80_FR_30518 80 FR 30416 - Amendments to the HUD Acquisition Regulation (HUDAR)

80 FR 30416 - Amendments to the HUD Acquisition Regulation (HUDAR)


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 102 (May 28, 2015)

Page Range30416-30430
FR Document2015-12275

This proposed rule would amend the HUDAR to implement miscellaneous changes necessary to update the HUDAR. These changes include a correction to the designation of Source Selection Authorities, limited delegation of Head of Contracting Activity authorities, incorporation of the HUDAR Matrix, addition of new clauses, certain administrative corrections, and incorporation of Alternates to various clauses to allow for electronic invoicing.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 102 (Thursday, May 28, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 102 (Thursday, May 28, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 30416-30430]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-12275]



48 CFR Parts 2404, 2406, 2408, 2409, 2411, 2415, 2427, 2428, 2432, 
2437, 2444, 2452

[Docket No. FR-5814-P-01]
RIN 2501-AD73

Amendments to the HUD Acquisition Regulation (HUDAR)

AGENCY: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, HUD.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: This proposed rule would amend the HUDAR to implement 
miscellaneous changes necessary to update the HUDAR. These changes 
include a correction to the designation of Source Selection 
Authorities, limited delegation of Head of Contracting Activity 
authorities, incorporation of the HUDAR Matrix, addition of new 
clauses, certain administrative corrections, and incorporation of 
Alternates to various clauses to allow for electronic invoicing.

DATES: Comment due date: July 27, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding 
this proposed rule to the Regulations Division, Office of General 
Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street 
SW., Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410-0500. Communications must refer 
to the above docket number and title. There are two methods for 
submitting public comments. All submissions must refer to the above 
docket number and title.
    1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by 
mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department 
of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 10276, 
Washington, DC 20410-0500.
    2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit 
comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at 
www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit 
comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the 
commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely 
receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them immediately available to 
the public. Comments submitted electronically through the 
www.regulations.gov Web site can be viewed by other commenters and 
interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the 
instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically.

    Note: To receive consideration as public comments, comments must 
be submitted through one of the two methods specified above. Again, 
all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the 

    No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile (FAX) comments are not acceptable.
    Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted 
comments and communications submitted to HUD will be available for 
public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the 
above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters 
building, an advance appointment to review the public comments must be 
scheduled by calling the Regulations Division at 202-708-3055 (this is 
not a toll-free number). Individuals with speech or hearing impairments 
may access this number

[[Page 30417]]

via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service, toll-free, at 800-877-
8339. Copies of all comments submitted are available for inspection and 
downloading at www.regulations.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa D. Maguire, Assistant Chief 
Procurement Officer for Policy, Systems and Risk Management, Office of 
the Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone number 
202-708-0294 (this is not a toll-free number) and fax number 202-708-
8912. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access Ms. 
Maguire's telephone number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal 
Relay Service at 800-877-8339.


I. Background

    The uniform regulation for the procurement of supplies and services 
by federal departments and agencies, the Federal Acquisition Regulation 
(FAR), was promulgated on September 19, 1983 (48 FR 42102). The FAR is 
codified in title 48, chapter 1, of the Code of Federal Regulations. 
HUD promulgated its regulation to implement the FAR on March 1, 1984 
(49 FR 7696).
    The HUDAR (title 48, chapter 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations) 
is prescribed under section 7(d) of the Department of HUD Act (42 
U.S.C. 3535(d)); section 205(c) of the Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 121(c)); and the general 
authorization in FAR 1.301. The HUDAR was last revised by final rule 
published on December 10, 2012 (77 FR 73524), and a subsequent 
correcting amendment published on August 15, 2013 (78 FR 49697).

II. This Proposed Rule

    This proposed rule would amend the HUDAR at 48 CFR chapter 24, as 
    The rule proposes several administrative corrections, including: 
Revising section 2404.7001 to refer to the correct contract clause 
2452.204-70, ``Preservation of, and Access to, Contract Records 
(Tangible and Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Formats),'' and 
removing the title and redesignating the clause that is codified at 
section 2432.705-70 as 2432.705-70(a).
    In part 2406, the rule would add section 2406.303 which requires 
the use of HUD Form 24012 \1\ for justifications for other than full 
and open competition, and section 2406.304(a)(3), which designates the 
HUD Deputy Chief Procurement Officer as the responsible official with 
the authority to approve, in writing, justifications for other than 
full and open procurements for proposed contracts over $12.5 million, 
but not exceeding $62.5 million.

    \1\ See http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=24012.pdf.

    In part 2408, this rule would add subpart 2408.4, ``Federal Supply 
Schedules,'' and, in that subpart, would add section 2408.405-6(c)(2), 
which requires the use of HUD form 24013 for justifications for 
limiting sources exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold when 
using the Federal Supply Schedules.\2\ This rule would also add section 
24(d)(3) which designates the HUD Deputy Chief Procurement Officer as 
the responsible official with the authority to approve, in writing, 
justifications for Limited Source considerations for proposed Federal 
Supply Schedule order or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with an 
estimated value exceeding $12.5 million, but not exceeding $62.5 

    \2\ See http://www.acquisition.gov/far/html/Subpart%2038_1.html#wp1075980.

    In part 2409, this rule would add subpart 2409.1, entitled 
``Responsible Prospective Contractors,'' and, within that subpart, 
section 2409.105, ``Procedures,'' which includes information to be 
collected in determining financial responsibility.
    This rule would also:
    Revise section 2415.303(a) to HUDAR section 2415.303(a)(1) and, 
except for those acquisitions identified in HUDAR section 
2415.303(a)(2), designate HUD Assistant Secretaries, or their 
equivalent, as the Source Selection Authorities for selections made 
using the tradeoff process and to allow Assistant Secretaries to 
delegate this function to other departmental officials;
    Add section 2415.303(a)(2) to designate HUD's General Counsel as 
the Source Selection Authority, regardless of contract amount, in all 
Headquarters procurements for legal services, unless the General 
Counsel specifically designates another agency official to perform that 
    Clarify section 2415.305(a)(5) to apply to Best Value Tradeoff 
technical evaluations;
    Add part 2444 and, within that part, section 2444.204 entitled 
``Subcontracting Policies and Procedures''; and
    Codify a class deviation approved by HUD's Chief Procurement 
Officer dated April 10, 2013 to add Alternate 1 to clauses 2452.232-70 
and 2452.232-71.
    In part 2452, the proposed rule would:
    Add clause 2452.232-74, entitled ``Not to Exceed Limitation,'' and, 
in part 2432, add a reference to that clause and requirements regarding 
its use at section 2432.705;
    Revise clause 2452.237-77(c)(1)(A) to change ``21 days per month'' 
to ``number of business days in the month'';
    Add clause 2452.237-79, ``Post-Award Conference,'' and a reference 
to that clause and requirements regarding its use at section 
    Add clause 2452.237-81, ``Labor Categories, Unit Prices Per Hour 
and Payment,'' and a reference to that clause and requirements 
regarding its use at section 2437.110(e)(6);
    Add section 2452.244-70, ``Consent to Subcontract,'' and a 
reference to that clause and requirements regarding its use at section 
2444.204; and
    Incorporate a new HUDAR matrix under subpart 2452.3.

III. Findings and Certifications

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

    The information collection requirements contained in this proposed 
rule are currently approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
3501-3520) and assigned OMB control number 2535-0091. The information 
collection requirements for the HUDAR are currently approved by OMB 
under control number 2535-0091. In accordance with the Paperwork 
Reduction Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is 
not required to respond to, a collection of information, unless the 
collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 
1531- 1538) (UMRA) establishes requirements for federal agencies to 
assess the effects of their regulatory actions on state, local, and 
tribal governments and the private sector. This rule does not impose 
any federal mandate on any state, local, or tribal government or the 
private sector within the meaning of UMRA.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) 
generally requires an agency to conduct a regulatory flexibility 
analysis of any rule subject to notice and comment rulemaking 
requirements, unless the agency certifies that the rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial

[[Page 30418]]

number of small entities. This proposed rule makes technical changes to 
existing contracting procedures and does not make any major changes 
that would significantly impact businesses. Accordingly, the 
undersigned certifies that this rule will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Notwithstanding HUD's determination that this rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities, 
HUD specifically invites comments regarding less burdensome 
alternatives to this rule that will meet HUD's objectives as described 
in this preamble.

Environmental Impact

    This proposed rule does not direct, provide for assistance or loan 
and mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern or regulate real 
property acquisition, disposition, leasing, rehabilitation, alteration, 
demolition, or new construction, or establish, revise, or provide for 
standards for construction or construction materials, manufactured 
housing, or occupancy. Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), this 
proposed rule is categorically excluded from environmental review under 
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321).

Executive Order 13132, Federalism

    Executive Order 13132 (entitled ``Federalism'') prohibits an agency 
from publishing any rule that has federalism implications if the rule 
imposes substantial direct compliance costs on state and local 
governments and is not required by statute, or the rule preempts state 
law, unless the agency meets the consultation and funding requirements 
of section 6 of the Executive Order. This proposed rule would not have 
federalism implications and would not impose substantial direct 
compliance costs on state and local governments or preempt state law 
within the meaning of the Executive Order.

List of Subjects

48 CFR Part 2404

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2406

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2408

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2409

    Government Procurement

48 CFR Part 2411

    Government Procurement.

48 CFR Part 2415

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2432

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2437

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2444

    Government procurement.

48 CFR Part 2452

    Government procurement.

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, and pursuant to the 
authority under 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), HUD proposes to amend 48 CFR chapter 
24 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 2404 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

Subpart 2404.7--Contractor Records Retention

2. Revise section 2404.7001 to read as follows:

2404.7001  Contract clause.

    The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 2452.204-70, 
``Preservation of, and Access to, Contract Records (Tangible and 
Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Formats),'' in all 
solicitations and contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition 
threshold. The contracting officer shall use the basic clause with its 
Alternate I in cost-reimbursement type contracts. The contracting 
officer shall use the basic clause with its Alternate II in labor-hour 
and time-and-materials contracts.


3. The authority citation for part 2406 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 41 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 

Subpart 2406.3--Other Than Full and Open Competition

4. Add section 2406.303 to read as follows:

2406.303  Justifications.

    Justifications for Other Than Full and Open Competition must be 
prepared and approved using the latest version of HUD Form 24012.
5. Add paragraph (a)(3) to section 2406.304 to read as follows:

2406.304  Approval of the justification.

    (a)(3) HUD's Chief Procurement Officer, as the Head of Contracting 
Activity, has delegated the authority to the Deputy Chief Procurement 
Officer to approve, in writing, justifications for other than full and 
open competition procurements for proposed contracts over $12.5 
million, but not exceeding $62.5 million.
* * * * *


6. The authority citation for part 2408 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

7. Add subpart 2408.4 to read as follows:

Subpart 2408.4--Federal Supply Schedules

2408.404  Pricing.

    (d) Supplies offered on the schedule are listed at fixed prices. 
Services offered on the schedule are priced either at hourly rates, or 
at fixed price for performance of a specific task (e.g., installation, 
maintenance, and repair). GSA has determined the prices of supplies and 
fixed-price services, and rates for services offered at hourly rates, 
to be fair and reasonable for the purpose of establishing the schedule 
contract. GSA's determination does not relieve the ordering activity 
contracting officer from the responsibility of making a determination 
of fair and reasonable pricing for individual orders, BPAs, and orders 
under BPAs. Contracting Officers shall follow the general principles 
and techniques outlined in FAR Section 15.404-1, Proposal Analysis 
Techniques, to ensure that the final agreed-to price is fair and 
reasonable, keeping in mind that the complexity and circumstances of 
each acquisition should determine the level of detail of the analysis 

2408.405-6  Limiting sources.

    (c)(2) Justifications for Limiting Sources, under the Federal 
Supply Schedules when exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold, 
must be prepared and approved using the latest version of HUD Form 
    (d)(3) HUD's Chief Procurement Officer, as the Head of Contracting 
Activity, has delegated the authority to the Deputy Chief Procurement 
Officer to approve, in writing, justifications for Limited Source 
considerations for a proposed Federal Supply Schedule order or Blanket 
Purchase Agreement (BPA) with an estimated value

[[Page 30419]]

exceeding $12.5 million, but not exceeding $62.5 million.


8. The authority citation for part 2409 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

9. Add subpart 2409.1 to read as follows:

Subpart 2409.1--Responsible Prospective Contractors

2409.105  Procedures.

    (a) The contracting officer shall perform a financial review when 
the contracting officer does not otherwise have sufficient information 
to make a positive determination of financial responsibility. In 
addition, the contracting officer shall consider performing a financial 
    (1) Prior to award of a contract, when--
    (A) The contractor is on a list requiring pre-award clearance or 
other special clearance before award;
    (B) The contractor is listed on the Consolidated List of 
Contractors Indebted to the Government, or is otherwise known to be 
indebted to the Government;
    (C) The contractor may receive Government assets such as contract 
financing payments or Government property;
    (D) The contractor is experiencing performance difficulties on 
other work; or
    (E) The contractor is a new company or a new supplier of the item.
    (2) At periodic intervals after award of a contract, when--
    (A) Any of the conditions in paragraphs (1)(B) through (1)(E) of 
this subsection are applicable; or
    (B) There is any other reason to question the contractor's ability 
to finance performance and completion of the contract.
    (b) The contracting officer shall obtain the type and depth of 
financial and other information that is required to establish a 
contractor's financial capability or disclose a contractor's financial 
condition. While the contracting officer should not request information 
that is not necessary for protection of the Government's interests, the 
contracting officer must insist upon obtaining the information that is 
necessary. The unwillingness or inability of a contractor to present 
reasonably requested information in a timely manner, especially 
information that a prudent business person would be expected to have 
and to use in the professional management of a business, may be a 
material fact in the determination of the contractor's responsibility 
and prospects for contract completion.
    (c) The contracting officer shall obtain the following information 
to the extent required to protect the Government's interest. In 
addition, if the contracting officer concludes that information not 
listed herein is required to determine financial responsibility, that 
information should be requested. The information must be for the 
person(s) who are legally liable for contract performance. If the 
contractor is not a corporation, the contracting officer shall obtain 
the required information for each individual/joint venturer/partner:
    (1) Balance sheet and income statement--
    (A) For the current fiscal year (interim);
    (B) For the most recent fiscal year and, preferably, for the 2 
preceding fiscal years. These should be certified by an independent 
public accountant or by an appropriate officer of the firm; and
    (C) Forecasted for each fiscal year for the remainder of the period 
of contract performance.
    (2) Summary history of the contractor and its principal managers, 
disclosing any previous insolvencies--corporate or personal, and 
describing its products or services.
    (3) Statement of all affiliations disclosing--
    (A) Material financial interests of the contractor;
    (B) Material financial interests in the contractor;
    (C) Material affiliations of owners, officers, members, directors, 
major stockholders; and
    (D) The major stockholders if the contractor is not a widely-
traded, publicly-held corporation.
    (4) Statement of all forms of compensation to each officer, 
manager, partner, joint venturer, or proprietor, as appropriate--
    (A) Planned for the current year;
    (B) Paid during the past 2 years; and
    (C) Deferred to future periods.
    (5) Business base and forecast that--
    (A) Shows, by significant markets, existing contracts and 
outstanding offers, including those under negotiation; and
    (B) Is reconcilable to indirect cost rate projections.
    (6) Cash forecast for the duration of the contract.
    (7) Financing arrangement information that discloses--
    (A) Availability of cash to finance contract performance;
    (B) Contractor's exposure to financial crisis from creditor's 
    (C) Degree to which credit security provisions could conflict with 
Government title terms under contract financing;
    (D) Clearly stated confirmations of credit with no unacceptable 
qualifications; and
    (E) Unambiguous written agreement by a creditor if credit 
arrangements include deferred trade payments or creditor 
subordinations/repayment suspensions.
    (8) Statement of all state, local, and Federal tax accounts, 
including special mandatory contributions, e.g., environmental 
    (9) Description and explanation of the financial effect of issues 
such as--
    (A) Leases, deferred purchase arrangements, or patent or royalty 
    (B) Insurance, when relevant to the contract;
    (C) Contemplated capital expenditures, changes in equity, or 
contractor debt load;
    (D) Pending claims either by or against the contractor;
    (E) Contingent liabilities such as guarantees, litigation, 
environmental, or product liabilities;
    (E) Validity of accounts receivable and actual value of inventory, 
as assets; and
    (F) Status and aging of accounts payable.
    (10) Significant ratios such as--
    (A) Inventory to annual sales;
    (B) Inventory to current assets;
    (C) Liquid assets to current assets;
    (D) Liquid assets to current liabilities;
    (E) Current assets to current liabilities; and
    (F) Net worth to net debt.


10. The authority citation for part 2411 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

Subpart 2411.4--Delivery or Performance Schedules

2411.404  [Removed]

11. Remove section 2411.404.


12. The authority citation for part 2415 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 41 U.S.C. 3301-3306 and 3105; 42 
U.S.C. 3535(d).

[[Page 30420]]

Subpart 2415.2--Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and 

13. Revise section 2415.209(a)(1) to read as follows:

2415.209  Solicitation provisions.

    (a)(1) The Contracting Officer shall insert a provision 
substantially the same as the provision at 2452.215-70, Proposal 
Content, in all solicitations for negotiated procurements expected to 
exceed the simplified acquisition limit. The provision may be used in 
simplified acquisitions when it is necessary to obtain business 
proposal information in making the award selection. If the proposed 
contract requires work on, or access to, HUD systems or applications 
(see the clause at 2452.239-70), the provision shall be used with its 
Alternate I. When the contracting officer has determined that it is 
necessary to limit the size of the technical and management portion of 
offers submitted by offerors, the provision shall be used with its 
Alternate II.
* * * * *

Subpart 2415.3--Source Selection

14. In section 2415.303, redesignate paragraph (a) as (a)(1); revise 
the redesignated paragraph; and add section 2415.303(a)(2), all to read 
as follows:

2415.303  Responsibilities.

    (a)(1) Except as identified in HUDAR Section 2415.303(a)(2), HUD's 
Chief Procurement Officer, as the Senior Procurement Executive, 
designates Assistant Secretaries, or their equivalent, for requiring 
activities as the Source Selection Authorities for selections made 
using the tradeoff process. Assistant Secretaries may delegate this 
function to other departmental officials. This designation also applies 
to acquisitions not performed under the requirements of FAR Part 15, 
but utilizing tradeoff analysis.
    (a)(2) HUD's Chief Procurement Officer, as the Senior Procurement 
Executive, designates HUD's Office of General Counsel (OGC) as the 
Source Selection Authority, regardless of contract amount, in all 
Headquarters procurements for legal services, unless (s)he specifically 
designates another agency official to perform that function. Any 
Headquarters office desiring to procure outside legal services for the 
Department shall obtain OGC approval before advertising or soliciting 
proposals for such services. OGC shall determine whether the services 
are necessary and the extent of OGC involvement in the procurement.
* * * * *
15. In section 2415.305, revise paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:

2415.305  Proposal evaluation.

    (a) * * *
    (3) Technical evaluation when tradeoffs are performed. The TEP 
shall rate each proposal based on the evaluation factors specified in 
the solicitation. The TEP shall identify each proposal as being 
acceptable, unacceptable but capable of being made acceptable, or 
unacceptable. A proposal shall be considered unacceptable if it is so 
clearly deficient that it cannot be corrected through written or oral 
discussions. Under the tradeoff process, predetermined threshold levels 
of technical acceptability for proposals shall not be employed. A 
technical evaluation report, which complies with FAR 15.305(a)(3), 
shall be prepared and signed by the technical evaluators, furnished to 
the contracting officer, and maintained as a permanent record in the 
official procurement file.


19. The authority citation for part 2432 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3901-3905; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 

Subpart 2432.7--Contract Funding

16. Revise section 2432.705 to read as follows and remove section 

2432.705  Contract clauses.

    (a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 2452.232-72, 
``Limitation of Government's Obligation,'' in solicitations and 
resultant incrementally funded fixed-price contracts as authorized by 
2432.703-1. The contracting officer shall insert the information 
required in the table in paragraph (b) and the notification period in 
paragraph (c) of the clause.
    (b) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 2452.232-74, 
``Not To Exceed Limitation'' in all solicitations and contracts where 
the total estimated funds needed for the performance period are not yet 

2432.705-70  [Removed]


17. The authority citation for part 2437 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

Subpart 2437.1--Service Contracts--General

18. Revise section 2437.110(e)(2); add paragraphs 2437.111(e)(5) and 
(e)(6); all to read as follows:

2437.110  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

    (e)(1) * * *
    (2) The Contracting Officer shall insert the clause at 2452.237-73, 
``Conduct of Work and Technical Guidance,'' in all solicitations and 
contracts for services.
    (3) * * *
    (4) * * *
    (5) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 2452.237-79, 
``Post Award Conference,'' in all solicitations and contracts for 
services when the CO deems that a Post Award Conference is necessary.
    (6) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 2452.237-81, 
``Labor Categories, Unit Prices Per Hour and Payment,'' in all 
indefinite quantity and requirements solicitations and contracts when 
level of effort task orders will be issued.
19. Add part 2444 and heading to read as follows:


    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

Subpart 2444.2--Contract Clauses

2444.204  Contract clauses.

    (a) Insert HUDAR clause 2452.244-70 Consent to Subcontract, in 
contracts and task orders with an estimated value exceeding 


29. The authority citation for part 2452 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

Subpart 2452.2--Texts of Provisions and Clauses

2452.211-70  [Removed]

20. Remove section 2452.211-70 including Alternate I.
21. Revise section 2452.215-70 to read as follows:

2452.215-70  Proposal content.

    As prescribed in 2415.209(a), insert a provision substantially the 
same as the following:
    PROPOSAL CONTENT ([Insert month and year of publication of final 

[[Page 30421]]

    (a) Proposals shall be submitted in two parts as described in 
paragraphs (c) and (d) below. Each of the parts must be complete in 
itself so that evaluation of each part may be conducted independently, 
and so the identified parts of each proposal may be evaluated strictly 
on its own merit. Proposals shall be submitted in the format, if any, 
prescribed elsewhere in this solicitation. Proposals shall be enclosed 
in sealed packaging and addressed to the office specified in the 
solicitation. The offeror's name and address, the solicitation number 
and the date and time specified in the solicitation for proposal 
submission must appear in writing on the outside of the package.
    (b) The number of proposals required are an original and [insert 
number] copies of Part I, and [insert number] copies of Part II.
    (c) Part I--Technical Proposal
    (1) The offeror shall submit the information required in 
Instructions to Offerors designated under Part I--Technical Proposal.
    (d) Part II--Business Proposal
    (1) The offeror shall complete the Representations and 
Certifications provided in Section K of this solicitation and include 
them in Part II, Business Proposal.
    (2) The offeror shall provide information to support the offeror's 
proposed costs or prices as prescribed elsewhere in Instructions to 
Offerors for Part II--Business Proposal.
    (3) The offeror shall submit any other information required in 
Instructions to Offerors designated under Part II--Business Proposal.

(End of provision)

    Alternate I ([Insert month and year of publication of final rule])
    As prescribed in 2415.209(a), if the proposed contract requires 
work on, or access to, sensitive automated systems as described in 
2452.239-70, add the following subparagraph, numbered sequentially, to 
paragraph (d):
    The offeror shall describe in detail how the offeror will maintain 
the security of automated systems as required by clause 2452.239-70 in 
Section I of this solicitation and include it in Part II, Business 

(End of Provision)

    Alternate II ([Insert month and year of publication of final rule])
    As prescribed in 2415.209(a), add the following paragraph (e) when 
the size of any proposal Part I or Part II will be limited:
    (e) Size limits of Parts I and II.
    (1) Offerors shall limit submissions of Parts I and II of their 
initial proposals to the page limitations identified in the 
Instructions to Offerors. Offerors are cautioned that if any Part of 
their proposal exceeds the stipulated limits for that Part, the 
Government will evaluate only the information contained in the pages up 
through the permitted number. Pages beyond that limit will not be 
    (2) A page shall consist of one side of a single sheet of 8\1/2\'' 
x 11'' paper, single spaced, using not smaller than 12 point type font, 
and having margins at the top, bottom, and sides of the page of no less 
than one inch in width.
    (3) Any exemptions from this limitation are stipulated under the 
Instructions to Offerors.
    (4) Offerors are encouraged to use recycled paper and to use both 
sides of the paper (see the FAR clause at 52.204-4).

(End of Provision)

22. Revise section 2452.232-70 to read as follows:

2452.232-70  Payment schedule and invoice submission (Fixed-Price).

    As prescribed in 2432.908(c)(2), insert the following clause in all 
fixed-price solicitations and contracts:
month and year of publication of final rule])
    (a) Payment Schedule. Payment of the contract price (see Section B 
of the contract) will be made upon completion and acceptance of all 
work unless a partial payment schedule is included below.
    [Contracting Officer insert schedule information]:

         Partial payment number            contract    Delivery    Pay
                                         deliverable     date     amount

    [Continue as necessary]
    (b) Submission of Invoices.
    (1) The Contractor shall submit invoices as follows: Original to 
the payment office and one copy each to the Contracting Officer and a 
copy to the Government Technical Representative (GTR) identified in the 
contract. To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice must include all 
items required by the FAR clause at 52.232-25, ``Prompt Payment.''
    (2) To assist the government in making timely payments, the 
contractor is also requested to include on each invoice the 
appropriation number shown on the contract award document (e.g., block 
14 of the Standard Form (SF) 26, block 21 of the SF-33, or block 25 of 
the SF-1449). The contractor is also requested to clearly indicate on 
the mailing envelope that an invoice is enclosed.
    (c) Contractor Remittance Information. The contractor shall provide 
the payment office with all information required by other payment 
clauses or other supplemental information (e.g., contracts for 
commercial services) contained in this contract.
    (d) Final Invoice Payment. The final invoice shall not be paid 
prior to certification by the Contracting Officer that all work has 
been completed and accepted.

(End of clause)

    Alternate I ([Insert month and year of publication of final rule]). 
Delete paragraph (b)(1) of HUDAR Clause 2452.232-70 Payment Schedule 
and Invoice Submission (Fixed-price) and replace with the following 
Alternate, when requiring invoices to be submitted electronically via 
email, in fixed price contracts other than performance-based contracts 
under which performance-based payments will be used:
    The contractor shall submit invoices electronically via email to 
the email addresses shown on the contract award document (e.g., block 
12 of the Standard Form (SF) 26, block 25 of the SF-33, or block 18a of 
the SF-1449) and carbon copy the Contracting Officer and the Government 
Technical Representative (GTR). To constitute a proper invoice, the 
invoice must include all items required by the FAR clause at 52.232-25, 
``Prompt Payment.'' The contractor shall clearly include in the Subject 
line of the email: INVOICE INCLUDED; CONTRACT/ORDER #: _____, INVOICE 
NUMBER _____ and Contract Line Item Number(s) ____.

(End of Alternate)

23. Revise section 2452.232-71 to read as follows:

2452.232-71  Voucher submission (cost-reimbursement, time-and-
materials, and labor-hour).

    As prescribed in 2432.908(c)(3), insert the following clause in all 
cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, and labor-hour solicitations 
and contracts:
LABOR HOUR) ([Insert month and year of publication of final rule])
    (a) Voucher Submission.
    (1) The contractor shall submit, _____ [Contracting Officer insert 
billing period, e.g., monthly], an original

[[Page 30422]]

and two copies of each voucher. In addition to the items required by 
the clause at FAR 52.232-25, ``Prompt Payment,'' the voucher shall show 
the elements of cost for the billing period and the cumulative costs to 
date. The Contractor shall submit all vouchers, except for the final 
voucher, as follows: Original to the payment office and one copy each 
to the Contracting Officer and the Government Technical Representative 
(GTR) identified in the contract. The contractor shall submit all 
copies of the final voucher to the Contracting Officer.
    (2) To assist the government in making timely payments, the 
contractor is requested to include on each voucher the applicable 
appropriation number(s) shown on the award or subsequent modification 
document (e.g., block 14 of the Standard Form (SF) 26, or block 21 of 
the SF-33). The contractor is also requested to clearly indicate on the 
mailing envelope that a payment voucher is enclosed.
    (b) Contractor Remittance Information.
    (1) The Contractor shall provide the payment office with all 
information required by other payment clauses contained in this 
    (2) For cost reimbursement, time-and-materials and labor-hour 
contracts, the Contractor shall aggregate vouchered costs by the 
individual task for which the costs were incurred and clearly identify 
the task or job.
    (c) Final Payment. The final payment shall not be made until the 
Contracting Officer has certified that the contractor has complied with 
all terms of the contract.

(End of clause)

    Alternate I ([Insert month and year of publication of final rule]). 
Delete paragraph (a)(1) of HUDAR clause 2452.232-71, Voucher Submission 
(Cost-Reimbursement, Time-and-Materials, and Labor-Hour).) and replace 
with the following Alternate, when requiring invoices to be submitted 
electronically via email, in all cost-reimbursement, time-and-
materials, and labor-hour type solicitations and contracts:
    The contractor shall submit invoices electronically via email to 
the email addresses shown on the contract award document (e.g., block 
12 of the Standard Form (SF) 26, block 25 of the SF-33, or block 18a of 
the SF-1449) and carbon copy the Contracting Officer and the Government 
Technical Representative. To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice 
must include all items required by the FAR clause at 52.232-25, 
``Prompt Payment.'' The contractor shall clearly include in the Subject 
line of the email: INVOICE INCLUDED; CONTRACT/ORDER #: _____, INVOICE 
NUMBER _____ and Contract Line Item Number(s) _____. In addition to the 
items required by the clause at FAR 52.232-25, Prompt Payment, the 
voucher shall show the elements of cost for the billing period and the 
cumulative costs to date. The contractor shall also submit supporting 
documentation such as time cards to verify the hours/costs vouchered.

(End of Alternate)

24. Add section 2452.232-74 to read as follows:

2452.232-74  Not to exceed limitation.

    As prescribed in 2432.705(b), insert the following clause in all 
solicitations and contracts where the total estimated funds needed for 
the performance of the contract are not yet obligated.
    NOT TO EXCEED LIMITATION ([Insert month and year of publication of 
final rule])
    (a) The total estimated funds needed for the performance of this 
contract are not yet obligated. The total obligation of funds available 
at this time for performance of work or deliveries is [FILLIN#1#Insert 
Amount]. The Government shall not order, nor shall the contractor be 
required to accept orders for, or perform work or make deliveries that 
exceed the stated funding limit.
    (b) The Government may unilaterally increase the amount obligated 
through contract modification(s) until the full contract value has been 

(End of clause)

25. Revise section 2452.237-73 to read as follows:

2452.237-73  Conduct of work and technical guidance.

    As prescribed in 2437.110(e)(2), insert the following clause in all 
contracts for services:
    CONDUCT OF WORK AND TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ([Insert month and year of 
publication of final rule])
    (a) The Contracting Officer will provide the contractor with the 
name and contact information of the Government Technical Representative 
(GTR) assigned to this contract. The GTR will serve as the contractor's 
liaison with the Contracting Officer with regard to the conduct of 
work. The Contracting Officer will notify the contractor in writing of 
any change to the current GTR's status or the designation of a 
successor GTR.
    (b) The GTR for liaison with the contractor as to the conduct of 
work is [to be inserted at time of award] or a successor designated by 
the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer will notify the 
contractor in writing of any change to the current GTR's status or the 
designation of a successor GTR.
    (c) The GTR will provide guidance to the contractor on the 
technical performance of the contract. Such guidance shall not be of a 
nature which:
    (1) Causes the contractor to perform work outside the statement of 
work or specifications of the contract;
    (2) Constitutes a change as defined in FAR 52.243 1;
    (3) Causes an increase or decrease in the cost of the contract;
    (4) Alters the period of performance or delivery dates; or
    (5) Changes any of the other express terms or conditions of the 
    (d) The GTR will issue technical guidance in writing or, if issued 
orally, he/she will confirm such direction in writing within five 
calendar days after oral issuance. The GTR may issue such guidance via 
telephone, facsimile (fax), or electronic mail.
    (e) Other specific limitations [to be inserted by Contracting 
    (f) The contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer 
whenever the contractor believes that guidance provided by any 
government personnel, whether or not specifically provided pursuant to 
this clause, is of a nature described in paragraph (b) above.

(End of clause)

26. Revise paragraph 2452.237-77(c)(1)(A) to read as follows:

2452.237-77  Temporary closure of HUD facilities. ([Insert month and 
year of publication of final rule])

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (A) The deduction rate in dollars per day will be equal to the per 
month contract price divided by the number of business days in each 
* * * * *
27. Add section 2452.242-79 to read as follows:

2452.237-79  Post award conference.

    As prescribed in 2437.110(e)(5), insert the following clause in all 
contracts for services:
    POST AWARD CONFERENCE ([Insert month and year of publication of 
final rule])
    The Contractor shall be required to attend a post-award conference 
on DATE _____ to be held at ADDRESS _____, unless other arrangements 
are made. All Contractors must have a valid ID for security clearance 
into the building.

[[Page 30423]]

(End of clause)

28. Add section 2452.237-81 to read as follows:

2452.237-81  Labor categories, unit prices per hour and payment.

    As prescribed in 2437.110(e)(6), insert the following clause in all 
indefinite quantity and requirements solicitations and contracts when 
level of effort task orders will be issued.
and year of publication of final rule])
    The contractor shall provide the following types of labor at the 
corresponding unit price per hour in accordance with the terms of this 

    The unit price per hour is inclusive of the hourly wage plus any 
applicable labor overhead, General and Administrative (G&A) expenses, 
and profit. Payment shall be made to the contractor upon delivery to, 
and acceptance by, the Government office requesting services. The total 
amounts billed shall be derived by multiplying the actual number of 
hours worked per category by the corresponding price per hour.

(End of clause)

29. Revise section 2452.239-70 to read as follows:

2452.239-70  Access to HUD systems.

    As prescribed in 2439.107(a), insert the following clause:
    ACCESS TO HUD SYSTEMS ([Insert month and year of publication of 
final rule])
    (a) Definitions: As used in this clause--
    ``Access'' means the ability to obtain, view, read, modify, delete, 
and/or otherwise make use of information resources.
    ``Application'' means the use of information resources (information 
and information technology) to satisfy a specific set of user 
requirements (see OMB Circular A-130).
    ``Contractor employee'' means an employee of the prime contractor 
or of any subcontractor, affiliate, partner, joint venture, or team 
members with which the contractor is associated. It also includes 
consultants engaged by any of those entities.
    ``Mission-critical system'' means an information technology or 
telecommunications system used or operated by HUD or by a HUD 
contractor, or organization on behalf of HUD, that processes any 
information, the loss, misuse, disclosure, or unauthorized access to, 
or modification of which would have a debilitating impact on the 
mission of the agency.
    ``NACI'' means a National Agency Check with Inquiries, the minimum 
background investigation prescribed by OPM.
    ``PIV Card'' means the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card, 
the Federal Government-issued identification credential (i.e., 
identification badge).
    ``Sensitive information'' means any information of which the loss, 
misuse, or unauthorized access to, or modification of, could adversely 
affect the national interest, the conduct of federal programs, or the 
privacy to which individuals are entitled under section 552a of title 
5, United States Code (the Privacy Act), but which has not been 
specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive 
Order or an Act of Congress to be kept secret in the interest of 
national defense or foreign policy.
    ``System'' means an interconnected set of information resources 
under the same direct management control, which shares common 
functionality. A system normally includes hardware, software, 
information, data, applications, communications, and people (see OMB 
Circular A-130). System includes any system owned by HUD or owned and 
operated on HUD's behalf by another party.
    (b) General.
    (1) The performance of this contract requires contractor employees 
to have access to a HUD system or systems. All such employees who do 
not already possess a current PIV Card acceptable to HUD shall be 
required to provide personal background information, undergo a 
background investigation (NACI or other OPM-required or approved 
investigation), including an FBI National Criminal History Fingerprint 
Check, and obtain a PIV Card prior to being permitted access to any 
such system in performance of this contract. HUD may accept a PIV Card 
issued by another Federal Government agency but shall not be required 
to do so. No contractor employee will be permitted access to any HUD 
system without a PIV Card.
    (2) All contractor employees who require access to mission-critical 
systems or sensitive information contained within a HUD system or 
application(s) are required to have a more extensive background 
investigation. The investigation shall be commensurate with the risk 
and security controls involved in managing, using, or operating the 
system or applications(s).
    (c) Citizenship-related requirements. Each affected contractor 
employee as described in paragraph (b) of this clause shall be:
    (1) A United States (U.S.) citizen; or,
    (2) A national of the United States (see 8 U.S.C. 1408); or,
    (3) An alien lawfully admitted into, and lawfully permitted to be 
employed in the United States, provided that for any such individual, 
the Government is able to obtain sufficient background information to 
complete the investigation as required by this clause. Failure on the 
part of the contractor to provide sufficient information to perform a 
required investigation or the inability of the Government to verify 
information provided for affected contractor employees will result in 
denial of their access.
    (d) Background investigation process.
    (1) The Government Technical Representative (GTR) shall notify the 
contractor of those contractor employee positions requiring background 
    (i) For each contractor employee requiring access to HUD 
information systems, the contractor shall submit the following properly 
completed forms: Standard Form (SF) 85, ``Questionnaire for Non-
Sensitive Positions,'' FD 258 (Fingerprint Chart), and a partial 
Optional Form (OF) 306 (Items 1, 2, 6, 8-13, 16, and 17).
    (ii) For each contractor employee requiring access to mission-
critical systems and/or sensitive information contained within a HUD 
system and/or application(s), the contractor shall submit the following 
properly completed forms: SF-85P, ``Questionnaire for Public Trust 
Positions;'' FD 258; and a Fair Credit Reporting Act form 
(authorization for the credit-check portion of the investigation). 
Contractor employees shall not complete the Medical Release behind the 
    (iii) The SF-85, 85P, and OF-306 are available from OPM's Web site, 
http://www.opm.gov. The GTR will provide all other forms that are not 
obtainable via the Internet.
    (2) The contractor shall deliver the forms and information required 
in paragraph (d)(1) of this clause to the GTR.
    (3) Affected contractor employees who have had a federal background 
investigation without a subsequent break in federal employment or 
federal contract service exceeding 2 years may be exempt from the 
investigation requirements of this clause subject to verification of 
the previous

[[Page 30424]]

investigation. For each such employee, the contractor shall submit the 
following information in lieu of the forms and information listed in 
paragraph (d)(1) of this clause: Employee's full name, Social Security 
number, and place and date of birth.
    (4) The investigation process shall consist of a range of personal 
background inquiries and contacts (written and personal) and 
verification of the information provided on the investigative forms 
described in paragraph (d)(1) of this clause.
    (5) Upon completion of the investigation process, the GTR will 
notify the contractor if any contractor employee is determined to be 
unsuitable to have access to the system(s), application(s), or 
information. Such an employee may not be given access to those 
resources. If any such employee has already been given access pending 
the results of the background investigation, the contractor shall 
ensure that the employee's access is revoked immediately upon receipt 
of the GTR's notification.
    (6) Failure of the GTR to notify the contractor (see subparagraph 
(d)(1)) of any employee who should be subject to the requirements of 
this clause and is known, or should reasonably be known, by the 
contractor to be subject to the requirements of this clause, shall not 
excuse the contractor from making such employee(s) known to the GTR. 
Any such employee who is identified and is working under the contract, 
without having had the appropriate background investigation or 
furnished the required forms for the investigation, shall cease to 
perform such work immediately and shall not be given access to the 
system(s)/application(s) described in paragraph (b) of this clause 
until the contractor has provided the investigative forms required in 
paragraph (d)(1) of this clause for the employee to the GTR.
    (7) The contractor shall notify the GTR in writing whenever a 
contractor employee for whom a background investigation package was 
required and submitted to HUD, or for whom a background investigation 
was completed, terminates employment with the contractor or otherwise 
is no longer performing work under this contract that requires access 
to the system(s), application(s), or information. The contractor shall 
provide a copy of the written notice to the Contracting Officer.
    (e) PIV Cards.
    (1) HUD will issue a PIV Card to each contractor employee who is to 
be given access to HUD systems and does not already possess a PIV Card 
acceptable to HUD (see paragraph (b) of this clause). HUD will not 
issue the PIV Card until the contractor employee has successfully 
cleared an FBI National Criminal History Fingerprint Check, and HUD has 
initiated the background investigation for the contractor employee. 
Initiation is defined to mean that all background information required 
in paragraph (d)(1) of this clause has been delivered to HUD. The 
employee may not be given access prior to those two events. HUD may 
issue a PIV Card and grant access pending the completion of the 
background investigation. HUD will revoke the PIV Card and the 
employee's access if the background investigation process (including 
adjudication of investigation results) for the employee has not been 
completed within 6 months after the issuance of the PIV Card.
    (2) PIV Cards shall identify individuals as contractor employees. 
Contractor employees shall display their PIV Cards on their persons at 
all times while working in a HUD facility, and shall present cards for 
inspection upon request by HUD officials or HUD security personnel.
    (3) The contractor shall be responsible for all PIV Cards issued to 
the contractor's employees and shall immediately notify the GTR if any 
PIV Card(s) cannot be accounted for. The contractor shall promptly 
return PIV Cards to HUD as required by the FAR clause at 52.204-9. The 
contractor shall notify the GTR immediately whenever any contractor 
employee no longer has a need for his/her HUD-issued PIV Card (e.g., 
the employee terminates employment with the contractor, the employee's 
duties no longer require access to HUD systems). The GTR will instruct 
the contractor as to how to return the PIV Card. Upon expiration of 
this contract, the GTR will instruct the contractor as to how to return 
all HUD-issued PIV Cards not previously returned. Unless otherwise 
directed by the Contracting Officer, the contractor shall not return 
PIV Cards to any person other than the GTR.
    (f) Control of access. HUD shall have and exercise full and 
complete control over granting, denying, withholding, and terminating 
access of contractor employees to HUD systems. The GTR will notify the 
contractor immediately when HUD has determined that an employee is 
unsuitable or unfit to be permitted access to a HUD system. The 
contractor shall immediately notify such employee that he/she no longer 
has access to any HUD system, physically retrieve the employee's PIV 
Card from the employee, and provide a suitable replacement employee in 
accordance with the requirements of this clause.
    (g) Incident response notification. An incident is defined as an 
event, either accidental or deliberate, that results in unauthorized 
access, loss, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information 
technology systems, applications, or data. The contractor shall 
immediately notify the GTR and the Contracting Officer of any known or 
suspected incident, or any unauthorized disclosure of the information 
contained in the system(s) to which the contractor has access.
    (h) Nondisclosure of information.
    (1) Neither the contractor nor any of its employees shall divulge 
or release data or information developed or obtained during performance 
of this contract, except to authorized government personnel with an 
established need to know, or upon written approval of the Contracting 
Officer. Information contained in all source documents and other media 
provided by HUD is the sole property of HUD.
    (2) The contractor shall require that all employees who may have 
access to the system(s)/applications(s) identified in paragraph (b) of 
this clause sign a pledge of nondisclosure of information. The 
employees shall sign these pledges before they are permitted to perform 
work under this contract. The contractor shall maintain the signed 
pledges for a period of 3 years after final payment under this 
contract. The contractor shall provide a copy of these pledges to the 
    (i) Security procedures.
    (1) The Contractor shall comply with applicable federal and HUD 
statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures governing the security 
of the system(s) to which the contractor's employees have access 
including, but not limited to:
    (i) The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 
    (ii) OMB Circular A-130, Management of Federal Information 
Resources, Appendix III, Security of Federal Automated Information 
    (iii) HUD Handbook 2400.25, Information Technology Security Policy;
    (iv) HUD Handbook 732.3, Personnel Security/Suitability;
    (v) Federal Information Processing Standards 201 (FIPS 201), 
Sections 2.1 and 2.2;
    (vi) Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12); and
    (vii) OMB Memorandum M-05-24, Implementing Guidance for HSPD-12. 
The HUD Handbooks are available online at: http://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/hudclips/ or from the GTR.

[[Page 30425]]

    (2) The contractor shall develop and maintain a compliance matrix 
that lists each requirement set forth in paragraphs, (b), (c), (d), 
(e), (f), (g), (h), (i)(1), and (m) of this clause with specific 
actions taken, and/or procedures implemented, to satisfy each 
requirement. The contractor shall identify an accountable person for 
each requirement, the date upon which actions/procedures were 
initiated/completed, and certify that information contained in this 
compliance matrix is correct. The contractor shall ensure that 
information in this compliance matrix is complete, accurate, and up-to-
date at all times for the duration of this contract. Upon request, the 
contractor shall provide copies of the current matrix to the 
contracting officer and/or government technical representative.
    (3) The Contractor shall ensure that its employees, in performance 
of the contract, receive annual training (or once if the contract is 
for less than one year) in HUD information technology security 
policies, procedures, computer ethics, and best practices in accordance 
with HUD Handbook 2400.25.
    (j) Access to contractor's systems. The Contractor shall afford 
authorized personnel, including the Office of Inspector General, access 
to the Contractor's facilities, installations, operations, 
documentation (including the compliance matrix required under paragraph 
(i)(2) of this clause), databases, and personnel used in performance of 
the contract. Access shall be provided to the extent required to carry 
out, but not limited to, any information security program activities, 
investigation, and audit to safeguard against threats and hazards to 
the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of HUD data and 
systems, or to the function of information systems operated on behalf 
of HUD, and to preserve evidence of computer crime.
    (k) Contractor compliance with this clause. Failure on the part of 
the contractor to comply with the terms of this clause may result in 
termination of this contract for default.
    (l) Physical access to Federal Government facilities. The 
contractor and any subcontractor(s) shall also comply with the 
requirements of HUDAR clause 2452.237-75 when the contractor's or 
subcontractor's employees will perform any work under this contract on 
site in a HUD or other Federal Government facility.
    (m) Subcontracts. The contractor shall incorporate this clause in 
all subcontracts where the requirements specified in paragraph (b) of 
this section are applicable to performance of the subcontract.

(End of clause)

30. Add section 2452.244-70 to read as follows:

2452.244-70  Consent to subcontract.

    As prescribed in HUDAR Section 2444.204(a), insert the following 
clause in contracts and task orders with an estimated value exceeding 
    CONSENT TO SUBCONTRACT ([Insert month and year of publication of 
final rule])
    (a) Due to the substantive nature of subcontracting that may be 
necessary during performance of this contract, the Contracting Officer 
has determined that a consent for individual subcontracts is required 
to adequately protect the Government. Consent is required for--
    (1) Cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, or labor-hour 
subcontracts, or combination of such, in excess of $150,000 per year to 
a single subcontractor or consultant;
    (2) Fixed price subcontracts in excess of 25% of the annual 
contract value to a single subcontractor or consultant.
    (b) If subcontracts meeting the above parameters were not provided 
during the negotiation of the original contract award, the Contractor 
shall obtain post award consent and provide signed copies of the 
subcontract agreements within 10 days of consent.
    (c) The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer with 30 
days advance notification prior to changing subcontractors or existing 
subcontracting agreements, unless precluded due to circumstances beyond 
the control of the contractor. If advance notification is not feasible, 
the Contractor shall provide notification to the Contracting Officer no 
later than 10 days after the Contractor identifies the need to replace 
a subcontractor. The notification shall include a copy of the proposed 
new subcontracting agreement. Upon consent and finalization of the 
final subcontract agreement, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the 
signed agreement to the Contracting Officer.
    (d) The Contracting Officer's consent to a subcontract does not 
constitute a determination of the acceptability of the subcontract 
terms or price, or of the allowability of costs.
    (e) If not required elsewhere in the contract, no more than 30 
calendar days after award, the Contractor shall provide a separate 
continuity of services plan to the Contracting Officer that will ensure 
services performed by subcontractors that cost more than 25% of the 
cost/price of the contract will continue uninterrupted in the event of 
performance problems or default by the subcontractor.

(End of clause)

31. Add subpart 2452.3 to read as follows:

Subpart 2452.3--Matrix

32. Add section 2452.3 to read as follows:

2452.3  Provision and clause matrix.

    HUDAR Matrix.

[[Page 30426]]


[[Page 30427]]


[[Page 30428]]


[[Page 30429]]


[[Page 30430]]


    Dated: April 13, 2015.
Keith W. Surber,
Acting Chief Procurement Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-12275 Filed 5-27-15; 8:45 am]

                                                      30416                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                                    EPA-APPROVED NEBRASKA REGULATIONS
                                                               Nebraska                            Title                  State effective date         EPA approval date                            Explanation

                                                                                                                                  STATE OF NEBRASKA
                                                                                                                            Department of Environmental Quality
                                                                                                                        Title 129—Nebraska Air Quality Regulations

                                                               *                            *                            *                            *                    *                    *                   *
                                                      129–4 .........................   Ambient Air Quality             8/18/08 ....................... 5/28/15, [Insert Fed-    This revision to Chapter 4 repeals the annual
                                                                                         Standards.                                                       eral Register cita-      National Ambient Air Quality Standard
                                                                                                                                                          tion].                   (NAAQS) for PM10 and adopts the Federal
                                                                                                                                                                                   24-hour NAAQS for PM2.5. The standard
                                                                                                                                                                                   was reduced from 65 to 35 micrograms
                                                                                                                                                                                   per cubic meter by EPA on December 18,

                                                                  *                           *                          *                       *                        *                     *                     *

                                                      *       *        *       *        *                                 (e) * * *

                                                                                                       EPA–APPROVED NEBRASKA NONREGULATORY PROVISIONS
                                                      Name of nonregulatory             Applicable geographic
                                                              SIP                       area or nonattainment             State submittal date         EPA approval date                            Explanation
                                                           provision                             area

                                                                *                            *                           *                    *                    *                             *                     *
                                                      (28) Section 110(a)(2)            Statewide ...................   4/3/2008, 8/29/2011 ... 5/28/2015, [Insert               This action addresses the following CAA ele-
                                                        Infrastructure Re-                                                                        Federal Register                 ments: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II),
                                                        quirements for the                                                                        citation].                       (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and
                                                        1997 and 2006                                                                                                              (M).
                                                        PM2.5 NAAQS.

                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–12811 Filed 5–27–15; 8:45 am]                       Alternates to various clauses to allow                  and submit a comment, ensures timely
                                                      BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                            for electronic invoicing.                               receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to
                                                                                                                        DATES: Comment due date: July 27,                       make them immediately available to the
                                                                                                                        2015.                                                   public. Comments submitted
                                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
                                                                                                                                                                                electronically through the
                                                      DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND
                                                                                                                        invited to submit comments regarding                    www.regulations.gov Web site can be
                                                      URBAN DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                                        this proposed rule to the Regulations                   viewed by other commenters and
                                                      48 CFR Parts 2404, 2406, 2408, 2409,                              Division, Office of General Counsel,                    interested members of the public.
                                                      2411, 2415, 2427, 2428, 2432, 2437,                               Department of Housing and Urban                         Commenters should follow the
                                                      2444, 2452                                                        Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room                   instructions provided on that site to
                                                                                                                        10276, Washington, DC 20410–0500.                       submit comments electronically.
                                                      [Docket No. FR–5814–P–01]                                         Communications must refer to the above                    Note: To receive consideration as public
                                                                                                                        docket number and title. There are two                  comments, comments must be submitted
                                                      RIN 2501–AD73                                                                                                             through one of the two methods specified
                                                                                                                        methods for submitting public
                                                                                                                        comments. All submissions must refer                    above. Again, all submissions must refer to
                                                      Amendments to the HUD Acquisition                                                                                         the docket number and title of the rule.
                                                      Regulation (HUDAR)                                                to the above docket number and title.
                                                                                                                          1. Submission of Comments by Mail.                      No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile
                                                      AGENCY:  Office of the Chief Procurement                          Comments may be submitted by mail to                    (FAX) comments are not acceptable.
                                                      Officer, HUD.                                                     the Regulations Division, Office of                       Public Inspection of Public
                                                      ACTION: Proposed rule.                                            General Counsel, Department of                          Comments. All properly submitted
                                                                                                                        Housing and Urban Development, 451                      comments and communications
                                                      SUMMARY:   This proposed rule would                               7th Street SW., Room 10276,                             submitted to HUD will be available for
                                                      amend the HUDAR to implement                                      Washington, DC 20410–0500.                              public inspection and copying between
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      miscellaneous changes necessary to                                  2. Electronic Submission of                           8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the above
                                                      update the HUDAR. These changes                                   Comments. Interested persons may                        address. Due to security measures at the
                                                      include a correction to the designation                           submit comments electronically through                  HUD Headquarters building, an advance
                                                      of Source Selection Authorities, limited                          the Federal eRulemaking Portal at                       appointment to review the public
                                                      delegation of Head of Contracting                                 www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly                       comments must be scheduled by calling
                                                      Activity authorities, incorporation of the                        encourages commenters to submit                         the Regulations Division at 202–708–
                                                      HUDAR Matrix, addition of new                                     comments electronically. Electronic                     3055 (this is not a toll-free number).
                                                      clauses, certain administrative                                   submission of comments allows the                       Individuals with speech or hearing
                                                      corrections, and incorporation of                                 commenter maximum time to prepare                       impairments may access this number

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            30417

                                                      via TTY by calling the Federal Relay                    which designates the HUD Deputy Chief                    Add clause 2452.232–74, entitled
                                                      Service, toll-free, at 800–877–8339.                    Procurement Officer as the responsible                ‘‘Not to Exceed Limitation,’’ and, in part
                                                      Copies of all comments submitted are                    official with the authority to approve, in            2432, add a reference to that clause and
                                                      available for inspection and                            writing, justifications for other than full           requirements regarding its use at section
                                                      downloading at www.regulations.gov.                     and open procurements for proposed                    2432.705;
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa                   contracts over $12.5 million, but not                    Revise clause 2452.237–77(c)(1)(A) to
                                                      D. Maguire, Assistant Chief                             exceeding $62.5 million.                              change ‘‘21 days per month’’ to
                                                      Procurement Officer for Policy, Systems                    In part 2408, this rule would add                  ‘‘number of business days in the
                                                      and Risk Management, Office of the                      subpart 2408.4, ‘‘Federal Supply                      month’’;
                                                      Chief Procurement Officer, Department                   Schedules,’’ and, in that subpart, would                 Add clause 2452.237–79, ‘‘Post-
                                                      of Housing and Urban Development,                       add section 2408.405–6(c)(2), which                   Award Conference,’’ and a reference to
                                                      451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC                      requires the use of HUD form 24013 for                that clause and requirements regarding
                                                      20410; telephone number 202–708–0294                    justifications for limiting sources                   its use at section 2437.110(e)(5);
                                                      (this is not a toll-free number) and fax                exceeding the simplified acquisition                     Add clause 2452.237–81, ‘‘Labor
                                                      number 202–708–8912. Persons with                       threshold when using the Federal                      Categories, Unit Prices Per Hour and
                                                      hearing or speech impairments may                       Supply Schedules.2 This rule would                    Payment,’’ and a reference to that clause
                                                      access Ms. Maguire’s telephone number                   also add section 24(d)(3) which                       and requirements regarding its use at
                                                      via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal                designates the HUD Deputy Chief                       section 2437.110(e)(6);
                                                      Relay Service at 800–877–8339.                          Procurement Officer as the responsible                   Add section 2452.244–70, ‘‘Consent to
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              official with the authority to approve, in            Subcontract,’’ and a reference to that
                                                                                                              writing, justifications for Limited                   clause and requirements regarding its
                                                      I. Background                                           Source considerations for proposed                    use at section 2444.204; and
                                                         The uniform regulation for the                       Federal Supply Schedule order or                         Incorporate a new HUDAR matrix
                                                      procurement of supplies and services by                 Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with                 under subpart 2452.3.
                                                      federal departments and agencies, the                   an estimated value exceeding $12.5
                                                      Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR),                   million, but not exceeding $62.5                      III. Findings and Certifications
                                                      was promulgated on September 19, 1983                   million.                                              Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
                                                      (48 FR 42102). The FAR is codified in                      In part 2409, this rule would add
                                                                                                                                                                      The information collection
                                                      title 48, chapter 1, of the Code of                     subpart 2409.1, entitled ‘‘Responsible
                                                                                                                                                                    requirements contained in this proposed
                                                      Federal Regulations. HUD promulgated                    Prospective Contractors,’’ and, within
                                                                                                                                                                    rule are currently approved by the
                                                      its regulation to implement the FAR on                  that subpart, section 2409.105,
                                                                                                                                                                    Office of Management and Budget
                                                      March 1, 1984 (49 FR 7696).                             ‘‘Procedures,’’ which includes
                                                         The HUDAR (title 48, chapter 24 of                                                                         (OMB) in accordance with the
                                                                                                              information to be collected in
                                                      the Code of Federal Regulations) is                                                                           Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                                                                                              determining financial responsibility.
                                                      prescribed under section 7(d) of the                       This rule would also:                              U.S.C. 3501–3520) and assigned OMB
                                                      Department of HUD Act (42 U.S.C.                           Revise section 2415.303(a) to HUDAR                control number 2535–0091. The
                                                      3535(d)); section 205(c) of the Federal                 section 2415.303(a)(1) and, except for                information collection requirements for
                                                      Property and Administrative Services                    those acquisitions identified in HUDAR                the HUDAR are currently approved by
                                                      Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 121(c)); and the                 section 2415.303(a)(2), designate HUD                 OMB under control number 2535–0091.
                                                      general authorization in FAR 1.301. The                 Assistant Secretaries, or their                       In accordance with the Paperwork
                                                      HUDAR was last revised by final rule                    equivalent, as the Source Selection                   Reduction Act, an agency may not
                                                      published on December 10, 2012 (77 FR                   Authorities for selections made using                 conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
                                                      73524), and a subsequent correcting                     the tradeoff process and to allow                     required to respond to, a collection of
                                                      amendment published on August 15,                       Assistant Secretaries to delegate this                information, unless the collection
                                                      2013 (78 FR 49697).                                     function to other departmental officials;             displays a currently valid OMB control
                                                                                                                 Add section 2415.303(a)(2) to                      number.
                                                      II. This Proposed Rule                                  designate HUD’s General Counsel as the                Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                         This proposed rule would amend the                   Source Selection Authority, regardless
                                                      HUDAR at 48 CFR chapter 24, as                          of contract amount, in all Headquarters                 Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
                                                      follows:                                                procurements for legal services, unless               Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–
                                                         The rule proposes several                            the General Counsel specifically                      1538) (UMRA) establishes requirements
                                                      administrative corrections, including:                  designates another agency official to                 for federal agencies to assess the effects
                                                      Revising section 2404.7001 to refer to                  perform that function;                                of their regulatory actions on state,
                                                      the correct contract clause 2452.204–70,                   Clarify section 2415.305(a)(5) to apply            local, and tribal governments and the
                                                      ‘‘Preservation of, and Access to,                       to Best Value Tradeoff technical                      private sector. This rule does not
                                                      Contract Records (Tangible and                          evaluations;                                          impose any federal mandate on any
                                                      Electronically Stored Information (ESI)                    Add part 2444 and, within that part,               state, local, or tribal government or the
                                                      Formats),’’ and removing the title and                  section 2444.204 entitled                             private sector within the meaning of
                                                      redesignating the clause that is codified               ‘‘Subcontracting Policies and                         UMRA.
                                                      at section 2432.705–70 as 2432.705–                     Procedures’’; and                                     Regulatory Flexibility Act
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                                                      70(a).                                                     Codify a class deviation approved by
                                                         In part 2406, the rule would add                     HUD’s Chief Procurement Officer dated                    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
                                                      section 2406.303 which requires the use                 April 10, 2013 to add Alternate 1 to                  (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) generally requires
                                                      of HUD Form 24012 1 for justifications                  clauses 2452.232–70 and 2452.232–71.                  an agency to conduct a regulatory
                                                      for other than full and open                               In part 2452, the proposed rule                    flexibility analysis of any rule subject to
                                                      competition, and section 2406.304(a)(3),                would:                                                notice and comment rulemaking
                                                                                                                                                                    requirements, unless the agency certifies
                                                        1 See http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/        2 See http://www.acquisition.gov/far/html/          that the rule will not have a significant
                                                      huddoc?id=24012.pdf.                                    Subpart%2038_1.html#wp1075980.                        economic impact on a substantial

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                                                      30418                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      number of small entities. This proposed                 48 CFR Part 2415                                      2406.304    Approval of the justification.
                                                      rule makes technical changes to existing                                                                        (a)(3) HUD’s Chief Procurement
                                                      contracting procedures and does not                         Government procurement.
                                                                                                                                                                    Officer, as the Head of Contracting
                                                      make any major changes that would                       48 CFR Part 2432                                      Activity, has delegated the authority to
                                                      significantly impact businesses.                                                                              the Deputy Chief Procurement Officer to
                                                      Accordingly, the undersigned certifies                      Government procurement.                           approve, in writing, justifications for
                                                      that this rule will not have a significant              48 CFR Part 2437                                      other than full and open competition
                                                      economic impact on a substantial                                                                              procurements for proposed contracts
                                                      number of small entities.                                   Government procurement.                           over $12.5 million, but not exceeding
                                                         Notwithstanding HUD’s                                48 CFR Part 2444                                      $62.5 million.
                                                      determination that this rule will not                                                                         *     *     *    *     *
                                                      have a significant economic impact on                       Government procurement.
                                                      a substantial number of small entities,                 48 CFR Part 2452                                      PART 2408—REQUIRED SOURCES OF
                                                      HUD specifically invites comments                                                                             SUPPLIES AND SERVICES
                                                      regarding less burdensome alternatives                      Government procurement.
                                                      to this rule that will meet HUD’s                                                                             ■  6. The authority citation for part 2408
                                                                                                                For the reasons discussed in the                    is revised to read as follows:
                                                      objectives as described in this preamble.               preamble, and pursuant to the authority
                                                                                                              under 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), HUD proposes                   Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C.
                                                      Environmental Impact                                                                                          3535(d).
                                                                                                              to amend 48 CFR chapter 24 as follows:
                                                        This proposed rule does not direct,                                                                         ■ 7. Add subpart 2408.4 to read as
                                                      provide for assistance or loan and                      PART 2404—ADMINISTRATIVE                              follows:
                                                      mortgage insurance for, or otherwise                    MATTERS
                                                      govern or regulate real property                                                                              Subpart 2408.4—Federal Supply
                                                      acquisition, disposition, leasing,                      ■ 1. The authority citation for part 2404             Schedules
                                                      rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, or              continues to read as follows:                         2408.404    Pricing.
                                                      new construction, or establish, revise, or                  Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).                        (d) Supplies offered on the schedule
                                                      provide for standards for construction or
                                                                                                                                                                    are listed at fixed prices. Services
                                                      construction materials, manufactured                    Subpart 2404.7—Contractor Records
                                                                                                                                                                    offered on the schedule are priced either
                                                      housing, or occupancy. Accordingly,                     Retention
                                                                                                                                                                    at hourly rates, or at fixed price for
                                                      under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), this proposed
                                                                                                              ■ 2. Revise section 2404.7001 to read as              performance of a specific task (e.g.,
                                                      rule is categorically excluded from
                                                                                                              follows:                                              installation, maintenance, and repair).
                                                      environmental review under the
                                                                                                                                                                    GSA has determined the prices of
                                                      National Environmental Policy Act of                    2404.7001     Contract clause.                        supplies and fixed-price services, and
                                                      1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321).
                                                                                                                The contracting officer shall insert the            rates for services offered at hourly rates,
                                                      Executive Order 13132, Federalism                       clause at 2452.204–70, ‘‘Preservation of,             to be fair and reasonable for the purpose
                                                         Executive Order 13132 (entitled                      and Access to, Contract Records                       of establishing the schedule contract.
                                                      ‘‘Federalism’’) prohibits an agency from                (Tangible and Electronically Stored                   GSA’s determination does not relieve
                                                      publishing any rule that has federalism                 Information (ESI) Formats),’’ in all                  the ordering activity contracting officer
                                                      implications if the rule imposes                        solicitations and contracts exceeding the             from the responsibility of making a
                                                      substantial direct compliance costs on                  simplified acquisition threshold. The                 determination of fair and reasonable
                                                      state and local governments and is not                  contracting officer shall use the basic               pricing for individual orders, BPAs, and
                                                      required by statute, or the rule preempts               clause with its Alternate I in cost-                  orders under BPAs. Contracting Officers
                                                      state law, unless the agency meets the                  reimbursement type contracts. The                     shall follow the general principles and
                                                      consultation and funding requirements                   contracting officer shall use the basic               techniques outlined in FAR Section
                                                      of section 6 of the Executive Order. This               clause with its Alternate II in labor-hour            15.404–1, Proposal Analysis
                                                      proposed rule would not have                            and time-and-materials contracts.                     Techniques, to ensure that the final
                                                      federalism implications and would not                                                                         agreed-to price is fair and reasonable,
                                                      impose substantial direct compliance                    PART 2406—COMPETITION                                 keeping in mind that the complexity
                                                      costs on state and local governments or                 REQUIREMENTS                                          and circumstances of each acquisition
                                                      preempt state law within the meaning of                                                                       should determine the level of detail of
                                                                                                              ■  3. The authority citation for part 2406            the analysis required.
                                                      the Executive Order.                                    is revised to read as follows:
                                                      List of Subjects                                                                                              2408.405–6    Limiting sources.
                                                                                                                 Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 41 U.S.C. 3301
                                                                                                              et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).                              (c)(2) Justifications for Limiting
                                                      48 CFR Part 2404                                                                                              Sources, under the Federal Supply
                                                         Government procurement.                              Subpart 2406.3—Other Than Full and                    Schedules when exceeding the
                                                                                                              Open Competition                                      simplified acquisition threshold, must
                                                      48 CFR Part 2406                                                                                              be prepared and approved using the
                                                         Government procurement.                              ■ 4. Add section 2406.303 to read as                  latest version of HUD Form 24013.
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                                                                                                              follows:                                                 (d)(3) HUD’s Chief Procurement
                                                      48 CFR Part 2408                                                                                              Officer, as the Head of Contracting
                                                                                                              2406.303    Justifications.
                                                         Government procurement.                                                                                    Activity, has delegated the authority to
                                                                                                                Justifications for Other Than Full and              the Deputy Chief Procurement Officer to
                                                      48 CFR Part 2409                                        Open Competition must be prepared                     approve, in writing, justifications for
                                                         Government Procurement                               and approved using the latest version of              Limited Source considerations for a
                                                                                                              HUD Form 24012.                                       proposed Federal Supply Schedule
                                                      48 CFR Part 2411
                                                                                                              ■ 5. Add paragraph (a)(3) to section                  order or Blanket Purchase Agreement
                                                         Government Procurement.                              2406.304 to read as follows:                          (BPA) with an estimated value

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                              30419

                                                      exceeding $12.5 million, but not                        expected to have and to use in the                       (B) Contractor’s exposure to financial
                                                      exceeding $62.5 million.                                professional management of a business,                crisis from creditor’s demands;
                                                                                                              may be a material fact in the                            (C) Degree to which credit security
                                                      PART 2409—CONTRACTOR                                    determination of the contractor’s                     provisions could conflict with
                                                      QUALIFICATIONS                                          responsibility and prospects for contract             Government title terms under contract
                                                      ■ 8. The authority citation for part 2409               completion.                                           financing;
                                                      continues to read as follows:                              (c) The contracting officer shall obtain              (D) Clearly stated confirmations of
                                                                                                              the following information to the extent               credit with no unacceptable
                                                        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C.                required to protect the Government’s                  qualifications; and
                                                      3535(d).                                                interest. In addition, if the contracting                (E) Unambiguous written agreement
                                                      ■ 9. Add subpart 2409.1 to read as                      officer concludes that information not                by a creditor if credit arrangements
                                                      follows:                                                listed herein is required to determine                include deferred trade payments or
                                                                                                              financial responsibility, that                        creditor subordinations/repayment
                                                      Subpart 2409.1—Responsible                              information should be requested. The                  suspensions.
                                                      Prospective Contractors                                 information must be for the person(s)                    (8) Statement of all state, local, and
                                                      2409.105    Procedures.                                 who are legally liable for contract                   Federal tax accounts, including special
                                                                                                              performance. If the contractor is not a               mandatory contributions, e.g.,
                                                         (a) The contracting officer shall
                                                                                                              corporation, the contracting officer shall            environmental superfund.
                                                      perform a financial review when the
                                                                                                              obtain the required information for each                 (9) Description and explanation of the
                                                      contracting officer does not otherwise
                                                                                                              individual/joint venturer/partner:                    financial effect of issues such as—
                                                      have sufficient information to make a                      (1) Balance sheet and income
                                                      positive determination of financial                                                                              (A) Leases, deferred purchase
                                                      responsibility. In addition, the                                                                              arrangements, or patent or royalty
                                                                                                                 (A) For the current fiscal year
                                                      contracting officer shall consider                                                                            arrangements;
                                                      performing a financial review—                             (B) For the most recent fiscal year                   (B) Insurance, when relevant to the
                                                         (1) Prior to award of a contract,                    and, preferably, for the 2 preceding                  contract;
                                                      when—                                                   fiscal years. These should be certified by               (C) Contemplated capital
                                                         (A) The contractor is on a list                      an independent public accountant or by                expenditures, changes in equity, or
                                                      requiring pre-award clearance or other                  an appropriate officer of the firm; and               contractor debt load;
                                                      special clearance before award;                            (C) Forecasted for each fiscal year for               (D) Pending claims either by or
                                                         (B) The contractor is listed on the                  the remainder of the period of contract               against the contractor;
                                                      Consolidated List of Contractors                        performance.                                             (E) Contingent liabilities such as
                                                      Indebted to the Government, or is                          (2) Summary history of the contractor              guarantees, litigation, environmental, or
                                                      otherwise known to be indebted to the                   and its principal managers, disclosing                product liabilities;
                                                      Government;                                             any previous insolvencies—corporate or                   (E) Validity of accounts receivable
                                                         (C) The contractor may receive                       personal, and describing its products or              and actual value of inventory, as assets;
                                                      Government assets such as contract                      services.                                             and
                                                      financing payments or Government                           (3) Statement of all affiliations                     (F) Status and aging of accounts
                                                      property;                                               disclosing—                                           payable.
                                                         (D) The contractor is experiencing                      (A) Material financial interests of the               (10) Significant ratios such as—
                                                      performance difficulties on other work;                 contractor;
                                                      or                                                                                                               (A) Inventory to annual sales;
                                                                                                                 (B) Material financial interests in the               (B) Inventory to current assets;
                                                         (E) The contractor is a new company                  contractor;
                                                      or a new supplier of the item.                                                                                   (C) Liquid assets to current assets;
                                                                                                                 (C) Material affiliations of owners,
                                                         (2) At periodic intervals after award of                                                                      (D) Liquid assets to current liabilities;
                                                                                                              officers, members, directors, major
                                                      a contract, when—                                       stockholders; and                                        (E) Current assets to current liabilities;
                                                         (A) Any of the conditions in                            (D) The major stockholders if the                  and
                                                      paragraphs (1)(B) through (1)(E) of this                contractor is not a widely-traded,                       (F) Net worth to net debt.
                                                      subsection are applicable; or                           publicly-held corporation.
                                                         (B) There is any other reason to                                                                           PART 2411—DESCRIBING AGENCY
                                                                                                                 (4) Statement of all forms of
                                                      question the contractor’s ability to                                                                          NEEDS
                                                                                                              compensation to each officer, manager,
                                                      finance performance and completion of                   partner, joint venturer, or proprietor, as            ■ 10. The authority citation for part
                                                      the contract.                                           appropriate—                                          2411 is revised to read as follows:
                                                         (b) The contracting officer shall obtain                (A) Planned for the current year;
                                                      the type and depth of financial and                                                                             Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C.
                                                                                                                 (B) Paid during the past 2 years; and              3535(d).
                                                      other information that is required to                      (C) Deferred to future periods.
                                                      establish a contractor’s financial                         (5) Business base and forecast that—               Subpart 2411.4—Delivery or
                                                      capability or disclose a contractor’s                      (A) Shows, by significant markets,                 Performance Schedules
                                                      financial condition. While the                          existing contracts and outstanding
                                                      contracting officer should not request                  offers, including those under                         2411.404    [Removed]
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                                                      information that is not necessary for                   negotiation; and                                      ■   11. Remove section 2411.404.
                                                      protection of the Government’s                             (B) Is reconcilable to indirect cost rate
                                                      interests, the contracting officer must                 projections.                                          PART 2415—CONTRACTING BY
                                                      insist upon obtaining the information                      (6) Cash forecast for the duration of              NEGOTIATION
                                                      that is necessary. The unwillingness or                 the contract.
                                                      inability of a contractor to present                       (7) Financing arrangement                          ■ 12. The authority citation for part
                                                      reasonably requested information in a                   information that discloses—                           2415 is revised to read as follows:
                                                      timely manner, especially information                      (A) Availability of cash to finance                  Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 41 U.S.C.
                                                      that a prudent business person would be                 contract performance;                                 3301–3306 and 3105; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).

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                                                      30420                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Subpart 2415.2—Solicitation and                         ■ 15. In section 2415.305, revise                     Subpart 2437.1—Service Contracts—
                                                      Receipt of Proposals and Quotations                     paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:                  General
                                                      ■ 13. Revise section 2415.209(a)(1) to                  2415.305    Proposal evaluation.                      ■ 18. Revise section 2437.110(e)(2); add
                                                      read as follows:                                                                                              paragraphs 2437.111(e)(5) and (e)(6); all
                                                                                                                 (a) * * *                                          to read as follows:
                                                      2415.209    Solicitation provisions.                       (3) Technical evaluation when
                                                        (a)(1) The Contracting Officer shall                  tradeoffs are performed. The TEP shall                2437.110 Solicitation provisions and
                                                      insert a provision substantially the same                                                                     contract clauses.
                                                                                                              rate each proposal based on the
                                                      as the provision at 2452.215–70,                        evaluation factors specified in the                      (e)(1) * * *
                                                      Proposal Content, in all solicitations for                                                                       (2) The Contracting Officer shall
                                                                                                              solicitation. The TEP shall identify each
                                                      negotiated procurements expected to                                                                           insert the clause at 2452.237–73,
                                                                                                              proposal as being acceptable,
                                                      exceed the simplified acquisition limit.                                                                      ‘‘Conduct of Work and Technical
                                                      The provision may be used in simplified                 unacceptable but capable of being made
                                                                                                                                                                    Guidance,’’ in all solicitations and
                                                      acquisitions when it is necessary to                    acceptable, or unacceptable. A proposal               contracts for services.
                                                      obtain business proposal information in                 shall be considered unacceptable if it is                (3) * * *
                                                      making the award selection. If the                      so clearly deficient that it cannot be                   (4) * * *
                                                      proposed contract requires work on, or                  corrected through written or oral                        (5) The contracting officer shall insert
                                                      access to, HUD systems or applications                  discussions. Under the tradeoff process,              the clause at 2452.237–79, ‘‘Post Award
                                                      (see the clause at 2452.239–70), the                    predetermined threshold levels of                     Conference,’’ in all solicitations and
                                                      provision shall be used with its                        technical acceptability for proposals                 contracts for services when the CO
                                                      Alternate I. When the contracting officer               shall not be employed. A technical                    deems that a Post Award Conference is
                                                      has determined that it is necessary to                  evaluation report, which complies with                necessary.
                                                      limit the size of the technical and                     FAR 15.305(a)(3), shall be prepared and                  (6) The contracting officer shall insert
                                                      management portion of offers submitted                  signed by the technical evaluators,                   the clause at 2452.237–81, ‘‘Labor
                                                      by offerors, the provision shall be used                furnished to the contracting officer, and             Categories, Unit Prices Per Hour and
                                                      with its Alternate II.                                  maintained as a permanent record in the               Payment,’’ in all indefinite quantity and
                                                      *     *     *      *    *                               official procurement file.                            requirements solicitations and contracts
                                                                                                                                                                    when level of effort task orders will be
                                                      Subpart 2415.3—Source Selection                         PART 2432—CONTRACT FINANCING                          issued.
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ 19. Add part 2444 and heading to read
                                                      ■ 14. In section 2415.303, redesignate
                                                                                                              ■ 19. The authority citation for part                 as follows:
                                                      paragraph (a) as (a)(1); revise the
                                                      redesignated paragraph; and add section                 2432 continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                    PART 2444—SUBCONTRACTING
                                                      2415.303(a)(2), all to read as follows:                   Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3901–3905; 40 U.S.C.           POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
                                                                                                              121(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
                                                      2415.303    Responsibilities.
                                                         (a)(1) Except as identified in HUDAR                                                                         Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C.
                                                                                                              Subpart 2432.7—Contract Funding                       3535(d).
                                                      Section 2415.303(a)(2), HUD’s Chief
                                                      Procurement Officer, as the Senior                      ■ 16. Revise section 2432.705 to read as              Subpart 2444.2—Contract Clauses
                                                      Procurement Executive, designates                       follows and remove section 2432.705–
                                                      Assistant Secretaries, or their                         70:                                                   2444.204    Contract clauses.
                                                      equivalent, for requiring activities as the                                                                     (a) Insert HUDAR clause 2452.244–70
                                                      Source Selection Authorities for                        2432.705    Contract clauses.                         Consent to Subcontract, in contracts and
                                                      selections made using the tradeoff                        (a) The contracting officer shall insert            task orders with an estimated value
                                                      process. Assistant Secretaries may                      the clause at 2452.232–72, ‘‘Limitation               exceeding $10,000,000.
                                                      delegate this function to other
                                                                                                              of Government’s Obligation,’’ in
                                                      departmental officials. This designation                                                                      PART 2452—SOLICITATION
                                                                                                              solicitations and resultant incrementally
                                                      also applies to acquisitions not                                                                              PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT
                                                      performed under the requirements of                     funded fixed-price contracts as                       CLAUSES
                                                      FAR Part 15, but utilizing tradeoff                     authorized by 2432.703–1. The
                                                      analysis.                                               contracting officer shall insert the                  ■ 29. The authority citation for part
                                                         (a)(2) HUD’s Chief Procurement                       information required in the table in                  2452 continues to read as follows:
                                                      Officer, as the Senior Procurement                      paragraph (b) and the notification                      Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C.
                                                      Executive, designates HUD’s Office of                   period in paragraph (c) of the clause.                3535(d).
                                                      General Counsel (OGC) as the Source                       (b) The contracting officer shall insert
                                                      Selection Authority, regardless of                                                                            Subpart 2452.2—Texts of Provisions
                                                                                                              the clause at 2452.232–74, ‘‘Not To
                                                      contract amount, in all Headquarters                                                                          and Clauses
                                                                                                              Exceed Limitation’’ in all solicitations
                                                      procurements for legal services, unless                 and contracts where the total estimated               2452.211–70       [Removed]
                                                      (s)he specifically designates another                   funds needed for the performance                      ■ 20. Remove section 2452.211–70
                                                      agency official to perform that function.               period are not yet obligated.                         including Alternate I.
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                                                      Any Headquarters office desiring to                                                                           ■ 21. Revise section 2452.215–70 to
                                                      procure outside legal services for the                  2432.705–70       [Removed]
                                                                                                                                                                    read as follows:
                                                      Department shall obtain OGC approval
                                                      before advertising or soliciting                        PART 2437—SERVICE CONTRACTING                         2452.215–70       Proposal content.
                                                      proposals for such services. OGC shall                                                                          As prescribed in 2415.209(a), insert a
                                                      determine whether the services are                      ■ 17. The authority citation for part                 provision substantially the same as the
                                                      necessary and the extent of OGC                         2437 continues to read as follows:                    following:
                                                      involvement in the procurement.                           Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 42 U.S.C.                PROPOSAL CONTENT ([Insert month
                                                      *      *    *     *     *                               3535(d).                                              and year of publication of final rule],)

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                                                         (a) Proposals shall be submitted in                  to the page limitations identified in the             (e.g., block 14 of the Standard Form (SF)
                                                      two parts as described in paragraphs (c)                Instructions to Offerors. Offerors are                26, block 21 of the SF–33, or block 25
                                                      and (d) below. Each of the parts must be                cautioned that if any Part of their                   of the SF–1449). The contractor is also
                                                      complete in itself so that evaluation of                proposal exceeds the stipulated limits                requested to clearly indicate on the
                                                      each part may be conducted                              for that Part, the Government will                    mailing envelope that an invoice is
                                                      independently, and so the identified                    evaluate only the information contained               enclosed.
                                                      parts of each proposal may be evaluated                 in the pages up through the permitted                    (c) Contractor Remittance
                                                      strictly on its own merit. Proposals shall              number. Pages beyond that limit will                  Information. The contractor shall
                                                      be submitted in the format, if any,                     not be evaluated.                                     provide the payment office with all
                                                      prescribed elsewhere in this solicitation.                 (2) A page shall consist of one side of            information required by other payment
                                                      Proposals shall be enclosed in sealed                   a single sheet of 81⁄2″ x 11″ paper, single           clauses or other supplemental
                                                      packaging and addressed to the office                   spaced, using not smaller than 12 point               information (e.g., contracts for
                                                      specified in the solicitation. The                      type font, and having margins at the top,             commercial services) contained in this
                                                      offeror’s name and address, the                         bottom, and sides of the page of no less              contract.
                                                      solicitation number and the date and                    than one inch in width.                                  (d) Final Invoice Payment. The final
                                                      time specified in the solicitation for                     (3) Any exemptions from this                       invoice shall not be paid prior to
                                                      proposal submission must appear in                      limitation are stipulated under the                   certification by the Contracting Officer
                                                      writing on the outside of the package.                  Instructions to Offerors.                             that all work has been completed and
                                                         (b) The number of proposals required                    (4) Offerors are encouraged to use                 accepted.
                                                      are an original and [insert number]                     recycled paper and to use both sides of               (End of clause)
                                                      copies of Part I, and [insert number]                   the paper (see the FAR clause at 52.204–                 Alternate I ([Insert month and year of
                                                      copies of Part II.                                      4).                                                   publication of final rule]). Delete
                                                         (c) Part I—Technical Proposal                        (End of Provision)                                    paragraph (b)(1) of HUDAR Clause
                                                         (1) The offeror shall submit the                                                                           2452.232–70 Payment Schedule and
                                                                                                              ■ 22. Revise section 2452.232–70 to
                                                      information required in Instructions to                                                                       Invoice Submission (Fixed-price) and
                                                      Offerors designated under Part I—                       read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                    replace with the following Alternate,
                                                      Technical Proposal.                                     2452.232–70 Payment schedule and                      when requiring invoices to be submitted
                                                         (d) Part II—Business Proposal                        invoice submission (Fixed-Price).                     electronically via email, in fixed price
                                                         (1) The offeror shall complete the                      As prescribed in 2432.908(c)(2), insert            contracts other than performance-based
                                                      Representations and Certifications                      the following clause in all fixed-price               contracts under which performance-
                                                      provided in Section K of this                           solicitations and contracts:                          based payments will be used:
                                                      solicitation and include them in Part II,                  PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND                                  The contractor shall submit invoices
                                                      Business Proposal.                                      INVOICE SUBMISSION (FIXED-PRICE)                      electronically via email to the email
                                                         (2) The offeror shall provide                        ([Insert month and year of publication                addresses shown on the contract award
                                                      information to support the offeror’s                    of final rule])                                       document (e.g., block 12 of the Standard
                                                      proposed costs or prices as prescribed                     (a) Payment Schedule. Payment of the               Form (SF) 26, block 25 of the SF–33, or
                                                      elsewhere in Instructions to Offerors for               contract price (see Section B of the                  block 18a of the SF–1449) and carbon
                                                      Part II—Business Proposal.                              contract) will be made upon completion                copy the Contracting Officer and the
                                                         (3) The offeror shall submit any other               and acceptance of all work unless a                   Government Technical Representative
                                                      information required in Instructions to                 partial payment schedule is included                  (GTR). To constitute a proper invoice,
                                                      Offerors designated under Part II—                      below.                                                the invoice must include all items
                                                      Business Proposal.                                         [Contracting Officer insert schedule               required by the FAR clause at 52.232–
                                                      (End of provision)                                      information]:                                         25, ‘‘Prompt Payment.’’ The contractor
                                                         Alternate I ([Insert month and year of                                                                     shall clearly include in the Subject line
                                                                                                               Partial      Applicable                              of the email: INVOICE INCLUDED;
                                                      publication of final rule])                                                            Delivery      Pay
                                                                                                              payment        contract
                                                         As prescribed in 2415.209(a), if the                 number        deliverable       date        amount    CONTRACT/ORDER #: lllll,
                                                      proposed contract requires work on, or                                                                        INVOICE NUMBER lllll and
                                                      access to, sensitive automated systems                  1.                                                    Contract Line Item Number(s) llll.
                                                      as described in 2452.239–70, add the                    2.                                                    (End of Alternate)
                                                      following subparagraph, numbered                        3.
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ 23. Revise section 2452.232–71 to
                                                      sequentially, to paragraph (d):                                                                               read as follows:
                                                         The offeror shall describe in detail                    [Continue as necessary]
                                                      how the offeror will maintain the                          (b) Submission of Invoices.                        2452.232–71 Voucher submission (cost-
                                                      security of automated systems as                           (1) The Contractor shall submit                    reimbursement, time-and-materials, and
                                                      required by clause 2452.239–70 in                       invoices as follows: Original to the                  labor-hour).
                                                      Section I of this solicitation and include              payment office and one copy each to the                  As prescribed in 2432.908(c)(3), insert
                                                      it in Part II, Business Proposal.                       Contracting Officer and a copy to the                 the following clause in all cost-
                                                                                                              Government Technical Representative                   reimbursement, time-and-materials, and
                                                      (End of Provision)                                      (GTR) identified in the contract. To                  labor-hour solicitations and contracts:
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                                                        Alternate II ([Insert month and year of               constitute a proper invoice, the invoice                 VOUCHER SUBMISSION (COST-
                                                      publication of final rule])                             must include all items required by the                REIMBURSEMENT, TIME-AND-
                                                        As prescribed in 2415.209(a), add the                 FAR clause at 52.232–25, ‘‘Prompt                     MATERIALS, AND LABOR HOUR)
                                                      following paragraph (e) when the size of                Payment.’’                                            ([Insert month and year of publication
                                                      any proposal Part I or Part II will be                     (2) To assist the government in                    of final rule])
                                                      limited:                                                making timely payments, the contractor                   (a) Voucher Submission.
                                                        (e) Size limits of Parts I and II.                    is also requested to include on each                     (1) The contractor shall submit,
                                                        (1) Offerors shall limit submissions of               invoice the appropriation number                      lllll [Contracting Officer insert
                                                      Parts I and II of their initial proposals               shown on the contract award document                  billing period, e.g., monthly], an original

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                                                      30422                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      and two copies of each voucher. In                      clearly include in the Subject line of the            successor designated by the Contracting
                                                      addition to the items required by the                   email: INVOICE INCLUDED;                              Officer. The Contracting Officer will
                                                      clause at FAR 52.232–25, ‘‘Prompt                       CONTRACT/ORDER #: lllll,                              notify the contractor in writing of any
                                                      Payment,’’ the voucher shall show the                   INVOICE NUMBER lllll and                              change to the current GTR’s status or the
                                                      elements of cost for the billing period                 Contract Line Item Number(s) llll                     designation of a successor GTR.
                                                      and the cumulative costs to date. The                   l. In addition to the items required by                 (c) The GTR will provide guidance to
                                                      Contractor shall submit all vouchers,                   the clause at FAR 52.232–25, Prompt                   the contractor on the technical
                                                      except for the final voucher, as follows:               Payment, the voucher shall show the                   performance of the contract. Such
                                                      Original to the payment office and one                  elements of cost for the billing period               guidance shall not be of a nature which:
                                                      copy each to the Contracting Officer and                and the cumulative costs to date. The                   (1) Causes the contractor to perform
                                                      the Government Technical                                contractor shall also submit supporting               work outside the statement of work or
                                                      Representative (GTR) identified in the                  documentation such as time cards to                   specifications of the contract;
                                                      contract. The contractor shall submit all               verify the hours/costs vouchered.                       (2) Constitutes a change as defined in
                                                      copies of the final voucher to the                      (End of Alternate)                                    FAR 52.243 1;
                                                      Contracting Officer.                                                                                            (3) Causes an increase or decrease in
                                                                                                              ■ 24. Add section 2452.232–74 to read
                                                         (2) To assist the government in                                                                            the cost of the contract;
                                                      making timely payments, the contractor                  as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                      (4) Alters the period of performance
                                                      is requested to include on each voucher                 2452.232–74       Not to exceed limitation.           or delivery dates; or
                                                      the applicable appropriation number(s)                     As prescribed in 2432.705(b), insert                 (5) Changes any of the other express
                                                      shown on the award or subsequent                        the following clause in all solicitations             terms or conditions of the contract.
                                                      modification document (e.g., block 14 of                and contracts where the total estimated                 (d) The GTR will issue technical
                                                      the Standard Form (SF) 26, or block 21                  funds needed for the performance of the               guidance in writing or, if issued orally,
                                                      of the SF–33). The contractor is also                   contract are not yet obligated.                       he/she will confirm such direction in
                                                      requested to clearly indicate on the                       NOT TO EXCEED LIMITATION                           writing within five calendar days after
                                                      mailing envelope that a payment                         ([Insert month and year of publication                oral issuance. The GTR may issue such
                                                      voucher is enclosed.                                    of final rule])                                       guidance via telephone, facsimile (fax),
                                                         (b) Contractor Remittance                               (a) The total estimated funds needed               or electronic mail.
                                                      Information.                                            for the performance of this contract are                (e) Other specific limitations [to be
                                                         (1) The Contractor shall provide the                 not yet obligated. The total obligation of            inserted by Contracting Officer]:
                                                      payment office with all information                     funds available at this time for                        (f) The contractor shall promptly
                                                      required by other payment clauses                       performance of work or deliveries is                  notify the Contracting Officer whenever
                                                      contained in this contract.                             [FILLIN#1#Insert Amount]. The                         the contractor believes that guidance
                                                         (2) For cost reimbursement, time-and-                Government shall not order, nor shall                 provided by any government personnel,
                                                      materials and labor-hour contracts, the                 the contractor be required to accept                  whether or not specifically provided
                                                      Contractor shall aggregate vouchered                    orders for, or perform work or make                   pursuant to this clause, is of a nature
                                                      costs by the individual task for which                  deliveries that exceed the stated funding             described in paragraph (b) above.
                                                      the costs were incurred and clearly                     limit.
                                                      identify the task or job.                                                                                     (End of clause)
                                                                                                                 (b) The Government may unilaterally
                                                         (c) Final Payment. The final payment                                                                       ■ 26. Revise paragraph 2452.237–
                                                                                                              increase the amount obligated through
                                                      shall not be made until the Contracting                                                                       77(c)(1)(A) to read as follows:
                                                                                                              contract modification(s) until the full
                                                      Officer has certified that the contractor               contract value has been obligated.                    2452.237–77 Temporary closure of HUD
                                                      has complied with all terms of the                                                                            facilities. ([Insert month and year of
                                                      contract.                                               (End of clause)
                                                                                                                                                                    publication of final rule])
                                                                                                              ■ 25. Revise section 2452.237–73 to
                                                      (End of clause)                                                                                               *     *     *    *     *
                                                                                                              read as follows:
                                                         Alternate I ([Insert month and year of                                                                       (c) * * *
                                                      publication of final rule]). Delete                     2452.237–73 Conduct of work and                         (1) * * *
                                                      paragraph (a)(1) of HUDAR clause                        technical guidance.                                     (A) The deduction rate in dollars per
                                                      2452.232–71, Voucher Submission                            As prescribed in 2437.110(e)(2), insert            day will be equal to the per month
                                                      (Cost-Reimbursement, Time-and-                          the following clause in all contracts for             contract price divided by the number of
                                                      Materials, and Labor-Hour).) and replace                services:                                             business days in each month.
                                                      with the following Alternate, when                         CONDUCT OF WORK AND                                *     *     *    *     *
                                                      requiring invoices to be submitted                      TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ([Insert month                     ■ 27. Add section 2452.242–79 to read
                                                      electronically via email, in all cost-                  and year of publication of final rule])               as follows:
                                                      reimbursement, time-and-materials, and                     (a) The Contracting Officer will
                                                      labor-hour type solicitations and                       provide the contractor with the name                  2452.237–79       Post award conference.
                                                      contracts:                                              and contact information of the                           As prescribed in 2437.110(e)(5), insert
                                                         The contractor shall submit invoices                 Government Technical Representative                   the following clause in all contracts for
                                                      electronically via email to the email                   (GTR) assigned to this contract. The                  services:
                                                      addresses shown on the contract award                   GTR will serve as the contractor’s                       POST AWARD CONFERENCE ([Insert
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                                                      document (e.g., block 12 of the Standard                liaison with the Contracting Officer with             month and year of publication of final
                                                      Form (SF) 26, block 25 of the SF–33, or                 regard to the conduct of work. The                    rule])
                                                      block 18a of the SF–1449) and carbon                    Contracting Officer will notify the                      The Contractor shall be required to
                                                      copy the Contracting Officer and the                    contractor in writing of any change to                attend a post-award conference on
                                                      Government Technical Representative.                    the current GTR’s status or the                       DATE lllll to be held at
                                                      To constitute a proper invoice, the                     designation of a successor GTR.                       ADDRESS lllll, unless other
                                                      invoice must include all items required                    (b) The GTR for liaison with the                   arrangements are made. All Contractors
                                                      by the FAR clause at 52.232–25,                         contractor as to the conduct of work is               must have a valid ID for security
                                                      ‘‘Prompt Payment.’’ The contractor shall                [to be inserted at time of award] or a                clearance into the building.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           30423

                                                      (End of clause)                            HUD, that processes any information,                               using, or operating the system or
                                                      ■ 28. Add section 2452.237–81 to read      the loss, misuse, disclosure, or                                   applications(s).
                                                      as follows:                                unauthorized access to, or modification                               (c) Citizenship-related requirements.
                                                                                                 of which would have a debilitating                                 Each affected contractor employee as
                                                      2452.237–81 Labor categories, unit prices  impact on the mission of the agency.                               described in paragraph (b) of this clause
                                                      per hour and payment.                         ‘‘NACI’’ means a National Agency                                shall be:
                                                         As prescribed in 2437.110(e)(6), insert Check with Inquiries, the minimum                                     (1) A United States (U.S.) citizen; or,
                                                      the following clause in all indefinite     background investigation prescribed by                                (2) A national of the United States
                                                      quantity and requirements solicitations    OPM.                                                               (see 8 U.S.C. 1408); or,
                                                      and contracts when level of effort task       ‘‘PIV Card’’ means the Personal                                    (3) An alien lawfully admitted into,
                                                      orders will be issued.                     Identity Verification (PIV) Card, the                              and lawfully permitted to be employed
                                                         LABOR CATEGORIES, UNIT PRICES           Federal Government-issued                                          in the United States, provided that for
                                                      PER HOUR AND PAYMENT ([Insert              identification credential (i.e.,                                   any such individual, the Government is
                                                      month and year of publication of final     identification badge).                                             able to obtain sufficient background
                                                      rule])                                        ‘‘Sensitive information’’ means any                             information to complete the
                                                         The contractor shall provide the        information of which the loss, misuse,                             investigation as required by this clause.
                                                      following types of labor at the            or unauthorized access to, or                                      Failure on the part of the contractor to
                                                      corresponding unit price per hour in       modification of, could adversely affect                            provide sufficient information to
                                                      accordance with the terms of this          the national interest, the conduct of                              perform a required investigation or the
                                                      contract:                                  federal programs, or the privacy to                                inability of the Government to verify
                                                      lllllllllllllllllll which individuals are entitled under                                                      information provided for affected
                                                      lllllllllllllllllll section 552a of title 5, United States                                                    contractor employees will result in
                                                      lllllllllllllllllll Code (the Privacy Act), but which has                                                     denial of their access.
                                                                                                 not been specifically authorized under                                (d) Background investigation process.
                                                         The unit price per hour is inclusive of
                                                                                                 criteria established by an Executive                                  (1) The Government Technical
                                                      the hourly wage plus any applicable
                                                                                                 Order or an Act of Congress to be kept                             Representative (GTR) shall notify the
                                                      labor overhead, General and
                                                                                                 secret in the interest of national defense                         contractor of those contractor employee
                                                      Administrative (G&A) expenses, and
                                                                                                 or foreign policy.                                                 positions requiring background
                                                      profit. Payment shall be made to the          ‘‘System’’ means an interconnected                              investigations.
                                                      contractor upon delivery to, and           set of information resources under the                                (i) For each contractor employee
                                                      acceptance by, the Government office       same direct management control, which                              requiring access to HUD information
                                                      requesting services. The total amounts     shares common functionality. A system                              systems, the contractor shall submit the
                                                      billed shall be derived by multiplying     normally includes hardware, software,                              following properly completed forms:
                                                      the actual number of hours worked per      information, data, applications,                                   Standard Form (SF) 85, ‘‘Questionnaire
                                                      category by the corresponding price per communications, and people (see OMB                                   for Non-Sensitive Positions,’’ FD 258
                                                      hour.                                      Circular A–130). System includes any                               (Fingerprint Chart), and a partial
                                                      (End of clause)                            system owned by HUD or owned and                                   Optional Form (OF) 306 (Items 1, 2, 6,
                                                      ■ 29. Revise section 2452.239–70 to        operated on HUD’s behalf by another                                8–13, 16, and 17).
                                                      read as follows:                           party.                                                                (ii) For each contractor employee
                                                                                                    (b) General.                                                    requiring access to mission-critical
                                                      2452.239–70 Access to HUD systems.            (1) The performance of this contract                            systems and/or sensitive information
                                                         As prescribed in 2439.107(a), insert    requires contractor employees to have                              contained within a HUD system and/or
                                                      the following clause:                      access to a HUD system or systems. All                             application(s), the contractor shall
                                                         ACCESS TO HUD SYSTEMS ([Insert          such employees who do not already                                  submit the following properly
                                                      month and year of publication of final     possess a current PIV Card acceptable to                           completed forms: SF–85P,
                                                      rule])                                     HUD shall be required to provide                                   ‘‘Questionnaire for Public Trust
                                                         (a) Definitions: As used in this        personal background information,                                   Positions;’’ FD 258; and a Fair Credit
                                                      clause—                                    undergo a background investigation                                 Reporting Act form (authorization for
                                                         ‘‘Access’’ means the ability to obtain, (NACI or other OPM-required or                                     the credit-check portion of the
                                                      view, read, modify, delete, and/or         approved investigation), including an                              investigation). Contractor employees
                                                      otherwise make use of information          FBI National Criminal History                                      shall not complete the Medical Release
                                                      resources.                                 Fingerprint Check, and obtain a PIV                                behind the SF–85P.
                                                         ‘‘Application’’ means the use of        Card prior to being permitted access to                               (iii) The SF–85, 85P, and OF–306 are
                                                      information resources (information and     any such system in performance of this                             available from OPM’s Web site, http://
                                                      information technology) to satisfy a       contract. HUD may accept a PIV Card                                www.opm.gov. The GTR will provide all
                                                      specific set of user requirements (see     issued by another Federal Government                               other forms that are not obtainable via
                                                      OMB Circular A–130).                       agency but shall not be required to do                             the Internet.
                                                         ‘‘Contractor employee’’ means an        so. No contractor employee will be                                    (2) The contractor shall deliver the
                                                      employee of the prime contractor or of     permitted access to any HUD system                                 forms and information required in
                                                      any subcontractor, affiliate, partner,     without a PIV Card.                                                paragraph (d)(1) of this clause to the
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                                                      joint venture, or team members with           (2) All contractor employees who                                GTR.
                                                      which the contractor is associated. It     require access to mission-critical                                    (3) Affected contractor employees
                                                      also includes consultants engaged by       systems or sensitive information                                   who have had a federal background
                                                      any of those entities.                     contained within a HUD system or                                   investigation without a subsequent
                                                         ‘‘Mission-critical system’’ means an    application(s) are required to have a                              break in federal employment or federal
                                                      information technology or                  more extensive background                                          contract service exceeding 2 years may
                                                      telecommunications system used or          investigation. The investigation shall be                          be exempt from the investigation
                                                      operated by HUD or by a HUD                commensurate with the risk and                                     requirements of this clause subject to
                                                      contractor, or organization on behalf of   security controls involved in managing,                            verification of the previous

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                                                      30424                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      investigation. For each such employee,                  HUD will not issue the PIV Card until                    (g) Incident response notification. An
                                                      the contractor shall submit the                         the contractor employee has                           incident is defined as an event, either
                                                      following information in lieu of the                    successfully cleared an FBI National                  accidental or deliberate, that results in
                                                      forms and information listed in                         Criminal History Fingerprint Check, and               unauthorized access, loss, disclosure,
                                                      paragraph (d)(1) of this clause:                        HUD has initiated the background                      modification, or destruction of
                                                      Employee’s full name, Social Security                   investigation for the contractor                      information technology systems,
                                                      number, and place and date of birth.                    employee. Initiation is defined to mean               applications, or data. The contractor
                                                        (4) The investigation process shall                   that all background information                       shall immediately notify the GTR and
                                                      consist of a range of personal                          required in paragraph (d)(1) of this                  the Contracting Officer of any known or
                                                      background inquiries and contacts                       clause has been delivered to HUD. The                 suspected incident, or any unauthorized
                                                      (written and personal) and verification                 employee may not be given access prior                disclosure of the information contained
                                                      of the information provided on the                      to those two events. HUD may issue a                  in the system(s) to which the contractor
                                                      investigative forms described in                        PIV Card and grant access pending the                 has access.
                                                      paragraph (d)(1) of this clause.                        completion of the background                             (h) Nondisclosure of information.
                                                        (5) Upon completion of the                            investigation. HUD will revoke the PIV                   (1) Neither the contractor nor any of
                                                      investigation process, the GTR will                     Card and the employee’s access if the                 its employees shall divulge or release
                                                      notify the contractor if any contractor                 background investigation process                      data or information developed or
                                                      employee is determined to be unsuitable                 (including adjudication of investigation              obtained during performance of this
                                                      to have access to the system(s),                        results) for the employee has not been                contract, except to authorized
                                                      application(s), or information. Such an                 completed within 6 months after the                   government personnel with an
                                                      employee may not be given access to                     issuance of the PIV Card.                             established need to know, or upon
                                                      those resources. If any such employee                      (2) PIV Cards shall identify                       written approval of the Contracting
                                                      has already been given access pending                   individuals as contractor employees.                  Officer. Information contained in all
                                                      the results of the background                           Contractor employees shall display their              source documents and other media
                                                      investigation, the contractor shall                     PIV Cards on their persons at all times               provided by HUD is the sole property of
                                                      ensure that the employee’s access is                    while working in a HUD facility, and                  HUD.
                                                      revoked immediately upon receipt of                     shall present cards for inspection upon                  (2) The contractor shall require that
                                                      the GTR’s notification.                                 request by HUD officials or HUD                       all employees who may have access to
                                                        (6) Failure of the GTR to notify the                  security personnel.
                                                      contractor (see subparagraph (d)(1)) of                                                                       the system(s)/applications(s) identified
                                                                                                                 (3) The contractor shall be responsible
                                                      any employee who should be subject to                                                                         in paragraph (b) of this clause sign a
                                                                                                              for all PIV Cards issued to the
                                                      the requirements of this clause and is                                                                        pledge of nondisclosure of information.
                                                                                                              contractor’s employees and shall
                                                      known, or should reasonably be known,                                                                         The employees shall sign these pledges
                                                                                                              immediately notify the GTR if any PIV
                                                      by the contractor to be subject to the                                                                        before they are permitted to perform
                                                                                                              Card(s) cannot be accounted for. The
                                                      requirements of this clause, shall not                                                                        work under this contract. The contractor
                                                                                                              contractor shall promptly return PIV
                                                      excuse the contractor from making such                                                                        shall maintain the signed pledges for a
                                                                                                              Cards to HUD as required by the FAR
                                                      employee(s) known to the GTR. Any                       clause at 52.204–9. The contractor shall              period of 3 years after final payment
                                                      such employee who is identified and is                  notify the GTR immediately whenever                   under this contract. The contractor shall
                                                      working under the contract, without                     any contractor employee no longer has                 provide a copy of these pledges to the
                                                      having had the appropriate background                   a need for his/her HUD-issued PIV Card                GTR.
                                                      investigation or furnished the required                 (e.g., the employee terminates                           (i) Security procedures.
                                                      forms for the investigation, shall cease                employment with the contractor, the                      (1) The Contractor shall comply with
                                                      to perform such work immediately and                    employee’s duties no longer require                   applicable federal and HUD statutes,
                                                      shall not be given access to the                        access to HUD systems). The GTR will                  regulations, policies, and procedures
                                                      system(s)/application(s) described in                   instruct the contractor as to how to                  governing the security of the system(s)
                                                      paragraph (b) of this clause until the                  return the PIV Card. Upon expiration of               to which the contractor’s employees
                                                      contractor has provided the                             this contract, the GTR will instruct the              have access including, but not limited
                                                      investigative forms required in                         contractor as to how to return all HUD-               to:
                                                      paragraph (d)(1) of this clause for the                 issued PIV Cards not previously                          (i) The Federal Information Security
                                                      employee to the GTR.                                    returned. Unless otherwise directed by                Management Act (FISMA) of 2002;
                                                        (7) The contractor shall notify the                   the Contracting Officer, the contractor                  (ii) OMB Circular A–130,
                                                      GTR in writing whenever a contractor                    shall not return PIV Cards to any person              Management of Federal Information
                                                      employee for whom a background                          other than the GTR.                                   Resources, Appendix III, Security of
                                                      investigation package was required and                     (f) Control of access. HUD shall have              Federal Automated Information
                                                      submitted to HUD, or for whom a                         and exercise full and complete control                Resources;
                                                      background investigation was                            over granting, denying, withholding,                     (iii) HUD Handbook 2400.25,
                                                      completed, terminates employment with                   and terminating access of contractor                  Information Technology Security Policy;
                                                      the contractor or otherwise is no longer                employees to HUD systems. The GTR                        (iv) HUD Handbook 732.3, Personnel
                                                      performing work under this contract                     will notify the contractor immediately                Security/Suitability;
                                                      that requires access to the system(s),                  when HUD has determined that an                          (v) Federal Information Processing
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      application(s), or information. The                     employee is unsuitable or unfit to be                 Standards 201 (FIPS 201), Sections 2.1
                                                      contractor shall provide a copy of the                  permitted access to a HUD system. The                 and 2.2;
                                                      written notice to the Contracting Officer.              contractor shall immediately notify such                 (vi) Homeland Security Presidential
                                                        (e) PIV Cards.                                        employee that he/she no longer has                    Directive 12 (HSPD–12); and
                                                        (1) HUD will issue a PIV Card to each                 access to any HUD system, physically                     (vii) OMB Memorandum M–05–24,
                                                      contractor employee who is to be given                  retrieve the employee’s PIV Card from                 Implementing Guidance for HSPD–12.
                                                      access to HUD systems and does not                      the employee, and provide a suitable                  The HUD Handbooks are available
                                                      already possess a PIV Card acceptable to                replacement employee in accordance                    online at: http://www.hud.gov/offices/
                                                      HUD (see paragraph (b) of this clause).                 with the requirements of this clause.                 adm/hudclips/ or from the GTR.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             30425

                                                         (2) The contractor shall develop and                   (k) Contractor compliance with this                 award consent and provide signed
                                                      maintain a compliance matrix that lists                 clause. Failure on the part of the                    copies of the subcontract agreements
                                                      each requirement set forth in                           contractor to comply with the terms of                within 10 days of consent.
                                                      paragraphs, (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h),          this clause may result in termination of                 (c) The Contractor shall provide the
                                                      (i)(1), and (m) of this clause with                     this contract for default.                            Contracting Officer with 30 days
                                                      specific actions taken, and/or                            (l) Physical access to Federal                      advance notification prior to changing
                                                      procedures implemented, to satisfy each                 Government facilities. The contractor                 subcontractors or existing
                                                      requirement. The contractor shall                       and any subcontractor(s) shall also                   subcontracting agreements, unless
                                                      identify an accountable person for each                 comply with the requirements of                       precluded due to circumstances beyond
                                                      requirement, the date upon which                        HUDAR clause 2452.237–75 when the                     the control of the contractor. If advance
                                                      actions/procedures were initiated/                      contractor’s or subcontractor’s                       notification is not feasible, the
                                                      completed, and certify that information                 employees will perform any work under                 Contractor shall provide notification to
                                                      contained in this compliance matrix is                  this contract on site in a HUD or other               the Contracting Officer no later than 10
                                                      correct. The contractor shall ensure that               Federal Government facility.                          days after the Contractor identifies the
                                                      information in this compliance matrix is                  (m) Subcontracts. The contractor shall              need to replace a subcontractor. The
                                                      complete, accurate, and up-to-date at all               incorporate this clause in all                        notification shall include a copy of the
                                                      times for the duration of this contract.                subcontracts where the requirements                   proposed new subcontracting
                                                      Upon request, the contractor shall                      specified in paragraph (b) of this section            agreement. Upon consent and
                                                      provide copies of the current matrix to                 are applicable to performance of the                  finalization of the final subcontract
                                                      the contracting officer and/or                          subcontract.                                          agreement, the Contractor shall provide
                                                      government technical representative.                    (End of clause)                                       a copy of the signed agreement to the
                                                         (3) The Contractor shall ensure that its             ■ 30. Add section 2452.244–70 to read                 Contracting Officer.
                                                      employees, in performance of the                        as follows:                                              (d) The Contracting Officer’s consent
                                                      contract, receive annual training (or                                                                         to a subcontract does not constitute a
                                                                                                              2452.244–70       Consent to subcontract.
                                                      once if the contract is for less than one                                                                     determination of the acceptability of the
                                                      year) in HUD information technology                        As prescribed in HUDAR Section                     subcontract terms or price, or of the
                                                      security policies, procedures, computer                 2444.204(a), insert the following clause              allowability of costs.
                                                      ethics, and best practices in accordance                in contracts and task orders with an                     (e) If not required elsewhere in the
                                                      with HUD Handbook 2400.25.                              estimated value exceeding $10,000,000.                contract, no more than 30 calendar days
                                                                                                                 CONSENT TO SUBCONTRACT
                                                         (j) Access to contractor’s systems. The                                                                    after award, the Contractor shall provide
                                                                                                              ([Insert month and year of publication
                                                      Contractor shall afford authorized                                                                            a separate continuity of services plan to
                                                                                                              of final rule])
                                                      personnel, including the Office of                         (a) Due to the substantive nature of               the Contracting Officer that will ensure
                                                      Inspector General, access to the                        subcontracting that may be necessary                  services performed by subcontractors
                                                      Contractor’s facilities, installations,                 during performance of this contract, the              that cost more than 25% of the cost/
                                                      operations, documentation (including                    Contracting Officer has determined that               price of the contract will continue
                                                      the compliance matrix required under                    a consent for individual subcontracts is              uninterrupted in the event of
                                                      paragraph (i)(2) of this clause),                       required to adequately protect the                    performance problems or default by the
                                                      databases, and personnel used in                        Government. Consent is required for—                  subcontractor.
                                                      performance of the contract. Access                        (1) Cost-reimbursement, time-and-                  (End of clause)
                                                      shall be provided to the extent required                materials, or labor-hour subcontracts, or
                                                      to carry out, but not limited to, any                                                                         ■ 31. Add subpart 2452.3 to read as
                                                                                                              combination of such, in excess of                     follows:
                                                      information security program activities,                $150,000 per year to a single
                                                      investigation, and audit to safeguard                   subcontractor or consultant;                          Subpart 2452.3—Matrix
                                                      against threats and hazards to the                         (2) Fixed price subcontracts in excess
                                                      integrity, availability, and                            of 25% of the annual contract value to                ■ 32. Add section 2452.3 to read as
                                                      confidentiality of HUD data and                         a single subcontractor or consultant.                 follows:
                                                      systems, or to the function of                             (b) If subcontracts meeting the above
                                                      information systems operated on behalf                  parameters were not provided during                   2452.3   Provision and clause matrix.
                                                      of HUD, and to preserve evidence of                     the negotiation of the original contract                  HUDAR Matrix.
                                                      computer crime.                                         award, the Contractor shall obtain post               BILLING CODE 4210–67–P
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30426                         Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 102 /Thursday, May 28, 2015 /Proposed Rules

        |Key:                                                                                                                                                                     |

        |Type of Contract:                                                                                                                                                        |

        |P/C           |H|Pr0visi0n or Clause                                     ”DDR           |H|Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Im provements                          |

        |              |D|                                                        ”A&E           |H|Architect—Engineering                                                         |

        |UCF           |H|Unif0rm Contract Format Section, when Applicable”FAC                   |H|Facilities                                                                    |

        [ep sUP        |E||Fixed-Price Supply                                     |[mp per |E||Indefinite Delivery                                                                 |
        |CR SUP        |H|C05t—Reimbursement Supply                               ”TRN           |H|Transp0rtati0n                                                                |

        |FP R&D        |H|Fixed—Price Research & Development                      ”SAP           |H|Simplified Acquisition Procedures (excluding micro—purchase)l

        |CR R&D |H|C05t Reimbursement Research & Development                      ”UTL SVClHlUtility Services                                                                     |

        |FP SVC        |H|Fixed—Price Service                                     ”CI            |H|C0mmercial Items                                                              |

        |CR SVC        |H|C05t Reimbursement Service                              ”                                                                                               |

        |FP CON        |H|Fixed—Price Construction                                ”Contract Purpose:                                                                              |

        |CR CON |H|C05t Reimbursement Construction                                ”R             |H|Required                                                                      |

        |T&M LH |H|Time & Material/Labor Hours                                    ”RA            |H|Required when Applicable                                                      |

        |LMV           |H|Leasing of Motor Vehicles                               ”O             |H|Opti0nal                                                                      |

        |COM SVClHlCommunication Services                                         ”l:l:l         |H|Revisi0n                                                                      |

    |                                PRINCIPLE TYPE AND/OR PURPOSE OF CONTRACT

            PROVISION OR       PRESCRIBED     ;        F g        FP    CR    FP       CR   FP     CR   |[T&M               CcOM                     IND        [ UTL

               CLAUSE               IN        C   ||UCFI|[SUP|[SUP||R&D|[R&D|[SVCI[SVCIJCON[JCON||       LH      |[LMV]|    SVC    ||DDRIJ[A&E]JFAC|[DEL|ITRNIJISAPIJSVC]|   CI

        2452.201—70             2401.106—70 |[c|[ 1 |[rRa][RA]] ®A ®A |[®A][RA][®A |[®A ® |[®+ |[®A |[®4 |[®A |[®A ]|[®* ][®* [EA ][®RA ][EA
        Coordination of
        Data Collection

        2452.203—70              203.670      |[c|| 1 |[® |[® ®          ®    ®        ®    ®       ®     ®        ®         ®      ®     ®     ®     ®     ® ® ®            ®
        Against the Use
        of Federal
        Em ployees

        2452.204—70             2404.7001     |[c]f 1 |[||                                                                                                      7|
        Preservation of,
        and Access to,
        (Tangible and

                                                      OAOCOOOO OO ) EEEOqOEO)
        (EST) Formats)

              Alternate I I     2404.7001
                                                      IHID-D-D Eoes S EEALERE
        2452.208—71             2408.802—70                                                              RA      RA         RA     [RA   RA
        Reproduction of

            PROVISION OR       PRESCRIBED             FP CR       FP    CR   FP CR                T&M                       CcOM

               CLAUSE               IN                     R&D R&D CON CON                               LH      ||[LMV]|   SVC          A&E

        2452.209—70             2409.507—1                       RA     RA                               RA      RA         RA     RA    RA
        Conflicts of

                    Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 102 /Thursday, May 28, 2015 /Proposed Rules                                                              30427

2452.209—71           2095072      |[e|| 1 |[ _ |[®A][®a |[®RAl][RA][®A|[®RA RA                            RA |[RA RA             RA         |            RA
Limitation on

2452.209—72           20905072     |[c|| 1 || |[®a ][® |[rA][®A][®4 ][®R¥ ®RA                              rRA |[rRA RA |[RA |[RA |[RA — |[RAIIRA
Conflicts of

2452.215—70           241s.20900) |[p|| 1 _ _ |[Ra ][® |[RA][rA][®a][®]|[ ® |[®|[ ®& |[®& ®|[® |[®RA][®], —][R][®R4

    Alternate II
                      mro         EL jE
                      2415.209(a) Ell:l
    Alternate III     2415.209(a) |E|                                                                      m RA                              |:|
2452.215—71          2415.209a4(2)][P M |[RA]                                                              RA |[RA                           [ J[ral[rRA
Importance of
Factors to Cost
or Price

2452.215—72            215370      |[p m |[Ra][rA]| £A ®|[rRAa][rA][®EA |[®|[ ®E|[®E|[® |[®EA][®E][®A][®RA][®RA], — ][®EA][®RE*A
Evaluation of
Small Business

2452.216—70          2416.406()((D][c]| 1 _ |[RA]           RA         RA                                                                    7|
Estimated Cost,
Base Fee and
Award fee

2452.216—71          2416.406(90@)][c]| 1 |[RAll —][RA            RA        RA                                                               7|
Award Fee

2452.216—72          2416.106(9)(0@)|[c|| 1 |[rRal[ra] ®|[ ®|[®A][ra][®& |[®E+ ®R1 |[®1 ®|[®|[ ®R|[®4 |[®A ][® ][RA][®RA ]|[RA
of Award Fee

2452.216—73          2416.106(9)(0@)|[c|| 1 |[rRal[ra] ®|[ ®|[®A][ra][®& |[®E+ ®R1 |[®1 ®|[®|[ ®R|[®4 |[®A ][® ][RA][®RA ]|[RA
evaluation plan

2452.216—74          2416.106(9)(0@)|[c|| 1 |[rRal[ra] ®|[ ®|[®A][ra][®& |[®E+ ®R1 |[®1 ®|[®|[ ®R|[®4 |[®A ][® ][RA][®RA ]|[RA
Distribution of
award fee

 PROVISION OR        PRESCRIBED    ;       Fg          FP    CR   FP   CR    FP   CR     |IT&M             COM                    IND        [ UTL


2452.216—75          2416.506—70                                                  rRA Ra |[RA Ra |[RA R|[®A][®R][®+ |[RA][RA [RA
Unpriced Task

2452.216—76           2416.506—    |[c|| 1 |[Ra][ra]| R®& ®a |[ra]|[rAa][®a ]|[®A ® |[®+ ®& |[®A ]|[®A ]|[®R ]|[®RA ]|[®RA ][RA][RA I[RA
Minimum and             70(b)
Quantities and
Amounts for

30428                    Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 102 /Thursday, May 28, 2015 /Proposed Rules

    2452.216—77           2416.506—70(c)                           RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA           RA
    Quantities —



    2452.216—78             2416.506—                              RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA
    Ordering                  70(d)

                                                       2]l 2]l

                                                       2]l 2]l

                                                                                                              2\ 2\

                                                                                                                           2\ 2\
                                                                                                                           2\ 2\
                                                                                                                           2\ 2\
                                                                                                                                             2\ 2\
                                                                                                                                             2l 2l
          Alternate I       2416.506—                              RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA

          Alternate II      2416.506—                              RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA
    2452.216—79            2416.307(b)                                  RA
    Estimated Cost
    (No Fee)

    2452.216—80            2416.307(b)                                  RA
    Estimated Cost
    and Fixed—Fee

    2452.219—70            2419.708(d)                             RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA
    Small Business

    2452.219—71             2419.811—
    Notification of          3(d)(3)
    limited to
    eligible 8(a)
    concerns —
    Alternate III to
    FAR 52.219—18

    2452.219—72           2419.811—3(8)
    Section 8(a)
    Direct Awards

    2452.219—73            2419.708(b)                             RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA
    Incorporation of

    2452.219—74            2419.708(b)
    Small Business
                                           ol c =J]|

        PROVISION OR       PRESCRIBED                              FP   CR              FP   CR   T&M   CcOM                 IND
           CLAUSE              IN                      UCF         R&D R&D              CON CON   LH    SVC    DDRIJ[A&E     DEL            AP



    2452.222—70           2422.1408(c)                             RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA



    Accessibility of
    conferences, and
    seminars to
    persons with



    2452.227—70             2427.470                               RA   RA                        RA    RA            RA



                      Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 102 /Thursday, May 28, 2015 /Proposed Rules                                            30429

|       Alternate I   ||     2427.470       |
                                             cJL__LR—~J[~JSAEA[E [R)J[R&]L_][8)] GEGAEGEGEAEEt
    2452.232—70            2432.908(c)(2) cl       1   ®R I| ®           [R ][ E
    Schedule and



    2452.232—71            2432.908(0)(3)][C|
    Reim bursement)




                           2432.908(c)(3)                                                A

    2452.232—72             2432.705—70                       RA
    Limitation of

    2452.232—73            2432.908(c)(1)                     RA   RA                         RA   RA   RA    RA      RA


    2452.232—74 Not         2432.705(b)                       RA   RA           RA            RA   RA   RA    RA      RA
    to Exceed


    2452.233—70              2433.106                                                         R    R    R      R      R
    Review of
    Officer Protest


                                                                                                                           =\ 2\

                                                                                                                                   =\ 2\
    2452.237—70 Key        2437.110(e)(1)                     RA   RA                         RA        RA    RA      RA



    2452.237—73            2437.110(e)(2)                     RA   RA                         R         R      R      R
    Conduct of
    Work and



    2452.237—75            2437.110(e)(3)                     RA   RA           RA      RA    RA   RA   RA    RA      RA
    Access to HUD



    2452.237—77            2437.110(e)(4)                     RA   RA                         RA        RA    RA      RA


    Closure of HUD
                                                                                       2 —]




    2452.237—79            2437.110(e)(5)
      2452.237—81          2437.110(e)(6)                                                     RA        RA            RA

     UNIT PriCEs

                                                      30430                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 102 / Thursday, May 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                        Dated: April 13, 2015.
                                                      Keith W. Surber,
                                                      Acting Chief Procurement Officer.
                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–12275 Filed 5–27–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      BILLING CODE 4210–67–C
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS


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Document Created: 2018-02-21 10:33:27
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 10:33:27
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComment due date: July 27, 2015.
ContactLisa D. Maguire, Assistant Chief Procurement Officer for Policy, Systems and Risk Management, Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone number 202-708-0294 (this is not a toll-free number) and fax number 202-708- 8912. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access Ms. Maguire's telephone number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
FR Citation80 FR 30416 
RIN Number2501-AD73
CFR Citation48 CFR 2404
48 CFR 2406
48 CFR 2408
48 CFR 2409
48 CFR 2411
48 CFR 2415
48 CFR 2427
48 CFR 2428
48 CFR 2432
48 CFR 2437
48 CFR 2444
48 CFR 2452
CFR AssociatedGovernment Procurement and Government Procurement

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