80_FR_37727 80 FR 37601 - Presidential Task Force on Combating Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud Action Plan for Implementing Recommendations 14/15; Determining Types of Information and Operational Standards Related to Data Collection

80 FR 37601 - Presidential Task Force on Combating Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud Action Plan for Implementing Recommendations 14/15; Determining Types of Information and Operational Standards Related to Data Collection

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 126 (July 1, 2015)

Page Range37601-37603
FR Document2015-16185

The National Ocean Council Committee on IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud (NOC Committee) is seeking public input on the minimum types of information necessary for an effective seafood traceability program to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud, as well as the operational standards related to collecting, verifying and securing that data.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 126 (Wednesday, July 1, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 126 (Wednesday, July 1, 2015)]
[Pages 37601-37603]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-16185]

[[Page 37601]]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XD991

Presidential Task Force on Combating Illegal Unreported and 
Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud Action Plan for 
Implementing Recommendations 14/15; Determining Types of Information 
and Operational Standards Related to Data Collection

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The National Ocean Council Committee on IUU Fishing and 
Seafood Fraud (NOC Committee) is seeking public input on the minimum 
types of information necessary for an effective seafood traceability 
program to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud, as well as the 
operational standards related to collecting, verifying and securing 
that data.

DATES: Comments must be received by July 31, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on this document, identified by 
NOAA-NMFS-2014-0090, by either of the following methods:
     Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public 
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to 
www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2014-0090, click the 
``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or 
attach your comments.
     Mail: Submit written comments to Melissa Beaudry, Quality 
Officer, Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection, 1315 
East-West Highway, Suite 9511, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the comment period, may not be 
considered. All comments received are part of the public record and 
will generally be posted for public viewing on www.regulations.gov 
without change. All personal identifying information (e.g., name, 
address, etc.), confidential business information, or otherwise 
sensitive information submitted voluntarily by the sender will be 
publicly accessible. Anonymous comments will be accepted (enter ``N/A'' 
in the required field if you wish to remain anonymous.)

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Melissa Beaudry, Quality Officer, 
Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection; 301-427-8308.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On March 15, 2015, the Presidential Task 
Force on Combating IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud (Task Force), co-
chaired by the Departments of Commerce and State, published its Action 
Plan for Implementing the Task Force Recommendations (http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ia/iuu/taskforce.html).
    The Action Plan articulates the steps that Federal agencies will 
take to implement the recommendations the Task Force made to the 
President in December 2014 on a comprehensive framework of integrated 
programs to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud. The plan identifies 
actions that will strengthen enforcement, create and expand 
partnerships with state and local governments, industry, and non-
governmental organizations, and create a risk-based traceability 
program to track seafood from harvest to point of entry into U.S. 
commerce, including the use of existing traceability mechanisms. The 
work initiated by the Task Force is now under the oversight of a 
National Ocean Council (NOC) Committee. The design of the traceability 
program will be led by an interagency working group.
    This notice is among the first steps in implementing Task Force 
Recommendations 14 and 15, specifically, developing types of 
information and operational standards related to data collection. The 
data collected will establish a foundation for the risk-based seafood 
traceability program to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud from 
harvest (wild-capture or aquaculture) to point of entry into U.S. 
commerce, as described in the Task Force Action Plan. This data is 
being collected for use by appropriate government officials.
    With this notice, the Committee is soliciting comments on the 
minimum types of information that should be collected and the 
operational standards to be applied to this data. The data collected 
should include, but is not limited to, the following information:
    (1) Who harvested or produced the fish?
     Name of harvesting vessel;
     Flag State of harvesting vessel;
     Name of farm or aquaculture facility;
     Name of processor; and
     Type of fishing gear.
    (2) What fish was harvested and processed?
     Species of fish;
     Product description;
     Name of product;
     Form of the product; and
     Quantity and/or weight of the product.
    (3) Where and when was the fish harvested and landed?
     Area of wild-capture or aquaculture harvest;
     Harvest date(s);
     Name and location of aquaculture facility;
     Point of first landing;
     Date of first landing;
    The Committee also believes the following information logically 
should be considered:
    (4) What was the chain of custody of the fish or fish product 
through the supply chain to point of entry into U.S. commerce 
     Transshipment of product; and,
     Processing, re-processing, or co-mingling of product
    The Committee seeks comment regarding the information needed to 
answer the four questions posed above, as well as any additional 
information necessary for the implementation of an effective risk-based 
seafood traceability program. An effective traceability system must be 
capable of capturing a complex supply chain which may involve 
reprocessing, mixed species, cold storage holding, trans-shipments, 
etc., as well as the simple harvest of a single species.
    Given the scope of the traceability system anticipated in the 
Action Plan, additional data required for fish harvested in U.S. 
domestic fisheries is minimal because domestically harvested fish 
enters U.S. commerce at its first point of landing and, to a large 
extent, relevant data are already generated and reported through 
existing state and federal permitting, catch monitoring, and landing 
reports implemented under federal and state fishery management plans. 
At-risk species that are harvested domestically, exported for 
reprocessing, and then re-imported to the U.S. may require traceability 
throughout that entire supply chain.
    The Operational standards to apply to the data collected may 
include, but are not limited to, the following:
     How the data are to be collected;
     Interoperability with existing traceability systems;
     Who has responsibility for collecting the data;
     How the data will be verified; and
     Data security.

Who harvested or produced the fish?

    This information establishes the starting point of the traceability 
process. Although this information is straightforward in many cases, 
operational characteristics of some

[[Page 37602]]

fisheries present challenges. Traceability of an operation in which 
easily identified, individual vessels deliver directly to a buyer or 
processor may be relatively simple. However in a fishery with tender 
vessels taking deliveries from many smaller harvesting boats, 
collection of this information could become burdensome. In this 
instance, the Committee currently anticipates requiring only the name 
of the tender vessels making traceable deliveries to a buyer or 
processor. Comments are requested as to what information, if any, is 
necessary regarding the harvesting vessel name and flag state and 
authorization to harvest the species in question for the implementation 
of an effective traceability program.
    Aquacultured species are easier to trace back to a particular pond 
or region, and the Action Plan states that the traceability process 
shall start at the point of harvest. It is therefore unlikely that 
facility information for the raising of the breeders or the 
fingerlings, depending upon the fishery, will be included in the 
traceability program. Also, the body of water for a farm-raised species 
could have several aquaculture facilities in place by different 
companies. The Committee requests comments addressing the whether the 
aquaculture facility or the body of water is appropriate point of 
origin in a traceability system for aquacultured species.
    Processor and gear type are common elements in many fishery 
traceability systems. Processors may already be required to trace their 
products through some portion of the supply chain. The Committee 
considers information related to processing and/or reprocessing of 
product to be critical to tracking chain-of-custody, notes that this 
information is required for existing global traceability programs, and 
anticipates the requirement of such data as a part of this traceability 
program. This would include information about primary processors and 
secondary processors who maintained custody of the shipment prior to 
entering the United States.
    In the context of seafood traceability, gear information helps to 
link specific vessels to the fishery in which they participate and the 
species they harvest. The Committee intends to require gear type 
information for the proposed traceability system and requests comments 
as to whether and what gear type information should be collected for 

What fish was harvested and processed?

    A traceability system to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud 
requires certain minimal information, including the species of the 
fish, the quantity and/or weight of the catch, and the form of the 
product. The state of the shipment (live, raw/fresh, or frozen) and the 
type of product informs the calculation of the actual amount of fish 
harvested, as well as the potential risk for fraud associated with the 
product. The Committee therefore intends to request this information 
and seeks comments regarding its use for traceability purposes as well 
as suggestions for alternative approaches to trace fish and seafood 
products in various forms.
    The Committee is considering a range of options with respect to 
species identification, including scientific names, names on the U.S. 
Food and Drug Administration approved list, and common or market names. 
Use of scientific names may minimize confusion at the border. As common 
or market names tend to group similar species, requiring the scientific 
name could dramatically increase the number of species names listed, 
thereby increasing the possibility of reporting error. However, using 
common or market names could be used to mask the import of a species at 
risk of IUU fishing or seafood fraud. The U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration approved list of fish names for labeling of fish in the 
United States may not cover all fish entering the United States and 
adding a market or common name to that list may take time. Comments are 
requested as to whether scientific names, common, usual, or market 
names, or some combination, should serve as the basis for species 
identification in the traceability program and be utilized for 
identifying imported product at the point of entry into U.S. commerce.

Where and when was the fish harvested and landed?

    Collection of information identifying the area of harvest or the 
region in which an aquaculture facility is located, and the time at 
which the harvest took place, represents the initial ``link'' in the 
supply chain. It represents the action back to which the at-risk 
species entering U.S. commerce will be traced. For wild-capture 
fisheries, the Committee intends to identify area of harvest by FAO 
catch area designation or comparable designation of fresh-water 
sources. The Committee has identified area or body of water and 
facility as data required for establishing where and when fish was 
harvested from an aquaculture source. The Committee seeks comments on 
the adequacy of this information for identifying where and when fish is 
harvested, alternative data that may be useful in tracing product to 
time and place of harvest, and methods for verifying the accuracy of 
data used for this purpose.

What was the chain of custody through the supply chain to point of 
entry into U.S. commerce?

    As described above, identifying the point of harvest within an area 
or aquaculture facility is relatively straightforward. However, the 
global market for fish and seafood products supports complex supply 
chains, including transshipment to one or more locations prior to entry 
into U.S. commerce. Shipments may be co-mingled with similar species 
from other locations, complicating the process of traceability to point 
of harvest. An effective traceability system will require information 
on each point of landing, transshipment and processing throughout the 
fish or seafood product's chain of custody to point of entry into U.S. 
commerce. This would include not only the harvest for each shipment, 
but information regarding any further processing and transshipment that 
occurred prior to entry into U.S. Commerce. Comments are requested as 
to the level of detailed information that should be required for 
country of harvest, transshipment, processing and re-processing, and 
co-mingling of product or species. The Committee requests comments 
regarding the appropriate data and standards for effective traceability 
at each stage of the supply chain from harvest to point of entry into 
U.S. commerce.

How the data are to be collected?

    The Committee recommends use of the International Trade Data System 
(ITDS) as the data collection portal for imports of species identified 
as at-risk of IUU fishing and seafood fraud. In an effort to streamline 
the import and export process, President Obama signed an Executive 
Order in February 2014 that requires ITDS to be completed and fully 
utilized by government agencies by December 2016. ITDS is a ``single 
window'' system which allows businesses to communicate with U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and its Partner Government Agencies 
(PGAs) when importing and exporting goods, eliminating the often 
duplicative and paper-based processes used previously. With ITDS, 
companies submit their information electronically, and the data 
elements can then be

[[Page 37603]]

quickly and efficiently retrieved and used by the Federal agencies that 
require them. More information on ITDS can be found at www.itds.gov.

Consistency Across Federal Agencies and Interoperability With Existing 
International, Federal, State, and Non-Governmental Information Systems

    Data at the border is currently collected both in electronic and 
hard copy formats. Hard copies are often scanned and then stored for 
future use. Use of the ITDS will not only simplify the collection of 
data by utilizing an electronic format, but interoperability of 
information is assured between all Federal agencies as only one data 
system is employed. The Committee anticipates the collection of data in 
electronic format using ITDS for ease of collection. With respect to 
interoperability of data captured and utilized by existing information 
systems, it is the Committee's intent to avoid, to the extent 
practicable, the establishment of redundant data collection processes 
or protocols that undermine the function and effectiveness of existing 
systems. While it is unlikely that ITDS will be capable of 
automatically ``retrieving'' data from existing databases, the 
Committee is interested in comments describing methods that will 
facilitate the use of existing systems to provide data identified in 
future traceability rule making. Comments are also requested regarding 
the proposed use of the ITDS, the potential use of other systems the 
Federal agencies should consider at the border, and if there are any 
barriers, known or perceived, in using the ITDS system.

Who would collect the data?

    Use of the ITDS system to collect proposed data elements for 
imports of species identified as at risk of IUU fishing and seafood 
fraud would require the importer (or exporter to the USA) to enter the 
information along with any necessary supporting documentation. The 
importer would be responsible for ensuring that the necessary data 
elements are collected along the supply chain and provided to CBP 
through ITDS at the point of entry.

How will the data be verified?

    A key element of these operational standards is data verification. 
The operational standards must provide relevant Federal agencies the 
ability to verify that documentation for at-risk seafood products is 
complete and accurate upon entry into U.S. commerce, and validate 
country-specific documents and certifications. The operational 
standards must also incorporate a system of data checks and periodic 
auditing. A system of trace-back audits would determine the quality and 
accuracy of the data submitted and identify missing information and 
discrepancies. Comments are requested regarding a system of audits of 
the documentation system for quality and accuracy.

Data Security

    As the additional data elements will be submitted through the 
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)/ITDS single window as part of an 
entry filing, the supplemental data will only be accessible to the 
entry filer, CBP, and Federal agencies with authorization to review 
entry filings for the designated commodities. Consequently, data 
security concerns are minimal. Comments regarding additional 
considerations with respect to data security are requested.
    Following the public comment period, the NOC Committee will take 
the input received into consideration while finalizing recommendations 
that will be sent forward for appropriate agency action by September 
2015, as outlined in the implementation plan for Task Force 
Recommendations 14 and 15.

    Dated: June 26, 2015.
John Henderschedt,
Director, Office for International Affairs and Seafood Inspection, 
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-16185 Filed 6-30-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices                                             37601

                                              DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  of International Affairs and Seafood                      • Form of the product; and
                                                                                                      Inspection; 301–427–8308.                                 • Quantity and/or weight of the
                                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On March                    product.
                                              Administration                                          15, 2015, the Presidential Task Force on                  (3) Where and when was the fish
                                              RIN 0648–XD991                                          Combating IUU Fishing and Seafood                      harvested and landed?
                                                                                                      Fraud (Task Force), co-chaired by the                     • Area of wild-capture or aquaculture
                                              Presidential Task Force on Combating                    Departments of Commerce and State,                     harvest;
                                              Illegal Unreported and Unregulated                      published its Action Plan for                             • Harvest date(s);
                                              (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud                         Implementing the Task Force                               • Name and location of aquaculture
                                              Action Plan for Implementing                            Recommendations (http://                               facility;
                                              Recommendations 14/15; Determining                      www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ia/iuu/                                 • Point of first landing;
                                              Types of Information and Operational                                                                              • Date of first landing;
                                                                                                                                                                The Committee also believes the
                                              Standards Related to Data Collection                       The Action Plan articulates the steps
                                                                                                                                                             following information logically should
                                                                                                      that Federal agencies will take to
                                              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                                                                             be considered:
                                                                                                      implement the recommendations the                         (4) What was the chain of custody of
                                              Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                                                                      Task Force made to the President in                    the fish or fish product through the
                                              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                                                                      December 2014 on a comprehensive                       supply chain to point of entry into U.S.
                                                                                                      framework of integrated programs to                    commerce including:
                                              ACTION: Notice; request for comments.                   combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud.                     • Transshipment of product; and,
                                              SUMMARY:   The National Ocean Council                   The plan identifies actions that will                     • Processing, re-processing, or co-
                                              Committee on IUU Fishing and Seafood                    strengthen enforcement, create and                     mingling of product
                                              Fraud (NOC Committee) is seeking                        expand partnerships with state and                        The Committee seeks comment
                                              public input on the minimum types of                    local governments, industry, and non-                  regarding the information needed to
                                              information necessary for an effective                  governmental organizations, and create                 answer the four questions posed above,
                                              seafood traceability program to combat                  a risk-based traceability program to                   as well as any additional information
                                              IUU fishing and seafood fraud, as well                  track seafood from harvest to point of                 necessary for the implementation of an
                                              as the operational standards related to                 entry into U.S. commerce, including the                effective risk-based seafood traceability
                                              collecting, verifying and securing that                 use of existing traceability mechanisms.               program. An effective traceability
                                              data.                                                   The work initiated by the Task Force is                system must be capable of capturing a
                                                                                                      now under the oversight of a National                  complex supply chain which may
                                              DATES:   Comments must be received by                   Ocean Council (NOC) Committee. The
                                              July 31, 2015.                                                                                                 involve reprocessing, mixed species,
                                                                                                      design of the traceability program will                cold storage holding, trans-shipments,
                                              ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                      be led by an interagency working group.                etc., as well as the simple harvest of a
                                              on this document, identified by NOAA–                      This notice is among the first steps in             single species.
                                              NMFS–2014–0090, by either of the                        implementing Task Force                                   Given the scope of the traceability
                                              following methods:                                      Recommendations 14 and 15,                             system anticipated in the Action Plan,
                                                 • Electronic Submission: Submit all                  specifically, developing types of                      additional data required for fish
                                              electronic public comments via the                      information and operational standards                  harvested in U.S. domestic fisheries is
                                              Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to                      related to data collection. The data                   minimal because domestically harvested
                                              www.regulations.gov/                                    collected will establish a foundation for              fish enters U.S. commerce at its first
                                              #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2014-                        the risk-based seafood traceability                    point of landing and, to a large extent,
                                              0090, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,                  program to combat IUU fishing and                      relevant data are already generated and
                                              complete the required fields, and enter                 seafood fraud from harvest (wild-                      reported through existing state and
                                              or attach your comments.                                capture or aquaculture) to point of entry              federal permitting, catch monitoring,
                                                 • Mail: Submit written comments to                   into U.S. commerce, as described in the                and landing reports implemented under
                                              Melissa Beaudry, Quality Officer, Office                Task Force Action Plan. This data is                   federal and state fishery management
                                              of International Affairs and Seafood                    being collected for use by appropriate                 plans. At-risk species that are harvested
                                              Inspection, 1315 East-West Highway,                     government officials.                                  domestically, exported for reprocessing,
                                              Suite 9511, Silver Spring, MD 20910.                       With this notice, the Committee is                  and then re-imported to the U.S. may
                                                 Instructions: Comments sent by any                   soliciting comments on the minimum                     require traceability throughout that
                                              other method, to any other address or                   types of information that should be                    entire supply chain.
                                              individual, or received after the                       collected and the operational standards                   The Operational standards to apply to
                                              comment period, may not be                              to be applied to this data. The data                   the data collected may include, but are
                                              considered. All comments received are                   collected should include, but is not                   not limited to, the following:
                                              part of the public record and will                      limited to, the following information:                    • How the data are to be collected;
                                              generally be posted for public viewing                     (1) Who harvested or produced the                      • Interoperability with existing
                                              on www.regulations.gov without change.                  fish?                                                  traceability systems;
                                              All personal identifying information                       • Name of harvesting vessel;                           • Who has responsibility for
                                              (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential                  • Flag State of harvesting vessel;                  collecting the data;
                                              business information, or otherwise                         • Name of farm or aquaculture                          • How the data will be verified; and
                                              sensitive information submitted                         facility;                                                 • Data security.
                                              voluntarily by the sender will be                          • Name of processor; and
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              publicly accessible. Anonymous                             • Type of fishing gear.                             Who harvested or produced the fish?
                                              comments will be accepted (enter ‘‘N/                      (2) What fish was harvested and                        This information establishes the
                                              A’’ in the required field if you wish to                processed?                                             starting point of the traceability process.
                                              remain anonymous.)                                         • Species of fish;                                  Although this information is
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                           • Product description;                              straightforward in many cases,
                                              Melissa Beaudry, Quality Officer, Office                   • Name of product;                                  operational characteristics of some

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:30 Jun 30, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00022   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\01JYN1.SGM   01JYN1

                                              37602                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices

                                              fisheries present challenges.                           What fish was harvested and                            from an aquaculture source. The
                                              Traceability of an operation in which                   processed?                                             Committee seeks comments on the
                                              easily identified, individual vessels                      A traceability system to combat IUU                 adequacy of this information for
                                              deliver directly to a buyer or processor                fishing and seafood fraud requires                     identifying where and when fish is
                                              may be relatively simple. However in a                  certain minimal information, including                 harvested, alternative data that may be
                                              fishery with tender vessels taking                      the species of the fish, the quantity and/             useful in tracing product to time and
                                              deliveries from many smaller harvesting                 or weight of the catch, and the form of                place of harvest, and methods for
                                              boats, collection of this information                   the product. The state of the shipment                 verifying the accuracy of data used for
                                              could become burdensome. In this                        (live, raw/fresh, or frozen) and the type              this purpose.
                                              instance, the Committee currently                       of product informs the calculation of the              What was the chain of custody through
                                              anticipates requiring only the name of                  actual amount of fish harvested, as well               the supply chain to point of entry into
                                              the tender vessels making traceable                     as the potential risk for fraud associated             U.S. commerce?
                                              deliveries to a buyer or processor.                     with the product. The Committee                           As described above, identifying the
                                              Comments are requested as to what                       therefore intends to request this                      point of harvest within an area or
                                              information, if any, is necessary                       information and seeks comments                         aquaculture facility is relatively
                                              regarding the harvesting vessel name                    regarding its use for traceability                     straightforward. However, the global
                                              and flag state and authorization to                     purposes as well as suggestions for                    market for fish and seafood products
                                              harvest the species in question for the                 alternative approaches to trace fish and               supports complex supply chains,
                                              implementation of an effective                          seafood products in various forms.                     including transshipment to one or more
                                              traceability program.                                      The Committee is considering a range                locations prior to entry into U.S.
                                                 Aquacultured species are easier to                   of options with respect to species                     commerce. Shipments may be co-
                                              trace back to a particular pond or region,              identification, including scientific                   mingled with similar species from other
                                              and the Action Plan states that the                     names, names on the U.S. Food and                      locations, complicating the process of
                                              traceability process shall start at the                 Drug Administration approved list, and                 traceability to point of harvest. An
                                                                                                      common or market names. Use of                         effective traceability system will require
                                              point of harvest. It is therefore unlikely
                                                                                                      scientific names may minimize                          information on each point of landing,
                                              that facility information for the raising
                                                                                                      confusion at the border. As common or                  transshipment and processing
                                              of the breeders or the fingerlings,
                                                                                                      market names tend to group similar                     throughout the fish or seafood product’s
                                              depending upon the fishery, will be
                                                                                                      species, requiring the scientific name                 chain of custody to point of entry into
                                              included in the traceability program.
                                                                                                      could dramatically increase the number                 U.S. commerce. This would include not
                                              Also, the body of water for a farm-raised               of species names listed, thereby
                                              species could have several aquaculture                                                                         only the harvest for each shipment, but
                                                                                                      increasing the possibility of reporting                information regarding any further
                                              facilities in place by different                        error. However, using common or                        processing and transshipment that
                                              companies. The Committee requests                       market names could be used to mask the                 occurred prior to entry into U.S.
                                              comments addressing the whether the                     import of a species at risk of IUU fishing             Commerce. Comments are requested as
                                              aquaculture facility or the body of water               or seafood fraud. The U.S. Food and                    to the level of detailed information that
                                              is appropriate point of origin in a                     Drug Administration approved list of                   should be required for country of
                                              traceability system for aquacultured                    fish names for labeling of fish in the                 harvest, transshipment, processing and
                                              species.                                                United States may not cover all fish                   re-processing, and co-mingling of
                                                 Processor and gear type are common                   entering the United States and adding a                product or species. The Committee
                                              elements in many fishery traceability                   market or common name to that list may                 requests comments regarding the
                                              systems. Processors may already be                      take time. Comments are requested as to                appropriate data and standards for
                                              required to trace their products through                whether scientific names, common,                      effective traceability at each stage of the
                                              some portion of the supply chain. The                   usual, or market names, or some                        supply chain from harvest to point of
                                              Committee considers information                         combination, should serve as the basis                 entry into U.S. commerce.
                                              related to processing and/or                            for species identification in the
                                                                                                                                                             How the data are to be collected?
                                              reprocessing of product to be critical to               traceability program and be utilized for
                                              tracking chain-of-custody, notes that                   identifying imported product at the                       The Committee recommends use of
                                              this information is required for existing               point of entry into U.S. commerce.                     the International Trade Data System
                                              global traceability programs, and                                                                              (ITDS) as the data collection portal for
                                                                                                      Where and when was the fish harvested                  imports of species identified as at-risk of
                                              anticipates the requirement of such data                and landed?
                                              as a part of this traceability program.                                                                        IUU fishing and seafood fraud. In an
                                              This would include information about                      Collection of information identifying                effort to streamline the import and
                                                                                                      the area of harvest or the region in                   export process, President Obama signed
                                              primary processors and secondary
                                                                                                      which an aquaculture facility is located,              an Executive Order in February 2014
                                              processors who maintained custody of
                                                                                                      and the time at which the harvest took                 that requires ITDS to be completed and
                                              the shipment prior to entering the
                                                                                                      place, represents the initial ‘‘link’’ in the          fully utilized by government agencies by
                                              United States.
                                                                                                      supply chain. It represents the action                 December 2016. ITDS is a ‘‘single
                                                 In the context of seafood traceability,              back to which the at-risk species                      window’’ system which allows
                                              gear information helps to link specific                 entering U.S. commerce will be traced.                 businesses to communicate with U.S.
                                              vessels to the fishery in which they                    For wild-capture fisheries, the                        Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              participate and the species they harvest.               Committee intends to identify area of                  and its Partner Government Agencies
                                              The Committee intends to require gear                   harvest by FAO catch area designation                  (PGAs) when importing and exporting
                                              type information for the proposed                       or comparable designation of fresh-                    goods, eliminating the often duplicative
                                              traceability system and requests                        water sources. The Committee has                       and paper-based processes used
                                              comments as to whether and what gear                    identified area or body of water and                   previously. With ITDS, companies
                                              type information should be collected for                facility as data required for establishing             submit their information electronically,
                                              traceability.                                           where and when fish was harvested                      and the data elements can then be

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices                                             37603

                                              quickly and efficiently retrieved and                   operational standards must also                        ADDRESSES:    Direct all written comments
                                              used by the Federal agencies that                       incorporate a system of data checks and                to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
                                              require them. More information on ITDS                  periodic auditing. A system of trace-                  Paperwork Clearance Officer,
                                              can be found at www.itds.gov.                           back audits would determine the quality                Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
                                                                                                      and accuracy of the data submitted and                 14th and Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                              Consistency Across Federal Agencies
                                              and Interoperability With Existing                      identify missing information and                       Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
                                              International, Federal, State, and Non-                 discrepancies. Comments are requested                  Internet at JJessup@doc.gov).
                                              Governmental Information Systems                        regarding a system of audits of the                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      documentation system for quality and                   Requests for additional information or
                                                 Data at the border is currently                      accuracy.                                              copies of the information collection
                                              collected both in electronic and hard                                                                          instrument and instructions should be
                                              copy formats. Hard copies are often                     Data Security
                                                                                                                                                             directed to Adam Bailey, National
                                              scanned and then stored for future use.                   As the additional data elements will                 Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),
                                              Use of the ITDS will not only simplify                  be submitted through the Automated                     Southeast Regional Office, 263 13th
                                              the collection of data by utilizing an                  Commercial Environment (ACE)/ITDS                      Ave. S, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, (727)
                                              electronic format, but interoperability of              single window as part of an entry filing,              824–5305, adam.bailey@noaa.gov.
                                              information is assured between all                      the supplemental data will only be
                                              Federal agencies as only one data                                                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                      accessible to the entry filer, CBP, and
                                              system is employed. The Committee                       Federal agencies with authorization to                 I. Abstract
                                              anticipates the collection of data in                   review entry filings for the designated
                                              electronic format using ITDS for ease of                                                                          This request is for revision and
                                                                                                      commodities. Consequently, data                        extension of a currently approved
                                              collection. With respect to                             security concerns are minimal.
                                              interoperability of data captured and                                                                          information collection.
                                                                                                      Comments regarding additional                             The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
                                              utilized by existing information                        considerations with respect to data
                                              systems, it is the Committee’s intent to                                                                       Conservation and Management Act
                                                                                                      security are requested.                                authorizes the Gulf of Mexico Fishery
                                              avoid, to the extent practicable, the                     Following the public comment
                                              establishment of redundant data                                                                                Management Council (Gulf Council) and
                                                                                                      period, the NOC Committee will take                    South Atlantic Fishery Management
                                              collection processes or protocols that                  the input received into consideration
                                              undermine the function and                                                                                     Council (South Atlantic Council) to
                                                                                                      while finalizing recommendations that                  prepare and amend fishery management
                                              effectiveness of existing systems. While                will be sent forward for appropriate
                                              it is unlikely that ITDS will be capable                                                                       plans for any fishery in Federal waters
                                                                                                      agency action by September 2015, as                    under their respective jurisdictions.
                                              of automatically ‘‘retrieving’’ data from               outlined in the implementation plan for
                                              existing databases, the Committee is                                                                           NMFS and the Gulf Council manage the
                                                                                                      Task Force Recommendations 14 and                      reef fish fishery in the Gulf of Mexico
                                              interested in comments describing                       15.
                                              methods that will facilitate the use of                                                                        (Gulf) under the Reef Fish Fishery
                                                                                                        Dated: June 26, 2015.                                Management Plan (FMP). NMFS and the
                                              existing systems to provide data
                                              identified in future traceability rule                  John Henderschedt,                                     South Atlantic Council manage the
                                              making. Comments are also requested                     Director, Office for International Affairs and         fishery for rock shrimp in the South
                                              regarding the proposed use of the ITDS,                 Seafood Inspection, National Marine                    Atlantic under the Shrimp FMP. The
                                                                                                      Fisheries Service.                                     vessel monitoring system (VMS)
                                              the potential use of other systems the
                                              Federal agencies should consider at the                 [FR Doc. 2015–16185 Filed 6–30–15; 8:45 am]            regulations for the Gulf reef fish fishery
                                              border, and if there are any barriers,                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                 and the South Atlantic rock shrimp
                                              known or perceived, in using the ITDS                                                                          fishery may be found at 50 CFR 622.28
                                              system.                                                                                                        and 622.205, respectively.
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                    The FMPs contains several area-
                                              Who would collect the data?                                                                                    specific regulations where fishing is
                                                                                                      National Oceanic and Atmospheric                       restricted or prohibited in order to
                                                 Use of the ITDS system to collect
                                                                                                      Administration                                         protect habitat or spawning
                                              proposed data elements for imports of
                                              species identified as at risk of IUU                                                                           aggregations, or to control fishing
                                                                                                      Proposed Information Collection;
                                              fishing and seafood fraud would require                                                                        pressure. Unlike size, bag, and trip
                                                                                                      Comment Request; Southeast Region
                                              the importer (or exporter to the USA) to                                                                       limits, where the catch can be
                                                                                                      Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and
                                              enter the information along with any                                                                           monitored on shore when a vessel
                                                                                                      Related Requirements
                                              necessary supporting documentation.                                                                            returns to port, area restrictions require
                                              The importer would be responsible for                   AGENCY: National Oceanic and                           at-sea enforcement. However, at-sea
                                              ensuring that the necessary data                        Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                     enforcement of offshore area restrictions
                                              elements are collected along the supply                 Commerce.                                              is difficult due to the distance from
                                              chain and provided to CBP through                       ACTION: Notice.                                        shore and the limited number of patrol
                                              ITDS at the point of entry.                                                                                    vessels, resulting in a need to improve
                                                                                                      SUMMARY:    The Department of                          enforceability of area fishing restrictions
                                              How will the data be verified?                          Commerce, as part of its continuing                    through remote sensing methods. In
                                                A key element of these operational                    effort to reduce paperwork and                         addition, all fishing gears are subject to
                                              standards is data verification. The                     respondent burden, invites the general                 some area fishing restrictions. Because
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              operational standards must provide                      public and other Federal agencies to                   of the sizes of these areas and the
                                              relevant Federal agencies the ability to                take this opportunity to comment on                    distances from shore, the effectiveness
                                              verify that documentation for at-risk                   proposed and/or continuing information                 of enforcement through over flights and
                                              seafood products is complete and                        collections, as required by the                        at-sea interception is limited. An
                                              accurate upon entry into U.S.                           Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.                       electronic VMS allows a more effective
                                              commerce, and validate country-specific                 DATES: Written comments must be                        means to monitor vessels for intrusions
                                              documents and certifications. The                       submitted on or before August 31, 2015.                into restricted areas.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 13:19:10
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 13:19:10
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; request for comments.
DatesComments must be received by July 31, 2015.
ContactMelissa Beaudry, Quality Officer, Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection; 301-427-8308.
FR Citation80 FR 37601 
RIN Number0648-XD99

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