80_FR_34500 80 FR 34385 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Land Survey Activities Within the Eastern Aleutian Islands Archipelago, Alaska, 2015

80 FR 34385 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Land Survey Activities Within the Eastern Aleutian Islands Archipelago, Alaska, 2015

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 115 (June 16, 2015)

Page Range34385-34391
FR Document2015-14700

In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) regulations, we, NMFS, hereby give notification that the National Marine Fisheries Service has issued an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to take marine mammals, by harassment incidental to conducting a one-day field- based land survey of cultural sites located on a small island within the eastern Aleutian Islands archipelago, Alaska, June through July, 2015.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)]
[Pages 34385-34391]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14700]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XD814

Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Land 
Survey Activities Within the Eastern Aleutian Islands Archipelago, 
Alaska, 2015

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) 
regulations, we, NMFS, hereby give notification that the National 
Marine Fisheries Service has issued an Incidental Harassment 
Authorization (IHA) to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to take 
marine mammals, by harassment incidental to conducting a one-day field-
based land survey of cultural sites located on a small island within 
the eastern Aleutian Islands archipelago, Alaska, June through July, 

DATES: Effective June 12, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

ADDRESSES: The public may obtain an electronic copy of Glacier Bay NP's 
application, supporting documentation, the authorization, and a list of 
the references cited in this document by visiting: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/research.htm.
    The Environmental Assessment and associated Finding of No 
Significant Impact, prepared pursuant to the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969, are also available at the same site.

Protected Resources, NMFS (301) 427-8401.



    Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 
as amended (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) directs the Secretary of 
Commerce to allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, 
taking of small numbers of marine mammals of a species or population 
stock, by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than 
commercial fishing) within a specified geographical region if, after 
NMFS provides a notice of a proposed authorization to the public for 
review and comment: (1) NMFS makes certain findings; and (2) the taking 
is limited to harassment.
    An Authorization shall be granted for the incidental taking of 
small numbers of marine mammals if NMFS finds that the taking will have 
a negligible impact on the species or stock(s), and will not have an 
unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species or 
stock(s) for subsistence uses (where relevant). The Authorization must 
also set forth the permissible methods of taking; other means of 
effecting the least practicable adverse impact on the species or stock 
and its habitat; and requirements pertaining to the monitoring and 
reporting of such taking. NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in 50 
CFR 216.103 as ``an impact resulting from the specified activity that 
cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, 
adversely affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates 
of recruitment or survival.''
    Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the 
MMPA defines ``harassment'' as: Any act of pursuit, torment, or 
annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has the 
potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild 
by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not 
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or 
sheltering [Level B harassment].

Summary of Request

    On September 8, 2014, NMFS received an application from BLM 
requesting that we issue an Authorization for the take of marine 
mammals, incidental to conducting one field-based land survey for a 
land claim of cultural sites located on a small island in the eastern 
Aleutian Islands archipelago, AK. NMFS determined the application 
complete and adequate on February 17, 2015.
    BLM would conduct the proposed activity within the vicinity of a 
major Steller sea lion haulout site identified in the regulations at 50 
CFR 226.202 and the following aspects of the proposed activity would 
likely to result in the take of marine mammals: Noise generated by 
vessel approaches and departures; noise generated by personnel while 
conducting the land survey; and human presence during the proposed 
activity. Thus, NMFS anticipates that take, by Level B harassment only 
of one species of marine mammal could result from the specified 
activity. NMFS anticipates that take by Level B Harassment only, of 20 
Steller sea lions would result from the specified activity.

Description of the Specified Activity


    BLM must conduct the land survey to support conveyance of existing 
cemetery sites and historical places to an Alaska Native Regional 
Corporation as required under the ANCSA. Once BLM concludes the survey 
no additional visits would be necessary for the proposed action.

Dates and Duration

    BLM would complete the survey within one day (approximately 6-10 
hours) between June 1 and July 31, 2015. Thus, the proposed 
Authorization, if issued, would be effective from June 1, 2015 through 
July 31, 2015. NMFS refers the reader to the Detailed Description of 
Activities section later in this notice for more information on the 
scope of the proposed activities.

Specified Geographic Region

    BLM's application contains information on sensitive archaeological 
site locations prohibited from disclosure to the public under the 
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The island is 
small (less than 5 acres), extremely rugged, and uninhabited by people. 
This notice will describe the specified geographic region as cultural 
sites located on a small island in the eastern Aleutian Islands 

[[Page 34386]]

Detailed Description of Activities

    BLM proposes to conduct the land survey with a small group of no 
more than four people who would use a global position system (GPS) unit 
to determine the locational accuracy of the selected cultural site. 
After selecting the placement location for the survey marker, BLM 
surveyors would use shovels, digging bars, and mallets to set a group 
of official U.S. survey markers into the ground. BLM does not plan to 
use any power tools to conduct the land survey.
    BLM personnel would access the selected cultural sites using two 
types of boats: A mid-sized marine vessel (approximately 15 meters (m); 
50 feet (ft) in length) and a small skiff. The main vessel would 
approach the remote island at a speed of approximately 8 knots (kt) 
(9.2 miles per hour) and would launch the skiff to cross the shallower 
waters immediately surrounding the small island in the eastern Aleutian 
Islands archipelago.
    Once on land, surveyors would walk to the survey sites to conduct 
their activities. BLM does not propose to use any type of motorized 
vehicles on the small island.
    There is a possibility that BLM would need to access the island by 
helicopter or sea plane, if they determine that accessing the island by 
sea would not be feasible due to weather or scheduling constraints. 
However, the likelihood of BLM using this mode of transit is extremely 
low given the high expense involved with chartering aircraft.

Comments and Responses

    We published a notice of receipt of BLM's application and proposed 
Authorization in the Federal Register (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015). 
During the 30-day comment period, we received one comment from the 
Marine Mammal Commission (Commission) which recommended that we issue 
the requested Authorization, provided that BLM carries out the required 
monitoring and mitigation measures as described in the notice of the 
proposed authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015) and the 
application. We have included all measures proposed in the notice of 
the proposed authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015) in the final 
    We also received comments from one private citizen who opposed the 
authorization on the basis that NMFS should not allow any 
Authorizations for harassment. We considered the commenter's general 
opposition to BLM's activities and to our issuance of an Authorization. 
The Authorization, described in detail in the Federal Register notice 
of the proposed Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015) includes 
mitigation and monitoring measures to effect the least practicable 
impact to marine mammals and their habitat. It is our responsibility to 
determine whether the activities will have a negligible impact on the 
affected species or stocks; will have an unmitigable adverse impact on 
the availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses, where 
relevant; and to prescribe the means of effecting the least practicable 
adverse impact on the affected species or stocks and their habitat, as 
well as monitoring and reporting requirements.
    Regarding the commenter's opposition to authorizing harassment, the 
MMPA allows U.S. citizens (which includes BLM) to request take of 
marine mammals incidental to specified activities, and requires us to 
authorize such taking if we can make the necessary findings required by 
law and if we set forth the appropriate prescriptions. As explained 
throughout the Federal Register notice (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015), 
we made the necessary preliminary findings under 16 U.S.C. 
1361(a)(5)(D) to support issuance of Authorization.

Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of the Specified Activity

    The marine mammals most likely to be harassed incidental to BLM 
conducting the land survey activities are Steller sea lions. Table 1 in 
this notice provides the following information: All marine mammal 
species with possible or confirmed occurrence in the proposed survey 
areas on land; information on those species' regulatory status under 
the MMPA and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
seq.); abundance; occurrence and seasonality in the activity area. NMFS 
refers the public to the Federal Register notice of the proposed 
Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015) and the 2014 NMFS Marine 
Mammal Stock Assessment Report available online at: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/species.htm for further information on the 
biology and distribution of these species. Based on recent survey 
reports, there are no other species of marine mammals present in the 
action area (BLM, Pers. Comm.)

    Table 1--General Information on Marine Mammals That Could Potentially Haul Out in the Proposed Cultural Site on a Small Island Within the Eastern
                                                  Aleutian Islands Archipelago, June Through July, 2015
                                                             Regulatory  status    Stock/species  abundance
              Species                     Stock name              \1\ \2\                     \3\             Occurrence and range         Season
Steller sea lion (Eumetopias        Western U.S..........  MMPA--D, S...........  82,516                      common..............  Winter/Spring.
 jubatus).                                                 ESA--T...............
Steller sea lion (Eumetopias        Eastern U.S..........  MMPA--D, S...........  60,131--74,448              uncommon............  Unknown.
 jubatus).                                                 ESA--DL..............
\1\ MMPA: D = Depleted, S = Strategic, NC = Not Classified.
\2\ ESA: EN = Endangered, T = Threatened, DL = Delisted, NL = Not listed.
\3\ 2014 NMFS Stock Assessment Report (Allen and Angliss, 2015).

Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat

    Under the ESA, NMFS has designated critical habitat for Steller sea 
lions based on the location of terrestrial rookery and haulout sites, 
spatial extent of foraging trips, and availability of prey items (50 
CFR 226.202). Critical habitat includes a terrestrial zone that extends 
0.9 km (3,000 ft) landward from the baseline or base point of a major 
haulout in Alaska. Critical habitat includes an air zone that extends 
0.9 km (3,000 ft) above the terrestrial zone of a major haulout in 
Alaska, measured vertically from sea level. Critical habitat includes 
an aquatic zone that extends 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 miles (mi)) 
seaward in state and federally managed waters from the baseline or 
basepoint of a major haulout in Alaska west of 144[deg] W longitude. 
BLM's proposed action falls within an area designated as a major 
haulout for Steller sea lions.

Other Marine Mammals in the Proposed Action Area

    The BLM, in collaboration with the Alaska Department of Fish and 

[[Page 34387]]

has not encountered any other species of marine mammal (e.g., the 
northern fur seal, (Callorhinus ursinus)) hauled out on the small 
island in the eastern Aleutian Islands archipelago during the course of 
previous surveying activities within the area over the past 13 years 
(ADGF, Pers. Comm.). NMFS independently evaluated the likelihood of 
northern fur seal presence in the action area using the Ocean 
Biogeographic Information System Spatial Ecological Analysis of 
Megavertebrate Populations viewer (OBIS SEAMAP, 2015) and found no 
records of observations of northern fur seals within the proposed 
action area. Thus, NMFS will not consider this species further in this 

Potential Effects of the Specified Activities on Marine Mammals

    Acoustic and visual stimuli generated by: (1) Vessel approaches and 
departures; and (2) human presence during the land survey activities, 
have the potential to cause Level B harassment of Steller sea lions 
hauled out on the small island in the proposed survey area. Disturbance 
includes a variety of effects, including subtle to conspicuous changes 
in behavior, movement, and displacement.
    We expect that acoustic and visual stimuli resulting from the 
proposed activities has the potential to harass marine mammals. We also 
expect that these disturbances would be temporary and result, at worst, 
in a temporary modification in behavior and/or low-level physiological 
effects (Level B harassment) of Steller sea lions.
    We included a summary and discussion of the ways that the types of 
stressors associated with BLM's specified activities (i.e., visual and 
acoustic disturbance) have the potential to impact marine mammals in 
the Federal Register notice of the proposed Authorization (80 FR 21213, 
April 17, 2015).
    Vessel Strike: The potential for striking marine mammals is a 
concern with vessel traffic. However, it is highly unlikely that the 
use of small, slow-moving skiffs or boats to access the small island 
would result in injury, serious injury, or mortality to any marine 
mammal. Typically, the reasons for vessel strikes are fast transit 
speeds, lack of maneuverability, or not seeing the animal because the 
boat is so large. The probability of vessel and marine mammal 
interactions (i.e., vessel strike) occurring during the proposed 
activities is unlikely due to the main vessel's slow operational speed 
around the island, which is typically 8 knots (9.2 miles per hour) 
coupled with the observer and BLM personnel continually scanning the 
water for marine mammals presence during transit to the island. 
Rookeries: The proposed land survey activities would not occur on 
pinniped rookeries. Only adult Steller sea lions occupy the haulout 
site during June and July. No pups or breeding adults would be present 
during the proposed survey and there are no breeding animals or pups 
concentrated in areas where BLM would conduct the survey. Therefore, we 
do not expect mother and pup separation or crushing of pups during 
    Stampede: Because hauled-out animals may move towards the water 
when disturbed, there is the risk of injury if animals stampede towards 
shorelines with precipitous relief (e.g., cliffs). However, while high-
elevation sites exist on the small island, the haulout sites consist of 
ridges with unimpeded and non-obstructive access to the water. If 
disturbed, the small number of hauled-out adult animals may move toward 
the water without risk of encountering barriers or hazards that would 
otherwise prevent them from leaving the area. Moreover, the proposed 
area would not be crowded with large numbers of Steller sea lions 
during June or July, further eliminating the possibility of potentially 
injurious mass movements of animals attempting to vacate the haulout. 
Thus, in this case, NMFS considers the risk of injury, serious injury, 
or death to hauled-out animals as very low.

Anticipated Effects on Marine Mammal Habitat

    We considered these impacts in detail in the Federal Register 
notice of the proposed Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015). The 
only habitat modification associated with the proposed activity is the 
placement of a group of official U.S. survey markers into the ground. 
BLM would conduct the installation of the survey markers under the 
appropriate authorities (i.e., the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 
of 1971, as amended (ANCSA; 43 U.S.C. 1601-1624)) and would not use any 
power tools to set the markers.
    While NMFS anticipates that the specified activity may result in 
marine mammals avoiding certain areas due to vessel operations or human 
presence, this impact to habitat is temporary and reversible. NMFS 
considered these as behavioral modification. The main impact associated 
with the proposed activity will be temporarily elevated noise levels 
and the associated direct effects on marine mammals, previously 
discussed in this notice. Based on the preceding discussion, NMFS does 
not anticipate that the proposed activity would have any habitat-
related effects that could cause significant or long-term consequences 
for individual marine mammals or their populations.
    NMFS does not anticipate that the proposed survey would result in 
any permanent effects on the habitats used by the marine mammals in the 
proposed area, including the food sources they use (i.e., fish and 
invertebrates). Based on the preceding discussion, NMFS does not 
anticipate that the proposed activity would have any habitat-related 
effects that could cause significant or long-term consequences for 
individual marine mammals or their populations.


    In order to issue an incidental take authorization under section 
101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA, NMFS must set forth the permissible methods 
of taking pursuant to such activity, and other means of effecting the 
least practicable adverse impact on such species or stock and its 
habitat, paying particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and 
areas of similar significance, and on the availability of such species 
or stock for taking for certain subsistence uses (where relevant). 
Applications for incidental take authorizations must include the 
availability and feasibility (economic and technological) of equipment, 
methods, and manner of conducting the activity or other means of 
effecting the least practicable adverse impact on the affected species 
or stock and their habitat 50 CFR 216.104(a)(11).

Mitigation Measures

    The BLM proposes to implement several mitigation measures to reduce 
potential take by Level B (behavioral disturbance) harassment. Measures 
include: (1) Conducting slow and controlled approaches to the island by 
vessel and skiff as far away as possible from hauled out sea lions to 
prevent or minimize stampeding; (2) avoiding placing the skiff in the 
path of swimming sea lions that may be present; (3) beginning 
terrestrial activities as far away as possible from hauled out sea 
lions; (4) conducting slow movements to prevent or minimize stampeding; 
(5) avoiding loud noises (i.e., using hushed voices); (6) avoiding 
pinnipeds along access ways to sites by locating and taking a different 
access way and vacating the area as soon as possible after completing 
the land survey; (7) monitoring the offshore area for predators (such 
as killer whales and white sharks) and avoid flushing of pinnipeds when 
predators are observed in nearshore waters; and (8) using binoculars to 
detect pinnipeds before

[[Page 34388]]

close approach to avoid being seen by animals.
    The primary method of mitigating the risk of disturbance to sea 
lions, which will be in use at all times, is the selection of judicious 
routes of approach to the survey site, avoiding close contact with sea 
lions hauled out on shore, and the use of extreme caution upon 
approach. In no case will BLM deliberately approach marine mammals. BLM 
personnel would select a pathway of approach to the survey sites that 
minimizes the number of marine mammals potentially harassed. In 
general, BLM personnel would stay inshore of sea lions whenever 
possible to allow slow and controlled egress to the ocean. The survey 
would last for approximately 6-10 hours, after which personnel would 
vacate the survey site. Any marine mammals that may have been disturbed 
by the presence of surveyors could re-occupy the site after completion 
of the survey.

Mitigation Conclusions

    NMFS has carefully evaluated BLM's proposed mitigation measures in 
the context of ensuring that we prescribe the means of affecting the 
least practicable impact on the affected marine mammal species and 
stocks and their habitat. The evaluation of potential measures included 
consideration of the following factors in relation to one another:
     The manner in which, and the degree to which, the 
successful implementation of the measure is expected to minimize 
adverse impacts to marine mammals;
     The proven or likely efficacy of the specific measure to 
minimize adverse impacts as planned; and
     The practicability of the measure for applicant 
    Any mitigation measure(s) prescribed by NMFS should be able to 
accomplish, have a reasonable likelihood of accomplishing (based on 
current science), or contribute to the accomplishment of one or more of 
the general goals listed here:
    1. Avoidance or minimization of injury or death of marine mammals 
wherever possible (goals 2, 3, and 4 may contribute to this goal).
    2. A reduction in the numbers of marine mammals (total number or 
number at biologically important time or location) exposed to vessel or 
visual presence that NMFS expects to result in the take of marine 
mammals (this goal may contribute to 1, above, or to reducing 
harassment takes only).
    3. A reduction in the number of times (total number or number at 
biologically important time or location) individuals exposed to vessel 
or visual presence that NMFS expects to result in the take of marine 
mammals (this goal may contribute to 1, above, or to reducing 
harassment takes only).
    4. A reduction in the intensity of exposures (either total number 
or number at biologically important time or location) to vessel or 
visual presence that NMFS expects to result in the take of marine 
mammals (this goal may contribute to a, above, or to reducing the 
severity of harassment takes only).
    5. Avoidance or minimization of adverse effects to marine mammal 
habitat, paying special attention to the food base, activities that 
block or limit passage to or from biologically important areas, 
permanent destruction of habitat, or temporary destruction/disturbance 
of habitat during a biologically important time.
    6. For monitoring directly related to mitigation--an increase in 
the probability of detecting marine mammals, thus allowing for more 
effective implementation of the mitigation.
    Based on the evaluation of BLM's proposed measures, NMFS has 
determined that the proposed mitigation measures provide the means of 
effecting the least practicable impact on marine mammal species or 
stocks and their habitat, paying particular attention to rookeries, 
mating grounds, and areas of similar significance.


    In order to issue an incidental take authorization for an activity, 
section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA states that NMFS must set forth 
``requirements pertaining to the monitoring and reporting of such 
taking.'' The MMPA implementing regulations at 50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) 
indicate that requests for Authorizations must include the suggested 
means of accomplishing the necessary monitoring and reporting that will 
result in increased knowledge of the species and of the level of taking 
or impacts on populations of marine mammals that NMFS expects to be 
present in the proposed action area.
    BLM submitted a marine mammal monitoring plan in section 13 of 
their Authorization application. NMFS or the BLM has not modified or 
supplemented the plan based on comments or new information received 
from the public during the public comment period.
    Monitoring measures prescribed by NMFS should accomplish one or 
more of the following general goals:
    1. An increase in our understanding of the likely occurrence of 
marine mammal species in the vicinity of the action, (i.e., presence, 
abundance, distribution, and/or density of species).
    2. An increase in our understanding of the nature, scope, or 
context of the likely exposure of marine mammal species to any of the 
potential stressor(s) associated with the action (e.g., sound or visual 
stimuli), through better understanding of one or more of the following: 
the action itself and its environment (e.g., sound source 
characterization, propagation, and ambient noise levels); the affected 
species (e.g., life history or dive pattern); the likely co-occurrence 
of marine mammal species with the action (in whole or part) associated 
with specific adverse effects; and/or the likely biological or 
behavioral context of exposure to the stressor for the marine mammal 
(e.g., age class of exposed animals or known pupping, calving or 
feeding areas).
    3. An increase in our understanding of how individual marine 
mammals respond (behaviorally or physiologically) to the specific 
stressors associated with the action (in specific contexts, where 
possible, e.g., at what distance or received level).
    4. An increase in our understanding of how anticipated individual 
responses, to individual stressors or anticipated combinations of 
stressors, may impact either: the long-term fitness and survival of an 
individual; or the population, species, or stock (e.g. through effects 
on annual rates of recruitment or survival).
    5. An increase in our understanding of how the activity affects 
marine mammal habitat, such as through effects on prey sources or 
acoustic habitat (e.g., through characterization of longer-term 
contributions of multiple sound sources to rising ambient noise levels 
and assessment of the potential chronic effects on marine mammals).
    6. An increase in understanding of the impacts of the activity on 
marine mammals in combination with the impacts of other anthropogenic 
activities or natural factors occurring in the region.
    7. An increase in our understanding of the effectiveness of 
mitigation and monitoring measures.
    8. An increase in the probability of detecting marine mammals 
(through improved technology or methodology), both specifically within 
the safety zone (thus allowing for more effective implementation of the 
mitigation) and in general, to better achieve the above goals.
    As part of its Authorization application, BLM proposes to sponsor 
marine mammal monitoring, in order to implement the mitigation measures 

[[Page 34389]]

require real-time monitoring, and to satisfy the monitoring 
requirements of the proposed Authorization. These include:
     The vessel would circle the island from the greatest 
distance feasible for accurate observation to allow the marine mammal 
observer (observer) to map and record the initial locations, numbers, 
and behaviors of Steller sea lions using the island before commencing 
the survey. The observer would use this information to recommend where 
BLM personnel should approach the survey area to minimize disruption to 
any Steller sea lions hauled out on the island.
     Once on land, the observer would record any changes in sea 
lion locations, numbers, or behaviors observed during the 
     The observer would post at a location (e.g., a ridge or 
other high elevation area) to visually observe sea lions with no or 
minimal risk of modifying their behavior. If possible, the observer 
would also have the land survey crew in sight and would communicate 
with the surveyors using hand-held radios. The observer would advise 
the crew on the location and behavior of the sea lions to maximize the 
safety of both the sea lions and the crew.
    Proposed monitoring requirements in relation to BLM's proposed 
activities would include species counts, numbers of observed 
disturbances, and descriptions of the disturbance behaviors during the 
monitoring surveys, including location, date, and time of the event. In 
addition, BLM would record observations regarding the number and 
species of any marine mammals either observed in the water or hauled 
    BLM can add to the knowledge of pinnipeds in the proposed action 
area by noting observations of: (1) Unusual behaviors, numbers, or 
distributions of pinnipeds, such that any potential follow-up research 
can be conducted by the appropriate personnel; (2) tag-bearing 
carcasses of pinnipeds, allowing transmittal of the information to 
appropriate agencies and personnel; and (3) rare or unusual species of 
marine mammals for agency follow-up.
    If at any time injury, serious injury, or mortality of the species 
for which take is authorized should occur, or if take of any kind of 
any other marine mammal occurs, and such action may be a result of the 
proposed land survey, BLM would suspend survey activities and contact 
NMFS immediately to determine how best to proceed to ensure that 
another injury or death does not occur and to ensure that the applicant 
remains in compliance with the MMPA.


    BLM would submit a draft report to NMFS Office of Protected 
Resources no later than 90 days after the expiration of the proposed 
Authorization, if issued. The report will include a summary of the 
information gathered pursuant to the monitoring requirements set forth 
in the proposed Authorization. BLM will submit a final report to the 
Director of the NMFS Office of Protected Resources within 30 days after 
receiving comments from NMFS on the draft report. If BLM receives no 
comments from NMFS on the report, NMFS will consider the draft report 
to be the final report.
    The report will describe the operations conducted and sightings of 
marine mammals near the proposed project. The report will provide full 
documentation of methods, results, and interpretation pertaining to all 
monitoring. The report will provide:
    1. A summary and table of the dates, times, and weather during all 
research activities.
    2. Species, number, location, and behavior of any marine mammals 
observed throughout all monitoring activities.
    3. An estimate of the number (by species) of marine mammals exposed 
to human presence associated with the survey activities.
    4. A description of the implementation and effectiveness of the 
monitoring and mitigation measures of the Authorization and full 
documentation of methods, results, and interpretation pertaining to all 
    In the unanticipated event that the specified activity clearly 
causes the take of a marine mammal in a manner prohibited by the 
authorization, such as an injury (Level A harassment), serious injury, 
or mortality (e.g., vessel-strike, stampede, etc.), BLM personnel shall 
immediately cease the specified activities and immediately report the 
incident to the Chief, Permits and Conservation Division, Office of 
Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301-427-8401 and the Alaska Regional 
Stranding Coordinator at (907) 586-7248. The report must include the 
following information:
     Time, date, and location (latitude/longitude) of the 
     Description and location of the incident (including water 
depth, if applicable);
     Environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction, 
Beaufort sea state, cloud cover, and visibility);
     Description of all marine mammal observations in the 24 
hours preceding the incident;
     Species identification or description of the animal(s) 
     Fate of the animal(s); and
     Photographs or video footage of the animal(s) (if 
equipment is available).
    BLM shall not resume its activities until NMFS is able to review 
the circumstances of the prohibited take. We will work with BLM to 
determine what is necessary to minimize the likelihood of further 
prohibited take and ensure MMPA compliance. BLM may not resume their 
activities until notified by us via letter, email, or telephone.
    In the event that BLM discovers an injured or dead marine mammal, 
and the marine mammal observer determines that the cause of the injury 
or death is unknown and the death is relatively recent (i.e., in less 
than a moderate state of decomposition as we describe in the next 
paragraph), BLM will immediately report the incident to the Chief, 
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, 
at 301-427-8401 and the Alaska Regional Stranding Coordinator at (907) 
586-7248. The report must include the same information identified in 
the paragraph above this section. Activities may continue while NMFS 
reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS would work with BLM to 
determine whether modifications in the activities are appropriate.
    In the event that BLM discovers an injured or dead marine mammal, 
and the lead visual observer determines that the injury or death is not 
associated with or related to the authorized activities (e.g., 
previously wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced 
decomposition, or scavenger damage), BLM will report the incident to 
the Chief, Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, at 301-427-8401 and the Alaska Regional Stranding 
Coordinator at (907) 586-7248 within 24 hours of the discovery. BLM 
personnel will provide photographs or video footage (if available) or 
other documentation of the stranded animal sighting to us. BLM can 
continue their survey activities while NMFS reviews the circumstances 
of the incident.

Estimated Take by Incidental Harassment

    Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the 
MMPA defines ``harassment'' as: Any act of pursuit, torment, or 
annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has

[[Page 34390]]

the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the 
wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not 
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or 
sheltering [Level B harassment].
    All anticipated takes would be by Level B harassment, involving 
temporary changes in behavior. NMFS expects that the proposed 
mitigation and monitoring measures would minimize the possibility of 
injurious or lethal takes. NMFS considers the potential for take by 
injury, serious injury, or mortality as remote. NMFS expects that the 
presence of BLM personnel could disturb of animals hauled out close to 
the survey site and that the animals may alter their behavior or 
attempt to move away from the surveyors.
    As discussed in the in the Federal Register notice of the proposed 
Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015), NMFS considers an animal 
to have been harassed if it moved greater than 1 m (3.3 ft) in response 
to the surveyors' presence or if the animal was already moving and 
changed direction and/or speed, or if the animal flushed into the 
water. NMFS does not consider animals that became alert without such 
movements as harassed.
    Based on the best available information, NMFS estimates that the 
land survey activities could potentially affect by Level B behavioral 
harassment up to 20 Steller sea lions over the course of the 
Authorization. This estimate represents less than one percent (0.0002) 
of the western DPS of Steller sea lions and accounts for a maximum 
disturbance of 20 animals during the one-day visit to the island. 
Actual take may be slightly less if animals decide to haul out at a 
different location for the day or if animals are foraging at the time 
of the survey activities.
    NMFS does not propose to authorize any injury, serious injury, or 
mortality. NMFS expect all potential takes to fall under the category 
of Level B harassment only.

Encouraging and Coordinating Research

    BLM would share observations and counts of marine mammals and all 
observed disturbances to the appropriate state and federal agencies at 
the conclusion of the survey.

Analysis and Determinations

Negligible Impact

    Negligible impact' is ``an impact resulting from the specified 
activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably 
likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through effects on 
annual rates of recruitment or survival'' (50 CFR 216.103). The lack of 
likely adverse effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival 
(i.e., population level effects) forms the basis of a negligible impact 
finding. An estimate of the number of Level B harassment takes alone is 
not enough information on which to base an impact determination. In 
addition to considering estimates of the number of marine mammals that 
might be ``taken'' through behavioral harassment, NMFS considers other 
factors, such as the likely nature of any responses (e.g., intensity, 
duration), the context of any responses (e.g., critical reproductive 
time or location, migration), as well as the number and nature of 
estimated Level A harassment takes, the number of estimated 
mortalities, and effects on habitat.
    Although BLM's survey activities may disturb Steller sea lions 
hauled out on the island, NMFS expects those impacts to occur to a 
small, localized group of animals for a limited duration (e.g., 6-10 
hours in one day). Steller sea lions would likely become alert or, at 
most, flush into the water in reaction to the presence of BLM personnel 
during the proposed activities. Disturbance will be limited to a short 
duration, allowing adult sea lions to reoccupy the island within a 
short amount of time. Thus, the proposed action is unlikely to result 
in long-term impacts such as permanent abandonment of the haul-out.
    BLM's activities would occur during the least sensitive time (e.g., 
summer, June through July) for hauled out sea lions on the island. Only 
adult Steller sea lions occupy the haulout site during June and July. 
Thus, pups or breeding adults would not be present during the proposed 
one-day survey.
    Moreover, BLM's proposed mitigation measures regarding transit 
speed, island approaches, and survey site ingress and egress would 
minimize the potential for stampedes and large-scale movements. Thus, 
the potential for large-scale movements and stampede leading to injury, 
serious injury, or mortality is low.
    NMFS proposes to authorize take for the Western DPS of Steller sea 
lion listed as endangered under the ESA and classified as a strategic 
stock and depleted under the MMPA. BLM's proposed action falls within 
an area designated as a major haulout for Steller sea lions under the 
critical habitat designations of the ESA. Steller sea lions spend much 
of their time in marine water but they do rest and breed on land. 
During the breeding and pupping season (late May to early July), 
reproductively active adult Steller sea lions occupy rookeries 
(terrestrial birthing sites) whereas non-breeding individuals use 
haulouts (terrestrial resting sites). In this case, relatively small 
numbers (less than 10) of adult, non-reproducing, Steller sea lions use 
the island as a haulout during the months of June and July when the 
one-day survey would occur. Moreover, BLM's proposed activities would 
not significantly alter the physical or biological features of the 
critical habitat. Project related disturbances to Steller sea lion 
would result from stimuli related to vessel and human presence within 
the proposed area. However, the disturbances related to these 
activities are temporary in nature and not expected to permanently 
modify the critical habitat.
    In summary, NMFS anticipates that impacts to hauled-out Steller sea 
lions during BLM's land survey activities would be behavioral 
harassment of limited duration (i.e., less than one day) and limited 
intensity (i.e., temporary flushing at most). NMFS does not expect 
stampeding, and therefore injury or mortality to occur (see 
``Mitigation'' for more details). Based on the analysis contained 
herein of the likely effects of the specified activity on marine 
mammals and their habitat, and taking into consideration the 
implementation of the proposed monitoring and mitigation measures, NMFS 
finds that the total marine mammal take from BLM's proposed survey 
activities will have a negligible impact on the affected marine mammal 
species or stocks.

Small Numbers

    As mentioned previously, NMFS estimates that BLM's proposed 
activities could potentially affect, by Level B harassment only, one 
species of marine mammal under our jurisdiction. NMFS estimates that 
the survey activities could potentially affect by Level B behavioral 
harassment up to 20 Steller sea lions over the course of the proposed 
Authorization. This estimate represents less than one percent (0.0002) 
of the western DPS of Steller sea lions and accounts for a maximum 
disturbance of 20 animals during the one-day visit to the island. For 
the Western DPS of Steller sea lion, this estimate is small (less than 
one percent) relative to the population size of 82,516 animals. 
However, actual take may be slightly less if animals decide to haul out 
at a different location for the day or if animals are foraging at the 
time of the survey activities.
    Based on the analysis contained in this notice of the likely 
effects of the

[[Page 34391]]

specified activity on marine mammals and their habitat, and taking into 
consideration the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring 
measures, NMFS finds that BLM's proposed activities would take small 
numbers of marine mammals relative to the populations of the affected 
species or stocks.

Impact on Availability of Affected Species or Stock for Taking for 
Subsistence Uses

    There are no relevant subsistence uses of marine mammals implicated 
by this action. The proposed activity occurs south of the latitude that 
NMFS' categorizes as within Arctic waters (i.e., north of 60[deg] N). 
Therefore, NMFS has determined that the total taking of affected 
species or stocks would not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the 
availability of such species or stocks for taking for subsistence 

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

    For the reasons already described in this notice, NMFS has 
determined that the issuance of a proposed Authorization may have an 
effect on species or critical habitat protected under the ESA 
(specifically, the Steller sea lion). Under section 7 of the ESA, BLM 
has initiated formal consultation with the NMFS Alaska Regional Office 
on the proposed land survey. NMFS (i.e., National Marine Fisheries 
Service, Office of Protected Resources, Permits and Conservation 
Division) also consulted internally with the NMFS Alaska Regional 
Office on the proposed issuance of an Authorization under section 
101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA.
    In June, 2015, the NMFS Alaska Regional Office Protected Species 
Division issued a Biological Opinion with an Incidental Take Statement 
to us and to BLM which concluded that the issuance of the Authorization 
and the conduct of the land survey activities were not likely to 
jeopardize the continued existence of Steller sea lions. The Biological 
Opinion also concluded that the issuance of the Authorization and the 
conduct of the land survey activities would not affect designated 
critical habitat for Steller sea lions.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

    NMFS prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) analyzing the 
potential effects to the human environment from NMFS' issuance of a 
Authorization to BLM for their proposed land survey activities. In June 
2015, NMFS issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on the 
issuance of an Authorization for BLM's proposed land survey activities 
in accordance with section 6.01 of the NOAA Administrative Order 216-6 
(Environmental Review Procedures for Implementing the National 
Environmental Policy Act, May 20, 1999). NMFS' EA and FONSI for this 
activity are available upon request (see ADDRESSES).


    As a result of these determinations, NMFS issued an Incidental 
Harassment Authorization to BLM for take incidental to conducting a 
one-day field-based land survey of cultural sites located on a small 
island within the eastern Aleutian Islands archipelago, during the 
period of June 1, 2015 through July 31, 2015, provided they incorporate 
the previously mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and reporting 

    Dated: June 10, 2015.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2015-14700 Filed 6-15-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                             34385

                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    The                       application, supporting documentation,                 Summary of Request
                                                    requested amendment has been granted                    the authorization, and a list of the                      On September 8, 2014, NMFS
                                                    under the authority of the Marine                       references cited in this document by                   received an application from BLM
                                                    Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as                       visiting: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/                 requesting that we issue an
                                                    amended (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) and                    permits/incidental/research.htm.                       Authorization for the take of marine
                                                    the regulations governing the taking and                  The Environmental Assessment and                     mammals, incidental to conducting one
                                                    importing of marine mammals (50 CFR                     associated Finding of No Significant                   field-based land survey for a land claim
                                                    part 216).                                              Impact, prepared pursuant to the
                                                                                                                                                                   of cultural sites located on a small
                                                       The current permit (No. 14610–03),                   National Environmental Policy Act of
                                                                                                                                                                   island in the eastern Aleutian Islands
                                                    issued on August 11, 2014 (75 FR                        1969, are also available at the same site.
                                                                                                                                                                   archipelago, AK. NMFS determined the
                                                    30383) authorized vessel and aerial                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       application complete and adequate on
                                                    surveys, photo-identification, remote                   Jeannine Cody, NMFS, Office of                         February 17, 2015.
                                                    biopsy and instrument attachment                        Protected Resources, NMFS (301) 427–                      BLM would conduct the proposed
                                                    research activities on beluga                           8401.                                                  activity within the vicinity of a major
                                                    (Delphinapterus leucas), endangered                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                             Steller sea lion haulout site identified in
                                                    bowhead (Balaena mysticetus), gray
                                                                                                            Background                                             the regulations at 50 CFR 226.202 and
                                                    (Eschrictius robustus), and endangered
                                                                                                                                                                   the following aspects of the proposed
                                                    humpback whales (Megaptera                                 Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the Marine                  activity would likely to result in the
                                                    novaeangliae) through May 31, 2015.                     Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as                      take of marine mammals: Noise
                                                    The minor amendment (No. 14610–04)                      amended (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361 et                       generated by vessel approaches and
                                                    extends the duration of the permit by                   seq.) directs the Secretary of Commerce                departures; noise generated by
                                                    one year through May 31, 2016, but does                 to allow, upon request, the incidental,                personnel while conducting the land
                                                    not change any other terms or                           but not intentional, taking of small                   survey; and human presence during the
                                                    conditions of the permit.                               numbers of marine mammals of a                         proposed activity. Thus, NMFS
                                                      Dated: June 10, 2015.                                 species or population stock, by U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                   anticipates that take, by Level B
                                                    Julia Harrison,                                         citizens who engage in a specified
                                                                                                                                                                   harassment only of one species of
                                                    Chief, Permits and Conservation Division,               activity (other than commercial fishing)
                                                                                                                                                                   marine mammal could result from the
                                                    Office of Protected Resources, National                 within a specified geographical region
                                                                                                                                                                   specified activity. NMFS anticipates
                                                    Marine Fisheries Service.                               if, after NMFS provides a notice of a
                                                                                                                                                                   that take by Level B Harassment only, of
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–14753 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]             proposed authorization to the public for
                                                                                                                                                                   20 Steller sea lions would result from
                                                                                                            review and comment: (1) NMFS makes
                                                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                                                                         the specified activity.
                                                                                                            certain findings; and (2) the taking is
                                                                                                            limited to harassment.                                 Description of the Specified Activity
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                     An Authorization shall be granted for
                                                                                                            the incidental taking of small numbers                 Overview
                                                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        of marine mammals if NMFS finds that                     BLM must conduct the land survey to
                                                    Administration                                          the taking will have a negligible impact               support conveyance of existing
                                                                                                            on the species or stock(s), and will not               cemetery sites and historical places to
                                                    RIN 0648–XD814
                                                                                                            have an unmitigable adverse impact on                  an Alaska Native Regional Corporation
                                                    Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to                   the availability of the species or stock(s)            as required under the ANCSA. Once
                                                    Specified Activities; Land Survey                       for subsistence uses (where relevant).                 BLM concludes the survey no additional
                                                    Activities Within the Eastern Aleutian                  The Authorization must also set forth                  visits would be necessary for the
                                                    Islands Archipelago, Alaska, 2015                       the permissible methods of taking; other               proposed action.
                                                                                                            means of effecting the least practicable
                                                    AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                                                                             Dates and Duration
                                                                                                            adverse impact on the species or stock
                                                    Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    and its habitat; and requirements                         BLM would complete the survey
                                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      pertaining to the monitoring and                       within one day (approximately 6–10
                                                    Commerce.                                               reporting of such taking. NMFS has                     hours) between June 1 and July 31,
                                                    ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental               defined ‘‘negligible impact’’ in 50 CFR                2015. Thus, the proposed Authorization,
                                                    harassment authorization.                               216.103 as ‘‘an impact resulting from                  if issued, would be effective from June
                                                                                                            the specified activity that cannot be                  1, 2015 through July 31, 2015. NMFS
                                                    SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                       reasonably expected to, and is not                     refers the reader to the Detailed
                                                    Marine Mammal Protection Act                            reasonably likely to, adversely affect the             Description of Activities section later in
                                                    (MMPA) regulations, we, NMFS, hereby                    species or stock through effects on                    this notice for more information on the
                                                    give notification that the National                     annual rates of recruitment or survival.’’             scope of the proposed activities.
                                                    Marine Fisheries Service has issued an                     Except with respect to certain
                                                    Incidental Harassment Authorization                     activities not pertinent here, the MMPA                Specified Geographic Region
                                                    (IHA) to the Bureau of Land                             defines ‘‘harassment’’ as: Any act of                     BLM’s application contains
                                                    Management (BLM) to take marine                         pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i)               information on sensitive archaeological
                                                    mammals, by harassment incidental to                    has the potential to injure a marine                   site locations prohibited from disclosure
                                                    conducting a one-day field-based land                   mammal or marine mammal stock in the                   to the public under the National
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    survey of cultural sites located on a                   wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has                 Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as
                                                    small island within the eastern Aleutian                the potential to disturb a marine                      amended. The island is small (less than
                                                    Islands archipelago, Alaska, June                       mammal or marine mammal stock in the                   5 acres), extremely rugged, and
                                                    through July, 2015.                                     wild by causing disruption of behavioral               uninhabited by people. This notice will
                                                    DATES: Effective June 12, 2015 through                  patterns, including, but not limited to,               describe the specified geographic region
                                                    July 31, 2015.                                          migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,               as cultural sites located on a small
                                                    ADDRESSES: The public may obtain an                     feeding, or sheltering [Level B                        island in the eastern Aleutian Islands
                                                    electronic copy of Glacier Bay NP’s                     harassment].                                           archipelago.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:18 Jun 15, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00023   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JNN1.SGM   16JNN1

                                                    34386                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Detailed Description of Activities                       Authorization in the Federal Register                    the MMPA allows U.S. citizens (which
                                                       BLM proposes to conduct the land                      (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015). During                    includes BLM) to request take of marine
                                                    survey with a small group of no more                     the 30-day comment period, we                            mammals incidental to specified
                                                    than four people who would use a                         received one comment from the Marine                     activities, and requires us to authorize
                                                    global position system (GPS) unit to                     Mammal Commission (Commission)                           such taking if we can make the
                                                    determine the locational accuracy of the                 which recommended that we issue the                      necessary findings required by law and
                                                    selected cultural site. After selecting the              requested Authorization, provided that                   if we set forth the appropriate
                                                    placement location for the survey                        BLM carries out the required monitoring                  prescriptions. As explained throughout
                                                    marker, BLM surveyors would use                          and mitigation measures as described in                  the Federal Register notice (80 FR
                                                    shovels, digging bars, and mallets to set                the notice of the proposed authorization
                                                                                                                                                                      21213, April 17, 2015), we made the
                                                    a group of official U.S. survey markers                  (80 FR 21213, April 17, 2015) and the
                                                                                                                                                                      necessary preliminary findings under 16
                                                    into the ground. BLM does not plan to                    application. We have included all
                                                                                                                                                                      U.S.C. 1361(a)(5)(D) to support issuance
                                                    use any power tools to conduct the land                  measures proposed in the notice of the
                                                                                                             proposed authorization (80 FR 21213,                     of Authorization.
                                                       BLM personnel would access the                        April 17, 2015) in the final                             Description of Marine Mammals in the
                                                    selected cultural sites using two types of               Authorization.                                           Area of the Specified Activity
                                                    boats: A mid-sized marine vessel                            We also received comments from one
                                                    (approximately 15 meters (m); 50 feet                    private citizen who opposed the                            The marine mammals most likely to
                                                    (ft) in length) and a small skiff. The                   authorization on the basis that NMFS                     be harassed incidental to BLM
                                                    main vessel would approach the remote                    should not allow any Authorizations for                  conducting the land survey activities are
                                                    island at a speed of approximately 8                     harassment. We considered the                            Steller sea lions. Table 1 in this notice
                                                    knots (kt) (9.2 miles per hour) and                      commenter’s general opposition to                        provides the following information: All
                                                    would launch the skiff to cross the                      BLM’s activities and to our issuance of                  marine mammal species with possible
                                                    shallower waters immediately                             an Authorization. The Authorization,                     or confirmed occurrence in the
                                                    surrounding the small island in the                      described in detail in the Federal                       proposed survey areas on land;
                                                    eastern Aleutian Islands archipelago.                    Register notice of the proposed                          information on those species’ regulatory
                                                       Once on land, surveyors would walk                    Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17,                    status under the MMPA and the
                                                    to the survey sites to conduct their                     2015) includes mitigation and                            Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16
                                                    activities. BLM does not propose to use                  monitoring measures to effect the least
                                                                                                                                                                      U.S.C. 1531 et seq.); abundance;
                                                    any type of motorized vehicles on the                    practicable impact to marine mammals
                                                                                                                                                                      occurrence and seasonality in the
                                                    small island.                                            and their habitat. It is our responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                      activity area. NMFS refers the public to
                                                       There is a possibility that BLM would                 to determine whether the activities will
                                                                                                             have a negligible impact on the affected                 the Federal Register notice of the
                                                    need to access the island by helicopter                                                                           proposed Authorization (80 FR 21213,
                                                    or sea plane, if they determine that                     species or stocks; will have an
                                                                                                             unmitigable adverse impact on the                        April 17, 2015) and the 2014 NMFS
                                                    accessing the island by sea would not be
                                                                                                             availability of the species or stock(s) for              Marine Mammal Stock Assessment
                                                    feasible due to weather or scheduling
                                                    constraints. However, the likelihood of                  subsistence uses, where relevant; and to                 Report available online at: http://
                                                    BLM using this mode of transit is                        prescribe the means of effecting the least               www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/
                                                    extremely low given the high expense                     practicable adverse impact on the                        species.htm for further information on
                                                    involved with chartering aircraft.                       affected species or stocks and their                     the biology and distribution of these
                                                                                                             habitat, as well as monitoring and                       species. Based on recent survey reports,
                                                    Comments and Responses                                   reporting requirements.                                  there are no other species of marine
                                                      We published a notice of receipt of                       Regarding the commenter’s                             mammals present in the action area
                                                    BLM’s application and proposed                           opposition to authorizing harassment,                    (BLM, Pers. Comm.)

                                                                                                                          Regulatory               Stock/species              Occurrence and
                                                                 Species                      Stock name                                                                                                   Season
                                                                                                                           status 1 2              abundance 3                    range

                                                    Steller sea lion (Eumetopias          Western U.S. .........     MMPA—D, S .........       82,516                     common .................   Winter/Spring.
                                                      jubatus).                                                      ESA—T .................
                                                    Steller sea lion (Eumetopias          Eastern U.S. ..........    MMPA—D, S .........       60,131—74,448              uncommon .............     Unknown.
                                                      jubatus).                                                      ESA—DL ...............
                                                       1 MMPA: D = Depleted, S = Strategic, NC = Not Classified.
                                                       2 ESA: EN = Endangered, T = Threatened, DL = Delisted, NL = Not listed.
                                                       3 2014 NMFS Stock Assessment Report (Allen and Angliss, 2015).

                                                    Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat                        base point of a major haulout in Alaska.                 the baseline or basepoint of a major
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             Critical habitat includes an air zone that               haulout in Alaska west of 144° W
                                                       Under the ESA, NMFS has designated                    extends 0.9 km (3,000 ft) above the                      longitude. BLM’s proposed action falls
                                                    critical habitat for Steller sea lions based             terrestrial zone of a major haulout in                   within an area designated as a major
                                                    on the location of terrestrial rookery and               Alaska, measured vertically from sea                     haulout for Steller sea lions.
                                                    haulout sites, spatial extent of foraging                level. Critical habitat includes an
                                                    trips, and availability of prey items (50                                                                         Other Marine Mammals in the
                                                                                                             aquatic zone that extends 20 nautical                    Proposed Action Area
                                                    CFR 226.202). Critical habitat includes a
                                                                                                             miles (37 km; 23 miles (mi)) seaward in
                                                    terrestrial zone that extends 0.9 km                                                                                The BLM, in collaboration with the
                                                                                                             state and federally managed waters from
                                                    (3,000 ft) landward from the baseline or                                                                          Alaska Department of Fish and Game,

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:18 Jun 15, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000     Frm 00024   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703    E:\FR\FM\16JNN1.SGM   16JNN1

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                             34387

                                                    has not encountered any other species                   BLM personnel continually scanning                     would have any habitat-related effects
                                                    of marine mammal (e.g., the northern                    the water for marine mammals presence                  that could cause significant or long-term
                                                    fur seal, (Callorhinus ursinus)) hauled                 during transit to the island. Rookeries:               consequences for individual marine
                                                    out on the small island in the eastern                  The proposed land survey activities                    mammals or their populations.
                                                    Aleutian Islands archipelago during the                 would not occur on pinniped rookeries.                    NMFS does not anticipate that the
                                                    course of previous surveying activities                 Only adult Steller sea lions occupy the                proposed survey would result in any
                                                    within the area over the past 13 years                  haulout site during June and July. No                  permanent effects on the habitats used
                                                    (ADGF, Pers. Comm.). NMFS                               pups or breeding adults would be                       by the marine mammals in the proposed
                                                    independently evaluated the likelihood                  present during the proposed survey and                 area, including the food sources they
                                                    of northern fur seal presence in the                    there are no breeding animals or pups                  use (i.e., fish and invertebrates). Based
                                                    action area using the Ocean                             concentrated in areas where BLM would                  on the preceding discussion, NMFS
                                                    Biogeographic Information System                        conduct the survey. Therefore, we do                   does not anticipate that the proposed
                                                    Spatial Ecological Analysis of                          not expect mother and pup separation                   activity would have any habitat-related
                                                    Megavertebrate Populations viewer                       or crushing of pups during flushing.                   effects that could cause significant or
                                                    (OBIS SEAMAP, 2015) and found no                           Stampede: Because hauled-out                        long-term consequences for individual
                                                    records of observations of northern fur                 animals may move towards the water                     marine mammals or their populations.
                                                    seals within the proposed action area.                  when disturbed, there is the risk of
                                                    Thus, NMFS will not consider this                       injury if animals stampede towards                     Mitigation
                                                    species further in this notice.                         shorelines with precipitous relief (e.g.,                 In order to issue an incidental take
                                                                                                            cliffs). However, while high-elevation                 authorization under section 101(a)(5)(D)
                                                    Potential Effects of the Specified                      sites exist on the small island, the
                                                    Activities on Marine Mammals                                                                                   of the MMPA, NMFS must set forth the
                                                                                                            haulout sites consist of ridges with                   permissible methods of taking pursuant
                                                       Acoustic and visual stimuli generated                unimpeded and non-obstructive access
                                                    by: (1) Vessel approaches and                                                                                  to such activity, and other means of
                                                                                                            to the water. If disturbed, the small
                                                    departures; and (2) human presence                                                                             effecting the least practicable adverse
                                                                                                            number of hauled-out adult animals
                                                    during the land survey activities, have                                                                        impact on such species or stock and its
                                                                                                            may move toward the water without risk
                                                    the potential to cause Level B                                                                                 habitat, paying particular attention to
                                                                                                            of encountering barriers or hazards that
                                                    harassment of Steller sea lions hauled                                                                         rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
                                                                                                            would otherwise prevent them from
                                                    out on the small island in the proposed                                                                        similar significance, and on the
                                                                                                            leaving the area. Moreover, the
                                                    survey area. Disturbance includes a                                                                            availability of such species or stock for
                                                                                                            proposed area would not be crowded
                                                    variety of effects, including subtle to                                                                        taking for certain subsistence uses
                                                                                                            with large numbers of Steller sea lions
                                                    conspicuous changes in behavior,                                                                               (where relevant). Applications for
                                                                                                            during June or July, further eliminating
                                                    movement, and displacement.                             the possibility of potentially injurious               incidental take authorizations must
                                                       We expect that acoustic and visual                   mass movements of animals attempting                   include the availability and feasibility
                                                    stimuli resulting from the proposed                     to vacate the haulout. Thus, in this case,             (economic and technological) of
                                                    activities has the potential to harass                  NMFS considers the risk of injury,                     equipment, methods, and manner of
                                                    marine mammals. We also expect that                     serious injury, or death to hauled-out                 conducting the activity or other means
                                                    these disturbances would be temporary                   animals as very low.                                   of effecting the least practicable adverse
                                                    and result, at worst, in a temporary                                                                           impact on the affected species or stock
                                                    modification in behavior and/or low-                    Anticipated Effects on Marine Mammal                   and their habitat 50 CFR 216.104(a)(11).
                                                    level physiological effects (Level B                    Habitat
                                                                                                                                                                   Mitigation Measures
                                                    harassment) of Steller sea lions.                          We considered these impacts in detail
                                                       We included a summary and                            in the Federal Register notice of the                     The BLM proposes to implement
                                                    discussion of the ways that the types of                proposed Authorization (80 FR 21213,                   several mitigation measures to reduce
                                                    stressors associated with BLM’s                         April 17, 2015). The only habitat                      potential take by Level B (behavioral
                                                    specified activities (i.e., visual and                  modification associated with the                       disturbance) harassment. Measures
                                                    acoustic disturbance) have the potential                proposed activity is the placement of a                include: (1) Conducting slow and
                                                    to impact marine mammals in the                         group of official U.S. survey markers                  controlled approaches to the island by
                                                    Federal Register notice of the proposed                 into the ground. BLM would conduct                     vessel and skiff as far away as possible
                                                    Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17,                   the installation of the survey markers                 from hauled out sea lions to prevent or
                                                    2015).                                                  under the appropriate authorities (i.e.,               minimize stampeding; (2) avoiding
                                                       Vessel Strike: The potential for                     the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act                placing the skiff in the path of
                                                    striking marine mammals is a concern                    of 1971, as amended (ANCSA; 43 U.S.C.                  swimming sea lions that may be present;
                                                    with vessel traffic. However, it is highly              1601–1624)) and would not use any                      (3) beginning terrestrial activities as far
                                                    unlikely that the use of small, slow-                   power tools to set the markers.                        away as possible from hauled out sea
                                                    moving skiffs or boats to access the                       While NMFS anticipates that the                     lions; (4) conducting slow movements to
                                                    small island would result in injury,                    specified activity may result in marine                prevent or minimize stampeding; (5)
                                                    serious injury, or mortality to any                     mammals avoiding certain areas due to                  avoiding loud noises (i.e., using hushed
                                                    marine mammal. Typically, the reasons                   vessel operations or human presence,                   voices); (6) avoiding pinnipeds along
                                                    for vessel strikes are fast transit speeds,             this impact to habitat is temporary and                access ways to sites by locating and
                                                    lack of maneuverability, or not seeing                  reversible. NMFS considered these as                   taking a different access way and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    the animal because the boat is so large.                behavioral modification. The main                      vacating the area as soon as possible
                                                    The probability of vessel and marine                    impact associated with the proposed                    after completing the land survey; (7)
                                                    mammal interactions (i.e., vessel strike)               activity will be temporarily elevated                  monitoring the offshore area for
                                                    occurring during the proposed activities                noise levels and the associated direct                 predators (such as killer whales and
                                                    is unlikely due to the main vessel’s slow               effects on marine mammals, previously                  white sharks) and avoid flushing of
                                                    operational speed around the island,                    discussed in this notice. Based on the                 pinnipeds when predators are observed
                                                    which is typically 8 knots (9.2 miles per               preceding discussion, NMFS does not                    in nearshore waters; and (8) using
                                                    hour) coupled with the observer and                     anticipate that the proposed activity                  binoculars to detect pinnipeds before

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                                                    close approach to avoid being seen by                   exposed to vessel or visual presence that              action, (i.e., presence, abundance,
                                                    animals.                                                NMFS expects to result in the take of                  distribution, and/or density of species).
                                                       The primary method of mitigating the                 marine mammals (this goal may                             2. An increase in our understanding
                                                    risk of disturbance to sea lions, which                 contribute to 1, above, or to reducing                 of the nature, scope, or context of the
                                                    will be in use at all times, is the                     harassment takes only).                                likely exposure of marine mammal
                                                    selection of judicious routes of approach                  4. A reduction in the intensity of                  species to any of the potential stressor(s)
                                                    to the survey site, avoiding close contact              exposures (either total number or                      associated with the action (e.g., sound
                                                    with sea lions hauled out on shore, and                 number at biologically important time                  or visual stimuli), through better
                                                    the use of extreme caution upon                         or location) to vessel or visual presence              understanding of one or more of the
                                                    approach. In no case will BLM                           that NMFS expects to result in the take                following: the action itself and its
                                                    deliberately approach marine mammals.                   of marine mammals (this goal may                       environment (e.g., sound source
                                                    BLM personnel would select a pathway                    contribute to a, above, or to reducing the             characterization, propagation, and
                                                    of approach to the survey sites that                    severity of harassment takes only).                    ambient noise levels); the affected
                                                    minimizes the number of marine                             5. Avoidance or minimization of                     species (e.g., life history or dive
                                                    mammals potentially harassed. In                        adverse effects to marine mammal                       pattern); the likely co-occurrence of
                                                    general, BLM personnel would stay                       habitat, paying special attention to the               marine mammal species with the action
                                                    inshore of sea lions whenever possible                  food base, activities that block or limit              (in whole or part) associated with
                                                    to allow slow and controlled egress to                  passage to or from biologically                        specific adverse effects; and/or the
                                                    the ocean. The survey would last for                    important areas, permanent destruction                 likely biological or behavioral context of
                                                    approximately 6–10 hours, after which                   of habitat, or temporary destruction/                  exposure to the stressor for the marine
                                                    personnel would vacate the survey site.                 disturbance of habitat during a                        mammal (e.g., age class of exposed
                                                    Any marine mammals that may have                        biologically important time.                           animals or known pupping, calving or
                                                    been disturbed by the presence of                          6. For monitoring directly related to               feeding areas).
                                                    surveyors could re-occupy the site after                mitigation—an increase in the                             3. An increase in our understanding
                                                    completion of the survey.                               probability of detecting marine                        of how individual marine mammals
                                                                                                            mammals, thus allowing for more                        respond (behaviorally or
                                                    Mitigation Conclusions                                                                                         physiologically) to the specific stressors
                                                                                                            effective implementation of the
                                                       NMFS has carefully evaluated BLM’s                   mitigation.                                            associated with the action (in specific
                                                    proposed mitigation measures in the                                                                            contexts, where possible, e.g., at what
                                                                                                               Based on the evaluation of BLM’s
                                                    context of ensuring that we prescribe                                                                          distance or received level).
                                                                                                            proposed measures, NMFS has                               4. An increase in our understanding
                                                    the means of affecting the least                        determined that the proposed mitigation
                                                    practicable impact on the affected                                                                             of how anticipated individual
                                                                                                            measures provide the means of effecting                responses, to individual stressors or
                                                    marine mammal species and stocks and                    the least practicable impact on marine
                                                    their habitat. The evaluation of potential                                                                     anticipated combinations of stressors,
                                                                                                            mammal species or stocks and their                     may impact either: the long-term fitness
                                                    measures included consideration of the                  habitat, paying particular attention to
                                                    following factors in relation to one                                                                           and survival of an individual; or the
                                                                                                            rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of                population, species, or stock (e.g.
                                                    another:                                                similar significance.
                                                       • The manner in which, and the                                                                              through effects on annual rates of
                                                    degree to which, the successful                         Monitoring                                             recruitment or survival).
                                                    implementation of the measure is                                                                                  5. An increase in our understanding
                                                                                                              In order to issue an incidental take                 of how the activity affects marine
                                                    expected to minimize adverse impacts                    authorization for an activity, section
                                                    to marine mammals;                                                                                             mammal habitat, such as through effects
                                                                                                            101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA states that
                                                       • The proven or likely efficacy of the                                                                      on prey sources or acoustic habitat (e.g.,
                                                                                                            NMFS must set forth ‘‘requirements                     through characterization of longer-term
                                                    specific measure to minimize adverse
                                                                                                            pertaining to the monitoring and                       contributions of multiple sound sources
                                                    impacts as planned; and
                                                       • The practicability of the measure                  reporting of such taking.’’ The MMPA                   to rising ambient noise levels and
                                                    for applicant implementation.                           implementing regulations at 50 CFR                     assessment of the potential chronic
                                                       Any mitigation measure(s) prescribed                 216.104 (a)(13) indicate that requests for             effects on marine mammals).
                                                    by NMFS should be able to accomplish,                   Authorizations must include the                           6. An increase in understanding of the
                                                    have a reasonable likelihood of                         suggested means of accomplishing the                   impacts of the activity on marine
                                                    accomplishing (based on current                         necessary monitoring and reporting that                mammals in combination with the
                                                    science), or contribute to the                          will result in increased knowledge of                  impacts of other anthropogenic
                                                    accomplishment of one or more of the                    the species and of the level of taking or              activities or natural factors occurring in
                                                    general goals listed here:                              impacts on populations of marine                       the region.
                                                       1. Avoidance or minimization of                      mammals that NMFS expects to be                           7. An increase in our understanding
                                                    injury or death of marine mammals                       present in the proposed action area.                   of the effectiveness of mitigation and
                                                    wherever possible (goals 2, 3, and 4 may                  BLM submitted a marine mammal                        monitoring measures.
                                                    contribute to this goal).                               monitoring plan in section 13 of their                    8. An increase in the probability of
                                                       2. A reduction in the numbers of                     Authorization application. NMFS or the                 detecting marine mammals (through
                                                    marine mammals (total number or                         BLM has not modified or supplemented                   improved technology or methodology),
                                                    number at biologically important time                   the plan based on comments or new                      both specifically within the safety zone
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    or location) exposed to vessel or visual                information received from the public                   (thus allowing for more effective
                                                    presence that NMFS expects to result in                 during the public comment period.                      implementation of the mitigation) and
                                                    the take of marine mammals (this goal                     Monitoring measures prescribed by                    in general, to better achieve the above
                                                    may contribute to 1, above, or to                       NMFS should accomplish one or more                     goals.
                                                    reducing harassment takes only).                        of the following general goals:                           As part of its Authorization
                                                       3. A reduction in the number of times                  1. An increase in our understanding                  application, BLM proposes to sponsor
                                                    (total number or number at biologically                 of the likely occurrence of marine                     marine mammal monitoring, in order to
                                                    important time or location) individuals                 mammal species in the vicinity of the                  implement the mitigation measures that

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                            34389

                                                    require real-time monitoring, and to                    occur and to ensure that the applicant                    • Description of all marine mammal
                                                    satisfy the monitoring requirements of                  remains in compliance with the MMPA.                   observations in the 24 hours preceding
                                                    the proposed Authorization. These                                                                              the incident;
                                                                                                            Reporting                                                 • Species identification or
                                                       • The vessel would circle the island                    BLM would submit a draft report to                  description of the animal(s) involved;
                                                    from the greatest distance feasible for                 NMFS Office of Protected Resources no                     • Fate of the animal(s); and
                                                    accurate observation to allow the marine                later than 90 days after the expiration of                • Photographs or video footage of the
                                                    mammal observer (observer) to map and                   the proposed Authorization, if issued.                 animal(s) (if equipment is available).
                                                    record the initial locations, numbers,                  The report will include a summary of                      BLM shall not resume its activities
                                                    and behaviors of Steller sea lions using                the information gathered pursuant to the               until NMFS is able to review the
                                                    the island before commencing the                        monitoring requirements set forth in the               circumstances of the prohibited take.
                                                    survey. The observer would use this                     proposed Authorization. BLM will                       We will work with BLM to determine
                                                                                                            submit a final report to the Director of               what is necessary to minimize the
                                                    information to recommend where BLM
                                                                                                            the NMFS Office of Protected Resources                 likelihood of further prohibited take and
                                                    personnel should approach the survey
                                                                                                            within 30 days after receiving comments                ensure MMPA compliance. BLM may
                                                    area to minimize disruption to any
                                                                                                            from NMFS on the draft report. If BLM                  not resume their activities until notified
                                                    Steller sea lions hauled out on the
                                                                                                            receives no comments from NMFS on                      by us via letter, email, or telephone.
                                                    island.                                                                                                           In the event that BLM discovers an
                                                       • Once on land, the observer would                   the report, NMFS will consider the draft
                                                                                                                                                                   injured or dead marine mammal, and
                                                    record any changes in sea lion locations,               report to be the final report.
                                                                                                                                                                   the marine mammal observer
                                                    numbers, or behaviors observed during                      The report will describe the
                                                                                                                                                                   determines that the cause of the injury
                                                    the reconnaissance.                                     operations conducted and sightings of
                                                                                                                                                                   or death is unknown and the death is
                                                       • The observer would post at a                       marine mammals near the proposed
                                                                                                                                                                   relatively recent (i.e., in less than a
                                                    location (e.g., a ridge or other high                   project. The report will provide full
                                                                                                                                                                   moderate state of decomposition as we
                                                    elevation area) to visually observe sea                 documentation of methods, results, and
                                                                                                                                                                   describe in the next paragraph), BLM
                                                    lions with no or minimal risk of                        interpretation pertaining to all
                                                                                                                                                                   will immediately report the incident to
                                                    modifying their behavior. If possible,                  monitoring. The report will provide:
                                                                                                                                                                   the Chief, Permits and Conservation
                                                    the observer would also have the land                      1. A summary and table of the dates,
                                                                                                                                                                   Division, Office of Protected Resources,
                                                    survey crew in sight and would                          times, and weather during all research
                                                                                                                                                                   NMFS, at 301–427–8401 and the Alaska
                                                    communicate with the surveyors using                    activities.
                                                                                                                                                                   Regional Stranding Coordinator at (907)
                                                    hand-held radios. The observer would                       2. Species, number, location, and
                                                                                                                                                                   586–7248. The report must include the
                                                    advise the crew on the location and                     behavior of any marine mammals
                                                                                                                                                                   same information identified in the
                                                    behavior of the sea lions to maximize                   observed throughout all monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                   paragraph above this section. Activities
                                                    the safety of both the sea lions and the                activities.
                                                                                                                                                                   may continue while NMFS reviews the
                                                    crew.                                                      3. An estimate of the number (by                    circumstances of the incident. NMFS
                                                       Proposed monitoring requirements in                  species) of marine mammals exposed to                  would work with BLM to determine
                                                    relation to BLM’s proposed activities                   human presence associated with the                     whether modifications in the activities
                                                    would include species counts, numbers                   survey activities.                                     are appropriate.
                                                    of observed disturbances, and                              4. A description of the                                In the event that BLM discovers an
                                                    descriptions of the disturbance                         implementation and effectiveness of the                injured or dead marine mammal, and
                                                    behaviors during the monitoring                         monitoring and mitigation measures of                  the lead visual observer determines that
                                                    surveys, including location, date, and                  the Authorization and full                             the injury or death is not associated
                                                    time of the event. In addition, BLM                     documentation of methods, results, and                 with or related to the authorized
                                                    would record observations regarding the                 interpretation pertaining to all                       activities (e.g., previously wounded
                                                    number and species of any marine                        monitoring.                                            animal, carcass with moderate to
                                                    mammals either observed in the water                       In the unanticipated event that the                 advanced decomposition, or scavenger
                                                    or hauled out.                                          specified activity clearly causes the take             damage), BLM will report the incident
                                                       BLM can add to the knowledge of                      of a marine mammal in a manner                         to the Chief, Permits and Conservation
                                                    pinnipeds in the proposed action area                   prohibited by the authorization, such as               Division, Office of Protected Resources,
                                                    by noting observations of: (1) Unusual                  an injury (Level A harassment), serious                NMFS, at 301–427–8401 and the Alaska
                                                    behaviors, numbers, or distributions of                 injury, or mortality (e.g., vessel-strike,             Regional Stranding Coordinator at (907)
                                                    pinnipeds, such that any potential                      stampede, etc.), BLM personnel shall                   586–7248 within 24 hours of the
                                                    follow-up research can be conducted by                  immediately cease the specified                        discovery. BLM personnel will provide
                                                    the appropriate personnel; (2) tag-                     activities and immediately report the                  photographs or video footage (if
                                                    bearing carcasses of pinnipeds, allowing                incident to the Chief, Permits and                     available) or other documentation of the
                                                    transmittal of the information to                       Conservation Division, Office of                       stranded animal sighting to us. BLM can
                                                    appropriate agencies and personnel; and                 Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301–                     continue their survey activities while
                                                    (3) rare or unusual species of marine                   427–8401 and the Alaska Regional                       NMFS reviews the circumstances of the
                                                    mammals for agency follow-up.                           Stranding Coordinator at (907) 586–                    incident.
                                                       If at any time injury, serious injury, or            7248. The report must include the
                                                    mortality of the species for which take                 following information:                                 Estimated Take by Incidental
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    is authorized should occur, or if take of                  • Time, date, and location (latitude/               Harassment
                                                    any kind of any other marine mammal                     longitude) of the incident;                              Except with respect to certain
                                                    occurs, and such action may be a result                    • Description and location of the                   activities not pertinent here, the MMPA
                                                    of the proposed land survey, BLM                        incident (including water depth, if                    defines ‘‘harassment’’ as: Any act of
                                                    would suspend survey activities and                     applicable);                                           pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i)
                                                    contact NMFS immediately to                                • Environmental conditions (e.g.,                   has the potential to injure a marine
                                                    determine how best to proceed to ensure                 wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea                 mammal or marine mammal stock in the
                                                    that another injury or death does not                   state, cloud cover, and visibility);                   wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has

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                                                    the potential to disturb a marine                       not reasonably likely to, adversely affect             pupping season (late May to early July),
                                                    mammal or marine mammal stock in the                    the species or stock through effects on                reproductively active adult Steller sea
                                                    wild by causing disruption of behavioral                annual rates of recruitment or survival’’              lions occupy rookeries (terrestrial
                                                    patterns, including, but not limited to,                (50 CFR 216.103). The lack of likely                   birthing sites) whereas non-breeding
                                                    migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,                adverse effects on annual rates of                     individuals use haulouts (terrestrial
                                                    feeding, or sheltering [Level B                         recruitment or survival (i.e., population              resting sites). In this case, relatively
                                                    harassment].                                            level effects) forms the basis of a                    small numbers (less than 10) of adult,
                                                       All anticipated takes would be by                    negligible impact finding. An estimate                 non-reproducing, Steller sea lions use
                                                    Level B harassment, involving                           of the number of Level B harassment                    the island as a haulout during the
                                                    temporary changes in behavior. NMFS                     takes alone is not enough information                  months of June and July when the one-
                                                    expects that the proposed mitigation                    on which to base an impact                             day survey would occur. Moreover,
                                                    and monitoring measures would                           determination. In addition to                          BLM’s proposed activities would not
                                                    minimize the possibility of injurious or                considering estimates of the number of                 significantly alter the physical or
                                                    lethal takes. NMFS considers the                        marine mammals that might be ‘‘taken’’                 biological features of the critical habitat.
                                                    potential for take by injury, serious                   through behavioral harassment, NMFS                    Project related disturbances to Steller
                                                    injury, or mortality as remote. NMFS                    considers other factors, such as the                   sea lion would result from stimuli
                                                    expects that the presence of BLM                        likely nature of any responses (e.g.,                  related to vessel and human presence
                                                    personnel could disturb of animals                      intensity, duration), the context of any               within the proposed area. However, the
                                                    hauled out close to the survey site and                 responses (e.g., critical reproductive                 disturbances related to these activities
                                                    that the animals may alter their behavior               time or location, migration), as well as               are temporary in nature and not
                                                    or attempt to move away from the                        the number and nature of estimated                     expected to permanently modify the
                                                    surveyors.                                              Level A harassment takes, the number of                critical habitat.
                                                       As discussed in the in the Federal                   estimated mortalities, and effects on                     In summary, NMFS anticipates that
                                                    Register notice of the proposed                         habitat.                                               impacts to hauled-out Steller sea lions
                                                    Authorization (80 FR 21213, April 17,                      Although BLM’s survey activities may                during BLM’s land survey activities
                                                    2015), NMFS considers an animal to                      disturb Steller sea lions hauled out on                would be behavioral harassment of
                                                    have been harassed if it moved greater                  the island, NMFS expects those impacts                 limited duration (i.e., less than one day)
                                                    than 1 m (3.3 ft) in response to the                    to occur to a small, localized group of                and limited intensity (i.e., temporary
                                                    surveyors’ presence or if the animal was                animals for a limited duration (e.g., 6–               flushing at most). NMFS does not expect
                                                    already moving and changed direction                    10 hours in one day). Steller sea lions                stampeding, and therefore injury or
                                                    and/or speed, or if the animal flushed                  would likely become alert or, at most,                 mortality to occur (see ‘‘Mitigation’’ for
                                                    into the water. NMFS does not consider                  flush into the water in reaction to the                more details). Based on the analysis
                                                    animals that became alert without such                  presence of BLM personnel during the                   contained herein of the likely effects of
                                                    movements as harassed.                                  proposed activities. Disturbance will be               the specified activity on marine
                                                       Based on the best available                          limited to a short duration, allowing                  mammals and their habitat, and taking
                                                    information, NMFS estimates that the                    adult sea lions to reoccupy the island                 into consideration the implementation
                                                    land survey activities could potentially                within a short amount of time. Thus, the               of the proposed monitoring and
                                                    affect by Level B behavioral harassment                 proposed action is unlikely to result in               mitigation measures, NMFS finds that
                                                    up to 20 Steller sea lions over the course              long-term impacts such as permanent                    the total marine mammal take from
                                                    of the Authorization. This estimate                     abandonment of the haul-out.                           BLM’s proposed survey activities will
                                                                                                               BLM’s activities would occur during                 have a negligible impact on the affected
                                                    represents less than one percent
                                                                                                            the least sensitive time (e.g., summer,                marine mammal species or stocks.
                                                    (0.0002) of the western DPS of Steller
                                                                                                            June through July) for hauled out sea
                                                    sea lions and accounts for a maximum                                                                           Small Numbers
                                                                                                            lions on the island. Only adult Steller
                                                    disturbance of 20 animals during the                                                                              As mentioned previously, NMFS
                                                                                                            sea lions occupy the haulout site during
                                                    one-day visit to the island. Actual take                                                                       estimates that BLM’s proposed activities
                                                                                                            June and July. Thus, pups or breeding
                                                    may be slightly less if animals decide to                                                                      could potentially affect, by Level B
                                                                                                            adults would not be present during the
                                                    haul out at a different location for the                proposed one-day survey.                               harassment only, one species of marine
                                                    day or if animals are foraging at the time                 Moreover, BLM’s proposed mitigation                 mammal under our jurisdiction. NMFS
                                                    of the survey activities.                               measures regarding transit speed, island               estimates that the survey activities
                                                       NMFS does not propose to authorize                   approaches, and survey site ingress and                could potentially affect by Level B
                                                    any injury, serious injury, or mortality.               egress would minimize the potential for                behavioral harassment up to 20 Steller
                                                    NMFS expect all potential takes to fall                 stampedes and large-scale movements.                   sea lions over the course of the
                                                    under the category of Level B                           Thus, the potential for large-scale                    proposed Authorization. This estimate
                                                    harassment only.                                        movements and stampede leading to                      represents less than one percent
                                                    Encouraging and Coordinating                            injury, serious injury, or mortality is                (0.0002) of the western DPS of Steller
                                                    Research                                                low.                                                   sea lions and accounts for a maximum
                                                                                                               NMFS proposes to authorize take for                 disturbance of 20 animals during the
                                                      BLM would share observations and                      the Western DPS of Steller sea lion                    one-day visit to the island. For the
                                                    counts of marine mammals and all                        listed as endangered under the ESA and                 Western DPS of Steller sea lion, this
                                                    observed disturbances to the                            classified as a strategic stock and                    estimate is small (less than one percent)
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    appropriate state and federal agencies at               depleted under the MMPA. BLM’s                         relative to the population size of 82,516
                                                    the conclusion of the survey.                           proposed action falls within an area                   animals. However, actual take may be
                                                    Analysis and Determinations                             designated as a major haulout for Steller              slightly less if animals decide to haul
                                                                                                            sea lions under the critical habitat                   out at a different location for the day or
                                                    Negligible Impact                                       designations of the ESA. Steller sea                   if animals are foraging at the time of the
                                                      Negligible impact’ is ‘‘an impact                     lions spend much of their time in                      survey activities.
                                                    resulting from the specified activity that              marine water but they do rest and breed                   Based on the analysis contained in
                                                    cannot be reasonably expected to, and is                on land. During the breeding and                       this notice of the likely effects of the

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                                  34391

                                                    specified activity on marine mammals                    survey activities in accordance with                   Bureau has posted its inventory,
                                                    and their habitat, and taking into                      section 6.01 of the NOAA                               inventory supplement, and a summary
                                                    consideration the implementation of the                 Administrative Order 216–6                             of the inventory on the Bureau’s Open
                                                    mitigation and monitoring measures,                     (Environmental Review Procedures for                   Government homepage at the following
                                                    NMFS finds that BLM’s proposed                          Implementing the National                              link: http://www.consumerfinance.gov/
                                                    activities would take small numbers of                  Environmental Policy Act, May 20,                      open.
                                                    marine mammals relative to the                          1999). NMFS’ EA and FONSI for this                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    populations of the affected species or                  activity are available upon request (see               Questions regarding the service contract
                                                    stocks.                                                 ADDRESSES).
                                                                                                                                                                   inventory should be directed to Hoa
                                                    Impact on Availability of Affected                      Authorization                                          Crews, Senior Procurement Analyst,
                                                    Species or Stock for Taking for                            As a result of these determinations,                Office of Procurement, Consumer
                                                    Subsistence Uses                                        NMFS issued an Incidental Harassment                   Financial Protection Bureau, (304) 536–
                                                       There are no relevant subsistence uses               Authorization to BLM for take                          3892.
                                                    of marine mammals implicated by this                    incidental to conducting a one-day                       Dated: June 4, 2015.
                                                    action. The proposed activity occurs                    field-based land survey of cultural sites              Richard Cordray,
                                                    south of the latitude that NMFS’                        located on a small island within the                   Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial
                                                    categorizes as within Arctic waters (i.e.,              eastern Aleutian Islands archipelago,                  Protection.
                                                    north of 60° N). Therefore, NMFS has                    during the period of June 1, 2015                      [FR Doc. 2015–14805 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    determined that the total taking of                     through July 31, 2015, provided they                   BILLING CODE 4810–AM–P
                                                    affected species or stocks would not                    incorporate the previously mentioned
                                                    have an unmitigable adverse impact on                   mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
                                                    the availability of such species or stocks              requirements.                                          DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                                    for taking for subsistence purposes.                      Dated: June 10, 2015.
                                                    Endangered Species Act (ESA)                            Donna S. Wieting,                                      Department of the Army, Army Corps
                                                                                                            Director, Office of Protected Resources,               of Engineers
                                                       For the reasons already described in
                                                                                                            National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                    this notice, NMFS has determined that                                                                          Notice of Solicitation of Applications
                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–14700 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    the issuance of a proposed                                                                                     for Stakeholder Representative
                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                    Authorization may have an effect on                                                                            Members of the Missouri River
                                                    species or critical habitat protected                                                                          Recovery Implementation Committee
                                                    under the ESA (specifically, the Steller
                                                    sea lion). Under section 7 of the ESA,                  BUREAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL                           AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S.
                                                    BLM has initiated formal consultation                   PROTECTION                                             Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
                                                    with the NMFS Alaska Regional Office                                                                           ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                            Publication of FY 2014 Service
                                                    on the proposed land survey. NMFS
                                                                                                            Contract Inventory                                     SUMMARY:   The Commander of the
                                                    (i.e., National Marine Fisheries Service,
                                                                                                                                                                   Northwestern Division of the U.S. Army
                                                    Office of Protected Resources, Permits                  AGENCY:  Bureau of Consumer Financial
                                                                                                                                                                   Corps of Engineers (Corps) is soliciting
                                                    and Conservation Division) also                         Protection.
                                                                                                                                                                   applications to fill vacant stakeholder
                                                    consulted internally with the NMFS                      ACTION: Notice of public availability of               representative member positions on the
                                                    Alaska Regional Office on the proposed                  FY 2014 Service Contract Inventory.                    Missouri River Recovery
                                                    issuance of an Authorization under
                                                                                                            SUMMARY:   In accordance with Section                  Implementation Committee (MRRIC).
                                                    section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA.
                                                                                                            734 of Division C of the Consolidated                  Members are sought to fill vacancies on
                                                       In June, 2015, the NMFS Alaska
                                                                                                            Appropriations Act of 2010, the Bureau                 a committee to represent various
                                                    Regional Office Protected Species
                                                                                                            of Consumer Financial Protection                       categories of interests within the
                                                    Division issued a Biological Opinion
                                                                                                            (Bureau) is publishing this notice to                  Missouri River basin. The MRRIC was
                                                    with an Incidental Take Statement to us
                                                                                                            advise the public of the availability of               formed to advise the Corps on a study
                                                    and to BLM which concluded that the
                                                                                                            the FY 2014 service contract inventory.                of the Missouri River and its tributaries
                                                    issuance of the Authorization and the
                                                                                                            This inventory provides information on                 and to provide guidance to the Corps
                                                    conduct of the land survey activities
                                                                                                            service contract actions over $25,000,                 with respect to the Missouri River
                                                    were not likely to jeopardize the
                                                                                                            which the Bureau funded during FY                      recovery and mitigation activities
                                                    continued existence of Steller sea lions.
                                                                                                            2014. The information is organized by                  currently underway. The Corps
                                                    The Biological Opinion also concluded
                                                                                                            function to show how contracted                        established the MRRIC as required by
                                                    that the issuance of the Authorization
                                                                                                            resources were used by the agency to                   the U.S. Congress through the Water
                                                    and the conduct of the land survey
                                                                                                            support its mission. The inventory has                 Resources Development Act of 2007
                                                    activities would not affect designated
                                                                                                            been developed in accordance with the                  (WRDA), Section 5018.
                                                    critical habitat for Steller sea lions.
                                                                                                            guidance issued on November 5, 2010                    DATES: The agency must receive
                                                    National Environmental Policy Act                       and December 19, 2011 by the Office of                 completed applications and
                                                    (NEPA)                                                  Management and Budget’s Office of                      endorsement letters no later than July
                                                       NMFS prepared an Environmental                       Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP).                     17, 2015.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Assessment (EA) analyzing the potential                 OFPP’s guidance is available at: http://               ADDRESSES: Mail completed
                                                    effects to the human environment from                   www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/                applications and endorsement letters to
                                                    NMFS’ issuance of a Authorization to                    omb/procurement/memo/service-                          U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha
                                                    BLM for their proposed land survey                      contract-inventories-guidance-                         District (Attn: MRRIC), 1616 Capitol
                                                    activities. In June 2015, NMFS issued a                 11052010.pdf and http://                               Avenue, Omaha, NE 68102–4901 or
                                                    Finding of No Significant Impact                        www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/                email completed applications to info@
                                                    (FONSI) on the issuance of an                           omb/procurement/memo/service-                          mrric.org. Please put ‘‘MRRIC’’ in the
                                                    Authorization for BLM’s proposed land                   contract-inventory-guidance.pdf. The                   subject line.

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 10:23:14
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 10:23:14
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
DatesEffective June 12, 2015 through July 31, 2015.
ContactJeannine Cody, NMFS, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS (301) 427-8401.
FR Citation80 FR 34385 
RIN Number0648-XD81

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