80_FR_31576 80 FR 31470 - Completion of Requirement To Promulgate Emissions Standards

80 FR 31470 - Completion of Requirement To Promulgate Emissions Standards


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 106 (June 3, 2015)

Page Range31470-31481
FR Document2015-13500

In this action the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalizes its proposed determination that the EPA completed its statutory obligation under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to promulgate emissions standards for source categories accounting for not less than 90 percent of the aggregated emissions of each of seven specific hazardous air pollutants (HAP) enumerated in the CAA. On December 16, 2014, the EPA published the proposed determination that stated the basis for the agency's conclusion that it completed this obligation in February of 2011 by identifying the promulgated standards that collectively satisfy this obligation and provided the public an opportunity to comment on the EPA's determination. This action finalizes the EPA's determination.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 106 (Wednesday, June 3, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 106 (Wednesday, June 3, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 31470-31481]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-13500]



40 CFR Part 63

[EPA-HQ-OAR-2004-0505; FRL-9928-25-OAR]
RIN 2060-AS42

Completion of Requirement To Promulgate Emissions Standards

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In this action the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
finalizes its proposed determination that the EPA completed its 
statutory obligation under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to promulgate 
emissions standards for source categories accounting for not less than 
90 percent of the aggregated emissions of each of seven specific 
hazardous air pollutants (HAP) enumerated in the CAA. On December 16, 
2014, the EPA published the proposed determination that stated the 
basis for the agency's conclusion that it completed this obligation in 
February of 2011 by identifying the promulgated standards that 
collectively satisfy this obligation and provided the public an 
opportunity to comment on the EPA's determination. This action 
finalizes the EPA's determination.

DATES: This action is effective on June 3, 2015.

ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this rulemaking under 
Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2004-0505. All documents in the docket are 
listed in the http://www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the 
index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., confidential 
business information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is 
restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted 
material, will be publicly available only in hard copy. Publicly 
available docket materials are available either electronically in 
http://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the EPA Docket Center, 
EPA WJC West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., 
Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone 
number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone 
number for the EPA Docket Center is (202) 566-1742.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about this action, 
contact Mr. Nathan Topham, Office of Air Quality Planning and 
Standards; Sector Policies and Programs Division, Metals and Inorganic 
Chemicals Group (D243-02); Environmental Protection Agency; Research 
Triangle Park, NC 27111; telephone number: (919) 541-0483; fax number: 
(919) 541-3207; email address: topham.nathan@epa.gov.

    Organization of this document. The information presented in this 
preamble is organized as follows:

I. General Information
    A. Where can I get a copy of this document?
    B. Judicial Review
II. Background Information
III. How has the EPA satisfied its obligation under CAA section 
    A. What are the emissions standards that the EPA has promulgated 
to meet the 90 percent requirement under CAA section 112(c)(6)?
    B. What are the surrogate pollutants used by the EPA when 
establishing CAA section 112(d)(2) standards for the source 
categories identified in the proposed determination?
IV. Summary of Significant Comments and Responses
    A. General/Legal Opposition to the EPA's Surrogacy 
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
    A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and 
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
    D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
    E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
    H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
    I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
    J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)

I. General Information

A. Where can I get a copy of this document?

    In addition to being available in the docket, an electronic copy of 
this final action will also be available on the Internet through the 
EPA's Technology Transfer Network (TTN) Web site, a forum for 
information and technology exchange in various areas of air pollution 
control. Following signature by the EPA Administrator, the EPA will 
post a copy of this final action at: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/eparules.html. Following publication in the Federal Register, the EPA 
will post the Federal Register version of the rule at this same Web 

B. Judicial Review

    Under CAA section 307(b)(1), judicial review of this final action 
is available only by filing a petition for review in the United States 
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by August 3, 
2015. Under CAA section 307(b)(2), the requirements established by this 
final rule may not be challenged separately in any civil or criminal 
proceedings brought by the EPA to enforce the requirements. Section

[[Page 31471]]

307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA further provides that ``[o]nly an objection to 
a rule or procedure which was raised with reasonable specificity during 
the period for public comment (including any public hearing) may be 
raised during judicial review.'' This section also provides a mechanism 
for us to convene a proceeding for reconsideration, ``[i]f the person 
raising an objection can demonstrate to the EPA that it was 
impracticable to raise such objection within [the period for public 
comment] or if the grounds for such objection arose after the period 
for public comment (but within the time specified for judicial review) 
and if such objection is of central relevance to the outcome of the 
rule.'' Any person seeking to make such a demonstration to us should 
submit a Petition for Reconsideration to the Office of the 
Administrator, U.S. EPA, Room 3000, EPA WJC West Building, 1200 
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460, with a copy to both the 
person(s) listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
section, and the Associate General Counsel for the Air and Radiation 
Law Office, Office of General Counsel (Mail Code 2344A), U.S. EPA, 1200 
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460.

II. Background Information

    CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the EPA to take action with respect 
to the sources of seven specific persistent, bioaccumulative HAP. The 
section states, ``With respect to alkylated lead compounds, polycyclic 
organic matter, hexachlorobenzene, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, 
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofurans and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-
dioxin, the Administrator shall, not later than 5 years after November 
15, 1990, list categories and subcategories of sources assuring that 
sources accounting for not less than 90 per centum of the aggregate 
emissions of each such pollutant are subject to standards under 
subsection (d)(2) or (d)(4) of this section.''
    CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the EPA to ensure that source 
categories responsible for at least 90 percent of the aggregate 
emissions of each of the seven specified pollutants are subject to 
standards under CAA sections 112(d)(2) or 112(d)(4). It requires the 
EPA to list, by November 15, 1995, source categories assuring that 
sources responsible for 90 percent of the aggregate emissions are 
subject to emission standards pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(2) or 
(d)(4), and to promulgate such standards by November 15, 2000. Under 
CAA section 112(d)(2), the EPA imposes emission standards that require 
``the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of the [HAP]'' that the 
EPA concludes are achievable based on a consideration of factors 
identified in the statute. CAA section 112(d)(2). These standards are 
referred to as ``maximum achievable control technology'' or ``MACT'' 
standards. CAA section 112(d)(4) authorizes the EPA to set a health-
based standard for a limited set of HAP for which a health threshold 
has been established, and that standard must provide for ``an ample 
margin of safety.'' CAA section 112(d)(4).
    On December 16, 2014, the EPA published in the Federal Register the 
proposed determination concluding that the requirements of CAA section 
112(c)(6) were fulfilled in February of 2011. 79 FR 74656 (December 16, 
2014).\1\ The proposed determination provided a detailed summary of the 
litigation history regarding this action and provided an opportunity 
for comment on the EPA's proposed determination that it has fulfilled 
the requirements of CAA section 112(c)(6). The proposed rulemaking 
explained the basis for the agency's proposed determination by 
identifying the promulgated CAA section 112(d)(2) or 112(d)(4) 
standards that collectively satisfy the obligation and describing how 
the EPA determined which regulations would collectively satisfy the 90 
percent requirement under CAA section 112(c)(6) using the updated 1990 
baseline inventory of source categories that emit CAA section 112(c)(6) 
HAP, which was presented in Table 1 of the proposed determination. 79 
FR at 74661-74671.

    \1\ The EPA's initial determination was signed on February 21, 
2011, and published in the Federal Register on March 21, 2011.

III. How has the EPA satisfied its obligation under CAA section 

A. What are the emissions standards that the EPA has promulgated to 
meet the 90 percent requirement under CAA section 112(c)(6)?

    This action finalizes the EPA's proposed determination that the 
Agency has promulgated emissions standards for source categories 
pursuant to CAA sections 112(d)(2) and (4) sufficient to satisfy the 
CAA section 112(c)(6) requirement that sources accounting for not less 
than 90 percent of the aggregate emissions of seven specific HAP are 
subject to standards under CAA sections 112(d)(2) or 112(d)(4).\2\ 
Table 2 of the December 2014 proposal provided a list of the emissions 
standards, including the name of each of the source categories, the 
name of the emissions standards that apply, and the rule citation for 
each (i.e., CFR part and subpart). 79 FR 74674-74677, December 16, 
2014. Table 3 of the 2014 proposal provided a list of the specific 
regulations (including CFR citations, part and subpart) that address 90 
percent or more of each of the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP. 79 FR at 
74677. After considering and evaluating all public comments received in 
response to the proposed rule, we finalize our determination that the 
EPA has satisfied the CAA section 112(c)(6) requirement to establish 
CAA section 112(d)(2) or (4) standards for source categories that 
account for not less than 90 percent of the seven HAP listed in CAA 
section 112(c)(6).

    \2\ In addition to standards issued pursuant to section 
112(d)(2) or (4), EPA also includes standards issued pursuant to 
section 129 as satisfying the 112(c)(6) requirement because section 
129(a)(2) requires MACT standards that are virtually identical to 
the those standards required pursuant to section 112(d)(2). In 
addition, section 129(h)(3)(A) states that ``the performance 
standards under subsection (a) of this section and section [111] of 
this title applicable to a category of solid waste incineration 
units shall be deemed standards under section [112](d)(2)of this 

B. What are the surrogate pollutants used by the EPA when establishing 
CAA section 112(d)(2) standards for the source categories identified in 
the proposed determination?

    As noted in the proposed rule, the emissions standards that 
collectively satisfy the 90 percent requirement under CAA section 
112(c)(6) were set by the EPA under two approaches: (1) Through 
standards that directly regulated CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP; and (2) 
through standards that set emission limits for another HAP or 
compound,\3\ which serves as a surrogate for the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
HAP and other non-112(c)(6) HAP emitted from the source category.

    \3\ Some standards used non-HAP compounds (or groups of 
compounds) as surrogates for HAP.

    The EPA noted in the proposed determination that, with respect to 
some of the CAA section 112(d)(2) standards that utilized the surrogacy 
approach, specifically those promulgated prior to the EPA's development 
of the baseline emissions inventory for CAA section 112(c)(6) and 
issuance of the 1998 listing notice, the EPA did not specifically 
indicate in those rulemaking records that the standards would be 
counted towards satisfying the 90 percent requirement in CAA section 
112(c)(6). For these standards, the 2014 proposed determination 
explained how the surrogate standards control the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
HAP along with other HAP from the source categories and ensure that the 
sources of CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP emissions are ``subject to

[[Page 31472]]

standards'' for the purposes of CAA section 112(c)(6). The information 
presented in the proposed determination simply described the actions 
taken in these prior rulemakings and explained how the surrogate 
standards control the relevant CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP. The proposed 
determination did not reopen these prior actions. All those standards 
were subject to their own notice and comment rulemaking processes 
consistent with CAA sections 112 and 307(d), and, in several cases, to 
judicial review as provided by the strict statute of limitations 
imposed by CAA section 307(b)(1).
    Table 1 of this preamble provides a list of the source categories 
listed under CAA section 112(c)(6), the names of the national standards 
that apply to those source categories, the Federal Register citations 
and CFR part and subparts for the rules, and the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
HAP regulated by those standards.

Table 1--List of Source Categories, National Emissions Standards, and the 112(c)(6) HAP Subject to These Standards, To Fulfill the CAA Section 112(c)(6)
 Section 112(c)(6) source category   National emissions standard                            Final rule Federal
                name                           name(s)             CFR part and  subpart    Register citation              112(c)(6) Pollutant
Aerospace Industry (Surface          National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  60 FR 45948,           Mercury, POM.
 Coating).                            for Hazardous Air            GG.                     September 1, 1995.
                                      Pollutants for the
                                      Aerospace Industries.
Alkylated Lead Production..........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     Alkylated Lead.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     Alkylated Lead.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     Alkylated Lead.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     Alkylated Lead.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    I.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Certain
                                      Processes Subject to the
                                      Negotiated Regulation for
                                      Equipment Leaks.
Asphalt Roofing Production.........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  68 FR 24562, May 7,    POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            LLLLL.                  2003.
                                      Pollutants for Asphalt
                                      Processing and Asphalt
                                      Roofing Manufacturing.
Blast Furnace and Steel Mills......  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  68 FR 27645, May 20,   POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            FFFFF.                  2003.
                                      Pollutants for Integrated
                                      Iron and Steel
                                      Manufacturing Facilities.
Chemical Manufacturing: Cyclic       National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
 Crude and Intermediate Production.   for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    I.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Certain
                                      Processes Subject to the
                                      Negotiated Regulation for
                                      Equipment Leaks.
Chlorinated Solvents Production....  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment

[[Page 31473]]

                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    I.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Certain
                                      Processes Subject to the
                                      Negotiated Regulation for
                                      Equipment Leaks.
Coke Ovens: By-Product Recovery      National Emission Standard   40 CFR part 61 subpart  54 FR 38073,           POM.
 Plants.                              for Benzene Emissions from   L.                      September 14, 1989.
                                      Coke By-Product Recovery
Coke Ovens: Charging, Topside &      National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  58 FR 57898, October   POM.
 Door Leaks.                          for Hazardous Air            L.                      27, 1993.
                                      Pollutants for Coke Oven
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  68 FR 18007, April     POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            CCCCC.                  14, 2003.
                                      Pollutants for Coke Ovens:
                                      Pushing, Quenching, and
                                      Battery Stacks.
Coke Ovens: Pushing, Quenching &     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  58 FR 57898, October   POM.
 Battery Stacks.                      for Hazardous Air            L.                      27, 1993.
                                      Pollutants for Coke Oven
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  68 FR 18007, April     POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            CCCCC.                  14, 2003.
                                      Pollutants for Coke Ovens:
                                      Pushing, Quenching, and
                                      Battery Stacks.
Commercial Printing: Gravure.......  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  61 FR 27132, May 30,   POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            KK.                     1996.
                                      Pollutants: Printing and
                                      Publishing Industry.
Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)--        National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  72 FR 74088, December  Mercury.
 Secondary Steel.                     for Hazardous Air            YYYYY.                  28, 2007.
                                      Pollutants for Area
                                      Sources: Electric Arc
                                      Furnace Steelmaking
Fabricated Metal Products..........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  69 FR 129, January 2,  POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            MMMM.                   2004.
                                      Pollutants: Surface
                                      Coating of Miscellaneous
                                      Metal Parts and Products.
Gasoline Distribution (Stage 1)....  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 64303, December  POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            R.                      14, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Gasoline
                                      Distribution Facilities
                                      (Bulk Gasoline Terminals
                                      and Pipeline Breakout
Gold Mines.........................  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  76 FR 9450, February   Mercury.
                                      for Hazardous Air            EEEEEEE.                17, 2011.
                                      Pollutants: Gold Mine Ore
                                      Processing and Production
                                      Area Source Category.
Hazardous Waste Incineration.......  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  64 FR 52827,           POM, Mercury, PCB, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for Hazardous Air            EEE.                    September 30, 1999;
                                      Pollutants from Hazardous                            70 FR 59402, October
                                      Waste Combustors.                                    12, 2005.
Industrial Organic Chemicals         National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
 Manufacturing.                       for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    I.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Certain
                                      Processes Subject to the
                                      Negotiated Regulation for
                                      Equipment Leaks.
Industrial Stationary IC Engines--   National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  69 FR 33473, June 15,  POM.
 Diesel.                              for Hazardous Air            ZZZZ.                   2004.
                                      Pollutants for Stationary
                                      Reciprocating Internal
                                      Combustion Engines.
Industrial Stationary IC Engines--   National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  69 FR 33473, June 15,  POM.
 Natural Gas.                         for Hazardous Air            ZZZZ.                   2004.
                                      Pollutants for Stationary
                                      Reciprocating Internal
                                      Combustion Engines.

[[Page 31474]]

Industrial/Commercial/Institutional  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  76 FR 15608, March     POM, Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
 Boilers.                             for Hazardous Air            DDDDD.                  21, 2011.
                                      Pollutants for Industrial/
                                      Boilers and Process
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  76 FR 15554, March     POM, Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for Hazardous Air            JJJJJJ.                 21, 2011.
                                      Pollutants for Area
                                      Sources: Industrial,
                                      Commercial, and
                                      Institutional Boilers.
Lightweight Aggregate Kilns........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  64 FR 52827,           Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for Hazardous Air            EEE.                    September 30, 1999;
                                      Pollutants from Hazardous                            70 FR 59402, October
                                      Waste Combustors.                                    12, 2005.
Medical Waste Incineration.........  Standards of Performance     40 CFR part 60 subpart  74 FR 51367, October   POM, Mercury, PCB, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      and Emissions Guidelines     Ce, Ec; & 40 CFR part   6, 2009.
                                      for Hospitals/Medical/       62 subpart HHH.
                                      Infectious Waste
Mercury Cell Chlor Alkali            National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  68 FR 70903, December  Mercury.
 Production.                          for Hazardous Air            IIIII.                  19, 2003.
                                      Pollutants: Mercury
                                      Emissions from Mercury
                                      Cell Chlor Alkali Plants.
Municipal Waste Combustion.........  Standards of Performance     40 CFR part 60 subpart  71 FR 27324, May 10,   POM, Mercury, PCB, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for New Stationary Sources   Cb, Ea, Eb; & 40 CFR    2006.
                                      and Emission Guidelines      part 62 subpart FFF.
                                      for Existing Sources:
                                      Large Municipal Waste
                                      Combustion Units.
                                     Standards of Performance     40 CFR part 60 subpart  65 FR 76349, December  POM, Mercury, PCB, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for New Stationary Sources   AAAA, BBBB & 40 CFR     6, 2000; 65 FR
                                      and Emission Guidelines      part 62 subpart JJJ.    76337, December 6,
                                      for Existing Stationary                              2000.
                                      Sources: Small Municipal
                                      Waste Combustion Units.
Naphthalene Production.............  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    I.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Certain
                                      Processes Subject to the
                                      Negotiated Regulation for
                                      Equipment Leaks.
Paints and Allied Products (Major).  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  68 FR 63851, November  POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            FFFF.                   10, 2003.
                                      Pollutants: Miscellaneous
                                      Organic Chemical
Paper Coated and Laminated,          National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  67 FR 72329, December  POM.
 Packaging.                           for Hazardous Air            JJJJ.                   4, 2002.
                                      Pollutants: Paper and
                                      Other Web Coating.
Pesticides Manufacture &             National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  64 FR 33549, June 23,  HCB.
 Agricultural Chemicals.              for Hazardous Air            MMM.                    1999.
                                      Pollutants: Pesticide
                                      Active Ingredient
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     HCB.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment

[[Page 31475]]

Petroleum Refining: All Processes..  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  60 FR 43244, August    POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            CC.                     18, 1995.
                                      Pollutants from Petroleum
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  67 FR 17761, April     POM.
                                      for Hazardous Air            UUU.                    11, 2002.
                                      Pollutants for Petroleum
                                      Refineries: Catalytic
                                      Cracking Units, Catalytic
                                      Reforming Units, and
                                      Sulfur Recovery Units.
Phthalic Anhydride Production......  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    F.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    G.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants from the
                                      Synthetic Organic Chemical
                                      Manufacturing Industry for
                                      Process Vents, Storage
                                      Vessels, Transfer
                                      Operations, and Wastewater.
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    H.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Equipment
                                     National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  59 FR 19402, April     POM.
                                      for Organic Hazardous Air    I.                      22, 1994.
                                      Pollutants for Certain
                                      Processes Subject to the
                                      Negotiated Regulation for
                                      Equipment Leaks.
Plastics Material and Resins         National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  61 FR 48208,           POM.
 Manufacturing.                       for Hazardous Air            JJJ.                    September 12, 1996.
                                      Pollutants for Group IV
                                      Polymers and Resins.
Portland Cement Manufacture:         National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  64 FR 52827,           POM, Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
 Hazardous Waste Kilns.               for Hazardous Air            EEE.                    September 30, 1999;
                                      Pollutants from Hazardous                            70 FR 59402, October
                                      Waste Combustors.                                    12, 2005.
Portland Cement Manufacture: Non-    National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  75 FR 54970,           POM, Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
 Hazardous Waste Kilns.               for Hazardous Air            LLL.                    September 9, 2010.
                                      Pollutants for the
                                      Portland Cement
                                      Manufacturing Industry.
Primary Aluminum Production........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  62 FR 52384, October   POM, Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for Hazardous Air            LL.                     7, 1997.
                                      Pollutants for Primary
                                      Aluminum Reduction Plants.
Pulp and Paper--Kraft Recovery       National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  63 FR 18504, April     POM, Mercury.
 Furnaces.                            for Hazardous Air            MM.                     15, 1998; 66 FR
                                      Pollutants for Chemical                              3180, January 12,
                                      Recovery Combustion                                  2001.
                                      Sources at Kraft, Soda,
                                      Sulfite, and Stand-Alone
                                      Semichemical Pulp Mills.
Pulp and Paper--Lime Kilns.........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  63 FR 18504, April     POM, Mercury.
                                      for Hazardous Air            MM.                     15, 1998; 66 FR
                                      Pollutants for Chemical                              3180, January 12,
                                      Recovery Combustion                                  2001.
                                      Sources at Kraft, Soda,
                                      Sulfite, and Stand-Alone
                                      Semichemical Pulp Mills.
Secondary Aluminum Smelting........  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  65 FR 15689, March     Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for Hazardous Air            RRR.                    23, 2000.
                                      Pollutants for Secondary
                                      Aluminum Production.
Secondary Lead Smelting............  National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  60 FR 32587, June 23,  POM, Dioxins, Furans.
                                      for Hazardous Air            X.                      1995; 77 FR 555,
                                      Pollutants for Secondary                             January 5, 2012.
                                      Lead Smelting.
Sewage Sludge Incineration.........  Standards of Performance     40 CFR part 60          76 FR 15372, March     Mercury.
                                      for New Stationary Sources   subparts LLLL, MMMM.    21, 2011.
                                      and Emission Guidelines
                                      for Existing Sources:
                                      Sewage Sludge Incineration
Ship Building and Repair (Surface    National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  60 FR 64330, December  POM.
 Coating).                            for Hazardous Air            II.                     15, 1995.
                                      Pollutants for
                                      Shipbuilding and Ship
                                      Repair (Surface Coating).
Transportation Equipment             National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  69 FR 20967, April     POM.
 Manufacturing (SICs Combined).       for Hazardous Air            PPPP.                   19, 2004; 69 FR
                                      Pollutants: Surface                                  22601, April 26,
                                      Coating of Plastic Parts                             2004.
                                      and Products.

[[Page 31476]]

Wood Household Furniture             National Emission Standards  40 CFR part 63 subpart  60 FR 62930, December  POM.
 Manufacturing.                       for Hazardous Air            JJ.                     7, 1995.
                                      Pollutants from Wood
                                      Furniture Manufacturing

IV. Summary of Significant Comments and Responses

    During the public comment period for the proposed determination, we 
received comments from three organizations: the Council of Industrial 
Boiler Owners (CIBO), the Coalition for Clean Air Implementation 
(CCAI), and Sierra Club. The CIBO and CCAI submitted comments 
supporting our proposed determination that we have fulfilled the CAA 
section 112(c)(6) obligations and agreed with our use of surrogate 
pollutants. Sierra Club submitted comments claiming that a number of 
previously promulgated standards identified in the proposed 
determination are unlawful for purposes of CAA section 112(d)(2) such 
that those standards may not count toward satisfying the 90 percent 
requirement in CAA section 112(c)(6). A summary of significant public 
comments received during the comment period and the EPA's response to 
those comments are provided below in this section of this preamble. All 
the remaining public comments received during the comment period and 
the EPA's responses to those comments are presented in the Summary of 
Public Comments and EPA's Responses for the Completion of Requirements 
to Promulgate Standards Under CAA Section 112(c)(6) 2015 Final Rule 
document, which is available in the docket for this action.

A. General/Legal Opposition to the EPA's Surrogacy Determinations

    Comment: One commenter states that ``for source categories listed 
under section [112](c)(6), the EPA must set a MACT standard (i.e., a 
standard under section [112](d)(2)-(3)) for each section 112(c)(6) 
pollutant for which the source was listed.'' \4\ See Desert Citizens 
Against Pollution v. EPA, 699 F.3d 524, 527-528 (D.C. Cir. 2012).\5\ 
Thus, the commenter states, ``to satisfy section 112(d)(2), the EPA 
must determine the maximum achievable degree of reduction for each 
hazardous air pollutant that a source category emits.'' The commenter 
states that the CAA also specifies a ``floor'' for the reduction that 
the EPA must require for each pollutant. Therefore, the commenter 
believes that the EPA's claim that it can meet its obligations under 
section 112(c)(6) by setting a single limit on the aggregate emissions 
of all HAP from an industrial source category is contrary to the 
language in CAA and violates the text of sections 112(c)(6) and 112(d), 
reflecting an unreasonable statutory interpretation.

    \4\ The commenter notes that section 112(c)(6) also allows the 
EPA to set standards for these pollutants under section 112(d)(4) if 
a health threshold has been established for that pollutant. CAA 
sections 112(c)(6) and (d)(4). This provision is not at issue 
because the EPA has not established health thresholds for any of the 
section 112(c)(6) pollutants at issue here.
    \5\ Accepting as ``reasonable'' the EPA's interpretation of 
section 112 as requiring it to set section 112(d)(2) standards for 
the section 112(c)(6) pollutants when it regulates a category of 
area sources listed pursuant to section 112(c)(6).

    The commenter states that although the EPA may set surrogate 
standards for HAP where it is reasonable to do so, see National Lime, 
233 F.3d at 637, setting surrogate standards instead of direct 
standards for HAP does not, according to the commenter, excuse the EPA 
from its clear statutory obligation to assure that each HAP emitted by 
a source category is reduced to the extent that sections 112(d)(2)-(3) 
requires. The commenter maintains that the United States Court of 
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has made clear, a 
surrogate is reasonable only if it allows the EPA to identify ``the 
best achieving sources, and what they can achieve'' with respect to the 
target HAP. Sierra Club v. EPA, 353 F.3d 976, 985 (D.C. Cir. 2004).
    As an example of a reasonable surrogate, the commenter asserts that 
particulate matter (PM) is a reasonable surrogate for metallic HAP only 
where the EPA demonstrates that (1) the metallic HAP are ``invariably 
present'' in the surrogate pollutant such that there is a strong 
correlation between the two; (2) the control technology used for PM 
control ``indiscriminately captures'' the metallic HAP along with the 
PM; and (3) the means by which sources achieve reductions in PM are the 
only means by which they achieve reductions'' in metallic HAP 
emissions. National Lime, 233 F.3d at 639; Sierra Club, 353 F.3d at 
984. The commenter maintains that the United States Court of Appeals 
for the District of Columbia Circuit has held repeatedly that what 
sources ``achieve'' with respect to a given HAP is not limited to what 
they achieve intentionally, but also includes lower emission levels 
achieved through the use of cleaner fuels or raw materials regardless 
of whether such use reflects any deliberate intent to reduce emissions. 
Sierra Club v. EPA, 479 F.3d 875, 883 (D.C. Cir.2007) (citing National 
Lime, 233 F.3d at 640).
    The commenter states that the EPA's use of ``total HAP,'' ``total 
organic HAP,'' and other such aggregate measures as ``surrogates'' for 
pollutants that fit into those categories is a definition maneuver and 
not a technical determination. The commenter states that this approach 
to surrogacy is unlawful because it conflicts with EPA's statutory 
obligation under sections 112(c)(6) and 112(d), and also the commenter 
asserts with the EPA's own interpretation of those provisions, see 
Desert Citizens, 699 F.3d at 527-28, which is that the EPA must set 
MACT standards for each of the section 112(c)(6) pollutants for which 
each source category was listed. The commenter states there is nothing 
left of this obligation if the EPA can simply define a category of 
pollutants (such as total HAP) broad enough to include all the 
pollutants it must regulate and then set an aggregate limit for the 
    Additionally, the commenter states that saying that POM is a 
constituent of total HAP, for example, is just a different way of 
saying it is a HAP--something that Congress already clearly indicated 
by listing POM as a HAP in section 112(b). The commenter believes that 
such statements do nothing to demonstrate that emissions of total HAP 
identify the best performing sources with respect to POM and what 
sources can achieve with respect to POM. The commenter believes that if 
the EPA had authority to create surrogates by simply defining a group 
of pollutants to include all the pollutants it must regulate, it would 
abrogate the limits that decisions of the United States Court of 
Appeals for

[[Page 31477]]

the District of Columbia Circuit have formulated to ensure that the 
EPA's use of surrogates is reasonable. The commenter states that there 
would be nothing left, for example, of the requirement that the HAP to 
be regulated be ``invariably present'' in the surrogate pollutant, 
National Lime, 233 F.3d at 639, if the EPA could simply define the 
surrogate ``pollutant'' as a group of pollutants that includes the 
regulated pollutant.
    The commenter argues that section 112(c)(6) is a provision that 
specifically addresses seven persistent bioaccumulative toxics that 
Congress recognized were particularly harmful. The commenter believes 
that for sources the EPA lists as contributing to 90 percent of the 
total emissions of one or more of these pollutants, the EPA must set a 
standard for that pollutant ensuring the maximum emissions reduction. 
The commenter states that Congress would not have singled out these 
seven pollutants if it intended for the EPA only to set a single limit 
for the aggregate of emissions of all the different HAP.
    The commenter states that even if it were permissible in general 
for the EPA to evade its standard-setting obligations by defining the 
surrogate ``pollutant'' as a group of pollutants, the EPA's surrogacy 
claims in this rule are unlawful and arbitrary because they lack 
supporting data or analysis. The commenter argues that the EPA's 
surrogacy explanations in the proposed determination are standards 
under section 307(d) because they are first-time claims that the 
relevant pollutants are subject to standards. The EPA must according to 
the commenter comply with the requirements of section 307(d) governing 
CAA rulemakings for all of those previously issued standards. The 
commenter maintains the EPA has not complied with these requirements 
because according to the commenter the EPA has not provided 
documentation, data, or analysis in support of its proposed 
determination. For this reason, the commenter concludes that the EPA 
has violated section 307(d) by failing to explain the ``methodology 
used in obtaining the data and in analyzing the data'' in the proposed 
determination, by failing to provide opportunity for informed public 
participation and input, and by unlawfully basing the Agency's 
conclusions on information or data which has not been made available to 
the public through the docket. The commenter also believes that the EPA 
has acted arbitrarily and capriciously by failing to provide 
substantial record evidence in support of its proposed section 
112(c)(6) determination, by failing to consider relevant factors, and 
by failing to provide a rational connection between the facts found and 
the conclusion made. Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n of U.S., Inc. v. State 
Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 42-43. The commenter gives 
examples of specific surrogacy claims for specific source categories 
and processes that it believes are unlawful and arbitrary. We address 
the specific claims in the Summary of Public Comments and EPA's 
Responses for the Completion of Requirements to Promulgate Standards 
Under CAA Section 112(c)(6) 2015 Final Rule document, which is 
available in the docket for this action.
    Response: The commenter misinterprets the CAA, mischaracterizes the 
EPA's proposed determination, and provides comments challenging the 
substance of a number of previously issued EPA rules. As explained 
below, the comments challenging the legitimacy of the standards on 
which EPA relies to demonstrate it has satisfied its obligations under 
CAA section 112(c)(6) are far outside the scope of the proposed CAA 
section 112(c)(6) determination at issue. The EPA, therefore, has no 
obligation to respond to those comments.
    The proposed determination memorializes and provides notice that 
the EPA has fulfilled, via numerous other previous regulatory actions, 
its duties under section 112(c)(6) of the CAA. The proposal lists CAA 
section 112(d)(2) or 112(d)(4) standards previously promulgated by the 
EPA and proposed the conclusion that the listed standards cover sources 
that, in the aggregate, emit 90 percent or more of the pollutants 
specifically identified in CAA section 112(c)(6). The commenter does 
not challenge that conclusion. In fact, no commenter suggests that the 
source categories listed did not emit, in the aggregate prior to 
regulation, 90 percent or more of the specified pollutants or that the 
source categories are not subject to the CAA section 112(d)(2) 
standards identified. Instead, the commenter seeks to use the proposed 
determination to reopen standards that were finalized by the EPA in 
some cases more than 20 years ago. The commenter argues that the EPA 
must now demonstrate, for each previously promulgated rule, that each 
standard reduces HAP ``to the extent that [112] (d)(2)-(3) requires,'' 
that in each rulemaking the EPA properly identified ``the best 
performing sources,'' and that the EPA must provide documentation, data 
and analysis to support the validity of the standards in the previously 
promulgated rules. CAA section 112(c)(6) imposes no such obligation on 
the EPA. As explained below, the commenter aims to collaterally attack 
prior EPA actions. All comments that raise such collateral attacks are 
outside the scope of the proposed CAA section 112(c)(6) determination. 
All of the rules relied upon by the EPA in this determination were 
promulgated through notice and comment rulemaking consistent with CAA 
section 307(d), and were final agency actions subject to judicial 
review. CAA section 112(c)(6) does not provide commenters another 
opportunity to belatedly challenge these prior EPA actions, nor does it 
mandate that the EPA re-promulgate or otherwise re-open for purposes of 
section 112(c)(6) standards that were previously promulgated under 
section 112(d)(2).
    As an initial matter, it is important to understand the specific 
duties that CAA section 112(c)(6) imposes on the EPA, especially since 
the commenter consistently paraphrases the statutory language to assert 
there are duties beyond which the CAA requires by its terms. CAA 
section 112(c)(6) requires the EPA, with respect to seven specified 
HAP--alkylated lead compounds, polycyclic organic matter, 
hexachlorobenzene, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzofurans and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin--to 
``list categories and subcategories of sources assuring that sources 
accounting for not less than 90 per centum of the aggregate emissions 
of each such pollutant are subject to standards under subsection (d)(2) 
or (d)(4) of this section.'' The provision requires the listing to be 
done by November 15, 1995, and requires that sources accounting for not 
less than 90 percent of aggregate emissions of each of the enumerated 
pollutants be subject to CAA section 112(d)(2) or (4) standards by 
November 15, 2000. CAA section 112(c)(6) does not require the EPA to 
submit a report stating that the agency has subjected those sources to 
such standards, or establish a deadline for any such report. Sierra 
Club v. EPA, 699 F.3d 530, 536 (D.C. Cir. 2012) (Henderson 
Concurring)(``EPA is under no obligation, statutory or otherwise, to 
inform anyone that it has satisfied the requirements of section 
112(c)(6).''). Moreover, while CAA section 112(c)(6) gives the EPA 
authority to list source categories, the rules which establish 
standards for those source categories are promulgated pursuant to 
separate CAA provisions.
    The CAA section 112(d)(2) standards (also referred to as maximum 
achievable control technology or MACT standards), which commenter seeks 
to collaterally

[[Page 31478]]

attack, regulate HAP emitted from major sources and in some instances 
area sources and were promulgated in accordance with the following CAA 
provisions. CAA section 112(c)(1) requires the EPA to list all major 
sources and authorizes the EPA to list area sources, and section 
112(d)(1) requires the EPA to regulate all HAP from major sources 
pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(2) or (d)(4). CAA section 112(e)(1)(A)-
(E) imposes sequential milestones for the EPA to complete issuance of 
MACT standards, and requires that the final set of such standards be 
promulgated by November 15, 2000, the same date by which under CAA 
section 112(c)(6) sources accounting for 90 percent of the enumerated 
HAP were required to have become subject to CAA section 112(d)(2) or 
(4) standards. Therefore, for major sources, CAA section 112(c)(6) is 
redundant with respect to the HAP to be regulated, the type of 
standards required, and the ultimate timing for completion of issuing 
such standards. The HAP specifically listed in CAA section 112(c)(6) 
are also on the CAA section 112(b)(1) list of HAP and, thus, the CAA 
section 112(d)(1) obligation to set CAA section 112(d)(2) or (d)(4) 
standards for all HAP from major sources applies equally to the CAA 
section 112(c)(6) HAP. CAA section 112(c)(6) adds nothing substantive 
to this requirement. Even the CAA section 112(e)(1) deadlines for 
promulgating such standards is ultimately identical to the deadline in 
CAA section 112(c)(6).\6\ As such, it is irrelevant whether the EPA 
mentioned CAA section 112(c)(6) during the rulemaking for any standard 
for a major source category, including standards where the Agency 
regulated the area sources in the category at the same time and in the 
same manner as the major sources (i.e. pursuant to CAA section 

    \6\ The primary impacts of CAA section 112(c)(6) are to require 
the EPA to list area sources if major sources do not account for at 
least 90 percent of each of the seven HAP, and to limit the EPA's 
discretion to set so-called generally available control technology 
or GACT standards for area sources. Most relevant here is the 
limitation on the EPA's authority to establish GACT standards. CAA 
section 112(d)(5) provides that, for listed area sources, the EPA 
may set emission standards that ``provide for the use of generally 
available control technologies or management practices by such 
sources to reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants.'' CAA 
section 112(c)(6) removes the EPA's discretion to establish GACT 
standards for the seven section 112(c)(6) HAP emitted if an area 
source category must be regulated pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(2) 
or (4) to ensure that sources accounting for not less than 90 
percent of the seven HAP are subject to CAA section 112 (d)(2) or 
(d)(4) standards. As shown in this notice, none of the standards 
applicable to area sources that the EPA listed and relied on to 
demonstrate that it has met its obligations under CAA section 
112(c)(6) were established pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(5).
    \7\ Several of the rulemakings that the commenter collaterally 
attacks regulated major and area sources together and the Agency 
established the same section CAA section 112(d)(2) standard for both 
the major and the area sources in the categories. The commenter 
makes no distinction between major and area sources in its comments.

    For all the rules that the commenter seeks to collaterally attack, 
the public was on notice during each specific rulemaking that the EPA 
was setting MACT standards for the HAP, including the CAA section 
112(c)(6) HAP, emitted by the source category. Parties, including the 
commenter, could have challenged the adequacy of those standards at the 
time they were issued if they believed the standards did not 
sufficiently reduce the HAP emitted by the source category, in whatever 
manner those standards took with respect to regulating each HAP 
individually or collectively through a surrogate. See National Lime 
Association v. EPA, 33 F.3d 625, 633-34 (D.C. Cir. 2000) (finding that 
CAA section 112(d)(1) requires the EPA to establish standards for all 
HAP emitted from major sources). Any challenges to the legitimacy of 
the standards, including challenges suggesting that certain HAP were 
not adequately regulated, should have been raised during the rulemaking 
for the standards. If any issue remained when the standards were 
finalized, the proper recourse would have been to petition for judicial 
review pursuant to CAA section 307(b). That provision provides that 
``[a] petition for review of action of the [EPA] Administrator in 
promulgating . . . any emission standard or requirement under section 
112 of this title . . . shall be filed within sixty days from the date 
notice of such promulgation. . . . appears in the Federal Register. . . 
.'' CAA section 307(b)(1). Once the 60-day period has lapsed, a party 
may not raise arguments that ``were available to them at the time the 
rule was adopted.'' Nat'l Mining Ass'n v. DOI, 70 F.3d 1345, 1350 (D.C. 
Cir. 1995).
    For the reasons stated above, because the commenter challenges the 
sufficiency of the underlying standards as they apply to certain CAA 
section 112(c)(6) HAP, the commenter should have raised these issues in 
timely, direct challenges to those rules. CAA section 112(c)(6) does 
not allow for challenges to the legitimacy of CAA section 112(d) 
standards adopted in prior rulemakings outside the 60-day window for 
challenging those standards established in CAA section 307(b)(1). 
Moreover, in the proposed determination, EPA did not re-opened those 
previously promulgated standards, either to review their adequacy for 
controlling any emitted HAP (including section 112(c)(6) HAP) under 
section 112(d)(2), or for any other purpose. Therefore, this final 
determination itself cannot provide a new opportunity to challenge 
those previously promulgated rules under either section 112(d)(2) or 
section 112(c)(6).
    In addition to raising belated comments, the commenter argues that 
CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the EPA to set a ``specific limit'' for 
each of the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP. It is not clear what the 
commenter means by a ``specific limit.'' The commenter may be arguing 
that the EPA cannot rely on CAA section 112(d)(2) or (d)(4) standards 
that use surrogates to demonstrate that it has satisfied its obligation 
under CAA section 112(c)(6). However, it appears that the commenter is 
arguing that CAA section 112(c)(6) somehow limits the EPA's discretion 
to use particular types of surrogates when setting MACT standards. The 
commenter specifically objects to the EPA's standard for total HAP or 
total hazardous organic pollutants. There is no statutory support for 
either argument. Indeed, as other sections of the CAA illustrate, 
Congress knew how to require pollutant-specific standards. For example, 
CAA section 129(a)(4) explicitly requires the EPA to set numeric 
standards ``for the [enumerated] substances or mixtures'' listed in 
that subsection. That provision expressly requires the EPA to set 
numerical emissions limitations ``for'' a list of nine substances 
emitted by solid waste incineration units, and expressly authorizes the 
regulation of other pollutants through, among other things, surrogate 
standards. Unlike CAA section 129(a)(4), the terms of CAA section 
112(c)(6) do not direct the EPA to set such standards ``for'' the CAA 
section 112(c)(6) HAP. Congress conspicuously did not take this 
approach in CAA section 112(c)(6), and, thus, left intact the EPA's 
discretion to establish surrogate standards.
    CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the Agency to assure that ``sources 
accounting for'' at least 90 percent of the emissions of the listed HAP 
are ``subject to standards'' under CAA sections 112(d)(2) or (d)(4), 
without specifying the form of those standards, or how those standards 
must operate or be applied to those sources. The provision does not 
expressly state that the EPA can meet CAA section 112(c)(6) only by 
setting specific standards ``for'' the listed HAP, unlike CAA section 
129(a)(4). As the commenter notes, the United States Court of Appeals 
for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the

[[Page 31479]]

EPA's approach of satisfying its general obligation under CAA section 
112 to set standards through surrogates, as long as the choice of the 
surrogate is itself reasonable. National Lime Ass'n v. EPA, 233 F.3d 
625, 634, 637 (D.C. Cir. 2000); see also, e.g., Sierra Club v. EPA, 353 
F.3d 976, 982-85 (D.C. Cir. 2004). In fact, in the National Lime 
decision, instead of mandating that the EPA set a specific standard for 
each metallic HAP, the Court held that the EPA's standards for PM as a 
surrogate for regulating the aggregate metallic HAP was reasonable. 233 
F.3d at 639.
    Moreover, CAA section 112(c)(6) contains a numeric benchmark only 
as to source categories responsible for the percentage of aggregate 
baseline emissions that must be controlled, not the amount of emissions 
of each enumerated HAP that must be reduced. As this Court explained in 
National Lime, where ``EPA is under no obligation to achieve a 
particular numerical reduction in HAP . . . emissions,'' but rather 
only to apply MACT based on the HAP reductions ``achieved'' by certain 
facilities, ``then the EPA may require . . . control [of a surrogate] 
without quantifying the reduction in [the target] HAP . . . thus 
achieved.'' 233 F.3d at 639. The same rationale applies here, where the 
EPA's only obligation under CAA section 112(c)(6) is to apply the same 
MACT standard considered in National Lime to particular sources 
accounting for 90 percent of emissions of the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
HAP. The EPA has set standards pursuant to CAA sections 112(d)(2) or 
(d)(4) regulating emissions of substances identified as surrogates for 
the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, and those standards reduce the CAA 
section 112(c)(6) HAP; thus, the EPA has fully met its obligation to 
set standards assuring that source categories accounting for not less 
than 90 percent of the aggregate emissions of the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
pollutants at issue are subject to section 112(d)(2) or (4) standards.
    The commenter also contends that the present determination 
constitutes a separate CAA 307(d) rulemaking with regard to many of the 
previously and elsewhere promulgated surrogate standards that the EPA 
credits towards satisfying the requirement in CAA section 112(c)(6) 
that source categories accounting for 90 percent of the aggregate 
enumerated HAP be subjected to CAA section 112(d)(2) or (4) standards. 
The commenter argues that the EPA must demonstrate anew the validity of 
the prior separate rulemaking actions and provide data and 
documentation to support specific aspects of those rules to satisfy the 
general rulemaking requirements of CAA section 307(d) and the 
requirements of CAA section 112. There is no statutory basis for this 
argument, which is an attempt to use this non-statutorily required 
determination that the EPA has satisfied its CAA section 112(c)(6) 
obligation to reopen numerous rules, many of which were finalized over 
a decade ago, as a means to force a non-required re-opening of such 
standards. Moreover, the commenter's assertion that the proposed CAA 
section 112(c)(6) determination was the first time the EPA provided 
notice of its claim that the surrogate standards were being credited 
for controlling the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP is inaccurate, assuming 
it is even relevant (nothing in section 112(c)(6), after all, requires 
EPA to ``provide notice,'' either sequentially or ultimately, that the 
Agency has finally discharged its duty to set section 112(d)(2) 
standards for the subject source categories accounting for 90 percent 
of the aggregate section 112(c)(6) HAP. In any event, contrary to the 
commenter's assertion, the EPA provided such notice of its expectations 
to discharge its section 112(c)(6) responsibilities when the Agency 
published the 1998 listing notice identifying the source categories 
that, based on the 1990 emissions inventory, are responsible for 90 
percent of the aggregate emissions of each of the seven pollutants 
identified in section 112(c)(6) from stationary, anthropogenic sources 
(i.e., sources within the scope of CAA sections 112 and/or 129).\8\ 63 
FR 17838 (April 10, 1998) (``1998 listing notice''). Included on the 
list were the MACT standards for the source categories at issue in this 
comment, and most of the specific standards in the comments were 
promulgated prior to the 1998 listing. The commenter's argument that 
the proposed determination constitutes the first time notice was given 
is without merit for any source category listed in the 1998 notice, 
particularly for those source categories that were regulated after that 
listing was published in the Federal Register. The argument is also 
without merit for the standards issued prior to the 1998 notice. While 
the EPA might not have identified at the time some of these standards 
were issued that the EPA would count the standards towards meeting the 
90 percent requirement in CAA section 112(c)(6), such intent was made 
public in the 1998 notice. Further, as discussed above, the public was 
on notice at the time the EPA established these MACT standards that the 
standards would regulate the HAP, including the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
HAP, emitted from the source categories. If the commenter believed that 
the prior actions did not sufficiently control the HAP, including the 
CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, from those source categories, the commenter 
had a responsibility to make those assertions at the time the Agency 
established the CAA section 112(d) standards. This applied equally to 
the comments questioning the surrogate standards. The commenter should 
have raised its concerns with the surrogate standards for ``total HAP'' 
or ``total organic HAP'' at the time the standards were issued if it 
believed such surrogates are not reasonable or in compliance with the 
CAA. In any event, the commenter's claim that the proposed 
determination was the first time notice is refuted by the 
administrative petitions the commenter filed in 1999, subsequent to the 
1998 notice, requesting the EPA to revise some of the standards 
included in the 1998 notice and addressed in the comments on the 
proposed CAA section 112(c)(6) determination at issue. In a letter 
dated January 19, 2001, the EPA denied the petitions, explaining how 
each of these standards meet the CAA section 112(c)(6) requirement in 
addressing the HAP enumerated in that section.\9\

    \8\ The EPA has updated the 1998 listing several times to remove 
source categories no longer needed to meet the CAA section 112(c)(6) 
requirement based on updated information, and to add source 
categories subsequently determined to be necessary to reach the 90 
percent threshold. See, e.g., 76 FR 9450 (February 17, 2011) (adding 
Gold Mine source category); 73 FR 1916 (January 10, 2008) 
(finalizing decision not to regulate gasoline distribution area 
sources under CAA section 112(c)(6)); 72 FR 53814 (September 20, 
2007) (adding Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Facility area source 
category); 67 FR 68124 (November 8, 2002) (removing several source 
    \9\ Letter from Browner to Pew, Response to Sierra Club Petition 
to Revise Regulations for the SOCMI Category, Coke Oven Batteries, 
Petroleum Refineries, Medical Waste Incinerators, and Municipal 
Waste Combustors (dated January 25, 1999)(January 19, 2001).

    Section 112(c)(6) does not require that the EPA take an additional, 
separate final regulatory action to re-open any previously promulgated 
standards, and the EPA in fact did not reopen these prior actions in 
the proposed CAA section 112(c)(6) determination. Therefore, the 
proposed notice does not support a belated, backdoor attack on rules 
that were in some cases issued more than 20 years ago. The proposed CAA 
section 112(c)(6) determination is a simple, discretionary accounting 
of the EPA's previous regulatory efforts, explaining in mathematical 
terms that the EPA has previously listed sources

[[Page 31480]]

and promulgated HAP standards sufficient to satisfy the requirement 
that sources needed for meeting the 90 percent requirement for each of 
the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP have, in fact, become subject to 
standards under CAA sections 112(d)(2) or (4). While the proposed 
determination in some instances clarifies the surrogacy relationship 
between the established standards and the relevant CAA section 
112(c)(6) HAP, the proposal does not discuss or attest to the substance 
of the standards previously promulgated for each listed category and 
subcategory because those standards have been subject to their own 
notice and comment rulemaking processes, and, in several cases, to 
judicial review as provided by the strict statute of limitations 
imposed by CAA section 307(b)(1). The proposed determination only 
provides the mathematical and technical basis for the EPA's calculation 
that the sources in the categories and subcategories for which it has 
separately promulgated emission standards account for 90 percent of the 
baseline emissions of the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP.
    The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia 
Circuit specified in Oljato Chapter of Navajo Tribe v. Train, 515 F.2d 
654, 666 (D.C. Cir. 1975), a procedure for pursuing claims that new 
information merits revision of a previous agency regulation: The 
prospective petitioner must first bring the new information to the 
Agency's attention in an administrative petition seeking revision of 
the prior regulation. CAA Section 553(d) of the Administrative 
Procedure Act (APA) also explicitly allows parties to petition the 
Agency to amend a rule. A party that identifies new information that it 
believes undermines the legitimacy of an existing standard may, at any 
time, petition the Agency to review and revise that standard. Any party 
that believed an existing MACT standard was deficient because it failed 
to adequately address one or more HAP emitted by the source category 
could have submitted a petition asking the EPA to consider the new 
information and amend the existing rule to cure any alleged deficiency.
    In addition, as discussed above, the 1998 listing notice provided 
sufficient notice that the EPA intended to rely on previously issued 
MACT standards to satisfy the CAA section 112(c)(6) requirement, to the 
extent that the public did not recognize that it was already on notice 
regarding the MACT standards' applicability to all HAP emitted by the 
source categories at the time those standards were issued. If the 
commenter believed one or more of the standards listed in that 1998 
notice did not adequately address the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, it 
should have filed an administrative petition making the argument that 
the 1998 notice constituted new information concerning the substance of 
those previously issued standards and asked the EPA to amend the 
original rules that established the MACT standards. In fact, as stated 
above, the commenter filed an administrative petition on several of the 
rules addressed in its comments and did not challenge the EPA's denial 
of that 2001 petition. Assuming arguendo that the 1998 notice provided 
an opportunity to challenge the previously issued MACT standards, any 
such challenge is now time barred because the commenter should have 
brought the challenge to those rules within 6 years of the 1998 notice, 
wherein the EPA included those source categories in the CAA section 
112(c)(6) inventory. See 28 U.S.C. 2401(a) (requiring civil actions 
against the United States to be brought within 6 years after the right 
of action first accrues). For source categories included in but 
regulated after the 1998 listing, the commenter was on notice and 
should have commented directly on surrogacy and other issues at the 
time the standards were promulgated, even if the EPA did not reiterate 
in the rulemaking record that the EPA was counting those sources' 
standards toward the 90 percent requirement.
    The commenter's main concern appears to be the EPA's use of ``total 
HAP'' or ``total organic HAP'' as surrogates for certain CAA section 
112(c)(6) HAP. The commenter claims such approach is unlawful under the 
plain language of CAA section 112(c)(6) because according to the 
commenter that provision requires the EPA to set a MACT standard 
``for'' ``each section 112(c)(6) HAP.'' In support, the commenter cites 
a United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit 
opinion in a case reviewing the NESHAP for the Gold Mine Ore Processing 
and Production area source category (``the Gold Mine area source 
rule''). See Desert Citizens Against Pollution v. EPA, 699 F.3d 524 
(D.C. Cir. 2012). As explained above, the commenter's interpretation of 
CAA section 112(c)(6) to require a specific MACT standard for ``each 
section 112(c)(6) HAP'' is unsupported by the plain text of the 
statute. Unlike CAA section 129(a)(4), the terms of CAA section 
112(c)(6) do not direct the EPA to set such standards ``for'' the 
section 112(c)(6) HAP. Further, nothing in the United States Court of 
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit opinion or the Gold Mine 
area source rule referenced in the comment addresses the issue of 
surrogacy. This is not surprising considering that rule directly 
regulates mercury, the only CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP emitted from the 
Gold Mine area sources. The relevant issue in that case was whether the 
EPA must also set CAA section 112(d)(2) standards for all of the non-
CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP emitted by the Gold Mine area sources. The 
Court upheld the EPA's interpretation that CAA section 112(c)(6) does 
not impose such requirement on non-CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP emitted 
from area sources just because they emit one or more CAA section 
112(c)(6) HAP (in this case, just mercury). The commenter also suggests 
that its claim is supported by the EPA's own interpretation, but does 
not cite or reference any specific EPA statement. In any event, 
interpretations and statements the EPA made in support of the Gold Mine 
area source rule were specific to those area sources and should not be 
taken out of context.
    To the extent the commenter is claiming that a surrogate cannot be 
a group of HAP (e.g., total organic HAP or total HAP), the commenter's 
interpretation of CAA section 112(c)(6) contradicts the United States 
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's decision in 
National Lime, 233 F.3d at 639. In that decision, the Court held that 
PM, which is itself comprised of a group of pollutants, is a reasonable 
surrogate for metallic HAP, see National Lime, 233 F.3d at 639. Neither 
PM nor metallic HAP is a single HAP; each has various pollutants as 
constituents. As the Court holds, the EPA may set surrogate standards 
for HAP where it is reasonable to do so, see National Lime, 233 F.3d at 
637. Therefore, a surrogate can be one or multiple pollutants as long 
as it is reasonable, and the reasonableness of the use of a surrogate 
can be properly challenged only at the time the standards are 
    For the reasons stated above, the EPA is not required in this 
action to re-evaluate previously promulgated MACT standards and respond 
to the belated comments on the substance of these standards, as the 
commenter claims. Congress deliberately promoted the value of finality 
of the EPA's standards in requiring parties to challenge rules within 
60 days of promulgation under CAA section 307(b)(1), and in precluding 
opportunities to randomly challenge standards in post-promulgation fora 
such as civil or criminal enforcement proceedings. See CAA section 
307(b)(2). Moreover, nothing in CAA section 112(c)(6) serves as an 
exception to this emphasis on

[[Page 31481]]

finality and regulatory repose, given that CAA section 112(c)(6) itself 
does not require the EPA to issue any final notice or take any other 
final action that functions to re-open previously promulgated standards 
that are credited to meeting the 90 percent requirement. If, in fact, 
additional control of HAP, including CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, is 
appropriate because of remaining risk or newly available control 
technologies or practices, the CAA addresses that possibility by 
requiring review of CAA section 112(d)(2) standards pursuant to CAA 
sections 112(d)(6) and (f)(2). Thus, the commenter has had and will 
have additional opportunities to address whether additional control of 
the section 112(c)(6) HAP is warranted.

V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders 
can be found at http://www2.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is not a significant regulatory action and was, 
therefore, not submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
for review.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    This action does not impose an information collection burden under 
the PRA because it does not contain any information collection 

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    I certify that this action will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. This 
action will not impose any requirements on small entities. This action 
does not alter any of the standards discussed in this document.

D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    This action does not contain any unfunded mandate as described in 
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538 and does not significantly or uniquely affect 
small governments. The action imposes no enforceable duty on any state, 
local or tribal governments or the private sector.

E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between 
the national government and the states or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.

F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications, as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. This action does not materially alter the 
stringency of any standards discussed in this document. Thus, Executive 
Order 13175 does not apply to this action.

G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health Risks and Safety Risks

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because the EPA 
does not believe the environmental health risks or safety risks 
addressed by this action present a disproportionate risk to children. A 
health and risk assessment was not performed for this action because it 
does not alter any of the regulations discussed in this action.

H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, because it is 
not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.

I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    This rulemaking does not involve technical standards.

J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    The EPA believes the human health or environmental risk addressed 
by this action will not have potential disproportionately high and 
adverse human health or environmental effects on minority, low income 
or indigenous populations because it does not affect the level of 
protection provided to human health or the environment. An 
environmental justice evaluation was not performed for this action 
because it does not alter any of the regulations discussed in this 

K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)

    This action is subject to the CRA, and the EPA will submit a rule 
report to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of 
the United States. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
U.S.C. 804(2).

    Dated: May 22, 2015.
Gina McCarthy,
[FR Doc. 2015-13500 Filed 6-2-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  31470             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  revision of the enforcement period in 33                the EPA completed its statutory                          A. What are the emissions standards that
                                                  CFR 165.1312(d). This rule is                           obligation under the Clean Air Act                          the EPA has promulgated to meet the 90
                                                  categorically excluded from further                     (CAA) to promulgate emissions                               percent requirement under CAA section
                                                  review under paragraph 34(g) of Figure                  standards for source categories                             112(c)(6)?
                                                                                                                                                                   B. What are the surrogate pollutants used
                                                  2–1 of the Commandant Instruction. We                   accounting for not less than 90 percent                     by the EPA when establishing CAA
                                                  seek any comments or information that                   of the aggregated emissions of each of                      section 112(d)(2) standards for the source
                                                  may lead to the discovery of a                          seven specific hazardous air pollutants                     categories identified in the proposed
                                                  significant environmental impact from                   (HAP) enumerated in the CAA. On                             determination?
                                                  this rule.                                              December 16, 2014, the EPA published                   IV. Summary of Significant Comments and
                                                                                                          the proposed determination that stated                      Responses
                                                  List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165                                                                              A. General/Legal Opposition to the EPA’s
                                                                                                          the basis for the agency’s conclusion
                                                    Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation                    that it completed this obligation in                        Surrogacy Determinations
                                                  (water), Reporting and recordkeeping                    February of 2011 by identifying the                    V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
                                                  requirements, Security measures,                                                                                 A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
                                                                                                          promulgated standards that collectively                     Planning and Review and Executive
                                                  Waterways.                                              satisfy this obligation and provided the                    Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
                                                    For the reasons discussed in the                      public an opportunity to comment on                         Regulatory Review
                                                  preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33                     the EPA’s determination. This action                     B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
                                                  CFR part 165 as follows:                                finalizes the EPA’s determination.                       C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
                                                                                                          DATES: This action is effective on June                  D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                  PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGATION                           3, 2015.                                                    (UMRA)
                                                  AREAS AND LIMITED ACCESS AREA.                                                                                   E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
                                                                                                          ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a                     F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                                  ■ 1. The authority citation for part 165                docket for this rulemaking under Docket                     and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                  continues to read as follows:                           ID Number EPA–HQ–OAR–2004–0505.                             Governments
                                                                                                          All documents in the docket are listed                   G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
                                                    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191;                                                                         Children From Environmental Health
                                                                                                          in the http://www.regulations.gov index.
                                                  33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5;                                                                           Risks and Safety Risks
                                                  Department of Homeland Security Delegation              Although listed in the index, some
                                                                                                          information is not publicly available,                   H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
                                                  No. 0170.1.                                                                                                         Concerning Regulations That
                                                                                                          e.g., confidential business information
                                                  ■ 2. In § 165.1312 revise paragraph (d)                                                                             Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
                                                                                                          (CBI) or other information whose                            Distribution, or Use
                                                  to read as follows:                                     disclosure is restricted by statute.                     I. National Technology Transfer and
                                                  § 165.1312 Security Zone; Portland Rose
                                                                                                          Certain other material, such as                             Advancement Act
                                                  Festival on Willamette River.                           copyrighted material, will be publicly                   J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
                                                                                                          available only in hard copy. Publicly                       To Address Environmental Justice in
                                                  *      *    *    *     *                                                                                            Minority Populations and Low-Income
                                                                                                          available docket materials are available
                                                     (d) Enforcement period. This section                                                                             Populations
                                                                                                          either electronically in http://
                                                  is enforced annually in June. The event                                                                          K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
                                                                                                          www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
                                                  will be 6 days in length and the specific
                                                                                                          the EPA Docket Center, EPA WJC West                    I. General Information
                                                  dates of enforcement will be published
                                                                                                          Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution
                                                  each year in the Federal Register. In                                                                          A. Where can I get a copy of this
                                                                                                          Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public
                                                  2015, the zone will be enforced on                                                                             document?
                                                                                                          Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
                                                  Wednesday, June 3, through Monday,
                                                                                                          4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,                         In addition to being available in the
                                                  June 8.
                                                                                                          excluding legal holidays. The telephone                docket, an electronic copy of this final
                                                    Dated: May 11, 2015.                                  number for the Public Reading Room is                  action will also be available on the
                                                  D.J. Travers,                                           (202) 566–1744, and the telephone                      Internet through the EPA’s Technology
                                                  Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the               number for the EPA Docket Center is                    Transfer Network (TTN) Web site, a
                                                  Port, Sector Columbia River.                            (202) 566–1742.                                        forum for information and technology
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–13397 Filed 6–2–15; 8:45 am]              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                   exchange in various areas of air
                                                  BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                  questions about this action, contact Mr.               pollution control. Following signature
                                                                                                          Nathan Topham, Office of Air Quality                   by the EPA Administrator, the EPA will
                                                                                                          Planning and Standards; Sector Policies                post a copy of this final action at:
                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                and Programs Division, Metals and                      http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/
                                                  AGENCY                                                  Inorganic Chemicals Group (D243–02);                   eparules.html. Following publication in
                                                                                                          Environmental Protection Agency;                       the Federal Register, the EPA will post
                                                  40 CFR Part 63                                          Research Triangle Park, NC 27111;                      the Federal Register version of the rule
                                                  [EPA–HQ–OAR–2004–0505; FRL–9928–25–                     telephone number: (919) 541–0483; fax                  at this same Web site.
                                                  OAR]                                                    number: (919) 541–3207; email address:                 B. Judicial Review
                                                  RIN 2060–AS42                                                                                                    Under CAA section 307(b)(1), judicial
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                             Organization of this document. The                  review of this final action is available
                                                  Completion of Requirement To                                                                                   only by filing a petition for review in
                                                                                                          information presented in this preamble
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  Promulgate Emissions Standards                                                                                 the United States Court of Appeals for
                                                                                                          is organized as follows:
                                                  AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                                                                              the District of Columbia Circuit by
                                                                                                          I. General Information                                 August 3, 2015. Under CAA section
                                                  Agency (EPA).                                              A. Where can I get a copy of this
                                                  ACTION: Final rule.                                           document?
                                                                                                                                                                 307(b)(2), the requirements established
                                                                                                             B. Judicial Review                                  by this final rule may not be challenged
                                                  SUMMARY:    In this action the                          II. Background Information                             separately in any civil or criminal
                                                  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)                   III. How has the EPA satisfied its obligation          proceedings brought by the EPA to
                                                  finalizes its proposed determination that                     under CAA section 112(c)(6)?                     enforce the requirements. Section

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                    31471

                                                  307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA further provides                degree of reduction in emissions of the                December 2014 proposal provided a list
                                                  that ‘‘[o]nly an objection to a rule or                 [HAP]’’ that the EPA concludes are                     of the emissions standards, including
                                                  procedure which was raised with                         achievable based on a consideration of                 the name of each of the source
                                                  reasonable specificity during the period                factors identified in the statute. CAA                 categories, the name of the emissions
                                                  for public comment (including any                       section 112(d)(2). These standards are                 standards that apply, and the rule
                                                  public hearing) may be raised during                    referred to as ‘‘maximum achievable                    citation for each (i.e., CFR part and
                                                  judicial review.’’ This section also                    control technology’’ or ‘‘MACT’’                       subpart). 79 FR 74674–74677, December
                                                  provides a mechanism for us to convene                  standards. CAA section 112(d)(4)                       16, 2014. Table 3 of the 2014 proposal
                                                  a proceeding for reconsideration, ‘‘[i]f                authorizes the EPA to set a health-based               provided a list of the specific
                                                  the person raising an objection can                     standard for a limited set of HAP for                  regulations (including CFR citations,
                                                  demonstrate to the EPA that it was                      which a health threshold has been                      part and subpart) that address 90
                                                  impracticable to raise such objection                   established, and that standard must                    percent or more of each of the CAA
                                                  within [the period for public comment]                  provide for ‘‘an ample margin of safety.’’             section 112(c)(6) HAP. 79 FR at 74677.
                                                  or if the grounds for such objection                    CAA section 112(d)(4).                                 After considering and evaluating all
                                                  arose after the period for public                          On December 16, 2014, the EPA                       public comments received in response
                                                  comment (but within the time specified                  published in the Federal Register the                  to the proposed rule, we finalize our
                                                  for judicial review) and if such objection              proposed determination concluding that                 determination that the EPA has satisfied
                                                  is of central relevance to the outcome of               the requirements of CAA section                        the CAA section 112(c)(6) requirement
                                                  the rule.’’ Any person seeking to make                  112(c)(6) were fulfilled in February of                to establish CAA section 112(d)(2) or (4)
                                                  such a demonstration to us should                       2011. 79 FR 74656 (December 16,                        standards for source categories that
                                                  submit a Petition for Reconsideration to                2014).1 The proposed determination                     account for not less than 90 percent of
                                                  the Office of the Administrator, U.S.                   provided a detailed summary of the                     the seven HAP listed in CAA section
                                                  EPA, Room 3000, EPA WJC West                            litigation history regarding this action               112(c)(6).
                                                  Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,                   and provided an opportunity for
                                                                                                          comment on the EPA’s proposed                          B. What are the surrogate pollutants
                                                  Washington, DC 20460, with a copy to
                                                  both the person(s) listed in the                        determination that it has fulfilled the                used by the EPA when establishing CAA
                                                  preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                       requirements of CAA section 112(c)(6).                 section 112(d)(2) standards for the
                                                  CONTACT section, and the Associate                      The proposed rulemaking explained the                  source categories identified in the
                                                  General Counsel for the Air and                         basis for the agency’s proposed                        proposed determination?
                                                  Radiation Law Office, Office of General                 determination by identifying the                          As noted in the proposed rule, the
                                                  Counsel (Mail Code 2344A), U.S. EPA,                    promulgated CAA section 112(d)(2) or                   emissions standards that collectively
                                                  1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,                             112(d)(4) standards that collectively                  satisfy the 90 percent requirement under
                                                  Washington, DC 20460.                                   satisfy the obligation and describing                  CAA section 112(c)(6) were set by the
                                                                                                          how the EPA determined which                           EPA under two approaches: (1) Through
                                                  II. Background Information                              regulations would collectively satisfy                 standards that directly regulated CAA
                                                     CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the                   the 90 percent requirement under CAA                   section 112(c)(6) HAP; and (2) through
                                                  EPA to take action with respect to the                  section 112(c)(6) using the updated 1990               standards that set emission limits for
                                                  sources of seven specific persistent,                   baseline inventory of source categories                another HAP or compound,3 which
                                                  bioaccumulative HAP. The section                        that emit CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP,                   serves as a surrogate for the CAA section
                                                  states, ‘‘With respect to alkylated lead                which was presented in Table 1 of the                  112(c)(6) HAP and other non-112(c)(6)
                                                  compounds, polycyclic organic matter,                   proposed determination. 79 FR at                       HAP emitted from the source category.
                                                  hexachlorobenzene, mercury,                             74661–74671.                                              The EPA noted in the proposed
                                                  polychlorinated biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-                                                                            determination that, with respect to some
                                                  tetrachlorodibenzofurans and 2,3,7,8-                   III. How has the EPA satisfied its
                                                                                                                                                                 of the CAA section 112(d)(2) standards
                                                  tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, the                        obligation under CAA section 112(c)(6)?
                                                                                                                                                                 that utilized the surrogacy approach,
                                                  Administrator shall, not later than 5                   A. What are the emissions standards                    specifically those promulgated prior to
                                                  years after November 15, 1990, list                     that the EPA has promulgated to meet                   the EPA’s development of the baseline
                                                  categories and subcategories of sources                 the 90 percent requirement under CAA                   emissions inventory for CAA section
                                                  assuring that sources accounting for not                section 112(c)(6)?                                     112(c)(6) and issuance of the 1998
                                                  less than 90 per centum of the aggregate                                                                       listing notice, the EPA did not
                                                                                                            This action finalizes the EPA’s
                                                  emissions of each such pollutant are                                                                           specifically indicate in those
                                                                                                          proposed determination that the Agency
                                                  subject to standards under subsection                                                                          rulemaking records that the standards
                                                                                                          has promulgated emissions standards
                                                  (d)(2) or (d)(4) of this section.’’                                                                            would be counted towards satisfying the
                                                     CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the                   for source categories pursuant to CAA
                                                                                                          sections 112(d)(2) and (4) sufficient to               90 percent requirement in CAA section
                                                  EPA to ensure that source categories                                                                           112(c)(6). For these standards, the 2014
                                                  responsible for at least 90 percent of the              satisfy the CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                                                                          requirement that sources accounting for                proposed determination explained how
                                                  aggregate emissions of each of the seven                                                                       the surrogate standards control the CAA
                                                  specified pollutants are subject to                     not less than 90 percent of the aggregate
                                                                                                          emissions of seven specific HAP are                    section 112(c)(6) HAP along with other
                                                  standards under CAA sections 112(d)(2)                                                                         HAP from the source categories and
                                                  or 112(d)(4). It requires the EPA to list,              subject to standards under CAA sections
                                                                                                          112(d)(2) or 112(d)(4).2 Table 2 of the                ensure that the sources of CAA section
                                                  by November 15, 1995, source categories                                                                        112(c)(6) HAP emissions are ‘‘subject to
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  assuring that sources responsible for 90                  1 The EPA’s initial determination was signed on
                                                  percent of the aggregate emissions are                  February 21, 2011, and published in the Federal        pursuant to section 112(d)(2). In addition, section
                                                  subject to emission standards pursuant                  Register on March 21, 2011.                            129(h)(3)(A) states that ‘‘the performance standards
                                                  to CAA section 112(d)(2) or (d)(4), and                   2 In addition to standards issued pursuant to        under subsection (a) of this section and section
                                                  to promulgate such standards by                         section 112(d)(2) or (4), EPA also includes            [111] of this title applicable to a category of solid
                                                                                                          standards issued pursuant to section 129 as            waste incineration units shall be deemed standards
                                                  November 15, 2000. Under CAA section                    satisfying the 112(c)(6) requirement because section   under section [112](d)(2)of this title.’’
                                                  112(d)(2), the EPA imposes emission                     129(a)(2) requires MACT standards that are               3 Some standards used non-HAP compounds (or

                                                  standards that require ‘‘the maximum                    virtually identical to the those standards required    groups of compounds) as surrogates for HAP.

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                                                  31472             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  standards’’ for the purposes of CAA                     prior actions. All those standards were                   Table 1 of this preamble provides a
                                                  section 112(c)(6). The information                      subject to their own notice and                        list of the source categories listed under
                                                  presented in the proposed                               comment rulemaking processes                           CAA section 112(c)(6), the names of the
                                                  determination simply described the                      consistent with CAA sections 112 and                   national standards that apply to those
                                                  actions taken in these prior rulemakings                307(d), and, in several cases, to judicial             source categories, the Federal Register
                                                  and explained how the surrogate                         review as provided by the strict statute               citations and CFR part and subparts for
                                                  standards control the relevant CAA                      of limitations imposed by CAA section                  the rules, and the CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  section 112(c)(6) HAP. The proposed                     307(b)(1).                                             HAP regulated by those standards.
                                                  determination did not reopen these

                                                       TABLE 1—LIST OF SOURCE CATEGORIES, NATIONAL EMISSIONS STANDARDS, AND THE 112(C)(6) HAP SUBJECT TO
                                                                       THESE STANDARDS, TO FULFILL THE CAA SECTION 112(C)(6) OBLIGATIONS
                                                     Section 112(c)(6)                                                                 CFR part and          Final rule Federal
                                                     source category            National emissions standard name(s)                                                                   112(c)(6) Pollutant
                                                                                                                                         subpart             Register citation

                                                  Aerospace Industry    National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        60 FR 45948, Sep-     Mercury, POM.
                                                    (Surface Coating).    ardous Air Pollutants for the Aerospace                  part GG.                   tember 1, 1995.
                                                  Alkylated Lead Pro-   National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    Alkylated Lead.
                                                    duction.              Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                   part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                                          thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    Alkylated Lead.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                    part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                         Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                         Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    Alkylated Lead.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment                    part H.                    22, 1994.
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    Alkylated Lead.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Certain                      part I.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         Processes Subject to the Negotiated
                                                                         Regulation for Equipment Leaks.
                                                  Asphalt Roofing Pro-  National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        68 FR 24562, May 7,   POM.
                                                    duction.              ardous Air Pollutants for Asphalt Proc-                  part LLLLL.                2003.
                                                                          essing and Asphalt Roofing Manufac-
                                                  Blast Furnace and     National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        68 FR 27645, May      POM.
                                                    Steel Mills.          ardous Air Pollutants for Integrated Iron                part FFFFF.                20, 2003.
                                                                          and Steel Manufacturing Facilities.
                                                  Chemical Manufac-     National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                    turing: Cyclic        Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                   part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                    Crude and Inter-      thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                    mediate Production.   Industry.
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                    part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                         Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                         Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment                    part H.                    22, 1994.
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Certain                      part I.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         Processes Subject to the Negotiated
                                                                         Regulation for Equipment Leaks.
                                                  Chlorinated Solvents  National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                    Production.           Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                   part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                                          thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                    part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                         Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                         Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment                    part H.                    22, 1994.

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                            31473

                                                       TABLE 1—LIST OF SOURCE CATEGORIES, NATIONAL EMISSIONS STANDARDS, AND THE 112(C)(6) HAP SUBJECT TO
                                                                  THESE STANDARDS, TO FULFILL THE CAA SECTION 112(C)(6) OBLIGATIONS—Continued
                                                     Section 112(c)(6)                                                                  CFR part and          Final rule Federal
                                                     source category             National emissions standard name(s)                                                                   112(c)(6) Pollutant
                                                                                                                                          subpart             Register citation

                                                                               National Emission Standards for Organic            40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                                                 Hazardous Air Pollutants for Certain               part I.                    22, 1994.
                                                                                 Processes Subject to the Negotiated
                                                                                 Regulation for Equipment Leaks.
                                                  Coke Ovens: By-              National Emission Standard for Benzene             40 CFR part 61 sub-        54 FR 38073, Sep-     POM.
                                                    Product Recovery             Emissions from Coke By-Product Re-                 part L.                    tember 14, 1989.
                                                    Plants.                      covery Plants.
                                                  Coke Ovens: Charg-           National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        58 FR 57898, Octo-    POM.
                                                    ing, Topside &               ardous Air Pollutants for Coke Oven                part L.                    ber 27, 1993.
                                                    Door Leaks.                  Batteries.
                                                                               National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        68 FR 18007, April    POM.
                                                                                 ardous Air Pollutants for Coke Ovens:              part CCCCC.                14, 2003.
                                                                                 Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks.
                                                  Coke Ovens: Push-            National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        58 FR 57898, Octo-    POM.
                                                    ing, Quenching &             ardous Air Pollutants for Coke Oven                part L.                    ber 27, 1993.
                                                    Battery Stacks.              Batteries.
                                                                               National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        68 FR 18007, April    POM.
                                                                                 ardous Air Pollutants for Coke Ovens:              part CCCCC.                14, 2003.
                                                                                 Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks.
                                                  Commercial Printing:         National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        61 FR 27132, May      POM.
                                                    Gravure.                     ardous Air Pollutants: Printing and Pub-           part KK.                   30, 1996.
                                                                                 lishing Industry.
                                                  Electric Arc Furnaces        National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        72 FR 74088, De-      Mercury.
                                                    (EAF)—Secondary              ardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources:            part YYYYY.                cember 28, 2007.
                                                    Steel.                       Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Facili-
                                                  Fabricated Metal             National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        69 FR 129, January    POM.
                                                    Products.                    ardous Air Pollutants: Surface Coating             part MMMM.                 2, 2004.
                                                                                 of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Prod-
                                                  Gasoline Distribution        National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 64303, De-      POM.
                                                   (Stage 1).                    ardous Air Pollutants for Gasoline Dis-            part R.                    cember 14, 1994.
                                                                                 tribution Facilities (Bulk Gasoline Termi-
                                                                                 nals and Pipeline Breakout Stations).
                                                  Gold Mines ...............   National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        76 FR 9450, Feb-      Mercury.
                                                                                 ardous Air Pollutants: Gold Mine Ore               part EEEEEEE.              ruary 17, 2011.
                                                                                 Processing and Production Area Source
                                                  Hazardous Waste In-          National Emission Standards for Haz-               40 CFR part 63 sub-        64 FR 52827, Sep-     POM, Mercury, PCB,
                                                    cineration.                  ardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous               part EEE.                  tember 30, 1999;     Dioxins, Furans.
                                                                                 Waste Combustors.                                                             70 FR 59402, Oc-
                                                                                                                                                               tober 12, 2005.
                                                  Industrial Organic    National Emission Standards for Organic                   40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                    Chemicals Manu-       Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                    part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                    facturing.            thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                   40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                     part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                         Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                         Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                   40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment                     part H.                    22, 1994.
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                   40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Certain                       part I.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         Processes Subject to the Negotiated
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                         Regulation for Equipment Leaks.
                                                  Industrial Stationary National Emission Standards for Haz-                      40 CFR part 63 sub-        69 FR 33473, June     POM.
                                                    IC Engines—Diesel.    ardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Re-                  part ZZZZ.                 15, 2004.
                                                                          ciprocating Internal Combustion Engines.
                                                  Industrial Stationary National Emission Standards for Haz-                      40 CFR part 63 sub-        69 FR 33473, June     POM.
                                                    IC Engines—Nat-       ardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Re-                  part ZZZZ.                 15, 2004.
                                                    ural Gas.             ciprocating Internal Combustion Engines.

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                                                  31474             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                       TABLE 1—LIST OF SOURCE CATEGORIES, NATIONAL EMISSIONS STANDARDS, AND THE 112(C)(6) HAP SUBJECT TO
                                                                  THESE STANDARDS, TO FULFILL THE CAA SECTION 112(C)(6) OBLIGATIONS—Continued
                                                     Section 112(c)(6)                                                                 CFR part and          Final rule Federal
                                                     source category            National emissions standard name(s)                                                                   112(c)(6) Pollutant
                                                                                                                                         subpart             Register citation

                                                  Industrial/Commer-         National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        76 FR 15608, March    POM, Mercury, Dioxins,
                                                    cial/Institutional         ardous Air Pollutants for Industrial/Com-           part DDDDD.                21, 2011.            Furans.
                                                    Boilers.                   mercial/Institutional Boilers and Process
                                                                             National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        76 FR 15554, March    POM, Mercury, Dioxins,
                                                                              ardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources:              part JJJJJJ.               21, 2011.            Furans.
                                                                              Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional
                                                  Lightweight Aggre-         National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        64 FR 52827, Sep-     Mercury, Dioxins, Furans.
                                                    gate Kilns.                ardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous                part EEE.                  tember 30, 1999;
                                                                               Waste Combustors.                                                              70 FR 59402, Oc-
                                                                                                                                                              tober 12, 2005.
                                                  Medical Waste Incin-       Standards of Performance and Emissions              40 CFR part 60 sub-        74 FR 51367, Octo-    POM, Mercury, PCB,
                                                   eration.                    Guidelines for Hospitals/Medical/Infec-             part Ce, Ec; & 40          ber 6, 2009.         Dioxins, Furans.
                                                                               tious Waste Incinerators.                           CFR part 62 sub-
                                                                                                                                   part HHH.
                                                  Mercury Cell Chlor         National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        68 FR 70903, De-      Mercury.
                                                   Alkali Production.          ardous Air Pollutants: Mercury Emis-                part IIIII.                cember 19, 2003.
                                                                               sions from Mercury Cell Chlor Alkali
                                                  Municipal Waste            Standards of Performance for New Sta-               40 CFR part 60 sub-        71 FR 27324, May      POM, Mercury, PCB,
                                                   Combustion.                 tionary Sources and Emission Guide-                 part Cb, Ea, Eb; &         10, 2006.            Dioxins, Furans.
                                                                               lines for Existing Sources: Large Munic-            40 CFR part 62
                                                                               ipal Waste Combustion Units.                        subpart FFF.
                                                                             Standards of Performance for New Sta-               40 CFR part 60 sub-        65 FR 76349, De-      POM, Mercury, PCB,
                                                                               tionary Sources and Emission Guide-                 part AAAA, BBBB            cember 6, 2000;      Dioxins, Furans.
                                                                               lines for Existing Stationary Sources:              & 40 CFR part 62           65 FR 76337, De-
                                                                               Small Municipal Waste Combustion                    subpart JJJ.               cember 6, 2000.
                                                  Naphthalene Produc-        National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                    tion.                      Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-              part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                                               thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                             National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                               Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-              part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                               thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                               Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                               Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                             National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                               Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment              part H.                    22, 1994.
                                                                             National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                               Hazardous Air Pollutants for Certain                part I.                    22, 1994.
                                                                               Processes Subject to the Negotiated
                                                                               Regulation for Equipment Leaks.
                                                  Paints and Allied          National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        68 FR 63851, No-      POM.
                                                    Products (Major).          ardous Air Pollutants: Miscellaneous Or-            part FFFF.                 vember 10, 2003.
                                                                               ganic Chemical Manufacturing.
                                                  Paper Coated and           National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        67 FR 72329, De-      POM.
                                                    Laminated, Pack-           ardous Air Pollutants: Paper and Other              part JJJJ.                 cember 4, 2002.
                                                    aging.                     Web Coating.
                                                  Pesticides Manufac-        National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        64 FR 33549, June     HCB.
                                                    ture & Agricultural        ardous Air Pollutants: Pesticide Active             part MMM.                  23, 1999.
                                                    Chemicals.                 Ingredient Production.
                                                                             National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                                               Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-              part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                                               thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                             National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                                               Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-              part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                               thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                               Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                               Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                             National Emission Standards for Organic             40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    HCB.
                                                                               Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment              part H.                    22, 1994.

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                            31475

                                                       TABLE 1—LIST OF SOURCE CATEGORIES, NATIONAL EMISSIONS STANDARDS, AND THE 112(C)(6) HAP SUBJECT TO
                                                                  THESE STANDARDS, TO FULFILL THE CAA SECTION 112(C)(6) OBLIGATIONS—Continued
                                                     Section 112(c)(6)                                                                 CFR part and          Final rule Federal
                                                     source category            National emissions standard name(s)                                                                   112(c)(6) Pollutant
                                                                                                                                         subpart             Register citation

                                                  Petroleum Refining:   National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        60 FR 43244, August   POM.
                                                    All Processes.        ardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum                     part CC.                   18, 1995.
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        67 FR 17761, April    POM.
                                                                         ardous Air Pollutants for Petroleum Re-                   part UUU.                  11, 2002.
                                                                         fineries: Catalytic Cracking Units, Cata-
                                                                         lytic Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recov-
                                                                         ery Units.
                                                  Phthalic Anhydride    National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                    Production.           Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                   part F.                    22, 1994.
                                                                          thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Syn-                    part G.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         thetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
                                                                         Industry for Process Vents, Storage
                                                                         Vessels, Transfer Operations, and
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment                    part H.                    22, 1994.
                                                                        National Emission Standards for Organic                  40 CFR part 63 sub-        59 FR 19402, April    POM.
                                                                         Hazardous Air Pollutants for Certain                      part I.                    22, 1994.
                                                                         Processes Subject to the Negotiated
                                                                         Regulation for Equipment Leaks.
                                                  Plastics Material and National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        61 FR 48208, Sep-     POM.
                                                    Resins Manufac-       ardous Air Pollutants for Group IV Poly-                 part JJJ.                  tember 12, 1996.
                                                    turing.               mers and Resins.
                                                  Portland Cement       National Emission Standards for Haz-                     40 CFR part 63 sub-        64 FR 52827, Sep-     POM, Mercury, Dioxins,
                                                    Manufacture: Haz-     ardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous                     part EEE.                  tember 30, 1999;     Furans.
                                                    ardous Waste Kilns.   Waste Combustors.                                                                   70 FR 59402, Oc-
                                                                                                                                                              tober 12, 2005.
                                                  Portland Cement            National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        75 FR 54970, Sep-     POM, Mercury, Dioxins,
                                                    Manufacture: Non-          ardous Air Pollutants for the Portland              part LLL.                  tember 9, 2010.      Furans.
                                                    Hazardous Waste            Cement Manufacturing Industry.
                                                  Primary Aluminum           National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        62 FR 52384, Octo-    POM, Mercury, Dioxins,
                                                    Production.                ardous Air Pollutants for Primary Alu-              part LL.                   ber 7, 1997.         Furans.
                                                                               minum Reduction Plants.
                                                  Pulp and Paper—            National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        63 FR 18504, April    POM, Mercury.
                                                    Kraft Recovery             ardous Air Pollutants for Chemical Re-              part MM.                   15, 1998; 66 FR
                                                    Furnaces.                  covery Combustion Sources at Kraft,                                            3180, January 12,
                                                                               Soda,    Sulfite,    and    Stand-Alone                                        2001.
                                                                               Semichemical Pulp Mills.
                                                  Pulp and Paper—            National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        63 FR 18504, April    POM, Mercury.
                                                    Lime Kilns.                ardous Air Pollutants for Chemical Re-              part MM.                   15, 1998; 66 FR
                                                                               covery Combustion Sources at Kraft,                                            3180, January 12,
                                                                               Soda,    Sulfite,    and    Stand-Alone                                        2001.
                                                                               Semichemical Pulp Mills.
                                                  Secondary Aluminum         National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        65 FR 15689, March    Dioxins, Furans.
                                                    Smelting.                  ardous Air Pollutants for Secondary Alu-            part RRR.                  23, 2000.
                                                                               minum Production.
                                                  Secondary Lead             National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        60 FR 32587, June     POM, Dioxins, Furans.
                                                    Smelting.                  ardous Air Pollutants for Secondary                 part X.                    23, 1995; 77 FR
                                                                               Lead Smelting.                                                                 555, January 5,
                                                  Sewage Sludge In-          Standards of Performance for New Sta-               40 CFR part 60 sub-        76 FR 15372, March    Mercury.
                                                    cineration.                tionary Sources and Emission Guide-                 parts LLLL,                21, 2011.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                               lines for Existing Sources: Sewage                  MMMM.
                                                                               Sludge Incineration Units.
                                                  Ship Building and          National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        60 FR 64330, De-      POM.
                                                    Repair (Surface            ardous Air Pollutants for Shipbuilding              part II.                   cember 15, 1995.
                                                    Coating).                  and Ship Repair (Surface Coating).
                                                  Transportation Equip-      National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        69 FR 20967, April    POM.
                                                    ment Manufac-              ardous Air Pollutants: Surface Coating              part PPPP.                 19, 2004; 69 FR
                                                    turing (SICs Com-          of Plastic Parts and Products.                                                 22601, April 26,
                                                    bined).                                                                                                   2004.

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                                                  31476             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                       TABLE 1—LIST OF SOURCE CATEGORIES, NATIONAL EMISSIONS STANDARDS, AND THE 112(C)(6) HAP SUBJECT TO
                                                                  THESE STANDARDS, TO FULFILL THE CAA SECTION 112(C)(6) OBLIGATIONS—Continued
                                                     Section 112(c)(6)                                                                 CFR part and               Final rule Federal
                                                     source category            National emissions standard name(s)                                                                       112(c)(6) Pollutant
                                                                                                                                         subpart                  Register citation

                                                  Wood Household             National Emission Standards for Haz-                40 CFR part 63 sub-        60 FR 62930, De-           POM.
                                                   Furniture Manufac-          ardous Air Pollutants from Wood Fur-                part JJ.                   cember 7, 1995.
                                                   turing.                     niture Manufacturing Operations.

                                                  IV. Summary of Significant Comments                     commenter states, ‘‘to satisfy section                     National Lime, 233 F.3d at 639; Sierra
                                                  and Responses                                           112(d)(2), the EPA must determine the                      Club, 353 F.3d at 984. The commenter
                                                    During the public comment period for                  maximum achievable degree of                               maintains that the United States Court
                                                  the proposed determination, we                          reduction for each hazardous air                           of Appeals for the District of Columbia
                                                  received comments from three                            pollutant that a source category emits.’’                  Circuit has held repeatedly that what
                                                  organizations: the Council of Industrial                The commenter states that the CAA also                     sources ‘‘achieve’’ with respect to a
                                                  Boiler Owners (CIBO), the Coalition for                 specifies a ‘‘floor’’ for the reduction that               given HAP is not limited to what they
                                                  Clean Air Implementation (CCAI), and                    the EPA must require for each pollutant.                   achieve intentionally, but also includes
                                                  Sierra Club. The CIBO and CCAI                          Therefore, the commenter believes that                     lower emission levels achieved through
                                                  submitted comments supporting our                       the EPA’s claim that it can meet its                       the use of cleaner fuels or raw materials
                                                  proposed determination that we have                     obligations under section 112(c)(6) by                     regardless of whether such use reflects
                                                  fulfilled the CAA section 112(c)(6)                     setting a single limit on the aggregate                    any deliberate intent to reduce
                                                  obligations and agreed with our use of                  emissions of all HAP from an industrial                    emissions. Sierra Club v. EPA, 479 F.3d
                                                  surrogate pollutants. Sierra Club                       source category is contrary to the                         875, 883 (D.C. Cir.2007) (citing National
                                                  submitted comments claiming that a                      language in CAA and violates the text of                   Lime, 233 F.3d at 640).
                                                  number of previously promulgated                        sections 112(c)(6) and 112(d), reflecting                     The commenter states that the EPA’s
                                                  standards identified in the proposed                    an unreasonable statutory                                  use of ‘‘total HAP,’’ ‘‘total organic
                                                  determination are unlawful for purposes                 interpretation.                                            HAP,’’ and other such aggregate
                                                  of CAA section 112(d)(2) such that those                   The commenter states that although                      measures as ‘‘surrogates’’ for pollutants
                                                  standards may not count toward                          the EPA may set surrogate standards for                    that fit into those categories is a
                                                  satisfying the 90 percent requirement in                HAP where it is reasonable to do so, see                   definition maneuver and not a technical
                                                  CAA section 112(c)(6). A summary of                     National Lime, 233 F.3d at 637, setting                    determination. The commenter states
                                                  significant public comments received                    surrogate standards instead of direct                      that this approach to surrogacy is
                                                  during the comment period and the                       standards for HAP does not, according                      unlawful because it conflicts with EPA’s
                                                  EPA’s response to those comments are                    to the commenter, excuse the EPA from                      statutory obligation under sections
                                                  provided below in this section of this                  its clear statutory obligation to assure                   112(c)(6) and 112(d), and also the
                                                  preamble. All the remaining public                      that each HAP emitted by a source                          commenter asserts with the EPA’s own
                                                  comments received during the comment                    category is reduced to the extent that                     interpretation of those provisions, see
                                                  period and the EPA’s responses to those                 sections 112(d)(2)–(3) requires. The                       Desert Citizens, 699 F.3d at 527–28,
                                                  comments are presented in the                           commenter maintains that the United                        which is that the EPA must set MACT
                                                  Summary of Public Comments and                          States Court of Appeals for the District                   standards for each of the section
                                                  EPA’s Responses for the Completion of                   of Columbia Circuit has made clear, a                      112(c)(6) pollutants for which each
                                                  Requirements to Promulgate Standards                    surrogate is reasonable only if it allows                  source category was listed. The
                                                  Under CAA Section 112(c)(6) 2015 Final                  the EPA to identify ‘‘the best achieving                   commenter states there is nothing left of
                                                  Rule document, which is available in                    sources, and what they can achieve’’                       this obligation if the EPA can simply
                                                  the docket for this action.                             with respect to the target HAP. Sierra                     define a category of pollutants (such as
                                                                                                          Club v. EPA, 353 F.3d 976, 985 (D.C.                       total HAP) broad enough to include all
                                                  A. General/Legal Opposition to the                                                                                 the pollutants it must regulate and then
                                                                                                          Cir. 2004).
                                                  EPA’s Surrogacy Determinations                                                                                     set an aggregate limit for the category.
                                                                                                             As an example of a reasonable
                                                     Comment: One commenter states that                   surrogate, the commenter asserts that                         Additionally, the commenter states
                                                  ‘‘for source categories listed under                    particulate matter (PM) is a reasonable                    that saying that POM is a constituent of
                                                  section [112](c)(6), the EPA must set a                 surrogate for metallic HAP only where                      total HAP, for example, is just a
                                                  MACT standard (i.e., a standard under                   the EPA demonstrates that (1) the                          different way of saying it is a HAP—
                                                  section [112](d)(2)–(3)) for each section               metallic HAP are ‘‘invariably present’’                    something that Congress already clearly
                                                  112(c)(6) pollutant for which the source                in the surrogate pollutant such that                       indicated by listing POM as a HAP in
                                                  was listed.’’ 4 See Desert Citizens                     there is a strong correlation between the                  section 112(b). The commenter believes
                                                  Against Pollution v. EPA, 699 F.3d 524,                 two; (2) the control technology used for                   that such statements do nothing to
                                                  527–528 (D.C. Cir. 2012).5 Thus, the                    PM control ‘‘indiscriminately captures’’                   demonstrate that emissions of total HAP
                                                                                                          the metallic HAP along with the PM;                        identify the best performing sources
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                                                     4 The commenter notes that section 112(c)(6) also
                                                                                                          and (3) the means by which sources                         with respect to POM and what sources
                                                  allows the EPA to set standards for these pollutants                                                               can achieve with respect to POM. The
                                                  under section 112(d)(4) if a health threshold has       achieve reductions in PM are the only
                                                  been established for that pollutant. CAA sections       means by which they achieve                                commenter believes that if the EPA had
                                                  112(c)(6) and (d)(4). This provision is not at issue    reductions’’ in metallic HAP emissions.                    authority to create surrogates by simply
                                                  because the EPA has not established health                                                                         defining a group of pollutants to include
                                                  thresholds for any of the section 112(c)(6)
                                                  pollutants at issue here.                               section 112(d)(2) standards for the section 112(c)(6)
                                                                                                                                                                     all the pollutants it must regulate, it
                                                     5 Accepting as ‘‘reasonable’’ the EPA’s              pollutants when it regulates a category of area            would abrogate the limits that decisions
                                                  interpretation of section 112 as requiring it to set    sources listed pursuant to section 112(c)(6).              of the United States Court of Appeals for

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                                                  the District of Columbia Circuit have                   section 112(c)(6) determination, by                    rules. CAA section 112(c)(6) imposes no
                                                  formulated to ensure that the EPA’s use                 failing to consider relevant factors, and              such obligation on the EPA. As
                                                  of surrogates is reasonable. The                        by failing to provide a rational                       explained below, the commenter aims to
                                                  commenter states that there would be                    connection between the facts found and                 collaterally attack prior EPA actions. All
                                                  nothing left, for example, of the                       the conclusion made. Motor Vehicle                     comments that raise such collateral
                                                  requirement that the HAP to be                          Mfrs. Ass’n of U.S., Inc. v. State Farm                attacks are outside the scope of the
                                                  regulated be ‘‘invariably present’’ in the              Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 42–43.               proposed CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  surrogate pollutant, National Lime, 233                 The commenter gives examples of                        determination. All of the rules relied
                                                  F.3d at 639, if the EPA could simply                    specific surrogacy claims for specific                 upon by the EPA in this determination
                                                  define the surrogate ‘‘pollutant’’ as a                 source categories and processes that it                were promulgated through notice and
                                                  group of pollutants that includes the                   believes are unlawful and arbitrary. We                comment rulemaking consistent with
                                                  regulated pollutant.                                    address the specific claims in the                     CAA section 307(d), and were final
                                                     The commenter argues that section                    Summary of Public Comments and                         agency actions subject to judicial
                                                  112(c)(6) is a provision that specifically              EPA’s Responses for the Completion of                  review. CAA section 112(c)(6) does not
                                                  addresses seven persistent                              Requirements to Promulgate Standards                   provide commenters another
                                                  bioaccumulative toxics that Congress                    Under CAA Section 112(c)(6) 2015 Final                 opportunity to belatedly challenge these
                                                  recognized were particularly harmful.                   Rule document, which is available in                   prior EPA actions, nor does it mandate
                                                  The commenter believes that for sources                 the docket for this action.                            that the EPA re-promulgate or otherwise
                                                  the EPA lists as contributing to 90                        Response: The commenter                             re-open for purposes of section 112(c)(6)
                                                  percent of the total emissions of one or                misinterprets the CAA, mischaracterizes                standards that were previously
                                                  more of these pollutants, the EPA must                  the EPA’s proposed determination, and                  promulgated under section 112(d)(2).
                                                  set a standard for that pollutant                       provides comments challenging the                         As an initial matter, it is important to
                                                  ensuring the maximum emissions                          substance of a number of previously                    understand the specific duties that CAA
                                                  reduction. The commenter states that                    issued EPA rules. As explained below,                  section 112(c)(6) imposes on the EPA,
                                                  Congress would not have singled out                     the comments challenging the                           especially since the commenter
                                                  these seven pollutants if it intended for               legitimacy of the standards on which                   consistently paraphrases the statutory
                                                  the EPA only to set a single limit for the              EPA relies to demonstrate it has                       language to assert there are duties
                                                  aggregate of emissions of all the                       satisfied its obligations under CAA                    beyond which the CAA requires by its
                                                  different HAP.                                          section 112(c)(6) are far outside the                  terms. CAA section 112(c)(6) requires
                                                     The commenter states that even if it                 scope of the proposed CAA section                      the EPA, with respect to seven specified
                                                  were permissible in general for the EPA                 112(c)(6) determination at issue. The                  HAP—alkylated lead compounds,
                                                  to evade its standard-setting obligations               EPA, therefore, has no obligation to                   polycyclic organic matter,
                                                  by defining the surrogate ‘‘pollutant’’ as              respond to those comments.                             hexachlorobenzene, mercury,
                                                  a group of pollutants, the EPA’s                           The proposed determination                          polychlorinated biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-
                                                  surrogacy claims in this rule are                       memorializes and provides notice that                  tetrachlorodibenzofurans and 2,3,7,8-
                                                  unlawful and arbitrary because they                     the EPA has fulfilled, via numerous                    tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin—to ‘‘list
                                                  lack supporting data or analysis. The                   other previous regulatory actions, its                 categories and subcategories of sources
                                                  commenter argues that the EPA’s                         duties under section 112(c)(6) of the                  assuring that sources accounting for not
                                                  surrogacy explanations in the proposed                  CAA. The proposal lists CAA section                    less than 90 per centum of the aggregate
                                                  determination are standards under                       112(d)(2) or 112(d)(4) standards                       emissions of each such pollutant are
                                                  section 307(d) because they are first-                  previously promulgated by the EPA and                  subject to standards under subsection
                                                  time claims that the relevant pollutants                proposed the conclusion that the listed                (d)(2) or (d)(4) of this section.’’ The
                                                  are subject to standards. The EPA must                  standards cover sources that, in the                   provision requires the listing to be done
                                                  according to the commenter comply                       aggregate, emit 90 percent or more of the              by November 15, 1995, and requires that
                                                  with the requirements of section 307(d)                 pollutants specifically identified in                  sources accounting for not less than 90
                                                  governing CAA rulemakings for all of                    CAA section 112(c)(6). The commenter                   percent of aggregate emissions of each of
                                                  those previously issued standards. The                  does not challenge that conclusion. In                 the enumerated pollutants be subject to
                                                  commenter maintains the EPA has not                     fact, no commenter suggests that the                   CAA section 112(d)(2) or (4) standards
                                                  complied with these requirements                        source categories listed did not emit, in              by November 15, 2000. CAA section
                                                  because according to the commenter the                  the aggregate prior to regulation, 90                  112(c)(6) does not require the EPA to
                                                  EPA has not provided documentation,                     percent or more of the specified                       submit a report stating that the agency
                                                  data, or analysis in support of its                     pollutants or that the source categories               has subjected those sources to such
                                                  proposed determination. For this                        are not subject to the CAA section                     standards, or establish a deadline for
                                                  reason, the commenter concludes that                    112(d)(2) standards identified. Instead,               any such report. Sierra Club v. EPA, 699
                                                  the EPA has violated section 307(d) by                  the commenter seeks to use the                         F.3d 530, 536 (D.C. Cir. 2012)
                                                  failing to explain the ‘‘methodology                    proposed determination to reopen                       (Henderson Concurring)(‘‘EPA is under
                                                  used in obtaining the data and in                       standards that were finalized by the                   no obligation, statutory or otherwise, to
                                                  analyzing the data’’ in the proposed                    EPA in some cases more than 20 years                   inform anyone that it has satisfied the
                                                  determination, by failing to provide                    ago. The commenter argues that the EPA                 requirements of section 112(c)(6).’’).
                                                  opportunity for informed public                         must now demonstrate, for each                         Moreover, while CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  participation and input, and by                         previously promulgated rule, that each                 gives the EPA authority to list source
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                                                  unlawfully basing the Agency’s                          standard reduces HAP ‘‘to the extent                   categories, the rules which establish
                                                  conclusions on information or data                      that [112] (d)(2)–(3) requires,’’ that in              standards for those source categories are
                                                  which has not been made available to                    each rulemaking the EPA properly                       promulgated pursuant to separate CAA
                                                  the public through the docket. The                      identified ‘‘the best performing                       provisions.
                                                  commenter also believes that the EPA                    sources,’’ and that the EPA must                          The CAA section 112(d)(2) standards
                                                  has acted arbitrarily and capriciously by               provide documentation, data and                        (also referred to as maximum achievable
                                                  failing to provide substantial record                   analysis to support the validity of the                control technology or MACT standards),
                                                  evidence in support of its proposed                     standards in the previously promulgated                which commenter seeks to collaterally

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                                                  31478             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  attack, regulate HAP emitted from major                 the major sources (i.e. pursuant to CAA                 their adequacy for controlling any
                                                  sources and in some instances area                      section 112(d)(2)).7                                    emitted HAP (including section
                                                  sources and were promulgated in                            For all the rules that the commenter                 112(c)(6) HAP) under section 112(d)(2),
                                                  accordance with the following CAA                       seeks to collaterally attack, the public                or for any other purpose. Therefore, this
                                                  provisions. CAA section 112(c)(1)                       was on notice during each specific                      final determination itself cannot provide
                                                  requires the EPA to list all major sources              rulemaking that the EPA was setting                     a new opportunity to challenge those
                                                  and authorizes the EPA to list area                     MACT standards for the HAP, including                   previously promulgated rules under
                                                  sources, and section 112(d)(1) requires                 the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, emitted                  either section 112(d)(2) or section
                                                  the EPA to regulate all HAP from major                  by the source category. Parties,                        112(c)(6).
                                                  sources pursuant to CAA section                         including the commenter, could have                        In addition to raising belated
                                                  112(d)(2) or (d)(4). CAA section                        challenged the adequacy of those                        comments, the commenter argues that
                                                  112(e)(1)(A)-(E) imposes sequential                     standards at the time they were issued                  CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the EPA
                                                  milestones for the EPA to complete                      if they believed the standards did not                  to set a ‘‘specific limit’’ for each of the
                                                  issuance of MACT standards, and                         sufficiently reduce the HAP emitted by                  CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP. It is not
                                                  requires that the final set of such                     the source category, in whatever manner                 clear what the commenter means by a
                                                  standards be promulgated by November                    those standards took with respect to                    ‘‘specific limit.’’ The commenter may be
                                                  15, 2000, the same date by which under                  regulating each HAP individually or                     arguing that the EPA cannot rely on
                                                  CAA section 112(c)(6) sources                           collectively through a surrogate. See                   CAA section 112(d)(2) or (d)(4)
                                                  accounting for 90 percent of the                        National Lime Association v. EPA, 33                    standards that use surrogates to
                                                  enumerated HAP were required to have                    F.3d 625, 633–34 (D.C. Cir. 2000)                       demonstrate that it has satisfied its
                                                  become subject to CAA section 112(d)(2)                 (finding that CAA section 112(d)(1)                     obligation under CAA section 112(c)(6).
                                                  or (4) standards. Therefore, for major                  requires the EPA to establish standards                 However, it appears that the commenter
                                                  sources, CAA section 112(c)(6) is                       for all HAP emitted from major sources).                is arguing that CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  redundant with respect to the HAP to be                 Any challenges to the legitimacy of the                 somehow limits the EPA’s discretion to
                                                  regulated, the type of standards                        standards, including challenges                         use particular types of surrogates when
                                                  required, and the ultimate timing for                   suggesting that certain HAP were not                    setting MACT standards. The
                                                  completion of issuing such standards.                   adequately regulated, should have been                  commenter specifically objects to the
                                                  The HAP specifically listed in CAA                      raised during the rulemaking for the                    EPA’s standard for total HAP or total
                                                  section 112(c)(6) are also on the CAA                   standards. If any issue remained when                   hazardous organic pollutants. There is
                                                  section 112(b)(1) list of HAP and, thus,                the standards were finalized, the proper                no statutory support for either
                                                  the CAA section 112(d)(1) obligation to                 recourse would have been to petition for                argument. Indeed, as other sections of
                                                  set CAA section 112(d)(2) or (d)(4)                     judicial review pursuant to CAA section                 the CAA illustrate, Congress knew how
                                                  standards for all HAP from major                        307(b). That provision provides that ‘‘[a]              to require pollutant-specific standards.
                                                  sources applies equally to the CAA                      petition for review of action of the [EPA]              For example, CAA section 129(a)(4)
                                                  section 112(c)(6) HAP. CAA section                      Administrator in promulgating . . . any                 explicitly requires the EPA to set
                                                  112(c)(6) adds nothing substantive to                   emission standard or requirement under                  numeric standards ‘‘for the
                                                  this requirement. Even the CAA section                  section 112 of this title . . . shall be                [enumerated] substances or mixtures’’
                                                  112(e)(1) deadlines for promulgating                    filed within sixty days from the date                   listed in that subsection. That provision
                                                  such standards is ultimately identical to               notice of such promulgation. . . .                      expressly requires the EPA to set
                                                                                                          appears in the Federal Register. . . .’’                numerical emissions limitations ‘‘for’’ a
                                                  the deadline in CAA section 112(c)(6).6
                                                                                                          CAA section 307(b)(1). Once the 60-day                  list of nine substances emitted by solid
                                                  As such, it is irrelevant whether the
                                                                                                          period has lapsed, a party may not raise                waste incineration units, and expressly
                                                  EPA mentioned CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                                                                          arguments that ‘‘were available to them                 authorizes the regulation of other
                                                  during the rulemaking for any standard
                                                                                                          at the time the rule was adopted.’’ Nat’l               pollutants through, among other things,
                                                  for a major source category, including
                                                                                                          Mining Ass’n v. DOI, 70 F.3d 1345, 1350                 surrogate standards. Unlike CAA section
                                                  standards where the Agency regulated
                                                                                                          (D.C. Cir. 1995).                                       129(a)(4), the terms of CAA section
                                                  the area sources in the category at the                    For the reasons stated above, because                112(c)(6) do not direct the EPA to set
                                                  same time and in the same manner as                     the commenter challenges the                            such standards ‘‘for’’ the CAA section
                                                     6 The primary impacts of CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                                                                          sufficiency of the underlying standards                 112(c)(6) HAP. Congress conspicuously
                                                  are to require the EPA to list area sources if major    as they apply to certain CAA section                    did not take this approach in CAA
                                                  sources do not account for at least 90 percent of       112(c)(6) HAP, the commenter should                     section 112(c)(6), and, thus, left intact
                                                  each of the seven HAP, and to limit the EPA’s           have raised these issues in timely, direct              the EPA’s discretion to establish
                                                  discretion to set so-called generally available         challenges to those rules. CAA section                  surrogate standards.
                                                  control technology or GACT standards for area                                                                      CAA section 112(c)(6) requires the
                                                  sources. Most relevant here is the limitation on the    112(c)(6) does not allow for challenges
                                                  EPA’s authority to establish GACT standards. CAA        to the legitimacy of CAA section 112(d)                 Agency to assure that ‘‘sources
                                                  section 112(d)(5) provides that, for listed area        standards adopted in prior rulemakings                  accounting for’’ at least 90 percent of the
                                                  sources, the EPA may set emission standards that        outside the 60-day window for                           emissions of the listed HAP are ‘‘subject
                                                  ‘‘provide for the use of generally available control                                                            to standards’’ under CAA sections
                                                  technologies or management practices by such            challenging those standards established
                                                  sources to reduce emissions of hazardous air            in CAA section 307(b)(1). Moreover, in                  112(d)(2) or (d)(4), without specifying
                                                  pollutants.’’ CAA section 112(c)(6) removes the         the proposed determination, EPA did                     the form of those standards, or how
                                                  EPA’s discretion to establish GACT standards for        not re-opened those previously                          those standards must operate or be
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                                                  the seven section 112(c)(6) HAP emitted if an area                                                              applied to those sources. The provision
                                                  source category must be regulated pursuant to CAA       promulgated standards, either to review
                                                  section 112(d)(2) or (4) to ensure that sources
                                                                                                                                                                  does not expressly state that the EPA
                                                  accounting for not less than 90 percent of the seven      7 Several of the rulemakings that the commenter       can meet CAA section 112(c)(6) only by
                                                  HAP are subject to CAA section 112 (d)(2) or (d)(4)     collaterally attacks regulated major and area sources   setting specific standards ‘‘for’’ the
                                                  standards. As shown in this notice, none of the         together and the Agency established the same            listed HAP, unlike CAA section
                                                  standards applicable to area sources that the EPA       section CAA section 112(d)(2) standard for both the
                                                  listed and relied on to demonstrate that it has met     major and the area sources in the categories. The
                                                                                                                                                                  129(a)(4). As the commenter notes, the
                                                  its obligations under CAA section 112(c)(6) were        commenter makes no distinction between major            United States Court of Appeals for the
                                                  established pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(5).          and area sources in its comments.                       District of Columbia Circuit upheld the

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                                                  EPA’s approach of satisfying its general                aspects of those rules to satisfy the                  standards issued prior to the 1998
                                                  obligation under CAA section 112 to set                 general rulemaking requirements of                     notice. While the EPA might not have
                                                  standards through surrogates, as long as                CAA section 307(d) and the                             identified at the time some of these
                                                  the choice of the surrogate is itself                   requirements of CAA section 112. There                 standards were issued that the EPA
                                                  reasonable. National Lime Ass’n v. EPA,                 is no statutory basis for this argument,               would count the standards towards
                                                  233 F.3d 625, 634, 637 (D.C. Cir. 2000);                which is an attempt to use this non-                   meeting the 90 percent requirement in
                                                  see also, e.g., Sierra Club v. EPA, 353                 statutorily required determination that                CAA section 112(c)(6), such intent was
                                                  F.3d 976, 982–85 (D.C. Cir. 2004). In                   the EPA has satisfied its CAA section                  made public in the 1998 notice. Further,
                                                  fact, in the National Lime decision,                    112(c)(6) obligation to reopen numerous                as discussed above, the public was on
                                                  instead of mandating that the EPA set a                 rules, many of which were finalized                    notice at the time the EPA established
                                                  specific standard for each metallic HAP,                over a decade ago, as a means to force                 these MACT standards that the
                                                  the Court held that the EPA’s standards                 a non-required re-opening of such                      standards would regulate the HAP,
                                                  for PM as a surrogate for regulating the                standards. Moreover, the commenter’s                   including the CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  aggregate metallic HAP was reasonable.                  assertion that the proposed CAA section                HAP, emitted from the source
                                                  233 F.3d at 639.                                        112(c)(6) determination was the first                  categories. If the commenter believed
                                                     Moreover, CAA section 112(c)(6)                      time the EPA provided notice of its                    that the prior actions did not
                                                  contains a numeric benchmark only as                    claim that the surrogate standards were                sufficiently control the HAP, including
                                                  to source categories responsible for the                being credited for controlling the CAA                 the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, from
                                                  percentage of aggregate baseline                        section 112(c)(6) HAP is inaccurate,                   those source categories, the commenter
                                                  emissions that must be controlled, not                  assuming it is even relevant (nothing in               had a responsibility to make those
                                                  the amount of emissions of each                         section 112(c)(6), after all, requires EPA             assertions at the time the Agency
                                                  enumerated HAP that must be reduced.                    to ‘‘provide notice,’’ either sequentially             established the CAA section 112(d)
                                                  As this Court explained in National                     or ultimately, that the Agency has                     standards. This applied equally to the
                                                  Lime, where ‘‘EPA is under no                           finally discharged its duty to set section             comments questioning the surrogate
                                                  obligation to achieve a particular                      112(d)(2) standards for the subject                    standards. The commenter should have
                                                  numerical reduction in HAP . . .                        source categories accounting for 90                    raised its concerns with the surrogate
                                                  emissions,’’ but rather only to apply                   percent of the aggregate section                       standards for ‘‘total HAP’’ or ‘‘total
                                                  MACT based on the HAP reductions                        112(c)(6) HAP. In any event, contrary to               organic HAP’’ at the time the standards
                                                  ‘‘achieved’’ by certain facilities, ‘‘then              the commenter’s assertion, the EPA                     were issued if it believed such
                                                  the EPA may require . . . control [of a                 provided such notice of its expectations               surrogates are not reasonable or in
                                                  surrogate] without quantifying the                      to discharge its section 112(c)(6)                     compliance with the CAA. In any event,
                                                  reduction in [the target] HAP . . . thus                responsibilities when the Agency                       the commenter’s claim that the
                                                  achieved.’’ 233 F.3d at 639. The same                   published the 1998 listing notice                      proposed determination was the first
                                                  rationale applies here, where the EPA’s                 identifying the source categories that,                time notice is refuted by the
                                                  only obligation under CAA section                       based on the 1990 emissions inventory,                 administrative petitions the commenter
                                                  112(c)(6) is to apply the same MACT                     are responsible for 90 percent of the                  filed in 1999, subsequent to the 1998
                                                  standard considered in National Lime to                 aggregate emissions of each of the seven               notice, requesting the EPA to revise
                                                  particular sources accounting for 90                    pollutants identified in section 112(c)(6)             some of the standards included in the
                                                  percent of emissions of the CAA section                 from stationary, anthropogenic sources                 1998 notice and addressed in the
                                                  112(c)(6) HAP. The EPA has set                          (i.e., sources within the scope of CAA                 comments on the proposed CAA section
                                                  standards pursuant to CAA sections                      sections 112 and/or 129).8 63 FR 17838                 112(c)(6) determination at issue. In a
                                                  112(d)(2) or (d)(4) regulating emissions                (April 10, 1998) (‘‘1998 listing notice’’).            letter dated January 19, 2001, the EPA
                                                  of substances identified as surrogates for              Included on the list were the MACT                     denied the petitions, explaining how
                                                  the CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, and                      standards for the source categories at                 each of these standards meet the CAA
                                                  those standards reduce the CAA section                  issue in this comment, and most of the                 section 112(c)(6) requirement in
                                                  112(c)(6) HAP; thus, the EPA has fully                  specific standards in the comments                     addressing the HAP enumerated in that
                                                  met its obligation to set standards                     were promulgated prior to the 1998                     section.9
                                                  assuring that source categories                         listing. The commenter’s argument that                    Section 112(c)(6) does not require that
                                                  accounting for not less than 90 percent                 the proposed determination constitutes                 the EPA take an additional, separate
                                                  of the aggregate emissions of the CAA                   the first time notice was given is                     final regulatory action to re-open any
                                                  section 112(c)(6) pollutants at issue are               without merit for any source category                  previously promulgated standards, and
                                                  subject to section 112(d)(2) or (4)                     listed in the 1998 notice, particularly for            the EPA in fact did not reopen these
                                                  standards.                                              those source categories that were                      prior actions in the proposed CAA
                                                     The commenter also contends that the                                                                        section 112(c)(6) determination.
                                                                                                          regulated after that listing was
                                                  present determination constitutes a                                                                            Therefore, the proposed notice does not
                                                                                                          published in the Federal Register. The
                                                  separate CAA 307(d) rulemaking with                                                                            support a belated, backdoor attack on
                                                                                                          argument is also without merit for the
                                                  regard to many of the previously and                                                                           rules that were in some cases issued
                                                  elsewhere promulgated surrogate                           8 The EPA has updated the 1998 listing several
                                                                                                                                                                 more than 20 years ago. The proposed
                                                  standards that the EPA credits towards                  times to remove source categories no longer needed     CAA section 112(c)(6) determination is
                                                  satisfying the requirement in CAA                       to meet the CAA section 112(c)(6) requirement          a simple, discretionary accounting of
                                                  section 112(c)(6) that source categories                based on updated information, and to add source        the EPA’s previous regulatory efforts,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  accounting for 90 percent of the                        categories subsequently determined to be necessary     explaining in mathematical terms that
                                                                                                          to reach the 90 percent threshold. See, e.g., 76 FR
                                                  aggregate enumerated HAP be subjected                   9450 (February 17, 2011) (adding Gold Mine source      the EPA has previously listed sources
                                                  to CAA section 112(d)(2) or (4)                         category); 73 FR 1916 (January 10, 2008) (finalizing
                                                  standards. The commenter argues that                    decision not to regulate gasoline distribution area      9 Letter from Browner to Pew, Response to Sierra

                                                  the EPA must demonstrate anew the                       sources under CAA section 112(c)(6)); 72 FR 53814      Club Petition to Revise Regulations for the SOCMI
                                                                                                          (September 20, 2007) (adding Electric Arc Furnace      Category, Coke Oven Batteries, Petroleum
                                                  validity of the prior separate rulemaking               Steelmaking Facility area source category); 67 FR      Refineries, Medical Waste Incinerators, and
                                                  actions and provide data and                            68124 (November 8, 2002) (removing several source      Municipal Waste Combustors (dated January 25,
                                                  documentation to support specific                       categories).                                           1999)(January 19, 2001).

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                                                  31480             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  and promulgated HAP standards                           standards listed in that 1998 notice did               the Gold Mine area source rule
                                                  sufficient to satisfy the requirement that              not adequately address the CAA section                 referenced in the comment addresses
                                                  sources needed for meeting the 90                       112(c)(6) HAP, it should have filed an                 the issue of surrogacy. This is not
                                                  percent requirement for each of the CAA                 administrative petition making the                     surprising considering that rule directly
                                                  section 112(c)(6) HAP have, in fact,                    argument that the 1998 notice                          regulates mercury, the only CAA section
                                                  become subject to standards under CAA                   constituted new information concerning                 112(c)(6) HAP emitted from the Gold
                                                  sections 112(d)(2) or (4). While the                    the substance of those previously issued               Mine area sources. The relevant issue in
                                                  proposed determination in some                          standards and asked the EPA to amend                   that case was whether the EPA must
                                                  instances clarifies the surrogacy                       the original rules that established the                also set CAA section 112(d)(2) standards
                                                  relationship between the established                    MACT standards. In fact, as stated                     for all of the non-CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  standards and the relevant CAA section                  above, the commenter filed an                          HAP emitted by the Gold Mine area
                                                  112(c)(6) HAP, the proposal does not                    administrative petition on several of the              sources. The Court upheld the EPA’s
                                                  discuss or attest to the substance of the               rules addressed in its comments and did                interpretation that CAA section
                                                  standards previously promulgated for                    not challenge the EPA’s denial of that                 112(c)(6) does not impose such
                                                  each listed category and subcategory                    2001 petition. Assuming arguendo that                  requirement on non-CAA section
                                                  because those standards have been                       the 1998 notice provided an opportunity                112(c)(6) HAP emitted from area sources
                                                  subject to their own notice and                         to challenge the previously issued                     just because they emit one or more CAA
                                                  comment rulemaking processes, and, in                   MACT standards, any such challenge is                  section 112(c)(6) HAP (in this case, just
                                                  several cases, to judicial review as                    now time barred because the commenter                  mercury). The commenter also suggests
                                                  provided by the strict statute of                       should have brought the challenge to                   that its claim is supported by the EPA’s
                                                  limitations imposed by CAA section                      those rules within 6 years of the 1998                 own interpretation, but does not cite or
                                                  307(b)(1). The proposed determination                   notice, wherein the EPA included those                 reference any specific EPA statement. In
                                                  only provides the mathematical and                      source categories in the CAA section                   any event, interpretations and
                                                  technical basis for the EPA’s calculation               112(c)(6) inventory. See 28 U.S.C.                     statements the EPA made in support of
                                                  that the sources in the categories and                  2401(a) (requiring civil actions against               the Gold Mine area source rule were
                                                  subcategories for which it has separately               the United States to be brought within                 specific to those area sources and
                                                  promulgated emission standards                          6 years after the right of action first                should not be taken out of context.
                                                  account for 90 percent of the baseline                  accrues). For source categories included                  To the extent the commenter is
                                                  emissions of the CAA section 112(c)(6)                  in but regulated after the 1998 listing,               claiming that a surrogate cannot be a
                                                  HAP.                                                    the commenter was on notice and                        group of HAP (e.g., total organic HAP or
                                                    The United States Court of Appeals                    should have commented directly on                      total HAP), the commenter’s
                                                  for the District of Columbia Circuit                    surrogacy and other issues at the time                 interpretation of CAA section 112(c)(6)
                                                  specified in Oljato Chapter of Navajo                   the standards were promulgated, even if                contradicts the United States Court of
                                                  Tribe v. Train, 515 F.2d 654, 666 (D.C.                 the EPA did not reiterate in the                       Appeals for the District of Columbia
                                                  Cir. 1975), a procedure for pursuing                    rulemaking record that the EPA was                     Circuit’s decision in National Lime, 233
                                                  claims that new information merits                      counting those sources’ standards                      F.3d at 639. In that decision, the Court
                                                  revision of a previous agency regulation:               toward the 90 percent requirement.                     held that PM, which is itself comprised
                                                  The prospective petitioner must first                                                                          of a group of pollutants, is a reasonable
                                                  bring the new information to the                          The commenter’s main concern                         surrogate for metallic HAP, see National
                                                  Agency’s attention in an administrative                 appears to be the EPA’s use of ‘‘total                 Lime, 233 F.3d at 639. Neither PM nor
                                                  petition seeking revision of the prior                  HAP’’ or ‘‘total organic HAP’’ as                      metallic HAP is a single HAP; each has
                                                  regulation. CAA Section 553(d) of the                   surrogates for certain CAA section                     various pollutants as constituents. As
                                                  Administrative Procedure Act (APA)                      112(c)(6) HAP. The commenter claims                    the Court holds, the EPA may set
                                                  also explicitly allows parties to petition              such approach is unlawful under the                    surrogate standards for HAP where it is
                                                  the Agency to amend a rule. A party that                plain language of CAA section 112(c)(6)                reasonable to do so, see National Lime,
                                                  identifies new information that it                      because according to the commenter                     233 F.3d at 637. Therefore, a surrogate
                                                  believes undermines the legitimacy of                   that provision requires the EPA to set a               can be one or multiple pollutants as
                                                  an existing standard may, at any time,                  MACT standard ‘‘for’’ ‘‘each section                   long as it is reasonable, and the
                                                  petition the Agency to review and revise                112(c)(6) HAP.’’ In support, the                       reasonableness of the use of a surrogate
                                                  that standard. Any party that believed                  commenter cites a United States Court                  can be properly challenged only at the
                                                  an existing MACT standard was                           of Appeals for the District of Columbia                time the standards are promulgated.
                                                  deficient because it failed to adequately               Circuit opinion in a case reviewing the                   For the reasons stated above, the EPA
                                                  address one or more HAP emitted by the                  NESHAP for the Gold Mine Ore                           is not required in this action to re-
                                                  source category could have submitted a                  Processing and Production area source                  evaluate previously promulgated MACT
                                                  petition asking the EPA to consider the                 category (‘‘the Gold Mine area source                  standards and respond to the belated
                                                  new information and amend the existing                  rule’’). See Desert Citizens Against                   comments on the substance of these
                                                  rule to cure any alleged deficiency.                    Pollution v. EPA, 699 F.3d 524 (D.C. Cir.              standards, as the commenter claims.
                                                    In addition, as discussed above, the                  2012). As explained above, the                         Congress deliberately promoted the
                                                  1998 listing notice provided sufficient                 commenter’s interpretation of CAA                      value of finality of the EPA’s standards
                                                  notice that the EPA intended to rely on                 section 112(c)(6) to require a specific                in requiring parties to challenge rules
                                                  previously issued MACT standards to                     MACT standard for ‘‘each section                       within 60 days of promulgation under
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  satisfy the CAA section 112(c)(6)                       112(c)(6) HAP’’ is unsupported by the                  CAA section 307(b)(1), and in
                                                  requirement, to the extent that the                     plain text of the statute. Unlike CAA                  precluding opportunities to randomly
                                                  public did not recognize that it was                    section 129(a)(4), the terms of CAA                    challenge standards in post-
                                                  already on notice regarding the MACT                    section 112(c)(6) do not direct the EPA                promulgation fora such as civil or
                                                  standards’ applicability to all HAP                     to set such standards ‘‘for’’ the section              criminal enforcement proceedings. See
                                                  emitted by the source categories at the                 112(c)(6) HAP. Further, nothing in the                 CAA section 307(b)(2). Moreover,
                                                  time those standards were issued. If the                United States Court of Appeals for the                 nothing in CAA section 112(c)(6) serves
                                                  commenter believed one or more of the                   District of Columbia Circuit opinion or                as an exception to this emphasis on

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 106 / Wednesday, June 3, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                31481

                                                  finality and regulatory repose, given that              responsibilities among the various                       Dated: May 22, 2015.
                                                  CAA section 112(c)(6) itself does not                   levels of government.                                  Gina McCarthy,
                                                  require the EPA to issue any final notice                                                                      Administrator.
                                                  or take any other final action that                     F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                                                                                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–13500 Filed 6–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  functions to re-open previously                         and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                                                                                                                                 BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                  promulgated standards that are credited                 Governments
                                                  to meeting the 90 percent requirement.                    This action does not have tribal
                                                  If, in fact, additional control of HAP,                 implications, as specified in Executive                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                  including CAA section 112(c)(6) HAP, is                 Order 13175. This action does not                      AGENCY
                                                  appropriate because of remaining risk or                materially alter the stringency of any
                                                  newly available control technologies or                 standards discussed in this document.                  40 CFR Part 180
                                                  practices, the CAA addresses that                       Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not
                                                  possibility by requiring review of CAA                                                                         [EPA–HQ–OPP–2014–0678; FRL–9927–19]
                                                                                                          apply to this action.
                                                  section 112(d)(2) standards pursuant to                                                                        Alkyl (C8–20) Polyglucoside Esters;
                                                  CAA sections 112(d)(6) and (f)(2). Thus,                G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
                                                                                                                                                                 Exemption From the Requirement of a
                                                  the commenter has had and will have                     Children From Environmental Health
                                                  additional opportunities to address                     Risks and Safety Risks
                                                  whether additional control of the                                                                              AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                  section 112(c)(6) HAP is warranted.                       This action is not subject to Executive              Agency (EPA).
                                                                                                          Order 13045 because the EPA does not                   ACTION: Final rule.
                                                  V. Statutory and Executive Order                        believe the environmental health risks
                                                  Reviews                                                 or safety risks addressed by this action               SUMMARY:   This regulation establishes an
                                                    Additional information about these                    present a disproportionate risk to                     exemption from the requirement of a
                                                  statutes and Executive Orders can be                    children. A health and risk assessment                 tolerance for residues of D-
                                                  found at http://www2.epa.gov/laws-                      was not performed for this action                      glucopyranose, oligomeric, 6-
                                                  regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.                  because it does not alter any of the                   (dihydrogen citrates), C8–20 branched
                                                                                                          regulations discussed in this action.                  and linear alkyl glycosides, sodium
                                                  A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory                                                                           salts; D-glucopyranose, oligomeric, 6-
                                                  Planning and Review and Executive                       H. Executive Order 13211: Actions                      (hydrogen sulfosuccinates), C8–20
                                                  Order 13563: Improving Regulation and                   Concerning Regulations That                            branched and linear alkyl glycosides,
                                                  Regulatory Review                                       Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                    sodium salts; and D-glucopyranose,
                                                    This action is not a significant                      Distribution, or Use                                   oligomeric, lactates, C8–20 branched and
                                                  regulatory action and was, therefore, not                 This action is not subject to Executive              linear alkyl glycosides when used as an
                                                  submitted to the Office of Management                   Order 13211, because it is not a                       inert ingredients (surfactants) in
                                                  and Budget (OMB) for review.                            significant regulatory action under                    pesticide formulations applied to
                                                                                                          Executive Order 12866.                                 growing crops and raw agricultural
                                                  B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
                                                                                                                                                                 commodities after harvest. Lamberti
                                                    This action does not impose an                        I. National Technology Transfer and                    USA, Inc. submitted a petition to EPA
                                                  information collection burden under the                 Advancement Act                                        under the Federal Food, Drug, and
                                                  PRA because it does not contain any                                                                            Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), requesting
                                                  information collection activities.                        This rulemaking does not involve                     establishment of an exemption from the
                                                                                                          technical standards.                                   requirement of a tolerance. This
                                                  C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
                                                                                                          J. Executive Order 12898: Federal                      regulation eliminates the need to
                                                     I certify that this action will not have                                                                    establish a maximum permissible level
                                                  a significant economic impact on a                      Actions To Address Environmental
                                                                                                          Justice in Minority Populations and                    for residues of D-glucopyranose,
                                                  substantial number of small entities                                                                           oligomeric, 6-(dihydrogen citrates), C8–20
                                                  under the RFA. This action will not                     Low-Income Populations
                                                                                                                                                                 branched and linear alkyl glycosides,
                                                  impose any requirements on small                          The EPA believes the human health or                 sodium salts: D-glucopyranose,
                                                  entities. This action does not alter any                environmental risk addressed by this                   oligomeric, 6-(hydrogen
                                                  of the standards discussed in this                      action will not have potential                         sulfosuccinates), C8–20 branched and
                                                  document.                                               disproportionately high and adverse                    linear alkyl glycosides, sodium salts;
                                                  D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                         human health or environmental effects                  and D-glucopyranose, oligomeric,
                                                  (UMRA)                                                  on minority, low income or indigenous                  lactates, C8–20 branched and linear alkyl
                                                                                                          populations because it does not affect                 glycosides.
                                                     This action does not contain any
                                                                                                          the level of protection provided to                    DATES: This regulation is effective June
                                                  unfunded mandate as described in
                                                                                                          human health or the environment. An                    3, 2015. Objections and requests for
                                                  UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538 and does
                                                                                                          environmental justice evaluation was                   hearings must be received on or before
                                                  not significantly or uniquely affect small
                                                                                                          not performed for this action because it               August 3, 2015, and must be filed in
                                                  governments. The action imposes no
                                                                                                          does not alter any of the regulations                  accordance with the instructions
                                                  enforceable duty on any state, local or
                                                                                                          discussed in this action.                              provided in 40 CFR part 178 (see also
                                                  tribal governments or the private sector.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                                 Unit I.C. of the SUPPLEMENTARY
                                                  E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism                    K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)                      INFORMATION).
                                                    This action does not have federalism                    This action is subject to the CRA, and               ADDRESSES: The docket for this action,
                                                  implications. It will not have substantial              the EPA will submit a rule report to                   identified by docket identification (ID)
                                                  direct effects on the states, on the                    each House of the Congress and to the                  number EPA–HQ–OPP–2014–0678, is
                                                  relationship between the national                       Comptroller General of the United                      available at http://www.regulations.gov
                                                  government and the states or on the                     States. This action is not a ‘‘major rule’’            or at the Office of Pesticide Programs
                                                  distribution of power and                               as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).                         Regulatory Public Docket (OPP Docket)

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:09:13
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:09:13
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis action is effective on June 3, 2015.
ContactFor questions about this action, contact Mr. Nathan Topham, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; Sector Policies and Programs Division, Metals and Inorganic Chemicals Group (D243-02); Environmental Protection Agency; Research Triangle Park, NC 27111; telephone number: (919) 541-0483; fax number:
FR Citation80 FR 31470 
RIN Number2060-AS42

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