80_FR_31520 80 FR 31415 - Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contract Actions

80 FR 31415 - Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contract Actions

Bureau of Reclamation

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 105 (June 2, 2015)

Page Range31415-31418
FR Document2015-13334

Notice is hereby given of contractual actions that have been proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and are new, discontinued, or completed since the last publication of this notice. This notice is one of a variety of means used to inform the public about proposed contractual actions for capital recovery and management of project resources and facilities consistent with section 9(f) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939. Additional announcements of individual contract actions may be published in the Federal Register and in newspapers of general circulation in the areas determined by Reclamation to be affected by the proposed action.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 105 (Tuesday, June 2, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 105 (Tuesday, June 2, 2015)]
[Pages 31415-31418]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-13334]



Bureau of Reclamation

[RR83550000, 156R5065C6, RX.59389832.1009676]

Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other 
Water-Related Contract Actions

AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of contractual actions that have been 
proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and are new, 
discontinued, or completed since the last publication of this notice. 
This notice is one of a variety of means used to inform the public 
about proposed contractual actions for capital recovery and management 
of project resources and facilities consistent with section 9(f) of the 
Reclamation Project Act of 1939. Additional announcements of individual 
contract actions may be published in the Federal Register and in 
newspapers of general circulation in the areas determined by 
Reclamation to be affected by the proposed action.

ADDRESSES: The identity of the approving officer and other information 
pertaining to a specific contract proposal may be obtained by calling 
or writing the appropriate regional office at the address and telephone 
number given for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle Kelly, Reclamation Law 
Administration Division, Bureau of

[[Page 31416]]

Reclamation, P.O. Box 25007, Denver, Colorado 80225-0007; telephone 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Consistent with section 9(f) of the 
Reclamation Project Act of 1939, and the rules and regulations 
published in 52 FR 11954, April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22), Reclamation 
will publish notice of proposed or amendatory contract actions for any 
contract for the delivery of project water for authorized uses in 
newspapers of general circulation in the affected area at least 60 days 
prior to contract execution. Announcements may be in the form of news 
releases, legal notices, official letters, memorandums, or other forms 
of written material. Meetings, workshops, and/or hearings may also be 
used, as appropriate, to provide local publicity. The public 
participation procedures do not apply to proposed contracts for the 
sale of surplus or interim irrigation water for a term of 1 year or 
less. Either of the contracting parties may invite the public to 
observe contract proceedings. All public participation procedures will 
be coordinated with those involved in complying with the National 
Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to the ``Final Revised Public 
Participation Procedures'' for water resource-related contract 
negotiations, published in 47 FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation 
is provided of all proposed contractual actions in each of the five 
Reclamation regions. When contract negotiations are completed, and 
prior to execution, each proposed contract form must be approved by the 
Secretary of the Interior, or pursuant to delegated or redelegated 
authority, the Commissioner of Reclamation or one of the regional 
directors. In some instances, congressional review and approval of a 
report, water rate, or other terms and conditions of the contract may 
be involved.
    Public participation in and receipt of comments on contract 
proposals will be facilitated by adherence to the following procedures:
    1. Only persons authorized to act on behalf of the contracting 
entities may negotiate the terms and conditions of a specific contract 
    2. Advance notice of meetings or hearings will be furnished to 
those parties that have made a timely written request for such notice 
to the appropriate regional or project office of Reclamation.
    3. Written correspondence regarding proposed contracts may be made 
available to the general public pursuant to the terms and procedures of 
the Freedom of Information Act, as amended.
    4. Written comments on a proposed contract or contract action must 
be submitted to the appropriate regional officials at the locations and 
within the time limits set forth in the advance public notices.
    5. All written comments received and testimony presented at any 
public hearings will be reviewed and summarized by the appropriate 
regional office for use by the contract approving authority.
    6. Copies of specific proposed contracts may be obtained from the 
appropriate regional director or his or her designated public contact 
as they become available for review and comment.
    7. In the event modifications are made in the form of a proposed 
contract, the appropriate regional director shall determine whether 
republication of the notice and/or extension of the comment period is 
    Factors considered in making such a determination shall include, 
but are not limited to, (i) the significance of the modification, and 
(ii) the degree of public interest which has been expressed over the 
course of the negotiations. At a minimum, the regional director will 
furnish revised contracts to all parties who requested the contract in 
response to the initial public notice.

Definitions of Abbreviations Used in the Reports

ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
BCP Boulder Canyon Project
Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation
CAP Central Arizona Project
CUP Central Utah Project
CVP Central Valley Project
CRSP Colorado River Storage Project
FR Federal Register
IDD Irrigation and Drainage District
ID Irrigation District
LCWSP Lower Colorado Water Supply Project
M&I Municipal and Industrial
NMISC New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OM&R Operation, maintenance, and replacement
P-SMBP Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program
PPR Present Perfected Right
RRA Reclamation Reform Act of 1982
SOD Safety of Dams
SRPA Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
WD Water District

    Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis 
Road, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234, telephone 208-378-5344.
    New contract action:
    10. East Columbia Basin ID, Columbia Basin Project, Washington: 
Long-term contract to renew master water service contract No. 14-06-
100-9165, as supplemented, to authorize the District to deliver a base 
quantity of up to 90,000 acre-feet of Columbia Basin Project water 
annually to up to 30,000 First Phase Continuation Acres located within 
the District, and continue delivery of additional water to land 
irrigated under the District's repayment contract during the peak 
period of irrigation water use annually.
    Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way, 
Sacramento, California 95825-1898, telephone 916-978-5250.
    Completed contract actions:
    23. Colusa County WD, CVP, California: Execution of a long-term 
Warren Act of 1911 contract for conveyance of up to 40,000 acre-feet of 
groundwater per year through the use of the Tehama-Colusa Canal. 
Executed a 5-year Warren Act contract for 30,000 acre-feet on August 
27, 2014.
    39. Conaway Preservation Group, LLC; Sacramento River Division, 
CVP; California: Proposed assignment of 10,000 acre-feet of water under 
an existing Sacramento River Settlement Contract to the Woodland-Davis 
Clean Water Agency. Contract executed on March 24, 2014.
    Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 61470 
(Nevada Highway and Park Street), Boulder City, Nevada 89006-1470, 
telephone 702-293-8192.
    New contract action:
    23. Yuma County Water Users' Association, Yuma Project, Arizona: 
Execute a funding agreement for California Check and Wasteway 
infrastructure improvements to improve operational control and reduce 
water spills as part of the Western Drought Response activities in 
Arizona, California, Nevada, and Mexico.
    Discontinued contract action:
    2. John J. Peach, BCP, Arizona: Develop a Colorado River water 
delivery contract for 456 acre-feet of Colorado River water per year as 
recommended by the Arizona Department of Water Resources. Contract 
executed on December 29, 2014.
    Completed contract actions:
    16. San Carlos Apache Tribe and the Town of Gilbert, CAP, Arizona: 
Execute amendment No. 4 to a CAP water lease to extend the term of the 
lease in order for the San Carlos Apache Tribe to lease 20,000 acre-
feet of its CAP water to the Town of Gilbert during calendar year 2015. 
Contract executed on December 29, 2014.

[[Page 31417]]

    17. Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation and the Town of Gilbert, CAP, 
Arizona: Execute amendment No. 4 to a CAP water lease to extend the 
term of the lease in order for Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation to lease 
13,933 acre-feet of its CAP water to the Town of Gilbert during 
calendar year 2015. Contract executed on November 12, 2014.
    18. San Carlos Apache Tribe and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, CAP, 
Arizona: Execute a CAP water lease in order for the San Carlos Apache 
Tribe to lease 2,000 acre-feet of its CAP water to the Pascua Yaqui 
Tribe during calendar year 2015. Contract executed on January 2, 2015.
    Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 125 South State 
Street, Room 8100, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1102, telephone 801-524-
    New contract actions:
    26. La Plata Water Conservancy District, Animas-La Plata Project, 
Colorado: The District has requested a 1-year temporary water service 
contract for the use of Reclamation shares in the Pine Ridge Ditch for 
the temporary use of up to 262 acre-feet. A contract is currently being 
drafted which will determine point(s) of delivery and rate and method 
of water payments.
    27. Carbon Water Conservancy District, Scofield Project, Utah: The 
District has requested Reclamation's assistance with O&M activities to 
rehabilitate certain portions of the Scofield Dam outlet works and 
surrounding area.
    28. Provo Reservoir Canal Company, Provo River Project, Utah: The 
Company has requested a contract to store some of its nonproject water 
in Deer Creek Reservoir on a space-available basis under the authority 
of the Warren Act of 1911.
    29. Uintah Water Conservancy District; Jensen Unit, CUP; Utah: 
Jensen Unit M&I Block Notice No. 3 will be issued as required by a 1983 
contract with Chevron USA, Inc., for 200 acre-feet of M&I water that is 
currently being pumped upstream of Red Fleet Reservoir.
    30. Uintah Water Conservancy District; Vernal Unit, CUP; Utah: The 
District desires to pipe the Steinaker Service Canal to improve public 
safety, decrease O&M costs, and increase water efficiency. This action 
will require a supplementary O&M contract to modify Federal Reclamation 
facilities, as well as an agreement written under the authority of the 
Civil Sundry Appropriations Act of 1921 for Reclamation to accept funds 
to review designs, inspect project construction, and any other 
activities requiring Reclamation's participation.
    31. Newton Water Users Association, Newton Project; Utah: The 
Association desires to abandon the Federal canals which distribute 
water from Newton Reservoir, and replace them with a private pipeline. 
This requires a supplementary O&M agreement to approve modification to 
Federal Reclamation facilities and outline the O&M responsibilities 
during and after construction.
    Discontinued contract action:
    11. Pinnacle Potash International; Flaming Gorge, CRSP; Utah: 
Pinnacle Potash International has requested a water service agreement 
for up to 20,000 acre-feet of M&I water out of Flaming Gorge for potash 
mining at a place near Crescent Junction, Utah.
    Completed contract actions:
    7. PacifiCorp Energy Corporation, Emery County Project, Utah: The 
Corporation has requested renewal of its water service contract for 
6,000 acre-feet of project M&I water from Joe's Valley Reservoir, Emery 
County Project. Contract executed December 22, 2014.
    20. Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, San 
Juan-Chama Project, New Mexico: Requested a contract to store up to 
50,000 acre-feet of project water in Elephant Butte Reservoir. The 
proposed contract would have a 40-year maximum term, which due to 
ongoing consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the 
existing contract No. 3-CS-53-01510 which expired on January 26, 2008, 
has been extended annually. The Act of December 29, 1981, Public Law 
97-140, 95 Stat. 1717, provides authority to enter into this contract. 
Reclamation is conducting environmental compliance to proceed with the 
40-year contract. In the interim, Reclamation continues to execute 
annual renewals until a long-term contract can be executed. Contract 
executed January 29, 2015.
    Great Plains Region: Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 36900, Federal 
Building, 2021 4th Avenue North, Billings, Montana 59101, telephone 
    New contract actions:
    54. Fort Cobb Reservoir Master Conservancy District, Fort Cobb 
Division, Washita River Basin Project: Reclamation intends to enter 
into an amendment to contract No. 14-06-500-295 to recognize the 
previously uncommitted irrigation water allocation as available for M&I 
    55. East Bench ID; East Bench Unit, Three Forks Division, P-SMBP; 
Montana: Consideration of a contract amendment, pursuant to Public Law 
112-139; to extend the term of contract No. 14-06-600-3593 through 
December 31, 2019.
    56. Milk River Project, Montana: Proposed amendments to contracts 
to reflect current land ownership.
    57. Teton County Water and Sewer District; Canyon Ferry Unit, P-
SMBP; Montana: Consideration of a long-term contract for up to 40 acre-
feet of M&I water from Canyon Ferry Reservoir.
    58. Sunny Brooks Colony, Inc.; Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP; Montana: 
Consideration to enter into a long-term contract for up to 59 acre-feet 
of M&I water from Lake Elwell.
    59. Devon Water Inc.; Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP; Montana: Proposed 
40-year contract for M&I water.
    60. Tiber County WD; Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP; Montana: Proposed 
40-year contract for M&I water.
    Modified contract actions:
    17. Van Amundson; Jamestown Reservoir; Garrison Diversion Unit, P-
SMBP; North Dakota: Intent to enter into an individual long-term 
irrigation water service contract to provide up to 285 acre-feet of 
water annually for a term of up to 40 years from Jamestown Reservoir, 
North Dakota.
    30. Helena Valley ID; Helena Valley Unit, P-SMBP; Montana: 
Consideration of a contract to allow for delivery of up to 10,000 acre-
feet of water for M&I purposes within the district boundaries.
    51. Bostwick Division, P-SMBP: Excess capacity contract with the 
State of Nebraska and/or State of Kansas entities and/or irrigation 
    Discontinued contract actions:
    35. Dickinson-Heart River Mutual Aid Corporation; Dickinson Unit, 
P-SMBP; North Dakota: Consideration of an amended long-term irrigation 
water service contract.
    36. Town of Silverthorne, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado: 
Consideration of a new long-term water service contract for Green 
Mountain Reservoir.
    43. Edwards Farms, Nebraska Bostwick, P-SMBP: Consideration of a 
long-term Warren Act contract.
    49. Larry TenBensel, Frenchman-Cambridge, P-SMBP: Consideration of 
a long-term excess capacity contract for the conveyance of nonproject 
    Completed contract actions:
    7. Municipal Subdistrict of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy 
District, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado: Consideration of a 
new long-term contract or amendment of contract No. 4-07-70-W0107 with 
the Municipal Subdistrict and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy 
District for the proposed Windy Gap Firming Project. Contract executed 
December 19, 2014.
    20. Doug and Michelle Hamilton; Boysen Unit, P-SMBP; Wyoming:

[[Page 31418]]

Renewal of a long-term water service contract. Contract executed 
December 24, 2014.
    21. Frank Robbins; Boysen Unit, P-SMBP; Wyoming: Renewal of a long-
term water service contract. Contract executed February 6, 2015.
    22. Wade W. Jacobsen; Boysen Unit, P-SMBP; Wyoming: Renewal of a 
long-term water service contract. Contract executed December 24, 2014.
    38. Hillcrest Colony; Canyon Ferry Unit, P-SMBP; Montana: 
Consideration of a 10-year water service contract. Contract executed 
September 24, 2014.
    39. Allan Davies; Canyon Ferry Unit, P-SMBP; Montana: Renewal of a 
long-term water service contract. Contract executed January 23, 2015.
    42. Canyon Ferry Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Renewal of 20 various 
individual water service contracts for small amounts of irrigation and 
municipal water use. Contracts executed, various dates.
    50. Kansas Bostwick ID, P-SMBP: Proposed amendment to original 
excess capacity contract executed June 2014, or new short-term excess 
capacity contract for storage and conveyance of nonproject water. 
Contract executed December 29, 2014.

    Dated: March 30, 2015.
 Roseann Gonzales,
 Director, Policy and Administration.
[FR Doc. 2015-13334 Filed 6-1-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 105 / Tuesday, June 2, 2015 / Notices                                                  31415

                                                      Dated: May 14, 2015.                                  appointed among individuals                            who resides in Clark County and has a
                                                    Joy E. Nicholopoulos,                                   recommended by the city council of                     background that reflects the purposes
                                                    Acting Regional Director, Southwest Region,             North Las Vegas, Nevada; (d) one                       for which the Monument was
                                                    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.                         member appointed among individuals                     established; and (c) two members who
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–13341 Filed 6–1–15; 8:45 am]              recommended by the tribal council of                   reside in Clark County or adjacent
                                                    BILLING CODE 4310–55–P                                  the Las Vegas Paiute Tribe; (e) one                    counties, both of whom shall have
                                                                                                            member of the conservation community                   experience in the field of paleontology,
                                                                                                            in southern Nevada; (f) one member                     obtained through higher education,
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              appointed among individuals                            experience, or both.
                                                                                                            recommended by Nellis Air Force Base;                    Nominations should include a resume
                                                    National Park Service                                   (g) one member appointed among                         providing an adequate description of the
                                                    [NPS–PWR–TUSK–18052;                                    individuals recommended by the State                   nominee’s qualifications, including
                                                    PX.XLKTUSK15.00.1]                                      of Nevada; (h) one member who resides                  information that would enable the
                                                                                                            in Clark County and has a background                   Department of the Interior to make an
                                                    Request for Nominations for the Tule                    that reflects the purposes for which the               informed decision regarding meeting the
                                                    Springs Fossil Beds National                            Monument was established; and (i) two                  membership requirements of the
                                                    Monument Advisory Council                               members who reside in Clark County or                  Council and permit the Department to
                                                                                                            adjacent counties, both of whom shall                  contact a potential member.
                                                    AGENCY:    National Park Service, Interior.             have experience in the field of                          Dated: May 26, 2015.
                                                    ACTION:   Request for Nominations.                      paleontology, obtained through higher
                                                                                                                                                                   Alma Ripps,
                                                                                                            education, experience, or both.
                                                    SUMMARY:   The National Park Service,                   Members will be appointed by the                       Chief, Office of Policy.
                                                    U.S. Department of the Interior, is                     Secretary for a term of three years.                   [FR Doc. 2015–13117 Filed 6–1–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    establishing and seeking nominations                       Members of the Council will receive                 BILLING CODE 4310–EE–P
                                                    for members of the Tule Springs Fossil                  no compensation for serving on the
                                                    Beds National Monument Advisory                         Council. However, while away from
                                                    Council (Council). The purpose of the                   their homes or regular places of                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                    Council is to provide the Secretary of                  business in the performance of services
                                                    the Interior (Secretary) and National                   for the Commission as approved by the                  Bureau of Reclamation
                                                    Park Service (NPS) guidance for the                     Designated Federal Officer, members                    [RR83550000, 156R5065C6,
                                                    management of the Monument.                             may be allowed travel expenses,                        RX.59389832.1009676]
                                                    DATES: Written nominations must be                      including per diem in lieu of
                                                    postmarked by July 2, 2015.                             subsistence, in the same manner as                     Quarterly Status Report of Water
                                                    ADDRESSES: Send nominations to Lake                     persons employed intermittently in                     Service, Repayment, and Other Water-
                                                    Mead National Recreation Area, ATTN:                    Government service are allowed such                    Related Contract Actions
                                                    Tule Springs Advisory Council, 601                      expenses under section 5703 of Title 5                 AGENCY:   Bureau of Reclamation,
                                                    Nevada Way, Boulder City, Nevada                        of the United States Code.                             Interior.
                                                    89005, telephone (702) 293–8691, or                        Individuals who are Federally
                                                                                                            registered lobbyists are ineligible to                 ACTION: Notice.
                                                    email tusk_information@nps.gov.
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                            serve on all FACA and non-FACA                         SUMMARY:   Notice is hereby given of
                                                    Christie Vanover, Public Affairs Officer,               boards, committees, or councils in an                  contractual actions that have been
                                                    Tule Springs Fossil Beds National                       individual capacity. The term                          proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation
                                                    Monument, 601 Nevada Way, Boulder                       ‘‘individual capacity’’ refers to                      (Reclamation) and are new,
                                                    City, Nevada 89005, telephone (702)                     individuals who are appointed to                       discontinued, or completed since the
                                                    293–8691, or email tusk_information@                    exercise their own individual best                     last publication of this notice. This
                                                    nps.gov.                                                judgment on behalf of the government,                  notice is one of a variety of means used
                                                                                                            such as when they are designated                       to inform the public about proposed
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    The NPS                   special government employees, rather
                                                    is establishing the Tule Springs Fossil                                                                        contractual actions for capital recovery
                                                                                                            than being appointed to represent a                    and management of project resources
                                                    Beds National Monument Advisory                         particular interest.
                                                    Council in accordance with section                                                                             and facilities consistent with section 9(f)
                                                                                                               The Council will hold its first meeting
                                                    3092 (a)(6) of Public Law 113–291, and                                                                         of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939.
                                                                                                            once all members are appointed, at
                                                    in accordance with the provisions of the                                                                       Additional announcements of
                                                                                                            which time a chairperson will be
                                                    Federal Advisory Committee Act                                                                                 individual contract actions may be
                                                                                                            elected from among the members. The
                                                    (FACA) (5 U.S.C. Appendix 1–16).                                                                               published in the Federal Register and in
                                                                                                            Chairperson shall not, however, be a
                                                       The Council provides the Secretary                                                                          newspapers of general circulation in the
                                                                                                            member of Federal or a State agency.
                                                    and the NPS with guidance for the                                                                              areas determined by Reclamation to be
                                                                                                            Meetings will take place at such times
                                                    management of the Monument,                                                                                    affected by the proposed action.
                                                                                                            as designated by the Designated Federal
                                                    including advice on the preparation and                 Officer. Members are expected to make                  ADDRESSES: The identity of the
                                                    implementation of the management                        every effort to attend all meetings.                   approving officer and other information
                                                    plan.                                                                                                          pertaining to a specific contract
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Members may not appoint deputies or
                                                       The Council is composed of 10                        alternates.                                            proposal may be obtained by calling or
                                                    members appointed by the Secretary, as                                                                         writing the appropriate regional office at
                                                    follows: (a) One member appointed                       Seeking Nominations for Membership                     the address and telephone number given
                                                    among individuals recommended by the                      We are seeking nominations for                       for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY
                                                    County Commission; (b) one member                       council members in the following                       INFORMATION section.
                                                    appointed among individuals                             categories: (a) One member who                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    recommended by the city council of Las                  represents the conservation community                  Michelle Kelly, Reclamation Law
                                                    Vegas, Nevada; (c) one member                           in southern Nevada; (b) one member                     Administration Division, Bureau of

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:26 Jun 01, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00067   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\02JNN1.SGM   02JNN1

                                                    31416                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 105 / Tuesday, June 2, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Reclamation, P.O. Box 25007, Denver,                      4. Written comments on a proposed                       New contract action:
                                                    Colorado 80225–0007; telephone 303–                     contract or contract action must be                       10. East Columbia Basin ID, Columbia
                                                    445–2888.                                               submitted to the appropriate regional                  Basin Project, Washington: Long-term
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Consistent                   officials at the locations and within the              contract to renew master water service
                                                    with section 9(f) of the Reclamation                    time limits set forth in the advance                   contract No. 14–06–100–9165, as
                                                    Project Act of 1939, and the rules and                  public notices.                                        supplemented, to authorize the District
                                                    regulations published in 52 FR 11954,                     5. All written comments received and                 to deliver a base quantity of up to
                                                    April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22),                         testimony presented at any public                      90,000 acre-feet of Columbia Basin
                                                    Reclamation will publish notice of                      hearings will be reviewed and                          Project water annually to up to 30,000
                                                    proposed or amendatory contract                         summarized by the appropriate regional                 First Phase Continuation Acres located
                                                    actions for any contract for the delivery               office for use by the contract approving               within the District, and continue
                                                    of project water for authorized uses in                 authority.                                             delivery of additional water to land
                                                    newspapers of general circulation in the                  6. Copies of specific proposed                       irrigated under the District’s repayment
                                                    affected area at least 60 days prior to                 contracts may be obtained from the                     contract during the peak period of
                                                    contract execution. Announcements                       appropriate regional director or his or                irrigation water use annually.
                                                    may be in the form of news releases,                    her designated public contact as they                     Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of
                                                    legal notices, official letters,                        become available for review and                        Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way,
                                                    memorandums, or other forms of                          comment.                                               Sacramento, California 95825–1898,
                                                    written material. Meetings, workshops,                    7. In the event modifications are made               telephone 916–978–5250.
                                                    and/or hearings may also be used, as                    in the form of a proposed contract, the                   Completed contract actions:
                                                    appropriate, to provide local publicity.                appropriate regional director shall                       23. Colusa County WD, CVP,
                                                    The public participation procedures do                  determine whether republication of the                 California: Execution of a long-term
                                                    not apply to proposed contracts for the                 notice and/or extension of the comment                 Warren Act of 1911 contract for
                                                    sale of surplus or interim irrigation                   period is necessary.                                   conveyance of up to 40,000 acre-feet of
                                                    water for a term of 1 year or less. Either                Factors considered in making such a                  groundwater per year through the use of
                                                    of the contracting parties may invite the               determination shall include, but are not               the Tehama-Colusa Canal. Executed a 5-
                                                    public to observe contract proceedings.                 limited to, (i) the significance of the                year Warren Act contract for 30,000
                                                    All public participation procedures will                modification, and (ii) the degree of                   acre-feet on August 27, 2014.
                                                    be coordinated with those involved in                   public interest which has been                            39. Conaway Preservation Group,
                                                    complying with the National                             expressed over the course of the                       LLC; Sacramento River Division, CVP;
                                                    Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to                   negotiations. At a minimum, the                        California: Proposed assignment of
                                                    the ‘‘Final Revised Public Participation                regional director will furnish revised                 10,000 acre-feet of water under an
                                                    Procedures’’ for water resource-related                 contracts to all parties who requested                 existing Sacramento River Settlement
                                                    contract negotiations, published in 47                  the contract in response to the initial                Contract to the Woodland-Davis Clean
                                                    FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation                public notice.                                         Water Agency. Contract executed on
                                                    is provided of all proposed contractual                                                                        March 24, 2014.
                                                                                                            Definitions of Abbreviations Used in the                  Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of
                                                    actions in each of the five Reclamation                 Reports
                                                    regions. When contract negotiations are                                                                        Reclamation, P.O. Box 61470 (Nevada
                                                    completed, and prior to execution, each                 ARRA American Recovery and                             Highway and Park Street), Boulder City,
                                                    proposed contract form must be                             Reinvestment Act of 2009                            Nevada 89006–1470, telephone 702–
                                                    approved by the Secretary of the                        BCP Boulder Canyon Project                             293–8192.
                                                    Interior, or pursuant to delegated or                   Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation                         New contract action:
                                                    redelegated authority, the Commissioner                 CAP Central Arizona Project                               23. Yuma County Water Users’
                                                    of Reclamation or one of the regional                   CUP Central Utah Project                               Association, Yuma Project, Arizona:
                                                                                                            CVP Central Valley Project                             Execute a funding agreement for
                                                    directors. In some instances,                           CRSP Colorado River Storage Project
                                                    congressional review and approval of a                                                                         California Check and Wasteway
                                                                                                            FR Federal Register                                    infrastructure improvements to improve
                                                    report, water rate, or other terms and                  IDD Irrigation and Drainage District
                                                    conditions of the contract may be                                                                              operational control and reduce water
                                                                                                            ID Irrigation District
                                                    involved.                                               LCWSP Lower Colorado Water Supply                      spills as part of the Western Drought
                                                       Public participation in and receipt of                  Project                                             Response activities in Arizona,
                                                    comments on contract proposals will be                  M&I Municipal and Industrial                           California, Nevada, and Mexico.
                                                    facilitated by adherence to the following               NMISC New Mexico Interstate Stream                        Discontinued contract action:
                                                    procedures:                                                Commission                                             2. John J. Peach, BCP, Arizona:
                                                       1. Only persons authorized to act on                 O&M Operation and Maintenance                          Develop a Colorado River water delivery
                                                    behalf of the contracting entities may                  OM&R Operation, maintenance, and                       contract for 456 acre-feet of Colorado
                                                    negotiate the terms and conditions of a                    replacement                                         River water per year as recommended
                                                    specific contract proposal.                             P–SMBP Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin                       by the Arizona Department of Water
                                                       2. Advance notice of meetings or                        Program                                             Resources. Contract executed on
                                                    hearings will be furnished to those                     PPR Present Perfected Right                            December 29, 2014.
                                                    parties that have made a timely written                 RRA Reclamation Reform Act of 1982                        Completed contract actions:
                                                                                                            SOD Safety of Dams                                        16. San Carlos Apache Tribe and the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    request for such notice to the
                                                    appropriate regional or project office of               SRPA Small Reclamation Projects Act                    Town of Gilbert, CAP, Arizona: Execute
                                                    Reclamation.                                               of 1956                                             amendment No. 4 to a CAP water lease
                                                       3. Written correspondence regarding                  USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers                     to extend the term of the lease in order
                                                    proposed contracts may be made                          WD Water District                                      for the San Carlos Apache Tribe to lease
                                                    available to the general public pursuant                   Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of                 20,000 acre-feet of its CAP water to the
                                                    to the terms and procedures of the                      Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis Road,                   Town of Gilbert during calendar year
                                                    Freedom of Information Act, as                          Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706–1234,                    2015. Contract executed on December
                                                    amended.                                                telephone 208–378–5344.                                29, 2014.

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 105 / Tuesday, June 2, 2015 / Notices                                           31417

                                                       17. Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation                       31. Newton Water Users Association,                    56. Milk River Project, Montana:
                                                    and the Town of Gilbert, CAP, Arizona:                  Newton Project; Utah: The Association                  Proposed amendments to contracts to
                                                    Execute amendment No. 4 to a CAP                        desires to abandon the Federal canals                  reflect current land ownership.
                                                    water lease to extend the term of the                   which distribute water from Newton                       57. Teton County Water and Sewer
                                                    lease in order for Fort McDowell                        Reservoir, and replace them with a                     District; Canyon Ferry Unit, P–SMBP;
                                                    Yavapai Nation to lease 13,933 acre-feet                private pipeline. This requires a                      Montana: Consideration of a long-term
                                                    of its CAP water to the Town of Gilbert                 supplementary O&M agreement to                         contract for up to 40 acre-feet of M&I
                                                    during calendar year 2015. Contract                     approve modification to Federal                        water from Canyon Ferry Reservoir.
                                                    executed on November 12, 2014.                          Reclamation facilities and outline the                   58. Sunny Brooks Colony, Inc.; Lower
                                                       18. San Carlos Apache Tribe and the                  O&M responsibilities during and after                  Marias Unit, P–SMBP; Montana:
                                                    Pascua Yaqui Tribe, CAP, Arizona:                       construction.                                          Consideration to enter into a long-term
                                                    Execute a CAP water lease in order for                    Discontinued contract action:                        contract for up to 59 acre-feet of M&I
                                                    the San Carlos Apache Tribe to lease                      11. Pinnacle Potash International;                   water from Lake Elwell.
                                                    2,000 acre-feet of its CAP water to the                 Flaming Gorge, CRSP; Utah: Pinnacle                      59. Devon Water Inc.; Lower Marias
                                                    Pascua Yaqui Tribe during calendar year                 Potash International has requested a                   Unit, P–SMBP; Montana: Proposed 40-
                                                    2015. Contract executed on January 2,                   water service agreement for up to 20,000               year contract for M&I water.
                                                    2015.                                                   acre-feet of M&I water out of Flaming                    60. Tiber County WD; Lower Marias
                                                       Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of                     Gorge for potash mining at a place near                Unit, P–SMBP; Montana: Proposed 40-
                                                    Reclamation, 125 South State Street,                    Crescent Junction, Utah.                               year contract for M&I water.
                                                    Room 8100, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138–                    Completed contract actions:                            Modified contract actions:
                                                    1102, telephone 801–524–3864.                             7. PacifiCorp Energy Corporation,                      17. Van Amundson; Jamestown
                                                       New contract actions:                                Emery County Project, Utah: The                        Reservoir; Garrison Diversion Unit, P–
                                                       26. La Plata Water Conservancy                       Corporation has requested renewal of its               SMBP; North Dakota: Intent to enter into
                                                    District, Animas-La Plata Project,                      water service contract for 6,000 acre-feet             an individual long-term irrigation water
                                                    Colorado: The District has requested a                  of project M&I water from Joe’s Valley                 service contract to provide up to 285
                                                    1-year temporary water service contract                 Reservoir, Emery County Project.                       acre-feet of water annually for a term of
                                                    for the use of Reclamation shares in the                Contract executed December 22, 2014.                   up to 40 years from Jamestown
                                                    Pine Ridge Ditch for the temporary use                    20. Albuquerque Bernalillo County                    Reservoir, North Dakota.
                                                    of up to 262 acre-feet. A contract is                   Water Utility Authority, San Juan-                       30. Helena Valley ID; Helena Valley
                                                    currently being drafted which will                      Chama Project, New Mexico: Requested                   Unit, P–SMBP; Montana: Consideration
                                                    determine point(s) of delivery and rate                 a contract to store up to 50,000 acre-feet             of a contract to allow for delivery of up
                                                    and method of water payments.                           of project water in Elephant Butte                     to 10,000 acre-feet of water for M&I
                                                       27. Carbon Water Conservancy                         Reservoir. The proposed contract would                 purposes within the district boundaries.
                                                    District, Scofield Project, Utah: The                   have a 40-year maximum term, which                       51. Bostwick Division, P–SMBP:
                                                    District has requested Reclamation’s                    due to ongoing consultations with the                  Excess capacity contract with the State
                                                    assistance with O&M activities to                       U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the                    of Nebraska and/or State of Kansas
                                                    rehabilitate certain portions of the                    existing contract No. 3–CS–53–01510                    entities and/or irrigation districts.
                                                    Scofield Dam outlet works and                           which expired on January 26, 2008, has                   Discontinued contract actions:
                                                    surrounding area.                                       been extended annually. The Act of                       35. Dickinson-Heart River Mutual Aid
                                                       28. Provo Reservoir Canal Company,                   December 29, 1981, Public Law 97–140,                  Corporation; Dickinson Unit, P–SMBP;
                                                    Provo River Project, Utah: The Company                  95 Stat. 1717, provides authority to                   North Dakota: Consideration of an
                                                    has requested a contract to store some                  enter into this contract. Reclamation is               amended long-term irrigation water
                                                    of its nonproject water in Deer Creek                   conducting environmental compliance                    service contract.
                                                    Reservoir on a space-available basis                    to proceed with the 40-year contract. In                 36. Town of Silverthorne, Colorado-
                                                    under the authority of the Warren Act                   the interim, Reclamation continues to                  Big Thompson Project, Colorado:
                                                    of 1911.                                                execute annual renewals until a long-                  Consideration of a new long-term water
                                                       29. Uintah Water Conservancy                         term contract can be executed. Contract                service contract for Green Mountain
                                                    District; Jensen Unit, CUP; Utah: Jensen                executed January 29, 2015.                             Reservoir.
                                                    Unit M&I Block Notice No. 3 will be                       Great Plains Region: Bureau of                         43. Edwards Farms, Nebraska
                                                    issued as required by a 1983 contract                   Reclamation, P.O. Box 36900, Federal                   Bostwick, P–SMBP: Consideration of a
                                                    with Chevron USA, Inc., for 200 acre-                   Building, 2021 4th Avenue North,                       long-term Warren Act contract.
                                                    feet of M&I water that is currently being               Billings, Montana 59101, telephone                       49. Larry TenBensel, Frenchman-
                                                    pumped upstream of Red Fleet                            406–247–7752.                                          Cambridge, P–SMBP: Consideration of a
                                                    Reservoir.                                                New contract actions:                                long-term excess capacity contract for
                                                       30. Uintah Water Conservancy                           54. Fort Cobb Reservoir Master                       the conveyance of nonproject water.
                                                    District; Vernal Unit, CUP; Utah: The                   Conservancy District, Fort Cobb                          Completed contract actions:
                                                    District desires to pipe the Steinaker                  Division, Washita River Basin Project:                   7. Municipal Subdistrict of the
                                                    Service Canal to improve public safety,                 Reclamation intends to enter into an                   Northern Colorado Water Conservancy
                                                    decrease O&M costs, and increase water                  amendment to contract No. 14–06–500–                   District, Colorado-Big Thompson
                                                    efficiency. This action will require a                  295 to recognize the previously                        Project, Colorado: Consideration of a
                                                    supplementary O&M contract to modify                    uncommitted irrigation water allocation                new long-term contract or amendment
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                                                    Federal Reclamation facilities, as well as              as available for M&I use.                              of contract No. 4–07–70–W0107 with
                                                    an agreement written under the                            55. East Bench ID; East Bench Unit,                  the Municipal Subdistrict and the
                                                    authority of the Civil Sundry                           Three Forks Division, P–SMBP;                          Northern Colorado Water Conservancy
                                                    Appropriations Act of 1921 for                          Montana: Consideration of a contract                   District for the proposed Windy Gap
                                                    Reclamation to accept funds to review                   amendment, pursuant to Public Law                      Firming Project. Contract executed
                                                    designs, inspect project construction,                  112–139; to extend the term of contract                December 19, 2014.
                                                    and any other activities requiring                      No. 14–06–600–3593 through December                      20. Doug and Michelle Hamilton;
                                                    Reclamation’s participation.                            31, 2019.                                              Boysen Unit, P–SMBP; Wyoming:

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                                                    31418                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 105 / Tuesday, June 2, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Renewal of a long-term water service                    understood and the impact of collection                system, and youth social and emotional
                                                    contract. Contract executed December                    requirements on respondents can be                     development. The evaluation represents
                                                    24, 2014.                                               properly assessed.                                     an important opportunity for DOL to
                                                      21. Frank Robbins; Boysen Unit, P–                      Currently, ETA is soliciting comments                add to the growing body of knowledge
                                                    SMBP; Wyoming: Renewal of a long-                       concerning the information collection                  about the impacts of ‘‘second chance’’
                                                    term water service contract. Contract                   request (ICR) to collect data about the                programs for youth who have dropped
                                                    executed February 6, 2015.                              YouthBuild evaluation study                            out of high school. Compared to peers
                                                      22. Wade W. Jacobsen; Boysen Unit,                    participants’ educational attainment,                  who remain in school, high school
                                                    P–SMBP; Wyoming: Renewal of a long-                     employment and earnings, involvement                   dropouts are more likely to be
                                                    term water service contract. Contract                   with the criminal justice system, and                  disconnected from school and work, be
                                                    executed December 24, 2014.                             social and emotional development. This                 incarcerated, be unmarried, and have
                                                      38. Hillcrest Colony; Canyon Ferry                    information collection request (ICR) is                children outside of marriage.
                                                    Unit, P–SMBP; Montana: Consideration                    to obtain extended clearance for MDRC,                    The evaluation of the YouthBuild
                                                    of a 10-year water service contract.                    under contract to ETA, to administer a                 program will address the following
                                                    Contract executed September 24, 2014.                   follow-up survey 48 months after youth                 research questions:
                                                      39. Allan Davies; Canyon Ferry Unit,                  were randomly assigned by MDRC to                         • Operation: How is YouthBuild
                                                    P–SMBP; Montana: Renewal of a long-                     the YouthBuild Evaluation’s treatment                  designed in each participating site?
                                                    term water service contract. Contract                   or control group.                                      What are the key implementation
                                                    executed January 23, 2015.                              DATES: Submit written comments to the                  practices that affect how the program
                                                      42. Canyon Ferry Unit, P–SMBP,                        office listed in the addresses section                 operates? How does the local context
                                                    Montana: Renewal of 20 various                          below on or before August 3, 2015.                     affect program implementation and the
                                                    individual water service contracts for                                                                         services available to members of the
                                                                                                            ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with
                                                    small amounts of irrigation and                                                                                control group?
                                                    municipal water use. Contracts                          applicable supporting documentation;                      • Participation: What are the
                                                    executed, various dates.                                including a description of the likely                  characteristics of youth who enroll in
                                                      50. Kansas Bostwick ID, P–SMBP:                       respondents, proposed frequency of                     the study? How are these characteristics
                                                    Proposed amendment to original excess                   response, and estimated total burden                   shaped by YouthBuild recruitment and
                                                    capacity contract executed June 2014, or                may be obtained free by contacting                     screening practices?
                                                    new short-term excess capacity contract                 Eileen Pederson, Office of Policy                         • Impacts: What are YouthBuild’s
                                                    for storage and conveyance of                           Development and Research, Room                         impacts on educational attainment,
                                                    nonproject water. Contract executed                     N–5641, Employment and Training                        planning, and aspirations? What are
                                                    December 29, 2014.                                      Administration, U.S. Department of                     YouthBuild’s impacts on employment,
                                                                                                            Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,                    earnings, and job characteristics? What
                                                      Dated: March 30, 2015.                                Washington, DC 20210. Telephone                        are YouthBuild’s impacts on crime and
                                                    Roseann Gonzales,                                       number: 202–693–3647 (this is not a                    delinquency? What are the program’s
                                                    Director, Policy and Administration.                    toll-free number). Individuals with                    impacts on social-emotional
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–13334 Filed 6–1–15; 8:45 am]              hearing or speech impairments may                      development, identity development,
                                                    BILLING CODE 4332–90–P                                  access the telephone number above via                  and self-regulation?
                                                                                                            TTY by calling the toll-free Federal                      • Costs: How does the net cost per
                                                                                                            Information Relay Service at 1–877–                    participant compare with the impacts
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                     889–5627 (TTY/TDD). Fax: 202–693–                      the program generates?
                                                                                                            2766. Email: Pederson.eileen@dol.gov.                     The evaluation study started in June
                                                    Employment and Training                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       2010 and is scheduled to continue until
                                                    Administration                                          Eileen Pederson, 202–693–3647, or                      July 2017. The study includes a baseline
                                                                                                            Pederson.eileen@dol.gov.                               information collection, a web-based
                                                    Comment Request for Information                                                                                survey of YouthBuild grantees, site-
                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    Collection for the Impact Evaluation of                                                                        specific qualitative and cost data, and
                                                    the YouthBuild Program, Extension                       I. Background                                          three mixed-mode (web and computer-
                                                    With Revisions                                             The Impact Evaluation of the                        assisted telephone interviewing) surveys
                                                    AGENCY: Employment and Training                         YouthBuild program is a seven-year                     of youth that will take place 12, 30, and
                                                    Administration (ETA), Labor.                            experimental design impact evaluation                  48 months after random assignment.
                                                    ACTION: Notice.                                         funded by ETA. YouthBuild is a youth                   The target population for the study is
                                                                                                            and community development program                      out-of-school youth aged 16–24, who are
                                                    SUMMARY:   The Department of Labor                      that addresses several core issues facing              from low-income families; in foster care;
                                                    (DOL or Department), as part of its                     low-income communities: available                      offenders; migrants; disabled; or are
                                                    continuing effort to reduce paperwork                   housing, youth education, youth                        children of incarcerated parents.
                                                    and respondent burden, conducts a                       employment and youth criminal                             Members of both the treatment and
                                                    preclearance consultation program to                    behavior. The program primarily serves                 control groups will complete the 48-
                                                    provide the public and Federal agencies                 high school dropouts and focuses on                    month follow-up survey. The survey
                                                    with an opportunity to comment on                       helping them attain a high school                      requests information about the services
                                                    proposed and/or continuing collections                  diploma or general educational                         that participants have received through
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    of information in accordance with the                   development certificate, and teaching                  YouthBuild and other community
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [44                     them construction skills geared toward                 service providers, as well as information
                                                    U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)] (PRA). The PRA                    career placement. The Impact                           about their educational attainment,
                                                    helps ensure that respondents can                       Evaluation will measure core program                   postsecondary planning and
                                                    provide requested data in the desired                   outcomes including educational                         engagement, employment, earnings,
                                                    format with minimal reporting burden                    attainment, postsecondary planning,                    delinquency and involvement with the
                                                    (time and financial resources),                         employment, earnings, delinquency and                  criminal justice system, and social and
                                                    collection instruments are clearly                      involvement with the criminal justice                  emotional development.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:12:36
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:12:36
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactMichelle Kelly, Reclamation Law Administration Division, Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 25007, Denver, Colorado 80225-0007; telephone 303-445-2888.
FR Citation80 FR 31415 

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