80_FR_36373 80 FR 36252 - Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996

80 FR 36252 - Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 121 (June 24, 2015)

Page Range36252-36255
FR Document2015-15472

The NCUA Board (Board) is continuing its comprehensive review of its regulations to identify outdated, unnecessary, or burdensome regulatory requirements imposed on federally insured credit unions, as contemplated by section 2222 of the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (EGRPRA). This second decennial review of regulations began when the Board issued its first EGRPRA notice on May 22, 2014, covering the two categories of ``Applications and Reporting'' and ``Powers and Activities.'' The second notice followed, covering the three categories of ``Agency Programs,'' ``Capital,'' and ``Consumer Protection,'' which was published on December 19, 2014. The Board continues the review process with the publication of this third notice, covering the next three categories of rules: ``Corporate Credit Unions,'' ``Directors, Officers and Employees,'' and ``Money Laundering.'' This review presents a significant opportunity to consider the possibilities for burden reduction in groups of similar regulations. The Board welcomes comment on the categories, the order of review, and all other aspects of this initiative in order to maximize the review's effectiveness.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 121 (Wednesday, June 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 121 (Wednesday, June 24, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 36252-36255]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-15472]



12 CFR Chapter VII

Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and 
Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996

AGENCY: National Credit Union Administration.

ACTION: Notice of regulatory review; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The NCUA Board (Board) is continuing its comprehensive review 
of its regulations to identify outdated, unnecessary, or burdensome 
regulatory requirements imposed on federally insured credit unions, as 
contemplated by section 2222 of the Economic Growth and Regulatory 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (EGRPRA). This second decennial review 
of regulations began when the Board issued its first EGRPRA notice on 
May 22, 2014, covering the two categories of ``Applications and 
Reporting'' and ``Powers and Activities.'' The second notice followed, 
covering the three categories of ``Agency Programs,'' ``Capital,'' and 
``Consumer Protection,'' which was published on December 19, 2014. The 
Board continues the review process with the publication of this third 
notice, covering the next three categories of rules: ``Corporate Credit 
Unions,'' ``Directors, Officers and Employees,'' and ``Money 
Laundering.'' This review presents a significant opportunity to 
consider the possibilities for burden reduction in groups of similar 
regulations. The Board welcomes comment on the categories, the order of 
review, and all other aspects of this initiative in order to maximize 
the review's effectiveness.

DATES: Comment must be received on or before September 22, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods 
(Please send comments by one method only):
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     NCUA Web site: http://www.ncua.gov/RegulationsOpinionsLaws/proposed_regs/proposed_regs.html. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: Address to regcomments@ncua.gov. Include ``[Your 
name] Comments on Regulatory Review pursuant to EGRPRA'' in the email 
subject line.
     Fax: (703) 518-6319. Use the subject line described above 
for email.
     Mail: Address to Gerard Poliquin, Secretary of the Board, 
National Credit Union Administration, 1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, 
Virginia 22314-3428.
     Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as mail address.
    Public Inspection: All public comments are available on the 
agency's Web site at http://www.ncua.gov/Legal/Regs/Pages/PropRegs.aspx 
as submitted, except as may not be possible for technical reasons. 
Public comments will not be edited to remove any identifying or contact 
information. Paper copies of comments may be inspected in NCUA's law 
library at 1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, by appointment 
weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. To make an appointment, call 
(703) 518-6546 or send an email to OGCMail@ncua.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ross P. Kendall, Special Counsel to 
the General Counsel, at the above address, or telephone: (703) 518-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This second decennial review of regulations 
began when the Board issued its first EGRPRA notice on May 22, 2014, 
covering the two categories of ``Applications and Reporting'' and 
``Powers and Activities.'' \1\ The second notice followed, covering the 
three categories of ``Agency Programs,'' ``Capital,'' and ``Consumer 
Protection,'' which was published on December 19, 2014.\2\

    \1\ 79 FR 32121 (June 4, 2014)
    \2\ 79 FR 79763 (December 19, 2014)

I. Introduction

    Congress enacted EGRPRA \3\ as part of an effort to minimize 
unnecessary government regulation of financial institutions consistent 
with safety and soundness, consumer protection, and other public policy 
goals. Under EGRPRA, the appropriate federal banking agencies (Office 
of the Comptroller of the Currency, Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System, and Federal Deposit Insurance

[[Page 36253]]

Corporation; herein Agencies \4\) and the Federal Financial 
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) must review their regulations 
to identify outdated, unnecessary, or unduly burdensome requirements 
imposed on insured depository institutions. The Agencies are required, 
jointly or individually, to categorize regulations by type, such as 
``consumer regulations'' or ``safety and soundness'' regulations. Once 
the categories have been established, the Agencies must provide notice 
and ask for public comment on one or more of these regulatory 

    \3\ Pub. L. 104-208, Div. A, Title II, section 2222, 110 Stat. 
3009 (1996); codified at 12 U.S.C. 3311.
    \4\ The Office of Thrift Supervision was still in existence at 
the time EGRPRA was enacted and was included in the listing of 
Agencies. Since that time, the OTS has been eliminated and its 
responsibilities have passed to the Agencies and the Consumer 
Financial Protection Bureau.

    NCUA is not technically required to participate in the EGRPRA 
review process, since NCUA is not an ``appropriate Federal banking 
agency'' as specified in EGRPRA. In keeping with the spirit of the law, 
however, the Board has once again elected to participate in the review 
process. Thus, NCUA has participated along with the Agencies in the 
planning process, but has developed its own regulatory categories that 
are comparable with those developed by the Agencies. Because of the 
unique circumstances of federally insured credit unions and their 
members, the Board is issuing a separate notice from the Agencies. 
NCUA's notice is consistent and comparable with the Agencies' notice, 
except on issues that are unique to credit unions. One such unique 
issue, corporate credit unions, is included in this third notice.
    In accordance with the objectives of EGRPRA, the Board asks the 
public to identify areas of its regulations that are outdated, 
unnecessary, or unduly burdensome. In addition to this third notice, 
the Board will issue one more notice for comment later on during 2015. 
The EGRPRA review supplements and complements the reviews of 
regulations that NCUA conducts under other laws and its internal 

    \5\ Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement (IRPS) 87-2, 52 FR 
35231 (Sept. 8, 1987) as amended by IRPS 03-2, 68 FR 32127 (May 29, 
2003.) (Reflecting NCUA's commitment to ``periodically update, 
clarify and simplify existing regulations and eliminate redundant 
and unnecessary provisions.'')

    As the Board noted in its initial EGRPRA notice, the creation of 
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) resulted in the 
transfer to it of responsibility for certain consumer protection rules 
that had previously been the responsibility of the Agencies and/or 
NCUA, such as Regulation Z and rules governing consumer privacy. 
Because the CFPB is not covered by EGRPRA or required to participate in 
this regulatory review process, the Agencies and NCUA excluded certain 
consumer protection regulations from the scope of the current 

    \6\ In addition to rules that have been transferred to the CFPB, 
insured credit unions are also subject to certain other regulations 
that are not required to be reviewed under the EGRPRA process, such 
as regulations issued by the Department of the Treasury's Financial 
Crimes Enforcement Network. Any comment received during the EGRPRA 
process that pertains to such a rule will be forwarded to the 
appropriate agency.

    EGRPRA contemplates a two-part regulatory response. First, NCUA 
will publish in the Federal Register a summary of the comments 
received, identifying and discussing the significant issues raised. 
Second, the law directs the Agencies to ``eliminate unnecessary 
regulations to the extent that such action is appropriate.'' As was 
done during the initial decennial review process, the Board anticipates 
that it will prepare its response separately from the Agencies, but at 
around the same time.
    EGRPRA further requires the FFIEC to submit a report to the 
Congress within 30 days after NCUA and the Agencies publish the comment 
summary and analysis in the Federal Register. This report must 
summarize any significant issues raised by the public comments and the 
relative merits of those issues. The report also must analyze whether 
the appropriate federal financial regulator involved is able to address 
the regulatory burdens associated with the issues by regulation, or 
whether the burdens must be addressed by legislation. The FFIEC report 
submitted to Congress following the initial decennial EGRPRA review 
included an Agency section discussing banking sector issues and a 
separate section devoted to NCUA and credit union issues. It is likely 
that the FFIEC will follow a similar approach in this second decennial 
EGRPRA review and report process.

II. The EGRPRA Review's Special Focus

    The regulatory review contemplated by EGRPRA provides a significant 
opportunity for the public and the Board to consider groups of related 
regulations and identify possibilities for streamlining. The EGRPRA 
review's overall focus on the totality of regulations will offer a new 
perspective in identifying opportunities to reduce regulatory burden. 
For example, the EGRPRA review may facilitate the identification of 
regulatory requirements that are no longer consistent with the way 
business is conducted and that therefore might be eliminated. Of 
course, reducing regulatory burden must be consistent with ensuring the 
continued safety and soundness of federally insured credit unions and 
appropriate consumer protections.
    EGRPRA also recognizes that burden reduction must be consistent 
with NCUA's statutory mandates, many of which currently require certain 
regulations. One of the significant aspects of the EGRPRA review 
program is the recognition that effective burden reduction in certain 
areas may require legislative change. The Board will be soliciting 
comment on, and reviewing the comments and regulations carefully for, 
the relationship among burden reduction, regulatory requirements, and 
statutory mandates. This will be a key aspect of the report to 
    The Board views the approach of considering the relationship of 
regulatory and statutory change on regulatory burden, in concert with 
EGRPRA's provisions calling for grouping regulations by type, to 
provide the potential for particularly effective burden reduction. The 
Board believes the EGRPRA review can also significantly contribute to 
its on-going efforts to reduce regulatory burden. Since 1987, a 
formally adopted NCUA policy has required the Board to review each of 
its regulations at least once every three years with a view toward 
eliminating, simplifying, or otherwise easing the burden of each 
regulation.\7\ Further, the Board addresses the issue of regulatory 
burden every time it proposes and adopts a rule. Under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995,\8\ the Regulatory Flexibility Act,\9\ and 
internal agency policies, NCUA examines each rulemaking to minimize the 
burdens it might impose on the industry and considers various 

    \7\ IRPS 87-2, 52 FR 35231 (Sept. 8, 1987) as amended by IRPS 
03-2, 68 FR 32127 (May 29, 2003).
    \8\ 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    \9\ 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.

    The Board is particularly sensitive to the impact of agency rules 
on small institutions. In 2013, the Board formally increased the 
threshold for meeting the ``small'' classification to having assets of 
$50 million or less.\10\ The Board is cognizant that each new or 
amended regulation has the potential for requiring significant 
expenditures of time, effort, and money to achieve compliance, and also 
that this burden can be particularly

[[Page 36254]]

difficult for institutions of smaller asset size, with fewer resources 

    \10\ In February 2015, the Board proposed raising the threshold 
again, this time to $100 million. 80 FR 11954 (Mar. 5, 2015). The 
Board has not yet taken final action with respect to the proposal.

III. The Board's Proposed Plan

    EGRPRA contemplates the categorization of regulations by ``type.'' 
During the initial decennial review, the Board developed and published 
for comment ten categories for NCUA's rules, including some that had 
been issued jointly with the Agencies. The Board believes these initial 
categories worked well for the purpose of presenting a framework for 
the review and so has retained them for this second review.\11\ The 
categories, in alphabetical order, are: Agency Programs; Applications 
and Reporting; Capital; Consumer Protection; Corporate Credit Unions; 
Directors, Officers and Employees; Money Laundering; Powers and 
Activities; Rules of Procedure; and Safety and Soundness. As noted 
above, some of the rules in the consumer protection category are now 
under CFPB's jurisdiction and administration, and those affected rules 
have been eliminated. Any rules adopted for the first time since 2006 
have been included in the appropriate category.\12\ Rules still in 
proposed form are not included in this review; commenters may be sure 
that comments submitted directly in response to proposed rules will be 
given due consideration within that process.

    \11\ Consistent with EGRPRA's focus on reducing burden on 
insured credit unions, the Board has not included internal, 
organizational or operational regulations in this review. These 
regulations impose minimal, if any, burden on insured credit unions.
    \12\ Commenters should note, in this respect, that for new 
regulations that have only recently gone into effect, some passage 
of time may be necessary before the burden associated with the 
regulatory requirements can be fully and properly understood.

    As the Board noted during the initial decennial review, although 
there are other possible ways of categorizing its rules, these ten 
categories ``are logical groupings that are not so broad such that the 
number of regulations presented in any one category would overwhelm 
potential commenters. The categories also reflect recognized areas of 
industry interest and specialization or are particularly critical to 
the health of the credit union system.'' As was also noted during the 
initial review, some regulations, such as lending, pertain to more than 
one category and are included in all applicable categories.
    The Board remains convinced that publishing its rules for public 
comment separately from the Agencies is the most effective method for 
achieving EGRPRA's burden reduction goals for federally insured credit 
unions. Owing to differences in the credit union system as compared to 
the banking system, there is not a direct, category by category, 
correlation between NCUA's rules and those of the Agencies. For 
example, credit unions deal with issues such as membership, credit 
union service organizations, and corporate credit unions, all of which 
are unique to credit union operations. Similarly, certain categories 
identified by the Agencies have limited or no applicability in the 
credit union sector, such as community reinvestment, international 
operations, and securities. The categories developed by the Board and 
the Agencies reflect these differences. The Board intends to maintain 
comparability with the Agencies' notices to the extent there is overlap 
or similarity in the issues and the categories.
    After the conclusion of the comment period for each EGRPRA notice 
published in the Federal Register, the Board will review the comments 
it has received and decide whether further action is appropriate with 
respect to the categories of regulations included in that notice.
    The Board has prepared two charts to assist public understanding of 
the organization of its review. The first chart, set forth at Section 
V.A. below, presents the three categories of regulations on which NCUA 
is requesting burden reduction recommendations in this notice. The 
three categories are shown in the left column. In the middle column are 
the subject matters that fall within the categories and in the far 
right column are the regulatory citations. The second chart, set forth 
at Section V.B. below, presents the remaining two categories in 
alphabetical order in a similar format.

IV. Request for Burden Reduction Recommendations About the Categories 
of Regulations: ``Corporate Credit Unions,'' ``Directors, Officers, and 
Employees,'' and ``Money Laundering''

    The Board seeks public comment on regulations within the following 
three categories--``Corporate Credit Unions,'' ``Directors, Officers, 
and Employees,'' and ``Money Laundering''-- that may impose outdated, 
unnecessary, or unduly burdensome regulatory requirements on federally 
insured credit unions. Comments that cite particular provisions or 
language, and provide reasons why such provisions should be changed, 
would be most helpful to NCUA's review efforts. Suggested alternative 
provisions or language, where appropriate, would also be helpful. If 
the implementation of a comment would require modifying a statute that 
underlies the regulation, the comment should, if possible, identify the 
needed statutory change.
    Specific issues for commenters to consider. While all comments 
related to any aspect of the EGRPRA review are welcome, the Board 
specifically invites comment on the following issues:
     Need and purpose of the regulations. Do the regulations in 
these categories fulfill current needs? Has industry or other 
circumstances changed since a regulation was written such that the 
regulation is no longer necessary? Have there been shifts within the 
industry or consumer actions that suggest a re-focus of the underlying 
regulations? Do any of the regulations in these categories impose 
burdens not required by their authorizing statutes?
     Need for statutory change. Do the statutes impose 
unnecessary requirements? Are any of the statutory requirements 
underlying these categories redundant, conflicting or otherwise unduly 
burdensome? If so, how should the statutes be amended?
     Overarching approaches/flexibility of the regulatory 
standards. Generally, is there a different approach to regulating that 
the Board could use that would achieve statutory goals while imposing 
less burden? Do any of the regulations in these categories or the 
statutes underlying them impose unnecessarily inflexible requirements?
     Effect of the regulations on competition. Do any of the 
regulations in these categories or the statutes underlying them create 
competitive disadvantages for credit unions compared to another part of 
the financial services industry? If so, how should these regulations be 
     Reporting, recordkeeping and disclosure requirements. Do 
any of the regulations in these categories or the statutes underlying 
them impose particularly burdensome reporting, recordkeeping or 
disclosure requirements? Are any of these requirements similar enough 
in purpose and use so that they could be consolidated? What, if any, of 
these requirements could be fulfilled electronically to reduce their 
burden? Please provide specific recommendations.
     Consistency and redundancy. Do any of the regulations in 
these categories impose inconsistent or redundant regulatory 
requirements that are not warranted by the circumstances?
     Clarity. Are the regulations in these categories and the 
underlying statutes drafted in clear and easily understood language? 
Are there specific regulations or underlying statutes that need 
     Scope of rules. Is the scope of each rule in these 
categories consistent with the intent of the underlying statute(s)?

[[Page 36255]]

Could we amend the scope of a rule to clarify its applicability or to 
reduce the burden, while remaining faithful to statutory intent? If so, 
specify which regulation(s) should be clarified.
     Burden on small insured institutions. The Board has a 
particular interest in minimizing burden on small insured credit unions 
(those with less than $50 million in assets). NCUA solicits comment on 
whether any regulations within these categories should be continued 
without change, amended or rescinded in order to minimize any 
significant economic impact the regulations may have on a substantial 
number of small federally insured credit unions.

   V.A.--Regulations About Which Burden Reduction Recommendations Are
                           Requested Currently
Corporate Credit Unions.......  Corporate credit        12 CFR 704.
Directors, Officers, and        Loans and lines of      12 CFR
 Employees.                      credit to officials.    701.21(d).
                                Reimbursement,          12 CFR 701.33.
                                 insurance, and
                                 indemnification of
                                 officials and
                                Retirement benefits     12 CFR 701.19.
                                 for employees.
                                Management officials    12 CFR 711.
                                Fidelity bond and       12 CFR 713.
                                 insurance coverage.
                                General authorities     12 CFR 701.4.
                                 and duties of federal
                                 credit union
                                Golden parachutes and   12 CFR 750.
Money Laundering..............  Report of crimes or     12 CFR 748.1.
                                 suspected crimes.
                                Bank Secrecy Act......  12 CFR 748.2.

   V.B.--Categories and Regulations About Which NCUA Will Seek Comment
Rules of Procedure............  Liquidation             12 CFR 709 and
                                 (involuntary and        710.
                                Uniform rules of        12 CFR 747,
                                 practice and            subpart A.
                                Local rules of          12 CFR 747,
                                 practice and            subpart B.
Safety and Soundness..........  Lending...............  12 CFR 701.21.
                                Investments...........  12 CFR 703.
                                Supervisory committee   12 CFR 715.
                                Security programs.....  12 CFR 748.0.
                                Guidelines for          12 CFR 748,
                                 safeguarding member     Appendices A
                                 information and         and B.
                                 responding to
                                 unauthorized access
                                 to member information.
                                Records preservation    12 CFR 749.
                                 program and record
                                 retention appendix.
                                Appraisals............  12 CFR 722.
                                Examination...........  12 CFR 741.1.
                                Liquidity and           12 CFR 741.12.
                                 contingency funding
                                Regulations codified    12 CFR 741,
                                 elsewhere in NCUA's     subpart B.
                                 regulations as
                                 applying to federal
                                 credit unions that
                                 also apply to
                                 federally insured
                                 credit unions.

    By the National Credit Union Administration Board on June 18, 
Gerard Poliquin,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2015-15472 Filed 6-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                                36252                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 121 / Wednesday, June 24, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                Care Information System 2 and the                       recommendations. We will consider all                     • NCUA Web site: http://
                                                APHIS annual report provide an                          comments we receive.                                   www.ncua.gov/
                                                insufficient level of detail about animals                Authority: 7 U.S.C. 2131–2159; 7 CFR                 RegulationsOpinionsLaws/proposed_
                                                used for research. NAVS requested that                  2.22, 2.80, and 371.7.                                 regs/proposed_regs.html. Follow the
                                                we amend the AWA reporting                                                                                     instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                          Done in Washington, DC, this 18th day of
                                                regulations to require research facilities              June 2015.                                                • Email: Address to regcomments@
                                                to provide us with information about                                                                           ncua.gov. Include ‘‘[Your name]
                                                                                                        Kevin Shea,
                                                how animals are being used for research                                                                        Comments on Regulatory Review
                                                and experimentation and that we                         Administrator, Animal and Plant Health
                                                                                                                                                               pursuant to EGRPRA’’ in the email
                                                                                                        Inspection Service.
                                                publish this information in the annual                                                                         subject line.
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2015–15499 Filed 6–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                report of research facilities. NAVS also                                                                          • Fax: (703) 518–6319. Use the
                                                requested that APHIS replace the                        BILLING CODE 3410–34–P
                                                                                                                                                               subject line described above for email.
                                                current reporting form 3 used by                                                                                  • Mail: Address to Gerard Poliquin,
                                                research facilities with a template 4                                                                          Secretary of the Board, National Credit
                                                comparable to that used by Member                       NATIONAL CREDIT UNION                                  Union Administration, 1775 Duke
                                                States of the European Union (EU),                      ADMINISTRATION                                         Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314–
                                                which provides an accounting of the                                                                            3428.
                                                                                                        12 CFR Chapter VII
                                                numbers and types of animals, and for                                                                             • Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as
                                                what specific research, testing, and                    Regulatory Publication and Review                      mail address.
                                                educational purposes the animals are                    Under the Economic Growth and                             Public Inspection: All public
                                                being used.                                             Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act                     comments are available on the agency’s
                                                  We are making this petition available                                                                        Web site at http://www.ncua.gov/Legal/
                                                                                                        of 1996
                                                to the public and soliciting comments to                                                                       Regs/Pages/PropRegs.aspx as submitted,
                                                help determine what action, if any, to                  AGENCY:  National Credit Union                         except as may not be possible for
                                                take in response to this request. The                   Administration.                                        technical reasons. Public comments will
                                                petition and any comments submitted                     ACTION: Notice of regulatory review;                   not be edited to remove any identifying
                                                are available for review as indicated                   request for comments.                                  or contact information. Paper copies of
                                                under ADDRESSES above. We welcome                                                                              comments may be inspected in NCUA’s
                                                all comments on the issues outlined in                  SUMMARY:    The NCUA Board (Board) is                  law library at 1775 Duke Street,
                                                the petition. In particular, we invite                  continuing its comprehensive review of                 Alexandria, Virginia 22314, by
                                                responses to the following questions:                   its regulations to identify outdated,                  appointment weekdays between 9:00
                                                   1. Should APHIS amend the                            unnecessary, or burdensome regulatory                  a.m. and 3:00 p.m. To make an
                                                regulations to require research facilities              requirements imposed on federally                      appointment, call (703) 518–6546 or
                                                that use animals for teaching, testing,                 insured credit unions, as contemplated                 send an email to OGCMail@ncua.gov.
                                                and experimentation to provide specific                 by section 2222 of the Economic Growth
                                                                                                                                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ross
                                                information about how regulated                         and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction
                                                                                                                                                               P. Kendall, Special Counsel to the
                                                animals are used (for example, for safety               Act of 1996 (EGRPRA). This second
                                                                                                                                                               General Counsel, at the above address,
                                                testing, teaching purposes, or disease                  decennial review of regulations began
                                                                                                                                                               or telephone: (703) 518–6562.
                                                research)? Would reporting this                         when the Board issued its first EGRPRA
                                                information improve animal welfare? If                  notice on May 22, 2014, covering the                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This
                                                so, how?                                                two categories of ‘‘Applications and                   second decennial review of regulations
                                                   2. If research facilities were required              Reporting’’ and ‘‘Powers and                           began when the Board issued its first
                                                to report the purposes of their animal                  Activities.’’ The second notice followed,              EGRPRA notice on May 22, 2014,
                                                research activities, what types of                      covering the three categories of ‘‘Agency              covering the two categories of
                                                information should be provided, and                     Programs,’’ ‘‘Capital,’’ and ‘‘Consumer                ‘‘Applications and Reporting’’ and
                                                why?                                                    Protection,’’ which was published on                   ‘‘Powers and Activities.’’ 1 The second
                                                   3. What might be the effects, if any,                December 19, 2014. The Board                           notice followed, covering the three
                                                on research facilities if they are required             continues the review process with the                  categories of ‘‘Agency Programs,’’
                                                to collect and report this additional                   publication of this third notice, covering             ‘‘Capital,’’ and ‘‘Consumer Protection,’’
                                                information?                                            the next three categories of rules:                    which was published on December 19,
                                                   4. Does the annual reporting form                    ‘‘Corporate Credit Unions,’’ ‘‘Directors,              2014.2
                                                currently required to be used by                        Officers and Employees,’’ and ‘‘Money                  I. Introduction
                                                research facilities capture sufficient                  Laundering.’’ This review presents a
                                                information? If not, what information is                significant opportunity to consider the                  Congress enacted EGRPRA 3 as part of
                                                missing?                                                possibilities for burden reduction in                  an effort to minimize unnecessary
                                                   We encourage the submission of                       groups of similar regulations. The Board               government regulation of financial
                                                scientific data, studies, or research to                welcomes comment on the categories,                    institutions consistent with safety and
                                                support your comments and position.                     the order of review, and all other                     soundness, consumer protection, and
                                                We also invite data on the costs and                    aspects of this initiative in order to                 other public policy goals. Under
                                                benefits associated with any                            maximize the review’s effectiveness.                   EGRPRA, the appropriate federal
                                                                                                                                                               banking agencies (Office of the
                                                                                                        DATES: Comment must be received on or

                                                  2 Animal Care Information System (ACIS),                                                                     Comptroller of the Currency, Board of
                                                                                                        before September 22, 2015.
                                                accessible at: https://acissearch.aphis.usda.gov/                                                              Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                LPASearch/faces/Warning.jspx.                           ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                     System, and Federal Deposit Insurance
                                                  3 Form 7023, Annual Report of Research Facility:
                                                                                                        by any of the following methods (Please
                                                http://www.aphis.usda.gov/library/forms/pdf/            send comments by one method only):                       1 79FR 32121 (June 4, 2014)
                                                  4 The EU reporting template cited by NAVS can            • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 2 79FR 79763 (December 19, 2014)
                                                be viewed at http://www.navs.org/file/APHIS-            www.regulations.gov. Follow the                          3 Pub. L. 104–208, Div. A, Title II, section 2222,

                                                Modified-Template_121214.xls.                           instructions for submitting comments.                  110 Stat. 3009 (1996); codified at 12 U.S.C. 3311.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:23 Jun 23, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\24JNP1.SGM    24JNP1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 121 / Wednesday, June 24, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                     36253

                                                Corporation; herein Agencies 4) and the                 Because the CFPB is not covered by                      way business is conducted and that
                                                Federal Financial Institutions                          EGRPRA or required to participate in                    therefore might be eliminated. Of
                                                Examination Council (FFIEC) must                        this regulatory review process, the                     course, reducing regulatory burden must
                                                review their regulations to identify                    Agencies and NCUA excluded certain                      be consistent with ensuring the
                                                outdated, unnecessary, or unduly                        consumer protection regulations from                    continued safety and soundness of
                                                burdensome requirements imposed on                      the scope of the current review.6                       federally insured credit unions and
                                                insured depository institutions. The                       EGRPRA contemplates a two-part                       appropriate consumer protections.
                                                Agencies are required, jointly or                       regulatory response. First, NCUA will                      EGRPRA also recognizes that burden
                                                individually, to categorize regulations                 publish in the Federal Register a                       reduction must be consistent with
                                                by type, such as ‘‘consumer regulations’’               summary of the comments received,                       NCUA’s statutory mandates, many of
                                                or ‘‘safety and soundness’’ regulations.                identifying and discussing the                          which currently require certain
                                                Once the categories have been                           significant issues raised. Second, the                  regulations. One of the significant
                                                established, the Agencies must provide                  law directs the Agencies to ‘‘eliminate                 aspects of the EGRPRA review program
                                                notice and ask for public comment on                    unnecessary regulations to the extent                   is the recognition that effective burden
                                                one or more of these regulatory                         that such action is appropriate.’’ As was               reduction in certain areas may require
                                                categories.                                             done during the initial decennial review                legislative change. The Board will be
                                                   NCUA is not technically required to                  process, the Board anticipates that it                  soliciting comment on, and reviewing
                                                participate in the EGRPRA review                        will prepare its response separately                    the comments and regulations carefully
                                                process, since NCUA is not an                           from the Agencies, but at around the                    for, the relationship among burden
                                                ‘‘appropriate Federal banking agency’’                  same time.                                              reduction, regulatory requirements, and
                                                as specified in EGRPRA. In keeping                         EGRPRA further requires the FFIEC to                 statutory mandates. This will be a key
                                                with the spirit of the law, however, the                submit a report to the Congress within                  aspect of the report to Congress.
                                                Board has once again elected to                         30 days after NCUA and the Agencies
                                                participate in the review process. Thus,                                                                           The Board views the approach of
                                                                                                        publish the comment summary and                         considering the relationship of
                                                NCUA has participated along with the                    analysis in the Federal Register. This
                                                Agencies in the planning process, but                                                                           regulatory and statutory change on
                                                                                                        report must summarize any significant                   regulatory burden, in concert with
                                                has developed its own regulatory                        issues raised by the public comments
                                                categories that are comparable with                                                                             EGRPRA’s provisions calling for
                                                                                                        and the relative merits of those issues.                grouping regulations by type, to provide
                                                those developed by the Agencies.                        The report also must analyze whether
                                                Because of the unique circumstances of                                                                          the potential for particularly effective
                                                                                                        the appropriate federal financial                       burden reduction. The Board believes
                                                federally insured credit unions and their               regulator involved is able to address the
                                                members, the Board is issuing a separate                                                                        the EGRPRA review can also
                                                                                                        regulatory burdens associated with the                  significantly contribute to its on-going
                                                notice from the Agencies. NCUA’s                        issues by regulation, or whether the
                                                notice is consistent and comparable                                                                             efforts to reduce regulatory burden.
                                                                                                        burdens must be addressed by                            Since 1987, a formally adopted NCUA
                                                with the Agencies’ notice, except on                    legislation. The FFIEC report submitted
                                                issues that are unique to credit unions.                                                                        policy has required the Board to review
                                                                                                        to Congress following the initial                       each of its regulations at least once
                                                One such unique issue, corporate credit                 decennial EGRPRA review included an
                                                unions, is included in this third notice.                                                                       every three years with a view toward
                                                                                                        Agency section discussing banking                       eliminating, simplifying, or otherwise
                                                   In accordance with the objectives of
                                                                                                        sector issues and a separate section                    easing the burden of each regulation.7
                                                EGRPRA, the Board asks the public to
                                                                                                        devoted to NCUA and credit union                        Further, the Board addresses the issue of
                                                identify areas of its regulations that are
                                                                                                        issues. It is likely that the FFIEC will                regulatory burden every time it proposes
                                                outdated, unnecessary, or unduly
                                                burdensome. In addition to this third                   follow a similar approach in this second                and adopts a rule. Under the Paperwork
                                                notice, the Board will issue one more                   decennial EGRPRA review and report                      Reduction Act of 1995,8 the Regulatory
                                                notice for comment later on during                      process.                                                Flexibility Act,9 and internal agency
                                                2015. The EGRPRA review supplements                     II. The EGRPRA Review’s Special                         policies, NCUA examines each
                                                and complements the reviews of                          Focus                                                   rulemaking to minimize the burdens it
                                                regulations that NCUA conducts under                                                                            might impose on the industry and
                                                                                                           The regulatory review contemplated                   considers various alternatives.
                                                other laws and its internal policies.5
                                                                                                        by EGRPRA provides a significant
                                                   As the Board noted in its initial                                                                               The Board is particularly sensitive to
                                                                                                        opportunity for the public and the
                                                EGRPRA notice, the creation of the                                                                              the impact of agency rules on small
                                                                                                        Board to consider groups of related
                                                Consumer Financial Protection Bureau                                                                            institutions. In 2013, the Board formally
                                                                                                        regulations and identify possibilities for
                                                (CFPB) resulted in the transfer to it of                                                                        increased the threshold for meeting the
                                                                                                        streamlining. The EGRPRA review’s
                                                responsibility for certain consumer                                                                             ‘‘small’’ classification to having assets of
                                                                                                        overall focus on the totality of
                                                protection rules that had previously                                                                            $50 million or less.10 The Board is
                                                                                                        regulations will offer a new perspective
                                                been the responsibility of the Agencies                                                                         cognizant that each new or amended
                                                                                                        in identifying opportunities to reduce
                                                and/or NCUA, such as Regulation Z and                                                                           regulation has the potential for requiring
                                                                                                        regulatory burden. For example, the
                                                rules governing consumer privacy.                                                                               significant expenditures of time, effort,
                                                                                                        EGRPRA review may facilitate the
                                                                                                                                                                and money to achieve compliance, and
                                                                                                        identification of regulatory requirements
                                                   4 The Office of Thrift Supervision was still in
                                                                                                                                                                also that this burden can be particularly
                                                existence at the time EGRPRA was enacted and was        that are no longer consistent with the
                                                included in the listing of Agencies. Since that time,

                                                                                                                                                                  7 IRPS 87–2, 52 FR 35231 (Sept. 8, 1987) as
                                                the OTS has been eliminated and its responsibilities      6 In addition to rules that have been transferred
                                                have passed to the Agencies and the Consumer            to the CFPB, insured credit unions are also subject     amended by IRPS 03–2, 68 FR 32127 (May 29,
                                                Financial Protection Bureau.                            to certain other regulations that are not required to   2003).
                                                   5 Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement (IRPS)                                                              8 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
                                                                                                        be reviewed under the EGRPRA process, such as
                                                                                                                                                                  9 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
                                                87–2, 52 FR 35231 (Sept. 8, 1987) as amended by         regulations issued by the Department of the
                                                IRPS 03–2, 68 FR 32127 (May 29, 2003.) (Reflecting      Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.          10 In February 2015, the Board proposed raising

                                                NCUA’s commitment to ‘‘periodically update,             Any comment received during the EGRPRA process          the threshold again, this time to $100 million. 80
                                                clarify and simplify existing regulations and           that pertains to such a rule will be forwarded to the   FR 11954 (Mar. 5, 2015). The Board has not yet
                                                eliminate redundant and unnecessary provisions.’’)      appropriate agency.                                     taken final action with respect to the proposal.

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                                                36254                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 121 / Wednesday, June 24, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                difficult for institutions of smaller asset             category, correlation between NCUA’s                      Specific issues for commenters to
                                                size, with fewer resources available.                   rules and those of the Agencies. For                   consider. While all comments related to
                                                                                                        example, credit unions deal with issues                any aspect of the EGRPRA review are
                                                III. The Board’s Proposed Plan
                                                                                                        such as membership, credit union                       welcome, the Board specifically invites
                                                   EGRPRA contemplates the                              service organizations, and corporate                   comment on the following issues:
                                                categorization of regulations by ‘‘type.’’              credit unions, all of which are unique to                 • Need and purpose of the
                                                During the initial decennial review, the                credit union operations. Similarly,                    regulations. Do the regulations in these
                                                Board developed and published for                       certain categories identified by the                   categories fulfill current needs? Has
                                                comment ten categories for NCUA’s                       Agencies have limited or no                            industry or other circumstances
                                                rules, including some that had been                     applicability in the credit union sector,              changed since a regulation was written
                                                issued jointly with the Agencies. The                   such as community reinvestment,                        such that the regulation is no longer
                                                Board believes these initial categories                 international operations, and securities.              necessary? Have there been shifts within
                                                worked well for the purpose of                          The categories developed by the Board                  the industry or consumer actions that
                                                presenting a framework for the review                   and the Agencies reflect these                         suggest a re-focus of the underlying
                                                and so has retained them for this second                differences. The Board intends to                      regulations? Do any of the regulations in
                                                review.11 The categories, in alphabetical               maintain comparability with the                        these categories impose burdens not
                                                order, are: Agency Programs;                            Agencies’ notices to the extent there is               required by their authorizing statutes?
                                                Applications and Reporting; Capital;                    overlap or similarity in the issues and                   • Need for statutory change. Do the
                                                Consumer Protection; Corporate Credit                   the categories.                                        statutes impose unnecessary
                                                Unions; Directors, Officers and                           After the conclusion of the comment                  requirements? Are any of the statutory
                                                Employees; Money Laundering; Powers                     period for each EGRPRA notice                          requirements underlying these
                                                and Activities; Rules of Procedure; and                 published in the Federal Register, the                 categories redundant, conflicting or
                                                Safety and Soundness. As noted above,                   Board will review the comments it has                  otherwise unduly burdensome? If so,
                                                some of the rules in the consumer                       received and decide whether further                    how should the statutes be amended?
                                                protection category are now under                       action is appropriate with respect to the                 • Overarching approaches/flexibility
                                                CFPB’s jurisdiction and administration,                 categories of regulations included in                  of the regulatory standards. Generally, is
                                                and those affected rules have been                      that notice.                                           there a different approach to regulating
                                                eliminated. Any rules adopted for the                     The Board has prepared two charts to                 that the Board could use that would
                                                first time since 2006 have been included                assist public understanding of the                     achieve statutory goals while imposing
                                                in the appropriate category.12 Rules still              organization of its review. The first                  less burden? Do any of the regulations
                                                in proposed form are not included in                    chart, set forth at Section V.A. below,                in these categories or the statutes
                                                this review; commenters may be sure                     presents the three categories of                       underlying them impose unnecessarily
                                                that comments submitted directly in                     regulations on which NCUA is                           inflexible requirements?
                                                response to proposed rules will be given                requesting burden reduction                               • Effect of the regulations on
                                                due consideration within that process.                  recommendations in this notice. The                    competition. Do any of the regulations
                                                   As the Board noted during the initial                three categories are shown in the left                 in these categories or the statutes
                                                decennial review, although there are                    column. In the middle column are the                   underlying them create competitive
                                                other possible ways of categorizing its                 subject matters that fall within the                   disadvantages for credit unions
                                                rules, these ten categories ‘‘are logical               categories and in the far right column                 compared to another part of the
                                                groupings that are not so broad such                    are the regulatory citations. The second               financial services industry? If so, how
                                                that the number of regulations presented                chart, set forth at Section V.B. below,                should these regulations be amended?
                                                in any one category would overwhelm                     presents the remaining two categories in                  • Reporting, recordkeeping and
                                                potential commenters. The categories                    alphabetical order in a similar format.                disclosure requirements. Do any of the
                                                also reflect recognized areas of industry                                                                      regulations in these categories or the
                                                interest and specialization or are                      IV. Request for Burden Reduction
                                                                                                                                                               statutes underlying them impose
                                                particularly critical to the health of the              Recommendations About the Categories
                                                                                                                                                               particularly burdensome reporting,
                                                credit union system.’’ As was also noted                of Regulations: ‘‘Corporate Credit
                                                                                                                                                               recordkeeping or disclosure
                                                during the initial review, some                         Unions,’’ ‘‘Directors, Officers, and
                                                                                                        Employees,’’ and ‘‘Money Laundering’’                  requirements? Are any of these
                                                regulations, such as lending, pertain to                                                                       requirements similar enough in purpose
                                                more than one category and are                             The Board seeks public comment on                   and use so that they could be
                                                included in all applicable categories.                  regulations within the following three                 consolidated? What, if any, of these
                                                   The Board remains convinced that                     categories—‘‘Corporate Credit Unions,’’                requirements could be fulfilled
                                                publishing its rules for public comment                 ‘‘Directors, Officers, and Employees,’’                electronically to reduce their burden?
                                                separately from the Agencies is the most                and ‘‘Money Laundering’’— that may                     Please provide specific
                                                effective method for achieving                          impose outdated, unnecessary, or                       recommendations.
                                                EGRPRA’s burden reduction goals for                     unduly burdensome regulatory                              • Consistency and redundancy. Do
                                                federally insured credit unions. Owing                  requirements on federally insured credit               any of the regulations in these categories
                                                to differences in the credit union system               unions. Comments that cite particular                  impose inconsistent or redundant
                                                as compared to the banking system,                      provisions or language, and provide                    regulatory requirements that are not
                                                there is not a direct, category by                      reasons why such provisions should be                  warranted by the circumstances?
                                                                                                        changed, would be most helpful to                         • Clarity. Are the regulations in these

                                                  11 Consistent with EGRPRA’s focus on reducing
                                                                                                        NCUA’s review efforts. Suggested                       categories and the underlying statutes
                                                burden on insured credit unions, the Board has not
                                                included internal, organizational or operational
                                                                                                        alternative provisions or language,                    drafted in clear and easily understood
                                                regulations in this review. These regulations impose    where appropriate, would also be                       language? Are there specific regulations
                                                minimal, if any, burden on insured credit unions.       helpful. If the implementation of a                    or underlying statutes that need
                                                  12 Commenters should note, in this respect, that
                                                                                                        comment would require modifying a                      clarification?
                                                for new regulations that have only recently gone
                                                into effect, some passage of time may be necessary
                                                                                                        statute that underlies the regulation, the                • Scope of rules. Is the scope of each
                                                before the burden associated with the regulatory        comment should, if possible, identify                  rule in these categories consistent with
                                                requirements can be fully and properly understood.      the needed statutory change.                           the intent of the underlying statute(s)?

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 121 / Wednesday, June 24, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                 36255

                                                Could we amend the scope of a rule to                          interest in minimizing burden on small                                     minimize any significant economic
                                                clarify its applicability or to reduce the                     insured credit unions (those with less                                     impact the regulations may have on a
                                                burden, while remaining faithful to                            than $50 million in assets). NCUA                                          substantial number of small federally
                                                statutory intent? If so, specify which                         solicits comment on whether any                                            insured credit unions.
                                                regulation(s) should be clarified.                             regulations within these categories
                                                  • Burden on small insured                                    should be continued without change,
                                                institutions. The Board has a particular                       amended or rescinded in order to

                                                Corporate Credit Unions .................      Corporate credit unions .........................................................................            12 CFR 704.
                                                Directors, Officers, and Employees             Loans and lines of credit to officials ......................................................                12 CFR 701.21(d).
                                                                                               Reimbursement, insurance, and indemnification of officials and em-                                           12 CFR 701.33.
                                                                                               Retirement benefits for employees ........................................................                   12   CFR   701.19.
                                                                                               Management officials interlock ..............................................................                12   CFR   711.
                                                                                               Fidelity bond and insurance coverage ..................................................                      12   CFR   713.
                                                                                               General authorities and duties of federal credit union directors ...........                                 12   CFR   701.4.
                                                                                               Golden parachutes and indemnification payments ...............................                               12   CFR   750.
                                                Money Laundering ..........................    Report of crimes or suspected crimes ..................................................                      12   CFR   748.1.
                                                                                               Bank Secrecy Act ..................................................................................          12   CFR   748.2.

                                                                      V.B.—CATEGORIES AND REGULATIONS ABOUT WHICH NCUA WILL SEEK COMMENT LATER
                                                Rules of Procedure .........................   Liquidation (involuntary and voluntary) ..................................................                   12   CFR   709 and 710.
                                                                                               Uniform rules of practice and procedure ...............................................                      12   CFR   747, subpart A.
                                                                                               Local rules of practice and procedure ...................................................                    12   CFR   747, subpart B.
                                                Safety and Soundness ....................      Lending ..................................................................................................   12   CFR   701.21.
                                                                                               Investments ............................................................................................     12   CFR   703.
                                                                                               Supervisory committee audit .................................................................                12   CFR   715.
                                                                                               Security programs ..................................................................................         12   CFR   748.0.
                                                                                               Guidelines for safeguarding member information and responding to                                             12   CFR   748, Appendices A and B.
                                                                                                 unauthorized access to member information.
                                                                                               Records preservation program and record retention appendix ............                                      12   CFR   749.
                                                                                               Appraisals ..............................................................................................    12   CFR   722.
                                                                                               Examination ...........................................................................................      12   CFR   741.1.
                                                                                               Liquidity and contingency funding plans ...............................................                      12   CFR   741.12.
                                                                                               Regulations codified elsewhere in NCUA’s regulations as applying to                                          12   CFR   741, subpart B.
                                                                                                 federal credit unions that also apply to federally insured state-char-
                                                                                                 tered credit unions.

                                                  By the National Credit Union                                 Company Model 747–100, 747–100B,                                           11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following
                                                Administration Board on June 18, 2015.                         747–100B SUD, 747–200B, 747–200C,                                          methods:
                                                Gerard Poliquin,                                               747–200F, 747–300, 747–400, 747–                                             • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
                                                Secretary of the Board.                                        400D, 747–400F, and 747SR series                                           http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–15472 Filed 6–23–15; 8:45 am]                    airplanes. AD 2005–01–09 requires a                                        instructions for submitting comments.
                                                BILLING CODE 7535–01–P                                         one-time detailed inspection for                                             • Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                                                                               discrepancies of the frame web and                                           • Mail: U.S. Department of
                                                                                                               inner chords on the forward edge frame                                     Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
                                                DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                   of the number 5 main entry door cutout,                                    30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                                                                               and corrective action if necessary. Since                                  W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                Federal Aviation Administration                                we issued AD 2005–01–09, additional                                        Washington, DC 20590.
                                                                                                               cracking was found in the same area                                           • Hand Delivery: Deliver to Mail
                                                14 CFR Part 39                                                 after completion of the one-time                                           address above between 9 a.m. and 5
                                                                                                               detailed inspection. This proposed AD                                      p.m., Monday through Friday, except
                                                [Docket No. FAA–2015–1984; Directorate                         would add repetitive high frequency
                                                Identifier 2015–NM–022–AD]                                                                                                                Federal holidays.
                                                                                                               eddy current inspections for cracking of                                      For service information identified in
                                                RIN 2120–AA64                                                  the frame inner chords (forward and                                        this proposed AD, contact Boeing
                                                                                                               aft), and corrective action if necessary.                                  Commercial Airplanes, Attention: Data
                                                Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing                           We are proposing this AD to detect and                                     & Services Management, P.O. Box 3707,
                                                Company Airplanes                                              correct discrepancies of the frame web                                     MC 2H–65, Seattle, WA 98124–2207;
                                                                                                               and inner chords, which could result in

                                                AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                                                                                                  telephone 206–544–5000, extension 1;
                                                Administration (FAA), DOT.                                     cracking, subsequent severing of the                                       fax 206–766–5680; Internet https://
                                                                                                               frame, and consequent rapid                                                www.myboeingfleet.com. You may view
                                                ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                                                                               depressurization of the airplane.                                          this referenced service information at
                                                                                                               DATES: We must receive comments on                                         the FAA, Transport Airplane
                                                SUMMARY:  We propose to supersede                              this proposed AD by August 10, 2015.                                       Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue SW.,
                                                Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2005–01–                          ADDRESSES: You may send comments,                                          Renton, WA. For information on the
                                                09, which applies to certain The Boeing                        using the procedures found in 14 CFR                                       availability of this material at the FAA,

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014    16:23 Jun 23, 2015    Jkt 235001     PO 00000       Frm 00005       Fmt 4702       Sfmt 4702      E:\FR\FM\24JNP1.SGM              24JNP1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 14:09:25
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 14:09:25
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of regulatory review; request for comments.
DatesComment must be received on or before September 22, 2015.
ContactRoss P. Kendall, Special Counsel to
FR Citation80 FR 36252 

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