80_FR_37732 80 FR 37606 - Electric Grid Resilience Self-Assessment Tool for Distribution System

80 FR 37606 - Electric Grid Resilience Self-Assessment Tool for Distribution System


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 126 (July 1, 2015)

Page Range37606-37607
FR Document2015-16186

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) is seeking comments and information from interested parties to inform the development of a pilot project concerning an interactive self-assessment tool to understand the relative resilience level of national electric grid distribution systems to extreme weather events. An interactive tool could be used by distribution utilities to identify opportunities for enhancing resilience with new technologies and/or procedures to support investment planning and related tariff filings. The focus of this Request for Information (RFI) is on the design and implementation of the interactive self-assessment resilience tool.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 126 (Wednesday, July 1, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 126 (Wednesday, July 1, 2015)]
[Pages 37606-37607]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-16186]



Electric Grid Resilience Self-Assessment Tool for Distribution 

AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. 
Department of Energy.

ACTION: Request for Information.


SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity Delivery 
and Energy Reliability (OE) is seeking comments and information from 
interested parties to inform the development of a pilot project 
concerning an interactive self-assessment tool to understand the 
relative resilience level of national electric grid distribution 
systems to extreme weather events. An interactive tool could be used by 
distribution utilities to identify opportunities for enhancing 
resilience with new technologies and/or procedures to support 
investment planning and related tariff filings. The focus of this 
Request for Information (RFI) is on the design and implementation of 
the interactive self-assessment resilience tool.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before August 17, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Comments can be submitted by any of the following methods 
and must be identified by ``EGRtool''. By email: [email protected] . 
Include ``EGRtool'' in the subject line of the message. By mail: Dan 
Ton, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. 
Department of Energy, Forrestal Building, Room 6E-092, 1000 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585. Note: Delivery of the 
U.S. Postal Service mail to DOE may be delayed by several weeks due to 
security screening. DOE, therefore, encourages those wishing to comment 
to submit comments electronically by email.
    For additional information, please contact Dan Ton, Office of 
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy, 
1000 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20585; Telephone: (202) 586-
4618; email: [email protected].


I. Background

    With the release of Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21), the 
nation has started to focus in earnest on the resilience of our 
critical infrastructure. In the face of the increasing extreme weather 
events and other stresses or disturbances, the resilience of critical 
infrastructure, especially the energy infrastructure, has become 
paramount. Building upon the insights that have been gained through the 
development of the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model, the 
Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model, and the 
Smart Grid Maturity Model, DOE-OE would like to build a complementary 
capability regarding the resilience of electric distribution 
    For the purposes of this RFI, the definition of resilience is ``the 
ability of an entity--e.g., asset, organization, community, region--to 
anticipate, resist, absorb, respond to, adapt to, and recover from a 
disturbance.'' \1\

    \1\ Carlson, L., et al., 2012, Resilience Theory and 
Applications, Argonne National Laboratory, Decision and Information 
Sciences Division, ANL/DIS-12-1, Argonne, Ill, USA, available at 
http://www.dis.anl.gov/pubs/72218.pdf (accessed April 9, 2015).

    This definition provides the framework for four domains that can be 
used to understand the current level of resilience of distribution 
system infrastructure. Through these domains, distribution utilities 
will be able to make informed decisions on strengthening resiliency, 
based on identifiable areas where future investments in new 
technologies and operating procedures could be made. The four domains 
    Preparedness: Activities undertaken by an entity in anticipation of 
the threats/hazards, and the possible consequences, to which it is 
    Mitigation Measures: Characterize the facility's capabilities to 
resist a threat/hazard or to absorb the consequences from the threat/
    Response Capabilities: Immediate and ongoing activities, tasks, 
programs, and systems that have been undertaken or developed to respond 
and adapt to the adverse effects of an event.
    Recovery Mechanisms: Activities and programs designed to be 
effective and efficient in returning operating conditions to a level 
that is acceptable to the entity.

[[Page 37607]]

    Underneath all four domains lie questions that contains specific 
information for each of the domains. Examples of questions that can be 
asked with specific reference to resilience are:

--What procedures are included in your emergency action plan? 
--To date, what smart grid technologies have you incorporated into your 
distribution system? [Mitigation Measures]
--Does the control and dispatch center use a distribution management 
system? [Response Capabilities]
--What service restoration method(s) does the utility use? [Recovery 
    For each of these questions there will be a set of distinct 
answers. This method of construction allows consistent, objective 
information collection for all entities interested in using the model. 
In cooperation with the utility industry, a working group will be 
created to assist in determining the direction of the program.

II. Request for Information

    In order to develop this pilot project, DOE would like input from 
resilience experts in the electric distribution industry to gauge the 
interest and usefulness of the proposed decision support tool. This RFI 
provides the public and industry stakeholders with the opportunity to 
provide their view on the development of a resilience tool. The intent 
of this RFI is to solicit information pertinent to the need and 
viability of the resilience assessment tool. The information obtained 
is meant to be used by DOE for tool design and strategy development 
purposes. In your comments, please reference the question(s) to which 
you are responding, as well as provide other pertinent information.

A. Resilience Assessment Tool Need

    (1) Would a resilience assessment tool be of interest for electric 
distribution utilities?
    (2) What would you like to see in such a model should it exist 
(i.e., functionality, presentation, accessibility?)

B. Resilience Tool Criteria/Domains

    There are four key domains proposed for resilience: preparedness, 
mitigation measures, response and recovery. Each of these components 
has subcomponents as detailed below:
    a. Preparedness: Awareness and Planning.
    b. Mitigation Measures: Extreme Weather Mitigation, Utility 
Mitigation, and Dependencies Mitigation.
    c. Response Capabilities: Internal Capabilities and External 
    d. Recovery Mechanisms: Resource Restoration Agreements and Utility 
Service Restoration.
    (3) Do these components and subcomponents make sense as 
contributors to electric distribution system resilience?
    (4) What is missing, or should be taken away?

C. Data Protection

    (5) What are your concerns about data protection if asked to submit 
anonymous aggregate data for a national average for electric 
distribution resilience?
    (6) Data protection is recognized as an important consideration for 
utility participation in such an assessment model. What are your 
opinions and recommendations on data protection?

D. Working Group Participation

    (7) Would your utility be willing to participate in a working group 
intent on constructing the relative importance of the different 
components and subcomponents to the overall resilience of the system? 
Who would be the appropriate person within your utility to participate 
in such a working group?
    (8) Are there others who you would suggest to provide early 
feedback on tool development?
    (9) Is your utility interested in being part of a demonstration or 
pilot during early testing?

E. Other Feedback

    Additional comments that may not be captured in replies these 
questions, but are considered relevant by respondents are highly 

    Authority: Presidential Policy Directive-21.

    Issued at Washington, DC, on June 25, 2015.
Patricia A. Hoffman,
Assistant Secretary, Department of Energy, Office of Electricity 
Delivery and Energy Reliability.
[FR Doc. 2015-16186 Filed 6-30-15; 8:45 am]

                                              37606                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices

                                              soliciting comments on the proposed                     college-related outcomes (i.e., college                Department of Energy, 1000
                                              information collection request (ICR) that               enrollment and FAFSA completion).                      Independence Ave. SW., Washington,
                                              is described below. The Department of                   The second report will be available in                 DC 20585; Telephone: (202) 586–4618;
                                              Education is especially interested in                   early 2020, and will investigate college               email: EGRtool@hq.doe.gov.
                                              public comment addressing the                           persistence.                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              following issues: (1) Is this collection                  Dated: June 25, 2015.
                                              necessary to the proper functions of the                                                                       I. Background
                                                                                                      Stephanie Valentine,
                                              Department; (2) will this information be                                                                          With the release of Presidential Policy
                                                                                                      Acting Director, Information Collection
                                              processed and used in a timely manner;                                                                         Directive 21 (PPD–21), the nation has
                                                                                                      Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy
                                              (3) is the estimate of burden accurate;                 Officer, Office of Management.                         started to focus in earnest on the
                                              (4) how might the Department enhance                                                                           resilience of our critical infrastructure.
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–16107 Filed 6–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                              the quality, utility, and clarity of the                                                                       In the face of the increasing extreme
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
                                              information to be collected; and (5) how                                                                       weather events and other stresses or
                                              might the Department minimize the                                                                              disturbances, the resilience of critical
                                              burden of this collection on the                                                                               infrastructure, especially the energy
                                              respondents, including through the use                  DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                             infrastructure, has become paramount.
                                              of information technology. Please note                                                                         Building upon the insights that have
                                              that written comments received in                       Electric Grid Resilience Self-
                                                                                                      Assessment Tool for Distribution                       been gained through the development of
                                              response to this notice will be                                                                                the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity
                                              considered public records.                              System
                                                                                                                                                             Model, the Electricity Subsector
                                                 Title of Collection: Student Messaging               AGENCY:  Office of Electricity Delivery                Cybersecurity Capability Maturity
                                              in GEAR UP Demonstration.                               and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department                Model, and the Smart Grid Maturity
                                                 OMB Control Number: 1850–NEW.                        of Energy.                                             Model, DOE–OE would like to build a
                                                 Type of Review: A new information
                                                                                                      ACTION: Request for Information.                       complementary capability regarding the
                                                 Respondents/Affected Public:                                                                                resilience of electric distribution
                                                                                                      SUMMARY:    The Department of Energy                   infrastructure.
                                              Individuals or Households.                              (DOE) Office of Electricity Delivery and
                                                 Total Estimated Number of Annual                                                                               For the purposes of this RFI, the
                                                                                                      Energy Reliability (OE) is seeking                     definition of resilience is ‘‘the ability of
                                              Responses: 5,360.                                       comments and information from
                                                 Total Estimated Number of Annual                                                                            an entity—e.g., asset, organization,
                                                                                                      interested parties to inform the                       community, region—to anticipate,
                                              Burden Hours: 1,386.
                                                 Abstract: The Student Messaging in                   development of a pilot project                         resist, absorb, respond to, adapt to, and
                                              GEAR UP Demonstration, sponsored by                     concerning an interactive self-                        recover from a disturbance.’’ 1
                                              the Institute of Education Sciences                     assessment tool to understand the                         This definition provides the
                                              (IES), U.S. Department of Education                     relative resilience level of national                  framework for four domains that can be
                                              (ED), is being conducted to test the                    electric grid distribution systems to                  used to understand the current level of
                                              effectiveness of a promising strategy to                extreme weather events. An interactive                 resilience of distribution system
                                              improve college-related outcomes in the                 tool could be used by distribution                     infrastructure. Through these domains,
                                              federal college access program Gaining                  utilities to identify opportunities for                distribution utilities will be able to
                                              Early Awareness and Readiness for                       enhancing resilience with new                          make informed decisions on
                                              Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP).                       technologies and/or procedures to                      strengthening resiliency, based on
                                              The demonstration will use a                            support investment planning and                        identifiable areas where future
                                              randomized controlled trial (RCT)                       related tariff filings. The focus of this              investments in new technologies and
                                              design to test the effectiveness of                     Request for Information (RFI) is on the                operating procedures could be made.
                                              sending customized messaging to                         design and implementation of the                       The four domains are:
                                              students, first during the summer after                 interactive self-assessment resilience                    Preparedness: Activities undertaken
                                              high school graduation, and then in the                 tool.                                                  by an entity in anticipation of the
                                              fall and spring of their expected first                 DATES:  Comments must be received on                   threats/hazards, and the possible
                                              year of college. Students within high                   or before August 17, 2015.                             consequences, to which it is subject.
                                              schools that volunteer for the                          ADDRESSES: Comments can be submitted                      Mitigation Measures: Characterize the
                                              demonstration will be randomly                          by any of the following methods and                    facility’s capabilities to resist a threat/
                                              assigned to either receive the messages                 must be identified by ‘‘EGRtool’’. By                  hazard or to absorb the consequences
                                              or not. This ICR requests clearance for                 email: EGRtool@hq.doe.gov . Include                    from the threat/hazard.
                                              the collection of GEAR UP student                       ‘‘EGRtool’’ in the subject line of the                    Response Capabilities: Immediate and
                                              rosters and administration of a baseline                message. By mail: Dan Ton, Office of                   ongoing activities, tasks, programs, and
                                              survey. In addition to the baseline                     Electricity Delivery and Energy                        systems that have been undertaken or
                                              survey data that will be collected from                 Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy,                developed to respond and adapt to the
                                              students, college-related outcome data                  Forrestal Building, Room 6E–092, 1000                  adverse effects of an event.
                                              will be extracted from national datasets                Independence Avenue SW.,                                  Recovery Mechanisms: Activities and
                                              (National Student Clearinghouse Data                    Washington, DC 20585. Note: Delivery                   programs designed to be effective and
                                              (NSC) and the Federal Student Aid                       of the U.S. Postal Service mail to DOE                 efficient in returning operating
                                              (FSA) database). Impact and descriptive                 may be delayed by several weeks due to                 conditions to a level that is acceptable
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              analyses will be conducted to answer                    security screening. DOE, therefore,                    to the entity.
                                              the study research questions. The                       encourages those wishing to comment to
                                              evaluation plans call for two reports.                  submit comments electronically by                        1 Carlson, L., et al., 2012, Resilience Theory and

                                              The first, published in summer 2018,                    email.                                                 Applications, Argonne National Laboratory,
                                                                                                                                                             Decision and Information Sciences Division, ANL/
                                              will be based on data collected through                    For additional information, please                  DIS–12–1, Argonne, Ill, USA, available at http://
                                              2017 that will look at college advising                 contact Dan Ton, Office of Electricity                 www.dis.anl.gov/pubs/72218.pdf (accessed April 9,
                                              received in high school and early                       Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S.                  2015).

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:30 Jun 30, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00027   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\01JYN1.SGM   01JYN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices                                            37607

                                                Underneath all four domains lie                         c. Response Capabilities: Internal                   States to Canada pursuant to section
                                              questions that contains specific                        Capabilities and External Capabilities.                202(e) of the Federal Power Act.
                                              information for each of the domains.                      d. Recovery Mechanisms: Resource                     DATES: Comments, protests, or motions
                                              Examples of questions that can be asked                 Restoration Agreements and Utility                     to intervene must be submitted on or
                                              with specific reference to resilience are:              Service Restoration.                                   before July 31, 2015.
                                              —What procedures are included in your                     (3) Do these components and                          ADDRESSES: Comments, protests,
                                                emergency action plan?                                subcomponents make sense as                            motions to intervene, or requests for
                                                [Preparedness]                                        contributors to electric distribution                  more information should be addressed
                                              —To date, what smart grid technologies                  system resilience?                                     to: Office of Electricity Delivery and
                                                have you incorporated into your                         (4) What is missing, or should be
                                                                                                                                                             Energy Reliability, Mail Code: OE–20,
                                                distribution system? [Mitigation                      taken away?
                                                                                                                                                             U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
                                                Measures]                                             C. Data Protection                                     Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
                                              —Does the control and dispatch center                                                                          DC 20585–0350. Because of delays in
                                                use a distribution management                           (5) What are your concerns about data
                                                                                                      protection if asked to submit                          handling conventional mail, it is
                                                system? [Response Capabilities]                                                                              recommended that documents be
                                              —What service restoration method(s)                     anonymous aggregate data for a national
                                                                                                      average for electric distribution                      transmitted by overnight mail, by
                                                does the utility use? [Recovery                                                                              electronic mail to Electricity.Exports@
                                                Mechanisms]                                           resilience?
                                                                                                        (6) Data protection is recognized as an              hq.doe.gov, or by facsimile to 202–586–
                                                For each of these questions there will                                                                       8008.
                                              be a set of distinct answers. This                      important consideration for utility
                                                                                                      participation in such an assessment                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Exports of
                                              method of construction allows
                                                                                                      model. What are your opinions and                      electricity from the United States to a
                                              consistent, objective information
                                                                                                      recommendations on data protection?                    foreign country are regulated by the
                                              collection for all entities interested in
                                                                                                                                                             Department of Energy (DOE) pursuant to
                                              using the model. In cooperation with                    D. Working Group Participation                         sections 301(b) and 402(f) of the
                                              the utility industry, a working group
                                                                                                        (7) Would your utility be willing to                 Department of Energy Organization Act
                                              will be created to assist in determining
                                                                                                      participate in a working group intent on               (42 U.S.C. 7151(b), 7172(f)) and require
                                              the direction of the program.
                                                                                                      constructing the relative importance of                authorization under section 202(e) of
                                              II. Request for Information                             the different components and                           the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
                                                 In order to develop this pilot project,              subcomponents to the overall resilience                824a(e)).
                                              DOE would like input from resilience                    of the system? Who would be the                           On May 29, 2015, DOE received an
                                              experts in the electric distribution                    appropriate person within your utility                 application from Targray for authority to
                                              industry to gauge the interest and                      to participate in such a working group?                transmit electric energy from the United
                                              usefulness of the proposed decision                       (8) Are there others who you would                   States to Canada as a power marketer for
                                              support tool. This RFI provides the                     suggest to provide early feedback on                   five years using existing international
                                              public and industry stakeholders with                   tool development?                                      transmission facilities.
                                                                                                        (9) Is your utility interested in being                 In its application, Targray states that
                                              the opportunity to provide their view on
                                                                                                      part of a demonstration or pilot during                it does not own or control any electric
                                              the development of a resilience tool.
                                                                                                      early testing?                                         generation or transmission facilities,
                                              The intent of this RFI is to solicit
                                              information pertinent to the need and                                                                          and it does not have a franchised service
                                                                                                      E. Other Feedback
                                              viability of the resilience assessment                                                                         area. Targray states that it has applied
                                                                                                        Additional comments that may not be                  for market-based rate authority from the
                                              tool. The information obtained is meant                 captured in replies these questions, but
                                              to be used by DOE for tool design and                                                                          Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
                                                                                                      are considered relevant by respondents                 (FERC) to engage in the sale and
                                              strategy development purposes. In your                  are highly encouraged.
                                              comments, please reference the                                                                                 purchase of electric energy to and from
                                              question(s) to which you are                              Authority: Presidential Policy Directive-21.         Independent System Operators and
                                              responding, as well as provide other                      Issued at Washington, DC, on June 25,
                                                                                                                                                             Regional Transmission Organizations.
                                              pertinent information.                                  2015.                                                  As such, the electric energy that Targray
                                                                                                      Patricia A. Hoffman,
                                                                                                                                                             proposes to export to Canada would be
                                              A. Resilience Assessment Tool Need                                                                             surplus energy purchased from third
                                                                                                      Assistant Secretary, Department of Energy,
                                                (1) Would a resilience assessment tool                Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy
                                                                                                                                                             parties such as power marketers,
                                              be of interest for electric distribution                Reliability.                                           independent power producers, electric
                                              utilities?                                              [FR Doc. 2015–16186 Filed 6–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                             utilities, and Federal power marketing
                                                (2) What would you like to see in                                                                            agencies pursuant to voluntary
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                              such a model should it exist (i.e.,                                                                            agreements. The existing international
                                              functionality, presentation,                                                                                   transmission facilities to be utilized by
                                              accessibility?)                                         DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                   Targray have previously been
                                                                                                                                                             authorized by Presidential permits
                                              B. Resilience Tool Criteria/Domains                     [OE Docket No. EA–411]                                 issued pursuant to Executive Order
                                                There are four key domains proposed                                                                          10485, as amended, and are appropriate
                                                                                                      Application to Export Electric Energy;                 for open access transmission by third
                                              for resilience: preparedness, mitigation
                                                                                                      Targray Americas Inc.                                  parties.
                                              measures, response and recovery. Each
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              of these components has                                 AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery                    Procedural Matters: Any person
                                              subcomponents as detailed below:                        and Energy Reliability, DOE.                           desiring to be heard in this proceeding
                                                a. Preparedness: Awareness and                        ACTION: Notice of application.                         should file a comment or protest to the
                                              Planning.                                                                                                      application at the address provided
                                                b. Mitigation Measures: Extreme                       SUMMARY:  Targray Americas Inc.                        above. Protests should be filed in
                                              Weather Mitigation, Utility Mitigation,                 (Targray) has applied for authority to                 accordance with Rule 211 of the Federal
                                              and Dependencies Mitigation.                            transmit electric energy from the United               Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC)

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:30 Jun 30, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00028   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\01JYN1.SGM   01JYN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 13:19:24
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 13:19:24
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionRequest for Information.
DatesComments must be received on or before August 17, 2015.
FR Citation80 FR 37606 

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