80_FR_32970 80 FR 32859 - Federal Employees Health Benefits Program; Rate Setting for Community-Rated Plans

80 FR 32859 - Federal Employees Health Benefits Program; Rate Setting for Community-Rated Plans


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 111 (June 10, 2015)

Page Range32859-32861
FR Document2015-14219

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a final rule that makes changes to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation (FEHBAR). These changes: define which subscriber groups may be included for consideration as similarly sized subscriber groups (SSSGs); require the SSSG to be traditional community rated; establish that traditional community rated (TCR) Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans must select only one rather than two SSSGs; and make conforming changes to FEHB contract language to account for the new medical loss ratio (MLR) standard for most community rated FEHB plans.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 32859-32861]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14219]



48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, and 1652

RIN 3206-AN00

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program; Rate Setting for 
Community-Rated Plans

AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a 
final rule that makes changes to the Federal Employees Health Benefits 
Acquisition Regulation (FEHBAR). These changes: define which subscriber 
groups may be included for consideration as similarly sized subscriber 
groups (SSSGs); require the SSSG to be traditional community rated; 
establish that traditional community rated (TCR) Federal Employees 
Health Benefits (FEHB) plans must select only one rather than two 
SSSGs; and make conforming changes to FEHB contract language to account 
for the new medical loss ratio (MLR) standard for most community rated 
FEHB plans.

DATES: Effective Date: July 10, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Wenqiong Fu, Policy Analyst, at 
wenqiong.fu@opm.gov or (202) 606-0004.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management is 
issuing a final rule to update the Federal Employees Health Benefits 
Acquisition Regulation to accommodate the new FEHB specific medical 
loss ratio (MLR) requirement for most community rated plans as well as 
to update the similarly sized subscriber group (SSSG) requirement for 
traditional community rated plans.

Comments on FEHB Premium Impacts

    OPM received a comment regarding the impact the regulation will 
have on future premiums in the FEHB Program. Based on the analysis, OPM 
does not believe that there will be a significant impact in aggregate 
on the entire FEHBP, and as such, it is unlikely that there will be any 
major substantive impacts on future premium increases in the FEHBP as a 

Comment on Traditional Community Rating Plans on FEHB Groups

    A commenter raised a concern that, by utilizing TCR plans, OPM may 
potentially cost the government more money. The commenter's 
justification was that insurers will adjust rates to the highest 
expected rate if they have to provide the same rates to all groups. 
Traditional Community Rating is guided by state law and all groups pay 
the average cost of coverage for the community. As such, it is not 
believed plans will adjust rates to the highest expected rate.

Comments on Recommended Language

    A commenter suggested that (1) OPM should exclude customers of 
carrier subsidiaries from SSSG consideration and (2) OPM should also 
exclude from SSSG analysis ``[an] entity that maintains a contractual 
arrangement with the carrier to provide healthcare benefits.''
    OPM declines to make this change. We require these entities to be 
considered for SSSG comparison because we do not want businesses to 
form distinct entities under a corporate umbrella for the sole purposes 
of getting a lower rate for non-FEHBP groups. Our goal is to identify 
one non-FEHBP subscriber group (employer groups covered by an issuer) 
that is closest in size to the FEHBP group and, if the group received a 
discounted rate, the carrier must provide the discount to the FEHBP. We 
feel that, if carriers have the ability to shift groups under a 
corporate umbrella, the most appropriate SSSG will not be available for 
comparison to the FEHBP group and the FEHB program will be at greater 
risk. OPM also is not amending 48 CFR 1602.170-13(b)(1)(iv). Our 
intention is not to include SSSGs of entities with whom a Carrier 
contracts to provide health insurance coverage for its own employees. 
Additionally, we do not intend to set up a reinsurance arrangement. Our 
intent is to include entities where a Carrier has contracted provision 
of benefits to its customers to a third-party entity.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    OPM certifies that this regulation will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities because the 
regulation only affects health insurance carriers in the FEHB Program.

Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Review

    This rule has been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget 
in accordance with Executive Order 12866. OPM has examined the impact 
of this final rule as required by Executive Order 12866 and Executive 
Order 13563, which direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of 
available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to 
select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including 
potential economic, environmental, public, health, and safety effects, 
distributive impacts, and equity). A regulatory impact analysis must be 
prepared for major rules with economically significant effects of $100 
million or more in any one year. This rule is not considered a major 
rule because there will be no increased costs to Federal agencies, 
Federal Employees, or Federal retirees in their health insurance 


    We have examined this rule in accordance with Executive Order 
13132, Federalism, and have determined that this rule will not have any 
negative impact on the rights, roles, and responsibilities of State, 
local, or tribal governments.

List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, and 1652

    Government employees, Government procurement, Health insurance 
reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Katherine Archuleta,

    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, OPM amends chapter 16 of 
title 48 CFR (FEHBAR) as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 1602 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301.

2. Revise Sec.  1602.170-13 to read as follows:

Sec.  1602.170-13  Similarly sized subscriber groups.

    (a) A Similarly sized subscriber group (SSSG) is a non-FEHB 
employer group that:
    (1) As of the date specified by OPM in the rate instructions, has a 
subscriber enrollment closest to the FEHBP subscriber enrollment;
    (2) Uses traditional community rating; and,
    (3) Meets the criteria specified in the rate instructions issued by 
    (b) Any group with which an entity enters into an agreement to 

[[Page 32860]]

health care services is a potential SSSG (including groups that are 
traditional community rated and covered by separate lines of business, 
government entities, groups that have multi-year contracts, and groups 
having point-of-service products) except as specified in paragraph (c) 
of this section.
    (1) An entity's subscriber groups may be included as an SSSG if the 
entity is any of the following:
    (i) The carrier;
    (ii) A division or subsidiary of the carrier;
    (iii) A separate line of business or qualified separate line of 
business of the carrier; or
    (iv) An entity that maintains a contractual arrangement with the 
carrier to provide healthcare benefits.
    (2) A subscriber group covered by an entity meeting any of the 
criteria under paragraph (b)(1) of this section may be included for 
comparison as a SSSG if the entity meets any of the following criteria:
    (i) It reports financial statements on a consolidated basis with 
the carrier; or
    (ii) Shares, delegates, or otherwise contracts with the carrier, 
any portion of its workforce that involves the management, design, 
pricing, or marketing of the healthcare product.
    (c) The following groups must be excluded from SSSG consideration:
    (1) Groups the carrier rates by the method of retrospective 
experience rating;
    (2) Groups consisting of the carrier's own employees;
    (3) Medicaid groups, Medicare-only groups, and groups that receive 
only excepted benefits as defined at 26 U.S.C. 9832(c);
    (4) A purchasing alliance whose rate-setting is mandated by the 
State or local government;
    (5) Administrative Service Organizations (ASOs);
    (6) Any other group excluded from consideration as specified in the 
rate instructions issued by OPM.
    (d) OPM shall determine the FEHBP rate by selecting the lowest rate 
derived by using rating methods consistent with those used to derive 
the SSSG rate.
    (e) In the event that a State-mandated TCR carrier has no SSSG, 
then it will be subject to the FEHB specific MLR requirement.

3. In Sec.  1602.170-14, revise paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  1602.170-14  FEHB-specific medical loss ratio threshold 

    (a) Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) means the ratio of plan incurred 
claims, including the carrier's expenditures for activities that 
improve health care quality, to total premium revenue determined by 
OPM, as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services in 45 
CFR part 158.
* * * * *


4. The authority citation for part 1615 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301; 5 
U.S.C. 8902.

5. In Sec.  1615.402, revise paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(3)(i)(A) and (B), 
and (c)(4) to read as follows:

Sec.  1615.402  Pricing policy.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) For contracts with fewer than 1,500 enrollee contracts for 
which the FEHB Program premiums for the contract term will be at or 
above the threshold at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), OPM will require the carrier 
to submit its rate proposal, utilization data, and a certificate of 
accurate cost or pricing data required in 1615.406-2. In addition, OPM 
will require the carrier to complete the proposed rates form containing 
cost and pricing data, and the Community-Rate Questionnaire, but will 
not require the carrier to send these documents to OPM. The carrier 
will keep the documents on file for periodic auditor and actuarial 
review in accordance with 1652.204-70. OPM will perform a basic 
reasonableness test on the data submitted. Rates that do not pass this 
test will be subject to further OPM review.
    (3) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (A) For contracts with 1,500 or more enrollee contracts for which 
the FEHB Program premiums for the contract term will be at or above the 
threshold at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), OPM will require the carrier to 
provide the data and methodology used to determine the FEHB Program 
rates. OPM will also require the data and methodology used to determine 
the rates for the carrier's SSSG. The carrier will provide cost or 
pricing data required by OPM in its rate instructions for the 
applicable contract period. OPM will evaluate the data to ensure that 
the rate is reasonable and consistent with the requirements in this 
chapter. If necessary, OPM may require the carrier to provide 
additional documentation.
    (B) Contracts will be subject to a downward price adjustment if OPM 
determines that the Federal group was charged more than it would have 
been charged using a methodology consistent with that used for the 
SSSG. Such adjustments will be based on the rate determined by using 
the methodology (including discounts) the carrier used for the SSSG.
* * * * *
    (4) Contracts will be subject to a downward price adjustment if OPM 
determines that the Federal group was charged more than it would have 
been charged using a methodology consistent with that used for the 
similarly-sized subscriber group (SSSG). Such adjustments will be based 
on the rate determined by using the methodology (including discounts) 
the carrier used for the SSSG.
* * * * *

6. In Sec.  1615.406-2, revise the first certificate following 
paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  1615.406-2  Certificates of accurate cost or pricing data for 
community rated carriers.

* * * * *

(Beginning of first certificate)

Certificate of Accurate Cost or Pricing Data for Community-Rated 
Carriers (SSSG methodology)

    This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief: 
(1) The cost or pricing data submitted (or, if not submitted, 
maintained and identified by the carrier as supporting documentation) 
to the Contracting officer or the Contracting officer's representative 
or designee, in support of the __* FEHB Program rates were developed in 
accordance with the requirements of 48 CFR Chapter 16 and the FEHB 
Program contract and are accurate, complete, and current as of the date 
this certificate is executed; and (2) the methodology used to determine 
the FEHB Program rates is consistent with the methodology used to 
determine the rates for the carrier's Similarly Sized Subscriber Group.
    * Insert the year for which the rates apply.




Date of Execution:-----------------------------------------------------

(End of first certificate)

* * * * *


7. The authority citation for part 1652 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301.

8. In Sec.  1652.215-70, revise paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as 

[[Page 32861]]

Sec.  1652.215-70  Rate Reduction for Defective Pricing or Defective 
Cost or Pricing Data.

* * * * *
    (a) If any rate established in connection with this contract was 
increased because:
    (1) The Carrier submitted, or kept in its files in support of the 
FEHBP rate, cost or pricing data that were not complete, accurate, or 
current as certified in one of the Certificates of Accurate Cost or 
Pricing Data (FEHBAR 1615.406-2);
    (2) The Carrier submitted, or kept in its files in support of the 
FEHBP rate, cost or pricing data that were not accurate as represented 
in the rate reconciliation documents or MLR Calculation;
    (3) The Carrier developed FEHBP rates for traditional community 
rated plans with a rating methodology and structure inconsistent with 
that used to develop rates for a similarly sized subscriber group (see 
FEHBAR 1602.170-13) as certified in the Certificate of Accurate Cost or 
Pricing Data for Community Rated Carriers;
    (4) The Carrier, who is not mandated by the State to use 
traditional community rating, developed FEHBP rates with a rating 
methodology and structure inconsistent with its State-filed rating 
methodology (or if not required to file with the State, their standard 
written and established rating methodology) or inconsistent with the 
FEHB specific medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements (see FEHBAR 
1602.170-13); or
    (5) The Carrier submitted or, kept in its files in support of the 
FEHBP rate, data or information of any description that were not 
complete, accurate, and current--then, the rate shall be reduced in the 
amount by which the price was increased because of the defective data 
or information.
* * * * *
    (c) When the Contracting Officer determines that the rates shall be 
reduced and the Government is thereby entitled to a refund or that the 
Government is entitled to a MLR penalty, the Carrier shall be liable to 
and shall pay the FEHB Fund at the time the overpayment is repaid or at 
the time the MLR penalty is paid--
    (1) Simple interest on the amount of the overpayment from the date 
the overpayment was paid from the FEHB Fund to the Carrier until the 
date the overcharge is liquidated. In calculating the amount of 
interest due, the quarterly rate determinations by the Secretary of the 
Treasury under the authority of 26 U.S.C. 6621(a)(2) applicable to the 
periods the overcharge was retained by the Carrier shall be used;
    (2) A penalty equal to the amount of overpayment, if the Carrier 
knowingly submitted cost or pricing data which was incomplete, 
inaccurate, or noncurrent; and,
    (3) Simple interest on the MLR penalty from the date on which the 
penalty should have been paid to the FEHB Fund to the date on which the 
penalty was or will be actually paid to the FEHB fund. The interest 
rate shall be calculated as specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this 

9. In Sec.  1652.216-70, revise paragraphs (b)(2), (3), (7), and (8) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  1652.216-70  Accounting and price adjustment.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2). Effective January 1, 2013 all community rated plans must 
develop the FEHBP's rates using their State-filed rating methodology 
or, if not required to file with the State, their standard written and 
established rating methodology. A carrier who mandated by the State to 
use traditional community rating will be subject to paragraph 
(b)(2)(ii) of this clause. All other carriers will be subject to 
paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this clause.
    (i) The subscription rates agreed to in this contract shall meet 
the FEHB-specific MLR threshold as defined in FEHBAR 1602.170-14. The 
ratio of a plan's incurred claims, including the carrier's expenditures 
for activities that improve health care quality, to total premium 
revenue shall not be lower than the FEHB-specific MLR threshold 
published annually by OPM in its rate instructions.
    (ii) The subscription rates agreed to in this contract shall be 
equivalent to the subscription rates given to the carrier's similarly 
sized subscriber group (SSSG) as defined in FEHBAR 1602.170-13. The 
subscription rates shall be determined according to the carrier's 
established policy, which must be applied consistently to the FEHBP and 
to the carrier's SSSG. If the SSSG receives a rate lower than that 
determined according to the carrier's established policy, it is 
considered a discount. The FEHBP must receive a discount equal to or 
greater than the carrier's SSSG discount.
    (3) If subject to paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this clause, then:
    (i) If, at the time of the rate reconciliation, the subscription 
rates are found to be lower than the equivalent rates for the SSSG, the 
carrier may include an adjustment to the Federal group's rates for the 
next contract period, except as noted in paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this 
    (ii) If, at the time of the rate reconciliation, the subscription 
rates are found to be higher than the equivalent rates for the SSSG, 
the carrier shall reimburse the Fund, for example, by reducing the FEHB 
rates for the next contract term to reflect the difference between the 
estimated rates and the rates which are derived using the methodology 
of the SSSG, except as noted in paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this clause.
    (iii) Carriers may provide additional guaranteed discounts to the 
FEHBP that are not given to the SSSG. Any such guaranteed discounts 
must be clearly identified as guaranteed discounts. After the beginning 
of the contract year for which the rates are set, these guaranteed 
FEHBP discounts may not be adjusted.
* * * * *
    (7) Carriers may provide additional guaranteed discounts to the 
FEHBP. Any such guaranteed discounts must be clearly identified as 
guaranteed discounts. After the beginning of the contract year for 
which the rates are set, these guaranteed FEHBP discounts may not be 
    (8) Carriers may not impose surcharges (loadings not defined based 
on an established rating method) on the FEHBP subscription rates or use 
surcharges in the rate reconciliation process. If the carrier is 
subject to the SSSG rules and imposes a surcharge on the SSSG, the 
carrier cannot impose the surcharge on FEHB.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2015-14219 Filed 6-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                             32859

                                                  Federal Communications Commission.                      Comment on Traditional Community                       OPM has examined the impact of this
                                                  Marlene H. Dortch,                                      Rating Plans on FEHB Groups                            final rule as required by Executive
                                                  Secretary.                                                A commenter raised a concern that,                   Order 12866 and Executive Order
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–13717 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]              by utilizing TCR plans, OPM may                        13563, which direct agencies to assess
                                                  BILLING CODE 6712–01–P                                  potentially cost the government more                   all costs and benefits of available
                                                                                                          money. The commenter’s justification                   regulatory alternatives and, if regulation
                                                                                                          was that insurers will adjust rates to the             is necessary, to select regulatory
                                                                                                          highest expected rate if they have to                  approaches that maximize net benefits
                                                  OFFICE OF PERSONNEL                                                                                            (including potential economic,
                                                  MANAGEMENT                                              provide the same rates to all groups.
                                                                                                          Traditional Community Rating is guided                 environmental, public, health, and
                                                                                                          by state law and all groups pay the                    safety effects, distributive impacts, and
                                                  48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, and 1652
                                                                                                          average cost of coverage for the                       equity). A regulatory impact analysis
                                                  RIN 3206–AN00                                           community. As such, it is not believed                 must be prepared for major rules with
                                                                                                          plans will adjust rates to the highest                 economically significant effects of $100
                                                  Federal Employees Health Benefits                       expected rate.                                         million or more in any one year. This
                                                  Program; Rate Setting for Community-                                                                           rule is not considered a major rule
                                                  Rated Plans                                             Comments on Recommended Language                       because there will be no increased costs
                                                                                                             A commenter suggested that (1) OPM                  to Federal agencies, Federal Employees,
                                                  AGENCY:  U.S. Office of Personnel                       should exclude customers of carrier                    or Federal retirees in their health
                                                  Management.                                             subsidiaries from SSSG consideration                   insurance premiums.
                                                  ACTION: Final rule.                                     and (2) OPM should also exclude from
                                                                                                          SSSG analysis ‘‘[an] entity that
                                                  SUMMARY:   The U.S. Office of Personnel                 maintains a contractual arrangement                      We have examined this rule in
                                                  Management (OPM) is issuing a final                     with the carrier to provide healthcare                 accordance with Executive Order 13132,
                                                  rule that makes changes to the Federal                  benefits.’’                                            Federalism, and have determined that
                                                  Employees Health Benefits Acquisition                      OPM declines to make this change.                   this rule will not have any negative
                                                  Regulation (FEHBAR). These changes:                     We require these entities to be                        impact on the rights, roles, and
                                                  define which subscriber groups may be                   considered for SSSG comparison                         responsibilities of State, local, or tribal
                                                  included for consideration as similarly                 because we do not want businesses to                   governments.
                                                  sized subscriber groups (SSSGs); require                form distinct entities under a corporate
                                                  the SSSG to be traditional community                    umbrella for the sole purposes of getting              List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1602,
                                                  rated; establish that traditional                       a lower rate for non-FEHBP groups. Our                 1615, and 1652
                                                  community rated (TCR) Federal                           goal is to identify one non-FEHBP                        Government employees, Government
                                                  Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)                        subscriber group (employer groups                      procurement, Health insurance
                                                  plans must select only one rather than                  covered by an issuer) that is closest in               reporting and recordkeeping
                                                  two SSSGs; and make conforming                          size to the FEHBP group and, if the                    requirements.
                                                  changes to FEHB contract language to                    group received a discounted rate, the                  U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
                                                  account for the new medical loss ratio                  carrier must provide the discount to the
                                                  (MLR) standard for most community                                                                              Katherine Archuleta,
                                                                                                          FEHBP. We feel that, if carriers have the
                                                  rated FEHB plans.                                                                                              Director.
                                                                                                          ability to shift groups under a corporate
                                                  DATES: Effective Date: July 10, 2015.                   umbrella, the most appropriate SSSG                       For the reasons set forth in the
                                                                                                          will not be available for comparison to                preamble, OPM amends chapter 16 of
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                          the FEHBP group and the FEHB                           title 48 CFR (FEHBAR) as follows:
                                                  Wenqiong Fu, Policy Analyst, at
                                                  wenqiong.fu@opm.gov or (202) 606–                       program will be at greater risk. OPM
                                                                                                          also is not amending 48 CFR 1602.170–                  PART 1602—DEFINITIONS OF WORDS
                                                  0004.                                                                                                          AND TERMS
                                                                                                          13(b)(1)(iv). Our intention is not to
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The U.S.                include SSSGs of entities with whom a
                                                  Office of Personnel Management is                                                                              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1602
                                                                                                          Carrier contracts to provide health                    continues to read as follows:
                                                  issuing a final rule to update the Federal              insurance coverage for its own
                                                  Employees Health Benefits Acquisition                   employees. Additionally, we do not                       Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
                                                  Regulation to accommodate the new                       intend to set up a reinsurance                         48 CFR 1.301.
                                                  FEHB specific medical loss ratio (MLR)                  arrangement. Our intent is to include                  ■ 2. Revise § 1602.170–13 to read as
                                                  requirement for most community rated                    entities where a Carrier has contracted                follows:
                                                  plans as well as to update the similarly                provision of benefits to its customers to
                                                  sized subscriber group (SSSG)                           a third-party entity.                                  § 1602.170–13    Similarly sized subscriber
                                                  requirement for traditional community                                                                          groups.
                                                  rated plans.                                            Regulatory Flexibility Act                               (a) A Similarly sized subscriber group
                                                  Comments on FEHB Premium Impacts                          OPM certifies that this regulation will              (SSSG) is a non-FEHB employer group
                                                                                                          not have a significant economic impact                 that:
                                                    OPM received a comment regarding                      on a substantial number of small entities                (1) As of the date specified by OPM
                                                  the impact the regulation will have on                  because the regulation only affects                    in the rate instructions, has a subscriber
                                                  future premiums in the FEHB Program.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                          health insurance carriers in the FEHB                  enrollment closest to the FEHBP
                                                  Based on the analysis, OPM does not                     Program.                                               subscriber enrollment;
                                                  believe that there will be a significant                                                                         (2) Uses traditional community rating;
                                                  impact in aggregate on the entire                       Executive Order 12866, Regulatory                      and,
                                                  FEHBP, and as such, it is unlikely that                 Review                                                   (3) Meets the criteria specified in the
                                                  there will be any major substantive                       This rule has been reviewed by the                   rate instructions issued by OPM.
                                                  impacts on future premium increases in                  Office of Management and Budget in                       (b) Any group with which an entity
                                                  the FEHBP as a whole.                                   accordance with Executive Order 12866.                 enters into an agreement to provide

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                                                  32860            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  health care services is a potential SSSG                quality, to total premium revenue                      with that used for the SSSG. Such
                                                  (including groups that are traditional                  determined by OPM, as defined by the                   adjustments will be based on the rate
                                                  community rated and covered by                          Department of Health and Human                         determined by using the methodology
                                                  separate lines of business, government                  Services in 45 CFR part 158.                           (including discounts) the carrier used
                                                  entities, groups that have multi-year                   *     *     *      *   *                               for the SSSG.
                                                  contracts, and groups having point-of-                                                                         *      *     *    *     *
                                                  service products) except as specified in                PART 1615—CONTRACTING BY                                  (4) Contracts will be subject to a
                                                  paragraph (c) of this section.                          NEGOTIATION                                            downward price adjustment if OPM
                                                     (1) An entity’s subscriber groups may                                                                       determines that the Federal group was
                                                  be included as an SSSG if the entity is                 ■  4. The authority citation for part 1615             charged more than it would have been
                                                  any of the following:                                   is revised to read as follows:                         charged using a methodology consistent
                                                     (i) The carrier;                                                                                            with that used for the similarly-sized
                                                                                                            Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
                                                     (ii) A division or subsidiary of the                 48 CFR 1.301; 5 U.S.C. 8902.                           subscriber group (SSSG). Such
                                                  carrier;                                                                                                       adjustments will be based on the rate
                                                     (iii) A separate line of business or                 ■ 5. In § 1615.402, revise paragraphs                  determined by using the methodology
                                                  qualified separate line of business of the              (c)(2), (c)(3)(i)(A) and (B), and (c)(4) to            (including discounts) the carrier used
                                                  carrier; or                                             read as follows:                                       for the SSSG.
                                                     (iv) An entity that maintains a
                                                  contractual arrangement with the carrier                § 1615.402    Pricing policy.                          *      *     *    *     *
                                                  to provide healthcare benefits.                         *     *     *     *     *                              ■ 6. In § 1615.406–2, revise the first
                                                     (2) A subscriber group covered by an                   (c) * * *                                            certificate following paragraph (b) to
                                                  entity meeting any of the criteria under                  (2) For contracts with fewer than                    read as follows:
                                                  paragraph (b)(1) of this section may be                 1,500 enrollee contracts for which the
                                                                                                          FEHB Program premiums for the                          § 1615.406–2 Certificates of accurate cost
                                                  included for comparison as a SSSG if                                                                           or pricing data for community rated
                                                  the entity meets any of the following                   contract term will be at or above the
                                                  criteria:                                               threshold at FAR 15.403–4(a)(1), OPM
                                                                                                          will require the carrier to submit its rate            *    *    *      *      *
                                                     (i) It reports financial statements on a
                                                  consolidated basis with the carrier; or                 proposal, utilization data, and a                      (Beginning of first certificate)
                                                     (ii) Shares, delegates, or otherwise                 certificate of accurate cost or pricing                Certificate of Accurate Cost or Pricing
                                                  contracts with the carrier, any portion of              data required in 1615.406–2. In                        Data for Community-Rated Carriers
                                                  its workforce that involves the                         addition, OPM will require the carrier to              (SSSG methodology)
                                                  management, design, pricing, or                         complete the proposed rates form
                                                                                                                                                                   This is to certify that, to the best of
                                                  marketing of the healthcare product.                    containing cost and pricing data, and
                                                                                                                                                                 my knowledge and belief: (1) The cost
                                                     (c) The following groups must be                     the Community-Rate Questionnaire, but
                                                                                                                                                                 or pricing data submitted (or, if not
                                                  excluded from SSSG consideration:                       will not require the carrier to send these
                                                                                                                                                                 submitted, maintained and identified by
                                                     (1) Groups the carrier rates by the                  documents to OPM. The carrier will
                                                                                                                                                                 the carrier as supporting
                                                  method of retrospective experience                      keep the documents on file for periodic
                                                                                                                                                                 documentation) to the Contracting
                                                  rating;                                                 auditor and actuarial review in
                                                                                                                                                                 officer or the Contracting officer’s
                                                     (2) Groups consisting of the carrier’s               accordance with 1652.204–70. OPM will
                                                                                                                                                                 representative or designee, in support of
                                                  own employees;                                          perform a basic reasonableness test on
                                                                                                                                                                 the ll* FEHB Program rates were
                                                     (3) Medicaid groups, Medicare-only                   the data submitted. Rates that do not
                                                                                                                                                                 developed in accordance with the
                                                  groups, and groups that receive only                    pass this test will be subject to further
                                                                                                                                                                 requirements of 48 CFR Chapter 16 and
                                                  excepted benefits as defined at 26 U.S.C.               OPM review.
                                                                                                                                                                 the FEHB Program contract and are
                                                  9832(c);                                                  (3) * * *
                                                                                                            (i) * * *                                            accurate, complete, and current as of the
                                                     (4) A purchasing alliance whose rate-                                                                       date this certificate is executed; and (2)
                                                  setting is mandated by the State or local                 (A) For contracts with 1,500 or more
                                                                                                          enrollee contracts for which the FEHB                  the methodology used to determine the
                                                  government;                                                                                                    FEHB Program rates is consistent with
                                                     (5) Administrative Service                           Program premiums for the contract term
                                                                                                          will be at or above the threshold at FAR               the methodology used to determine the
                                                  Organizations (ASOs);
                                                                                                          15.403–4(a)(1), OPM will require the                   rates for the carrier’s Similarly Sized
                                                     (6) Any other group excluded from
                                                                                                          carrier to provide the data and                        Subscriber Group.
                                                  consideration as specified in the rate
                                                                                                          methodology used to determine the                        * Insert the year for which the rates
                                                  instructions issued by OPM.
                                                                                                          FEHB Program rates. OPM will also                      apply.
                                                     (d) OPM shall determine the FEHBP
                                                  rate by selecting the lowest rate derived               require the data and methodology used                  Firm: llllllllllllllllll
                                                  by using rating methods consistent with                 to determine the rates for the carrier’s               Name: lllllllllllllllll
                                                  those used to derive the SSSG rate.                     SSSG. The carrier will provide cost or                 Signature: llllllllllllllll
                                                     (e) In the event that a State-mandated               pricing data required by OPM in its rate               Date of Execution: llllllllllll
                                                  TCR carrier has no SSSG, then it will be                instructions for the applicable contract               (End of first certificate)
                                                  subject to the FEHB specific MLR                        period. OPM will evaluate the data to
                                                                                                          ensure that the rate is reasonable and                 *       *    *    *     *
                                                  ■ 3. In § 1602.170–14, revise paragraph                 consistent with the requirements in this               PART 1652—CONTRACT CLAUSES
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  (a) to read as follows:                                 chapter. If necessary, OPM may require
                                                                                                          the carrier to provide additional                      ■ 7. The authority citation for part 1652
                                                  § 1602.170–14 FEHB-specific medical loss                documentation.                                         continues to read as follows:
                                                  ratio threshold calculation.                              (B) Contracts will be subject to a
                                                                                                                                                                   Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
                                                    (a) Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) means                    downward price adjustment if OPM                       48 CFR 1.301.
                                                  the ratio of plan incurred claims,                      determines that the Federal group was
                                                  including the carrier’s expenditures for                charged more than it would have been                   ■ 8. In § 1652.215–70, revise paragraphs
                                                  activities that improve health care                     charged using a methodology consistent                 (a) and (c) to read as follows:

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                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                32861

                                                  § 1652.215–70 Rate Reduction for                        periods the overcharge was retained by                 period, except as noted in paragraph
                                                  Defective Pricing or Defective Cost or                  the Carrier shall be used;                             (b)(3)(iii) of this clause.
                                                  Pricing Data.                                              (2) A penalty equal to the amount of                  (ii) If, at the time of the rate
                                                  *      *      *     *    *                              overpayment, if the Carrier knowingly                  reconciliation, the subscription rates are
                                                     (a) If any rate established in                       submitted cost or pricing data which                   found to be higher than the equivalent
                                                  connection with this contract was                       was incomplete, inaccurate, or                         rates for the SSSG, the carrier shall
                                                  increased because:                                      noncurrent; and,                                       reimburse the Fund, for example, by
                                                     (1) The Carrier submitted, or kept in                   (3) Simple interest on the MLR                      reducing the FEHB rates for the next
                                                  its files in support of the FEHBP rate,                 penalty from the date on which the                     contract term to reflect the difference
                                                  cost or pricing data that were not                      penalty should have been paid to the                   between the estimated rates and the
                                                  complete, accurate, or current as                       FEHB Fund to the date on which the                     rates which are derived using the
                                                  certified in one of the Certificates of                 penalty was or will be actually paid to                methodology of the SSSG, except as
                                                  Accurate Cost or Pricing Data (FEHBAR                   the FEHB fund. The interest rate shall                 noted in paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this
                                                  1615.406–2);                                            be calculated as specified in paragraph                clause.
                                                     (2) The Carrier submitted, or kept in                (c)(1) of this section.                                  (iii) Carriers may provide additional
                                                  its files in support of the FEHBP rate,                 ■ 9. In § 1652.216–70, revise paragraphs               guaranteed discounts to the FEHBP that
                                                  cost or pricing data that were not                      (b)(2), (3), (7), and (8) to read as follows:          are not given to the SSSG. Any such
                                                  accurate as represented in the rate                                                                            guaranteed discounts must be clearly
                                                  reconciliation documents or MLR                         § 1652.216–70      Accounting and price                identified as guaranteed discounts. After
                                                  Calculation;                                                                                                   the beginning of the contract year for
                                                     (3) The Carrier developed FEHBP                      *       *      *     *     *                           which the rates are set, these guaranteed
                                                  rates for traditional community rated                      (b) * * *                                           FEHBP discounts may not be adjusted.
                                                                                                             (2). Effective January 1, 2013 all
                                                  plans with a rating methodology and                                                                            *      *      *     *     *
                                                                                                          community rated plans must develop
                                                  structure inconsistent with that used to                                                                         (7) Carriers may provide additional
                                                                                                          the FEHBP’s rates using their State-filed
                                                  develop rates for a similarly sized                                                                            guaranteed discounts to the FEHBP.
                                                                                                          rating methodology or, if not required to
                                                  subscriber group (see FEHBAR                                                                                   Any such guaranteed discounts must be
                                                                                                          file with the State, their standard
                                                  1602.170–13) as certified in the                                                                               clearly identified as guaranteed
                                                                                                          written and established rating
                                                  Certificate of Accurate Cost or Pricing                                                                        discounts. After the beginning of the
                                                                                                          methodology. A carrier who mandated
                                                  Data for Community Rated Carriers;                                                                             contract year for which the rates are set,
                                                                                                          by the State to use traditional
                                                     (4) The Carrier, who is not mandated                                                                        these guaranteed FEHBP discounts may
                                                                                                          community rating will be subject to
                                                  by the State to use traditional                                                                                not be adjusted.
                                                                                                          paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this clause. All
                                                  community rating, developed FEHBP                                                                                (8) Carriers may not impose
                                                                                                          other carriers will be subject to
                                                  rates with a rating methodology and                                                                            surcharges (loadings not defined based
                                                                                                          paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this clause.
                                                  structure inconsistent with its State-                                                                         on an established rating method) on the
                                                                                                             (i) The subscription rates agreed to in
                                                  filed rating methodology (or if not                                                                            FEHBP subscription rates or use
                                                                                                          this contract shall meet the FEHB-
                                                  required to file with the State, their                                                                         surcharges in the rate reconciliation
                                                                                                          specific MLR threshold as defined in
                                                  standard written and established rating                                                                        process. If the carrier is subject to the
                                                                                                          FEHBAR 1602.170–14. The ratio of a
                                                  methodology) or inconsistent with the                                                                          SSSG rules and imposes a surcharge on
                                                                                                          plan’s incurred claims, including the
                                                  FEHB specific medical loss ratio (MLR)                                                                         the SSSG, the carrier cannot impose the
                                                                                                          carrier’s expenditures for activities that
                                                  requirements (see FEHBAR 1602.170–                                                                             surcharge on FEHB.
                                                                                                          improve health care quality, to total
                                                  13); or                                                                                                        *      *      *     *     *
                                                                                                          premium revenue shall not be lower
                                                     (5) The Carrier submitted or, kept in                than the FEHB-specific MLR threshold                   [FR Doc. 2015–14219 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  its files in support of the FEHBP rate,                 published annually by OPM in its rate                  BILLING CODE 6325–63–P
                                                  data or information of any description                  instructions.
                                                  that were not complete, accurate, and                      (ii) The subscription rates agreed to in
                                                  current—then, the rate shall be reduced                 this contract shall be equivalent to the               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                  in the amount by which the price was                    subscription rates given to the carrier’s
                                                  increased because of the defective data                 similarly sized subscriber group (SSSG)                Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                  or information.                                         as defined in FEHBAR 1602.170–13.                      Administration
                                                  *      *      *     *    *                              The subscription rates shall be
                                                     (c) When the Contracting Officer                     determined according to the carrier’s                  49 CFR Part 389
                                                  determines that the rates shall be                      established policy, which must be                      [Docket No. FMCSA–2015–0168]
                                                  reduced and the Government is thereby                   applied consistently to the FEHBP and
                                                  entitled to a refund or that the                        to the carrier’s SSSG. If the SSSG                     RIN 2126–AB79
                                                  Government is entitled to a MLR                         receives a rate lower than that
                                                  penalty, the Carrier shall be liable to                                                                        Rulemaking Procedures—Federal
                                                                                                          determined according to the carrier’s
                                                  and shall pay the FEHB Fund at the                                                                             Motor Carrier Safety Regulations;
                                                                                                          established policy, it is considered a
                                                  time the overpayment is repaid or at the                                                                       Treatment of Confidential Business
                                                                                                          discount. The FEHBP must receive a
                                                  time the MLR penalty is paid—                                                                                  Information
                                                                                                          discount equal to or greater than the
                                                     (1) Simple interest on the amount of                 carrier’s SSSG discount.                               AGENCY:  Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                  the overpayment from the date the
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                             (3) If subject to paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of           Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
                                                  overpayment was paid from the FEHB                      this clause, then:                                     ACTION: Final rule.
                                                  Fund to the Carrier until the date the                     (i) If, at the time of the rate
                                                  overcharge is liquidated. In calculating                reconciliation, the subscription rates are             SUMMARY:  FMCSA amends its
                                                  the amount of interest due, the quarterly               found to be lower than the equivalent                  Rulemaking Procedures by adding a
                                                  rate determinations by the Secretary of                 rates for the SSSG, the carrier may                    new section establishing the standards
                                                  the Treasury under the authority of 26                  include an adjustment to the Federal                   and procedures that the Agency will use
                                                  U.S.C. 6621(a)(2) applicable to the                     group’s rates for the next contract                    regarding the submission of certain

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:16:50
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:16:50
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
ContactWenqiong Fu, Policy Analyst, at [email protected] or (202) 606-0004.
FR Citation80 FR 32859 
RIN Number3206-AN00
CFR Citation48 CFR 1602
48 CFR 1615
48 CFR 1652
CFR AssociatedGovernment Employees; Government Procurement and Health Insurance Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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