80_FR_29556 80 FR 29458 - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Motorcycle Helmets

80 FR 29458 - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Motorcycle Helmets

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 98 (May 21, 2015)

Page Range29458-29487
FR Document2015-11756

This document sets forth an interpretation of the definition of ``motor vehicle equipment'' in the United States Code, as amended by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act, and requests comments on two proposed changes to the motorcycle helmet safety standard, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218. Continued high levels of motorcycle related fatalities, the ongoing use of novelty helmets by motorcyclists and the poor performance of these helmets in tests and crashes have prompted the agency to clarify the status of such helmets under federal law to ensure that all relevant legal requirements are readily enforceable. All helmets that are sold to, and worn on the highway by, motorcyclists and that, based on their design and/or other factors, have the apparent purpose of protecting highway users are motorcycle helmets subject to the jurisdiction and standard of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (``NHTSA'' or ``agency''). NHTSA is simultaneously proposing to amend its helmet standard, FMVSS No. 218. First, NHTSA is proposing to add a definition of ``motorcycle helmet.'' Second, we are proposing to modify the existing performance requirements of the standard by adding a set of dimensional and compression requirements. These requirements and the associated test procedures would identify those helmets whose physical characteristics indicate that they likely cannot meet the existing performance requirements of the standard. Third, we are incorporating an optional alternative compliance process for manufacturers whose helmets do not comply with the proposed dimensional and compression requirements, but do comply with the performance requirements and all other aspects of FMVSS No. 218. NHTSA will publish a list of helmets that have complied with the alternative compliance process and can therefore be certified by their manufacturers. This document is the result of the agency's assessment of other actions that could be taken to increase further the percentage of motorcyclists who wear helmets that comply with the helmet standard.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 98 (Thursday, May 21, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 98 (Thursday, May 21, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 29458-29487]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-11756]

[[Page 29457]]

Vol. 80


No. 98

May 21, 2015

Part IV

Department of Transportation


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


49 CFR Part 571

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Motorcycle Helmets; Proposed 

Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 29458]]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

49 CFR Part 571

[Docket No. NHTSA-2015-0045]
RIN 2127-AL01

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Motorcycle Helmets

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).


SUMMARY: This document sets forth an interpretation of the definition 
of ``motor vehicle equipment'' in the United States Code, as amended by 
the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act, and 
requests comments on two proposed changes to the motorcycle helmet 
safety standard, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218. 
Continued high levels of motorcycle related fatalities, the ongoing use 
of novelty helmets by motorcyclists and the poor performance of these 
helmets in tests and crashes have prompted the agency to clarify the 
status of such helmets under federal law to ensure that all relevant 
legal requirements are readily enforceable. All helmets that are sold 
to, and worn on the highway by, motorcyclists and that, based on their 
design and/or other factors, have the apparent purpose of protecting 
highway users are motorcycle helmets subject to the jurisdiction and 
standard of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 
(``NHTSA'' or ``agency'').
    NHTSA is simultaneously proposing to amend its helmet standard, 
FMVSS No. 218. First, NHTSA is proposing to add a definition of 
``motorcycle helmet.'' Second, we are proposing to modify the existing 
performance requirements of the standard by adding a set of dimensional 
and compression requirements. These requirements and the associated 
test procedures would identify those helmets whose physical 
characteristics indicate that they likely cannot meet the existing 
performance requirements of the standard. Third, we are incorporating 
an optional alternative compliance process for manufacturers whose 
helmets do not comply with the proposed dimensional and compression 
requirements, but do comply with the performance requirements and all 
other aspects of FMVSS No. 218. NHTSA will publish a list of helmets 
that have complied with the alternative compliance process and can 
therefore be certified by their manufacturers. This document is the 
result of the agency's assessment of other actions that could be taken 
to increase further the percentage of motorcyclists who wear helmets 
that comply with the helmet standard.

DATES: You should submit your comments to ensure that Docket Management 
receives them not later than July 20, 2015. The incorporation by 
reference of certain publications listed in the proposed rule is 
approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of May 22, 2017.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments to the docket number identified in 
the heading of this document by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting 
     Mail: Docket Management Facility: U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery or Courier: 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West 
Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, 
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
     Fax: 202-493-2251.
    Instructions: For detailed instructions on submitting comments and 
additional information on the rulemaking process, see the Public 
Participation heading of the Supplementary Information section of this 
document. Note that all comments received will be posted without change 
to http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information 
provided. Please see the ``Privacy Act'' heading below.
    Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all 
comments received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf 
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's 
complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on 
April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477-78) or you may visit http://DocketInfo.dot.gov.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to http://www.regulations.gov or the street 
address listed above. Follow the online instructions for accessing the 
    See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION portion of this document (Section 
VII.; Public Participation) for DOT's Privacy Act Statement regarding 
documents submitted to the agency's dockets.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For non-legal issues, you may contact 
Ms. Claudia Covell, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (Telephone: 
202-366-5293) (Fax: 202-366-7002). For legal issues, you may contact 
Mr. Otto Matheke, Office of the Chief Counsel (Telephone: 202-366-5253) 
(Fax: 202-366-3820). You may send mail to these officials at: National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
Washington, DC 20590.

I. Executive Summary
    A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
    B. Need for Regulation
    C. Summary of the Major Provisions of the Regulatory Action in 
    D. Costs and Benefits
II. Background
    A. Increased Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Injuries
    B. Recent Downturns in Motorcyclist Fatalities Do Not Appear To 
Be a Reversal of a Decade-Long Trend
    C. NHTSA's Comprehensive Motorcycle Safety Program and Helmet 
    D. Novelty Helmets
    1. What is a novelty helmet?
    2. Novelty Helmet Use
    E. Safety Consequences of Novelty Helmet Use
    1. Helmet Effectiveness
    2. Novelty Helmet Performance
    3. Real World Injury Risks and Novelty Helmets
    F. Novelty Helmets and the Enforcement of State Helmet Laws
    G. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218
    H. Recent Amendments to FMVSS No. 218
    I. NHTSA's Compliance Test Program
III. Interpretation--Novelty Helmets Are Motor Vehicle Equipment
IV. Proposed Amendments to FMVSS No. 218
    A. Adding a Definition for Motorcycle Helmet
    B. Proposed Amendments to Performance Requirements
V. Effective Date
VI. Benefits/Costs
VII. Public Participation
VIII. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices

I. Executive Summary

A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action

    The purpose of this regulatory action is to reduce fatalities and 
injuries resulting from traffic accidents involving use of motorcycle 
helmets that fail to meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 
No. 218, Motorcycle helmets. Motorcycle crash-related fatalities are 
disproportionately high, compared as a measure of exposure, among all 
motor vehicle crash fatalities. In part, these fatalities can be 
attributed to the high number of motorcyclists wearing sub-standard 
motorcycle helmets. For example, NHTSA's National Occupant Protection

[[Page 29459]]

Use Survey (NOPUS) has consistently shown that a portion of the 
motorcycling community wears novelty helmets. Specifically, in states 
where use is required for all motorcyclists, between 8-27% of 
motorcyclists have been observed wearing helmets that likely do not 
comply with FMVSS No. 218.1 2

    \1\ Motorcycle Helmet Use in XXXX--Overall Results, Traffic 
Safety Facts Research Notes, DOT HS 809 867, 809 937, 810 840, 811 
254, 811 610, and 811 759 available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/cats/listpublications.aspx?Id=7&ShowBy=Category (last accessed on 5/
    \2\ Data represent an aggregation of sampling units located in 
states where use is required for all motorcyclists.

    These helmets, frequently marketed as ``novelty'' helmets, are 
seldom certified by the manufacturer as meeting Standard No. 218, but 
are sold to, and used by, on-road motorcycle riders and passengers.\3\ 
Data from a study of motorcycle operators injured in crashes and 
transported to a shock trauma center indicates that 56 percent of those 
wearing a novelty helmet received head injuries as compared to 19 
percent of those wearing a certified helmet.\4\

    \3\ When NHTSA becomes aware that a manufacturer is fraudulently 
certifying non-compliant helmets, the agency can take legal action 
and impose fines on the manufacturer.
    \4\ An Analysis of Hospitalized Motorcyclists in the State of 
Maryland Based on Helmet Use and Outcome, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/Research/Crashworthiness (last accessed on 04/08/13).

    These novelty helmets are frequently sold as ``motorcycle novelty 
helmets'' or otherwise marketed to on-road motorcycle riders. However, 
these novelty helmets are usually offered along with a disclaimer that 
the helmet does not meet Standard No. 218, is not a protective device 
or is not intended for highway use. In States where universal helmet 
use laws often require riders and passengers to wear helmets meeting 
Standard No. 218, helmet users wearing novelty helmets often affix 
labels to their helmets that mimic the certification labels applied by 
manufacturers of helmets that are certified as meeting the Standard. 
Consequently, officials attempting to enforce compulsory helmet use 
laws in those States requiring that riders use helmets meeting Standard 
No. 218 currently find it difficult to enforce these laws to prevent 
the use of these novelty helmets.
    In 2011, NHTSA attempted to make it easier for riders and law 
enforcement officials to identify non-compliant helmets by amending 
FMVSS No. 218 to require that all compliant helmets manufactured after 
May 13, 2013 have a certification decal which includes the phrase 
``FMVSS No. 218'', the helmet manufacturer's name or brand name of the 
helmet and the word ``certified.'' The new requirements were intended 
to make decals more difficult to counterfeit. However, this regulatory 
change has not been sufficient to solve the problem. Prior to May 13, 
2013, the certification label requirements of FMVSS No. 218 stated 
simply that the certification label must consist of the letters ``DOT'' 
printed in a specified size range and located in a designated area on 
the rear of helmet. Facsimiles of that earlier label are widely 
available and are often added by ``novelty helmet'' users in mandatory 
helmet law states to their helmets to give them the appearance of a 
compliant helmet certified before the May 2013 change to the labeling 
    There are no regulatory limits on the age of motorcycle helmets 
that may be used to comply with a state motorcycle helmet use law. 
Therefore, a helmet user could assert that the wearing of a helmet 
manufactured prior to the May 2013 change to the certification label 
requirements meets the requirements of state helmet laws requiring use 
of an FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmet if the manufacturer properly 
certified the helmet with the three character ``DOT'' label. Until a 
sufficient period of time passes to establish that a helmet bearing the 
older certification label is likely to have not been certified as FMVSS 
No. 218 compliant by the manufacturer, a helmet with the older 
certification label would appear to be a compliant helmet. Novelty 
helmet users will be able to employ the counterfeit versions of the old 
certification label for many years into the future.
    To enhance NHTSA's ability to restrict the sale and subsequent use 
of novelty helmets, as well as assisting State law enforcement 
officials in enforcing laws requiring use of compliant helmets, this 
document contains an interpretation of the definition of ``motor 
vehicle equipment'' as defined by the National Traffic and Motor 
Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (Safety Act), proposes adding a definition 
of ``motorcycle helmet'' to FMVSS No. 218 consistent with 49 U.S.C. 
30102(a)(7)(C) as amended by the MAP-21 Act, and also proposes 
modifying the existing requirements of Standard No. 218. It is the 
agency's view that adoption of these proposals will reduce fatalities 
and injuries attributable to the use of non-compliant helmets by 
increasing successful prosecutions in mandatory helmet law states, 
reducing the demand for novelty helmets and augmenting NHTSA's ability 
to prevent the importation and sale of non-compliant helmets.

B. Need for Regulation

    Novelty helmets are sold to be worn by motorcycle riders for road 
use. However, these helmets provide little or no head protection in 
crashes. The proposed rule would assist local enforcement agencies in 
determining compliance with their State helmet laws and mitigate the 
fatalities, injuries, and societal costs that are caused by the use of 
improper helmets. The deterrent intent of the proposed rule is similar 
to other enforcement improving approaches such as the improvement of 
counterfeit currency detection.
    NHTSA believes that at least some portion of novelty helmet use 
results from inadequate or asymmetric information, a major indication 
of market failure. Reasons for novelty helmet use may vary, but likely 
include some misjudgment regarding the risk associated with motorcycles 
and false expectations regarding the amount of protection that would be 
provided by some novelty helmet designs. In general, problems of 
inadequate information can be addressed by providing greater 
information to the public. NHTSA has attempted to do this through 
public education materials identifying the significant differences 
between novelty helmets and compliant helmets and expanded test 
programs identifying helmets that failed to meet the performance 
requirements of FMVSS No. 218. In the latter instance, NHTSA found that 
the difficulties and costs associated with attempting to test all the 
helmets in the marketplace could not be sustained. At the same time, 
critics of the expanded test program were quick to note that the 
results were incomplete. Efforts at increased public education 
regarding the risks and characteristics of novelty helmets also did not 
achieve desired results. Neither initiative resulted in any apparent 
reduction in the sale and use of novelty helmets.
    In addition to riders' misperceptions, novelty helmets can be lower 
cost, and some consumers find them to be more comfortable or stylish. 
When consumers choose to wear novelty helmets, it unnecessarily reduces 
their safety and burdens society with an unnecessary diversion of 
economic resources. Roughly three quarters of all economic costs from 
motor vehicle crashes are borne by society at large through taxes that 
support welfare payment mechanisms, insurance premiums, charities, and 
unnecessary travel delay. These costs may be even higher for motorcycle 
riders, who often experience more serious injuries when colliding

[[Page 29460]]

with larger vehicles and without protection from vehicle structures or 
seat belts. NHTSA also believes that this regulation is warranted by a 
compelling public need, specifically, the need for States to properly 
enforce the laws that they have passed in order to promote public 
safety. This proposed rulemaking is designed to enable both the 
identification of novelty helmets and enforcement of these laws. These 
requirements do not force individuals who do not currently wear 
complying helmets to wear complying helmets. Rather, by making it 
easier for law enforcement officials to enforce helmet laws, they make 
it more likely that riders will choose to purchase compliant helmets in 
order to avoid prosecution and fines.
    NHTSA has worked with state law enforcement and safety officials 
for decades. The agency has repeatedly received reports from these 
sources regarding the difficulty of enforcing state helmet laws when 
the state law provides that a helmet must meet FMVSS No. 218. A series 
of court decisions from Washington State illustrate the difficulties 
that local law enforcement agencies face in enforcing mandatory helmet 
laws. These decisions implied that FMVSS No. 218 is a complex 
performance standard intended to apply to helmet manufacturers and not 
to helmet users and did not address the difficulties of proof for law 
enforcement agency to show that a helmet does not meet FMVSS No. 218. 
This proposed rule seeks to remedy this problem by the adoption of 
objective physical criteria which can be employed by helmet users and 
law enforcement officials to determine if a helmet complies with FMVSS 
No. 218.

C. Summary of the Major Provisions of the Regulatory Action in Question

1. Interpretation--Novelty Helmets Are Motor Vehicle Equipment
    NHTSA is issuing an interpretation of the statutory definition of 
``motor vehicle equipment'' as amended by the MAP-21 Act. This 
interpretation sets forth the agency's position on which helmets are 
subject to NHTSA's jurisdiction and, therefore, must meet Standard No. 
218. The original definition of ``motor vehicle equipment'' in the 
Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 did not include protective equipment such as 
motorcycle helmets. In 1970, Congress amended the Safety Act to 
substantially expand the foregoing definition. The 1970 amendment 
changed the definition of ``motor vehicle equipment'' to include ``any 
device, article or apparel . . . manufactured, sold, delivered, offered 
or intended for use exclusively to safeguard motor vehicles, drivers, 
passengers, and other highway users from the risk of accident, injury 
or death.'' In 2012, the MAP-21 Act modified this definition of ``motor 
vehicle equipment'' in two ways. First, the definition was amended by 
specifically adding the term ``motorcycle helmet'' to the description 
of regulated items. Second, the MAP-21 Act amended the definition of 
``motor vehicle equipment'' by replacing the phrase ``. . . 
manufactured, sold, delivered, offered or intended for use exclusively 
to safeguard motor vehicles, drivers, passengers, and other highway 
users . . .'' with ``. . . manufactured, sold, delivered, or offered to 
be sold for use on public streets, roads, and highways with the 
apparent purpose of safeguarding motor vehicles and highway users . . 
    The agency's interpretation of this definition, based on an 
examination of the text of the 2012 MAP-21 amendment and the evolution 
of the original 1970 definition before its enactment as well as its 
legislative history, concludes that Congress meant to grant NHTSA 
authority to regulate motorcycle helmets and that any determination of 
what constitutes motor vehicle equipment must be governed by an 
objective standard and not controlled by the subjective intent of a 
manufacturer or seller. This conclusion is supported by the explicitly 
pronounced Congressional goal of reducing fatalities and injuries 
resulting from the use of helmets that did not provide a minimum level 
of safety. The agency's interpretation further notes the absence of any 
suggestion in the legislative history that Congress meant to have the 
definition negated by subjective declarations of intended use that are 
contrary to an objective measure of actual sale, use and ``apparent 
    By applying the objective criterion of an ``apparent purpose to 
safeguard'' highway users, NHTSA concludes that novelty helmets are 
items of motor vehicle equipment. If a helmet is marketed and sold to 
highway users and has outward characteristics consistent with providing 
some level of protection to the wearer, such a helmet is a ``motorcycle 
helmet'' with the ``apparent purpose'' of protecting highway users from 
harm. It is, therefore, ``motor vehicle equipment.'' Under the 
foregoing circumstances, the addition of a label stating the 
manufacturer's subjective intent that a helmet is ``not protective 
equipment,'' ``not DOT certified,'' or ``not for highway use'' would, 
in NHTSA's view, not be sufficient to conclude that a helmet is not 
``motor vehicle equipment.''
2. Defining ``Motorcycle Helmet''
    This document also proposes adding a definition of ``motorcycle 
helmet'' to Standard No. 218 to effectuate the interpretation of the 
statutory definition of motor vehicle equipment described above. The 
proposed definition seeks to more clearly establish those helmets that 
are required to comply with FMVSS No. 218 by establishing conditions 
dictating which helmets will be considered as being intended for 
highway use.
    NHTSA's proposed definition of ``motorcycle helmet'' establishes 
that ``hard shell headgear'' meeting any of four conditions are 
motorcycle helmets. The criteria relate to the manufacture, 
importation, sale, and use of the headgear in question. First, a helmet 
is a motorcycle helmet if it is manufactured or offered for sale with 
the apparent purpose of safeguarding highway users against risk of 
accident, injury, or death. Under the second criterion, a helmet is a 
motorcycle helmet if it is manufactured or sold by entities also 
dealing in certified helmets or other motor vehicle equipment and 
apparel for motorcycles or motorcyclists. The third proposed criterion 
states that a helmet is a motorcycle helmet if it is described or 
depicted as a motorcycle helmet in packaging, promotional information 
or advertising. The fourth criterion states that helmets presented for 
importation as motorcycle helmets in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 
would also be motorcycle helmets.
    Because the second, third and fourth criteria may capture helmets 
sold legitimately for off-road use or non-motor vehicle applications, 
NHTSA's proposed definition exempts helmets labeled as meeting 
recognized safety standards for off-highway uses from the proposed 
3. Proposed Amendments to Performance Requirements
    NHTSA is also proposing modifications to the criteria helmets must 
meet in order to comply with Standard No. 218. The proposal seeks to 
establish in S5.1 (as proposed), a set of threshold requirements to 
distinguish helmets that qualify for testing to the existing 
performance requirements of the Standard in S5.2 through and including 
S5.4. These threshold requirements are hereafter called preliminary 
screening requirements. The preliminary screening criteria proposed in 
S5.1 are dimensional and

[[Page 29461]]

compression requirements that all helmets intended for highway use must 
meet. These preliminary screening requirements identify helmets which, 
under the current state of known technologies, are incapable of meeting 
the minimum performance requirements for impact attenuation currently 
incorporated in FMVSS No. 218. NHTSA is also proposing an alternative 
compliance process by which manufacturers of helmets that do not meet 
the foregoing preliminary screening requirements may submit a petition 
including information and test data to the agency, to establish that a 
particular helmet design is capable of meeting all the requirements of 
Standard No. 218, excluding the preliminary screening requirements.
    The agency proposes to add these preliminary screening requirements 
to alleviate the test burdens of NHTSA's current compliance test 
program. By reducing the complexity of compliance testing, the proposal 
would allow the agency to test more helmet brands and models without 
increased costs. The proposed requirements also address concerns by 
test laboratories that their equipment will be damaged while testing 
sub-standard helmets. Moreover, by establishing a set of physical 
criteria that may be employed to identify non-compliant helmets, these 
proposed requirements will assist in the enforcement of helmet laws 
specifying that motorcycle riders must wear helmets meeting Standard 
No. 218.
    The proposed preliminary screening requirements specify that any 
helmet with an inner liner that is less than 0.75 inch (19 mm) thick 
would be considered incapable of complying with FMVSS No. 218. 
Similarly, any helmet with an inner liner and shell having a combined 
thickness less than 1 inch (25 mm) would also presumably not be able to 
comply with the standard. This document also proposes that any helmet, 
even those with an inner liner meeting the minimum thickness criteria 
or the liner and shell combination meeting the overall thickness, must 
also be sufficiently resistant to deformation to ensure that the liner 
is capable of some level of energy absorption.
    The document also sets forth proposals for measuring compliance 
with the preliminary screening requirements. Inner liner thickness 
could be measured with a thin metal probe. Measuring the combined 
thickness of the outer shell and inner liner could be taken using a 
large caliper or measuring the distance derived by noting the 
difference between the topmost point of a stand supporting the helmet 
and the topmost point of the helmet on the stand. The document also 
proposes that liner deformation be measured after applying force using 
a weighted probe or a dial indicator force gauge. To reduce the 
possibility of error caused by variations in helmet designs, NHTSA is 
proposing that the measurements of inner liner thickness, combined 
helmet/inner liner thickness and inner liner compression 
characteristics be conducted at the crown or apex of the helmet.
    To address concerns that the proposed preliminary screening 
requirements may adversely affect the adoption and development of new 
helmet technologies and materials, the proposed amendments also set 
forth an alternative compliance process, in a proposed Appendix. This 
alternative compliance process provides helmet manufacturers with a 
means to demonstrate that helmets that do not adhere to the preliminary 
screening requirements can otherwise be properly certified and are 
capable of meeting all of the other requirements of Standard No. 218.

D. Costs and Benefits

    The benefits of the proposed rule are based on the use of the 
dimensional and compression requirements and the proposed Appendix as 
criteria to distinguish certified from non-certified motorcycle 
helmets. Behavioral change among motorcycle riders as a result of the 
rule is difficult to predict. However, the agency believes that 5 to 10 
percent of the novelty helmet users in States that have a Universal 
Helmet Law would eventually make a switch to avoid being ticketed or 
fined, and that this is a modest and achievable projection. As a 
result, the proposal would save 12 to 48 lives annually. In addition, 
the analysis also estimates the maximum potential benefit of the rule 
which corresponds to a hypothetical scenario of all novelty helmet 
users in States that have universal helmet laws becoming 218-certified 
helmet users (the 100-percent scenario). Under this hypothetical 100-
percent scenario, 235 to 481 lives would be saved. Note that this 100-
percent scenario is theoretical since some novelty-helmeted 
motorcyclists would still be expected to circumvent the helmet laws by 
continuing taking the risk of wearing novelty helmets. Therefore, the 
estimated costs and benefits for the 100-percent scenario are not used 
(and not appropriate) for determining the effects of the proposed rule. 
However, they do indicate the potential savings in social costs that 
are offered by FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets and the importance of 
educating the public to this potential. The discounted annualized costs 
and benefits are presented below. The numbers exclude benefits from 
nonfatal injuries prevented as well as private disbenefits to riders 
who prefer to wear novelty helmets, but switch to compliant helmets to 
avoid law enforcement. Since these benefits are obtained in violation 
of State law, their status is uncertain. A more detailed discussion of 
this issue is included in the Non-quantified impacts section of the 
PRIA. We are not assuming for this analysis that any novelty helmet 
users in States that do not have Universal Helmet Laws will switch to 
218-certified helmets; however, we note that this may occur if users 
voluntarily make this switch.

                                          Annualized Costs and Benefits
                                          [In millions of 2012 dollars]
                                                     costs              Benefits              Net benefits *
                                               3 Percent Discount
5-percent scenario............................            $1.2            $109.7-$219.3            $108.5-$218.1
10-percent scenario...........................             1.8              219.3-438.3              217.5-436.5
100-percent scenario..........................            12.5          2,146.3-4,392.7          2,133.8-4,380.3
                                               7 Percent Discount
5-percent scenario............................             1.2               95.9-192.2               94.7-191.0
10-percent scenario...........................             1.8              192.2-384.4              190.4-382.6

[[Page 29462]]

100-percent scenario..........................            12.5          1,881.7-3,851.3          1,869.2-3,838.8
* Excludes benefits from non-fatal injuries prevented and any utility lost by novelty helmet riders who switch
  to FMVSS 218 compliant helmets. Since any such utility is obtained in violation of State law, its status is
  uncertain. See ``Non-quantified Impacts'' section of the PRIA for further discussion.

II. Background

A. Increased Motorcycle Related Fatalities and Injuries

    There is a pressing need for improvements in motorcycle safety. As 
shown in NHTSA's research, motorcycle crash-related fatalities have 
been disproportionately high, compared as a measure of exposure, among 
all motor vehicle crash fatalities. According to the Fatality Analysis 
Reporting System (FARS), motorcyclist \5\ fatalities increased from 
3,270 fatalities in 2002 to 4,612 fatalities in 2011. During this time, 
motorcyclist fatalities as a percent of motor vehicle occupants and 
non-occupants killed in traffic crashes nearly doubled from 8% to 14%. 
Refer to Figure 1.

    \5\ ``Motorcyclist'' refers to both motorcycle drivers and 
motorcycle passengers.

    In contrast to the total number of passenger vehicle and pedestrian 
fatalities, which have decreased over the past decade, motorcyclist 
fatalities increased significantly. Some claim this is due to increased 
exposure; however, registrations for both motorcycle and passenger 
vehicles have increased over this time period, yet it is only 
motorcyclist fatalities which have risen. In 2011, motorcycles 
accounted for only about 3 percent of all registered vehicles and 0.6 
percent of all vehicle miles traveled (VMT) \6\ yet present themselves 
as a much larger proportion of the overall motor vehicle related 
fatalities due to traffic crashes. Compared with a passenger vehicle 
occupant, a motorcyclist is over 30 times more likely to die in a 
crash, based on VMT.\7\

    \6\ In August 2011, starting with 2009 data, FHWA implemented an 
enhanced methodology for estimating registered vehicles and vehicle 
miles traveled by vehicle type. In addition, revisions were made to 
2008 and 2007 data using the enhanced methodology. As a result, 
vehicle involvement rates may differ, and in some cases 
significantly, from previously published rates.
    \7\ Motorcycles: 2011 Data, Traffic Safety Facts, DOT HS 811 
765, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811765.pdf (last 
accessed on 5/14/13).

    Over the same time period, the number of motorcyclists injured 
increased from 65,000 in 2002 to 81,000 in 2011 accounting for 4 
percent of all occupant injuries.\8\ Simultaneously, the number of 
passenger vehicle occupants injured decreased by 25 percent.\9\

[[Page 29463]]

Compared with a passenger vehicle occupant, a motorcyclist is 5 times 
more likely to be injured, based on VMT.\10\

    \8\ Ibid.
    \9\ Traffic Safety Facts 2011, Annual Report Overview, DOT HS 
811 753, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pubs/811753.pdf 
(last accessed on 5/14/13). Based on calculations using data 
provided in Table 1.
    \10\ Motorcycles: 2011 Data, Traffic Safety Facts, DOT HS 811 
765, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811765.pdf (last 
accessed on 5/14/13).

    The most common fatal injuries sustained by motorcyclists are 
injuries to the head.\11\ Head injuries are common among non-fatal 
injuries as well. A study of data from the Crash Outcome Data 
Evaluation System (CODES) indicates that median charges for 
hospitalized motorcyclists who survived to discharge were 13 times 
higher for those incurring a traumatic brain injury (TBI) compared to 
those who did not sustain a TBI ($31,979 versus $2,461).\12\

    \11\ Bodily Injury Locations in Fatally Injured Motorcycle 
Riders Traffic Safety Facts, DOT HS 810 856, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/810856.pdf (last accessed on 2/1/12).
    \12\ Motorcycle Helmet Use and Head and Facial Injuries: Crash 
Outcomes in CODES-Linked Data, DOT HS 811 208 available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811208.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12).

    The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has also made a 
similar assessment of the motorcycle safety problem. They issued a 
November 2010 safety alert titled ``Motorcycle Deaths Remain 

    \13\ Motorcycle Deaths Remain High, National Transportation 
Safety Board Safety Alert SA-012, November 2010, available at http://www.ntsb.gov/doclib/safetyalerts/SA_012.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/

B. Recent Downturns in Motorcyclist Fatalities Do Not Appear To Be a 
Reversal of a Decade--Long Trend

    Compared to 2010, overall traffic fatalities fell by 2 percent in 
2011. Occupant fatalities fell by 4 percent in passenger cars and, 5 
percent in light trucks. However, occupant fatalities increased by 20 
percent in large trucks and 2 percent on motorcycles. In addition, 
pedestrian fatalities increased by 3 percent and pedalcyclist 
fatalities increased by 9 percent.\14\

    \14\ Traffic Safety Facts 2011, Annual Report Overview, DOT HS 
811 753, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pubs/811753.pdf 
(last accessed on 5/14/13). See Table 2.

    The 2011 increase in motorcycle occupant fatalities followed a 3 
year period of decline. The agency notes that the 2008, 2009 and 2010 
reductions in fatalities and injuries coincided with a significant 
economic downturn. Past economic downturns have resulted in similar 
declines. The three most notable periods of across-the-board declines 
in overall traffic fatalities, including the current period, coincide 
with the three most significant economic downturns since the early 
1970s. Following the first and second economic downturns, the overall 
number of fatalities nearly rebounded to the previous levels. The 
agency observes that motorcycle occupant fatalities increased slightly 
in 2011 and anticipates that they will likewise rebound as the economy 
improves. Even with the 2008-10 reductions in fatalities and injuries, 
motorcyclist fatalities remain far above 2002 levels.

C. NHTSA's Comprehensive Motorcycle Safety Program and Helmet Use

    NHTSA's comprehensive motorcycle safety program15 16 
seeks to: (1) Prevent motorcycle crashes; (2) mitigate rider injury 
when crashes do occur; and (3) provide rapid and appropriate emergency 
medical services response and better treatment for crash victims. As 
shown in Table 1 below, the elements of the problem of motorcyclist 
fatalities and injuries and the initiatives for addressing them can be 
organized using the Haddon Matrix, a paradigm used for systematically 
identifying opportunities for preventing, mitigating and treating 
particular sources of injury. As adapted for use in addressing motor 
vehicle injuries, the matrix is composed of the three time phases of a 
crash event (I-Crash Prevention--Pre-Crash, II-Injury Mitigation--
During a Crash, and III-Emergency Response--Post-Crash), along with the 
three areas influencing each phase (A-Human Factors, B-Vehicle Role, 
and C-Environmental Conditions).

    \15\ US Department of Transportation Action Plan to Reduce 
Motorcycle Fatalities, October 2007, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/DOT/NHTSA/Communication%20&%20Consumer%20Information/Articles/Associated%20Files/4640-report2.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/
    \16\ Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure 
Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, Sixth Edition (2011), 
February 2011: pp. 5-1 through 5-24, DOT HS 811 258, available at 
http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811444.pdf(last accessed on 

    While a number of factors are believed to account for this increase 
in fatalities, including expanding motorcycle sales, increases in the 
percentage of older riders, and increases in engine size, motorcyclist 
head injuries are a leading cause of death. Effectively addressing 
motorcyclist head injuries or any other motor vehicle safety problem 
requires a multi-pronged, coordinated program in all of the areas of 
the Haddon Matrix, as shown in Table 1. Because no measure in any of 
the nine areas is a complete solution, the implementation of a measure 
in one area does not eliminate or reduce the need to implement measures 
in the other areas.
    For example, while NHTSA encourages efforts in all areas of the 
motorcycle safety matrix below, including the offering of motorcyclist 
training, such training cannot substitute for wearing a helmet that 
complies with FMVSS No. 218. The results of studies examining the 
effectiveness of motorcyclist training in actually reducing crash 
involvement are mixed.\17\ To argue that taking a motorcycle operating 
course eliminates the need for motorcycle helmets is akin to arguing 
that taking a driver's education course for driving a passenger vehicle 
eliminates the need for seat belts, air bags, padding, and other safety 
equipment in motor vehicles.

    \17\ Approaches to the Assessment of Entry-Level Motorcycle 
Training: An Expert Panel Discussion, Traffic Safety Facts Research 
Note, February 2010, DOT HS 811 242, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/motorcycles/pdf/811242.pdf (last 
accessed on 1/31/12). The report concluded:
    While basic rider courses teach important skills, the 
effectiveness of training as a safety countermeasure to reduce 
motorcycle crashes is unclear. Studies conducted in the United 
States and abroad to evaluate rider training have found mixed 
evidence for the effect of rider training on motorcycle crashes.

[[Page 29464]]

                                 Table 1--NHTSA's Motorcycle Safety Program \18\
                                           A-Human factors           B-Vehicle role             conditions
I-Crash Prevention (Pre-Crash)......   Rider Education   Brakes, Tires,   Roadway
                                       & Licensing.              & Controls.              Design, Construction,
                                       Impaired          Lighting &       Operations &
                                       Riding.                   Visibility.              Preservation.
                                       Motorist          Compliance       Roadway
                                       Awareness.                Testing &                Maintenance.
                                       State Safety      Investigations.          Training for
                                       Program.                                           Law Enforcement.
                                       Use of
                                       Protective Gear.
II-Injury Mitigation (Crash)........   Use of            Occupant         Roadway
                                       Protective Gear.          Protection (e.g.,        Design, Construction,
                                                                 helmets, airbags).       & Preservation.
III-Emergency Response (Post-Crash).   Education &       Automatic
                                       Assistance to EMS.        Crash Notification.
                                       Bystander Care.   Data
                                                                 Collection & Analysis.

    Mitigating rider injury in crashes through the use of motorcycle 
helmets is a highly effective measure for improving motorcycle safety. 
The steady toll of motorcyclist fatalities would have been 
significantly lower had all motorcyclists been wearing motorcycle 
helmets that meet the performance requirements issued by this agency. 
Additional information about helmet effectiveness and the real world 
risk of not using helmets is discussed later in this document.

    \18\ Activities shown in italics are either implemented jointly 
with, or conducted by, the Federal Highway Administration.

    In November 2010, the NTSB issued a Safety Alert in which that 
agency expressed similar conclusions about the value of increased use 
of helmets that comply with FMVSS No. 218. The Safety Alert said:
     FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets are extremely effective. 
They can prevent injury and death from motorcycle crashes.
     A motorcyclist without a helmet, who is involved in a 
crash, is three times more likely to sustain brain injuries.
     Wearing a helmet reduces the overall risk of dying in a 
crash by 37%.
     In addition to preventing fatalities, FMVSS No. 218-
compliant helmets reduce the need for ambulance service, 
hospitalization, intensive care, rehabilitation, and long-term care.
     Wearing a helmet does not increase the risk of other types 
of injury.

The value of helmet use has been demonstrated in studies of injuries 
resulting from crashes, as discussed below in the section titled ``Real 
World Injury Risks and Novelty Helmets.''

D. Novelty Helmets

1. What is a novelty helmet?
    Commonly sold with a disclaimer that they are not for highway use, 
certain helmets worn by motorcycle riders are marketed under a variety 
of helmet pseudonyms. Manufacturers and sellers' market them under 
names such as ``novelty motorcycle helmets,'' ``rain bonnets,'' 
``lids,'' ``brain buckets,'' ``beanies,'' ``universal helmets,'' 
``novelty helmets,'' or ``loophole lids,'' and others. Typically, 
novelty helmets cover a smaller area of the head than compliant helmets 
and, because they usually have very thin liners, sit closer to a user's 
head. These helmets lack the strength, size, and ability to absorb 
energy necessary to protect highway users during a crash. Yet, they are 
sold to highway users and used in great numbers by motorcyclists.
    Novelty helmets often display labels stating that they are not 
intended for highway use and are not protective gear. Some examples of 
labels found on novelty helmets NHTSA has examined include:
     WARNING: This is a novelty item and not intended for use 
as safety equipment.\19\

    \19\ Hot Leathers model Hawk.

     This helmet is a NOVELTY item only and was not made for, 
intended for, nor designated for use as protective headgear under any 
circumstances. The manufacturer disclaims all responsibility if used in 
any manner other than a novelty item.\20\

    \20\ Advanced Carbon Composites model Polo Novelty Helmet.

     Warning: This novelty helmet is not D.O.T. certified. It 
does not meet ANSI, SNELL or any other American or International Safety 
standards. Do not wear this helmet to operate motorized or non-
motorized street legal or off-road vehicles. Doing so could result in 

    \21\ Biltwell Inc. model Novelty Helmet.

    Throughout this document, we will refer to these types of helmets 
as novelty helmets.
2. Novelty Helmet Use
    Although use of a properly certified FMVSS No. 218-compliant 
motorcycle helmet can significantly reduce the possibility of death or 
injury in a crash, a significant percentage of motorcyclists either 
wear novelty helmets or do not wear any helmet at all. In fact, 
motorcyclists appear to be forsaking the use of compliant helmets in 
favor of novelty helmets in high numbers in States with universal 
helmet use laws. (See Table 2.)
    In 2011, 20 States and the District of Columbia had helmet use laws 
requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets. According to a NHTSA 
survey, in States where use is required for all motorcyclists, FMVSS 
No. 218-compliant helmets had an observed use rate of 84%; novelty 
helmets had an observed use rate of 12%; and no helmets were worn by an 
estimated 4 percent of motorcyclists. Comparatively, in the States with 
partial or no helmet use laws, the observed use rate of FMVSS No. 218-
compliant helmets was 50%; 5 percent used novelty helmets; and 45 
percent did not use a helmet at all.\22\ Partial helmet use laws 
typically require helmet use only by persons 17 years of age or 
younger, even though 70 percent of the teenagers killed on motorcycles 
are 18 or 19 years of age and even though teenagers of all ages account 
for only about 4.5 percent of all motorcyclist fatalities.\23\

    \22\ Motorcycle Helmet Use in 2011--Overall Results, Traffic 
Safety Facts Research Note, DOT HS 811 610, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811610.pdf (last accessed on 5/16/12).
    \23\ Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Teenagers: Fatality 
Facts 2008, available at http://www.iihs.org/research/fatality_facts_2008/teenagers.html (last accessed on 1/19/12).

    Motorcycle helmet use rates in 2011 are presented below in tabular 

[[Page 29465]]

              Table 2--Motorcycle Helmet Use Rates in 2011
                                           States with a    States with
              Motorcyclists                  universal     partial or no
                                          helmet use law  helmet use law
Percentage using FMVSS No. 218-compliant              84              50
Percentage using novelty helmets........              12               5
Percentage not using any helmet.........               4              45

    These data show that a considerable number of motorcyclists in all 
States are wearing novelty helmets and that novelty helmet use appears 
to be remaining steady over time in States with helmet laws.
    NHTSA believes that some portion of novelty helmet use results from 
inadequate or asymmetric information, a major indication of market 
failure. Reasons for novelty helmet use may vary, but likely include 
some misjudgment regarding the risk associated with motorcycles and 
false expectations regarding the protection that would be provided by 
some novelty helmet designs. In general, problems of inadequate 
information can be addressed by providing greater information to the 
public. As noted above, NHTSA has attempted to do this through the 
dissemination of rider education materials and by publishing the 
results of an intensive expanded compliance test program. The latter 
proved to be ineffective and unsustainable while the former has not 
produced any appreciable results.
    In addition to riders' misperceptions, novelty helmets can be lower 
cost, and some consumers find them to be more comfortable or stylish. 
When consumers choose to wear novelty helmets, they unnecessarily 
reduce their safety and burden society with an unnecessary diversion of 
economic resources. Roughly three quarters of all economic costs from 
motor vehicle crashes are borne by society at large through taxes that 
support welfare payment mechanisms, insurance premiums, charities, and 
unnecessary travel delay. These costs may be even higher for motorcycle 
riders, who often experience more serious injuries when colliding with 
larger vehicles and without protection from vehicle structures or seat 
belts. NHTSA also believes that this regulation is warranted by a 
compelling public need, specifically, the need for States to properly 
enforce the laws that they have passed in order to promote public 
safety. This proposed rulemaking is designed to enable both the 
identification of novelty helmets and enforcement of these laws. These 
requirements do not force individuals who do not currently wear 
complying helmets to wear complying helmets. Rather, by making it 
easier for law enforcement officials to enforce helmet laws, they make 
it more likely that riders will choose to purchase compliant helmets in 
order to avoid prosecution and fines.

E. Safety Consequences of Novelty Helmet Use

1. Helmet Effectiveness
    Motorcycle helmets are at least 37% effective in preventing 
fatalities in motorcycle crashes.24 25 Based on the data for 
2009, the agency estimates that helmets saved at least 1,483 lives in 
that year. In order to employ a matched pair method of analysis, the 
estimates were derived by examining crashes in FARS involving 
motorcycles with two occupants, at least one of whom was killed.\26\ 
NHTSA believes the estimate of 1,483 lives saved by helmet use in 2009 
actually underreports the effectiveness of motorcycle helmets that 
comply with FMVSS No. 218. Because the foregoing estimate examined 
crashes where a helmet was used, whether it complied with FMVSS No. 218 
or not, we believe the inclusion of motorcyclists wearing novelty 
helmets in the ``helmeted'' category of the database diluted the actual 
effectiveness of certified helmets. NHTSA estimates that if there had 
been 100 percent use of FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets among 
motorcyclists, an additional 732 or more lives could have been saved 
that year.\27\

    \24\ Motorcycle Helmet Effectiveness Revisited, Technical 
Report, March 2004, DOT HS 809 715, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/809715.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12).
    \25\ Head injuries are not the only cause of crash fatalities. 
When we speak of ``effectiveness'' of helmets in reducing the risk 
of death in fatal motorcycle crashes, all types of injuries suffered 
by riders are included. While it would be useful to know the 
effectiveness of helmets in preventing potentially fatal head 
injuries alone, the purpose of effectiveness as calculated in this 
technical report was to provide a measure of the overall difference 
in survival value in a potentially fatal crash that was attributable 
to the proper use of a helmet.
    \26\ Motorcycle Helmet Effectiveness Revisited, Technical 
Report, March 2004, DOT HS 809 715, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/809715.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12).
    \27\ Lives Saved in 2009 by Restraint Use and Minimum-Drinking-
Age Laws, Traffic Safety Fact, September 2010, DOT HS 811 383, 
available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pubs/811383.pdf (last 
accessed on 1/31/12).

    Data also suggest that unhelmeted motorcyclists suffer 
proportionately more fatal head injuries. A study of death certificate 
information about 8,539 motorcyclists who were fatally injured in 2000, 
2001, and 2002 revealed a direct correlation between head injury and 
helmet use. While about 35 percent of the helmeted motorcyclists who 
died had a head injury, about 51 percent of the unhelmeted 
motorcyclists who died had a head injury. This data was based on the 
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Multiple Cause of Death 
(MCoD) data set that is linked to NHTSA's FARS. The data set includes 
data on all recorded fatalities that occurred in the United States 
during the study period, excluding the 825 fatally injured 
motorcyclists whose death certification information was 
unavailable.\28\ As stated previously, we believe that the benefit of 
helmets in reducing head injury is underreported because the study 
included motorcyclists wearing novelty helmets in the group of helmeted 

    \28\ Bodily Injury Locations in Fatally Injured Motorcycle 
Riders, Traffic Safety Facts, October 2007, DOT HS 810 856, 
available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/810856.pdf (last 
accessed on 1/31/12).

2. Novelty Helmet Performance
    Novelty helmets do not provide protection comparable to that 
provided by an FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmet. When NHTSA tested 
novelty helmets using the protocols described in FMVSS No. 218, the 
agency found that they failed all or almost all of the safety 
performance requirements in the standard.\29\ Based on these tests, the 
agency concluded that novelty helmets, despite outward appearances, do 
not protect motorcyclists from both impact or penetration threats, and 
their chin straps are incapable of keeping the

[[Page 29466]]

helmets on the heads of their users during crashes.

    \29\ Summary of Novelty Helmet Performance Testing, Traffic 
Safety Facts Research Note, DOT HS 810 752, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/DOT/NHTSA/Traffic%20Injury%20Control/Studies%20&%20Reports/Associated%20Files/Novelty_Helmets_TSF.pdf 
(last accessed on 1/31/12).

3. Real World Injury Risks and Novelty Helmets
    Novelty helmets have been demonstrated to be unsafe in laboratory 
tests and in studies of real world motorcycle crashes. A study of 
motorcycle operators injured during a motor vehicle crash and 
subsequently transported to the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center 
(STC) in Baltimore, MD was conducted between January 2007 and May 
2008.\30\ During this study, 244 of the 517 patients admitted granted 
consent to have photographs taken of the helmets they were using during 
the crash and the helmets were categorized as either certified or 

    \30\ Kerns, Timothy and Catherine McCullough, An Analysis of 
Hospitalized Motorcyclists in the State of Maryland Based on Helmet 
Use and Outcome. Paper presented at the 2009 ESV conference, paper 
No. 09-0061, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/Research/Crashworthiness (last accessed on 4/8/13).

    Data for these patients were obtained from the trauma registry, 
hospital discharge records, autopsy reports, and police crash reports, 
and were coded using the Abbreviated Injury Scale \31\ (AIS). The AIS 
is a scoring system that ranks the severity of an injury on a scale 
between 1 and 6. The AIS score is used to determine the threat to life 
correlated to a specific injury, rather than comprehensively evaluating 
the severity of injuries. A score of 1 indicates a minor injury, while 
a score of 6 represents an injury that currently is untreatable and 
extremely difficult to survive. The Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale 
(MAIS) is the maximum AIS score of injuries sustained.

    \31\ The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 1990 Revision (1998 
Update), Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Des 
Plaines, IL.

    A comparison of head injury and helmet type revealed that 56 
percent (28/50) of those wearing a novelty helmet received a head 
injury (AIS 1-6) as compared to 19 percent (37/194) of those wearing a 
certified helmet. The breakdown of the severity as measured by the Head 
MAIS of motorcycle operators who sustained a head injury is summarized 
below in Table 3.

                                              Table 3--Helmet Use and Head MAIS Among Motorcycle Operators
                                                                                                                                           Total percent
                            Head MAIS                                  1           2           3           4           5           6        having head
                                                                   (percent)   (percent)   (percent)   (percent)   (percent)   (percent)      injury
Certified (n=194)...............................................           3           4           6           3           3           0              19
Novelty (n=50)..................................................          16          12          16          10           2           0              56

    Table 3 shows the safety benefit of using FMVSS No. 218-certified 
helmets by the fewer number of head injuries at the levels MAIS 1 
through 4 in crashes that were at least as severe, if not more severe, 
than crashes involving novelty helmets.\32\ The number of patients 
admitted to the STC who sustained a head injury at the MAIS 5 and 6 
levels during the study was low due to the fact that patients with MAIS 
5 or greater injuries are likely to have suffered fatal injuries during 
a crash and are not likely to be admitted to the STC; therefore, this 
study did not measure significant differences in performance of 
certified and novelty helmets at MAIS 5 and 6 levels. Note that these 
injury rates cannot be interpreted as the true protective effects 
(i.e., effectiveness) for these two types of helmets because the study 
did not take into account the respective helmet use rates (i.e., the 
exposure data) and the limited sample size.

    \32\ Injury Data collected during Kearns, et al., study 
available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/Research/Crashworthiness (last 
accessed on 04/08/13).

F. Novelty Helmets and the Enforcement of State Helmet Laws

    Novelty helmets present particular challenges to State and local 
government authorities seeking to enforce helmet use laws. These laws 
often require that riders use helmets that meet the requirements of 
FMVSS No. 218.\33\ However, because novelty helmets are similar in 
outward appearance to FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets, successfully 
enforcing a State use law that requires the use of a FMVSS No. 218-
compliant helmet necessitates that enforcement officials do more than 
simply affirm the absence or presence of a helmet when dealing with a 
motorcyclist using a novelty helmet. When a motorcyclist uses a novelty 
helmet in lieu of an FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmet, law enforcement 
officers and hearing officers or judges must have means of determining 
that the novelty helmet does not meet FMVSS No. 218.

    \33\ Nineteen states, the District of Columbia, the Northern 
Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands have a 
universal helmet law, requiring helmets for all riders. Of the 19 
mandatory helmet law states, 17 have laws providing that 
motorcyclists must wear a helmet that complies with FMVSS No. 218.

    The certification label required by FMVSS No. 218 is, of course, 
intended to serve as evidence that a helmet is certified by its 
manufacturer to FMVSS No. 218. Unfortunately, counterfeit certification 
labels are widely available. While we expect the recent final rule 
revising the certification label requirements \34\ will make production 
of false certification labels more difficult in the future, nothing 
prevents the continued production and use of counterfeit certification 
labels by motorcyclists intent on using novelty helmets, including 
motorcycle helmets manufactured prior to the effective date of the 
final rule.

    \34\ Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 93 page 28132, Friday, May 
13, 2011.

    Given the availability of false certification labels, law 
enforcement officials attempting to establish that a novelty helmet 
user has violated a State helmet use law must present evidence in a 
hearing that establishes, in the face of a false certification label, 
that a particular helmet does not meet FMVSS No. 218. This can be a 
difficult burden. Over the years that novelty helmets have been in use, 
NHTSA has been contacted many times by police officers and other state 
enforcement officials that have lost enforcement cases or complained 
about the costs due to the difficulty with demonstrating that a helmet 
does not meet the requirements of FMVSS No. 218.
    FMVSS No. 218 was intended to establish minimum performance 
criteria for helmets. Although compliance with some of the requirements 
of FMVSS No. 218 may be ascertained by visual examination of a helmet, 
establishing whether a particular helmet meets the performance 
requirements of the standard requires specific laboratory tests under 
tightly controlled conditions. It is impractical for State or local law 
enforcement officials to perform such testing in individual

[[Page 29467]]

cases. This discourages law enforcement personnel from issuing 
citations to novelty helmet users. In the event that the helmet user 
chooses to contest the citation, the issuing officer, as well as any 
prosecutors associated with the case, must expend time, energy and 
resources to pursuing a case that they are likely to lose if the trier 
of fact determines that compliance cannot be ascertained without 
testing. Furthermore, while NHTSA does compliance testing of some 
helmets, testing all helmets in the marketplace would be difficult and 
place a heavy burden on the agency's resources.
    NHTSA believes that helmet laws save lives and reduce injuries. The 
use of novelty helmets frustrates full achievement of those goals. 
Effective enforcement of helmet laws therefore requires that State and 
local governments have the means to successfully prosecute violations, 
including cases in which riders are using novelty helmets to create the 
false impression that they are complying with laws that require FMVSS 
No. 218-compliant helmets.
    In the past, NHTSA has been contacted by North Carolina, Nevada, 
New York, and other States seeking objective, measurable criteria that 
could be used to enforce State helmet laws. The best available 
information NHTSA could provide them was a brochure available online 
titled How to Identify Unsafe Motorcycle Helmets.\35\ While conducting 
research to develop the proposals contained in this document of 
proposed rulemaking, the agency contacted Georgia, Washington, and 
California to discuss the criteria and test procedures. All three 
States were supportive of this initiative. As explained in the section 
of this document titled Proposed Amendments to Performance 
Requirements, NHTSA will be seeking official comment about this 
proposal from all States having universal helmet laws.

    \35\ How to Identify Unsafe Motorcycle Helmets, HS 807 880, 
September 2004, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/motorcycle/unsafehelmetid/images/UnsafeHelmets.pdf (last 
accessed on 2/29/12).

G. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218

    The purpose of FMVSS No. 218 is to reduce fatalities and injuries 
to motorcyclists resulting from head impacts. FMVSS No. 218 applies to 
all helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle 
users. Helmets complying with this standard have been demonstrated to 
be a significant factor in the reduction of critical and fatal injuries 
involving motorcyclists in motorcycle crashes.\36\ A further study 
based on impact attenuation test data supports the determination that 
helmets complying with FMVSS No. 218 significantly decrease the risk of 
a fatal head injury.\37\ A manufacturer of a motorcycle helmet must 
certify that the helmet meets or exceeds all of the standard's 
requirements. Those requirements include three performance requirements 
as well as requirements dealing with peripheral vision, projections, 
and labeling.

    \36\ Evans, Leonard, and Frick, Michael, ``Helmet Effectiveness 
in Preventing Motorcycle Driver and Passenger Fatalities: Accident 
Analysis and Prevention,'' U.S. Department of Transportation, 
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Volume 20, Number 6, 
    \37\ Docket No.: NHTSA-2011-0050-0002.1 can be accessed at 

    FMVSS No. 218 is primarily a performance standard, not a design 
standard. It requires certain physical attributes such as: a minimum 
coverage area, the presence of a chin strap, the location and content 
of the certification and other labels, the specification of the maximum 
size of projections, a minimum range of peripheral vision and the 
requirement that a helmet shell have a continuous contour. However, 
FMVSS No. 218 does not direct that a helmet have a particular 
configuration or design.
    The first of the three principal performance requirements in FMVSS 
No. 218 is that a motorcycle helmet must exhibit a minimum level of 
energy absorbency upon impact with a fixed, hard object. Compliance is 
determined by conducting a series of drop tests at four different sites 
onto two anvils. The impact attenuation requirement limits the 
acceleration levels of the headform and is quantified in units of g, 
gravitational acceleration. The acceleration level relates to the 
amount of force that is transferred through the helmet to the human 
head. FMVSS No. 218 limits the maximum acceleration to a level of 400g 
and limits accelerations exceeding 200g to a cumulative duration of 2.0 
milliseconds and accelerations exceeding 150g to a cumulative duration 
of 4.0 milliseconds.
    The second performance requirement is a penetration test, in which 
a metal striker is dropped 118.1 inches (3 meters) in a guided free 
fall onto a stationary helmet mounted on a headform. To meet the 
performance requirement, the striker may not contact the surface of the 
    The third performance requirement of FMVSS No. 218 is the retention 
system test. It requires that the retention system, chin strap, or any 
component of the retention system be able to withstand a quasi-static 
load. To meet the performance requirement, the helmet's retention 
system may not break while the loads are being applied and the 
adjustable portion of the retention system may not move more than 1 
inch (2.5 centimeters) during the test.
    The test procedures in FMVSS No. 218 specify the manner in which 
testing will be conducted by any laboratory under contract with NHTSA 
to test helmets. Additional details on how the tests are to be 
conducted are contained in the NHTSA Laboratory Test Procedure for 
FMVSS No. 218 Motorcycle Helmets.\38\

    \38\ NHTSA Laboratory Test Procedure for FMVSS No. 218, 
Motorcycle Helmets, May 13, 2011, TP-218-07, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nvs/pdf/TP-218-07.pdf (last accessed on 1/

H. Recent Amendments to FMVSS No. 218

    NHTSA issued a final rule amending FMVSS No. 218 on May 13, 
2011.\39\ These amendments modified labeling requirements, made changes 
to certain test procedures, updated references, and corrected the 
identification of figures incorporated into the standard.

    \39\ Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 93 page 28132, Friday, May 
13, 2011.

    Among other things, the final rule requires the certification label 
to bear the manufacturer's name and helmet model, as well as the 
statement ``FMVSS No. 218 CERTIFIED.'' The final rule also clarified 
and simplified other labeling requirements, such as permitting the 
certification label to be located on the helmet exterior between 1 and 
3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 cm) from the lower rear edge of the helmet and 
requiring the size to be labeled in a numerical format.
    In addition to these labeling changes, the final rule clarified the 
test procedures for the retention system and impact attenuation tests, 
added tolerances to several parts of the standard, amended the time 
required to condition helmets, and updated a reference and figure 
    The final rule stated that the amendments made to FMVSS No. 218 
were issued for two purposes. One was to modify tolerances, test 
procedures, and similar requirements impacting compliance testing. The 
second was to address the increased use of novelty helmets and the 
relative ease of applying false certification labels to novelty 
    The final rule \40\ observed that the ability of novelty helmet 
users to attach inexpensive, easy-to-produce and easy-to-obtain labels 
mimicking legitimate

[[Page 29468]]

certification labels frustrated enforcement of helmet use laws. NHTSA 
further noted that widely available false certification labels made it 
difficult to prove that a motorcyclist is evading helmet use laws by 
wearing a novelty helmet that appears to be certified. More 
importantly, the agency noted that the use of novelty helmets puts 
motorcyclists at much greater risk of head injury or death in the event 
of a crash.

    \40\ 76 FR 28132, 28138.

    In order to make the production and use of fraudulent certification 
labels more difficult the final rule added a number of new requirements 
for certification labels. Instead of the simple three letter symbol 
``DOT,'' the amended label requirements state that the symbol ``DOT'' 
be accompanied by the word ``CERTIFIED'' as well as the phrase ``FMVSS 
No. 218.'' To restrict the use of a ``one size fits all'' certification 
label, the final rule required that the helmet manufacturer's name and/
or brand and the precise model designation of the helmet also appear on 
the certification label.\41\

    \41\ 76 FR 28132, 28140-41.

    While the final rule will make it easier for State and local law 
enforcement officials to enforce State laws requiring the use of FMVSS 
No. 218-compliant helmets, the agency anticipates that, based on the 
improved labeling alone, only 5 to 10 percent of motorcyclists using 
novelty helmets in States with universal helmet use laws will switch to 
using compliant helmets. Therefore, the agency acknowledged that more 
is needed to be done to further reduce novelty helmet use by 
motorcyclists. Citing comments by the Governors Highway Safety 
Association that novelty helmet use had become a means of expressing 
displeasure with helmet use laws and evading the operation of such 
laws, NHTSA indicated that it was assessing other actions that should 
be taken to address the marketing and selling of novelty helmets to 
motorcyclists for highway use.\42\

    \42\ 76 FR 28132, 28157.

    The agency noted the duplicity inherent in marketing or selling a 
novelty version of motor vehicle equipment. For example, the final rule 
observed that manufacturers of seat belts complying with FMVSS No. 209, 
``Seat belt assemblies,'' do not also produce novelty versions of the 
same type of equipment used in motor vehicles, that they declare, 
explicitly or implicitly, are not intended to provide protection and 
therefore are not motor vehicle equipment subject to the FMVSSs. The 
final rule further stated that it was difficult to imagine any 
manufacturer, importer or seller of seat belts arguing that their seat 
belts are not motor vehicle equipment and stating, as novelty helmet 
manufacturers do, that their novelty products are not intended for 
highway use and not designed to provide protection in a crash. As 
explained in the final rule, the notion that an item of safety 
equipment can be transformed into something other than what it is by 
virtue of a disclaimer is absurd. This, in the agency's view, would be 
aptly demonstrated by the disclaimer that might accompany the sale of a 
novelty seat belt:

    ``Novelty seat belts are intended for display. They are not 
intended to be used in motor vehicles and are not designed to 
provide protection in a crash. Their use in a crash may result in 
serious injury. Use this seat belt at your own risk.''

NHTSA also observed then, as it does again now, that novelty helmets 
are sold by businesses that also sell motorcycles or motorcycle related 
products, are in widespread use on public highways, and are only 
minimally used for any purpose other than while riding a motorcycle. 
Nonetheless, sellers of novelty helmets attempt to maintain the fiction 
that they are not producing products for highway use by providing 
disclaimers that the helmets they make are for ``display or show,'' not 
intended to be used in motor vehicles and are not designed to provide 
protection in a crash. NHTSA then stated its view that novelty safety 
equipment (having no apparent purpose other than facilitating evasion 
of legal requirements) is an item of ``motor vehicle equipment'' within 
the meaning of the Vehicle Safety Act and is subject to a FMVSS. Since 
they do not comply, it is impermissible to manufacture, import or sell 
novelty helmets in the United States.\43\

    \43\ 76 FR 28132, 28158.

    Furthermore, the agency explained that ``In some cases, the use of 
these look-alike labels has enabled motorcyclists either to assert 
successfully in court that he or she believed in good faith that the 
helmet he or she was using had been certified to the federal standard 
and/or to put State authorities to the time and expense of conducting 
tests to prove that the helmet is noncompliant.'' Further, sellers and 
distributors of these labels, which bear the letters ``DOT,'' attempt 
to avoid any responsibility for their sale and use. They assert that 
the labels are not counterfeit or misleading look-alike 
``certification'' labels, but merely labels that coincidentally 
resemble legitimate ``DOT'' certification labels and whose letters 
stand for ``Doing Our Thing,'' not ``Department of Transportation.'' 
The agency notes its understanding that these look-alike labels 
appeared only after the implementation of FMVSS No. 218. As a result, 
application of these labels to noncompliant helmets enables 
motorcyclists to avoid conviction and penalties in situations in which 
State and local helmet laws require the use of a certified FMVSS No. 
218-compliant motorcycle helmet.
    In NHTSA's judgment, the mere presence of a ``DOT'' label on a 
helmet that otherwise lacks the construction and appearance of a FMVSS 
No. 218-compliant helmet cannot reasonably be thought to be a reliable 
indication that the helmet is a compliant helmet. The plausibility of 
such a false indicator of compliance is negated by a lack of critical 
visible physical attributes such as an impact absorbing liner of 
adequate thickness and composition to protect a user in the event of a 
crash, as well as the presence of interior labeling required by FMVSS 
No. 218. The presence of a label on such a helmet is instead actually 
indicative that the label is a misleading look-alike label applied by a 
helmet seller or user, not by its manufacturer. This has led the agency 
to propose criteria to assist the public and law enforcement in 
identifying novelty helmets. This proposal is discussed further in the 
section of this document titled Proposed Amendments to Performance 

I. NHTSA's Compliance Test Program

    To help ensure that helmets are properly certified by their 
manufacturers, NHTSA conducts a compliance test program that tests 
approximately 40 different makes and models of helmets each year. The 
helmets are purchased by NHTSA through normal retail channels. Because 
FMVSS No. 218 requires that helmets be tested under four different 
environmental conditions, NHTSA purchases four samples of each helmet 
model. The helmets are then tested by test laboratories under contract 
with the agency. Currently, testing of a particular model of helmet 
costs approximately $2,000.00.
    The appearance of novelty helmets in the marketplace and their 
increasing use creates a number of challenges for NHTSA that are 
relevant to the agency's test program. First, although novelty helmets 
are typically not manufactured or sold with certification labels 
attesting that they comply with Standard No. 218, novelty helmets with 
certification labels have appeared in the marketplace. Second, as 
stated elsewhere in this document, the agency is proposing to add a new 
definition of

[[Page 29469]]

``motorcycle helmet'' to FMVSS No. 218 that is intended to focus on the 
sale and use of helmets as determinants of their intended use. If 
adopted, this new definition will expand the universe of helmets 
subject to NHTSA testing to include novelty helmets. Because production 
of novelty helmets is, when compared to FMVSS No. 218 compliant 
helmets, relatively simple and inexpensive, there appear to be many 
manufacturers and importers of novelty helmets.
    Responding to consumer concerns and inquiries from law enforcement 
about the difficulties in distinguishing compliant helmets from non-
compliant helmets, NHTSA embarked on an expanded test program in 1994 
with the goal of providing more comprehensive coverage of the existing 
helmet market. This expanded test program illustrated the difficulties 
inherent in attempting to perform full FMVSS No. 218 testing on a wide 
range of helmets. Resource constraints prevented the agency from 
testing all of the helmets in the program under the four environmental 
conditions specified in the standard. The agency also found it 
difficult to procure all helmets in the marketplace and was criticized 
for failing to do so. Finally, the poor performance of novelty helmets 
in impact testing proved not just to be an ample demonstration of the 
threat they pose to users, but also had serious consequences for the 
test equipment used to assess performance. Due to concerns about 
damaging expensive test equipment in novelty helmet impact testing, 
laboratories contracting with NHTSA became reluctant to test novelty 
helmets or refused to do so.

III. Interpretation--Novelty Helmets Are Motor Vehicle Equipment

    Congress passed the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act 
of 1966 (Safety Act) with the express purpose of reducing motor vehicle 
accidents and injuries.\44\ To promote this end, the Safety Act 
provided for the establishment of motor vehicle safety standards for 
motor vehicles and equipment in interstate commerce. 15 U.S.C. 1381 
(1988 ed.). The Safety Act empowered the Secretary of the Department of 
Transportation to establish motor vehicle safety standards for motor 
vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. 15 U.S.C. 1392(a) and 1407 (1988 
ed.) (codified without substantive change as 49 U.S.C. 30107 and 49 
U.S.C. 30111 (2006 ed. and Supp. III)).

    \44\ S. Rep. No. 1301, 89th Cong., 2d Sess. 6 (1966), U.S. Code 
Cong. & Admin. News 1966, p. 1; Conf. Rep. No. 1919, 89th Cong., 2d 
Sess. 1 (1966).

    ``Motor vehicle equipment'' was defined in the Safety Act as ``any 
system, part, or component of a motor vehicle as originally 
manufactured or any similar part or component manufactured or sold for 
replacement or improvement of such system part, or component or as any 
accessory or addition to the motor vehicle.'' 15 U.S.C. 1391(4) (1988 
ed.) Given that satisfaction of that definition was predicated on the 
existence of a motor vehicle which would be improved or enhanced by the 
equipment at issue, items that were not incorporated into vehicles or 
were accessories for a vehicle were not motor vehicle equipment. 
Therefore, when enacted in 1966, the Safety Act's definition of ``motor 
vehicle equipment'' did not include protective equipment such as 
motorcycle helmets.
    In 1970, Congress amended the Safety Act of 1966 to substantially 
expand the definition of ``motor vehicle equipment'' to include 
motorcycle helmets and other protective equipment that did not meet the 
originally enacted definition of the term. The existing definition of 
``motor vehicle equipment,'' was expanded beyond motor vehicle 
components to include ``any device, article or apparel not a system, 
part, or component of a motor vehicle (other than medicines, or 
eyeglasses prescribed by a physician or other duly licensed 
practitioner) which is manufactured, sold, delivered, offered or 
intended for use exclusively to safeguard motor vehicles, drivers, 
passengers, and other highway users from the risk of accident, injury 
or death.'' \45\

    \45\ Public Law 91-265, 84 Stat. 262 (May 22, 1970).

    In 1994, the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 15 
U.S.C. 1381 et seq., was codified without substantive change as 49 
U.S.C. Chapter 301--Motor Vehicle Safety. Section 1391(4) was 
redesignated as section 30102(a)(7)(C). In the codified form, the 
section defines Motor vehicle equipment to include devices, articles 
and apparel ``manufactured, sold, delivered, offered, or intended to be 
used only to safeguard motor vehicles and highway users against risk of 
accident, injury, or death.''
    This definition of ``motor vehicle equipment'' was again amended by 
Congress in 2012. Specifically, MAP-21 amended this phrase to 
specifically state that motorcycle helmets are motor vehicle equipment. 
The definition now directs that motor vehicle equipment includes ``. . 
. any device or an article or apparel, including a motorcycle helmet 
and excluding medicine or eyeglasses prescribed by a licensed 
practitioner.'' The MAP-21 amendment further refined the definition by 
replacing the term ``intended for use only'' with the term ``apparent 
purpose.'' As enacted, this definition defines ``motor vehicle 
equipment'' as ``any device or an article or apparel, including a 
motorcycle helmet and excluding medicine or eyeglasses prescribed by a 
licensed practitioner, that . . . is not a system, part, or component 
of a motor vehicle; and . . . is manufactured, sold, delivered, or 
offered to be sold for use on public streets, roads, and highways with 
the apparent purpose of safeguarding motor vehicles and highway users 
against risk of accident, injury, or death.''
    The 1970 expansion of the definition of ``motor vehicle equipment'' 
and the MAP-21 amendments confirm that Congress provided NHTSA with 
jurisdiction over motorcycle helmets used on public highways. By 
specifically including ``motorcycle helmets'' and replacing the phrase 
``intended to be used only to safeguard'' highways users with the 
phrase ``apparent purpose of safeguarding'' highway users, the 2012 
amendment further clarifies the scope of what constitutes ``motor 
vehicle equipment'' under the Safety Act. This modification indicates 
that Congress did not want the definition of motor vehicle equipment to 
turn on the question of ``intent'' to safeguard users, which could be 
either the subjective intent of a manufacturer or an objective 
assessment of intent based on the circumstances of marketing and sale. 
By choosing to employ the words ``apparent purpose to safeguard'' 
highway users, Congress indicated that decisions about what constitutes 
motor vehicle safety equipment are to be governed by an objective 
examination of the facts and circumstances of the marketing, sale, use 
and physical characteristics of the item at hand. More importantly, the 
specific inclusion of ``motorcycle helmet'' as the only example of 
motor vehicle equipment indicates that Congress intended to include 
every helmet that can reasonably be considered such a helmet. Nor did 
Congress want the word ``only'' to insulate from the Act's reach any 
type of equipment that arguably has more than one possible use. The 
specific inclusion of ``motorcycle helmet'' in the Act's definition 
clearly signals, along with these other changes, that Congress intended 
to include all items with that apparent purpose.
    The ``apparent purpose'' test employed by Congress indicates that

[[Page 29470]]

motorcycle helmets, including ``novelty'' helmets, are items of motor 
vehicle equipment. Focusing on objective evidence, if a helmet is, 
based on its design, such that it would be used by a person while 
riding on a motorcycle to provide some level of protection, its 
apparent purpose is to safeguard that rider. It would therefore 
properly be an item of motor vehicle equipment. If it is offered for 
sale as a motorcycle helmet but the manufacturer or seller disclaims 
that it provides any protection, its apparent purpose remains the same. 
In other words, the apparent purpose of the helmet as a protective 
device outweighs a manufacturer's stated purpose to the contrary when 
defining a motorcycle helmet as motor vehicle equipment. If it is worn 
by ordinary motorcycle riders while riding a motorcycle on the highway 
or in the immediate vicinity of a motorcycle before or after riding 
one,\46\ it is a ``motorcycle helmet'' whose apparent purpose is to 
provide protection in a crash. Such a helmet is therefore an item of 
motor vehicle equipment.\47\

    \46\ Such use is incidental to the wearing of the helmets by 
persons riding on motorcycles.
    \47\ We note that a novelty helmet meets all three of those 

    Furthermore, a manufacturer's addition of a label stating that a 
helmet is ``not for highway use'' would not be sufficient to overcome 
objective evidence regarding its apparent purpose (use while on the 
highway) and take a novelty helmet out of the ambit of ``motor vehicle 
equipment.'' By amending the definition of motor vehicle equipment to 
delete the words ``intended'' and ``only'' and to focus on the 
``apparent purpose'' of safeguarding users, Congress indicated that the 
definition of motor vehicle equipment should not be controlled by 
subjective statements in which a manufacturer denies any intention of 
protecting wearers of the product from injury. NHTSA sees no reason to 
conclude that Congress would give any greater weight to similar 
subjective expressions of intent regarding highway use. Instead, we 
believe that Congress meant for the question of whether a product is 
manufactured or sold for highway use to be resolved by an objective 
examination of the facts.
    If a helmet is manufactured by a company that produces safety 
equipment for drag racers, the helmet is promoted for racing use and is 
sold by entities that serve racers, the objective facts and 
circumstances indicate that such a helmet is not manufactured, sold, 
delivered, or offered to be sold for highway use and not subject to 
NHTSA's jurisdiction. However, if a helmet is promoted and advertised 
for purchase by highway users, is sold in outlets catering to highway 
users and is worn by highway users, an objective examination of these 
facts compels the conclusion that the helmet was sold for highway use 
regardless of any manufacturer disclaimers to the contrary. This is a 
sensible position and one that the agency concludes is wholly 
consistent with Congressional intent and the text of the Safety Act as 
modified by MAP-21.

IV. Proposed Amendments to FMVSS No. 218

A. Adding a Definition for Motorcycle Helmet

    The agency is proposing to add a definition of ``motorcycle 
helmet'' to section S4 of FMVSS No. 218 to effectuate the 
interpretation of the statutory definition of motor vehicle equipment 
described in Section III of this document and help ensure that helmets 
being used by motorcyclists on highways meet the minimum performance 
standards set forth in FMVSS No. 218.
    Neither the Safety Act nor NHTSA's regulations currently provide a 
precise definition of what constitutes a motorcycle helmet. FMVSS No. 
218 currently states that regulated helmets are those helmets designed 
for highway use. Section S1 of FMVSS No. 218 states that the standard 
establishes minimum performance requirements for helmets designed for 
use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users. Section S3, stating 
what the standard applies to, sets forth that the standard applies to 
all helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle 
    The term ``motorcyclist'' is not defined by the Safety Act. Under 
the term's ordinary meaning, a ``motorcyclist'' is an operator or 
passenger of a motorcycle.\48\ As employed in FMVSS No. 218, a 
``motorcyclist'' is a user of a ``motor vehicle.'' As the term ``motor 
vehicle'' is restricted under the Safety Act to those vehicles 
``manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads, and 
highways,'' the existing statutory and regulatory text defines 
motorcycle helmets as helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and 
other motor vehicle users. Accordingly, helmets designed for use by 
motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users are helmets manufactured 
primarily for use on public highways. Manufacturers, sellers and, to a 
degree, buyers of novelty helmets are well aware of the implications of 
these terms. There is little question that novelty helmets are marketed 
and sold to ``motorcyclists''--operators and passengers of motorcycles. 
However, by designating these helmets as ``not for highway use,'' 
notwithstanding their well-known highway use, manufacturers and sellers 
of novelty helmets are attempting to circumvent their legal 

    \48\ A motorcycle is a vehicle with motive power having a seat 
or saddle for the use of the operator and designed to travel on not 
more than three wheels in contact with the ground. 49 CFR 571.3. Any 
vehicle with three or fewer wheels manufactured for use on public 
streets, roads, and highways including motor scooters, mopeds, and 
3-wheeled trikes, are therefore motorcycles.

    Although NHTSA believes, as explained more fully in the section of 
this document titled Interpretation--Novelty Helmets are Motor Vehicle 
Equipment, that novelty helmets are presently within the scope of FMVSS 
No. 218 because they are intended for use by motorcyclists and are in 
fact used by them on the highway, we are proposing to add a new 
definition of motorcycle helmet to FMVSS No. 218 section S4 to make 
clear that the stated intent of a manufacturer in designing a helmet is 
not the determinant of whether a helmet is intended for highway use. A 
broader examination of relevant factors is necessary where, as here, 
the stated intent regarding the use of the product is inconsistent with 
the actual use of the product, as well as the manner in which it is 
marketed and sold. Further, we are proposing to adopt this definition 
contemporaneously with other proposed amendments discussed below, to 
provide law enforcement officers, end users of motorcycle helmets, and 
hearing officers or judges with objective characteristics allowing them 
to distinguish helmets that are certified to FMVSS No. 218 from novelty 
helmets. The agency also believes that adding a definition and other 
provisions proposed in this document will assist States with helmet use 
laws, to more effectively enforce those laws.
    Although the agency remains concerned that manufacturers may tailor 
their efforts to avoid NHTSA's enforcement efforts, we believe that 
focusing on the marketing, promotion and sale of helmets provides an 
important and legitimate means of distinguishing motorcycle helmets 
from other protective helmets. Marketing, promotion and sales materials 
are important objective indicia of the intended use of a product and 
this definition employs an eminently practical set of tests by 
examining who is selling the product and the use it is being sold for. 
If a helmet is sold by

[[Page 29471]]

entities selling other products for motorcyclists, then it follows that 
the helmet is intended for use by those same motorcyclists. If, when 
viewed by a reasonable observer, the helmet is promoted or displayed as 
suitable for uses including use as a motorcycle helmet, then it 
similarly follows that the helmet is actually made and sold as a 
motorcycle helmet. Of course, the agency recognizes that helmets of all 
kinds may be sold by entities that sell motorcycle equipment and 
accessories as well as a variety of other products. Marketing and 
promotion materials may also be broad or enigmatic. To clarify the 
definition and prevent the operation of the presumption when 
inappropriate, the definition also states that helmets within the scope 
of subsections (1)(B) and (1)(C) would not presumptively be a 
motorcycle helmet when it is certified by a recognized body for use as 
protective gear for purposes other than as a motorcycle helmet or is 
permanently labeled as not intended for highway use.
    NHTSA believes that including helmets worn by motorcyclists using 
public highways is supported by the expanded definition of motor 
vehicle equipment adopted by Congress in 1970 and the recent MAP-21 
amendments. As we interpret that definition, the manner of actual use 
is compelling objective evidence of the intended use of a product 
regardless of any disclaimers issued by a manufacturer or seller. 
Nonetheless, the agency has tentatively decided not to propose 
incorporating this criterion in the definition of motorcycle helmet. 
This tentative determination is based on the current lack of data 
regarding which helmets are actually being used on public highways. As 
stated elsewhere in this document, if NHTSA were to adopt an actual use 
component in the definition of motorcycle helmet, the agency would not 
consider incidental use as evidence that a particular type of helmet is 
a motorcycle helmet. Instead, only those helmets being used on-road by 
a sufficient number of motorcyclists would be considered as evidence 
that the helmet being worn is intended for highway use.
    Although NHTSA has tentatively decided not to include a use-based 
criterion in the definition of ``motorcycle helmet'' the agency may 
include such a provision in the definition contained in the final rule. 
The agency therefore requests comments on including a provision in the 
final rule that helmets used on the highways are motorcycle helmets and 
motor vehicle equipment under the Safety Act.
    NHTSA's proposed definition of ``motorcycle helmet'' establishes 
that ``hard shell headgear'' meeting certain conditions are motorcycle 
helmets. As employed in the definition, hard shell headgear refers to 
headgear that retains its shape when removed from the user's head, 
whether or not covered by a decorative surface such as leather. ``Hard 
shell'' distinguishes motorcycle helmets from other non-hard shelled 
headgear such as soft caps and bandannas that are also used by 
motorcyclists on road. If an item of headgear meets this threshold 
requirement, additional criteria are employed to determine if the item 
is a motorcycle helmet.
    The criteria relate to the manufacture, importation, sale, and use 
of the headgear in question. First, a helmet is a motorcycle helmet 
under subsection (1)(A) if it is manufactured for sale, sold, offered 
for sale, introduced or delivered for introduction in interstate 
commerce, or imported into the United States, for use on public 
streets, roads, and highways with the apparent purpose of safeguarding 
highway users against risk of accident, injury, or death. The apparent 
purpose of a product stems from its essential physical characteristics 
such as the size, shape, design and general appearance of the helmet. 
For example, a small bicycle with small diameter wheels and a 
correspondingly small frame would have the apparent purpose of being 
used by a child for short distances on sidewalks and driveways. 
Conversely, a bicycle with large wheels and a large frame would have 
the apparent purpose of being used by an adult on roads and highways. 
In the case of helmets, an unperforated hard shell helmet with a chin 
strap or retention system would have the apparent purpose of being a 
protective motorcycle helmet. If that helmet also has snaps for 
attaching a visor or face shield, the apparent purpose becomes even 
clearer. Further, if such a helmet is similar to helmets certified by 
their manufacturers as meeting the requirements of FMVSS No. 218, the 
helmet would have the apparent purpose of being a protective helmet.
    Under subsection (1)(B) a helmet is a motorcycle helmet if it is 
manufactured, sold, introduced into interstate commerce, or imported by 
entities also manufacturing, offering, selling or importing certified 
helmets or other motor vehicle equipment and apparel for motorcycles or 
motorcyclists. Under this standard, if a helmet is manufactured, 
imported, sold, offered for sale or introduced into interstate 
commerce, or imported into the United States, by entities that 
undertake the same activities for other products, services or goods 
used by on-road motorcyclists, the apparent purpose of the helmet is 
on-road use and the helmet is a motorcycle helmet. Proposed subsection 
(1)(C) states that a helmet is a motorcycle helmet if it is described 
or depicted as a motorcycle helmet in packaging, display, promotional 
information or advertising. This criterion is met if the helmet is 
described or depicted as a motorcycle helmet in packaging, display, 
promotional materials or advertising. Such materials may include 
obvious characteristics such as the word ``motorcycle'' in a 
description of the helmet or more subtle factors such as a depiction of 
a user who is also wearing goggles, sunglasses, or other protective 
clothing or gear normally worn by motorcyclists.
    Subsection (1)(D) states that helmets presented for importation 
under applicable designation(s) for motorcycle helmets in the 
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States would also be deemed to 
be on-road motorcycle helmets. This fourth criterion relates to the 
manner in which imported goods enter the United States and would 
specify that any helmet imported into the United States under the 
designations reserved for motorcycle helmets in the Harmonized Tariff 
Schedule of the United States (HTS) is intended for highway use. The 
HTS, which replaced former US Tariff Schedules, was enacted by Congress 
and made effective on January 1, 1989. The HTS establishes a 
hierarchical structure for describing all imported goods for duty, 
quota, and statistical purposes. The United States International Trade 
Commission (USITC) maintains and publishes the HTS, which is enforced 
and interpreted by the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection of the 
Department of Homeland Security.\49\

    \49\ Depending on the materials used in their construction, 
motorcycle helmets are currently found in 6506.10.3030, HTSUS, or 
subheading 6506.10.6000, HTSUS.

    NHTSA recognizes that some helmet manufacturers, importers and 
sellers produce, sell or import a variety of helmets for various 
purposes and uses. Therefore, that retailer might sell motorcycle 
helmets, ski helmets, bicycle helmets, mountaineering helmets and other 
protective headgear for off-highway uses. A manufacturer or importer 
may produce helmets certified as meeting Standard No. 218 but may also 
produce helmets for racing or other motorsports that are not certified 
to that standard. Unlike ``novelty helmets,''

[[Page 29472]]

such racing helmets may provide significantly more impact protection 
than required by Standard No. 218, but for a variety of reasons related 
to their specialized use, are not certified as meeting Standard No. 
218. We also note that the current version of the Harmonized Tariff 
Schedule contains two classifications for motorcycle helmets but 
neither of these classifications distinguishes between helmets intended 
for highway use and those imported for legitimate off-road uses. NHTSA 
is therefore proposing additional language that would address the 
legitimate concerns of manufacturers, importers and sellers of helmets 
that are imported for legitimate off-road uses.
    Our proposed definition would exclude helmets designed and 
manufactured to, and labeled in accordance with other recognized helmet 
standards. For example, football helmets marked as complying with the 
National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment 
(NOCSAE) or ASTM International ASTM F717-10 football helmet standards 
meet the exception clause included in the definition. Similarly, hockey 
helmets marked as complying with ASTM International ASTM F1045-07 or 
Hockey Equipment Certification Council (HECC) hockey helmet standards 
would not be motorcycle helmets.
    Subsection (1)(A) couches the acts of manufacturing, selling, 
offering or introducing into interstate commerce, or importing into the 
United States, as being gauged by the ``apparent purpose'' of 
safeguarding highway users from death or injury. Deriving the apparent 
purpose involves looking to the essential physical characteristics of 
the item involved. Moreover, even though a manufacturer or seller of a 
novelty helmet may declare that the helmet is not ``DOT Certified'' or 
is ``Not a Safety Device,'' these products are sufficiently similar to 
helmets that actually do provide protection that both users and 
reasonable observers might conclude that they provide some degree of 
protection against impact. Subsections B and C also follow the language 
used by Congress in the MAP-21 and 1970 amendments. In this instance 
the actions of manufacturing, offering and selling are framed by the 
manner in which products are sold. The surrounding circumstances used 
to assess the apparent purpose of the product are found in the acts of 
making or selling other goods and services intended for use by 
motorcyclists or in promoting the helmet. If one sells a helmet in 
venues offering other products that motorcyclists use on public 
highways, it is objectively reasonable to conclude that the helmet at 
issue is also intended for this use. It is also objectively reasonable 
to conclude that a product depicted as a motorcycle helmet in 
promotional materials or packaging is also meant by its maker to be 
used by ordinary motorcyclists. Subsection D follows the logical 
premise that a helmet declared to be a motorcycle helmet by an importer 
is intended by that importer to be used by motorcyclists.
    The proposed definition therefore characterizes motorcycle helmets 
as hard shell headgear meeting any one of four conditions. The first 
condition is that it is manufactured for sale, sold, offered for sale, 
introduced or delivered for introduction in interstate commerce, or 
imported into the United States, for use on public streets, roads, and 
highways with the apparent purpose of safeguarding highway users 
against risk of accident, injury, or death. The second condition is 
that it is manufactured for sale, sold, offered for sale, introduced or 
delivered for introduction in interstate commerce, or imported into the 
United States by entities that also manufacture for sale, sell, offer 
for sale, introduce or deliver for introduction in interstate commerce, 
or import into the United States either motorcycles, helmets certified 
to FMVSS No. 218, or other motor vehicle equipment and apparel for 
motorcycles or motorcyclists. The third condition is that it is 
described or depicted as a motorcycle helmet in packaging, display, 
promotional information or advertising. The fourth and final condition 
is that it is imported into the United States under the applicable 
designation(s) for motorcycle helmets in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 
of the United States. However, if a helmet that meets any of conditions 
two, three, or four is labeled and marked in accordance with a non-
motorcycle helmet standard issued or adopted by any one of the 
organizations identified as manufacturing other types of safety helmets 
and listed in the proposed definition, it would not be considered to be 
a motorcycle helmet.
    For consistency, NHTSA also proposes to revise the language in the 
scope and application sections of FMVSS No. 218 to refer to motorcycle 
    The agency requests comments on the proposed definition as well as 
the alternative definitions discussed previously. Depending on the 
public comments, elements of the different definitions could be 
combined into the definition adopted in the final rule. In addition, 
the agency request comment on additional government entities or 
industry standards that should be included in Paragraph (2) of the 

B. Proposed Amendments to Performance Requirements

    As NHTSA has observed elsewhere in this document, the existing 
performance requirements of FMVSS No. 218 establish test procedures 
specifying that compliance with the standard be evaluated through the 
use of laboratory tests requiring that four samples of each helmet 
model be tested under different specific environmental conditions. 
Although compliance with some of the requirements of the standard may 
be determined by simple visual examination--i.e. a compliant helmet 
must have the required interior labels, the shell must be free of rigid 
projections taller than 0.20 inch (5 mm) and have a continuous contour, 
and it must cover a minimum area of the head--current compliance tests 
require sensitive specialized equipment and can only be performed by 
trained personnel employed by specialized laboratories. Testing four 
samples of one helmet model currently costs NHTSA approximately 
$2000.00 and the agency's budget allows approximately forty tests in 
one fiscal year.
    The interpretation issued in this document, as well the proposed 
amended definition of motorcycle helmet, would both require significant 
expansion of NHTSA's compliance test program.
    Such an expansion would, of course, require significant additional 
agency expenditures if the agency continues to rely on the existing 
performance requirements of FMVSS No. 218. In addition, novelty helmets 
perform very poorly in compliance testing. This performance is 
substandard to the point that performing impact attenuation testing on 
novelty helmets poses a threat to accelerometers and other devices 
incorporated into test devices. The risk of damage to this equipment 
has caused NHTSA-contracted test laboratories to be reluctant to 
perform impact attenuation testing on novelty helmets or to refuse to 
test them altogether. The agency also notes that because manufacturing 
and/or importing novelty helmets requires less financial resources than 
manufacturing conventional FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmets, there 
appear to be many entities manufacturing, importing and selling novelty 
helmets. Taken together, the foregoing factors indicate that a full 
test program aimed at examining large numbers of both novelty and

[[Page 29473]]

conventional helmets would be difficult and expensive.
    The agency is therefore proposing modifications to FMVSS No. 218 to 
lessen NHTSA's test burden and allow a more comprehensive examination 
of helmets being sold and marketed to highway users. The proposed 
amendments would incorporate certain physical criteria into FMVSS No. 
218 in order to facilitate simplified test procedures. The physical 
characteristics being proposed are, in NHTSA's view, excellent 
indicators that a helmet will be unable to comply with the impact 
attenuation and penetration tests already incorporated in the standard.
    With the issuance of the NPRM, the agency will simultaneously be 
contacting States with universal helmet laws for feedback on the 
proposals contained herein. Specifically, the agency requests the 
following feedback:
     Does your State's helmet law require use of a DOT-
certified helmet?
     Has your State had difficulty with prosecuting cases 
against users of novelty helmets in the past and, if so, why?
     Has your State had difficulty with prosecuting cases 
against manufacturers of novelty helmets in the past and, if so, why?
     Have law enforcement officers in your state had difficulty 
distinguishing novelty helmets from certified helmets?
     Will these criteria help your state to distinguish novelty 
helmets from certified helmets?
     Will the tools described in the regulatory text be useful 
to you?
     Will you use the tools in the field or during court 
     Do you believe this rule will encourage greater use of 
DOT-certified helmets in your state?
     Are there other actions that NHTSA can take to assist the 
States in this area?
    To the extent that advances in technology and materials may permit 
the development of helmets meeting all the requirements of Standard No. 
218 excluding the proposed preliminary screening requirements, we are 
also proposing to establish an alternative compliance process 
encompassing a petition procedure allowing helmet manufacturers an 
opportunity to establish that a specific helmet design qualifies for 
further testing. In so doing, NHTSA acknowledges that such a petition 
process appears to present an increased burden to both manufacturers 
and the agency. The agency believes, however, that the likelihood that 
the proposed petition process will be frequently employed is small. The 
proposed preliminary screening requirements are quite conservative. We 
believe that it is extremely unlikely that any helmet constructed using 
presently known techniques and materials can meet the performance 
requirements of Standard No. 218 without also complying with the 
proposed preliminary screening requirements.
    The alternative compliance process being proposed allows 
manufacturers to petition the agency and demonstrate that new 
technologies allow their helmets to comply with the requirements of 
S5.2-S5.7 (as renumbered) of the Standard even if they do not meet the 
proposed preliminary screening requirements in S5.1. They do this by 
providing information specified in the proposed Appendix including the 
evidence on which they base their belief that the helmet complies with 
all requirements of S5.2-S5.7. The Agency reviews their petition and 
has an option to conduct validation testing. Manufacturers who have all 
required information on file and whose helmets are determined by the 
agency to be capable of meeting Standard No. 218 S5.2-S5.7 and yet do 
not meet the preliminary screening criteria of S5.1, will be identified 
in an Appendix to the Standard and this information will be made 
available on the NHTSA Web site.
    Adoption of these proposed requirements will also have ancillary 
benefits for State officials charged with enforcing helmet laws 
requiring the use of FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmets. Many States with 
helmet use laws have adopted a requirement that riders subject to the 
law must use a helmet that complies with FMVSS No. 218. Although such a 
requirement advances the laudable goal of ensuring that motorcyclists 
use helmets meeting minimum performance requirements, it creates an 
additional burden for State and local authorities who must enforce 
these helmet laws. In many jurisdictions, establishing a violation 
requires the State to prove either that a rider was not wearing any 
helmet or that the helmet worn by the rider did not meet the 
performance requirements incorporated in the State helmet law. Given 
the popularity of novelty helmets and the widespread availability of 
``DOT'' stickers and other facsimiles of actual manufacturer 
certifications, successful enforcement of such a State helmet law 
requires proof that a particular helmet, even when marked with the 
symbol ``DOT,'' does not meet FMVSS No. 218.
    These helmets are typically not certified by the manufacturer as 
meeting FMVSS No. 218 and are not designed or manufactured to comply 
with FMVSS No. 218. Nonetheless, the availability of misleading look-
alike or ``counterfeit'' certification labels provides users with the 
opportunity to give the helmet the appearance of having been properly 
certified. In jurisdictions where motorcycle helmet laws require the 
use of an FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmet, riders using novelty helmets 
are violating the law. However, proving the violation requires 
establishing that a helmet does not comply with FMVSS No. 218. This can 
be especially difficult when a helmet has a fraudulent certification 
label. Under the current regulations, the only recourse enforcement 
officials may have is to establish that a helmet does not meet the 
performance requirements of FMVSS No. 218. If NHTSA has not tested the 
helmet at issue, State and local officials attempting to establish that 
a helmet does not comply with FMVSS No. 218 are often asked to present 
their own data. Although manufacturers of properly certified helmets 
routinely perform compliance testing before releasing a product for 
sale, such testing is obviously not performed by novelty helmet 
manufacturers claiming their products are not for highway use. If 
agency or manufacturer test data are not available, it is impractical 
to expect State and local enforcement officials to commission or 
perform such tests to prosecute individual cases.
    To reduce NHTSA's test burdens, prevent or reduce the entry of 
novelty helmets into the United States, and assist State and local 
governments with the means to effectively enforce their helmet laws, 
NHTSA undertook an examination of the physical characteristics of 
helmets certified to FMVSS No. 218 and novelty helmets to determine if 
a set of simple criteria could be developed to differentiate between 
the two groups of helmets. In doing so, the agency's goal was to 
develop a test, or set of tests, that would employ commonly available 
tools or measurement devices in a manner that would not impair or 
compromise the performance of the helmet being examined.
    In an effort to reduce the agency's test burden and provide a means 
for State officials and consumers to differentiate compliant and non-
compliant helmets, NHTSA examined the possibility of comparing the 
weight and/or dimensions of the two classes of helmets and positing a 
test based on weight or size. However, because novelty helmets are 
produced in a wide variety of sizes and are not necessarily labeled as 
being a particular size, comparing the weight or exterior dimensions of 
large novelty helmets to

[[Page 29474]]

those of small compliant helmets does not produce meaningful results.
    Next, NHTSA examined the possibility of comparing liners of the two 
classes of helmets. The importance of an energy absorbing liner in 
preventing and reducing brain injuries was first established in the 
United States shortly after World War II by research directed toward 
developing effective protective helmets for military pilots.\50\ Since 
that time, expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam has become the predominant 
helmet liner material in FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmets because it 
combines light weight, manufacturing advantages, affordability, and an 
ability to ``crush'' and absorb energy in an impact. Because some 
amount of ``crush'' in a motorcycle helmet's liner is needed to absorb 
a sufficient amount of energy during a crash, EPS foam liners (or their 
equivalents) must have a certain minimum thickness to prevent or reduce 
injury. Therefore, the configuration and composition of a semi-rigid 
liner is a critical factor in a protective helmet's ability to reduce 
or prevent injury and was considered a potentially useful criterion for 
differentiating novelty helmets from certified helmets.

    \50\ N. Yoganandan et al. (Eds.), FRONTIERS IN HEAD AND NECK 
TRAUMA Clinical and Biomechanical, IOS Press, OHMSHA, 1998, 
retrieved from http://www.smf.org/docs/articles/helmet_development.html, July 18, 2011 (last accessed on 1/19/12).

    NHTSA therefore examined the thickness of the liners, liners and 
shells, and compression characteristics of a sample of motorcycle 
helmets commercially available in 2009 and 2010. Two critical physical 
differences between novelty and FMVSS No. 218 certified helmets were 
revealed: The thickness and compression characteristics of the padding 
and/or energy absorbing material inside the shell of the helmet. 
Novelty helmets are typically manufactured with a relatively thin 
comfort liner between the wearer's head and the exterior shell. These 
comfort liners consist of a layer of cloth immediately next to the 
wearer's head and possibly a thin layer of foam between the cloth and 
the inside of the helmet shell.
    NHTSA attempted to quantify the differences in the thickness and 
response of helmet liner materials to compression in order to determine 
if threshold values for thickness and compression could be identified 
to distinguish certified from novelty helmets. Measurements were taken 
near the apex of 30 helmets obtained from the market place. The apex of 
the helmet is the highest point when a helmet is oriented so the brow 
opening is parallel to the ground. Inner liner thickness was measured 
by inserting a push pin into the liner, marking its depth along the 
shaft of the pin, withdrawing the pin, and measuring the depth of 
penetration to the shell. The combined thickness of the shell and liner 
was measured using digital calipers. The combined thickness of the 
shell and liners were measured before and after being compressed with a 
specified force. In order to measure the thickness when the comfort 
liner was compressed, a 5 pound-force (lbf) (22 Newton (N)) was applied 
using a dial force gauge. This force was selected because it is 
sufficient to distinguish EPS foam from foam that does not have 
sufficient compressive resistance to attenuate energy during an impact, 
not damage the EPS foam, and can readily be achieved using a thumb-
fingertip grip should a gauge not be available.\51\ The purpose of this 
test is to distinguish relatively dense impact attenuating liners, 
typically made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) or urethane, from comfort 
liners made of foams that are easily indented and unable to adequately 
attenuate energy of a head hitting a surface during a crash. The EPS 
and urethane foams do not crush under this very minor force whereas the 
comfort liners typically do.

    \51\ Per MIL-STD-1472F Department of Defense's Design Criteria 
Standard for Human Engineering revised 23 August 1999, data 
contained in Figures 23.

    The tools used to measure helmet characteristics are described in 
Table 4. These tools were selected because they are commercially 
available, relatively inexpensive, and are easy to use. While these 
tools will not measure the criteria with high precision, we believe 
they are minimally sufficient to perform the preliminary screening 
tests proposed in the standard. Other tools may be useful as well. 
Based on useful life, the tool kit in 2012 dollars is estimated to be 
$81.43 per kit per year.

                                    Table 4--Tools Used To Examine the Physical Characteristics of Motorcycle Helmets
             Purpose                    Description                Manufacturer                 Part No.                    Approximate cost
Measure inner liner thickness....  Size 28--1\3/4\ inch  Dritz..........................  6828................  $3.50 for a 40-count pack.
                                    Nickel Plated Steel
Measure combined thickness of      0-8 inch Outside      iGAGING........................  35-OD8..............  $28.00.
 shell & inner liner.               Diameter Caliper.
Apply compressive force to the     Push style force      Wagner Instruments.............  FDK 10..............  $225.
 non impact-attenuating liner.      gauge 1-10 lbf
                                    range 6.3 mm
                                    diameter flat probe.

    NHTSA examined each helmet and took multiple measurements in the 
vicinity of the apex. Two measurements are being reported: Thickness at 
the low end of the range (i.e., a thin location) and thickness at the 
upper end of the range (i.e., a thick location). See Table 5. The 
methodology used was not designed to identify the absolute minimum or 
maximum thickness values, but rather to obtain a general 
characterization of the inner liner, shell, and non-impact attenuating 
liner thicknesses. Summaries are reported in Tables 6 and 7. The 
certified helmets in this group had impact attenuating liners that were 
at least 1 inch (25 mm) thick and an overall thickness from the inside 
of the impact attenuating liner to the outside of the shell measured at 
least 1.1 inch (28 mm). On the other hand, the novelty helmets examined 
had no impact attenuating liners or liners that were less than 0.59 
inch (15 mm) thick and a combined thicknesses of liner and shell that 
measured less than or equal to 0.75 inch (19 mm). The certified helmets 
examined had an inner liner that would not deform when subject to a 
load of 5 lbf (22 N); whereas the liners (inner and comfort) on novelty 
helmets that we examined deformed readily. It is possible to foresee 
that a user of a novelty helmet might mistake the comfort liner of non-
energy attenuating foam for an inner liner; therefore NHTSA measured 
the amount that the liners would deform under such a small load. The 
measurements made on these

[[Page 29475]]

helmets are reported in Table 5. In one case, the comfort liner on the 
novelty helmet deformed 0.6 inch (15.1 mm).

[[Page 29476]]


    In comparison, the liners of helmets certified by manufacturers as 
complying with FMVSS No. 218 are thicker and are composed of materials 
with different physical properties. Certified helmets employ an energy 
absorbing non-resilient material in the helmet liner. Typically, this 
non-resilient liner, which fits between the cloth comfort liner and the 
inside of the helmet shell, is made from a semi-rigid material such as 
EPS or polyurethane foam \52\ that deforms when subjected to certain 
pressure and does not spring back to shape. This semi-rigid foam liners 
in the examined helmets were all greater than 1.0 inch (25 mm) thick 
near the apex of the helmet and did not deform when subjected to a 
force up to 5 lbf (22 N) distributed over a circular area approximately 
\1/4\ inch (6 mm) in diameter. However, at some force greater than 5 
lbf (22 N) over the same area, the certified helmet liners will begin 
to crush or deform.

    \52\ Newman, James A. ``Chapter 14: Biomechanics of Head Trauma: 
Head Protection'' from Nahum, Alan M. and Melvin, John W., ed. 
Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention. 2nd ed. New York: 
Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2002.

    NHTSA is not alone in its efforts to characterize helmet liners. A 
study of helmet design and effectiveness published in the 1990s 
concluded that a helmet must have a combined shell and liner minimum 
thickness of 1.5 inch (40 mm) in order to meet the impact attenuation 
requirements of the then-current Snell M90 standard.\53\ The Snell M90 
standard differs from FMVSS No. 218 in several respects, but the 
general concept that a certain thickness of energy absorbing material 
must be present still prevails. By conducting FMVSS No. 218 compliance 
tests over several decades and recently examining the thickness of 
commercially available motorcycle helmets, NHTSA concludes that those 
helmets meeting the NHTSA standard must have an energy absorbing liner 
that is greater than 0.75 inch (19 mm) thick. Such a liner dissipates 
energy during a crash and allows the wearer's head to come to a stop 
more slowly in order to reduce head injuries. By contrast, novelty 
helmets have very soft liners of foam that cannot absorb energy or 
provide an adequate amount of cushion to a wearer's head during a 

    \53\ Hurt, H.H., Jr. and Thorn, D.R., ``Accident Performance of 
Contemporary Safety Helmets,'' Head and Neck Injuries in Sports, p. 
15. ASTM STP 1229, American Society for Testing and Materials, 
Philadelphia, 1993.

    Based on the examination of these certified and novelty helmets, 
the threshold thickness value of 0.75 inch (19 mm), measured within 4-
inches of the apex, would allow for variability in helmet design, test 
equipment usage, and materials, while serving as an objective thickness 
criterion to distinguish certified from novelty helmets. Accordingly, 
NHTSA proposes to amend FMVSS No. 218 to incorporate a series of simple 
tests that would evaluate the physical characteristics required to meet 
current standards of helmet performance. These tests would serve to 
establish whether further testing is needed to fully and fairly 
determine if a helmet meets the existing performance requirements of 
FMVSS No. 218. Helmets not meeting the proposed requirements would be 
deemed to be non-compliant.\54\ Helmets

[[Page 29477]]

meeting the proposed requirements would be subject to further 
evaluation through laboratory tests to determine if they provide the 
required minimum levels of performance needed to adequately protect 
users. Any helmet with an inner liner that is less than 0.75 inch (19 
mm) thick would be considered incapable of complying with FMVSS No. 
218. Moreover, NHTSA proposes that any helmet with a liner meeting the 
minimum thickness criteria must also be sufficiently resistant to 
deformation to ensure that the liner is capable of some level of energy 
absorption. Finally, because the combined thickness of the liner and 
the shell together is also an excellent predictor that a helmet will be 
unable to comply with the performance requirements of FMVSS No. 218, 
NHTSA also proposes that any helmet whose combined shell and inner 
liner thickness is less than 1 inch (25 mm) and whose liner meets the 
same resistance to deformation would also presumably not be able to 
comply with the standard. NHTSA seeks comments and data from helmet 
manufacturers of compliant helmets pertaining to the thickness of 
impact attenuating liners and of shell and liner combinations.

    \54\ Excluding helmets that have been listed in Appendix B of 
FMVSS No. 218 as discussed elsewhere in this document.

    The aforementioned criteria are of little use to NHTSA or to State 
and local law enforcement officials if tools and techniques for 
ascertaining helmet inner liner thickness and composition are not 
readily available or are only available at significant cost. Similarly, 
the procedures employed in examining helmets should not be complex. 
Accordingly, this preamble discusses tests that could be performed on 
easily accessible areas of a helmet using simple tools and provides a 
guideline that could be adapted to reference cards carried by law 
enforcement personnel conducting traffic stops.
    Inner liner thickness could be measured in a number of ways. One 
method could be to penetrate the helmet liner with a pin, needle, or 
similarly small diameter wire probe until the inside of the helmet 
shell is reached and measuring the depth of the penetration. NHTSA is 
confident that measurements of inner liner thickness taken in this 
fashion will not impair helmet performance and that a single 
penetration, or a limited number of similar penetrations, of the energy 
attenuating foam liners employed in compliant motorcycle helmets by a 
pin, needle or other small diameter probe would not degrade a helmet's 
ability to protect a user in a crash. Because we recognize that some 
organizations may be reluctant to conduct such a test, we request 
comment on this method of measuring inner liner thickness, its 
potential impact on helmet performance and any alternative means that 
may be employed using simple tools to readily and accurately find liner 
    NHTSA is also proposing a measure of the combined thickness of the 
outer shell and inner liner as another means of identifying helmets 
that do not comply with FMVSS No. 218. As discussed above, the combined 
shell and inner liner thickness are good predictors of how well a 
helmet will perform in compliance testing. Because the combination of 
the outer shell and the impact absorbing inner liner are critical 
determinants of a helmets' ability to meet the performance requirements 
of FMVSS No. 218, NHTSA proposes that any helmet whose outer shell and 
liner are less than 25 mm (1 inch) thick would not comply with FMVSS 
No. 218. This measurement could be taken using a large caliper. Another 
method would be to place a helmet on a headform or stand so that the 
inner liner is seated against that stand, measure the combined height 
of the helmet and the stand, and then remove the helmet and measure the 
height of the stand alone. The difference between the two measurements 
would yield the thickness of the combined shell and liner.
    Measuring inner liner thickness, or combined shell and inner liner 
thickness, represents only one component of a test for identifying 
helmets that do not comply with FMVSS No. 218. NHTSA proposes a second 
component of this test that involves examining the resistance of helmet 
liners to crush when low forces are applied. This technique is useful 
because, as previously explained, novelty helmets have thin, non-
substantial inner liners that are too soft to absorb energy if they 
have any liner at all. NHTSA is proposing guidance stating that an 
inner liner that meets the appropriate thickness requirements but which 
may be deformed \1/12\ inch (2 mm) by the application of a force 
between 1 lbf (4.4 N) and 5 lbf (22 N) distributed over a circle 
approximately 0.20-0.30 inch (5-7 mm) in diameter is incapable of 
complying with FMVSS No. 218. The area over which the proposed force 
would be applied is the diameter of most common pencils. The specified 
force range of 1 lbf (4.4 N) to 5 lbf (22 N) is sufficient to deform 
soft liners and may be applied using a weighted probe or a dial 
indicator force gauge.\55\ The amount of deformation of the inner liner 
could be ascertained either by observation or by measurement using a 
small ruler or use of the force gauge and calipers in combination. By 
examining and testing novelty and certified helmets, NHTSA has observed 
the force proposed produces little to no deformation on the impact 
absorbing liners made of EPS or urethane in helmets meeting FMVSS No. 
218, while novelty helmets with thick soft ``comfort'' liners 
experience a noticeable degree of deformation. Again, NHTSA requests 
comments on the means employed to make this measurement.

    \55\ Mechanical dial force gauges suitable for this measurement 
may be acquired for approximately $225. An example of one such gauge 
is found at http://www.wagnerinstruments.com/force_gauges/fdk_mechanical_dial_force_gauge.php (last accessed on 1/19/12).

    To reduce the possibility of error caused by variations in helmet 
designs, NHTSA is proposing that the measurements of inner liner 
thickness, combined helmet/inner liner thickness and inner liner 
compression characteristics be conducted in a limited area near the 
crown or apex of the helmet. Helmets providing the minimum level of 
impact and penetration resistance required to meet FMVSS No. 218 must 
have a robust shell and liner in this area. In addition, the test area 
proposed in this document is intended to be located, measured and 
marked using simple tools that are readily available at low cost. This 
is best achieved by focusing at the topmost area of the helmet. 
Finally, it is not NHTSA's intention to discourage manufacturers from 
designing helmets with ventilation channels. NHTSA requests feedback 
about the following issues as they relate to this proposal:
     How will the proposed measurements be affected by the 
presence of ventilation channels?
     How will the proposed measurements stand up to the effects 
of wear and aging on certified motorcycle helmets?
     Will compliant motorcycle helmets that are currently 
manufactured meet the newly proposed performance requirements?
     What emerging motorcycle helmet technologies will be 
affected if this proposal moves forward?
    The proposal specifies that the measurements of inner liner 
thickness, combined shell and inner liner thickness and inner liner 
resilience be made within a circular zone having a 4 inch (104 mm) 
radius centered at the apex of the helmet. We are proposing the term 
``inner liner'' to mean an energy absorbing material that is molded to 
conform to the inner shape of the helmet's shell and serves to protect

[[Page 29478]]

the user's head from impact forces during a crash. We are also 
proposing the term ``apex'' to mean the upper most point on the shell 
of the helmet when the helmet is oriented such that that brow opening 
is parallel to the ground. The agency does not intend that measurements 
must be made with such precision that they could only be taken at a 
single point. Instead, we are proposing that measurements be taken 
within a circle centered on the apex. The center point of this circle 
need not be precisely located at the single point constituting the 
``apex'' of a helmet. To that end, we solicit comments on using an 
alternative definition for the topmost area of a helmet, including the 
use of the term ``crown'' to designate the measurement area. 
Alternatively, we also solicit comments on locating the center of the 
measurement circle within a specified tolerance range--i.e. a 4 inch 
(104 mm) radius of the actual apex. Once the approximate location of 
the apex is determined, a flexible cloth tape may be used to measure 
the outer bounds of the circular measurement area. Alternatively, a 
circle having a 4 inch (104 mm) radius cut out of a flexible material 
capable of conforming to the contours of the liner could be employed 
for the same purpose. Helmet measurements would be made within this 
    NHTSA's intention is that thickness measurements are made along the 
shortest line that passes through the helmet to measure the thinnest 
cross section and avoid artificially inflating the thickness. 
Therefore, we propose that this measurement be made along a line that 
is at or near perpendicular to a plane tangent to a point on the outer 
shell near the apex of the helmet. We are proposing to add to FMVSS No. 
218, a figure of an exemplar helmet to demonstrate the general location 
and meaning of these terms, so the public will know where and how the 
measurement should be made and a new Table 3 to specify which 
certification label is required based on the helmet's manufacture date.
    NHTSA is also proposing the establishment of an alternative 
compliance process for manufacturers whose helmets do not meet the 
aforementioned preliminary screening criteria, to prove that their 
products are capable of meeting the remaining requirements of Standard 
No. 218. As noted above, we are proposing this process to ensure that 
the preliminary screening criteria do not stifle advances in helmet 
technology and materials. To accomplish this end, the Agency proposes 
that manufacturers of advanced technology helmets that do not meet the 
preliminary screening criteria be allowed to petition the agency for a 
determination that a particular helmet is capable of meeting S5.2-S5.7 
(as renumbered) of the Standard.
    The proposed requirements for such a petition are straightforward 
and stated in the proposed regulatory section (Appendix B) of this 
document. Manufacturers of helmets, including importers of helmets, 
would be eligible to file a petition provided that such manufacturer or 
importer has identified itself to NHTSA in compliance with 49 CFR part 
566 and, in the case of helmets manufactured outside of the United 
States, the manufacturer of the helmet has designated a U.S. agent for 
service of process as required by subpart D of 49 CFR part 551 (49 CFR 
551.45 et seq.). Petitions must be in writing, be written in English, 
properly identify the manufacturer of the helmet, provide contact 
information for the petitioner and identify the precise model and name 
brand of the helmet at issue. Petitioners would be required to submit 
test data, photographs, videos, and other evidence establishing that 
the helmet at issue is capable of meeting the requirements of Standard 
No. 218 with the exception of the proposed preliminary screening 
criteria of S5.1. Petitions that are incomplete or fail to comply with 
any of the foregoing requirements would be rejected. Otherwise, the 
Agency will seek to inform the manufacturer not later than 60 days 
after receipt of the written submission, if the information is 
    If the petition is complete, NHTSA's review of the petition may, at 
the agency's discretion, result in subsequent testing of sample 
helmets. If NHTSA is unable to obtain sample helmets that are the 
subject of the petition, it will reject the request. If the Agency 
determines that a particular model helmet that does not comply with the 
preliminary screening requirements of S5.1 is otherwise capable of 
meeting Standard No. 218, it will publish this determination in the 
Federal Register and make a copy of the determination available on the 
agency's Web site. The brand name, model and size of any helmet not 
meeting the preliminary screening requirements of S5.1 that is 
determined by NHTSA to be capable of meeting Standard No. 218 will be 
published in an appendix to Standard No. 218 and be made available on 
the Agency's Web site.
    The proposed petition process would also allow for termination or 
modification of a determination if doing so is in the public interest, 
if additional information indicates that the determination was 
erroneous or if the petition was granted on the basis of false, 
fraudulent or misleading information.
    If adopted, the petition process proposed here would exist 
alongside existing provisions that offer similar relief. Manufacturers 
of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, along with other 
interested parties, currently have the ability to petition NHTSA to 
initiate rulemaking to amend a safety standard under 49 CFR part 552. 
Therefore, a helmet manufacturer that has developed new materials or 
technologies allowing the use of thinner helmet liners than those 
currently needed to meet Standard No. 218 could address their inability 
to meet the proposed preliminary screening requirements through a 
petition for rulemaking rather than the special petition procedures 
being proposed in this document. We therefore note that NHTSA may 
decide that the proposed petition process described above may not be 
needed and may be deleted from a final rule.
    NHTSA solicits comments on the proposed petition process in general 
and the following specific issues related to this portion of our 
     Are the existing provisions of part 552 adequate to 
minimize or alleviate the risk that the proposed preliminary screening 
requirements for helmets would stifle innovation?
     What is the likelihood that new cost effective 
technologies or materials would allow for helmet liners to meet the 
performance requirements of Standard No. 218 while not meeting the 
preliminary screening requirements proposed in this document?
     What means should the Agency employ to ensure that helmet 
users and state and local law enforcement agencies are adequately 
informed about determinations made under the proposed petition process?

V. Effective Date

    NHTSA is proposing a lead time of two years from the publication of 
the final rule for manufacturers to comply with the new requirements. 
Based on NHTSA's survey of helmets, NHTSA believes that helmets 
currently sold in the market place will comply with the new screening 
criteria; however, responsible manufacturers may wish to submit their 
products to independent laboratories to generate data on which they 
base their certification. The agency believes that a lead time of two 
years to be a sufficient and reasonable time to allow the manufacturers 
the opportunity

[[Page 29479]]

to recertify their products to the updated regulations.

VI. Benefits/Costs

    To calculate the benefits and costs of this proposed rulemaking, 
the agency has prepared a Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis 
(PRIA). The results of the PRIA indicate that the proposed rule is 
cost-effective. The goal of this rule is have motorcyclists wearing 
novelty helmets switch to FMVSS No. 218-certified helmets (certified 
helmets). Depending on the degree of effectiveness of the rule, the 
costs and benefits can vary substantially. The benefits and costs of 
the proposal depend on how many additional motorcycle riders change 
from wearing novelty helmets to wearing certified helmets in States 
that have a Universal Helmet Laws beyond the benefits estimated for the 
final rule that becomes effective on May 13, 2013.\56\ This NPRM 
proposes two amendments to FMVSS No. 218 that affect the benefits 
calculation: Inclusion of a definition of ``motorcycle helmet'' and the 
addition of dimensional and compression requirements to identify 
helmets that, under the current state of the art of helmet design and 
construction, would not be capable of complying with FMVSS No. 218 
because they lack characteristics needed to absorb and dissipate impact 

    \56\ Office of Regulatory Analysis and Evaluation, National 
Center for Statistics and Analysis, ``Final Regulatory Evaluation: 
FMVSS No. 218 Motorcycle Helmet Labeling,'' May 2011, Docket NHTSA-

    The benefit of the proposed definition is seen to the extent that 
it clarifies and supports the other actions in this proposed rule, and 
the benefits and costs of such will not be estimated independently in 
this analysis. The preliminary screening requirements will be 
beneficial to enforcement. The costs and benefits of the proposal are 
described in detail in the accompanying PRIA.
    Behavioral change among motorcycle riders as a result of the rule 
is difficult to predict. However, the agency believes that this 
proposal would further improve the ability to enforce helmet laws and 
that an additional 5 to 10 percent of the novelty helmet users in 
States that have a Universal Helmet Law would eventually make a switch 
to avoid being ticketed or fined, and that this is a modest and 
achievable projection. In addition, the analysis also estimates the 
maximum potential benefit of the rule which corresponds to a 
hypothetical scenario of all novelty helmet users in States that have 
universal helmet laws becoming 218-certified helmet users (the 100-
percent scenario). Note that this 100-percent scenario is considered 
theoretical since some novelty-helmeted motorcyclists would still be 
expected to circumvent the helmet laws by continuing taking the risk of 
wearing novelty helmets. Therefore, the estimated costs and benefits 
for the 100-percent scenario are not used (and not appropriate) for 
determining the effects of the proposed rule. However, they do indicate 
the potential savings in social costs that are offered by FMVSS No. 
218-compliant helmets and the importance of educating the public to 
this potential.
    The following table lists the discounted injury benefits from lives 
saved and monetized savings. It excludes benefits from non-fatal 
injuries prevented and any utility lost by novelty helmet riders who 
switch to FMVSS 218 compliant helmets. Since any such utility is 
obtained in violation of State law, its status is uncertain. See ``Non-
quantified Impacts'' section of the PRIA for further discussion. The 
lower bounds represent the savings for the 7 percent discount rate and 
the higher bounds represent savings for the 3 percent discount rate. In 
addition to discount rates, the estimated benefit ranges also reflect 
two different approaches that were used to derive the benefit target 
population and the injury risk reduction rates as described in the 
accompanying PRIA. Furthermore, due to great uncertainty in deriving 
the estimated portion of non-fatal injuries attributed to the head, the 
benefits attributed to non-fatal head injuries are not quantified in 
this analysis.\57\

    \57\ See Chapter IV, Benefits of the Preliminary Regulatory 
Evaluation, FMVSS No. 218 Motorcycle Helmet Labeling (Docket No. 
NHTSA-2011-0050-0001). Based on 2003-2005 Crash Outcome Data 
Evaluation System (CODES) data from Maryland, Utah and Wisconsin, 
and 2005-2007 NASS-GES.

                                Table 8--Discounted Benefits of the Proposed Rule
                                           [Millions of 2012 dollars]
                                                                                                 Total benefits
                                       Number of lives   Societal economic     VSL benefits     from fatalities
                                            saved             benefits                             prevented
5-percent scenario..................               9-22          $3.0-$7.4       $92.9-$211.9       $95.9-$219.3
10-percent scenario.................              19-43           6.4-14.4        185.8-423.9        192.2-438.3
100-percent scenario................            186-433         62.5-145.4    1,819.3-4,247.4    1,881.7-4,392.7
VSL: Value of statistical life.
Note: The lower bounds represent the estimated benefits at a 7 discount rate and the higher bounds represent the
  estimated benefits at a 3 percent discount rate. Additionally, the wide range of benefits also reflects the
  two approaches that were used for deriving the benefit target population and risk reduction rates.

    The regulatory costs of the proposed rule are derived from the 
incremental cost increase due to purchasing a 218-certified helmet 
versus a novelty helmet, and the cost of State and local law 
enforcement acquiring preliminary screening tools.
    The incremental cost per replaced novelty helmet is estimated to be 
$48.92. The estimated costs of the proposed rule are based on 5 percent 
and 10 percent of consumers in Law States replacing novelty helmets 
with compliant helmets. The estimated consumer cost ranged from $0.6 
million to $1.2 million, where 12,150 to 24,300 novelty helmets would 
be replaced by compliant helmets. Under the maximum benefit scenario in 
which 100 percent of novelty helmet users would switch to compliant 
helmets, the incremental cost to consumers is $11.9 million, where 
243,000 novelty helmets would be replaced by compliant helmets.
    The cost of the preliminary screening tool kit is estimated to be 
$81.43 per kit per year,\58\ for a total cost of $0.6 million

[[Page 29480]]

(assuming each of the 7,214 State and local law enforcement agencies in 
only the States that require motorcycle helmet use will purchase one 
screening tool kit).

    \58\ A complete kit includes three tools. We estimated the cost 
is $264.67 per complete kit. The total first year investment in 
screening tools for the 7,214 State and local law enforcement 
agencies would be $1.9 million. Because one of the tools would need 
to be replaced only every five years, one-fifth cost for that 
specific component was used for estimating for the annual costs of 
the screening tools. In other words, the difference between the 
first year cost and the annual cost is the allocation of the tool 
costs over their useful life.

    The total regulatory cost of the proposed rule including the cost 
of novelty helmet replacement and screening tool kits ranged from $1.2 
million to $1.8 million. For achieving the maximum benefit (i.e., 100-
percent scenario), the estimated total regulatory cost is $12.5 

                                 Table 9--Regulatory Costs of the Proposed Rule
                                           [Millions of 2012 dollars]
                                      Number of novelty    Total cost of      Annual cost of
                                       helmets assumed   replacing novelty   screening tools    Total regulatory
                                        to be replaced       helmets *              **                cost
5-percent scenario..................             12,150               $0.6               $0.6               $1.2
10-percent scenario.................             24,300                1.2                0.6                1.8
100-percent scenario................            243,000               11.9                0.6               12.5
* $48.92 per minimally-compliant helmet which replace novelty helmets.
** $81.43 per screening tool kit per year.

    The net benefit of the proposed rule is the regulatory cost minus 
the societal economic savings. The societal economic savings is greater 
than the regulatory cost for all three scenarios.

VII. Public Participation

How do I prepare and submit comments?

    Your comments must be written and in English. To ensure that your 
comments are filed correctly in the docket, please include the docket 
identification number of this document in your comments. Your comments 
must not be more than 15 pages long. (49 CFR 553.21) NHTSA established 
this limit to encourage you to write your primary comments in a concise 
fashion. However, you may attach necessary additional documents to your 
comments. There is no limit on the length of the attachments. Please 
note that pursuant to the Data Quality Act, in order for substantive 
data to be relied upon and used by the agency, it must meet the 
information quality standards set forth in the OMB and DOT Data Quality 
Act guidelines. Accordingly, we encourage you to consult the guidelines 
in preparing your comments. OMB's guidelines may be accessed at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/fedreg/reproducible.html.

How do I submit confidential business information?

    If you wish to submit any information under a claim of 
confidentiality, you should submit three copies of your complete 
submission, including the information you claim to be confidential 
business information, to the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the address given 
above under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. In addition, you should 
submit a copy, from which you have deleted the claimed confidential 
business information, to the docket at the address given above under 
ADDRESSES. When you send a comment containing information claimed to be 
confidential business information, you should include a cover letter 
setting forth the information specified in NHTSA's confidential 
business information regulation (49 CFR part 512).

Will the Agency consider late comments?

    NHTSA will consider all comments received before the close of 
business on the comment closing date indicated above under DATES. To 
the extent possible, the agency will also consider comments that the 
docket receives after that date. If the docket receives a comment too 
late for the agency to consider it in developing a final rule (assuming 
that one is issued), the agency will consider that comment as an 
informal suggestion for future rulemaking action.

How can I read the comments submitted by other people?

    You may read the comments received by the docket at the address 
given above under ADDRESSES. The hours of the docket are indicated 
above in the same location. You may also read the comments on the 
internet. Please note that even after the comment closing date, NHTSA 
will continue to file relevant information in the docket as it becomes 
available. Further, some people may submit late comments. Accordingly, 
the agency recommends that you periodically check the docket for new 
material. You can arrange with the docket to be notified when others 
file comments in the docket. See http://www.regulations.gov for more 
information. Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all 
comments received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf 
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's 
complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on 
April 11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477-78).

VIII. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices

A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures

    The agency has considered the impact of this rulemaking action 
under Executive Order 12866 and the Department of Transportation's 
regulatory policies and procedures. This rulemaking is economically 
significant and was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget 
under E.O. 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and Review.'' The rulemaking 
action has also been determined to be significant under the 
Department's regulatory policies and procedures. NHTSA has placed in 
the docket a Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis describing the 
costs and benefits of this rulemaking action and summarized those 
findings in Section V titled Benefits/Costs.

B. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601 et 
seq., as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act (SBREFA) of 1996), whenever an agency is required to publish a 
notice of proposed rulemaking or final rule, it must prepare and make 
available for public comment a regulatory flexibility analysis that 
describes the effect of the rule on small entities (i.e., small 
businesses, small organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions). 
The Small Business Administration's regulations at 13 CFR part 121 
define a small business, in part, as a business

[[Page 29481]]

entity ``which operates primarily within the United States.'' (13 CFR 
121.105(a)). No regulatory flexibility analysis is required if the head 
of an agency certifies the rule will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. SBREFA amended the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act to require federal agencies to provide a 
statement of the factual basis for certifying that a rule will not have 
a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    NHTSA has considered the effects of this proposed rule under the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act. Manufacturers not currently producing 
compliant helmets that switch to manufacturing compliant helmets will 
recapture the increased costs associated with manufacturing such 
compliant helmets as reflected in this analysis. Small entities selling 
motorcycle equipment and accessories would be precluded from selling 
non-compliant novelty helmets but would still have the ability to 
obtain and sell compliant helmets from numerous suppliers and 
wholesalers. Similarly, to the extent that there are any small entities 
whose business is based solely on the sale of non-compliant novelty 
helmets, these entities would be able to obtain, market and sell 
compliant helmets. I certify that this proposed rule would not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

C. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)

    NHTSA has examined this proposed rule pursuant to Executive Order 
13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999) and concluded that no additional 
consultation with States, local governments or their representatives is 
mandated beyond the rulemaking process. The proposed rule does not 
directly require a state or local government entity to take any action 
or refrain from acting. This proposed rule would not alter the 
relationship between the national government and the States or the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
government. To the extent that any state is impacted by this proposed 
rule, the principal effect of today's proposed rule will be to assist 
mandatory helmet law states in enforcing helmet laws requiring 
motorcyclists to wear helmets complying with FMVSS No. 218. As noted 
above, NHTSA consulted with certain state officials regarding 
enforcement of such laws prior to issuing this proposed rule. The 
agency has concluded that the rulemaking would not have sufficient 
federalism implications to warrant further consultation with State and 
local officials or the preparation of a federalism summary impact 
    NHTSA rules can preempt in two ways. First, the National Traffic 
and Motor Vehicle Safety Act contains an express preemption provision: 
When a motor vehicle safety standard is in effect under this chapter, a 
State or a political subdivision of a State may prescribe or continue 
in effect a standard applicable to the same aspect of performance of a 
motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment only if the standard is 
identical to the standard prescribed under this chapter. 49 U.S.C. 
30103(b)(1). It is this statutory command by Congress that preempts any 
non-identical State legislative and administrative law addressing the 
same aspect of performance.
    The express preemption provision described above is subject to a 
savings clause under which ``[c]ompliance with a motor vehicle safety 
standard prescribed under this chapter does not exempt a person from 
liability at common law.'' 49 U.S.C. 30103(e). Pursuant to this 
provision, State common law tort causes of action against motor vehicle 
manufacturers that might otherwise be preempted by the express 
preemption provision are generally preserved. However, the Supreme 
Court has recognized the possibility, in some instances, of implied 
preemption of such State common law tort causes of action by virtue of 
NHTSA's rules, even if not expressly preempted. This second way that 
NHTSA rules can preempt is dependent upon there being an actual 
conflict between an FMVSS and the higher standard that would 
effectively be imposed on motor vehicle manufacturers if someone 
obtained a State common law tort judgment against the manufacturer, 
notwithstanding the manufacturer's compliance with the NHTSA standard. 
Because most NHTSA standards established by an FMVSS are minimum 
standards, a State common law tort cause of action that seeks to impose 
a higher standard on motor vehicle manufacturers will generally not be 
preempted. However, if and when such a conflict does exist--for 
example, when the standard at issue is both a minimum and a maximum 
standard--the State common law tort cause of action is impliedly 
preempted. See Geier v. American Honda Motor Co., 529 U.S. 861 (2000).
    Pursuant to Executive Order 13132 and 12988, NHTSA has considered 
whether this proposed rule could or should preempt State common law 
causes of action. The agency's ability to announce its conclusion 
regarding the preemptive effect of one of its rules reduces the 
likelihood that preemption will be an issue in any subsequent tort 
    To this end, the agency has examined the nature (e.g., the language 
and structure of the regulatory text) and objectives of today's 
proposed rule and finds that this proposed rule, like many NHTSA rules, 
prescribes only a minimum safety standard. As such, NHTSA does not 
intend that this proposed rule preempt State tort law that would 
effectively impose a higher standard on motor vehicle equipment 
manufacturers than that established by today's proposed rule. 
Establishment of a higher standard by means of State tort law would not 
conflict with the minimum standard announced here. Without any 
conflict, there could not be any implied preemption of a State common 
law tort cause of action.

D. Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform)

    With respect to the review of the promulgation of a new regulation, 
section 3(b) of Executive Order 12988, ``Civil Justice Reform'' (61 FR 
4729, February 7, 1996) requires that Executive agencies make every 
reasonable effort to ensure that the regulation: (1) Clearly specifies 
the preemptive effect; (2) clearly specifies the effect on existing 
federal law or regulation; (3) provides a clear legal standard for 
affected conduct, while promoting simplification and burden reduction; 
(4) clearly specifies the retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately 
defines key terms; and (6) addresses other important issues affecting 
clarity and general draftsmanship under any guidelines issued by the 
Attorney General. This document is consistent with that requirement.
    Pursuant to this Order, NHTSA notes as follows. The preemptive 
effect of this proposed rule is discussed above. NHTSA notes further 
that there is no requirement that individuals submit a petition for 
reconsideration or pursue other administrative proceeding before they 
may file suit in court.

E. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    Under the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 
(NTTAA) (Pub. L. 104-113), ``all Federal agencies and departments shall 
use technical standards that are developed or adopted by voluntary 
consensus standards bodies, using such technical standards as a means 
to carry out policy objectives or activities determined by the agencies 
and departments.''

[[Page 29482]]

Voluntary consensus standards are technical standards (e.g., materials 
specifications, test methods, sampling procedures, and business 
practices) that are developed or adopted by voluntary consensus 
standards bodies, such as the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). 
The NTTAA directs us to provide Congress, through OMB, explanations 
when we decide not to use available and applicable voluntary consensus 
    FMVSS No. 218 is largely based on ANSI Z90.1-1971, ``Specifications 
for Protective Headgear for Vehicular Users,'' and incorporates the SAE 
Recommended Practice J211 MAR 95, ``Instrumentation for Impact Test--
Part 1--Electronic Instrumentation,'' both of which are voluntary 
consensus standards. While the Snell Memorial Foundation also produces 
helmet specifications (e.g., the 2005 and 2010 Helmet Standards for use 
in Motorcycling), the agency continues to base its standard on the ANSI 
specification, as the purpose of this rulemaking action is to make 
minor changes and clarifications to the standard for labeling and 
enforcement purposes, and we have not analyzed the effectiveness of the 
Snell standard.
    Paragraph 2 of the definition of ``motorcycle helmet'' proposed in 
this document employs compliance with voluntary standards for 
protective helmets (other than motorcycle helmets) as a means of 
delineating those helmets that are not motorcycle helmets subject to 
NHTSA's jurisdiction.

F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires agencies to 
prepare a written assessment of the costs, benefits and other effects 
of proposed or final rules that include a federal mandate likely to 
result in the expenditure by State, local or tribal governments, in the 
aggregate, or by the private sector, of more than $100 million annually 
(adjusted for inflation with base year of 1995).
    Adjusting this amount by the implicit gross domestic product price 
deflator for the year 2012 results in $141 million (115.366/81.602 = 
1.414). The assessment may be included in conjunction with other 
assessments, as it is here.
    This proposed rule would not result in expenditures by State, local 
or tribal governments of more than $141 million annually as the Federal 
government (1) is not requiring States to purchase all of the 
preliminary screening tools described in the cost section and (2) 
provides grants to States for other motorcycle safety related programs 
and would likely aid in offsetting the costs estimated in this 

G. National Environmental Policy Act

    NHTSA has analyzed this rulemaking action for the purposes of the 
National Environmental Policy Act. The agency has determined that 
implementation of this action would not have any significant impact on 
the quality of the human environment.

H. Paperwork Reduction Act

    Under the procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995 (PRA), a person is not required to respond to a collection of 
information by a Federal agency unless the collection displays a valid 
OMB control number. The proposed rule would require manufacturers of 
motorcycle helmets to submit a petition and provide data on motorcycle 
helmets to NHTSA if they wish to utilize the alternative compliance 
path proposed in this NPRM.
    In compliance with the PRA, we announce that NHTSA is seeking 
comment on a new information collection.
    Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
    Title: 49 CFR 571.218 Motorcycle helmets.
    OMB Control Number: Not assigned.
    Form Number: The collection of this information uses no standard 
    Requested Expiration Date of Approval: Three years from the date of 
Summary of the Collection of Information
    NHTSA is proposing a new requirement in section 571.218 which would 
permit manufacturers of motorcycle helmets to petition the agency 
regarding their belief that their helmet meets the requirements of 
FMVSS No. 218, excluding the proposed S5.1 which contains preliminary 
screening requirements. This collection of information would be used by 
the agency to evaluate the manufacturers' claims and determine if 
confirmation testing of their product is warranted. If the information 
submitted to the agency by the manufacturer together with confirmation 
testing, shows the helmet that is the subject of the petition can meet 
the requirement of FMVSS No. 218, the brand, model, and size of the 
helmet will be added to an appendix in the standard and the information 
will be published in the docket for public reference.
    The information would be provided by manufacturers to NHTSA under a 
reporting requirement that allows them an alternate process in lieu of 
complying with S5.1(a) through S5.1(c). NHTSA would make the 
manufacturer's submission available to the public via the Internet if 
it can be supported by NHTSA testing.
Estimated Annual Burden
    The total estimated annual burden to manufacturers is based on the 
cost to manufacturers to review the regulatory text, conduct testing of 
their products, complete and review the collection of information, and 
transmitting that information to NHTSA.
    The cost to review the collection requirement is small. The 
collection requirement is documented in FMVSS No. 218, Appendix B which 
will be publicly available through the Internet once the rule is 
finalized. It is estimated that a management level employee will spend 
less than one hour reviewing the regulatory text pertaining to the 
optional reporting requirement. The labor rate for this type of manager 
is $62.19 per hour \59\ to which we have applied a fringe-benefit 
factor of 0.41 \60\ and an overhead factor of 0.17 to obtain a fully 
loaded staff cost per hour of $102.59 for engineering managers.

    \59\ Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2011 for Standard 
Occupational Classification Code 11-9041 Architectural and 
Engineering Managers, http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes119041.htm, 
last accessed on May 31, 2012.
    \60\ BLS, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, May 2010.

    Second, we considered the cost burden imposed by the proposed 
petition process for motorcycle helmets which requires testing of 
products. However, testing of products is usual and customary for 
manufacturers of motorcycle helmets wishing to introduce their products 
into interstate commerce in the United States. Responsible 
manufacturers conduct tests during the development phase of their 
product and again prior to the introduction of their product to market 
as well as throughout production. Per 49 U.S.C. 30115, manufacturers 
shall exercise reasonable care in certifying that their equipment 
complies with applicable FMVSS. This testing often serves, in part, as 
the basis for exercising reasonable care that their products comply 
with FMVSS 218. However, the proposed process requests that 
photographic and video documentation of the testing be provided, which 
is typically more documentation than is obtained during a standard 
helmet test. A motorcycle helmet test of four samples is estimated to 
cost $1,500 and this additional requirement is estimated to cost 
approximately 7% more than a standard

[[Page 29483]]

test, which can be attributed to initial purchase of video recording 
equipment, and recurring costs associated with recording media, labor 
to execute the recording, and profit. Since the base cost ($1,500) is 
considered usual and customary, it will not be factored into the 
estimated annual burden; yet, the additional burden ($100 for each 
unique shell/liner combination and model) will be included into the 
burden for the collection requirement.
    Next, the cost to complete and review the collection of information 
is expected to require 15 hours of technical labor which costs $40.17 
\61\/hour to which we have applied a fringe-benefit factor of 0.41 and 
an overhead factor of 0.17 to obtain a fully loaded staff cost per hour 
of $66.27 for engineering managers and one hour of fully loaded 
managerial labor ($102.59/hour) for a total cost of $1,096.64.

    \61\ Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2011 for Standard 
Occupational Classification Code 17-2141 Mechanical Engineers, 
http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes172141.htm, last accessed on May 
31, 2012.

    Finally, the cost to transmit the data to the agency using a 
contract carrier is expected to be $10.
    Therefore, the total estimated cost burden to each manufacturer who 
chooses to pursue this alternative compliance process is $1,206.64 and 
the total number of burden hours is 16 per company. Given an annual 
estimate of three respondents, the total cost burden to manufacturers 
is $3,619.92 and 48 hours.
Estimated Annual Cost to the Government
    The estimated annual cost to the Federal Government is $9,500. This 
cost includes approximately $4,500 for enforcement testing and 
approximately $5,000 annually to process, respond to, and publish 
determinations for the anticipated respondents.
Estimated Number of Respondents
    Because this option is being included in the NPRM as a means 
facilitating the introduction of innovative helmet technologies and 
materials, it is anticipated that approximately three companies will 
attempt to pursue this option on an annual basis.
Comments Are Invited On
    Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the 
proper performance of the functions of the Department, including 
whether the information will have practical utility; the accuracy of 
the Department's estimate of the burden of the proposed information 
collection; ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and ways to minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on respondents, including the use of 
automated collection techniques or other forms of information 
technology. Please submit any comments to the NHTSA Docket Number 
referenced in the heading of this document, and to Claudia Covell as 
referenced in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this 

I. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)

    The Department of Transportation assigns a regulation identifier 
number (RIN) to each regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda of 
Federal Regulations. The Regulatory Information Service Center 
publishes the Unified Agenda in April and October of each year. You may 
use the RIN contained in the heading at the beginning of this document 
to find this action in the Unified Agenda.

List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 571

    Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles, Tires.

    In consideration of the foregoing, NHTSA proposes to amend 49 CFR 
part 571 as set forth below.


1. The authority citation for part 571 of title 49 continues to read as 

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117, and 30166; 
delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95.

2. Amend Sec.  571.218 by:
a. Revising S1;
b. Revising S3;
c. Adding definitions of ``Apex'', ``Inner Liner'', and ``Motorcycle 
Helmet'' in alphabetical order in S4;
d. Revising S5;
e. Redesignating S5.1 through S5.7 as follows:

            Old section                           New section
                    S5.1                                 S5.2
                    S5.2                                 S5.3
                    S5.3                                 S5.4
                  S5.3.1                               S5.4.1
                  S5.3.2                               S5.4.2
                    S5.4                                 S5.5
                    S5.5                                 S5.6
                    S5.6                                 S5.7
                  S5.6.1                               S5.7.1
                    S5.7                                 S5.8

f. Adding S5.1;
g. Revising S6;
h. Revising S6.3.2;
i. Revising the introductory text of S6.4.1;
j. Revising S6.4.2;
k. Redesignating S7.1 through S7.3.4 as follows:

            Old section                           New section
                    S7.1                                 S7.2
                  S7.1.1                               S7.2.1
                  S7.1.2                               S7.2.2
                  S7.1.3                               S7.2.3
                  S7.1.4                               S7.2.4
                  S7.1.5                               S7.2.5
                  S7.1.6                               S7.2.6
                  S7.1.7                               S7.2.7
                  S7.1.8                               S7.2.8
                  S7.1.9                               S7.2.9
                 S7.1.10                              S7.2.10
                 S7.1.11                              S7.2.11
                    S7.2                                 S7.3
                  S7.2.1                               S7.3.1
                  S7.2.2                               S7.3.2
                  S7.2.3                               S7.3.3
                  S7.2.4                               S7.3.4
                  S7.2.5                               S7.3.5
                  S7.2.6                               S7.3.6
                  S7.2.7                               S7.3.7
                  S7.2.8                               S7.3.8
                    S7.3                                 S7.4
                  S7.3.1                               S7.4.1
                  S7.3.2                               S7.4.2
                  S7.3.3                               S7.4.3
                  S7.3.4                               S7.4.4

l. Adding S7.1, S7.1.1, S7.1.2, S7.1.3, and S7.1.4;
m. Revising the heading of the Appendix to Sec.  571.218;
n. Adding Figure 9 and Table 3 at the end of Appendix A; and
o. Adding appendices B and C.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  571.218  Standard No. 218; Motorcycle helmets.

    S1. Scope. This standard establishes minimum performance 
requirements for motorcycle helmets.
* * * * *
    S3. Application. This standard applies to all motorcycle helmets.
    S4. * * *
    Apex means the upper most point on the shell of the helmet when the 
helmet is oriented such that that brow opening is parallel to the 
* * * * *
    Inner liner means an energy absorbing material that is molded to 
conform to the inner shape of the helmet's shell and serves to protect 
the user's head from impact forces during a crash.
* * * * *
    Motorcycle helmet (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this 
definition, any hard shell headgear is a motorcycle helmet and an item 
of motor vehicle equipment if it is either--
    (A) Manufactured for sale, sold, offered for sale, introduced or 
delivered for introduction in interstate commerce,

[[Page 29484]]

or imported into the United States, for use on public streets, roads, 
and highways with the apparent purpose of safeguarding highway users 
against risk of accident, injury, or death, or
    (B) manufactured for sale, sold, offered for sale, introduced or 
delivered for introduction in interstate commerce, or imported into the 
United States by entities that also manufacture for sale, sell, offer 
for sale, introduce or deliver for introduction in interstate commerce, 
or import into the United States either motorcycles, helmets certified 
to FMVSS No. 218, or other motor vehicle equipment and apparel for 
motorcycles or motorcyclists, or
    (C) described or depicted as a motorcycle helmet in packaging, 
display, promotional information or advertising, or
    (D) imported into the United States under the applicable 
designation(s) for motorcycle helmets in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 
of the United States.
    (2) Paragraphs (1)(B), (1)(C), and (1)(D) of this definition do not 
apply to a helmet that is properly labeled and marked by its 
manufacturer as meeting a standard (other than a standard for 
motorcycle helmets) issued or adopted by the U.S. Consumer Product 
Safety Commission, ASTM International, National Operating Committee on 
Standards for Athletic Equipment, Snell Memorial Foundation, American 
National Standards Institute, The Hockey Equipment Certification 
Council, International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation, SFI 
Foundation, European Commission CE Marking (CE), or the 
F[eacute]d[eacute]ration Internationale de l'Automobile and such 
labeling and marking and the manner in which it is done are in 
accordance with that standard.
* * * * *
    S5. Requirements. Except as provided in this paragraph, each helmet 
shall meet the requirements of S5.1, when tested in accordance with 
S7.1. Helmets meeting the requirements of S5.1 when tested in 
accordance with S7.1 shall also meet the requirements of S5.2, S5.3 and 
S5.4 when subjected to any conditioning procedure specified in S6.4, 
and tested in accordance with S7.2, S7.3, and S7.4. Helmets shall also 
meet requirements of S5.5 through and including S5.7. A manufacturer 
may submit to NHTSA evidence that a helmet model complies with the 
requirements of FMVSS 218 S5.2 through and including S5.7, despite not 
meeting the requirements of S5.1 and thereby request to be included in 
appendix C of this standard. The provisions for submitting such a 
request can be found in appendix B of this standard.
    S5.1 Preliminary screening. Each helmet shall have the following 
characteristics (refer to Figure 9 of appendix A of this standard) when 
tested in accordance with S7.1:
    (a) The inner liner, excluding any cloth or fabric liner, is at 
least \3/4\ inch (19 mm) thick; and
    (b) The combined thickness of the inner liner, excluding any cloth 
or fabric liner, and outer shell is at least 1 inch (25 mm) thick; and
    (c) The inner liner shall not deform more than \1/12\ inch (2 mm) 
when measured in accordance with S7.1.4.
* * * * *
    S6. Preliminary test procedures. Before subjecting a helmet to the 
testing sequence specified in S7.2, S7.3 and S7.4, prepare it according 
to the procedures in S6.1, S6.2, and S6.3.
* * * * *
    S6.3.2 In testing as specified in S7.2 and S7.3, place the 
retention system in a position such that it does not interfere with 
free fall, impact or penetration.
* * * * *
    S6.4.1 Immediately before conducting the testing sequence specified 
in S7.2 through S7.4, condition each test helmet in accordance with any 
one of the following procedures:
* * * * *
    S6.4.2 If during testing, as specified in S7.2.3 and S7.3.3, a 
helmet is returned to the conditioning environment before the time out 
of that environment exceeds 4 minutes, the helmet is kept in the 
environment for a minimum of 3 minutes before resumption of testing 
with that helmet. If the time out of the environment exceeds 4 minutes, 
the helmet is returned to the environment for a minimum of 3 minutes 
for each minute or portion of a minute that the helmet remained out of 
the environment in excess of 4 minutes or for a maximum of 12 hours, 
whichever is less, before the resumption of testing with that helmet.
* * * * *
    S7.1 Thickness and inner liner compression test.
    S7.1.1 The thickness is measured anywhere within a 4-inch (104 mm) 
radius of the apex of the helmet.
    S7.1.2 The inner liner is measured by penetrating the helmet liner 
using a stiff metal probe having a gauge of 26-30 (nominal outer 
diameter 0.01825 inch (0.4636 mm)). The probe is inserted until it 
contacts the inner surface of the shell in a direction that measures 
the shortest distance along a line that connects a point on the outer 
shell and the closest point on the inner surface of the inner liner. 
The depth of penetration of the probe equates to the thickness of the 
helmet liner.
    S7.1.3 The combined thickness of the inner liner, excluding any 
cloth or fabric liner, and the outer shell is measured using an outside 
dimension caliper that can reach the measurement area without 
interference with the helmet. One tip of the caliper is placed on a 
point on the outer shell of the helmet and the other tip of the caliper 
is placed on the closest point on the inner surface of the inner liner.
    S7.1.4 The uncompressed thickness of the inner liner is measured in 
accordance with the procedure in S7.1.2 or the uncompressed thickness 
of the inner liner and outer shell is measured in accordance with the 
procedure in S7.1.3. A force gauge having a flat tip of 0.20-0.30 inch 
(5-7 mm) in diameter is used to apply a compression force of not less 
than 1 lbf (4.4 N) and not more than 5 lbf (22.2N) to the inner liner 
adjacent to the area measured for thickness. The compression force is 
held for 10 seconds and the thickness measurement is repeated at the 
original location. The thickness measured during compression is 
subtracted from the initial thickness measured at the original 
* * * * *

[[Page 29485]]


                     Table 3--Required Certification Label Based on Helmet Manufacture Date
                                                            Certification label shall contain the following
        Motorcycle helmet date of manufacture                                 information
Prior to May 13, 2013................................                                                       DOT
On or after May 13, 2013.............................                                    Mfr. Name and/or Brand
                                                                                              Model Designation
                                                                                                  FMVSS No. 218

[[Page 29486]]

Appendix B--Petition in Accordance With the Alternative Compliance 
Process for Motorcycle Helmets, Section 5 of FMVSS No. 218

    S1. Application. This section establishes procedures for the 
submission and disposition of petitions filed by manufacturers of 
motorcycle helmets whose products do not meet the requirements of 
S5.1 and do meet the requirements of S5.2 through and including 
S5.7, who wish to certify their products in accordance with the 
alternative compliance process established in S5 of FMVSS No. 218.
    S2. Form of Petition.
    (a) Information shall be furnished to: Associate Administrator 
for Enforcement, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building, Washington, DC 20590, 
Attention: Filing for 218 Motorcycle helmet S5 Alternative 
compliance Process.
    (b) Be written entirely in the English language.
    (c) Each submission shall consist of one set of information, all 
written information shall be on 8\1/2\ by 11-inch paper, visual 
information shall be provided in printed color photographs, and 
color videos.
    (d) Petitions may be submitted by motorcycle helmet 
    (e) Set forth in full the data, photographs, videos, and other 
documentation supporting the petitioner's statements and claims 
required in S4 of this appendix.
    (f) Test data shall be labeled with the appropriate units cited 
in the standard.
    (g) Not request confidential treatment for the contents of the 
    S3. Contents of petition.
    The petitioner shall provide the following information--
    (a) State the full name and address of the original equipment 
manufacturer (petitioner), the name and contact information for a 
point of contact to which the Agency can direct correspondence, the 
nature of the petitioning organization (individual, partnership, 
corporation, etc.) and the name of the State or country under the 
laws of which it is organized.
    (b) Identify the motorcycle helmet for which the petition is 
being submitted. The motorcycle helmet must be identified by 
manufacturer's name in accordance with S5.6.1(a), precise model 
designation per S5.6.2(a)(4), and manufacturer's name and/or brand 
per S5.6.2(a)(5) of FMVSS No. 218. The helmet identification 
provided in the petition must correspond to the information found on 
the helmet and in the supporting documentation submitted with the 
    (c) The petitioner shall provide evidence of current information 
on file to facilitate correspondence with NHTSA and procurement of 
test samples by NHTSA, as applicable, including, but not limited to, 
part 551 of this chapter, part 566 of this chapter, and compliance 
with other applicable legal requirements. Valid contact information 
must be made available. Submission of a petition in accordance with 
this appendix does not constitute submission of information with 
respect to any other regulation.
    (d) Submissions shall be unique and specific to the motorcycle 
helmet for which a petition is being submitted in accordance with 
this appendix. The brand and precise model designation must refer to 
a unique design and fabrication process for a specific motorcycle 
helmet. The submission shall address every size that will be made 
available for sale. Information about the differences in each size 
that will be sold shall be completely described.
    (e) The basis on which the manufacturer certifies the helmet 
must be explained and address all aspects of FMVSS No. 218 including 
data evaluating the helmet to all aspects of FMVSS No. 218. Test 
protocol(s), calibration records, test dates, information about the 
testing organization(s), photographs of test locations and test 
results, videos of the actual testing of the helmet, and any other 
relevant information must be fully documented.
    (f) The manufacturer shall provide contact information for the 
independent testing organization(s) used to collect supporting data 
and a statement granting the Agency permission to discuss the 
testing contained in the petition with that testing organization.
    (g) Photographs and other descriptive characteristics to 
adequately describe and identify the samples must be provided. 
Distinguishing features must be identified. Such photographic and 
descriptive material shall not be copyrighted, shall be of 
sufficient quality for reproduction, and may be reproduced by the 
Agency for purposes of disseminating information about the helmets 
listed in appendix C of this standard.
    S4. Processing of Petition.
    (a) NHTSA will process any petition that contains the 
information and supporting documentation specified by this section. 
If a petition fails to provide any of the information, NHTSA will 
not process the petition.
    (b) The Associate Administrator seeks to review each submission 
and inform the manufacturer not later than 60 days after its receipt 
of the written submission, if the information is complete or 
acceptable. The Associate Administrator does not accept any 
submission that does not contain all of the information specified in 
this appendix, or that contains information suggesting that the 
design or manufacture of the motorcycle helmet which is the subject 
of the petition does not conform to all aspects of FMVSS 571.218, 
Motorcycle Helmets, excluding S5.1.
    (c) At any time during the agency's consideration of a petition 
submitted under this part, the Associate Administrator for 
Enforcement may request the petitioner to submit additional 
supporting information and data. If such a request is not honored to 
the satisfaction of the agency, the petition will not receive 
further consideration until the information is submitted.
    (d) If the submission is complete, valid, and provides adequate 
indication that the helmet can comply with S5.2-S5.7 of FMVSS No. 
218, NHTSA will contact the manufacturer to obtain samples for 
testing. NTHSA will procure up to ten identical samples of each size 
motorcycle helmet for which the manufacturer is submitting a 
petition. The manufacturer must furnish the helmet positioning index 
for each size helmet at the time of procurement.
    (e) NTHSA will conduct testing of the helmet, at its discretion, 
to some or all of the requirements, in accordance with the test 
procedures established in FMVSS No. 218. If any apparent non-
compliances with FMVSS No. 218 are identified, the Associate 
Administrator shall reject the submission.
    (f) The Associate Administrator seeks to test samples within six 
months of receipt. Samples that cannot be procured for any reason 
will not be tested and the petition will not be granted. Samples 
will not be returned to the manufacturer.
    (g) If the submission is accepted, if NTHSA finds no discrepancy 
with administrative or performance information included in the 
submission, and if testing performed on behalf of NHTSA is 
acceptable, the complete submission and NHTSA's determination will 
be placed in the docket. Such motorcycle helmets identified by 
manufacturer, brand (if applicable), precise model designation, and 
size will be listed in appendix C of this standard.
    (h) Products manufactured, sold, offered for sale, introduced in 
interstate commerce, or imported into the United States under the 
brand and precise model name for which a submission was made must be 
identical in design, manufacturing processes, materials, and sizes, 
to those submitted to NHTSA for review.
    (i) The granting of the petition is valid only:
    (1) As long as the design and manufacture of the helmet does not 
vary from the make, model, and size helmet for which the petition 
was submitted; and
    (2) While the make, model, and size of helmet are listed in 
appendix C of this standard.
    (j) The Associate Administrator terminates or modifies its 
determination if--
    (1) Granting the petition is no longer consistent with the 
public interest and the objectives of the Act; or
    (2) Subsequent to granting the petition, additional information 
or testing becomes available to indicate the helmet fails to comply 
with any requirement of the standard; or
    (3) Subsequent to granting the petition, additional information 
or testing becomes available to indicate the helmet may fail to 
comply with any requirement of the standard and the responsible 
manufacturer is non-responsive or fails to comply with his 
obligations under the law; or
    (4) Subsequent to granting the petition, additional information 
or testing becomes available to indicate the helmet poses an 
unreasonable risk to safety; or
    (5) The petition was granted on the basis of false, fictitious, 
fraudulent, or misleading representations or information.
    (k) The knowing and willful submission of false, fictitious or 
fraudulent information will subject the petitioner to the civil and 
criminal penalties of 18 U.S.C. 1001.

[[Page 29487]]

Appendix C--Motorcycle Helmets That Have Complied With the Alternative 
Compliance Process for Motorcycle Helmets, Section 5 of FMVSS No. 218 
and Must Be Further Certified by the Manufacturer Before Being 
Manufactured, Sold, Offered for Sale, Introduced Into Interstate 
Commerce or Imported Into the United States

    At the time of this notification, there are no motorcycle 
helmets that meet the alternative compliance process for S5.

    Issued on May 12, 2015 in Washington, DC, under authority 
delegated in 49 CFR 1.95.
Daniel C. Smith,
Senior Associate Administrator for Vehicle Safety.

[FR Doc. 2015-11756 Filed 5-20-15; 8:45 am]

                                                 29458                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            certified by their manufacturers. This                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    For
                                                                                                         document is the result of the agency’s                non-legal issues, you may contact Ms.
                                                 National Highway Traffic Safety                         assessment of other actions that could                Claudia Covell, Office of Vehicle Safety
                                                 Administration                                          be taken to increase further the                      Compliance (Telephone: 202–366–5293)
                                                                                                         percentage of motorcyclists who wear                  (Fax: 202–366–7002). For legal issues,
                                                 49 CFR Part 571                                         helmets that comply with the helmet                   you may contact Mr. Otto Matheke,
                                                 [Docket No. NHTSA–2015–0045]                            standard.                                             Office of the Chief Counsel (Telephone:
                                                                                                         DATES:  You should submit your                        202–366–5253) (Fax: 202–366–3820).
                                                 RIN 2127–AL01                                                                                                 You may send mail to these officials at:
                                                                                                         comments to ensure that Docket
                                                                                                         Management receives them not later                    National Highway Traffic Safety
                                                 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety                                                                                  Administration, 1200 New Jersey
                                                 Standards; Motorcycle Helmets                           than July 20, 2015. The incorporation by
                                                                                                         reference of certain publications listed              Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
                                                 AGENCY: National Highway Traffic                        in the proposed rule is approved by the               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                 Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.                     Director of the Federal Register as of                I. Executive Summary
                                                                                                                                                                  A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
                                                 ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking                   May 22, 2017.                                            B. Need for Regulation
                                                 (NPRM).                                                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                       C. Summary of the Major Provisions of the
                                                                                                         to the docket number identified in the                      Regulatory Action in Question
                                                 SUMMARY:   This document sets forth an                  heading of this document by any of the                   D. Costs and Benefits
                                                 interpretation of the definition of                     following methods:                                    II. Background
                                                 ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’ in the                        • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                    A. Increased Motorcycle Related Fatalities
                                                 United States Code, as amended by the                   http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the                      and Injuries
                                                 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st                                                                            B. Recent Downturns in Motorcyclist
                                                                                                         online instructions for submitting                          Fatalities Do Not Appear To Be a
                                                 Century (MAP–21) Act, and requests                      comments.                                                   Reversal of a Decade-Long Trend
                                                 comments on two proposed changes to                       • Mail: Docket Management Facility:                    C. NHTSA’s Comprehensive Motorcycle
                                                 the motorcycle helmet safety standard,                  U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200                     Safety Program and Helmet Use
                                                 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard                   New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building                     D. Novelty Helmets
                                                 (FMVSS) No. 218. Continued high levels                  Ground Floor, Room W12–140,                              1. What is a novelty helmet?
                                                 of motorcycle related fatalities, the                   Washington, DC 20590–0001.                               2. Novelty Helmet Use
                                                 ongoing use of novelty helmets by                         • Hand Delivery or Courier: 1200                       E. Safety Consequences of Novelty Helmet
                                                 motorcyclists and the poor performance                  New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building                        Use
                                                 of these helmets in tests and crashes                                                                            1. Helmet Effectiveness
                                                                                                         Ground Floor, Room W12–140, between
                                                 have prompted the agency to clarify the                                                                          2. Novelty Helmet Performance
                                                                                                         9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through                     3. Real World Injury Risks and Novelty
                                                 status of such helmets under federal law                Friday, except Federal holidays.                            Helmets
                                                 to ensure that all relevant legal                         • Fax: 202–493–2251.                                   F. Novelty Helmets and the Enforcement of
                                                 requirements are readily enforceable.                     Instructions: For detailed instructions                   State Helmet Laws
                                                 All helmets that are sold to, and worn                  on submitting comments and additional                    G. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
                                                 on the highway by, motorcyclists and                    information on the rulemaking process,                      No. 218
                                                 that, based on their design and/or other                see the Public Participation heading of                  H. Recent Amendments to FMVSS No. 218
                                                 factors, have the apparent purpose of                   the Supplementary Information section                    I. NHTSA’s Compliance Test Program
                                                 protecting highway users are motorcycle                 of this document. Note that all                       III. Interpretation—Novelty Helmets Are
                                                 helmets subject to the jurisdiction and                                                                             Motor Vehicle Equipment
                                                                                                         comments received will be posted
                                                                                                                                                               IV. Proposed Amendments to FMVSS No.
                                                 standard of the National Highway                        without change to http://                                   218
                                                 Traffic Safety Administration                           www.regulations.gov, including any                       A. Adding a Definition for Motorcycle
                                                 (‘‘NHTSA’’ or ‘‘agency’’).                              personal information provided. Please                       Helmet
                                                    NHTSA is simultaneously proposing                    see the ‘‘Privacy Act’’ heading below.                   B. Proposed Amendments to Performance
                                                 to amend its helmet standard, FMVSS                       Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search                     Requirements
                                                 No. 218. First, NHTSA is proposing to                   the electronic form of all comments                   V. Effective Date
                                                 add a definition of ‘‘motorcycle                        received into any of our dockets by the               VI. Benefits/Costs
                                                 helmet.’’ Second, we are proposing to                   name of the individual submitting the                 VII. Public Participation
                                                 modify the existing performance                                                                               VIII. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
                                                                                                         comment (or signing the comment, if
                                                 requirements of the standard by adding                  submitted on behalf of an association,                I. Executive Summary
                                                 a set of dimensional and compression                    business, labor union, etc.). You may
                                                 requirements. These requirements and                    review DOT’s complete Privacy Act                     A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
                                                 the associated test procedures would                    Statement in the Federal Register                        The purpose of this regulatory action
                                                 identify those helmets whose physical                   published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR                    is to reduce fatalities and injuries
                                                 characteristics indicate that they likely               19477–78) or you may visit http://                    resulting from traffic accidents
                                                 cannot meet the existing performance                    DocketInfo.dot.gov.                                   involving use of motorcycle helmets
                                                 requirements of the standard. Third, we                   Docket: For access to the docket to                 that fail to meet Federal Motor Vehicle
                                                 are incorporating an optional alternative               read background documents or                          Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218,
                                                 compliance process for manufacturers                    comments received, go to http://                      Motorcycle helmets. Motorcycle crash-

                                                 whose helmets do not comply with the                    www.regulations.gov or the street                     related fatalities are disproportionately
                                                 proposed dimensional and compression                    address listed above. Follow the online               high, compared as a measure of
                                                 requirements, but do comply with the                    instructions for accessing the dockets.               exposure, among all motor vehicle crash
                                                 performance requirements and all other                    See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                   fatalities. In part, these fatalities can be
                                                 aspects of FMVSS No. 218. NHTSA will                    portion of this document (Section VII.;               attributed to the high number of
                                                 publish a list of helmets that have                     Public Participation) for DOT’s Privacy               motorcyclists wearing sub-standard
                                                 complied with the alternative                           Act Statement regarding documents                     motorcycle helmets. For example,
                                                 compliance process and can therefore be                 submitted to the agency’s dockets.                    NHTSA’s National Occupant Protection

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:20 May 20, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\21MYP3.SGM   21MYP3

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           29459

                                                 Use Survey (NOPUS) has consistently                     phrase ‘‘FMVSS No. 218’’, the helmet                  importation and sale of non-compliant
                                                 shown that a portion of the                             manufacturer’s name or brand name of                  helmets.
                                                 motorcycling community wears novelty                    the helmet and the word ‘‘certified.’’
                                                                                                                                                               B. Need for Regulation
                                                 helmets. Specifically, in states where                  The new requirements were intended to
                                                 use is required for all motorcyclists,                  make decals more difficult to                            Novelty helmets are sold to be worn
                                                 between 8–27% of motorcyclists have                     counterfeit. However, this regulatory                 by motorcycle riders for road use.
                                                 been observed wearing helmets that                      change has not been sufficient to solve               However, these helmets provide little or
                                                 likely do not comply with FMVSS No.                     the problem. Prior to May 13, 2013, the               no head protection in crashes. The
                                                 218.1 2                                                 certification label requirements of                   proposed rule would assist local
                                                    These helmets, frequently marketed as                FMVSS No. 218 stated simply that the                  enforcement agencies in determining
                                                 ‘‘novelty’’ helmets, are seldom certified               certification label must consist of the               compliance with their State helmet laws
                                                 by the manufacturer as meeting                          letters ‘‘DOT’’ printed in a specified size           and mitigate the fatalities, injuries, and
                                                 Standard No. 218, but are sold to, and                  range and located in a designated area                societal costs that are caused by the use
                                                 used by, on-road motorcycle riders and                  on the rear of helmet. Facsimiles of that             of improper helmets. The deterrent
                                                 passengers.3 Data from a study of                       earlier label are widely available and are            intent of the proposed rule is similar to
                                                 motorcycle operators injured in crashes                 often added by ‘‘novelty helmet’’ users               other enforcement improving
                                                 and transported to a shock trauma                       in mandatory helmet law states to their               approaches such as the improvement of
                                                 center indicates that 56 percent of those               helmets to give them the appearance of                counterfeit currency detection.
                                                 wearing a novelty helmet received head                  a compliant helmet certified before the                  NHTSA believes that at least some
                                                 injuries as compared to 19 percent of                   May 2013 change to the labeling                       portion of novelty helmet use results
                                                 those wearing a certified helmet.4                      requirements.                                         from inadequate or asymmetric
                                                    These novelty helmets are frequently                                                                       information, a major indication of
                                                                                                            There are no regulatory limits on the              market failure. Reasons for novelty
                                                 sold as ‘‘motorcycle novelty helmets’’ or
                                                                                                         age of motorcycle helmets that may be                 helmet use may vary, but likely include
                                                 otherwise marketed to on-road
                                                                                                         used to comply with a state motorcycle                some misjudgment regarding the risk
                                                 motorcycle riders. However, these
                                                                                                         helmet use law. Therefore, a helmet user              associated with motorcycles and false
                                                 novelty helmets are usually offered
                                                                                                         could assert that the wearing of a helmet             expectations regarding the amount of
                                                 along with a disclaimer that the helmet
                                                                                                         manufactured prior to the May 2013                    protection that would be provided by
                                                 does not meet Standard No. 218, is not
                                                                                                         change to the certification label                     some novelty helmet designs. In general,
                                                 a protective device or is not intended for
                                                                                                         requirements meets the requirements of                problems of inadequate information can
                                                 highway use. In States where universal
                                                                                                         state helmet laws requiring use of an                 be addressed by providing greater
                                                 helmet use laws often require riders and
                                                                                                         FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmet if the                 information to the public. NHTSA has
                                                 passengers to wear helmets meeting
                                                                                                         manufacturer properly certified the                   attempted to do this through public
                                                 Standard No. 218, helmet users wearing
                                                                                                         helmet with the three character ‘‘DOT’’               education materials identifying the
                                                 novelty helmets often affix labels to
                                                                                                         label. Until a sufficient period of time              significant differences between novelty
                                                 their helmets that mimic the
                                                                                                         passes to establish that a helmet bearing             helmets and compliant helmets and
                                                 certification labels applied by
                                                                                                         the older certification label is likely to            expanded test programs identifying
                                                 manufacturers of helmets that are
                                                                                                         have not been certified as FMVSS No.                  helmets that failed to meet the
                                                 certified as meeting the Standard.
                                                                                                         218 compliant by the manufacturer, a                  performance requirements of FMVSS
                                                 Consequently, officials attempting to
                                                                                                         helmet with the older certification label             No. 218. In the latter instance, NHTSA
                                                 enforce compulsory helmet use laws in
                                                                                                         would appear to be a compliant helmet.                found that the difficulties and costs
                                                 those States requiring that riders use
                                                                                                         Novelty helmet users will be able to                  associated with attempting to test all the
                                                 helmets meeting Standard No. 218
                                                                                                         employ the counterfeit versions of the                helmets in the marketplace could not be
                                                 currently find it difficult to enforce
                                                                                                         old certification label for many years                sustained. At the same time, critics of
                                                 these laws to prevent the use of these
                                                                                                         into the future.                                      the expanded test program were quick
                                                 novelty helmets.
                                                    In 2011, NHTSA attempted to make it                     To enhance NHTSA’s ability to                      to note that the results were incomplete.
                                                 easier for riders and law enforcement                   restrict the sale and subsequent use of               Efforts at increased public education
                                                 officials to identify non-compliant                     novelty helmets, as well as assisting                 regarding the risks and characteristics of
                                                 helmets by amending FMVSS No. 218 to                    State law enforcement officials in                    novelty helmets also did not achieve
                                                 require that all compliant helmets                      enforcing laws requiring use of                       desired results. Neither initiative
                                                 manufactured after May 13, 2013 have                    compliant helmets, this document                      resulted in any apparent reduction in
                                                 a certification decal which includes the                contains an interpretation of the                     the sale and use of novelty helmets.
                                                                                                         definition of ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’                In addition to riders’ misperceptions,
                                                    1 Motorcycle Helmet Use in XXXX—Overall              as defined by the National Traffic and                novelty helmets can be lower cost, and
                                                 Results, Traffic Safety Facts Research Notes, DOT       Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (Safety              some consumers find them to be more
                                                 HS 809 867, 809 937, 810 840, 811 254, 811 610,         Act), proposes adding a definition of                 comfortable or stylish. When consumers
                                                 and 811 759 available at http://                        ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ to FMVSS No. 218                choose to wear novelty helmets, it
                                                 listpublications.aspx?Id=7&ShowBy=Category (last        consistent with 49 U.S.C. 30102(a)(7)(C)              unnecessarily reduces their safety and
                                                 accessed on 5/14/13).                                   as amended by the MAP–21 Act, and                     burdens society with an unnecessary
                                                    2 Data represent an aggregation of sampling units    also proposes modifying the existing                  diversion of economic resources.
                                                 located in states where use is required for all         requirements of Standard No. 218. It is               Roughly three quarters of all economic

                                                    3 When NHTSA becomes aware that a
                                                                                                         the agency’s view that adoption of these              costs from motor vehicle crashes are
                                                 manufacturer is fraudulently certifying non-            proposals will reduce fatalities and                  borne by society at large through taxes
                                                 compliant helmets, the agency can take legal action     injuries attributable to the use of non-              that support welfare payment
                                                 and impose fines on the manufacturer.                   compliant helmets by increasing                       mechanisms, insurance premiums,
                                                    4 An Analysis of Hospitalized Motorcyclists in the
                                                                                                         successful prosecutions in mandatory                  charities, and unnecessary travel delay.
                                                 State of Maryland Based on Helmet Use and
                                                 Outcome, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/
                                                                                                         helmet law states, reducing the demand                These costs may be even higher for
                                                 Research/Crashworthiness (last accessed on 04/08/       for novelty helmets and augmenting                    motorcycle riders, who often experience
                                                 13).                                                    NHTSA’s ability to prevent the                        more serious injuries when colliding

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                                                 29460                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 with larger vehicles and without                        manufactured, sold, delivered, offered                would, in NHTSA’s view, not be
                                                 protection from vehicle structures or                   or intended for use exclusively to                    sufficient to conclude that a helmet is
                                                 seat belts. NHTSA also believes that this               safeguard motor vehicles, drivers,                    not ‘‘motor vehicle equipment.’’
                                                 regulation is warranted by a compelling                 passengers, and other highway users
                                                                                                                                                               2. Defining ‘‘Motorcycle Helmet’’
                                                 public need, specifically, the need for                 from the risk of accident, injury or
                                                 States to properly enforce the laws that                death.’’ In 2012, the MAP–21 Act                         This document also proposes adding
                                                 they have passed in order to promote                    modified this definition of ‘‘motor                   a definition of ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ to
                                                 public safety. This proposed rulemaking                 vehicle equipment’’ in two ways. First,               Standard No. 218 to effectuate the
                                                 is designed to enable both the                          the definition was amended by                         interpretation of the statutory definition
                                                 identification of novelty helmets and                   specifically adding the term                          of motor vehicle equipment described
                                                 enforcement of these laws. These                        ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ to the description              above. The proposed definition seeks to
                                                 requirements do not force individuals                   of regulated items. Second, the MAP–21                more clearly establish those helmets
                                                 who do not currently wear complying                     Act amended the definition of ‘‘motor                 that are required to comply with FMVSS
                                                 helmets to wear complying helmets.                      vehicle equipment’’ by replacing the                  No. 218 by establishing conditions
                                                 Rather, by making it easier for law                     phrase ‘‘. . . manufactured, sold,                    dictating which helmets will be
                                                 enforcement officials to enforce helmet                 delivered, offered or intended for use                considered as being intended for
                                                 laws, they make it more likely that                     exclusively to safeguard motor vehicles,              highway use.
                                                 riders will choose to purchase                          drivers, passengers, and other highway                   NHTSA’s proposed definition of
                                                 compliant helmets in order to avoid                     users . . .’’ with ‘‘. . . manufactured,              ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ establishes that
                                                 prosecution and fines.                                  sold, delivered, or offered to be sold for            ‘‘hard shell headgear’’ meeting any of
                                                    NHTSA has worked with state law                      use on public streets, roads, and                     four conditions are motorcycle helmets.
                                                 enforcement and safety officials for                    highways with the apparent purpose of                 The criteria relate to the manufacture,
                                                 decades. The agency has repeatedly                      safeguarding motor vehicles and                       importation, sale, and use of the
                                                 received reports from these sources                     highway users . . .’’                                 headgear in question. First, a helmet is
                                                 regarding the difficulty of enforcing                      The agency’s interpretation of this                a motorcycle helmet if it is
                                                 state helmet laws when the state law                    definition, based on an examination of                manufactured or offered for sale with
                                                 provides that a helmet must meet                        the text of the 2012 MAP–21                           the apparent purpose of safeguarding
                                                 FMVSS No. 218. A series of court                        amendment and the evolution of the                    highway users against risk of accident,
                                                 decisions from Washington State                         original 1970 definition before its                   injury, or death. Under the second
                                                 illustrate the difficulties that local law              enactment as well as its legislative                  criterion, a helmet is a motorcycle
                                                 enforcement agencies face in enforcing                  history, concludes that Congress meant                helmet if it is manufactured or sold by
                                                 mandatory helmet laws. These decisions                  to grant NHTSA authority to regulate                  entities also dealing in certified helmets
                                                 implied that FMVSS No. 218 is a                         motorcycle helmets and that any                       or other motor vehicle equipment and
                                                 complex performance standard intended                   determination of what constitutes motor               apparel for motorcycles or
                                                 to apply to helmet manufacturers and                    vehicle equipment must be governed by                 motorcyclists. The third proposed
                                                 not to helmet users and did not address                 an objective standard and not controlled              criterion states that a helmet is a
                                                 the difficulties of proof for law                       by the subjective intent of a                         motorcycle helmet if it is described or
                                                 enforcement agency to show that a                       manufacturer or seller. This conclusion               depicted as a motorcycle helmet in
                                                 helmet does not meet FMVSS No. 218.                     is supported by the explicitly                        packaging, promotional information or
                                                 This proposed rule seeks to remedy this                 pronounced Congressional goal of                      advertising. The fourth criterion states
                                                 problem by the adoption of objective                    reducing fatalities and injuries resulting            that helmets presented for importation
                                                 physical criteria which can be employed                 from the use of helmets that did not                  as motorcycle helmets in the
                                                 by helmet users and law enforcement                     provide a minimum level of safety. The                Harmonized Tariff Schedule would also
                                                 officials to determine if a helmet                      agency’s interpretation further notes the             be motorcycle helmets.
                                                                                                         absence of any suggestion in the                         Because the second, third and fourth
                                                 complies with FMVSS No. 218.
                                                                                                         legislative history that Congress meant               criteria may capture helmets sold
                                                 C. Summary of the Major Provisions of                   to have the definition negated by                     legitimately for off-road use or non-
                                                 the Regulatory Action in Question                       subjective declarations of intended use               motor vehicle applications, NHTSA’s
                                                                                                         that are contrary to an objective measure             proposed definition exempts helmets
                                                 1. Interpretation—Novelty Helmets Are
                                                                                                         of actual sale, use and ‘‘apparent                    labeled as meeting recognized safety
                                                 Motor Vehicle Equipment
                                                                                                         purpose.’’                                            standards for off-highway uses from the
                                                    NHTSA is issuing an interpretation of                   By applying the objective criterion of             proposed definition.
                                                 the statutory definition of ‘‘motor                     an ‘‘apparent purpose to safeguard’’
                                                 vehicle equipment’’ as amended by the                                                                         3. Proposed Amendments to
                                                                                                         highway users, NHTSA concludes that
                                                 MAP–21 Act. This interpretation sets                    novelty helmets are items of motor                    Performance Requirements
                                                 forth the agency’s position on which                    vehicle equipment. If a helmet is                        NHTSA is also proposing
                                                 helmets are subject to NHTSA’s                          marketed and sold to highway users and                modifications to the criteria helmets
                                                 jurisdiction and, therefore, must meet                  has outward characteristics consistent                must meet in order to comply with
                                                 Standard No. 218. The original                          with providing some level of protection               Standard No. 218. The proposal seeks to
                                                 definition of ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’               to the wearer, such a helmet is a                     establish in S5.1 (as proposed), a set of
                                                 in the Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 did                   ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ with the ‘‘apparent             threshold requirements to distinguish

                                                 not include protective equipment such                   purpose’’ of protecting highway users                 helmets that qualify for testing to the
                                                 as motorcycle helmets. In 1970,                         from harm. It is, therefore, ‘‘motor                  existing performance requirements of
                                                 Congress amended the Safety Act to                      vehicle equipment.’’ Under the                        the Standard in S5.2 through and
                                                 substantially expand the foregoing                      foregoing circumstances, the addition of              including S5.4. These threshold
                                                 definition. The 1970 amendment                          a label stating the manufacturer’s                    requirements are hereafter called
                                                 changed the definition of ‘‘motor                       subjective intent that a helmet is ‘‘not              preliminary screening requirements.
                                                 vehicle equipment’’ to include ‘‘any                    protective equipment,’’ ‘‘not DOT                     The preliminary screening criteria
                                                 device, article or apparel . . .                        certified,’’ or ‘‘not for highway use’’               proposed in S5.1 are dimensional and

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                             29461

                                                 compression requirements that all                                     or the liner and shell combination                              among motorcycle riders as a result of
                                                 helmets intended for highway use must                                 meeting the overall thickness, must also                        the rule is difficult to predict. However,
                                                 meet. These preliminary screening                                     be sufficiently resistant to deformation                        the agency believes that 5 to 10 percent
                                                 requirements identify helmets which,                                  to ensure that the liner is capable of                          of the novelty helmet users in States
                                                 under the current state of known                                      some level of energy absorption.                                that have a Universal Helmet Law
                                                 technologies, are incapable of meeting                                   The document also sets forth                                 would eventually make a switch to
                                                 the minimum performance requirements                                  proposals for measuring compliance                              avoid being ticketed or fined, and that
                                                 for impact attenuation currently                                      with the preliminary screening                                  this is a modest and achievable
                                                 incorporated in FMVSS No. 218.                                        requirements. Inner liner thickness                             projection. As a result, the proposal
                                                 NHTSA is also proposing an alternative                                could be measured with a thin metal                             would save 12 to 48 lives annually. In
                                                 compliance process by which                                           probe. Measuring the combined                                   addition, the analysis also estimates the
                                                 manufacturers of helmets that do not                                  thickness of the outer shell and inner                          maximum potential benefit of the rule
                                                 meet the foregoing preliminary                                        liner could be taken using a large caliper                      which corresponds to a hypothetical
                                                 screening requirements may submit a                                   or measuring the distance derived by                            scenario of all novelty helmet users in
                                                 petition including information and test                               noting the difference between the                               States that have universal helmet laws
                                                 data to the agency, to establish that a                               topmost point of a stand supporting the                         becoming 218-certified helmet users
                                                 particular helmet design is capable of                                helmet and the topmost point of the                             (the 100-percent scenario). Under this
                                                 meeting all the requirements of                                       helmet on the stand. The document also                          hypothetical 100-percent scenario, 235
                                                 Standard No. 218, excluding the                                       proposes that liner deformation be                              to 481 lives would be saved. Note that
                                                 preliminary screening requirements.                                   measured after applying force using a                           this 100-percent scenario is theoretical
                                                    The agency proposes to add these                                   weighted probe or a dial indicator force
                                                                                                                                                                                       since some novelty-helmeted
                                                 preliminary screening requirements to                                 gauge. To reduce the possibility of error
                                                                                                                                                                                       motorcyclists would still be expected to
                                                 alleviate the test burdens of NHTSA’s                                 caused by variations in helmet designs,
                                                                                                                                                                                       circumvent the helmet laws by
                                                                                                                       NHTSA is proposing that the
                                                 current compliance test program. By                                                                                                   continuing taking the risk of wearing
                                                                                                                       measurements of inner liner thickness,
                                                 reducing the complexity of compliance                                                                                                 novelty helmets. Therefore, the
                                                                                                                       combined helmet/inner liner thickness
                                                 testing, the proposal would allow the                                                                                                 estimated costs and benefits for the 100-
                                                                                                                       and inner liner compression
                                                 agency to test more helmet brands and                                                                                                 percent scenario are not used (and not
                                                                                                                       characteristics be conducted at the
                                                 models without increased costs. The                                                                                                   appropriate) for determining the effects
                                                                                                                       crown or apex of the helmet.
                                                 proposed requirements also address                                       To address concerns that the                                 of the proposed rule. However, they do
                                                 concerns by test laboratories that their                              proposed preliminary screening                                  indicate the potential savings in social
                                                 equipment will be damaged while                                       requirements may adversely affect the                           costs that are offered by FMVSS No.
                                                 testing sub-standard helmets. Moreover,                               adoption and development of new                                 218-compliant helmets and the
                                                 by establishing a set of physical criteria                            helmet technologies and materials, the                          importance of educating the public to
                                                 that may be employed to identify non-                                 proposed amendments also set forth an                           this potential. The discounted
                                                 compliant helmets, these proposed                                     alternative compliance process, in a                            annualized costs and benefits are
                                                 requirements will assist in the                                       proposed Appendix. This alternative                             presented below. The numbers exclude
                                                 enforcement of helmet laws specifying                                 compliance process provides helmet                              benefits from nonfatal injuries
                                                 that motorcycle riders must wear                                      manufacturers with a means to                                   prevented as well as private disbenefits
                                                 helmets meeting Standard No. 218.                                     demonstrate that helmets that do not                            to riders who prefer to wear novelty
                                                    The proposed preliminary screening                                 adhere to the preliminary screening                             helmets, but switch to compliant
                                                 requirements specify that any helmet                                  requirements can otherwise be properly                          helmets to avoid law enforcement. Since
                                                 with an inner liner that is less than 0.75                            certified and are capable of meeting all                        these benefits are obtained in violation
                                                 inch (19 mm) thick would be considered                                of the other requirements of Standard                           of State law, their status is uncertain. A
                                                 incapable of complying with FMVSS                                     No. 218.                                                        more detailed discussion of this issue is
                                                 No. 218. Similarly, any helmet with an                                                                                                included in the Non-quantified impacts
                                                 inner liner and shell having a combined                               D. Costs and Benefits                                           section of the PRIA. We are not
                                                 thickness less than 1 inch (25 mm)                                      The benefits of the proposed rule are                         assuming for this analysis that any
                                                 would also presumably not be able to                                  based on the use of the dimensional and                         novelty helmet users in States that do
                                                 comply with the standard. This                                        compression requirements and the                                not have Universal Helmet Laws will
                                                 document also proposes that any                                       proposed Appendix as criteria to                                switch to 218-certified helmets;
                                                 helmet, even those with an inner liner                                distinguish certified from non-certified                        however, we note that this may occur if
                                                 meeting the minimum thickness criteria                                motorcycle helmets. Behavioral change                           users voluntarily make this switch.

                                                                                                                           ANNUALIZED COSTS AND BENEFITS
                                                                                                                                      [In millions of 2012 dollars]

                                                                                                                                                                 Regulatory               Benefits             Net benefits *

                                                                                                                                           3 Percent Discount

                                                 5-percent scenario .......................................................................................                $1.2            $109.7–$219.3           $108.5–$218.1
                                                 10-percent scenario .....................................................................................                  1.8               219.3–438.3             217.5–436.5
                                                 100-percent scenario ...................................................................................                  12.5           2,146.3–4,392.7         2,133.8–4,380.3
                                                                                                                                         7 Percent Discount

                                                 5-percent scenario .......................................................................................                 1.2                  95.9–192.2            94.7–191.0
                                                 10-percent scenario .....................................................................................                  1.8                 192.2–384.4           190.4–382.6

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                                                 29462                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                               ANNUALIZED COSTS AND BENEFITS—Continued
                                                                                                                                    [In millions of 2012 dollars]

                                                                                                                                                               Regulatory               Benefits                   Net benefits *

                                                 100-percent scenario ...................................................................................                12.5           1,881.7–3,851.3               1,869.2–3,838.8
                                                   * Excludes benefits from non-fatal injuries prevented and any utility lost by novelty helmet riders who switch to FMVSS 218 compliant helmets.
                                                 Since any such utility is obtained in violation of State law, its status is uncertain. See ‘‘Non-quantified Impacts’’ section of the PRIA for further

                                                 II. Background                                                       crash-related fatalities have been                             to 4,612 fatalities in 2011. During this
                                                                                                                      disproportionately high, compared as a                         time, motorcyclist fatalities as a percent
                                                 A. Increased Motorcycle Related
                                                                                                                      measure of exposure, among all motor                           of motor vehicle occupants and non-
                                                 Fatalities and Injuries
                                                                                                                      vehicle crash fatalities. According to the                     occupants killed in traffic crashes nearly
                                                   There is a pressing need for                                       Fatality Analysis Reporting System                             doubled from 8% to 14%. Refer to
                                                 improvements in motorcycle safety. As                                (FARS), motorcyclist 5 fatalities                              Figure 1.
                                                 shown in NHTSA’s research, motorcycle                                increased from 3,270 fatalities in 2002

                                                    In contrast to the total number of                                motorcyclist fatalities which have risen.                      motorcyclist is over 30 times more
                                                 passenger vehicle and pedestrian                                     In 2011, motorcycles accounted for only                        likely to die in a crash, based on VMT.7
                                                 fatalities, which have decreased over the                            about 3 percent of all registered vehicles                        Over the same time period, the
                                                 past decade, motorcyclist fatalities                                 and 0.6 percent of all vehicle miles                           number of motorcyclists injured
                                                 increased significantly. Some claim this                             traveled (VMT) 6 yet present themselves                        increased from 65,000 in 2002 to 81,000
                                                 is due to increased exposure; however,                               as a much larger proportion of the                             in 2011 accounting for 4 percent of all
                                                 registrations for both motorcycle and                                overall motor vehicle related fatalities                       occupant injuries.8 Simultaneously, the

                                                 passenger vehicles have increased over                               due to traffic crashes. Compared with a                        number of passenger vehicle occupants
                                                 this time period, yet it is only                                     passenger vehicle occupant, a                                  injured decreased by 25 percent.9
                                                    5 ‘‘Motorcyclist’’ refers to both motorcycle drivers              made to 2008 and 2007 data using the enhanced                  www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811765.pdf (last
                                                 and motorcycle passengers.                                           methodology. As a result, vehicle involvement rates            accessed on 5/14/13).
                                                    6 In August 2011, starting with 2009 data, FHWA                   may differ, and in some cases significantly, from                8 Ibid.
                                                 implemented an enhanced methodology for                              previously published rates.                                      9 Traffic Safety Facts 2011, Annual Report
                                                 estimating registered vehicles and vehicle miles                       7 Motorcycles: 2011 Data, Traffic Safety Facts,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Overview, DOT HS 811 753, available at http://

                                                 traveled by vehicle type. In addition, revisions were                DOT HS 811 765, available at http://

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                  29463

                                                 Compared with a passenger vehicle                          The 2011 increase in motorcycle                    (I-Crash Prevention—Pre-Crash, II-Injury
                                                 occupant, a motorcyclist is 5 times more                occupant fatalities followed a 3 year                 Mitigation—During a Crash, and III-
                                                 likely to be injured, based on VMT.10                   period of decline. The agency notes that              Emergency Response—Post-Crash),
                                                    The most common fatal injuries                       the 2008, 2009 and 2010 reductions in                 along with the three areas influencing
                                                 sustained by motorcyclists are injuries                 fatalities and injuries coincided with a              each phase (A-Human Factors, B-
                                                 to the head.11 Head injuries are common                 significant economic downturn. Past                   Vehicle Role, and C-Environmental
                                                 among non-fatal injuries as well. A                     economic downturns have resulted in                   Conditions).
                                                 study of data from the Crash Outcome                    similar declines. The three most notable                 While a number of factors are
                                                 Data Evaluation System (CODES)                          periods of across-the-board declines in               believed to account for this increase in
                                                 indicates that median charges for                       overall traffic fatalities, including the             fatalities, including expanding
                                                 hospitalized motorcyclists who survived                 current period, coincide with the three               motorcycle sales, increases in the
                                                 to discharge were 13 times higher for                   most significant economic downturns                   percentage of older riders, and increases
                                                 those incurring a traumatic brain injury                since the early 1970s. Following the first            in engine size, motorcyclist head
                                                 (TBI) compared to those who did not                     and second economic downturns, the                    injuries are a leading cause of death.
                                                 sustain a TBI ($31,979 versus $2,461).12                overall number of fatalities nearly                   Effectively addressing motorcyclist head
                                                    The National Transportation Safety                   rebounded to the previous levels. The                 injuries or any other motor vehicle
                                                 Board (NTSB) has also made a similar                    agency observes that motorcycle                       safety problem requires a multi-
                                                 assessment of the motorcycle safety                     occupant fatalities increased slightly in             pronged, coordinated program in all of
                                                 problem. They issued a November 2010                    2011 and anticipates that they will
                                                 safety alert titled ‘‘Motorcycle Deaths                                                                       the areas of the Haddon Matrix, as
                                                                                                         likewise rebound as the economy                       shown in Table 1. Because no measure
                                                 Remain High’’.13                                        improves. Even with the 2008–10                       in any of the nine areas is a complete
                                                 B. Recent Downturns in Motorcyclist                     reductions in fatalities and injuries,                solution, the implementation of a
                                                 Fatalities Do Not Appear To Be a                        motorcyclist fatalities remain far above              measure in one area does not eliminate
                                                 Reversal of a Decade—Long Trend                         2002 levels.                                          or reduce the need to implement
                                                    Compared to 2010, overall traffic                    C. NHTSA’s Comprehensive Motorcycle                   measures in the other areas.
                                                 fatalities fell by 2 percent in 2011.                   Safety Program and Helmet Use                            For example, while NHTSA
                                                 Occupant fatalities fell by 4 percent in                                                                      encourages efforts in all areas of the
                                                                                                            NHTSA’s comprehensive motorcycle
                                                 passenger cars and, 5 percent in light                                                                        motorcycle safety matrix below,
                                                                                                         safety program15 16 seeks to: (1) Prevent
                                                 trucks. However, occupant fatalities                                                                          including the offering of motorcyclist
                                                                                                         motorcycle crashes; (2) mitigate rider
                                                 increased by 20 percent in large trucks                                                                       training, such training cannot substitute
                                                                                                         injury when crashes do occur; and (3)
                                                 and 2 percent on motorcycles. In                                                                              for wearing a helmet that complies with
                                                                                                         provide rapid and appropriate
                                                 addition, pedestrian fatalities increased                                                                     FMVSS No. 218. The results of studies
                                                                                                         emergency medical services response
                                                 by 3 percent and pedalcyclist fatalities                                                                      examining the effectiveness of
                                                                                                         and better treatment for crash victims.
                                                 increased by 9 percent.14                                                                                     motorcyclist training in actually
                                                                                                         As shown in Table 1 below, the
                                                                                                         elements of the problem of motorcyclist               reducing crash involvement are
                                                 www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pubs/811753.pdf (last                                                                   mixed.17 To argue that taking a
                                                 accessed on 5/14/13). Based on calculations using       fatalities and injuries and the initiatives
                                                 data provided in Table 1.                               for addressing them can be organized                  motorcycle operating course eliminates
                                                   10 Motorcycles: 2011 Data, Traffic Safety Facts,
                                                                                                         using the Haddon Matrix, a paradigm                   the need for motorcycle helmets is akin
                                                 DOT HS 811 765, available at http://                    used for systematically identifying                   to arguing that taking a driver’s
                                                 www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811765.pdf (last
                                                                                                         opportunities for preventing, mitigating              education course for driving a passenger
                                                 accessed on 5/14/13).                                                                                         vehicle eliminates the need for seat
                                                   11 Bodily Injury Locations in Fatally Injured         and treating particular sources of injury.
                                                 Motorcycle Riders Traffic Safety Facts, DOT HS 810      As adapted for use in addressing motor                belts, air bags, padding, and other safety
                                                 856, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/         vehicle injuries, the matrix is composed              equipment in motor vehicles.
                                                 Pubs/810856.pdf (last accessed on 2/1/12).
                                                   12 Motorcycle Helmet Use and Head and Facial          of the three time phases of a crash event               17 Approaches to the Assessment of Entry-Level
                                                 Injuries: Crash Outcomes in CODES-Linked Data,                                                                Motorcycle Training: An Expert Panel Discussion,
                                                 DOT HS 811 208 available at http://                       15 US Department of Transportation Action Plan
                                                                                                                                                               Traffic Safety Facts Research Note, February 2010,
                                                 www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811208.pdf (last             to Reduce Motorcycle Fatalities, October 2007,        DOT HS 811 242, available at http://
                                                 accessed on 1/31/12).                                   available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/DOT/NHTSA/
                                                   13 Motorcycle Deaths Remain High, National
                                                                                                                                                               811242.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12). The report
                                                 Transportation Safety Board Safety Alert SA–012,        Information/Articles/Associated%20Files/4640-
                                                 November 2010, available at http://www.ntsb.gov/        report2.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12).               concluded:
                                                 doclib/safetyalerts/SA_012.pdf (last accessed on          16 Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety        While basic rider courses teach important skills,
                                                 1/31/12).                                               Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety         the effectiveness of training as a safety
                                                   14 Traffic Safety Facts 2011, Annual Report           Offices, Sixth Edition (2011), February 2011: pp.     countermeasure to reduce motorcycle crashes is
                                                 Overview, DOT HS 811 753, available at http://          5–1 through 5–24, DOT HS 811 258, available at        unclear. Studies conducted in the United States and
                                                 www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pubs/811753.pdf (last             http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/nti/pdf/811          abroad to evaluate rider training have found mixed
                                                 accessed on 5/14/13). See Table 2.                      444.pdf(last accessed on 1/21/12).                    evidence for the effect of rider training on
                                                                                                                                                               motorcycle crashes.

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                                                 29464                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                  TABLE 1—NHTSA’S MOTORCYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM 18
                                                                                                        A-Human factors                             B-Vehicle role                     C-Environmental conditions

                                                 I-Crash Prevention (Pre-Crash) .....         •   Rider Education & Licensing.          • Brakes, Tires, & Controls.               • Roadway Design, Construction,
                                                                                              •   Impaired Riding.                      • Lighting & Visibility.                     Operations & Preservation.
                                                                                              •   Motorist Awareness.                   • Compliance Testing & Inves-              • Roadway Maintenance.
                                                                                              •   State Safety Program.                   tigations.                               • Training for Law Enforcement.
                                                                                              •   Use of Protective Gear.
                                                 II-Injury Mitigation (Crash) .............   •   Use of Protective Gear.               • Occupant Protection (e.g., hel-          • Roadway Design, Construction,
                                                                                                                                          mets, airbags).                            & Preservation.
                                                 III-Emergency      Response       (Post-     • Education & Assistance            to    • Automatic Crash Notification.
                                                    Crash).                                     EMS.                                    • Data Collection & Analysis.
                                                                                              • Bystander Care.

                                                    Mitigating rider injury in crashes                     D. Novelty Helmets                                        vehicles. Doing so could result in
                                                 through the use of motorcycle helmets                                                                               death.21
                                                                                                           1. What is a novelty helmet?
                                                 is a highly effective measure for                                                                                     Throughout this document, we will
                                                 improving motorcycle safety. The steady                      Commonly sold with a disclaimer that                   refer to these types of helmets as novelty
                                                 toll of motorcyclist fatalities would have                they are not for highway use, certain                     helmets.
                                                 been significantly lower had all                          helmets worn by motorcycle riders are
                                                                                                           marketed under a variety of helmet                        2. Novelty Helmet Use
                                                 motorcyclists been wearing motorcycle
                                                 helmets that meet the performance                         pseudonyms. Manufacturers and sellers’                       Although use of a properly certified
                                                 requirements issued by this agency.                       market them under names such as                           FMVSS No. 218-compliant motorcycle
                                                                                                           ‘‘novelty motorcycle helmets,’’ ‘‘rain                    helmet can significantly reduce the
                                                 Additional information about helmet
                                                                                                           bonnets,’’ ‘‘lids,’’ ‘‘brain buckets,’’                   possibility of death or injury in a crash,
                                                 effectiveness and the real world risk of
                                                                                                           ‘‘beanies,’’ ‘‘universal helmets,’’                       a significant percentage of motorcyclists
                                                 not using helmets is discussed later in
                                                                                                           ‘‘novelty helmets,’’ or ‘‘loophole lids,’’                either wear novelty helmets or do not
                                                 this document.                                            and others. Typically, novelty helmets                    wear any helmet at all. In fact,
                                                    In November 2010, the NTSB issued                      cover a smaller area of the head than                     motorcyclists appear to be forsaking the
                                                 a Safety Alert in which that agency                       compliant helmets and, because they                       use of compliant helmets in favor of
                                                 expressed similar conclusions about the                   usually have very thin liners, sit closer                 novelty helmets in high numbers in
                                                 value of increased use of helmets that                    to a user’s head. These helmets lack the                  States with universal helmet use laws.
                                                 comply with FMVSS No. 218. The                            strength, size, and ability to absorb                     (See Table 2.)
                                                 Safety Alert said:                                        energy necessary to protect highway                          In 2011, 20 States and the District of
                                                    • FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets                      users during a crash. Yet, they are sold                  Columbia had helmet use laws requiring
                                                                                                           to highway users and used in great                        all motorcyclists to wear helmets.
                                                 are extremely effective. They can
                                                                                                           numbers by motorcyclists.                                 According to a NHTSA survey, in States
                                                 prevent injury and death from
                                                                                                              Novelty helmets often display labels                   where use is required for all
                                                 motorcycle crashes.
                                                                                                           stating that they are not intended for                    motorcyclists, FMVSS No. 218-
                                                    • A motorcyclist without a helmet,                     highway use and are not protective gear.                  compliant helmets had an observed use
                                                 who is involved in a crash, is three                      Some examples of labels found on                          rate of 84%; novelty helmets had an
                                                 times more likely to sustain brain                        novelty helmets NHTSA has examined                        observed use rate of 12%; and no
                                                 injuries.                                                 include:                                                  helmets were worn by an estimated 4
                                                    • Wearing a helmet reduces the                            • WARNING: This is a novelty item                      percent of motorcyclists. Comparatively,
                                                 overall risk of dying in a crash by 37%.                  and not intended for use as safety                        in the States with partial or no helmet
                                                                                                           equipment.19                                              use laws, the observed use rate of
                                                    • In addition to preventing fatalities,                   • This helmet is a NOVELTY item                        FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets was
                                                 FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets                           only and was not made for, intended                       50%; 5 percent used novelty helmets;
                                                 reduce the need for ambulance service,                    for, nor designated for use as protective                 and 45 percent did not use a helmet at
                                                 hospitalization, intensive care,                          headgear under any circumstances. The                     all.22 Partial helmet use laws typically
                                                 rehabilitation, and long-term care.                       manufacturer disclaims all                                require helmet use only by persons 17
                                                    • Wearing a helmet does not increase                   responsibility if used in any manner                      years of age or younger, even though 70
                                                 the risk of other types of injury.                        other than a novelty item.20                              percent of the teenagers killed on
                                                                                                              • Warning: This novelty helmet is not                  motorcycles are 18 or 19 years of age
                                                 The value of helmet use has been                          D.O.T. certified. It does not meet ANSI,                  and even though teenagers of all ages
                                                 demonstrated in studies of injuries                       SNELL or any other American or                            account for only about 4.5 percent of all
                                                 resulting from crashes, as discussed                      International Safety standards. Do not                    motorcyclist fatalities.23
                                                 below in the section titled ‘‘Real World                  wear this helmet to operate motorized or                     Motorcycle helmet use rates in 2011
                                                 Injury Risks and Novelty Helmets.’’                       non-motorized street legal or off-road                    are presented below in tabular form:

                                                   18 Activities shown in italics are either                 21 Biltwell Inc. model Novelty Helmet.                    23 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety,

                                                 implemented jointly with, or conducted by, the              22 Motorcycle  Helmet Use in 2011—Overall               Teenagers: Fatality Facts 2008, available at http://
                                                 Federal Highway Administration.                           Results, Traffic Safety Facts Research Note, DOT HS       www.iihs.org/research/fatality_facts_2008/
                                                   19 Hot Leathers model Hawk.
                                                                                                           811 610, available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/       teenagers.html (last accessed on 1/19/12).
                                                   20 Advanced Carbon Composites model Polo
                                                                                                           Pubs/811610.pdf (last accessed on 5/16/12).
                                                 Novelty Helmet.

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                         29465

                                                                                                          TABLE 2—MOTORCYCLE HELMET USE RATES IN 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                States with a   States with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  universal     partial or no
                                                                                                                     Motorcyclists                                                                               helmet use     helmet use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     law             law

                                                 Percentage using FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmets ...........................................................................................                              84              50
                                                 Percentage using novelty helmets ..........................................................................................................................               12               5
                                                 Percentage not using any helmet ............................................................................................................................               4              45

                                                    These data show that a considerable                               who do not currently wear complying                Data also suggest that unhelmeted
                                                 number of motorcyclists in all States are                            helmets to wear complying helmets.              motorcyclists suffer proportionately
                                                 wearing novelty helmets and that                                     Rather, by making it easier for law             more fatal head injuries. A study of
                                                 novelty helmet use appears to be                                     enforcement officials to enforce helmet         death certificate information about
                                                 remaining steady over time in States                                 laws, they make it more likely that             8,539 motorcyclists who were fatally
                                                 with helmet laws.                                                    riders will choose to purchase                  injured in 2000, 2001, and 2002
                                                    NHTSA believes that some portion of                               compliant helmets in order to avoid             revealed a direct correlation between
                                                 novelty helmet use results from                                      prosecution and fines.                          head injury and helmet use. While
                                                 inadequate or asymmetric information, a                                                                              about 35 percent of the helmeted
                                                                                                                      E. Safety Consequences of Novelty
                                                 major indication of market failure.                                                                                  motorcyclists who died had a head
                                                                                                                      Helmet Use
                                                 Reasons for novelty helmet use may                                                                                   injury, about 51 percent of the
                                                 vary, but likely include some                                        1. Helmet Effectiveness                         unhelmeted motorcyclists who died had
                                                 misjudgment regarding the risk                                          Motorcycle helmets are at least 37%          a head injury. This data was based on
                                                 associated with motorcycles and false                                effective in preventing fatalities in           the National Center for Health Statistics
                                                 expectations regarding the protection                                motorcycle crashes.      24 25 Based on the     (NCHS) Multiple Cause of Death
                                                 that would be provided by some novelty                               data for 2009, the agency estimates that        (MCoD) data set that is linked to
                                                 helmet designs. In general, problems of                              helmets saved at least 1,483 lives in that NHTSA’s FARS. The data set includes
                                                 inadequate information can be                                        year. In order to employ a matched pair         data on all recorded fatalities that
                                                 addressed by providing greater                                       method of analysis, the estimates were          occurred in the United States during the
                                                 information to the public. As noted                                  derived by examining crashes in FARS            study period, excluding the 825 fatally
                                                 above, NHTSA has attempted to do this                                involving motorcycles with two                  injured motorcyclists whose death
                                                 through the dissemination of rider                                   occupants, at least one of whom was             certification information was
                                                                                                                      killed. NHTSA believes the estimate of unavailable. As stated previously, we
                                                 education materials and by publishing                                        26
                                                 the results of an intensive expanded                                 1,483 lives saved by helmet use in 2009         believe  that the benefit of helmets in
                                                 compliance test program. The latter                                  actually underreports the effectiveness         reducing   head  injury is underreported
                                                 proved to be ineffective and                                         of motorcycle helmets that comply with because the study included
                                                 unsustainable while the former has not                               FMVSS No. 218. Because the foregoing            motorcyclists wearing novelty helmets
                                                 produced any appreciable results.                                    estimate examined crashes where a               in the group of helmeted riders.
                                                    In addition to riders’ misperceptions,                            helmet was used, whether it complied            2. Novelty Helmet Performance
                                                 novelty helmets can be lower cost, and                               with FMVSS No. 218 or not, we believe
                                                 some consumers find them to be more                                  the inclusion of motorcyclists wearing             Novelty helmets do not provide
                                                 comfortable or stylish. When consumers                               novelty helmets in the ‘‘helmeted’’             protection  comparable to that provided
                                                 choose to wear novelty helmets, they                                 category of the database diluted the            by an FMVSS No. 218-compliant
                                                 unnecessarily reduce their safety and                                actual effectiveness of certified helmets. helmet. When NHTSA tested novelty
                                                 burden society with an unnecessary                                   NHTSA estimates that if there had been helmets using the protocols described in
                                                 diversion of economic resources.                                     100 percent use of FMVSS No. 218-               FMVSS No. 218, the agency found that
                                                 Roughly three quarters of all economic                               compliant helmets among motorcyclists, they failed all or almost all of the safety
                                                 costs from motor vehicle crashes are                                 an additional 732 or more lives could           performance requirements in the
                                                 borne by society at large through taxes                              have been saved that year.27                    standard.29 Based on these tests, the
                                                 that support welfare payment                                                                                         agency concluded that novelty helmets,
                                                 mechanisms, insurance premiums,                                        24 Motorcycle Helmet Effectiveness Revisited, despite outward appearances, do not
                                                 charities, and unnecessary travel delay.                             Technical Report, March 2004, DOT HS 809 715,   protect motorcyclists from both impact
                                                                                                                      available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/ or penetration threats, and their chin
                                                 These costs may be even higher for                                   809715.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12).
                                                 motorcycle riders, who often experience                                                                              straps are incapable of keeping the
                                                                                                                        25  Head injuries are not the only cause of crash
                                                 more serious injuries when colliding                                 fatalities. When we speak of ‘‘effectiveness’’ of
                                                                                                                      helmets in reducing the risk of death in fatal                       September 2010, DOT HS 811 383, available at
                                                 with larger vehicles and without                                                                                                          http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pubs/811383.pdf (last
                                                                                                                      motorcycle crashes, all types of injuries suffered by
                                                 protection from vehicle structures or                                riders are included. While it would be useful to                     accessed on 1/31/12).
                                                 seat belts. NHTSA also believes that this                            know the effectiveness of helmets in preventing                        28 Bodily Injury Locations in Fatally Injured

                                                 regulation is warranted by a compelling                              potentially fatal head injuries alone, the purpose of                Motorcycle Riders, Traffic Safety Facts, October

                                                 public need, specifically, the need for                              effectiveness as calculated in this technical report                 2007, DOT HS 810 856, available at http://
                                                                                                                      was to provide a measure of the overall difference                   www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/810856.pdf (last
                                                 States to properly enforce the laws that                             in survival value in a potentially fatal crash that                  accessed on 1/31/12).
                                                 they have passed in order to promote                                 was attributable to the proper use of a helmet.                        29 Summary of Novelty Helmet Performance

                                                 public safety. This proposed rulemaking                                 26 Motorcycle Helmet Effectiveness Revisited,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Testing, Traffic Safety Facts Research Note, DOT HS
                                                 is designed to enable both the                                       Technical Report, March 2004, DOT HS 809 715,                        810 752, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/DOT/
                                                                                                                      available at http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/                      NHTSA/Traffic%20Injury%20Control/
                                                 identification of novelty helmets and                                809715.pdf (last accessed on 1/31/12).                               Studies%20&%20Reports/Associated%20Files/
                                                 enforcement of these laws. These                                        27 Lives Saved in 2009 by Restraint Use and                       Novelty_Helmets_TSF.pdf (last accessed on
                                                 requirements do not force individuals                                Minimum-Drinking-Age Laws, Traffic Safety Fact,                      1/31/12).

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                                                 29466                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 helmets on the heads of their users                                 photographs taken of the helmets they                 minor injury, while a score of 6
                                                 during crashes.                                                     were using during the crash and the                   represents an injury that currently is
                                                 3. Real World Injury Risks and Novelty                              helmets were categorized as either                    untreatable and extremely difficult to
                                                 Helmets                                                             certified or novelty.                                 survive. The Maximum Abbreviated
                                                                                                                        Data for these patients were obtained              Injury Scale (MAIS) is the maximum
                                                    Novelty helmets have been                                                                                              AIS score of injuries sustained.
                                                 demonstrated to be unsafe in laboratory                             from the trauma registry, hospital
                                                 tests and in studies of real world                                  discharge records, autopsy reports, and                 A comparison of head injury and
                                                 motorcycle crashes. A study of                                      police crash reports, and were coded                  helmet type revealed that 56 percent
                                                 motorcycle operators injured during a                               using the Abbreviated Injury Scale 31                 (28/50) of those wearing a novelty
                                                 motor vehicle crash and subsequently                                (AIS). The AIS is a scoring system that               helmet received a head injury (AIS
                                                 transported to the R. Adams Cowley                                  ranks the severity of an injury on a scale            1–6) as compared to 19 percent (37/194)
                                                 Shock Trauma Center (STC) in                                        between 1 and 6. The AIS score is used                of those wearing a certified helmet. The
                                                 Baltimore, MD was conducted between                                 to determine the threat to life correlated            breakdown of the severity as measured
                                                 January 2007 and May 2008.30 During                                 to a specific injury, rather than                     by the Head MAIS of motorcycle
                                                 this study, 244 of the 517 patients                                 comprehensively evaluating the severity               operators who sustained a head injury is
                                                 admitted granted consent to have                                    of injuries. A score of 1 indicates a                 summarized below in Table 3.

                                                                                      TABLE 3—HELMET USE AND HEAD MAIS AMONG MOTORCYCLE OPERATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Total percent
                                                                                                                         1                2             3              4             5              6
                                                                         Head MAIS                                                                                                                             having head
                                                                                                                     (percent)        (percent)     (percent)      (percent)     (percent)      (percent)          injury

                                                 Certified (n=194) ..............................................              3              4                6            3              3              0                    19
                                                 Novelty (n=50) ..................................................            16             12               16           10              2              0                    56

                                                   Table 3 shows the safety benefit of                               meet the requirements of FMVSS No.                    manufactured prior to the effective date
                                                 using FMVSS No. 218-certified helmets                               218.33 However, because novelty                       of the final rule.
                                                 by the fewer number of head injuries at                             helmets are similar in outward                          Given the availability of false
                                                 the levels MAIS 1 through 4 in crashes                              appearance to FMVSS No. 218-                          certification labels, law enforcement
                                                 that were at least as severe, if not more                           compliant helmets, successfully                       officials attempting to establish that a
                                                 severe, than crashes involving novelty                              enforcing a State use law that requires               novelty helmet user has violated a State
                                                 helmets.32 The number of patients                                   the use of a FMVSS No. 218-compliant                  helmet use law must present evidence
                                                 admitted to the STC who sustained a                                 helmet necessitates that enforcement                  in a hearing that establishes, in the face
                                                 head injury at the MAIS 5 and 6 levels                              officials do more than simply affirm the              of a false certification label, that a
                                                 during the study was low due to the fact                            absence or presence of a helmet when                  particular helmet does not meet FMVSS
                                                 that patients with MAIS 5 or greater                                dealing with a motorcyclist using a                   No. 218. This can be a difficult burden.
                                                 injuries are likely to have suffered fatal                          novelty helmet. When a motorcyclist                   Over the years that novelty helmets
                                                 injuries during a crash and are not likely                          uses a novelty helmet in lieu of an                   have been in use, NHTSA has been
                                                 to be admitted to the STC; therefore, this                          FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmet, law                   contacted many times by police officers
                                                 study did not measure significant                                   enforcement officers and hearing                      and other state enforcement officials
                                                 differences in performance of certified                             officers or judges must have means of                 that have lost enforcement cases or
                                                 and novelty helmets at MAIS 5 and 6                                 determining that the novelty helmet                   complained about the costs due to the
                                                 levels. Note that these injury rates                                does not meet FMVSS No. 218.                          difficulty with demonstrating that a
                                                 cannot be interpreted as the true                                      The certification label required by                helmet does not meet the requirements
                                                 protective effects (i.e., effectiveness) for                        FMVSS No. 218 is, of course, intended                 of FMVSS No. 218.
                                                 these two types of helmets because the                              to serve as evidence that a helmet is                   FMVSS No. 218 was intended to
                                                 study did not take into account the                                 certified by its manufacturer to FMVSS                establish minimum performance criteria
                                                 respective helmet use rates (i.e., the                              No. 218. Unfortunately, counterfeit                   for helmets. Although compliance with
                                                 exposure data) and the limited sample                               certification labels are widely available.            some of the requirements of FMVSS No.
                                                 size.                                                               While we expect the recent final rule                 218 may be ascertained by visual
                                                                                                                     revising the certification label                      examination of a helmet, establishing
                                                 F. Novelty Helmets and the Enforcement                              requirements 34 will make production of               whether a particular helmet meets the
                                                 of State Helmet Laws                                                false certification labels more difficult             performance requirements of the
                                                   Novelty helmets present particular                                in the future, nothing prevents the                   standard requires specific laboratory
                                                 challenges to State and local                                       continued production and use of                       tests under tightly controlled
                                                 government authorities seeking to                                   counterfeit certification labels by                   conditions. It is impractical for State or
                                                 enforce helmet use laws. These laws                                 motorcyclists intent on using novelty                 local law enforcement officials to
                                                 often require that riders use helmets that                          helmets, including motorcycle helmets                 perform such testing in individual

                                                   30 Kerns, Timothy and Catherine McCullough, An                    Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Des Plaines,      requiring helmets for all riders. Of the 19
                                                 Analysis of Hospitalized Motorcyclists in the State                 IL.                                                   mandatory helmet law states, 17 have laws
                                                 of Maryland Based on Helmet Use and Outcome.                          32 Injury Data collected during Kearns, et al.,     providing that motorcyclists must wear a helmet
                                                 Paper presented at the 2009 ESV conference, paper                                                                         that complies with FMVSS No. 218.
                                                                                                                     study available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/Research/
                                                 No. 09–0061, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/
                                                 Research/Crashworthiness (last accessed on                          Crashworthiness (last accessed on 04/08/13).            34 Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 93 page 28132,

                                                 4/8/13).                                                              33 Nineteen states, the District of Columbia, the   Friday, May 13, 2011.
                                                   31 The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 1990                        Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S.
                                                 Revision (1998 Update), Association for the                         Virgin Islands have a universal helmet law,

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                    29467

                                                 cases. This discourages law enforcement                 motorcyclists in motorcycle crashes.36 A              the retention system be able to
                                                 personnel from issuing citations to                     further study based on impact                         withstand a quasi-static load. To meet
                                                 novelty helmet users. In the event that                 attenuation test data supports the                    the performance requirement, the
                                                 the helmet user chooses to contest the                  determination that helmets complying                  helmet’s retention system may not break
                                                 citation, the issuing officer, as well as               with FMVSS No. 218 significantly                      while the loads are being applied and
                                                 any prosecutors associated with the                     decrease the risk of a fatal head injury.37           the adjustable portion of the retention
                                                 case, must expend time, energy and                      A manufacturer of a motorcycle helmet                 system may not move more than 1 inch
                                                 resources to pursuing a case that they                  must certify that the helmet meets or                 (2.5 centimeters) during the test.
                                                 are likely to lose if the trier of fact                 exceeds all of the standard’s                           The test procedures in FMVSS No.
                                                 determines that compliance cannot be                    requirements. Those requirements                      218 specify the manner in which testing
                                                 ascertained without testing.                            include three performance requirements                will be conducted by any laboratory
                                                 Furthermore, while NHTSA does                           as well as requirements dealing with                  under contract with NHTSA to test
                                                 compliance testing of some helmets,                     peripheral vision, projections, and                   helmets. Additional details on how the
                                                 testing all helmets in the marketplace                  labeling.                                             tests are to be conducted are contained
                                                 would be difficult and place a heavy                       FMVSS No. 218 is primarily a                       in the NHTSA Laboratory Test
                                                 burden on the agency’s resources.                       performance standard, not a design                    Procedure for FMVSS No. 218
                                                    NHTSA believes that helmet laws                      standard. It requires certain physical                Motorcycle Helmets.38
                                                 save lives and reduce injuries. The use                 attributes such as: a minimum coverage
                                                 of novelty helmets frustrates full                      area, the presence of a chin strap, the               H. Recent Amendments to FMVSS No.
                                                 achievement of those goals. Effective                   location and content of the certification             218
                                                 enforcement of helmet laws therefore                    and other labels, the specification of the              NHTSA issued a final rule amending
                                                 requires that State and local                           maximum size of projections, a                        FMVSS No. 218 on May 13, 2011.39
                                                 governments have the means to                           minimum range of peripheral vision and                These amendments modified labeling
                                                 successfully prosecute violations,                      the requirement that a helmet shell have              requirements, made changes to certain
                                                 including cases in which riders are                     a continuous contour. However, FMVSS                  test procedures, updated references, and
                                                 using novelty helmets to create the false               No. 218 does not direct that a helmet                 corrected the identification of figures
                                                 impression that they are complying with                 have a particular configuration or                    incorporated into the standard.
                                                 laws that require FMVSS No. 218-                        design.                                                 Among other things, the final rule
                                                 compliant helmets.                                         The first of the three principal                   requires the certification label to bear
                                                    In the past, NHTSA has been                          performance requirements in FMVSS                     the manufacturer’s name and helmet
                                                 contacted by North Carolina, Nevada,                    No. 218 is that a motorcycle helmet                   model, as well as the statement ‘‘FMVSS
                                                 New York, and other States seeking                      must exhibit a minimum level of energy                No. 218 CERTIFIED.’’ The final rule also
                                                 objective, measurable criteria that could               absorbency upon impact with a fixed,                  clarified and simplified other labeling
                                                 be used to enforce State helmet laws.                   hard object. Compliance is determined                 requirements, such as permitting the
                                                 The best available information NHTSA                    by conducting a series of drop tests at               certification label to be located on the
                                                 could provide them was a brochure                       four different sites onto two anvils. The             helmet exterior between 1 and 3 inches
                                                 available online titled How to Identify                 impact attenuation requirement limits                 (2.5 to 7.6 cm) from the lower rear edge
                                                 Unsafe Motorcycle Helmets.35 While                      the acceleration levels of the headform               of the helmet and requiring the size to
                                                 conducting research to develop the                      and is quantified in units of g,                      be labeled in a numerical format.
                                                 proposals contained in this document of                 gravitational acceleration. The                         In addition to these labeling changes,
                                                 proposed rulemaking, the agency                         acceleration level relates to the amount              the final rule clarified the test
                                                 contacted Georgia, Washington, and                      of force that is transferred through the              procedures for the retention system and
                                                 California to discuss the criteria and test             helmet to the human head. FMVSS No.                   impact attenuation tests, added
                                                 procedures. All three States were                       218 limits the maximum acceleration to                tolerances to several parts of the
                                                 supportive of this initiative. As                       a level of 400g and limits accelerations              standard, amended the time required to
                                                 explained in the section of this                        exceeding 200g to a cumulative duration               condition helmets, and updated a
                                                 document titled Proposed Amendments                     of 2.0 milliseconds and accelerations                 reference and figure numbers.
                                                 to Performance Requirements, NHTSA                      exceeding 150g to a cumulative duration                 The final rule stated that the
                                                 will be seeking official comment about                  of 4.0 milliseconds.                                  amendments made to FMVSS No. 218
                                                 this proposal from all States having                       The second performance requirement                 were issued for two purposes. One was
                                                 universal helmet laws.                                  is a penetration test, in which a metal               to modify tolerances, test procedures,
                                                 G. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety                         striker is dropped 118.1 inches (3                    and similar requirements impacting
                                                 Standard No. 218                                        meters) in a guided free fall onto a                  compliance testing. The second was to
                                                                                                         stationary helmet mounted on a                        address the increased use of novelty
                                                    The purpose of FMVSS No. 218 is to                                                                         helmets and the relative ease of
                                                                                                         headform. To meet the performance
                                                 reduce fatalities and injuries to                                                                             applying false certification labels to
                                                                                                         requirement, the striker may not contact
                                                 motorcyclists resulting from head                                                                             novelty helmets.
                                                                                                         the surface of the headform.
                                                 impacts. FMVSS No. 218 applies to all                      The third performance requirement of                 The final rule 40 observed that the
                                                 helmets designed for use by                             FMVSS No. 218 is the retention system                 ability of novelty helmet users to attach
                                                 motorcyclists and other motor vehicle                   test. It requires that the retention                  inexpensive, easy-to-produce and easy-
                                                 users. Helmets complying with this                                                                            to-obtain labels mimicking legitimate
                                                                                                         system, chin strap, or any component of

                                                 standard have been demonstrated to be
                                                 a significant factor in the reduction of                  36 Evans, Leonard, and Frick, Michael, ‘‘Helmet       38 NHTSA Laboratory Test Procedure for FMVSS
                                                 critical and fatal injuries involving                   Effectiveness in Preventing Motorcycle Driver and     No. 218, Motorcycle Helmets, May 13, 2011, TP–
                                                                                                         Passenger Fatalities: Accident Analysis and           218–07, available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/
                                                  35 How to Identify Unsafe Motorcycle Helmets,          Prevention,’’ U.S. Department of Transportation,      staticfiles/nvs/pdf/TP-218-07.pdf (last accessed on
                                                 HS 807 880, September 2004, available at http://        National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,       1/31/12).
                                                 www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/                   Volume 20, Number 6, 1988.                              39 Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 93 page 28132,

                                                 motorcycle/unsafehelmetid/images/                         37 Docket No.: NHTSA–2011–0050–0002.1 can be        Friday, May 13, 2011.
                                                 UnsafeHelmets.pdf (last accessed on 2/29/12).           accessed at http://www.regulations.gov.                 40 76 FR 28132, 28138.

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                                                 29468                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 certification labels frustrated                          that it was difficult to imagine any                  ‘‘Department of Transportation.’’ The
                                                 enforcement of helmet use laws.                          manufacturer, importer or seller of seat              agency notes its understanding that
                                                 NHTSA further noted that widely                          belts arguing that their seat belts are not           these look-alike labels appeared only
                                                 available false certification labels made                motor vehicle equipment and stating, as               after the implementation of FMVSS No.
                                                 it difficult to prove that a motorcyclist                novelty helmet manufacturers do, that                 218. As a result, application of these
                                                 is evading helmet use laws by wearing                    their novelty products are not intended               labels to noncompliant helmets enables
                                                 a novelty helmet that appears to be                      for highway use and not designed to                   motorcyclists to avoid conviction and
                                                 certified. More importantly, the agency                  provide protection in a crash. As                     penalties in situations in which State
                                                 noted that the use of novelty helmets                    explained in the final rule, the notion               and local helmet laws require the use of
                                                 puts motorcyclists at much greater risk                  that an item of safety equipment can be               a certified FMVSS No. 218-compliant
                                                 of head injury or death in the event of                  transformed into something other than                 motorcycle helmet.
                                                 a crash.                                                 what it is by virtue of a disclaimer is                  In NHTSA’s judgment, the mere
                                                    In order to make the production and                   absurd. This, in the agency’s view,                   presence of a ‘‘DOT’’ label on a helmet
                                                 use of fraudulent certification labels                   would be aptly demonstrated by the                    that otherwise lacks the construction
                                                 more difficult the final rule added a                    disclaimer that might accompany the                   and appearance of a FMVSS No. 218-
                                                 number of new requirements for                           sale of a novelty seat belt:                          compliant helmet cannot reasonably be
                                                 certification labels. Instead of the simple                ‘‘Novelty seat belts are intended for               thought to be a reliable indication that
                                                 three letter symbol ‘‘DOT,’’ the amended                 display. They are not intended to be used in          the helmet is a compliant helmet. The
                                                 label requirements state that the symbol                 motor vehicles and are not designed to                plausibility of such a false indicator of
                                                 ‘‘DOT’’ be accompanied by the word                       provide protection in a crash. Their use in a         compliance is negated by a lack of
                                                 ‘‘CERTIFIED’’ as well as the phrase                      crash may result in serious injury. Use this          critical visible physical attributes such
                                                 ‘‘FMVSS No. 218.’’ To restrict the use of                seat belt at your own risk.’’                         as an impact absorbing liner of adequate
                                                 a ‘‘one size fits all’’ certification label,             NHTSA also observed then, as it does                  thickness and composition to protect a
                                                 the final rule required that the helmet                  again now, that novelty helmets are sold              user in the event of a crash, as well as
                                                 manufacturer’s name and/or brand and                     by businesses that also sell motorcycles              the presence of interior labeling
                                                 the precise model designation of the                     or motorcycle related products, are in                required by FMVSS No. 218. The
                                                 helmet also appear on the certification                  widespread use on public highways,                    presence of a label on such a helmet is
                                                 label.41                                                 and are only minimally used for any                   instead actually indicative that the label
                                                    While the final rule will make it                     purpose other than while riding a                     is a misleading look-alike label applied
                                                 easier for State and local law                           motorcycle. Nonetheless, sellers of                   by a helmet seller or user, not by its
                                                 enforcement officials to enforce State                   novelty helmets attempt to maintain the               manufacturer. This has led the agency to
                                                 laws requiring the use of FMVSS No.                      fiction that they are not producing                   propose criteria to assist the public and
                                                 218-compliant helmets, the agency                        products for highway use by providing                 law enforcement in identifying novelty
                                                 anticipates that, based on the improved                  disclaimers that the helmets they make                helmets. This proposal is discussed
                                                 labeling alone, only 5 to 10 percent of                  are for ‘‘display or show,’’ not intended             further in the section of this document
                                                 motorcyclists using novelty helmets in                   to be used in motor vehicles and are not              titled Proposed Amendments to
                                                 States with universal helmet use laws                    designed to provide protection in a                   Performance Requirements.
                                                 will switch to using compliant helmets.                  crash. NHTSA then stated its view that
                                                 Therefore, the agency acknowledged                                                                             I. NHTSA’s Compliance Test Program
                                                                                                          novelty safety equipment (having no
                                                 that more is needed to be done to                        apparent purpose other than facilitating                 To help ensure that helmets are
                                                 further reduce novelty helmet use by                     evasion of legal requirements) is an item             properly certified by their
                                                 motorcyclists. Citing comments by the                    of ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’ within                 manufacturers, NHTSA conducts a
                                                 Governors Highway Safety Association                     the meaning of the Vehicle Safety Act                 compliance test program that tests
                                                 that novelty helmet use had become a                     and is subject to a FMVSS. Since they                 approximately 40 different makes and
                                                 means of expressing displeasure with                     do not comply, it is impermissible to                 models of helmets each year. The
                                                 helmet use laws and evading the                          manufacture, import or sell novelty                   helmets are purchased by NHTSA
                                                 operation of such laws, NHTSA                            helmets in the United States.43                       through normal retail channels. Because
                                                 indicated that it was assessing other                       Furthermore, the agency explained                  FMVSS No. 218 requires that helmets be
                                                 actions that should be taken to address                  that ‘‘In some cases, the use of these                tested under four different
                                                 the marketing and selling of novelty                     look-alike labels has enabled                         environmental conditions, NHTSA
                                                 helmets to motorcyclists for highway                     motorcyclists either to assert                        purchases four samples of each helmet
                                                 use.42                                                   successfully in court that he or she                  model. The helmets are then tested by
                                                    The agency noted the duplicity                        believed in good faith that the helmet he             test laboratories under contract with the
                                                 inherent in marketing or selling a                       or she was using had been certified to                agency. Currently, testing of a particular
                                                 novelty version of motor vehicle                         the federal standard and/or to put State              model of helmet costs approximately
                                                 equipment. For example, the final rule                   authorities to the time and expense of                $2,000.00.
                                                 observed that manufacturers of seat                      conducting tests to prove that the                       The appearance of novelty helmets in
                                                 belts complying with FMVSS No. 209,                      helmet is noncompliant.’’ Further,                    the marketplace and their increasing use
                                                 ‘‘Seat belt assemblies,’’ do not also                    sellers and distributors of these labels,             creates a number of challenges for
                                                 produce novelty versions of the same                     which bear the letters ‘‘DOT,’’ attempt               NHTSA that are relevant to the agency’s
                                                 type of equipment used in motor                          to avoid any responsibility for their sale            test program. First, although novelty

                                                 vehicles, that they declare, explicitly or               and use. They assert that the labels are              helmets are typically not manufactured
                                                 implicitly, are not intended to provide                  not counterfeit or misleading look-alike              or sold with certification labels attesting
                                                 protection and therefore are not motor                   ‘‘certification’’ labels, but merely labels           that they comply with Standard No.
                                                 vehicle equipment subject to the                         that coincidentally resemble legitimate               218, novelty helmets with certification
                                                 FMVSSs. The final rule further stated                    ‘‘DOT’’ certification labels and whose                labels have appeared in the
                                                                                                          letters stand for ‘‘Doing Our Thing,’’ not            marketplace. Second, as stated
                                                   41 76   FR 28132, 28140–41.                                                                                  elsewhere in this document, the agency
                                                   42 76   FR 28132, 28157.                                43 76   FR 28132, 28158.                             is proposing to add a new definition of

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                                                 ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ to FMVSS No. 218                  change as 49 U.S.C. 30107 and 49 U.S.C.               or apparel, including a motorcycle
                                                 that is intended to focus on the sale and               30111 (2006 ed. and Supp. III)).                      helmet and excluding medicine or
                                                 use of helmets as determinants of their                    ‘‘Motor vehicle equipment’’ was                    eyeglasses prescribed by a licensed
                                                 intended use. If adopted, this new                      defined in the Safety Act as ‘‘any                    practitioner.’’ The MAP–21 amendment
                                                 definition will expand the universe of                  system, part, or component of a motor                 further refined the definition by
                                                 helmets subject to NHTSA testing to                     vehicle as originally manufactured or                 replacing the term ‘‘intended for use
                                                 include novelty helmets. Because                        any similar part or component                         only’’ with the term ‘‘apparent
                                                 production of novelty helmets is, when                  manufactured or sold for replacement or               purpose.’’ As enacted, this definition
                                                 compared to FMVSS No. 218 compliant                     improvement of such system part, or                   defines ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’ as
                                                 helmets, relatively simple and                          component or as any accessory or                      ‘‘any device or an article or apparel,
                                                 inexpensive, there appear to be many                    addition to the motor vehicle.’’ 15                   including a motorcycle helmet and
                                                 manufacturers and importers of novelty                  U.S.C. 1391(4) (1988 ed.) Given that                  excluding medicine or eyeglasses
                                                 helmets.                                                satisfaction of that definition was                   prescribed by a licensed practitioner,
                                                                                                         predicated on the existence of a motor                that . . . is not a system, part, or
                                                   Responding to consumer concerns                       vehicle which would be improved or                    component of a motor vehicle; and . . .
                                                 and inquiries from law enforcement                      enhanced by the equipment at issue,                   is manufactured, sold, delivered, or
                                                 about the difficulties in distinguishing                items that were not incorporated into                 offered to be sold for use on public
                                                 compliant helmets from non-compliant                    vehicles or were accessories for a                    streets, roads, and highways with the
                                                 helmets, NHTSA embarked on an                           vehicle were not motor vehicle                        apparent purpose of safeguarding motor
                                                 expanded test program in 1994 with the                  equipment. Therefore, when enacted in                 vehicles and highway users against risk
                                                 goal of providing more comprehensive                    1966, the Safety Act’s definition of                  of accident, injury, or death.’’
                                                 coverage of the existing helmet market.                 ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’ did not                      The 1970 expansion of the definition
                                                 This expanded test program illustrated                  include protective equipment such as                  of ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’ and the
                                                 the difficulties inherent in attempting to              motorcycle helmets.                                   MAP–21 amendments confirm that
                                                 perform full FMVSS No. 218 testing on                      In 1970, Congress amended the Safety               Congress provided NHTSA with
                                                 a wide range of helmets. Resource                       Act of 1966 to substantially expand the               jurisdiction over motorcycle helmets
                                                 constraints prevented the agency from                   definition of ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’             used on public highways. By
                                                 testing all of the helmets in the program               to include motorcycle helmets and other               specifically including ‘‘motorcycle
                                                 under the four environmental                            protective equipment that did not meet                helmets’’ and replacing the phrase
                                                 conditions specified in the standard.                   the originally enacted definition of the              ‘‘intended to be used only to safeguard’’
                                                 The agency also found it difficult to                   term. The existing definition of ‘‘motor              highways users with the phrase
                                                 procure all helmets in the marketplace                  vehicle equipment,’’ was expanded                     ‘‘apparent purpose of safeguarding’’
                                                 and was criticized for failing to do so.                beyond motor vehicle components to                    highway users, the 2012 amendment
                                                 Finally, the poor performance of novelty                include ‘‘any device, article or apparel              further clarifies the scope of what
                                                 helmets in impact testing proved not                    not a system, part, or component of a                 constitutes ‘‘motor vehicle equipment’’
                                                 just to be an ample demonstration of the                motor vehicle (other than medicines, or               under the Safety Act. This modification
                                                 threat they pose to users, but also had                 eyeglasses prescribed by a physician or               indicates that Congress did not want the
                                                 serious consequences for the test                       other duly licensed practitioner) which               definition of motor vehicle equipment
                                                 equipment used to assess performance.                   is manufactured, sold, delivered, offered             to turn on the question of ‘‘intent’’ to
                                                 Due to concerns about damaging                          or intended for use exclusively to                    safeguard users, which could be either
                                                                                                         safeguard motor vehicles, drivers,                    the subjective intent of a manufacturer
                                                 expensive test equipment in novelty
                                                                                                         passengers, and other highway users                   or an objective assessment of intent
                                                 helmet impact testing, laboratories
                                                                                                         from the risk of accident, injury or                  based on the circumstances of marketing
                                                 contracting with NHTSA became
                                                                                                         death.’’ 45                                           and sale. By choosing to employ the
                                                 reluctant to test novelty helmets or
                                                                                                            In 1994, the National Traffic and                  words ‘‘apparent purpose to safeguard’’
                                                 refused to do so.                                                                                             highway users, Congress indicated that
                                                                                                         Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 15 U.S.C.
                                                 III. Interpretation—Novelty Helmets                     1381 et seq., was codified without                    decisions about what constitutes motor
                                                 Are Motor Vehicle Equipment                             substantive change as 49 U.S.C. Chapter               vehicle safety equipment are to be
                                                                                                         301—Motor Vehicle Safety. Section                     governed by an objective examination of
                                                   Congress passed the National Traffic                  1391(4) was redesignated as section                   the facts and circumstances of the
                                                 and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966                    30102(a)(7)(C). In the codified form, the             marketing, sale, use and physical
                                                 (Safety Act) with the express purpose of                section defines Motor vehicle                         characteristics of the item at hand. More
                                                 reducing motor vehicle accidents and                    equipment to include devices, articles                importantly, the specific inclusion of
                                                 injuries.44 To promote this end, the                    and apparel ‘‘manufactured, sold,                     ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ as the only
                                                 Safety Act provided for the                             delivered, offered, or intended to be                 example of motor vehicle equipment
                                                 establishment of motor vehicle safety                   used only to safeguard motor vehicles                 indicates that Congress intended to
                                                 standards for motor vehicles and                        and highway users against risk of                     include every helmet that can
                                                 equipment in interstate commerce. 15                    accident, injury, or death.’’                         reasonably be considered such a helmet.
                                                 U.S.C. 1381 (1988 ed.). The Safety Act                     This definition of ‘‘motor vehicle                 Nor did Congress want the word ‘‘only’’
                                                 empowered the Secretary of the                          equipment’’ was again amended by                      to insulate from the Act’s reach any type
                                                 Department of Transportation to                         Congress in 2012. Specifically, MAP–21                of equipment that arguably has more

                                                 establish motor vehicle safety standards                amended this phrase to specifically state             than one possible use. The specific
                                                 for motor vehicles and motor vehicle                    that motorcycle helmets are motor                     inclusion of ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ in the
                                                 equipment. 15 U.S.C. 1392(a) and 1407                   vehicle equipment. The definition now                 Act’s definition clearly signals, along
                                                 (1988 ed.) (codified without substantive                directs that motor vehicle equipment                  with these other changes, that Congress
                                                                                                         includes ‘‘. . . any device or an article             intended to include all items with that
                                                   44 S. Rep. No. 1301, 89th Cong., 2d Sess. 6 (1966),                                                         apparent purpose.
                                                 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 1966, p. 1; Conf.           45 Public Law 91–265, 84 Stat. 262 (May 22,            The ‘‘apparent purpose’’ test
                                                 Rep. No. 1919, 89th Cong., 2d Sess. 1 (1966).           1970).                                                employed by Congress indicates that

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                                                 29470                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 motorcycle helmets, including                           NHTSA’s jurisdiction. However, if a                   users. Accordingly, helmets designed
                                                 ‘‘novelty’’ helmets, are items of motor                 helmet is promoted and advertised for                 for use by motorcyclists and other motor
                                                 vehicle equipment. Focusing on                          purchase by highway users, is sold in                 vehicle users are helmets manufactured
                                                 objective evidence, if a helmet is, based               outlets catering to highway users and is              primarily for use on public highways.
                                                 on its design, such that it would be used               worn by highway users, an objective                   Manufacturers, sellers and, to a degree,
                                                 by a person while riding on a                           examination of these facts compels the                buyers of novelty helmets are well
                                                 motorcycle to provide some level of                     conclusion that the helmet was sold for               aware of the implications of these terms.
                                                 protection, its apparent purpose is to                  highway use regardless of any                         There is little question that novelty
                                                 safeguard that rider. It would therefore                manufacturer disclaimers to the                       helmets are marketed and sold to
                                                 properly be an item of motor vehicle                    contrary. This is a sensible position and             ‘‘motorcyclists’’—operators and
                                                 equipment. If it is offered for sale as a               one that the agency concludes is wholly               passengers of motorcycles. However, by
                                                 motorcycle helmet but the manufacturer                  consistent with Congressional intent                  designating these helmets as ‘‘not for
                                                 or seller disclaims that it provides any                and the text of the Safety Act as                     highway use,’’ notwithstanding their
                                                 protection, its apparent purpose remains                modified by MAP–21.                                   well-known highway use,
                                                 the same. In other words, the apparent                                                                        manufacturers and sellers of novelty
                                                                                                         IV. Proposed Amendments to FMVSS
                                                 purpose of the helmet as a protective                                                                         helmets are attempting to circumvent
                                                                                                         No. 218
                                                 device outweighs a manufacturer’s                                                                             their legal responsibilities.
                                                 stated purpose to the contrary when                     A. Adding a Definition for Motorcycle                    Although NHTSA believes, as
                                                 defining a motorcycle helmet as motor                   Helmet                                                explained more fully in the section of
                                                 vehicle equipment. If it is worn by                        The agency is proposing to add a                   this document titled Interpretation—
                                                 ordinary motorcycle riders while riding                 definition of ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ to                Novelty Helmets are Motor Vehicle
                                                 a motorcycle on the highway or in the                   section S4 of FMVSS No. 218 to                        Equipment, that novelty helmets are
                                                 immediate vicinity of a motorcycle                      effectuate the interpretation of the                  presently within the scope of FMVSS
                                                 before or after riding one,46 it is a                   statutory definition of motor vehicle                 No. 218 because they are intended for
                                                 ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ whose apparent                    equipment described in Section III of                 use by motorcyclists and are in fact used
                                                 purpose is to provide protection in a                   this document and help ensure that                    by them on the highway, we are
                                                 crash. Such a helmet is therefore an                    helmets being used by motorcyclists on                proposing to add a new definition of
                                                 item of motor vehicle equipment.47                      highways meet the minimum                             motorcycle helmet to FMVSS No. 218
                                                    Furthermore, a manufacturer’s                        performance standards set forth in                    section S4 to make clear that the stated
                                                 addition of a label stating that a helmet               FMVSS No. 218.                                        intent of a manufacturer in designing a
                                                 is ‘‘not for highway use’’ would not be                    Neither the Safety Act nor NHTSA’s                 helmet is not the determinant of
                                                 sufficient to overcome objective                        regulations currently provide a precise               whether a helmet is intended for
                                                 evidence regarding its apparent purpose                 definition of what constitutes a                      highway use. A broader examination of
                                                 (use while on the highway) and take a                   motorcycle helmet. FMVSS No. 218                      relevant factors is necessary where, as
                                                 novelty helmet out of the ambit of                      currently states that regulated helmets               here, the stated intent regarding the use
                                                 ‘‘motor vehicle equipment.’’ By                         are those helmets designed for highway                of the product is inconsistent with the
                                                 amending the definition of motor                        use. Section S1 of FMVSS No. 218 states               actual use of the product, as well as the
                                                 vehicle equipment to delete the words                   that the standard establishes minimum                 manner in which it is marketed and
                                                 ‘‘intended’’ and ‘‘only’’ and to focus on               performance requirements for helmets                  sold. Further, we are proposing to adopt
                                                 the ‘‘apparent purpose’’ of safeguarding                designed for use by motorcyclists and                 this definition contemporaneously with
                                                 users, Congress indicated that the                      other motor vehicle users. Section S3,                other proposed amendments discussed
                                                 definition of motor vehicle equipment                   stating what the standard applies to, sets            below, to provide law enforcement
                                                 should not be controlled by subjective                  forth that the standard applies to all                officers, end users of motorcycle
                                                 statements in which a manufacturer                      helmets designed for use by                           helmets, and hearing officers or judges
                                                 denies any intention of protecting                      motorcyclists and other motor vehicle                 with objective characteristics allowing
                                                 wearers of the product from injury.                     users.                                                them to distinguish helmets that are
                                                 NHTSA sees no reason to conclude that                      The term ‘‘motorcyclist’’ is not                   certified to FMVSS No. 218 from
                                                 Congress would give any greater weight                  defined by the Safety Act. Under the                  novelty helmets. The agency also
                                                 to similar subjective expressions of                    term’s ordinary meaning, a                            believes that adding a definition and
                                                 intent regarding highway use. Instead,                  ‘‘motorcyclist’’ is an operator or                    other provisions proposed in this
                                                 we believe that Congress meant for the                  passenger of a motorcycle.48 As                       document will assist States with helmet
                                                 question of whether a product is                        employed in FMVSS No. 218, a                          use laws, to more effectively enforce
                                                 manufactured or sold for highway use to                 ‘‘motorcyclist’’ is a user of a ‘‘motor               those laws.
                                                                                                         vehicle.’’ As the term ‘‘motor vehicle’’ is              Although the agency remains
                                                 be resolved by an objective examination
                                                                                                         restricted under the Safety Act to those              concerned that manufacturers may tailor
                                                 of the facts.
                                                    If a helmet is manufactured by a                     vehicles ‘‘manufactured primarily for                 their efforts to avoid NHTSA’s
                                                 company that produces safety                            use on public streets, roads, and                     enforcement efforts, we believe that
                                                                                                         highways,’’ the existing statutory and                focusing on the marketing, promotion
                                                 equipment for drag racers, the helmet is
                                                                                                         regulatory text defines motorcycle                    and sale of helmets provides an
                                                 promoted for racing use and is sold by
                                                                                                         helmets as helmets designed for use by                important and legitimate means of
                                                 entities that serve racers, the objective
                                                                                                         motorcyclists and other motor vehicle                 distinguishing motorcycle helmets from
                                                 facts and circumstances indicate that

                                                                                                                                                               other protective helmets. Marketing,
                                                 such a helmet is not manufactured, sold,
                                                                                                           48 A motorcycle is a vehicle with motive power      promotion and sales materials are
                                                 delivered, or offered to be sold for
                                                                                                         having a seat or saddle for the use of the operator   important objective indicia of the
                                                 highway use and not subject to                          and designed to travel on not more than three         intended use of a product and this
                                                                                                         wheels in contact with the ground. 49 CFR 571.3.      definition employs an eminently
                                                   46 Such use is incidental to the wearing of the
                                                                                                         Any vehicle with three or fewer wheels
                                                 helmets by persons riding on motorcycles.               manufactured for use on public streets, roads, and
                                                                                                                                                               practical set of tests by examining who
                                                   47 We note that a novelty helmet meets all three      highways including motor scooters, mopeds, and 3-     is selling the product and the use it is
                                                 of those tests.                                         wheeled trikes, are therefore motorcycles.            being sold for. If a helmet is sold by

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                   29471

                                                 entities selling other products for                        NHTSA’s proposed definition of                     States, by entities that undertake the
                                                 motorcyclists, then it follows that the                 ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ establishes that                same activities for other products,
                                                 helmet is intended for use by those                     ‘‘hard shell headgear’’ meeting certain               services or goods used by on-road
                                                 same motorcyclists. If, when viewed by                  conditions are motorcycle helmets. As                 motorcyclists, the apparent purpose of
                                                 a reasonable observer, the helmet is                    employed in the definition, hard shell                the helmet is on-road use and the
                                                 promoted or displayed as suitable for                   headgear refers to headgear that retains              helmet is a motorcycle helmet. Proposed
                                                 uses including use as a motorcycle                      its shape when removed from the user’s                subsection (1)(C) states that a helmet is
                                                 helmet, then it similarly follows that the              head, whether or not covered by a                     a motorcycle helmet if it is described or
                                                 helmet is actually made and sold as a                   decorative surface such as leather.                   depicted as a motorcycle helmet in
                                                 motorcycle helmet. Of course, the                       ‘‘Hard shell’’ distinguishes motorcycle               packaging, display, promotional
                                                 agency recognizes that helmets of all                   helmets from other non-hard shelled                   information or advertising. This
                                                 kinds may be sold by entities that sell                 headgear such as soft caps and                        criterion is met if the helmet is
                                                 motorcycle equipment and accessories                    bandannas that are also used by                       described or depicted as a motorcycle
                                                 as well as a variety of other products.                 motorcyclists on road. If an item of                  helmet in packaging, display,
                                                 Marketing and promotion materials may                   headgear meets this threshold                         promotional materials or advertising.
                                                 also be broad or enigmatic. To clarify                  requirement, additional criteria are                  Such materials may include obvious
                                                 the definition and prevent the operation                employed to determine if the item is a                characteristics such as the word
                                                 of the presumption when inappropriate,                  motorcycle helmet.                                    ‘‘motorcycle’’ in a description of the
                                                 the definition also states that helmets                    The criteria relate to the manufacture,            helmet or more subtle factors such as a
                                                 within the scope of subsections (1)(B)                  importation, sale, and use of the                     depiction of a user who is also wearing
                                                 and (1)(C) would not presumptively be                   headgear in question. First, a helmet is              goggles, sunglasses, or other protective
                                                 a motorcycle helmet when it is certified                a motorcycle helmet under subsection                  clothing or gear normally worn by
                                                 by a recognized body for use as                         (1)(A) if it is manufactured for sale, sold,          motorcyclists.
                                                 protective gear for purposes other than                 offered for sale, introduced or delivered               Subsection (1)(D) states that helmets
                                                 as a motorcycle helmet or is                            for introduction in interstate commerce,              presented for importation under
                                                 permanently labeled as not intended for                 or imported into the United States, for               applicable designation(s) for motorcycle
                                                 highway use.                                            use on public streets, roads, and                     helmets in the Harmonized Tariff
                                                    NHTSA believes that including                        highways with the apparent purpose of                 Schedule of the United States would
                                                                                                         safeguarding highway users against risk               also be deemed to be on-road
                                                 helmets worn by motorcyclists using
                                                                                                         of accident, injury, or death. The                    motorcycle helmets. This fourth
                                                 public highways is supported by the
                                                                                                         apparent purpose of a product stems                   criterion relates to the manner in which
                                                 expanded definition of motor vehicle
                                                                                                         from its essential physical                           imported goods enter the United States
                                                 equipment adopted by Congress in 1970
                                                                                                         characteristics such as the size, shape,              and would specify that any helmet
                                                 and the recent MAP–21 amendments.
                                                                                                         design and general appearance of the                  imported into the United States under
                                                 As we interpret that definition, the
                                                                                                         helmet. For example, a small bicycle                  the designations reserved for motorcycle
                                                 manner of actual use is compelling
                                                                                                         with small diameter wheels and a                      helmets in the Harmonized Tariff
                                                 objective evidence of the intended use
                                                                                                         correspondingly small frame would                     Schedule of the United States (HTS) is
                                                 of a product regardless of any
                                                                                                         have the apparent purpose of being used               intended for highway use. The HTS,
                                                 disclaimers issued by a manufacturer or                 by a child for short distances on
                                                 seller. Nonetheless, the agency has                                                                           which replaced former US Tariff
                                                                                                         sidewalks and driveways. Conversely, a                Schedules, was enacted by Congress and
                                                 tentatively decided not to propose                      bicycle with large wheels and a large
                                                 incorporating this criterion in the                                                                           made effective on January 1, 1989. The
                                                                                                         frame would have the apparent purpose                 HTS establishes a hierarchical structure
                                                 definition of motorcycle helmet. This                   of being used by an adult on roads and
                                                 tentative determination is based on the                                                                       for describing all imported goods for
                                                                                                         highways. In the case of helmets, an                  duty, quota, and statistical purposes.
                                                 current lack of data regarding which                    unperforated hard shell helmet with a
                                                 helmets are actually being used on                                                                            The United States International Trade
                                                                                                         chin strap or retention system would                  Commission (USITC) maintains and
                                                 public highways. As stated elsewhere in                 have the apparent purpose of being a
                                                 this document, if NHTSA were to adopt                                                                         publishes the HTS, which is enforced
                                                                                                         protective motorcycle helmet. If that
                                                 an actual use component in the                                                                                and interpreted by the Bureau of
                                                                                                         helmet also has snaps for attaching a
                                                 definition of motorcycle helmet, the                                                                          Customs and Border Protection of the
                                                                                                         visor or face shield, the apparent
                                                 agency would not consider incidental                                                                          Department of Homeland Security.49
                                                                                                         purpose becomes even clearer. Further,                  NHTSA recognizes that some helmet
                                                 use as evidence that a particular type of               if such a helmet is similar to helmets
                                                 helmet is a motorcycle helmet. Instead,                                                                       manufacturers, importers and sellers
                                                                                                         certified by their manufacturers as                   produce, sell or import a variety of
                                                 only those helmets being used on-road                   meeting the requirements of FMVSS No.
                                                 by a sufficient number of motorcyclists                                                                       helmets for various purposes and uses.
                                                                                                         218, the helmet would have the
                                                 would be considered as evidence that                                                                          Therefore, that retailer might sell
                                                                                                         apparent purpose of being a protective
                                                 the helmet being worn is intended for                                                                         motorcycle helmets, ski helmets, bicycle
                                                 highway use.                                               Under subsection (1)(B) a helmet is a              helmets, mountaineering helmets and
                                                    Although NHTSA has tentatively                       motorcycle helmet if it is manufactured,              other protective headgear for off-
                                                 decided not to include a use-based                      sold, introduced into interstate                      highway uses. A manufacturer or
                                                 criterion in the definition of                          commerce, or imported by entities also                importer may produce helmets certified
                                                                                                                                                               as meeting Standard No. 218 but may

                                                 ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ the agency may                    manufacturing, offering, selling or
                                                 include such a provision in the                         importing certified helmets or other                  also produce helmets for racing or other
                                                 definition contained in the final rule.                 motor vehicle equipment and apparel                   motorsports that are not certified to that
                                                 The agency therefore requests comments                  for motorcycles or motorcyclists. Under               standard. Unlike ‘‘novelty helmets,’’
                                                 on including a provision in the final                   this standard, if a helmet is                           49 Depending on the materials used in their
                                                 rule that helmets used on the highways                  manufactured, imported, sold, offered                 construction, motorcycle helmets are currently
                                                 are motorcycle helmets and motor                        for sale or introduced into interstate                found in 6506.10.3030, HTSUS, or subheading
                                                 vehicle equipment under the Safety Act.                 commerce, or imported into the United                 6506.10.6000, HTSUS.

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                                                 29472                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 such racing helmets may provide                         products that motorcyclists use on                    on additional government entities or
                                                 significantly more impact protection                    public highways, it is objectively                    industry standards that should be
                                                 than required by Standard No. 218, but                  reasonable to conclude that the helmet                included in Paragraph (2) of the
                                                 for a variety of reasons related to their               at issue is also intended for this use. It            definition.
                                                 specialized use, are not certified as                   is also objectively reasonable to
                                                                                                                                                               B. Proposed Amendments to
                                                 meeting Standard No. 218. We also note                  conclude that a product depicted as a
                                                 that the current version of the                         motorcycle helmet in promotional                      Performance Requirements
                                                 Harmonized Tariff Schedule contains                     materials or packaging is also meant by                  As NHTSA has observed elsewhere in
                                                 two classifications for motorcycle                      its maker to be used by ordinary                      this document, the existing performance
                                                 helmets but neither of these                            motorcyclists. Subsection D follows the               requirements of FMVSS No. 218
                                                 classifications distinguishes between                   logical premise that a helmet declared to             establish test procedures specifying that
                                                 helmets intended for highway use and                    be a motorcycle helmet by an importer                 compliance with the standard be
                                                 those imported for legitimate off-road                  is intended by that importer to be used               evaluated through the use of laboratory
                                                 uses. NHTSA is therefore proposing                      by motorcyclists.                                     tests requiring that four samples of each
                                                 additional language that would address                     The proposed definition therefore                  helmet model be tested under different
                                                 the legitimate concerns of                              characterizes motorcycle helmets as                   specific environmental conditions.
                                                 manufacturers, importers and sellers of                 hard shell headgear meeting any one of                Although compliance with some of the
                                                 helmets that are imported for legitimate                four conditions. The first condition is               requirements of the standard may be
                                                 off-road uses.                                          that it is manufactured for sale, sold,               determined by simple visual
                                                    Our proposed definition would                        offered for sale, introduced or delivered             examination—i.e. a compliant helmet
                                                 exclude helmets designed and                            for introduction in interstate commerce,              must have the required interior labels,
                                                 manufactured to, and labeled in                         or imported into the United States, for               the shell must be free of rigid
                                                 accordance with other recognized                        use on public streets, roads, and                     projections taller than 0.20 inch (5 mm)
                                                 helmet standards. For example, football                 highways with the apparent purpose of                 and have a continuous contour, and it
                                                 helmets marked as complying with the                    safeguarding highway users against risk               must cover a minimum area of the
                                                 National Operating Committee on                         of accident, injury, or death. The second             head—current compliance tests require
                                                 Standards for Athletic Equipment                        condition is that it is manufactured for              sensitive specialized equipment and can
                                                 (NOCSAE) or ASTM International                          sale, sold, offered for sale, introduced or           only be performed by trained personnel
                                                 ASTM F717–10 football helmet                            delivered for introduction in interstate              employed by specialized laboratories.
                                                 standards meet the exception clause                     commerce, or imported into the United                 Testing four samples of one helmet
                                                 included in the definition. Similarly,                  States by entities that also manufacture              model currently costs NHTSA
                                                 hockey helmets marked as complying                      for sale, sell, offer for sale, introduce or          approximately $2000.00 and the
                                                 with ASTM International ASTM F1045–                     deliver for introduction in interstate                agency’s budget allows approximately
                                                 07 or Hockey Equipment Certification                    commerce, or import into the United                   forty tests in one fiscal year.
                                                 Council (HECC) hockey helmet                            States either motorcycles, helmets
                                                                                                                                                                  The interpretation issued in this
                                                 standards would not be motorcycle                       certified to FMVSS No. 218, or other
                                                                                                                                                               document, as well the proposed
                                                 helmets.                                                motor vehicle equipment and apparel
                                                    Subsection (1)(A) couches the acts of                                                                      amended definition of motorcycle
                                                                                                         for motorcycles or motorcyclists. The
                                                 manufacturing, selling, offering or                                                                           helmet, would both require significant
                                                                                                         third condition is that it is described or
                                                 introducing into interstate commerce, or                depicted as a motorcycle helmet in                    expansion of NHTSA’s compliance test
                                                 importing into the United States, as                    packaging, display, promotional                       program.
                                                 being gauged by the ‘‘apparent purpose’’                information or advertising. The fourth                   Such an expansion would, of course,
                                                 of safeguarding highway users from                      and final condition is that it is imported            require significant additional agency
                                                 death or injury. Deriving the apparent                  into the United States under the                      expenditures if the agency continues to
                                                 purpose involves looking to the                         applicable designation(s) for motorcycle              rely on the existing performance
                                                 essential physical characteristics of the               helmets in the Harmonized Tariff                      requirements of FMVSS No. 218. In
                                                 item involved. Moreover, even though a                  Schedule of the United States. However,               addition, novelty helmets perform very
                                                 manufacturer or seller of a novelty                     if a helmet that meets any of conditions              poorly in compliance testing. This
                                                 helmet may declare that the helmet is                   two, three, or four is labeled and marked             performance is substandard to the point
                                                 not ‘‘DOT Certified’’ or is ‘‘Not a Safety              in accordance with a non-motorcycle                   that performing impact attenuation
                                                 Device,’’ these products are sufficiently               helmet standard issued or adopted by                  testing on novelty helmets poses a threat
                                                 similar to helmets that actually do                     any one of the organizations identified               to accelerometers and other devices
                                                 provide protection that both users and                  as manufacturing other types of safety                incorporated into test devices. The risk
                                                 reasonable observers might conclude                     helmets and listed in the proposed                    of damage to this equipment has caused
                                                 that they provide some degree of                        definition, it would not be considered to             NHTSA-contracted test laboratories to
                                                 protection against impact. Subsections B                be a motorcycle helmet.                               be reluctant to perform impact
                                                 and C also follow the language used by                     For consistency, NHTSA also                        attenuation testing on novelty helmets
                                                 Congress in the MAP–21 and 1970                         proposes to revise the language in the                or to refuse to test them altogether. The
                                                 amendments. In this instance the                        scope and application sections of                     agency also notes that because
                                                 actions of manufacturing, offering and                  FMVSS No. 218 to refer to motorcycle                  manufacturing and/or importing novelty
                                                 selling are framed by the manner in                     helmets.                                              helmets requires less financial resources

                                                 which products are sold. The                               The agency requests comments on the                than manufacturing conventional
                                                 surrounding circumstances used to                       proposed definition as well as the                    FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmets,
                                                 assess the apparent purpose of the                      alternative definitions discussed                     there appear to be many entities
                                                 product are found in the acts of making                 previously. Depending on the public                   manufacturing, importing and selling
                                                 or selling other goods and services                     comments, elements of the different                   novelty helmets. Taken together, the
                                                 intended for use by motorcyclists or in                 definitions could be combined into the                foregoing factors indicate that a full test
                                                 promoting the helmet. If one sells a                    definition adopted in the final rule. In              program aimed at examining large
                                                 helmet in venues offering other                         addition, the agency request comment                  numbers of both novelty and

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            29473

                                                 conventional helmets would be difficult                 believe that it is extremely unlikely that            misleading look-alike or ‘‘counterfeit’’
                                                 and expensive.                                          any helmet constructed using presently                certification labels provides users with
                                                    The agency is therefore proposing                    known techniques and materials can                    the opportunity to give the helmet the
                                                 modifications to FMVSS No. 218 to                       meet the performance requirements of                  appearance of having been properly
                                                 lessen NHTSA’s test burden and allow                    Standard No. 218 without also                         certified. In jurisdictions where
                                                 a more comprehensive examination of                     complying with the proposed                           motorcycle helmet laws require the use
                                                 helmets being sold and marketed to                      preliminary screening requirements.                   of an FMVSS No. 218-compliant helmet,
                                                 highway users. The proposed                                The alternative compliance process                 riders using novelty helmets are
                                                 amendments would incorporate certain                    being proposed allows manufacturers to                violating the law. However, proving the
                                                 physical criteria into FMVSS No. 218 in                 petition the agency and demonstrate                   violation requires establishing that a
                                                 order to facilitate simplified test                     that new technologies allow their                     helmet does not comply with FMVSS
                                                 procedures. The physical characteristics                helmets to comply with the                            No. 218. This can be especially difficult
                                                 being proposed are, in NHTSA’s view,                    requirements of S5.2–S5.7 (as                         when a helmet has a fraudulent
                                                 excellent indicators that a helmet will                 renumbered) of the Standard even if                   certification label. Under the current
                                                 be unable to comply with the impact                     they do not meet the proposed                         regulations, the only recourse
                                                 attenuation and penetration tests                       preliminary screening requirements in                 enforcement officials may have is to
                                                 already incorporated in the standard.                   S5.1. They do this by providing                       establish that a helmet does not meet
                                                    With the issuance of the NPRM, the                   information specified in the proposed                 the performance requirements of
                                                 agency will simultaneously be                           Appendix including the evidence on                    FMVSS No. 218. If NHTSA has not
                                                 contacting States with universal helmet                 which they base their belief that the                 tested the helmet at issue, State and
                                                 laws for feedback on the proposals                      helmet complies with all requirements                 local officials attempting to establish
                                                 contained herein. Specifically, the                     of S5.2–S5.7. The Agency reviews their                that a helmet does not comply with
                                                 agency requests the following feedback:                 petition and has an option to conduct                 FMVSS No. 218 are often asked to
                                                    • Does your State’s helmet law                       validation testing. Manufacturers who                 present their own data. Although
                                                 require use of a DOT-certified helmet?                  have all required information on file                 manufacturers of properly certified
                                                    • Has your State had difficulty with                 and whose helmets are determined by                   helmets routinely perform compliance
                                                 prosecuting cases against users of                      the agency to be capable of meeting                   testing before releasing a product for
                                                 novelty helmets in the past and, if so,                 Standard No. 218 S5.2–S5.7 and yet do                 sale, such testing is obviously not
                                                 why?                                                    not meet the preliminary screening                    performed by novelty helmet
                                                    • Has your State had difficulty with                 criteria of S5.1, will be identified in an            manufacturers claiming their products
                                                 prosecuting cases against manufacturers                 Appendix to the Standard and this                     are not for highway use. If agency or
                                                 of novelty helmets in the past and, if so,              information will be made available on                 manufacturer test data are not available,
                                                 why?                                                    the NHTSA Web site.                                   it is impractical to expect State and
                                                    • Have law enforcement officers in                      Adoption of these proposed                         local enforcement officials to
                                                 your state had difficulty distinguishing                requirements will also have ancillary                 commission or perform such tests to
                                                 novelty helmets from certified helmets?                 benefits for State officials charged with             prosecute individual cases.
                                                    • Will these criteria help your state to             enforcing helmet laws requiring the use                  To reduce NHTSA’s test burdens,
                                                 distinguish novelty helmets from                        of FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmets.                   prevent or reduce the entry of novelty
                                                 certified helmets?                                      Many States with helmet use laws have                 helmets into the United States, and
                                                    • Will the tools described in the                    adopted a requirement that riders                     assist State and local governments with
                                                 regulatory text be useful to you?                       subject to the law must use a helmet                  the means to effectively enforce their
                                                    • Will you use the tools in the field                that complies with FMVSS No. 218.                     helmet laws, NHTSA undertook an
                                                 or during court hearings?                               Although such a requirement advances                  examination of the physical
                                                    • Do you believe this rule will                      the laudable goal of ensuring that                    characteristics of helmets certified to
                                                 encourage greater use of DOT-certified                  motorcyclists use helmets meeting                     FMVSS No. 218 and novelty helmets to
                                                 helmets in your state?                                  minimum performance requirements, it                  determine if a set of simple criteria
                                                    • Are there other actions that NHTSA                 creates an additional burden for State                could be developed to differentiate
                                                 can take to assist the States in this area?             and local authorities who must enforce                between the two groups of helmets. In
                                                    To the extent that advances in                       these helmet laws. In many                            doing so, the agency’s goal was to
                                                 technology and materials may permit                     jurisdictions, establishing a violation               develop a test, or set of tests, that would
                                                 the development of helmets meeting all                  requires the State to prove either that a             employ commonly available tools or
                                                 the requirements of Standard No. 218                    rider was not wearing any helmet or that              measurement devices in a manner that
                                                 excluding the proposed preliminary                      the helmet worn by the rider did not                  would not impair or compromise the
                                                 screening requirements, we are also                     meet the performance requirements                     performance of the helmet being
                                                 proposing to establish an alternative                   incorporated in the State helmet law.                 examined.
                                                 compliance process encompassing a                       Given the popularity of novelty helmets                  In an effort to reduce the agency’s test
                                                 petition procedure allowing helmet                      and the widespread availability of                    burden and provide a means for State
                                                 manufacturers an opportunity to                         ‘‘DOT’’ stickers and other facsimiles of              officials and consumers to differentiate
                                                 establish that a specific helmet design                 actual manufacturer certifications,                   compliant and non-compliant helmets,
                                                 qualifies for further testing. In so doing,             successful enforcement of such a State                NHTSA examined the possibility of
                                                 NHTSA acknowledges that such a                          helmet law requires proof that a                      comparing the weight and/or

                                                 petition process appears to present an                  particular helmet, even when marked                   dimensions of the two classes of
                                                 increased burden to both manufacturers                  with the symbol ‘‘DOT,’’ does not meet                helmets and positing a test based on
                                                 and the agency. The agency believes,                    FMVSS No. 218.                                        weight or size. However, because
                                                 however, that the likelihood that the                      These helmets are typically not                    novelty helmets are produced in a wide
                                                 proposed petition process will be                       certified by the manufacturer as meeting              variety of sizes and are not necessarily
                                                 frequently employed is small. The                       FMVSS No. 218 and are not designed or                 labeled as being a particular size,
                                                 proposed preliminary screening                          manufactured to comply with FMVSS                     comparing the weight or exterior
                                                 requirements are quite conservative. We                 No. 218. Nonetheless, the availability of             dimensions of large novelty helmets to

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                                                 29474                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 those of small compliant helmets does                    2010. Two critical physical differences                          specified force. In order to measure the
                                                 not produce meaningful results.                          between novelty and FMVSS No. 218                                thickness when the comfort liner was
                                                    Next, NHTSA examined the                              certified helmets were revealed: The                             compressed, a 5 pound-force (lbf) (22
                                                 possibility of comparing liners of the                   thickness and compression                                        Newton (N)) was applied using a dial
                                                 two classes of helmets. The importance                   characteristics of the padding and/or                            force gauge. This force was selected
                                                 of an energy absorbing liner in                          energy absorbing material inside the                             because it is sufficient to distinguish
                                                 preventing and reducing brain injuries                   shell of the helmet. Novelty helmets are                         EPS foam from foam that does not have
                                                 was first established in the United                      typically manufactured with a relatively                         sufficient compressive resistance to
                                                 States shortly after World War II by                     thin comfort liner between the wearer’s                          attenuate energy during an impact, not
                                                 research directed toward developing                      head and the exterior shell. These
                                                                                                                                                                           damage the EPS foam, and can readily
                                                 effective protective helmets for military                comfort liners consist of a layer of cloth
                                                 pilots.50 Since that time, expanded                                                                                       be achieved using a thumb-fingertip grip
                                                                                                          immediately next to the wearer’s head
                                                 polystyrene (EPS) foam has become the                    and possibly a thin layer of foam                                should a gauge not be available.51 The
                                                 predominant helmet liner material in                     between the cloth and the inside of the                          purpose of this test is to distinguish
                                                 FMVSS No. 218 compliant helmets                          helmet shell.                                                    relatively dense impact attenuating
                                                 because it combines light weight,                           NHTSA attempted to quantify the                               liners, typically made of expanded
                                                 manufacturing advantages, affordability,                 differences in the thickness and                                 polystyrene (EPS) or urethane, from
                                                 and an ability to ‘‘crush’’ and absorb                   response of helmet liner materials to                            comfort liners made of foams that are
                                                 energy in an impact. Because some                        compression in order to determine if                             easily indented and unable to
                                                 amount of ‘‘crush’’ in a motorcycle                      threshold values for thickness and                               adequately attenuate energy of a head
                                                 helmet’s liner is needed to absorb a                     compression could be identified to                               hitting a surface during a crash. The EPS
                                                 sufficient amount of energy during a                     distinguish certified from novelty                               and urethane foams do not crush under
                                                 crash, EPS foam liners (or their                         helmets. Measurements were taken near                            this very minor force whereas the
                                                 equivalents) must have a certain                         the apex of 30 helmets obtained from                             comfort liners typically do.
                                                 minimum thickness to prevent or                          the market place. The apex of the
                                                                                                                                                                              The tools used to measure helmet
                                                 reduce injury. Therefore, the                            helmet is the highest point when a
                                                 configuration and composition of a                       helmet is oriented so the brow opening                           characteristics are described in Table 4.
                                                 semi-rigid liner is a critical factor in a               is parallel to the ground. Inner liner                           These tools were selected because they
                                                 protective helmet’s ability to reduce or                 thickness was measured by inserting a                            are commercially available, relatively
                                                 prevent injury and was considered a                      push pin into the liner, marking its                             inexpensive, and are easy to use. While
                                                 potentially useful criterion for                         depth along the shaft of the pin,                                these tools will not measure the criteria
                                                 differentiating novelty helmets from                     withdrawing the pin, and measuring the                           with high precision, we believe they are
                                                 certified helmets.                                       depth of penetration to the shell. The                           minimally sufficient to perform the
                                                   NHTSA therefore examined the                           combined thickness of the shell and                              preliminary screening tests proposed in
                                                 thickness of the liners, liners and shells,              liner was measured using digital                                 the standard. Other tools may be useful
                                                 and compression characteristics of a                     calipers. The combined thickness of the                          as well. Based on useful life, the tool kit
                                                 sample of motorcycle helmets                             shell and liners were measured before                            in 2012 dollars is estimated to be $81.43
                                                 commercially available in 2009 and                       and after being compressed with a                                per kit per year.

                                                                  TABLE 4—TOOLS USED TO EXAMINE THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MOTORCYCLE HELMETS
                                                                  Purpose                                Description                         Manufacturer                     Part No.                 Approximate cost

                                                 Measure inner liner thickness .......      Size 28—13⁄4 inch Nickel Plated            Dritz ...........................   6828 ............   $3.50 for a 40-count pack.
                                                                                              Steel T-Pin.
                                                 Measure combined thickness of              0–8 inch Outside Diameter Caliper          iGAGING ...................         35–OD8 .......      $28.00.
                                                   shell & inner liner.
                                                 Apply compressive force to the             Push style force gauge 1–10 lbf            Wagner Instruments ..               FDK 10 ........     $225.
                                                   non impact-attenuating liner.              range 6.3 mm diameter flat

                                                    NHTSA examined each helmet and                        thicknesses. Summaries are reported in                           0.75 inch (19 mm). The certified
                                                 took multiple measurements in the                        Tables 6 and 7. The certified helmets in                         helmets examined had an inner liner
                                                 vicinity of the apex. Two measurements                   this group had impact attenuating liners                         that would not deform when subject to
                                                 are being reported: Thickness at the low                 that were at least 1 inch (25 mm) thick                          a load of 5 lbf (22 N); whereas the liners
                                                 end of the range (i.e., a thin location)                 and an overall thickness from the inside                         (inner and comfort) on novelty helmets
                                                 and thickness at the upper end of the                    of the impact attenuating liner to the                           that we examined deformed readily. It is
                                                 range (i.e., a thick location). See Table                outside of the shell measured at least 1.1                       possible to foresee that a user of a
                                                 5. The methodology used was not                          inch (28 mm). On the other hand, the                             novelty helmet might mistake the
                                                 designed to identify the absolute                        novelty helmets examined had no                                  comfort liner of non-energy attenuating
                                                 minimum or maximum thickness                             impact attenuating liners or liners that                         foam for an inner liner; therefore

                                                 values, but rather to obtain a general                   were less than 0.59 inch (15 mm) thick                           NHTSA measured the amount that the
                                                 characterization of the inner liner, shell,              and a combined thicknesses of liner and                          liners would deform under such a small
                                                 and non-impact attenuating liner                         shell that measured less than or equal to                        load. The measurements made on these
                                                   50 N. Yoganandan et al. (Eds.), FRONTIERS IN           helmet_development.html, July 18, 2011 (last                     revised 23 August 1999, data contained in Figures
                                                 HEAD AND NECK TRAUMA Clinical and                        accessed on 1/19/12).                                            23.
                                                 Biomechanical, IOS Press, OHMSHA, 1998,                    51 Per MIL–STD–1472F Department of Defense’s

                                                 retrieved from http://www.smf.org/docs/articles/         Design Criteria Standard for Human Engineering

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         auo uj ‘g arqe,1, ut paodau ate sjaw[oy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   samy pasodoId/SIOZ ‘IZ «e ‘AepsmL /86 ‘ON ‘08 ‘TOA /4o1st8ay fedaepaq
                                                                                                                     Overall thickness from inside of    Shell, inner liner, and comfort    Shell, inner limer, comfort liner   deformation of non—
                                   Helmet                           Type              Inner liner thickness (mm)     the inner limer to the outside of    .   _           U                 under compression w/2ZN force|      impact aftennating
                                                       L.                                                                                                 liner no commpression {mm}                                                  .      .
                                                      Size                                                                       shell (mm}                                                              {ma)                        liner with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                compression (mm)}

                          Brand             Model             Certified/ Novelty|   This Location |Thick Location|   Thin Location    Thick Location|    Thin Location   |Thick Location|   This Location    Thick Location

                          AGV               Dragon    XL           Certified             270             27.5             33.0                33.5            146.9            §1.1              43.7              49.7                 23
                            Bell       Custom 500     XL           Certified             31.0            33.0             36.8            37.2                146.3            539               39.8              44.6                 7.9
                            Bell          Drifter     XL           Certified             33.0            34.0             37.2            39.5                43.9             526               439               50.3                 12
                          Bittwell        Hustler     XL           Cartified             34.0            35.0             39.0            40.0                §3.7             55.8              50.0              50.9                 4.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [Ww [‘ST) youtr g‘p pawlopap jow[ay
                         GMAX            GMBSS        XL           Certified             31.0            32.0             36.3            37.5                47.9             48.3              47.2              474                  0.8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ayfaaou ay} uo J9ut| jJojwoo o) ‘aseo
                            HJC             I§—3      XL           Certified             33.0            37.0             37 4            41 .4               148.3            474               472               46.9                 5.8
                           Nolan       Super Cruise   XL           Certified             34.0            35.0             37.             43.1                37.5             48.3              374               374                  54
eeq ssowprq(‘s 21481

                         Scorpion       EX0—900       M            Certified             39.0           43.0+             43.7            56. 5               43.7             §3.6              43.7              57.7                 30
                         Scorpion       EXO—100       XL           Certified             34.0            40.0             38.1            45.4                306              49 8              396               469                  15
                            Seer          S1602       XL           Certified                 Not Measured                     Not Measured                    36.3             454               355               44 3                 09
                           Shoei         St. Crn      XL           Certified             37.0            38.0             41.0            420                 1464             474               414               424                  5.0
                           THH             T—10       XL           Certified             28.0            32.0             34.0            36.0                49.8             55.2              44.1              51.7                 4.6
                          VCAN             Vs28       XL           Certified             35.0            37.5             41.0            43.5                §1.1             58.2              502               52.7                 3.2
                       VCAN Sports|      S31BKXL      XL           Certified             34.5            38.0             40.4            47.6                40.4             49.2              404               48.3                 0.4
                            Zox         Old School    XL           Certified             38. 5           30.0             31.6            34.1                35.1             41.4              35.1              38.0                 1.7
                           AFX           FX—200       XL           Certified             29.0            304              33.1            34.1                369              390               363               38 4                 06
                         Dastona            Cruiser   XL           Certified             25.0            26.0             28.0                29.0            37.2             37.3              35.               35.2                 21

                         Daytona        Stad Cap      XL           Certified             385             29.4             344                 36.8            35.4             444               354               37.3                 3.8
                           Fuel        Half Helmet    XL           Certified             26.0            30.0             32.5                36.5            41.9             31.9              374               50.0                 3.2
                          Fulmer       AF—81 Half     XL           Certified             28.0            31.0             32.7                36 6            304              42 4              367               40.7                 27
                           HCI              50        XL           Certified             36.5            37.0             40.5                41.0            45.5             46.0              40.7              41.2                4.8
                           Vega            XTS        XL           Certificd             290             31.0             34 4                353             140.1            48.7              38.6              45.7                23
                          Davida          Classic      L           Novelty                5.5             8.0             119                 17.3            13.1             185               121               175                  1.0
                                           Eagle      XL           Novelty                0.0             0.0              5.7                 69              5.8             113                58                £0                  1.7
                                         EZ Rider     XL           Novelty                90             114              161                 18.3            165              18.7               4.7               5.8                124
                                       Big German     XL           Novelty               0.0             0.0               4.5                66              5.8              8.6               5.8               $.1                  0.3
                                           Hawk        XL          Novelty               3.9             4.4              9.1                 11.0            116              13.5              5.8               8.6                 54
                                         Tron Braid   ML           Novelty               12.0            15.0             16.0                19.0            22.8             26.2              134               174                 9.1
                                           Turle       XL          Novelty                1.2             14              4.9                 6.3             62                9.8              6.2               82                  0.8
                         Bitwell      Novelty Helmetle Size        Novelty               0.0             0.0              4.3                 5.1             26.7             27 &              116               124                 15.1


                                                 29476                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    In comparison, the liners of helmets                    NHTSA is not alone in its efforts to               By contrast, novelty helmets have very
                                                 certified by manufacturers as complying                 characterize helmet liners. A study of                soft liners of foam that cannot absorb
                                                 with FMVSS No. 218 are thicker and are                  helmet design and effectiveness                       energy or provide an adequate amount
                                                 composed of materials with different                    published in the 1990s concluded that                 of cushion to a wearer’s head during a
                                                 physical properties. Certified helmets                  a helmet must have a combined shell                   crash.
                                                 employ an energy absorbing non-                         and liner minimum thickness of 1.5                       Based on the examination of these
                                                 resilient material in the helmet liner.                 inch (40 mm) in order to meet the                     certified and novelty helmets, the
                                                 Typically, this non-resilient liner,                    impact attenuation requirements of the                threshold thickness value of 0.75 inch
                                                 which fits between the cloth comfort                    then-current Snell M90 standard.53 The                (19 mm), measured within 4-inches of
                                                 liner and the inside of the helmet shell,               Snell M90 standard differs from FMVSS                 the apex, would allow for variability in
                                                 is made from a semi-rigid material such                 No. 218 in several respects, but the                  helmet design, test equipment usage,
                                                 as EPS or polyurethane foam 52 that                     general concept that a certain thickness              and materials, while serving as an
                                                 deforms when subjected to certain                       of energy absorbing material must be                  objective thickness criterion to
                                                 pressure and does not spring back to                    present still prevails. By conducting                 distinguish certified from novelty
                                                 shape. This semi-rigid foam liners in the               FMVSS No. 218 compliance tests over                   helmets. Accordingly, NHTSA proposes
                                                 examined helmets were all greater than                  several decades and recently examining                to amend FMVSS No. 218 to incorporate
                                                 1.0 inch (25 mm) thick near the apex of                 the thickness of commercially available               a series of simple tests that would
                                                 the helmet and did not deform when                      motorcycle helmets, NHTSA concludes                   evaluate the physical characteristics
                                                 subjected to a force up to 5 lbf (22 N)                 that those helmets meeting the NHTSA                  required to meet current standards of
                                                 distributed over a circular area                        standard must have an energy absorbing                helmet performance. These tests would
                                                 approximately 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) in                        liner that is greater than 0.75 inch (19              serve to establish whether further
                                                 diameter. However, at some force                        mm) thick. Such a liner dissipates                    testing is needed to fully and fairly
                                                                                                                                                               determine if a helmet meets the existing

                                                 greater than 5 lbf (22 N) over the same                 energy during a crash and allows the
                                                 area, the certified helmet liners will                  wearer’s head to come to a stop more                  performance requirements of FMVSS
                                                 begin to crush or deform.                               slowly in order to reduce head injuries.              No. 218. Helmets not meeting the
                                                                                                                                                               proposed requirements would be
                                                   52 Newman, James A. ‘‘Chapter 14: Biomechanics          53 Hurt, H.H., Jr. and Thorn, D.R., ‘‘Accident      deemed to be non-compliant.54 Helmets
                                                 of Head Trauma: Head Protection’’ from Nahum,           Performance of Contemporary Safety Helmets,’’
                                                 Alan M. and Melvin, John W., ed. Accidental             Head and Neck Injuries in Sports, p. 15. ASTM STP       54 Excluding helmets that have been listed in

                                                 Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention. 2nd ed. New        1229, American Society for Testing and Materials,     Appendix B of FMVSS No. 218 as discussed

                                                 York: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2002.      Philadelphia, 1993.                                   elsewhere in this document.

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                               29477

                                                 meeting the proposed requirements                       potential impact on helmet performance                the inner liner could be ascertained
                                                 would be subject to further evaluation                  and any alternative means that may be                 either by observation or by
                                                 through laboratory tests to determine if                employed using simple tools to readily                measurement using a small ruler or use
                                                 they provide the required minimum                       and accurately find liner depth.                      of the force gauge and calipers in
                                                 levels of performance needed to                            NHTSA is also proposing a measure                  combination. By examining and testing
                                                 adequately protect users. Any helmet                    of the combined thickness of the outer                novelty and certified helmets, NHTSA
                                                 with an inner liner that is less than 0.75              shell and inner liner as another means                has observed the force proposed
                                                 inch (19 mm) thick would be considered                  of identifying helmets that do not                    produces little to no deformation on the
                                                 incapable of complying with FMVSS                       comply with FMVSS No. 218. As                         impact absorbing liners made of EPS or
                                                 No. 218. Moreover, NHTSA proposes                       discussed above, the combined shell                   urethane in helmets meeting FMVSS
                                                 that any helmet with a liner meeting the                and inner liner thickness are good                    No. 218, while novelty helmets with
                                                 minimum thickness criteria must also                    predictors of how well a helmet will                  thick soft ‘‘comfort’’ liners experience a
                                                 be sufficiently resistant to deformation                perform in compliance testing. Because                noticeable degree of deformation. Again,
                                                 to ensure that the liner is capable of                  the combination of the outer shell and                NHTSA requests comments on the
                                                 some level of energy absorption. Finally,               the impact absorbing inner liner are                  means employed to make this
                                                 because the combined thickness of the                   critical determinants of a helmets’                   measurement.
                                                 liner and the shell together is also an                 ability to meet the performance                          To reduce the possibility of error
                                                 excellent predictor that a helmet will be               requirements of FMVSS No. 218,                        caused by variations in helmet designs,
                                                 unable to comply with the performance                   NHTSA proposes that any helmet whose                  NHTSA is proposing that the
                                                 requirements of FMVSS No. 218,                          outer shell and liner are less than 25                measurements of inner liner thickness,
                                                 NHTSA also proposes that any helmet                     mm (1 inch) thick would not comply                    combined helmet/inner liner thickness
                                                 whose combined shell and inner liner                    with FMVSS No. 218. This                              and inner liner compression
                                                 thickness is less than 1 inch (25 mm)                   measurement could be taken using a                    characteristics be conducted in a limited
                                                 and whose liner meets the same                          large caliper. Another method would be                area near the crown or apex of the
                                                 resistance to deformation would also                    to place a helmet on a headform or                    helmet. Helmets providing the
                                                 presumably not be able to comply with                   stand so that the inner liner is seated               minimum level of impact and
                                                 the standard. NHTSA seeks comments                      against that stand, measure the                       penetration resistance required to meet
                                                 and data from helmet manufacturers of                   combined height of the helmet and the                 FMVSS No. 218 must have a robust
                                                 compliant helmets pertaining to the                     stand, and then remove the helmet and                 shell and liner in this area. In addition,
                                                 thickness of impact attenuating liners                  measure the height of the stand alone.                the test area proposed in this document
                                                 and of shell and liner combinations.                    The difference between the two                        is intended to be located, measured and
                                                    The aforementioned criteria are of                   measurements would yield the                          marked using simple tools that are
                                                 little use to NHTSA or to State and local               thickness of the combined shell and                   readily available at low cost. This is best
                                                 law enforcement officials if tools and                  liner.                                                achieved by focusing at the topmost area
                                                 techniques for ascertaining helmet inner                   Measuring inner liner thickness, or                of the helmet. Finally, it is not NHTSA’s
                                                 liner thickness and composition are not                 combined shell and inner liner                        intention to discourage manufacturers
                                                 readily available or are only available at              thickness, represents only one                        from designing helmets with ventilation
                                                 significant cost. Similarly, the                        component of a test for identifying                   channels. NHTSA requests feedback
                                                 procedures employed in examining                        helmets that do not comply with                       about the following issues as they relate
                                                 helmets should not be complex.                          FMVSS No. 218. NHTSA proposes a                       to this proposal:
                                                 Accordingly, this preamble discusses                    second component of this test that                       • How will the proposed
                                                 tests that could be performed on easily                 involves examining the resistance of                  measurements be affected by the
                                                 accessible areas of a helmet using                      helmet liners to crush when low forces                presence of ventilation channels?
                                                 simple tools and provides a guideline                   are applied. This technique is useful                    • How will the proposed
                                                 that could be adapted to reference cards                because, as previously explained,                     measurements stand up to the effects of
                                                 carried by law enforcement personnel                    novelty helmets have thin, non-                       wear and aging on certified motorcycle
                                                 conducting traffic stops.                               substantial inner liners that are too soft            helmets?
                                                    Inner liner thickness could be                       to absorb energy if they have any liner                  • Will compliant motorcycle helmets
                                                 measured in a number of ways. One                       at all. NHTSA is proposing guidance                   that are currently manufactured meet
                                                 method could be to penetrate the helmet                 stating that an inner liner that meets the            the newly proposed performance
                                                 liner with a pin, needle, or similarly                  appropriate thickness requirements but                requirements?
                                                 small diameter wire probe until the                     which may be deformed 1⁄12 inch (2                       • What emerging motorcycle helmet
                                                 inside of the helmet shell is reached and               mm) by the application of a force                     technologies will be affected if this
                                                 measuring the depth of the penetration.                 between 1 lbf (4.4 N) and 5 lbf (22 N)                proposal moves forward?
                                                 NHTSA is confident that measurements                    distributed over a circle approximately                  The proposal specifies that the
                                                 of inner liner thickness taken in this                  0.20–0.30 inch (5–7 mm) in diameter is                measurements of inner liner thickness,
                                                 fashion will not impair helmet                          incapable of complying with FMVSS                     combined shell and inner liner
                                                 performance and that a single                           No. 218. The area over which the                      thickness and inner liner resilience be
                                                 penetration, or a limited number of                     proposed force would be applied is the                made within a circular zone having a 4
                                                 similar penetrations, of the energy                     diameter of most common pencils. The                  inch (104 mm) radius centered at the
                                                 attenuating foam liners employed in                     specified force range of 1 lbf (4.4 N) to             apex of the helmet. We are proposing

                                                 compliant motorcycle helmets by a pin,                  5 lbf (22 N) is sufficient to deform soft             the term ‘‘inner liner’’ to mean an
                                                 needle or other small diameter probe                                                                          energy absorbing material that is
                                                                                                         liners and may be applied using a
                                                 would not degrade a helmet’s ability to                                                                       molded to conform to the inner shape of
                                                                                                         weighted probe or a dial indicator force
                                                 protect a user in a crash. Because we                                                                         the helmet’s shell and serves to protect
                                                                                                         gauge.55 The amount of deformation of
                                                 recognize that some organizations may
                                                 be reluctant to conduct such a test, we                   55 Mechanical dial force gauges suitable for this   http://www.wagnerinstruments.com/force_gauges/
                                                 request comment on this method of                       measurement may be acquired for approximately         fdk_mechanical_dial_force_gauge.php (last
                                                 measuring inner liner thickness, its                    $225. An example of one such gauge is found at        accessed on 1/19/12).

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                                                 29478                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 the user’s head from impact forces                      not meet the preliminary screening                    information indicates that the
                                                 during a crash. We are also proposing                   criteria be allowed to petition the                   determination was erroneous or if the
                                                 the term ‘‘apex’’ to mean the upper most                agency for a determination that a                     petition was granted on the basis of
                                                 point on the shell of the helmet when                   particular helmet is capable of meeting               false, fraudulent or misleading
                                                 the helmet is oriented such that that                   S5.2–S5.7 (as renumbered) of the                      information.
                                                 brow opening is parallel to the ground.                 Standard.                                                If adopted, the petition process
                                                 The agency does not intend that                            The proposed requirements for such a               proposed here would exist alongside
                                                 measurements must be made with such                     petition are straightforward and stated               existing provisions that offer similar
                                                 precision that they could only be taken                 in the proposed regulatory section                    relief. Manufacturers of motor vehicles
                                                 at a single point. Instead, we are                      (Appendix B) of this document.                        and motor vehicle equipment, along
                                                 proposing that measurements be taken                    Manufacturers of helmets, including                   with other interested parties, currently
                                                 within a circle centered on the apex.                   importers of helmets, would be eligible               have the ability to petition NHTSA to
                                                 The center point of this circle need not                to file a petition provided that such                 initiate rulemaking to amend a safety
                                                 be precisely located at the single point                manufacturer or importer has identified               standard under 49 CFR part 552.
                                                 constituting the ‘‘apex’’ of a helmet. To               itself to NHTSA in compliance with 49                 Therefore, a helmet manufacturer that
                                                 that end, we solicit comments on using                  CFR part 566 and, in the case of helmets              has developed new materials or
                                                 an alternative definition for the topmost               manufactured outside of the United                    technologies allowing the use of thinner
                                                 area of a helmet, including the use of                  States, the manufacturer of the helmet                helmet liners than those currently
                                                 the term ‘‘crown’’ to designate the                     has designated a U.S. agent for service               needed to meet Standard No. 218 could
                                                 measurement area. Alternatively, we                     of process as required by subpart D of                address their inability to meet the
                                                 also solicit comments on locating the                   49 CFR part 551 (49 CFR 551.45 et seq.).              proposed preliminary screening
                                                 center of the measurement circle within                 Petitions must be in writing, be written              requirements through a petition for
                                                 a specified tolerance range—i.e. a 4 inch               in English, properly identify the                     rulemaking rather than the special
                                                 (104 mm) radius of the actual apex.                     manufacturer of the helmet, provide                   petition procedures being proposed in
                                                 Once the approximate location of the                    contact information for the petitioner                this document. We therefore note that
                                                 apex is determined, a flexible cloth tape               and identify the precise model and                    NHTSA may decide that the proposed
                                                 may be used to measure the outer                        name brand of the helmet at issue.                    petition process described above may
                                                 bounds of the circular measurement                      Petitioners would be required to submit               not be needed and may be deleted from
                                                 area. Alternatively, a circle having a 4                test data, photographs, videos, and other             a final rule.
                                                 inch (104 mm) radius cut out of a                       evidence establishing that the helmet at
                                                                                                                                                                  NHTSA solicits comments on the
                                                 flexible material capable of conforming                 issue is capable of meeting the
                                                                                                                                                               proposed petition process in general
                                                 to the contours of the liner could be                   requirements of Standard No. 218 with
                                                                                                                                                               and the following specific issues related
                                                 employed for the same purpose. Helmet                   the exception of the proposed
                                                                                                                                                               to this portion of our proposal:
                                                 measurements would be made within                       preliminary screening criteria of S5.1.
                                                                                                         Petitions that are incomplete or fail to                 • Are the existing provisions of part
                                                 this circle.
                                                    NHTSA’s intention is that thickness                  comply with any of the foregoing                      552 adequate to minimize or alleviate
                                                 measurements are made along the                         requirements would be rejected.                       the risk that the proposed preliminary
                                                 shortest line that passes through the                   Otherwise, the Agency will seek to                    screening requirements for helmets
                                                 helmet to measure the thinnest cross                    inform the manufacturer not later than                would stifle innovation?
                                                 section and avoid artificially inflating                60 days after receipt of the written                     • What is the likelihood that new cost
                                                 the thickness. Therefore, we propose                    submission, if the information is                     effective technologies or materials
                                                 that this measurement be made along a                   complete.                                             would allow for helmet liners to meet
                                                 line that is at or near perpendicular to                   If the petition is complete, NHTSA’s               the performance requirements of
                                                 a plane tangent to a point on the outer                 review of the petition may, at the                    Standard No. 218 while not meeting the
                                                 shell near the apex of the helmet. We                   agency’s discretion, result in subsequent             preliminary screening requirements
                                                 are proposing to add to FMVSS No. 218,                  testing of sample helmets. If NHTSA is                proposed in this document?
                                                 a figure of an exemplar helmet to                       unable to obtain sample helmets that are                 • What means should the Agency
                                                 demonstrate the general location and                    the subject of the petition, it will reject           employ to ensure that helmet users and
                                                 meaning of these terms, so the public                   the request. If the Agency determines                 state and local law enforcement
                                                 will know where and how the                             that a particular model helmet that does              agencies are adequately informed about
                                                 measurement should be made and a                        not comply with the preliminary                       determinations made under the
                                                 new Table 3 to specify which                            screening requirements of S5.1 is                     proposed petition process?
                                                 certification label is required based on                otherwise capable of meeting Standard                 V. Effective Date
                                                 the helmet’s manufacture date.                          No. 218, it will publish this
                                                    NHTSA is also proposing the                          determination in the Federal Register                    NHTSA is proposing a lead time of
                                                 establishment of an alternative                         and make a copy of the determination                  two years from the publication of the
                                                 compliance process for manufacturers                    available on the agency’s Web site. The               final rule for manufacturers to comply
                                                 whose helmets do not meet the                           brand name, model and size of any                     with the new requirements. Based on
                                                 aforementioned preliminary screening                    helmet not meeting the preliminary                    NHTSA’s survey of helmets, NHTSA
                                                 criteria, to prove that their products are              screening requirements of S5.1 that is                believes that helmets currently sold in
                                                 capable of meeting the remaining                        determined by NHTSA to be capable of                  the market place will comply with the

                                                 requirements of Standard No. 218. As                    meeting Standard No. 218 will be                      new screening criteria; however,
                                                 noted above, we are proposing this                      published in an appendix to Standard                  responsible manufacturers may wish to
                                                 process to ensure that the preliminary                  No. 218 and be made available on the                  submit their products to independent
                                                 screening criteria do not stifle advances               Agency’s Web site.                                    laboratories to generate data on which
                                                 in helmet technology and materials. To                     The proposed petition process would                they base their certification. The agency
                                                 accomplish this end, the Agency                         also allow for termination or                         believes that a lead time of two years to
                                                 proposes that manufacturers of                          modification of a determination if doing              be a sufficient and reasonable time to
                                                 advanced technology helmets that do                     so is in the public interest, if additional           allow the manufacturers the opportunity

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                               29479

                                                 to recertify their products to the                                      The benefit of the proposed definition                benefits for the 100-percent scenario are
                                                 updated regulations.                                                 is seen to the extent that it clarifies and              not used (and not appropriate) for
                                                                                                                      supports the other actions in this                       determining the effects of the proposed
                                                 VI. Benefits/Costs
                                                                                                                      proposed rule, and the benefits and                      rule. However, they do indicate the
                                                    To calculate the benefits and costs of                            costs of such will not be estimated                      potential savings in social costs that are
                                                 this proposed rulemaking, the agency                                 independently in this analysis. The                      offered by FMVSS No. 218-compliant
                                                 has prepared a Preliminary Regulatory                                preliminary screening requirements will                  helmets and the importance of
                                                 Impact Analysis (PRIA). The results of                               be beneficial to enforcement. The costs                  educating the public to this potential.
                                                 the PRIA indicate that the proposed rule                             and benefits of the proposal are
                                                 is cost-effective. The goal of this rule is                          described in detail in the accompanying                     The following table lists the
                                                 have motorcyclists wearing novelty                                   PRIA.                                                    discounted injury benefits from lives
                                                 helmets switch to FMVSS No. 218-                                        Behavioral change among motorcycle                    saved and monetized savings. It
                                                 certified helmets (certified helmets).                               riders as a result of the rule is difficult              excludes benefits from non-fatal injuries
                                                 Depending on the degree of                                           to predict. However, the agency believes                 prevented and any utility lost by
                                                 effectiveness of the rule, the costs and                             that this proposal would further                         novelty helmet riders who switch to
                                                 benefits can vary substantially. The                                 improve the ability to enforce helmet                    FMVSS 218 compliant helmets. Since
                                                 benefits and costs of the proposal                                   laws and that an additional 5 to 10                      any such utility is obtained in violation
                                                 depend on how many additional                                        percent of the novelty helmet users in                   of State law, its status is uncertain. See
                                                 motorcycle riders change from wearing                                States that have a Universal Helmet Law                  ‘‘Non-quantified Impacts’’ section of the
                                                 novelty helmets to wearing certified                                 would eventually make a switch to                        PRIA for further discussion. The lower
                                                 helmets in States that have a Universal                              avoid being ticketed or fined, and that                  bounds represent the savings for the 7
                                                 Helmet Laws beyond the benefits                                      this is a modest and achievable                          percent discount rate and the higher
                                                 estimated for the final rule that becomes                            projection. In addition, the analysis also               bounds represent savings for the 3
                                                 effective on May 13, 2013.56 This NPRM                               estimates the maximum potential                          percent discount rate. In addition to
                                                 proposes two amendments to FMVSS                                     benefit of the rule which corresponds to                 discount rates, the estimated benefit
                                                 No. 218 that affect the benefits                                     a hypothetical scenario of all novelty                   ranges also reflect two different
                                                 calculation: Inclusion of a definition of                            helmet users in States that have                         approaches that were used to derive the
                                                 ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ and the addition                               universal helmet laws becoming 218-                      benefit target population and the injury
                                                 of dimensional and compression                                       certified helmet users (the 100-percent                  risk reduction rates as described in the
                                                 requirements to identify helmets that,                               scenario). Note that this 100-percent
                                                                                                                                                                               accompanying PRIA. Furthermore, due
                                                 under the current state of the art of                                scenario is considered theoretical since
                                                                                                                                                                               to great uncertainty in deriving the
                                                 helmet design and construction, would                                some novelty-helmeted motorcyclists
                                                 not be capable of complying with                                     would still be expected to circumvent                    estimated portion of non-fatal injuries
                                                 FMVSS No. 218 because they lack                                      the helmet laws by continuing taking                     attributed to the head, the benefits
                                                 characteristics needed to absorb and                                 the risk of wearing novelty helmets.                     attributed to non-fatal head injuries are
                                                 dissipate impact energy.                                             Therefore, the estimated costs and                       not quantified in this analysis.57

                                                                                                     TABLE 8—DISCOUNTED BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED RULE
                                                                                                                                      [Millions of 2012 dollars]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total benefits
                                                                                                                                              Number of                Societal           VSL benefits            from fatalities
                                                                                                                                             lives saved           economic benefits                                prevented

                                                 5-percent scenario ...................................................................                 9–22              $3.0–$7.4          $92.9–$211.9            $95.9–$219.3
                                                 10-percent scenario .................................................................                 19–43               6.4–14.4           185.8–423.9             192.2–438.3
                                                 100-percent scenario ...............................................................                186–433             62.5–145.4       1,819.3–4,247.4         1,881.7–4,392.7
                                                   VSL: Value of statistical life.
                                                   Note: The lower bounds represent the estimated benefits at a 7 discount rate and the higher bounds represent the estimated benefits at a 3
                                                 percent discount rate. Additionally, the wide range of benefits also reflects the two approaches that were used for deriving the benefit target pop-
                                                 ulation and risk reduction rates.

                                                   The regulatory costs of the proposed                               $48.92. The estimated costs of the                       benefit scenario in which 100 percent of
                                                 rule are derived from the incremental                                proposed rule are based on 5 percent                     novelty helmet users would switch to
                                                 cost increase due to purchasing a 218-                               and 10 percent of consumers in Law                       compliant helmets, the incremental cost
                                                 certified helmet versus a novelty                                    States replacing novelty helmets with                    to consumers is $11.9 million, where
                                                 helmet, and the cost of State and local                              compliant helmets. The estimated                         243,000 novelty helmets would be
                                                 law enforcement acquiring preliminary                                consumer cost ranged from $0.6 million                   replaced by compliant helmets.
                                                 screening tools.                                                     to $1.2 million, where 12,150 to 24,300                    The cost of the preliminary screening
                                                   The incremental cost per replaced                                  novelty helmets would be replaced by                     tool kit is estimated to be $81.43 per kit
                                                 novelty helmet is estimated to be                                    compliant helmets. Under the maximum                     per year,58 for a total cost of $0.6 million

                                                   56 Office of Regulatory Analysis and Evaluation,                   0001). Based on 2003–2005 Crash Outcome Data             would need to be replaced only every five years,
                                                 National Center for Statistics and Analysis, ‘‘Final                 Evaluation System (CODES) data from Maryland,            one-fifth cost for that specific component was used
                                                 Regulatory Evaluation: FMVSS No. 218 Motorcycle                      Utah and Wisconsin, and 2005–2007 NASS–GES.              for estimating for the annual costs of the screening
                                                 Helmet Labeling,’’ May 2011, Docket NHTSA–                             58 A complete kit includes three tools. We
                                                                                                                                                                               tools. In other words, the difference between the
                                                 2011–0050.                                                           estimated the cost is $264.67 per complete kit. The
                                                   57 See Chapter IV, Benefits of the Preliminary
                                                                                                                                                                               first year cost and the annual cost is the allocation
                                                                                                                      total first year investment in screening tools for the
                                                                                                                                                                               of the tool costs over their useful life.
                                                 Regulatory Evaluation, FMVSS No. 218 Motorcycle                      7,214 State and local law enforcement agencies
                                                 Helmet Labeling (Docket No. NHTSA–2011–0050–                         would be $1.9 million. Because one of the tools

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                                                 29480                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 (assuming each of the 7,214 State and                                  The total regulatory cost of the                      the maximum benefit (i.e., 100-percent
                                                 local law enforcement agencies in only                               proposed rule including the cost of                     scenario), the estimated total regulatory
                                                 the States that require motorcycle                                   novelty helmet replacement and                          cost is $12.5 million.
                                                 helmet use will purchase one screening                               screening tool kits ranged from $1.2
                                                 tool kit).                                                           million to $1.8 million. For achieving

                                                                                                       TABLE 9—REGULATORY COSTS OF THE PROPOSED RULE
                                                                                                                                      [Millions of 2012 dollars]

                                                                                                                                             Number of             Total cost of         Annual cost
                                                                                                                                          novelty helmets           replacing                                  Total
                                                                                                                                                                                         of screening
                                                                                                                                            assumed to               novelty                              regulatory cost
                                                                                                                                                                                            tools **
                                                                                                                                            be replaced             helmets *

                                                 5-percent scenario ...................................................................               12,150                  $0.6                 $0.6               $1.2
                                                 10-percent scenario .................................................................                24,300                   1.2                  0.6                1.8
                                                 100-percent scenario ...............................................................                243,000                  11.9                  0.6               12.5
                                                    * $48.92 per minimally-compliant helmet which replace novelty helmets.
                                                    ** $81.43 per screening tool kit per year.

                                                    The net benefit of the proposed rule                              business information, to the docket at                  name of the individual submitting the
                                                 is the regulatory cost minus the societal                            the address given above under                           comment (or signing the comment, if
                                                 economic savings. The societal                                       ADDRESSES. When you send a comment                      submitted on behalf of an association,
                                                 economic savings is greater than the                                 containing information claimed to be                    business, labor union, etc.). You may
                                                 regulatory cost for all three scenarios.                             confidential business information, you                  review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
                                                                                                                      should include a cover letter setting                   Statement in the Federal Register
                                                 VII. Public Participation                                            forth the information specified in                      published on April 11, 2000 (Volume
                                                 How do I prepare and submit                                          NHTSA’s confidential business                           65, Number 70; Pages 19477–78).
                                                 comments?                                                            information regulation (49 CFR part
                                                                                                                      512).                                                   VIII. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
                                                   Your comments must be written and
                                                 in English. To ensure that your                                      Will the Agency consider late                           A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT
                                                 comments are filed correctly in the                                  comments?                                               Regulatory Policies and Procedures
                                                 docket, please include the docket                                      NHTSA will consider all comments                        The agency has considered the impact
                                                 identification number of this document                               received before the close of business on                of this rulemaking action under
                                                 in your comments. Your comments                                      the comment closing date indicated                      Executive Order 12866 and the
                                                 must not be more than 15 pages long.                                 above under DATES. To the extent                        Department of Transportation’s
                                                 (49 CFR 553.21) NHTSA established this                               possible, the agency will also consider                 regulatory policies and procedures. This
                                                 limit to encourage you to write your                                 comments that the docket receives after                 rulemaking is economically significant
                                                 primary comments in a concise fashion.                               that date. If the docket receives a                     and was reviewed by the Office of
                                                 However, you may attach necessary                                    comment too late for the agency to                      Management and Budget under E.O.
                                                 additional documents to your                                         consider it in developing a final rule                  12866, ‘‘Regulatory Planning and
                                                 comments. There is no limit on the                                   (assuming that one is issued), the                      Review.’’ The rulemaking action has
                                                 length of the attachments. Please note                               agency will consider that comment as                    also been determined to be significant
                                                 that pursuant to the Data Quality Act, in                            an informal suggestion for future                       under the Department’s regulatory
                                                 order for substantive data to be relied                              rulemaking action.                                      policies and procedures. NHTSA has
                                                 upon and used by the agency, it must                                                                                         placed in the docket a Preliminary
                                                 meet the information quality standards                               How can I read the comments submitted                   Regulatory Impact Analysis describing
                                                 set forth in the OMB and DOT Data                                    by other people?                                        the costs and benefits of this rulemaking
                                                 Quality Act guidelines. Accordingly, we                                 You may read the comments received                   action and summarized those findings
                                                 encourage you to consult the guidelines                              by the docket at the address given above                in Section V titled Benefits/Costs.
                                                 in preparing your comments. OMB’s                                    under ADDRESSES. The hours of the
                                                                                                                      docket are indicated above in the same                  B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                 guidelines may be accessed at http://
                                                 www.whitehouse.gov/omb/fedreg/                                       location. You may also read the                            Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility
                                                 reproducible.html.                                                   comments on the internet. Please note                   Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., as
                                                                                                                      that even after the comment closing                     amended by the Small Business
                                                 How do I submit confidential business                                date, NHTSA will continue to file                       Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
                                                 information?                                                         relevant information in the docket as it                (SBREFA) of 1996), whenever an agency
                                                   If you wish to submit any information                              becomes available. Further, some people                 is required to publish a notice of
                                                 under a claim of confidentiality, you                                may submit late comments.                               proposed rulemaking or final rule, it
                                                 should submit three copies of your                                   Accordingly, the agency recommends                      must prepare and make available for

                                                 complete submission, including the                                   that you periodically check the docket                  public comment a regulatory flexibility
                                                 information you claim to be confidential                             for new material. You can arrange with                  analysis that describes the effect of the
                                                 business information, to the Chief                                   the docket to be notified when others                   rule on small entities (i.e., small
                                                 Counsel, NHTSA, at the address given                                 file comments in the docket. See                        businesses, small organizations, and
                                                 above under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                  http://www.regulations.gov for more                     small governmental jurisdictions). The
                                                 CONTACT. In addition, you should                                     information. Anyone is able to search                   Small Business Administration’s
                                                 submit a copy, from which you have                                   the electronic form of all comments                     regulations at 13 CFR part 121 define a
                                                 deleted the claimed confidential                                     received into any of our dockets by the                 small business, in part, as a business

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                                                 entity ‘‘which operates primarily within                implications to warrant further                       announce its conclusion regarding the
                                                 the United States.’’ (13 CFR 121.105(a)).               consultation with State and local                     preemptive effect of one of its rules
                                                 No regulatory flexibility analysis is                   officials or the preparation of a                     reduces the likelihood that preemption
                                                 required if the head of an agency                       federalism summary impact statement.                  will be an issue in any subsequent tort
                                                 certifies the rule will not have a                        NHTSA rules can preempt in two                      litigation.
                                                 significant economic impact on a                        ways. First, the National Traffic and                    To this end, the agency has examined
                                                 substantial number of small entities.                   Motor Vehicle Safety Act contains an                  the nature (e.g., the language and
                                                 SBREFA amended the Regulatory                           express preemption provision: When a                  structure of the regulatory text) and
                                                 Flexibility Act to require federal                      motor vehicle safety standard is in effect            objectives of today’s proposed rule and
                                                 agencies to provide a statement of the                  under this chapter, a State or a political            finds that this proposed rule, like many
                                                 factual basis for certifying that a rule                subdivision of a State may prescribe or               NHTSA rules, prescribes only a
                                                 will not have a significant economic                    continue in effect a standard applicable              minimum safety standard. As such,
                                                 impact on a substantial number of small                 to the same aspect of performance of a                NHTSA does not intend that this
                                                 entities.                                               motor vehicle or motor vehicle                        proposed rule preempt State tort law
                                                    NHTSA has considered the effects of                  equipment only if the standard is                     that would effectively impose a higher
                                                 this proposed rule under the Regulatory                 identical to the standard prescribed                  standard on motor vehicle equipment
                                                 Flexibility Act. Manufacturers not                      under this chapter. 49 U.S.C.                         manufacturers than that established by
                                                 currently producing compliant helmets                   30103(b)(1). It is this statutory command             today’s proposed rule. Establishment of
                                                 that switch to manufacturing compliant                  by Congress that preempts any non-                    a higher standard by means of State tort
                                                 helmets will recapture the increased                    identical State legislative and                       law would not conflict with the
                                                 costs associated with manufacturing                     administrative law addressing the same                minimum standard announced here.
                                                 such compliant helmets as reflected in                  aspect of performance.                                Without any conflict, there could not be
                                                 this analysis. Small entities selling                     The express preemption provision                    any implied preemption of a State
                                                 motorcycle equipment and accessories                    described above is subject to a savings               common law tort cause of action.
                                                 would be precluded from selling non-                    clause under which ‘‘[c]ompliance with
                                                                                                         a motor vehicle safety standard                       D. Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice
                                                 compliant novelty helmets but would
                                                                                                         prescribed under this chapter does not                Reform)
                                                 still have the ability to obtain and sell
                                                 compliant helmets from numerous                         exempt a person from liability at                        With respect to the review of the
                                                 suppliers and wholesalers. Similarly, to                common law.’’ 49 U.S.C. 30103(e).                     promulgation of a new regulation,
                                                 the extent that there are any small                     Pursuant to this provision, State                     section 3(b) of Executive Order 12988,
                                                 entities whose business is based solely                 common law tort causes of action                      ‘‘Civil Justice Reform’’ (61 FR 4729,
                                                 on the sale of non-compliant novelty                    against motor vehicle manufacturers                   February 7, 1996) requires that
                                                 helmets, these entities would be able to                that might otherwise be preempted by                  Executive agencies make every
                                                 obtain, market and sell compliant                       the express preemption provision are                  reasonable effort to ensure that the
                                                 helmets. I certify that this proposed rule              generally preserved. However, the                     regulation: (1) Clearly specifies the
                                                 would not have a significant economic                   Supreme Court has recognized the                      preemptive effect; (2) clearly specifies
                                                 impact on a substantial number of small                 possibility, in some instances, of                    the effect on existing federal law or
                                                 entities.                                               implied preemption of such State                      regulation; (3) provides a clear legal
                                                                                                         common law tort causes of action by                   standard for affected conduct, while
                                                 C. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)                   virtue of NHTSA’s rules, even if not                  promoting simplification and burden
                                                    NHTSA has examined this proposed                     expressly preempted. This second way                  reduction; (4) clearly specifies the
                                                 rule pursuant to Executive Order 13132                  that NHTSA rules can preempt is                       retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately
                                                 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999) and                      dependent upon there being an actual                  defines key terms; and (6) addresses
                                                 concluded that no additional                            conflict between an FMVSS and the                     other important issues affecting clarity
                                                 consultation with States, local                         higher standard that would effectively                and general draftsmanship under any
                                                 governments or their representatives is                 be imposed on motor vehicle                           guidelines issued by the Attorney
                                                 mandated beyond the rulemaking                          manufacturers if someone obtained a                   General. This document is consistent
                                                 process. The proposed rule does not                     State common law tort judgment against                with that requirement.
                                                 directly require a state or local                       the manufacturer, notwithstanding the                    Pursuant to this Order, NHTSA notes
                                                 government entity to take any action or                 manufacturer’s compliance with the                    as follows. The preemptive effect of this
                                                 refrain from acting. This proposed rule                 NHTSA standard. Because most NHTSA                    proposed rule is discussed above.
                                                 would not alter the relationship                        standards established by an FMVSS are                 NHTSA notes further that there is no
                                                 between the national government and                     minimum standards, a State common                     requirement that individuals submit a
                                                 the States or the distribution of power                 law tort cause of action that seeks to                petition for reconsideration or pursue
                                                 and responsibilities among the various                  impose a higher standard on motor                     other administrative proceeding before
                                                 levels of government. To the extent that                vehicle manufacturers will generally not              they may file suit in court.
                                                 any state is impacted by this proposed                  be preempted. However, if and when
                                                 rule, the principal effect of today’s                   such a conflict does exist—for example,               E. National Technology Transfer and
                                                 proposed rule will be to assist                         when the standard at issue is both a                  Advancement Act
                                                 mandatory helmet law states in                          minimum and a maximum standard—                         Under the National Technology
                                                 enforcing helmet laws requiring                         the State common law tort cause of                    Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995

                                                 motorcyclists to wear helmets                           action is impliedly preempted. See                    (NTTAA) (Pub. L. 104–113), ‘‘all Federal
                                                 complying with FMVSS No. 218. As                        Geier v. American Honda Motor Co.,                    agencies and departments shall use
                                                 noted above, NHTSA consulted with                       529 U.S. 861 (2000).                                  technical standards that are developed
                                                 certain state officials regarding                         Pursuant to Executive Order 13132                   or adopted by voluntary consensus
                                                 enforcement of such laws prior to                       and 12988, NHTSA has considered                       standards bodies, using such technical
                                                 issuing this proposed rule. The agency                  whether this proposed rule could or                   standards as a means to carry out policy
                                                 has concluded that the rulemaking                       should preempt State common law                       objectives or activities determined by
                                                 would not have sufficient federalism                    causes of action. The agency’s ability to             the agencies and departments.’’

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                                                 29482                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 Voluntary consensus standards are                       would likely aid in offsetting the costs              an alternate process in lieu of
                                                 technical standards (e.g., materials                    estimated in this analysis.                           complying with S5.1(a) through S5.1(c).
                                                 specifications, test methods, sampling                                                                        NHTSA would make the manufacturer’s
                                                                                                         G. National Environmental Policy Act
                                                 procedures, and business practices) that                                                                      submission available to the public via
                                                 are developed or adopted by voluntary                     NHTSA has analyzed this rulemaking                  the Internet if it can be supported by
                                                 consensus standards bodies, such as the                 action for the purposes of the National               NHTSA testing.
                                                 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).                  Environmental Policy Act. The agency
                                                                                                         has determined that implementation of                 Estimated Annual Burden
                                                 The NTTAA directs us to provide
                                                 Congress, through OMB, explanations                     this action would not have any                           The total estimated annual burden to
                                                 when we decide not to use available and                 significant impact on the quality of the              manufacturers is based on the cost to
                                                 applicable voluntary consensus                          human environment.                                    manufacturers to review the regulatory
                                                 standards.                                                                                                    text, conduct testing of their products,
                                                                                                         H. Paperwork Reduction Act                            complete and review the collection of
                                                    FMVSS No. 218 is largely based on
                                                 ANSI Z90.1–1971, ‘‘Specifications for                      Under the procedures established by                information, and transmitting that
                                                 Protective Headgear for Vehicular                       the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                   information to NHTSA.
                                                 Users,’’ and incorporates the SAE                       (PRA), a person is not required to                       The cost to review the collection
                                                 Recommended Practice J211 MAR 95,                       respond to a collection of information                requirement is small. The collection
                                                 ‘‘Instrumentation for Impact Test—Part                  by a Federal agency unless the                        requirement is documented in FMVSS
                                                 1—Electronic Instrumentation,’’ both of                 collection displays a valid OMB control               No. 218, Appendix B which will be
                                                 which are voluntary consensus                           number. The proposed rule would                       publicly available through the Internet
                                                 standards. While the Snell Memorial                     require manufacturers of motorcycle                   once the rule is finalized. It is estimated
                                                 Foundation also produces helmet                         helmets to submit a petition and                      that a management level employee will
                                                 specifications (e.g., the 2005 and 2010                 provide data on motorcycle helmets to                 spend less than one hour reviewing the
                                                 Helmet Standards for use in                             NHTSA if they wish to utilize the                     regulatory text pertaining to the optional
                                                 Motorcycling), the agency continues to                  alternative compliance path proposed in               reporting requirement. The labor rate for
                                                 base its standard on the ANSI                           this NPRM.                                            this type of manager is $62.19 per
                                                 specification, as the purpose of this                      In compliance with the PRA, we                     hour 59 to which we have applied a
                                                 rulemaking action is to make minor                      announce that NHTSA is seeking                        fringe-benefit factor of 0.41 60 and an
                                                 changes and clarifications to the                       comment on a new information                          overhead factor of 0.17 to obtain a fully
                                                 standard for labeling and enforcement                   collection.                                           loaded staff cost per hour of $102.59 for
                                                 purposes, and we have not analyzed the                     Agency: National Highway Traffic                   engineering managers.
                                                 effectiveness of the Snell standard.                    Safety Administration (NHTSA).                           Second, we considered the cost
                                                    Paragraph 2 of the definition of                        Title: 49 CFR 571.218 Motorcycle                   burden imposed by the proposed
                                                 ‘‘motorcycle helmet’’ proposed in this                  helmets.                                              petition process for motorcycle helmets
                                                 document employs compliance with                           OMB Control Number: Not assigned.                  which requires testing of products.
                                                 voluntary standards for protective                         Form Number: The collection of this                However, testing of products is usual
                                                 helmets (other than motorcycle helmets)                 information uses no standard form.                    and customary for manufacturers of
                                                 as a means of delineating those helmets                    Requested Expiration Date of                       motorcycle helmets wishing to
                                                 that are not motorcycle helmets subject                 Approval: Three years from the date of                introduce their products into interstate
                                                 to NHTSA’s jurisdiction.                                approval.                                             commerce in the United States.
                                                                                                                                                               Responsible manufacturers conduct
                                                 F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                         Summary of the Collection of
                                                                                                                                                               tests during the development phase of
                                                    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                                                                           their product and again prior to the
                                                 of 1995 requires agencies to prepare a                    NHTSA is proposing a new                            introduction of their product to market
                                                 written assessment of the costs, benefits               requirement in section 571.218 which                  as well as throughout production. Per 49
                                                 and other effects of proposed or final                  would permit manufacturers of                         U.S.C. 30115, manufacturers shall
                                                 rules that include a federal mandate                    motorcycle helmets to petition the                    exercise reasonable care in certifying
                                                 likely to result in the expenditure by                  agency regarding their belief that their              that their equipment complies with
                                                 State, local or tribal governments, in the              helmet meets the requirements of                      applicable FMVSS. This testing often
                                                 aggregate, or by the private sector, of                 FMVSS No. 218, excluding the                          serves, in part, as the basis for
                                                 more than $100 million annually                         proposed S5.1 which contains                          exercising reasonable care that their
                                                 (adjusted for inflation with base year of               preliminary screening requirements.                   products comply with FMVSS 218.
                                                 1995).                                                  This collection of information would be               However, the proposed process requests
                                                    Adjusting this amount by the implicit                used by the agency to evaluate the                    that photographic and video
                                                 gross domestic product price deflator for               manufacturers’ claims and determine if                documentation of the testing be
                                                 the year 2012 results in $141 million                   confirmation testing of their product is              provided, which is typically more
                                                 (115.366/81.602 = 1.414). The                           warranted. If the information submitted               documentation than is obtained during
                                                 assessment may be included in                           to the agency by the manufacturer                     a standard helmet test. A motorcycle
                                                 conjunction with other assessments, as                  together with confirmation testing,                   helmet test of four samples is estimated
                                                 it is here.                                             shows the helmet that is the subject of               to cost $1,500 and this additional
                                                    This proposed rule would not result                  the petition can meet the requirement of              requirement is estimated to cost

                                                 in expenditures by State, local or tribal               FMVSS No. 218, the brand, model, and                  approximately 7% more than a standard
                                                 governments of more than $141 million                   size of the helmet will be added to an
                                                 annually as the Federal government (1)                  appendix in the standard and the                        59 Occupational Employment and Wages, May

                                                 is not requiring States to purchase all of              information will be published in the                  2011 for Standard Occupational Classification Code
                                                 the preliminary screening tools                                                                               11–9041 Architectural and Engineering Managers,
                                                                                                         docket for public reference.                          http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes119041.htm, last
                                                 described in the cost section and (2)                     The information would be provided                   accessed on May 31, 2012.
                                                 provides grants to States for other                     by manufacturers to NHTSA under a                       60 BLS, Employer Costs for Employee

                                                 motorcycle safety related programs and                  reporting requirement that allows them                Compensation, May 2010.

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             29483

                                                 test, which can be attributed to initial                the quality, utility and clarity of the               ■ j. Revising S6.4.2;
                                                 purchase of video recording equipment,                  information to be collected; and ways to              ■ k. Redesignating S7.1 through S7.3.4
                                                 and recurring costs associated with                     minimize the burden of the collection of              as follows:
                                                 recording media, labor to execute the                   information on respondents, including
                                                 recording, and profit. Since the base                   the use of automated collection                            Old section            New section
                                                 cost ($1,500) is considered usual and                   techniques or other forms of information
                                                 customary, it will not be factored into                 technology. Please submit any                                   S7.1                 S7.2
                                                                                                                                                                        S7.1.1               S7.2.1
                                                 the estimated annual burden; yet, the                   comments to the NHTSA Docket                                   S7.1.2               S7.2.2
                                                 additional burden ($100 for each unique                 Number referenced in the heading of                            S7.1.3               S7.2.3
                                                 shell/liner combination and model) will                 this document, and to Claudia Covell as                        S7.1.4               S7.2.4
                                                 be included into the burden for the                     referenced in the FOR FURTHER                                  S7.1.5               S7.2.5
                                                 collection requirement.                                 INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                            S7.1.6               S7.2.6
                                                   Next, the cost to complete and review                 document.                                                      S7.1.7               S7.2.7
                                                 the collection of information is expected                                                                              S7.1.8               S7.2.8
                                                 to require 15 hours of technical labor                  I. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)                          S7.1.9               S7.2.9
                                                 which costs $40.17 61/hour to which we                    The Department of Transportation                             S7.1.10              S7.2.10
                                                 have applied a fringe-benefit factor of                 assigns a regulation identifier number                         S7.1.11              S7.2.11
                                                                                                                                                                         S7.2                 S7.3
                                                 0.41 and an overhead factor of 0.17 to                  (RIN) to each regulatory action listed in                      S7.2.1               S7.3.1
                                                 obtain a fully loaded staff cost per hour               the Unified Agenda of Federal                                  S7.2.2               S7.3.2
                                                 of $66.27 for engineering managers and                  Regulations. The Regulatory Information                        S7.2.3               S7.3.3
                                                 one hour of fully loaded managerial                     Service Center publishes the Unified                           S7.2.4               S7.3.4
                                                 labor ($102.59/hour) for a total cost of                Agenda in April and October of each                            S7.2.5               S7.3.5
                                                 $1,096.64.                                              year. You may use the RIN contained in                         S7.2.6               S7.3.6
                                                   Finally, the cost to transmit the data                the heading at the beginning of this                           S7.2.7               S7.3.7
                                                 to the agency using a contract carrier is               document to find this action in the                            S7.2.8               S7.3.8
                                                 expected to be $10.                                     Unified Agenda.                                                 S7.3                 S7.4
                                                   Therefore, the total estimated cost                                                                                  S7.3.1               S7.4.1
                                                 burden to each manufacturer who                         List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 571                            S7.3.2               S7.4.2
                                                                                                                                                                        S7.3.3               S7.4.3
                                                 chooses to pursue this alternative                        Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor                         S7.3.4               S7.4.4
                                                 compliance process is $1,206.64 and the                 vehicles, Tires.
                                                 total number of burden hours is 16 per                    In consideration of the foregoing,                  ■ l. Adding S7.1, S7.1.1, S7.1.2, S7.1.3,
                                                 company. Given an annual estimate of                    NHTSA proposes to amend 49 CFR part                   and S7.1.4;
                                                 three respondents, the total cost burden                571 as set forth below.                               ■ m. Revising the heading of the
                                                 to manufacturers is $3,619.92 and 48                                                                          Appendix to § 571.218;
                                                 hours.                                                  PART 571—FEDERAL MOTOR                                ■ n. Adding Figure 9 and Table 3 at the
                                                 Estimated Annual Cost to the                            VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS                              end of Appendix A; and
                                                 Government                                                                                                    ■ o. Adding appendices B and C.
                                                                                                         ■ 1. The authority citation for part 571                The revisions and additions read as
                                                   The estimated annual cost to the                      of title 49 continues to read as follows:             follows:
                                                 Federal Government is $9,500. This cost                   Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115,
                                                 includes approximately $4,500 for                       30117, and 30166; delegation of authority at          § 571.218    Standard No. 218; Motorcycle
                                                 enforcement testing and approximately                   49 CFR 1.95.                                          helmets.
                                                 $5,000 annually to process, respond to,                 ■  2. Amend § 571.218 by:                                S1. Scope. This standard establishes
                                                 and publish determinations for the                      ■  a. Revising S1;                                    minimum performance requirements for
                                                 anticipated respondents.                                ■  b. Revising S3;                                    motorcycle helmets.
                                                 Estimated Number of Respondents                         ■  c. Adding definitions of ‘‘Apex’’,                 *     *      *     *    *
                                                                                                         ‘‘Inner Liner’’, and ‘‘Motorcycle                        S3. Application. This standard
                                                   Because this option is being included                 Helmet’’ in alphabetical order in S4;
                                                 in the NPRM as a means facilitating the                                                                       applies to all motorcycle helmets.
                                                                                                         ■ d. Revising S5;                                        S4. * * *
                                                 introduction of innovative helmet                       ■ e. Redesignating S5.1 through S5.7 as                  Apex means the upper most point on
                                                 technologies and materials, it is                       follows:                                              the shell of the helmet when the helmet
                                                 anticipated that approximately three
                                                                                                                                                               is oriented such that that brow opening
                                                 companies will attempt to pursue this                         Old section                New section          is parallel to the ground.
                                                 option on an annual basis.
                                                                                                                   S5.1                       S5.2             *     *      *     *    *
                                                 Comments Are Invited On                                           S5.2                       S5.3                Inner liner means an energy absorbing
                                                   Whether the proposed collection of                              S5.3                       S5.4             material that is molded to conform to
                                                 information is necessary for the proper                          S5.3.1                     S5.4.1            the inner shape of the helmet’s shell and
                                                 performance of the functions of the                              S5.3.2                     S5.4.2            serves to protect the user’s head from
                                                 Department, including whether the                                 S5.4                       S5.5             impact forces during a crash.
                                                                                                                   S5.5                       S5.6
                                                 information will have practical utility;                                                                      *     *      *     *    *
                                                                                                                   S5.6                       S5.7

                                                 the accuracy of the Department’s                                 S5.6.1                     S5.7.1               Motorcycle helmet (1) Except as
                                                 estimate of the burden of the proposed                            S5.7                       S5.8             provided in paragraph (2) of this
                                                 information collection; ways to enhance                                                                       definition, any hard shell headgear is a
                                                                                                         ■ f. Adding S5.1;                                     motorcycle helmet and an item of motor
                                                   61 Occupational Employment and Wages, May             ■ g. Revising S6;                                     vehicle equipment if it is either—
                                                 2011 for Standard Occupational Classification Code
                                                 17–2141 Mechanical Engineers, http://www.bls.gov/
                                                                                                         ■ h. Revising S6.3.2;                                    (A) Manufactured for sale, sold,
                                                 oes/current/oes172141.htm, last accessed on May         ■ i. Revising the introductory text of                offered for sale, introduced or delivered
                                                 31, 2012.                                               S6.4.1;                                               for introduction in interstate commerce,

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                                                 29484                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 or imported into the United States, for                 meet requirements of S5.5 through and                 minimum of 3 minutes for each minute
                                                 use on public streets, roads, and                       including S5.7. A manufacturer may                    or portion of a minute that the helmet
                                                 highways with the apparent purpose of                   submit to NHTSA evidence that a                       remained out of the environment in
                                                 safeguarding highway users against risk                 helmet model complies with the                        excess of 4 minutes or for a maximum
                                                 of accident, injury, or death, or                       requirements of FMVSS 218 S5.2                        of 12 hours, whichever is less, before
                                                    (B) manufactured for sale, sold,                     through and including S5.7, despite not               the resumption of testing with that
                                                 offered for sale, introduced or delivered               meeting the requirements of S5.1 and                  helmet.
                                                 for introduction in interstate commerce,                thereby request to be included in                     *      *    *     *     *
                                                 or imported into the United States by                   appendix C of this standard. The
                                                 entities that also manufacture for sale,                                                                         S7.1 Thickness and inner liner
                                                                                                         provisions for submitting such a request              compression test.
                                                 sell, offer for sale, introduce or deliver              can be found in appendix B of this
                                                 for introduction in interstate commerce,                standard.                                                S7.1.1 The thickness is measured
                                                 or import into the United States either                    S5.1 Preliminary screening. Each                   anywhere within a 4-inch (104 mm)
                                                 motorcycles, helmets certified to                       helmet shall have the following                       radius of the apex of the helmet.
                                                 FMVSS No. 218, or other motor vehicle                   characteristics (refer to Figure 9 of                    S7.1.2 The inner liner is measured
                                                 equipment and apparel for motorcycles                   appendix A of this standard) when                     by penetrating the helmet liner using a
                                                 or motorcyclists, or                                    tested in accordance with S7.1:                       stiff metal probe having a gauge of 26–
                                                    (C) described or depicted as a                          (a) The inner liner, excluding any                 30 (nominal outer diameter 0.01825
                                                 motorcycle helmet in packaging,                         cloth or fabric liner, is at least 3⁄4 inch           inch (0.4636 mm)). The probe is
                                                 display, promotional information or                     (19 mm) thick; and                                    inserted until it contacts the inner
                                                 advertising, or                                            (b) The combined thickness of the                  surface of the shell in a direction that
                                                    (D) imported into the United States                  inner liner, excluding any cloth or fabric            measures the shortest distance along a
                                                 under the applicable designation(s) for                 liner, and outer shell is at least 1 inch             line that connects a point on the outer
                                                 motorcycle helmets in the Harmonized                    (25 mm) thick; and                                    shell and the closest point on the inner
                                                 Tariff Schedule of the United States.                      (c) The inner liner shall not deform               surface of the inner liner. The depth of
                                                    (2) Paragraphs (1)(B), (1)(C), and (1)(D)            more than 1⁄12 inch (2 mm) when                       penetration of the probe equates to the
                                                 of this definition do not apply to a                    measured in accordance with S7.1.4.                   thickness of the helmet liner.
                                                 helmet that is properly labeled and
                                                 marked by its manufacturer as meeting                   *      *    *     *      *                               S7.1.3 The combined thickness of
                                                 a standard (other than a standard for                      S6. Preliminary test procedures.                   the inner liner, excluding any cloth or
                                                 motorcycle helmets) issued or adopted                   Before subjecting a helmet to the testing             fabric liner, and the outer shell is
                                                 by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety                     sequence specified in S7.2, S7.3 and                  measured using an outside dimension
                                                 Commission, ASTM International,                         S7.4, prepare it according to the                     caliper that can reach the measurement
                                                 National Operating Committee on                         procedures in S6.1, S6.2, and S6.3.                   area without interference with the
                                                 Standards for Athletic Equipment, Snell                 *      *    *     *      *                            helmet. One tip of the caliper is placed
                                                 Memorial Foundation, American                              S6.3.2 In testing as specified in S7.2             on a point on the outer shell of the
                                                 National Standards Institute, The                       and S7.3, place the retention system in               helmet and the other tip of the caliper
                                                 Hockey Equipment Certification                          a position such that it does not interfere            is placed on the closest point on the
                                                 Council, International Mountaineering                   with free fall, impact or penetration.                inner surface of the inner liner.
                                                 and Climbing Federation, SFI                            *      *    *     *      *                               S7.1.4 The uncompressed thickness
                                                 Foundation, European Commission CE                         S6.4.1 Immediately before                          of the inner liner is measured in
                                                 Marking (CE), or the Fédération                       conducting the testing sequence                       accordance with the procedure in S7.1.2
                                                 Internationale de l’Automobile and such                 specified in S7.2 through S7.4,                       or the uncompressed thickness of the
                                                 labeling and marking and the manner in                  condition each test helmet in                         inner liner and outer shell is measured
                                                 which it is done are in accordance with                 accordance with any one of the                        in accordance with the procedure in
                                                 that standard.                                          following procedures:                                 S7.1.3. A force gauge having a flat tip of
                                                 *      *     *     *      *                             *      *    *     *      *                            0.20–0.30 inch (5–7 mm) in diameter is
                                                    S5. Requirements. Except as provided                    S6.4.2 If during testing, as specified             used to apply a compression force of not
                                                 in this paragraph, each helmet shall                    in S7.2.3 and S7.3.3, a helmet is                     less than 1 lbf (4.4 N) and not more than
                                                 meet the requirements of S5.1, when                     returned to the conditioning                          5 lbf (22.2N) to the inner liner adjacent
                                                 tested in accordance with S7.1. Helmets                 environment before the time out of that               to the area measured for thickness. The
                                                 meeting the requirements of S5.1 when                   environment exceeds 4 minutes, the                    compression force is held for 10 seconds
                                                 tested in accordance with S7.1 shall also               helmet is kept in the environment for a               and the thickness measurement is
                                                 meet the requirements of S5.2, S5.3 and                 minimum of 3 minutes before                           repeated at the original location. The
                                                 S5.4 when subjected to any                              resumption of testing with that helmet.               thickness measured during compression
                                                 conditioning procedure specified in                     If the time out of the environment                    is subtracted from the initial thickness
                                                 S6.4, and tested in accordance with                     exceeds 4 minutes, the helmet is                      measured at the original location.
                                                 S7.2, S7.3, and S7.4. Helmets shall also                returned to the environment for a                     *      *    *     *     *

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                 29485

                                                                                TABLE 3—REQUIRED CERTIFICATION LABEL BASED ON HELMET MANUFACTURE DATE
                                                                              Motorcycle helmet date of manufacture                                                      Certification label shall contain the following information

                                                 Prior to May 13, 2013 ..............................................................................................                             DOT
                                                 On or after May 13, 2013 ........................................................................................                       Mfr. Name and/or Brand
                                                                                                                                                                                            Model Designation

                                                                                                                                                                                             FMVSS No. 218

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                                                 29486                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 Appendix B—Petition in Accordance                       a petition is being submitted in accordance              (e) NTHSA will conduct testing of the
                                                 With the Alternative Compliance                         with this appendix. The brand and precise             helmet, at its discretion, to some or all of the
                                                 Process for Motorcycle Helmets, Section                 model designation must refer to a unique              requirements, in accordance with the test
                                                                                                         design and fabrication process for a specific         procedures established in FMVSS No. 218. If
                                                 5 of FMVSS No. 218                                      motorcycle helmet. The submission shall               any apparent non-compliances with FMVSS
                                                    S1. Application. This section establishes            address every size that will be made available
                                                                                                         for sale. Information about the differences in        No. 218 are identified, the Associate
                                                 procedures for the submission and
                                                 disposition of petitions filed by                       each size that will be sold shall be                  Administrator shall reject the submission.
                                                 manufacturers of motorcycle helmets whose               completely described.                                    (f) The Associate Administrator seeks to
                                                 products do not meet the requirements of                   (e) The basis on which the manufacturer            test samples within six months of receipt.
                                                 S5.1 and do meet the requirements of S5.2               certifies the helmet must be explained and            Samples that cannot be procured for any
                                                 through and including S5.7, who wish to                 address all aspects of FMVSS No. 218                  reason will not be tested and the petition will
                                                 certify their products in accordance with the           including data evaluating the helmet to all           not be granted. Samples will not be returned
                                                 alternative compliance process established in           aspects of FMVSS No. 218. Test protocol(s),           to the manufacturer.
                                                 S5 of FMVSS No. 218.                                    calibration records, test dates, information
                                                                                                                                                                  (g) If the submission is accepted, if NTHSA
                                                    S2. Form of Petition.                                about the testing organization(s), photographs
                                                                                                         of test locations and test results, videos of the     finds no discrepancy with administrative or
                                                    (a) Information shall be furnished to:
                                                 Associate Administrator for Enforcement,                actual testing of the helmet, and any other           performance information included in the
                                                 National Highway Traffic Safety                         relevant information must be fully                    submission, and if testing performed on
                                                 Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue                  documented.                                           behalf of NHTSA is acceptable, the complete
                                                 SE., West Building, Washington, DC 20590,                  (f) The manufacturer shall provide contact         submission and NHTSA’s determination will
                                                 Attention: Filing for 218 Motorcycle helmet             information for the independent testing               be placed in the docket. Such motorcycle
                                                 S5 Alternative compliance Process.                      organization(s) used to collect supporting            helmets identified by manufacturer, brand (if
                                                    (b) Be written entirely in the English               data and a statement granting the Agency              applicable), precise model designation, and
                                                 language.                                               permission to discuss the testing contained
                                                                                                                                                               size will be listed in appendix C of this
                                                    (c) Each submission shall consist of one set         in the petition with that testing organization.
                                                                                                            (g) Photographs and other descriptive              standard.
                                                 of information, all written information shall
                                                 be on 81⁄2 by 11-inch paper, visual                     characteristics to adequately describe and               (h) Products manufactured, sold, offered
                                                 information shall be provided in printed                identify the samples must be provided.                for sale, introduced in interstate commerce,
                                                 color photographs, and color videos.                    Distinguishing features must be identified.           or imported into the United States under the
                                                    (d) Petitions may be submitted by                    Such photographic and descriptive material            brand and precise model name for which a
                                                 motorcycle helmet manufacturers.                        shall not be copyrighted, shall be of sufficient      submission was made must be identical in
                                                    (e) Set forth in full the data, photographs,         quality for reproduction, and may be                  design, manufacturing processes, materials,
                                                 videos, and other documentation supporting              reproduced by the Agency for purposes of              and sizes, to those submitted to NHTSA for
                                                 the petitioner’s statements and claims                  disseminating information about the helmets
                                                 required in S4 of this appendix.                        listed in appendix C of this standard.
                                                                                                            S4. Processing of Petition.                           (i) The granting of the petition is valid
                                                    (f) Test data shall be labeled with the
                                                 appropriate units cited in the standard.                   (a) NHTSA will process any petition that           only:
                                                    (g) Not request confidential treatment for           contains the information and supporting                  (1) As long as the design and manufacture
                                                 the contents of the petition.                           documentation specified by this section. If a         of the helmet does not vary from the make,
                                                    S3. Contents of petition.                            petition fails to provide any of the                  model, and size helmet for which the petition
                                                    The petitioner shall provide the following           information, NHTSA will not process the               was submitted; and
                                                 information—                                            petition.                                                (2) While the make, model, and size of
                                                    (a) State the full name and address of the              (b) The Associate Administrator seeks to           helmet are listed in appendix C of this
                                                 original equipment manufacturer (petitioner),           review each submission and inform the                 standard.
                                                 the name and contact information for a point            manufacturer not later than 60 days after its
                                                                                                                                                                  (j) The Associate Administrator terminates
                                                 of contact to which the Agency can direct               receipt of the written submission, if the
                                                 correspondence, the nature of the petitioning           information is complete or acceptable. The            or modifies its determination if—
                                                 organization (individual, partnership,                  Associate Administrator does not accept any              (1) Granting the petition is no longer
                                                 corporation, etc.) and the name of the State            submission that does not contain all of the           consistent with the public interest and the
                                                 or country under the laws of which it is                information specified in this appendix, or            objectives of the Act; or
                                                 organized.                                              that contains information suggesting that the            (2) Subsequent to granting the petition,
                                                    (b) Identify the motorcycle helmet for               design or manufacture of the motorcycle               additional information or testing becomes
                                                 which the petition is being submitted. The              helmet which is the subject of the petition           available to indicate the helmet fails to
                                                 motorcycle helmet must be identified by                 does not conform to all aspects of FMVSS              comply with any requirement of the
                                                 manufacturer’s name in accordance with                  571.218, Motorcycle Helmets, excluding                standard; or
                                                 S5.6.1(a), precise model designation per                S5.1.
                                                                                                                                                                  (3) Subsequent to granting the petition,
                                                 S5.6.2(a)(4), and manufacturer’s name and/or               (c) At any time during the agency’s
                                                 brand per S5.6.2(a)(5) of FMVSS No. 218.                consideration of a petition submitted under           additional information or testing becomes
                                                 The helmet identification provided in the               this part, the Associate Administrator for            available to indicate the helmet may fail to
                                                 petition must correspond to the information             Enforcement may request the petitioner to             comply with any requirement of the standard
                                                 found on the helmet and in the supporting               submit additional supporting information              and the responsible manufacturer is non-
                                                 documentation submitted with the petition.              and data. If such a request is not honored to         responsive or fails to comply with his
                                                    (c) The petitioner shall provide evidence of         the satisfaction of the agency, the petition          obligations under the law; or
                                                 current information on file to facilitate               will not receive further consideration until             (4) Subsequent to granting the petition,
                                                 correspondence with NHTSA and                           the information is submitted.                         additional information or testing becomes
                                                 procurement of test samples by NHTSA, as                   (d) If the submission is complete, valid,          available to indicate the helmet poses an
                                                 applicable, including, but not limited to, part         and provides adequate indication that the
                                                                                                                                                               unreasonable risk to safety; or

                                                 551 of this chapter, part 566 of this chapter,          helmet can comply with S5.2–S5.7 of FMVSS
                                                 and compliance with other applicable legal              No. 218, NHTSA will contact the                          (5) The petition was granted on the basis
                                                 requirements. Valid contact information must            manufacturer to obtain samples for testing.           of false, fictitious, fraudulent, or misleading
                                                 be made available. Submission of a petition             NTHSA will procure up to ten identical                representations or information.
                                                 in accordance with this appendix does not               samples of each size motorcycle helmet for               (k) The knowing and willful submission of
                                                 constitute submission of information with               which the manufacturer is submitting a                false, fictitious or fraudulent information will
                                                 respect to any other regulation.                        petition. The manufacturer must furnish the           subject the petitioner to the civil and
                                                    (d) Submissions shall be unique and                  helmet positioning index for each size helmet         criminal penalties of 18 U.S.C. 1001.
                                                 specific to the motorcycle helmet for which             at the time of procurement.

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 98 / Thursday, May 21, 2015 / Proposed Rules                           29487

                                                 Appendix C—Motorcycle Helmets That                        Issued on May 12, 2015 in Washington,
                                                 Have Complied With the Alternative                      DC, under authority delegated in 49 CFR
                                                 Compliance Process for Motorcycle                       1.95.
                                                 Helmets, Section 5 of FMVSS No. 218                     Daniel C. Smith,
                                                 and Must Be Further Certified by the                    Senior Associate Administrator for Vehicle
                                                 Manufacturer Before Being                               Safety.
                                                 Manufactured, Sold, Offered for Sale,                   [FR Doc. 2015–11756 Filed 5–20–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 Introduced Into Interstate Commerce or                  BILLING CODE 4910–59–P
                                                 Imported Into the United States
                                                    At the time of this notification, there are
                                                 no motorcycle helmets that meet the
                                                 alternative compliance process for S5.

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Document Created: 2018-10-24 10:27:17
Document Modified: 2018-10-24 10:27:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
DatesYou should submit your comments to ensure that Docket Management receives them not later than July 20, 2015. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the proposed rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of May 22, 2017.
ContactFor non-legal issues, you may contact Ms. Claudia Covell, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (Telephone: 202-366-5293) (Fax: 202-366-7002). For legal issues, you may contact Mr. Otto Matheke, Office of the Chief Counsel (Telephone: 202-366-5253) (Fax: 202-366-3820). You may send mail to these officials at: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
FR Citation80 FR 29458 
RIN Number2127-AL01
CFR AssociatedImports; Motor Vehicle Safety; Motor Vehicles and Tires

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