80_FR_34601 80 FR 34486 - Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors

80 FR 34486 - Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 115 (June 16, 2015)

Page Range34486-34487
FR Document2015-14919

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 115 (Tuesday, June 16, 2015)]
[Pages 34486-34487]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-14919]



Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of 

AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors 


    Time and Date: The meeting will be held on July 9, 2015, from 12:00 
Noon to 3:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time.
    Place: This meeting will be open to the public via conference call. 
Any interested person may call 1-877-422-1931, passcode 2855443940, to 
listen and participate in this meeting.
    Status: Open to the public.
    Matters To Be Considered: The Unified Carrier Registration Plan 
Board of Directors (the Board) will continue its work in developing and 
implementing the Unified Carrier Registration Plan

[[Page 34487]]

and Agreement and to that end, may consider matters properly before the 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Avelino Gutierrez, Chair, Unified 
Carrier Registration Board of Directors at (505) 827-4565.

    Issued on: June 9, 2015.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator, Office of Policy, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
[FR Doc. 2015-14919 Filed 6-12-15; 4:15 pm]

                                                    34486                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices

                                                    comply with nationally recognized                       environment in connection with the                     DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                                                    codes to the extent required under 40                   construction, operation and
                                                                                                                                                                   [Delegation of Authority No. 385]
                                                    U.S.C. 3312(b). The permittee shall                     maintenance of the facilities, including
                                                    cooperate with state and local officials                avoidance, minimization and mitigation                 Delegation of the Authority To Submit
                                                    to the extent required under 40 U.S.C.                  measures and the mitigation monitoring                 Reports
                                                    3312(d).                                                and enforcement program adopted by
                                                       Article 3. In the event that the                     the permittee in the Record of Decision                  By virtue of the authority vested in
                                                    Calexico West Land Port of Entry is                     issued in connection with the Final                    the Secretary of State by Section 1 of the
                                                    permanently closed and is no longer                                                                            State Department Basic Authorities Act,
                                                                                                            Environmental Impact Statement.
                                                    used as an international crossing, this                                                                        as amended (22 U.S.C. 2651a) and the
                                                    permit shall terminate and the permittee                   (2) Before issuing the notice to                    Presidential Memorandum of February
                                                    may manage, utilize, or dispose of the                  proceed for construction, the permittee                19, 2015, I hereby delegate to the Under
                                                    facilities in accordance with its                       shall obtain the concurrence of the U.S.               Secretary for Arms Control and
                                                    statutory authorities.                                  Section of the International Boundary                  International Security, to the extent
                                                       Article 4. The permittee is a federal                and Water Commission.                                  authorized by law, the authority to
                                                    agency that is responsible for managing                    Article 8. The permittee shall file any             submit the recurring report required by
                                                    and operating the Calexico West Land                                                                           Subsection 10(c) of the Ukraine
                                                                                                            applicable statements and reports that
                                                    Port of Entry, as authorized by                                                                                Freedom Support Act of 2014, Public
                                                                                                            might be required by applicable federal
                                                    applicable federal laws and regulations.                                                                       Law 113–272, regarding noncompliance
                                                    This permit shall continue in full force                law in connection with this project.
                                                                                                                                                                   of Russia with the Intermediate-Range
                                                    and effect for only so long as the                         Article 9. The permittee shall not                  Nuclear Forces Treaty.
                                                    permittee shall continue the operations                 issue a notice to proceed for                            Notwithstanding this delegation of
                                                    hereby authorized.                                      construction work until the Department                 authority, the authorities delegated
                                                       Article 5. The permittee shall                       of State has provided notification to the              herein may be exercised by the
                                                    immediately notify the United States                    permittee that the Department has                      Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, or the
                                                    Department of State of any decision to                  completed its exchange of diplomatic                   Deputy Secretary for Management and
                                                    transfer custody and control of the                     notes with the Government of Mexico                    Resources. Any reference in this
                                                    facilities or any part thereof to any other             regarding authorization of construction.               delegation of authority to any statute or
                                                    any agency or department of the United                  The permittee shall provide written                    delegation of authority shall be deemed
                                                    States Government. Said notice shall                    notice to the Department of State at such              to be a reference to such statute or
                                                    identify the transferee agency or                                                                              delegation of authority as amended from
                                                                                                            time as the construction authorized by
                                                    department and seek the approval of the                                                                        time to time.
                                                                                                            this permit is begun, and again at such
                                                    United States Department of State for                                                                            This delegation of authority shall be
                                                    the transfer of the permit. In the event                time as construction is completed,
                                                                                                            interrupted for more than ninety days or               published in the Federal Register.
                                                    of approval by the Department of State
                                                                                                            discontinued.                                            Dated: June 1, 2015.
                                                    of such transfer of custody and control
                                                    to another agency or department of the                     Article 10. This permit is not intended             John F. Kerry,
                                                    United States Government, the permit                    to, and does not, create any right,                    Secretary of State.
                                                    shall remain in force and effect, and the               benefit, or trust responsibility,                      [FR Doc. 2015–14799 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    facilities shall be subject to all the                  substantive or procedural, enforceable at              BILLING CODE 4710–35–P
                                                    conditions, permissions and                             law or in equity, by any party against
                                                    requirements of this permit and any                     the United States, its departments,
                                                    amendments thereof. The permittee may                   agencies, instrumentalities or entities,               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                    transfer ownership or control of the                    its officers or employees, in their
                                                    facilities to a non-federal entity or                                                                          Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                                                                            individual or official capacities, or any
                                                    individual only upon the prior express                                                                         Administration
                                                                                                            other person.
                                                    approval of such transfer by the United
                                                    States Department of State, which                          In witness whereof, I, Catherine A.                 Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier
                                                    approval may include such conditions,                   Novelli, Under Secretary for Economic                  Registration Plan Board of Directors
                                                    permissions and requirements that the                   Growth, Energy, and the Environment of                 AGENCY:  Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                    Department of State, in its discretion,                 the United States, have hereunto set my                Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
                                                    determines are appropriate and                          hand this 9th day of June, 2015, in the
                                                                                                                                                                   ACTION: Notice of Unified Carrier
                                                    necessary for inclusion in the permit, to               City of Washington, District of                        Registration Plan Board of Directors
                                                    be effective on the date of transfer.                   Columbia.                                              Meeting.
                                                       Article 6. (1) The permittee or its
                                                                                                            Catherine A. Novelli,
                                                    agent shall acquire and maintain such                                                                            Time and Date: The meeting will be
                                                    right-of-way grants or easements and                    Under Secretary of State, United States                held on July 9, 2015, from 12:00 Noon
                                                    permits as may become necessary and                     Department of State.                                   to 3:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time.
                                                    appropriate.                                            Rachel M. Poynter,                                       Place: This meeting will be open to
                                                       (2) The permittee shall maintain the                 Acting Director, Office of Mexican Affairs,            the public via conference call. Any
                                                    facilities and every part thereof in a
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S.             interested person may call 1–877–422–
                                                    condition of good repair for their safe                 Department of State.                                   1931, passcode 2855443940, to listen
                                                    operation, and in compliance with                       [FR Doc. 2015–14804 Filed 6–15–15; 8:45 am]            and participate in this meeting.
                                                    prevailing environmental standards and                  BILLING CODE 4710–29–P
                                                                                                                                                                     Status: Open to the public.
                                                    regulations.                                                                                                     Matters To Be Considered: The
                                                       Article 7. (1) The permittee shall take                                                                     Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board
                                                    or cause to be taken all appropriate                                                                           of Directors (the Board) will continue its
                                                    measures to prevent or mitigate adverse                                                                        work in developing and implementing
                                                    impacts on, or disruption of, the human                                                                        the Unified Carrier Registration Plan

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:18 Jun 15, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00124   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JNN1.SGM   16JNN1

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 115 / Tuesday, June 16, 2015 / Notices                                            34487

                                                    and Agreement and to that end, may                      electronic site at http://                             I. Overview
                                                    consider matters properly before the                    www.regulations.gov.
                                                    Board.                                                                                                            The FTA’s objective in implementing
                                                                                                              (1) Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: Go to               49 CFR part 661 (Buy America
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                    http://www.regulations.gov and follow                  Requirements) and 49 CFR part 663
                                                    Avelino Gutierrez, Chair, Unified                       the online instructions for submitting                 (Pre-Award and Post-Delivery Audits of
                                                    Carrier Registration Board of Directors at              comments.                                              Rolling Stock Purchases) is to support
                                                    (505) 827–4565.                                           (2) Mail: Docket Management Facility:                and promote the United States (U.S.)
                                                      Issued on: June 9, 2015.                              U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200                manufacturing industry and U.S. jobs.
                                                    Larry W. Minor,                                         New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building,                  As guidance on the pre-award and post-
                                                    Associate Administrator, Office of Policy,              Ground Floor, Room W12–140,                            delivery audit requirements for rolling
                                                    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.            Washington, DC 20590–0001.                             stock procurements, FTA published two
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–14919 Filed 6–12–15; 4:15 pm]               (3) Hand Delivery or Courier: West                   separate Buy America handbooks in
                                                    BILLING CODE 4910–EX–P                                  Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,                   May 1995—i.e., one for rail vehicle
                                                                                                            1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., between                    procurements and one for bus
                                                                                                            9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday                 procurements.
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            through Friday, except Federal holidays.                  Over the past three years, FTA has
                                                                                                              (4) Fax: 202–493–2251.                               conducted Buy America Compliance
                                                    Federal Transit Administration                                                                                 Reviews, where they observed and
                                                                                                              Instructions: You must include the
                                                    [Docket No. FTA–2015–0020]                              agency name (Federal Transit                           monitored the pre-award and post-
                                                                                                            Administration) and Docket number                      delivery audit processes for fourteen
                                                    Buy America Handbook; Conducting                                                                               capital grants. One primary finding was
                                                                                                            (FTA–2015–0020) for this notice at the
                                                    Pre-Award and Post-Delivery Audits                                                                             that FTA should provide more guidance
                                                                                                            beginning of your comments. Submit
                                                    for Rolling Stock Procurements                                                                                 and clarity on conducting pre-award
                                                                                                            two copies of your comments if you
                                                    AGENCY:    Federal Transit Administration,              submit them by mail. For confirmation                  and post-delivery Buy America audits
                                                    DOT.                                                    that FTA received your comments,                       required in FTA’s Buy America
                                                    ACTION:Notice of Availability of                        include a self-addressed stamped                       regulations (49 CFR parts 661 and 663).
                                                    Proposed Handbook and Request for                       postcard. All comments received will be                   The FTA is proposing to publish a
                                                    Comments.                                               posted without change to                               new Buy America handbook, entitled
                                                                                                            www.regulations.gov including any                      Conducting Pre-Award and Post-
                                                    SUMMARY:   The Federal Transit                          personal information provided and will                 Delivery Audits for Rolling Stock
                                                    Administration (FTA) has placed in the                  be available to internet users. You may                Procurements (Handbook), which would
                                                    docket and on its Web site proposed                     review DOT’s complete Privacy Act                      replace FTA’s two Buy America
                                                    guidance, in the form of a handbook, on                 Statement published in the Federal                     handbooks on this subject from 1995.
                                                    complying with FTA’s Buy America                        Register on April 11, 2000 (65 FR                      The proposed Handbook would apply
                                                    pre-award and post-delivery audit                       19477) or http://DocketsInfo.dot.gov.                  comprehensively to rolling stock
                                                    requirements for rolling stock                            Docket: For access to the docket to                  procurements that are subject to the pre-
                                                    procurements, from the solicitation                     read background documents and                          award and post-delivery audit
                                                    phase through final acceptance of the                   comments received, go to                               requirements set forth in 49 CFR part
                                                    rolling stock. This proposed guidance                   www.regulations.gov at any time or to                  663.
                                                    explains and illustrates how to calculate               the U.S. Department of Transportation,                    This notice provides a section-by-
                                                    domestic content of rolling stock, and it               1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Docket                     section summary of the proposed
                                                    is intended for use by recipients of                    Operations, M–30, West Building                        Handbook. The proposed Handbook
                                                    Federal funding, auditors,                              Ground Floor, Room W12–140,                            itself is not included in this notice;
                                                    manufacturers, and suppliers (including                 Washington, DC 20590 between 9:00                      instead, an electronic version may be
                                                    subcontractors).                                        a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard                    found on FTA’s Web site, at
                                                       This proposed guidance explains to                                                                          www.fta.dot.gov, and in the docket, at
                                                                                                            Time, Monday through Friday, except
                                                    recipients how to verify and document                                                                          www.regulations.gov. Paper copies of
                                                                                                            Federal holidays.
                                                    their compliance with FTA’s Buy                                                                                the proposed Handbook may be
                                                    America pre-award and post-delivery                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   For
                                                                                                                                                                   obtained by contacting FTA’s
                                                    audit requirements. In addition, this                   program questions, contact Patrick
                                                                                                                                                                   Administrative Services Help Desk at
                                                    proposed guidance encourages                            Centolanzi, FTA Office of Program
                                                                                                                                                                   (202) 366–4865. The FTA seeks
                                                    recipients, manufacturers, and suppliers                Management, at (202) 366–0234 or
                                                                                                                                                                   comment on the proposed Handbook.
                                                    to adopt certain best practices to ensure               Patrick.Centolanzi@dot.gov. For legal
                                                    compliance with the pre-award and                       questions, contact Richard L. Wong,                    II. Section-by-Section Summary
                                                    post-delivery audit requirements. By                    FTA Attorney-Advisor, at (202) 366–
                                                                                                                                                                   A. Section 1—Introduction
                                                    this notice, FTA invites public comment                 4011 or Richard.Wong@dot.gov.
                                                    on this proposed guidance.                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                Section 1 of the proposed Handbook
                                                    DATES: Comments must be submitted by                                                                           is an introductory chapter that provides
                                                    August 17, 2015. Late-filed comments                    Table of Contents                                      a brief overview of the pre-award and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    will be considered to the extent                        I. Overview                                            post-delivery audit requirements set
                                                    practicable.                                            II. Section-by-Section Summary                         forth in 49 CFR parts 661 and 663,
                                                    ADDRESSES: Please submit your
                                                                                                               A. Section 1—Introduction                           summarizes the contents of each
                                                                                                               B. Section 2—Pre-Award Audit                        subsequent section, and includes lists of
                                                    comments by only one of the following                      C. Section 3—Post-Delivery Audit
                                                    methods, identifying your submission                                                                           relevant legal references, definitions,
                                                                                                               D. Section 4—Domestic Content                       and acronyms.
                                                    by DOT Docket Number FTA–2015–                               Calculations
                                                    0020. All electronic submissions must                      E. Section 5—Frequently Asked Questions                This section states that the purpose of
                                                    be made to the U.S. Government                             F. Appendices                                       the proposed Handbook is to assist

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Document Created: 2018-02-22 10:22:40
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 10:22:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors Meeting.
DatesThe meeting will be held on July 9, 2015, from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time.
ContactMr. Avelino Gutierrez, Chair, Unified Carrier Registration Board of Directors at (505) 827-4565.
FR Citation80 FR 34486 

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