80_FR_33069 80 FR 32958 - The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Announces the State Median Income Estimates for Federal Fiscal Year 2016

80 FR 32958 - The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Announces the State Median Income Estimates for Federal Fiscal Year 2016

Administration for Children and Families

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 111 (June 10, 2015)

Page Range32958-32959
FR Document2015-14187

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Energy Assistance (DEA) announces the estimated median income of four-person households in each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico for FFY 2016 (October 1, 2015, to September 30, 2016).

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)]
[Pages 32958-32959]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14187]



Administration for Children and Families

[CFDA Number: 93.568]

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Announces the State 
Median Income Estimates for Federal Fiscal Year 2016

AGENCY: Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS.

ACTION: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of 
Community Services (OCS), announces the State Median Income Estimates 
for a Four-Person Household for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016 
State Median Income Estimates for Use in the Low Income Home Energy 
Assistance Program (LIHEAP).


SUMMARY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of 
Community Services (OCS), Division of Energy Assistance (DEA) announces 
the estimated median income of four-person households in each state, 
the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico for FFY 2016 (October 1, 
2015, to September 30, 2016).

DATES: These estimates become effective at any time between the date of 
this publication and the later of (1) October 1, 2015; or (2) the 
beginning of a grantee's fiscal year.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Edelman, Program Analyst, Office 
of Community Services, 5th Floor West, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW., 
Washington, DC 20447. Telephone: 202-401-5292; Email: 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces to grantees of the Low 
Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) the estimated median 
income of four-person households in each state, the District of 
Columbia, and Puerto Rico for FFY 2016 (October 1, 2015, to September 
30, 2016). LIHEAP grantees that choose to base their income eligibility 
criteria on these state median income (SMI) estimates may adopt these 
estimates (up to 60 percent) on their date of publication in the 
Federal Register or on a later date as discussed in the DATES section. 
This enables grantees to implement this notice during the period 
between the heating and cooling seasons. However, by October 1, 2015, 
or the beginning of the grantee's fiscal year, whichever is later, such 
grantees must adjust their income eligibility criteria so that they are 
in accord with the FFY 2016 SMI.
    Sixty percent of SMI for each LIHEAP grantee, as annually 
established by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, is one of 
the income criteria that LIHEAP grantees may use in determining a 
household's income eligibility for LIHEAP. The last time LIHEAP was 
authorized was by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58, 
which was enacted on August 8, 2005. This authorization expired on 
September 30, 2007, and reauthorization remains pending.
    The SMI estimates in this notice are 3-year estimates derived from 
the American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the U.S. Census 
Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce (Census Bureau).
    For additional information about the ACS state median income 
estimates, including the definition of income and the derivation of 
medians see http://www.census.gov/acs/www/Downloads/data_documentation/SubjectDefinitions/2013_ACSSubjectDefinitions.pdf under ``Income in the 
Past 12 Months.'' For additional information about using the ACS 3-year 
estimates versus using the 1-year or 5-year estimates, see http://www.census.gov/acs/www/guidance_for_data_users/estimates/. For 
additional information about the ACS in general, see http://www.census.gov/acs/www/ or contact the Census Bureau's Social, 
Economic, and Housing Statistics Division at (301) 763-3243.
    These SMI estimates, like those derived from any survey, are 
subject to two types of errors: (1) Non-sampling Error, which consists 
of random errors that increase the variability of the data and non-
random errors that consistently shift the data in a specific direction; 
and (2) Sampling Error, which consists of the error that arises from 
the use of probability sampling to create the sample. For additional 
information about the accuracy of the ACS SMI estimates, see http://www.census.gov/acs/www/Downloads/data_documentation/Accuracy/MultiyearACSAccuracyofData2013.pdf.
    In the state-by-state listing of SMI and 60 percent of SMI for a 
four-person family for FFY 2016, LIHEAP grantees must regard ``family'' 
to be the equivalent of ``household'' with regards to setting their 
income eligibility criteria. This listing describes the method for 
adjusting SMI for households of different sizes, as specified in 
regulations applicable to LIHEAP (45 CFR 96.85(b)). These regulations 
were published in the Federal Register on March 3, 1988, (53 FR 6827) 
and amended on October 15, 1999 (64 FR 55858).

Estimated State Median Income for Four-Person Families, by State, for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016, for Use in
                             the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
                                                         Estimated state median        60 percent of estimated
                       States                            income for four-person     state median income for four-
                                                              families \1\               person families 2 3
Alabama.............................................                       $66,253                       $39,752
Alaska..............................................                        90,307                        54,184
Arizona.............................................                        65,138                        39,083
Arkansas............................................                        58,262                        34,957
California..........................................                        77,106                        46,264
Colorado............................................                        85,915                        51,549
Connecticut.........................................                       106,193                        63,716

[[Page 32959]]

Delaware............................................                        85,925                        51,555
District of Columbia................................                        83,794                        50,276
Florida.............................................                        65,764                        39,458
Georgia.............................................                        68,448                        41,069
Hawaii..............................................                        86,495                        51,897
Idaho...............................................                        62,002                        37,201
Illinois............................................                        82,918                        49,751
Indiana.............................................                        72,299                        43,379
Iowa................................................                        79,300                        47,580
Kansas..............................................                        75,709                        45,425
Kentucky............................................                        69,239                        41,543
Louisiana...........................................                        71,516                        42,910
Maine...............................................                        76,455                        45,873
Maryland............................................                       107,438                        64,463
Massachusetts.......................................                       106,173                        63,704
Michigan............................................                        75,711                        45,427
Minnesota...........................................                        92,111                        55,267
Mississippi.........................................                        57,024                        34,214
Missouri............................................                        72,647                        43,588
Montana.............................................                        68,720                        41,232
Nebraska............................................                        77,165                        46,299
Nevada..............................................                        66,461                        39,877
New Hampshire.......................................                        98,638                        59,183
New Jersey..........................................                       105,700                        63,420
New Mexico..........................................                        60,534                        36,320
New York............................................                        86,316                        51,790
North Carolina......................................                        67,706                        40,624
North Dakota........................................                        88,725                        53,235
Ohio................................................                        76,875                        46,125
Oklahoma............................................                        64,907                        38,944
Oregon..............................................                        70,295                        42,177
Pennsylvania........................................                        83,730                        50,238
Rhode Island........................................                        89,353                        53,612
South Carolina......................................                        63,706                        38,224
South Dakota........................................                        74,498                        44,699
Tennessee...........................................                        66,060                        39,636
Texas...............................................                        69,517                        41,710
Utah................................................                        70,740                        42,444
Vermont.............................................                        82,781                        49,669
Virginia............................................                        92,379                        55,427
Washington..........................................                        85,013                        51,008
West Virginia.......................................                        67,613                        40,568
Wisconsin...........................................                        82,053                        49,232
Wyoming.............................................                        79,777                        47,866
Puerto Rico.........................................                        29,188                        17,513
\1\ These figures were prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce (Census Bureau), from 3-
  year estimates from the 2011, 2012, and 2013 American Community Surveys (ACSs). These estimates, like those
  derived from any survey, are subject to two types of error: (1) Non-sampling Error, which consists of random
  errors that increase the variability of the data and non-random errors that consistently direct the data in a
  specific direction; and (2) Sampling Error, which consists of the error that arises from the use of
  probability sampling to create the sample.
\2\ These figures were calculated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for
  Children and Families, Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance by multiplying the
  estimated state median income for a four-person family for each state by 60 percent.
\3\ To adjust for different sizes of households for LIHEAP purposes, 45 CFR 96.85 calls for multiplying 60
  percent of a state's estimated median income for a four-person family by the following percentages: 52 percent
  for a one-person household, 68 percent for a two-person household, 84 percent for a three-person household,
  100 percent for a four-person household, 116 percent for a five-person household, and 132 percent for a six-
  person household. For each additional household member above six people, 45 CFR 96.85 calls for adding 3
  percentage points to the percentage for a six-person household (132 percent) and multiplying the new
  percentage by 60 percent of the median income for a four-person family.

    Note: FFY 2016 covers the period of October 1, 2015, through 
September 30, 2016. The estimated median income for four-person 
families living in the United States for this period is $77,507. 
Grantees that use SMI for LIHEAP may, at their option, employ such 
estimates at any time between the date of this publication and the 
later of October 1, 2015 or the beginning of their fiscal year.

    Statutory Authority: 45 CFR 96.85(b) and 42 U.S.C. 

Jeannie L. Chaffin,
Director, Office of Community Services.
[FR Doc. 2015-14187 Filed 6-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    32958                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                    OPREinfocollection@acf.hhs.gov. All                                                    estimated median income of four-person                                       American Community Survey (ACS)
                                                    requests should be identified by the title                                             households in each state, the District of                                    conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau,
                                                    of the information collection.                                                         Columbia, and Puerto Rico for FFY 2016                                       U.S. Department of Commerce (Census
                                                      The Department specifically requests                                                 (October 1, 2015, to September 30,                                           Bureau).
                                                    comments on (a) whether the proposed                                                   2016).                                                                          For additional information about the
                                                    collection of information is necessary                                                 DATES: These estimates become effective                                      ACS state median income estimates,
                                                    for the proper performance of the                                                      at any time between the date of this                                         including the definition of income and
                                                    functions of the agency, including                                                     publication and the later of (1) October                                     the derivation of medians see http://
                                                    whether the information shall have                                                     1, 2015; or (2) the beginning of a                                           www.census.gov/acs/www/Downloads/
                                                    practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the                                             grantee’s fiscal year.
                                                    agency’s estimate of the burden of the                                                                                                                              data_documentation/
                                                                                                                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                             SubjectDefinitions/2013_
                                                    proposed collection of information; (c)
                                                                                                                                           Peter Edelman, Program Analyst, Office                                       ACSSubjectDefinitions.pdf under
                                                    the quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                                                                                                           of Community Services, 5th Floor West,                                       ‘‘Income in the Past 12 Months.’’ For
                                                    information to be collected; and (d)
                                                                                                                                           370 L’Enfant Promenade SW.,                                                  additional information about using the
                                                    ways to minimize the burden of the
                                                                                                                                           Washington, DC 20447. Telephone:                                             ACS 3-year estimates versus using the 1-
                                                    collection of information on
                                                                                                                                           202–401–5292; Email: peter.edelman@                                          year or 5-year estimates, see http://
                                                    respondents, including through the use
                                                                                                                                           acf.hhs.gov.                                                                 www.census.gov/acs/www/guidance_
                                                    of automated collection techniques or
                                                    other forms of information technology.                                                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                                              for_data_users/estimates/. For
                                                    Consideration will be given to                                                         notice announces to grantees of the Low                                      additional information about the ACS in
                                                    comments and suggestions submitted                                                     Income Home Energy Assistance                                                general, see http://www.census.gov/acs/
                                                    within 60 days of this publication.                                                    Program (LIHEAP) the estimated median                                        www/ or contact the Census Bureau’s
                                                                                                                                           income of four-person households in                                          Social, Economic, and Housing
                                                    Robert Sargis,                                                                                                                                                      Statistics Division at (301) 763–3243.
                                                                                                                                           each state, the District of Columbia, and
                                                    ACF Reports Clearance Officer.                                                         Puerto Rico for FFY 2016 (October 1,                                            These SMI estimates, like those
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–14117 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]                                             2015, to September 30, 2016). LIHEAP                                         derived from any survey, are subject to
                                                    BILLING CODE 4184–26–P                                                                 grantees that choose to base their                                           two types of errors: (1) Non-sampling
                                                                                                                                           income eligibility criteria on these state                                   Error, which consists of random errors
                                                                                                                                           median income (SMI) estimates may                                            that increase the variability of the data
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                                               adopt these estimates (up to 60 percent)
                                                    HUMAN SERVICES                                                                                                                                                      and non-random errors that consistently
                                                                                                                                           on their date of publication in the                                          shift the data in a specific direction; and
                                                    Administration for Children and                                                        Federal Register or on a later date as                                       (2) Sampling Error, which consists of
                                                    Families                                                                               discussed in the DATES section. This                                         the error that arises from the use of
                                                                                                                                           enables grantees to implement this                                           probability sampling to create the
                                                    [CFDA Number: 93.568]                                                                  notice during the period between the                                         sample. For additional information
                                                                                                                                           heating and cooling seasons. However,                                        about the accuracy of the ACS SMI
                                                    The Low-Income Home Energy                                                             by October 1, 2015, or the beginning of
                                                    Assistance Program Announces the                                                                                                                                    estimates, see http://www.census.gov/
                                                                                                                                           the grantee’s fiscal year, whichever is                                      acs/www/Downloads/data_
                                                    State Median Income Estimates for                                                      later, such grantees must adjust their
                                                    Federal Fiscal Year 2016                                                                                                                                            documentation/Accuracy/
                                                                                                                                           income eligibility criteria so that they                                     MultiyearACSAccuracyofData2013.pdf.
                                                    AGENCY:  Office of Community Services,                                                 are in accord with the FFY 2016 SMI.
                                                    ACF, HHS.                                                                                 Sixty percent of SMI for each LIHEAP                                         In the state-by-state listing of SMI and
                                                                                                                                           grantee, as annually established by the                                      60 percent of SMI for a four-person
                                                    ACTION: The Administration for Children
                                                                                                                                           Secretary of Health and Human                                                family for FFY 2016, LIHEAP grantees
                                                    and Families (ACF), Office of
                                                                                                                                           Services, is one of the income criteria                                      must regard ‘‘family’’ to be the
                                                    Community Services (OCS), announces
                                                                                                                                           that LIHEAP grantees may use in                                              equivalent of ‘‘household’’ with regards
                                                    the State Median Income Estimates for
                                                                                                                                           determining a household’s income                                             to setting their income eligibility
                                                    a Four-Person Household for the Federal
                                                    Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016 State Median                                                    eligibility for LIHEAP. The last time                                        criteria. This listing describes the
                                                    Income Estimates for Use in the Low                                                    LIHEAP was authorized was by the                                             method for adjusting SMI for
                                                    Income Home Energy Assistance                                                          Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law                                        households of different sizes, as
                                                    Program (LIHEAP).                                                                      109–58, which was enacted on August                                          specified in regulations applicable to
                                                                                                                                           8, 2005. This authorization expired on                                       LIHEAP (45 CFR 96.85(b)). These
                                                    SUMMARY:  The Administration for                                                       September 30, 2007, and reauthorization                                      regulations were published in the
                                                    Children and Families (ACF), Office of                                                 remains pending.                                                             Federal Register on March 3, 1988, (53
                                                    Community Services (OCS), Division of                                                     The SMI estimates in this notice are                                      FR 6827) and amended on October 15,
                                                    Energy Assistance (DEA) announces the                                                  3-year estimates derived from the                                            1999 (64 FR 55858).
                                                        ESTIMATED STATE MEDIAN INCOME FOR FOUR-PERSON FAMILIES, BY STATE, FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR (FFY) 2016,
                                                                        FOR USE IN THE LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Estimated state median      60 percent of estimated state
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                            States                                                                                income for four-person      median income for four-person
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         families 1                    families 2 3

                                                    Alabama ................................................................................................................................................                        $66,253                        $39,752
                                                    Alaska ....................................................................................................................................................                      90,307                         54,184
                                                    Arizona ..................................................................................................................................................                       65,138                         39,083
                                                    Arkansas ...............................................................................................................................................                         58,262                         34,957
                                                    California ...............................................................................................................................................                       77,106                         46,264
                                                    Colorado ................................................................................................................................................                        85,915                         51,549
                                                    Connecticut ...........................................................................................................................................                         106,193                         63,716

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014             16:46 Jun 09, 2015             Jkt 235001         PO 00000          Frm 00030           Fmt 4703         Sfmt 4703         E:\FR\FM\10JNN1.SGM   10JNN1

                                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Notices                                                                                         32959

                                                        ESTIMATED STATE MEDIAN INCOME FOR FOUR-PERSON FAMILIES, BY STATE, FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR (FFY) 2016,
                                                                  FOR USE IN THE LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP)—Continued

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Estimated state median      60 percent of estimated state
                                                                                                                             States                                                                                 income for four-person      median income for four-person
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           families 1                    families 2 3

                                                    Delaware ...............................................................................................................................................                           85,925                         51,555
                                                    District of Columbia ...............................................................................................................................                               83,794                         50,276
                                                    Florida ...................................................................................................................................................                        65,764                         39,458
                                                    Georgia ..................................................................................................................................................                         68,448                         41,069
                                                    Hawaii ....................................................................................................................................................                        86,495                         51,897
                                                    Idaho .....................................................................................................................................................                        62,002                         37,201
                                                    Illinois ....................................................................................................................................................                      82,918                         49,751
                                                    Indiana ...................................................................................................................................................                        72,299                         43,379
                                                    Iowa .......................................................................................................................................................                       79,300                         47,580
                                                    Kansas ..................................................................................................................................................                          75,709                         45,425
                                                    Kentucky ................................................................................................................................................                          69,239                         41,543
                                                    Louisiana ...............................................................................................................................................                          71,516                         42,910
                                                    Maine .....................................................................................................................................................                        76,455                         45,873
                                                    Maryland ................................................................................................................................................                         107,438                         64,463
                                                    Massachusetts ......................................................................................................................................                              106,173                         63,704
                                                    Michigan ................................................................................................................................................                          75,711                         45,427
                                                    Minnesota ..............................................................................................................................................                           92,111                         55,267
                                                    Mississippi .............................................................................................................................................                          57,024                         34,214
                                                    Missouri .................................................................................................................................................                         72,647                         43,588
                                                    Montana ................................................................................................................................................                           68,720                         41,232
                                                    Nebraska ...............................................................................................................................................                           77,165                         46,299
                                                    Nevada ..................................................................................................................................................                          66,461                         39,877
                                                    New Hampshire .....................................................................................................................................                                98,638                         59,183
                                                    New Jersey ...........................................................................................................................................                            105,700                         63,420
                                                    New Mexico ...........................................................................................................................................                             60,534                         36,320
                                                    New York ...............................................................................................................................................                           86,316                         51,790
                                                    North Carolina .......................................................................................................................................                             67,706                         40,624
                                                    North Dakota .........................................................................................................................................                             88,725                         53,235
                                                    Ohio .......................................................................................................................................................                       76,875                         46,125
                                                    Oklahoma ..............................................................................................................................................                            64,907                         38,944
                                                    Oregon ..................................................................................................................................................                          70,295                         42,177
                                                    Pennsylvania .........................................................................................................................................                             83,730                         50,238
                                                    Rhode Island .........................................................................................................................................                             89,353                         53,612
                                                    South Carolina ......................................................................................................................................                              63,706                         38,224
                                                    South Dakota ........................................................................................................................................                              74,498                         44,699
                                                    Tennessee .............................................................................................................................................                            66,060                         39,636
                                                    Texas .....................................................................................................................................................                        69,517                         41,710
                                                    Utah .......................................................................................................................................................                       70,740                         42,444
                                                    Vermont .................................................................................................................................................                          82,781                         49,669
                                                    Virginia ..................................................................................................................................................                        92,379                         55,427
                                                    Washington ...........................................................................................................................................                             85,013                         51,008
                                                    West Virginia .........................................................................................................................................                            67,613                         40,568
                                                    Wisconsin ..............................................................................................................................................                           82,053                         49,232
                                                    Wyoming ...............................................................................................................................................                            79,777                         47,866
                                                    Puerto Rico ...........................................................................................................................................                            29,188                         17,513
                                                       1 These figures were prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce (Census Bureau), from 3-year estimates from the 2011, 2012, and 2013
                                                    American Community Surveys (ACSs). These estimates, like those derived from any survey, are subject to two types of error: (1) Non-sampling Error, which consists
                                                    of random errors that increase the variability of the data and non-random errors that consistently direct the data in a specific direction; and (2) Sampling Error, which
                                                    consists of the error that arises from the use of probability sampling to create the sample.
                                                       2 These figures were calculated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services, Di-
                                                    vision of Energy Assistance by multiplying the estimated state median income for a four-person family for each state by 60 percent.
                                                       3 To adjust for different sizes of households for LIHEAP purposes, 45 CFR 96.85 calls for multiplying 60 percent of a state’s estimated median income for a four-
                                                    person family by the following percentages: 52 percent for a one-person household, 68 percent for a two-person household, 84 percent for a three-person household,
                                                    100 percent for a four-person household, 116 percent for a five-person household, and 132 percent for a six-person household. For each additional household mem-
                                                    ber above six people, 45 CFR 96.85 calls for adding 3 percentage points to the percentage for a six-person household (132 percent) and multiplying the new percent-
                                                    age by 60 percent of the median income for a four-person family.

                                                       Note: FFY 2016 covers the period of                                                     Statutory Authority: 45 CFR 96.85(b) and                                   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                    October 1, 2015, through September 30,                                                   42 U.S.C. 8624(b)(2)(B)(ii).                                                 HUMAN SERVICES
                                                    2016. The estimated median income for                                                    Jeannie L. Chaffin,
                                                    four-person families living in the United                                                                                                                             Administration for Children and
                                                                                                                                             Director, Office of Community Services.                                      Families
                                                    States for this period is $77,507.
                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2015–14187 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    Grantees that use SMI for LIHEAP may,
                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 4184–01–P                                                       Submission for OMB Review;
                                                    at their option, employ such estimates at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Comment Request
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    any time between the date of this
                                                    publication and the later of October 1,                                                                                                                                 Title: Low Income Home Energy
                                                    2015 or the beginning of their fiscal                                                                                                                                 Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Carryover
                                                    year.                                                                                                                                                                 and Reallotment Report.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            OMB No.: 0970–0106.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Description: The LIHEAP statute and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          regulations require LIHEAP grantees to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          report certain information to HHS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          concerning funds forwarded and funds

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014             16:46 Jun 09, 2015              Jkt 235001         PO 00000           Frm 00031          Fmt 4703         Sfmt 4703          E:\FR\FM\10JNN1.SGM   10JNN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 15:16:49
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 15:16:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionThe Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS), announces the State Median Income Estimates for a Four-Person Household for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016 State Median Income Estimates for Use in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
DatesThese estimates become effective at any time between the date of this publication and the later of (1) October 1, 2015; or (2) the beginning of a grantee's fiscal year.
ContactPeter Edelman, Program Analyst, Office of Community Services, 5th Floor West, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW., Washington, DC 20447. Telephone: 202-401-5292; Email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 32958 

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