80_FR_33067 80 FR 32956 - Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request

80 FR 32956 - Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request

Administration for Children and Families

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 111 (June 10, 2015)

Page Range32956-32957
FR Document2015-14140

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)]
[Pages 32956-32957]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14140]



Administration for Children and Families

Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request

Proposed Projects

    Title: National Youth in Transition Database and Youth Outcome 
    OMB No.: 0970-0340.
    Description: The Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 (42 U.S.C. 
1305 et seq.) as amended by Public Law 106-169 requires State child 
welfare agencies to collect and report to the Administration on 
Children and Families (ACF) data on the characteristics of youth 
receiving independent living services and information regarding their 
outcomes. The regulation implementing the National Youth in Transition 
Database, listed in 45 CFR 1356.80, contains standard data collection 
and reporting requirements for States to meet the law's requirements. 
ACF will use the information collected under the regulation to track 
independent living services, assess the collective outcomes of youth, 
and potentially to evaluate State performance with regard to those 
outcomes consistent with the law's mandate.
    Respondents: State agencies that administer the John H. Chafee 
Foster Care Independence Program.

[[Page 32957]]

                                             Annual Burden Estimates
                                                                     Number of    Average burden
                   Instrument                        Number of     responses per     hours per     Total burden
                                                    respondents     respondent       response          hours
Youth Outcome Survey............................          20,667               1             0.5          10,334
Data File.......................................              52               2           1,368         142,272

    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 152,606.
    In compliance with the requirements of Section 506(c)(2)(A) of the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Administration for Children and 
Families is soliciting public comment on the specific aspects of the 
information collection described above. Copies of the proposed 
collection of information can be obtained and comments may be forwarded 
by writing to the Administration for Children and Families, Office of 
Planning, Research and Evaluation, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW., 
Washington, DC 20447, Attn: ACF Reports Clearance Officer. Email 
address: infocollection@acf.hhs.gov. All requests should be identified 
by the title of the information collection.
    The Department specifically requests comments on: (a) Whether the 
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the 
agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
information; (c) the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection 
of information on respondents, including through the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology. 
Consideration will be given to comments and suggestions submitted 
within 60 days of this publication.

Robert Sargis,
Reports Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-14140 Filed 6-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    32956                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                    agency about the matching program                       (OCSE), which is the ‘‘source agency,’’                sends a report of the matching program to the
                                                    until July 10, 2015.                                    and state agencies administering the                   Congressional committees of jurisdiction
                                                    ADDRESSES: Interested parties may                       Temporary Assistance to Needy                          under 5 U.S.C. 552a(o)(2)(A); and to OMB,
                                                    submit written comment on this notice                   Families (TANF) program, which are the                 unless OMB disapproves the agreement
                                                    to Linda Deimeke, Director, Division of                 ‘‘non-federal agencies.’’                              within the 40-day review period or grants a
                                                    Federal Systems, Office of Child                                                                               waiver within 10 days of the 40-day review
                                                                                                            B. PURPOSE OF THE MATCHING PROGRAM                     period. The matching agreement will remain
                                                    Support Enforcement, Administration
                                                    for Children and Families, 370 L’Enfant                   The primary purpose of the matching                  in effect for 18 months from its effective date,
                                                    Promenade SW., 4th Floor East,                          program is to provide new hire,                        unless one of the parties to the agreement
                                                    Washington, DC 20447. Comments                          quarterly wage, and unemployment                       advises the other by written request to
                                                    received will be available for public                   insurance information from OCSE’s                      terminate or modify the agreement. The
                                                    inspection at this address from 9:00 a.m.               National Directory of New Hires                        agreement is subject to renewal by the HHS
                                                    to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday through                         (NDNH) to state agencies administering                 Data Integrity Board for 12 additional months
                                                    Friday.                                                 TANF to verify the eligibility of adult                if the matching program will be conducted
                                                                                                            TANF recipients and applicants and, if                 without any change and OCSE and the state
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                               agency certify to the Data Integrity Board in
                                                                                                            ineligible, to take such action as may be
                                                    Linda Deimeke, Director, Division of                    authorized by law and regulation. The                  writing that the program has been conducted
                                                    Federal Systems, Office of Child                                                                               in compliance with the agreement.
                                                                                                            state agencies administering TANF may
                                                    Support Enforcement, Administration
                                                                                                            also use the NDNH information for the                  [FR Doc. 2015–14199 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    for Children and Families, 370 L’Enfant
                                                                                                            secondary purpose of updating the                      BILLING CODE 4184–42–P
                                                    Promenade SW., 4th Floor East,
                                                                                                            applicants and recipients’ reported
                                                    Washington, DC 20447, 202–401–5439.
                                                                                                            participation in work activities and
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                                                                            updating contact information                           DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                    Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as                 maintained by the state agencies                       HUMAN SERVICES
                                                    amended, provides for certain                           administering TANF.
                                                    protections for individuals applying for                                                                       Administration for Children and
                                                    and receiving federal benefits. The law                 C. AUTHORITY FOR CONDUCTING THE MATCH
                                                    governs the use of computer matching                      The authority for conducting the
                                                    by federal agencies when records in a                   matching program is contained in                       Proposed Information Collection
                                                    system of records are matched with                      section 453(j)(3) of the Social Security               Activity; Comment Request
                                                    other federal, state, or local government               Act. 42 U.S.C. 653(j)(3).
                                                    records. The Privacy Act requires                                                                              Proposed Projects
                                                    agencies involved in computer matching                  D. CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED AND
                                                    programs to:                                            IDENTIFICATION OF RECORDS USED IN THE                     Title: National Youth in Transition
                                                      1. Negotiate written agreements with                  MATCHING PROGRAM                                       Database and Youth Outcome Survey.
                                                    the other agency or agencies                               The categories of individuals involved                 OMB No.: 0970–0340.
                                                    participating in the matching programs.                 in the matching program are adult
                                                      2. Provide notification to applicants                 members of households that receive or                     Description: The Foster Care
                                                    and beneficiaries that their records are                have applied for TANF benefits. The                    Independence Act of 1999 (42 U.S.C.
                                                    subject to matching.                                    system of records maintained by OCSE                   1305 et seq.) as amended by Public Law
                                                      3. Verify information produced by                     from which records will be disclosed for               106–169 requires State child welfare
                                                    such matching program before reducing,                  the purpose of this matching program is                agencies to collect and report to the
                                                    making a final denial of, suspending, or                the ‘‘OCSE National Directory of New                   Administration on Children and
                                                    terminating an individual’s benefits or                 Hires’’ (NDNH), No. 09–80–0381, last                   Families (ACF) data on the
                                                    payments.                                               published in the Federal Register at 80                characteristics of youth receiving
                                                      4. Publish notice of the computer                     FR 17906 on April 2, 2015. The NDNH                    independent living services and
                                                    matching program in the Federal                         contains new hire, quarterly wage, and                 information regarding their outcomes.
                                                    Register.                                               unemployment insurance information.                    The regulation implementing the
                                                      5. Furnish reports about the matching                 The disclosure of NDNH information by                  National Youth in Transition Database,
                                                    program to Congress and the OMB.                        OCSE to the state agencies
                                                      6. Obtain the approval of the                                                                                listed in 45 CFR 1356.80, contains
                                                                                                            administering TANF is a ‘‘routine use’’                standard data collection and reporting
                                                    matching agreement by the Data                          under this system of records. Records
                                                    Integrity Board of any federal agency                                                                          requirements for States to meet the law’s
                                                                                                            resulting from the matching program                    requirements. ACF will use the
                                                    participating in a matching program.                    and are disclosed to state agencies
                                                      This matching program meets these                                                                            information collected under the
                                                                                                            administering TANF include names,                      regulation to track independent living
                                                                                                            Social Security numbers, home
                                                      Dated: June 2, 2015.                                                                                         services, assess the collective outcomes
                                                                                                            addresses, and employment
                                                    Vicki Turetsky,                                                                                                of youth, and potentially to evaluate
                                                    Commissioner, Office of Child Support                                                                          State performance with regard to those
                                                    Enforcement.                                            E. INCLUSIVE DATES OF THE MATCHING PROGRAM             outcomes consistent with the law’s
                                                                                                              The computer matching agreement                      mandate.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Notice of New Computer Matching                         will be effective and matching activity
                                                    Program                                                                                                           Respondents: State agencies that
                                                                                                            may commence the later of the                          administer the John H. Chafee Foster
                                                    A. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES                               following:                                             Care Independence Program.
                                                      The participating agencies are the                    30 days after this notice is published in the
                                                    Office of Child Support Enforcement                     Federal Register, or (2) 40 days after OCSE

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Notices                                                                 32957

                                                                                                                                        ANNUAL BURDEN ESTIMATES
                                                                                                                                                                                             Number of           Average
                                                                                                                                                                            Number of                                          Total burden
                                                                                                     Instrument                                                                            responses per       burden hours
                                                                                                                                                                           respondents                                            hours
                                                                                                                                                                                             respondent        per response

                                                    Youth Outcome Survey ...................................................................................                      20,667                 1               0.5         10,334
                                                    Data File ..........................................................................................................              52                 2            1,368         142,272

                                                      Estimated Total Annual Burden                                            comments and suggestions submitted                                The Assets for Independence
                                                    Hours: 152,606.                                                            within 60 days of this publication.                            Evaluation is the first experimental
                                                      In compliance with the requirements                                                                                                     evaluation of IDA projects operating
                                                                                                                               Robert Sargis,
                                                    of Section 506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork                                                                                                  under the Assets for Independence Act,
                                                                                                                               Reports Clearance Officer.
                                                    Reduction Act of 1995, the                                                                                                                and will contribute importantly to
                                                                                                                               [FR Doc. 2015–14140 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]                     understanding the effects of IDA project
                                                    Administration for Children and                                            BILLING CODE 4184–01–P                                         participation on project participants.
                                                    Families is soliciting public comment
                                                                                                                                                                                              The evaluation was launched in fall
                                                    on the specific aspects of the                                                                                                            2011 in two sites, with the random
                                                    information collection described above.                                    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                                                                                                              assignment of AFI-eligible cases to
                                                    Copies of the proposed collection of                                       HUMAN SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                                              program and control groups. OMB
                                                    information can be obtained and                                                                                                           approved three data collection efforts
                                                    comments may be forwarded by writing                                       Administration for Children and
                                                                                                                               Families                                                       related to this project in October 2012,
                                                    to the Administration for Children and                                                                                                    including approval of a baseline survey,
                                                    Families, Office of Planning, Research                                     [OMB No.: 0970–0414]                                           12-month follow-up survey, and
                                                    and Evaluation, 370 L’Enfant                                                                                                              implementation study protocols.
                                                    Promenade SW., Washington, DC 20447,                                       Proposed Information Collection
                                                                                                                               Activity; Comment Request                                         This Federal Register Notice provides
                                                    Attn: ACF Reports Clearance Officer.                                                                                                      the opportunity to comment on a
                                                    Email address: infocollection@                                                Title: Assets for Independence (AFI)                        proposed new information collection
                                                    acf.hhs.gov. All requests should be                                        Program Evaluation.                                            activity: the AFI Evaluation second
                                                    identified by the title of the information                                    Description: The U.S. Department of                         follow-up survey (at 36 months post-
                                                    collection.                                                                Health and Human Services,                                     random assignment) of both treatment
                                                                                                                               Administration for Children and                                and control group members. The
                                                      The Department specifically requests
                                                                                                                               Families (ACF) is proposing a data                             purpose of the AFI Evaluation 36-month
                                                    comments on: (a) Whether the proposed
                                                                                                                               collection activity as part of an                              follow-up survey is to follow-up with
                                                    collection of information is necessary                                     experimental evaluation of the Assets
                                                    for the proper performance of the                                                                                                         study participants to document their
                                                                                                                               for Independence (AFI) Program. The                            intermediate savings and savings
                                                    functions of the agency, including                                         purpose of this study is to assess the
                                                    whether the information shall have                                                                                                        patterns, asset purchases, and other
                                                                                                                               impact of participation in AFI-funded                          economic outcomes. The evaluation
                                                    practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the                                 individual development account (IDA)
                                                    agency’s estimate of the burden of the                                                                                                    consists of both an impact study and an
                                                                                                                               projects on the savings, asset purchases,                      implementation study. Data collection
                                                    proposed collection of information; (c)                                    and economic well-being of low-income                          activities will span a three-year period.
                                                    the quality, utility, and clarity of the                                   individuals and families. The primary
                                                    information to be collected; and (d)                                       research question is: What is the impact                          Data collection activities to submit in
                                                    ways to minimize the burden of the                                         of AFI project participation on outcomes                       a future information collection request
                                                    collection of information on                                               such as savings, asset purchases, and                          include a third follow-up survey for AFI
                                                    respondents, including through the use                                     material hardship?                                             Evaluation study participants
                                                                                                                                  While some evaluations suggest that                         approximately 60 months after study
                                                    of automated collection techniques or
                                                                                                                               IDAs help low-income families save,                            enrollment.
                                                    other forms of information technology.
                                                    Consideration will be given to                                             rigorous experimental research is                                 Respondents: Individuals enrolled in
                                                                                                                               limited. Few studies have focused on                           AFI programs, individuals who have left
                                                                                                                               AFI-funded IDAs, and few have tested                           AFI programs, and control group
                                                                                                                               alternative design features.                                   members.

                                                                                                                                        ANNUAL BURDEN ESTIMATES
                                                                                                                                                                              Annual         Number of           Average
                                                                                                                                                  Total number                                                                 Annual burden
                                                                                        Instrument                                                                          number of      responses per       burden hours
                                                                                                                                                 of respondents                                                                   hours
                                                                                                                                                                           respondents       respondent        per response

                                                    Follow-Up Survey: AFI-eligible participants .........................                                         814                271                 1              0.5             136
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                      Estimated Total Annual Burden                                            Families is soliciting public comment                          to the Administration for Children and
                                                    Hours: 136.                                                                on the specific aspects of the                                 Families, Office of Planning, Research
                                                      In compliance with the requirements                                      information collection described above.                        and Evaluation, 370 L’Enfant
                                                    of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the                                            Copies of the proposed collection of                           Promenade, SW., Washington, DC
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the                                       information can be obtained and                                20447, Attn: OPRE Reports Clearance
                                                    Administration for Children and                                            comments may be forwarded by writing                           Officer. Email address:

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014         16:46 Jun 09, 2015        Jkt 235001       PO 00000       Frm 00029        Fmt 4703      Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10JNN1.SGM   10JNN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:17:30
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:17:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 32956 

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