80_FR_34447 80 FR 34332 - Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Helicopters

80 FR 34332 - Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Helicopters

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 115 (June 16, 2015)

Page Range34332-34335
FR Document2015-14278

We are revising an earlier proposed airworthiness directive (AD) for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (Bell) Model 222, 222B, 222U, 230, and 430 helicopters, which proposed to require replacing certain servo actuators before further flight. The NPRM was prompted by a collective servo actuator malfunction. This action revises the NPRM by adding new actions. Since these actions impose an additional burden over that proposed in the NPRM, we are reopening the comment period to allow the public the chance to comment on these proposed changes.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 34332-34335]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14278]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2013-0734; Directorate Identifier 2012-SW-080-AD]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM); reopening 
of comment period.


SUMMARY: We are revising an earlier proposed airworthiness directive 
(AD) for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (Bell) Model 222, 222B, 222U, 
230, and 430 helicopters, which proposed to require replacing certain 
servo actuators before further flight. The NPRM was prompted by a 
collective servo actuator malfunction. This action revises the NPRM by 
adding new actions. Since these actions impose an additional burden 
over that proposed in the NPRM, we are reopening the comment period to 
allow the public the chance to comment on these proposed changes.

DATES: We must receive comments on this SNPRM by August 17, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may send comments by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Docket: Go to http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for sending your 
comments electronically.
     Fax: 202-493-2251.
     Mail: Send comments to the U.S. Department of 
Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery: Deliver to the ``Mail'' address between 9 
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

Examining the AD Docket

    You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov or in person at the Docket Operations Office 
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
holidays. The AD docket contains this proposed AD, the Transport Canada 
Civil Aviation (TCCA) AD, the economic evaluation, any comments 
received, and other information. The street address for the Docket 
Operations Office (telephone 800-647-5527) is in the ADDRESSES section. 
Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly after receipt.
    For Woodward HRT and Bell service information identified in this 
proposed AD, contact Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited, 12,800 Rue 
de l'Avenir, Mirabel, Quebec J7J1R4; telephone (450) 437-2862 or (800) 
363-8023; fax (450) 433-0272; or at http://www.bellcustomer.com/files/. 
You may review the referenced service information at the FAA, Office of 
the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, 
Fort Worth, Texas 76137.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matt Wilbanks, Aviation Safety 
Engineer, Regulations and Policy Group, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 
2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76137; telephone (817) 222-5110; 
email matt.wilbanks@faa.gov.

[[Page 34333]]


Comments Invited

    We invite you to participate in this rulemaking by submitting 
written comments, data, or views. We also invite comments relating to 
the economic, environmental, energy, or federalism impacts that might 
result from adopting the proposals in this document. The most helpful 
comments reference a specific portion of the proposal, explain the 
reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. To 
ensure the docket does not contain duplicate comments, commenters 
should send only one copy of written comments, or if comments are filed 
electronically, commenters should submit only one time.
    We will file in the docket all comments that we receive, as well as 
a report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel 
concerning this proposed rulemaking. Before acting on this proposal, we 
will consider all comments we receive on or before the closing date for 
comments. We will consider comments filed after the comment period has 
closed if it is possible to do so without incurring expense or delay. 
We may change this proposal in light of the comments we receive.


    We issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR 
part 39 to remove AD 2010-19-51, Amendment 39-16523 (75 FR 71540, 
November 24, 2010) and add a new AD. AD 2010-19-51 applies to Bell 
Model 222, 222B, 222U, 230, and 430 helicopters and requires inspecting 
parts of the servo actuator for certain conditions and replacing any 
unairworthy parts before further flight. AD 2010-19-51 was prompted by 
a collective servo actuator malfunction due to a nonconforming grind 
relief on a separate piston rod and corrosion cracking at the threaded 
end of the output piston rod assembly. The actions of AD 2010-19-51 
were intended to detect corrosion or a nonconforming piston rod that, 
if not corrected, could result in the failure of the piston rod, 
failure of the servo actuator, and subsequent loss of helicopter 
    The NPRM was published in the Federal Register on August 20, 2013 
(78 FR 51123). The NPRM proposed inspecting servo actuator, part number 
(P/N) 222-382-001-107, for pitting or penetration of the base metal of 
the piston rod. If the piston rod has pitting or any penetration of the 
base metal, the NPRM proposed replacing the servo actuator with servo 
actuator P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM, before further 
flight. Thereafter, the NPRM proposed requiring overhauling servo 
actuator P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM at intervals not 
to exceed 10 years or 10,000 hours TIS, whichever comes first.


    After our NPRM (78 FR 51123, August 20, 2013) was published, we 
received comments from one commenter.


    Bell noted that the AD does not mandate replacement of servo 
actuator P/N 222-382-001-107 with servo actuator part number P/N 222-
382-001-111 if no pitting or penetration of the base metal is found 
during the inspection, and requested that we include the replacement 
provisions in Part 1 of Bell Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) 430-11-46, 
Revision A, dated June 22, 2012.
    We agree. In light of Bell's comment, we have determined that our 
AD should retain all of the inspection requirements of AD 2010-19-51 
(75 FR 71540, November 24, 2010) and also include compliance times for 
replacing servo actuator P/N 222-382-001-107 with servo actuator part 
number P/N 222-382-001-111 or -111FM based upon the results of the 
inspection, as specified in Revision A of the ASB. We have changed the 
Required Actions accordingly and are consequently proposing this SNPRM.

FAA's Determination

    We are proposing this SNPRM because we evaluated all known relevant 
information and determined that an unsafe condition is likely to exist 
or develop on other products of these same type designs. Certain 
changes described above expand the scope of the original NPRM. As a 
result, we have determined that it is necessary to reopen the comment 
period to provide additional opportunity for the public to comment on 
this SNPRM.

Related Service Information Under 1 CFR Part 51

    We reviewed Woodward HRT Service Bulletin 141600-67-02, dated 
August 18, 2010, which provides instructions for disassembling the 
servo actuator and for cleaning and inspecting the piston rod and nut. 
This service information is reasonably available because the interested 
parties have access to it through their normal course of business or by 
the means identified in the ADDRESSES section of this SNPRM.

Other Related Service Information

    We also reviewed Bell ASB 222-11-111 for Model 222 and 222B 
helicopters, ASB 222U-11-82 for Model 222U helicopters, ASB 230-11-43 
for Model 230 helicopters, and ASB 430-11-46 for Model 430 helicopters, 
all Revision A and all dated June 22, 2012. The ASBs contain, and 
require compliance with, Woodward HRT Service Bulletin 141600-67-03, 
dated February 14, 2012, to upgrade the servo actuator by replacing the 
piston rod and then re-identifying the servo actuator dash number with 
``-111FM.'' The compliance time for upgrading the servo actuator varies 
depending on the results of the inspections required by Woodward HRT 
Service Bulletin 141600-67-02, dated August 18, 2010. The Bell ASBs 
also provide an alternative inspection procedure for servo actuator P/N 
222-382-001-107 that has not reached certain hours TIS and where the 
servo actuator cannot be upgraded. TCCA classified these ASBs as 
mandatory and issued AD No. CF-2010-29R1, dated July 26, 2012, to 
ensure the continued airworthiness of these helicopters.

Proposed Requirements of the SNPRM

    This proposed AD would require before further flight:
     Disassembling each servo actuator.
     Cleaning the piston rod and nut, and inspecting the grind 
relief configuration for the piston rod and nut. If the grind relief is 
unacceptable, replacing the piston rod and nut.
     Using a 10x or higher magnifying glass, visually 
inspecting the nut for any corrosion or any damage to the threads, and 
replacing the nut if you find any corrosion or any damage to the 
     Using a 10x or higher magnifying glass, visually 
inspecting the piston rod for any corrosion, lack of cadmium plate, or 
     If there is any corrosion or lack of cadmium plate or 
damage in certain critical areas, replacing the servo actuator with P/N 
222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM before further flight.
     If there is any corrosion or lack of cadmium plate in 
areas that are not critical areas, reworking the piston rod, inspecting 
for bare base metal, and reassembling the servo actuator. Replacing the 
servo actuator with P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM would 
be required within 1,200 hours time-in-service (TIS) or 1 year, 
whichever occurs first.
     If there is any corrosion that is red or orange in color, 
magnetic particle inspecting the piston rod for a crack,

[[Page 34334]]

and replacing the servo actuator with P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-
382-001-111FM before further flight if there is a crack or within 2,400 
hours TIS or 2 years, whichever occurs first, if there is no crack.
     If there is no corrosion, lack of cadmium plate, or 
damage, inspecting for bare base metal, and reassembling the servo 
actuator. Replacing the servo actuator with P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 
222-382-001-111FM would be required within 3,000 hours TIS or 4 years, 
whichever occurs first.
     Overhauling servo actuator P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-
382-001-111FM at intervals not to exceed 10 years or 10,000 hours TIS, 
whichever occurs first.

Differences Between the Proposed AD and the TCCA AD

    The TCCA AD requires inspecting each servo actuator to determine 
the condition of the piston rod assembly no later than 5 hours upon 
receiving the original issue of its AD. This proposed AD would require 
inspecting each servo actuator to determine the condition of the piston 
rod assembly before further flight.

Costs of Compliance

    We estimate that this proposed AD would affect 146 helicopters of 
U.S. Registry and that labor costs average $85 a work-hour. Based on 
these estimates, we expect the following costs:
     Inspecting a servo actuator would require 4 work-hours per 
actuator for a labor cost of $340. No parts would be needed for a total 
cost of $1,020 per helicopter and $148,920 for the U.S. fleet given 3 
actuators per helicopter.
     Replacing a servo actuator would require 8 work-hours for 
a labor cost of $680. Parts would cost $35,700 for a total cost of 
$36,380 per actuator.
     Overhauling the servo actuator would require 8 work-hours 
for a labor cost of $680. Parts would cost $11,900 for a total cost of 
$12,580 per actuator.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. ``Subtitle VII: Aviation 
Programs,'' describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's 
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
``Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.

Regulatory Findings

    We determined that this proposed AD would not have federalism 
implications under Executive Order 13132. This proposed AD would not 
have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship 
between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution 
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed, I certify this proposed regulation:
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);
    3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska to the extent that 
it justifies making a regulatory distinction; and
    4. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared an economic evaluation of the estimated costs to comply 
with this proposed AD and placed it in the AD docket.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by 
reference, Safety.

The Proposed Amendment

    Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part 39 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. The FAA amends Sec.  39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness 
directive (AD):

Bell Helicopter Textron Canada: Docket No. FAA-2013-0734; 
Directorate Identifier 2012-SW-080-AD.

(a) Applicability

    This AD applies to Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (Bell) Model 
222, 222B, 222U, 230, and 430 helicopters, with a main rotor 
hydraulic servo actuator (servo actuator) part number (P/N) 222-382-
001-107 installed, certificated in any category.

(b) Unsafe Condition

    This AD defines the unsafe condition as corrosion or a 
nonconforming grind relief on the output piston rod assembly (piston 
rod). This condition could lead to failure of the piston rod, 
failure of the servo actuator, and subsequent loss of helicopter 

(c) Affected ADs

    This AD supersedes AD 2010-19-51, Amendment 39-16523 (75 FR 
71540, November 24, 2010).

(d) Comments Due Date

    We must receive comments by August 17, 2015.

(e) Compliance

    You are responsible for performing each action required by this 
AD within the specified compliance time unless it has already been 
accomplished prior to that time.

(f) Required Actions

    Before further flight:
    (1) Disassemble each servo actuator to gain access to the piston 
rod as shown in Figures 1 through 5 and by following the 
Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph 3.A., Part I., of Woodward 
HRT Alert Service Bulletin No. 141600-67-02, Revision 0, dated 
August 18, 2010 (Woodward ASB).
    (2) Clean the entire piston rod and nut using acetone and a 
nylon bristle brush removing all contaminates to allow for 
inspection. Inspect the grind relief configuration for the piston 
rod and nut as shown in Figure 6 of the Woodward ASB. If the grind 
relief is unacceptable as shown in Figure 6, replace the piston rod 
and the nut with airworthy parts.
    (3) Using a 10x or higher magnifying glass, visually inspect the 
nut for any corrosion or any damage to the threads. If you find any 
corrosion or any damage to the threads, replace the nut with an 
airworthy nut.
    (4) Using a 10x or higher magnifying glass, visually inspect the 
piston rod as shown in Figure 7 of the Woodward ASB for any 
corrosion, visible lack of cadmium plate (gold or gray color), or 
damage to the piston rod. For the purposes of this AD, damage to the 
piston rod is defined as pitting, a visible scratch, a crack, or a 
visible abrasion.
    (i) If there is any corrosion or visible lack of cadmium plate 
or any damage to the piston rod in the Critical Areas as shown in 
Figure 7 of the Woodward ASB, replace the servo actuator with servo 
actuator P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM before further 
    (ii) If there is any corrosion or visible lack of cadmium plate 
on the piston rod in areas that are not considered Critical Areas as 
shown in Figure 7 of the Woodward ASB, rework the piston rod by 
removing any surface corrosion that has not penetrated into the base 
material by lightly buffing. Clean the part using acetone and a 
nylon bristle brush to remove any residue. Comply with paragraphs 
(f)(5) through (f)(7) of this AD. Within 1,200 hours time-in-service 
(TIS) or 1 year, whichever occurs first, replace the

[[Page 34335]]

servo actuator with servo actuator P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-
    (iii) If there is any corrosion that is red or orange in color, 
magnetic particle inspect the piston rod for a crack.
    (A) If there is a crack, replace the servo actuator with servo 
actuator, P/N 222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM before 
further flight.
    (B) If there is no crack, comply with paragraphs (f)(5) through 
(f)(7) of this AD. Within 2,400 hours TIS or 2 years, whichever 
occurs first, replace the servo actuator with servo actuator P/N 
222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM.
    (iv) If there is no corrosion, visible lack of cadmium plate, or 
damage to the piston rod, comply with paragraphs (f)(5) through and 
(f)(7) of this AD. Within 3,000 hours TIS or 4 years, whichever 
occurs first, replace the servo actuator with servo actuator P/N 
222-382-001-111 or P/N 222-382-001-111FM.
    (5) Inspect the portion of the piston rod for any absence of 
cadmium plating (bare base metal), as shown in Figure 7 of the 
Woodward ASB. If there is any bare base metal on the piston rod in 
this area, apply brush cadmium plating to all bare and reworked 
areas using SPS5070 or equivalent 0.0002 to 0.0005 inch thick and 
rework the piston rod by following the Accomplishment Instructions, 
paragraph C., Part III, C.1.1.1. through C.1.1.3., of the Woodward 
    (6) Reassemble the servo actuator by following the 
Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph C, Part III, 1.1.4. through 
3.3.4. of the Woodward ASB.
    (7) Thereafter, overhaul servo actuator P/N 222-382-001-111 or 
P/N 222-382-001-111FM at intervals not to exceed 10 years or 10,000 
hours TIS, whichever occurs first.

(g) Credit for Actions Previously Completed

    Compliance with the Woodward ASB or with AD 2010-19-51 (75 FR 
71540, November 24, 2010) before the effective date of this AD is 
considered acceptable for compliance with the corresponding 
inspections specified in paragraph (f) of this AD. If you replaced 
the piston rod pursuant to the Woodward ASB or paragraph (d)(1) or 
(d)(3) of AD 2010-19-51, apply the requirements of paragraph 
(f)(4)(iv) of this AD.

(h) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

    (1) The Manager, Safety Management Group, FAA, may approve AMOCs 
for this AD. Send your proposal to: Matt Wilbanks, Aviation Safety 
Engineer, Regulations and Policy Group, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 
2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76137; telephone (817) 222-
5110; email matt.wilbanks@faa.gov.
    (2) For operations conducted under a 14 CFR part 119 operating 
certificate or under 14 CFR part 91, subpart K, we suggest that you 
notify your principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, 
the manager of the local flight standards district office or 
certificate holding district office before operating any aircraft 
complying with this AD through an AMOC.

(i) Additional Information

    (1) Bell Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. 222-11-111 for Model 
222 and 222B helicopters, ASB No. 222U-11-82 for Model 222U 
helicopters, ASB No. 230-11-43 for Model 230 helicopters, and ASB 
No. 430-11-46 for Model 430 helicopters, all Revision A and all 
dated June 22, 2012, which are not incorporated by reference, 
contain additional information about the subject of this AD. For 
Woodward HRT and Bell service information identified in this AD, 
contact Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited, 12,800 Rue de 
l'Avenir, Mirabel, Quebec J7J1R4; telephone (450) 437-2862 or (800) 
363-8023; fax (450) 433-0272; or at http://www.bellcustomer.com/files/. You may review a copy of the service information at the FAA, 
Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham 
Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas 76137.
    (2) The subject of this AD is addressed in the Transport Canada 
Civil Aviation (TCCA) AD No. CF-2010-29R1, dated July 26, 2012. You 
may view the TCCA AD on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov 
in Docket No. FAA-2013-0734.

(j) Subject

    Joint Aircraft Service Component (JASC) Code: 6730, Rotorcraft 
Servo System.

    Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on May 29, 2015.
Lance T. Gant,
Acting Directorate Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate, Aircraft 
Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-14278 Filed 6-15-15; 8:45 am]

                                                      34332                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      The Proposed Amendment                                  required in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this       for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada
                                                                                                              AD, before further flight, replace the PBE             (Bell) Model 222, 222B, 222U, 230, and
                                                        Accordingly, under the authority                      with an FAA-approved PBE contained in a
                                                      delegated to me by the Administrator,                                                                          430 helicopters, which proposed to
                                                                                                              vacuum sealed pouch. After the replacement,
                                                      the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part                                                                          require replacing certain servo actuators
                                                                                                              continue with the inspections required in
                                                      39 as follows:                                          paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD.               before further flight. The NPRM was
                                                                                                                                                                     prompted by a collective servo actuator
                                                      PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS                                   (i) Alternative Methods of Compliance                  malfunction. This action revises the
                                                                                                              (AMOCs)                                                NPRM by adding new actions. Since
                                                                                                                 (1) The Manager, Wichita Aircraft                   these actions impose an additional
                                                      ■ 1. The authority citation for part 39                 Certification Office (ACO), FAA, has the               burden over that proposed in the NPRM,
                                                      continues to read as follows:                           authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if             we are reopening the comment period to
                                                                                                              requested using the procedures found in 14
                                                          Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.                                                                 allow the public the chance to comment
                                                                                                              CFR 39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19,
                                                                                                              send your request to your principal inspector          on these proposed changes.
                                                      § 39.13   [Amended]                                                                                            DATES: We must receive comments on
                                                                                                              or local Flight Standards District Office, as
                                                      ■ 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding                   appropriate. If sending information directly           this SNPRM by August 17, 2015.
                                                      the following new airworthiness                         to the manager of the ACO, send it to the              ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
                                                      directive (AD):                                         attention of the person identified in                  any of the following methods:
                                                                                                              paragraph (j)(1) of this AD.                             • Federal eRulemaking Docket: Go to
                                                      B/E Aerospace: Docket No. FAA–2015–2134;
                                                                                                                 (2) Before using any approved AMOC,
                                                          Directorate Identifier 2015–CE–012–AD.                                                                     http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                                                                              notify your appropriate principal inspector,
                                                      (a) Comments Due Date                                   or lacking a principal inspector, the manager          online instructions for sending your
                                                                                                              of the local flight standards district office/         comments electronically.
                                                        We must receive comments by July 31,                                                                           • Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                      2015.                                                   certificate holding district office.
                                                                                                                                                                        • Mail: Send comments to the U.S.
                                                      (b) Affected ADs                                        (j) Related Information                                Department of Transportation, Docket
                                                        None.                                                    (1) For more information about this AD,             Operations, M–30, West Building
                                                                                                              contact David Enns, Aerospace Engineer,                Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
                                                      (c) Applicability                                       Wichita ACO, FAA, 1801 S. Airport Road,                New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
                                                         This AD applies to B/E Aerospace                     Room 100, Wichita, Kansas 67209; phone:                DC 20590–0001.
                                                      Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE), part              (316) 946–4147; fax: (316) 946–4107; email:               • Hand Delivery: Deliver to the
                                                      number 119003–11, that is installed on                  david.enns@faa.gov.
                                                                                                                                                                     ‘‘Mail’’ address between 9 a.m. and 5
                                                      airplanes.                                                 (2) For service information identified in
                                                                                                              this AD, contact B/E Aerospace, Inc., 10800            p.m., Monday through Friday, except
                                                      (d) Subject                                             Pflumm Road, Commercial Aircraft Products              Federal holidays.
                                                        Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC)/               Group, Lenexa, Kansas 66215; telephone:                Examining the AD Docket
                                                      Air Transport Association (ATA) of America              (913) 338–9800; fax: (913) 338–8419;
                                                      Code 35; Oxygen.                                        Internet: www.beaerospace.com. You may                   You may examine the AD docket on
                                                                                                              review this referenced service information at          the Internet at http://
                                                      (e) Unsafe Condition                                                                                           www.regulations.gov or in person at the
                                                                                                              the FAA, Small Airplane Directorate, 901
                                                         This AD was prompted by reports of a                 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. For               Docket Operations Office between 9
                                                      compromise in the vacuum seal of the pouch              information on the availability of this                a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
                                                      that contains the PBE. We are issuing this AD           material at the FAA, call (816) 329–4148.              Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
                                                      to correct the unsafe condition on these
                                                      products.                                                 Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 5,          docket contains this proposed AD, the
                                                                                                              2015.                                                  Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA)
                                                      (f) Compliance                                          Earl Lawrence,                                         AD, the economic evaluation, any
                                                         Unless already done, comply with                     Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft          comments received, and other
                                                      paragraphs (g) through (h) of this AD.                  Certification Service.                                 information. The street address for the
                                                      (g) Inspection                                          [FR Doc. 2015–14286 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]            Docket Operations Office (telephone
                                                                                                                                                                     800–647–5527) is in the ADDRESSES
                                                         (1) Within 3 months after the effective date         BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                      of this AD, while still in the stowage box,                                                                    section. Comments will be available in
                                                      physically inspect the PBE pouch to                                                                            the AD docket shortly after receipt.
                                                      determine if it has an intact vacuum seal.              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                             For Woodward HRT and Bell service
                                                      Repetitively thereafter, inspect every 12                                                                      information identified in this proposed
                                                      months. Do these inspections following                  Federal Aviation Administration                        AD, contact Bell Helicopter Textron
                                                      paragraph III.A.1. of the Accomplishment                                                                       Canada Limited, 12,800 Rue de l’Avenir,
                                                      Instructions in B/E Aerospace Service                   14 CFR Part 39                                         Mirabel, Quebec J7J1R4; telephone (450)
                                                      Bulletin No. 119003–35–011. Rev. 000, dated                                                                    437–2862 or (800) 363–8023; fax (450)
                                                      February 4, 2015.                                       [Docket No. FAA–2013–0734; Directorate
                                                                                                                                                                     433–0272; or at http://
                                                         (2) Within 36 months after the first                 Identifier 2012–SW–080–AD]
                                                                                                                                                                     www.bellcustomer.com/files/. You may
                                                      inspection required in paragraph (g)(1) of this
                                                      AD, remove the PBE pouch from the stowage
                                                                                                              RIN 2120–AA64                                          review the referenced service
                                                      box and physically inspect the PBE pouch to                                                                    information at the FAA, Office of the
                                                      determine if it has an intact vacuum seal.              Airworthiness Directives; Bell                         Regional Counsel, Southwest Region,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Repetitively thereafter, inspect every 36               Helicopter Textron Canada Helicopters                  2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort
                                                      months. Do these inspections following                  AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                              Worth, Texas 76137.
                                                      paragraph III.A.2. of the Accomplishment                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matt
                                                                                                              Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                      Instructions in B/E Aerospace Service                                                                          Wilbanks, Aviation Safety Engineer,
                                                      Bulletin No. 119003–35–011, Rev. 000, dated             ACTION: Supplemental notice of
                                                                                                              proposed rulemaking (SNPRM);                           Regulations and Policy Group,
                                                      February 4, 2015.
                                                                                                              reopening of comment period.                           Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 2601
                                                      (h) Replacement                                                                                                Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas
                                                        If a PBE pouch is found that does not have            SUMMARY: We are revising an earlier                    76137; telephone (817) 222–5110; email
                                                      an intact vacuum seal during any inspection             proposed airworthiness directive (AD)                  matt.wilbanks@faa.gov.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           34333

                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–                        Other Related Service Information
                                                                                                              111FM, before further flight. Thereafter,                 We also reviewed Bell ASB 222–11–
                                                      Comments Invited
                                                                                                              the NPRM proposed requiring                            111 for Model 222 and 222B helicopters,
                                                         We invite you to participate in this                 overhauling servo actuator P/N 222–
                                                      rulemaking by submitting written                                                                               ASB 222U–11–82 for Model 222U
                                                                                                              382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–                        helicopters, ASB 230–11–43 for Model
                                                      comments, data, or views. We also                       111FM at intervals not to exceed 10
                                                      invite comments relating to the                                                                                230 helicopters, and ASB 430–11–46 for
                                                                                                              years or 10,000 hours TIS, whichever                   Model 430 helicopters, all Revision A
                                                      economic, environmental, energy, or                     comes first.
                                                      federalism impacts that might result                                                                           and all dated June 22, 2012. The ASBs
                                                      from adopting the proposals in this                     Comments                                               contain, and require compliance with,
                                                      document. The most helpful comments                                                                            Woodward HRT Service Bulletin
                                                                                                                After our NPRM (78 FR 51123, August                  141600–67–03, dated February 14, 2012,
                                                      reference a specific portion of the                     20, 2013) was published, we received
                                                      proposal, explain the reason for any                                                                           to upgrade the servo actuator by
                                                                                                              comments from one commenter.                           replacing the piston rod and then re-
                                                      recommended change, and include
                                                      supporting data. To ensure the docket                   Request                                                identifying the servo actuator dash
                                                      does not contain duplicate comments,                                                                           number with ‘‘–111FM.’’ The
                                                                                                                Bell noted that the AD does not                      compliance time for upgrading the servo
                                                      commenters should send only one copy                    mandate replacement of servo actuator
                                                      of written comments, or if comments are                                                                        actuator varies depending on the results
                                                                                                              P/N 222–382–001–107 with servo                         of the inspections required by
                                                      filed electronically, commenters should                 actuator part number P/N 222–382–001–
                                                      submit only one time.                                                                                          Woodward HRT Service Bulletin
                                                                                                              111 if no pitting or penetration of the                141600–67–02, dated August 18, 2010.
                                                         We will file in the docket all
                                                                                                              base metal is found during the                         The Bell ASBs also provide an
                                                      comments that we receive, as well as a
                                                                                                              inspection, and requested that we                      alternative inspection procedure for
                                                      report summarizing each substantive
                                                                                                              include the replacement provisions in                  servo actuator P/N 222–382–001–107
                                                      public contact with FAA personnel
                                                                                                              Part 1 of Bell Alert Service Bulletin                  that has not reached certain hours TIS
                                                      concerning this proposed rulemaking.
                                                                                                              (ASB) 430–11–46, Revision A, dated                     and where the servo actuator cannot be
                                                      Before acting on this proposal, we will
                                                                                                              June 22, 2012.                                         upgraded. TCCA classified these ASBs
                                                      consider all comments we receive on or
                                                      before the closing date for comments.                     We agree. In light of Bell’s comment,                as mandatory and issued AD No. CF–
                                                      We will consider comments filed after                   we have determined that our AD should                  2010–29R1, dated July 26, 2012, to
                                                      the comment period has closed if it is                  retain all of the inspection requirements              ensure the continued airworthiness of
                                                      possible to do so without incurring                     of AD 2010–19–51 (75 FR 71540,                         these helicopters.
                                                      expense or delay. We may change this                    November 24, 2010) and also include
                                                                                                              compliance times for replacing servo                   Proposed Requirements of the SNPRM
                                                      proposal in light of the comments we
                                                      receive.                                                actuator P/N 222–382–001–107 with                         This proposed AD would require
                                                                                                              servo actuator part number P/N 222–                    before further flight:
                                                      Discussion                                              382–001–111 or –111FM based upon the                      • Disassembling each servo actuator.
                                                         We issued a notice of proposed                       results of the inspection, as specified in                • Cleaning the piston rod and nut,
                                                      rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR                       Revision A of the ASB. We have                         and inspecting the grind relief
                                                      part 39 to remove AD 2010–19–51,                        changed the Required Actions                           configuration for the piston rod and nut.
                                                      Amendment 39–16523 (75 FR 71540,                        accordingly and are consequently                       If the grind relief is unacceptable,
                                                      November 24, 2010) and add a new AD.                    proposing this SNPRM.                                  replacing the piston rod and nut.
                                                      AD 2010–19–51 applies to Bell Model                     FAA’s Determination                                       • Using a 10× or higher magnifying
                                                      222, 222B, 222U, 230, and 430                                                                                  glass, visually inspecting the nut for any
                                                      helicopters and requires inspecting                       We are proposing this SNPRM                          corrosion or any damage to the threads,
                                                      parts of the servo actuator for certain                 because we evaluated all known                         and replacing the nut if you find any
                                                      conditions and replacing any                            relevant information and determined                    corrosion or any damage to the threads.
                                                      unairworthy parts before further flight.                that an unsafe condition is likely to                     • Using a 10× or higher magnifying
                                                      AD 2010–19–51 was prompted by a                         exist or develop on other products of                  glass, visually inspecting the piston rod
                                                      collective servo actuator malfunction                   these same type designs. Certain                       for any corrosion, lack of cadmium
                                                      due to a nonconforming grind relief on                  changes described above expand the                     plate, or damage.
                                                      a separate piston rod and corrosion                     scope of the original NPRM. As a result,                  • If there is any corrosion or lack of
                                                      cracking at the threaded end of the                     we have determined that it is necessary                cadmium plate or damage in certain
                                                      output piston rod assembly. The actions                 to reopen the comment period to                        critical areas, replacing the servo
                                                      of AD 2010–19–51 were intended to                       provide additional opportunity for the                 actuator with P/N 222–382–001–111 or
                                                      detect corrosion or a nonconforming                     public to comment on this SNPRM.                       P/N 222–382–001–111FM before further
                                                      piston rod that, if not corrected, could                                                                       flight.
                                                                                                              Related Service Information Under 1
                                                      result in the failure of the piston rod,                                                                          • If there is any corrosion or lack of
                                                                                                              CFR Part 51
                                                      failure of the servo actuator, and                                                                             cadmium plate in areas that are not
                                                      subsequent loss of helicopter control.                    We reviewed Woodward HRT Service                     critical areas, reworking the piston rod,
                                                         The NPRM was published in the                        Bulletin 141600–67–02, dated August                    inspecting for bare base metal, and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Federal Register on August 20, 2013 (78                 18, 2010, which provides instructions                  reassembling the servo actuator.
                                                      FR 51123). The NPRM proposed                            for disassembling the servo actuator and               Replacing the servo actuator with P/N
                                                      inspecting servo actuator, part number                  for cleaning and inspecting the piston                 222–382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–
                                                      (P/N) 222–382–001–107, for pitting or                   rod and nut. This service information is               111FM would be required within 1,200
                                                      penetration of the base metal of the                    reasonably available because the                       hours time-in-service (TIS) or 1 year,
                                                      piston rod. If the piston rod has pitting               interested parties have access to it                   whichever occurs first.
                                                      or any penetration of the base metal, the               through their normal course of business                   • If there is any corrosion that is red
                                                      NPRM proposed replacing the servo                       or by the means identified in the                      or orange in color, magnetic particle
                                                      actuator with servo actuator P/N 222–                   ADDRESSES section of this SNPRM.                       inspecting the piston rod for a crack,

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                                                      34334                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      and replacing the servo actuator with P/                for practices, methods, and procedures                 hydraulic servo actuator (servo actuator) part
                                                      N 222–382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–                       the Administrator finds necessary for                  number (P/N) 222–382–001–107 installed,
                                                      001–111FM before further flight if there                safety in air commerce. This regulation                certificated in any category.
                                                      is a crack or within 2,400 hours TIS or                 is within the scope of that authority                  (b) Unsafe Condition
                                                      2 years, whichever occurs first, if there               because it addresses an unsafe condition                 This AD defines the unsafe condition as
                                                      is no crack.                                            that is likely to exist or develop on                  corrosion or a nonconforming grind relief on
                                                         • If there is no corrosion, lack of                  products identified in this rulemaking                 the output piston rod assembly (piston rod).
                                                      cadmium plate, or damage, inspecting                    action.                                                This condition could lead to failure of the
                                                      for bare base metal, and reassembling                                                                          piston rod, failure of the servo actuator, and
                                                      the servo actuator. Replacing the servo                 Regulatory Findings                                    subsequent loss of helicopter control.
                                                      actuator with P/N 222–382–001–111 or                      We determined that this proposed AD                  (c) Affected ADs
                                                      P/N 222–382–001–111FM would be                          would not have federalism implications
                                                                                                                                                                        This AD supersedes AD 2010–19–51,
                                                      required within 3,000 hours TIS or 4                    under Executive Order 13132. This                      Amendment 39–16523 (75 FR 71540,
                                                      years, whichever occurs first.                          proposed AD would not have a                           November 24, 2010).
                                                         • Overhauling servo actuator P/N                     substantial direct effect on the States, on
                                                                                                              the relationship between the national                  (d) Comments Due Date
                                                      222–382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–
                                                      111FM at intervals not to exceed 10                     Government and the States, or on the                     We must receive comments by August 17,
                                                      years or 10,000 hours TIS, whichever                    distribution of power and                              2015.
                                                      occurs first.                                           responsibilities among the various                     (e) Compliance
                                                                                                              levels of government.                                     You are responsible for performing each
                                                      Differences Between the Proposed AD                       For the reasons discussed, I certify
                                                      and the TCCA AD                                                                                                action required by this AD within the
                                                                                                              this proposed regulation:                              specified compliance time unless it has
                                                         The TCCA AD requires inspecting                        1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory                 already been accomplished prior to that time.
                                                      each servo actuator to determine the                    action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
                                                                                                                                                                     (f) Required Actions
                                                      condition of the piston rod assembly no                   2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the
                                                      later than 5 hours upon receiving the                   DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures                    Before further flight:
                                                                                                              (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);                         (1) Disassemble each servo actuator to gain
                                                      original issue of its AD. This proposed                                                                        access to the piston rod as shown in Figures
                                                      AD would require inspecting each servo                    3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in
                                                                                                                                                                     1 through 5 and by following the
                                                      actuator to determine the condition of                  Alaska to the extent that it justifies                 Accomplishment Instructions, paragraph
                                                      the piston rod assembly before further                  making a regulatory distinction; and                   3.A., Part I., of Woodward HRT Alert Service
                                                      flight.                                                   4. Will not have a significant                       Bulletin No. 141600–67–02, Revision 0,
                                                                                                              economic impact, positive or negative,                 dated August 18, 2010 (Woodward ASB).
                                                      Costs of Compliance                                     on a substantial number of small entities                 (2) Clean the entire piston rod and nut
                                                         We estimate that this proposed AD                    under the criteria of the Regulatory                   using acetone and a nylon bristle brush
                                                      would affect 146 helicopters of U.S.                    Flexibility Act.                                       removing all contaminates to allow for
                                                                                                                We prepared an economic evaluation                   inspection. Inspect the grind relief
                                                      Registry and that labor costs average $85
                                                                                                              of the estimated costs to comply with                  configuration for the piston rod and nut as
                                                      a work-hour. Based on these estimates,                                                                         shown in Figure 6 of the Woodward ASB. If
                                                      we expect the following costs:                          this proposed AD and placed it in the                  the grind relief is unacceptable as shown in
                                                         • Inspecting a servo actuator would                  AD docket.                                             Figure 6, replace the piston rod and the nut
                                                      require 4 work-hours per actuator for a                 List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39                     with airworthy parts.
                                                      labor cost of $340. No parts would be                                                                             (3) Using a 10× or higher magnifying glass,
                                                      needed for a total cost of $1,020 per                     Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation               visually inspect the nut for any corrosion or
                                                      helicopter and $148,920 for the U.S.                    safety, Incorporation by reference,                    any damage to the threads. If you find any
                                                      fleet given 3 actuators per helicopter.                 Safety.                                                corrosion or any damage to the threads,
                                                                                                                                                                     replace the nut with an airworthy nut.
                                                         • Replacing a servo actuator would                   The Proposed Amendment                                    (4) Using a 10× or higher magnifying glass,
                                                      require 8 work-hours for a labor cost of                                                                       visually inspect the piston rod as shown in
                                                      $680. Parts would cost $35,700 for a                      Accordingly, under the authority
                                                                                                                                                                     Figure 7 of the Woodward ASB for any
                                                      total cost of $36,380 per actuator.                     delegated to me by the Administrator,
                                                                                                                                                                     corrosion, visible lack of cadmium plate
                                                         • Overhauling the servo actuator                     the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part                  (gold or gray color), or damage to the piston
                                                      would require 8 work-hours for a labor                  39 as follows:                                         rod. For the purposes of this AD, damage to
                                                      cost of $680. Parts would cost $11,900                                                                         the piston rod is defined as pitting, a visible
                                                                                                              PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS                                  scratch, a crack, or a visible abrasion.
                                                      for a total cost of $12,580 per actuator.
                                                                                                              DIRECTIVES                                                (i) If there is any corrosion or visible lack
                                                      Authority for This Rulemaking                                                                                  of cadmium plate or any damage to the
                                                                                                              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 39                piston rod in the Critical Areas as shown in
                                                        Title 49 of the United States Code                    continues to read as follows:                          Figure 7 of the Woodward ASB, replace the
                                                      specifies the FAA’s authority to issue                                                                         servo actuator with servo actuator P/N 222–
                                                      rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,                       Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
                                                                                                                                                                     382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–111FM
                                                      section 106, describes the authority of                 § 39.13    [Amended]                                   before further flight.
                                                      the FAA Administrator. ‘‘Subtitle VII:                                                                            (ii) If there is any corrosion or visible lack
                                                                                                              ■ 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding
                                                      Aviation Programs,’’ describes in more                                                                         of cadmium plate on the piston rod in areas
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              the following new airworthiness                        that are not considered Critical Areas as
                                                      detail the scope of the Agency’s
                                                                                                              directive (AD):                                        shown in Figure 7 of the Woodward ASB,
                                                        We are issuing this rulemaking under                  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada: Docket No.             rework the piston rod by removing any
                                                                                                                   FAA–2013–0734; Directorate Identifier             surface corrosion that has not penetrated into
                                                      the authority described in ‘‘Subtitle VII,
                                                                                                                   2012–SW–080–AD.                                   the base material by lightly buffing. Clean the
                                                      Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701:                                                                            part using acetone and a nylon bristle brush
                                                      General requirements.’’ Under that                      (a) Applicability                                      to remove any residue. Comply with
                                                      section, Congress charges the FAA with                    This AD applies to Bell Helicopter Textron           paragraphs (f)(5) through (f)(7) of this AD.
                                                      promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in              Canada (Bell) Model 222, 222B, 222U, 230,              Within 1,200 hours time-in-service (TIS) or 1
                                                      air commerce by prescribing regulations                 and 430 helicopters, with a main rotor                 year, whichever occurs first, replace the

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          34335

                                                      servo actuator with servo actuator P/N 222–             (i) Additional Information                             removing certain engine mount parts
                                                      382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–111FM.                      (1) Bell Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No.           from service, measuring the height of
                                                         (iii) If there is any corrosion that is red or       222–11–111 for Model 222 and 222B                      the engine mounting base for certain
                                                      orange in color, magnetic particle inspect the          helicopters, ASB No. 222U–11–82 for Model              helicopters, replacing the engine mount
                                                      piston rod for a crack.                                 222U helicopters, ASB No. 230–11–43 for                if a certain height is exceeded,
                                                         (A) If there is a crack, replace the servo           Model 230 helicopters, and ASB No. 430–11–             inspecting the flared coupling on certain
                                                      actuator with servo actuator, P/N 222–382–              46 for Model 430 helicopters, all Revision A
                                                      001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–111FM before
                                                                                                                                                                     helicopters for a crack, and replacing
                                                                                                              and all dated June 22, 2012, which are not
                                                      further flight.                                         incorporated by reference, contain additional
                                                                                                                                                                     the coupling if it is cracked. Since we
                                                         (B) If there is no crack, comply with                information about the subject of this AD. For          issued AD 2000–05–17 and AD 2001–
                                                      paragraphs (f)(5) through (f)(7) of this AD.            Woodward HRT and Bell service information              04–12, there have been reports of
                                                      Within 2,400 hours TIS or 2 years, whichever            identified in this AD, contact Bell Helicopter         additional cracks in coupling tubes. The
                                                      occurs first, replace the servo actuator with           Textron Canada Limited, 12,800 Rue de                  proposed actions are intended to
                                                      servo actuator P/N 222–382–001–111 or P/N               l’Avenir, Mirabel, Quebec J7J1R4; telephone            prevent coupling tube failure, loss of
                                                      222–382–001–111FM.                                      (450) 437–2862 or (800) 363–8023; fax (450)            engine drive, and a subsequent forced
                                                         (iv) If there is no corrosion, visible lack of       433–0272; or at http://                                landing of the helicopter.
                                                      cadmium plate, or damage to the piston rod,             www.bellcustomer.com/files/. You may
                                                                                                              review a copy of the service information at            DATES: We must receive comments on
                                                      comply with paragraphs (f)(5) through and
                                                                                                              the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel,               this proposed AD by August 17, 2015.
                                                      (f)(7) of this AD. Within 3,000 hours TIS or
                                                      4 years, whichever occurs first, replace the            Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd.,                  ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
                                                      servo actuator with servo actuator P/N 222–             Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas 76137.                     any of the following methods:
                                                      382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–111FM.                      (2) The subject of this AD is addressed in             • Federal eRulemaking Docket: Go to
                                                         (5) Inspect the portion of the piston rod for        the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA)             http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                      any absence of cadmium plating (bare base               AD No. CF–2010–29R1, dated July 26, 2012.              online instructions for sending your
                                                                                                              You may view the TCCA AD on the Internet
                                                      metal), as shown in Figure 7 of the
                                                                                                              at http://www.regulations.gov in Docket No.
                                                                                                                                                                     comments electronically.
                                                      Woodward ASB. If there is any bare base
                                                                                                              FAA–2013–0734.                                            • Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                      metal on the piston rod in this area, apply                                                                       • Mail: Send comments to the U.S.
                                                      brush cadmium plating to all bare and                   (j) Subject                                            Department of Transportation, Docket
                                                      reworked areas using SPS5070 or equivalent                 Joint Aircraft Service Component (JASC)             Operations, M–30, West Building
                                                      0.0002 to 0.0005 inch thick and rework the              Code: 6730, Rotorcraft Servo System.                   Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
                                                      piston rod by following the Accomplishment
                                                                                                                Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on May 29,              New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
                                                      Instructions, paragraph C., Part III, C.1.1.1.
                                                                                                              2015.                                                  DC 20590–0001.
                                                      through C.1.1.3., of the Woodward ASB.
                                                         (6) Reassemble the servo actuator by                 Lance T. Gant,                                            • Hand Delivery: Deliver to the
                                                      following the Accomplishment Instructions,              Acting Directorate Manager, Rotorcraft                 ‘‘Mail’’ address between 9 a.m. and 5
                                                      paragraph C, Part III, 1.1.4. through 3.3.4. of         Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.           p.m., Monday through Friday, except
                                                      the Woodward ASB.                                       [FR Doc. 2015–14278 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]            Federal holidays.
                                                         (7) Thereafter, overhaul servo actuator P/N          BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                 Examining the AD Docket
                                                      222–382–001–111 or P/N 222–382–001–
                                                      111FM at intervals not to exceed 10 years or                                                                      You may examine the AD docket on
                                                      10,000 hours TIS, whichever occurs first.               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                           the Internet at http://
                                                                                                                                                                     www.regulations.gov or in person at the
                                                      (g) Credit for Actions Previously Completed
                                                                                                              Federal Aviation Administration                        Docket Operations Office between 9
                                                        Compliance with the Woodward ASB or                                                                          a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
                                                      with AD 2010–19–51 (75 FR 71540,                                                                               Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
                                                      November 24, 2010) before the effective date            14 CFR Part 39
                                                                                                                                                                     docket contains this proposed AD, the
                                                      of this AD is considered acceptable for                 [Docket No. FAA–2014–0105; Directorate
                                                      compliance with the corresponding                                                                              Direction Generale de L’Aviation Civile
                                                                                                              Identifier 2008–SW–58–AD]
                                                      inspections specified in paragraph (f) of this                                                                 (DGAC) AD, the economic evaluation,
                                                      AD. If you replaced the piston rod pursuant             RIN 2120–AA64                                          any comments received and other
                                                      to the Woodward ASB or paragraph (d)(1) or                                                                     information. The street address for the
                                                      (d)(3) of AD 2010–19–51, apply the                      Airworthiness Directives; Airbus                       Docket Operations Office (telephone
                                                      requirements of paragraph (f)(4)(iv) of this            Helicopters (Previously Eurocopter                     800–647–5527) is in the ADDRESSES
                                                      AD.                                                     France) (Airbus Helicopters)                           section. Comments will be available in
                                                                                                              Helicopters                                            the AD docket shortly after receipt.
                                                      (h) Alternative Methods of Compliance
                                                      (AMOCs)                                                 AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                  For service information identified in
                                                                                                              Administration, DOT.                                   this proposed AD, contact Airbus
                                                        (1) The Manager, Safety Management
                                                      Group, FAA, may approve AMOCs for this                                                                         Helicopters, Inc., 2701 N. Forum Drive,
                                                                                                              ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                      AD. Send your proposal to: Matt Wilbanks,                                                                      Grand Prairie, Texas 75052; telephone
                                                      Aviation Safety Engineer, Regulations and                                                                      (972) 641–0000 or (800) 232–0323; fax
                                                      Policy Group, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA,              SUMMARY:   This document proposes                      (972) 641–3775; or at http://
                                                      2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas                   superseding Airworthiness Directives                   www.airbushelicopters.com/techpub.
                                                      76137; telephone (817) 222–5110; email                  (AD) 2000–05–17 and AD 2001–04–12,                     You may review the service information
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      matt.wilbanks@faa.gov.                                  which apply to Eurocopter France (now                  at the FAA, Office of the Regional
                                                        (2) For operations conducted under a 14               Airbus Helicopters) Model EC120B                       Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601
                                                      CFR part 119 operating certificate or under                                                                    Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth,
                                                                                                              helicopters. AD 2000–05–17 and AD
                                                      14 CFR part 91, subpart K, we suggest that                                                                     Texas 76137.
                                                      you notify your principal inspector, or
                                                                                                              2001–04–12 require repetitive visual
                                                      lacking a principal inspector, the manager of           checks of the engine-to-main gearbox                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      the local flight standards district office or           (MGB) coupling tube assembly                           James Blyn, Aviation Safety Engineer,
                                                      certificate holding district office before              (coupling tube) for a crack and replacing              Regulations and Policy Group,
                                                      operating any aircraft complying with this              any cracked tube with an airworthy                     Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 2601
                                                      AD through an AMOC.                                     tube. This proposed AD would require                   Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 10:23:10
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 10:23:10
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionSupplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM); reopening of comment period.
DatesWe must receive comments on this SNPRM by August 17, 2015.
ContactMatt Wilbanks, Aviation Safety Engineer, Regulations and Policy Group, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76137; telephone (817) 222-5110; email [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 34332 
RIN Number2120-AA64
CFR AssociatedAir Transportation; Aircraft; Aviation Safety; Incorporation by Reference and Safety

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