80_FR_30264 80 FR 30163 - Commercial Driver's License Standards; Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Passenger Endorsement Requirements

80 FR 30163 - Commercial Driver's License Standards; Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Passenger Endorsement Requirements

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 101 (May 27, 2015)

Page Range30163-30164
FR Document2015-12641

FMCSA responds to a question whether a commercial driver's license (CDL) passenger endorsement is required for drivers of certain custom motorcoaches designed or used to transport fewer than 16 passengers, including the driver. The guidance explains that a passenger endorsement is required because the vehicle is intended to transport passengers rather than cargo.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 101 (Wednesday, May 27, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 101 (Wednesday, May 27, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 30163-30164]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-12641]



Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

49 CFR Part 383

Commercial Driver's License Standards; Regulatory Guidance 
Concerning the Passenger Endorsement Requirements

AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of regulatory guidance.


SUMMARY: FMCSA responds to a question whether a commercial driver's 
license (CDL) passenger endorsement is required for drivers of certain 
custom motorcoaches designed or used to transport fewer than 16 
passengers, including the driver. The guidance explains that a 
passenger endorsement is required because the vehicle is intended to 
transport passengers rather than cargo.

DATES: This guidance is effective May 27, 2015.

Commercial Driver's License Division, Office of Safety Programs, 
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001. Telephone (202) 366-0677 or 
Selden.Fritschner@dot.gov. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. If you have 
questions on the docket, call Ms. Barbara Hairston, Docket Operations, 
telephone 202-366-3024.


I. Legal Basis

    The CDL program was established by the Commercial Motor Vehicle 
Safety Act of 1986 (CMVSA) (49 U.S.C. chapter 313). The CMVSA 
authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to set minimum standards for 
the CDL. The Administrator of FMCSA has been delegated the authority to 
carry out the functions vested in the Secretary by the CMVSA (49 Code 
of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1.87(e)(1)).
    Parts 383 and 384 of Title 49, CFR, implement the CMVSA 
requirements. Part 383 prohibits any person who does not hold a valid 
CDL or commercial learner's permit (CLP) issued by his/her State of 
domicile from operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) that requires 
a driver with a CDL. This regulatory guidance is based on that 
authority and is intended to ensure that CDL holders obtain the proper 
endorsements before operating a CMV.

II. Background

    The American Bus Association (ABA) asked if drivers of certain 
custom motorcoaches require passenger endorsements. These motorcoaches 
are used primarily to transport entertainers to performance venues 
throughout the United States. Because these vehicles have gross vehicle 
weights (GVWs) and gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWRs) greater than 
26,000 pounds, the driver must have a CDL. However, the vehicles are 
not designed or used to transport 16 or more passengers. Each vehicle 
begins as a motorcoach chassis and body shell which is then customized 
by a second-stage manufacturer that installs beds, couches, sinks, 
kitchen cabinets, and other furnishings. ABA notes that the maximum 
passenger capacity of these vehicles is approximately 10-12 persons, 
plus the driver. The ABA asked whether the drivers must have passenger 
endorsements on their CDLs. ABA estimates that approximately 1,000 
entertainer motorcoaches are currently in operation.

III. Applicable Regulations

    The CDL rules in 49 CFR 383.23(a) require individuals to pass 
written and driving tests for a CLP or CDL to operate commercial motor 
vehicles (CMVs). Section 383.5 defines a CMV.
    The customized motorcoaches described by the ABA are Group B Heavy 
Straight Vehicles, within the CMV definition under Sec.  383.5 and 
under Sec.  383.91 concerning endorsements. They are used in commerce 
to transport passengers, and have GVWRs and GVWs of 26,001 pounds or 
more. Section 383.93(b)(2) requires CDL holders who operate or expect 
to operate ``passenger vehicles'' to obtain a passenger endorsement 
requiring a knowledge and skills test (Sec.  383.93(c)(2)). Neither 
these sections nor the passenger endorsement provisions in Sec.  
383.117 specifies a minimum number of passengers needed to trigger the 
endorsement requirement. Drivers of the customized motorcoaches used by 
the entertainment industry, which are designed or used to transport 
between 10 and 12 passengers, including the driver, are therefore 
required to have a CDL with a passenger endorsement.
    It should be noted that FMCSA and its predecessor agency, the 
Federal Highway Administration, have held for more than 20 years that 
drivers of recreational vehicles used strictly for non-commercial 
purposes are not required to obtain a CDL [Question 3 under Sec.  
383.3, 58 FR 60734, 60735, November 17, 1993; available on the Agency's 
Web site: www.fmcsa.dot.gov]. Such vehicles are not ``used in 
commerce'' in the sense intended by the definition of ``commercial 
motor vehicle'' in 49 U.S.C. 31301(4) and 49 CFR 383.5. Today's 
regulatory guidance is therefore limited to the issue of the passenger 
endorsement for individuals who are already required to possess a CDL.

IV. FMCSA Decision

    In consideration of the above, FMCSA has determined that the 
requirements under 49 CFR part 383 require CDL-holders to have a 
passenger endorsement when operating a vehicle that exceeds the 26,000-
pound threshold, and is designed to transport passengers rather than 
property. FMCSA

[[Page 30164]]

therefore includes the following as new Guidance to 49 CFR 383.93:

Commercial Driver's License Standards, Endorsements; Regulatory 
Guidance for 49 CFR 383.93

    Question 15: Is a person who operates a custom motorcoach in 
commerce with a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight 
greater than 26,001 pounds required to have a passenger endorsement for 
his or her CDL if the vehicle is designed or used to transport less 
than 16 passengers, including the driver?
    Guidance: Yes. The motorcoach is a Heavy Straight Vehicle (Group B) 
under 49 CFR 383.91 that is designed to transport passengers in 
commerce. The driver is, therefore, required by Sec.  383.93(b)(2) to 
have a passenger endorsement.

    Issued on: May 18, 2015.
T.F. Scott Darling, III,
 Chief Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2015-12641 Filed 5-26-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 27, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                           30163

                                                                                         EPA-APPROVED ALASKA REGULATIONS AND STATUTES—Continued
                                                    State citation                         Title/subject                       effective                 EPA approval date                      Explanations

                                                           *                         *                             *                         *                       *                      *                  *

                                                                                                                  18 AAC 50        Article 9. General Provisions

                                                18 AAC 50.990 .......      Definitions .....................................       11/9/14       1/7/15, 80 FR 832; 05/27/15 [In-
                                                                                                                                                   sert Federal Register citation].

                                                           *                         *                             *                         *                       *                      *                  *

                                                *      *       *       *      *                                 Secretary of Transportation to set                           The customized motorcoaches
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–12655 Filed 5–26–15; 8:45 am]                     minimum standards for the CDL. The                        described by the ABA are Group B
                                                BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                          Administrator of FMCSA has been                           Heavy Straight Vehicles, within the
                                                                                                                delegated the authority to carry out the                  CMV definition under § 383.5 and under
                                                                                                                functions vested in the Secretary by the                  § 383.91 concerning endorsements.
                                                DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                    CMVSA (49 Code of Federal Regulations                     They are used in commerce to transport
                                                                                                                [CFR] 1.87(e)(1)).                                        passengers, and have GVWRs and GVWs
                                                Federal Motor Carrier Safety                                      Parts 383 and 384 of Title 49, CFR,                     of 26,001 pounds or more. Section
                                                Administration                                                  implement the CMVSA requirements.                         383.93(b)(2) requires CDL holders who
                                                                                                                Part 383 prohibits any person who does                    operate or expect to operate ‘‘passenger
                                                49 CFR Part 383                                                 not hold a valid CDL or commercial                        vehicles’’ to obtain a passenger
                                                                                                                learner’s permit (CLP) issued by his/her                  endorsement requiring a knowledge and
                                                Commercial Driver’s License                                     State of domicile from operating a                        skills test (§ 383.93(c)(2)). Neither these
                                                Standards; Regulatory Guidance                                  commercial motor vehicle (CMV) that                       sections nor the passenger endorsement
                                                Concerning the Passenger                                        requires a driver with a CDL. This                        provisions in § 383.117 specifies a
                                                Endorsement Requirements                                        regulatory guidance is based on that                      minimum number of passengers needed
                                                                                                                authority and is intended to ensure that                  to trigger the endorsement requirement.
                                                AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                                                                                CDL holders obtain the proper                             Drivers of the customized motorcoaches
                                                Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
                                                                                                                endorsements before operating a CMV.                      used by the entertainment industry,
                                                ACTION: Notice of regulatory guidance.
                                                                                                                II. Background                                            which are designed or used to transport
                                                SUMMARY:   FMCSA responds to a                                                                                            between 10 and 12 passengers,
                                                                                                                   The American Bus Association (ABA)                     including the driver, are therefore
                                                question whether a commercial driver’s
                                                                                                                asked if drivers of certain custom                        required to have a CDL with a passenger
                                                license (CDL) passenger endorsement is
                                                                                                                motorcoaches require passenger                            endorsement.
                                                required for drivers of certain custom
                                                                                                                endorsements. These motorcoaches are
                                                motorcoaches designed or used to                                                                                             It should be noted that FMCSA and its
                                                                                                                used primarily to transport entertainers
                                                transport fewer than 16 passengers,                                                                                       predecessor agency, the Federal
                                                                                                                to performance venues throughout the
                                                including the driver. The guidance                                                                                        Highway Administration, have held for
                                                                                                                United States. Because these vehicles
                                                explains that a passenger endorsement                                                                                     more than 20 years that drivers of
                                                                                                                have gross vehicle weights (GVWs) and
                                                is required because the vehicle is                                                                                        recreational vehicles used strictly for
                                                                                                                gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWRs)
                                                intended to transport passengers rather                                                                                   non-commercial purposes are not
                                                                                                                greater than 26,000 pounds, the driver
                                                than cargo.                                                                                                               required to obtain a CDL [Question 3
                                                                                                                must have a CDL. However, the vehicles
                                                DATES: This guidance is effective May                           are not designed or used to transport 16                  under § 383.3, 58 FR 60734, 60735,
                                                27, 2015.                                                       or more passengers. Each vehicle begins                   November 17, 1993; available on the
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                            as a motorcoach chassis and body shell                    Agency’s Web site: www.fmcsa.dot.gov].
                                                Selden Fritschner, Chief, Commercial                            which is then customized by a second-                     Such vehicles are not ‘‘used in
                                                Driver’s License Division, Office of                            stage manufacturer that installs beds,                    commerce’’ in the sense intended by the
                                                Safety Programs, Federal Motor Carrier                          couches, sinks, kitchen cabinets, and                     definition of ‘‘commercial motor
                                                Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey                          other furnishings. ABA notes that the                     vehicle’’ in 49 U.S.C. 31301(4) and 49
                                                Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590–                               maximum passenger capacity of these                       CFR 383.5. Today’s regulatory guidance
                                                0001. Telephone (202) 366–0677 or                               vehicles is approximately 10–12                           is therefore limited to the issue of the
                                                Selden.Fritschner@dot.gov. Office hours                         persons, plus the driver. The ABA asked                   passenger endorsement for individuals
                                                are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday                         whether the drivers must have                             who are already required to possess a
                                                through Friday, except Federal holidays.                        passenger endorsements on their CDLs.                     CDL.
                                                If you have questions on the docket, call                       ABA estimates that approximately 1,000                    IV. FMCSA Decision
                                                Ms. Barbara Hairston, Docket                                    entertainer motorcoaches are currently
                                                Operations, telephone 202–366–3024.                             in operation.                                               In consideration of the above, FMCSA
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                                                has determined that the requirements
                                                                                                                III. Applicable Regulations                               under 49 CFR part 383 require CDL-
                                                I. Legal Basis                                                     The CDL rules in 49 CFR 383.23(a)                      holders to have a passenger
                                                   The CDL program was established by                           require individuals to pass written and                   endorsement when operating a vehicle
                                                the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety                             driving tests for a CLP or CDL to operate                 that exceeds the 26,000-pound
                                                Act of 1986 (CMVSA) (49 U.S.C. chapter                          commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).                         threshold, and is designed to transport
                                                313). The CMVSA authorizes the                                  Section 383.5 defines a CMV.                              passengers rather than property. FMCSA

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014     17:50 May 26, 2015    Jkt 235001      PO 00000      Frm 00035   Fmt 4700      Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\27MYR1.SGM   27MYR1

                                                30164            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 27, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                therefore includes the following as new                 passengers in interstate commerce and                   Lease Preparation Information Collection
                                                Guidance to 49 CFR 383.93:                              correctly assign responsibility to these                  Analysis
                                                                                                        entities for regulatory violations during               Passenger-Carrying CMV Marking
                                                Commercial Driver’s License Standards,                                                                            Information Collection Analysis
                                                                                                        inspections, compliance investigations,
                                                Endorsements; Regulatory Guidance for                                                                           K. National Environmental Policy Act and
                                                                                                        and crash investigations. It also                         Clean Air Act
                                                49 CFR 383.93
                                                                                                        provides the general public with the                    L. Executive Order 13211 (Energy Effects)
                                                   Question 15: Is a person who operates                means to identify the responsible motor               The Final Rule
                                                a custom motorcoach in commerce with                    carrier at the time transportation
                                                a gross vehicle weight rating or gross                                                                        I. Acronyms and Abbreviations
                                                                                                        services are provided.
                                                vehicle weight greater than 26,001                      DATES: Effective date: July 27, 2015.                 1935 Act Motor Carrier Act of 1935
                                                pounds required to have a passenger                     Compliance date: Motor carriers of                    1984 Act Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984
                                                endorsement for his or her CDL if the                                                                         Advocates Advocates for Highway and
                                                                                                        passengers operating CMVs under a                       Auto Safety
                                                vehicle is designed or used to transport                lease or interchange agreement are
                                                less than 16 passengers, including the                                                                        ABA American Bus Association
                                                                                                        subject to this rule on or after January              BASICs Behavioral Analysis and Safety
                                                driver?                                                 1, 2017.                                                Improvement Categories
                                                   Guidance: Yes. The motorcoach is a                                                                         CDL Commercial Driver’s License
                                                                                                           Petitions for reconsideration must be
                                                Heavy Straight Vehicle (Group B) under                                                                        CMV Commercial Motor Vehicle
                                                                                                        received by June 26, 2015 and must be
                                                49 CFR 383.91 that is designed to                                                                             CSA Compliance, Safety, Accountability
                                                                                                        filed in accordance with 49 CFR 389.35.
                                                transport passengers in commerce. The                                                                         DOT United States Department of
                                                driver is, therefore, required by                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.                    Transportation
                                                § 383.93(b)(2) to have a passenger                      Loretta Bitner, (202) 366–2400,                       FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                endorsement.                                            loretta.bitner@dot.gov, Office of                       Administration
                                                                                                        Enforcement and Compliance. FMCSA                     FMCSRs Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                  Issued on: May 18, 2015.                              office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,                 Regulations, 49 CFR parts 350 through 399
                                                T.F. Scott Darling, III,                                Monday through Friday, except Federal                 FR Federal Register
                                                Chief Counsel.                                                                                                FRFA Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                                                                                                                                              Gobbell Gobbell Transportation Services
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–12641 Filed 5–26–15; 8:45 am]             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            LLCs Limited Liability Companies
                                                BILLING CODE 4910–EX–P                                                                                        MCMIS Motor Carrier Management
                                                                                                        Table of Contents                                       Information System
                                                                                                        I. Acronyms and Abbreviations                         MCSAP Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
                                                DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            II. Executive Summary                                   Program
                                                                                                           A. Purpose of the Final Rule                       MAP–21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the
                                                Federal Motor Carrier Safety                               B. Summary of the Major Provisions                   21st Century Act
                                                Administration                                             C. Costs and Benefits                              NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
                                                                                                        III. Legal Basis for the Rulemaking                   NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
                                                                                                        IV. Proposal                                          OMB Office of Management and Budget
                                                49 CFR Part 390                                                                                               OOIDA Owner-Operator Independent
                                                                                                        V. Discussion of Comments to NPRM
                                                [Docket No. FMCSA–2012–0103]                               Impact on Safety                                     Drivers Association
                                                                                                           Exception for Replacement Vehicles                 OOS Out of Service
                                                RIN 2126–AB44                                              Financial v. Operational Leases                    PRA Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                                                                           Revenue Pooling Agreements                         QALY Quality-Adjusted Life-Year
                                                Lease and Interchange of Vehicles;                         Cost of the Rule                                   RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                Motor Carriers of Passengers                               Common Ownership and Control                       SMS Safety Measurement System
                                                                                                           Passenger Carriers Chartering Other                SBA Small Business Administration
                                                AGENCY:  Federal Motor Carrier Safety                                                                         STB Surface Transportation Board
                                                                                                              Passenger Carriers
                                                Administration (FMCSA), DOT.                                                                                  UMA United Motorcoach Association
                                                ACTION: Final rule.                                        Lease Disclosure on Tickets                        VSL Value of a Statistical Life
                                                                                                           Out-of-Service Carriers                            VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled
                                                SUMMARY:    FMCSA adopts regulations                       Miscellaneous Comments                             VIN Vehicle Identification Number
                                                governing the lease and interchange of                     MCSAP State Enforcement Plans
                                                passenger-carrying commercial motor                                                                           II. Executive Summary
                                                                                                        VI. Section-By-Section Description of Final
                                                vehicles (CMVs) to: Identify the motor                        Rule                                            A. Purpose of the Final Rule
                                                carrier operating a passenger-carrying                  VII. Regulatory Analyses
                                                                                                           A. Regulatory Planning and Review
                                                                                                                                                                FMCSA adopts regulations governing
                                                CMV that is responsible for compliance
                                                                                                           Passenger Carriers Subject to This Final           the lease and interchange of passenger-
                                                with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                                                                              Rule                                            carrying CMVs to ensure that passenger
                                                Regulations (FMCSRs); and ensure that
                                                                                                           Estimated Costs of the Final Rule                  carriers cannot evade FMCSA oversight
                                                a lessor surrenders control of the CMV
                                                                                                           Estimated Benefits and Threshold Analysis          and enforcement by entering into
                                                for the full term of the lease or                             Results                                         questionable lease arrangements to
                                                temporary exchange of CMVs and                             B. Regulatory Flexibility Act                      operate under the authority 1 of another
                                                drivers. This action is necessary to                       Assistance for Small Entities                      carrier that exercises no actual control
                                                ensure that unsafe passenger carriers                      C. Federalism (Executive Order 13132)              over these operations. The rule is based
                                                cannot evade FMCSA oversight and                           D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
                                                                                                                                                              on the broad authority of the Motor
                                                enforcement by entering into a                             E. Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice
                                                                                                              Reform)                                         Carrier Safety Act of 1984 as amended
                                                questionable lease arrangement to
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                operate under the authority of another                     F. Executive Order 13045 (Protection of
                                                                                                                                                                1 While this statement refers to the operating
                                                carrier that exercises no actual control                      Children)
                                                                                                           G. Executive Order 12630 (Taking of                authority issued to for-hire motor carriers by
                                                over those operations. This rule will                         Private Property)
                                                                                                                                                              FMCSA, the rule would also apply to private
                                                enable the FMCSA, the National                                                                                carriers, which are not required to have operating
                                                                                                           H. Privacy Impact Assessment                       authority. If a private carrier leased a bus from
                                                Transportation Safety Board (NTSB),                        I. Executive Order 12372                           another private carrier, the parties would be
                                                and our Federal and State partners to                         (Intergovernmental Review)                      required to complete a lease, and the lessee would
                                                identify motor carriers transporting                       J. Paperwork Reduction Act                         be responsible for safety and regulatory compliance.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:50 May 26, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00036   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\27MYR1.SGM   27MYR1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:35:25
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:35:25
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionNotice of regulatory guidance.
DatesThis guidance is effective May 27, 2015.
ContactMr. Selden Fritschner, Chief, Commercial Driver's License Division, Office of Safety Programs, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001. Telephone (202) 366-0677 or [email protected] Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. If you have questions on the docket, call Ms. Barbara Hairston, Docket Operations, telephone 202-366-3024.
FR Citation80 FR 30163 

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