80_FR_28351 80 FR 28256 - Record of Decision and Floodplain Statement of Findings for the Cheniere Marketing, LLC and Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC Application To Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries

80 FR 28256 - Record of Decision and Floodplain Statement of Findings for the Cheniere Marketing, LLC and Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC Application To Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 95 (May 18, 2015)

Page Range28256-28258
FR Document2015-11926

The U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') announces its decision in FE Docket No. 12-97-LNG to issue DOE/FE Order No. 3638, granting long-term, multi-contract authorization for Cheniere Marketing, LLC and Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC (collectively ``CMI'') to engage in export of domestically produced liquefied natural gas (``LNG'') in an amount up to 782 million million Btu (million MMBtu) per year, which is equivalent to approximately 767 billion cubic feet (``Bcf'') of natural gas per year, for a 20-year period commencing the earlier of the date of first export or seven-years from the date of issuance of the authorization requested. CMI is seeking authorization to export LNG from the proposed Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project (``Liquefaction Project'') near Corpus Christi, Texas, to any nation with which the United States has not entered into a free trade agreement (``FTA'') that requires national treatment for trade in natural gas (non-FTA countries). Order No. 3638 is issued under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (``NGA'') and 10 CFR part 590 of the DOE regulations. DOE participated as a cooperating agency with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (``FERC'') in preparing an environmental impact statement (``EIS'') analyzing the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Liquefaction Project and associated pipeline that, if constructed, will support the export authorization sought from DOE's Office of Fossil Energy (``DOE/FE'').

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 95 (Monday, May 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 95 (Monday, May 18, 2015)]
[Pages 28256-28258]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-11926]



Record of Decision and Floodplain Statement of Findings for the 
Cheniere Marketing, LLC and Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC 
Application To Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement 

AGENCY: Office of Fossil Energy, DOE.

ACTION: Record of Decision.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') announces its decision 
in FE Docket No. 12-97-LNG to issue DOE/FE Order No. 3638, granting 
long-term, multi-contract authorization for Cheniere Marketing, LLC and 
Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC (collectively ``CMI'') to engage in 
export of domestically produced liquefied natural gas (``LNG'') in an 
amount up to 782 million million Btu (million MMBtu) per year, which is 
equivalent to approximately 767 billion cubic feet (``Bcf'') of natural 
gas per year, for a 20-year period commencing the earlier of the date 
of first export or seven-years from the date of issuance of the 
authorization requested. CMI is seeking authorization to export LNG 
from the proposed Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project (``Liquefaction 
Project'') near Corpus Christi, Texas, to any nation with which the 
United States has not entered into a free trade agreement (``FTA'') 
that requires national treatment for trade in natural gas (non-FTA 
countries). Order No. 3638 is issued under section 3 of the Natural Gas 
Act (``NGA'') and 10 CFR part 590 of the DOE regulations. DOE 
participated as a cooperating agency with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission (``FERC'') in preparing an environmental impact statement 
(``EIS'') analyzing the potential environmental impacts of the proposed 
Liquefaction Project and associated pipeline that, if constructed, will 
support the export authorization sought from DOE's Office of Fossil 
Energy (``DOE/FE'').

ADDRESSES: The EIS and this Record of Decision (``ROD'') are available 
on DOE's National Environmental Policy Act (``NEPA'') Web site at 
http://energy.gov/nepa/nepa-documents. Order No. 3638 is available on 
DOE/FE's Web site at http://energy.gov/fe/downloads/listing-doefe-authorizations-issued-2015. For additional information about the docket 
in these proceedings, contact Larine Moore, U.S. Department of Energy, 
Office of Natural Gas Regulatory Activities, Office of Fossil Energy, 
Room 3E-042, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To obtain additional information about 
the project, the EIS, or the ROD, contact Mr. John Anderson, U.S. 
Department of Energy, Office of Oil & Gas Global Security & Supply, 
Office of Oil and Natural Gas, Office of Fossil Energy, Room 3E-042, 
1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-5600; or 
Mr. Edward LeDuc, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Assistant 
General Counsel for Environment, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., 
Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-4007.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DOE prepared this ROD and Floodplain 
Statement of Findings pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act 
of 1969 (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] 4321, et seq.), and in 
compliance with the Council on Environmental Quality (``CEQ'') 
implementing regulations for NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 
parts 1500 through 1508), DOE's implementing procedures for NEPA (10 
CFR part 1021), and DOE's ``Compliance with Floodplain and Wetland 
Environmental Review Requirements'' (10 CFR part 1022).


    Cheniere Marketing, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company with 
its principal place of business in Houston, Texas, is affiliated with 
Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC (Cheniere Marketing, LLC's co-
Applicant in this proceeding) and Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline, 
L.P. (``CCP''), the developers of the Corpus Christi LNG Project 
(``Corpus Christi LNG Project'' or ``Project'' collectively refers to 
the Liquefaction Project and the Cheniere Pipeline). Cheniere 
Marketing, LLC is an indirect subsidiary of Cheniere Energy, Inc., a 
Delaware corporation with its primary place of business in Houston, 
Texas. Cheniere Energy, Inc. is a developer of LNG terminals and 
natural gas pipelines on the Gulf Coast, including the Corpus Christi 
LNG Project.
    Cheniere Marketing, LLC filed an application (``Application'') with 
DOE/FE on August 31, 2012, seeking long-term, multi-contract 
authorization to export to non-FTA countries up to 782 million MMBtu 
per year of LNG, equivalent to approximately 767 Bcf per year of 
natural gas, for a period of 22 years beginning on the earlier of the 
date of first export or eight years from the date the authorization is 
granted by DOE/FE. On October 10, 2012, Cheniere Marketing, LLC 
clarified that it is requesting authorization to export LNG both on its 
own behalf and as agent for other parties who hold title to the LNG

[[Page 28257]]

at the point of export. On August 15, 2014, Cheniere Marketing, LLC 
amended its Application to include Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC as 
an additional applicant.
    The Application was filed in conjunction with the Liquefaction 
Project being developed by Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC and 
Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline, L.P. at the site of the previously 
authorized import terminal and associated pipeline in San Patricia and 
Nueces Counties Texas.\1\ Concurrent with the Application, Corpus 
Christi Liquefaction, LLC filed an application with FERC for 
authorization pursuant to Section 3(a) of the NGA \2\ to site, 
construct and operate the Liquefaction Project. In addition, Cheniere 
Corpus Christi Pipeline, L.P. filed an application with the FERC 
pursuant to Section 7(c) of the NGA to construct, own, and operate the 
Cheniere Pipeline (``Pipeline'') to connect the Liquefaction Project to 
interstate and intrastate natural gas supplies and markets.

    \1\ The CCL Project is being developed at the same general 
locations proposed for the previously authorized Corpus Christi LNG 
L.P. import terminal and associated pipeline. See Corpus Christi LNG 
L.P. and Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline Company, Order Granting 
Authority Under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act and Issuing 
Certificates, 111 FERC ] 61,081 (2005). Since the facilities were 
never constructed, the Commission vacated Corpus Christi LNG, L.P.'s 
and Corpus Christi Pipeline Company's authorizations to construct 
the proposed LNG facility and associated pipeline. Corpus Christi 
LNG, L.P., 139 FERC ] 61,195 (2012).
    \2\ The authority to regulate the imports and exports of natural 
gas, including liquefied natural gas, under section 3 of the NGA (15 
U.S.C. 717b) has been delegated to the Assistant Secretary for FE in 
Redelegation Order No. 00-006.02 issued on November 17, 2014.

    On August 31, 2012, in Docket No. 12-99-LNG, Cheniere Marketing, 
LLC filed with DOE/FE a separate application for long-term multi-
contract authorization to engage in the export of LNG in an amount up 
to 782 million MMBtu per year, to any nation with which the United 
States has or in the future will have an FTA that requires national 
treatment for trade in natural gas; that has developed, or in the 
future develops, the capacity to import LNG; and with which trade is 
not prohibited by U.S. law or policy. On October 16, 2012, DOE/FE Order 
No. 3164 was issued in FE Docket No 12-99-LNG granting long-term export 
authorization to FTA countries from the Project.\3\

    \3\ Cheniere Marketing, LLC, Order Granting Long-Term Multi-
Contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas by Vessel 
from the Proposed Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project to Free Trade 
Agreement Nations, DOE/FE Order No. 3164, October 16, 2012 (FE 
Docket No 12-99-LNG).

Project Description

    The Liquefaction Project will be located on a 991-acre site located 
along the northern shore of the La Quinta Channel north and east of the 
City of Corpus Christi, Texas and will include three ConocoPhillips 
Optimized Cascade\SM\ LNG trains, each capable of liquefying 
approximately 700 million standard cubic feet (MMcf) per day of natural 
gas. Natural gas will be liquefied into LNG and stored in three 160,000 
cubic meters LNG storage tanks, each equipped with five in-tank well 
columns and safety and monitoring systems. The Liquefaction Project 
will also include two trains of ambient air vaporizers, each with an 
average vaporization capacity of approximately 200 MMcf per day of 
natural gas, and marine terminal facilities with two LNG carrier 
berths. The Pipeline will include an approximately 23-mile-long, 48-
inch-diameter pipeline and two compressor stations to be located wholly 
within San Patricio County, Texas. The Pipeline will function to 
transport domestic natural gas to the Liquefaction Project for 
liquefaction and export, as well as to transport regasified imported 
LNG from the LNG terminal to interconnections with the existing 
pipeline systems.

The EIS Process

    In accordance with NEPA, FERC issued a draft EIS for the proposed 
Corpus Christi LNG Project on June 13, 2014. The notice of availability 
(``NOA'') for the draft EIS was published in the Federal Register on 
June 20, 2014 (79 FR 35344). The NOA included notice of a public 
comment meeting on July 15, 2014, in Portland, Texas. The NOA also 
provided summary information regarding the draft EIS. Copies of the 
draft EIS were also sent to agencies, elected officials, media 
organizations, Native American Tribes, private landowners, and other 
interested parties.
    Issues raised by commenters included concerns regarding: Air 
pollution (including greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation and 
compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards), 
construction dust and noise vibrations, land use changes, impacts of 
water discharges on aquatic species (including impacts to an essential 
fish habitat (``EFH'')), light pollution, visual impacts, public safety 
and lack of an emergency response plan, water use and CMI's source of 
water, impacts on property values, expanding the scope of the 
cumulative impact analysis and alternatives analysis, recreational 
impacts and workforce availability.\4\

    \4\ See Final EIS at 1-12, Table 1.4-1 Issues Identified and 
Comments Received During the Scoping Process for the Corpus Christi 
LNG Project.

    The final EIS was published on October 8, 2014, and recommended 
that the FERC approve the Corpus Christi LNG Project. It concluded that 
the Project will result in some adverse environmental impacts; however, 
those impacts would not be significant if the Project is constructed 
and operated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
    Accordingly FERC issued an Order \5\ granting authorization to the 
Project on December 30, 2014, subject to the 104 environmental 
conditions contained in Appendix A of that Order.

    \5\ Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC and Cheniere Corpus Christi 
Pipeline, L.P., Order Granting Authorization Under Section 3 of the 
Natural Gas Act, 149 FERC ] 61,283 (December 30, 2014).

    In accordance with 40 CFR 1506.3, after an independent review of 
the FERC's final EIS, DOE adopted the EIS and the U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency published a notice of that adoption in the Federal 
Register on April 24, 2015 (80 FR 22992).

Addendum to Environmental Review Documents Concerning Exports of 
Natural Gas From the United States (``Addendum'')

    On June 4, 2014, DOE/FE published the Draft Addendum for public 
comment (79 FR 32258). Although not required by NEPA, DOE/FE prepared 
the Addendum in an effort to be responsive to the public and to provide 
the best information available on a subject that had been raised by 
commenters. The Addendum is a review of existing literature and was 
intended to provide information only on the resource areas potentially 
impacted by unconventional gas production.
    The 45-day comment period on the Draft Addendum closed on July 21, 
2014. DOE/FE received 40,745 comments in 18 separate submissions, and 
considered those comments in issuing the Addendum on August 15, 2014. 
DOE/FE provided a summary of the comments received and responses to 
substantive comments in Appendix B of the Addendum. DOE/FE has 
incorporated the Draft Addendum, comments, and final Addendum into the 
record in its CMI proceeding.


    The EIS conducted an alternatives analysis for the Liquefaction 
Project that could achieve the Project objectives. The range of 
alternatives analyzed included the No-Action Alternative,

[[Page 28258]]

system alternatives, alternative Liquefaction Project sites, 
alternative Pipeline routes, and alternative compressor station sites. 
Alternatives were evaluated and compared to the Liquefaction Project to 
determine if these alternatives were environmentally preferable.
    While the No-Action Alternative would avoid the potential adverse 
and beneficial environmental impacts identified in the EIS, adoption of 
this alternative would preclude meeting the Project objectives. Other 
LNG export/import projects could also be developed elsewhere in the 
Gulf Coast region or in other areas of the United States, but would 
likely result in similar or potentially greater environmental impacts 
than those of the proposed Project. The No-Action Alternative could 
also require potential end users to make other arrangements to obtain 
natural gas service, or continue the use of alternative fossil fuel 
energy sources (such as coal or fuel oil) to compensate for the reduced 
availability of natural gas that would otherwise be supplied by the 
Corpus Christi LNG Project.
    The EIS evaluated 12 system alternatives for the Project, including 
6 operating LNG import terminals in the Gulf of Mexico area, and 6 
proposed or planned export projects along the Gulf Coast. All of the 
systems were eliminated from further consideration for reasons that 
include the need for substantial construction beyond that currently 
proposed, production volume limitations, in-service dates scheduled 
significantly beyond the Project schedule, and potential environmental 
impacts that were considered comparable to or greater than those of the 
    The EIS also evaluated three alternative Liquefaction Project 
sites, two in proximity to the proposed site and one near Brownsville, 
Texas. Construction of the terminal at each of the alternative sites 
would have comparable or greater environmental impacts when compared to 
the proposed terminal site; therefore, none of the three sites 
evaluated were determined to be environmentally preferable.
    Approximately 86 percent of the Pipeline would be co-located, 
overlap, or parallel existing rights-of-way, so many types of 
environmental impacts have already been reduced or avoided. While two 
route alternatives were evaluated, the EIS did not identify any site-
specific environmental concerns along the proposed route that would 
make the alternative pipeline routes preferable.
    The EIS evaluated a total of five alternative sites for the 
proposed compressor stations but determined that none of these sites 
were environmentally preferable to the proposed sites.

Environmentally Preferred Alternative

    When compared against the other action alternatives assessed in the 
EIS, as discussed above, the Corpus Christi LNG Project is the 
environmentally preferred alternative. While the No-Action Alternative 
would avoid the environmental impacts identified in the EIS, adoption 
of this alternative would not meet the Project objectives.


    DOE/FE has decided to issue Order No. 3638 to grant the long-term, 
multi-contract authorization for CMI to engage in exports of 
domestically produced liquefied natural gas in an amount up to 767 Bcf 
per year for a 20-year period, commencing the earlier of the date of 
first export or seven-years from the date of issuance of the 
authorization requested. The authorization is to export LNG from the 
proposed Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project to any nation with which 
the United States does not now or in the future have an FTA requiring 
the national treatment for trade in natural gas, that has, or in the 
future develops, the capacity to import LNG and with which trade is not 
prohibited by U.S. law or policy.
    Concurrently with this Record of Decision, DOE/FE is issuing Order 
No. 3638 in which it finds that the granting of the requested 
authorization has not been shown to be inconsistent with the public 
interest, and that the Application should be granted subject to 
compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in Order No. 3638, 
including the environmental conditions adopted in the FERC Order at 
Appendix A. Additionally, the authorization is conditioned on CMI's 
compliance with any other preventative and mitigative measures imposed 
by other Federal or state agencies.

Basis of Decision

    DOE/FE's decision is based upon the analysis of potential 
environmental impacts presented in the EIS, and DOE/FE's determination 
in Order No. 3638 that the opponents of the Application have failed to 
overcome the statutory presumption that the proposed export 
authorization is not inconsistent with the public interest. Although 
not required by NEPA, DOE/FE also considered the Addendum, which 
summarizes available information on potential upstream impacts 
associated with unconventional natural gas activities, such as 
hydraulic fracturing.


    As a condition of its decision to issue Order No. 3638 authorizing 
CMI to export LNG to non-FTA countries, DOE/FE is imposing requirements 
that will avoid or minimize the environmental impacts of the project. 
These conditions include the environmental conditions adopted in the 
FERC Order at Appendix A. Mitigation measures beyond those included in 
DOE/FE Order No. 3638 that are enforceable by other Federal and state 
agencies are additional conditions of Order No. 3638. With these 
conditions, DOE/FE has determined that all practicable means to avoid 
or minimize environmental harm from the project have been adopted.

Floodplain Statement of Findings

    DOE prepared this Floodplain Statement of Findings in accordance 
with DOE's regulations entitled ``Compliance with Floodplain and 
Wetland Environmental Review Requirements'' (10 CFR part 1022). The 
required floodplain and wetland assessment was conducted during 
development and preparation of the EIS.\6\ No alternative Liquefaction 
Project sites were evaluated outside of a floodplain because, as 
discussed in section of the final EIS, the facilities would be 
placed above predicted storm surge elevations, and the site is 
necessarily tied to marine/port locations. Similarly, no Pipeline route 
alternatives outside of floodplains were evaluated because, as 
discussed in section of the Final EIS, Cheniere Corpus Christi 
Pipeline, L.P. has proposed to implement acceptable mitigation measures 
at waterbody crossings and areas subject to flooding to compensate for 
negative buoyancy. DOE determined that the placement of some project 
components within floodplains would be unavoidable. However, the 
current design for the project minimizes floodplain impacts to the 
extent practicable.

    \6\ See Final EIS at Section 3.0. Table 3.1-1 and Section were revised to include information regarding the proximity 
of alternative Terminal sites with respect to floodplains.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on May 12, 2015.
Christopher A. Smith,
Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy.
[FR Doc. 2015-11926 Filed 5-15-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    28256                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 95 / Monday, May 18, 2015 / Notices

                                                    data in the desired format. ED is                       DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:     To
                                                    soliciting comments on the proposed                                                                           obtain additional information about the
                                                    information collection request (ICR) that               Record of Decision and Floodplain                     project, the EIS, or the ROD, contact Mr.
                                                    is described below. The Department of                   Statement of Findings for the Cheniere                John Anderson, U.S. Department of
                                                    Education is especially interested in                   Marketing, LLC and Corpus Christi                     Energy, Office of Oil & Gas Global
                                                    public comment addressing the                           Liquefaction, LLC Application To                      Security & Supply, Office of Oil and
                                                    following issues: (1) Is this collection                Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-                  Natural Gas, Office of Fossil Energy,
                                                    necessary to the proper functions of the                Free Trade Agreement Countries                        Room 3E–042, 1000 Independence
                                                    Department; (2) will this information be                                                                      Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585,
                                                                                                            AGENCY:    Office of Fossil Energy, DOE.              (202) 586–5600; or Mr. Edward LeDuc,
                                                    processed and used in a timely manner;
                                                    (3) is the estimate of burden accurate;                 ACTION:   Record of Decision.                         U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the
                                                    (4) how might the Department enhance                                                                          Assistant General Counsel for
                                                                                                            SUMMARY:     The U.S. Department of                   Environment, 1000 Independence
                                                    the quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                                                                            Energy (‘‘DOE’’) announces its decision               Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585,
                                                    information to be collected; and (5) how
                                                                                                            in FE Docket No. 12–97–LNG to issue                   (202) 586–4007.
                                                    might the Department minimize the
                                                                                                            DOE/FE Order No. 3638, granting long-                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DOE
                                                    burden of this collection on the
                                                                                                            term, multi-contract authorization for                prepared this ROD and Floodplain
                                                    respondents, including through the use
                                                                                                            Cheniere Marketing, LLC and Corpus                    Statement of Findings pursuant to the
                                                    of information technology. Please note                  Christi Liquefaction, LLC (collectively
                                                    that written comments received in                                                                             National Environmental Policy Act of
                                                                                                            ‘‘CMI’’) to engage in export of                       1969 (42 United States Code [U.S.C.]
                                                    response to this notice will be                         domestically produced liquefied natural
                                                    considered public records.                                                                                    4321, et seq.), and in compliance with
                                                                                                            gas (‘‘LNG’’) in an amount up to 782                  the Council on Environmental Quality
                                                       Title of Collection: Race to the Top                 million million Btu (million MMBtu)                   (‘‘CEQ’’) implementing regulations for
                                                    Early Learning Challenge: Descriptive                   per year, which is equivalent to                      NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations
                                                    Study of Tiered Quality Ratings and                     approximately 767 billion cubic feet                  [CFR] parts 1500 through 1508), DOE’s
                                                    Improvement Systems in Nine Round 1                     (‘‘Bcf’’) of natural gas per year, for a 20-          implementing procedures for NEPA (10
                                                    States.                                                 year period commencing the earlier of                 CFR part 1021), and DOE’s ‘‘Compliance
                                                       OMB Control Number: 1850—NEW.                        the date of first export or seven-years               with Floodplain and Wetland
                                                                                                            from the date of issuance of the                      Environmental Review Requirements’’
                                                       Type of Review: A new information                    authorization requested. CMI is seeking
                                                    collection.                                                                                                   (10 CFR part 1022).
                                                                                                            authorization to export LNG from the
                                                       Respondents/Affected Public: State,                  proposed Corpus Christi Liquefaction                  Background
                                                    Local and Tribal Governments.                           Project (‘‘Liquefaction Project’’) near                 Cheniere Marketing, LLC, a Delaware
                                                       Total Estimated Number of Annual                     Corpus Christi, Texas, to any nation                  limited liability company with its
                                                    Responses: 24.                                          with which the United States has not                  principal place of business in Houston,
                                                                                                            entered into a free trade agreement                   Texas, is affiliated with Corpus Christi
                                                       Total Estimated Number of Annual                     (‘‘FTA’’) that requires national treatment
                                                    Burden Hours: 87.                                                                                             Liquefaction, LLC (Cheniere Marketing,
                                                                                                            for trade in natural gas (non-FTA                     LLC’s co-Applicant in this proceeding)
                                                       Abstract: The Study of Race to the                   countries). Order No. 3638 is issued                  and Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline,
                                                    Top–Early Learning Challenge Tiered                     under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act                L.P. (‘‘CCP’’), the developers of the
                                                    Quality Rating and Improvement                          (‘‘NGA’’) and 10 CFR part 590 of the                  Corpus Christi LNG Project (‘‘Corpus
                                                    Systems (RTT–ELC TQRIS) will collect                    DOE regulations. DOE participated as a                Christi LNG Project’’ or ‘‘Project’’
                                                    data from two to three RTT–ELC states                   cooperating agency with the Federal                   collectively refers to the Liquefaction
                                                    on TQRIS ratings, component-level                       Energy Regulatory Commission                          Project and the Cheniere Pipeline).
                                                    ratings, indicator-level ratings, and                   (‘‘FERC’’) in preparing an environmental              Cheniere Marketing, LLC is an indirect
                                                    kindergarten entry assessments. In the                  impact statement (‘‘EIS’’) analyzing the              subsidiary of Cheniere Energy, Inc., a
                                                    event that the kindergarten entry                       potential environmental impacts of the                Delaware corporation with its primary
                                                    assessment data are not available from                  proposed Liquefaction Project and                     place of business in Houston, Texas.
                                                    state databases, the study will reach out               associated pipeline that, if constructed,             Cheniere Energy, Inc. is a developer of
                                                    to selected districts in the RTT–ELC                    will support the export authorization                 LNG terminals and natural gas pipelines
                                                    states to collect such data. If this step               sought from DOE’s Office of Fossil                    on the Gulf Coast, including the Corpus
                                                    proves necessary, the study will reach                  Energy (‘‘DOE/FE’’).                                  Christi LNG Project.
                                                    out to up to 42 districts in order to                   ADDRESSES: The EIS and this Record of                   Cheniere Marketing, LLC filed an
                                                    ultimately recruit 14 districts from                    Decision (‘‘ROD’’) are available on                   application (‘‘Application’’) with DOE/
                                                    which to collect assessment data. The                   DOE’s National Environmental Policy                   FE on August 31, 2012, seeking long-
                                                    study will use these data to conduct                    Act (‘‘NEPA’’) Web site at http://                    term, multi-contract authorization to
                                                    analyses of the relationship between                    energy.gov/nepa/nepa-documents.                       export to non-FTA countries up to 782
                                                    TQRIS ratings and child outcome                         Order No. 3638 is available on DOE/FE’s               million MMBtu per year of LNG,
                                                    measures to inform ongoing                              Web site at http://energy.gov/fe/                     equivalent to approximately 767 Bcf per
                                                                                                            downloads/listing-doefe-authorizations-               year of natural gas, for a period of 22
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    development and improvement of
                                                    TQRIS systems at the state level.                       issued-2015. For additional information               years beginning on the earlier of the
                                                                                                            about the docket in these proceedings,                date of first export or eight years from
                                                    Kate Mullan,                                            contact Larine Moore, U.S. Department                 the date the authorization is granted by
                                                    Acting Director, Information Collection                 of Energy, Office of Natural Gas                      DOE/FE. On October 10, 2012, Cheniere
                                                    Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy         Regulatory Activities, Office of Fossil               Marketing, LLC clarified that it is
                                                    Officer, Office of Management.                          Energy, Room 3E–042, 1000                             requesting authorization to export LNG
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–11940 Filed 5–15–15; 8:45 am]             Independence Avenue SW.,                              both on its own behalf and as agent for
                                                    BILLING CODE 4000–01–P                                  Washington, DC 20585.                                 other parties who hold title to the LNG

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:52 May 15, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00038   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\18MYN1.SGM   18MYN1

                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 95 / Monday, May 18, 2015 / Notices                                                     28257

                                                    at the point of export. On August 15,                   Project Description                                   alternatives analysis, recreational
                                                    2014, Cheniere Marketing, LLC                                                                                 impacts and workforce availability.4
                                                    amended its Application to include                         The Liquefaction Project will be                      The final EIS was published on
                                                    Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC as an                  located on a 991-acre site located along              October 8, 2014, and recommended that
                                                    additional applicant.                                   the northern shore of the La Quinta                   the FERC approve the Corpus Christi
                                                                                                            Channel north and east of the City of                 LNG Project. It concluded that the
                                                       The Application was filed in                         Corpus Christi, Texas and will include                Project will result in some adverse
                                                    conjunction with the Liquefaction                       three ConocoPhillips Optimized                        environmental impacts; however, those
                                                    Project being developed by Corpus                       CascadeSM LNG trains, each capable of                 impacts would not be significant if the
                                                    Christi Liquefaction, LLC and Cheniere                  liquefying approximately 700 million                  Project is constructed and operated in
                                                    Corpus Christi Pipeline, L.P. at the site               standard cubic feet (MMcf) per day of                 accordance with applicable laws and
                                                    of the previously authorized import                     natural gas. Natural gas will be liquefied            regulations.
                                                    terminal and associated pipeline in San                 into LNG and stored in three 160,000                     Accordingly FERC issued an Order 5
                                                    Patricia and Nueces Counties Texas.1                    cubic meters LNG storage tanks, each                  granting authorization to the Project on
                                                    Concurrent with the Application,                        equipped with five in-tank well                       December 30, 2014, subject to the 104
                                                    Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC filed                  columns and safety and monitoring                     environmental conditions contained in
                                                    an application with FERC for                            systems. The Liquefaction Project will                Appendix A of that Order.
                                                    authorization pursuant to Section 3(a) of               also include two trains of ambient air                   In accordance with 40 CFR 1506.3,
                                                    the NGA 2 to site, construct and operate                vaporizers, each with an average                      after an independent review of the
                                                    the Liquefaction Project. In addition,                                                                        FERC’s final EIS, DOE adopted the EIS
                                                                                                            vaporization capacity of approximately
                                                    Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline, L.P.                                                                        and the U.S. Environmental Protection
                                                                                                            200 MMcf per day of natural gas, and
                                                    filed an application with the FERC                                                                            Agency published a notice of that
                                                                                                            marine terminal facilities with two LNG
                                                    pursuant to Section 7(c) of the NGA to                                                                        adoption in the Federal Register on
                                                                                                            carrier berths. The Pipeline will include             April 24, 2015 (80 FR 22992).
                                                    construct, own, and operate the                         an approximately 23-mile-long, 48-inch-
                                                    Cheniere Pipeline (‘‘Pipeline’’) to                     diameter pipeline and two compressor                  Addendum to Environmental Review
                                                    connect the Liquefaction Project to                     stations to be located wholly within San              Documents Concerning Exports of
                                                    interstate and intrastate natural gas                   Patricio County, Texas. The Pipeline                  Natural Gas From the United States
                                                    supplies and markets.                                   will function to transport domestic                   (‘‘Addendum’’)
                                                       On August 31, 2012, in Docket No.                    natural gas to the Liquefaction Project                  On June 4, 2014, DOE/FE published
                                                    12–99–LNG, Cheniere Marketing, LLC                      for liquefaction and export, as well as to            the Draft Addendum for public
                                                    filed with DOE/FE a separate                            transport regasified imported LNG from                comment (79 FR 32258). Although not
                                                    application for long-term multi-contract                the LNG terminal to interconnections                  required by NEPA, DOE/FE prepared
                                                    authorization to engage in the export of                with the existing pipeline systems.                   the Addendum in an effort to be
                                                    LNG in an amount up to 782 million                                                                            responsive to the public and to provide
                                                    MMBtu per year, to any nation with                      The EIS Process                                       the best information available on a
                                                    which the United States has or in the                      In accordance with NEPA, FERC                      subject that had been raised by
                                                    future will have an FTA that requires                   issued a draft EIS for the proposed                   commenters. The Addendum is a review
                                                    national treatment for trade in natural                 Corpus Christi LNG Project on June 13,                of existing literature and was intended
                                                    gas; that has developed, or in the future               2014. The notice of availability (‘‘NOA’’)            to provide information only on the
                                                    develops, the capacity to import LNG;                                                                         resource areas potentially impacted by
                                                                                                            for the draft EIS was published in the
                                                    and with which trade is not prohibited                                                                        unconventional gas production.
                                                                                                            Federal Register on June 20, 2014 (79
                                                    by U.S. law or policy. On October 16,                                                                            The 45-day comment period on the
                                                                                                            FR 35344). The NOA included notice of                 Draft Addendum closed on July 21,
                                                    2012, DOE/FE Order No. 3164 was
                                                                                                            a public comment meeting on July 15,                  2014. DOE/FE received 40,745
                                                    issued in FE Docket No 12–99–LNG
                                                                                                            2014, in Portland, Texas. The NOA also                comments in 18 separate submissions,
                                                    granting long-term export authorization
                                                                                                            provided summary information                          and considered those comments in
                                                    to FTA countries from the Project.3
                                                                                                            regarding the draft EIS. Copies of the                issuing the Addendum on August 15,
                                                      1 The CCL Project is being developed at the same
                                                                                                            draft EIS were also sent to agencies,                 2014. DOE/FE provided a summary of
                                                    general locations proposed for the previously           elected officials, media organizations,               the comments received and responses to
                                                    authorized Corpus Christi LNG L.P. import terminal      Native American Tribes, private                       substantive comments in Appendix B of
                                                    and associated pipeline. See Corpus Christi LNG         landowners, and other interested                      the Addendum. DOE/FE has
                                                    L.P. and Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline
                                                    Company, Order Granting Authority Under Section
                                                                                                            parties.                                              incorporated the Draft Addendum,
                                                    3 of the Natural Gas Act and Issuing Certificates,         Issues raised by commenters included               comments, and final Addendum into
                                                    111 FERC ¶ 61,081 (2005). Since the facilities were     concerns regarding: Air pollution                     the record in its CMI proceeding.
                                                    never constructed, the Commission vacated Corpus
                                                    Christi LNG, L.P.’s and Corpus Christi Pipeline         (including greenhouse gas emissions                   Alternatives
                                                    Company’s authorizations to construct the proposed      and mitigation and compliance with the
                                                    LNG facility and associated pipeline. Corpus Christi    National Ambient Air Quality                            The EIS conducted an alternatives
                                                    LNG, L.P., 139 FERC ¶ 61,195 (2012).                                                                          analysis for the Liquefaction Project that
                                                                                                            Standards), construction dust and noise
                                                      2 The authority to regulate the imports and
                                                                                                                                                                  could achieve the Project objectives.
                                                    exports of natural gas, including liquefied natural     vibrations, land use changes, impacts of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                  The range of alternatives analyzed
                                                    gas, under section 3 of the NGA (15 U.S.C. 717b)        water discharges on aquatic species
                                                    has been delegated to the Assistant Secretary for FE                                                          included the No-Action Alternative,
                                                                                                            (including impacts to an essential fish
                                                    in Redelegation Order No. 00–006.02 issued on
                                                    November 17, 2014.
                                                                                                            habitat (‘‘EFH’’)), light pollution, visual             4 See Final EIS at 1–12, Table 1.4–1 Issues
                                                      3 Cheniere Marketing, LLC, Order Granting Long-       impacts, public safety and lack of an                 Identified and Comments Received During the
                                                    Term Multi-Contract Authorization to Export             emergency response plan, water use and                Scoping Process for the Corpus Christi LNG Project.
                                                    Liquefied Natural Gas by Vessel from the Proposed       CMI’s source of water, impacts on                       5 Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC and Cheniere

                                                    Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project to Free Trade                                                             Corpus Christi Pipeline, L.P., Order Granting
                                                    Agreement Nations, DOE/FE Order No. 3164,
                                                                                                            property values, expanding the scope of               Authorization Under Section 3 of the Natural Gas
                                                    October 16, 2012 (FE Docket No 12–99–LNG).              the cumulative impact analysis and                    Act, 149 FERC ¶ 61,283 (December 30, 2014).

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                                                    28258                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 95 / Monday, May 18, 2015 / Notices

                                                    system alternatives, alternative                           The EIS evaluated a total of five                  with unconventional natural gas
                                                    Liquefaction Project sites, alternative                 alternative sites for the proposed                    activities, such as hydraulic fracturing.
                                                    Pipeline routes, and alternative                        compressor stations but determined that
                                                    compressor station sites. Alternatives                  none of these sites were                              Mitigation
                                                    were evaluated and compared to the                      environmentally preferable to the                        As a condition of its decision to issue
                                                    Liquefaction Project to determine if                    proposed sites.                                       Order No. 3638 authorizing CMI to
                                                    these alternatives were environmentally                 Environmentally Preferred Alternative                 export LNG to non-FTA countries, DOE/
                                                                                                              When compared against the other                     FE is imposing requirements that will
                                                       While the No-Action Alternative                                                                            avoid or minimize the environmental
                                                    would avoid the potential adverse and                   action alternatives assessed in the EIS,
                                                                                                            as discussed above, the Corpus Christi                impacts of the project. These conditions
                                                    beneficial environmental impacts
                                                                                                            LNG Project is the environmentally                    include the environmental conditions
                                                    identified in the EIS, adoption of this
                                                    alternative would preclude meeting the                  preferred alternative. While the No-                  adopted in the FERC Order at Appendix
                                                    Project objectives. Other LNG export/                   Action Alternative would avoid the                    A. Mitigation measures beyond those
                                                    import projects could also be developed                 environmental impacts identified in the               included in DOE/FE Order No. 3638
                                                    elsewhere in the Gulf Coast region or in                EIS, adoption of this alternative would               that are enforceable by other Federal
                                                    other areas of the United States, but                   not meet the Project objectives.                      and state agencies are additional
                                                    would likely result in similar or                       Decision                                              conditions of Order No. 3638. With
                                                    potentially greater environmental                                                                             these conditions, DOE/FE has
                                                                                                               DOE/FE has decided to issue Order                  determined that all practicable means to
                                                    impacts than those of the proposed                      No. 3638 to grant the long-term, multi-
                                                    Project. The No-Action Alternative                                                                            avoid or minimize environmental harm
                                                                                                            contract authorization for CMI to engage
                                                    could also require potential end users to                                                                     from the project have been adopted.
                                                                                                            in exports of domestically produced
                                                    make other arrangements to obtain                       liquefied natural gas in an amount up to              Floodplain Statement of Findings
                                                    natural gas service, or continue the use                767 Bcf per year for a 20-year period,
                                                    of alternative fossil fuel energy sources               commencing the earlier of the date of                    DOE prepared this Floodplain
                                                    (such as coal or fuel oil) to compensate                first export or seven-years from the date             Statement of Findings in accordance
                                                    for the reduced availability of natural                 of issuance of the authorization                      with DOE’s regulations entitled
                                                    gas that would otherwise be supplied by                 requested. The authorization is to export             ‘‘Compliance with Floodplain and
                                                    the Corpus Christi LNG Project.                         LNG from the proposed Corpus Christi                  Wetland Environmental Review
                                                       The EIS evaluated 12 system                          Liquefaction Project to any nation with               Requirements’’ (10 CFR part 1022). The
                                                    alternatives for the Project, including 6               which the United States does not now                  required floodplain and wetland
                                                    operating LNG import terminals in the                   or in the future have an FTA requiring                assessment was conducted during
                                                    Gulf of Mexico area, and 6 proposed or                  the national treatment for trade in                   development and preparation of the
                                                    planned export projects along the Gulf                  natural gas, that has, or in the future               EIS.6 No alternative Liquefaction Project
                                                    Coast. All of the systems were                          develops, the capacity to import LNG
                                                    eliminated from further consideration                                                                         sites were evaluated outside of a
                                                                                                            and with which trade is not prohibited                floodplain because, as discussed in
                                                    for reasons that include the need for                   by U.S. law or policy.
                                                    substantial construction beyond that                                                                          section of the final EIS, the
                                                                                                               Concurrently with this Record of                   facilities would be placed above
                                                    currently proposed, production volume                   Decision, DOE/FE is issuing Order No.
                                                    limitations, in-service dates scheduled                                                                       predicted storm surge elevations, and
                                                                                                            3638 in which it finds that the granting
                                                    significantly beyond the Project                                                                              the site is necessarily tied to marine/
                                                                                                            of the requested authorization has not
                                                    schedule, and potential environmental                                                                         port locations. Similarly, no Pipeline
                                                                                                            been shown to be inconsistent with the
                                                    impacts that were considered                            public interest, and that the Application             route alternatives outside of floodplains
                                                    comparable to or greater than those of                  should be granted subject to compliance               were evaluated because, as discussed in
                                                    the Project.                                            with the terms and conditions set forth               section of the Final EIS, Cheniere
                                                       The EIS also evaluated three                         in Order No. 3638, including the                      Corpus Christi Pipeline, L.P. has
                                                    alternative Liquefaction Project sites,                 environmental conditions adopted in                   proposed to implement acceptable
                                                    two in proximity to the proposed site                   the FERC Order at Appendix A.                         mitigation measures at waterbody
                                                    and one near Brownsville, Texas.                        Additionally, the authorization is                    crossings and areas subject to flooding
                                                    Construction of the terminal at each of                 conditioned on CMI’s compliance with                  to compensate for negative buoyancy.
                                                    the alternative sites would have                        any other preventative and mitigative                 DOE determined that the placement of
                                                    comparable or greater environmental                     measures imposed by other Federal or                  some project components within
                                                    impacts when compared to the                            state agencies.                                       floodplains would be unavoidable.
                                                    proposed terminal site; therefore, none                                                                       However, the current design for the
                                                    of the three sites evaluated were                       Basis of Decision
                                                                                                                                                                  project minimizes floodplain impacts to
                                                    determined to be environmentally                          DOE/FE’s decision is based upon the                 the extent practicable.
                                                    preferable.                                             analysis of potential environmental
                                                       Approximately 86 percent of the                      impacts presented in the EIS, and DOE/                  Issued in Washington, DC, on May 12,
                                                    Pipeline would be co-located, overlap,                  FE’s determination in Order No. 3638                  2015.
                                                    or parallel existing rights-of-way, so                  that the opponents of the Application                 Christopher A. Smith,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    many types of environmental impacts                     have failed to overcome the statutory                 Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy.
                                                    have already been reduced or avoided.                   presumption that the proposed export                  [FR Doc. 2015–11926 Filed 5–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    While two route alternatives were                       authorization is not inconsistent with                BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                    evaluated, the EIS did not identify any                 the public interest. Although not
                                                    site-specific environmental concerns                    required by NEPA, DOE/FE also                            6 See Final EIS at Section 3.0. Table 3.1–1 and
                                                    along the proposed route that would                     considered the Addendum, which                        Section were revised to include information
                                                    make the alternative pipeline routes                    summarizes available information on                   regarding the proximity of alternative Terminal
                                                    preferable.                                             potential upstream impacts associated                 sites with respect to floodplains.

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Document Created: 2015-12-16 07:38:52
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 07:38:52
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionRecord of Decision.
ContactTo obtain additional information about the project, the EIS, or the ROD, contact Mr. John Anderson, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Oil & Gas Global Security & Supply, Office of Oil and Natural Gas, Office of Fossil Energy, Room 3E-042, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-5600; or Mr. Edward LeDuc, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Environment, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-4007.
FR Citation80 FR 28256 

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