.12.

    Pursuant to 42 CFR 83.12, the initial proposed definition for the 
class being evaluated, subject to revision as warranted by the 
evaluation, is as follows:
    Facility: Blockson Chemical Company.
    Location: Joliet, Illinois.
    Job Titles and/or Job Duties: All workers who worked in any area.
    Period of Employment: July 1, 1960 through December 31, 1991.

John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2015-11471 Filed 5-12-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    27328                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 92 / Wednesday, May 13, 2015 / Notices

                                                    is seeking to collect information on                                       Corrective Action Benchmark Data is                            This information will be used to
                                                    family engagement on a more frequent                                    made up of one category of data:                               monitor and provide continued
                                                    basis. HHS proposes that in addition to                                 Corrective Action Constructs. Home                             oversight for grantee performance and to
                                                    annual reporting, Home Visiting                                         Visiting Program grantees who have not                         target technical assistance resources to
                                                    Program grantees will report quarterly                                  shown improvement in four of six                               grantees.
                                                    on the existing family engagement                                       Benchmark areas after 3 years of grant                            Likely Respondents: Home Visiting
                                                    metrics they are required to submit.                                    funding are statutorily required to                            Program grantees.
                                                    These metrics are currently defined as                                  complete corrective action plans,
                                                    the number of participants currently                                    subject to approval by the Secretary, in                          Burden Statement: Burden in this
                                                    receiving services who have completed                                   order to show how they plan to achieve                         context means the time expended by
                                                    the program, who stopped services                                       improvement in deficient areas.                                persons to generate, maintain, retain,
                                                    before completion, and other                                            Currently HHS collects information                             disclose or provide the information
                                                    participants.                                                           related to selected Benchmark areas                            requested. This includes the time
                                                       (4) Staff Recruitment and Retention:                                 from all Home Visiting Program grantees                        needed to review instructions; to
                                                    HHS is seeking to collect information                                   on an annual basis (OMB–0915–0357,                             develop, acquire, install and utilize
                                                    related to the number of home visitors                                  expiration 7/31/2017). In order to                             technology and systems for the purpose
                                                    and other support staff who are                                         monitor grantee improvement toward                             of collecting, validating and verifying
                                                    currently employed directly or through                                  meeting these Benchmarks, HHS is                               information, processing and
                                                    sub-contracted grant funds. Staff                                       seeking to collect information from                            maintaining information, and disclosing
                                                    recruitment and retention is a key                                      grantees on implementation of their                            and providing information; to train
                                                    component to the successful delivery of                                 corrective action plans on a more                              personnel and to be able to respond to
                                                    home visiting services and to                                           frequent basis. HHS proposes that                              a collection of information; to search
                                                    maximizing the number of cases each                                     grantees with corrective action plans                          data sources; to complete and review
                                                    local implementing agency can reach.                                    report on a quarterly basis for the                            the collection of information; and to
                                                    Home Visiting Program grantees will                                     Benchmark measures for which they                              transmit or otherwise disclose the
                                                    report quarterly the actual number of                                   were deemed as not showing                                     information. The total annual burden
                                                    staff and current vacancies in three                                    improvement. It is estimated that                              hours estimated for this Information
                                                    categories: Home visitors, program                                      approximately 15 grantees per year will                        Collection Request are summarized in
                                                    administration, and support staff.                                      require this more frequent reporting.                          the table below.

                                                                                                                    TOTAL ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN HOURS
                                                                                                                                                                  Number of
                                                                                                                                               Number of                                      Total        burden per              Total burden
                                                                                    Form name                                                                   responses per
                                                                                                                                              respondents                                  responses        response                  hours
                                                                                                                                                                  respondent                                (in hours)

                                                    Service Utilization Data:
                                                        Service Utilization Data—Formula Grants ....................                                       56                        4            224                       24            5,376
                                                        Service Utilization Data—Competitive Grants ..............                                         44                        4            176                       24            4,224
                                                        Service Utilization Data—Tribal Grants ........................                                    25                        4            100                       24            2,400
                                                    Corrective Action Benchmark Data:
                                                        Corrective Action Constructs—MIECHV Grants ..........                                              10                         4            40                      40             1,600
                                                        Corrective Action Constructs—Tribal Grants ...............                                          5                         4            20                      40               800

                                                              Total .......................................................................            140      ........................          560   ........................         14,400

                                                      HHS specifically requests comments                                      Dated: May 1, 2015.                                          (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control
                                                    on (1) the necessity and utility of the                                 Jackie Painter,                                                and Prevention, Department of Health
                                                    proposed information collection for the                                 Director, Division of the Executive Secretariat.               and Human Services.
                                                    proper performance of the agency’s                                      Linda K. Smith,                                                ACTION: Notice.
                                                    functions, (2) the accuracy of the                                      Deputy Assistant Secretary and Inter-
                                                    estimated burden, (3) ways to enhance                                   Departmental Liaison for Early Childhood                       SUMMARY:    NIOSH gives notice of a
                                                    the quality, utility, and clarity of the                                Development, Administration for Children                       decision to evaluate a petition to
                                                    information to be collected, and (4) the                                and Families.                                                  designate a class of employees from the
                                                    use of automated collection techniques                                  [FR Doc. 2015–11547 Filed 5–12–15; 8:45 am]                    Blockson Chemical Company in Joliet,
                                                    or other forms of information                                           BILLING CODE 4165–15–P                                         Illinois, to be included in the Special
                                                                                                                                                                                           Exposure Cohort under the Energy
                                                    technology to minimize the information
                                                                                                                                                                                           Employees Occupational Illness
                                                    collection burden.                                                      DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                       Compensation Program Act of 2000.
                                                                                                                            HUMAN SERVICES                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                           Stuart L. Hinnefeld, Director, Division
                                                                                                                            Decision To Evaluate a Petition To
                                                                                                                                                                                           of Compensation Analysis and Support,
                                                                                                                            Designate a Class of Employees From
                                                                                                                                                                                           National Institute for Occupational
                                                                                                                            the Blockson Chemical Company in
                                                                                                                                                                                           Safety and Health, 1090 Tusculum
                                                                                                                            Joliet, Illinois, To Be Included in the
                                                                                                                                                                                           Avenue, MS C–46, Cincinnati, OH
                                                                                                                            Special Exposure Cohort
                                                                                                                                                                                           45226–1938, Telephone 877–222–7570.
                                                                                                                            AGENCY: National Institute for                                 Information requests can also be
                                                                                                                            Occupational Safety and Health                                 submitted by email to DCAS@CDC.GOV.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014     17:27 May 12, 2015          Jkt 235001       PO 00000       Frm 00045    Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM      13MYN1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 92 / Wednesday, May 13, 2015 / Notices                                                   27329

                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      meeting agenda will be posted prior to
                                                       Authority: 42 CFR 83.9–83.12.                        National Vaccine Program Office, U.S.                 the meeting on the NVAC Web site:
                                                                                                            Department of Health and Human                        http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac.
                                                      Pursuant to 42 CFR 83.12, the initial                 Services, Room 715–H, Hubert H.                          Public attendance at the meeting is
                                                    proposed definition for the class being                 Humphrey Building, 200 Independence                   limited to the available space.
                                                    evaluated, subject to revision as                       Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20201.                     Individuals who plan to attend and
                                                    warranted by the evaluation, is as                      Phone: (202) 690–5566; email: nvpo@                   need special assistance, such as sign
                                                    follows:                                                hhs.gov.
                                                      Facility: Blockson Chemical                                                                                 language interpretation or other
                                                    Company.                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant                   reasonable accommodations, should
                                                      Location: Joliet, Illinois.                           to Section 2101 of the Public Health                  notify the National Vaccine Program
                                                      Job Titles and/or Job Duties: All                     Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300aa–1), the                  Office at the address/phone listed above
                                                    workers who worked in any area.                         Secretary of Health and Human Services                at least one week prior to the meeting.
                                                      Period of Employment: July 1, 1960                    was mandated to establish the National                For those unable to attend in person, a
                                                    through December 31, 1991.                              Vaccine Program to achieve optimal                    live webcast will be available. More
                                                                                                            prevention of human infectious diseases               information on registration and
                                                    John Howard,                                                                                                  accessing the webcast can be found at
                                                                                                            through immunization and to achieve
                                                    Director, National Institute for Occupational           optimal prevention against adverse                    http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac/
                                                    Safety and Health.                                                                                            meetings/upcomingmeetings/
                                                                                                            reactions to vaccines. The NVAC was
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–11471 Filed 5–12–15; 8:45 am]                                                                   index.html.
                                                                                                            established to provide advice and make
                                                    BILLING CODE 4163–19–P                                  recommendations to the Director of the                   Members of the public will have the
                                                                                                            National Vaccine Program on matters                   opportunity to provide comments at the
                                                                                                            related to the Program’s responsibilities.            NVAC meeting during the public
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                The Assistant Secretary for Health                    comment periods designated on the
                                                    HUMAN SERVICES                                          serves as Director of the National                    agenda. Public comments made during
                                                    Meeting of the National Vaccine                         Vaccine Program.                                      the meeting will be limited to three
                                                    Advisory Committee                                         The June NVAC meeting will include                 minutes per person to ensure time is
                                                                                                            the presentation of recommendations                   allotted for all those wishing to speak.
                                                    AGENCY:  National Vaccine Program                       from several of the NVAC working                      Individuals are also welcome to submit
                                                    Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary               groups for deliberation and vote. The                 their written comments. Written
                                                    for Health, Office of the Secretary,                    Vaccine Confidence Working Group will                 comments should not exceed three
                                                    Department of Health and Human                          present their report and                              pages in length. Individuals submitting
                                                    Services.                                               recommendations for measuring and                     written comments should email their
                                                    ACTION: Notice.                                         evaluating how confidence in vaccines                 comments to the National Vaccine
                                                                                                            impacts the optimal use of                            Program Office (nvpo@hhs.gov) at least
                                                    SUMMARY:   As stipulated by the Federal                 recommended childhood vaccines in                     five business days prior to the meeting.
                                                    Advisory Committee Act, the                             the United States. Following an update                  Dated: May 4, 2015.
                                                    Department of Health and Human                          on current efforts by national
                                                    Services (HHS) is hereby giving notice                                                                        Bruce Gellin,
                                                                                                            stakeholders to improve Human
                                                    that the National Vaccine Advisory                                                                            Executive Secretary, National Vaccine
                                                                                                            Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine uptake                  Advisory Committee, Deputy Assistant
                                                    Committee (NVAC) will hold a meeting                    among adolescents, the HPV working                    Secretary for Health, Director, National
                                                    on June 9–10, 2015. The meeting is open                 group will also present their report and              Vaccine Program Office.
                                                    to the public. However, pre-registration                recommendations identifying existing                  [FR Doc. 2015–11476 Filed 5–12–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    is required for both public attendance                  best practices to increase the use of the             BILLING CODE 4150–44–P
                                                    and public comment. Individuals who                     HPV vaccine in young adolescents.
                                                    wish to attend the meeting and/or                       NVAC will review analyses and
                                                    participate in the public comment                       proposed recommendations on how                       DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                    session should register at http://                      vaccines could play more prominently                  HUMAN SERVICES
                                                    www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac. Participants                     in efforts described in the President’s
                                                    may also register by emailing nvpo@                     National Strategy and Action Plan to                  Determination Concerning a Petition
                                                    hhs.gov or by calling 202–690–5566 and                  Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria.                 To Add a Class of Employees To the
                                                    providing their name, organization, and                    An overview of the Vaccine Safety                  Special Exposure Cohort
                                                    email address.                                          Research Agenda that was released on
                                                    DATES: The meeting will be held on June                 the NVPO Web site in February 2015                    AGENCY: National Institute for
                                                    9–10, 2015. The meeting times and                       will also be provided. The Vaccine                    Occupational Safety and Health
                                                    agenda will be posted on the NVAC                       Safety Research Agenda outlines the                   (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control
                                                    Web site at http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/                    efforts of federal agencies on vaccine                and Prevention, Department of Health
                                                    nvac as soon as they become available.                  safety and the ongoing and planned                    and Human Services (HHS).
                                                    ADDRESSES: U.S. Department of Health                    associated scientific activities and                  ACTION: Notice.
                                                    and Human Services, Hubert H.                           interagency coordination that contribute
                                                    Humphrey Building, Room 800, 200                        to the safety system. Informational                   SUMMARY:   HHS gives notice of a
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Independence Avenue SW.,                                presentations will also be provided to                determination concerning a petition to
                                                    Washington, DC 20201.                                   inform NVAC members of recent                         add a class of employees from the St.
                                                       The meeting can also be accessed                     developments impacting the vaccine                    Louis Airport Storage Site (SLAPS) in
                                                    through a live webcast the day of the                   landscape including Congressional                     St. Louis, Missouri, to the Special
                                                    meeting. For more information, visit                    efforts to support the research and                   Exposure Cohort (SEC) under the Energy
                                                    http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac/                           development of new vaccine products                   Employees Occupational Illness
                                                    meetings/upcomingmeetings/                              through the 21st Century Cures                        Compensation Program Act of 2000
                                                    index.html.                                             Initiative. More information on the                   (EEOICPA).

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Document Created: 2015-12-16 07:46:54
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 07:46:54
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactStuart L. Hinnefeld, Director, Division of Compensation Analysis and Support, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1090 Tusculum Avenue, MS C-46, Cincinnati, OH 45226-1938, Telephone 877-222-7570. Information requests can also be submitted by email to [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 27328 

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