80_FR_34590 80 FR 34475 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Amending the Price List To Revise Fees and Credits for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity Orders and Non Displayed Reserve Orders and To Revise Credits Applicable to Certain Transactions at the Open, Certain Designated Market Maker Transactions, and Certain Supplemental Liquidity Provider Transactions

80 FR 34475 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Amending the Price List To Revise Fees and Credits for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity Orders and Non Displayed Reserve Orders and To Revise Credits Applicable to Certain Transactions at the Open, Certain Designated Market Maker Transactions, and Certain Supplemental Liquidity Provider Transactions


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 115 (June 16, 2015)

Page Range34475-34480
FR Document2015-14668

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)]
[Pages 34475-34480]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14668]



[Release No. 34-75139; File No. SR-NYSE-2015-28]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; 
Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change 
Amending the Price List To Revise Fees and Credits for Mid-Point 
Passive Liquidity Orders and Non Displayed Reserve Orders and To Revise 
Credits Applicable to Certain Transactions at the Open, Certain 
Designated Market Maker Transactions, and Certain Supplemental 
Liquidity Provider Transactions

 June 10, 2015.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) \1\ of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934 (the ``Act'') \2\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\3\ notice is hereby 
given that, on May 27, 2015, New York Stock Exchange LLC (``NYSE'' or 
the ``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(the ``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in Items I, 
II, and III below, which Items have been prepared by the self-
regulatory organization. The Commission is publishing this notice to 
solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 15 U.S.C. 78a.
    \3\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange proposes to amend its Price List to revise (i) fees 
and credits for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity Orders and Non-Displayed 
Reserve Orders; (ii) credits applicable to certain transactions at the 
open; (iii) credits applicable to certain Designated Market Maker 
transactions; and (iv) credits applicable to Supplemental Liquidity 
Providers. The Exchange proposes to implement the fee change effective 
June 1, 2015. The text of the proposed rule change is available on the 
Exchange's Web site at www.nyse.com, at the principal office of the 
Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the self-regulatory organization 
included statements concerning the purpose of, and basis for, the 
proposed rule change and discussed any comments it received on the 
proposed rule change. The text of those statements may be examined at 
the places specified in Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared 
summaries, set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most 
significant parts of such statements.

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and the 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The Exchange proposes to amend its Price List to revise (i) fees 
and credits for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity (``MPL'') Orders and Non-
Displayed Reserve Orders; (ii) credits applicable to certain 
transactions at the open; (iii) credits applicable to certain 
Designated Market Maker (``DMM'') transactions; and (iv) credits 
applicable to Supplemental Liquidity Providers (``SLPs'').
MPL Orders and Non-Displayed Reserve Orders
    An MPL Order is an undisplayed limit order that trades at the mid-
point of the best protected bid (``PBB'') and best protected offer 
(``PBO''), as such terms are defined in Regulation NMS Rule 600(b)(57) 
(together, ``PBBO'').
    The Exchange currently charges $0.0025 per share for all MPL 
Orders, not designated as ``retail'' under Rule 13, for securities 
priced $1.00 or more that remove liquidity from the

[[Page 34476]]

Exchange. The Exchange proposes to amend its Price List to increase the 
charge for such MPL Orders from $0.0025 per share to $0.0027 per share.
    The proposed change would not affect transaction fees for MPL 
Orders that remove liquidity from the Exchange and that are designated 
with a ``retail modifier'' as defined in Rule 13.\4\

    \4\ MPL Orders that remove liquidity from the Exchange and that 
are designated with a ``retail'' modifier as defined in Rule 13 
would continue not to be charged transaction fees.

    The Exchange currently provides a credit of $0.0020 per share for 
executions of MPL Orders that provide liquidity for securities priced 
$1.00 or more. With respect to market participants, including floor 
brokers and SLPs, but not DMMs, the Exchange proposes to amend its 
Price List to replace the credit of $0.0020 per share for MPL Orders 
that provide liquidity for securities priced $1.00 or more with the 
following credits:
     A $0.0030 per share transaction credit for MPL Orders that 
provide liquidity from a member organization that has Adding ADV in MPL 
Orders that is at least 1.5 million shares, excluding any liquidity 
added by a Designated Market Maker (``MPL Order Tier'').\5\

    \5\ Footnote 2 to the Price List defines ADV as ``average daily 
volume'' and ``Adding ADV'' as ADV that adds liquidity to the 
Exchange during the billing month. The Exchange is not proposing to 
change these definitions.

     A $0.0015 per share transaction credit for MPL Orders that 
provide liquidity from a member organization that does not meet the 
above Adding ADV threshold.
    Because the credits for MPL Orders that add liquidity would be as 
specified above, the Exchange also proposes to add, to each of the 
descriptions of the Non-Tier Adding Credit, Tier 1 Adding Credit, Tier 
2 Adding Credit, Tier 3 Adding Credit, the Equity per Share Credit for 
retail orders, and the Credit per Share for execution of orders sent to 
floor brokers, language that excludes MPL orders from the applicable 
credit. For SLP Tier 1, SLP Tier 2, and SLP Tier 3 (as defined below in 
``SLPs''), the Exchange also proposes to add language that excludes MPL 
Orders from the applicable credit.
    In addition, the Exchange proposes to amend its Price List to 
increase the transaction credit for DMMs in securities with a per share 
price of $1.00 or more of $0.0020 per share for MPL Orders that provide 
liquidity to the Exchange to $0.0030 per share for MPL Orders that 
provide liquidity to the Exchange. For clarity, the Exchange is 
proposing to specify this credit for liquidity by adding MPL Orders 
separately in the Price List under the section entitled ``Fees and 
Credits applicable to Designated Market Makers (``DMMs'').'' Further, 
the Exchange is proposing to include language that excludes MPL orders 
from the other DMM per share rebates for adding liquidity.
    Finally, the Exchange currently provides a credit of $0.0010 per 
share for executions of Non-Displayed Reserve Orders for market 
participants, other than SLPs, that provide liquidity. The Exchange 
proposes to eliminate that credit. Accordingly, the Exchange is 
proposing to add to each of the descriptions of the Non-Tier Adding 
Credit, Tier 1 Adding Credit, Tier 2 Adding Credit, Tier 3 Adding 
Credit, and the Equity per Share Credit for retail orders language that 
excludes Non-Displayed Reserve Orders from the applicable credit.
Credits for Execution of Certain Orders at the Opening
    The Exchange proposes to amend its Price List for certain 
executions at the opening.
    For securities priced $1.00 or more, the Exchange currently charges 
a fee of $0.0010 per share for executions at the opening or at the 
opening only orders, subject to a monthly fee cap of $20,000 per member 
organization for such executions. The Exchange proposes to raise the 
monthly fee cap for transaction fees for at the opening or at the 
opening only orders to $30,000 per member organization for securities 
priced $1.00 or greater.\6\ The $0.0010 per share fee for executions at 
the opening or at the opening only orders would not be changed. DMMs 
currently are not charged for executions at the opening and would 
continue to not be charged.

    \6\ The existing pricing for executions at the opening in 
securities priced below $1.00 would also remain unchanged (i.e., 
0.3% of the total dollar value of the transaction).

    The section of the Exchange's Price List entitled ``Fees and 
Credits applicable to Designated Market Makers (``DMMs'')'' sets out 
different monthly rebate amounts to DMMs depending on the average daily 
consolidated volume of the security and the DMM quoting percentage in 
any month in which the DMM meets the Less Active Securities Quoting 
Requirement. The DMM meets the ``Less Active Securities Quoting 
Requirement'' when a security has a consolidated ADV of less than 
1,000,000 shares per month in the previous month and a stock price of 
$1.00 or more, and the DMM quotes at the National Best Bid or Offer 
(``NBBO'') in the applicable security at least 15% of the time in the 
applicable month.
    The term ``ADV'' in this section currently is defined as ``average 
daily consolidated volume.'' The Exchange proposes to change the name 
of the term to ``Security CADV'' to clarify that the term refers to 
consolidated volume for the applicable security, and to remove any 
confusion with the term ``ADV'' as defined and used elsewhere in the 
Price List. The Exchange proposes to make conforming changes to use the 
term ``Security CADV'' in place of ``ADV'' throughout this section of 
the Price List.
    The Exchange also proposes to change the monthly rebate amounts to 
DMMs depending on the Security CADV and the DMM quoting percentage. The 
monthly rebate payable to DMMs for securities with a Security CADV of 
100,000 up to 250,000 shares in the previous month is currently $250 
when the DMM quotes at the NBBO 20% of the time or more in an 
applicable security and $200 if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 15% 
and up to 20% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable 
security. For these securities, the Exchange proposes monthly rebates 
as follows:
     $450 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO 50% of the time 
or more in an applicable security.
     $375 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 40% and 
up to 50% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $300 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 30% and 
up to 40% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $225 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 20% and 
up to 30% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $150 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 15% and 
up to 20% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
    The current monthly rebate payable to DMMs for securities with a 
Security CADV of less than 100,000 shares in the previous month is $175 
when the DMM quotes at the NBBO 20% of the time or more in an 
applicable security and $125 if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 15% 
and up to 20% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable 
security. For these securities, the Exchange proposes monthly rebates 
as follows:
     $400 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO 50% of the time 
or more in an applicable security.
     $325 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 40% and 
up to 50%

[[Page 34477]]

of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $250 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 30% and 
up to 40% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $175 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 20% and 
up to 30% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $100 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 15% and 
up to 20% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
    In addition, the Exchange proposes to add monthly rebates to the 
Price List for securities with a Security CADV of 250,000 up to 
1,500,000 shares in the previous month, which would apply, as with the 
other two categories of rebates, in any month in which the DMM meets 
the Less Active Securities Quoting Requirement in an applicable 
security, and as follows:
     $500 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO 50% of the time 
or more in an applicable security.
     $425 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 40% and 
up to 50% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $350 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 30% and 
up to 40% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $275 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 20% and 
up to 30% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
     $200 rebate if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least 15% and 
up to 20% of the time in an applicable month in an applicable security.
    Finally, as noted above, because the Exchange is proposing to list 
separately the credit to DMMs for liquidity adding MPL Orders, the 
Exchange is proposing to exclude MPL orders from the other DMM per 
share rebates for adding liquidity listed in this section.
    SLPs are eligible for certain credits when adding liquidity to the 
Exchange. The amount of the credit is currently determined by the 
``tier'' for which the SLP qualifies, which is generally based on the 
SLP's level of quoting and the ADV of liquidity added by the SLP in 
assigned securities.
    Currently, when adding liquidity to the NYSE in securities with a 
share price of $1.00 or more, an SLP is eligible for a credit of 
$0.0023 per share traded if the SLP (1) meets the 10% average or more 
quoting requirement in assigned securities pursuant to Rule 107B and 
(2) adds liquidity for assigned SLP securities in the aggregate \7\ of 
an ADV \8\ of more than 0.20% of NYSE CADV,\9\ or an SLP that is also a 
DMM and subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(a),\10\ more than 0.15% of NYSE CADV 
(``SLP Tier 3''). In the case of Non-Displayed Reserve Orders, the SLP 
credit is $0.0018 and in the case of MPL Orders, the credit is $0.0020. 
For less active SLP securities (i.e. securities with an ADV in the 
previous month of 500,000 share or less per month (``Less Active SLP 
Securities'')), the SLP is eligible for a per share credit of $0.0028; 
$0.0023 if a Non-Displayed Reserve Order; or $0.0020 if an MPL Order.

    \7\ Under Rule 107B, an SLP can be either a proprietary trading 
unit of a member organization (``SLP-Prop'') or a registered market 
maker at the Exchange (``SLMM''). For purposes of the 10% average or 
more quoting requirement in assigned securities pursuant to Rule 
107B, quotes of an SLP-Prop and an SLMM of the same member 
organization are not aggregated. However, for purposes of adding 
liquidity for assigned SLP securities in the aggregate, shares of 
both an SLP-Prop and an SLMM of the same member organization are 
    \8\ The defined term, ``ADV,'' used here as defined in footnote 
2 to the Price List. See supra note 5.
    \9\ NYSE CADV is defined in the Price List as the consolidated 
average daily volume of NYSE-listed securities.
    \10\ Rule 107B(i)(2)(A) prohibits a DMM from acting as a SLP in 
the same securities in which it is a DMM.

    Similarly, an SLP adding liquidity in securities with a per share 
price of $1.00 or more is eligible for a per share credit of $0.0026 if 
the SLP: (1) Meets the 10% average or more quoting requirement in an 
assigned security pursuant to Rule 107B; and (2) adds liquidity for all 
assigned SLP securities in the aggregate of an ADV of more than 0.35% 
of NYSE CADV, or for an SLP that is also a DMM and subject to Rule 
107B(i)(2)(a), more than 0.30% of NYSE CADV \11\ (``SLP Tier 2''). In 
the case of Non-Displayed Reserve Orders, the SLP credit is $0.0021 and 
in the case of MPL Orders, the credit is $0.0020. For Less Active SLP 
Securities, the SLP is eligible for a per share credit of $0.0031; 
0.0026 if a Non-Displayed Reserve Order; or $0.0020 if an MPL Order.

    \11\ In determining whether an SLP meets the requirement to add 
liquidity in the aggregate of an ADV of more than 0.35% or 0.30% 
depending on whether the SLP is also a DMM, the SLP may include 
shares of both an SLP-Prop and an SLMM of the same member 

    An SLP adding liquidity in securities with a per share price of 
$1.00 or more is eligible for a per share credit of $0.0029 if the SLP: 
(1) Meets the 10% average or more quoting requirement in an assigned 
security pursuant to Rule 107B; and (2) adds liquidity for all for 
assigned SLP securities in the aggregate of an ADV of more than 0.55% 
of NYSE CADV, or for an SLP that is also a DMM and subject to Rule 
107B(i)(2)(a), more than 0.50% of NYSE CADV, the SLP is eligible for a 
per share credit of $.0029 (``SLP Tier 1''). In the case of Non-
Displayed Reserve Orders, the credit is $0.0024 and in the case of MPL 
Orders, the credit is $0.0020. For Less Active SLP Securities, the SLP 
is eligible for a per share credit of $0.0034; $0.0029 if a Non-
Displayed Reserve Order; or $0.0020 if an MPL Order.
    Finally, an SLP adding liquidity in securities with a per share 
price of $1.00 or more that does not qualify for the credits described 
above is eligible for the applicable rate for the base SLP tier, which 
would be the rate that applies to the non-SLP activity of the member 
organization, i.e. the non-Tier Adding Credit, Tier 3 Adding Credit, 
Tier 2 Adding Credit or Tier 1 Adding Credit (``SLP Non-Tier''). In the 
case of Non-Displayed Reserve Orders, the credit is $0.0010 and in the 
case of MPL Orders, the credit is $0.0020.
    The Exchange proposes to add defined terms identifying each of 
tiers for SLP credits, as defined above, in the Price List, as SLP Tier 
1, SLP Tier 2, SLP Tier 3 and SLP Non-Tier.
    The Exchange proposes to increase for SLP Tier 1 and SLP Tier 2 the 
ADV percentage requirement for SLPs and for SLPs that are also DMMs and 
subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(A). The ADV percentage requirement for SLPs 
for SLP Tier 1 and SLP Tier 2 would increase from 0.55% to 0.90% and 
0.35% to 0.45%, respectively. The ADV percentage requirement for SLPs 
that are also DMMs and subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(A) for SLP Tier 1 and 
SLP Tier 2 would increase from 0.50% to 0.85% and 0.30% to 0.40%, 
respectively. The Exchange does not propose to change the ADV 
percentage requirement for SLP Tier 3.
    The Exchange proposes, for each SLP tier, to decrease the credit 
for a Non-Displayed Reserve Order by $0.0010. Specifically, for Non-
Displayed Reserve Orders the SLP Tier 1 credit would decrease from 
$0.0024 to $0.0014; the SLP Tier 2 credit would decrease from $0.0021 
to $0.0011; the SLP Tier 3 credit would decrease from $0.0018 to 
$0.0008; and the SLP Non-Tier credit would decrease from $0.0010 to no 
    The Exchange proposes to decrease the credit for a Non-Displayed 
Reserve Order for Less Active SLP Securities by $0.0010 for each SLP 
tier: specifically, for SLP Tier 1, from $0.0029 to $0.0019; for SLP 
Tier 2, from $0.0026 to $0.0016; and for SLP Tier 3, from $0.0023 to 
    The proposed changes to the credits applicable to MPL Orders are as 

[[Page 34478]]

forth in ``MPL Orders and Non-Displayed Reserve Orders'' above.
    The above proposed changes are not otherwise intended to address 
any other issues, and the Exchange is not aware of any problems that 
members and member organizations would have in complying with the 
proposed change.
2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes that the proposed rule change is consistent 
with Section 6(b) of the Act,\12\ in general, and furthers the 
objectives of Sections 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5) of the Act,\13\ in 
particular, because it provides for the equitable allocation of 
reasonable dues, fees, and other charges among its members, issuers and 
other persons using its facilities and does not unfairly discriminate 
between customers, issuers, brokers or dealers.

    \12\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \13\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).

MPL Orders and Non-Displayed Reserve Orders
    The Exchange believes that the proposed increase to the fee for 
executions of MPL Orders that remove liquidity and the proposed changes 
to the credits for MPL Orders that provide liquidity are reasonable. 
MPL Orders provide opportunities for market participants to interact 
with orders priced at the midpoint of the PBBO, thus providing price 
improving liquidity to market participants and increasing the quality 
of order execution on the Exchange's market, which benefits all market 
participants. These changes should encourage additional utilization of 
MPL Orders on the Exchange.
    Specifically, the Exchange believes that the proposed change for 
MPL Orders that remove liquidity from the Exchange if the security is 
priced $1.00 or more from $0.0025 per share to $0.0027 per share is 
reasonable because the charge would be the same as the $0.0027 fee 
proposed for other executions that remove liquidity. The resulting fee 
is also reasonable because would be lower than the rates on the NASDAQ 
Stock Market, LLC (``NASDAQ''). For example, NASDAQ charges $0.0030 per 
share to execute against resting midpoint liquidity, which is greater 
than both the existing $0.0025 per share rate and the proposed $0.0027 
per share rate that would apply to MPL Orders.\14\

    \14\ See NASDAQ Rule 7018(a).

    The Exchange believes that the proposed additional tier of credits 
for MPL Orders is reasonable because the proposed MPL Order Tier credit 
of $0.0030 per share that would apply if the member organization has 
Adding ADV in MPL Orders that is at least 1.5 million shares would 
relate to volume that provides liquidity, which would be identical to 
the type of volume to which the credit would apply.
    In addition, the Exchange believes the decrease in the non-tier MPL 
Order credit to $0.0015 is reasonable as it is greater than the non-
tier credit that is available on NASDAQ for midpoint liquidity, which 
is currently $0.0014 for Tape A and B securities and $0.0010 per share 
for Tape C securities.\15\

    \15\ See supra note 14.

    The Exchange also believes that the proposed changes are equitable 
and not unfairly discriminatory because all market participants--
customers, Floor brokers, DMMs, and SLPs--may use MPL Orders on the 
Exchange and because customers, Floor brokers and SLPs that use MPL 
Orders would be subject to the same fee or credit.
    Finally, the Exchange believes that the proposed change to the 
credit for DMMs for MPL Orders that provide liquidity to the Exchange 
to $0.0030 per share is reasonable because DMMs cannot trade in 
securities they are not a DMM in and therefore the minimum volume 
requirement of the MPL Order Tier should not apply. Moreover, the 
requirement is equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because it 
would apply equally to all DMM firms.
    The Exchange believes the proposed changes should incentivize 
additional utilization of MPL Orders on the Exchange. MPL Orders 
provide opportunities for market participants to interact with orders 
priced at the midpoint of the PBBO, thus providing price improving 
liquidity to market participants and increasing the quality of order 
execution on the Exchange's market, which benefits all market 
participants. The proposed change is equitable and not unfairly 
discriminatory because MPL Orders increase the quality of order 
execution on the Exchange's market, which benefits all market 
participants. The Exchange also believes that the proposed changes are 
equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because all market 
participants--customers, Floor brokers, DMMs, and SLPs--may use MPL 
Orders on the Exchange and because all market participants that use MPL 
Orders may receive credits for MPL Orders, as is currently the case.
    The Exchange believes that the proposed rule change to reduce the 
credit for Non-Displayed Reserve Orders that provide liquidity is 
reasonable, equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because it is 
intended to incentivize member organizations to submit additional 
amounts of displayed liquidity to the Exchange during the trading day. 
For example, the proposed higher credits applicable to member 
organization for executions other than Non-Displayed Reserve Orders 
would incentivize member organizations to instead provide displayed 
liquidity on the Exchange. The Exchange believes that the proposed 
lower credit is equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because it 
would apply equally to all member organizations.
Credits for Certain Executions at the Opening
    The Exchange believes that it is reasonable to increase the monthly 
fee cap for fees for executions at the opening or executions at the 
opening only orders to $30,000 because members and member organizations 
benefit from the substantial amounts of liquidity that are present on 
the Exchange during such time. In addition, the Exchange believes that 
the proposed cap is reasonable because the proposed cap and the current 
fee rate together are comparable to those for executions at the opening 
on other markets.\16\

    \16\ For example, NASDAQ charges $0.0015 per share for certain 
orders executed in the NASDAQ Opening Corss [sic] and applies at 
$20,000 fee cap per month per firm for such executions. See Nasdaq 
Rule 7018(e).

    The proposed increased fee cap is equitable and not unfairly 
discriminatory because, even at such an increased level, this pricing 
would continue to encourage robust levels of liquidity at the opening, 
which benefits all market participants. The proposed increase will 
encourage the submission of additional liquidity to a national 
securities exchange, thereby promoting price discovery and transparency 
and enhancing order execution opportunities for member organization 
from the substantial amounts of liquidity that are present on the 
Exchange during the opening. Moreover, the requirement is equitable and 
not unfairly discriminatory because it would apply equally to all 
similarly situated member organizations.
    The Exchange believes that the proposed higher monthly credit of 
$300, $375, and $450 for each security that has a consolidated ADV of 
more than 100,000 and less than 250,000 shares during the month when 
the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the applicable security at least 30%, 
40%, and 50%, of the time, respectively, in the applicable month is 
reasonable because of the

[[Page 34479]]

proposed higher quoting requirement associated with this increase in 
the credit. The Exchange believes that the proposed lower monthly 
credit of $150 and $225 for each security that has a consolidated ADV 
of more than 100,000 and less than 250,000 shares during the month when 
the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the applicable security between 15% and 
20% and 20% to 30% of the time, respectively, in the applicable month 
is reasonable because of the proposed higher credit available based on 
higher quoting, which should encourage greater quoting. The Exchange 
believes that the proposal would increase the incentive to add 
liquidity across thinly-traded securities where there may be fewer 
liquidity providers. Moreover, the requirement is equitable and not 
unfairly discriminatory because it would apply equally to all DMM 
    The Exchange believes that the proposed higher monthly credit of 
$250, $325, and $400 for each security that has a consolidated ADV of 
less than 100,000 shares during the month when the DMM quotes at the 
NBBO in the applicable security at least 30%, 40%, and 50%, of the 
time, respectively, in the applicable month is reasonable because of 
the proposed higher quoting requirement associated with this increase 
in the credit. The Exchange believes that the proposed lower monthly 
credit of $100 each security that has a consolidated ADV of less than 
100,000 shares during the month when the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the 
applicable security between 15% and 20% of the time in the applicable 
month is reasonable because of higher credit available based on higher 
quoting, which should encourage greater quoting. The Exchange also 
believes that it is reasonable to retain a $175 credit for each 
security that has a consolidated ADV of less than 100,000 shares during 
the month when the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the applicable security at 
least 20% and up to 30% of the time in the applicable month as this is 
the rate currently charged and it would apply equally to all DMM firms. 
The Exchange believes that the proposal would increase the incentive to 
add liquidity across thinly-traded securities where there may be fewer 
liquidity providers. Moreover, the requirement is equitable and not 
unfairly discriminatory because it would apply equally to all DMM 
    The Exchange believes that the proposed monthly credit of $200, 
$275, $350, $425, and $500 for each security that has a consolidated 
ADV of more than 250,000 and less than 1,500,000 shares during the 
month when the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the applicable security at 
least 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%, of the time, respectively, in the 
applicable month is reasonable because of the proposed higher quoting 
requirement associated with this credit. The Exchange also believes 
that the higher credits for each security that has a consolidated ADV 
of more than 250,000 and less than 1,500,000 shares during the month 
when the DMM quotes at the NBBO of the time in the applicable month is 
reasonable in light of higher trading volumes in the applicable 
securities relatively to those securities that have a consolidated ADV 
of less than 250,000 shares. The Exchange believes that the proposal 
would increase the incentive to add liquidity across thinly-traded 
securities where there may be fewer liquidity providers. Moreover, the 
requirement is equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because it 
would apply equally to all DMM firms.
    The Exchange believes that the proposal to add defined terms for 
the SLP Tiers to the Price List is reasonable because the change will 
make the Price List clearer and easier to understand.
    The Exchange believes that proposal to increase the ADV percentage 
requirement for SLPs that are also DMMs and subject to Rule 
107B(i)(2)(A) is reasonable because the higher requirements would 
incentivize member organizations to provide additional amounts of 
liquidity on the Exchange. The Exchange believes that the higher 
requirements are reasonable given the higher credits--$0.0029 per share 
for SLP Tier 1 and $0.026 per share for SLP Tier 2--relative to the 
credit applicable to member organizations other than SLPs, and that the 
lower requirements for SLP Tier 3 and the SLP Non-Tier are, similarly, 
reasonable given the lower credits for those tiers The Exchange 
believes that the proposed higher ADV percentage requirements for SLP 
Tier 1 and SLP Tier 2 are equitable and not unfairly discriminatory 
because they would apply equally to all SLPs.
    Further, the Exchange believes that the proposed rule change to 
reduce the credit for Non-Displayed Reserve Orders that provide 
liquidity is reasonable, equitable and not unfairly discriminatory 
because it is intended to incentivize SLPs to submit additional amounts 
of displayed liquidity to the Exchange during the trading day. This 
decrease in the credits for Non-Displayed Reserve Orders for SLPs is 
the same decrease as proposed for the credits applicable to Non-
Displayed Reserve Orders for other member organizations. Once again, 
the Exchange believes that the proposed lower credit is equitable and 
not unfairly discriminatory because it would apply equally to all SLPs.
    The Exchange believes that it is subject to significant competitive 
forces, as described below in the Exchange's statement regarding the 
burden on competition. For the foregoing reasons, the Exchange believes 
that the proposal is consistent with the Act.

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    In accordance with Section 6(b)(8) of the Act,\17\ the Exchange 
believes that the proposed rule change would not impose any burden on 
competition that is not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the 
purposes of the Act. Instead, the Exchange believes that the proposed 
change would contribute to the Exchange's market quality by promoting 
price discovery and ultimately increased competition. For the same 
reasons, the proposed change also would not impose any burden on 
competition among market participants. Pricing for executions at the 
opening would remain at the same relatively low levels and would 
continue to reflect the benefit that market participants receive 
through the ability to have their orders interact with other liquidity 
at the opening.

    \17\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(8).

    Finally, the Exchange notes that it operates in a highly 
competitive market in which market participants can readily favor 
competing venues if they deem fee levels at a particular venue to be 
excessive or rebate opportunities available at other venues to be more 
favorable. In such an environment, the Exchange must continually adjust 
its fees and rebates to remain competitive with other exchanges and 
with alternative trading systems that have been exempted from 
compliance with the statutory standards applicable to exchanges. 
Because competitors are free to modify their own fees and credits in 
response, and because market participants may readily adjust their 
order routing practices, the Exchange believes that the degree to which 
fee changes in this market may impose any burden on competition is 
extremely limited. As a result of all of these considerations, the 
Exchange does not believe that the proposed changes will impair the 
ability of member organizations or competing order execution venues to 
maintain their competitive standing in the financial markets.

[[Page 34480]]

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    No written comments were solicited or received with respect to the 
proposed rule change.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    The foregoing rule change is effective upon filing pursuant to 
Section 19(b)(3)(A) \18\ of the Act and subparagraph (f)(2) of Rule 
19b-4 \19\ thereunder, because it establishes a due, fee, or other 
charge imposed by the Exchange.

    \18\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
    \19\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(2).

    At any time within 60 days of the filing of such proposed rule 
change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule 
change if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or 
appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or 
otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. If the Commission 
takes such action, the Commission shall institute proceedings under 
Section 19(b)(2)(B) \20\ of the Act to determine whether the proposed 
rule change should be approved or disapproved.

    \20\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's Internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to [email protected]. Please include 
File Number SR-NYSE-2015-28 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Brent J. Fields, 
Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., 
Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-NYSE-2015-28. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all 
written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are 
filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to 
the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other 
than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the 
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for Web site viewing and 
printing in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., 
Washington, DC 20549 on official business days between the hours of 
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing will also be available 
for inspection and copying at the NYSE's principal office and on its 
Internet Web site at www.nyse.com. All comments received will be posted 
without change; the Commission does not edit personal identifying 
information from submissions. You should submit only information that 
you wish to make available publicly. All submissions should refer to 
File Number SR- NYSE-2015-28 and should be submitted on or before July 
7, 2015.

    \21\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\21\
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-14668 Filed 6-15-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                           34475

                                                    C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                          those that may be withheld from the                     solicit comments on the proposed rule
                                                    Statement on Comments on the                               public in accordance with the                           change from interested persons.
                                                    Proposed Rule Change Received From                         provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                                                                                                                                       I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    Members, Participants, or Others                           available for Web site viewing and
                                                                                                                                                                       Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                                      No written comments were either                          printing in the Commission’s Public
                                                                                                                                                                       the Proposed Rule Change
                                                    solicited or received.                                     Reference Room, 100 F Street, NE.,
                                                                                                               Washington, DC 20549, on official                          The Exchange proposes to amend its
                                                    III. Date of Effectiveness of the                          business days between the hours of                      Price List to revise (i) fees and credits
                                                    Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                        10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                  for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity Orders
                                                    Commission Action                                          filing also will be available for                       and Non-Displayed Reserve Orders; (ii)
                                                       The foregoing rule change has become                    inspection and copying at the principal                 credits applicable to certain transactions
                                                    effective pursuant to Section                              office of the Exchange. All comments                    at the open; (iii) credits applicable to
                                                    19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.7 At any time                   received will be posted without change;                 certain Designated Market Maker
                                                    within 60 days of the filing of the                        the Commission does not edit personal                   transactions; and (iv) credits applicable
                                                    proposed rule change, the Commission                       identifying information from                            to Supplemental Liquidity Providers.
                                                    summarily may temporarily suspend                          submissions. You should submit only                     The Exchange proposes to implement
                                                    such rule change if it appears to the                      information that you wish to make                       the fee change effective June 1, 2015.
                                                    Commission that such action is                             available publicly. All submissions                     The text of the proposed rule change is
                                                    necessary or appropriate in the public                     should refer to File Number SR–Phlx–                    available on the Exchange’s Web site at
                                                    interest, for the protection of investors,                 2015–48 and should be submitted on or                   www.nyse.com, at the principal office of
                                                    or otherwise in furtherance of the                         July 7, 2015.                                           the Exchange, and at the Commission’s
                                                    purposes of the Act. If the Commission                                                                             Public Reference Room.
                                                                                                                 For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                    takes such action, the Commission shall                    Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    institute proceedings to determine                         authority.8                                             Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                                    whether the proposed rule should be                        Robert W. Errett,                                       Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                    approved or disapproved.                                   Deputy Secretary.                                       Change
                                                    IV. Solicitation of Comments                               [FR Doc. 2015–14671 Filed 6–15–15; 08:45 am]               In its filing with the Commission, the
                                                      Interested persons are invited to                        BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  self-regulatory organization included
                                                    submit written data, views and                                                                                     statements concerning the purpose of,
                                                    arguments concerning the foregoing,                                                                                and basis for, the proposed rule change
                                                    including whether the proposed rule                        SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 and discussed any comments it received
                                                    change is consistent with the Act.                         COMMISSION                                              on the proposed rule change. The text
                                                    Comments may be submitted by any of                                                                                of those statements may be examined at
                                                                                                               [Release No. 34–75139; File No. SR–NYSE–                the places specified in Item IV below.
                                                    the following methods:                                     2015–28]
                                                                                                                                                                       The Exchange has prepared summaries,
                                                    Electronic Comments                                                                                                set forth in sections A, B, and C below,
                                                                                                               Self-Regulatory Organizations; New
                                                      • Use the Commission’s Internet                          York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of                      of the most significant parts of such
                                                    comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                          Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of                   statements.
                                                    rules/sro.shtml); or                                       Proposed Rule Change Amending the                       A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                      • Send an email to rule-comments@                        Price List To Revise Fees and Credits                   Statement of the Purpose of, and the
                                                    sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                    for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity Orders                  Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                    Phlx–2015–48 on the subject line.                          and Non Displayed Reserve Orders                        Change
                                                    Paper Comments                                             and To Revise Credits Applicable to
                                                                                                                                                                       1. Purpose
                                                      • Send paper comments in triplicate                      Certain Transactions at the Open,
                                                                                                               Certain Designated Market Maker                            The Exchange proposes to amend its
                                                    to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                                                                              Price List to revise (i) fees and credits
                                                    Commission, 100 F Street, NE.,                             Transactions, and Certain
                                                                                                               Supplemental Liquidity Provider                         for Mid-Point Passive Liquidity (‘‘MPL’’)
                                                    Washington, DC 20549–1090.                                                                                         Orders and Non-Displayed Reserve
                                                    All submissions should refer to File                                                                               Orders; (ii) credits applicable to certain
                                                    Number SR–Phlx–2015–48. This file                          June 10, 2015.                                          transactions at the open; (iii) credits
                                                    number should be included on the                              Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) 1 of the                applicable to certain Designated Market
                                                    subject line if email is used. To help the                 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the                    Maker (‘‘DMM’’) transactions; and (iv)
                                                    Commission process and review your                         ‘‘Act’’) 2 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,3                  credits applicable to Supplemental
                                                    comments more efficiently, please use                      notice is hereby given that, on May 27,                 Liquidity Providers (‘‘SLPs’’).
                                                    only one method. The Commission will                       2015, New York Stock Exchange LLC
                                                    post all comments on the Commission’s                      (‘‘NYSE’’ or the ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with               MPL Orders and Non-Displayed Reserve
                                                    Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                     the Securities and Exchange                             Orders
                                                    rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                            Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) the                       An MPL Order is an undisplayed
                                                    submission, all subsequent                                 proposed rule change as described in                    limit order that trades at the mid-point
                                                    amendments, all written statements                                                                                 of the best protected bid (‘‘PBB’’) and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                               Items I, II, and III below, which Items
                                                    with respect to the proposed rule                          have been prepared by the self-                         best protected offer (‘‘PBO’’), as such
                                                    change that are filed with the                             regulatory organization. The                            terms are defined in Regulation NMS
                                                    Commission, and all written                                Commission is publishing this notice to                 Rule 600(b)(57) (together, ‘‘PBBO’’).
                                                    communications relating to the                                                                                       The Exchange currently charges
                                                    proposed rule change between the                             8 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                             $0.0025 per share for all MPL Orders,
                                                    Commission and any person, other than                        1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                not designated as ‘‘retail’’ under Rule
                                                                                                                 2 15 U.S.C. 78a.                                      13, for securities priced $1.00 or more
                                                      7 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).                            3 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                   that remove liquidity from the

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                                                    34476                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Exchange. The Exchange proposes to                      liquidity by adding MPL Orders                         Bid or Offer (‘‘NBBO’’) in the applicable
                                                    amend its Price List to increase the                    separately in the Price List under the                 security at least 15% of the time in the
                                                    charge for such MPL Orders from                         section entitled ‘‘Fees and Credits                    applicable month.
                                                    $0.0025 per share to $0.0027 per share.                 applicable to Designated Market Makers                    The term ‘‘ADV’’ in this section
                                                       The proposed change would not affect                 (‘‘DMMs’’).’’ Further, the Exchange is                 currently is defined as ‘‘average daily
                                                    transaction fees for MPL Orders that                    proposing to include language that                     consolidated volume.’’ The Exchange
                                                    remove liquidity from the Exchange and                  excludes MPL orders from the other                     proposes to change the name of the term
                                                    that are designated with a ‘‘retail                     DMM per share rebates for adding                       to ‘‘Security CADV’’ to clarify that the
                                                    modifier’’ as defined in Rule 13.4                      liquidity.                                             term refers to consolidated volume for
                                                       The Exchange currently provides a                       Finally, the Exchange currently                     the applicable security, and to remove
                                                    credit of $0.0020 per share for                         provides a credit of $0.0010 per share                 any confusion with the term ‘‘ADV’’ as
                                                    executions of MPL Orders that provide                   for executions of Non-Displayed Reserve                defined and used elsewhere in the Price
                                                    liquidity for securities priced $1.00 or                Orders for market participants, other                  List. The Exchange proposes to make
                                                    more. With respect to market                            than SLPs, that provide liquidity. The                 conforming changes to use the term
                                                    participants, including floor brokers and               Exchange proposes to eliminate that                    ‘‘Security CADV’’ in place of ‘‘ADV’’
                                                    SLPs, but not DMMs, the Exchange                        credit. Accordingly, the Exchange is                   throughout this section of the Price List.
                                                    proposes to amend its Price List to                     proposing to add to each of the                           The Exchange also proposes to change
                                                    replace the credit of $0.0020 per share                 descriptions of the Non-Tier Adding                    the monthly rebate amounts to DMMs
                                                    for MPL Orders that provide liquidity                   Credit, Tier 1 Adding Credit, Tier 2                   depending on the Security CADV and
                                                    for securities priced $1.00 or more with                Adding Credit, Tier 3 Adding Credit,                   the DMM quoting percentage. The
                                                    the following credits:                                  and the Equity per Share Credit for                    monthly rebate payable to DMMs for
                                                       • A $0.0030 per share transaction                    retail orders language that excludes                   securities with a Security CADV of
                                                    credit for MPL Orders that provide                      Non-Displayed Reserve Orders from the                  100,000 up to 250,000 shares in the
                                                    liquidity from a member organization                    applicable credit.                                     previous month is currently $250 when
                                                    that has Adding ADV in MPL Orders                       Credits for Execution of Certain Orders                the DMM quotes at the NBBO 20% of
                                                    that is at least 1.5 million shares,                    at the Opening                                         the time or more in an applicable
                                                    excluding any liquidity added by a                                                                             security and $200 if the DMM quotes at
                                                    Designated Market Maker (‘‘MPL Order                       The Exchange proposes to amend its
                                                                                                            Price List for certain executions at the               the NBBO at least 15% and up to 20%
                                                    Tier’’).5                                                                                                      of the time in an applicable month in an
                                                       • A $0.0015 per share transaction                    opening.
                                                                                                               For securities priced $1.00 or more,                applicable security. For these securities,
                                                    credit for MPL Orders that provide                                                                             the Exchange proposes monthly rebates
                                                                                                            the Exchange currently charges a fee of
                                                    liquidity from a member organization                                                                           as follows:
                                                                                                            $0.0010 per share for executions at the
                                                    that does not meet the above Adding
                                                                                                            opening or at the opening only orders,                    • $450 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                    ADV threshold.                                                                                                 the NBBO 50% of the time or more in
                                                       Because the credits for MPL Orders                   subject to a monthly fee cap of $20,000
                                                                                                            per member organization for such                       an applicable security.
                                                    that add liquidity would be as specified                                                                          • $375 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                                                                            executions. The Exchange proposes to
                                                    above, the Exchange also proposes to                                                                           the NBBO at least 40% and up to 50%
                                                                                                            raise the monthly fee cap for transaction
                                                    add, to each of the descriptions of the                                                                        of the time in an applicable month in an
                                                                                                            fees for at the opening or at the opening
                                                    Non-Tier Adding Credit, Tier 1 Adding                                                                          applicable security.
                                                                                                            only orders to $30,000 per member
                                                    Credit, Tier 2 Adding Credit, Tier 3                                                                              • $300 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                                                                            organization for securities priced $1.00
                                                    Adding Credit, the Equity per Share                                                                            the NBBO at least 30% and up to 40%
                                                                                                            or greater.6 The $0.0010 per share fee for
                                                    Credit for retail orders, and the Credit                                                                       of the time in an applicable month in an
                                                                                                            executions at the opening or at the
                                                    per Share for execution of orders sent to                                                                      applicable security.
                                                                                                            opening only orders would not be
                                                    floor brokers, language that excludes                                                                             • $225 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                                                                            changed. DMMs currently are not
                                                    MPL orders from the applicable credit.                                                                         the NBBO at least 20% and up to 30%
                                                                                                            charged for executions at the opening
                                                    For SLP Tier 1, SLP Tier 2, and SLP Tier                and would continue to not be charged.                  of the time in an applicable month in an
                                                    3 (as defined below in ‘‘SLPs’’), the                                                                          applicable security.
                                                    Exchange also proposes to add language                  DMMs                                                      • $150 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                    that excludes MPL Orders from the                          The section of the Exchange’s Price                 the NBBO at least 15% and up to 20%
                                                    applicable credit.                                      List entitled ‘‘Fees and Credits                       of the time in an applicable month in an
                                                       In addition, the Exchange proposes to                applicable to Designated Market Makers                 applicable security.
                                                    amend its Price List to increase the                    (‘‘DMMs’’)’’ sets out different monthly                   The current monthly rebate payable to
                                                    transaction credit for DMMs in                          rebate amounts to DMMs depending on                    DMMs for securities with a Security
                                                    securities with a per share price of $1.00              the average daily consolidated volume                  CADV of less than 100,000 shares in the
                                                    or more of $0.0020 per share for MPL                    of the security and the DMM quoting                    previous month is $175 when the DMM
                                                    Orders that provide liquidity to the                    percentage in any month in which the                   quotes at the NBBO 20% of the time or
                                                    Exchange to $0.0030 per share for MPL                   DMM meets the Less Active Securities                   more in an applicable security and $125
                                                    Orders that provide liquidity to the                    Quoting Requirement. The DMM meets                     if the DMM quotes at the NBBO at least
                                                    Exchange. For clarity, the Exchange is                  the ‘‘Less Active Securities Quoting                   15% and up to 20% of the time in an
                                                    proposing to specify this credit for                    Requirement’’ when a security has a                    applicable month in an applicable
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            consolidated ADV of less than 1,000,000                security. For these securities, the
                                                       4 MPL Orders that remove liquidity from the
                                                                                                            shares per month in the previous month                 Exchange proposes monthly rebates as
                                                    Exchange and that are designated with a ‘‘retail’’
                                                    modifier as defined in Rule 13 would continue not
                                                                                                            and a stock price of $1.00 or more, and                follows:
                                                    to be charged transaction fees.                         the DMM quotes at the National Best                       • $400 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                       5 Footnote 2 to the Price List defines ADV as
                                                                                                                                                                   the NBBO 50% of the time or more in
                                                    ‘‘average daily volume’’ and ‘‘Adding ADV’’ as ADV        6 The existing pricing for executions at the

                                                    that adds liquidity to the Exchange during the          opening in securities priced below $1.00 would also
                                                                                                                                                                   an applicable security.
                                                    billing month. The Exchange is not proposing to         remain unchanged (i.e., 0.3% of the total dollar          • $325 rebate if the DMM quotes at
                                                    change these definitions.                               value of the transaction).                             the NBBO at least 40% and up to 50%

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                            34477

                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                securities in the aggregate 7 of an ADV 8              and subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(a), more
                                                    applicable security.                                    of more than 0.20% of NYSE CADV,9 or                   than 0.50% of NYSE CADV, the SLP is
                                                       • $250 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   an SLP that is also a DMM and subject                  eligible for a per share credit of $.0029
                                                    the NBBO at least 30% and up to 40%                     to Rule 107B(i)(2)(a),10 more than 0.15%               (‘‘SLP Tier 1’’). In the case of Non-
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                of NYSE CADV (‘‘SLP Tier 3’’). In the                  Displayed Reserve Orders, the credit is
                                                    applicable security.                                    case of Non-Displayed Reserve Orders,                  $0.0024 and in the case of MPL Orders,
                                                       • $175 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   the SLP credit is $0.0018 and in the case              the credit is $0.0020. For Less Active
                                                    the NBBO at least 20% and up to 30%                     of MPL Orders, the credit is $0.0020.                  SLP Securities, the SLP is eligible for a
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                For less active SLP securities (i.e.                   per share credit of $0.0034; $0.0029 if a
                                                    applicable security.                                    securities with an ADV in the previous                 Non-Displayed Reserve Order; or
                                                       • $100 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   month of 500,000 share or less per                     $0.0020 if an MPL Order.
                                                    the NBBO at least 15% and up to 20%                     month (‘‘Less Active SLP Securities’’)),                  Finally, an SLP adding liquidity in
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                the SLP is eligible for a per share credit             securities with a per share price of $1.00
                                                    applicable security.                                    of $0.0028; $0.0023 if a Non-Displayed                 or more that does not qualify for the
                                                       In addition, the Exchange proposes to                Reserve Order; or $0.0020 if an MPL                    credits described above is eligible for
                                                    add monthly rebates to the Price List for               Order.                                                 the applicable rate for the base SLP tier,
                                                    securities with a Security CADV of                         Similarly, an SLP adding liquidity in               which would be the rate that applies to
                                                    250,000 up to 1,500,000 shares in the                   securities with a per share price of $1.00             the non-SLP activity of the member
                                                    previous month, which would apply, as                   or more is eligible for a per share credit             organization, i.e. the non-Tier Adding
                                                    with the other two categories of rebates,               of $0.0026 if the SLP: (1) Meets the 10%               Credit, Tier 3 Adding Credit, Tier 2
                                                    in any month in which the DMM meets                     average or more quoting requirement in                 Adding Credit or Tier 1 Adding Credit
                                                    the Less Active Securities Quoting                      an assigned security pursuant to Rule                  (‘‘SLP Non-Tier’’). In the case of Non-
                                                    Requirement in an applicable security,                  107B; and (2) adds liquidity for all                   Displayed Reserve Orders, the credit is
                                                    and as follows:                                         assigned SLP securities in the aggregate               $0.0010 and in the case of MPL Orders,
                                                       • $500 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   of an ADV of more than 0.35% of NYSE                   the credit is $0.0020.
                                                    the NBBO 50% of the time or more in                     CADV, or for an SLP that is also a DMM                    The Exchange proposes to add
                                                    an applicable security.                                 and subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(a), more                defined terms identifying each of tiers
                                                                                                                                                                   for SLP credits, as defined above, in the
                                                       • $425 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   than 0.30% of NYSE CADV 11 (‘‘SLP
                                                                                                            Tier 2’’). In the case of Non-Displayed                Price List, as SLP Tier 1, SLP Tier 2,
                                                    the NBBO at least 40% and up to 50%
                                                                                                            Reserve Orders, the SLP credit is                      SLP Tier 3 and SLP Non-Tier.
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                                                                          The Exchange proposes to increase for
                                                    applicable security.                                    $0.0021 and in the case of MPL Orders,
                                                                                                                                                                   SLP Tier 1 and SLP Tier 2 the ADV
                                                       • $350 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   the credit is $0.0020. For Less Active
                                                                                                                                                                   percentage requirement for SLPs and for
                                                    the NBBO at least 30% and up to 40%                     SLP Securities, the SLP is eligible for a
                                                                                                                                                                   SLPs that are also DMMs and subject to
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                per share credit of $0.0031; 0.0026 if a
                                                                                                                                                                   Rule 107B(i)(2)(A). The ADV percentage
                                                    applicable security.                                    Non-Displayed Reserve Order; or
                                                                                                                                                                   requirement for SLPs for SLP Tier 1 and
                                                       • $275 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   $0.0020 if an MPL Order.
                                                                                                                                                                   SLP Tier 2 would increase from 0.55%
                                                    the NBBO at least 20% and up to 30%                        An SLP adding liquidity in securities
                                                                                                            with a per share price of $1.00 or more                to 0.90% and 0.35% to 0.45%,
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                                                                       respectively. The ADV percentage
                                                    applicable security.                                    is eligible for a per share credit of
                                                                                                                                                                   requirement for SLPs that are also
                                                       • $200 rebate if the DMM quotes at                   $0.0029 if the SLP: (1) Meets the 10%
                                                                                                                                                                   DMMs and subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(A)
                                                    the NBBO at least 15% and up to 20%                     average or more quoting requirement in
                                                                                                            an assigned security pursuant to Rule                  for SLP Tier 1 and SLP Tier 2 would
                                                    of the time in an applicable month in an                                                                       increase from 0.50% to 0.85% and
                                                    applicable security.                                    107B; and (2) adds liquidity for all for
                                                                                                            assigned SLP securities in the aggregate               0.30% to 0.40%, respectively. The
                                                       Finally, as noted above, because the                                                                        Exchange does not propose to change
                                                    Exchange is proposing to list separately                of an ADV of more than 0.55% of NYSE
                                                                                                            CADV, or for an SLP that is also a DMM                 the ADV percentage requirement for
                                                    the credit to DMMs for liquidity adding                                                                        SLP Tier 3.
                                                    MPL Orders, the Exchange is proposing                                                                             The Exchange proposes, for each SLP
                                                                                                               7 Under Rule 107B, an SLP can be either a
                                                    to exclude MPL orders from the other                                                                           tier, to decrease the credit for a Non-
                                                                                                            proprietary trading unit of a member organization
                                                    DMM per share rebates for adding                        (‘‘SLP-Prop’’) or a registered market maker at the     Displayed Reserve Order by $0.0010.
                                                    liquidity listed in this section.                       Exchange (‘‘SLMM’’). For purposes of the 10%           Specifically, for Non-Displayed Reserve
                                                                                                            average or more quoting requirement in assigned
                                                    SLPs                                                    securities pursuant to Rule 107B, quotes of an SLP-
                                                                                                                                                                   Orders the SLP Tier 1 credit would
                                                                                                            Prop and an SLMM of the same member                    decrease from $0.0024 to $0.0014; the
                                                       SLPs are eligible for certain credits                organization are not aggregated. However, for          SLP Tier 2 credit would decrease from
                                                    when adding liquidity to the Exchange.                  purposes of adding liquidity for assigned SLP          $0.0021 to $0.0011; the SLP Tier 3
                                                    The amount of the credit is currently                   securities in the aggregate, shares of both an SLP-
                                                                                                                                                                   credit would decrease from $0.0018 to
                                                    determined by the ‘‘tier’’ for which the                Prop and an SLMM of the same member
                                                                                                            organization are included.                             $0.0008; and the SLP Non-Tier credit
                                                    SLP qualifies, which is generally based                    8 The defined term, ‘‘ADV,’’ used here as defined   would decrease from $0.0010 to no
                                                    on the SLP’s level of quoting and the                   in footnote 2 to the Price List. See supra note 5.     credit.
                                                    ADV of liquidity added by the SLP in                       9 NYSE CADV is defined in the Price List as the
                                                                                                                                                                      The Exchange proposes to decrease
                                                    assigned securities.                                    consolidated average daily volume of NYSE-listed       the credit for a Non-Displayed Reserve
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                       Currently, when adding liquidity to                  securities.
                                                                                                               10 Rule 107B(i)(2)(A) prohibits a DMM from
                                                                                                                                                                   Order for Less Active SLP Securities by
                                                    the NYSE in securities with a share                                                                            $0.0010 for each SLP tier: specifically,
                                                                                                            acting as a SLP in the same securities in which it
                                                    price of $1.00 or more, an SLP is eligible              is a DMM.                                              for SLP Tier 1, from $0.0029 to $0.0019;
                                                    for a credit of $0.0023 per share traded                   11 In determining whether an SLP meets the
                                                                                                                                                                   for SLP Tier 2, from $0.0026 to $0.0016;
                                                    if the SLP (1) meets the 10% average or                 requirement to add liquidity in the aggregate of an    and for SLP Tier 3, from $0.0023 to
                                                    more quoting requirement in assigned                    ADV of more than 0.35% or 0.30% depending on
                                                                                                            whether the SLP is also a DMM, the SLP may             $0.0013.
                                                    securities pursuant to Rule 107B and (2)                include shares of both an SLP-Prop and an SLMM            The proposed changes to the credits
                                                    adds liquidity for assigned SLP                         of the same member organization.                       applicable to MPL Orders are as set

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                                                    34478                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices

                                                    forth in ‘‘MPL Orders and Non-                          $0.0030 per share that would apply if                   discriminatory because it is intended to
                                                    Displayed Reserve Orders’’ above.                       the member organization has Adding                      incentivize member organizations to
                                                       The above proposed changes are not                   ADV in MPL Orders that is at least 1.5                  submit additional amounts of displayed
                                                    otherwise intended to address any other                 million shares would relate to volume                   liquidity to the Exchange during the
                                                    issues, and the Exchange is not aware of                that provides liquidity, which would be                 trading day. For example, the proposed
                                                    any problems that members and                           identical to the type of volume to which                higher credits applicable to member
                                                    member organizations would have in                      the credit would apply.                                 organization for executions other than
                                                    complying with the proposed change.                        In addition, the Exchange believes the               Non-Displayed Reserve Orders would
                                                                                                            decrease in the non-tier MPL Order                      incentivize member organizations to
                                                    2. Statutory Basis                                      credit to $0.0015 is reasonable as it is                instead provide displayed liquidity on
                                                       The Exchange believes that the                       greater than the non-tier credit that is                the Exchange. The Exchange believes
                                                    proposed rule change is consistent with                 available on NASDAQ for midpoint                        that the proposed lower credit is
                                                    Section 6(b) of the Act,12 in general, and              liquidity, which is currently $0.0014 for               equitable and not unfairly
                                                    furthers the objectives of Sections                     Tape A and B securities and $0.0010 per                 discriminatory because it would apply
                                                    6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5) of the Act,13 in                    share for Tape C securities.15                          equally to all member organizations.
                                                    particular, because it provides for the                    The Exchange also believes that the
                                                    equitable allocation of reasonable dues,                proposed changes are equitable and not                  Credits for Certain Executions at the
                                                    fees, and other charges among its                       unfairly discriminatory because all                     Opening
                                                    members, issuers and other persons                      market participants—customers, Floor                       The Exchange believes that it is
                                                    using its facilities and does not unfairly              brokers, DMMs, and SLPs—may use                         reasonable to increase the monthly fee
                                                    discriminate between customers,                         MPL Orders on the Exchange and                          cap for fees for executions at the
                                                    issuers, brokers or dealers.                            because customers, Floor brokers and                    opening or executions at the opening
                                                                                                            SLPs that use MPL Orders would be                       only orders to $30,000 because members
                                                    MPL Orders and Non-Displayed Reserve                    subject to the same fee or credit.                      and member organizations benefit from
                                                    Orders                                                     Finally, the Exchange believes that                  the substantial amounts of liquidity that
                                                       The Exchange believes that the                       the proposed change to the credit for                   are present on the Exchange during such
                                                    proposed increase to the fee for                        DMMs for MPL Orders that provide                        time. In addition, the Exchange believes
                                                    executions of MPL Orders that remove                    liquidity to the Exchange to $0.0030 per                that the proposed cap is reasonable
                                                    liquidity and the proposed changes to                   share is reasonable because DMMs                        because the proposed cap and the
                                                    the credits for MPL Orders that provide                 cannot trade in securities they are not a               current fee rate together are comparable
                                                    liquidity are reasonable. MPL Orders                    DMM in and therefore the minimum                        to those for executions at the opening on
                                                    provide opportunities for market                        volume requirement of the MPL Order                     other markets.16
                                                    participants to interact with orders                    Tier should not apply. Moreover, the                       The proposed increased fee cap is
                                                    priced at the midpoint of the PBBO,                     requirement is equitable and not                        equitable and not unfairly
                                                    thus providing price improving                          unfairly discriminatory because it                      discriminatory because, even at such an
                                                    liquidity to market participants and                    would apply equally to all DMM firms.                   increased level, this pricing would
                                                    increasing the quality of order execution                  The Exchange believes the proposed                   continue to encourage robust levels of
                                                    on the Exchange’s market, which                         changes should incentivize additional                   liquidity at the opening, which benefits
                                                    benefits all market participants. These                 utilization of MPL Orders on the                        all market participants. The proposed
                                                    changes should encourage additional                     Exchange. MPL Orders provide                            increase will encourage the submission
                                                    utilization of MPL Orders on the                        opportunities for market participants to                of additional liquidity to a national
                                                    Exchange.                                               interact with orders priced at the                      securities exchange, thereby promoting
                                                       Specifically, the Exchange believes                  midpoint of the PBBO, thus providing                    price discovery and transparency and
                                                    that the proposed change for MPL                        price improving liquidity to market                     enhancing order execution
                                                    Orders that remove liquidity from the                   participants and increasing the quality                 opportunities for member organization
                                                    Exchange if the security is priced $1.00                of order execution on the Exchange’s                    from the substantial amounts of
                                                    or more from $0.0025 per share to                       market, which benefits all market                       liquidity that are present on the
                                                    $0.0027 per share is reasonable because                 participants. The proposed change is                    Exchange during the opening. Moreover,
                                                    the charge would be the same as the                     equitable and not unfairly                              the requirement is equitable and not
                                                    $0.0027 fee proposed for other                          discriminatory because MPL Orders                       unfairly discriminatory because it
                                                    executions that remove liquidity. The                   increase the quality of order execution                 would apply equally to all similarly
                                                    resulting fee is also reasonable because                on the Exchange’s market, which                         situated member organizations.
                                                    would be lower than the rates on the                    benefits all market participants. The                   DMMs
                                                    NASDAQ Stock Market, LLC                                Exchange also believes that the
                                                                                                            proposed changes are equitable and not                    The Exchange believes that the
                                                    (‘‘NASDAQ’’). For example, NASDAQ
                                                                                                            unfairly discriminatory because all                     proposed higher monthly credit of $300,
                                                    charges $0.0030 per share to execute
                                                                                                            market participants—customers, Floor                    $375, and $450 for each security that
                                                    against resting midpoint liquidity,
                                                                                                            brokers, DMMs, and SLPs—may use                         has a consolidated ADV of more than
                                                    which is greater than both the existing
                                                                                                            MPL Orders on the Exchange and                          100,000 and less than 250,000 shares
                                                    $0.0025 per share rate and the proposed
                                                                                                            because all market participants that use                during the month when the DMM
                                                    $0.0027 per share rate that would apply
                                                                                                                                                                    quotes at the NBBO in the applicable
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    to MPL Orders.14                                        MPL Orders may receive credits for
                                                       The Exchange believes that the                       MPL Orders, as is currently the case.                   security at least 30%, 40%, and 50%, of
                                                    proposed additional tier of credits for                    The Exchange believes that the                       the time, respectively, in the applicable
                                                    MPL Orders is reasonable because the                    proposed rule change to reduce the                      month is reasonable because of the
                                                    proposed MPL Order Tier credit of                       credit for Non-Displayed Reserve Orders
                                                                                                                                                                      16 For example, NASDAQ charges $0.0015 per
                                                                                                            that provide liquidity is reasonable,
                                                                                                                                                                    share for certain orders executed in the NASDAQ
                                                      12 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).                                  equitable and not unfairly                              Opening Corss [sic] and applies at $20,000 fee cap
                                                      13 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).                                                                               per month per firm for such executions. See Nasdaq
                                                      14 See NASDAQ Rule 7018(a).                             15 See   supra note 14.                               Rule 7018(e).

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                            34479

                                                    proposed higher quoting requirement                     quotes at the NBBO in the applicable                   organizations. Once again, the Exchange
                                                    associated with this increase in the                    security at least 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%,                  believes that the proposed lower credit
                                                    credit. The Exchange believes that the                  and 50%, of the time, respectively, in                 is equitable and not unfairly
                                                    proposed lower monthly credit of $150                   the applicable month is reasonable                     discriminatory because it would apply
                                                    and $225 for each security that has a                   because of the proposed higher quoting                 equally to all SLPs.
                                                    consolidated ADV of more than 100,000                   requirement associated with this credit.                  The Exchange believes that it is
                                                    and less than 250,000 shares during the                 The Exchange also believes that the                    subject to significant competitive forces,
                                                    month when the DMM quotes at the                        higher credits for each security that has              as described below in the Exchange’s
                                                    NBBO in the applicable security                         a consolidated ADV of more than                        statement regarding the burden on
                                                    between 15% and 20% and 20% to 30%                      250,000 and less than 1,500,000 shares                 competition. For the foregoing reasons,
                                                    of the time, respectively, in the                       during the month when the DMM                          the Exchange believes that the proposal
                                                    applicable month is reasonable because                  quotes at the NBBO of the time in the                  is consistent with the Act.
                                                    of the proposed higher credit available                 applicable month is reasonable in light
                                                    based on higher quoting, which should                   of higher trading volumes in the                       B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    encourage greater quoting. The                          applicable securities relatively to those              Statement on Burden on Competition
                                                    Exchange believes that the proposal                     securities that have a consolidated ADV                   In accordance with Section 6(b)(8) of
                                                    would increase the incentive to add                     of less than 250,000 shares. The                       the Act,17 the Exchange believes that the
                                                    liquidity across thinly-traded securities               Exchange believes that the proposal                    proposed rule change would not impose
                                                    where there may be fewer liquidity                      would increase the incentive to add                    any burden on competition that is not
                                                    providers. Moreover, the requirement is                 liquidity across thinly-traded securities              necessary or appropriate in furtherance
                                                    equitable and not unfairly                              where there may be fewer liquidity                     of the purposes of the Act. Instead, the
                                                    discriminatory because it would apply                   providers. Moreover, the requirement is                Exchange believes that the proposed
                                                    equally to all DMM firms.                               equitable and not unfairly                             change would contribute to the
                                                       The Exchange believes that the                       discriminatory because it would apply                  Exchange’s market quality by promoting
                                                    proposed higher monthly credit of $250,                 equally to all DMM firms.                              price discovery and ultimately
                                                    $325, and $400 for each security that                                                                          increased competition. For the same
                                                    has a consolidated ADV of less than                     SLPs
                                                                                                                                                                   reasons, the proposed change also
                                                    100,000 shares during the month when                       The Exchange believes that the
                                                                                                                                                                   would not impose any burden on
                                                    the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the                       proposal to add defined terms for the
                                                                                                                                                                   competition among market participants.
                                                    applicable security at least 30%, 40%,                  SLP Tiers to the Price List is reasonable
                                                                                                                                                                   Pricing for executions at the opening
                                                    and 50%, of the time, respectively, in                  because the change will make the Price
                                                                                                                                                                   would remain at the same relatively low
                                                    the applicable month is reasonable                      List clearer and easier to understand.
                                                                                                               The Exchange believes that proposal                 levels and would continue to reflect the
                                                    because of the proposed higher quoting                                                                         benefit that market participants receive
                                                    requirement associated with this                        to increase the ADV percentage
                                                                                                            requirement for SLPs that are also                     through the ability to have their orders
                                                    increase in the credit. The Exchange                                                                           interact with other liquidity at the
                                                    believes that the proposed lower                        DMMs and subject to Rule 107B(i)(2)(A)
                                                                                                            is reasonable because the higher                       opening.
                                                    monthly credit of $100 each security
                                                                                                            requirements would incentivize member                     Finally, the Exchange notes that it
                                                    that has a consolidated ADV of less than
                                                                                                            organizations to provide additional                    operates in a highly competitive market
                                                    100,000 shares during the month when
                                                    the DMM quotes at the NBBO in the                       amounts of liquidity on the Exchange.                  in which market participants can
                                                    applicable security between 15% and                     The Exchange believes that the higher                  readily favor competing venues if they
                                                    20% of the time in the applicable month                 requirements are reasonable given the                  deem fee levels at a particular venue to
                                                    is reasonable because of higher credit                  higher credits—$0.0029 per share for                   be excessive or rebate opportunities
                                                    available based on higher quoting,                      SLP Tier 1 and $0.026 per share for SLP                available at other venues to be more
                                                    which should encourage greater                          Tier 2—relative to the credit applicable               favorable. In such an environment, the
                                                    quoting. The Exchange also believes that                to member organizations other than                     Exchange must continually adjust its
                                                    it is reasonable to retain a $175 credit                SLPs, and that the lower requirements                  fees and rebates to remain competitive
                                                    for each security that has a consolidated               for SLP Tier 3 and the SLP Non-Tier are,               with other exchanges and with
                                                    ADV of less than 100,000 shares during                  similarly, reasonable given the lower                  alternative trading systems that have
                                                    the month when the DMM quotes at the                    credits for those tiers The Exchange                   been exempted from compliance with
                                                    NBBO in the applicable security at least                believes that the proposed higher ADV                  the statutory standards applicable to
                                                    20% and up to 30% of the time in the                    percentage requirements for SLP Tier 1                 exchanges. Because competitors are free
                                                    applicable month as this is the rate                    and SLP Tier 2 are equitable and not                   to modify their own fees and credits in
                                                    currently charged and it would apply                    unfairly discriminatory because they                   response, and because market
                                                    equally to all DMM firms. The Exchange                  would apply equally to all SLPs.                       participants may readily adjust their
                                                    believes that the proposal would                           Further, the Exchange believes that                 order routing practices, the Exchange
                                                    increase the incentive to add liquidity                 the proposed rule change to reduce the                 believes that the degree to which fee
                                                    across thinly-traded securities where                   credit for Non-Displayed Reserve Orders                changes in this market may impose any
                                                    there may be fewer liquidity providers.                 that provide liquidity is reasonable,                  burden on competition is extremely
                                                    Moreover, the requirement is equitable                  equitable and not unfairly                             limited. As a result of all of these
                                                                                                            discriminatory because it is intended to               considerations, the Exchange does not
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                                                    and not unfairly discriminatory because
                                                    it would apply equally to all DMM                       incentivize SLPs to submit additional                  believe that the proposed changes will
                                                    firms.                                                  amounts of displayed liquidity to the                  impair the ability of member
                                                       The Exchange believes that the                       Exchange during the trading day. This                  organizations or competing order
                                                    proposed monthly credit of $200, $275,                  decrease in the credits for Non-                       execution venues to maintain their
                                                    $350, $425, and $500 for each security                  Displayed Reserve Orders for SLPs is                   competitive standing in the financial
                                                    that has a consolidated ADV of more                     the same decrease as proposed for the                  markets.
                                                    than 250,000 and less than 1,500,000                    credits applicable to Non-Displayed
                                                    shares during the month when the DMM                    Reserve Orders for other member                         17 15   U.S.C. 78f(b)(8).

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                                                    34480                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices

                                                    C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                       rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                         of the scheduled matter at the Closed
                                                    Statement on Comments on the                            submission, all subsequent                              Meeting.
                                                    Proposed Rule Change Received From                      amendments, all written statements                        Commissioner Stein, as duty officer,
                                                    Members, Participants, or Others                        with respect to the proposed rule                       voted to consider the items listed for the
                                                      No written comments were solicited                    change that are filed with the                          Closed Meeting in closed session, and
                                                    or received with respect to the proposed                Commission, and all written                             determined that Commission business
                                                    rule change.                                            communications relating to the                          required consideration earlier than one
                                                                                                            proposed rule change between the                        week from today. No earlier notice of
                                                    III. Date of Effectiveness of the                       Commission and any person, other than                   this Meeting was practicable.
                                                    Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                     those that may be withheld from the
                                                    Commission Action                                                                                                 At times, changes in Commission
                                                                                                            public in accordance with the
                                                                                                                                                                    priorities require alterations in the
                                                       The foregoing rule change is effective               provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                                                                                                                                    scheduling of meeting items. For further
                                                    upon filing pursuant to Section                         available for Web site viewing and
                                                                                                                                                                    information and to ascertain what, if
                                                    19(b)(3)(A) 18 of the Act and                           printing in the Commission’s Public
                                                                                                                                                                    any, matters have been added, deleted
                                                    subparagraph (f)(2) of Rule 19b–4 19                    Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                                                                                                                                    or postponed, please contact the Office
                                                    thereunder, because it establishes a due,               Washington, DC 20549 on official
                                                                                                                                                                    of the Secretary at (202) 551–5400.
                                                    fee, or other charge imposed by the                     business days between the hours of
                                                    Exchange.                                               10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                    Dated: June 11, 2015.
                                                       At any time within 60 days of the                    filing will also be available for                       Brent J. Fields,
                                                    filing of such proposed rule change, the                inspection and copying at the NYSE’s                    Secretary.
                                                    Commission summarily may                                principal office and on its Internet Web                [FR Doc. 2015–14834 Filed 6–12–15; 11:15 am]
                                                    temporarily suspend such rule change if                 site at www.nyse.com. All comments                      BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                    it appears to the Commission that such                  received will be posted without change;
                                                    action is necessary or appropriate in the               the Commission does not edit personal
                                                    public interest, for the protection of                  identifying information from                            SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                    investors, or otherwise in furtherance of               submissions. You should submit only                     COMMISSION
                                                    the purposes of the Act. If the                         information that you wish to make
                                                    Commission takes such action, the                       available publicly. All submissions                     [Release No. 34–75140; File No. SR–MIAX–
                                                    Commission shall institute proceedings                  should refer to File Number SR– NYSE–                   2015–37]
                                                    under Section 19(b)(2)(B) 20 of the Act to              2015–28 and should be submitted on or
                                                    determine whether the proposed rule                     before July 7,2015.                                     Self-Regulatory Organizations; Miami
                                                    change should be approved or                              For the Commission, by the Division of                International Securities Exchange LLC;
                                                    disapproved.                                            Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              Notice of Filing and Immediate
                                                                                                            authority.21                                            Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule
                                                    IV. Solicitation of Comments                                                                                    Change To Amend Fee Schedule
                                                                                                            Robert W. Errett,
                                                      Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                            Deputy Secretary.                                       June 10, 2015.
                                                    submit written data, views, and
                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–14668 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    arguments concerning the foregoing,                                                                    Pursuant to the provisions of Section
                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                    including whether the proposed rule                                                                 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act
                                                    change is consistent with the Act.                                                                  of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4
                                                    Comments may be submitted by any of                                                                 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that
                                                                                                            SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                    the following methods:                                                                              on May 29, 2015, Miami International
                                                    Electronic Comments                                                                                 Securities Exchange LLC (‘‘MIAX’’ or
                                                                                                            Sunshine Act Meeting                        ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities
                                                      • Use the Commission’s Internet                                                                   and Exchange Commission
                                                    comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                          Federal Register citation of previous (‘‘Commission’’) a proposed rule change
                                                    rules/sro.shtml); or                                    announcement: [80 FR 32638, June 9,         as described in Items I, II, and III below,
                                                      • Send an email to rule-comments@                     2015].                                      which Items have been prepared by the
                                                    sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                 STATUS: Closed Meeting.                     Exchange. The Commission is
                                                    NYSE–2015–28 on the subject line.                                                                   publishing this notice to solicit
                                                                                                            PLACE: 100 F Street NE., Washington,
                                                    Paper Comments                                          D.C.                                        comments on the proposed rule change
                                                      • Send paper comments in triplicate                   DATE AND TIME OF PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED from interested persons.
                                                    to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities               MEETING: June 11, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.         I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                    and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street                   CHANGE IN THE MEETING: Additional Item. Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                                    NE., Washington, DC 20549–1090.                            The following matter will also be        the Proposed Rule Change
                                                    All submissions should refer to File                    considered during the 2:00 p.m. Closed
                                                                                                            Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June           The Exchange is filing a proposal to
                                                    Number SR–NYSE–2015–28. This file
                                                                                                            11, 2015: A matter related to pending       amend the MIAX Options Fee Schedule
                                                    number should be included on the
                                                                                                            litigation                                  (the ‘‘Fee Schedule’’).
                                                    subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                                                                               The General Counsel of the                  The text of the proposed rule change
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Commission process and review your
                                                    comments more efficiently, please use                   Commission, or her designee, has            is available on the Exchange’s Web site
                                                    only one method. The Commission will                    certified that, in her opinion, one or      at http://www.miaxoptions.com/filter/
                                                    post all comments on the Commission’s                   more of the exemptions as set forth in      wotitle/rule_filing, at MIAX’s principal
                                                    Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/                  5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(3), (5), (7), (9)(B) and   office, and at the Commission’s Public
                                                                                                            and (10) and 17 CFR 200.402(a)(3), (5),     Reference Room.
                                                      18 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).                            (7), (9)(ii) and (10), permit consideration
                                                      19 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).                                                                                      1 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                                      20 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).                              21 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            2 17   CFR 240.19b–4.

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 10:22:44
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CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 34475 

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