80_FR_37557 80 FR 37432 - Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2015

80 FR 37432 - Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2015


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 125 (June 30, 2015)

Page Range37432-37464
FR Document2015-15763

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending the licensing, inspection, and annual fees charged to its applicants and licensees. These amendments are necessary to implement the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA-90), as amended, which requires the NRC to recover through fees approximately 90 percent of its budget authority in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, not including amounts appropriated for Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR), the Nuclear Waste Fund (NWF), generic homeland security activities, and Inspector General (IG) services for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). These fees represent the cost of the NRC's services provided to applicants and licensees.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 125 (Tuesday, June 30, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 125 (Tuesday, June 30, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 37432-37464]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-15763]

[[Page 37431]]

Vol. 80


No. 125

June 30, 2015

Part IV

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


10 CFR Parts 170 and 171

Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2015; Final 

Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules 
and Regulations

[[Page 37432]]



10 CFR Parts 170 and 171

RIN 3150-AJ44

Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2015

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending the 
licensing, inspection, and annual fees charged to its applicants and 
licensees. These amendments are necessary to implement the Omnibus 
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA-90), as amended, which requires 
the NRC to recover through fees approximately 90 percent of its budget 
authority in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, not including amounts appropriated 
for Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR), the Nuclear Waste Fund 
(NWF), generic homeland security activities, and Inspector General (IG) 
services for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). These 
fees represent the cost of the NRC's services provided to applicants 
and licensees.

DATES: This final rule is effective on August 31, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2014-0200 when contacting the 
NRC about the availability of information for this final rule. You may 
access publicly-available information related to this final rule by any 
of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2014-0200. Address 
questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-415-
3463; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For technical questions contact 
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of 
this final rule.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Documents collection at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``ADAMS Public Documents'' and 
then select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, 
please contact the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 
1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The 
ADAMS accession number for each document referenced in this document 
(if that document is available in ADAMS) is provided the first time 
that a document is referenced. For the convenience of the reader, the 
ADAMS accession numbers are provided in a table in the ``Availability 
of Documents'' section of this document.
     NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public 
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arlette Howard, Office of the Chief 
Financial Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
20555-0001, telephone: 301-415-1481, email: Arlette.Howard@nrc.gov.


I. Background
II. Discussion
III. Opportunities for Public Participation
IV. Public Comment Analysis
V. Section-by-Section Analysis
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
VII. Regulatory Analysis
VIII. Backfitting and Issue Finality
IX. Plain Writing
X. National Environmental Policy Act
XI. Paperwork Reduction Act
XII. Congressional Review Act
XIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards
XIV. Availability of Guidance
XV. Availability of Documents

I. Background

    Over the past 40 years the NRC (and earlier, as the Atomic Energy 
Commission, the NRC's predecessor agency) has assessed and continues to 
assess fees to applicants and licensees to recover the cost of its 
regulatory program. The NRC's cost recovery principles for fee 
regulation are governed by two major laws: (1) The Independent Offices 
Appropriations Act of 1952 (IOAA) (31 U.S.C. 483 (a)); and (2) OBRA-90 
(42 U.S.C. 2214), as amended. The NRC is required each year, under 
OBRA-90, as amended, to recover approximately 90 percent of its budget 
authority, not including amounts appropriated for WIR, generic homeland 
security activities, the NWF, and IG services for the DNFSB, through 
fees to NRC licensees and applicants.
    In addition to the requirements of OBRA-90, as amended, the NRC is 
also required to comply with the requirements of the Small Business 
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. This Act encourages small 
businesses to participate in the regulatory process, and requires 
agencies to develop more accessible sources of information on 
regulatory and reporting requirements for small businesses and create a 
small entity compliance guide. In this final rule, the NRC continues 
using a fee methodology for qualifying small entities that establishes 
a maximum annual fee and minimum annual fee at a reduced rate to ease 
the financial burden for these licensees.
    In compliance with the OBRA-90, as amended, requirement that the 
NRC collect approximately 90 percent of its budget authority through 
fee collection by the end of the fiscal year, this rulemaking is based 
on the $1,015.3 million in appropriations received by the NRC as a 
result of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 
2015 (Pub. L. 113-235), signed by President Obama on December 16, 2014.

II. Discussion

    In compliance with OBRA-90, as amended, and the Atomic Energy Act 
of 1954 (AEA), the NRC amends its fee schedules for parts 170 and 171 
of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) to recover 
approximately 90 percent of its FY 2015 budget authority, less the 
amounts appropriated for WIR, the NWF, generic homeland security 
activities, and IG services for the DNFSB. The 10 CFR part 170 user 
fees, under the authority of the IOAA, recover the NRC's costs of 
providing specific regulatory benefits to identifiable applicants and 
licensees. For example, the NRC assesses these fees to cover the costs 
of inspections, applications for new licenses and license renewals, and 
requests for license amendments. The 10 CFR part 171 annual fees, on 
the other hand, recover generic regulatory costs that are not otherwise 
recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees.

FY 2015 Fee Collection

    The NRC received total appropriations of $1,015.3 million for FY 
2015 as a result of Public Law 113-235, a decrease of $40.6 million 
from FY 2014. Based on OBRA-90, as amended, the NRC is required to 
recover $895.5 million through 10 CFR part 170 (user charges) and 10 
CFR part 171 (annual fees) for FY 2015. This amount excludes non-fee 
items for WIR activities totaling $1.4 million, IG services for the 
DNFSB totaling $0.9 million, and generic homeland security activities 
totaling $18.1 million. This required fee recovery amount is $35.2 
million less than the FY 2014 required fee recovery amount of $930.7 
million. After accounting for prior year billing adjustments, the fee 
recoverable budget is further reduced to $888.7 million to be billed as 
fees to licensees and applicants under 10 CFR parts 170 and 171. This 
amount represents a decrease

[[Page 37433]]

of $30.2 million from FY 2014 final rule and a decrease of $37.5 
million from the FY 2015 proposed fee rule published on March 23, 2015 
(80 FR 15746). This decrease is due to the fact that the FY 2015 
proposed fee rule was based on the President's proposed budget, rather 
than the actual FY 2015 appropriation, which included a reduction for 
fee-based unobligated carryover.
    Table I summarizes the final budget and fee recovery amounts for 
the FY 2015 final fee rule. The FY 2014 amounts are provided for 
comparison purposes. (Individual values may not sum to totals due to 

                Table I--Budget and Fee Recovery Amounts
                          [Dollars in millions]
                                           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
                                               rule            rule
Total Budget Authority..................        $1,055.9        $1,015.3
Less Non-Fee Items......................           -21.8          -$20.3
    Balance.............................        $1,034.1          $995.0
Fee Recovery Rate.......................             90%             90%
Total Amount to be Recovered:...........          $930.7          $895.5
10 CFR Part 171 Billing Adjustments:
    Unpaid Current Year Invoices                     0.5             2.8
    Less Current Year from Collections              -2.2               0
     (Terminated--Operating Reactors)...
    Less Payments Received in Current              -12.3            -9.6
     Year for Previous Year Invoices
          Subtotal......................           -14.0            -6.8
Amount to be Recovered through 10 CFR             $916.7          $888.7
 Parts 170 and 171 Fees.................
    Less Estimated 10 CFR Part 170 Fees.          -332.5         -$321.7
    Less Prior Year Unbilled 10 CFR Part            -0.0            -0.0
     170 Fees...........................
10 CFR Part 171 Fee Collections Required          $584.2          $567.0

Changes From the FY 2014 Final Fee Rule
    In this final fee rule, the NRC amends fees for power reactors, 
spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning, nonpower reactors, uranium 
recovery facilities, fuel facilities, materials users, and the U.S. 
Department of Energy's (DOE) transportation license as compared to the 
FY 2014 final rule. The total amount of annual fees to be recovered, 
$567 million, represents a decrease of $19.4 million from the FY 2014 
final rule. Overall, annual fees for operating reactors decrease as a 
result of reduced budgetary resources, but this decrease is partially 
offset by a decline in 10 CFR part 170 billings and the permanent 
shutdown of Vermont Yankee. Additionally, annual fees for the fuel 
facilities fee class increase from FY 2014 as a result of the 
following: (1) Reduced 10 CFR part 170 billings for operational 
readiness reviews and inspections due to significant delays in 
construction; and (2) the termination of the certificate for the United 
States Enrichment Corporation's Paducah, Kentucky facility. For the 
transportation fee class, the annual fees increase from FY 2014, 
primarily due to rulemaking activities concerning 10 CFR part 71 
compatibility with the International Atomic Energy Agency's 
transportation standards and improvements. Additionally, the increase 
in the annual fee for the transportation fee class is attributed to 
reduced 10 CFR part 170 billings caused by shifts in workload 
priorities. For 10 CFR part 170 hourly fees, the total amount to be 
recovered is $321.7 million, a decrease of $10.8 million from FY 2014.
Changes From the FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule (Including the FY 2015 
Estimated Final Rule Amounts)
    In comparison to the FY 2015 proposed fee rule and the estimated FY 
2015 final budget and fee rule recovery amounts, the NRC will collect 
$321.7 million in hourly fees (user charges), a decrease of $2.6 
million from both estimates, respectively, for this final rule. This 
change is a result of the decline in estimated 10 CFR part 170 
collections for the power reactor fee class due to unexpected 
application suspensions (particularly, the U.S. Evolutionary Power 
Reactor (EPR) design certification application and the Calvert Cliffs 
combined license application). The NRC will collect $567 million in 
annual fees, a decrease of $34.9 million from the FY 2015 proposed fee 
rule estimate and an increase of $4.8 million from the estimated FY 
2015 final annual fees total. The change from the FY 2015 proposed fee 
rule and estimated FY 2015 final annual fees total is the result of the 
reduced estimated 10 CFR part 170 collections, as well as the 10 CFR 
part 171 billing adjustment.
    The NRC proposed to establish an annual fee for rare earth 
facilities in the proposed FY 2015 fee rule. At the time the NRC issued 
its proposed fee rule, the NRC estimated that a portion of the budgeted 
resources for this fee class was not going to be collected through 10 
CFR part 170 user fees, therefore requiring the establishment of an 
annual part 10 CFR part 171 fee to recover the remainder of the 
budgeted authority for this fee class. Upon further analysis, the NRC 
determined all budgeted resources for the rare earth facilities will be 
collected through 10 CFR part 170 this fiscal year. Therefore, NRC 
lacks a statutory basis to assess 10 CFR part 171 fees to this fee 
class, because that fee would not bear a reasonable relationship to the 
cost of providing generic NRC services, as there are no generic 
activities supporting this fee class. Therefore, in this final rule, 
the NRC omits the annual fee for rare earth facilities.

Hourly Rate

    The NRC's hourly rate is used in assessing full cost fees for 
specific services provided by the NRC, as well as flat fees for 
activities such as NRC review of applications. For FY 2015, the NRC's 
hourly rate is $268, a decrease of $9 from the hourly rate in the FY 
2015 proposed fee rule. The FY 2014 hourly rate (the current hourly 
rate) is $279. This rate is applicable to all activities for which fees 
are assessed under Sec. Sec.  170.21 and 170.31.

[[Page 37434]]

    The decrease in the FY 2015 hourly rate is due to an increase in 
estimated direct hours worked per mission-direct full-time equivalent 
(FTE) during the year and reduced budget. The hourly rate is inversely 
related to the mission-direct FTE rate. Therefore, as the FTE rate 
increases, the hourly rate decreases.
    The NRC's hourly rate is derived by dividing the sum of recoverable 
budgeted resources for: (1) Mission-direct program salaries and 
benefits; (2) mission-indirect program support; and (3) agency overhead 
or indirect costs--which includes corporate support, office support, 
and the IG. The mission-direct FTE hours are the product of the 
mission-direct FTE multiplied by the hours per direct FTE. The only 
budgeted resources excluded from the hourly rate are those for contract 
activities related to mission-direct and fee-relief activities. 
Billable contract activities are included as a separate line item on 
the 10 CFR part 170 invoice.
    In FY 2015, the NRC used 1,420 hours per direct FTE to calculate 
the hourly fee rate, which is higher than the FY 2014 estimate of 1,375 
hours per direct FTE and represents increased productivity. These hours 
exclude all indirect activities such as training and general 
administration. The NRC generated this figure by reviewing and 
analyzing current available time and labor data from FY 2010 through FY 
2012. As a result of that review, the NRC determined that the direct 
hours per FTE for FY 2015 budget formulation should be revised.
    Table II shows the results of the hourly rate calculation 
methodology. The FY 2014 amounts are provided for comparison purposes. 
(Individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding.)

                    Table II--Hourly Rate Calculation
                                           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
                                               rule            rule
Mission-Direct Program Salaries &                 $359.2          $365.6
Mission-Indirect Program Support........           $21.0           $67.7
Agency Support (Corporate Support,                $486.0          $422.7
 Office Support and the IG).............
    Subtotal............................          $866.2            $856
Less Offsetting Receipts................           -$0.0           -$0.0
    Total Budget Included in Hourly Rate          $866.2            $856
     (Millions of Dollars)..............
Mission-Direct FTE (Whole numbers)......           2,254           2,250
Professional Hourly Rate (Total Budget              $279            $268
 Included in Hourly Rate Divided by
 Mission-Direct FTE Hours-1420) (Whole

    As shown in Table II, dividing the FY 2015 $856 million budget 
amount included in the hourly rate by total mission-direct FTE hours 
(2,250 FTE times 1,420 hours) results in an hourly rate of $268. The 
hourly rate is rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

Flat Application Fee Changes

    The NRC amends the current flat application fees in Sec. Sec.  
170.21 and 170.31 to reflect the revised hourly rate of $268. These 
flat fees are calculated by multiplying the average professional staff 
hours needed to process the licensing actions by the professional 
hourly rate for FY 2015. The agency estimates the average professional 
staff hours needed to process licensing actions every other year as 
part of its biennial review of fees performed in compliance with the 
Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990. The NRC performed this review for 
the FY 2015 proposed rule. The lower hourly rate of $268 is the primary 
reason for the decrease in application fees.
    In general, any increases in application fees are due to the 
increased number of hours required to perform specific activities based 
on the biennial review. The NRC staff determined via a recent analysis 
that application fees for 12 fee categories (2.D., 3.C., 3.H., 3.M., 
3.P., 3.R.2., 3.S., 4.B., 5.A., 7.A., 7.C., and 17 under Sec.  170.31) 
will increase as a result of an increase in the average time spent 
processing these types of license applications. (Fee category 17 should 
have been counted in this analysis in the FY 2015 proposed fee rule.) 
The decrease in fees for 7 fee categories (2.C., 2.E., 2.F., 3.B., 
3.I., 3.N., and 3.O. under Sec.  170.31) is primarily due to the 
reduced hourly rate and a decrease in the average time to process these 
types of applications. Also, the NRC staff determined via a recent 
analysis that the application fees increase for 3 import and export fee 
categories (K.4., K.5., and 15.D. under Sec.  170.31) and decrease for 
13 import and export fee categories (15.A. thru 15.L., and 15.R. under 
Sec.  170.31), an increase of 9 fee categories from the FY 2015 
proposed fee rule as a result of the reduced hourly rate.
    The amounts of the materials licensing flat fees are rounded so 
that the fees would be convenient to the user and the effects of 
rounding would be minimal. Fees under $1,000 are rounded to the nearest 
$10, fees that are greater than $1,000 but less than $100,000 are 
rounded to the nearest $100, and fees that are greater than $100,000 
are rounded to the nearest $1,000.
    The final licensing flat fees are applicable for fee categories 
K.1. through K.5. of Sec.  170.21, and fee categories 1.C. through 
1.D., 2.B. through 2.F., 3.A. through 3.S., 4.B. through 9.D., 10.B., 
15.A. through 15.L., 15.R., and 16 of Sec.  170.31. Applications filed 
on or after the effective date of the FY 2015 final fee rule would be 
subject to the revised fees in the final rule.

Application of Rebaselining, Fee-Relief, and Low-Level Waste (LLW) 

    For this rulemaking, the NRC established rebaselined annual fees in 
accordance with SECY-05-0164, ``Annual Fee Calculation Method,'' 
September 15, 2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML052580332). The rebaselining 
method analyzes the budget in detail and allocates the budgeted costs 
to various classes or subclasses of licensees. Stated otherwise, 
rebaselining is the annual reallocation of NRC resources based on 
changes in the NRC's budget. The NRC established the rebaselined 
methodology for calculating annual fees through notice and comment 
rulemaking in the FY 1999 fee rule (64 FR 31448; June 10, 1999), 
determining that base annual fees will be re-established (rebaselined) 
every third year, or more frequently if there is a substantial change 
in the total NRC budget or in the magnitude of the budget allocated to 
a specific class of licenses. The FY 2015 fee rulemaking

[[Page 37435]]

used this same rebaselining methodology.
    Moreover, in FY 2015, the NRC will use its fee-relief surcharge to 
increase all licensees' annual fees, based on their percentage share of 
the budget. Every year, the NRC applies the 10 percent of its budget 
that is excluded from fee recovery under OBRA-90 to offset the total 
budget allocated for activities that do not directly benefit current 
NRC licensees (these activities fall within the NRC's fee-relief 
category). The budget for these fee-relief activities is totaled, and 
then reduced by the amount of the NRC's fee relief. Any difference 
between the 10-percent appropriation and the budgeted amount of these 
activities results in a fee-relief adjustment (either an increase or 
decrease) to all licensees' annual fees, based on their percentage 
share of the budget. In FY 2015, there is an increase to all licensees' 
annual fees, for the reasons stated.
    From the FY 2015 proposed fee rule, the most significant change 
under fee relief is under the scholarship and fellowship fee relief 
category. For this category, the budgetary resources increased to $18.9 
million from $4.1 million because the FY 2015 appropriations require 
the NRC to fund the $15 million Integrated University Program.
    Additionally, in the Staff Requirements Memorandum for SECY-14-
0082, ``Jurisdiction for Military Radium and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission Oversight of U.S. Department of Defense Remediation of 
Radioactive Material'' (ADAMS Accession No. ML14356A070), the 
Commission approved the staff's recommendation to finalize and 
implement a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the U.S. Department 
of Defense (DOD) for remediation of DOD unlicensed sites containing 
radioactive materials subject to the NRC's regulatory authority. The 
MOU is slated to be finalized in FY 2015. As part of this effort, the 
Commission approved the establishment of a new fee-relief category for 
the regulatory activities for the monitoring of DOD unlicensed sites 
under the MOU. Consistent with this direction, the NRC includes a new 
activity under fee-relief activities, within 10 CFR part 170 licensing 
and inspection fees or 10 CFR part 171 annual fees. These program 
activities capture site-specific oversight activities performed under 
the MOU and any ongoing non-site specific MOU-related program 
activities. These activities will, therefore, be funded by the agency's 
10-percent appropriation.
    The FY 2015 budgeted resources for fee-relief activities are 
greater than the 10-percent fee relief amount by $1.0 million, which 
differs from the -$14.6 million mentioned in the FY 2015 proposed fee 
rule due to the reasons stated. After applying the generic LLW 
surcharge amount of $3.9 million, the total net adjustment to fee 
assessments is $4.9 million. The NRC allocates the LLW surcharge based 
on the volume of LLW disposal of three classes of licenses: operating 
reactors, fuel facilities, and materials users. Because LLW activities 
support NRC licensees and Agreement States, the costs of these 
activities are recovered through annual fees from NRC licensees.
    In comparison, the FY 2014 fee relief resources were -$1.3 million. 
After applying the generic LLW surcharge amount of $3.2 million, the 
net FY 2014 fee relief adjustment to fee assessments was $1.9 million. 
Table III summarizes the fee-relief activities for FY 2015. The FY 2014 
amounts are provided for comparison purposes. (Individual values may 
not sum to totals due to rounding.)

                    Table III--Fee-Relief Activities
                          [Dollars in millions]
                                              FY 2014         FY 2015
          Fee-relief activities           Budgeted costs  Budgeted costs
1. Activities not attributable to an
 existing NRC licensee or class of
    a. International activities.........           $11.2            $9.3
    b. Agreement State oversight........           $12.6           $12.0
    c. Scholarships and Fellowships.....           $18.9           $18.9
    d. Medical Isotope Production.......            $3.1            $4.9
2. Activities not assessed under 10 CFR
 part 170 licensing and inspection fees
 or 10 CFR part 171 annual fees based on
 existing law or Commission policy:
    a. Fee exemption for nonprofit                 $11.9           $10.3
     educational institutions...........
    b. Costs not recovered from small               $8.4            $8.8
     entities under 10 CFR 71.16(c).....
    c. Regulatory support to Agreement             $17.9           $18.5
    d. Generic decommissioning/                    $17.1           $16.4
     reclamation (not related to the
     power reactor and spent fuel
     storage fee classes)...............
    e. In Situ leach rulemaking and                 $1.0            $1.4
     unregistered general licensees.....
    f. Potential Department of Defense               0.0             0.0
     remediation program MOU activities.
          Total fee-relief activities...          $102.1          $100.5
Less 10 percent of the NRC's total FY            -$103.4          -$99.5
 budget (less non-fee items)............
Fee-Relief Adjustment to be Allocated to           -$1.3            $1.0
 All Licensees' Annual Fees.............

    Table IV shows how the NRC allocated the $4.9 million fee-relief 
assessment adjustment to each license fee class. As explained 
previously, the NRC allocated this fee-relief adjustment to each 
license fee class based on their percentage of the budget for their fee 
class compared to the NRC's total budget. This adjustment was added to 
the required annual fee recovery for each fee class.
    Table IV also shows the allocation of the LLW surcharge activity. 
For FY 2015, the total budget allocated for LLW activity is $3.9 
million. (Individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding.)

[[Page 37436]]

                    Table IV--Allocation of Fee-Relief Adjustment and LLW Surcharge, FY 2015
                                              [Dollars in millions]
                                           LLW Surcharge               Fee-relief adjustment           Total
                                      Percent            $            Percent            $               $
Operating Power Reactors........              32             1.2            86.1             0.8             2.1
Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor                     0               0             3.8             0.0             0.0
Research and Test Reactors......               0               0             0.3             0.0             0.0
Fuel Facilities.................              54             2.1             4.9             0.0             2.1
Materials Users.................              14             0.5             3.1             0.1             0.6
Transportation..................               0               0             0.5             0.0             0.0
Rare Earth Facilities...........               0               0             0.0             0.0             0.0
Uranium Recovery................               0               0             1.2             0.0             0.0
    Total.......................             100             3.9             100             1.0             4.9

Revised Annual Fees

    As previously stated, the NRC is required to establish rebaselined 
annual fees, which includes updating the number of NRC licensees in its 
fee calculation methodology. In the agency's FY 2006 final fee rule (71 
FR 30721; May 30, 2006), the Commission determined that the agency 
should proceed with a presumption in favor of rebaselining when 
calculating annual fees each year. Rebaselining involves a detailed 
analysis of the NRC's budget, with the NRC allocating budgeted 
resources to fee classes and categories of licensees.
    Therefore, in FY 2015, the NRC revises its annual fees in 
Sec. Sec.  171.15 and 171.16 to recover approximately 90 percent of the 
NRC's FY 2015 budget authority, less non-fee amounts and the estimated 
amount to be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees. For FY 2015, the 
NRC's total fee recoverable budget, as mandated by law, is $895.5 
million, a decrease of $35.2 million compared to FY 2014. After 
accounting for billing adjustments, the fee recoverable budget is 
further reduced to $888.7 million for FY 2015, a decrease of $28 
million from FY 2014. The total estimated 10 CFR part 170 collections 
for this final rule total are $321.7 million, a decrease of $10.8 
million from the FY 2014 fee rule, primarily within the power reactor 
and fuel facilities fee classes, while the spent fuel storage fee class 
has increased 10 CFR part 170 collections. The total amount to be 
recovered through annual fees from current licensees for this final 
rule is $567 million, a decrease of $17.2 million from the FY 2014 
final rule. These decreases are later explained in detail within each 
fee class.
    The FY 2015 budget was allocated to the appropriate fee class based 
on budgeted activities. Compared to FY 2014 annual fees, the FY 2015 
rebaselined fees decrease for operating reactors, spent fuel storage 
and reactor decommissioning, and research and test reactors fee classes 
while annual fees increase for DOE transportation activities, fuel 
facilities fee classes, some materials users, and most uranium recovery 
    The factors affecting all annual fees include the distribution of 
budgeted costs to the different classes of licenses (based on the 
specific activities the NRC will perform in FY 2015), the estimated 10 
CFR part 170 collections for the various classes of licenses, and 
allocation of the fee-relief surplus adjustment to all fee classes.
    Table V shows the rebaselined fees for FY 2015 for a representative 
list of categories of licensees. The FY 2014 amounts are provided for 
comparison purposes. (Individual values may not sum to totals due to 

                    Table V--Rebaselined Annual Fees
                                          FY 2014  Final  FY 2015  Final
       Class/Category of licenses           annual  fee     annual  fee
Operating Power Reactors................      $4,999,000      $4,807,000
+ Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor                     224,000         223,000
Total, Combined Fee.....................       5,223,000       5,030,000
Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor                       224,000         223,000
Research and Test Reactors (Nonpower              84,500          83,500
High Enriched Uranium Fuel Facility.....       7,175,000       8,473,000
Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Facility......       2,469,000       2,915,000
UF6 Conversion and Deconversion Facility       1,466,000       1,731,000
Conventional Mills......................          33,800          36,100
Typical Materials Users:
    Radiographers (Category 3O).........          29,800          25,800
    Well Loggers (Category 5A)..........          13,600          14,400
Gauge Users (Category 3P)...............           6,800           8,000
Broad Scope Medical (Category 7B).......          35,700          37,500

    The work papers (ADAMS Accession No. ML15160A434) that support this 
final rule show in detail the allocation of the NRC's budgeted 
resources for each class of licenses and how the fees are calculated. 
The work papers are available as indicated in Section XV, 
``Availability of Documents,'' of this document.
    Paragraphs a. through h. of this section describes budgetary 
resources allocated to each class of licenses and the calculations of 
the rebaselined fees. Individual values in the tables

[[Page 37437]]

presented in this section may not sum to totals due to rounding.
a. Fuel Facilities.
    The FY 2015 budgeted costs to be recovered in the annual fees 
assessment to the fuel facility class of licenses (which includes 
licensees in fee categories 1.A.(1)(a), 1.A.(1)(b), 1.A.(2)(a), 
1.A.(2)(b), 1.A.(2)(c), 1.E., and 2.A.(1) under Sec.  171.16) are 
approximately $42.9 million. This value is based on the full cost of 
budgeted resources associated with all activities that support this fee 
class, which is reduced by estimated 10 CFR part 170 collections and 
adjusted for allocated generic transportation resources and fee-relief. 
In FY 2015, the LLW surcharge for fuel facilities is added to the 
allocated fee-relief adjustment (see Table IV, ``Allocation of Fee-
Relief Adjustment and LLW Surcharge, FY 2015,'' in Section II, 
``Discussion,'' of this document). The summary calculations used to 
derive this value are presented in Table VI for FY 2015, with FY 2014 
values shown for comparison. (Individual values may not sum to totals 
due to rounding.)

      Table VI--Annual Fee Summary Calculations for Fuel Facilities
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary fee calculations          FY 2014  Final  FY 2015  Final
Total budgeted resources................           $47.2           $42.8
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts.          -$16.7          -$11.5
    Net 10 CFR part 171 resources.......           $30.5           $31.3
Allocated generic transportation........            $0.6            $0.8
Fee-relief adjustment/LLW surcharge.....            $1.1            $2.1
Billing adjustments.....................           -$0.6           -$0.3
Reclassification of licensee current               -$2.2             0.0
 year fee billing received:.............
    Total remaining required annual fee            $29.5           $33.9

    In FY 2015, the fuel facilities budgetary resources decreased due 
to reduced construction activities and licensing amendments compared to 
FY 2014. Despite the decrease in budgeted resources, the fuel 
facilities annual fees in FY 2015 increase compared to FY 2014 due to 
reduced 10 CFR part 170 billings for operation reviews and inspections 
resulting from numerous delays at the Chicago Bridge and Iron AREVA MOX 
Services Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, the International 
Isotopes uranium de-conversion facility, the Global Laser Enrichment 
(GLE) uranium enrichment facility, and the AREVA Eagle Rock Uranium 
Enrichment facility. Annual fees also increased as a result of the 
termination of the certificate for United States Enrichment 
Corporation's Paducah, Kentucky facility. The NRC allocates the total 
remaining annual fee recovery amount to the individual fuel facility 
licensees, based on the effort/fee determination matrix developed for 
the FY 1999 final fee rule (64 FR 31447; June 10, 1999). In the matrix 
included in the publicly-available NRC work papers, licensees are 
grouped into categories according to their licensed activities (i.e., 
nuclear material enrichment, processing operations, and material form) 
and the level, scope, depth of coverage, and rigor of generic 
regulatory programmatic effort applicable to each category from a 
safety and safeguards perspective. This methodology can be applied to 
determine fees for new licensees, current licensees, licensees in 
unique license situations, and certificate holders.
    This methodology is adaptable to changes in the number of licensees 
or certificate holders, licensed or certified material and/or 
activities, and total programmatic resources to be recovered through 
annual fees. When a license or certificate is modified, it may result 
in a change of category for a particular fuel facility licensee, as a 
result of the methodology used in the fuel facility effort/fee matrix. 
Consequently, this change may also have an effect on the fees assessed 
to other fuel facility licensees and certificate holders. For example, 
if a fuel facility licensee amends its license/certificate to reflect 
cessation of licensed activities (e.g., decommissioning or license 
termination), then that licensee will not be subject to 10 CFR part 171 
costs applicable to the fee class, and the budgeted generic costs for 
the safety and/or safeguards components that continue to be associated 
with the license will have to be spread among the remaining fuel 
facility licensees/certificate holders.
    The methodology is applied as follows. First, a fee category is 
assigned, based on the nuclear material possessed or used, and/or the 
activity or activities authorized by license or certificate. Although a 
licensee/certificate holder may elect not to fully use a license/
certificate, the license/certificate is still used as the source for 
determining authorized nuclear material possession and use/activity. 
Second, the category and license/certificate information are used to 
determine where the licensee/certificate holder fits into the matrix. 
The matrix depicts the categorization of licensees/certificate holders 
by authorized material types and use/activities.
    Each year, the NRC's fuel facility project managers and regulatory 
analysts determine the level of effort associated with regulating each 
of these facilities. This is done by assigning, for each fuel facility, 
separate effort factors for the safety and safeguards activities 
associated with each type of regulatory activity. The matrix includes 
10 types of regulatory activities, including enrichment and scrap/
waste-related activities (see the work papers for the complete list). 
The NRC then calculates the total for all activities per licensee 
benefit factors by each fee category.
    The effort factors for the various fuel facility fee categories are 
summarized in Table VII. In this rulemaking, some of the effort factors 
changed from the FY 2015 proposed fee rule as a result of the 
decertification of the Paducah facility. The value of the effort 
factors shown, as well as the percent of the total effort factor for 
all fuel facilities, reflects the total regulatory effort for each fee 
category (not per facility). This results in the spreading of costs to 
other fee categories.

[[Page 37438]]

                             Table VII--Effort Factors for Fuel Facilities, FY 2015
                                                                                    Effort factors  (percent of
                                                                     Number of                total)
                  Facility type  (fee category)                     facilities   -------------------------------
                                                                                      Safety        Safeguards
High-Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(a)).........................               2       89 (44.3)       97 (56.7)
Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(b))..........................               3       70 (34.8)       26 (15.2)
Limited Operations (1.A.(2)(a)).................................               0         0 (0.0)         0 (0.0)
Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Demonstration (1.A.(2)(b))............               1         3 (1.5)        15 (8.8)
Hot Cell (1.A.(2)(c))...........................................               1         6 (3.0)         3 (1.8)
Uranium Enrichment (1.E.).......................................               1       21 (10.4)       23 (13.5)
UF6 Conversion and Deconversion (2.A.(1)).......................               1        12 (6.0)         7 (4.1)

    For FY 2015, the total budgeted resources for safety activities are 
$17.2 million, excluding the fee-relief adjustment and the 
reclassification adjustment. This amount is allocated to each fee 
category based on its percent of the total regulatory effort for safety 
activities. For example, if the total effort factor for safety 
activities for all fuel facilities is 100, and the total effort factor 
for safety activities for a given fee category is 10, that fee category 
will be allocated 10 percent of the total budgeted resources for safety 
activities. Similarly, the budgeted resources amount of $14.6 million 
for safeguards activities is allocated to each fee category based on 
its percent of the total regulatory effort for safeguards activities. 
The fuel facility fee class' portion of the fee-relief/LLW adjustment, 
$2.1 million, is allocated to each fee category based on its percent of 
the total regulatory effort for both safety and safeguards activities. 
The annual fee per licensee is then calculated by dividing the total 
allocated budgeted resources for the fee category by the number of 
licensees in that fee category. The fee (rounded) for each facility is 
summarized in Table VIII.

               Table VIII--Annual Fees for Fuel Facilities
                                                               FY 2015
               Facility type  (fee category)                    Final
                                                              annual fee
High-Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(a))....................   $8,473,000
Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(b)).....................    2,915,000
Limited Operations (1.A(2)(a)).............................            0
Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Demonstration (1.A.(2)(b)).......    1,640,000
Hot Cell (and others) (1.A.(2)(c)).........................      820,000
Uranium Enrichment (1.E.)..................................    4,009,000
UF6 Conversion and Deconversion (2.A.(1))..................    1,731,000

b. Uranium Recovery Facilities.
    The total FY 2015 budgeted costs to be recovered through annual 
fees assessed to the uranium recovery class (which includes licensees 
in fee categories 2.A.(2)(a), 2.A.(2)(b), 2.A.(2)(c), 2.A.(2)(d), 
2.A.(2)(e), 2.A.(3), 2.A.(4), 2.A.(5), and 18.B. under Sec.  171.16) 
are approximately $1.0 million. The derivation of this value is shown 
in Table IX, with FY 2014 values shown for comparison purposes.

                Table IX--Annual Fee Summary Calculations
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary fee calculations          FY 2014  Final  FY 2015  Final
Total budgeted resources................           $10.9           $11.3
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts.           -$9.5          -$10.1
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources...........            $1.3            $1.2
Allocated generic transportation........             N/A             N/A
Fee-relief adjustment...................           -$0.0           -$0.0
Billing adjustments.....................           -$0.1           -$0.1
Total required annual fee recovery......            $1.2            $1.1

    In comparison to FY 2014, the FY 2015 budgetary resources for 
uranium recovery licensees increased due, in part, to the additional 
resources necessary to conduct the environmental reviews for materials 
licenses applications for uranium recovery facilities (including tribal 
consultations in support of the National Historic Preservation Act 
Section 106 reviews). Specifically, the NRC staff has been developing 
process changes to facilitate the environmental reviews for uranium 
recovery applications.
    Since FY 2002, the NRC has computed the annual fee for the uranium 
recovery fee class by allocating the total annual fee amount for this 
fee class between the DOE and the other licensees in this fee class. 
The NRC regulates DOE's Title I and Title II activities under the 
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA). The Congress 
established the two programs, Title I and Title II, under UMTRCA to 
protect the public and the environment from uranium milling. The UMTRCA 
Title I program is for remedial action at abandoned mill tailings sites 
where tailings resulted largely from production of uranium for the 
weapons program. The NRC also regulates DOE's UMTRCA Title II program, 
which is directed toward uranium mill sites licensed by the NRC or 
Agreement States in or after 1978.
    In FY 2015, the annual fee assessed to DOE includes recovery of the 

[[Page 37439]]

specifically budgeted for the NRC's UMTRCA Title I and II activities, 
plus 10 percent of the remaining annual fee amount, including generic/
other costs (plus 10 percent of the fee-relief/LLW adjustment), for the 
uranium recovery class. The NRC assesses the remaining 90 percent 
generic/other costs plus 90 percent of the fee-relief adjustment, to 
the other NRC licensees in the fee class that are subject to annual 
    The costs to be recovered through annual fees assessed to the 
uranium recovery class are shown in Table X.

Table X--Costs Recovered Through Annual Fees; Uranium Recovery Fee Class
                                                           FY 2015 Final
                    Summary of costs                        annual fee
DOE Annual Fee Amount (UMTRCA Title I and Title II)             $622,898
 General Licenses:......................................
    UMTRCA Title I and Title II budgeted costs less 10
     CFR part 170 receipts
    10 percent of generic/other uranium recovery                  41,986
     budgeted costs.....................................
    10 percent of uranium recovery fee-relief adjustment           1,251
          Total Annual Fee Amount for DOE (rounded).....         666,000
Annual Fee Amount for Other Uranium Recovery Licenses:..         377,874
    90 percent of generic/other uranium recovery
     budgeted costs less the amounts specifically
     budgeted for Title I and Title II activities.......
    90 percent of uranium recovery fee-relief adjustment          11,255
          Total Annual Fee Amount for Other Uranium              389,129
           Recovery Licenses............................

    The NRC will continue to use a matrix, which is included in the 
work papers, to determine the level of effort associated with 
conducting the generic regulatory actions for the different (non-DOE) 
licensees in this fee class. The weights derived in this matrix are 
used to allocate the approximately $377,874 annual fee amount to these 
licensees. The use of this uranium recovery annual fee matrix was 
established in the FY 1995 final fee rule (60 FR 32217; June 20, 1995). 
In this rulemaking, some of the matrix factors changed slightly from 
the FY 2015 proposed fee rule to accurately reflect the number of 
materials licensees. The matrix is described as follows.
    First, the methodology identifies the categories of licenses 
included in this fee class (besides DOE). These categories are: 
Conventional uranium mills and heap leach facilities; uranium In Situ 
Recovery (ISR) and resin ISR facilities, and mill tailings disposal 
facilities, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the AEA (11e.(2) disposal 
facilities); and uranium water treatment facilities.
    Second, the matrix identifies the types of operating activities 
that support and benefit these licensees. The activities related to 
generic decommissioning/reclamation are not included in the matrix 
because they are included in the fee-relief activities. Therefore, they 
are not a factor in determining annual fees. The activities included in 
the matrix relate to operations, waste operations, and groundwater 
protection. The relative weight of each type of activity is then 
determined, based on the regulatory resources associated with each 
activity. The operations, waste operations, and groundwater protection 
activities have weights of 0, 5, and 10, respectively, in the matrix. 
These benefit factors are first multiplied by the relative weight 
assigned to each activity. The NRC then calculates the total for all 
activities per licensee benefit factors by each fee category. 
Therefore, these benefit factors reflect the relative regulatory 
benefit associated with each licensee and fee category.
    Each year, the NRC determines the level of benefit to each licensee 
for generic uranium recovery program activities for each type of 
generic activity in the matrix. This is done by assigning, for each fee 
category, separate benefit factors for each type of regulatory activity 
in the matrix. The relative weight of each type of activity is then 
determined, based on the regulatory resources associated with each 
activity. These benefit factors are first multiplied by the relative 
weight assigned to each activity. The NRC then calculates total and per 
licensee benefit factors for each fee category.
    Table XI displays the benefit factors per licensee and per fee 
category, for each of the non-DOE fee categories included in the 
uranium recovery fee class as follows:

                             Table XI--Benefit Factors for Uranium Recovery Licenses
                                                     Number of    Benefit factor                  Benefit factor
                  Fee category                       licensees     per licensee     Total value    percent total
Conventional and Heap Leach mills (2.A.(2)(a))..               1             150             150               9
Basic In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(b))..               6             190           1,140              71
Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities                           1             215             215              13
11e.(2) disposal incidental to existing tailings               1              85              85               5
 sites (2.A.(4))................................
Uranium water treatment (2.A.(5))...............               1              25              25               2
    Total.......................................              10             665           1,615             100

    Applying these factors to the approximately $389,129 in budgeted 
costs to be recovered from non-DOE uranium recovery licensees results 
in the total annual fees for each fee category. The annual fee per 
licensee is calculated by dividing the total allocated budgeted 
resources for the fee category by the number of licensees in

[[Page 37440]]

that fee category, as summarized in Table XII.

          Table XII--Annual Fees for Uranium Recovery Licensees
                            (Other than DOE)
                                                           FY 2015 Final
              Facility type (fee category)                  annual fee
Conventional and Heap Leach mills (2.A.(2)(a))..........         $36,100
Basic In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(b))..........          45,800
Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(c)).......          51,800
11e.(2) disposal incidental to existing tailings sites            20,500
Uranium water treatment (2.A.(5)).......................           6,000

c. Operating Power Reactors
    The total budgeted costs to be recovered from the power reactor fee 
class in FY 2015 in the form of annual fees is $475.9 million, as shown 
in Table XIII. The FY 2014 values are shown for comparison. (Individual 
values may not sum to totals due to rounding.)

Table XIII--Annual Fee Summary Calculations for Operating Power Reactors
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary fee calculations           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
Total budgeted resources................          $799.3          $762.1
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts.         -$290.9         -$284.1
    Net 10 CFR part 171 resources.......          $508.4          $478.0
Allocated generic transportation........            $1.1            $1.7
Fee-relief adjustment/LLW surcharge.....            $0.6            $2.1
Billing adjustment......................          -$10.2            -5.9
    Total required annual fee recovery..          $499.9          $475.9

    In comparison to FY 2014, the operating reactor budgetary resources 
decrease in FY 2015 to reflect the conclusion of Kewaunee, Crystal 
River 3, and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, 
operating reactor oversight responsibilities. In FY 2015, the operating 
power reactor annual fee decreases as a result of reduced budgetary 
resources and are partially offset by a decrease in 10 CFR part 170 
billings due to unexpected new reactor application suspensions and the 
shutdown of one power reactor, Vermont Yankee. The permanent shutdown 
of the Vermont Yankee reactor decreases the fleet of operating 
reactors, which subsequently increases the annual fees for the rest of 
the fleet.
    The budgeted costs to be recovered through annual fees to power 
reactors are divided equally among the 99 power reactors licensed to 
operate, resulting in an FY 2015 annual fee of $4,807,000 per reactor. 
Additionally, each power reactor licensed to operate would be assessed 
the FY 2015 spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning annual fee of 
$223,000. The total FY 2015 annual fee is $5,030,000 for each power 
reactor licensed to operate. The annual fees for power reactors are 
presented in Sec.  171.15.
d. Spent Fuel Storage/Reactors in Decommissioning
    For FY 2015, budgeted costs of $32.4 million for spent fuel 
storage/reactor decommissioning would be recovered through annual fees 
assessed to 10 CFR part 50 power reactors and to 10 CFR part 72 
licensees who do not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license. Those reactor 
licensees that have ceased operations and have no fuel onsite would not 
be subject to these annual fees.
    In comparison to FY 2014, the decreased annual fee is a result of a 
decrease in budgetary resources and increased estimated 10 CFR part 170 
collections for inspections at Beaver Valley and Pilgrim Power Stations 
for FY 2015. Table XIV shows the calculation of this annual fee amount. 
The FY 2014 values are shown for comparison. (Individual values may not 
sum to totals due to rounding.)

 Table XIV--Annual Fee Summary Calculations for the Spent Fuel Storage/
                  Reactor in Decommissioning Fee Class
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary fee calculations           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
Total budgeted resources................           $32.7           $32.4
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts.           -$5.4           -$5.9
    Net 10 CFR part 171 resources.......           $27.3           $26.5
Allocated generic transportation........            $0.6            $1.0

[[Page 37441]]

Fee-relief adjustment...................            $0.0           -$0.0
Billing adjustments.....................           -$0.4           -$0.3
    Total required annual fee recovery..           $27.5           $27.2

    The required annual fee recovery amount is divided equally among 
122 licensees, resulting in an FY 2015 annual fee of $223,000 per 
e. Research and Test Reactors (Nonpower Reactors)
    Approximately $330,000 in budgeted costs would be recovered through 
annual fees assessed to the research and test reactor class of licenses 
for FY 2015. Table XV summarizes the annual fee calculation for the 
research and test reactors for FY 2015. The FY 2014 values are shown 
for comparison. (Individual values may not sum to totals due to 

Table XV--Annual Fee Summary Calculations for Research and Test Reactors
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary fee calculations           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
Total budgeted resources................           $2.63           $2.51
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts.          -$2.28          -$2.19
    Net 10 CFR part 171 resources.......           $0.35           $0.32
Allocated generic transportation........           $0.03           $0.03
Fee-relief adjustment...................          -$0.01          -$0.00
Billing adjustments.....................          -$0.03          -$0.02
    Total required annual fee recovery..           $0.34           $0.33

    In FY 2015, the annual fees decrease for research and test reactors 
as result of a slight decline in budgetary resources. The required 
annual fee recovery amount is divided equally among the four research 
and test reactors subject to annual fees and results in an FY 2015 
annual fee of $83,500 for each licensee.
f. Materials Users.
    The NRC will recover $35.7 million through annual fees assessed to 
materials users licensed under 10 CFR parts 30, 40, and 70. Table XVI 
shows the calculation of the FY 2015 annual fee amount for materials 
users licensees. The FY 2014 values are shown for comparison. Note the 
following fee categories under Sec.  171.16 are included in this fee 
class: 1.C., 1.D., 1.F., 2.B., 2.C. through 2.F., 3.A. through 3.S., 
4.A. through 4.C., 5.A., 5.B., 6.A., 7.A. through 7.C., 8.A., 9.A. 
through 9.D., and 17. (Individual values may not sum to totals due to 

     Table XVI--Annual Fee Summary Calculations for Materials Users
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary Fee Calculations           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
Total budgeted resources................           $32.8           $34.1
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts.           -$0.9           -$1.0
    Net 10 CFR part 171 resources.......           $31.9           $33.1
Allocated generic transportation........            $1.3            $2.2
Fee-relief adjustment/LLW surcharge.....            $0.2            $0.6
Billing adjustments.....................           -$0.3           -$0.2
    Total required annual fee recovery..           $33.1           $35.7

    To equitably and fairly allocate the $35.7 million in FY 2015 
budgeted costs to be recovered in annual fees from the approximately 
2,900 diverse materials users licensees, the NRC continues to base the 
annual fees for each fee category within this class on the 10 CFR part 
170 application fees and estimated inspection costs for each fee 
category. Because the application fees and inspection costs are 
indicative of the complexity of the license, this approach continues to 
provide a proxy for allocating the generic and other regulatory costs 
to the diverse categories of licenses based on the NRC's cost to 
regulate each category. This fee calculation also considers the

[[Page 37442]]

inspection frequency (priority), which is indicative of the safety risk 
and resulting regulatory costs associated with the categories of 
    The annual fee for these categories of materials users' licenses is 
developed as follows:
    Annual fee = Constant x [Application Fee + (Average Inspection 
Cost/Inspection Priority)] + Inspection Multiplier x (Average 
Inspection Cost/Inspection Priority) + Unique Category Costs.
    For FY 2015, the constant multiplier necessary to recover 
approximately $26 million in general costs (including allocated generic 
transportation costs) is 1.52. The average inspection cost is the 
average inspection hours for each fee category multiplied by the hourly 
rate of $268. The inspection priority is the interval between routine 
inspections, expressed in years. The inspection multiplier is the 
multiple necessary to recover approximately $8.9 million in inspection 
costs, and is 1.73 for FY 2015. The unique category costs are any 
special costs that the NRC has budgeted for a specific category of 
licenses. For FY 2015, approximately $235,000 in budgeted costs for the 
implementation of revised 10 CFR part 35, ``Medical Use of Byproduct 
Material (unique costs),'' has been allocated to holders of NRC human-
use licenses.
    The annual fee to be assessed to each licensee also includes a 
share of the fee-relief assessment of approximately $31,000 allocated 
to the materials users fee class (see Table IV, ``Allocation of Fee-
Relief Adjustment and LLW Surcharge, FY 2015,'' in Section II, 
``Discussion,'' of this document), and for certain categories of these 
licensees, a share of the approximately $542,700 surcharge costs 
allocated to the fee class. The annual fee for each fee category is 
shown in Sec.  171.16(d).
g. Transportation
    Table XVII shows the calculation of the FY 2015 generic 
transportation budgeted resources to be recovered through annual fees. 
In comparison to FY 2014, the total budgetary resources for generic 
transportation activities, including those to support DOE Certificate 
of Compliance (CoCs), increase in FY 2015 due to: (1) Rulemaking 
activities involving 10 CFR part 71 Compatibility with IAEA 
Transportation Standards and Improvements, (2) the increased activities 
from the development of the Continued Storage Rule and associated 
generic environmental impact statement combined, and (3) a significant 
decrease in transportation licensing work due to shifts towards storage 
licensing priorities. For FY 2015, the total amount of annual fees to 
be collected for generic transportation activities, including those to 
support DOE CoCs, is $7.4 million, due to the reasons mentioned.
    The FY 2014 values are shown for comparison. (Individual values may 
not sum to totals due to rounding.)

     TABLE XVII--Annual Fee Summary Calculations for Transportation
                          [Dollars in millions]
        Summary Fee Calculations           FY 2014 Final   FY 2015 Final
Total Budgeted Resources................            $8.0           $10.0
Less Estimated 10 CFR Part 170 Receipts.           -$3.1           -$2.6
Net 10 CFR Part 171 Resources...........            $4.9            $7.4

    The NRC must approve any package used for shipping nuclear material 
before shipment. If the package meets NRC requirements, the NRC issues 
a Radioactive Material Package CoC to the organization requesting 
approval of a package. Organizations are authorized to ship radioactive 
material in a package approved for use under the general licensing 
provisions of 10 CFR part 71, ``Packaging and Transportation of 
Radioactive Material.'' The resources associated with generic 
transportation activities are distributed to the license fee classes 
based on the number of CoCs benefitting (used by) that fee class, as a 
proxy for the generic transportation resources expended for each fee 
    Generic transportation resources associated with fee-exempt 
entities are not included in this total. These costs are included in 
the appropriate fee-relief category (e.g., the fee-relief category for 
nonprofit educational institutions).
    Consistent with the policy established in the NRC's FY 2006 final 
fee rule (71 FR 30721; May 30, 2006), the NRC recovers generic 
transportation costs unrelated to DOE as part of existing annual fees 
for license fee classes. The NRC continues to assess a separate annual 
fee under Sec.  171.16, fee category 18.A., for DOE transportation 
activities. The amount of the allocated generic resources is calculated 
by multiplying the percentage of total CoCs used by each fee class (and 
DOE) by the total generic transportation resources to be recovered.
    The distribution of these resources to the license fee classes and 
DOE is shown in Table XVIII. The distribution is adjusted to account 
for the licensees in each fee class that are fee-exempt. For example, 
if four CoCs benefit the entire research and test reactor class, but 
only 4 of 31 research and test reactors are subject to annual fees, the 
number of CoCs used to determine the proportion of generic 
transportation resources allocated to research and test reactor annual 
fees equals (4/31) x 4, or 0.5 CoCs.

                     Table XVIII--Distribution of Generic Transportation Resources, FY 2015
                                              [Dollars in millions]
                                                                  Number of CoCs   Percentage of      generic
                      License fee class/DOE                       benefiting fee    total CoCs    transportation
                                                                   class or DOE                      resources
Total...........................................................            90.4           100.0            7.46
DOE.............................................................            20.0            22.1            1.65
Operating Power Reactors........................................            21.0            23.2            1.73
Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning......................            12.0            13.3            0.99

[[Page 37443]]

Research and Test Reactors......................................             0.4             0.4            0.03
Fuel Facilities.................................................            10.0            11.1            0.83
Materials Users.................................................            27.0            29.9            2.23

    The NRC assesses an annual fee to DOE based on the 10 CFR part 71 
CoCs it holds and does not allocate these DOE-related resources to 
other licensees' annual fees, because these resources specifically 
support DOE. Note that DOE's annual fee includes a reduction for the 
fee-relief surplus adjustment (see Table IV, ``Allocation of Fee-Relief 
Adjustment and LLW Surcharge, FY 2015,'' in Section II, ``Discussion,'' 
of this document), resulting in a total annual fee of $1,623,000 
million for FY 2015. The overall increase is due to rulemaking 
activities involving 10 CFR part 71 Compatibility with IAEA 
Transportation Standards and Improvements combined with a significant 
decrease in transportation licensing work due to shifts towards storage 
licensing priorities. This rulemaking is essential for 10 CFR part 71 
updates and compliance.
h. Small Entity Fees
    For FY 2015, the NRC staff performed a biennial review using the 
fee methodology developed in FY 2009 that applies a fixed percentage of 
39 percent to the prior 2-year weighted average of materials users' 
fees. This methodology disproportionately impacted NRC's small 
licensees fees by increasing fees by an approximate 43 percent on 
average compared to other materials licensees not eligible for small 
entity fee status whose fees increased by 38 percent or less for FY 
2015; therefore, the NRC staff limited the increase to 21 percent based 
on historical applications of the fee methodology. Consequently, the 
change resulted in a fee of $3,400 for an upper-tier small entity and 
$700 for a lower-tier small entity for FY 2015. The NRC staff believes 
these fees are reasonable and provide relief to small entities while 
simultaneously recovering from those licensees some of the NRC's costs 
for activities that benefit the industry.
    The NRC prematurely published a change to the small entity size 
standards in the FY 2015 proposed fee rule. Therefore, the NRC is not 
changing or amending the size standards in the final fee rule. 
Licensees should continue to refer to 10 CFR 2.810 to determine 
eligibility under NRC's size standards. The NRC will conduct the next 
biennial review in FY 2017.

Administrative Changes

    The NRC also makes 11 administrative changes:
    1. Increase Direct Hours per Full-Time Equivalent in the Hourly 
Rate Calculation. The hourly rate in 10 CFR part 170 is calculated by 
dividing the cost per direct FTE by the number of direct hours per 
direct FTE in a year. ``Direct hours'' are hours charged to mission 
direct activities in the Nuclear Reactor Safety Program and Nuclear 
Reactor Materials and Waste Program. The FY 2014 final fee rule used 
1,375 hours per direct FTE in the hourly rate calculations. During the 
FY 2015 budget formulation process, the NRC staff reviewed and analyzed 
time and labor data from FY 2010 through FY 2012 to determine whether 
it should revise the direct hours per FTE. Between FY 2010 and FY 2012, 
the total direct hours charged by direct employees increased. The 
increase in direct hours was apparent in all mission business lines. To 
reflect this increase in productivity as demonstrated by the time and 
labor data, the staff determined that the number of direct hours per 
FTE should increase to 1,420 hours for FY 2015. The staff used 1,420 
hours in the FY 2015 budget formulation cycle.
    2. Adds New Definition for ``Overhead and General and 
Administrative Costs'' under 10 CFR 170.3, ``Definitions.'' The NRC 
adds a new definition to describe overhead and general and 
administrative costs that are included in full cost charges relating to 
hours charged by resident inspectors and project managers to licensees. 
The identical definition is added under 10 CFR 171.5, ``Definitions.''
    3. Amends Definition for ``Utilization Facility'' under 10 CFR 
170.3, ``Definitions.'' The NRC amends the definition for ``utilization 
facility'' to reflect the definition contained in the direct final 
rule, ``Definition of a Utilization Facility,'' published October 17, 
2014 (79 FR 62329), and effective December 31, 2014. The amended 
definition would allow the NRC to add SHINE Medical Technologies, 
Inc.'s, proposed accelerator-driven subcritical operating assemblies to 
the NRC's definition of a ``utilization facility.''
    4. Revises the Assessment of Administrative Time for Project 
Managers and Resident Inspectors. The NRC staff has examined the 
charging of administrative allocation time for project managers and 
resident inspectors under 10 CFR part 170. The current practice evenly 
distributes overhead time charges among the sites assigned to the 
individual. The NRC staff believes this method of distribution does not 
consider that some licensees generate more direct work than others. The 
NRC, therefore, will allocate administrative allocation costs to each 
licensee based on direct time to each docket. This method ensures that 
a licensee's administrative allocation costs are proportional to the 
regulatory services rendered by the NRC. This method aligns with the 
NRC's longstanding fee policy that fees assessed to licensees should, 
to the maximum extent practicable, reflect the actual costs of NRC 
regulatory services, and does not penalize licensees who require fewer 
regulatory services.
    5. Adds Fee Subcategories to 10 CFR 170.31 to Reflect a License 
with Multiple Sites. The NRC adds fee subcategories to 3.L. licenses 
(broad scope) under 10 CFR 170.31 to assess additional fees to 
licensees such as the United States Department of Agriculture and the 
Department of the Army, in order to accurately reflect the cost of 
services provided by the NRC. The staff spends a disproportionate 
amount of time on these licensees as compared to other licensees in the 
same fee category. These two broad scope licenses also have a 
considerable number of sites throughout the country and operate in a 
manner similar to master materials licenses under fee category 17. In 
FY 2014, the staff compared the work

[[Page 37444]]

efforts expended by the NRC for master materials licenses with multiple 
sites to NRC work efforts for broad scope licenses with multiple sites. 
The staff concluded that NRC work efforts for multi-site broad scope 
licensees are similar to work efforts for master materials licensees. 
Therefore, consistent with NRC policy that fees assessed to licensees 
accurately reflect the cost of services provided, the NRC revises its 
fee categories to consider the number of sites a broad scope licensee 
has in establishing fees. An identical change is made to 10 CFR 171.16, 
``Annual Fees: Materials Licensees, Holders of Certificates of 
Compliance, Holders of Sealed Source and Device Registrations, Holders 
of Quality Assurance Program Approvals, and Government Agencies 
Licensed by the NRC.''
    6. Amends 10 CFR 170.31, Footnote 6, to Avoid Duplicate Billing. 
The NRC amends footnote 6 to 10 CFR 170.31, ``Schedule of Fees for 
Materials Licenses and Other Regulatory Services, Including 
Inspections, and Import and Export Licenses,'' to avoid duplicate 
billing for fuel cycle facility licensees. The NRC currently charges a 
single annual fee to fuel cycle facility licensees for major 
activities. These licensees are not charged additional annual fees for 
ancillary activities. An identical change is made under 10 CFR 171.16, 
``Annual Fees: Materials Licensees, Holders of Certificates of 
Compliance, Holders of Sealed Source and Device Registrations, Holders 
of Quality Assurance Program Approvals, and Government Agencies 
Licensed by the NRC.''
    7. Modifies Definition for ``Overhead and General and 
Administrative Costs'' under 10 CFR 171.5, ``Definitions.'' The NRC 
modifies the definition for ``Overhead and General and Administrative 
Costs'' to reflect the FY 2008 merger of the Advisory Committee on 
Nuclear Waste with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.
    8. Revises Fees to Reflect Biennial Review of Fees. To comply with 
the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the NRC evaluates, on a 
biennial basis, the historical professional staff hours used to process 
a new license application. The NRC also evaluates the inspection time 
by reviewing hours spent by NRC staff on those materials users' fee 
categories that are subject to flat application fees. This review also 
includes new license and amendment applications for import and export 
licenses. Changes resulting from this biennial review impact 10 CFR 
part 170 flat fees for the small materials users and import and export 
    Two program offices, the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and 
Safeguards (NMSS) and the Office of International Programs (OIP), have 
completed their biennial review to the CFO regarding the FY 2015 fees. 
The NMSS recommended changes to the professional staff hours for most 
of the small materials users. The OIP also recommended changes to the 
hours for some import and export license fee categories.
    Cumulatively, the FY 2015 biennial review resulted in increased 
professional staff hours within 11 fee categories and decreased 
professional staff hours within 11 fee categories. The changes in the 
number of hours and the hourly rate are components that will be used to 
determine the 10 CFR part 170 fees for the materials user's licenses as 
well as import and export applications.
    9. Modifies Small Entity Fees. In accordance with NRC policy, the 
staff conducted a biennial review of small entity fees to determine if 
the fees should be changed. The small entity fees primarily impact the 
NRC's small materials licensees. In FY 2015, the staff performed a 
biennial review using the fee methodology developed in FY 2009 that 
applies a fixed percentage of 39 percent to the prior 2-year weighted 
average of materials users' fees. As a result, the upper tier small 
entity fee increased from $2,800 to $4,000 and the lower-tier fee 
increased from $600 to $900. This constitutes a 43-percent and 50-
percent increase, respectively. Implementing this increase would have a 
disproportionate impact upon the NRC's small licensees compared to 
other licensees. Therefore, the NRC staff revised the increase to 21 
percent for the upper-tier fee. The 21-percent increase was applied 
based on historical trends in the small entity fee and has been used in 
previous biennial reviews. The NRC staff amends the upper-tier small 
entity fee to $3,400 and amends the lower-tier small entity fee to $700 
for FY 2015. The staff believes these fees are reasonable and provide 
relief to small entities while at the same time recovering from those 
licensees some of the NRC's costs for activities that benefit them.
    10. Adds Fee Subcategories to 10 CFR 171.16 to Reflect a License 
with Multiple Sites. The NRC adds fee subcategories to 3.L. licenses 
(broad scope) under 10 CFR 171.16 to assess additional fees to 
licensees such as the United States Department of Agriculture and the 
Department of the Army, in order to accurately reflect the cost of 
services provided by the NRC. The staff spends a disproportionate 
amount of time on these licensees as compared to other licensees in the 
same fee category. These two broad scope licenses also have a 
considerable number of sites throughout the country and operate in a 
manner similar to master materials licenses under fee category 17. In 
FY 2014, the staff compared the work efforts expended by the NRC for 
master materials licenses with multiple sites to NRC work efforts for 
broad scope licenses with multiple sites. The staff concluded that NRC 
work efforts for multi-site broad scope licensees are similar to work 
efforts for master materials licensees. Therefore, consistent with NRC 
policy that fees assessed to licensees accurately reflect the cost of 
services provided, the NRC modifies its fee categories to consider the 
number of sites a broad scope licensee has in establishing fees.
    11. Amends 10 CFR 171.16, Footnote 16, to Avoid Duplicate Billing. 
The NRC modifies the footnote description under 10 CFR 171.16, ``Annual 
Fees: Materials Licensees, Holders of Certificates of Compliance, 
Holders of Sealed Source and Device Registrations, Holders of Quality 
Assurance Program Approvals, and Government Agencies Licensed by the 
NRC,'' to avoid duplicate billing for fuel cycle facility licensees. 
The NRC's current policy charges a single, large annual fee to fuel 
cycle facility licensees for major activities. These licensees are not 
charged additional annual fees for ancillary activities.

FY 2015 Billing

    The FY 2015 fee rule is a major rule as defined by the 
Congressional Review Act of 1996 (5 U.S.C. 801-808). Therefore, the 
NRC's fee schedules for FY 2015 will become effective 60 days after 
publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. Upon publication 
of the final rule, the NRC will send an invoice for the amount of the 
annual fees to reactor licensees, 10 CFR part 72 licensees, major fuel 
cycle facilities, and other licensees with annual fees of $100,000 or 
more. For these licensees, payment is due 30 days after the effective 
date of the FY 2015 final rule. Because these licensees are billed 
quarterly, the payment amount due is the total FY 2015 annual fee less 
payments made in the first three quarters of the fiscal year.
    Materials licensees with annual fees of less than $100,000 are 
billed annually. Those materials licensees whose license anniversary 
date during FY 2015 falls before the effective date of the FY 2015 
final rule will be billed for the annual fee during the anniversary 
month of the license at the FY 2014 annual fee rate. Those materials 
licensees whose license anniversary

[[Page 37445]]

date falls on or after the effective date of the FY 2015 final rule 
will be billed for the annual fee at the FY 2015 annual fee rate during 
the anniversary month of the license, and payment will be due on the 
date of the invoice.

III. Opportunities for Public Participation

    The NRC published the FY 2015 proposed fee rule in the Federal 
Register on March 23, 2015 (80 FR 15476), for a 30-day public comment 
period. The rule proposed to amend the licensing, inspection, and 
annual fees charged to the NRC's applicants and licensees in order to 
implement OBRA-90, as amended, which requires the NRC to recover 
approximately 90 percent of its budget authority in FY 2015 through 
fees (not including amounts appropriated for WIR, the NWF, generic 
homeland security activities, and IG services for the DNFSB.) These 
fees represent the cost of the NRC's services provided to applicants 
and licensees. The public comment period for the proposed rule closed 
on April 22, 2015.
    The NRC also held a public meeting on April 20, 2015, to provide 
more transparency regarding fees in relation to the budget process and 
fulfill its commitment to external stakeholders to address NRC program 
processes and inefficiencies mentioned in the comments submitted for 
the FY 2014 proposed fee rule. The first session of the public meeting 
addressed the FY 2015 budget for the following program areas: Operating 
reactors, new reactors, fuel facilities, decommissioning, low-level 
waste, and mission support. The second session of the public meeting 
addressed the NRC fee process in relation to the budget laws that 
govern fees, the calculation of fees, FY 2015 proposed fee rule 
highlights including improvements, and next steps regarding the final 
rule. Additionally, the second session addressed the fee billing 
process including the charging of staff hours, validation of charges, 
preparation of invoices, and allocation of administrative time for 
program managers and resident inspectors. During the public meeting, 
the NRC received comments on the FY 2015 proposed fee rule. These 
comments are detailed in the transcription of the public meeting (ADAMS 
Accession No. ML15153A028). All of these comments except one are 
identical to comments later received as comment submissions for the FY 
2015 proposed fee rule. The NRC responds to the one additional comment 
raised in the public meeting, as well as all other comment submissions, 
in Section IV, Public Comment Analysis, of this document.

IV. Public Comment Analysis

A. Overview of Public Comments

    The NRC received 11 written comment submissions for the proposed 
rule. A comment submission for the purpose of this rule is defined as a 
communication or document submitted to the NRC by an individual or 
entity, with one or more distinct comments addressing a subject or an 
issue. A comment, on the other hand, refers to a statement made in the 
submission addressing a subject or issue. Nine comment submissions were 
received after the 30-day comment period closed; the NRC has addressed 
all nine late-filed comment submissions as part of this final rule.
    The primary concern for the majority of the commenters is that the 
FY 2015 proposed fee rule was published late in the fiscal year and 
that the work papers lacked adequate justification to substantiate a 
change in fees, thereby denying the public an opportunity to submit 
meaningful commentary for consideration in the FY 2015 final fee rule. 
The commenters are listed in Table XIX, and are classified as follows: 
One government agency (DOE); two members of the uranium industry 
(Kennecott Uranium Company and Wyoming Mining Association (WMA)); one 
materials licensee (Rendezvous Engineering, P.C.); one rare earth 
applicant (Rare Element Resources); and six members of the nuclear 
industry (Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC), Duke Energy (Duke), 
Exelon Generation, LLC (Exelon), Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), 
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and AREVA, Inc. (AREVA)).

                           Table XIX--FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule Commenter Submissions
           Commenter               Affiliation                 ADAMS Accession No.                  Acronym
Thomas C. Pauling.............  Department of      ML15112A215 (#1)..........................  DOE
Anthony R. Pietrangelo........  Nuclear Energy     ML15113A307 (#2)..........................  NEI
Jonathan Downing..............  Wyoming Mining     ML15113B224 (#3)..........................  WMA
Bryan C. Hanson...............  Exelon Generation  ML15113B230 (#4)..........................  Exelon
C.R. Pierce...................  Southern Nuclear   ML15117A174 (#5)..........................  SNC
M. Christopher Nolan..........  Duke Energy......  ML15117A324 (#6)..........................  Duke
Gayle Elliott.................  AREVA, Inc.......  ML15119A447 (#7)..........................  AREVA
Matthew F. Ostdiek, P.E.......  Rendezvous         ML15119A453 (#8)..........................  N/A
                                 Engineering, P.C.
Oscar Paulson.................  Kennecott Uranium  ML15119A504 (#9)..........................  N/A
Jaye T. Pickarts..............  Rare Element       ML15127A144 (#10).........................  N/A
J.W. Shea.....................  Tennessee Valley   ML15131A477 (#11).........................  TVA

    Information about obtaining the complete text of the comment 
submissions is available in Section XV, ``Availability of Documents,'' 
of this document.
Public Comments and Overall NRC Responses
    The NRC has carefully considered the public comments received. The 
comments have been organized by topic followed by the NRC response.
A. Inadequate Explanation and Transparency
1. Uranium Recovery
    Comment: Neither the FY 2015 proposed fee rule nor the work papers 
explain the rationale for recovery costs associated with generic and 
other uranium program activities that are assessed to DOE and other 
uranium recovery licensees. (DOE)
    Response: The NRC described the overall methodology for determining 
fees for uranium recovery facilities, including DOE, in the 2002 fee 
rule (67 FR 42612; June 24, 2002). The NRC recovers fees from DOE 
through both user fees charged under 10 CFR part 170 and annual fees 
charged under 10 CFR part 171. The user fees cover specific UMTRCA 
oversight activities, while the 10 CFR part 171 fees cover generic work 
related to UMTRCA and other uranium recovery activities. As shown in 
the work papers, the NRC calculated the

[[Page 37446]]

total amount of budgeted resources for UMTRCA activities related to DOE 
sites in the FY 2015 appropriation by computing the cost of staff hours 
budgeted to conduct the work (in terms of FTE) and the budgeted 
contract costs. The total amount of budgeted resources was then reduced 
by the amount expected to be recovered by direct fees for site-specific 
UMTRCA activities. The NRC produced this estimate of direct fees by 
analyzing billing data and the actual contractual work charged to DOE 
for the previous four quarters. The estimate, therefore, reflects any 
recent reductions in NRC oversight activities. The remainder of the 
UMTRCA budgeted amount related to DOE sites was assessed to DOE for 
generic activities. In addition to those generic costs, DOE was 
assessed for 10 percent of the overall generic costs attributable to 
the uranium recovery program. The remaining 90 percent of the overall 
generic costs was assessed to other members of the uranium recovery 
    The NRC performs several types of activities in its oversight of 
UMTRCA sites that have been transferred to DOE for long-term 
surveillance and maintenance. The NRC staff reviews the reports 
generated by DOE, including routine ground water monitoring reports, 
annual site remediation performance reports, annual inspection reports 
and other technical reports generated by DOE. The NRC staff also 
reviews and provides comments on non-routine reports such as the 
reports developed by DOE concerning the Many Devils Wash at the 
Shiprock site and the Phytoremediation Pilot Study at the Monument 
Valley site. In addition, if DOE proposes to revise a Ground Water 
Corrective Action Plan or Remediation Plan at a site, the NRC staff 
reviews and (if appropriate) concurs on the revised plan. The NRC staff 
also performs Observational Site Visits at UMTRCA sites to observe the 
DOE, and DOE contractors, performing the annual inspections of the 
UMTRCA sites required by the site Long-Term Surveillance Plan. Other 
significant staff actions include participating in the activities 
related to the development and implementation of the 5-year plan to 
address uranium contamination on the Navajo Nation. No change was made 
to the final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The FY 2015 proposed fee rule lacks adequate justification 
regarding the 20-percent increase in fees for uranium recovery 
licenses. The justification that the NRC provides regarding the Section 
106 Tribal Consultation process as one of the factors triggering the 
fee increase for uranium recovery licensees is not substantiated since 
this process should be streamlined and not used as justification for 
higher annual fees. (WMA, Kennecott Uranium Recovery)
    Response: Regarding the 20-percent increase in annual fees, the FY 
2015 annual fee recoverable amount was higher for all other uranium 
recovery licensees for primarily two reasons. First, under the NRC's 
established fee methodology, once the NRC determines how much the 
UMTRCA program will need to pay in annual fees, then the remainder of 
the NRC's budgetary authority must be recouped through the remaining 
uranium recovery licensees. The reduced budgetary resources for the 
UMTRCA program, therefore, contributed to this year's fee increase for 
the other uranium recovery licensees. Second, there are increased 
budgetary resources in FY 2015 to support contested uranium recovery 
hearings before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; the work on 
these contested hearings must be recouped through annual fees.
    Additionally, the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 
consultation process associated with uranium recovery licensing actions 
has grown significantly over the past several years. This growth can be 
attributed to two main factors: (1) The siting of these projects in 
areas that are known to be the aboriginal homelands of a large number 
of Federally-recognized Native American tribes and tribes at or near 
sites that are considered sacred by these tribes (e.g., the Pumpkin 
Buttes, the Missouri Buttes, Devils Tower, and the Black Hills); and 
(2) the increased interest from tribes to participate as consulting 
parties in the Section 106 process for uranium recovery licensing 
actions. No change was made to the final rule in response to this 
    Comment: The proposed rule and work papers do not reflect the 
resources that have been authorized by the Further Continuing 
Appropriations Act of 2015, which became law more than 3 months before 
the publication of this rulemaking. Instead, the proposed rule and work 
papers are based on the earlier President's Budget, which was $44.2 
million greater than the appropriated amount. Due to this course of 
action, it is impossible to determine whether any of the resource 
allocations in the work papers are accurate. The proposed rule 
indicates that the final rule will make appropriate estimated 
adjustments without allowing the public any meaningful opportunity to 
understand the actual calculations or comment on this adjustment. 
    Response: In its proposed rule, the NRC provided estimated final FY 
2015 calculations based on the anticipated impacts as a result of the 
FY 2015 appropriation. To meet the requirements of OBRA-90 that NRC 
collect approximately 90 percent of its appropriation by the end of the 
fiscal year and Administrative Procedure Act requirements concerning 
opportunity for public comment, the NRC published the proposed fee 
rule, which included estimated FY 2015 final fees based on the most 
accurate data available at the time of publication. No change was made 
to the final rule in response to this comment.
2. Operating Reactor Fees
    Comment: Regarding annual fees, the proposed fee rule and work 
papers do not provide sufficient detail on how the 10 CFR parts 170 and 
171 operating reactor fee estimates were calculated, rendering the 
proposed fee rule arbitrary and capricious. (Exelon)
    Response: The NRC disagrees with the comment that the work papers 
contain insufficient detail with respect to how the 10 CFR parts 170 
and 171 operating reactor fee estimates were calculated. Consistent 
with prior years, license fees are based on the NRC's budget 
formulation structure hierarchy of business lines, product lines, and 
products. The NRC provides those business lines, product lines, and 
products in its work papers. Detailed information below the product 
level (e.g., cost centers) is determined when the budget is executed. 
The work papers do not distinguish by specific budget line items which 
fees are recovered through user and annual fees because it is 
impractical for the NRC to determine in advance the precise percent of 
a given business line that will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 
user fees versus 10 CFR part 171 annual fees. No change was made to the 
final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: Neither the proposed rule nor the work papers provide any 
information showing the specific costs that are being recovered through 
annual fees. The work papers merely list all items comprising the 
entire NRC-budgeted resources for new reactors, operating reactors, and 
unexplained materials licensing activities and derive the annual fee by 
subtracting the portion of estimated 10 CFR part 170 collections 
attributed to entities paying user fees ($288.5 million). As a 
consequence, it is impossible to determine which of the specific line 
items are being recovered through user fees and which are being 
recovered under annual fees. The descriptions of the line items are 

[[Page 37447]]

vague, preventing one from determining whether they are generic, and 
potentially appropriate for recovery under 10 CFR part 171 or 
attributable to a service provided to an identifiable beneficiary and, 
therefore, appropriate for recovery less than 10 CFR part 170. (Exelon)
    Response: The NRC disagrees with the comment that the work papers 
contain insufficient detail with respect to which specific line items 
are being recovered through user fees, and which are being recovered 
through annual fees. Consistent with prior years, license fees are 
based on the NRC's budget formulation structure hierarchy of business 
lines, product lines, and products. The commenter is correct that the 
work papers do not distinguish these activities on the basis of whether 
these line items will be recovered through user or annual fees. But, 
that is because it would prove unduly burdensome for the NRC to perform 
this type of calculation for every business line, product line, and 
product in its budget. No change was made to the final rule in response 
to this comment.
    Comment: The proposed rule and the work papers do not state how the 
estimated $324.3 million in 10 CFR part 170 costs are calculated for 
licensees. (Exelon)
    Response: The NRC estimates the amount of 10 CFR part 170 fees 
based on established fee methodology guidelines (42 FR 22149; May 2, 
1977), which specified that the NRC has the authority to recover the 
full cost of providing services to identifiable beneficiaries. As in 
previous years, the NRC applied longstanding principles to calculate 
the 10 CFR part 170 estimates based on the analysis of financial data. 
The data analyzed to devise the 10 CFR part 170 estimate included: (1) 
Four quarters of the most recent billing data (hourly rate invoice 
data); (2) actual contractual work charged (prior period data) to 
develop contract work estimates; and (3) the number of FTE hours 
charged, multiplied by the NRC professional hourly rate. These factors, 
along with workload projections, are used by the NRC to determine the 
10 CFR part 170 estimated charges. Because the fee calculation 
worksheets used to develop the 10 CFR part 170 estimates involve 
thousands of calculations, it would be impractical for the NRC to 
provide details on every calculation, let alone explanations for every 
calculation such that each individual calculation became accessible and 
understandable to members of the public. No change was made to the 
final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The work papers allocate to operating reactors over $7 
million for spent fuel storage and transportation (SFST). As there is 
no meaningful description, one cannot determine whether the allocated 
costs are attributable solely to the Waste Confidence rulemaking or 
include other activities as well. (Exelon)
    Response: The SFST business line activities include efforts to 
maintain and enhance its technical capabilities and understanding of 
the potential behavior of different geologic environments and 
engineered barrier systems for disposal of spent fuel and high-level 
waste, and monitoring national-level developments stemming from the 
report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future and 
DOE's response to that report. Beginning in FY 2011, the NRC began 
budgeting for interim measures for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel. 
At that time, the NRC determined that it was appropriate to include 
these SFST resources in the power reactors fee class because power 
reactors ultimately benefit from disposal of spent nuclear fuel. These 
activities are in addition to the Waste Confidence (now Continued 
Storage) rulemaking activities. No change was made to the final rule in 
response to this comment.
    Comment: The $7 million is in addition to the $28.9 million for 
spent fuel storage and decommissioning activities recovered through an 
annual fee on power reactors and 10 CFR part 72 licensees that do not 
hold a 10 CFR part 50 license. The NRC should inform the operating 
reactors whether the SFST costs assessed to operating reactors includes 
activities pertaining to spent fuel disposal activities listed in the 
FY 2014 CBJ. These costs should be counted separately or be an offset 
from the carry-over appropriation relating to the review of Yucca 
Mountain license application or recovered through user fees assessed to 
DOE or the NWF. (Exelon)
    Response: The Waste Confidence (Continued Storage) rulemaking was 
completed in FY 2014. A small portion of the operating reactors' fees 
include SFST business line activities to maintain and enhance the NRC's 
technical capabilities and understanding of the potential behavior of 
different geologic environments and engineered barrier systems for 
disposal of spent fuel and high-level waste, and monitoring national-
level developments stemming from the report of the Blue Ribbon 
Commission on America's Nuclear Future and DOE's response to that 
report. Beginning in FY 2011, the NRC began budgeting for interim 
measures for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel. At that time, the NRC 
determined that it was appropriate to include these SFST resources in 
the power reactors fee class because power reactors ultimately benefit 
from disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Further, it continues to be 
neither feasible nor appropriate for the NRC to parse out fees for 
activities that might be attributable to DOE's contractual obligations 
with respect to spent fuel versus those fees that would have been borne 
by licensees even if DOE had performed under the Standard Contract. 
Finally, with respect to offsetting fees from the carryover 
appropriations relating to the review of the Yucca Mountain 
construction authorization application or recovering costs through user 
fees assessed to the NWF, the NRC disagrees with the comment. Funds 
appropriated from the NWF may only be used for activities prescribed in 
section 302(d) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, which includes 
licensing activities associated with the Yucca Mountain high-level 
waste repository. That section covers neither the NRC's work on interim 
strategies for disposal of high-level waste, nor monitoring national-
level developments stemming from the report of the Blue Ribbon 
Commission. Therefore, these activities are not chargeable to NWF 
appropriations. The NRC's NWF carryover funding is not included in the 
``fee relief items'' or any part of the FY 2015 budget that is to be 
recovered by fees. No change was made to the final rule in response to 
this comment.
    Comment: The NRC work papers imply that up to $1 million/reactor 
(20 percent) of the 10 CFR part 171 fees could be supporting NRC work 
on new and advanced reactors. The NRC should justify in a transparent 
manner how much of the annual fees support this new reactor business 
line, and how this portion of the annual fee directly supports 
operating plant regulatory activities. (SNC)
    Response: The NRC does not compute new reactors costs separately 
when it determines the operating reactor annual fee. In other words, 
the NRC does not break the annual fee for operating reactors into 
separate, constituent parts in such a way that it can extract new 
reactor costs from operating reactor costs. This is because these costs 
are all intertwined within the operating reactor annual fee 
calculations. The fee calculation for the operating reactor fee class 
is derived from a methodology that includes analyzing the NRC's budget 
structure, and then making multiple adjustments to account for fee 
relief, generic transportations cost, estimated 10 CFR part 170 
collections, etc. It is

[[Page 37448]]

not, therefore, possible to simply analyze the budgeted business line 
for new reactors, and then extrapolate from there. No change was made 
to the final rule in response to this comment.
3. Rare Earth Facilities
    Comment: The NRC should reevaluate the proposed annual fee for rare 
earth facilities to assure consistency with the NRC's statutory 
obligation to ``fairly and equitably'' allocate annual fees among 
licensees in a manner that has a reasonable relationship to the cost of 
providing regulatory services. The agency should explain in detail the 
basis for the proposed rare earth facilities fee in Table XVI in 
comparison to uranium recovery and other rare earth facilities fees. 
The rare earth facilities' proposed annual fee amount of $83,800 is 
more than double the conventional uranium mill facilities' proposed 
annual fee ($40,700) and significantly larger than the fees associated 
with in situ uranium recovery facilities ($51,500 and $58,300). In 
addition, the annual fee charged by the California Radiologic Health 
Branch for the Mountain Pass rare earth facility is capped at $29,418--
approximately one-third of the NRC's proposed annual fee. (Rare Element 
    Response: The NRC agrees with this comment. As mentioned 
previously, the proposed FY 2015 fee rule established an annual fee for 
rare earth facilities. Upon further analysis, however, the NRC 
determined that all the budgeted resources for the rare earth facility 
fee class will be collected through 10 CFR part 170 fees this fiscal 
year. Therefore, in this final rule, the NRC omitted the annual fee for 
rare earth facilities in response to this comment.

B. Fairness of Fees

    Comment: The proposed fee rule fails to subtract from the NRC 
budget the cost of activities that are covered by appropriations and 
carry-over appropriations from the NWF. There is no reason not to treat 
a carry-over appropriation as an appropriation for the fiscal year, 
because that appropriation remains available. But even if the NRC could 
not deduct the carry-over appropriation as a non-fee item, it would be 
inappropriate to charge the costs of the Yucca Mountain application to 
reactors as an annual fee, because these costs are direct services to 
an applicant (DOE), not generic costs. (Exelon)
    Response: The NRC disagrees with the comment. The NRC received no 
new NWF appropriations in FY 2015. The NRC's FY 2015 activities related 
to review of the Yucca Mountain high-level waste repository application 
are being charged to the carryover balance of the NRC's NWF 
appropriations from prior years and will not be billed to licensees. 
OBRA-90 specifies that the NRC must deduct from the annual charges 
collected from all licensees any ``amounts appropriated to the 
Commission from the Nuclear Waste Fund for the fiscal year.'' 42 U.S.C. 
2214(c)(2)(A)(ii) (emphasis added). In FY 2015, the NRC did not receive 
any new appropriations from the NWF. Therefore, there was no amount to 
subtract from the budget in calculating FY 2015 annual fees; all the 
carryover money that the NRC is using in FY 2015 was already deducted 
during the years in which it was appropriated. No change was made to 
the final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The NRC should recover its generic new reactor costs 
through a more focused class of licensees. Specifically, NRC should 
recover its generic new reactor costs by creating a new fee class 
consisting of the holders of design certifications and design 
approvals, licensees that hold or have active applications for combined 
licenses, holders of active construction permits, and holders of any 
other NRC approvals allowing or pertaining to new plant activities. 
    Response: Initially, to the extent that the NRC's new reactor 
safety work directly benefits a licensee or applicant, the NRC assesses 
10 CFR part 170 user fees to that licensee or applicant. As a result, 
existing operating reactor licensees are not paying any fees for new 
reactor work that directly benefits an entity engaged in new reactor 
activities. As for the portion of the new reactor work that is not 
collected through 10 CFR part 170 user fees, OBRA-90, as amended, 
requires that the NRC allocate those costs of this work fairly and 
equitably. Because the NRC's generic new reactor work yields benefits 
for existing operating reactor licensees, the NRC's current system of 
allocating all operating reactor costs to existing licensees satisfies 
OBRA-90's requirements.
    Implementing a new fee class would be unduly burdensome, costly, 
and generally unworkable for two reasons. First, although generic new 
reactor activities may preferentially benefit new reactor vendors or 
licensees, there are many activities that appear to be focused on new 
reactors but ultimately have a direct benefit to operating units. To 
illustrate, consider the rulemaking effort to change the financial 
qualification standards for merchant plants. Although this rulemaking 
was initially focused on new reactor applicants, the Commission, in 
approving the rulemaking, expanded its scope to include license 
transfers, which provides a direct and appreciable benefit to existing 
operating reactors. Similarly, the expertise developed in the areas of 
seismic and flooding analysis was developed to address new reactor 
applicants. Now, however, that expertise is being brought to bear on 
seismic and flooding reevaluations being done in response to the 
Fukushima event.
    Contrary to Exelon's comment, these are not ``indirect'' benefits 
to existing reactors, but rather concrete cases where work that, on its 
face, was geared towards new reactor activities yielded valuable and 
tangible benefits for the existing fleet, and therefore was 
appropriately billed to existing reactors. To devise methods to 
separate the NRC's generic new reactor costs from generic operating 
reactor costs, and then implement oversight to ensure the costs were 
correctly allocated, would require appreciable and recurring expenses 
that would be billed to all licensees. Further, such a process, which 
would have to be performed on a year-to-year basis, would be unworkable 
in any practical sense given the fluid nature of the NRC's generic 
regulatory work vis-[agrave]-vis power reactors.
    Second, creating a new fee class would also prove impracticable 
because entities holding licenses for currently operating reactors may 
also be, either now or in the future, applicants for new nuclear power 
plant licenses. Given the evolving nature of the new reactor landscape, 
there is no practicable or reliable method to determine which existing 
NRC licensees will develop an interest in future reactor activities. 
Exelon's comment argues that the NRC should merely identify those 
entities that have pending regulatory approvals pertaining to new plant 
activities. But the existing marketplace is more fluid than Exelon's 
comment suggests, and having a stable and predictable regulatory 
infrastructure benefits more entities than just those currently seeking 
pending regulatory approvals because it promotes business planning. 
Exelon itself was engaged in new reactor activities from 2003-2012 
(and, therefore, directly benefitted from all of the NRC's generic new 
reactor work). It is plausible that an entity previously involved in 
new reactor activities could re-engage in those activities at some time 
in the future.
    Ultimately, identification of fee classes is a matter of line-
drawing. By virtue of being a generic activity without a specific, 
concrete beneficiary, activities that fall in the 10 CFR part 171

[[Page 37449]]

annual fee category could be theoretically parsed into an almost 
infinite amount of fee classes. For example, if the NRC were to base 
fees on distinctions such as whether generic work benefited boiling 
water reactors versus pressurized water reactors or coastal versus 
inland reactors, the exercise likely would result in distinctions that 
are both artificial and unduly burdensome from an administrative and 
recordkeeping standpoint. The NRC's decision to draw the fee class line 
in such a way that encompasses generic new reactor work satisfies OBRA-
90's requirement that costs be allocated fairly and that, ``[t]o the 
maximum extent practicable, the charges shall have a reasonable 
relationship to the cost of providing regulatory services.'' No change 
was made to the final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The proposed fee rule fails to recover user fees from 
every person who receives a service or thing of value the full cost of 
such service or thing of value. Of the $935.3 million that the 
Commission must recover through fees, only $324.5 million is estimated 
to be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 user fees. This could be 
correct only if approximately two-thirds of the NRC's budget does not 
benefit any identifiable entity, which is presumably not the case. As 
an example, user fees do not appear to be imposed for vendor 
inspections despite the fact that vendors are identifiable persons 
receiving the benefit of NRC inspections to establish their 
qualifications to provide safety-related services. Also, the costs for 
advanced reactor research should be recovered through user fees charged 
to applicants or pre-applicants. (Exelon)
    Response: Within the confines of the IOAA, the NRC recovers user 
fees from as many people as legally possible. To take the commenter's 
specific examples, the NRC cannot assess user fees when performing 
vendor inspections. The NRC's vendor inspection program verifies that 
reactor licensees are fulfilling their regulatory obligations with 
respect to providing effective oversight of the supply chain. The 
licensee, not the NRC, establishes a vendor's qualifications to provide 
safety-related items and services; the vendor, therefore, does not 
receive a tangible benefit from the NRC when the NRC performs its 
inspection because the vendor is not receiving any sort of NRC stamp-
of-approval or certification. The NRC cannot bill vendor inspections 
directly to specific licensees because the vendor is typically 
supplying more than one licensee at any given time. It is expected that 
many licensees will benefit from the inspection, both the specific 
customers at the time of the inspection, future customers who may not 
be known at the time of the inspection, and the industry in general 
because the Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) uses NRC 
vendor inspection findings in preparation for its audits.
    Regarding advanced reactor research, the NRC is not conducting any 
generic research for advanced non-light water reactor designs that can 
be charged as user fees to specific applicants. Because these are 
generic costs that do not directly benefit a specific applicant, NRC 
cannot legally recover these costs through IOAA user fees. No change 
was made to the final rule in response to this document.
    Comment: The annual fee for operating reactors should not be 
assessed solely on the 99 current operating licensees licensed under 10 
CFR part 50, but should also include holders of COLs under 10 CFR part 
52. The NRC's generic activities for operating reactors, such as 
Fukushima Near-Term Task Force activities, benefit 10 CFR part 52 
combined license holders as much as 10 CFR part 50 operating licensees. 
Assigning costs only to 10 CFR part 50 operating licenses is 
inequitable, particularly because the current COL holders are far 
better positioned to recover these costs than many current operating 
licensees; they remain electric utilities able to recover costs through 
rates and regulatory costs during construction are largely capitalized. 
    Response: The NRC disagrees with the commenter's proposed 
recommendation. Historically, plants licensed under 10 CFR part 50 did 
not enter into the fee class of operating plants until permission was 
granted by the NRC to load fuel and begin power operation. Although 
combined license holders under 10 CFR part 52 do hold an operating 
license, they do not approach a comparable status to plants licensed 
under 10 CFR part 50 until the Commission determines that the 
inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria are satisfied 
pursuant to 10 CFR 52.103(g), all operational programs are functional, 
and program compliance with regulations demonstrated. Therefore, the 
NRC believes that fairness concerns dictate that the NRC should not 
charge COL holders the same fees as operating plants during their 
construction and pre-operation phases. No change was made to the final 
rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The FY 2015 proposed fee rule hourly rate of $277 remains 
high in comparison to the hourly rates of consultants working for the 
uranium recovery industry which contributes to huge regulatory costs 
for licensees due to the large number of hours expended by NRC staff. 
(WMA, Kennecott Uranium Recovery)
    Response: The fees assessed to licensees and applicants by the NRC 
must conform to OBRA-90 and IOAA requirements, in contrast to industry 
consultants working for the uranium recovery industry. Under the IOAA, 
the NRC must recover the full costs of providing specific regulatory 
benefits to identifiable applicants and licensees. In so doing, the NRC 
establishes an hourly rate for its work. Consistent with the law, the 
NRC determines its hourly rate by dividing the sum of recoverable 
budgeted resources for: (1) Mission-direct program salaries and 
benefits; (2) mission-indirect program support; and (3) agency overhead 
or indirect costs--which includes corporate support, office support and 
the IG. The mission-direct FTE hours are the product of the mission-
direct FTE multiplied by the hours per direct FTE. The only budgeted 
resources excluded from the hourly rate are those for contract 
activities related to mission-direct and fee-relief activities. No 
change was made to the final rule in response to this comment.

C. Fuel Facilities

    Comment: The NRC should adequately explain the basis for the 
significant increase in annual fees for fuel facilities in the proposed 
fee rule. Although the proposed rule attributes the increase to a 
reduction in 10 CFR part 170 fees from construction delays and a slight 
increase in budgeted resources, it does not explain how or why the 
redirected resources that were budgeted for construction-related 
activities were redirected to 10 CFR part 171-related activities for 
fuel facilities. (NEI)
    Response: Fuel Facility Business Line (FFBL) fees for FY 2015 are 
tied to the President's FY 2015 budget. As noted by the commenter, the 
proposed FY 2015 FFBL budget, and corresponding FY 2015 fees, increased 
significantly in FY 2015. When the FY 2015 budget request was developed 
in FY 2013, drivers for the increased FFBL budget encompassed a number 
of planned or proposed activities, including: construction oversight 
activities for several facilities under construction; an increase in 
the number of complex licensing activities associated with facilities 
under construction; an application for a new facility; a continuation 
of post-Fukushima activities; and a number of

[[Page 37450]]

infrastructure enhancements. These FY 2015 planning assumptions were 
based on industry feedback and Commission direction. Some of this 
projected work did not materialize and the FFBL budget was reduced 
accordingly in the FY 2015 enacted budget. As a result of this 
reduction, the final fee increase is not as significant as the 
anticipated increase identified in the proposed rule, which was based 
on higher FFBL resources in the President's budget.
    In addition to an increase in the FFBL budget line, another factor 
for the increase in FFBL annual fees is the reduced number of FFBL 
licensees to whom the NRC can distribute those fees (one facility was 
decertified in 2015). No change was made to the final rule in response 
to this comment; however, the final rule has been changed to reflect 
changes in the FFBL calculations.

D. Other Issues

    Comment: We encourage the NRC to conduct future meetings regarding 
fees. (NEI)
    Response: The NRC supports future meetings that allow for the 
exchange information between the NRC and the public in our efforts to 
be more transparent. No change was made to the final rule in response 
to this comment.
    Comment: The NRC should improve the transparency, timeliness, and 
predictability of the fee rule by more explicitly integrating the 
rulemaking with NRC's budget process. The NRC's current schedule for 
publishing the proposed and final annual fee rule falls short of these 
objectives and inhibits sound financial planning by licensees in 
budgeting for NRC fees. Greater transparency and predictability in fee 
policy could be realized if the NRC published the proposed rule in the 
first quarter of the fiscal year (based on the CBJ if Congress has yet 
to enact appropriations) and the final fee rule in the second or early 
third quarter of the fiscal year. (NEI)
    Response: OBRA-90 requires that the NRC collect approximately 90 
percent of its budget authority through fees by the end of the fiscal 
year, and the NRC must set its fees in accordance with its own budget. 
Further, the annual appropriation cycle places additional constraints 
upon the NRC. Because the NRC does not know the amount of fees it will 
need to collect until after it receives its annual appropriation from 
Congress, the NRC cannot start the Federal rulemaking process until 
sometime in the fall, usually after the first quarter. The NRC believes 
that reliance on the most up-to-date financial data available in 
determining fees as opposed to the CBJ ensures that the NRC meets the 
requirements of OBRA-90 as this practice ensures that NRC fees assessed 
bear a reasonable relationship to the cost of NRC services. The NRC 
recognizes that the issuance of the rule may not coincide with budget 
cycles of industry; however, the NRC must promulgate a notice-and-
comment rule based on the most accurate data available regarding the 
cost of NRC services in the context of NRC's budget for a given fiscal 
year. No change was made to the final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The NRC estimates that the FY 2015 final fee rule hourly 
rate will be $268, which is lower than the FY 2015 proposed fee rule 
hourly rate. Imposing the higher hourly rate for the first three 
quarters of FY 2015 amounts to an unjustified overcharge and appears 
contrary to the IOAA. The IOAA requires that charges by federal 
agencies be fair and based on, among other things, the costs to the 
agency and the value of the service to the recipient. The NRC should 
establish regulations in 10 CFR part 170 to allow for a remedy for 
licensees to be reimbursed for these overcharges as a result of NRC's 
issuance of the rule late in the year. (NEI, Exelon)
    Response: The NRC disagrees with the comment that the estimated 
lower 10 CFR part 170 hourly rate will result in an unjustified 
overcharge and contradicts the IOAA. The hourly rate is established 
annually in the NRC's final fee rules; in the prior two rules, the 
effective dates were August 30, 2013, and August 29, 2014, 
respectively. The NRC acknowledges that the hourly rate charged during 
the first 3 quarters of the fiscal year is not the same as the hourly 
rate proposed in the same fiscal year. However, the NRC cannot change 
the current hourly rate during a fiscal year until 60 days after NRC 
issuance of the final rule changing the hourly rate. The NRC notes that 
for FY 2015, licensees will receive the majority of the benefit of the 
reduced hourly rate in the following fiscal year, even if the FY 2016 
proposed fee rule contains a higher hourly rate. Therefore, no 
adjustments will be made to prior invoices as a result of the reduced 
hourly rate. No change was made to the final rule in response to this 
    Comment: The portion of the budget allocated to corporate support--
a key factor in both the hourly rate and annual fee calculation--
appears to be disproportionately large with respect to the resources 
allocated for mission-direct and mission-indirect activities. 
Transparency in the fee rule is challenged by the use of the same term 
``Corporate Support'' in the NRC CBJ, but which is apparently 
calculated in a substantially different manner. In both the fee rule 
and the CBJ, the budget for corporate support is excessive. Both fail 
to provide a clear explanation of the overhead necessary to support the 
NRC's core programs. The proposed fee rule also does not provide an 
adequate explanation of why the level of corporate support differs by 
more than $100 million between the FY 2015 CBJ and the FY 2015 proposed 
fee rule. The NRC should provide a clear explanation of the overhead 
necessary to support the NRC's core programs. (NEI, Duke Energy)
    Response: Corporate support is one component of agency support (the 
other components are office support and the IG). The NRC is committed 
to cost-efficient budgeting and the prudent use of resources to achieve 
the agency's mission objectives. In recent years, the NRC has taken a 
comprehensive look at overhead resources, reducing both FTE and 
contract support dollars through streamlining initiatives. 
Centralization of corporate functions was a primary contributor to the 
decrease. Another contributor included the merger between the Office of 
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management and the Office 
of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
    To assist in the continued streamlining of corporate support 
functions, the NRC recently contracted with an outside entity to 
conduct a review of the agency's overhead functions and to identify 
ways to reduce costs with no impact on the agency's ability to carry 
out its mission. This review, which involved interviews with and 
benchmarking against peer agencies, confirmed that there is no standard 
government-wide definition of overhead costs, but found that NRC 
overhead costs are roughly in line with peer agencies with respect to 
the standard corporate support cost categories used by the Federal 
Chief Executive Officers Council--acquisition, financial management, 
information technology, human capital, and real property. However, 
because of its mission, the NRC has additional security requirements 
that contribute to higher overhead costs in areas such as physical and 
personnel security. The review also resulted in recommendations on how 
the NRC can implement leading practices that have reduced overhead 
costs at peer agencies. The NRC will consider these recommendations in 
implementing the Project AIM strategy approved by the Commission.
    Finally, with respect to the commenters' concerns regarding

[[Page 37451]]

transparency, the NRC acknowledges that the different definitions of 
``Corporate Support'' used in the fee rule and the agency's CBJ have 
made it difficult for licensees and members of the public to understand 
the relationship between the numbers presented in the two documents. 
The NRC is committed to transparency, and it will examine ways to 
present information about overhead costs more consistently in future 
fee rules, and to clarify any differences necessitated by the unique 
requirements of the fee rule calculations. In line with related 
recommendations of the independent overhead review, the NRC will 
continue to examine how the agency can more appropriately categorize 
its resources to ensure that overhead and programmatic costs are 
properly and clearly presented. A change was made to the final rule to 
capture corporate support under agency support in this final rule as a 
result of this comment.
    Comment: The industry is concerned about the decrease in 10 CFR 
part 170-related activities under the FY 2015 proposed fee rule. (NEI)
    Response: The decline in 10 CFR part 170 activities concerning 
power reactors is a result of unexpected application suspensions 
(particularly, the U.S. EPR design certification application and the 
Calvert Cliffs combined license application). As the NRC completes the 
generic regulatory actions that resulted from the Fukushima Near-Term 
Task Force (NTTF) report, the costs related to those generic actions 
will decline. Relatedly, as the affected licensees and certificate 
holders implement the NTTF recommendations, follow-up activities will 
likely result in site-specific action on the part of the NRC. This 
shift in activities will likely cause the costs related to site-
specific actions to increase for that workload, resulting in an 
increase in fees for site-specific activities (10 CFR part 170). No 
change was made to the final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The NRC invoices lack standard details that every 
consultant, law or accounting firm in the private sector must provide 
and the NRC's hourly rates exceed those of many of these organizations 
in the Western part of the country. Also, the current invoices do not 
offer industry any opportunity to gauge the reasonableness of fees 
incurred for different phases of the licensing process making it 
impossible to implement a lessons-learned initiative on future 
licensing actions or provide for meaningful budget planning. (WMA, 
Kennecott Uranium Company)
    Response: The NRC currently offers to provide estimates of costs 
incurred on a biweekly basis to licensees. The estimates include all 
(10 CFR part 170) costs that accumulated for license fee billing during 
the previous NRC pay period. The estimates include NRC staff names with 
associated number of hours worked, as well as contractor company names 
associated with contract costs which offer licensees additional detail. 
These estimates may assist licensees in budget planning and preparing 
to receive their next quarterly invoice. Licensees may request to 
receive biweekly estimates by sending an email to FEES.Resource@nrc.gov 
with docket number(s) and licensee email address(es) to which the 
estimates should be sent. Unlike other organizations, the fees assessed 
by NRC to licensees and applicants including fees subject to NRC's 
hourly rate must comply with OBRA-90 requirements. No change was made 
to the final rule in response to this comment.
    Comment: The NRC current estimate of the direct hours per FTE 
provides does not appear to be justifiable. While the current estimate 
of direct hours per FTE increased slightly from FY 2014 to 1420 hours 
per FTE, that estimate remains below the 1446 hour estimated in 2005, 
and even further below the 1776 hours estimated in previous fiscal 
years. (Exelon)
    Response: The NRC uses an estimate of the number of direct hours 
per FTE to calculate the hourly rate used in 10 CFR part 170 billing. 
The OMB's Circular A-25, ``User Charges,'' does not specifically 
address the number of hours to assume per FTE in calculating fees, but 
does emphasize that agency fees should reflect the full cost of 
providing services to identifiable beneficiaries.
    In the final fee rule for FY 2005 (70 FR 30526), the NRC revised 
its estimate of the number of direct hours per FTE to use a realistic 
estimate based on time and labor data for program employees who perform 
activities directly associated with the programmatic mission of the 
NRC. The NRC periodically reviews time and labor data to assess changes 
in the average number of productive hours from year to year, and 
determine a realistic estimate of direct hours per FTE based on the 
most recent data. The estimate does not include time for 
administrative, training, and other activities a direct program FTE may 
perform that, while relevant to consider for certain costing purposes, 
would more accurately be considered overhead rather than ``direct'' 
time for purposes of calculating a rate per hour of direct activities. 
The analysis is conducted at the beginning of the budget formulation 
cycle. The resulting productivity assumption informs workload and 
resource estimates in the agency's budget request. When the NRC 
calculates the fees required to recover the budget enacted by Congress, 
this same estimate of direct hours per FTE is used to calculate the 
hourly rate.
    The estimate of 1,420 hours per FTE used in the fee rule 
calculation for FY 2015 was based on an analysis of actual time and 
labor data from FY 2011 through FY 2012. This was the most recent data 
available when the FY 2015 budget was formulated. Use of an updated, 
realistic estimate of direct hours per FTE helps ensure that the hourly 
rate accurately reflects the current cost of providing 10 CFR part 170 
services, allowing the NRC to more fully recover the costs of these 
services through 10 CFR part 170 fees. No change was made to the final 
rule in response this comment.
    Comment: Regarding small entity size standards, the NRC should 
consider establishing lower licensing fees by creating one or more 
additional ranges between the $520,000 and $7,500,000 gross annual 
receipts range. A fee rate schedule with more steps for small 
businesses would help reduce the license fee burden on the smaller 
entities and address small business concerns. (Rendezvous Engineering, 
    Response: To reduce the significance of the annual fees on a 
substantial number of small entities, the NRC established the maximum 
small entity fee in 1991. In FY 1992, the NRC introduced a second lower 
tier to the small entity fee. Because the NRC's methodology for small 
entity size standards has been approved by the Small Business 
Administration, the NRC did not modify its current methodology for this 
rulemaking. No change was made to the final rule in response to this 

E. Comments on Matters Not Related to This Rulemaking

    The NRC also received comments not related to this rulemaking. 
These comments suggested that the NRC implement a number of 
recommendations to improve the efficiency of NRC operations. These 
recommendations included: favoring and enhancing risk-informed, 
performance-based licensing and regulatory approaches; increasing the 
efficiency of certain environmental reviews; adhering to existing 
Commission-approved guidance while working to prepare new guidance with 
the aid of stakeholder input; certifying

[[Page 37452]]

standardized designs for uranium recovery facilities to streamline the 
application and review process; developing guidance, after an 
opportunity for public comment, regarding the consultation process 
under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act; shifting 
experienced NRC staff personnel from the Office of New Reactors to the 
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation; and increasing the agency's focus 
on resource management and workload prioritization. (NEI, Exelon, WMA, 
Duke, Kennecott Uranium Recovery). The NRC also received two comments 
expressing support for the development of a proposed rule to address a 
variable annual fee structure for small modular reactors. (AREVA, TVA)
    All of these matters are outside the scope of this rulemaking. The 
primary purpose of the NRC's annual fee recovery rulemaking is to 
update the NRC's fee schedules to recover approximately 90 percent of 
the appropriations that the NRC received for the current fiscal year, 
and to make other necessary corrections or appropriate changes to 
specific aspects of the NRC's fee regulations in order to ensure 
compliance with OBRA-90, as amended. The NRC's annual fee recovery 
rulemaking is to update the NRC's fee schedules to account for the 
appropriations the NRC received for the current fiscal year, and to 
make other necessary corrections or appropriate changes to specific 
aspects of the NRC's fee regulations.
    The NRC takes very seriously the importance of examining and 
improving the efficiency of its operations and the prioritization of 
its regulatory activities. Recognizing the importance of continuous 
reexamination and improvement of the way the agency does business, the 
NRC has undertaken, and continues to undertake, a number of significant 
initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency of NRC operations and 
enhancing the agency's approach to regulating. Though comments 
addressing these issues may not be within the scope of this fee 
rulemaking, the NRC will consider this input in our future program 

V. Section-by-Section Analysis

    The following paragraphs describe the specific amendments for this 
final rule.

10 CFR 170.3, Definitions

    The NRC adds a new definition of ``Overhead and General and 
Administrative Costs'' and revises the definition for ``Utilization 

10 CFR 170.20, Average Cost per Professional Staff-Hour

    The NRC revises this section to reflect the hourly rate for FY 

10 CFR 170.21, Schedule of Fees for Production or Utilization 
Facilities, Review of Standard Referenced Design Approvals, Special 
Projects, Inspections, and Import and Export Licenses

    The NRC revises fees for fee category code K. to reflect the FY 
2015 hourly rate for flat fee applications.

10 CFR 170.31, Schedule of Fees for Materials Licenses and Other 
Regulatory Services, Including Inspections, and Import and Export 

    The NRC adds subcategories to fee category 3.L. licenses (broad 
scope) to assess additional fees to licensees such as the United States 
Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Army, in order to 
accurately reflect the cost of services provided by the NRC. The NRC 
revises footnote 6 to avoid duplicate billing for fuel cycle facility 

10 CFR 171.5, Definitions

    The NRC modifies the definition for ``Overhead and General and 
Administrative Costs'' to reflect the FY 2008 merger of the Advisory 
Committee on Nuclear Waste with the Advisory Committee on Reactor 

10 CFR 171.15, Annual Fees: Reactor Licenses and Independent Fuel 
Storage Licenses

    The NRC revises paragraph (b)(1) to reflect the required FY 2015 
annual fee to be collected from each operating power reactor by 
September 30, 2015. The NRC revises the introductory text of paragraph 
(b)(2) to reflect FY 2015 in reference to annual fees and fee-relief 
adjustment. The NRC revises paragraph (c)(1) and the introductory text 
of paragraph (c)(2) to reflect the FY 2015 spent fuel storage/reactor 
decommissioning and spent fuel storage annual fee for 10 CFR part 50 
licenses and 10 CFR part 72 licensees who do not hold a 10 CFR part 50 
license, and the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment. The NRC revises the 
introductory text of paragraph (d)(1) and paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) 
to reflect the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment for the operating reactor 
power class of licenses, the number of operating power reactors, and 
the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment for spent fuel storage reactor 
decommissioning class of licenses. The NRC revises paragraph (e) to 
reflect the FY 2015 annual fees for research reactors and test 

10 CFR 171.16, Annual Fees: Materials Licensees, Holders of 
Certificates of Compliance, Holders of Sealed Source and Device 
Registrations, Holders of Quality Assurance Program Approvals, and 
Government Agencies Licensed by the NRC

    The NRC revises paragraphs (d) and (e) to reflect FY 2015 annual 
fees and the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment. The NRC adds subcategories 
to fee category 3.L. licenses (broad scope) to assess additional fees 
to licensees such as the Department of Agriculture and the Department 
of the Army, in order to accurately reflect the cost of services 
provided by the NRC. The NRC also revises footnote 6 to avoid duplicate 
billing for fuel cycle facility licensees.

VI. Regulatory Flexibility Certification

    Section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to 
perform an analysis that considers the impact of a rulemaking on small 
entities. The NRC's regulatory flexibility analysis for this final rule 
is available as indicated in Section XV, Availability of Documents, of 
this document, and a summary is provided in the following paragraphs.
    The NRC is required by the OBRA-90, as amended, to recover 
approximately 90 percent of its FY 2015 budget authority through the 
assessment of user fees. The OBRA-90 further requires that the NRC 
establish a schedule of charges that fairly and equitably allocates the 
aggregate amount of these charges among licensees.
    The FY 2015 final rule establishes the schedules of fees necessary 
for the NRC to recover 90 percent of its budget authority for FY 2015. 
The final rule estimates some increases in annual fees charged to 
certain licensees and holders of certificates, registrations, and 
approvals, and decreases in those annual fees charged to others. 
Licensees affected by these final estimates include those who qualify 
as small entities under the NRC's size standards in Sec.  2.810.
    The NRC prepared a FY 2015 biennial regulatory analysis in 
accordance with the FY 2001 final rule (66 FR 32467; June 14, 2001). 
This rule also stated the small entity fees will be reexamined every 2 
years and in the same years the NRC conducts the biennial review of 
fees as required by the Chief Financial Officer's Act.
    For this final rule, small entity fees increase to $3,400 for the 
maximum upper-tier small entity fee and increase to $700 for the lower-
tier small entity as a result of the biennial review which factored in 
the number of increased

[[Page 37453]]

hours for application reviews and inspections in the fee calculations. 
The next small entity biennial review is scheduled for FY 2017.
    Additionally, the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act requires all Federal agencies to prepare a written compliance guide 
for each rule for which the agency is required by 5 U.S.C. 604 to 
prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis. The NRC, in compliance with 
the law, has prepared the ``Small Entity Compliance Guide,'' which is 
available as indicated in Section XV, Availability of Documents, of 
this document.

VII. Regulatory Analysis

    Under OBRA-90, as amended, and the AEA, the NRC is required to 
recover 90 percent of its budget authority, or total appropriations of 
$1,015.3 million, in FY 2015. The NRC established fee methodology 
guidelines for 10 CFR part 170 in 1978, and more fee methodology 
guidelines through the establishment of 10 CFR part 171 in 1986. In 
subsequent rulemakings, the NRC has adjusted its fees without changing 
the underlying principles of its fee policy in order to ensure that the 
NRC continues to comply with the statutory requirements for cost 
recovery in OBRA-90 and the AEA.
    In this rulemaking, the NRC continues this long-standing approach. 
Therefore, the NRC did not identify any alternatives to the current fee 
structure guidelines and did not prepare a regulatory analysis for this 

VIII. Backfitting and Issue Finality

    The NRC has determined that the backfit rule, 10 CFR 50.109, does 
not apply to this final rule and that a backfit analysis is not 
required. A backfit analysis is not required because these amendments 
do not require the modification of, or addition to, systems, 
structures, components, or the design of a facility, or the design 
approval or manufacturing license for a facility, or the procedures or 
organization required to design, construct, or operate a facility.

IX. Plain Writing

    The Plain Writing Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-274) requires Federal 
agencies to write documents in a clear, concise, and well-organized 
manner. The NRC has written this document to be consistent with the 
Plain Writing Act as well as the Presidential Memorandum, ``Plain 
Language in Government Writing,'' published June 10, 1998 (63 FR 

X. National Environmental Policy Act

    The NRC has determined that this rule is the type of action 
described in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(1). Therefore, neither an environmental 
impact statement nor an environmental assessment has been prepared for 
this final rule.

XI. Paperwork Reduction Act

    This rule does not contain any information collection requirements 
and, therefore, is not subject to the requirements of the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3521.

Public Protection Notification

    The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to 
respond to a request for information or an information collection 
requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid 
OMB control number.

XII. Congressional Review Act

    In accordance with the Congressional Review Act of 1996 (5 U.S.C. 
801-808), the NRC has determined that this action is a major rule and 
has verified the determination with the Office of Information and 
Regulatory Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget.

XIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards

    The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, 
Public Law 104-113, requires that Federal agencies use technical 
standards that are developed or adopted by voluntary consensus 
standards bodies unless the use of such a standard is inconsistent with 
applicable law or otherwise impractical. In this final rule, the NRC 
amends the licensing, inspection, and annual fees charged to its 
licensees and applicants, as necessary, to recover approximately 90 
percent of its budget authority in FY 2015, as required by OBRA-90, as 
amended. This action does not constitute the establishment of a 
standard that contains generally applicable requirements.

XIV. Availability of Guidance

    The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act requires all 
Federal agencies to prepare a written compliance guide for each rule 
for which the NRC is required by 5 U.S.C. 604 to prepare a regulatory 
flexibility analysis. The NRC, in compliance with the law, prepared the 
``Small Entity Compliance Guide'' for the FY 2015 final fee rule. This 
document is available as indicated in Section XV, ``Availability of 
Documents,'' of this document.

XV. Availability of Documents

    The documents identified in the following table are available to 
interested persons through one or more of the following methods, as 

                Document                   ADAMS Accession No./Web Link
FY 2015 Final Rule Work Papers.........  ML15160A434.
FY 2015 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis  ML15058A385.
FY 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory          ML15058A332.
 Commission Small Entity Compliance
NUREG-1100, Volume 30, ``Congressional   http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/
 Budget Justification: Fiscal Year        doc-collections/nuregs/staff/
 2015'' (March 2014).                     sr1100/v30/.
NRC Form 526, Certification of Small     http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/
 Entity Status for the Purposes of        doc-collections/forms/
 Annual Fees Imposed under 10 CFR Part    nrc526.pdf.
Consolidated and Further Continuing      https://www.congress.gov/113/
 Appropriations Act, 2015.                bills/hr83/BILLS-
SECY-05-0164, ``Annual Fee Calculation   ML052580332.
 Method,'' September 15, 2005.
Staff Requirements Memorandum for SECY-  ML14356A070.
 14-0082, ``Jurisdiction for Military
 Radium and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
 Commission Oversight of U.S.
 Department of Defense Remediation of
 Radioactive Material,'' December 22,
FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule Comment        ML15156A633.
OMB's Circular A-25, ``User Charges''..  https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a025/.
Transcript of Public Meeting on Fees,    ML15153A028.
 April 20, 2015.
FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule..............  ML15057A090.
FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule Work Papers..  ML15021A198.

[[Page 37454]]

List of Subjects

10 CFR Part 170

    Byproduct material, Import and export licenses, Intergovernmental 
relations, Non-payment penalties, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power 
plants and reactors, Source material, Special nuclear material.

10 CFR Part 171

    Annual charges, Byproduct material, Holders of certificates, 
registrations, approvals, Intergovernmental relations, Nonpayment 
penalties, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power plants and reactors, Source 
material, Special nuclear material.
    For the reasons set out in the preamble and under the authority of 
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; the Energy Reorganization 
Act of 1974, as amended; and 5 U.S.C. 553, the NRC is adopting the 
following amendments to 10 CFR parts 170 and 171.


1. The authority citation for part 170 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: Independent Offices Appropriations Act sec. 501 (31 
U.S.C. 9701); Atomic Energy Act sec. 161(w) (42 U.S.C. 2201(w)); 
Energy Reorganization Act sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841); Chief Financial 
Officers Act sec. 205 (31 U.S.C. 901, 902); Government Paperwork 
Elimination Act sec. 1704 (44 U.S.C. 3504 note); Energy Policy Act 
secs. 623, Energy Policy Act of 2005 sec. 651(e), Pub. L. 109-58, 
119 Stat. 783 (42 U.S.C. 2201(w), 2014, 2021, 2021b, 2111).

2. In Sec.  170.3, add a new definition for ``Overhead and general and 
administrative costs'' in alphabetical order and revise the definition 
for ``Utilization facility'' to read as follows:

Sec.  170.3  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Overhead and general and administrative costs means:
    (1) The Government benefits for each employee such as leave and 
holidays, retirement and disability benefits, health and life insurance 
costs, and social security costs;
    (2) Travel costs;
    (3) Overhead [e.g., supervision and support staff that directly 
support the NRC's Nuclear Reactor Safety Program and Nuclear Materials 
Safety and Waste Program; administrative support costs (e.g., rental of 
space, equipment, telecommunications, and supplies)]; and
    (4) Indirect costs that would include, but not be limited to, NRC 
central policy direction, legal, and executive management services for 
the Commission, and special and independent reviews, investigations, 
and enforcement, and appraisal of NRC programs and operations. Some of 
the organizations included, in whole or in part, are the Commissioners, 
Secretary, Executive Director for Operations, General Counsel, 
Congressional and Public Affairs (except for international safety and 
safeguards programs), Inspector General, Investigations, Enforcement, 
Small Business and Civil Rights, the Technical Training Center, 
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, and the Atomic Safety and 
Licensing Board Panel. The Commission views these budgeted costs as 
support for all its regulatory services provided to applicants, 
licensees, and certificate holders, and these costs must be recovered 
under Public Law 101-508.
* * * * *
    Utilization facility means:
    (1) Any nuclear reactor other than one designed or used primarily 
for the formation of plutonium or U-233; or
    (2) An accelerator-driven subcritical operating assembly used for 
the irradiation of materials containing special nuclear material and 
described in the application assigned docket number 50-608.

3. Revise Sec.  170.20 to read as follows:

Sec.  170.20  Average cost per professional staff-hour.

    Fees for permits, licenses, amendments, renewals, special projects, 
10 CFR part 55 re-qualification and replacement examinations and tests, 
other required reviews, approvals, and inspections under Sec. Sec.  
170.21 and 170.31 will be calculated using the professional staff-hour 
rate of $268 per hour.

4. In Sec.  170.21, in the table, revise the fee category K. to read as 

Sec.  170.21  Schedule of fees for production or utilization 
facilities, review of standard referenced design approvals, special 
projects, inspections, and import and export licenses.

* * * * *

                        Schedule of Facility Fees
                     [See footnotes at end of table]
          Facility categories and type of fees             Fees \1\ \2\
                              * * * * * * *
K. Import and export licenses:
Licenses for the import and export only of production or
 utilization facilities or the export only of components
 for production or utilization facilities issued under
 10 CFR part 110.
    1. Application for import or export of production or
     utilization facilities \4\ (including reactors and
     other facilities) and exports of components
     requiring Commission and Executive Branch review,
     for example, actions under 10 CFR 110.40(b).
          Application--new license, or amendment; or             $17,400
           license exemption request....................
    2. Application for export of reactor and other
     components requiring Executive Branch review, for
     example, those actions under 10 CFR 110.41(a).
          Application--new license, or amendment; or               9,400
           license exemption request....................
    3. Application for export of components requiring
     the assistance of the Executive Branch to obtain
     foreign government assurances.
          Application--new license, or amendment; or               4,300
           license exemption request....................
    4. Application for export of facility components and
     equipment not requiring Commission or Executive
     Branch review, or obtaining foreign government
          Application--new license, or amendment; or               4,800
           license exemption request....................
    5. Minor amendment of any active export or import
     license, for example, to extend the expiration
     date, change domestic information, or make other
     revisions which do not involve any substantive
     changes to license terms or conditions or to the
     type of facility or component authorized for export
     and, therefore, do not require in-depth analysis or
     review or consultation with the Executive Branch,
     U.S. host state, or foreign government authorities.

[[Page 37455]]

          Minor amendment to license....................           2,700
\1\ Fees will not be charged for orders related to civil penalties or
  other civil sanctions issued by the Commission under Sec.   2.202 of
  this chapter or for amendments resulting specifically from the
  requirements of these orders. For orders unrelated to civil penalties
  or other civil sanctions, fees will be charged for any resulting
  licensee-specific activities not otherwise exempted from fees under
  this chapter. Fees will be charged for approvals issued under a
  specific exemption provision of the Commission's regulations under
  Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (e.g., 10 CFR 50.12, 10
  CFR 73.5) and any other sections in effect now or in the future,
  regardless of whether the approval is in the form of a license
  amendment, letter of approval, safety evaluation report, or other
\2\ Full cost fees will be determined based on the professional staff
  time and appropriate contractual support services expended. For
  applications currently on file and for which fees are determined based
  on the full cost expended for the review, the professional staff hours
  expended for the review of the application up to the effective date of
  the final rule will be determined at the professional rates in effect
  when the service was provided.
* * * * * * *
\4\ Imports only of major components for end-use at NRC-licensed
  reactors are authorized under NRC general import license in 10 CFR

5. In Sec.  170.31, revise the table to read as follows:

Sec.  170.31  Schedule of fees for materials licenses and other 
regulatory services, including inspections, and import and export 

* * * * *

                       Schedule of Materials Fees
                     [See footnotes at end of table]
Category of materials licenses and type of fees
                      \1\                              Fee \2\ \3\
1. Special nuclear material:
    A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U-
     235 or plutonium for fuel fabrication
        (a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material   Full Cost.
         (High Enriched Uranium) [Program
         Code(s): 21130].
        (b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible  Full Cost.
         Form Used for Fabrication of Power
         Reactor Fuel [Program Code(s): 21210].
    (2) All other special nuclear materials
     licenses not included in Category 1.A.(1)
     which are licensed for fuel cycle
        (a) Facilities with limited operations   Full Cost.
         [Program Code(s): 21310, 21320].
        (b) Gas centrifuge enrichment            Full Cost.
         demonstration facilities.
        (c) Others, including hot cell           Full Cost.
    B. Licenses for receipt and storage of       Full Cost.
     spent fuel and reactor-related Greater
     than Class C (GTCC) waste at an
     independent spent fuel storage
     installation (ISFSI) [Program Code(s):
    C. Licenses for possession and use of
     special nuclear material of less than a
     critical mass as defined in Sec.   70.4 in
     sealed sources contained in devices used
     in industrial measuring systems, including
     x-ray fluorescence analyzers.\4\
        Application [Program Code(s): 22140]...  $1,200.
    D. All other special nuclear material
     licenses, except licenses authorizing
     special nuclear material in sealed or
     unsealed form in combination that would
     constitute a critical mass, as defined in
     Sec.   70.4 of this chapter, for which the
     licensee shall pay the same fees as those
     under Category 1.A.\4\
        Application [Program Code(s): 22110,     $2,500.
         22111, 22120, 22131, 22136, 22150,
         22151, 22161, 22170, 23100, 23300,
    E. Licenses or certificates for              Full Cost.
     construction and operation of a uranium
     enrichment facility [Program Code(s):
    F. For special nuclear materials licenses    Full Cost.
     in sealed or unsealed form of greater than
     a critical mass as defined in Sec.   70.4
     of this chapter.\4\ [Program Code(s):
2. Source material:
    A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of    Full Cost.
     source material for refining uranium mill
     concentrates to uranium hexafluoride or
     for deconverting uranium hexafluoride in
     the production of uranium oxides for
     disposal. [Program Code(s): 11400].
    (2) Licenses for possession and use of
     source material in recovery operations
     such as milling, in-situ recovery, heap-
     leaching, ore buying stations, ion-
     exchange facilities, and in processing of
     ores containing source material for
     extraction of metals other than uranium or
     thorium, including licenses authorizing
     the possession of byproduct waste material
     (tailings) from source material recovery
     operations, as well as licenses
     authorizing the possession and maintenance
     of a facility in a standby mode.
        (a) Conventional and Heap Leach          Full Cost.
         facilities [Program Code(s): 11100].
        (b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities    Full Cost.
         [Program Code(s): 11500].
        (c) Expanded In Situ Recovery            Full Cost.
         facilities [Program Code(s): 11510].
        (d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities    Full Cost.
         [Program Code(s): 11550].
        (e) Resin Toll Milling facilities        Full Cost.
         [Program Code(s): 11555].
        (f) Other facilities [Program Code(s):   Full Cost.
    (3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of   Full Cost.
     byproduct material, as defined in Section
     11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from
     other persons for possession and disposal,
     except those licenses subject to the fees
     in Category 2.A.(2) or Category 2.A.(4)
     [Program Code(s): 11600, 12000].
    (4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of   Full Cost.
     byproduct material, as defined in Section
     11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from
     other persons for possession and disposal
     incidental to the disposal of the uranium
     waste tailings generated by the licensee's
     milling operations, except those licenses
     subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2)
     [Program Code(s): 12010].
    (5) Licenses that authorize the possession   Full Cost.
     of source material related to removal of
     contaminants (source material) from
     drinking water [Program Code(s): 11820].
    B. Licenses which authorize the possession,
     use, and/or installation of source
     material for shielding.\6\ \7\ \8\

[[Page 37456]]

        Application [Program Code(s): 11210]...  $1,180.
    C. Licenses to distribute items containing
     source material to persons exempt from the
     licensing requirements of part 40 of this
        Application [Program Code(s): 11240]...  $2,700.
    D. Licenses to distribute source material
     to persons generally licensed under part
     40 of this chapter.
        Application [Program Codes(s): 11230,    $2,700.
    E. Licenses for possession and use of
     source material for processing or
     manufacturing of products or materials
     containing source material for commercial
        Application [Program Code(s): 11710]...  $2,500.
    F. All other source material licenses.
        Application [Program Code(s): 11200,     $2,500.
         11220, 11221, 11300, 11800, 11810].
3. Byproduct material:
    A. Licenses of broad scope for the
     possession and use of byproduct material
     issued under parts 30 and 33 of this
     chapter for processing or manufacturing of
     items containing byproduct material for
     commercial distribution.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03211,     $12,500.
         03212, 03213].
    B. Other licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material issued under part 30 of
     this chapter for processing or
     manufacturing of items containing
     byproduct material for commercial
        Application [Program Code(s): 03214,     $3,500.
         03215, 22135, 22162].
    C. Licenses issued under Sec.  Sec.   32.72
     and/or 32.74 of this chapter that
     authorize the processing or manufacturing
     and distribution or redistribution of
     radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent
     kits, and/or sources and devices
     containing byproduct material. This
     category does not apply to licenses issued
     to nonprofit educational institutions
     whose processing or manufacturing is
     exempt under Sec.   170.11(a)(4).
        Application [Program Code(s): 02500,     $5,000.
         02511, 02513].
    D. [Reserved]..............................  N/A.
    E. Licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material in sealed sources for
     irradiation of materials in which the
     source is not removed from its shield
     (self-shielded units).
        Application [Program Code(s): 03510,     $3,100.
    F. Licenses for possession and use of less
     than 10,000 curies of byproduct material
     in sealed sources for irradiation of
     materials in which the source is exposed
     for irradiation purposes. This category
     also includes underwater irradiators for
     irradiation of materials where the source
     is not exposed for irradiation purposes.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03511]...  $6,300.
    G. Licenses for possession and use of
     10,000 curies or more of byproduct
     material in sealed sources for irradiation
     of materials in which the source is
     exposed for irradiation purposes. This
     category also includes underwater
     irradiators for irradiation of materials
     where the source is not exposed for
     irradiation purposes.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03521]...  $59,800.
    H. Licenses issued under Subpart A of part
     32 of this chapter to distribute items
     containing byproduct material that require
     device review to persons exempt from the
     licensing requirements of part 30 of this
     chapter. The category does not include
     specific licenses authorizing
     redistribution of items that have been
     authorized for distribution to persons
     exempt from the licensing requirements of
     part 30 of this chapter.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03254,     $6,400.
         03255, 03257].
    I. Licenses issued under Subpart A of part
     32 of this chapter to distribute items
     containing byproduct material or
     quantities of byproduct material that do
     not require device evaluation to persons
     exempt from the licensing requirements of
     part 30 of this chapter. This category
     does not include specific licenses
     authorizing redistribution of items that
     have been authorized for distribution to
     persons exempt from the licensing
     requirements of part 30 of this chapter.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03250,     $10,600.
         03251, 03252, 03253, 03256].
    J. Licenses issued under Subpart B of part
     32 of this chapter to distribute items
     containing byproduct material that require
     sealed source and/or device review to
     persons generally licensed under part 31
     of this chapter. This category does not
     include specific licenses authorizing
     redistribution of items that have been
     authorized for distribution to persons
     generally licensed under part 31 of this
        Application [Program Code(s): 03240,     $1,900.
         03241, 03243].
    K. Licenses issued under Subpart B of part
     32 of this chapter to distribute items
     containing byproduct material or
     quantities of byproduct material that do
     not require sealed source and/or device
     review to persons generally licensed under
     part 31 of this chapter. This category
     does not include specific licenses
     authorizing redistribution of items that
     have been authorized for distribution to
     persons generally licensed under part 31
     of this chapter.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03242,     $1,100.
    L. Licenses of broad scope for possession
     and use of byproduct material issued under
     parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for
     research and development that do not
     authorize commercial distribution. Number
     of locations of use: 1-5.
        (1) Licenses of broad scope for
         possession and use of byproduct
         material issued under parts 30 and 33
         of this chapter for research and
         development that do not authorize
         commercial distribution. Number of
         locations of use: 6-20.
        (2) Licenses of broad scope for
         possession and use of byproduct
         material issued under parts 30 and 33
         of this chapter for research and
         development that do not authorize
         commercial distribution. Number of
         locations of use: 20 or more.
        Application [Program Code(s): 01100,     $5,300.
         01110, 01120, 03610, 03611, 03612,
    M. Other licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material issued under part 30 of
     this chapter for research and development
     that do not authorize commercial
        Application [Program Code(s): 03620]...  $4,800.
    N. Licenses that authorize services for
     other licensees, except:
        (1) Licenses that authorize only
         calibration and/or leak testing
         services are subject to the fees
         specified in fee Category 3.P.; and
        (2) Licenses that authorize waste
         disposal services are subject to the
         fees specified in fee Categories 4.A.,
         4.B., and 4.C.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03219,     $6,100.
         03225, 03226].

[[Page 37457]]

    O. Licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material issued under part 34 of
     this chapter for industrial radiography
        Application [Program Code(s): 03310,     $3,100.
    P. All other specific byproduct material
     licenses, except those in Categories 4.A.
     through 9.D.\ 9\
        Application [Program Code(s): 02400,     $2,600.
         02410, 03120, 03121, 03122, 03123,
         03124, 03130, 03140, 03220, 03221,
         03222, 03800, 03810, 22130].
    Q. Registration of a device(s) generally
     licensed under part 31 of this chapter.
        Registration...........................  $400.
    R. Possession of items or products
     containing radium-226 identified in 10 CFR
     31.12 which exceed the number of items or
     limits specified in that section.\5\
        1. Possession of quantities exceeding
         the number of items or limits in 10
         CFR 31.12(a)(4), or (5) but less than
         or equal to 10 times the number of
         items or limits specified.
        Application [Program Code(s): 02700]...  $2,500.
        2. Possession of quantities exceeding
         10 times the number of items or limits
         specified in 10 CFR 31.12(a)(4), or
        Application [Program Code(s): 02710]...  $2,400.
    S. Licenses for production of accelerator-
     produced radionuclides.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03210]...  $13,700.
4. Waste disposal and processing:
    A. Licenses specifically authorizing the     N/A.
     receipt of waste byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear
     material from other persons for the
     purpose of contingency storage or
     commercial land disposal by the licensee;
     or licenses authorizing contingency
     storage of low-level radioactive waste at
     the site of nuclear power reactors; or
     licenses for receipt of waste from other
     persons for incineration or other
     treatment, packaging of resulting waste
     and residues, and transfer of packages to
     another person authorized to receive or
     dispose of waste material. [Program
     Code(s): 03231, 03233, 03235, 03236,
     06100, 06101].
    B. Licenses specifically authorizing the
     receipt of waste byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear
     material from other persons for the
     purpose of packaging or repackaging the
     material. The licensee will dispose of the
     material by transfer to another person
     authorized to receive or dispose of the
        Application [Program Code(s): 03234]...  $6,700.
    C. Licenses specifically authorizing the
     receipt of prepackaged waste byproduct
     material, source material, or special
     nuclear material from other persons. The
     licensee will dispose of the material by
     transfer to another person authorized to
     receive or dispose of the material.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03232]...  $4,800.
5. Well logging:
    A. Licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material, source material, and/
     or special nuclear material for well
     logging, well surveys, and tracer studies
     other than field flooding tracer studies.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03110,     $4,400.
         03111, 03112].
    B. Licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material for field flooding
     tracer studies.
        Licensing [Program Code(s): 03113].....  Full Cost.
6. Nuclear laundries:
    A. Licenses for commercial collection and
     laundry of items contaminated with
     byproduct material, source material, or
     special nuclear material.
        Application [Program Code(s): 03218]...  $21,400.
7. Medical licenses:
    A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40,
     and 70 of this chapter for human use of
     byproduct material, source material, or
     special nuclear material in sealed sources
     contained in gamma stereotactic
     radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices,
     or similar beam therapy devices.
        Application [Program Code(s): 02300,     $10,700.
    B. Licenses of broad scope issued to
     medical institutions or two or more
     physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and
     70 of this chapter authorizing research
     and development, including human use of
     byproduct material, except licenses for
     byproduct material, source material, or
     special nuclear material in sealed sources
     contained in teletherapy devices. This
     category also includes the possession and
     use of source material for shielding when
     authorized on the same license.\10\
        Application [Program Code(s): 02110]...  $8,400.
    C. Other licenses issued under parts 30,
     35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human
     use of byproduct material, source
     material, and/or special nuclear material,
     except licenses for byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear
     material in sealed sources contained in
     teletherapy devices.
        Application [Program Code(s): 02120,     $4,300.
         02121, 02200, 02201, 02210, 02220,
         02230, 02231, 02240, 22160].
8. Civil defense:
    A. Licenses for possession and use of
     byproduct material, source material, or
     special nuclear material for civil defense
        Application [Program Code(s): 03710]...  $2,500.
9. Device, product, or sealed source safety
    A. Safety evaluation of devices or products
     containing byproduct material, source
     material, or special nuclear material,
     except reactor fuel devices, for
     commercial distribution.
        Application--each device...............  $5,200.
    B. Safety evaluation of devices or products
     containing byproduct material, source
     material, or special nuclear material
     manufactured in accordance with the unique
     specifications of, and for use by, a
     single applicant, except reactor fuel
        Application--each device...............  $8,700.
    C. Safety evaluation of sealed sources
     containing byproduct material, source
     material, or special nuclear material,
     except reactor fuel, for commercial
        Application--each source...............  $5,100.

[[Page 37458]]

    D. Safety evaluation of sealed sources
     containing byproduct material, source
     material, or special nuclear material,
     manufactured in accordance with the unique
     specifications of, and for use by, a
     single applicant, except reactor fuel.
        Application--each source...............  $1,020.
10. Transportation of radioactive material:
    A. Evaluation of casks, packages, and
     shipping containers.
        1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and     Full Cost.
         plutonium air packages.
        2. Other Casks.........................  Full Cost.
    B. Quality assurance program approvals
     issued under part 71 of this chapter.
        1. Users and Fabricators.
            Application........................  $4,000.
            Inspections........................  Full Cost.
        2. Users.
            Application........................  $4,000.
            Inspections........................  Full Cost.
    C. Evaluation of security plans, route       Full Cost.
     approvals, route surveys, and
     transportation security devices (including
     immobilization devices).
11. Review of standardized spent fuel            Full Cost.
12. Special projects:
    Including approvals, pre-application/
     licensing activities, and inspections.
        Application [Program Code: 25110]......  Full Cost.
13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of    Full Cost.
    B. Inspections related to storage of spent   Full Cost.
     fuel under Sec.   72.210 of this chapter.
14. A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear     Full Cost.
 material licenses and other approvals
 authorizing decommissioning, decontamination,
 reclamation, or site restoration activities
 under parts 30, 40, 70, 72, and 76 of this
 chapter, including MMLs. Application [Program
 Code(s): 3900, 11900, 21135, 21215, 21240,
 21325, 22200].
    B. Site-specific decommissioning activities  Full Cost.
     associated with unlicensed sites,
     including MMLs, regardless of whether or
     not the sites have been previously
15. Import and Export licenses:
Licenses issued under part 110 of this chapter
 for the import and export only of special
 nuclear material, source material, tritium and
 other byproduct material, and the export only
 of heavy water, or nuclear grade graphite (fee
 categories 15.A. through 15.E.).
    A. Application for export or import of
     nuclear materials, including radioactive
     waste requiring Commission and Executive
     Branch review, for example, those actions
     under 10 CFR 110.40(b).
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $17,400.
         or license exemption request.
    B. Application for export or import of
     nuclear material, including radioactive
     waste, requiring Executive Branch review,
     but not Commission review. This category
     includes applications for the export and
     import of radioactive waste and requires
     NRC to consult with domestic host state
     authorities (i.e., Low-Level Radioactive
     Waste Compact Commission, the U.S.
     Environmental Protection Agency, etc.).
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $9,400.
         or license exemption request.
    C. Application for export of nuclear
     material, for example, routine reloads of
     low enriched uranium reactor fuel and/or
     natural uranium source material requiring
     the assistance of the Executive Branch to
     obtain foreign government assurances.
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $4,300.
         or license exemption request.
    D. Application for export or import of
     nuclear material not requiring Commission
     or Executive Branch review, or obtaining
     foreign government assurances.
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $4,800.
         or license exemption request.
    E. Minor amendment of any active export or
     import license, for example, to extend the
     expiration date, change domestic
     information, or make other revisions which
     do not involve any substantive changes to
     license terms and conditions or to the
     type/quantity/chemical composition of the
     material authorized for export and,
     therefore, do not require in-depth
     analysis, review, or consultations with
     other Executive Branch, U.S. host state,
     or foreign government authorities.
        Minor amendment........................  $1,300.
Licenses issued under part 110 of this chapter
 for the import and export only of Category 1
 and Category 2 quantities of radioactive
 material listed in Appendix P to part 110 of
 this chapter (fee categories 15.F. through
Category 1 (Appendix P, 10 CFR Part 110)
    F. Application for export of Appendix P
     Category 1 materials requiring Commission
     review (e.g. exceptional circumstance
     review under 10 CFR 110.42(e)(4)) and to
     obtain government-to-government consent
     for this process. For additional consent
     see 15.I.).
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $14,700.
         or license exemption request.
    G. Application for export of Appendix P
     Category 1 materials requiring Executive
     Branch review and to obtain government-to-
     government consent for this process. For
     additional consents see 15.I.
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $8,000.
         or license exemption request.
    H. Application for export of Appendix P
     Category 1 materials and to obtain one
     government-to-government consent for this
     process. For additional consents see 15.I.
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $5,400.
         or license exemption request.
    I. Requests for each additional government-
     to-government consent in support of an
     export license application or active
     export license.
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $270.
         or license exemption request.
Category 2 (Appendix P, 10 CFR Part 110)
    J. Application for export of Appendix P
     Category 2 materials requiring Commission
     review (e.g. exceptional circumstance
     review under 10 CFR 110.42(e)(4)).
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $14,700.
         or license exemption request.
    K. Applications for export of Appendix P
     Category 2 materials requiring Executive
     Branch review.

[[Page 37459]]

        Application--new license, or amendment;  $8,000.
         or license exemption request.
    L. Application for the export of Category 2
        Application--new license, or amendment;  $4,000.
         or license exemption request.
M. [Reserved]..................................  N/A.
N. [Reserved]..................................  N/A.
O. [Reserved]..................................  N/A.
P. [Reserved]..................................  N/A.
Q. [Reserved]..................................  N/A.
Minor Amendments (Category 1 and 2, Appendix P,
 10 CFR Part 110, Export):
    R. Minor amendment of any active export
     license, for example, to extend the
     expiration date, change domestic
     information, or make other revisions which
     do not involve any substantive changes to
     license terms and conditions or to the
     type/quantity/chemical composition of the
     material authorized for export and,
     therefore, do not require in-depth
     analysis, review, or consultations with
     other Executive Branch, U.S. host state,
     or foreign authorities.
        Minor amendment........................  $1,300.
16. Reciprocity:
Agreement State licensees who conduct
 activities under the reciprocity provisions of
 10 CFR 150.20.
    Application................................  $1,900.
17. Master materials licenses of broad scope
 issued to Government agencies.
    Application [Program Code(s): 03614].......  Full Cost.
18. Department of Energy.
    A. Certificates of Compliance. Evaluation    Full Cost.
     of casks, 11packages, and shipping
     containers (including spent fuel, high-
     level waste, and other casks, and
     plutonium air packages).
    B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control   Full Cost.
     Act (UMTRCA) activities.
\1\ Types of fees--Separate charges, as shown in the schedule, will be
  assessed for pre-application consultations and reviews; applications
  for new licenses, approvals, or license terminations; possession-only
  licenses; issuances of new licenses and approvals; certain amendments
  and renewals to existing licenses and approvals; safety evaluations of
  sealed sources and devices; generally licensed device registrations;
  and certain inspections. The following guidelines apply to these
(a) Application and registration fees. Applications for new materials
  licenses and export and import licenses; applications to reinstate
  expired, terminated, or inactive licenses, except those subject to
  fees assessed at Full Cost.s; applications filed by Agreement State
  licensees to register under the general license provisions of 10 CFR
  150.20; and applications for amendments to materials licenses that
  would place the license in a higher fee category or add a new fee
  category must be accompanied by the prescribed application fee for
  each category.
(1) Applications for licenses covering more than one fee category of
  special nuclear material or source material must be accompanied by the
  prescribed application fee for the highest fee category.
(2) Applications for new licenses that cover both byproduct material and
  special nuclear material in sealed sources for use in gauging devices
  will pay the appropriate application fee for fee category 1.C. only.
(b) Licensing fees. Fees for reviews of applications for new licenses,
  renewals, and amendments to existing licenses, pre-application
  consultations and other documents submitted to the NRC for review, and
  project manager time for fee categories subject to Full Cost. fees are
  due upon notification by the Commission in accordance with Sec.
(c) Amendment fees. Applications for amendments to export and import
  licenses must be accompanied by the prescribed amendment fee for each
  license affected. An application for an amendment to an export or
  import license or approval classified in more than one fee category
  must be accompanied by the prescribed amendment fee for the category
  affected by the amendment, unless the amendment is applicable to two
  or more fee categories, in which case the amendment fee for the
  highest fee category would apply.
(d) Inspection fees. Inspections resulting from investigations conducted
  by the Office of Investigations and nonroutine inspections that result
  from third-party allegations are not subject to fees. Inspection fees
  are due upon notification by the Commission in accordance with Sec.
(e) Generally licensed device registrations under 10 CFR 31.5.
  Submittals of registration information must be accompanied by the
  prescribed fee.
\2\ Fees will not be charged for orders related to civil penalties or
  other civil sanctions issued by the Commission under 10 CFR 2.202 or
  for amendments resulting specifically from the requirements of these
  orders. For orders unrelated to civil penalties or other civil
  sanctions, fees will be charged for any resulting licensee-specific
  activities not otherwise exempted from fees under this chapter. Fees
  will be charged for approvals issued under a specific exemption
  provision of the Commission's regulations under Title 10 of the Code
  of Federal Regulations (e.g., 10 CFR 30.11, 40.14, 70.14, 73.5, and
  any other sections in effect now or in the future), regardless of
  whether the approval is in the form of a license amendment, letter of
  approval, safety evaluation report, or other form. In addition to the
  fee shown, an applicant may be assessed an additional fee for sealed
  source and device evaluations as shown in fee categories 9.A. through
\3\ Full Cost. fees will be determined based on the professional staff
  time multiplied by the appropriate professional hourly rate
  established in Sec.   170.20 in effect when the service is provided,
  and the appropriate contractual support services expended.
\4\ Licensees paying fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., and 1.E. are not
  subject to fees under categories 1.C., 1.D. and 1.F. for sealed
  sources authorized in the same license, except for an application that
  deals only with the sealed sources authorized by the license.
\5\ Persons who possess radium sources that are used for operational
  purposes in another fee category are not also subject to the fees in
  this category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources
  are possessed for storage only.)
\6\ Licensees subject to fees under fee categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., or
  2.A. must pay the largest applicable fee and are not subject to
  additional fees listed in this table.
\7\ Licensees paying fees under 3.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B.
  for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.
\8\ Licensees paying fees under 7.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B.
  for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.
\9\ Licensees paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees
  under 3.P. for calibration or leak testing services authorized on the
  same license.
\10\ Licensees paying fees under 7.B. are not subject to paying fees
  under 7.C. for broad scope license licenses issued under parts 30, 35,
  40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source
  material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for
  byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in
  sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized on the same

[[Page 37460]]


6. The authority citation for part 171 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act sec. 
7601, Pub. L. 99-272, as amended by sec. 5601, Pub. L. 100-203, as 
amended by sec. 3201, Pub. L. 101-239, as amended by sec. 6101, Pub. 
L. 101-508, as amended by sec. 2903a, Pub. L. 102-486 (42 U.S.C. 
2213, 2214), and as amended by Title IV, Pub. L. 109-103 (42 U.S.C. 
2214); Atomic Energy Act sec. 161(w), 223, 234 (42 U.S.C. 2201(w), 
2273, 2282); Energy Reorganization Act sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841); 
Government Paperwork Elimination Act sec. 1704 (44 U.S.C. 3504 
note); Energy Policy Act of 2005 sec. 651(e), Pub. L. 109-58 (42 
U.S.C. 2014, 2021, 2021b, 2111).

7. In Sec.  171.15, revise paragraph (b)(1), the introductory text of 
paragraph (b)(2), paragraph (c)(1), the introductory text of paragraphs 
(c)(2) and (d)(1), and paragraphs (d)(2), (d)(3), and (e) to read as 

Sec.  171.15  Annual fees: Reactor licenses and independent spent fuel 
storage licenses.

* * * * *
    (b)(1) The FY 2015 annual fee for each operating power reactor 
which must be collected by September 30, 2015, is $5,030,000.
    (2) The FY 2015 annual fees are comprised of a base annual fee for 
power reactors licensed to operate, a base spent fuel storage/reactor 
decommissioning annual fee, and associated additional charges (fee-
relief adjustment). The activities comprising the spent storage/reactor 
decommissioning base annual fee are shown in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and 
(ii) of this section. The activities comprising the FY 2015 fee-relief 
adjustment are shown in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The 
activities comprising the FY 2015 base annual fee for operating power 
reactors are as follows:
* * * * *
    (c)(1) The FY 2015 annual fee for each power reactor holding a 10 
CFR part 50 license that is in a decommissioning or possession-only 
status and has spent fuel onsite, and for each independent spent fuel 
storage 10 CFR part 72 licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR part 50 
license, is $223,000.
    (2) The FY 2015 annual fee is comprised of a base spent fuel 
storage/reactor decommissioning annual fee (which is also included in 
the operating power reactor annual fee shown in paragraph (b) of this 
section) and a fee-relief adjustment. The activities comprising the FY 
2015 fee-relief adjustment are shown in paragraph (d)(1) of this 
section. The activities comprising the FY 2015 spent fuel storage/
reactor decommissioning rebaselined annual fee are:
* * * * *
    (d)(1) The fee-relief adjustment allocated to annual fees includes 
a surcharge for the activities listed in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this 
section, plus the amount remaining after total budgeted resources for 
the activities included in paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) and (d)(1)(iii) of 
this section are reduced by the appropriations the NRC receives for 
these types of activities. If the NRC's appropriations for these types 
of activities are greater than the budgeted resources for the 
activities included in paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) and (d)(1)(iii) of this 
section for a given fiscal year, annual fees will be reduced. The 
activities comprising the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment are as follows:
* * * * *
    (2) The total FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment allocated to the 
operating power reactor class of licenses is a $2,088,700 fee-relief 
surplus, not including the amount allocated to the spent fuel storage/
reactor decommissioning class. The FY 2015 operating power reactor fee-
relief adjustment to be assessed to each operating power reactor is 
approximately a $21,098 fee-relief surplus. This amount is calculated 
by dividing the total operating power reactor fee-relief surplus 
adjustment, $2,088,700 million, by the number of operating power 
reactors (99).
    (3) The FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment allocated to the spent fuel 
storage/reactor decommissioning class of licenses is a $37,100 fee-
relief assessment. The FY 2015 spent fuel storage/reactor 
decommissioning fee-relief adjustment to be assessed to each operating 
power reactor, each power reactor in decommissioning or possession-only 
status that has spent fuel onsite, and to each independent spent fuel 
storage 10 CFR part 72 licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR part 50 
license, is a $304 fee-relief assessment. This amount is calculated by 
dividing the total fee-relief adjustment costs allocated to this class 
by the total number of power reactor licenses, except those that 
permanently ceased operations and have no fuel onsite, and 10 CFR part 
72 licensees who do not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license.
    (e) The FY 2015 annual fees for licensees authorized to operate a 
research or test (nonpower) reactor licensed under 10 CFR part 50 of 
this chapter, unless the reactor is exempted from fees under Sec.  
171.11(a), are as follows:

Research reactor.............................................    $83,500
Test reactor.................................................     83,500

8. In Sec.  171.16, revise paragraph (d) and the introductory text of 
paragraph (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  171.16  Annual fees: Materials licensees, holders of certificates 
of compliance, holders of sealed source and device registrations, 
holders of quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies 
licensed by the NRC.

* * * * *
    (d) The FY 2015 annual fees are comprised of a base annual fee and 
an allocation for fee-relief adjustment. The activities comprising the 
FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment are shown for convenience in paragraph 
(e) of this section. The FY 2015 annual fees for materials licensees 
and holders of certificates, registrations, or approvals subject to 
fees under this section are shown in the following table:

   Schedule of Materials Annual Fees and Fees for Government Agencies
                             Licensed by NRC
                     [See footnotes at end of table]
                                                            Annual fees
             Category of materials licenses                 \1\ \2\ \3\
1. Special nuclear material:
    A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U-235 or
     plutonium for fuel fabrication activities.
          (a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material (High        $8,473,000
           Enriched Uranium) [Program Code(s): 21130]...
          (b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible Form         2,915,000
           Used for Fabrication of Power Reactor Fuel
           [Program Code(s): 21210].....................

[[Page 37461]]

    (2) All other special nuclear materials licenses not
     included in Category 1.A.(1) which are licensed for
     fuel cycle activities.
          (a) Facilities with limited operations                       0
           [Program Code(s): 21310, 21320]..............
          (b) Gas centrifuge enrichment demonstration          1,640,000
          (c) Others, including hot cell facilities.....         820,000
    B. Licenses for receipt and storage of spent fuel           \11\ N/A
     and reactor-related Greater than Class C (GTCC)
     waste at an independent spent fuel storage
     installation (ISFSI) [Program Code(s): 23200]......
    C. Licenses for possession and use of special                  3,200
     nuclear material of less than a critical mass, as
     defined in Sec.   70.4 of this chapter, in sealed
     sources contained in devices used in industrial
     measuring systems, including x-ray fluorescence
     analyzers.\15\ [Program Code(s): 22140]............
    D. All other special nuclear material licenses,                8,200
     except licenses authorizing special nuclear
     material in sealed or unsealed form in combination
     that would constitute a critical mass, as defined
     in Sec.   70.4 of this chapter, for which the
     licensee shall pay the same fees as those under
     Category 1.A.\15\ [Program Code(s): 22110, 22111,
     22120, 22131, 22136, 22150, 22151, 22161, 22170,
     23100, 23300, 23310]...............................
    E. Licenses or certificates for the operation of a         4,009,000
     uranium enrichment facility [Program Code(s):
    F. For special nuclear materials licenses in sealed            6,800
     or unsealed form of greater than a critical mass as
     defined in Sec.   70.4 of this chapter.\15\
     [Program Code: 22155]..............................
2. Source material:
    A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of source           1,731,000
     material for refining uranium mill concentrates to
     uranium hexafluoride or for deconverting uranium
     hexafluoride in the production of uranium oxides
     for disposal. [Program Code: 11400]................
    (2) Licenses for possession and use of source
     material in recovery operations such as milling, in-
     situ recovery, heap-leaching, ore buying stations,
     ion-exchange facilities and in-processing of ores
     containing source material for extraction of metals
     other than uranium or thorium, including licenses
     authorizing the possession of byproduct waste
     material (tailings) from source material recovery
     operations, as well as licenses authorizing the
     possession and maintenance of a facility in a
     standby mode.
          (a) Conventional and Heap Leach facilities              36,100
           [Program Code(s): 11100].....................
          (b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities [Program          45,800
           Code(s): 11500]..............................
          (c) Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities                51,800
           [Program Code(s): 11510].....................
          (d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities [Program               0
           Code(s): 11550]..............................
          (e) Resin Toll Milling facilities [Program             \5\ N/A
           Code(s): 11555]..............................
    (3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct         \5\ N/A
     material, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the
     Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for
     possession and disposal, except those licenses
     subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) or Category
     2.A.(4) [Program Code(s): 11600, 12000]............
    (4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct          20,500
     material, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the
     Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for
     possession and disposal incidental to the disposal
     of the uranium waste tailings generated by the
     licensee's milling operations, except those
     licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2)
     [Program Code(s): 12010]...........................
    (5) Licenses that authorize the possession of source           6,000
     material related to removal of contaminants (source
     material) from drinking water [Program Code(s):
    B. Licenses that authorize possession, use, and/or             3,500
     installation of source material for shielding.16 17
     18 [Program Code: 11210]...........................
    C. Licenses to distribute items containing source              6,800
     material to persons exempt from the licensing
     requirements of part 40 of this chapter. [Program
     Code: 11240].......................................
    D. Licenses to distribute source material to persons           6,800
     generally licensed under part 40 of this chapter
     [Program Code(s): 11230 and 11231].................
    E. Licenses for possession and use of source                   8,300
     material for processing or manufacturing of
     products or materials containing source material
     for commercial distribution. [Program Code: 11710].
    F. All other source material licenses. [Program                7,800
     Code(s): 11200, 11220, 11221, 11300, 11800, 11810].
3. Byproduct material:
    A. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of          30,700
     byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of
     this chapter for processing or manufacturing of
     items containing byproduct material for commercial
     distribution [Program Code(s): 03211, 03212, 03213]
    B. Other licenses for possession and use of                   13,000
     byproduct material issued under part 30 of this
     chapter for processing or manufacturing of items
     containing byproduct material for commercial
     distribution [Program Code(s): 03214, 03215, 22135,
    C. Licenses issued under Sec.  Sec.   32.72 and/or            13,500
     32.74 of this chapter authorizing the processing or
     manufacturing and distribution or redistribution of
     radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/
     or sources and devices containing byproduct
     material. This category also includes the
     possession and use of source material for shielding
     authorized under part 40 of this chapter when
     included on the same license. This category does
     not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit
     educational institutions whose processing or
     manufacturing is exempt under Sec.   171.11(a)(1).
     [Program Code(s): 02500, 02511, 02513].............
    D. [Reserved].......................................         \5\ N/A
    E. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct                9,900
     material in sealed sources for irradiation of
     materials in which the source is not removed from
     its shield (self-shielded units) [Program Code(s):
     03510, 03520]......................................
    F. Licenses for possession and use of less than               12,300
     10,000 curies of byproduct material in sealed
     sources for irradiation of materials in which the
     source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This
     category also includes underwater irradiators for
     irradiation of materials in which the source is not
     exposed for irradiation purposes [Program Code(s):
    G. Licenses for possession and use of 10,000 curies          108,900
     or more of byproduct material in sealed sources for
     irradiation of materials in which the source is
     exposed for irradiation purposes. This category
     also includes underwater irradiators for
     irradiation of materials in which the source is not
     exposed for irradiation purposes [Program Code(s):

[[Page 37462]]

    H. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of              12,400
     this chapter to distribute items containing
     byproduct material that require device review to
     persons exempt from the licensing requirements of
     part 30 of this chapter, except specific licenses
     authorizing redistribution of items that have been
     authorized for distribution to persons exempt from
     the licensing requirements of part 30 of this
     chapter [Program Code(s): 03254, 03255]............
    I. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of              18,300
     this chapter to distribute items containing
     byproduct material or quantities of byproduct
     material that do not require device evaluation to
     persons exempt from the licensing requirements of
     part 30 of this chapter, except for specific
     licenses authorizing redistribution of items that
     have been authorized for distribution to persons
     exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30
     of this chapter [Program Code(s): 03250, 03251,
     03252, 03253, 03256]...............................
    J. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of               4,700
     this chapter to distribute items containing
     byproduct material that require sealed source and/
     or device review to persons generally licensed
     under part 31 of this chapter, except specific
     licenses authorizing redistribution of items that
     have been authorized for distribution to persons
     generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter
     [Program Code(s): 03240, 03241, 03243].............
    K. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of               3,500
     this chapter to distribute items containing
     byproduct material or quantities of byproduct
     material that do not require sealed source and/or
     device review to persons generally licensed under
     part 31 of this chapter, except specific licenses
     authorizing redistribution of items that have been
     authorized for distribution to persons generally
     licensed under part 31 of this chapter [Program
     Code(s): 03242, 03244].............................
    L. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of          17,900
     byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of
     this chapter for research and development that do
     not authorize commercial distribution. Number of
     locations of use: 1-5. [Program Code(s): 01100,
     01110, 01120, 03610, 03611, 03612, 03613]..........
          (1) Licenses of broad scope for possession and          24,000
           use of product material issued under parts 30
           and 33 of this chapter for research and
           development that do not authorize commercial
           distribution. Number of locations of use: 6-
          (2) Licenses of broad scope for possession and          29,900
           use of byproduct material issued under parts
           30 and 33 of this chapter for research and
           development that do not authorize commercial
           distribution. Number of locations of use: 20
           or more......................................
    M. Other licenses for possession and use of                   12,400
     byproduct material issued under part 30 of this
     chapter for research and development that do not
     authorize commercial distribution [Program Code(s):
    N. Licenses that authorize services for other                 21,200
     licensees, except: (1) Licenses that authorize only
     calibration and/or leak testing services are
     subject to the fees specified in fee Category 3.P.;
     and (2) Licenses that authorize waste disposal
     services are subject to the fees specified in fee
     categories 4.A., 4.B., and 4.C. [Program Code(s):
     03219, 03225, 03226]...............................
    O. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct               25,800
     material issued under part 34 of this chapter for
     industrial radiography operations. This category
     also includes the possession and use of source
     material for shielding authorized under part 40 of
     this chapter when authorized on the same license
     [Program Code(s): 03310, 03320]....................
    P. All other specific byproduct material licenses,             8,000
     except those in Categories 4.A. through 9.D.\19\
     [Program Code(s): 02400, 02410, 03120, 03121,
     03122, 03123, 03124, 03140, 03130, 03220, 03221,
     03222, 03800, 03810, 22130]........................
    Q. Registration of devices generally licensed under         \13\ N/A
     part 31 of this chapter............................
    R. Possession of items or products containing radium-
     226 identified in 10 CFR 31.12 which exceed the
     number of items or limits specified in that
     section: \14\
          1. Possession of quantities exceeding the                8,000
           number of items or limits in 10 CFR
           31.12(a)(4), or (5) but less than or equal to
           10 times the number of items or limits
           specified [Program Code(s): 02700]...........
          2. Possession of quantities exceeding 10 times           8,300
           the number of items or limits specified in 10
           CFR 31.12(a)(4) or (5) [Program Code(s):
    S. Licenses for production of accelerator-produced            31,100
     radionuclides [Program Code(s): 03210].............
4. Waste disposal and processing:
    A. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of          \5\ N/A
     waste byproduct material, source material, or
     special nuclear material from other persons for the
     purpose of contingency storage or commercial land
     disposal by the licensee; or licenses authorizing
     contingency storage of low-level radioactive waste
     at the site of nuclear power reactors; or licenses
     for receipt of waste from other persons for
     incineration or other treatment, packaging of
     resulting waste and residues, and transfer of
     packages to another person authorized to receive or
     dispose of waste material [Program Code(s): 03231,
     03233, 03235, 03236, 06100, 06101].................
    B. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of           22,200
     waste byproduct material, source material, or
     special nuclear material from other persons for the
     purpose of packaging or repackaging the material.
     The licensee will dispose of the material by
     transfer to another person authorized to receive or
     dispose of the material [Program Code(s): 03234]...
    C. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of           14,700
     prepackaged waste byproduct material, source
     material, or special nuclear material from other
     persons. The licensee will dispose of the material
     by transfer to another person authorized to receive
     or dispose of the material [Program Code(s): 03232]
5. Well logging:
    A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct               14,400
     material, source material, and/or special nuclear
     material for well logging, well surveys, and tracer
     studies other than field flooding tracer studies
     [Program Code(s): 03110, 03111, 03112].............
    B. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct              \5\ N/A
     material for field flooding tracer studies.
     [Program Code(s): 03113]...........................
6. Nuclear laundries:
    A. Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of          40,100
     items contaminated with byproduct material, source
     material, or special nuclear material [Program
     Code(s): 03218]....................................
7. Medical licenses:
    A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of          24,700
     this chapter for human use of byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear material in
     sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic
     radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar
     beam therapy devices. This category also includes
     the possession and use of source material for
     shielding when authorized on the same license.
     [Program Code(s): 02300, 02310]....................

[[Page 37463]]

    B. Licenses of broad scope issued to medical                  37,500
     institutions or two or more physicians under parts
     30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter authorizing
     research and development, including human use of
     byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct
     material, source material, or special nuclear
     material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy
     devices. This category also includes the possession
     and use of source material for shielding when
     authorized on the same license.\9\ [Program
     Code(s): 02110]....................................
    C. Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and          13,300
     70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct
     material, source material, and/or special nuclear
     material, except licenses for byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear material in
     sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices.
     This category also includes the possession and use
     of source material for shielding when authorized on
     the same license.\9\ \20\ [Program Code(s): 02120,
     02121, 02200, 02201, 02210, 02220, 02230, 02231,
     02240, 22160]......................................
8. Civil defense:
    A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct                8,000
     material, source material, or special nuclear
     material for civil defense activities [Program
     Code(s): 03710]....................................
9. Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluation:
    A. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of           7,900
     devices or products containing byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear material,
     except reactor fuel devices, for commercial
    B. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of          13,200
     devices or products containing byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear material
     manufactured in accordance with the unique
     specifications of, and for use by, a single
     applicant, except reactor fuel devices.............
    C. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of           7,800
     sealed sources containing byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear material,
     except reactor fuel, for commercial distribution...
    D. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of           1,600
     sealed sources containing byproduct material,
     source material, or special nuclear material,
     manufactured in accordance with the unique
     specifications of, and for use by, a single
     applicant, except reactor fuel.....................
10. Transportation of radioactive material:
    A. Certificates of Compliance or other package
     approvals issued for design of casks, packages, and
     shipping containers.
          1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and plutonium         \6\ N/A
           air packages.................................
          2. Other Casks................................         \6\ N/A
    B. Quality assurance program approvals issued under
     part 71 of this chapter.
          1. Users and Fabricators......................         \6\ N/A
          2. Users......................................         \6\ N/A
    C. Evaluation of security plans, route approvals,            \6\ N/A
     route surveys, and transportation security devices
     (including immobilization devices).................
11. Standardized spent fuel facilities..................         \6\ N/A
12. Special Projects [Program Code(s): 25110]...........         \6\ N/A
13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of Compliance         \6\ N/A
    B. General licenses for storage of spent fuel under         \12\ N/A
     10 CFR 72.210......................................
14. Decommissioning/Reclamation:
    A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear material            \7\ N/A
     licenses and other approvals authorizing
     decommissioning, decontamination, reclamation, or
     site restoration activities under parts 30, 40, 70,
     72, and 76 of this chapter, including master
     materials licenses (MMLs) [Program Code(s): 3900,
     11900, 21135, 21215, 21240, 21325, 22200]..........
    B. Site-specific decommissioning activities                  \7\ N/A
     associated with unlicensed sites, including MMLs,
     whether or not the sites have been previously
15. Import and Export licenses..........................         \8\ N/A
16. Reciprocity.........................................         \8\ N/A
17. Master materials licenses of broad scope issued to           343,000
 Government agencies [Program Code(s): 03614]...........
18. Department of Energy:
    A. Certificates of Compliance.......................  \10\ 1,623,000
    B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act               666,000
     (UMTRCA) activities................................
\1\ Annual fees will be assessed based on whether a licensee held a
  valid license with the NRC authorizing possession and use of
  radioactive material during the current FY. The annual fee is waived
  for those materials licenses and holders of certificates,
  registrations, and approvals who either filed for termination of their
  licenses or approvals or filed for possession only/storage licenses
  before October 1, 2015, and permanently ceased licensed activities
  entirely before this date. Annual fees for licensees who filed for
  termination of a license, downgrade of a license, or for a possession-
  only license during the FY and for new licenses issued during the FY
  will be prorated in accordance with the provisions of Sec.   171.17.
  If a person holds more than one license, certificate, registration, or
  approval, the annual fee(s) will be assessed for each license,
  certificate, registration, or approval held by that person. For
  licenses that authorize more than one activity on a single license
  (e.g., human use and irradiator activities), annual fees will be
  assessed for each category applicable to the license.
\2\ Payment of the prescribed annual fee does not automatically renew
  the license, certificate, registration, or approval for which the fee
  is paid. Renewal applications must be filed in accordance with the
  requirements of parts 30, 40, 70, 71, 72, or 76 of this chapter.
\3\ Each FY, fees for these materials licenses will be calculated and
  assessed in accordance with Sec.   171.13 and will be published in the
  Federal Register for notice and comment.
\4\ Other facilities include licenses for extraction of metals, heavy
  metals, and rare earths.
\5\ There are no existing NRC licenses in these fee categories. If NRC
  issues a license for these categories, the Commission will consider
  establishing an annual fee for this type of license.
\6\ Standardized spent fuel facilities, 10 CFR parts 71 and 72
  Certificates of Compliance and related Quality Assurance program
  approvals, and special reviews, such as topical reports, are not
  assessed an annual fee because the generic costs of regulating these
  activities are primarily attributable to users of the designs,
  certificates, and topical reports.
\7\Licensees in this category are not assessed an annual fee because
  they are charged an annual fee in other categories while they are
  licensed to operate.
\8\ No annual fee is charged because it is not practical to administer
  due to the relatively short life or temporary nature of the license.

[[Page 37464]]

\9\ Separate annual fees will not be assessed for pacemaker licenses
  issued to medical institutions that also hold nuclear medicine
  licenses under fee categories 7.B. or 7.C.
\10\ This includes Certificates of Compliance issued to the U.S.
  Department of Energy that are not funded from the Nuclear Waste Fund.
\11\ See Sec.   171.15(c).
\12\ See Sec.   171.15(c).
\13\ No annual fee is charged for this category because the cost of the
  general license registration program applicable to licenses in this
  category will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees.
\14\ Persons who possess radium sources that are used for operational
  purposes in another fee category are not also subject to the fees in
  this category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources
  are possessed for storage only.)
\15\ Licensees paying annual fees under category 1.A., 1.B., and 1.E.
  are not subject to the annual fees for categories 1.C., 1.D., and 1.F.
  for sealed sources authorized in the license.
\16\ Licensees subject to fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., or
  2.A. must pay the largest applicable fee and are not subject to
  additional fees listed in this table.
\17\ Licensees paying fees under 3.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B.
  for possession
and shielding authorized on the same license.
\18\ Licensees paying fees under 7.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B.
  for possession
and shielding authorized on the same license.
\19\ Licensees paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees
  under 3.P. for calibration or leak testing services authorized on the
  same license.
\20\ Licensees paying fees under 7.B. are not subject to paying fees
  under 7.C. for broad scope license licenses issued under parts 30, 35,
  40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source
  material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for
  byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in
  sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized on the same

    (e) The fee-relief adjustment allocated to annual fees includes the 
budgeted resources for the activities listed in paragraph (e)(1) of 
this section, plus the total budgeted resources for the activities 
included in paragraphs (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this section, as reduced by 
the appropriations the NRC receives for these types of activities. If 
the NRC's appropriations for these types of activities are greater than 
the budgeted resources for the activities included in paragraphs (e)(2) 
and (e)(3) of this section for a given fiscal year, a negative fee-
relief adjustment (or annual fee reduction) will be allocated to annual 
fees. The activities comprising the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment are 
as follows:
* * * * *

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 17th day of June 2015.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Maureen E. Wylie,
Chief Financial Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-15763 Filed 6-29-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  37432              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                      document referenced in this document                   compliance guide. In this final rule, the
                                                  COMMISSION                                              (if that document is available in                      NRC continues using a fee methodology
                                                                                                          ADAMS) is provided the first time that                 for qualifying small entities that
                                                  10 CFR Parts 170 and 171                                a document is referenced. For the                      establishes a maximum annual fee and
                                                  [NRC–2014–0200]                                         convenience of the reader, the ADAMS                   minimum annual fee at a reduced rate
                                                                                                          accession numbers are provided in a                    to ease the financial burden for these
                                                  RIN 3150–AJ44                                           table in the ‘‘Availability of Documents’’             licensees.
                                                                                                          section of this document.                                 In compliance with the OBRA–90, as
                                                  Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee                             • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and                    amended, requirement that the NRC
                                                  Recovery for Fiscal Year 2015                           purchase copies of public documents at                 collect approximately 90 percent of its
                                                  AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                             the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One                        budget authority through fee collection
                                                  Commission.                                             White Flint North, 11555 Rockville                     by the end of the fiscal year, this
                                                  ACTION: Final rule.                                     Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.                       rulemaking is based on the $1,015.3
                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                 million in appropriations received by
                                                  SUMMARY:    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                 Arlette Howard, Office of the Chief                    the NRC as a result of the Consolidated
                                                  Commission (NRC) is amending the                        Financial Officer, U.S. Nuclear                        and Further Continuing Appropriations
                                                  licensing, inspection, and annual fees                  Regulatory Commission, Washington,                     Act, 2015 (Pub. L. 113–235), signed by
                                                  charged to its applicants and licensees.                DC 20555–0001, telephone: 301–415–                     President Obama on December 16, 2014.
                                                  These amendments are necessary to                       1481, email: Arlette.Howard@nrc.gov.                   II. Discussion
                                                  implement the Omnibus Budget
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                In compliance with OBRA–90, as
                                                  Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA–90),
                                                  as amended, which requires the NRC to                   I. Background                                          amended, and the Atomic Energy Act of
                                                  recover through fees approximately 90                   II. Discussion                                         1954 (AEA), the NRC amends its fee
                                                  percent of its budget authority in Fiscal               III. Opportunities for Public Participation            schedules for parts 170 and 171 of Title
                                                                                                          IV. Public Comment Analysis                            10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
                                                  Year (FY) 2015, not including amounts                   V. Section-by-Section Analysis
                                                  appropriated for Waste Incidental to                                                                           (10 CFR) to recover approximately 90
                                                                                                          VI. Regulatory Flexibility Certification               percent of its FY 2015 budget authority,
                                                  Reprocessing (WIR), the Nuclear Waste                   VII. Regulatory Analysis
                                                  Fund (NWF), generic homeland security                                                                          less the amounts appropriated for WIR,
                                                                                                          VIII. Backfitting and Issue Finality
                                                  activities, and Inspector General (IG)                  IX. Plain Writing
                                                                                                                                                                 the NWF, generic homeland security
                                                  services for the Defense Nuclear                        X. National Environmental Policy Act                   activities, and IG services for the
                                                  Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). These                  XI. Paperwork Reduction Act                            DNFSB. The 10 CFR part 170 user fees,
                                                  fees represent the cost of the NRC’s                    XII. Congressional Review Act                          under the authority of the IOAA,
                                                  services provided to applicants and                     XIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards                    recover the NRC’s costs of providing
                                                                                                          XIV. Availability of Guidance                          specific regulatory benefits to
                                                  licensees.                                              XV. Availability of Documents                          identifiable applicants and licensees.
                                                  DATES: This final rule is effective on                                                                         For example, the NRC assesses these
                                                  August 31, 2015.                                        I. Background
                                                                                                                                                                 fees to cover the costs of inspections,
                                                  ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID                      Over the past 40 years the NRC (and                  applications for new licenses and
                                                  NRC–2014–0200 when contacting the                       earlier, as the Atomic Energy                          license renewals, and requests for
                                                  NRC about the availability of                           Commission, the NRC’s predecessor                      license amendments. The 10 CFR part
                                                  information for this final rule. You may                agency) has assessed and continues to                  171 annual fees, on the other hand,
                                                  access publicly-available information                   assess fees to applicants and licensees to             recover generic regulatory costs that are
                                                  related to this final rule by any of the                recover the cost of its regulatory                     not otherwise recovered through 10 CFR
                                                  following methods:                                      program. The NRC’s cost recovery                       part 170 fees.
                                                     • Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to                 principles for fee regulation are
                                                  http://www.regulations.gov and search                   governed by two major laws: (1) The                    FY 2015 Fee Collection
                                                  for Docket ID NRC–2014–0200. Address                    Independent Offices Appropriations Act                    The NRC received total
                                                  questions about NRC dockets to Carol                    of 1952 (IOAA) (31 U.S.C. 483 (a)); and                appropriations of $1,015.3 million for
                                                  Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;                     (2) OBRA–90 (42 U.S.C. 2214), as                       FY 2015 as a result of Public Law 113–
                                                  email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For                     amended. The NRC is required each                      235, a decrease of $40.6 million from FY
                                                  technical questions contact the                         year, under OBRA–90, as amended, to                    2014. Based on OBRA–90, as amended,
                                                  individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                    recover approximately 90 percent of its                the NRC is required to recover $895.5
                                                  INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                     budget authority, not including amounts                million through 10 CFR part 170 (user
                                                  final rule.                                             appropriated for WIR, generic homeland                 charges) and 10 CFR part 171 (annual
                                                     • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                         security activities, the NWF, and IG                   fees) for FY 2015. This amount excludes
                                                  Access and Management System                            services for the DNFSB, through fees to                non-fee items for WIR activities totaling
                                                  (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-                       NRC licensees and applicants.                          $1.4 million, IG services for the DNFSB
                                                  available documents online in the                         In addition to the requirements of                   totaling $0.9 million, and generic
                                                  ADAMS Public Documents collection at                    OBRA–90, as amended, the NRC is also                   homeland security activities totaling
                                                  http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                          required to comply with the                            $18.1 million. This required fee
                                                  adams.html. To begin the search, select                 requirements of the Small Business                     recovery amount is $35.2 million less
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then                     Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of                 than the FY 2014 required fee recovery
                                                  select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS                          1996. This Act encourages small                        amount of $930.7 million. After
                                                  Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,                      businesses to participate in the                       accounting for prior year billing
                                                  please contact the NRC’s Public                         regulatory process, and requires                       adjustments, the fee recoverable budget
                                                  Document Room (PDR) reference staff at                  agencies to develop more accessible                    is further reduced to $888.7 million to
                                                  1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by                     sources of information on regulatory                   be billed as fees to licensees and
                                                  email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The                      and reporting requirements for small                   applicants under 10 CFR parts 170 and
                                                  ADAMS accession number for each                         businesses and create a small entity                   171. This amount represents a decrease

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:30 Jun 29, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\30JNR4.SGM   30JNR4

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                              37433

                                                  of $30.2 million from FY 2014 final rule                                   President’s proposed budget, rather than                                   2015 final fee rule. The FY 2014
                                                  and a decrease of $37.5 million from the                                   the actual FY 2015 appropriation, which                                    amounts are provided for comparison
                                                  FY 2015 proposed fee rule published on                                     included a reduction for fee-based                                         purposes. (Individual values may not
                                                  March 23, 2015 (80 FR 15746). This                                         unobligated carryover.                                                     sum to totals due to rounding.)
                                                  decrease is due to the fact that the FY                                      Table I summarizes the final budget
                                                  2015 proposed fee rule was based on the                                    and fee recovery amounts for the FY

                                                                                                                   TABLE I—BUDGET AND FEE RECOVERY AMOUNTS
                                                                                                                                                  [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FY 2014       FY 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Final rule    Final rule

                                                  Total Budget Authority .............................................................................................................................................           $1,055.9      $1,015.3
                                                  Less Non-Fee Items ................................................................................................................................................              ¥21.8        ¥$20.3

                                                      Balance .............................................................................................................................................................      $1,034.1        $995.0
                                                  Fee Recovery Rate ..................................................................................................................................................               90%           90%

                                                  Total Amount to be Recovered: ..............................................................................................................................                     $930.7        $895.5
                                                  10 CFR Part 171 Billing Adjustments:
                                                      Unpaid Current Year Invoices (estimated) .......................................................................................................                                0.5           2.8
                                                      Less Current Year from Collections (Terminated—Operating Reactors) ........................................................                                                    ¥2.2             0
                                                      Less Payments Received in Current Year for Previous Year Invoices (estimated) ........................................                                                        ¥12.3          ¥9.6

                                                            Subtotal ..................................................................................................................................................            ¥14.0         ¥6.8
                                                  Amount to be Recovered through 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171 Fees .....................................................................                                              $916.7        $888.7
                                                      Less Estimated 10 CFR Part 170 Fees ...........................................................................................................                             ¥332.5       ¥$321.7
                                                      Less Prior Year Unbilled 10 CFR Part 170 Fees ............................................................................................                                    ¥0.0         ¥0.0
                                                  10 CFR Part 171 Fee Collections Required ...........................................................................................................                            $584.2        $567.0

                                                  Changes From the FY 2014 Final Fee                                         billings caused by shifts in workload                                      proposed FY 2015 fee rule. At the time
                                                  Rule                                                                       priorities. For 10 CFR part 170 hourly                                     the NRC issued its proposed fee rule,
                                                     In this final fee rule, the NRC amends                                  fees, the total amount to be recovered is                                  the NRC estimated that a portion of the
                                                  fees for power reactors, spent fuel                                        $321.7 million, a decrease of $10.8                                        budgeted resources for this fee class was
                                                  storage/reactor decommissioning,                                           million from FY 2014.                                                      not going to be collected through 10
                                                  nonpower reactors, uranium recovery                                        Changes From the FY 2015 Proposed                                          CFR part 170 user fees, therefore
                                                  facilities, fuel facilities, materials users,                              Fee Rule (Including the FY 2015                                            requiring the establishment of an annual
                                                  and the U.S. Department of Energy’s                                        Estimated Final Rule Amounts)                                              part 10 CFR part 171 fee to recover the
                                                  (DOE) transportation license as                                                                                                                       remainder of the budgeted authority for
                                                  compared to the FY 2014 final rule. The                                      In comparison to the FY 2015                                             this fee class. Upon further analysis, the
                                                  total amount of annual fees to be                                          proposed fee rule and the estimated FY                                     NRC determined all budgeted resources
                                                  recovered, $567 million, represents a                                      2015 final budget and fee rule recovery                                    for the rare earth facilities will be
                                                  decrease of $19.4 million from the FY                                      amounts, the NRC will collect $321.7                                       collected through 10 CFR part 170 this
                                                  2014 final rule. Overall, annual fees for                                  million in hourly fees (user charges), a                                   fiscal year. Therefore, NRC lacks a
                                                  operating reactors decrease as a result of                                 decrease of $2.6 million from both                                         statutory basis to assess 10 CFR part 171
                                                  reduced budgetary resources, but this                                      estimates, respectively, for this final                                    fees to this fee class, because that fee
                                                  decrease is partially offset by a decline                                  rule. This change is a result of the                                       would not bear a reasonable
                                                  in 10 CFR part 170 billings and the                                        decline in estimated 10 CFR part 170                                       relationship to the cost of providing
                                                  permanent shutdown of Vermont                                              collections for the power reactor fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                        generic NRC services, as there are no
                                                  Yankee. Additionally, annual fees for                                      class due to unexpected application
                                                                                                                                                                                                        generic activities supporting this fee
                                                  the fuel facilities fee class increase from                                suspensions (particularly, the U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        class. Therefore, in this final rule, the
                                                  FY 2014 as a result of the following: (1)                                  Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        NRC omits the annual fee for rare earth
                                                  Reduced 10 CFR part 170 billings for                                       design certification application and the
                                                                                                                             Calvert Cliffs combined license                                            facilities.
                                                  operational readiness reviews and
                                                  inspections due to significant delays in                                   application). The NRC will collect $567                                    Hourly Rate
                                                  construction; and (2) the termination of                                   million in annual fees, a decrease of
                                                  the certificate for the United States                                      $34.9 million from the FY 2015                                               The NRC’s hourly rate is used in
                                                  Enrichment Corporation’s Paducah,                                          proposed fee rule estimate and an                                          assessing full cost fees for specific
                                                  Kentucky facility. For the transportation                                  increase of $4.8 million from the                                          services provided by the NRC, as well
                                                  fee class, the annual fees increase from                                   estimated FY 2015 final annual fees                                        as flat fees for activities such as NRC
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                                                  FY 2014, primarily due to rulemaking                                       total. The change from the FY 2015                                         review of applications. For FY 2015, the
                                                  activities concerning 10 CFR part 71                                       proposed fee rule and estimated FY                                         NRC’s hourly rate is $268, a decrease of
                                                  compatibility with the International                                       2015 final annual fees total is the result                                 $9 from the hourly rate in the FY 2015
                                                  Atomic Energy Agency’s transportation                                      of the reduced estimated 10 CFR part                                       proposed fee rule. The FY 2014 hourly
                                                  standards and improvements.                                                170 collections, as well as the 10 CFR                                     rate (the current hourly rate) is $279.
                                                  Additionally, the increase in the annual                                   part 171 billing adjustment.                                               This rate is applicable to all activities
                                                  fee for the transportation fee class is                                      The NRC proposed to establish an                                         for which fees are assessed under
                                                  attributed to reduced 10 CFR part 170                                      annual fee for rare earth facilities in the                                §§ 170.21 and 170.31.

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                                                  37434                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                    The decrease in the FY 2015 hourly                                       FTE hours are the product of the                                            general administration. The NRC
                                                  rate is due to an increase in estimated                                    mission-direct FTE multiplied by the                                        generated this figure by reviewing and
                                                  direct hours worked per mission-direct                                     hours per direct FTE. The only budgeted                                     analyzing current available time and
                                                  full-time equivalent (FTE) during the                                      resources excluded from the hourly rate                                     labor data from FY 2010 through FY
                                                  year and reduced budget. The hourly                                        are those for contract activities related                                   2012. As a result of that review, the NRC
                                                  rate is inversely related to the mission-                                  to mission-direct and fee-relief                                            determined that the direct hours per
                                                  direct FTE rate. Therefore, as the FTE                                     activities. Billable contract activities are                                FTE for FY 2015 budget formulation
                                                  rate increases, the hourly rate decreases.                                 included as a separate line item on the                                     should be revised.
                                                    The NRC’s hourly rate is derived by                                      10 CFR part 170 invoice.
                                                  dividing the sum of recoverable                                              In FY 2015, the NRC used 1,420 hours                                        Table II shows the results of the
                                                  budgeted resources for: (1) Mission-                                       per direct FTE to calculate the hourly                                      hourly rate calculation methodology.
                                                  direct program salaries and benefits; (2)                                  fee rate, which is higher than the FY                                       The FY 2014 amounts are provided for
                                                  mission-indirect program support; and                                      2014 estimate of 1,375 hours per direct                                     comparison purposes. (Individual
                                                  (3) agency overhead or indirect costs—                                     FTE and represents increased                                                values may not sum to totals due to
                                                  which includes corporate support, office                                   productivity. These hours exclude all                                       rounding.)
                                                  support, and the IG. The mission-direct                                    indirect activities such as training and

                                                                                                                             TABLE II—HOURLY RATE CALCULATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FY 2014       FY 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Final rule    Final rule

                                                  Mission-Direct Program Salaries & Benefits ...........................................................................................................                            $359.2        $365.6
                                                  Mission-Indirect Program Support ...........................................................................................................................                       $21.0         $67.7
                                                  Agency Support (Corporate Support, Office Support and the IG) ..........................................................................                                          $486.0        $422.7

                                                      Subtotal .............................................................................................................................................................        $866.2         $856
                                                  Less Offsetting Receipts ..........................................................................................................................................               ¥$0.0         ¥$0.0

                                                      Total Budget Included in Hourly Rate (Millions of Dollars) ..............................................................................                                     $866.2          $856
                                                  Mission-Direct FTE (Whole numbers) .....................................................................................................................                           2,254          2,250
                                                  Professional Hourly Rate (Total Budget Included in Hourly Rate Divided by Mission-Direct FTE Hours-1420)
                                                    (Whole Numbers) .................................................................................................................................................                 $279          $268

                                                    As shown in Table II, dividing the FY                                    and 17 under § 170.31) will increase as                                     categories 1.C. through 1.D., 2.B.
                                                  2015 $856 million budget amount                                            a result of an increase in the average                                      through 2.F., 3.A. through 3.S., 4.B.
                                                  included in the hourly rate by total                                       time spent processing these types of                                        through 9.D., 10.B., 15.A. through 15.L.,
                                                  mission-direct FTE hours (2,250 FTE                                        license applications. (Fee category 17                                      15.R., and 16 of § 170.31. Applications
                                                  times 1,420 hours) results in an hourly                                    should have been counted in this                                            filed on or after the effective date of the
                                                  rate of $268. The hourly rate is rounded                                   analysis in the FY 2015 proposed fee                                        FY 2015 final fee rule would be subject
                                                  to the nearest whole dollar.                                               rule.) The decrease in fees for 7 fee                                       to the revised fees in the final rule.
                                                                                                                             categories (2.C., 2.E., 2.F., 3.B., 3.I., 3.N.,
                                                  Flat Application Fee Changes                                                                                                                           Application of Rebaselining, Fee-Relief,
                                                                                                                             and 3.O. under § 170.31) is primarily
                                                     The NRC amends the current flat                                         due to the reduced hourly rate and a                                        and Low-Level Waste (LLW) Surcharge
                                                  application fees in §§ 170.21 and 170.31                                   decrease in the average time to process
                                                  to reflect the revised hourly rate of $268.                                                                                                               For this rulemaking, the NRC
                                                                                                                             these types of applications. Also, the
                                                  These flat fees are calculated by                                                                                                                      established rebaselined annual fees in
                                                                                                                             NRC staff determined via a recent
                                                  multiplying the average professional                                       analysis that the application fees                                          accordance with SECY–05–0164,
                                                  staff hours needed to process the                                          increase for 3 import and export fee                                        ‘‘Annual Fee Calculation Method,’’
                                                  licensing actions by the professional                                      categories (K.4., K.5., and 15.D. under                                     September 15, 2005 (ADAMS Accession
                                                  hourly rate for FY 2015. The agency                                        § 170.31) and decrease for 13 import and                                    No. ML052580332). The rebaselining
                                                  estimates the average professional staff                                   export fee categories (15.A. thru 15.L.,                                    method analyzes the budget in detail
                                                  hours needed to process licensing                                          and 15.R. under § 170.31), an increase of                                   and allocates the budgeted costs to
                                                  actions every other year as part of its                                    9 fee categories from the FY 2015                                           various classes or subclasses of
                                                  biennial review of fees performed in                                       proposed fee rule as a result of the                                        licensees. Stated otherwise, rebaselining
                                                  compliance with the Chief Financial                                        reduced hourly rate.                                                        is the annual reallocation of NRC
                                                  Officers Act of 1990. The NRC                                                 The amounts of the materials                                             resources based on changes in the NRC’s
                                                  performed this review for the FY 2015                                      licensing flat fees are rounded so that                                     budget. The NRC established the
                                                  proposed rule. The lower hourly rate of                                    the fees would be convenient to the user                                    rebaselined methodology for calculating
                                                  $268 is the primary reason for the                                         and the effects of rounding would be                                        annual fees through notice and
                                                  decrease in application fees.                                              minimal. Fees under $1,000 are rounded                                      comment rulemaking in the FY 1999 fee
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                                                     In general, any increases in                                            to the nearest $10, fees that are greater                                   rule (64 FR 31448; June 10, 1999),
                                                  application fees are due to the increased                                  than $1,000 but less than $100,000 are                                      determining that base annual fees will
                                                  number of hours required to perform                                        rounded to the nearest $100, and fees                                       be re-established (rebaselined) every
                                                  specific activities based on the biennial                                  that are greater than $100,000 are                                          third year, or more frequently if there is
                                                  review. The NRC staff determined via a                                     rounded to the nearest $1,000.                                              a substantial change in the total NRC
                                                  recent analysis that application fees for                                     The final licensing flat fees are                                        budget or in the magnitude of the
                                                  12 fee categories (2.D., 3.C., 3.H., 3.M.,                                 applicable for fee categories K.1.                                          budget allocated to a specific class of
                                                  3.P., 3.R.2., 3.S., 4.B., 5.A., 7.A., 7.C.,                                through K.5. of § 170.21, and fee                                           licenses. The FY 2015 fee rulemaking

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                             37435

                                                  used this same rebaselining                                                the $15 million Integrated University                                      program activities. These activities will,
                                                  methodology.                                                               Program.                                                                   therefore, be funded by the agency’s 10-
                                                     Moreover, in FY 2015, the NRC will                                        Additionally, in the Staff                                               percent appropriation.
                                                  use its fee-relief surcharge to increase all                               Requirements Memorandum for SECY–                                             The FY 2015 budgeted resources for
                                                                                                                             14–0082, ‘‘Jurisdiction for Military                                       fee-relief activities are greater than the
                                                  licensees’ annual fees, based on their
                                                                                                                             Radium and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                                                  percentage share of the budget. Every                                                                                                                 10-percent fee relief amount by $1.0
                                                                                                                             Commission Oversight of U.S.
                                                  year, the NRC applies the 10 percent of                                                                                                               million, which differs from the ¥$14.6
                                                                                                                             Department of Defense Remediation of
                                                  its budget that is excluded from fee                                                                                                                  million mentioned in the FY 2015
                                                                                                                             Radioactive Material’’ (ADAMS
                                                  recovery under OBRA–90 to offset the                                                                                                                  proposed fee rule due to the reasons
                                                                                                                             Accession No. ML14356A070), the
                                                  total budget allocated for activities that                                                                                                            stated. After applying the generic LLW
                                                                                                                             Commission approved the staff’s
                                                  do not directly benefit current NRC                                                                                                                   surcharge amount of $3.9 million, the
                                                                                                                             recommendation to finalize and
                                                  licensees (these activities fall within the                                                                                                           total net adjustment to fee assessments
                                                                                                                             implement a Memorandum of
                                                  NRC’s fee-relief category). The budget                                                                                                                is $4.9 million. The NRC allocates the
                                                                                                                             Understanding (MOU) with the U.S.
                                                  for these fee-relief activities is totaled,                                                                                                           LLW surcharge based on the volume of
                                                                                                                             Department of Defense (DOD) for
                                                  and then reduced by the amount of the                                      remediation of DOD unlicensed sites                                        LLW disposal of three classes of
                                                  NRC’s fee relief. Any difference between                                   containing radioactive materials subject                                   licenses: operating reactors, fuel
                                                  the 10-percent appropriation and the                                       to the NRC’s regulatory authority. The                                     facilities, and materials users. Because
                                                  budgeted amount of these activities                                        MOU is slated to be finalized in FY                                        LLW activities support NRC licensees
                                                  results in a fee-relief adjustment (either                                 2015. As part of this effort, the                                          and Agreement States, the costs of these
                                                  an increase or decrease) to all licensees’                                 Commission approved the                                                    activities are recovered through annual
                                                  annual fees, based on their percentage                                     establishment of a new fee-relief                                          fees from NRC licensees.
                                                  share of the budget. In FY 2015, there                                     category for the regulatory activities for                                    In comparison, the FY 2014 fee relief
                                                  is an increase to all licensees’ annual                                    the monitoring of DOD unlicensed sites                                     resources were ¥$1.3 million. After
                                                  fees, for the reasons stated.                                              under the MOU. Consistent with this                                        applying the generic LLW surcharge
                                                     From the FY 2015 proposed fee rule,                                     direction, the NRC includes a new                                          amount of $3.2 million, the net FY 2014
                                                  the most significant change under fee                                      activity under fee-relief activities,                                      fee relief adjustment to fee assessments
                                                  relief is under the scholarship and                                        within 10 CFR part 170 licensing and                                       was $1.9 million. Table III summarizes
                                                  fellowship fee relief category. For this                                   inspection fees or 10 CFR part 171                                         the fee-relief activities for FY 2015. The
                                                  category, the budgetary resources                                          annual fees. These program activities                                      FY 2014 amounts are provided for
                                                  increased to $18.9 million from $4.1                                       capture site-specific oversight activities                                 comparison purposes. (Individual
                                                  million because the FY 2015                                                performed under the MOU and any                                            values may not sum to totals due to
                                                  appropriations require the NRC to fund                                     ongoing non-site specific MOU-related                                      rounding.)

                                                                                                                                 TABLE III—FEE-RELIEF ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                                  [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FY 2014      FY 2015
                                                                                                                        Fee-relief activities                                                                                 Budgeted     Budgeted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                costs        costs

                                                  1. Activities not attributable to an existing NRC licensee or class of licensee:
                                                      a. International activities ...................................................................................................................................              $11.2         $9.3
                                                      b. Agreement State oversight ...........................................................................................................................                     $12.6        $12.0
                                                      c. Scholarships and Fellowships ......................................................................................................................                       $18.9        $18.9
                                                      d. Medical Isotope Production ..........................................................................................................................                      $3.1         $4.9
                                                  2. Activities not assessed under 10 CFR part 170 licensing and inspection fees or 10 CFR part 171 annual
                                                    fees based on existing law or Commission policy:
                                                      a. Fee exemption for nonprofit educational institutions ...................................................................................                                  $11.9        $10.3
                                                      b. Costs not recovered from small entities under 10 CFR 71.16(c) ................................................................                                             $8.4         $8.8
                                                      c. Regulatory support to Agreement States .....................................................................................................                              $17.9        $18.5
                                                      d. Generic decommissioning/reclamation (not related to the power reactor and spent fuel storage fee
                                                         classes) .........................................................................................................................................................        $17.1        $16.4
                                                      e. In Situ leach rulemaking and unregistered general licensees .....................................................................                                          $1.0         $1.4
                                                      f. Potential Department of Defense remediation program MOU activities .......................................................                                                  0.0          0.0

                                                             Total fee-relief activities .........................................................................................................................               $102.1       $100.5
                                                  Less 10 percent of the NRC’s total FY budget (less non-fee items) ......................................................................                                      ¥$103.4       ¥$99.5
                                                  Fee-Relief Adjustment to be Allocated to All Licensees’ Annual Fees ...................................................................                                        ¥$1.3          $1.0

                                                     Table IV shows how the NRC                                              percentage of the budget for their fee                                       Table IV also shows the allocation of
                                                  allocated the $4.9 million fee-relief                                      class compared to the NRC’s total                                          the LLW surcharge activity. For FY
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                                                  assessment adjustment to each license                                      budget. This adjustment was added to                                       2015, the total budget allocated for LLW
                                                  fee class. As explained previously, the                                    the required annual fee recovery for                                       activity is $3.9 million. (Individual
                                                  NRC allocated this fee-relief adjustment                                   each fee class.                                                            values may not sum to totals due to
                                                  to each license fee class based on their                                                                                                              rounding.)

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                                                                                 TABLE IV—ALLOCATION OF FEE-RELIEF ADJUSTMENT AND LLW SURCHARGE, FY 2015
                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                          LLW Surcharge                                   Fee-relief adjustment                  Total

                                                                                                                                                   Percent                        $                    Percent                   $                 $

                                                  Operating Power Reactors ..................................................                                    32                       1.2                     86.1                  0.8               2.1
                                                  Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning ...................                                                  0                         0                      3.8                  0.0               0.0
                                                  Research and Test Reactors ...............................................                                      0                         0                      0.3                  0.0               0.0
                                                  Fuel Facilities .......................................................................                        54                       2.1                      4.9                  0.0               2.1
                                                  Materials Users ....................................................................                           14                       0.5                      3.1                  0.1               0.6
                                                  Transportation ......................................................................                           0                         0                      0.5                  0.0               0.0
                                                  Rare Earth Facilities ............................................................                              0                         0                      0.0                  0.0               0.0
                                                  Uranium Recovery ...............................................................                                0                         0                      1.2                  0.0               0.0

                                                        Total ..............................................................................                   100                        3.9                      100                  1.0               4.9

                                                  Revised Annual Fees                                                        budget, as mandated by law, is $895.5                                    2014 annual fees, the FY 2015
                                                     As previously stated, the NRC is                                        million, a decrease of $35.2 million                                     rebaselined fees decrease for operating
                                                  required to establish rebaselined annual                                   compared to FY 2014. After accounting                                    reactors, spent fuel storage and reactor
                                                  fees, which includes updating the                                          for billing adjustments, the fee                                         decommissioning, and research and test
                                                  number of NRC licensees in its fee                                         recoverable budget is further reduced to                                 reactors fee classes while annual fees
                                                  calculation methodology. In the                                            $888.7 million for FY 2015, a decrease                                   increase for DOE transportation
                                                  agency’s FY 2006 final fee rule (71 FR                                     of $28 million from FY 2014. The total                                   activities, fuel facilities fee classes,
                                                  30721; May 30, 2006), the Commission                                       estimated 10 CFR part 170 collections                                    some materials users, and most uranium
                                                  determined that the agency should                                          for this final rule total are $321.7                                     recovery licensees.
                                                  proceed with a presumption in favor of                                     million, a decrease of $10.8 million                                        The factors affecting all annual fees
                                                  rebaselining when calculating annual                                       from the FY 2014 fee rule, primarily                                     include the distribution of budgeted
                                                  fees each year. Rebaselining involves a                                    within the power reactor and fuel                                        costs to the different classes of licenses
                                                  detailed analysis of the NRC’s budget,                                     facilities fee classes, while the spent                                  (based on the specific activities the NRC
                                                  with the NRC allocating budgeted                                           fuel storage fee class has increased 10                                  will perform in FY 2015), the estimated
                                                  resources to fee classes and categories of                                 CFR part 170 collections. The total                                      10 CFR part 170 collections for the
                                                  licensees.                                                                 amount to be recovered through annual                                    various classes of licenses, and
                                                     Therefore, in FY 2015, the NRC                                          fees from current licensees for this final                               allocation of the fee-relief surplus
                                                  revises its annual fees in §§ 171.15 and                                   rule is $567 million, a decrease of $17.2                                adjustment to all fee classes.
                                                  171.16 to recover approximately 90                                         million from the FY 2014 final rule.                                        Table V shows the rebaselined fees for
                                                  percent of the NRC’s FY 2015 budget                                        These decreases are later explained in                                   FY 2015 for a representative list of
                                                  authority, less non-fee amounts and the                                    detail within each fee class.                                            categories of licensees. The FY 2014
                                                  estimated amount to be recovered                                             The FY 2015 budget was allocated to                                    amounts are provided for comparison
                                                  through 10 CFR part 170 fees. For FY                                       the appropriate fee class based on                                       purposes. (Individual values may not
                                                  2015, the NRC’s total fee recoverable                                      budgeted activities. Compared to FY                                      sum to totals due to rounding.)

                                                                                                                             TABLE V—REBASELINED ANNUAL FEES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FY 2014           FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Class/Category of licenses                                                                                Final annual      Final annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                fee               fee

                                                  Operating Power Reactors ......................................................................................................................................             $4,999,000        $4,807,000
                                                  + Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning ....................................................................................................                              224,000           223,000
                                                  Total, Combined Fee ...............................................................................................................................................          5,223,000         5,030,000
                                                  Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning ......................................................................................................                              224,000           223,000
                                                  Research and Test Reactors (Nonpower Reactors) ...............................................................................................                                  84,500            83,500
                                                  High Enriched Uranium Fuel Facility .......................................................................................................................                  7,175,000         8,473,000
                                                  Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Facility ........................................................................................................................                  2,469,000         2,915,000
                                                  UF6 Conversion and Deconversion Facility .............................................................................................................                       1,466,000         1,731,000
                                                  Conventional Mills ....................................................................................................................................................         33,800            36,100
                                                  Typical Materials Users:
                                                      Radiographers (Category 3O) ..........................................................................................................................                         29,800            25,800
                                                      Well Loggers (Category 5A) .............................................................................................................................                       13,600            14,400
                                                  Gauge Users (Category 3P) ....................................................................................................................................                      6,800             8,000
                                                  Broad Scope Medical (Category 7B) .......................................................................................................................                          35,700            37,500
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                                                     The work papers (ADAMS Accession                                        are calculated. The work papers are                                         Paragraphs a. through h. of this
                                                  No. ML15160A434) that support this                                         available as indicated in Section XV,                                    section describes budgetary resources
                                                  final rule show in detail the allocation                                   ‘‘Availability of Documents,’’ of this                                   allocated to each class of licenses and
                                                  of the NRC’s budgeted resources for                                        document.                                                                the calculations of the rebaselined fees.
                                                  each class of licenses and how the fees                                                                                                             Individual values in the tables

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                                                  presented in this section may not sum                                     2.A.(1) under § 171.16) are                                               allocated fee-relief adjustment (see
                                                  to totals due to rounding.                                                approximately $42.9 million. This value                                   Table IV, ‘‘Allocation of Fee-Relief
                                                                                                                            is based on the full cost of budgeted                                     Adjustment and LLW Surcharge, FY
                                                  a. Fuel Facilities.
                                                                                                                            resources associated with all activities                                  2015,’’ in Section II, ‘‘Discussion,’’ of
                                                    The FY 2015 budgeted costs to be                                        that support this fee class, which is                                     this document). The summary
                                                  recovered in the annual fees assessment                                   reduced by estimated 10 CFR part 170                                      calculations used to derive this value
                                                  to the fuel facility class of licenses                                    collections and adjusted for allocated                                    are presented in Table VI for FY 2015,
                                                  (which includes licensees in fee                                          generic transportation resources and fee-                                 with FY 2014 values shown for
                                                  categories 1.A.(1)(a), 1.A.(1)(b),                                        relief. In FY 2015, the LLW surcharge                                     comparison. (Individual values may not
                                                  1.A.(2)(a), 1.A.(2)(b), 1.A.(2)(c), 1.E., and                             for fuel facilities is added to the                                       sum to totals due to rounding.)

                                                                                              TABLE VI—ANNUAL FEE SUMMARY CALCULATIONS FOR FUEL FACILITIES
                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY 2014      FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Summary fee calculations                                                                                   Final        Final

                                                  Total budgeted resources ........................................................................................................................................             $47.2        $42.8
                                                  Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts ..............................................................................................................                       ¥$16.7       ¥$11.5

                                                        Net 10 CFR part 171 resources .......................................................................................................................                   $30.5        $31.3
                                                  Allocated generic transportation ..............................................................................................................................                $0.6         $0.8
                                                  Fee-relief adjustment/LLW surcharge .....................................................................................................................                      $1.1         $2.1
                                                  Billing adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................       ¥$0.6        ¥$0.3
                                                  Reclassification of licensee current year fee billing received: ................................................................................                              ¥$2.2          0.0

                                                        Total remaining required annual fee recovery .................................................................................................                           $29.5        $33.9

                                                     In FY 2015, the fuel facilities                                        determine fees for new licensees,                                         used as the source for determining
                                                  budgetary resources decreased due to                                      current licensees, licensees in unique                                    authorized nuclear material possession
                                                  reduced construction activities and                                       license situations, and certificate                                       and use/activity. Second, the category
                                                  licensing amendments compared to FY                                       holders.                                                                  and license/certificate information are
                                                  2014. Despite the decrease in budgeted                                       This methodology is adaptable to                                       used to determine where the licensee/
                                                  resources, the fuel facilities annual fees                                changes in the number of licensees or                                     certificate holder fits into the matrix.
                                                  in FY 2015 increase compared to FY                                        certificate holders, licensed or certified                                The matrix depicts the categorization of
                                                  2014 due to reduced 10 CFR part 170                                       material and/or activities, and total                                     licensees/certificate holders by
                                                  billings for operation reviews and                                        programmatic resources to be recovered                                    authorized material types and use/
                                                  inspections resulting from numerous                                       through annual fees. When a license or                                    activities.
                                                  delays at the Chicago Bridge and Iron                                     certificate is modified, it may result in
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Each year, the NRC’s fuel facility
                                                  AREVA MOX Services Mixed Oxide                                            a change of category for a particular fuel
                                                                                                                                                                                                      project managers and regulatory
                                                  Fuel Fabrication Facility, the                                            facility licensee, as a result of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      analysts determine the level of effort
                                                  International Isotopes uranium de-                                        methodology used in the fuel facility
                                                                                                                                                                                                      associated with regulating each of these
                                                  conversion facility, the Global Laser                                     effort/fee matrix. Consequently, this
                                                                                                                            change may also have an effect on the                                     facilities. This is done by assigning, for
                                                  Enrichment (GLE) uranium enrichment
                                                                                                                            fees assessed to other fuel facility                                      each fuel facility, separate effort factors
                                                  facility, and the AREVA Eagle Rock
                                                                                                                            licensees and certificate holders. For                                    for the safety and safeguards activities
                                                  Uranium Enrichment facility. Annual
                                                                                                                            example, if a fuel facility licensee                                      associated with each type of regulatory
                                                  fees also increased as a result of the
                                                                                                                            amends its license/certificate to reflect                                 activity. The matrix includes 10 types of
                                                  termination of the certificate for United
                                                                                                                            cessation of licensed activities (e.g.,                                   regulatory activities, including
                                                  States Enrichment Corporation’s
                                                                                                                            decommissioning or license                                                enrichment and scrap/waste-related
                                                  Paducah, Kentucky facility. The NRC
                                                  allocates the total remaining annual fee                                  termination), then that licensee will not                                 activities (see the work papers for the
                                                  recovery amount to the individual fuel                                    be subject to 10 CFR part 171 costs                                       complete list). The NRC then calculates
                                                  facility licensees, based on the effort/fee                               applicable to the fee class, and the                                      the total for all activities per licensee
                                                  determination matrix developed for the                                    budgeted generic costs for the safety                                     benefit factors by each fee category.
                                                  FY 1999 final fee rule (64 FR 31447;                                      and/or safeguards components that                                            The effort factors for the various fuel
                                                  June 10, 1999). In the matrix included                                    continue to be associated with the                                        facility fee categories are summarized in
                                                  in the publicly-available NRC work                                        license will have to be spread among the                                  Table VII. In this rulemaking, some of
                                                  papers, licensees are grouped into                                        remaining fuel facility licensees/                                        the effort factors changed from the FY
                                                  categories according to their licensed                                    certificate holders.                                                      2015 proposed fee rule as a result of the
                                                  activities (i.e., nuclear material                                           The methodology is applied as                                          decertification of the Paducah facility.
                                                  enrichment, processing operations, and                                    follows. First, a fee category is assigned,                               The value of the effort factors shown, as
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  material form) and the level, scope,                                      based on the nuclear material possessed                                   well as the percent of the total effort
                                                  depth of coverage, and rigor of generic                                   or used, and/or the activity or activities                                factor for all fuel facilities, reflects the
                                                  regulatory programmatic effort                                            authorized by license or certificate.                                     total regulatory effort for each fee
                                                  applicable to each category from a safety                                 Although a licensee/certificate holder                                    category (not per facility). This results
                                                  and safeguards perspective. This                                          may elect not to fully use a license/                                     in the spreading of costs to other fee
                                                  methodology can be applied to                                             certificate, the license/certificate is still                             categories.

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                                                                                                       TABLE VII—EFFORT FACTORS FOR FUEL FACILITIES, FY 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Effort factors
                                                                                                              Facility type                                                                          Number of                  (percent of total)
                                                                                                             (fee category)                                                                           facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Safety          Safeguards

                                                  High-Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(a)) ....................................................................................                                         2       89 (44.3)         97 (56.7)
                                                  Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(b)) .....................................................................................                                         3       70 (34.8)         26 (15.2)
                                                  Limited Operations (1.A.(2)(a)) ....................................................................................................                                 0         0 (0.0)           0 (0.0)
                                                  Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Demonstration (1.A.(2)(b)) ..............................................................                                                  1         3 (1.5)          15 (8.8)
                                                  Hot Cell (1.A.(2)(c)) .....................................................................................................................                          1         6 (3.0)           3 (1.8)
                                                  Uranium Enrichment (1.E.) ..........................................................................................................                                 1       21 (10.4)         23 (13.5)
                                                  UF6 Conversion and Deconversion (2.A.(1)) ...............................................................................                                            1        12 (6.0)           7 (4.1)

                                                     For FY 2015, the total budgeted                                        the total regulatory effort for both safety                                 TABLE VIII—ANNUAL FEES FOR FUEL
                                                  resources for safety activities are $17.2                                 and safeguards activities. The annual fee                                         FACILITIES—Continued
                                                  million, excluding the fee-relief                                         per licensee is then calculated by
                                                  adjustment and the reclassification                                       dividing the total allocated budgeted                                                                              FY 2015
                                                                                                                            resources for the fee category by the                                                    Facility type
                                                  adjustment. This amount is allocated to                                                                                                                                                    Final annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (fee category)
                                                  each fee category based on its percent of                                 number of licensees in that fee category.                                                                            fee
                                                  the total regulatory effort for safety                                    The fee (rounded) for each facility is
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Uranium Enrichment (1.E.) .......         4,009,000
                                                  activities. For example, if the total effort                              summarized in Table VIII.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      UF6 Conversion and
                                                  factor for safety activities for all fuel                                                                                                             Deconversion (2.A.(1)) ..........       1,731,000
                                                  facilities is 100, and the total effort                                     TABLE VIII—ANNUAL FEES FOR FUEL
                                                  factor for safety activities for a given fee                                           FACILITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                      b. Uranium Recovery Facilities.
                                                  category is 10, that fee category will be
                                                  allocated 10 percent of the total                                                                                               FY 2015               The total FY 2015 budgeted costs to
                                                                                                                                          Facility type                         Final annual
                                                  budgeted resources for safety activities.                                              (fee category)                                               be recovered through annual fees
                                                  Similarly, the budgeted resources                                                                                                                   assessed to the uranium recovery class
                                                  amount of $14.6 million for safeguards                                    High-Enriched Uranium Fuel                                                (which includes licensees in fee
                                                  activities is allocated to each fee                                         (1.A.(1)(a)) .............................          $8,473,000          categories 2.A.(2)(a), 2.A.(2)(b),
                                                  category based on its percent of the total                                Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel                                                 2.A.(2)(c), 2.A.(2)(d), 2.A.(2)(e), 2.A.(3),
                                                                                                                              (1.A.(1)(b)) .............................           2,915,000
                                                  regulatory effort for safeguards                                                                                                                    2.A.(4), 2.A.(5), and 18.B. under
                                                                                                                            Limited Operations (1.A(2)(a)) ..                              0
                                                  activities. The fuel facility fee class’                                  Gas Centrifuge Enrichment                                                 § 171.16) are approximately $1.0
                                                  portion of the fee-relief/LLW                                               Demonstration (1.A.(2)(b)) ....                      1,640,000          million. The derivation of this value is
                                                  adjustment, $2.1 million, is allocated to                                 Hot Cell (and others)                                                     shown in Table IX, with FY 2014 values
                                                  each fee category based on its percent of                                   (1.A.(2)(c)) .............................              820,000         shown for comparison purposes.

                                                                                                                  TABLE IX—ANNUAL FEE SUMMARY CALCULATIONS
                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY 2014           FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Summary fee calculations                                                                                   Final             Final

                                                  Total budgeted resources ........................................................................................................................................                  $10.9            $11.3
                                                  Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts ..............................................................................................................                             ¥$9.5           ¥$10.1

                                                  Net 10 CFR part 171 resources ..............................................................................................................................                        $1.3            $1.2
                                                  Allocated generic transportation ..............................................................................................................................                      N/A             N/A
                                                  Fee-relief adjustment ...............................................................................................................................................              ¥$0.0           ¥$0.0
                                                  Billing adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................            ¥$0.1           ¥$0.1

                                                  Total required annual fee recovery .........................................................................................................................                        $1.2             $1.1

                                                    In comparison to FY 2014, the FY                                        the environmental reviews for uranium                                     under UMTRCA to protect the public
                                                  2015 budgetary resources for uranium                                      recovery applications.                                                    and the environment from uranium
                                                  recovery licensees increased due, in                                         Since FY 2002, the NRC has                                             milling. The UMTRCA Title I program
                                                  part, to the additional resources                                         computed the annual fee for the                                           is for remedial action at abandoned mill
                                                  necessary to conduct the environmental                                    uranium recovery fee class by allocating                                  tailings sites where tailings resulted
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                                                  reviews for materials licenses                                            the total annual fee amount for this fee                                  largely from production of uranium for
                                                  applications for uranium recovery                                         class between the DOE and the other                                       the weapons program. The NRC also
                                                  facilities (including tribal consultations                                licensees in this fee class. The NRC                                      regulates DOE’s UMTRCA Title II
                                                  in support of the National Historic                                       regulates DOE’s Title I and Title II                                      program, which is directed toward
                                                  Preservation Act Section 106 reviews).                                    activities under the Uranium Mill                                         uranium mill sites licensed by the NRC
                                                  Specifically, the NRC staff has been                                      Tailings Radiation Control Act                                            or Agreement States in or after 1978.
                                                  developing process changes to facilitate                                  (UMTRCA). The Congress established                                           In FY 2015, the annual fee assessed to
                                                                                                                            the two programs, Title I and Title II,                                   DOE includes recovery of the costs

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                                                  specifically budgeted for the NRC’s                                        adjustment), for the uranium recovery                           the other NRC licensees in the fee class
                                                  UMTRCA Title I and II activities, plus                                     class. The NRC assesses the remaining                           that are subject to annual fees.
                                                  10 percent of the remaining annual fee                                     90 percent generic/other costs plus 90                            The costs to be recovered through
                                                  amount, including generic/other costs                                      percent of the fee-relief adjustment, to                        annual fees assessed to the uranium
                                                  (plus 10 percent of the fee-relief/LLW                                                                                                     recovery class are shown in Table X.
                                                                             TABLE X—COSTS RECOVERED THROUGH ANNUAL FEES; URANIUM RECOVERY FEE CLASS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FY 2015
                                                                                                                                     Summary of costs                                                                         Final annual

                                                  DOE Annual Fee Amount (UMTRCA Title I and Title II) General Licenses: ......................................................................................                     $622,898
                                                     UMTRCA Title I and Title II budgeted costs less 10 CFR part 170 receipts
                                                     10 percent of generic/other uranium recovery budgeted costs ...................................................................................................                 41,986
                                                     10 percent of uranium recovery fee-relief adjustment .................................................................................................................           1,251

                                                            Total Annual Fee Amount for DOE (rounded) ..................................................................................................................            666,000
                                                  Annual Fee Amount for Other Uranium Recovery Licenses: ..............................................................................................................             377,874
                                                     90 percent of generic/other uranium recovery budgeted costs less the amounts specifically budgeted for Title I and Title II
                                                     90 percent of uranium recovery fee-relief adjustment .................................................................................................................          11,255

                                                                 Total Annual Fee Amount for Other Uranium Recovery Licenses ...................................................................................                    389,129

                                                    The NRC will continue to use a                                           (11e.(2) disposal facilities); and uranium                      reflect the relative regulatory benefit
                                                  matrix, which is included in the work                                      water treatment facilities.                                     associated with each licensee and fee
                                                  papers, to determine the level of effort                                      Second, the matrix identifies the                            category.
                                                  associated with conducting the generic                                     types of operating activities that support
                                                                                                                                                                                                Each year, the NRC determines the
                                                  regulatory actions for the different (non-                                 and benefit these licensees. The
                                                                                                                             activities related to generic                                   level of benefit to each licensee for
                                                  DOE) licensees in this fee class. The
                                                                                                                             decommissioning/reclamation are not                             generic uranium recovery program
                                                  weights derived in this matrix are used
                                                  to allocate the approximately $377,874                                     included in the matrix because they are                         activities for each type of generic
                                                  annual fee amount to these licensees.                                      included in the fee-relief activities.                          activity in the matrix. This is done by
                                                  The use of this uranium recovery annual                                    Therefore, they are not a factor in                             assigning, for each fee category, separate
                                                  fee matrix was established in the FY                                       determining annual fees. The activities                         benefit factors for each type of
                                                  1995 final fee rule (60 FR 32217; June                                     included in the matrix relate to                                regulatory activity in the matrix. The
                                                  20, 1995). In this rulemaking, some of                                     operations, waste operations, and                               relative weight of each type of activity
                                                  the matrix factors changed slightly from                                   groundwater protection. The relative                            is then determined, based on the
                                                  the FY 2015 proposed fee rule to                                           weight of each type of activity is then                         regulatory resources associated with
                                                  accurately reflect the number of                                           determined, based on the regulatory                             each activity. These benefit factors are
                                                  materials licensees. The matrix is                                         resources associated with each activity.                        first multiplied by the relative weight
                                                  described as follows.                                                      The operations, waste operations, and                           assigned to each activity. The NRC then
                                                    First, the methodology identifies the                                    groundwater protection activities have                          calculates total and per licensee benefit
                                                  categories of licenses included in this                                    weights of 0, 5, and 10, respectively, in                       factors for each fee category.
                                                  fee class (besides DOE). These categories                                  the matrix. These benefit factors are first
                                                  are: Conventional uranium mills and                                        multiplied by the relative weight                                  Table XI displays the benefit factors
                                                  heap leach facilities; uranium In Situ                                     assigned to each activity. The NRC then                         per licensee and per fee category, for
                                                  Recovery (ISR) and resin ISR facilities,                                   calculates the total for all activities per                     each of the non-DOE fee categories
                                                  and mill tailings disposal facilities, as                                  licensee benefit factors by each fee                            included in the uranium recovery fee
                                                  defined in Section 11e.(2) of the AEA                                      category. Therefore, these benefit factors                      class as follows:

                                                                                                   TABLE XI—BENEFIT FACTORS FOR URANIUM RECOVERY LICENSES
                                                                                                                                                                                              Benefit                             Benefit
                                                                                                                                                                          Number of
                                                                                                 Fee category                                                                               factor per        Total value     factor percent
                                                                                                                                                                          licensees          licensee                              total

                                                  Conventional and Heap Leach mills (2.A.(2)(a)) .............................................                                        1               150              150                 9
                                                  Basic In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(b)) ....................................................                                 6               190            1,140                71
                                                  Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(c)) ............................................                                      1               215              215                13
                                                  11e.(2) disposal incidental to existing tailings sites (2.A.(4)) ..........................                                         1                85               85                 5
                                                  Uranium water treatment (2.A.(5)) ...................................................................                               1                25               25                 2
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                                                       Total ..........................................................................................................              10               665            1,615              100

                                                    Applying these factors to the                                            uranium recovery licensees results in                           calculated by dividing the total
                                                  approximately $389,129 in budgeted                                         the total annual fees for each fee                              allocated budgeted resources for the fee
                                                  costs to be recovered from non-DOE                                         category. The annual fee per licensee is                        category by the number of licensees in

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                                                  that fee category, as summarized in
                                                  Table XII.

                                                                                                      TABLE XII—ANNUAL FEES FOR URANIUM RECOVERY LICENSEES
                                                                                                                                                  (Other than DOE)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FY 2015
                                                                                                                                         Facility type                                                                                          Final
                                                                                                                                        (fee category)                                                                                        annual fee

                                                  Conventional and Heap Leach mills (2.A.(2)(a)) .................................................................................................................................                $36,100
                                                  Basic In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(b)) .......................................................................................................................................           45,800
                                                  Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(c)) ................................................................................................................................               51,800
                                                  11e.(2) disposal incidental to existing tailings sites (2.A.(4)) ..............................................................................................................                  20,500
                                                  Uranium water treatment (2.A.(5)) .......................................................................................................................................................         6,000

                                                  c. Operating Power Reactors                                               class in FY 2015 in the form of annual                                     shown for comparison. (Individual
                                                    The total budgeted costs to be                                          fees is $475.9 million, as shown in                                        values may not sum to totals due to
                                                  recovered from the power reactor fee                                      Table XIII. The FY 2014 values are                                         rounding.)

                                                                                TABLE XIII—ANNUAL FEE SUMMARY CALCULATIONS FOR OPERATING POWER REACTORS
                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FY 2014          FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Summary fee calculations                                                                                    Final            Final

                                                  Total budgeted resources ........................................................................................................................................             $799.3            $762.1
                                                  Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts ..............................................................................................................                       ¥$290.9           ¥$284.1

                                                        Net 10 CFR part 171 resources .......................................................................................................................                   $508.4             $478.0
                                                  Allocated generic transportation ..............................................................................................................................                 $1.1               $1.7
                                                  Fee-relief adjustment/LLW surcharge .....................................................................................................................                       $0.6               $2.1
                                                  Billing adjustment .....................................................................................................................................................      ¥$10.2              ¥5.9

                                                        Total required annual fee recovery ..................................................................................................................                    $499.9            $475.9

                                                     In comparison to FY 2014, the                                             The budgeted costs to be recovered                                      decommissioning would be recovered
                                                  operating reactor budgetary resources                                     through annual fees to power reactors                                      through annual fees assessed to 10 CFR
                                                  decrease in FY 2015 to reflect the                                        are divided equally among the 99 power                                     part 50 power reactors and to 10 CFR
                                                  conclusion of Kewaunee, Crystal River                                     reactors licensed to operate, resulting in                                 part 72 licensees who do not hold a 10
                                                  3, and San Onofre Nuclear Generating                                      an FY 2015 annual fee of $4,807,000 per                                    CFR part 50 license. Those reactor
                                                  Station, Units 1 and 2, operating reactor                                 reactor. Additionally, each power                                          licensees that have ceased operations
                                                  oversight responsibilities. In FY 2015,                                   reactor licensed to operate would be                                       and have no fuel onsite would not be
                                                  the operating power reactor annual fee                                    assessed the FY 2015 spent fuel storage/                                   subject to these annual fees.
                                                  decreases as a result of reduced                                          reactor decommissioning annual fee of                                         In comparison to FY 2014, the
                                                  budgetary resources and are partially                                     $223,000. The total FY 2015 annual fee                                     decreased annual fee is a result of a
                                                  offset by a decrease in 10 CFR part 170                                   is $5,030,000 for each power reactor                                       decrease in budgetary resources and
                                                  billings due to unexpected new reactor                                    licensed to operate. The annual fees for                                   increased estimated 10 CFR part 170
                                                  application suspensions and the                                           power reactors are presented in                                            collections for inspections at Beaver
                                                  shutdown of one power reactor,                                            § 171.15.                                                                  Valley and Pilgrim Power Stations for
                                                  Vermont Yankee. The permanent                                                                                                                        FY 2015. Table XIV shows the
                                                                                                                            d. Spent Fuel Storage/Reactors in
                                                  shutdown of the Vermont Yankee                                                                                                                       calculation of this annual fee amount.
                                                  reactor decreases the fleet of operating                                                                                                             The FY 2014 values are shown for
                                                  reactors, which subsequently increases                                     For FY 2015, budgeted costs of $32.4                                      comparison. (Individual values may not
                                                  the annual fees for the rest of the fleet.                                million for spent fuel storage/reactor                                     sum to totals due to rounding.)

                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FY 2014          FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Summary fee calculations                                                                                    Final            Final

                                                  Total budgeted resources ........................................................................................................................................              $32.7             $32.4
                                                  Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts ..............................................................................................................                         ¥$5.4             ¥$5.9

                                                       Net 10 CFR part 171 resources .......................................................................................................................                      $27.3             $26.5
                                                  Allocated generic transportation ..............................................................................................................................                  $0.6              $1.0

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                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY 2014      FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Summary fee calculations                                                                                   Final        Final

                                                  Fee-relief adjustment ...............................................................................................................................................           $0.0       ¥$0.0

                                                  Billing adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................       ¥$0.4        ¥$0.3

                                                        Total required annual fee recovery ..................................................................................................................                    $27.5        $27.2

                                                     The required annual fee recovery                                       e. Research and Test Reactors                                             Table XV summarizes the annual fee
                                                  amount is divided equally among 122                                       (Nonpower Reactors)                                                       calculation for the research and test
                                                  licensees, resulting in an FY 2015                                           Approximately $330,000 in budgeted                                     reactors for FY 2015. The FY 2014
                                                  annual fee of $223,000 per licensee.                                      costs would be recovered through                                          values are shown for comparison.
                                                                                                                            annual fees assessed to the research and                                  (Individual values may not sum to totals
                                                                                                                            test reactor class of licenses for FY 2015.                               due to rounding.)

                                                                               TABLE XV—ANNUAL FEE SUMMARY CALCULATIONS FOR RESEARCH AND TEST REACTORS
                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY 2014      FY 2015
                                                                                                                  Summary fee calculations                                                                                   Final        Final

                                                  Total budgeted resources ........................................................................................................................................             $2.63        $2.51
                                                  Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts ..............................................................................................................                       ¥$2.28       ¥$2.19
                                                       Net 10 CFR part 171 resources .......................................................................................................................                    $0.35        $0.32
                                                  Allocated generic transportation ..............................................................................................................................               $0.03        $0.03
                                                  Fee-relief adjustment ...............................................................................................................................................        ¥$0.01       ¥$0.00

                                                  Billing adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................      ¥$0.03       ¥$0.02

                                                        Total required annual fee recovery ..................................................................................................................                    $0.34        $0.33

                                                     In FY 2015, the annual fees decrease                                   f. Materials Users.                                                       comparison. Note the following fee
                                                  for research and test reactors as result of                                 The NRC will recover $35.7 million                                      categories under § 171.16 are included
                                                  a slight decline in budgetary resources.                                  through annual fees assessed to                                           in this fee class: 1.C., 1.D., 1.F., 2.B.,
                                                  The required annual fee recovery                                          materials users licensed under 10 CFR                                     2.C. through 2.F., 3.A. through 3.S., 4.A.
                                                  amount is divided equally among the                                       parts 30, 40, and 70. Table XVI shows                                     through 4.C., 5.A., 5.B., 6.A., 7.A.
                                                  four research and test reactors subject to                                the calculation of the FY 2015 annual                                     through 7.C., 8.A., 9.A. through 9.D.,
                                                  annual fees and results in an FY 2015                                     fee amount for materials users licensees.                                 and 17. (Individual values may not sum
                                                  annual fee of $83,500 for each licensee.                                  The FY 2014 values are shown for                                          to totals due to rounding.)

                                                                                           TABLE XVI—ANNUAL FEE SUMMARY CALCULATIONS FOR MATERIALS USERS
                                                                                                                                                 [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY 2014      FY 2015
                                                                                                                 Summary Fee Calculations                                                                                    Final        Final

                                                  Total budgeted resources ........................................................................................................................................             $32.8        $34.1
                                                  Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts ..............................................................................................................                        ¥$0.9        ¥$1.0

                                                        Net 10 CFR part 171 resources .......................................................................................................................                   $31.9        $33.1
                                                  Allocated generic transportation ..............................................................................................................................                $1.3         $2.2
                                                  Fee-relief adjustment/LLW surcharge .....................................................................................................................                      $0.2         $0.6
                                                  Billing adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................       ¥$0.3        ¥$0.2

                                                        Total required annual fee recovery ..................................................................................................................                    $33.1        $35.7
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                                                    To equitably and fairly allocate the                                    category within this class on the 10 CFR                                  continues to provide a proxy for
                                                  $35.7 million in FY 2015 budgeted costs                                   part 170 application fees and estimated                                   allocating the generic and other
                                                  to be recovered in annual fees from the                                   inspection costs for each fee category.                                   regulatory costs to the diverse categories
                                                  approximately 2,900 diverse materials                                     Because the application fees and                                          of licenses based on the NRC’s cost to
                                                  users licensees, the NRC continues to                                     inspection costs are indicative of the                                    regulate each category. This fee
                                                  base the annual fees for each fee                                         complexity of the license, this approach                                  calculation also considers the

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                                                  inspection frequency (priority), which is                                    2015. The unique category costs are any                                  budgeted resources to be recovered
                                                  indicative of the safety risk and                                            special costs that the NRC has budgeted                                  through annual fees. In comparison to
                                                  resulting regulatory costs associated                                        for a specific category of licenses. For                                 FY 2014, the total budgetary resources
                                                  with the categories of licenses.                                             FY 2015, approximately $235,000 in                                       for generic transportation activities,
                                                    The annual fee for these categories of                                     budgeted costs for the implementation                                    including those to support DOE
                                                  materials users’ licenses is developed as                                    of revised 10 CFR part 35, ‘‘Medical Use                                 Certificate of Compliance (CoCs),
                                                  follows:                                                                     of Byproduct Material (unique costs),’’                                  increase in FY 2015 due to: (1)
                                                    Annual fee = Constant × [Application                                       has been allocated to holders of NRC                                     Rulemaking activities involving 10 CFR
                                                  Fee + (Average Inspection Cost/                                              human-use licenses.                                                      part 71 Compatibility with IAEA
                                                  Inspection Priority)] + Inspection                                              The annual fee to be assessed to each                                 Transportation Standards and
                                                  Multiplier × (Average Inspection Cost/                                       licensee also includes a share of the fee-                               Improvements, (2) the increased
                                                  Inspection Priority) + Unique Category                                       relief assessment of approximately                                       activities from the development of the
                                                  Costs.                                                                       $31,000 allocated to the materials users
                                                     For FY 2015, the constant multiplier                                                                                                               Continued Storage Rule and associated
                                                                                                                               fee class (see Table IV, ‘‘Allocation of                                 generic environmental impact statement
                                                  necessary to recover approximately $26                                       Fee-Relief Adjustment and LLW
                                                  million in general costs (including                                                                                                                   combined, and (3) a significant decrease
                                                                                                                               Surcharge, FY 2015,’’ in Section II,                                     in transportation licensing work due to
                                                  allocated generic transportation costs) is                                   ‘‘Discussion,’’ of this document), and for
                                                  1.52. The average inspection cost is the                                                                                                              shifts towards storage licensing
                                                                                                                               certain categories of these licensees, a                                 priorities. For FY 2015, the total amount
                                                  average inspection hours for each fee                                        share of the approximately $542,700
                                                  category multiplied by the hourly rate of                                                                                                             of annual fees to be collected for generic
                                                                                                                               surcharge costs allocated to the fee                                     transportation activities, including those
                                                  $268. The inspection priority is the                                         class. The annual fee for each fee
                                                  interval between routine inspections,                                                                                                                 to support DOE CoCs, is $7.4 million,
                                                                                                                               category is shown in § 171.16(d).
                                                  expressed in years. The inspection                                                                                                                    due to the reasons mentioned.
                                                  multiplier is the multiple necessary to                                      g. Transportation                                                           The FY 2014 values are shown for
                                                  recover approximately $8.9 million in                                           Table XVII shows the calculation of                                   comparison. (Individual values may not
                                                  inspection costs, and is 1.73 for FY                                         the FY 2015 generic transportation                                       sum to totals due to rounding.)

                                                                                            TABLE XVII—ANNUAL FEE SUMMARY CALCULATIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                                                                     [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FY 2014        FY 2015
                                                                                                                   Summary Fee Calculations                                                                               Final          Final

                                                  Total Budgeted Resources ......................................................................................................................................             $8.0           $10.0
                                                  Less Estimated 10 CFR Part 170 Receipts ............................................................................................................                       ¥$3.1           ¥$2.6
                                                  Net 10 CFR Part 171 Resources ............................................................................................................................                  $4.9            $7.4

                                                     The NRC must approve any package                                            Generic transportation resources                                       each fee class (and DOE) by the total
                                                  used for shipping nuclear material                                           associated with fee-exempt entities are                                  generic transportation resources to be
                                                  before shipment. If the package meets                                        not included in this total. These costs                                  recovered.
                                                  NRC requirements, the NRC issues a                                           are included in the appropriate fee-relief                                  The distribution of these resources to
                                                  Radioactive Material Package CoC to the                                      category (e.g., the fee-relief category for
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the license fee classes and DOE is
                                                  organization requesting approval of a                                        nonprofit educational institutions).
                                                                                                                                 Consistent with the policy established                                 shown in Table XVIII. The distribution
                                                  package. Organizations are authorized to
                                                  ship radioactive material in a package                                       in the NRC’s FY 2006 final fee rule (71                                  is adjusted to account for the licensees
                                                  approved for use under the general                                           FR 30721; May 30, 2006), the NRC                                         in each fee class that are fee-exempt. For
                                                  licensing provisions of 10 CFR part 71,                                      recovers generic transportation costs                                    example, if four CoCs benefit the entire
                                                  ‘‘Packaging and Transportation of                                            unrelated to DOE as part of existing                                     research and test reactor class, but only
                                                  Radioactive Material.’’ The resources                                        annual fees for license fee classes. The                                 4 of 31 research and test reactors are
                                                  associated with generic transportation                                       NRC continues to assess a separate                                       subject to annual fees, the number of
                                                  activities are distributed to the license                                    annual fee under § 171.16, fee category                                  CoCs used to determine the proportion
                                                  fee classes based on the number of CoCs                                      18.A., for DOE transportation activities.                                of generic transportation resources
                                                  benefitting (used by) that fee class, as a                                   The amount of the allocated generic                                      allocated to research and test reactor
                                                  proxy for the generic transportation                                         resources is calculated by multiplying                                   annual fees equals (4/31) × 4, or 0.5
                                                  resources expended for each fee class.                                       the percentage of total CoCs used by                                     CoCs.
                                                                                      TABLE XVIII—DISTRIBUTION OF GENERIC TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES, FY 2015
                                                                                                                                                     [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Number of                        Allocated
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                                                                                                                                                                                                           CoCs         Percentage        generic
                                                                                                         License fee class/DOE                                                                          benefiting        of total    transportation
                                                                                                                                                                                                         fee class         CoCs         resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                          or DOE

                                                  Total .............................................................................................................................................           90.4          100.0             7.46
                                                  DOE .............................................................................................................................................             20.0           22.1             1.65
                                                  Operating Power Reactors ..........................................................................................................                           21.0           23.2             1.73
                                                  Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning ..........................................................................                                         12.0           13.3             0.99

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                                                                         TABLE XVIII—DISTRIBUTION OF GENERIC TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES, FY 2015—Continued
                                                                                                                                                  [Dollars in millions]

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Number of                        Allocated
                                                                                                                                                                                                       CoCs         Percentage        generic
                                                                                                       License fee class/DOE                                                                        benefiting        of total    transportation
                                                                                                                                                                                                     fee class         CoCs         resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                      or DOE

                                                  Research and Test Reactors .......................................................................................................                         0.4            0.4             0.03
                                                  Fuel Facilities ...............................................................................................................................           10.0           11.1             0.83
                                                  Materials Users ............................................................................................................................              27.0           29.9             2.23

                                                     The NRC assesses an annual fee to                                       amending the size standards in the final                               direct final rule, ‘‘Definition of a
                                                  DOE based on the 10 CFR part 71 CoCs                                       fee rule. Licensees should continue to                                 Utilization Facility,’’ published October
                                                  it holds and does not allocate these                                       refer to 10 CFR 2.810 to determine                                     17, 2014 (79 FR 62329), and effective
                                                  DOE-related resources to other                                             eligibility under NRC’s size standards.                                December 31, 2014. The amended
                                                  licensees’ annual fees, because these                                      The NRC will conduct the next biennial                                 definition would allow the NRC to add
                                                  resources specifically support DOE.                                        review in FY 2017.                                                     SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc.’s,
                                                  Note that DOE’s annual fee includes a                                                                                                             proposed accelerator-driven subcritical
                                                                                                                             Administrative Changes
                                                  reduction for the fee-relief surplus                                                                                                              operating assemblies to the NRC’s
                                                  adjustment (see Table IV, ‘‘Allocation of                                     The NRC also makes 11                                               definition of a ‘‘utilization facility.’’
                                                  Fee-Relief Adjustment and LLW                                              administrative changes:                                                   4. Revises the Assessment of
                                                  Surcharge, FY 2015,’’ in Section II,                                          1. Increase Direct Hours per Full-Time                              Administrative Time for Project
                                                  ‘‘Discussion,’’ of this document),                                         Equivalent in the Hourly Rate                                          Managers and Resident Inspectors. The
                                                  resulting in a total annual fee of                                         Calculation. The hourly rate in 10 CFR                                 NRC staff has examined the charging of
                                                  $1,623,000 million for FY 2015. The                                        part 170 is calculated by dividing the                                 administrative allocation time for
                                                  overall increase is due to rulemaking                                      cost per direct FTE by the number of                                   project managers and resident
                                                  activities involving 10 CFR part 71                                        direct hours per direct FTE in a year.                                 inspectors under 10 CFR part 170. The
                                                  Compatibility with IAEA Transportation                                     ‘‘Direct hours’’ are hours charged to                                  current practice evenly distributes
                                                  Standards and Improvements combined                                        mission direct activities in the Nuclear                               overhead time charges among the sites
                                                  with a significant decrease in                                             Reactor Safety Program and Nuclear                                     assigned to the individual. The NRC
                                                  transportation licensing work due to                                       Reactor Materials and Waste Program.                                   staff believes this method of distribution
                                                  shifts towards storage licensing                                           The FY 2014 final fee rule used 1,375                                  does not consider that some licensees
                                                  priorities. This rulemaking is essential                                   hours per direct FTE in the hourly rate                                generate more direct work than others.
                                                  for 10 CFR part 71 updates and                                             calculations. During the FY 2015 budget                                The NRC, therefore, will allocate
                                                  compliance.                                                                formulation process, the NRC staff                                     administrative allocation costs to each
                                                                                                                             reviewed and analyzed time and labor                                   licensee based on direct time to each
                                                  h. Small Entity Fees                                                       data from FY 2010 through FY 2012 to                                   docket. This method ensures that a
                                                     For FY 2015, the NRC staff performed                                    determine whether it should revise the                                 licensee’s administrative allocation
                                                  a biennial review using the fee                                            direct hours per FTE. Between FY 2010                                  costs are proportional to the regulatory
                                                  methodology developed in FY 2009 that                                      and FY 2012, the total direct hours                                    services rendered by the NRC. This
                                                  applies a fixed percentage of 39 percent                                   charged by direct employees increased.                                 method aligns with the NRC’s
                                                  to the prior 2-year weighted average of                                    The increase in direct hours was                                       longstanding fee policy that fees
                                                  materials users’ fees. This methodology                                    apparent in all mission business lines.                                assessed to licensees should, to the
                                                  disproportionately impacted NRC’s                                          To reflect this increase in productivity                               maximum extent practicable, reflect the
                                                  small licensees fees by increasing fees                                    as demonstrated by the time and labor                                  actual costs of NRC regulatory services,
                                                  by an approximate 43 percent on                                            data, the staff determined that the                                    and does not penalize licensees who
                                                  average compared to other materials                                        number of direct hours per FTE should                                  require fewer regulatory services.
                                                  licensees not eligible for small entity fee                                increase to 1,420 hours for FY 2015. The                                  5. Adds Fee Subcategories to 10 CFR
                                                  status whose fees increased by 38                                          staff used 1,420 hours in the FY 2015                                  170.31 to Reflect a License with Multiple
                                                  percent or less for FY 2015; therefore,                                    budget formulation cycle.                                              Sites. The NRC adds fee subcategories to
                                                  the NRC staff limited the increase to 21                                      2. Adds New Definition for ‘‘Overhead                               3.L. licenses (broad scope) under 10
                                                  percent based on historical applications                                   and General and Administrative Costs’’                                 CFR 170.31 to assess additional fees to
                                                  of the fee methodology. Consequently,                                      under 10 CFR 170.3, ‘‘Definitions.’’ The                               licensees such as the United States
                                                  the change resulted in a fee of $3,400 for                                 NRC adds a new definition to describe                                  Department of Agriculture and the
                                                  an upper-tier small entity and $700 for                                    overhead and general and                                               Department of the Army, in order to
                                                  a lower-tier small entity for FY 2015.                                     administrative costs that are included in                              accurately reflect the cost of services
                                                  The NRC staff believes these fees are                                      full cost charges relating to hours                                    provided by the NRC. The staff spends
                                                  reasonable and provide relief to small                                     charged by resident inspectors and                                     a disproportionate amount of time on
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  entities while simultaneously                                              project managers to licensees. The                                     these licensees as compared to other
                                                  recovering from those licensees some of                                    identical definition is added under 10                                 licensees in the same fee category.
                                                  the NRC’s costs for activities that benefit                                CFR 171.5, ‘‘Definitions.’’                                            These two broad scope licenses also
                                                  the industry.                                                                 3. Amends Definition for ‘‘Utilization                              have a considerable number of sites
                                                     The NRC prematurely published a                                         Facility’’ under 10 CFR 170.3,                                         throughout the country and operate in a
                                                  change to the small entity size standards                                  ‘‘Definitions.’’ The NRC amends the                                    manner similar to master materials
                                                  in the FY 2015 proposed fee rule.                                          definition for ‘‘utilization facility’’ to                             licenses under fee category 17. In FY
                                                  Therefore, the NRC is not changing or                                      reflect the definition contained in the                                2014, the staff compared the work

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                                                  efforts expended by the NRC for master                     Two program offices, the Office of                  licensees in the same fee category.
                                                  materials licenses with multiple sites to               Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards                 These two broad scope licenses also
                                                  NRC work efforts for broad scope                        (NMSS) and the Office of International                 have a considerable number of sites
                                                  licenses with multiple sites. The staff                 Programs (OIP), have completed their                   throughout the country and operate in a
                                                  concluded that NRC work efforts for                     biennial review to the CFO regarding                   manner similar to master materials
                                                  multi-site broad scope licensees are                    the FY 2015 fees. The NMSS                             licenses under fee category 17. In FY
                                                  similar to work efforts for master                      recommended changes to the                             2014, the staff compared the work
                                                  materials licensees. Therefore,                         professional staff hours for most of the               efforts expended by the NRC for master
                                                  consistent with NRC policy that fees                    small materials users. The OIP also                    materials licenses with multiple sites to
                                                  assessed to licensees accurately reflect                recommended changes to the hours for                   NRC work efforts for broad scope
                                                  the cost of services provided, the NRC                  some import and export license fee                     licenses with multiple sites. The staff
                                                  revises its fee categories to consider the              categories.                                            concluded that NRC work efforts for
                                                  number of sites a broad scope licensee                     Cumulatively, the FY 2015 biennial                  multi-site broad scope licensees are
                                                  has in establishing fees. An identical                  review resulted in increased                           similar to work efforts for master
                                                  change is made to 10 CFR 171.16,                        professional staff hours within 11 fee                 materials licensees. Therefore,
                                                  ‘‘Annual Fees: Materials Licensees,                     categories and decreased professional                  consistent with NRC policy that fees
                                                  Holders of Certificates of Compliance,                  staff hours within 11 fee categories. The              assessed to licensees accurately reflect
                                                  Holders of Sealed Source and Device                     changes in the number of hours and the                 the cost of services provided, the NRC
                                                  Registrations, Holders of Quality                       hourly rate are components that will be                modifies its fee categories to consider
                                                  Assurance Program Approvals, and                        used to determine the 10 CFR part 170                  the number of sites a broad scope
                                                  Government Agencies Licensed by the                     fees for the materials user’s licenses as              licensee has in establishing fees.
                                                  NRC.’’                                                  well as import and export applications.                   11. Amends 10 CFR 171.16, Footnote
                                                     6. Amends 10 CFR 170.31, Footnote 6,                    9. Modifies Small Entity Fees. In                   16, to Avoid Duplicate Billing. The NRC
                                                  to Avoid Duplicate Billing. The NRC                     accordance with NRC policy, the staff                  modifies the footnote description under
                                                                                                          conducted a biennial review of small                   10 CFR 171.16, ‘‘Annual Fees: Materials
                                                  amends footnote 6 to 10 CFR 170.31,
                                                                                                          entity fees to determine if the fees                   Licensees, Holders of Certificates of
                                                  ‘‘Schedule of Fees for Materials Licenses
                                                                                                          should be changed. The small entity                    Compliance, Holders of Sealed Source
                                                  and Other Regulatory Services,
                                                                                                          fees primarily impact the NRC’s small                  and Device Registrations, Holders of
                                                  Including Inspections, and Import and
                                                                                                          materials licensees. In FY 2015, the staff             Quality Assurance Program Approvals,
                                                  Export Licenses,’’ to avoid duplicate
                                                                                                          performed a biennial review using the                  and Government Agencies Licensed by
                                                  billing for fuel cycle facility licensees.
                                                                                                          fee methodology developed in FY 2009                   the NRC,’’ to avoid duplicate billing for
                                                  The NRC currently charges a single
                                                                                                          that applies a fixed percentage of 39                  fuel cycle facility licensees. The NRC’s
                                                  annual fee to fuel cycle facility licensees
                                                                                                          percent to the prior 2-year weighted                   current policy charges a single, large
                                                  for major activities. These licensees are
                                                                                                          average of materials users’ fees. As a                 annual fee to fuel cycle facility licensees
                                                  not charged additional annual fees for                  result, the upper tier small entity fee                for major activities. These licensees are
                                                  ancillary activities. An identical change               increased from $2,800 to $4,000 and the                not charged additional annual fees for
                                                  is made under 10 CFR 171.16, ‘‘Annual                   lower-tier fee increased from $600 to                  ancillary activities.
                                                  Fees: Materials Licensees, Holders of                   $900. This constitutes a 43-percent and
                                                  Certificates of Compliance, Holders of                  50-percent increase, respectively.                     FY 2015 Billing
                                                  Sealed Source and Device Registrations,                 Implementing this increase would have                     The FY 2015 fee rule is a major rule
                                                  Holders of Quality Assurance Program                    a disproportionate impact upon the                     as defined by the Congressional Review
                                                  Approvals, and Government Agencies                      NRC’s small licensees compared to                      Act of 1996 (5 U.S.C. 801–808).
                                                  Licensed by the NRC.’’                                  other licensees. Therefore, the NRC staff              Therefore, the NRC’s fee schedules for
                                                     7. Modifies Definition for ‘‘Overhead                revised the increase to 21 percent for the             FY 2015 will become effective 60 days
                                                  and General and Administrative Costs’’                  upper-tier fee. The 21-percent increase                after publication of the final rule in the
                                                  under 10 CFR 171.5, ‘‘Definitions.’’ The                was applied based on historical trends                 Federal Register. Upon publication of
                                                  NRC modifies the definition for                         in the small entity fee and has been                   the final rule, the NRC will send an
                                                  ‘‘Overhead and General and                              used in previous biennial reviews. The                 invoice for the amount of the annual
                                                  Administrative Costs’’ to reflect the FY                NRC staff amends the upper-tier small                  fees to reactor licensees, 10 CFR part 72
                                                  2008 merger of the Advisory Committee                   entity fee to $3,400 and amends the                    licensees, major fuel cycle facilities, and
                                                  on Nuclear Waste with the Advisory                      lower-tier small entity fee to $700 for FY             other licensees with annual fees of
                                                  Committee on Reactor Safeguards.                        2015. The staff believes these fees are                $100,000 or more. For these licensees,
                                                     8. Revises Fees to Reflect Biennial                  reasonable and provide relief to small                 payment is due 30 days after the
                                                  Review of Fees. To comply with the                      entities while at the same time                        effective date of the FY 2015 final rule.
                                                  Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the               recovering from those licensees some of                Because these licensees are billed
                                                  NRC evaluates, on a biennial basis, the                 the NRC’s costs for activities that benefit            quarterly, the payment amount due is
                                                  historical professional staff hours used                them.                                                  the total FY 2015 annual fee less
                                                  to process a new license application.                      10. Adds Fee Subcategories to 10 CFR                payments made in the first three
                                                  The NRC also evaluates the inspection                   171.16 to Reflect a License with Multiple              quarters of the fiscal year.
                                                  time by reviewing hours spent by NRC                    Sites. The NRC adds fee subcategories to                  Materials licensees with annual fees
                                                  staff on those materials users’ fee                     3.L. licenses (broad scope) under 10                   of less than $100,000 are billed
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  categories that are subject to flat                     CFR 171.16 to assess additional fees to                annually. Those materials licensees
                                                  application fees. This review also                      licensees such as the United States                    whose license anniversary date during
                                                  includes new license and amendment                      Department of Agriculture and the                      FY 2015 falls before the effective date of
                                                  applications for import and export                      Department of the Army, in order to                    the FY 2015 final rule will be billed for
                                                  licenses. Changes resulting from this                   accurately reflect the cost of services                the annual fee during the anniversary
                                                  biennial review impact 10 CFR part 170                  provided by the NRC. The staff spends                  month of the license at the FY 2014
                                                  flat fees for the small materials users                 a disproportionate amount of time on                   annual fee rate. Those materials
                                                  and import and export licensees.                        these licensees as compared to other                   licensees whose license anniversary

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                         37445

                                                  date falls on or after the effective date                              2015 budget for the following program                              communication or document submitted
                                                  of the FY 2015 final rule will be billed                               areas: Operating reactors, new reactors,                           to the NRC by an individual or entity,
                                                  for the annual fee at the FY 2015 annual                               fuel facilities, decommissioning, low-                             with one or more distinct comments
                                                  fee rate during the anniversary month of                               level waste, and mission support. The                              addressing a subject or an issue. A
                                                  the license, and payment will be due on                                second session of the public meeting                               comment, on the other hand, refers to a
                                                  the date of the invoice.                                               addressed the NRC fee process in                                   statement made in the submission
                                                                                                                         relation to the budget laws that govern                            addressing a subject or issue. Nine
                                                  III. Opportunities for Public                                          fees, the calculation of fees, FY 2015
                                                  Participation                                                                                                                             comment submissions were received
                                                                                                                         proposed fee rule highlights including                             after the 30-day comment period closed;
                                                     The NRC published the FY 2015                                       improvements, and next steps regarding                             the NRC has addressed all nine late-
                                                  proposed fee rule in the Federal                                       the final rule. Additionally, the second                           filed comment submissions as part of
                                                  Register on March 23, 2015 (80 FR                                      session addressed the fee billing process                          this final rule.
                                                  15476), for a 30-day public comment                                    including the charging of staff hours,
                                                  period. The rule proposed to amend the                                 validation of charges, preparation of                                 The primary concern for the majority
                                                  licensing, inspection, and annual fees                                 invoices, and allocation of                                        of the commenters is that the FY 2015
                                                  charged to the NRC’s applicants and                                    administrative time for program                                    proposed fee rule was published late in
                                                  licensees in order to implement OBRA–                                  managers and resident inspectors.                                  the fiscal year and that the work papers
                                                  90, as amended, which requires the NRC                                 During the public meeting, the NRC                                 lacked adequate justification to
                                                  to recover approximately 90 percent of                                 received comments on the FY 2015                                   substantiate a change in fees, thereby
                                                  its budget authority in FY 2015 through                                proposed fee rule. These comments are                              denying the public an opportunity to
                                                  fees (not including amounts                                            detailed in the transcription of the                               submit meaningful commentary for
                                                  appropriated for WIR, the NWF, generic                                 public meeting (ADAMS Accession No.                                consideration in the FY 2015 final fee
                                                  homeland security activities, and IG                                   ML15153A028). All of these comments                                rule. The commenters are listed in Table
                                                  services for the DNFSB.) These fees                                    except one are identical to comments                               XIX, and are classified as follows: One
                                                  represent the cost of the NRC’s services                               later received as comment submissions                              government agency (DOE); two members
                                                  provided to applicants and licensees.                                  for the FY 2015 proposed fee rule. The                             of the uranium industry (Kennecott
                                                  The public comment period for the                                      NRC responds to the one additional                                 Uranium Company and Wyoming
                                                  proposed rule closed on April 22, 2015.                                comment raised in the public meeting,                              Mining Association (WMA)); one
                                                     The NRC also held a public meeting                                  as well as all other comment                                       materials licensee (Rendezvous
                                                  on April 20, 2015, to provide more                                     submissions, in Section IV, Public                                 Engineering, P.C.); one rare earth
                                                  transparency regarding fees in relation                                Comment Analysis, of this document.                                applicant (Rare Element Resources); and
                                                  to the budget process and fulfill its                                  IV. Public Comment Analysis                                        six members of the nuclear industry
                                                  commitment to external stakeholders to                                                                                                    (Southern Nuclear Operating Company
                                                  address NRC program processes and                                      A. Overview of Public Comments                                     (SNC), Duke Energy (Duke), Exelon
                                                  inefficiencies mentioned in the                                          The NRC received 11 written                                      Generation, LLC (Exelon), Nuclear
                                                  comments submitted for the FY 2014                                     comment submissions for the proposed                               Energy Institute (NEI), Tennessee Valley
                                                  proposed fee rule. The first session of                                rule. A comment submission for the                                 Authority (TVA), and AREVA, Inc.
                                                  the public meeting addressed the FY                                    purpose of this rule is defined as a                               (AREVA)).

                                                                                             TABLE XIX—FY 2015 PROPOSED FEE RULE COMMENTER SUBMISSIONS
                                                                          Commenter                                                              Affiliation                                                                           Acronym
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Accession No.

                                                  Thomas C. Pauling .........................................           Department of Energy ....................................          ML15112A215   (#1) .....................   DOE
                                                  Anthony R. Pietrangelo ...................................            Nuclear Energy Institute .................................         ML15113A307   (#2) .....................   NEI
                                                  Jonathan Downing ..........................................           Wyoming Mining Association .........................               ML15113B224   (#3) .....................   WMA
                                                  Bryan C. Hanson ............................................          Exelon Generation ..........................................       ML15113B230   (#4) .....................   Exelon
                                                  C.R. Pierce ......................................................    Southern Nuclear Operating Company ..........                      ML15117A174   (#5) .....................   SNC
                                                  M. Christopher Nolan ......................................           Duke Energy ...................................................    ML15117A324   (#6) .....................   Duke
                                                  Gayle Elliott .....................................................   AREVA, Inc .....................................................   ML15119A447   (#7) .....................   AREVA
                                                  Matthew F. Ostdiek, P.E .................................             Rendezvous Engineering, P.C .......................                ML15119A453   (#8) .....................   N/A
                                                  Oscar Paulson ................................................        Kennecott Uranium Company ........................                 ML15119A504   (#9) .....................   N/A
                                                  Jaye T. Pickarts ..............................................       Rare Element Resources ...............................             ML15127A144   (#10) ...................    N/A
                                                  J.W. Shea .......................................................     Tennessee Valley Authority ............................            ML15131A477   (#11) ...................    TVA

                                                     Information about obtaining the                                     A. Inadequate Explanation and                                      fees for uranium recovery facilities,
                                                  complete text of the comment                                           Transparency                                                       including DOE, in the 2002 fee rule (67
                                                  submissions is available in Section XV,                                1. Uranium Recovery                                                FR 42612; June 24, 2002). The NRC
                                                  ‘‘Availability of Documents,’’ of this                                                                                                    recovers fees from DOE through both
                                                  document.                                                                 Comment: Neither the FY 2015                                    user fees charged under 10 CFR part 170
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                                                                                                                         proposed fee rule nor the work papers
                                                                                                                                                                                            and annual fees charged under 10 CFR
                                                  Public Comments and Overall NRC                                        explain the rationale for recovery costs
                                                                                                                                                                                            part 171. The user fees cover specific
                                                  Responses                                                              associated with generic and other
                                                                                                                         uranium program activities that are                                UMTRCA oversight activities, while the
                                                    The NRC has carefully considered the                                 assessed to DOE and other uranium                                  10 CFR part 171 fees cover generic work
                                                  public comments received. The                                          recovery licensees. (DOE)                                          related to UMTRCA and other uranium
                                                  comments have been organized by topic                                     Response: The NRC described the                                 recovery activities. As shown in the
                                                  followed by the NRC response.                                          overall methodology for determining                                work papers, the NRC calculated the

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                                                  37446              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  total amount of budgeted resources for                  uranium recovery licensees is not                        Response: In its proposed rule, the
                                                  UMTRCA activities related to DOE sites                  substantiated since this process should                NRC provided estimated final FY 2015
                                                  in the FY 2015 appropriation by                         be streamlined and not used as                         calculations based on the anticipated
                                                  computing the cost of staff hours                       justification for higher annual fees.                  impacts as a result of the FY 2015
                                                  budgeted to conduct the work (in terms                  (WMA, Kennecott Uranium Recovery)                      appropriation. To meet the requirements
                                                  of FTE) and the budgeted contract costs.                   Response: Regarding the 20-percent                  of OBRA–90 that NRC collect
                                                  The total amount of budgeted resources                  increase in annual fees, the FY 2015                   approximately 90 percent of its
                                                  was then reduced by the amount                          annual fee recoverable amount was                      appropriation by the end of the fiscal
                                                  expected to be recovered by direct fees                 higher for all other uranium recovery                  year and Administrative Procedure Act
                                                  for site-specific UMTRCA activities. The                licensees for primarily two reasons.                   requirements concerning opportunity
                                                  NRC produced this estimate of direct                    First, under the NRC’s established fee                 for public comment, the NRC published
                                                  fees by analyzing billing data and the                  methodology, once the NRC determines                   the proposed fee rule, which included
                                                  actual contractual work charged to DOE                  how much the UMTRCA program will                       estimated FY 2015 final fees based on
                                                  for the previous four quarters. The                     need to pay in annual fees, then the                   the most accurate data available at the
                                                  estimate, therefore, reflects any recent                remainder of the NRC’s budgetary                       time of publication. No change was
                                                  reductions in NRC oversight activities.                 authority must be recouped through the                 made to the final rule in response to this
                                                  The remainder of the UMTRCA                             remaining uranium recovery licensees.                  comment.
                                                  budgeted amount related to DOE sites                    The reduced budgetary resources for the                2. Operating Reactor Fees
                                                  was assessed to DOE for generic                         UMTRCA program, therefore,
                                                  activities. In addition to those generic                contributed to this year’s fee increase for               Comment: Regarding annual fees, the
                                                  costs, DOE was assessed for 10 percent                  the other uranium recovery licensees.                  proposed fee rule and work papers do
                                                  of the overall generic costs attributable                                                                      not provide sufficient detail on how the
                                                                                                          Second, there are increased budgetary
                                                  to the uranium recovery program. The                                                                           10 CFR parts 170 and 171 operating
                                                                                                          resources in FY 2015 to support
                                                  remaining 90 percent of the overall                                                                            reactor fee estimates were calculated,
                                                                                                          contested uranium recovery hearings
                                                  generic costs was assessed to other                                                                            rendering the proposed fee rule arbitrary
                                                                                                          before the Atomic Safety and Licensing
                                                  members of the uranium recovery class.                                                                         and capricious. (Exelon)
                                                                                                          Board; the work on these contested                        Response: The NRC disagrees with the
                                                     The NRC performs several types of                    hearings must be recouped through
                                                  activities in its oversight of UMTRCA                                                                          comment that the work papers contain
                                                                                                          annual fees.                                           insufficient detail with respect to how
                                                  sites that have been transferred to DOE
                                                                                                             Additionally, the National Historic                 the 10 CFR parts 170 and 171 operating
                                                  for long-term surveillance and
                                                                                                          Preservation Act Section 106                           reactor fee estimates were calculated.
                                                  maintenance. The NRC staff reviews the
                                                                                                          consultation process associated with                   Consistent with prior years, license fees
                                                  reports generated by DOE, including
                                                                                                          uranium recovery licensing actions has                 are based on the NRC’s budget
                                                  routine ground water monitoring
                                                                                                          grown significantly over the past several              formulation structure hierarchy of
                                                  reports, annual site remediation
                                                                                                          years. This growth can be attributed to                business lines, product lines, and
                                                  performance reports, annual inspection
                                                  reports and other technical reports                     two main factors: (1) The siting of these              products. The NRC provides those
                                                  generated by DOE. The NRC staff also                    projects in areas that are known to be                 business lines, product lines, and
                                                  reviews and provides comments on non-                   the aboriginal homelands of a large                    products in its work papers. Detailed
                                                  routine reports such as the reports                     number of Federally-recognized Native                  information below the product level
                                                  developed by DOE concerning the Many                    American tribes and tribes at or near                  (e.g., cost centers) is determined when
                                                  Devils Wash at the Shiprock site and the                sites that are considered sacred by these              the budget is executed. The work papers
                                                  Phytoremediation Pilot Study at the                     tribes (e.g., the Pumpkin Buttes, the                  do not distinguish by specific budget
                                                  Monument Valley site. In addition, if                   Missouri Buttes, Devils Tower, and the                 line items which fees are recovered
                                                  DOE proposes to revise a Ground Water                   Black Hills); and (2) the increased                    through user and annual fees because it
                                                  Corrective Action Plan or Remediation                   interest from tribes to participate as                 is impractical for the NRC to determine
                                                  Plan at a site, the NRC staff reviews and               consulting parties in the Section 106                  in advance the precise percent of a
                                                  (if appropriate) concurs on the revised                 process for uranium recovery licensing                 given business line that will be
                                                  plan. The NRC staff also performs                       actions. No change was made to the                     recovered through 10 CFR part 170 user
                                                  Observational Site Visits at UMTRCA                     final rule in response to this comment.                fees versus 10 CFR part 171 annual fees.
                                                  sites to observe the DOE, and DOE                          Comment: The proposed rule and                      No change was made to the final rule in
                                                  contractors, performing the annual                      work papers do not reflect the resources               response to this comment.
                                                  inspections of the UMTRCA sites                         that have been authorized by the                          Comment: Neither the proposed rule
                                                  required by the site Long-Term                          Further Continuing Appropriations Act                  nor the work papers provide any
                                                  Surveillance Plan. Other significant staff              of 2015, which became law more than                    information showing the specific costs
                                                  actions include participating in the                    3 months before the publication of this                that are being recovered through annual
                                                  activities related to the development                   rulemaking. Instead, the proposed rule                 fees. The work papers merely list all
                                                  and implementation of the 5-year plan                   and work papers are based on the earlier               items comprising the entire NRC-
                                                  to address uranium contamination on                     President’s Budget, which was $44.2                    budgeted resources for new reactors,
                                                  the Navajo Nation. No change was made                   million greater than the appropriated                  operating reactors, and unexplained
                                                  to the final rule in response to this                   amount. Due to this course of action, it               materials licensing activities and derive
                                                  comment.                                                is impossible to determine whether any                 the annual fee by subtracting the portion
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                     Comment: The FY 2015 proposed fee                    of the resource allocations in the work                of estimated 10 CFR part 170 collections
                                                  rule lacks adequate justification                       papers are accurate. The proposed rule                 attributed to entities paying user fees
                                                  regarding the 20-percent increase in fees               indicates that the final rule will make                ($288.5 million). As a consequence, it is
                                                  for uranium recovery licenses. The                      appropriate estimated adjustments                      impossible to determine which of the
                                                  justification that the NRC provides                     without allowing the public any                        specific line items are being recovered
                                                  regarding the Section 106 Tribal                        meaningful opportunity to understand                   through user fees and which are being
                                                  Consultation process as one of the                      the actual calculations or comment on                  recovered under annual fees. The
                                                  factors triggering the fee increase for                 this adjustment. (Exelon)                              descriptions of the line items are very

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                           37447

                                                  vague, preventing one from determining                     Comment: The work papers allocate                   nuclear fuel. At that time, the NRC
                                                  whether they are generic, and                           to operating reactors over $7 million for              determined that it was appropriate to
                                                  potentially appropriate for recovery                    spent fuel storage and transportation                  include these SFST resources in the
                                                  under 10 CFR part 171 or attributable to                (SFST). As there is no meaningful                      power reactors fee class because power
                                                  a service provided to an identifiable                   description, one cannot determine                      reactors ultimately benefit from disposal
                                                  beneficiary and, therefore, appropriate                 whether the allocated costs are                        of spent nuclear fuel. Further, it
                                                  for recovery less than 10 CFR part 170.                 attributable solely to the Waste                       continues to be neither feasible nor
                                                  (Exelon)                                                Confidence rulemaking or include other                 appropriate for the NRC to parse out
                                                     Response: The NRC disagrees with the                 activities as well. (Exelon)                           fees for activities that might be
                                                  comment that the work papers contain                       Response: The SFST business line                    attributable to DOE’s contractual
                                                  insufficient detail with respect to which               activities include efforts to maintain and             obligations with respect to spent fuel
                                                  specific line items are being recovered                 enhance its technical capabilities and                 versus those fees that would have been
                                                  through user fees, and which are being                  understanding of the potential behavior                borne by licensees even if DOE had
                                                  recovered through annual fees.                          of different geologic environments and                 performed under the Standard Contract.
                                                  Consistent with prior years, license fees               engineered barrier systems for disposal                Finally, with respect to offsetting fees
                                                  are based on the NRC’s budget                           of spent fuel and high-level waste, and                from the carryover appropriations
                                                  formulation structure hierarchy of                      monitoring national-level developments                 relating to the review of the Yucca
                                                  business lines, product lines, and                      stemming from the report of the Blue                   Mountain construction authorization
                                                  products. The commenter is correct that                 Ribbon Commission on America’s                         application or recovering costs through
                                                  the work papers do not distinguish                      Nuclear Future and DOE’s response to                   user fees assessed to the NWF, the NRC
                                                  these activities on the basis of whether                that report. Beginning in FY 2011, the                 disagrees with the comment. Funds
                                                  these line items will be recovered                      NRC began budgeting for interim                        appropriated from the NWF may only be
                                                  through user or annual fees. But, that is               measures for the disposal of spent                     used for activities prescribed in section
                                                  because it would prove unduly                           nuclear fuel. At that time, the NRC                    302(d) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act,
                                                  burdensome for the NRC to perform this                  determined that it was appropriate to                  which includes licensing activities
                                                  type of calculation for every business                  include these SFST resources in the                    associated with the Yucca Mountain
                                                  line, product line, and product in its                  power reactors fee class because power                 high-level waste repository. That section
                                                  budget. No change was made to the final                 reactors ultimately benefit from disposal              covers neither the NRC’s work on
                                                  rule in response to this comment.                       of spent nuclear fuel. These activities                interim strategies for disposal of high-
                                                     Comment: The proposed rule and the                   are in addition to the Waste Confidence                level waste, nor monitoring national-
                                                  work papers do not state how the                        (now Continued Storage) rulemaking                     level developments stemming from the
                                                  estimated $324.3 million in 10 CFR part                 activities. No change was made to the                  report of the Blue Ribbon Commission.
                                                  170 costs are calculated for licensees.                 final rule in response to this comment.                Therefore, these activities are not
                                                  (Exelon)                                                   Comment: The $7 million is in                       chargeable to NWF appropriations. The
                                                     Response: The NRC estimates the                      addition to the $28.9 million for spent                NRC’s NWF carryover funding is not
                                                  amount of 10 CFR part 170 fees based                    fuel storage and decommissioning                       included in the ‘‘fee relief items’’ or any
                                                  on established fee methodology                          activities recovered through an annual                 part of the FY 2015 budget that is to be
                                                  guidelines (42 FR 22149; May 2, 1977),                  fee on power reactors and 10 CFR part                  recovered by fees. No change was made
                                                  which specified that the NRC has the                    72 licensees that do not hold a 10 CFR                 to the final rule in response to this
                                                  authority to recover the full cost of                   part 50 license. The NRC should inform                 comment.
                                                  providing services to identifiable                      the operating reactors whether the SFST                   Comment: The NRC work papers
                                                  beneficiaries. As in previous years, the                costs assessed to operating reactors                   imply that up to $1 million/reactor (20
                                                  NRC applied longstanding principles to                  includes activities pertaining to spent                percent) of the 10 CFR part 171 fees
                                                  calculate the 10 CFR part 170 estimates                 fuel disposal activities listed in the FY              could be supporting NRC work on new
                                                  based on the analysis of financial data.                2014 CBJ. These costs should be                        and advanced reactors. The NRC should
                                                  The data analyzed to devise the 10 CFR                  counted separately or be an offset from                justify in a transparent manner how
                                                  part 170 estimate included: (1) Four                    the carry-over appropriation relating to               much of the annual fees support this
                                                  quarters of the most recent billing data                the review of Yucca Mountain license                   new reactor business line, and how this
                                                  (hourly rate invoice data); (2) actual                  application or recovered through user                  portion of the annual fee directly
                                                  contractual work charged (prior period                  fees assessed to DOE or the NWF.                       supports operating plant regulatory
                                                  data) to develop contract work                          (Exelon)                                               activities. (SNC)
                                                  estimates; and (3) the number of FTE                       Response: The Waste Confidence                         Response: The NRC does not compute
                                                  hours charged, multiplied by the NRC                    (Continued Storage) rulemaking was                     new reactors costs separately when it
                                                  professional hourly rate. These factors,                completed in FY 2014. A small portion                  determines the operating reactor annual
                                                  along with workload projections, are                    of the operating reactors’ fees include                fee. In other words, the NRC does not
                                                  used by the NRC to determine the 10                     SFST business line activities to                       break the annual fee for operating
                                                  CFR part 170 estimated charges.                         maintain and enhance the NRC’s                         reactors into separate, constituent parts
                                                  Because the fee calculation worksheets                  technical capabilities and                             in such a way that it can extract new
                                                  used to develop the 10 CFR part 170                     understanding of the potential behavior                reactor costs from operating reactor
                                                  estimates involve thousands of                          of different geologic environments and                 costs. This is because these costs are all
                                                  calculations, it would be impractical for               engineered barrier systems for disposal                intertwined within the operating reactor
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  the NRC to provide details on every                     of spent fuel and high-level waste, and                annual fee calculations. The fee
                                                  calculation, let alone explanations for                 monitoring national-level developments                 calculation for the operating reactor fee
                                                  every calculation such that each                        stemming from the report of the Blue                   class is derived from a methodology that
                                                  individual calculation became                           Ribbon Commission on America’s                         includes analyzing the NRC’s budget
                                                  accessible and understandable to                        Nuclear Future and DOE’s response to                   structure, and then making multiple
                                                  members of the public. No change was                    that report. Beginning in FY 2011, the                 adjustments to account for fee relief,
                                                  made to the final rule in response to this              NRC began budgeting for interim                        generic transportations cost, estimated
                                                  comment.                                                measures for the disposal of spent                     10 CFR part 170 collections, etc. It is

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                                                  37448              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  not, therefore, possible to simply                      level waste repository application are                 applicants, the Commission, in
                                                  analyze the budgeted business line for                  being charged to the carryover balance                 approving the rulemaking, expanded its
                                                  new reactors, and then extrapolate from                 of the NRC’s NWF appropriations from                   scope to include license transfers,
                                                  there. No change was made to the final                  prior years and will not be billed to                  which provides a direct and appreciable
                                                  rule in response to this comment.                       licensees. OBRA–90 specifies that the                  benefit to existing operating reactors.
                                                                                                          NRC must deduct from the annual                        Similarly, the expertise developed in
                                                  3. Rare Earth Facilities
                                                                                                          charges collected from all licensees any               the areas of seismic and flooding
                                                     Comment: The NRC should reevaluate                   ‘‘amounts appropriated to the                          analysis was developed to address new
                                                  the proposed annual fee for rare earth                  Commission from the Nuclear Waste                      reactor applicants. Now, however, that
                                                  facilities to assure consistency with the               Fund for the fiscal year.’’ 42 U.S.C.                  expertise is being brought to bear on
                                                  NRC’s statutory obligation to ‘‘fairly and              2214(c)(2)(A)(ii) (emphasis added). In                 seismic and flooding reevaluations
                                                  equitably’’ allocate annual fees among                  FY 2015, the NRC did not receive any                   being done in response to the
                                                  licensees in a manner that has a                        new appropriations from the NWF.                       Fukushima event.
                                                  reasonable relationship to the cost of                  Therefore, there was no amount to                         Contrary to Exelon’s comment, these
                                                  providing regulatory services. The                      subtract from the budget in calculating                are not ‘‘indirect’’ benefits to existing
                                                  agency should explain in detail the                     FY 2015 annual fees; all the carryover                 reactors, but rather concrete cases where
                                                  basis for the proposed rare earth                       money that the NRC is using in FY 2015                 work that, on its face, was geared
                                                  facilities fee in Table XVI in comparison               was already deducted during the years                  towards new reactor activities yielded
                                                  to uranium recovery and other rare earth                in which it was appropriated. No                       valuable and tangible benefits for the
                                                  facilities fees. The rare earth facilities’             change was made to the final rule in                   existing fleet, and therefore was
                                                  proposed annual fee amount of $83,800                   response to this comment.                              appropriately billed to existing reactors.
                                                  is more than double the conventional                       Comment: The NRC should recover its                 To devise methods to separate the
                                                  uranium mill facilities’ proposed annual                generic new reactor costs through a                    NRC’s generic new reactor costs from
                                                  fee ($40,700) and significantly larger                  more focused class of licensees.                       generic operating reactor costs, and then
                                                  than the fees associated with in situ                   Specifically, NRC should recover its                   implement oversight to ensure the costs
                                                  uranium recovery facilities ($51,500 and                generic new reactor costs by creating a                were correctly allocated, would require
                                                  $58,300). In addition, the annual fee                   new fee class consisting of the holders                appreciable and recurring expenses that
                                                  charged by the California Radiologic                    of design certifications and design                    would be billed to all licensees. Further,
                                                  Health Branch for the Mountain Pass                     approvals, licensees that hold or have                 such a process, which would have to be
                                                  rare earth facility is capped at $29,418—               active applications for combined                       performed on a year-to-year basis,
                                                  approximately one-third of the NRC’s                    licenses, holders of active construction               would be unworkable in any practical
                                                  proposed annual fee. (Rare Element                      permits, and holders of any other NRC                  sense given the fluid nature of the
                                                  Resources)                                              approvals allowing or pertaining to new                NRC’s generic regulatory work vis-à-vis
                                                     Response: The NRC agrees with this                   plant activities. (Exelon)                             power reactors.
                                                  comment. As mentioned previously, the                      Response: Initially, to the extent that                Second, creating a new fee class
                                                  proposed FY 2015 fee rule established                   the NRC’s new reactor safety work                      would also prove impracticable because
                                                  an annual fee for rare earth facilities.                directly benefits a licensee or applicant,             entities holding licenses for currently
                                                  Upon further analysis, however, the                     the NRC assesses 10 CFR part 170 user                  operating reactors may also be, either
                                                  NRC determined that all the budgeted                    fees to that licensee or applicant. As a               now or in the future, applicants for new
                                                  resources for the rare earth facility fee               result, existing operating reactor                     nuclear power plant licenses. Given the
                                                  class will be collected through 10 CFR                  licensees are not paying any fees for                  evolving nature of the new reactor
                                                  part 170 fees this fiscal year. Therefore,              new reactor work that directly benefits                landscape, there is no practicable or
                                                  in this final rule, the NRC omitted the                 an entity engaged in new reactor                       reliable method to determine which
                                                  annual fee for rare earth facilities in                 activities. As for the portion of the new              existing NRC licensees will develop an
                                                  response to this comment.                               reactor work that is not collected                     interest in future reactor activities.
                                                                                                          through 10 CFR part 170 user fees,                     Exelon’s comment argues that the NRC
                                                  B. Fairness of Fees                                     OBRA–90, as amended, requires that the                 should merely identify those entities
                                                     Comment: The proposed fee rule fails                 NRC allocate those costs of this work                  that have pending regulatory approvals
                                                  to subtract from the NRC budget the cost                fairly and equitably. Because the NRC’s                pertaining to new plant activities. But
                                                  of activities that are covered by                       generic new reactor work yields benefits               the existing marketplace is more fluid
                                                  appropriations and carry-over                           for existing operating reactor licensees,              than Exelon’s comment suggests, and
                                                  appropriations from the NWF. There is                   the NRC’s current system of allocating                 having a stable and predictable
                                                  no reason not to treat a carry-over                     all operating reactor costs to existing                regulatory infrastructure benefits more
                                                  appropriation as an appropriation for                   licensees satisfies OBRA–90’s                          entities than just those currently seeking
                                                  the fiscal year, because that                           requirements.                                          pending regulatory approvals because it
                                                  appropriation remains available. But                       Implementing a new fee class would                  promotes business planning. Exelon
                                                  even if the NRC could not deduct the                    be unduly burdensome, costly, and                      itself was engaged in new reactor
                                                  carry-over appropriation as a non-fee                   generally unworkable for two reasons.                  activities from 2003–2012 (and,
                                                  item, it would be inappropriate to                      First, although generic new reactor                    therefore, directly benefitted from all of
                                                  charge the costs of the Yucca Mountain                  activities may preferentially benefit new              the NRC’s generic new reactor work). It
                                                  application to reactors as an annual fee,               reactor vendors or licensees, there are                is plausible that an entity previously
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                  because these costs are direct services to              many activities that appear to be                      involved in new reactor activities could
                                                  an applicant (DOE), not generic costs.                  focused on new reactors but ultimately                 re-engage in those activities at some
                                                  (Exelon)                                                have a direct benefit to operating units.              time in the future.
                                                     Response: The NRC disagrees with the                 To illustrate, consider the rulemaking                    Ultimately, identification of fee
                                                  comment. The NRC received no new                        effort to change the financial                         classes is a matter of line-drawing. By
                                                  NWF appropriations in FY 2015. The                      qualification standards for merchant                   virtue of being a generic activity without
                                                  NRC’s FY 2015 activities related to                     plants. Although this rulemaking was                   a specific, concrete beneficiary,
                                                  review of the Yucca Mountain high-                      initially focused on new reactor                       activities that fall in the 10 CFR part 171

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                           37449

                                                  annual fee category could be                            benefit from the inspection, both the                  comparison to the hourly rates of
                                                  theoretically parsed into an almost                     specific customers at the time of the                  consultants working for the uranium
                                                  infinite amount of fee classes. For                     inspection, future customers who may                   recovery industry which contributes to
                                                  example, if the NRC were to base fees                   not be known at the time of the                        huge regulatory costs for licensees due
                                                  on distinctions such as whether generic                 inspection, and the industry in general                to the large number of hours expended
                                                  work benefited boiling water reactors                   because the Nuclear Procurement Issues                 by NRC staff. (WMA, Kennecott
                                                  versus pressurized water reactors or                    Committee (NUPIC) uses NRC vendor                      Uranium Recovery)
                                                  coastal versus inland reactors, the                     inspection findings in preparation for its                Response: The fees assessed to
                                                  exercise likely would result in                         audits.                                                licensees and applicants by the NRC
                                                  distinctions that are both artificial and                  Regarding advanced reactor research,                must conform to OBRA–90 and IOAA
                                                  unduly burdensome from an                               the NRC is not conducting any generic                  requirements, in contrast to industry
                                                  administrative and recordkeeping                        research for advanced non-light water                  consultants working for the uranium
                                                  standpoint. The NRC’s decision to draw                  reactor designs that can be charged as                 recovery industry. Under the IOAA, the
                                                  the fee class line in such a way that                   user fees to specific applicants. Because              NRC must recover the full costs of
                                                  encompasses generic new reactor work                    these are generic costs that do not                    providing specific regulatory benefits to
                                                  satisfies OBRA–90’s requirement that                    directly benefit a specific applicant,                 identifiable applicants and licensees. In
                                                  costs be allocated fairly and that, ‘‘[t]o              NRC cannot legally recover these costs                 so doing, the NRC establishes an hourly
                                                  the maximum extent practicable, the                     through IOAA user fees. No change was                  rate for its work. Consistent with the
                                                  charges shall have a reasonable                         made to the final rule in response to this             law, the NRC determines its hourly rate
                                                  relationship to the cost of providing                   document.                                              by dividing the sum of recoverable
                                                  regulatory services.’’ No change was                       Comment: The annual fee for                         budgeted resources for: (1) Mission-
                                                  made to the final rule in response to this              operating reactors should not be                       direct program salaries and benefits; (2)
                                                  comment.                                                assessed solely on the 99 current                      mission-indirect program support; and
                                                     Comment: The proposed fee rule fails                 operating licensees licensed under 10                  (3) agency overhead or indirect costs—
                                                  to recover user fees from every person                  CFR part 50, but should also include                   which includes corporate support, office
                                                  who receives a service or thing of value                holders of COLs under 10 CFR part 52.                  support and the IG. The mission-direct
                                                  the full cost of such service or thing of               The NRC’s generic activities for                       FTE hours are the product of the
                                                  value. Of the $935.3 million that the                   operating reactors, such as Fukushima                  mission-direct FTE multiplied by the
                                                  Commission must recover through fees,                   Near-Term Task Force activities, benefit               hours per direct FTE. The only budgeted
                                                  only $324.5 million is estimated to be                  10 CFR part 52 combined license                        resources excluded from the hourly rate
                                                  recovered through 10 CFR part 170 user                  holders as much as 10 CFR part 50                      are those for contract activities related
                                                  fees. This could be correct only if                     operating licensees. Assigning costs                   to mission-direct and fee-relief
                                                  approximately two-thirds of the NRC’s                   only to 10 CFR part 50 operating                       activities. No change was made to the
                                                  budget does not benefit any identifiable                licenses is inequitable, particularly                  final rule in response to this comment.
                                                  entity, which is presumably not the                     because the current COL holders are far
                                                                                                          better positioned to recover these costs               C. Fuel Facilities
                                                  case. As an example, user fees do not
                                                  appear to be imposed for vendor                         than many current operating licensees;                    Comment: The NRC should
                                                  inspections despite the fact that vendors               they remain electric utilities able to                 adequately explain the basis for the
                                                  are identifiable persons receiving the                  recover costs through rates and                        significant increase in annual fees for
                                                  benefit of NRC inspections to establish                 regulatory costs during construction are               fuel facilities in the proposed fee rule.
                                                  their qualifications to provide safety-                 largely capitalized. (Exelon)                          Although the proposed rule attributes
                                                  related services. Also, the costs for                      Response: The NRC disagrees with the                the increase to a reduction in 10 CFR
                                                  advanced reactor research should be                     commenter’s proposed                                   part 170 fees from construction delays
                                                  recovered through user fees charged to                  recommendation. Historically, plants                   and a slight increase in budgeted
                                                  applicants or pre-applicants. (Exelon)                  licensed under 10 CFR part 50 did not                  resources, it does not explain how or
                                                     Response: Within the confines of the                 enter into the fee class of operating                  why the redirected resources that were
                                                  IOAA, the NRC recovers user fees from                   plants until permission was granted by                 budgeted for construction-related
                                                  as many people as legally possible. To                  the NRC to load fuel and begin power                   activities were redirected to 10 CFR part
                                                  take the commenter’s specific examples,                 operation. Although combined license                   171-related activities for fuel facilities.
                                                  the NRC cannot assess user fees when                    holders under 10 CFR part 52 do hold                   (NEI)
                                                  performing vendor inspections. The                      an operating license, they do not                         Response: Fuel Facility Business Line
                                                  NRC’s vendor inspection program                         approach a comparable status to plants                 (FFBL) fees for FY 2015 are tied to the
                                                  verifies that reactor licensees are                     licensed under 10 CFR part 50 until the                President’s FY 2015 budget. As noted by
                                                  fulfilling their regulatory obligations                 Commission determines that the                         the commenter, the proposed FY 2015
                                                  with respect to providing effective                     inspections, tests, analyses, and                      FFBL budget, and corresponding FY
                                                  oversight of the supply chain. The                      acceptance criteria are satisfied                      2015 fees, increased significantly in FY
                                                  licensee, not the NRC, establishes a                    pursuant to 10 CFR 52.103(g), all                      2015. When the FY 2015 budget request
                                                  vendor’s qualifications to provide                      operational programs are functional,                   was developed in FY 2013, drivers for
                                                  safety-related items and services; the                  and program compliance with                            the increased FFBL budget
                                                  vendor, therefore, does not receive a                   regulations demonstrated. Therefore, the               encompassed a number of planned or
                                                  tangible benefit from the NRC when the                  NRC believes that fairness concerns                    proposed activities, including:
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                                                  NRC performs its inspection because the                 dictate that the NRC should not charge                 construction oversight activities for
                                                  vendor is not receiving any sort of NRC                 COL holders the same fees as operating                 several facilities under construction; an
                                                  stamp-of-approval or certification. The                 plants during their construction and                   increase in the number of complex
                                                  NRC cannot bill vendor inspections                      pre-operation phases. No change was                    licensing activities associated with
                                                  directly to specific licensees because the              made to the final rule in response to this             facilities under construction; an
                                                  vendor is typically supplying more than                 comment.                                               application for a new facility; a
                                                  one licensee at any given time. It is                      Comment: The FY 2015 proposed fee                   continuation of post-Fukushima
                                                  expected that many licensees will                       rule hourly rate of $277 remains high in               activities; and a number of

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                                                  37450              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  infrastructure enhancements. These FY                   meets the requirements of OBRA–90 as                   but which is apparently calculated in a
                                                  2015 planning assumptions were based                    this practice ensures that NRC fees                    substantially different manner. In both
                                                  on industry feedback and Commission                     assessed bear a reasonable relationship                the fee rule and the CBJ, the budget for
                                                  direction. Some of this projected work                  to the cost of NRC services. The NRC                   corporate support is excessive. Both fail
                                                  did not materialize and the FFBL budget                 recognizes that the issuance of the rule               to provide a clear explanation of the
                                                  was reduced accordingly in the FY 2015                  may not coincide with budget cycles of                 overhead necessary to support the
                                                  enacted budget. As a result of this                     industry; however, the NRC must                        NRC’s core programs. The proposed fee
                                                  reduction, the final fee increase is not as             promulgate a notice-and-comment rule                   rule also does not provide an adequate
                                                  significant as the anticipated increase                 based on the most accurate data                        explanation of why the level of
                                                  identified in the proposed rule, which                  available regarding the cost of NRC                    corporate support differs by more than
                                                  was based on higher FFBL resources in                   services in the context of NRC’s budget                $100 million between the FY 2015 CBJ
                                                  the President’s budget.                                 for a given fiscal year. No change was                 and the FY 2015 proposed fee rule. The
                                                     In addition to an increase in the FFBL               made to the final rule in response to this             NRC should provide a clear explanation
                                                  budget line, another factor for the                     comment.                                               of the overhead necessary to support the
                                                  increase in FFBL annual fees is the                        Comment: The NRC estimates that the                 NRC’s core programs. (NEI, Duke
                                                  reduced number of FFBL licensees to                     FY 2015 final fee rule hourly rate will                Energy)
                                                  whom the NRC can distribute those fees                  be $268, which is lower than the FY                       Response: Corporate support is one
                                                  (one facility was decertified in 2015).                 2015 proposed fee rule hourly rate.                    component of agency support (the other
                                                  No change was made to the final rule in                 Imposing the higher hourly rate for the                components are office support and the
                                                  response to this comment; however, the                  first three quarters of FY 2015 amounts                IG). The NRC is committed to cost-
                                                  final rule has been changed to reflect                  to an unjustified overcharge and appears               efficient budgeting and the prudent use
                                                  changes in the FFBL calculations.                       contrary to the IOAA. The IOAA                         of resources to achieve the agency’s
                                                                                                          requires that charges by federal agencies              mission objectives. In recent years, the
                                                  D. Other Issues
                                                                                                          be fair and based on, among other                      NRC has taken a comprehensive look at
                                                     Comment: We encourage the NRC to                     things, the costs to the agency and the                overhead resources, reducing both FTE
                                                  conduct future meetings regarding fees.                 value of the service to the recipient. The             and contract support dollars through
                                                  (NEI)                                                   NRC should establish regulations in 10                 streamlining initiatives. Centralization
                                                     Response: The NRC supports future                    CFR part 170 to allow for a remedy for                 of corporate functions was a primary
                                                  meetings that allow for the exchange                    licensees to be reimbursed for these                   contributor to the decrease. Another
                                                  information between the NRC and the                     overcharges as a result of NRC’s                       contributor included the merger
                                                  public in our efforts to be more                        issuance of the rule late in the year.                 between the Office of Federal and State
                                                  transparent. No change was made to the                  (NEI, Exelon)                                          Materials and Environmental
                                                  final rule in response to this comment.                    Response: The NRC disagrees with the                Management and the Office of Nuclear
                                                     Comment: The NRC should improve                      comment that the estimated lower 10                    Material Safety and Safeguards.
                                                  the transparency, timeliness, and                       CFR part 170 hourly rate will result in                   To assist in the continued
                                                  predictability of the fee rule by more                  an unjustified overcharge and                          streamlining of corporate support
                                                  explicitly integrating the rulemaking                   contradicts the IOAA. The hourly rate is               functions, the NRC recently contracted
                                                  with NRC’s budget process. The NRC’s                    established annually in the NRC’s final                with an outside entity to conduct a
                                                  current schedule for publishing the                     fee rules; in the prior two rules, the                 review of the agency’s overhead
                                                  proposed and final annual fee rule falls                effective dates were August 30, 2013,                  functions and to identify ways to reduce
                                                  short of these objectives and inhibits                  and August 29, 2014, respectively. The                 costs with no impact on the agency’s
                                                  sound financial planning by licensees in                NRC acknowledges that the hourly rate                  ability to carry out its mission. This
                                                  budgeting for NRC fees. Greater                         charged during the first 3 quarters of the             review, which involved interviews with
                                                  transparency and predictability in fee                  fiscal year is not the same as the hourly              and benchmarking against peer
                                                  policy could be realized if the NRC                     rate proposed in the same fiscal year.                 agencies, confirmed that there is no
                                                  published the proposed rule in the first                However, the NRC cannot change the                     standard government-wide definition of
                                                  quarter of the fiscal year (based on the                current hourly rate during a fiscal year               overhead costs, but found that NRC
                                                  CBJ if Congress has yet to enact                        until 60 days after NRC issuance of the                overhead costs are roughly in line with
                                                  appropriations) and the final fee rule in               final rule changing the hourly rate. The               peer agencies with respect to the
                                                  the second or early third quarter of the                NRC notes that for FY 2015, licensees                  standard corporate support cost
                                                  fiscal year. (NEI)                                      will receive the majority of the benefit               categories used by the Federal Chief
                                                     Response: OBRA–90 requires that the                  of the reduced hourly rate in the                      Executive Officers Council—acquisition,
                                                  NRC collect approximately 90 percent of                 following fiscal year, even if the FY                  financial management, information
                                                  its budget authority through fees by the                2016 proposed fee rule contains a higher               technology, human capital, and real
                                                  end of the fiscal year, and the NRC must                hourly rate. Therefore, no adjustments                 property. However, because of its
                                                  set its fees in accordance with its own                 will be made to prior invoices as a result             mission, the NRC has additional
                                                  budget. Further, the annual                             of the reduced hourly rate. No change                  security requirements that contribute to
                                                  appropriation cycle places additional                   was made to the final rule in response                 higher overhead costs in areas such as
                                                  constraints upon the NRC. Because the                   to this comment.                                       physical and personnel security. The
                                                  NRC does not know the amount of fees                       Comment: The portion of the budget                  review also resulted in
                                                  it will need to collect until after it                  allocated to corporate support—a key                   recommendations on how the NRC can
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                                                  receives its annual appropriation from                  factor in both the hourly rate and annual              implement leading practices that have
                                                  Congress, the NRC cannot start the                      fee calculation—appears to be                          reduced overhead costs at peer agencies.
                                                  Federal rulemaking process until                        disproportionately large with respect to               The NRC will consider these
                                                  sometime in the fall, usually after the                 the resources allocated for mission-                   recommendations in implementing the
                                                  first quarter. The NRC believes that                    direct and mission-indirect activities.                Project AIM strategy approved by the
                                                  reliance on the most up-to-date financial               Transparency in the fee rule is                        Commission.
                                                  data available in determining fees as                   challenged by the use of the same term                    Finally, with respect to the
                                                  opposed to the CBJ ensures that the NRC                 ‘‘Corporate Support’’ in the NRC CBJ,                  commenters’ concerns regarding

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                                                  transparency, the NRC acknowledges                         Response: The NRC currently offers to               of the budget formulation cycle. The
                                                  that the different definitions of                       provide estimates of costs incurred on a               resulting productivity assumption
                                                  ‘‘Corporate Support’’ used in the fee                   biweekly basis to licensees. The                       informs workload and resource
                                                  rule and the agency’s CBJ have made it                  estimates include all (10 CFR part 170)                estimates in the agency’s budget request.
                                                  difficult for licensees and members of                  costs that accumulated for license fee                 When the NRC calculates the fees
                                                  the public to understand the                            billing during the previous NRC pay                    required to recover the budget enacted
                                                  relationship between the numbers                        period. The estimates include NRC staff                by Congress, this same estimate of direct
                                                  presented in the two documents. The                     names with associated number of hours                  hours per FTE is used to calculate the
                                                  NRC is committed to transparency, and                   worked, as well as contractor company                  hourly rate.
                                                  it will examine ways to present                         names associated with contract costs                      The estimate of 1,420 hours per FTE
                                                  information about overhead costs more                   which offer licensees additional detail.               used in the fee rule calculation for FY
                                                  consistently in future fee rules, and to                These estimates may assist licensees in                2015 was based on an analysis of actual
                                                  clarify any differences necessitated by                 budget planning and preparing to                       time and labor data from FY 2011
                                                  the unique requirements of the fee rule                 receive their next quarterly invoice.                  through FY 2012. This was the most
                                                  calculations. In line with related                      Licensees may request to receive                       recent data available when the FY 2015
                                                  recommendations of the independent                      biweekly estimates by sending an email                 budget was formulated. Use of an
                                                  overhead review, the NRC will continue                  to FEES.Resource@nrc.gov with docket                   updated, realistic estimate of direct
                                                  to examine how the agency can more                      number(s) and licensee email                           hours per FTE helps ensure that the
                                                  appropriately categorize its resources to               address(es) to which the estimates                     hourly rate accurately reflects the
                                                  ensure that overhead and programmatic                   should be sent. Unlike other                           current cost of providing 10 CFR part
                                                  costs are properly and clearly presented.               organizations, the fees assessed by NRC                170 services, allowing the NRC to more
                                                  A change was made to the final rule to                  to licensees and applicants including                  fully recover the costs of these services
                                                  capture corporate support under agency                  fees subject to NRC’s hourly rate must                 through 10 CFR part 170 fees. No
                                                  support in this final rule as a result of               comply with OBRA–90 requirements.                      change was made to the final rule in
                                                  this comment.                                           No change was made to the final rule in                response this comment.
                                                                                                          response to this comment.                                 Comment: Regarding small entity size
                                                     Comment: The industry is concerned
                                                                                                             Comment: The NRC current estimate                   standards, the NRC should consider
                                                  about the decrease in 10 CFR part 170-
                                                                                                          of the direct hours per FTE provides                   establishing lower licensing fees by
                                                  related activities under the FY 2015
                                                                                                          does not appear to be justifiable. While               creating one or more additional ranges
                                                  proposed fee rule. (NEI)
                                                                                                          the current estimate of direct hours per               between the $520,000 and $7,500,000
                                                     Response: The decline in 10 CFR part                                                                        gross annual receipts range. A fee rate
                                                                                                          FTE increased slightly from FY 2014 to
                                                  170 activities concerning power reactors                                                                       schedule with more steps for small
                                                                                                          1420 hours per FTE, that estimate
                                                  is a result of unexpected application                                                                          businesses would help reduce the
                                                                                                          remains below the 1446 hour estimated
                                                  suspensions (particularly, the U.S. EPR                                                                        license fee burden on the smaller
                                                                                                          in 2005, and even further below the
                                                  design certification application and the                1776 hours estimated in previous fiscal                entities and address small business
                                                  Calvert Cliffs combined license                         years. (Exelon)                                        concerns. (Rendezvous Engineering,
                                                  application). As the NRC completes the                     Response: The NRC uses an estimate                  P.C.)
                                                  generic regulatory actions that resulted                of the number of direct hours per FTE                     Response: To reduce the significance
                                                  from the Fukushima Near-Term Task                       to calculate the hourly rate used in 10                of the annual fees on a substantial
                                                  Force (NTTF) report, the costs related to               CFR part 170 billing. The OMB’s                        number of small entities, the NRC
                                                  those generic actions will decline.                     Circular A–25, ‘‘User Charges,’’ does not              established the maximum small entity
                                                  Relatedly, as the affected licensees and                specifically address the number of hours               fee in 1991. In FY 1992, the NRC
                                                  certificate holders implement the NTTF                  to assume per FTE in calculating fees,                 introduced a second lower tier to the
                                                  recommendations, follow-up activities                   but does emphasize that agency fees                    small entity fee. Because the NRC’s
                                                  will likely result in site-specific action              should reflect the full cost of providing              methodology for small entity size
                                                  on the part of the NRC. This shift in                   services to identifiable beneficiaries.                standards has been approved by the
                                                  activities will likely cause the costs                     In the final fee rule for FY 2005 (70               Small Business Administration, the
                                                  related to site-specific actions to                     FR 30526), the NRC revised its estimate                NRC did not modify its current
                                                  increase for that workload, resulting in                of the number of direct hours per FTE                  methodology for this rulemaking. No
                                                  an increase in fees for site-specific                   to use a realistic estimate based on time              change was made to the final rule in
                                                  activities (10 CFR part 170). No change                 and labor data for program employees                   response to this comment.
                                                  was made to the final rule in response                  who perform activities directly
                                                  to this comment.                                        associated with the programmatic                       E. Comments on Matters Not Related to
                                                     Comment: The NRC invoices lack                       mission of the NRC. The NRC                            This Rulemaking
                                                  standard details that every consultant,                 periodically reviews time and labor data                  The NRC also received comments not
                                                  law or accounting firm in the private                   to assess changes in the average number                related to this rulemaking. These
                                                  sector must provide and the NRC’s                       of productive hours from year to year,                 comments suggested that the NRC
                                                  hourly rates exceed those of many of                    and determine a realistic estimate of                  implement a number of
                                                  these organizations in the Western part                 direct hours per FTE based on the most                 recommendations to improve the
                                                  of the country. Also, the current                       recent data. The estimate does not                     efficiency of NRC operations. These
                                                  invoices do not offer industry any                      include time for administrative,                       recommendations included: favoring
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                                                  opportunity to gauge the reasonableness                 training, and other activities a direct                and enhancing risk-informed,
                                                  of fees incurred for different phases of                program FTE may perform that, while                    performance-based licensing and
                                                  the licensing process making it                         relevant to consider for certain costing               regulatory approaches; increasing the
                                                  impossible to implement a lessons-                      purposes, would more accurately be                     efficiency of certain environmental
                                                  learned initiative on future licensing                  considered overhead rather than                        reviews; adhering to existing
                                                  actions or provide for meaningful                       ‘‘direct’’ time for purposes of calculating            Commission-approved guidance while
                                                  budget planning. (WMA, Kennecott                        a rate per hour of direct activities. The              working to prepare new guidance with
                                                  Uranium Company)                                        analysis is conducted at the beginning                 the aid of stakeholder input; certifying

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                                                  37452              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  standardized designs for uranium                        10 CFR 170.20, Average Cost per                        10 CFR 171.16, Annual Fees: Materials
                                                  recovery facilities to streamline the                   Professional Staff-Hour                                Licensees, Holders of Certificates of
                                                  application and review process;                           The NRC revises this section to reflect              Compliance, Holders of Sealed Source
                                                  developing guidance, after an                           the hourly rate for FY 2015.                           and Device Registrations, Holders of
                                                  opportunity for public comment,                                                                                Quality Assurance Program Approvals,
                                                  regarding the consultation process                      10 CFR 170.21, Schedule of Fees for                    and Government Agencies Licensed by
                                                  under Section 106 of the National                       Production or Utilization Facilities,                  the NRC
                                                  Historic Preservation Act; shifting                     Review of Standard Referenced Design
                                                                                                          Approvals, Special Projects,                              The NRC revises paragraphs (d) and
                                                  experienced NRC staff personnel from                                                                           (e) to reflect FY 2015 annual fees and
                                                  the Office of New Reactors to the Office                Inspections, and Import and Export
                                                                                                          Licenses                                               the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment. The
                                                  of Nuclear Reactor Regulation; and                                                                             NRC adds subcategories to fee category
                                                  increasing the agency’s focus on                          The NRC revises fees for fee category                3.L. licenses (broad scope) to assess
                                                  resource management and workload                        code K. to reflect the FY 2015 hourly                  additional fees to licensees such as the
                                                  prioritization. (NEI, Exelon, WMA,                      rate for flat fee applications.                        Department of Agriculture and the
                                                  Duke, Kennecott Uranium Recovery).                                                                             Department of the Army, in order to
                                                                                                          10 CFR 170.31, Schedule of Fees for
                                                  The NRC also received two comments                                                                             accurately reflect the cost of services
                                                                                                          Materials Licenses and Other Regulatory
                                                  expressing support for the development                                                                         provided by the NRC. The NRC also
                                                                                                          Services, Including Inspections, and
                                                  of a proposed rule to address a variable                                                                       revises footnote 6 to avoid duplicate
                                                                                                          Import and Export Licenses
                                                  annual fee structure for small modular                                                                         billing for fuel cycle facility licensees.
                                                  reactors. (AREVA, TVA)                                     The NRC adds subcategories to fee
                                                                                                          category 3.L. licenses (broad scope) to                VI. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
                                                    All of these matters are outside the
                                                                                                          assess additional fees to licensees such
                                                  scope of this rulemaking. The primary                                                                             Section 604 of the Regulatory
                                                                                                          as the United States Department of
                                                  purpose of the NRC’s annual fee                                                                                Flexibility Act requires agencies to
                                                                                                          Agriculture and the Department of the
                                                  recovery rulemaking is to update the                                                                           perform an analysis that considers the
                                                                                                          Army, in order to accurately reflect the
                                                  NRC’s fee schedules to recover                                                                                 impact of a rulemaking on small
                                                                                                          cost of services provided by the NRC.
                                                  approximately 90 percent of the                                                                                entities. The NRC’s regulatory flexibility
                                                                                                          The NRC revises footnote 6 to avoid
                                                  appropriations that the NRC received for                                                                       analysis for this final rule is available as
                                                                                                          duplicate billing for fuel cycle facility
                                                  the current fiscal year, and to make                                                                           indicated in Section XV, Availability of
                                                  other necessary corrections or                                                                                 Documents, of this document, and a
                                                  appropriate changes to specific aspects                 10 CFR 171.5, Definitions                              summary is provided in the following
                                                  of the NRC’s fee regulations in order to                   The NRC modifies the definition for                 paragraphs.
                                                  ensure compliance with OBRA–90, as                      ‘‘Overhead and General and                                The NRC is required by the OBRA–90,
                                                  amended. The NRC’s annual fee                           Administrative Costs’’ to reflect the FY               as amended, to recover approximately
                                                  recovery rulemaking is to update the                    2008 merger of the Advisory Committee                  90 percent of its FY 2015 budget
                                                  NRC’s fee schedules to account for the                  on Nuclear Waste with the Advisory                     authority through the assessment of user
                                                  appropriations the NRC received for the                 Committee on Reactor Safeguards.                       fees. The OBRA–90 further requires that
                                                  current fiscal year, and to make other                                                                         the NRC establish a schedule of charges
                                                  necessary corrections or appropriate                    10 CFR 171.15, Annual Fees: Reactor                    that fairly and equitably allocates the
                                                  changes to specific aspects of the NRC’s                Licenses and Independent Fuel Storage                  aggregate amount of these charges
                                                  fee regulations.                                        Licenses                                               among licensees.
                                                    The NRC takes very seriously the                         The NRC revises paragraph (b)(1) to                    The FY 2015 final rule establishes the
                                                  importance of examining and improving                   reflect the required FY 2015 annual fee                schedules of fees necessary for the NRC
                                                  the efficiency of its operations and the                to be collected from each operating                    to recover 90 percent of its budget
                                                  prioritization of its regulatory activities.            power reactor by September 30, 2015.                   authority for FY 2015. The final rule
                                                  Recognizing the importance of                           The NRC revises the introductory text of               estimates some increases in annual fees
                                                  continuous reexamination and                            paragraph (b)(2) to reflect FY 2015 in                 charged to certain licensees and holders
                                                  improvement of the way the agency                       reference to annual fees and fee-relief                of certificates, registrations, and
                                                  does business, the NRC has undertaken,                  adjustment. The NRC revises paragraph                  approvals, and decreases in those
                                                  and continues to undertake, a number of                 (c)(1) and the introductory text of                    annual fees charged to others. Licensees
                                                  significant initiatives aimed at                        paragraph (c)(2) to reflect the FY 2015                affected by these final estimates include
                                                  improving the efficiency of NRC                         spent fuel storage/reactor                             those who qualify as small entities
                                                  operations and enhancing the agency’s                   decommissioning and spent fuel storage                 under the NRC’s size standards in
                                                  approach to regulating. Though                          annual fee for 10 CFR part 50 licenses                 § 2.810.
                                                  comments addressing these issues may                    and 10 CFR part 72 licensees who do                       The NRC prepared a FY 2015 biennial
                                                  not be within the scope of this fee                     not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license, and                 regulatory analysis in accordance with
                                                  rulemaking, the NRC will consider this                  the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment. The                 the FY 2001 final rule (66 FR 32467;
                                                  input in our future program operations.                 NRC revises the introductory text of                   June 14, 2001). This rule also stated the
                                                                                                          paragraph (d)(1) and paragraphs (d)(2)                 small entity fees will be reexamined
                                                  V. Section-by-Section Analysis                          and (d)(3) to reflect the FY 2015 fee-                 every 2 years and in the same years the
                                                                                                          relief adjustment for the operating                    NRC conducts the biennial review of
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                                                    The following paragraphs describe the                 reactor power class of licenses, the                   fees as required by the Chief Financial
                                                  specific amendments for this final rule.                number of operating power reactors, and                Officer’s Act.
                                                  10 CFR 170.3, Definitions                               the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment for                     For this final rule, small entity fees
                                                                                                          spent fuel storage reactor                             increase to $3,400 for the maximum
                                                     The NRC adds a new definition of                     decommissioning class of licenses. The                 upper-tier small entity fee and increase
                                                  ‘‘Overhead and General and                              NRC revises paragraph (e) to reflect the               to $700 for the lower-tier small entity as
                                                  Administrative Costs’’ and revises the                  FY 2015 annual fees for research                       a result of the biennial review which
                                                  definition for ‘‘Utilization facility.’’                reactors and test reactors.                            factored in the number of increased

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                     37453

                                                  hours for application reviews and                              amendments do not require the                              the NRC has determined that this action
                                                  inspections in the fee calculations. The                       modification of, or addition to, systems,                  is a major rule and has verified the
                                                  next small entity biennial review is                           structures, components, or the design of                   determination with the Office of
                                                  scheduled for FY 2017.                                         a facility, or the design approval or                      Information and Regulatory Affairs of
                                                     Additionally, the Small Business                            manufacturing license for a facility, or                   the Office of Management and Budget.
                                                  Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act                            the procedures or organization required
                                                                                                                 to design, construct, or operate a                         XIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards
                                                  requires all Federal agencies to prepare
                                                  a written compliance guide for each rule                       facility.                                                    The National Technology Transfer
                                                  for which the agency is required by 5                          IX. Plain Writing                                          and Advancement Act of 1995, Public
                                                  U.S.C. 604 to prepare a regulatory                                                                                        Law 104–113, requires that Federal
                                                  flexibility analysis. The NRC, in                                The Plain Writing Act of 2010 (Pub.
                                                                                                                                                                            agencies use technical standards that are
                                                  compliance with the law, has prepared                          L. 111–274) requires Federal agencies to
                                                                                                                                                                            developed or adopted by voluntary
                                                  the ‘‘Small Entity Compliance Guide,’’                         write documents in a clear, concise, and
                                                                                                                                                                            consensus standards bodies unless the
                                                  which is available as indicated in                             well-organized manner. The NRC has
                                                                                                                 written this document to be consistent                     use of such a standard is inconsistent
                                                  Section XV, Availability of Documents,                                                                                    with applicable law or otherwise
                                                  of this document.                                              with the Plain Writing Act as well as the
                                                                                                                 Presidential Memorandum, ‘‘Plain                           impractical. In this final rule, the NRC
                                                  VII. Regulatory Analysis                                       Language in Government Writing,’’                          amends the licensing, inspection, and
                                                                                                                 published June 10, 1998 (63 FR 31883).                     annual fees charged to its licensees and
                                                     Under OBRA–90, as amended, and                                                                                         applicants, as necessary, to recover
                                                  the AEA, the NRC is required to recover                        X. National Environmental Policy Act                       approximately 90 percent of its budget
                                                  90 percent of its budget authority, or                                                                                    authority in FY 2015, as required by
                                                  total appropriations of $1,015.3 million,                        The NRC has determined that this
                                                                                                                 rule is the type of action described in 10                 OBRA–90, as amended. This action does
                                                  in FY 2015. The NRC established fee                                                                                       not constitute the establishment of a
                                                  methodology guidelines for 10 CFR part                         CFR 51.22(c)(1). Therefore, neither an
                                                                                                                 environmental impact statement nor an                      standard that contains generally
                                                  170 in 1978, and more fee methodology                                                                                     applicable requirements.
                                                                                                                 environmental assessment has been
                                                  guidelines through the establishment of
                                                                                                                 prepared for this final rule.                              XIV. Availability of Guidance
                                                  10 CFR part 171 in 1986. In subsequent
                                                  rulemakings, the NRC has adjusted its                          XI. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                  fees without changing the underlying                                                                                         The Small Business Regulatory
                                                                                                                   This rule does not contain any                           Enforcement Fairness Act requires all
                                                  principles of its fee policy in order to                       information collection requirements
                                                  ensure that the NRC continues to                                                                                          Federal agencies to prepare a written
                                                                                                                 and, therefore, is not subject to the                      compliance guide for each rule for
                                                  comply with the statutory requirements                         requirements of the Paperwork
                                                  for cost recovery in OBRA–90 and the                                                                                      which the NRC is required by 5 U.S.C.
                                                                                                                 Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–                     604 to prepare a regulatory flexibility
                                                  AEA.                                                           3521.
                                                     In this rulemaking, the NRC continues                                                                                  analysis. The NRC, in compliance with
                                                  this long-standing approach. Therefore,                        Public Protection Notification                             the law, prepared the ‘‘Small Entity
                                                  the NRC did not identify any                                                                                              Compliance Guide’’ for the FY 2015
                                                                                                                   The NRC may not conduct or sponsor,
                                                  alternatives to the current fee structure                                                                                 final fee rule. This document is
                                                                                                                 and a person is not required to respond
                                                  guidelines and did not prepare a                               to a request for information or an                         available as indicated in Section XV,
                                                  regulatory analysis for this rulemaking.                       information collection requirement                         ‘‘Availability of Documents,’’ of this
                                                                                                                 unless the requesting document                             document.
                                                  VIII. Backfitting and Issue Finality
                                                                                                                 displays a currently valid OMB control                     XV. Availability of Documents
                                                    The NRC has determined that the                              number.
                                                  backfit rule, 10 CFR 50.109, does not                                                                                       The documents identified in the
                                                  apply to this final rule and that a backfit                    XII. Congressional Review Act                              following table are available to
                                                  analysis is not required. A backfit                              In accordance with the Congressional                     interested persons through one or more
                                                  analysis is not required because these                         Review Act of 1996 (5 U.S.C. 801–808),                     of the following methods, as indicated.

                                                                                         Document                                                                     ADAMS Accession No./Web Link

                                                  FY 2015 Final Rule Work Papers ............................................................     ML15160A434.
                                                  FY 2015 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis ...................................................     ML15058A385.
                                                  FY 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Small Entity Compli-                                 ML15058A332.
                                                    ance Guide.
                                                  NUREG–1100, Volume 30, ‘‘Congressional Budget Justification: Fiscal                             http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1100/v30/.
                                                    Year 2015’’ (March 2014).
                                                  NRC Form 526, Certification of Small Entity Status for the Purposes of                          http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/forms/nrc526.pdf.
                                                    Annual Fees Imposed under 10 CFR Part 171.
                                                  Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 .............                      https://www.congress.gov/113/bills/hr83/BILLS-113hr83enr.pdf.
                                                  SECY–05–0164, ‘‘Annual Fee Calculation Method,’’ September 15,                                  ML052580332.
                                                  Staff Requirements Memorandum for SECY–14–0082, ‘‘Jurisdiction for                              ML14356A070.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                    Military Radium and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oversight
                                                    of U.S. Department of Defense Remediation of Radioactive Mate-
                                                    rial,’’ December 22, 2014.
                                                  FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule Comment Submissions .............................                     ML15156A633.
                                                  OMB’s Circular A–25, ‘‘User Charges’’ ....................................................      https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a025/.
                                                  Transcript of Public Meeting on Fees, April 20, 2015 .............................              ML15153A028.
                                                  FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule ...................................................................   ML15057A090.
                                                  FY 2015 Proposed Fee Rule Work Papers .............................................             ML15021A198.

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                                                  37454                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  List of Subjects                                           Pub. L. 109–58, 119 Stat. 783 (42 U.S.C.                   Rights, the Technical Training Center,
                                                                                                             2201(w), 2014, 2021, 2021b, 2111).                         Advisory Committee on Reactor
                                                  10 CFR Part 170
                                                                                                             ■ 2. In § 170.3, add a new definition for                  Safeguards, and the Atomic Safety and
                                                    Byproduct material, Import and                           ‘‘Overhead and general and                                 Licensing Board Panel. The Commission
                                                  export licenses, Intergovernmental                         administrative costs’’ in alphabetical                     views these budgeted costs as support
                                                  relations, Non-payment penalties,                          order and revise the definition for                        for all its regulatory services provided to
                                                  Nuclear materials, Nuclear power plants                    ‘‘Utilization facility’’ to read as follows:               applicants, licensees, and certificate
                                                  and reactors, Source material, Special                                                                                holders, and these costs must be
                                                  nuclear material.                                          § 170.3    Definitions.                                    recovered under Public Law 101–508.
                                                  10 CFR Part 171                                            *      *     *     *     *                                 *      *      *    *     *
                                                                                                                Overhead and general and
                                                     Annual charges, Byproduct material,                                                                                   Utilization facility means:
                                                                                                             administrative costs means:
                                                  Holders of certificates, registrations,                       (1) The Government benefits for each                       (1) Any nuclear reactor other than one
                                                  approvals, Intergovernmental relations,                    employee such as leave and holidays,                       designed or used primarily for the
                                                  Nonpayment penalties, Nuclear                              retirement and disability benefits,                        formation of plutonium or U–233; or
                                                  materials, Nuclear power plants and                        health and life insurance costs, and                          (2) An accelerator-driven subcritical
                                                  reactors, Source material, Special                         social security costs;                                     operating assembly used for the
                                                  nuclear material.                                             (2) Travel costs;                                       irradiation of materials containing
                                                     For the reasons set out in the                             (3) Overhead [e.g., supervision and                     special nuclear material and described
                                                  preamble and under the authority of the                    support staff that directly support the                    in the application assigned docket
                                                  Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended;                     NRC’s Nuclear Reactor Safety Program                       number 50–608.
                                                  the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974,                     and Nuclear Materials Safety and Waste                     ■ 3. Revise § 170.20 to read as follows:
                                                  as amended; and 5 U.S.C. 553, the NRC                      Program; administrative support costs
                                                  is adopting the following amendments                       (e.g., rental of space, equipment,                         § 170.20 Average cost per professional
                                                  to 10 CFR parts 170 and 171.                               telecommunications, and supplies)];                        staff-hour.
                                                                                                             and                                                          Fees for permits, licenses,
                                                  PART 170—FEES FOR FACILITIES,                                 (4) Indirect costs that would include,                  amendments, renewals, special projects,
                                                  MATERIALS IMPORT AND EXPORT                                but not be limited to, NRC central policy                  10 CFR part 55 re-qualification and
                                                  LICENSES AND OTHER REGULATORY                              direction, legal, and executive                            replacement examinations and tests,
                                                  SERVICES UNDER THE ATOMIC                                  management services for the                                other required reviews, approvals, and
                                                  ENERGY ACT OF 1954, AS AMENDED                             Commission, and special and                                inspections under §§ 170.21 and 170.31
                                                                                                             independent reviews, investigations,                       will be calculated using the professional
                                                  ■ 1. The authority citation for part 170
                                                                                                             and enforcement, and appraisal of NRC                      staff-hour rate of $268 per hour.
                                                  continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                             programs and operations. Some of the
                                                    Authority: Independent Offices                                                                                      ■ 4. In § 170.21, in the table, revise the
                                                                                                             organizations included, in whole or in
                                                  Appropriations Act sec. 501 (31 U.S.C. 9701);              part, are the Commissioners, Secretary,                    fee category K. to read as follows:
                                                  Atomic Energy Act sec. 161(w) (42 U.S.C.                   Executive Director for Operations,
                                                  2201(w)); Energy Reorganization Act sec. 201                                                                          § 170.21 Schedule of fees for production
                                                  (42 U.S.C. 5841); Chief Financial Officers Act
                                                                                                             General Counsel, Congressional and                         or utilization facilities, review of standard
                                                  sec. 205 (31 U.S.C. 901, 902); Government                  Public Affairs (except for international                   referenced design approvals, special
                                                  Paperwork Elimination Act sec. 1704 (44                    safety and safeguards programs),                           projects, inspections, and import and
                                                  U.S.C. 3504 note); Energy Policy Act secs.                 Inspector General, Investigations,                         export licenses.
                                                  623, Energy Policy Act of 2005 sec. 651(e),                Enforcement, Small Business and Civil                      *       *      *       *       *

                                                                                                                    SCHEDULE OF FACILITY FEES
                                                                                                                       [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                         Facility categories and type of fees                                                                  Fees 1 2

                                                             *                      *                   *                       *                     *                              *                         *
                                                  K. Import and export licenses:
                                                  Licenses for the import and export only of production or utilization facilities or the export only of components for production or
                                                    utilization facilities issued under 10 CFR part 110.
                                                       1. Application for import or export of production or utilization facilities 4 (including reactors and other facilities) and exports
                                                          of components requiring Commission and Executive Branch review, for example, actions under 10 CFR 110.40(b).
                                                               Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request .........................................................................       $17,400
                                                       2. Application for export of reactor and other components requiring Executive Branch review, for example, those actions
                                                          under 10 CFR 110.41(a).
                                                               Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request .........................................................................         9,400
                                                       3. Application for export of components requiring the assistance of the Executive Branch to obtain foreign government as-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                               Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request .........................................................................         4,300
                                                       4. Application for export of facility components and equipment not requiring Commission or Executive Branch review, or ob-
                                                          taining foreign government assurances.
                                                               Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request .........................................................................         4,800
                                                       5. Minor amendment of any active export or import license, for example, to extend the expiration date, change domestic in-
                                                          formation, or make other revisions which do not involve any substantive changes to license terms or conditions or to the
                                                          type of facility or component authorized for export and, therefore, do not require in-depth analysis or review or consulta-
                                                          tion with the Executive Branch, U.S. host state, or foreign government authorities.

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                      37455

                                                                                                                     SCHEDULE OF FACILITY FEES—Continued
                                                                                                                                     [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                                    Facility categories and type of fees                                                                                        Fees 1 2

                                                                 Minor amendment to license .............................................................................................................................................               2,700
                                                      1 Fees will not be charged for orders related to civil penalties or other civil sanctions issued by the Commission under § 2.202 of this chapter or
                                                  for amendments resulting specifically from the requirements of these orders. For orders unrelated to civil penalties or other civil sanctions, fees
                                                  will be charged for any resulting licensee-specific activities not otherwise exempted from fees under this chapter. Fees will be charged for ap-
                                                  provals issued under a specific exemption provision of the Commission’s regulations under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (e.g., 10
                                                  CFR 50.12, 10 CFR 73.5) and any other sections in effect now or in the future, regardless of whether the approval is in the form of a license
                                                  amendment, letter of approval, safety evaluation report, or other form.
                                                     2 Full cost fees will be determined based on the professional staff time and appropriate contractual support services expended. For applications
                                                  currently on file and for which fees are determined based on the full cost expended for the review, the professional staff hours expended for the
                                                  review of the application up to the effective date of the final rule will be determined at the professional rates in effect when the service was pro-
                                                     *                      *                    *                      *                      *                  *                   *
                                                     4 Imports only of major components for end-use at NRC-licensed reactors are authorized under NRC general import license in 10 CFR 110.27.

                                                  ■ 5. In § 170.31, revise the table to read                            § 170.31 Schedule of fees for materials
                                                  as follows:                                                           licenses and other regulatory services,
                                                                                                                        including inspections, and import and
                                                                                                                        export licenses.
                                                                                                                        *        *        *        *        *

                                                                                                                              SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES
                                                                                                                                     [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                           Category of materials licenses and type of fees 1                                                                                     Fee 2 3

                                                  1. Special nuclear material:
                                                      A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U–235 or plutonium for fuel fabrication activities.
                                                           (a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material (High Enriched Uranium) [Program Code(s): 21130] ................................................                                           Full Cost.
                                                           (b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible Form Used for Fabrication of Power Reactor Fuel [Program Code(s): 21210] ...                                                               Full Cost.
                                                      (2) All other special nuclear materials licenses not included in Category 1.A.(1) which are licensed for fuel cycle activities.
                                                           (a) Facilities with limited operations [Program Code(s): 21310, 21320] .................................................................................                           Full   Cost.
                                                           (b) Gas centrifuge enrichment demonstration facilities ...........................................................................................................                 Full   Cost.
                                                           (c) Others, including hot cell facilities ......................................................................................................................................   Full   Cost.
                                                      B. Licenses for receipt and storage of spent fuel and reactor-related Greater than Class C (GTCC) waste at an independent                                                               Full   Cost.
                                                        spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) [Program Code(s): 23200].
                                                      C. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear material of less than a critical mass as defined in § 70.4 in sealed
                                                        sources contained in devices used in industrial measuring systems, including x-ray fluorescence analyzers.4
                                                           Application [Program Code(s): 22140] ....................................................................................................................................          $1,200.
                                                      D. All other special nuclear material licenses, except licenses authorizing special nuclear material in sealed or unsealed form
                                                        in combination that would constitute a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for which the licensee shall pay
                                                        the same fees as those under Category 1.A.4
                                                           Application [Program Code(s): 22110, 22111, 22120, 22131, 22136, 22150, 22151, 22161, 22170, 23100, 23300,                                                                         $2,500.
                                                      E. Licenses or certificates for construction and operation of a uranium enrichment facility [Program Code(s): 21200] ..............                                                     Full Cost.
                                                      F. For special nuclear materials licenses in sealed or unsealed form of greater than a critical mass as defined in § 70.4 of                                                            Full Cost.
                                                        this chapter.4 [Program Code(s): 22155].
                                                  2. Source material:
                                                      A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of source material for refining uranium mill concentrates to uranium hexafluoride or                                                             Full Cost.
                                                        for deconverting uranium hexafluoride in the production of uranium oxides for disposal. [Program Code(s): 11400].
                                                      (2) Licenses for possession and use of source material in recovery operations such as milling, in-situ recovery, heap-leach-
                                                        ing, ore buying stations, ion-exchange facilities, and in processing of ores containing source material for extraction of met-
                                                        als other than uranium or thorium, including licenses authorizing the possession of byproduct waste material (tailings) from
                                                        source material recovery operations, as well as licenses authorizing the possession and maintenance of a facility in a
                                                        standby mode.
                                                           (a) Conventional and Heap Leach facilities [Program Code(s): 11100] .................................................................................                              Full   Cost.
                                                           (b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities [Program Code(s): 11500] ..............................................................................................                      Full   Cost.
                                                           (c) Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities [Program Code(s): 11510] ......................................................................................                           Full   Cost.
                                                           (d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities [Program Code(s): 11550] .............................................................................................                       Full   Cost.
                                                           (e) Resin Toll Milling facilities [Program Code(s): 11555] .......................................................................................................                 Full   Cost.
                                                           (f) Other facilities [Program Code(s): 11700] ..........................................................................................................................           Full   Cost.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                      (3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from                                                             Full   Cost.
                                                        other persons for possession and disposal, except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) or Category
                                                        2.A.(4) [Program Code(s): 11600, 12000].
                                                      (4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from                                                             Full Cost.
                                                        other persons for possession and disposal incidental to the disposal of the uranium waste tailings generated by the licens-
                                                        ee’s milling operations, except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) [Program Code(s): 12010].
                                                      (5) Licenses that authorize the possession of source material related to removal of contaminants (source material) from                                                                 Full Cost.
                                                        drinking water [Program Code(s): 11820].
                                                      B. Licenses which authorize the possession, use, and/or installation of source material for shielding.6 7 8

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                                                  37456                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                       SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES—Continued
                                                                                                                                        [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                               Category of materials licenses and type of fees 1                                                                                            Fee 2 3

                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 11210] ....................................................................................................................................                    $1,180.
                                                      C. Licenses to distribute items containing source material to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 40 of
                                                         this chapter.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 11240] ....................................................................................................................................                    $2,700.
                                                      D. Licenses to distribute source material to persons generally licensed under part 40 of this chapter.
                                                            Application [Program Codes(s): 11230, 11231] ......................................................................................................................                          $2,700.
                                                      E. Licenses for possession and use of source material for processing or manufacturing of products or materials containing
                                                         source material for commercial distribution.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 11710] ....................................................................................................................................                    $2,500.
                                                      F. All other source material licenses.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 11200, 11220, 11221, 11300, 11800, 11810] .......................................................................                                              $2,500.
                                                  3. Byproduct material:
                                                      A. Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter
                                                         for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03211, 03212, 03213] ............................................................................................................                              $12,500.
                                                      B. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manu-
                                                         facturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03214, 03215, 22135, 22162] ................................................................................................                                   $3,500.
                                                      C. Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribu-
                                                         tion or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or sources and devices containing byproduct
                                                         material. This category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose processing or manu-
                                                         facturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4).
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 02500, 02511, 02513] ............................................................................................................                              $5,000.
                                                      D. [Reserved] ..................................................................................................................................................................................   N/A.
                                                      E. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is
                                                         not removed from its shield (self-shielded units).
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03510, 03520] ........................................................................................................................                         $3,100.
                                                      F. Licenses for possession and use of less than 10,000 curies of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of mate-
                                                         rials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes underwater irradiators for irradia-
                                                         tion of materials where the source is not exposed for irradiation purposes.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03511] ....................................................................................................................................                    $6,300.
                                                      G. Licenses for possession and use of 10,000 curies or more of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of mate-
                                                         rials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes underwater irradiators for irradia-
                                                         tion of materials where the source is not exposed for irradiation purposes.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03521] ....................................................................................................................................                    $59,800.
                                                      H. Licenses issued under Subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material that require
                                                         device review to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter. The category does not include
                                                         specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the li-
                                                         censing requirements of part 30 of this chapter.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03254, 03255, 03257] ............................................................................................................                              $6,400.
                                                      I. Licenses issued under Subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material or quantities of
                                                         byproduct material that do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of
                                                         this chapter. This category does not include specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized
                                                         for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03250, 03251, 03252, 03253, 03256] ....................................................................................                                        $10,600.
                                                      J. Licenses issued under Subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material that require
                                                         sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter. This category does not in-
                                                         clude specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally li-
                                                         censed under part 31 of this chapter.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03240, 03241, 03243] ............................................................................................................                              $1,900.
                                                      K. Licenses issued under Subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material or quantities
                                                         of byproduct material that do not require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under part 31
                                                         of this chapter. This category does not include specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been author-
                                                         ized for distribution to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03242, 03244] ........................................................................................................................                         $1,100.
                                                      L. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for re-
                                                         search and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5.
                                                            (1) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter
                                                              for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 6–20.
                                                            (2) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter
                                                              for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 20 or more.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 01100, 01110, 01120, 03610, 03611, 03612, 03613] ...........................................................                                                   $5,300.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                      M. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for research and devel-
                                                         opment that do not authorize commercial distribution.
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03620] ....................................................................................................................................                    $4,800.
                                                      N. Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except:
                                                            (1) Licenses that authorize only calibration and/or leak testing services are subject to the fees specified in fee Category
                                                              3.P.; and
                                                            (2) Licenses that authorize waste disposal services are subject to the fees specified in fee Categories 4.A., 4.B., and
                                                            Application [Program Code(s): 03219, 03225, 03226] ............................................................................................................                              $6,100.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                                  37457

                                                                                                                         SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES—Continued
                                                                                                                                           [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                                 Category of materials licenses and type of fees 1                                                                                              Fee 2 3

                                                        O. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography op-
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03310, 03320] ........................................................................................................................                          $3,100.
                                                        P. All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in Categories 4.A. through 9.D. 9
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 02400, 02410, 03120, 03121, 03122, 03123, 03124, 03130, 03140, 03220, 03221,                                                                                    $2,600.
                                                                  03222, 03800, 03810, 22130].
                                                        Q. Registration of a device(s) generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter.
                                                               Registration ..............................................................................................................................................................................   $400.
                                                        R. Possession of items or products containing radium-226 identified in 10 CFR 31.12 which exceed the number of items or
                                                            limits specified in that section.5
                                                               1. Possession of quantities exceeding the number of items or limits in 10 CFR 31.12(a)(4), or (5) but less than or equal
                                                                  to 10 times the number of items or limits specified.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 02700] ....................................................................................................................................                     $2,500.
                                                               2. Possession of quantities exceeding 10 times the number of items or limits specified in 10 CFR 31.12(a)(4), or (5).
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 02710] ....................................................................................................................................                     $2,400.
                                                        S. Licenses for production of accelerator-produced radionuclides.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03210] ....................................................................................................................................                     $13,700.
                                                  4.   Waste disposal and processing:
                                                        A. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from                                                                      N/A.
                                                            other persons for the purpose of contingency storage or commercial land disposal by the licensee; or licenses authorizing
                                                            contingency storage of low-level radioactive waste at the site of nuclear power reactors; or licenses for receipt of waste
                                                            from other persons for incineration or other treatment, packaging of resulting waste and residues, and transfer of packages
                                                            to another person authorized to receive or dispose of waste material. [Program Code(s): 03231, 03233, 03235, 03236,
                                                            06100, 06101].
                                                        B. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from
                                                            other persons for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The licensee will dispose of the material by trans-
                                                            fer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03234] ....................................................................................................................................                     $6,700.
                                                        C. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
                                                            material from other persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive
                                                            or dispose of the material.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03232] ....................................................................................................................................                     $4,800.
                                                  5.   Well logging:
                                                        A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material for well logging,
                                                            well surveys, and tracer studies other than field flooding tracer studies.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03110, 03111, 03112] ............................................................................................................                               $4,400.
                                                        B. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material for field flooding tracer studies.
                                                               Licensing [Program Code(s): 03113] .......................................................................................................................................                    Full Cost.
                                                  6.   Nuclear laundries:
                                                        A. Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated with byproduct material, source material, or special
                                                            nuclear material.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03218] ....................................................................................................................................                     $21,400.
                                                  7.   Medical licenses:
                                                        A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, or
                                                            special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or
                                                            similar beam therapy devices.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 02300, 02310] ........................................................................................................................                          $10,700.
                                                        B. Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of
                                                            this chapter authorizing research and development, including human use of byproduct material, except licenses for byprod-
                                                            uct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category
                                                            also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.10
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 02110] ....................................................................................................................................                     $8,400.
                                                         C. Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material,
                                                            and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in
                                                            sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices.
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 02120, 02121, 02200, 02201, 02210, 02220, 02230, 02231, 02240, 22160] .......................                                                                   $4,300.
                                                  8.   Civil defense:
                                                         A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material for civil defense activi-
                                                               Application [Program Code(s): 03710] ....................................................................................................................................                     $2,500.
                                                  9.   Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluation:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                         A. Safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material, ex-
                                                            cept reactor fuel devices, for commercial distribution.
                                                               Application—each device ........................................................................................................................................................              $5,200.
                                                         B. Safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material manu-
                                                            factured in accordance with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant, except reactor fuel devices.
                                                               Application—each device ........................................................................................................................................................              $8,700.
                                                         C. Safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material, except re-
                                                            actor fuel, for commercial distribution.
                                                               Application—each source ........................................................................................................................................................              $5,100.

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                                                  37458                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                       SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES—Continued
                                                                                                                                        [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                               Category of materials licenses and type of fees 1                                                                                            Fee 2 3

                                                       D. Safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material, manufac-
                                                          tured in accordance with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant, except reactor fuel.
                                                             Application—each source ........................................................................................................................................................            $1,020.
                                                  10. Transportation of radioactive material:
                                                       A. Evaluation of casks, packages, and shipping containers.
                                                             1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and plutonium air packages ..............................................................................................                                  Full Cost.
                                                             2. Other Casks .........................................................................................................................................................................    Full Cost.
                                                       B. Quality assurance program approvals issued under part 71 of this chapter.
                                                             1. Users and Fabricators.
                                                                  Application ........................................................................................................................................................................   $4,000.
                                                                  Inspections ........................................................................................................................................................................   Full Cost.
                                                             2. Users.
                                                                  Application ........................................................................................................................................................................   $4,000.
                                                                  Inspections ........................................................................................................................................................................   Full Cost.
                                                       C. Evaluation of security plans, route approvals, route surveys, and transportation security devices (including immobilization                                                                    Full Cost.
                                                  11. Review of standardized spent fuel facilities .....................................................................................................................................                 Full Cost.
                                                  12. Special projects:
                                                       Including approvals, pre-application/licensing activities, and inspections.
                                                             Application [Program Code: 25110] ........................................................................................................................................                  Full   Cost.
                                                  13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of Compliance .....................................................................................................................                         Full   Cost.
                                                       B. Inspections related to storage of spent fuel under § 72.210 of this chapter .............................................................................                                      Full   Cost.
                                                  14. A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear material licenses and other approvals authorizing decommissioning, decontamina-                                                                           Full   Cost.
                                                    tion, reclamation, or site restoration activities under parts 30, 40, 70, 72, and 76 of this chapter, including MMLs. Application
                                                    [Program Code(s): 3900, 11900, 21135, 21215, 21240, 21325, 22200].
                                                       B. Site-specific decommissioning activities associated with unlicensed sites, including MMLs, regardless of whether or not                                                                        Full Cost.
                                                          the sites have been previously licensed.
                                                  15. Import and Export licenses:
                                                  Licenses issued under part 110 of this chapter for the import and export only of special nuclear material, source material, tritium
                                                    and other byproduct material, and the export only of heavy water, or nuclear grade graphite (fee categories 15.A. through
                                                       A. Application for export or import of nuclear materials, including radioactive waste requiring Commission and Executive
                                                          Branch review, for example, those actions under 10 CFR 110.40(b).
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $17,400.
                                                       B. Application for export or import of nuclear material, including radioactive waste, requiring Executive Branch review, but not
                                                          Commission review. This category includes applications for the export and import of radioactive waste and requires NRC
                                                          to consult with domestic host state authorities (i.e., Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission, the U.S. Environ-
                                                          mental Protection Agency, etc.).
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $9,400.
                                                       C. Application for export of nuclear material, for example, routine reloads of low enriched uranium reactor fuel and/or natural
                                                          uranium source material requiring the assistance of the Executive Branch to obtain foreign government assurances.
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $4,300.
                                                       D. Application for export or import of nuclear material not requiring Commission or Executive Branch review, or obtaining for-
                                                          eign government assurances.
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $4,800.
                                                       E. Minor amendment of any active export or import license, for example, to extend the expiration date, change domestic in-
                                                          formation, or make other revisions which do not involve any substantive changes to license terms and conditions or to the
                                                          type/quantity/chemical composition of the material authorized for export and, therefore, do not require in-depth analysis,
                                                          review, or consultations with other Executive Branch, U.S. host state, or foreign government authorities.
                                                             Minor amendment ....................................................................................................................................................................        $1,300.
                                                  Licenses issued under part 110 of this chapter for the import and export only of Category 1 and Category 2 quantities of radio-
                                                    active material listed in Appendix P to part 110 of this chapter (fee categories 15.F. through 15.R.).
                                                  Category 1 (Appendix P, 10 CFR Part 110) Exports:
                                                       F. Application for export of Appendix P Category 1 materials requiring Commission review (e.g. exceptional circumstance re-
                                                          view under 10 CFR 110.42(e)(4)) and to obtain government-to-government consent for this process. For additional consent
                                                          see 15.I.).
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $14,700.
                                                       G. Application for export of Appendix P Category 1 materials requiring Executive Branch review and to obtain government-to-
                                                          government consent for this process. For additional consents see 15.I.
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $8,000.
                                                       H. Application for export of Appendix P Category 1 materials and to obtain one government-to-government consent for this
                                                          process. For additional consents see 15.I.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $5,400.
                                                       I. Requests for each additional government-to-government consent in support of an export license application or active ex-
                                                          port license.
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $270.
                                                  Category 2 (Appendix P, 10 CFR Part 110) Exports:
                                                       J. Application for export of Appendix P Category 2 materials requiring Commission review (e.g. exceptional circumstance re-
                                                          view under 10 CFR 110.42(e)(4)).
                                                             Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                         $14,700.
                                                       K. Applications for export of Appendix P Category 2 materials requiring Executive Branch review.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                                 37459

                                                                                                                         SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES—Continued
                                                                                                                                          [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                                Category of materials licenses and type of fees 1                                                                                               Fee 2 3

                                                            Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                              $8,000.
                                                       L. Application for the export of Category 2 materials.
                                                            Application—new license, or amendment; or license exemption request ...............................................................................                                              $4,000.
                                                  M. [Reserved] .........................................................................................................................................................................................    N/A.
                                                  N. [Reserved] .........................................................................................................................................................................................    N/A.
                                                  O. [Reserved] .........................................................................................................................................................................................    N/A.
                                                  P. [Reserved] .........................................................................................................................................................................................    N/A.
                                                  Q. [Reserved] .........................................................................................................................................................................................    N/A.
                                                  Minor Amendments (Category 1 and 2, Appendix P, 10 CFR Part 110, Export):
                                                       R. Minor amendment of any active export license, for example, to extend the expiration date, change domestic information,
                                                         or make other revisions which do not involve any substantive changes to license terms and conditions or to the type/quan-
                                                         tity/chemical composition of the material authorized for export and, therefore, do not require in-depth analysis, review, or
                                                         consultations with other Executive Branch, U.S. host state, or foreign authorities.
                                                            Minor amendment ....................................................................................................................................................................             $1,300.
                                                  16. Reciprocity:
                                                  Agreement State licensees who conduct activities under the reciprocity provisions of 10 CFR 150.20.
                                                       Application .......................................................................................................................................................................................   $1,900.
                                                  17. Master materials licenses of broad scope issued to Government agencies.
                                                       Application [Program Code(s): 03614] ............................................................................................................................................                     Full Cost.
                                                  18. Department of Energy.
                                                       A. Certificates of Compliance. Evaluation of casks, 11packages, and shipping containers (including spent fuel, high-level                                                                             Full Cost.
                                                         waste, and other casks, and plutonium air packages).
                                                       B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) activities ............................................................................................                                       Full Cost.
                                                     1 Types  of fees—Separate charges, as shown in the schedule, will be assessed for pre-application consultations and reviews; applications for
                                                  new licenses, approvals, or license terminations; possession-only licenses; issuances of new licenses and approvals; certain amendments and
                                                  renewals to existing licenses and approvals; safety evaluations of sealed sources and devices; generally licensed device registrations; and cer-
                                                  tain inspections. The following guidelines apply to these charges:
                                                     (a) Application and registration fees. Applications for new materials licenses and export and import licenses; applications to reinstate expired,
                                                  terminated, or inactive licenses, except those subject to fees assessed at Full Cost.s; applications filed by Agreement State licensees to register
                                                  under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 150.20; and applications for amendments to materials licenses that would place the license in a
                                                  higher fee category or add a new fee category must be accompanied by the prescribed application fee for each category.
                                                     (1) Applications for licenses covering more than one fee category of special nuclear material or source material must be accompanied by the
                                                  prescribed application fee for the highest fee category.
                                                     (2) Applications for new licenses that cover both byproduct material and special nuclear material in sealed sources for use in gauging devices
                                                  will pay the appropriate application fee for fee category 1.C. only.
                                                     (b) Licensing fees. Fees for reviews of applications for new licenses, renewals, and amendments to existing licenses, pre-application consulta-
                                                  tions and other documents submitted to the NRC for review, and project manager time for fee categories subject to Full Cost. fees are due upon
                                                  notification by the Commission in accordance with § 170.12(b).
                                                     (c) Amendment fees. Applications for amendments to export and import licenses must be accompanied by the prescribed amendment fee for
                                                  each license affected. An application for an amendment to an export or import license or approval classified in more than one fee category must
                                                  be accompanied by the prescribed amendment fee for the category affected by the amendment, unless the amendment is applicable to two or
                                                  more fee categories, in which case the amendment fee for the highest fee category would apply.
                                                     (d) Inspection fees. Inspections resulting from investigations conducted by the Office of Investigations and nonroutine inspections that result
                                                  from third-party allegations are not subject to fees. Inspection fees are due upon notification by the Commission in accordance with § 170.12(c).
                                                     (e) Generally licensed device registrations under 10 CFR 31.5. Submittals of registration information must be accompanied by the prescribed
                                                     2 Fees will not be charged for orders related to civil penalties or other civil sanctions issued by the Commission under 10 CFR 2.202 or for
                                                  amendments resulting specifically from the requirements of these orders. For orders unrelated to civil penalties or other civil sanctions, fees will
                                                  be charged for any resulting licensee-specific activities not otherwise exempted from fees under this chapter. Fees will be charged for approvals
                                                  issued under a specific exemption provision of the Commission’s regulations under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (e.g., 10 CFR
                                                  30.11, 40.14, 70.14, 73.5, and any other sections in effect now or in the future), regardless of whether the approval is in the form of a license
                                                  amendment, letter of approval, safety evaluation report, or other form. In addition to the fee shown, an applicant may be assessed an additional
                                                  fee for sealed source and device evaluations as shown in fee categories 9.A. through 9.D.
                                                     3 Full Cost. fees will be determined based on the professional staff time multiplied by the appropriate professional hourly rate established in
                                                  § 170.20 in effect when the service is provided, and the appropriate contractual support services expended.
                                                     4 Licensees paying fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., and 1.E. are not subject to fees under categories 1.C., 1.D. and 1.F. for sealed sources
                                                  authorized in the same license, except for an application that deals only with the sealed sources authorized by the license.
                                                     5 Persons who possess radium sources that are used for operational purposes in another fee category are not also subject to the fees in this
                                                  category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources are possessed for storage only.)
                                                     6 Licensees subject to fees under fee categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., or 2.A. must pay the largest applicable fee and are not subject to additional
                                                  fees listed in this table.
                                                     7 Licensees paying fees under 3.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.
                                                     8 Licensees paying fees under 7.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.
                                                     9 Licensees paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees under 3.P. for calibration or leak testing services authorized on the same li-
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                                                     10 Licensees paying fees under 7.B. are not subject to paying fees under 7.C. for broad scope license licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40,
                                                  and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct mate-
                                                  rial, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized on the same license.

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                                                  37460                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  PART 171—ANNUAL FEES FOR                                                     (c)(1) The FY 2015 annual fee for each                                    (3) The FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment
                                                  REACTOR LICENSES AND FUEL                                                 power reactor holding a 10 CFR part 50                                    allocated to the spent fuel storage/
                                                  CYCLE LICENSES AND MATERIALS                                              license that is in a decommissioning or                                   reactor decommissioning class of
                                                  LICENSES, INCLUDING HOLDERS OF                                            possession-only status and has spent                                      licenses is a $37,100 fee-relief
                                                  CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE,                                               fuel onsite, and for each independent                                     assessment. The FY 2015 spent fuel
                                                  REGISTRATIONS, AND QUALITY                                                spent fuel storage 10 CFR part 72                                         storage/reactor decommissioning fee-
                                                  ASSURANCE PROGRAM APPROVALS                                               licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR                                       relief adjustment to be assessed to each
                                                  AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES                                                   part 50 license, is $223,000.                                             operating power reactor, each power
                                                  LICENSED BY THE NRC                                                          (2) The FY 2015 annual fee is                                          reactor in decommissioning or
                                                                                                                            comprised of a base spent fuel storage/                                   possession-only status that has spent
                                                  ■ 6. The authority citation for part 171                                  reactor decommissioning annual fee
                                                  continues to read as follows:                                                                                                                       fuel onsite, and to each independent
                                                                                                                            (which is also included in the operating                                  spent fuel storage 10 CFR part 72
                                                    Authority: Consolidated Omnibus Budget                                  power reactor annual fee shown in                                         licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR
                                                  Reconciliation Act sec. 7601, Pub. L. 99–272,                             paragraph (b) of this section) and a fee-
                                                  as amended by sec. 5601, Pub. L. 100–203,                                                                                                           part 50 license, is a $304 fee-relief
                                                                                                                            relief adjustment. The activities
                                                  as amended by sec. 3201, Pub. L. 101–239,                                                                                                           assessment. This amount is calculated
                                                                                                                            comprising the FY 2015 fee-relief
                                                  as amended by sec. 6101, Pub. L. 101–508,                                                                                                           by dividing the total fee-relief
                                                                                                                            adjustment are shown in paragraph
                                                  as amended by sec. 2903a, Pub. L. 102–486                                                                                                           adjustment costs allocated to this class
                                                  (42 U.S.C. 2213, 2214), and as amended by                                 (d)(1) of this section. The activities
                                                                                                                            comprising the FY 2015 spent fuel                                         by the total number of power reactor
                                                  Title IV, Pub. L. 109–103 (42 U.S.C. 2214);                                                                                                         licenses, except those that permanently
                                                  Atomic Energy Act sec. 161(w), 223, 234 (42                               storage/reactor decommissioning
                                                  U.S.C. 2201(w), 2273, 2282); Energy                                       rebaselined annual fee are:                                               ceased operations and have no fuel
                                                  Reorganization Act sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841);                                                                                                       onsite, and 10 CFR part 72 licensees
                                                                                                                            *      *     *      *     *
                                                  Government Paperwork Elimination Act sec.                                    (d)(1) The fee-relief adjustment                                       who do not hold a 10 CFR part 50
                                                  1704 (44 U.S.C. 3504 note); Energy Policy Act                                                                                                       license.
                                                  of 2005 sec. 651(e), Pub. L. 109–58 (42 U.S.C.
                                                                                                                            allocated to annual fees includes a
                                                  2014, 2021, 2021b, 2111).                                                 surcharge for the activities listed in                                       (e) The FY 2015 annual fees for
                                                                                                                            paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, plus                                 licensees authorized to operate a
                                                  ■ 7. In § 171.15, revise paragraph (b)(1),                                the amount remaining after total                                          research or test (nonpower) reactor
                                                  the introductory text of paragraph (b)(2),                                budgeted resources for the activities                                     licensed under 10 CFR part 50 of this
                                                  paragraph (c)(1), the introductory text of                                included in paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) and                                     chapter, unless the reactor is exempted
                                                  paragraphs (c)(2) and (d)(1), and                                         (d)(1)(iii) of this section are reduced by                                from fees under § 171.11(a), are as
                                                  paragraphs (d)(2), (d)(3), and (e) to read                                the appropriations the NRC receives for                                   follows:
                                                  as follows:                                                               these types of activities. If the NRC’s
                                                  § 171.15 Annual fees: Reactor licenses                                    appropriations for these types of                                         Research reactor ..........................           $83,500
                                                  and independent spent fuel storage                                        activities are greater than the budgeted                                  Test reactor ..................................        83,500
                                                  licenses.                                                                 resources for the activities included in
                                                  *     *     *    *     *                                                  paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) and (d)(1)(iii) of                                  ■ 8. In § 171.16, revise paragraph (d)
                                                    (b)(1) The FY 2015 annual fee for each                                  this section for a given fiscal year,                                     and the introductory text of paragraph
                                                  operating power reactor which must be                                     annual fees will be reduced. The                                          (e) to read as follows:
                                                  collected by September 30, 2015, is                                       activities comprising the FY 2015 fee-
                                                                                                                            relief adjustment are as follows:                                         § 171.16 Annual fees: Materials licensees,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      holders of certificates of compliance,
                                                    (2) The FY 2015 annual fees are                                         *      *     *      *     *                                               holders of sealed source and device
                                                  comprised of a base annual fee for                                           (2) The total FY 2015 fee-relief                                       registrations, holders of quality assurance
                                                  power reactors licensed to operate, a                                     adjustment allocated to the operating                                     program approvals, and government
                                                  base spent fuel storage/reactor                                           power reactor class of licenses is a                                      agencies licensed by the NRC.
                                                  decommissioning annual fee, and                                           $2,088,700 fee-relief surplus, not
                                                  associated additional charges (fee-relief                                                                                                           *      *    *      *     *
                                                                                                                            including the amount allocated to the
                                                  adjustment). The activities comprising                                    spent fuel storage/reactor                                                   (d) The FY 2015 annual fees are
                                                  the spent storage/reactor                                                 decommissioning class. The FY 2015                                        comprised of a base annual fee and an
                                                  decommissioning base annual fee are                                       operating power reactor fee-relief                                        allocation for fee-relief adjustment. The
                                                  shown in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of                                 adjustment to be assessed to each                                         activities comprising the FY 2015 fee-
                                                  this section. The activities comprising                                   operating power reactor is                                                relief adjustment are shown for
                                                  the FY 2015 fee-relief adjustment are                                     approximately a $21,098 fee-relief                                        convenience in paragraph (e) of this
                                                  shown in paragraph (d)(1) of this                                         surplus. This amount is calculated by                                     section. The FY 2015 annual fees for
                                                  section. The activities comprising the                                    dividing the total operating power                                        materials licensees and holders of
                                                  FY 2015 base annual fee for operating                                     reactor fee-relief surplus adjustment,                                    certificates, registrations, or approvals
                                                  power reactors are as follows:                                            $2,088,700 million, by the number of                                      subject to fees under this section are
                                                  *     *     *    *     *                                                  operating power reactors (99).                                            shown in the following table:

                                                                     SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS ANNUAL FEES AND FEES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES LICENSED BY NRC
                                                                                                                                        [See footnotes at end of table]
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                           Category of materials licenses                                                                                               fees 1 2 3

                                                  1. Special nuclear material:
                                                      A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U–235 or plutonium for fuel fabrication activities.
                                                             (a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material (High Enriched Uranium) [Program Code(s): 21130] ..........................................                                                         $8,473,000
                                                             (b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible Form Used for Fabrication of Power Reactor Fuel [Program Code(s):
                                                                21210] ............................................................................................................................................................................       2,915,000

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                           37461

                                                         SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS ANNUAL FEES AND FEES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES LICENSED BY NRC—Continued
                                                                                                                                         [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                                            Category of materials licenses                                                                                               fees 1 2 3

                                                      (2) All other special nuclear materials licenses not included in Category 1.A.(1) which are licensed for fuel cycle activities.
                                                              (a) Facilities with limited operations [Program Code(s): 21310, 21320] ...........................................................................                                                   0
                                                              (b) Gas centrifuge enrichment demonstration facilities .....................................................................................................                                 1,640,000
                                                              (c) Others, including hot cell facilities ................................................................................................................................                     820,000
                                                      B. Licenses for receipt and storage of spent fuel and reactor-related Greater than Class C (GTCC) waste at an inde-
                                                        pendent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) [Program Code(s): 23200] .............................................................................                                                 11 N/A

                                                      C. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear material of less than a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this
                                                        chapter, in sealed sources contained in devices used in industrial measuring systems, including x-ray fluorescence ana-
                                                        lyzers.15 [Program Code(s): 22140] .........................................................................................................................................                            3,200
                                                      D. All other special nuclear material licenses, except licenses authorizing special nuclear material in sealed or unsealed
                                                        form in combination that would constitute a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for which the licensee shall
                                                        pay the same fees as those under Category 1.A.15 [Program Code(s): 22110, 22111, 22120, 22131, 22136, 22150,
                                                        22151, 22161, 22170, 23100, 23300, 23310] ..........................................................................................................................                                   8,200
                                                      E. Licenses or certificates for the operation of a uranium enrichment facility [Program Code(s): 21200] .................................                                                            4,009,000
                                                      F. For special nuclear materials licenses in sealed or unsealed form of greater than a critical mass as defined in § 70.4 of
                                                        this chapter.15 [Program Code: 22155] ....................................................................................................................................                              6,800
                                                  2. Source material:
                                                      A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of source material for refining uranium mill concentrates to uranium hexafluoride or
                                                        for deconverting uranium hexafluoride in the production of uranium oxides for disposal. [Program Code: 11400] ...............                                                                      1,731,000
                                                      (2) Licenses for possession and use of source material in recovery operations such as milling, in-situ recovery, heap-leach-
                                                        ing, ore buying stations, ion-exchange facilities and in-processing of ores containing source material for extraction of met-
                                                        als other than uranium or thorium, including licenses authorizing the possession of byproduct waste material (tailings)
                                                        from source material recovery operations, as well as licenses authorizing the possession and maintenance of a facility in
                                                        a standby mode.
                                                              (a) Conventional and Heap Leach facilities [Program Code(s): 11100] ...........................................................................                                                 36,100
                                                              (b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities [Program Code(s): 11500] .......................................................................................                                          45,800
                                                              (c) Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities [Program Code(s): 11510] ................................................................................                                              51,800
                                                              (d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities [Program Code(s): 11550] .......................................................................................                                               0
                                                              (e) Resin Toll Milling facilities [Program Code(s): 11555] .................................................................................................                                     5 N/A

                                                      (3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from
                                                        other persons for possession and disposal, except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) or Category
                                                        2.A.(4) [Program Code(s): 11600, 12000] ................................................................................................................................                                5 N/A

                                                      (4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in Section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from
                                                        other persons for possession and disposal incidental to the disposal of the uranium waste tailings generated by the li-
                                                        censee’s milling operations, except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) [Program Code(s): 12010] ........                                                                          20,500
                                                      (5) Licenses that authorize the possession of source material related to removal of contaminants (source material) from
                                                        drinking water [Program Code(s): 11820] ................................................................................................................................                                6,000
                                                      B. Licenses that authorize possession, use, and/or installation of source material for shielding.16 17 18 [Program Code:
                                                        11210] .......................................................................................................................................................................................          3,500
                                                      C. Licenses to distribute items containing source material to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 40 of
                                                        this chapter. [Program Code: 11240] .......................................................................................................................................                             6,800
                                                      D. Licenses to distribute source material to persons generally licensed under part 40 of this chapter [Program Code(s):
                                                        11230 and 11231] .....................................................................................................................................................................                  6,800
                                                      E. Licenses for possession and use of source material for processing or manufacturing of products or materials containing
                                                        source material for commercial distribution. [Program Code: 11710] ......................................................................................                                               8,300
                                                      F. All other source material licenses. [Program Code(s): 11200, 11220, 11221, 11300, 11800, 11810] ...................................                                                                    7,800
                                                  3. Byproduct material:
                                                      A. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for
                                                        processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution [Program Code(s): 03211,
                                                        03212, 03213] ...........................................................................................................................................................................             30,700
                                                      B. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or man-
                                                        ufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution [Program Code(s): 03214, 03215, 22135,
                                                        22162] .......................................................................................................................................................................................        13,000
                                                      C. Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter authorizing the processing or manufacturing and distribution
                                                        or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or sources and devices containing byproduct ma-
                                                        terial. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding authorized under part 40 of
                                                        this chapter when included on the same license. This category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational
                                                        institutions whose processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 171.11(a)(1). [Program Code(s): 02500, 02511, 02513]                                                                                 13,500
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                                                      D. [Reserved] ................................................................................................................................................................................           5 N/A

                                                      E. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source
                                                        is not removed from its shield (self-shielded units) [Program Code(s): 03510, 03520] ..........................................................                                                         9,900
                                                      F. Licenses for possession and use of less than 10,000 curies of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of ma-
                                                        terials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes underwater irradiators for irra-
                                                        diation of materials in which the source is not exposed for irradiation purposes [Program Code(s): 03511] .........................                                                                   12,300
                                                      G. Licenses for possession and use of 10,000 curies or more of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of ma-
                                                        terials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes underwater irradiators for irra-
                                                        diation of materials in which the source is not exposed for irradiation purposes [Program Code(s): 03521] .........................                                                                  108,900

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                                                  37462                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                          SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS ANNUAL FEES AND FEES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES LICENSED BY NRC—Continued
                                                                                                                                         [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                                            Category of materials licenses                                                                                             fees 1 2 3

                                                        H. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material that require
                                                           device review to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter, except specific licenses au-
                                                           thorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing require-
                                                           ments of part 30 of this chapter [Program Code(s): 03254, 03255] ........................................................................................                                        12,400
                                                        I. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material or quantities
                                                           of byproduct material that do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30
                                                           of this chapter, except for specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to
                                                           persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter [Program Code(s): 03250, 03251, 03252,
                                                           03253, 03256] ...........................................................................................................................................................................        18,300
                                                        J. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material that require
                                                           sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter, except specific licenses
                                                           authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed under part 31
                                                           of this chapter [Program Code(s): 03240, 03241, 03243] ........................................................................................................                                    4,700
                                                        K. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material or quantities
                                                           of byproduct material that do not require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under part 31
                                                           of this chapter, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to
                                                           persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter [Program Code(s): 03242, 03244] .................................................                                                         3,500
                                                        L. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for
                                                           research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program
                                                           Code(s): 01100, 01110, 01120, 03610, 03611, 03612, 03613] ...............................................................................................                                        17,900
                                                                (1) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of product material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter
                                                                   for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 6–20 ......                                                                      24,000
                                                                (2) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this
                                                                   chapter for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use:
                                                                   20 or more ......................................................................................................................................................................        29,900
                                                        M. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for research and de-
                                                           velopment that do not authorize commercial distribution [Program Code(s): 03620] ..............................................................                                                  12,400
                                                        N. Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except: (1) Licenses that authorize only calibration and/or leak test-
                                                           ing services are subject to the fees specified in fee Category 3.P.; and (2) Licenses that authorize waste disposal serv-
                                                           ices are subject to the fees specified in fee categories 4.A., 4.B., and 4.C. [Program Code(s): 03219, 03225, 03226] .......                                                                     21,200
                                                        O. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography op-
                                                           erations. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding authorized under part 40 of
                                                           this chapter when authorized on the same license [Program Code(s): 03310, 03320] ..........................................................                                                      25,800
                                                        P. All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in Categories 4.A. through 9.D.19 [Program Code(s): 02400,
                                                           02410, 03120, 03121, 03122, 03123, 03124, 03140, 03130, 03220, 03221, 03222, 03800, 03810, 22130] .........................                                                                        8,000
                                                        Q. Registration of devices generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter ...............................................................................                                          13 N/A

                                                        R. Possession of items or products containing radium–226 identified in 10 CFR 31.12 which exceed the number of items or
                                                           limits specified in that section: 14
                                                                1. Possession of quantities exceeding the number of items or limits in 10 CFR 31.12(a)(4), or (5) but less than or
                                                                   equal to 10 times the number of items or limits specified [Program Code(s): 02700] .................................................                                                       8,000
                                                                2. Possession of quantities exceeding 10 times the number of items or limits specified in 10 CFR 31.12(a)(4) or (5)
                                                                   [Program Code(s): 02710] .............................................................................................................................................                    8,300
                                                        S. Licenses for production of accelerator-produced radionuclides [Program Code(s): 03210] ...................................................                                                       31,100
                                                  4.   Waste disposal and processing:
                                                        A. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material
                                                           from other persons for the purpose of contingency storage or commercial land disposal by the licensee; or licenses au-
                                                           thorizing contingency storage of low-level radioactive waste at the site of nuclear power reactors; or licenses for receipt
                                                           of waste from other persons for incineration or other treatment, packaging of resulting waste and residues, and transfer
                                                           of packages to another person authorized to receive or dispose of waste material [Program Code(s): 03231, 03233,
                                                           03235, 03236, 06100, 06101] ...................................................................................................................................................                    5 N/A

                                                        B. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material
                                                           from other persons for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The licensee will dispose of the material by
                                                           transfer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material [Program Code(s): 03234] ................................                                                            22,200
                                                        C. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste byproduct material, source material, or special nu-
                                                           clear material from other persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to
                                                           receive or dispose of the material [Program Code(s): 03232] .................................................................................................                                    14,700
                                                  5.   Well logging:
                                                        A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material for well logging,
                                                           well surveys, and tracer studies other than field flooding tracer studies [Program Code(s): 03110, 03111, 03112] .............                                                                   14,400
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                                                        B. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material for field flooding tracer studies. [Program Code(s): 03113] ...........                                                                     5 N/A

                                                  6.   Nuclear laundries:
                                                        A. Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated with byproduct material, source material, or spe-
                                                           cial nuclear material [Program Code(s): 03218] .......................................................................................................................                           40,100
                                                  7.   Medical licenses:
                                                        A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, or
                                                           special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or
                                                           similar beam therapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when
                                                           authorized on the same license. [Program Code(s): 02300, 02310] .......................................................................................                                          24,700

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                             37463

                                                         SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS ANNUAL FEES AND FEES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES LICENSED BY NRC—Continued
                                                                                                                                          [See footnotes at end of table]

                                                                                                                             Category of materials licenses                                                                                                fees 1 2 3

                                                       B. Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of
                                                          this chapter authorizing research and development, including human use of byproduct material, except licenses for by-
                                                          product material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This
                                                          category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9
                                                          [Program Code(s): 02110] ........................................................................................................................................................                     37,500
                                                       C. Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source mate-
                                                          rial, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in
                                                          sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material
                                                          for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 20 [Program Code(s): 02120, 02121, 02200, 02201, 02210, 02220,
                                                          02230, 02231, 02240, 22160] ...................................................................................................................................................                       13,300
                                                  8. Civil defense:
                                                       A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material for civil defense ac-
                                                          tivities [Program Code(s): 03710] .............................................................................................................................................                         8,000
                                                  9. Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluation:
                                                       A. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material, source material, or
                                                          special nuclear material, except reactor fuel devices, for commercial distribution ..................................................................                                                   7,900
                                                       B. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material, source material, or
                                                          special nuclear material manufactured in accordance with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant,
                                                          except reactor fuel devices .......................................................................................................................................................                   13,200
                                                       C. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material, source material, or spe-
                                                          cial nuclear material, except reactor fuel, for commercial distribution .....................................................................................                                           7,800
                                                       D. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material, source material, or spe-
                                                          cial nuclear material, manufactured in accordance with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant,
                                                          except reactor fuel ....................................................................................................................................................................                1,600
                                                  10. Transportation of radioactive material:
                                                       A. Certificates of Compliance or other package approvals issued for design of casks, packages, and shipping containers.
                                                                 1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and plutonium air packages ........................................................................................                                             6 N/A

                                                                 2. Other Casks ...................................................................................................................................................................               6 N/A

                                                       B. Quality assurance program approvals issued under part 71 of this chapter.
                                                                 1. Users and Fabricators ...................................................................................................................................................                     6 N/A

                                                                 2. Users .............................................................................................................................................................................           6 N/A

                                                       C. Evaluation of security plans, route approvals, route surveys, and transportation security devices (including immobilization
                                                          devices) .....................................................................................................................................................................................          6 N/A

                                                  11. Standardized spent fuel facilities ...................................................................................................................................................                      6 N/A

                                                  12. Special Projects [Program Code(s): 25110] ..................................................................................................................................                                6 N/A

                                                  13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of Compliance ..................................................................................................................                                     6 N/A

                                                       B. General licenses for storage of spent fuel under 10 CFR 72.210 ..........................................................................................                                              12 N/A

                                                  14. Decommissioning/Reclamation:
                                                       A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear material licenses and other approvals authorizing decommissioning, decontamina-
                                                          tion, reclamation, or site restoration activities under parts 30, 40, 70, 72, and 76 of this chapter, including master mate-
                                                          rials licenses (MMLs) [Program Code(s): 3900, 11900, 21135, 21215, 21240, 21325, 22200] ..............................................                                                                  7 N/A

                                                       B. Site-specific decommissioning activities associated with unlicensed sites, including MMLs, whether or not the sites have
                                                          been previously licensed ..........................................................................................................................................................                     7 N/A

                                                  15. Import and Export licenses ............................................................................................................................................................                     8 N/A

                                                  16. Reciprocity .....................................................................................................................................................................................          8 N/A

                                                  17. Master materials licenses of broad scope issued to Government agencies [Program Code(s): 03614] .....................................                                                                    343,000
                                                  18. Department of Energy:
                                                       A. Certificates of Compliance .......................................................................................................................................................               10 1,623,000

                                                       B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) activities ..........................................................................................                                           666,000
                                                     1 Annual  fees will be assessed based on whether a licensee held a valid license with the NRC authorizing possession and use of radioactive
                                                  material during the current FY. The annual fee is waived for those materials licenses and holders of certificates, registrations, and approvals who
                                                  either filed for termination of their licenses or approvals or filed for possession only/storage licenses before October 1, 2015, and permanently
                                                  ceased licensed activities entirely before this date. Annual fees for licensees who filed for termination of a license, downgrade of a license, or for
                                                  a possession-only license during the FY and for new licenses issued during the FY will be prorated in accordance with the provisions of
                                                  § 171.17. If a person holds more than one license, certificate, registration, or approval, the annual fee(s) will be assessed for each license, certifi-
                                                  cate, registration, or approval held by that person. For licenses that authorize more than one activity on a single license (e.g., human use and
                                                  irradiator activities), annual fees will be assessed for each category applicable to the license.
                                                     2 Payment of the prescribed annual fee does not automatically renew the license, certificate, registration, or approval for which the fee is paid.
                                                  Renewal applications must be filed in accordance with the requirements of parts 30, 40, 70, 71, 72, or 76 of this chapter.
                                                     3 Each FY, fees for these materials licenses will be calculated and assessed in accordance with § 171.13 and will be published in the Federal
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                                                  Register for notice and comment.
                                                     4 Other facilities include licenses for extraction of metals, heavy metals, and rare earths.
                                                     5 There are no existing NRC licenses in these fee categories. If NRC issues a license for these categories, the Commission will consider es-
                                                  tablishing an annual fee for this type of license.
                                                     6 Standardized spent fuel facilities, 10 CFR parts 71 and 72 Certificates of Compliance and related Quality Assurance program approvals, and
                                                  special reviews, such as topical reports, are not assessed an annual fee because the generic costs of regulating these activities are primarily at-
                                                  tributable to users of the designs, certificates, and topical reports.
                                                     7Licensees in this category are not assessed an annual fee because they are charged an annual fee in other categories while they are li-
                                                  censed to operate.
                                                     8 No annual fee is charged because it is not practical to administer due to the relatively short life or temporary nature of the license.

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                                                  37464              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 125 / Tuesday, June 30, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                     9 Separate annual fees will not be assessed for pacemaker licenses issued to medical institutions that also hold nuclear medicine licenses
                                                  under fee categories 7.B. or 7.C.
                                                     10 This includes Certificates of Compliance issued to the U.S. Department of Energy that are not funded from the Nuclear Waste Fund.
                                                     11 See § 171.15(c).
                                                     12 See § 171.15(c).
                                                     13 No annual fee is charged for this category because the cost of the general license registration program applicable to licenses in this cat-
                                                  egory will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees.
                                                     14 Persons who possess radium sources that are used for operational purposes in another fee category are not also subject to the fees in this
                                                  category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources are possessed for storage only.)
                                                     15 Licensees paying annual fees under category 1.A., 1.B., and 1.E. are not subject to the annual fees for categories 1.C., 1.D., and 1.F. for
                                                  sealed sources authorized in the license.
                                                     16 Licensees subject to fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., or 2.A. must pay the largest applicable fee and are not subject to additional fees
                                                  listed in this table.
                                                     17 Licensees paying fees under 3.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession
                                                     and shielding authorized on the same license.
                                                     18 Licensees paying fees under 7.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession
                                                     and shielding authorized on the same license.
                                                     19 Licensees paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees under 3.P. for calibration or leak testing services authorized on the same li-
                                                     20 Licensees paying fees under 7.B. are not subject to paying fees under 7.C. for broad scope license licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40,
                                                  and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct mate-
                                                  rial, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized on the same license.

                                                    (e) The fee-relief adjustment allocated               activities are greater than the budgeted                 Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 17th day
                                                  to annual fees includes the budgeted                    resources for the activities included in               of June 2015.
                                                  resources for the activities listed in                  paragraphs (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this                     For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                                  paragraph (e)(1) of this section, plus the              section for a given fiscal year, a negative            Maureen E. Wylie,
                                                  total budgeted resources for the                        fee-relief adjustment (or annual fee                   Chief Financial Officer.
                                                  activities included in paragraphs (e)(2)                reduction) will be allocated to annual
                                                                                                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–15763 Filed 6–29–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  and (e)(3) of this section, as reduced by               fees. The activities comprising the FY
                                                                                                          2015 fee-relief adjustment are as                      BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                  the appropriations the NRC receives for
                                                  these types of activities. If the NRC’s                 follows:
                                                  appropriations for these types of                       *     *     *     *      *
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Document Created: 2018-02-22 11:16:49
Document Modified: 2018-02-22 11:16:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis final rule is effective on August 31, 2015.
ContactArlette Howard, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, telephone: 301-415-1481, email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 37432 
RIN Number3150-AJ44
CFR Citation10 CFR 170
10 CFR 171
CFR AssociatedByproduct Material; Import and Export Licenses; Intergovernmental Relations; Non-Payment Penalties; Nuclear Materials; Nuclear Power Plants and Reactors; Source Material; Special Nuclear Material; Annual Charges; Holders of Certificates; Registrations; Approvals and Nonpayment Penalties

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