80_FR_39929 80 FR 39797 - Notice of Availability of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Announcement of Public Meetings

80 FR 39797 - Notice of Availability of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Announcement of Public Meetings

Bureau of Reclamation

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 132 (July 10, 2015)

Page Range39797-39799
FR Document2015-16903

This notice announces the availability of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (RDEIR/SDEIS) for public review and comment. The RDEIR/SDEIS has been prepared jointly between the Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources to describe and analyze refinement of the resource area analyses, alternatives, and actions, including three additional alternatives that describe conveyance options not containing all the elements of a Habitat Conservation Plan/ Natural Communities Conservation Plan described in the previously circulated Draft EIR/EIS released on December 13, 2013. Based on project revisions and in consideration of comments received on the Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Draft EIR/EIS, and Draft Implementing Agreement, the State and Federal lead agencies recognize that additional information is appropriate to address comments and to enhance the environmental analysis.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 132 (Friday, July 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 132 (Friday, July 10, 2015)]
[Pages 39797-39799]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-16903]



Bureau of Reclamation

[RR02800000, 15XR0687ND, RX.18527914.2050100]

Notice of Availability of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/
California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact 
Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement and 
Announcement of Public Meetings

AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of the Bay Delta 
Conservation Plan/California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft

[[Page 39798]]

Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact 
Statement (RDEIR/SDEIS) for public review and comment. The RDEIR/SDEIS 
has been prepared jointly between the Bureau of Reclamation and the 
California Department of Water Resources to describe and analyze 
refinement of the resource area analyses, alternatives, and actions, 
including three additional alternatives that describe conveyance 
options not containing all the elements of a Habitat Conservation Plan/
Natural Communities Conservation Plan described in the previously 
circulated Draft EIR/EIS released on December 13, 2013.
    Based on project revisions and in consideration of comments 
received on the Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Draft EIR/EIS, and 
Draft Implementing Agreement, the State and Federal lead agencies 
recognize that additional information is appropriate to address 
comments and to enhance the environmental analysis.

DATES: Comments on the RDEIR/SDEIS must be received or postmarked by 5 
p.m. Pacific Time on August 31, 2015.
    Two public meetings will be held to provide an overview of the 
project and allow public comment and discussion on the RDEIR/SDEIS:
     Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Sacramento, 
     Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 3:00 p.m.--7:00 p.m., Walnut 
Grove, CA.

ADDRESSES: You may submit written comments by one of the following 
    1. By email: Submit comments to [email protected].
    2. By hard-copy: Submit comments by U.S. mail to BDCP/WaterFix 
Comments, P.O. Box 1919, Sacramento, CA 95812.
    The two public meetings will be held at the following locations:
     Sacramento--Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, Magnolia 
Room, 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
     Walnut Grove--Jean Harvie Community Center, 14273 River 
Road, Walnut Grove, CA 95690.
    To view or download the RDEIR/SDEIS, or for a list of locations to 
view hard-bound copies, go to www.baydeltaconservationplan.com.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Michelle Banonis, Bureau of 
Reclamation, (916) 930-5676.



    On January 24, 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and 
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued a Notice of Intent 
(NOI) to prepare an EIS on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP or 
Plan) (73 FR 4178). The NOI was re-issued on April 15, 2008, to include 
the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) as a co-lead Federal agency, 
update the status of the planning process, and provide updated 
information related to scoping meetings (73 FR 20326). The April 15, 
2008, NOI identified scoping meeting locations and stated that written 
comments would be accepted until May 30, 2008. Additional information 
was later developed to describe the proposed BDCP, and subsequent 
scoping activities were initiated on February 13, 2009, with the 
publication of a revised NOI (74 FR 7257). The NOI identified scoping 
meeting locations and stated that written comments would be accepted 
until May 14, 2009.
    In 2008, ten public scoping meetings were held throughout 
California. In spring 2009, a summary update was produced and 
distributed about the development of the Plan to interested members of 
the public, including details of individual elements of the Plan 
(referred to in the Plan as ``conservation measures'') that were being 
considered as part of the conservation strategy. Twelve additional 
public scoping meetings were then held throughout California, seeking 
input about the scope of covered activities and potential alternatives 
to the proposed action.
    In December 2010, the California Natural Resources Agency 
disseminated to the public a summary of the BDCP, its status, and a 
list of outstanding issues. In 2011 and 2012, public meetings continued 
in Sacramento, California, to update stakeholders and the public on 
elements of the draft BDCP and EIR/EIS that were being developed.
    On December 13, 2013, the Draft BDCP and associated Draft EIR/EIS 
were released to the public and a 120-day public comment period was 
opened through notification in the Federal Register (78 FR 75939). That 
notice described the proposed action and a reasonable range of 
alternatives. Twelve more public meetings were held in California in 
early 2014. In response to requests from the public, the comment period 
was extended for an additional 60 days and closed on June 13, 2014 (79 
FR 17135; March 27, 2014). A Draft Implementing Agreement was also made 
available to the public on May 30, 2014, for a 60-day review and 
comment period, which closed on July 29, 2014. The comment period of 
the Draft EIR/EIS was also extended to the later date. All draft 
documents are available at www.baydeltaconservationplan.com.
    As a result of considering comments on the Draft BDCP, Draft EIR/
EIS, and Draft Implementing Agreement, Reclamation and the California 
Department of Water Resources have proposed three additional conveyance 
alternatives for analysis in the RDEIR/SDEIS. These new alternatives 
2D, 4A, and 5A, each contain fewer Conservation Measures than the 
conveyance alternatives circulated in the Draft EIR/EIS. Specifically, 
the new alternatives no longer contain the following Conservation 
Measures: CM-2 Yolo Bypass Fisheries Enhancement; CM-5 Seasonally 
Inundated Floodplain Restoration; CM-13 Invasive Aquatic Vegetation 
Control; CM-14 Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Dissolved Oxygen 
Levels; CM-17 Illegal Harvest Reduction; CM-18 Conservation Hatcheries; 
CM-19 Urban Stormwater Treatment; CM-20 Recreational Users Invasive 
Species Program; and CM-21 Non-project Diversions. The new alternatives 
contain modified versions of the following Conservation Measures 
(referred to as Environmental Commitments in the RDEIR/SDEIS): CM-3 
Natural Communities Protection and Restoration; CM-4 Tidal Natural 
Communities Restoration; CM-6 Channel Margin Enhancement; CM-7 Riparian 
Natural Community Restoration; CM-8 Grassland Natural Community 
Restoration; CM-9 Vernal Pool and Alkali Seasonal Wetland Complex 
Restoration; CM-10 Nontidal Marsh Restoration; CM-11 Natural 
Communities Enhancement and Management; CM-12 Methylmercury Management; 
CM-15 Localized Reduction of Predatory Fishes; and CM-16 Non-Physical 
Fish Barriers. The new alternatives are not structured as a Habitat 
Conservation Plan/Natural Communities Conservation Plan but are 
structured to achieve compliance with the Federal Endangered Species 
Act through consultation under Section 7 and the California Endangered 
Species Act through the incidental take permit process under Section 
2081(b) of the California Fish & Game Code.
    The California Department of Water Resources has identified 
Alternative 4A (known as the California WaterFix) as their proposed 
project and Reclamation has selected Alternative 4A as the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) preferred alternative. This alternative 
will consist of a water conveyance facility with three intakes, habitat 
restoration measures necessary to minimize or avoid project effects, 
and the previously described Conservation Measures. Alternative 4A is 
proposed to make physical and operational improvements to the State 
Water Project system in the Delta necessary to restore

[[Page 39799]]

and protect ecosystem health, water supplies of the State Water Project 
and Central Valley Project south-of-Delta, and water quality within a 
stable regulatory framework, consistent with statutory and contractual 
    The RDEIR/SDEIS will also analyze the impacts for two additional 
new alternatives: Alternative 2D, which will consist of a water 
conveyance facility with five intakes, and Alternative 5A, which will 
consist of a water conveyance facility with one intake. Both of these 
alternatives will contain the habitat protection and restoration 
measures necessary to minimize or avoid project effects, and the 
previously described Conservation Measures listed above. In addition, 
the RDEIR/SDEIS will describe and analyze project modifications and 
refinement of the resource area analyses, alternatives, and actions. 
Reclamation will be the Federal lead agency and NMFS, USFWS, and the 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, by virtue of their regulatory review 
requirements, will be cooperating agencies for the RDEIR/SDEIS. All 
other entities identified as Cooperating Agencies through prior 
agreements will retain their status for the RDEIR/SDEIS.
    Council on Environmental Quality regulations for implementing NEPA 
(40 CFR 1502.9(c)) do not require any additional scoping for a 
supplement to a Draft EIS, and the lead agencies are not proposing any 
scoping process for this RDEIR/SDEIS in addition to the scoping that 
has already been done for the EIR/EIS as described above.
    For further background information, see the December 13, 2013, 
Federal Register notice (78 FR 75939).

Public Disclosure of Comments

    This notice is provided pursuant to NEPA. Reclamation is furnishing 
this notice to allow other agencies and the public an opportunity to 
review and comment on this RDEIR/SDEIS. All comments received will 
become part of the public record for this action. Comments on the 
RDEIR/SDEIS should be submitted to the address listed in the ADDRESSES 
section of this document. Before including your address, phone number, 
email address, or other personal identifying information in your 
comment, you should be aware that your entire comment--including your 
personal identifying information--may be made publicly available at any 
time. While you may ask us in your comment to withhold your personal 
identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we 
will be able to do so. Comments submitted to the above address will be 
reviewed and considered by all of the cooperating agencies.

Next Steps

    Reclamation will compile and review all public comments on the 
RDEIR/SDEIS submitted to them prior to preparation of a final EIR/EIS. 
A decision by Reclamation on Central Valley Project operations 
consistent with the RDEIR/SDEIS will be made no sooner than 30 days 
after the publication of the final EIR/EIS. The decision will be 
documented with the completion of the Record of Decision.

Special Accommodations

    The public meetings are physically accessible to people with 
disabilities. Requests for sign language interpretation or other 
auxiliary aids should be directed to Ms. Michelle Banonis, Bureau of 
Reclamation, (916) 930-5676 at least 5 working days prior to the 
meeting date.

    Dated: July 2, 2015.
Willie R. Taylor,
Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2015-16903 Filed 7-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 132 / Friday, July 10, 2015 / Notices                                                 39797

                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      Isle                        The wolf-moose-vegetation food web                 emailed to interested parties and on the
                                                  Royale is an island archipelago in the                   is tightly coupled. Since the wolf                    NPS’s Planning, Environment and
                                                  northwestern portion of Lake Superior.                   population at Isle Royale is very low                 Public Comment (PEPC) Web site at
                                                  Organisms that live on islands have                      and local extirpation of wolves is                    http://parkplanning.nps.gov/ISRO. The
                                                  dynamic populations and are subject to                   possible in the near future (e.g. only one            NPS will provide additional
                                                  immigration and extinction events.                       gender remains on the island; the pack                opportunities for the public to offer
                                                  Local extirpation is natural and                         has been non-reproductive for three to                written comments upon publication and
                                                  expected, as is establishment and re-                    five years; or there are no remaining                 release of the draft plan/EIS.
                                                  establishment of new populations.                        wolves), the moose population is likely                 If you wish to comment during the
                                                     Wolves were first documented on Isle                  to continue to increase, resulting in                 public comment period, you may use
                                                  Royale through identification of tracks                  impacts to vegetation and forest cover                any one of several methods. The
                                                  in 1949–50 and by 1957 the island                        from moose herbivory.                                 preferred method for submitting
                                                  supported an estimated 25 wolves. The                       A plan is needed to address                        comments is at the PEPC Web site
                                                  first systematic research on Isle Royale                 environmental impacts that could occur                address given above. You may also mail
                                                  wolves was conducted in the 1950s and                    to the moose population and vegetation                or hand-deliver your comments to the
                                                  has continued largely unabated. The                      from the potential extirpation of wolves.             Superintendent or the Chief of Natural
                                                  research on the ‘‘Wolves of Isle Royale’’                The purpose of the plan is to provide                 Resources at the address given above.
                                                  is now world-renowned. Like many                         direction for managing the Isle Royale                Written comments will also be accepted
                                                  mainland wolf populations, the island                    moose and wolf populations for at least               during scheduled public meetings.
                                                  population has fluctuated widely over                    the next 20 years in light of the dynamic             Comments will not be accepted by fax,
                                                  this time, though on Isle Royale they                    changes occurring on the island.                      email, or any other way than those
                                                  have always been protected and never                        In this context, we must determine                 specified above. Bulk comments in any
                                                  hunted or subjected to control efforts.                  allowable types of change. Specifically,              format (hard copy or electronic)
                                                  Population variation on the island is                    we need to decide whether to intervene                submitted on behalf of others will not be
                                                                                                           with a declined or extirpated wolf                    accepted. Before including your
                                                  related to inherent dynamic wolf
                                                                                                           population in order to perpetuate the                 address, phone number, email address,
                                                  ecology, island biogeography, and
                                                                                                           role wolves play with regard to the                   or other personal identifying
                                                  presence of disease in the wolf
                                                                                                           moose population through predation                    information in your comment, you
                                                  population. Wolves on Isle Royale have
                                                                                                           and spatial distribution (wolf                        should be aware that your entire
                                                  recently declined and the primary cause
                                                                                                           management actions); whether to                       comment—including your personal
                                                  is thought to be genetic inbreeding
                                                                                                           directly intervene with an increased                  identifying information—may be made
                                                  leading to low productivity. With
                                                                                                           moose population (moose management                    publicly available at any time. While
                                                  currently less than 10 individual wolves
                                                                                                           actions); and whether to intervene to                 you can ask us in your comment to
                                                  on the island, scientists differ on what
                                                                                                           manage vegetation to mitigate impacts                 withhold your personal identifying
                                                  will happen to the population in the                     from moose herbivory as temperate                     information from public review, we
                                                  short-term (25 years). Many believe that                 species replace the historical boreal                 cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                                  their persistence is doubtful unless new                 forest (vegetation management actions).               do so.
                                                  wolves emigrate or are introduced to the                 For each of these decisions, we must
                                                  island.                                                                                                          Dated: February 13, 2015.
                                                                                                           determine the type and extent of
                                                     The moose population on Isle Royale                                                                         Patricia S. Trap,
                                                                                                           intervention appropriate in a designated
                                                  (which arrived on the island in the early                                                                      Acting Regional Director, Midwest Region.
                                                                                                           wilderness given a changing climate.
                                                  1900s) has fluctuated dramatically (500                  While specific alternatives have not yet                This document was received at the Office
                                                  to several thousand) over the past                       been developed, options available                     of the Federal Register on Monday, July 06,
                                                  century. Moose have important effects                    include: (1) not actively managing                    2015.
                                                  on island vegetation including forest                    moose, wolves, or vegetation; (2)                     [FR Doc. 2015–16851 Filed 7–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  cover and wolves are the only moose                      managing moose abundance and                          BILLING CODE 4310–MA–P
                                                  predator on the island.                                  distribution; (3) managing wolf
                                                     The park lies within a temperate-                     abundance by supplementing the
                                                  boreal forest transition zone where                      current wolf population or introducing                DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                  temperate tree species are at or near                    wolves following extirpation; and (4)
                                                  their northern range limits and boreal                                                                         Bureau of Reclamation
                                                                                                           managing vegetation through the use of
                                                  trees are near their southern range                      fire, direct restoration, or other tools.             [RR02800000, 15XR0687ND,
                                                  limits. Recent trends suggest the                           Interested individuals, organizations,             RX.18527914.2050100]
                                                  beginning of a shift from boreal to                      and agencies are encouraged to provide
                                                  temperate vegetation. The relatively                     written comments regarding the scope                  Notice of Availability of the Bay Delta
                                                  short-lived boreal paper birch and                       of issues to be addressed in the EIS,                 Conservation Plan/California WaterFix
                                                  aspen, which established widely on                       alternative approaches to managing                    Partially Recirculated Draft
                                                  lands disturbed by European settlement                   wolves, moose, or vegetation on Isle                  Environmental Impact Report/
                                                  activities, are reaching the end of their                Royale, and other concerns regarding                  Supplemental Draft Environmental
                                                  natural lifespans and rapid successional                 this conservation planning and                        Impact Statement and Announcement
                                                  changes in favor of more shade-tolerant                  environmental impact analysis process.                of Public Meetings
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  tree species are underway. Successional                  Within the comment period, we intend                  AGENCY:   Bureau of Reclamation,
                                                  trends on the island indicate that recent                to hold public scoping meetings on the                Interior.
                                                  conditions favored temperate hardwood                    EIS in the vicinity of the park, including            ACTION: Notice.
                                                  species, which expanded and replaced                     Houghton, Michigan. Specific dates,
                                                  boreal trees. Since moose favor some                     times and locations of the public                     SUMMARY:   This notice announces the
                                                  boreal tree species such as balsam fir for               scoping meetings will be made available               availability of the Bay Delta
                                                  food, this succession may alter the                      via a press release to local media, a                 Conservation Plan/California WaterFix
                                                  available moose forage in the future.                    public scoping brochure to be mailed or               Partially Recirculated Draft

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:07 Jul 09, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00053   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10JYN1.SGM   10JYN1

                                                  39798                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 132 / Friday, July 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Environmental Impact Report/                              Conservation Plan (BDCP or Plan) (73                  Draft Implementing Agreement,
                                                  Supplemental Draft Environmental                          FR 4178). The NOI was re-issued on                    Reclamation and the California
                                                  Impact Statement (RDEIR/SDEIS) for                        April 15, 2008, to include the Bureau of              Department of Water Resources have
                                                  public review and comment. The                            Reclamation (Reclamation) as a co-lead                proposed three additional conveyance
                                                  RDEIR/SDEIS has been prepared jointly                     Federal agency, update the status of the              alternatives for analysis in the RDEIR/
                                                  between the Bureau of Reclamation and                     planning process, and provide updated                 SDEIS. These new alternatives 2D, 4A,
                                                  the California Department of Water                        information related to scoping meetings               and 5A, each contain fewer
                                                  Resources to describe and analyze                         (73 FR 20326). The April 15, 2008, NOI                Conservation Measures than the
                                                  refinement of the resource area analyses,                 identified scoping meeting locations                  conveyance alternatives circulated in
                                                  alternatives, and actions, including                      and stated that written comments would                the Draft EIR/EIS. Specifically, the new
                                                  three additional alternatives that                        be accepted until May 30, 2008.                       alternatives no longer contain the
                                                  describe conveyance options not                           Additional information was later                      following Conservation Measures: CM–
                                                  containing all the elements of a Habitat                  developed to describe the proposed                    2 Yolo Bypass Fisheries Enhancement;
                                                  Conservation Plan/Natural Communities                     BDCP, and subsequent scoping activities               CM–5 Seasonally Inundated Floodplain
                                                  Conservation Plan described in the                        were initiated on February 13, 2009,                  Restoration; CM–13 Invasive Aquatic
                                                  previously circulated Draft EIR/EIS                       with the publication of a revised NOI                 Vegetation Control; CM–14 Stockton
                                                  released on December 13, 2013.                            (74 FR 7257). The NOI identified                      Deep Water Ship Channel Dissolved
                                                     Based on project revisions and in                      scoping meeting locations and stated                  Oxygen Levels; CM–17 Illegal Harvest
                                                  consideration of comments received on                     that written comments would be                        Reduction; CM–18 Conservation
                                                  the Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan,                    accepted until May 14, 2009.                          Hatcheries; CM–19 Urban Stormwater
                                                  Draft EIR/EIS, and Draft Implementing                        In 2008, ten public scoping meetings               Treatment; CM–20 Recreational Users
                                                  Agreement, the State and Federal lead                     were held throughout California. In                   Invasive Species Program; and CM–21
                                                  agencies recognize that additional                        spring 2009, a summary update was                     Non-project Diversions. The new
                                                  information is appropriate to address                     produced and distributed about the                    alternatives contain modified versions
                                                  comments and to enhance the                               development of the Plan to interested                 of the following Conservation Measures
                                                  environmental analysis.                                   members of the public, including details              (referred to as Environmental
                                                  DATES: Comments on the RDEIR/SDEIS
                                                                                                            of individual elements of the Plan                    Commitments in the RDEIR/SDEIS):
                                                  must be received or postmarked by 5                       (referred to in the Plan as ‘‘conservation            CM–3 Natural Communities Protection
                                                                                                            measures’’) that were being considered                and Restoration; CM–4 Tidal Natural
                                                  p.m. Pacific Time on August 31, 2015.
                                                     Two public meetings will be held to                    as part of the conservation strategy.                 Communities Restoration; CM–6
                                                  provide an overview of the project and                    Twelve additional public scoping                      Channel Margin Enhancement; CM–7
                                                  allow public comment and discussion                       meetings were then held throughout                    Riparian Natural Community
                                                  on the RDEIR/SDEIS:                                       California, seeking input about the                   Restoration; CM–8 Grassland Natural
                                                     • Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 3:00 p.m.–                   scope of covered activities and potential             Community Restoration; CM–9 Vernal
                                                  7:00 p.m., Sacramento, CA.                                alternatives to the proposed action.                  Pool and Alkali Seasonal Wetland
                                                     • Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 3:00                          In December 2010, the California
                                                                                                                                                                  Complex Restoration; CM–10 Nontidal
                                                                                                            Natural Resources Agency disseminated
                                                  p.m.—7:00 p.m., Walnut Grove, CA.                                                                               Marsh Restoration; CM–11 Natural
                                                                                                            to the public a summary of the BDCP,
                                                  ADDRESSES: You may submit written                                                                               Communities Enhancement and
                                                                                                            its status, and a list of outstanding
                                                  comments by one of the following                                                                                Management; CM–12 Methylmercury
                                                                                                            issues. In 2011 and 2012, public
                                                  methods:                                                                                                        Management; CM–15 Localized
                                                                                                            meetings continued in Sacramento,
                                                     1. By email: Submit comments to                                                                              Reduction of Predatory Fishes; and CM–
                                                                                                            California, to update stakeholders and
                                                  BDCPComments@icfi.com.                                    the public on elements of the draft                   16 Non-Physical Fish Barriers. The new
                                                     2. By hard-copy: Submit comments by                    BDCP and EIR/EIS that were being                      alternatives are not structured as a
                                                  U.S. mail to BDCP/WaterFix Comments,                      developed.                                            Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural
                                                  P.O. Box 1919, Sacramento, CA 95812.                         On December 13, 2013, the Draft                    Communities Conservation Plan but are
                                                     The two public meetings will be held                   BDCP and associated Draft EIR/EIS were                structured to achieve compliance with
                                                  at the following locations:                               released to the public and a 120-day                  the Federal Endangered Species Act
                                                     • Sacramento—Sheraton Grand                            public comment period was opened                      through consultation under Section 7
                                                  Sacramento Hotel, Magnolia Room,                          through notification in the Federal                   and the California Endangered Species
                                                  1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.                      Register (78 FR 75939). That notice                   Act through the incidental take permit
                                                     • Walnut Grove—Jean Harvie                             described the proposed action and a                   process under Section 2081(b) of the
                                                  Community Center, 14273 River Road,                       reasonable range of alternatives. Twelve              California Fish & Game Code.
                                                  Walnut Grove, CA 95690.                                   more public meetings were held in                        The California Department of Water
                                                     To view or download the RDEIR/                                                                               Resources has identified Alternative 4A
                                                                                                            California in early 2014. In response to
                                                  SDEIS, or for a list of locations to view                                                                       (known as the California WaterFix) as
                                                                                                            requests from the public, the comment
                                                  hard-bound copies, go to                                                                                        their proposed project and Reclamation
                                                                                                            period was extended for an additional
                                                  www.baydeltaconservationplan.com.                                                                               has selected Alternative 4A as the
                                                                                                            60 days and closed on June 13, 2014 (79
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                   Ms.    FR 17135; March 27, 2014). A Draft                    National Environmental Policy Act
                                                  Michelle Banonis, Bureau of                               Implementing Agreement was also made                  (NEPA) preferred alternative. This
                                                  Reclamation, (916) 930–5676.                              available to the public on May 30, 2014,              alternative will consist of a water
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                for a 60-day review and comment                       conveyance facility with three intakes,
                                                                                                            period, which closed on July 29, 2014.                habitat restoration measures necessary
                                                  Background                                                The comment period of the Draft EIR/                  to minimize or avoid project effects, and
                                                    On January 24, 2008, the U.S. Fish                      EIS was also extended to the later date.              the previously described Conservation
                                                  and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and                          All draft documents are available at                  Measures. Alternative 4A is proposed to
                                                  National Marine Fisheries Service                         www.baydeltaconservationplan.com.                     make physical and operational
                                                  (NMFS) issued a Notice of Intent (NOI)                       As a result of considering comments                improvements to the State Water Project
                                                  to prepare an EIS on the Bay Delta                        on the Draft BDCP, Draft EIR/EIS, and                 system in the Delta necessary to restore

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 132 / Friday, July 10, 2015 / Notices                                             39799

                                                  and protect ecosystem health, water                      considered by all of the cooperating                  public interest comments from the
                                                  supplies of the State Water Project and                  agencies.                                             public only. Parties are to file public
                                                  Central Valley Project south-of-Delta,                                                                         interest submissions pursuant to 19 CFR
                                                                                                           Next Steps
                                                  and water quality within a stable                                                                              210.50(a)(4).
                                                  regulatory framework, consistent with                       Reclamation will compile and review                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  statutory and contractual obligations.                   all public comments on the RDEIR/                     Lucy Grace D. Noyola, Office of the
                                                     The RDEIR/SDEIS will also analyze                     SDEIS submitted to them prior to                      General Counsel, U.S. International
                                                  the impacts for two additional new                       preparation of a final EIR/EIS. A                     Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
                                                  alternatives: Alternative 2D, which will                 decision by Reclamation on Central                    Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
                                                  consist of a water conveyance facility                   Valley Project operations consistent                  205–3438. The public version of the
                                                  with five intakes, and Alternative 5A,                   with the RDEIR/SDEIS will be made no                  complaint can be accessed on the
                                                  which will consist of a water                            sooner than 30 days after the                         Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
                                                  conveyance facility with one intake.                     publication of the final EIR/EIS. The                 at http://edis.usitc.gov, and will be
                                                  Both of these alternatives will contain                  decision will be documented with the                  available for inspection during official
                                                  the habitat protection and restoration                   completion of the Record of Decision.                 business hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.)
                                                  measures necessary to minimize or                        Special Accommodations                                in the Office of the Secretary, U.S.
                                                  avoid project effects, and the previously                                                                      International Trade Commission, 500 E
                                                  described Conservation Measures listed                     The public meetings are physically                  Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
                                                  above. In addition, the RDEIR/SDEIS                      accessible to people with disabilities.               telephone (202) 205–2000. General
                                                  will describe and analyze project                        Requests for sign language                            information concerning the Commission
                                                  modifications and refinement of the                      interpretation or other auxiliary aids                may also be obtained by accessing its
                                                  resource area analyses, alternatives, and                should be directed to Ms. Michelle                    Internet server (http://www.usitc.gov).
                                                  actions. Reclamation will be the Federal                 Banonis, Bureau of Reclamation, (916)                 The public record for this investigation
                                                  lead agency and NMFS, USFWS, and                         930–5676 at least 5 working days prior                may be viewed on EDIS at http://
                                                  the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, by                     to the meeting date.                                  edis.usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired
                                                  virtue of their regulatory review                          Dated: July 2, 2015.                                persons are advised that information on
                                                  requirements, will be cooperating                        Willie R. Taylor,                                     this matter can be obtained by
                                                  agencies for the RDEIR/SDEIS. All other                  Director, Office of Environmental Policy and          contacting the Commission’s TDD
                                                  entities identified as Cooperating                       Compliance.                                           terminal on (202) 205–1810.
                                                  Agencies through prior agreements will                   [FR Doc. 2015–16903 Filed 7–9–15; 8:45 am]            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section
                                                  retain their status for the RDEIR/SDEIS.                 BILLING CODE 4332–90–P                                337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 provides
                                                     Council on Environmental Quality                                                                            that if the Commission finds a violation
                                                  regulations for implementing NEPA (40                                                                          it shall exclude the articles concerned
                                                  CFR 1502.9(c)) do not require any                        INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                   from the United States:
                                                  additional scoping for a supplement to                   COMMISSION                                            unless, after considering the effect of such
                                                  a Draft EIS, and the lead agencies are                                                                         exclusion upon the public health and
                                                  not proposing any scoping process for                    [Investigation No. 337–TA–921]
                                                                                                                                                                 welfare, competitive conditions in the United
                                                  this RDEIR/SDEIS in addition to the                                                                            States economy, the production of like or
                                                                                                           Marine Sonar Imaging Devices,
                                                  scoping that has already been done for                                                                         directly competitive articles in the United
                                                                                                           Including Downscan and Sidescan                       States, and United States consumers, it finds
                                                  the EIR/EIS as described above.
                                                                                                           Devices, Products Containing the                      that such articles should not be excluded
                                                     For further background information,
                                                                                                           Same, and Components Thereof;                         from entry.
                                                  see the December 13, 2013, Federal
                                                                                                           Notice of Request for Statements on
                                                  Register notice (78 FR 75939).                                                                                 19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1). A similar
                                                                                                           the Public Interest
                                                                                                                                                                 provision applies to cease and desist
                                                  Public Disclosure of Comments                                                                                  orders. 19 U.S.C. 1337(f)(1).
                                                                                                           AGENCY: U.S. International Trade
                                                    This notice is provided pursuant to                    Commission.                                              The Commission is interested in
                                                  NEPA. Reclamation is furnishing this                     ACTION: Notice.                                       further development of the record on
                                                  notice to allow other agencies and the                                                                         the public interest in this investigation.
                                                  public an opportunity to review and                      SUMMARY:  Notice is hereby given that                 Accordingly, members of the public are
                                                  comment on this RDEIR/SDEIS. All                         the presiding administrative law judge                invited to file submissions of no more
                                                  comments received will become part of                    has issued a final initial determination              than five pages, inclusive of
                                                  the public record for this action.                       and recommended determination on                      attachments, concerning the public
                                                  Comments on the RDEIR/SDEIS should                       remedy and bonding in the above-                      interest in light of the administrative
                                                  be submitted to the address listed in the                captioned investigation. The                          law judge’s recommended
                                                  ADDRESSES section of this document.                      Commission is soliciting comments on                  determination on remedy and bonding
                                                  Before including your address, phone                     public interest issues raised by the                  issued in this investigation on July 2,
                                                  number, email address, or other                          recommended relief, specifically a                    2015. Comments should address
                                                  personal identifying information in your                 limited exclusion order against certain               whether issuance of a limited exclusion
                                                  comment, you should be aware that                        marine sonar imaging devices, including               order and cease and desist order in this
                                                  your entire comment—including your                       downscan and sidescan devices,                        investigation would affect the public
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  personal identifying information—may                     products containing the same, and                     health and welfare in the United States,
                                                  be made publicly available at any time.                  components thereof, imported by                       competitive conditions in the United
                                                  While you may ask us in your comment                     respondents Garmin International, Inc.,               States economy, the production of like
                                                  to withhold your personal identifying                    Garmin USA, Inc., each of Olathe,                     or directly competitive articles in the
                                                  information from public review, we                       Kansas, and Garmin (Asia) Corporation                 United States, or United States
                                                  cannot guarantee that we will be able to                 of New Taipei City, Taiwan, and a cease               consumers.
                                                  do so. Comments submitted to the above                   and desist order against the domestic                    In particular, the Commission is
                                                  address will be reviewed and                             respondents. This notice is soliciting                interested in comments that:

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Document Created: 2018-02-23 09:15:38
Document Modified: 2018-02-23 09:15:38
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesComments on the RDEIR/SDEIS must be received or postmarked by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on August 31, 2015.
ContactMs. Michelle Banonis, Bureau of Reclamation, (916) 930-5676.
FR Citation80 FR 39797 

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