80_FR_41190 80 FR 41056 - Proposed Information Collection: Surveys and Focus Groups To Support Outcomes-Focused Management

80 FR 41056 - Proposed Information Collection: Surveys and Focus Groups To Support Outcomes-Focused Management

Bureau of Land Management

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 134 (July 14, 2015)

Page Range41056-41057
FR Document2015-17231

In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will ask the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve a collection of information to support recreation planning and management on public lands. The respondents will be recreationists visiting BLM-managed areas and members of communities near BLM-managed areas. The BLM invites public comments on this proposed collection. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 134 (Tuesday, July 14, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 134 (Tuesday, July 14, 2015)]
[Pages 41056-41057]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-17231]

[[Page 41056]]



Bureau of Land Management

[BLM EQD SSB-LLWO250000.L12200000.PM0000]

Proposed Information Collection: Surveys and Focus Groups To 
Support Outcomes-Focused Management

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.

ACTION: 60-day notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of 
Land Management (BLM) will ask the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) to approve a collection of information to support recreation 
planning and management on public lands. The respondents will be 
recreationists visiting BLM-managed areas and members of communities 
near BLM-managed areas. The BLM invites public comments on this 
proposed collection. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a 
person is not required to respond to, a collection of information 
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

DATES: Please submit comments on the proposed information collection by 
September 14, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by mail, fax, or electronic mail.
    Mail: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 
1849 C Street NW., Room 2134LM, Attention: Anna Atkinson, Washington, 
DC 20240.
    Fax: to Anna Atkinson at 202-245-0050.
    Electronic mail: amatkinson@blm.gov.
    Please indicate ``Attn: 1004-XXXX'' regardless of the form of your 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Peter J. Fix, University of Alaska 
Fairbanks, Department of Natural Resources Management, Fairbanks, AK 
99775-7200; email: pjfix@alaska.edu; or phone: 907-474-6926.


I. Abstract

    The BLM's recently issued planning and management guidelines for 
outdoor recreation in Handbook 8320-1 require managers to consider 
recreational visitors' and local community members' perspectives on the 
preferred characteristics of the resource area (e.g., the type and 
amount of facilities/development, the number of other visitors present, 
etc.), the desired recreational experience, and longer-term benefits 
that might be realized. Information on these topics would assist with 
the development of a Land Use Plan (LUP) and monitor implementation of 
that LUP. The BLM proposes to collect information regarding these 
topics from two populations, recreational visitors and local community 
members, utilizing both surveys and focus groups.
    For the surveys, the BLM would ask onsite, randomly selected 
recreational visitors 10 questions related to specific areas visited, 
activity participation, and basic demographics. After completion of 
those questions, the BLM would ask if they are interested in 
participating in a more in-depth mailback or internet survey. The 
mailback/internet survey would ask approximately 25 detailed questions 
about the trip, including: specific areas and attractions visited, 
activity participation, reasons for visiting and expected outcomes, 
evaluation of their visit, preferences for management of the area. 
Demographic questions would also be included. A reminder postcard/email 
will be sent after one week and a second survey will be sent to those 
who did not respond after two weeks. Surveys would be conducted at no 
more than 108 field offices.
    As a random sample is not the goal of the focus groups, 
participants would be solicited through a variety of methods including 
agency lists of key stakeholder groups; outreach to BLM partners; BLM 
field office Web sites; flyers at visitor centers, information kiosks, 
BLM offices, public spaces of gateway communities, and local hotels and 
restaurants; and local newspaper articles. During the focus group, the 
BLM staff would lead participants through a series of topics regarding 
how often participants visit the site in question, what makes the site 
special to them/the local community, reasons for visiting, desired 
outcomes from the site, perceived positive/negative changes to the 
site, and the participants' thoughts on partnerships and management. 
Questions asked of participants would include a mix of open-ended and 
fixed-choice responses. Answers will be recorded by electronic clickers 
and/or paper forms. The BLM field offices would be selected to 
administer a visitor survey based on one of two conditions: (1) A 
forthcoming Land Use Plan (LUP) in which Special Recreation Management 
Areas (SRMA) might be considered (e.g., high visitation, unique 
recreation opportunities, and unique natural features); or (2) a 
recently completed LUP in which SRMAs were designated. Gateway 
communities selected for focus groups would be those near a BLM field 
office with a forthcoming or recently completed LUP in which SRMAs will 
be considered or have been designated. The BLM would conduct a maximum 
of 648 focus groups over a 3-year period within the 12 states in which 
the BLM manages public lands.
    The information gathered would be used to:
    (1) Identify onsite experiences and longer-term outcomes desired/
attained by visitors, local residents, and other relevant local 
stakeholders (e.g., improved health, improved family bonding, economic 
    (2) Determine the field office's ability to respond to identified 
recreational issues and opportunities and understand the relationships 
among desirable/attained outcomes, activities, setting characteristics, 
and service delivery systems (within BLM-administered and other public 
lands as well as those provided by local communities) which those 
outcomes and activities depend on.
    (3) Develop LUPs that ensure visitor services and facilities are 
appropriate to provide desired experiences, settings and longer-term 
    (4) Monitor progress towards meeting SRMA objectives put forth in 
the LUP.
    (5) Prepare and maintain a continuing inventory of outdoor 
recreation values, kept current so as to reflect changing conditions 
and identify new and emerging values.

II. Data

    OMB Control Number: This is a new collection; 1004-XXXX.
    Title: Surveys and Focus Groups to Support Outcomes-Focused 
    Affected Public: Visitors to BLM resource areas, residents and 
other relevant stakeholders (e.g., representatives of the business 
community, local government, etc.) of communities near BLM resource 
    Respondent Obligation: Voluntary.
    Frequency of Collection: Annually, no more than 36 BLM field 
offices would be surveyed (32 would be pre-LUP inventory/needs 
assessment surveys and 4 would be post-LUP monitoring surveys) and no 
more than 216 focus groups would be conducted.
    Estimated Number of Annual Responses: pre-LUP inventory/needs 
assessment visitor surveys: 12,800; post-LUP monitoring visitor 
surveys: 1,600; focus groups: 5,400
    Annual Burden Hours: We estimate the public reporting burden to be 
approximately 30 minutes per completed inventory/needs assessment 
visitor survey, 10 minutes per

[[Page 41057]]

monitoring survey, and 90 minutes per focus group meeting participant. 
Total annual burden hours: 14,772.

                               A.                                       B.              C.              D.
Type of response                                                       Number of        Time per     Total hours
                                                                       responses        response  (Col. B x Col.
                                                                                       (minutes)       C/60 min)
Pre-RMP, onsite contact.........................................           20729             0.5             173
Pre-RMP, onsite survey (95% of above)...........................           19692               5            1641
Pre-RMP follow-up contacts (100% of above)......................           19692               1             328
Pre-RMP follow-up completion of survey (65% of above)...........           12800              20            4267
    Total for Pre-RMP...........................................  ..............  ..............            6409

                               A.                                       B.              C.              D.
Type of response                                                       Number of        Time per     Total hours
                                                                       responses        response  (Col. B x Col.
                                                                                       (minutes)       C/60 min)
Post-RMP, onsite contact........................................            2591             0.5              22
Post-RMP, onsite survey (95% of above)..........................            2462               1              41
Post-RMP follow-up contacts (100% of above).....................            2462               1              41
Post-RMP follow-up completion of survey (65% of above)..........            1600               6             160
    Total for Post-RMP..........................................  ..............  ..............             264

                               A.                                       B.              C.              D.
Type of response                                                       Number of        Time per     Total hours
                                                                       responses        response  (Col. B x Col.
                                                                                       (minutes)       C/60 min)
Focus group.....................................................            5400              90            8100

    Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping ``Non-Hour Cost'' Burden: 
There are no identified ``non-hour cost'' burdens associated with this 
collection of information.

III. Request for Comments

    Comments are invited on: (1) The practical utility of the 
information being gathered; (2) the accuracy of the burden hour 
estimate; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on respondents, including use of automated 
information techniques or other forms of information technology.
    Please note that the comments submitted in response to this notice 
are a matter of public record. We will include or summarize each 
comment in our request to OMB to approve this IC. Before including your 
address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying 
information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire 
comment, including your personal identifying information, may be made 
publicly available at any time. While you can ask BLM in your comment 
to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, 
we cannot guarantee that it will be done.

Anna Atkinson,
Bureau of Land Management, Information Collection Clearance Officer 
[FR Doc. 2015-17231 Filed 7-13-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    41056                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Notices

                                                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                               benefits that might be realized.                      near a BLM field office with a
                                                                                                             Information on these topics would assist              forthcoming or recently completed LUP
                                                    Bureau of Land Management                                with the development of a Land Use                    in which SRMAs will be considered or
                                                    [BLM EQD SSB–                                            Plan (LUP) and monitor implementation                 have been designated. The BLM would
                                                    LLWO250000.L12200000.PM0000]                             of that LUP. The BLM proposes to                      conduct a maximum of 648 focus groups
                                                                                                             collect information regarding these                   over a 3-year period within the 12 states
                                                    Proposed Information Collection:                         topics from two populations,                          in which the BLM manages public
                                                    Surveys and Focus Groups To Support                      recreational visitors and local                       lands.
                                                    Outcomes-Focused Management                              community members, utilizing both                        The information gathered would be
                                                                                                             surveys and focus groups.                             used to:
                                                    AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,                        For the surveys, the BLM would ask                    (1) Identify onsite experiences and
                                                    Interior.                                                onsite, randomly selected recreational                longer-term outcomes desired/attained
                                                    ACTION: 60-day notice and request for                    visitors 10 questions related to specific             by visitors, local residents, and other
                                                    comments.                                                areas visited, activity participation, and            relevant local stakeholders (e.g.,
                                                                                                             basic demographics. After completion of               improved health, improved family
                                                    SUMMARY:   In compliance with the                        those questions, the BLM would ask if                 bonding, economic diversity).
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of                   they are interested in participating in a                (2) Determine the field office’s ability
                                                    Land Management (BLM) will ask the                       more in-depth mailback or internet                    to respond to identified recreational
                                                    Office of Management and Budget                          survey. The mailback/internet survey                  issues and opportunities and
                                                    (OMB) to approve a collection of                         would ask approximately 25 detailed                   understand the relationships among
                                                    information to support recreation                        questions about the trip, including:                  desirable/attained outcomes, activities,
                                                    planning and management on public                        specific areas and attractions visited,               setting characteristics, and service
                                                    lands. The respondents will be                           activity participation, reasons for                   delivery systems (within BLM-
                                                    recreationists visiting BLM-managed                      visiting and expected outcomes,                       administered and other public lands as
                                                    areas and members of communities near                    evaluation of their visit, preferences for            well as those provided by local
                                                    BLM-managed areas. The BLM invites                       management of the area. Demographic                   communities) which those outcomes
                                                    public comments on this proposed                         questions would also be included. A                   and activities depend on.
                                                    collection. A Federal agency may not                     reminder postcard/email will be sent                     (3) Develop LUPs that ensure visitor
                                                    conduct or sponsor, and a person is not                  after one week and a second survey will               services and facilities are appropriate to
                                                    required to respond to, a collection of                  be sent to those who did not respond                  provide desired experiences, settings
                                                    information unless it displays a                         after two weeks. Surveys would be                     and longer-term outcomes.
                                                    currently valid OMB control number.                      conducted at no more than 108 field                      (4) Monitor progress towards meeting
                                                    DATES: Please submit comments on the                     offices.                                              SRMA objectives put forth in the LUP.
                                                    proposed information collection by                          As a random sample is not the goal of                 (5) Prepare and maintain a continuing
                                                    September 14, 2015.                                      the focus groups, participants would be               inventory of outdoor recreation values,
                                                    ADDRESSES: Comments may be                               solicited through a variety of methods                kept current so as to reflect changing
                                                    submitted by mail, fax, or electronic                    including agency lists of key                         conditions and identify new and
                                                    mail.                                                    stakeholder groups; outreach to BLM                   emerging values.
                                                      Mail: U.S. Department of the Interior,                 partners; BLM field office Web sites;
                                                                                                             flyers at visitor centers, information                II. Data
                                                    Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C
                                                    Street NW., Room 2134LM, Attention:                      kiosks, BLM offices, public spaces of                    OMB Control Number: This is a new
                                                    Anna Atkinson, Washington, DC 20240.                     gateway communities, and local hotels                 collection; 1004–XXXX.
                                                      Fax: to Anna Atkinson at 202–245–                      and restaurants; and local newspaper                     Title: Surveys and Focus Groups to
                                                    0050.                                                    articles. During the focus group, the                 Support Outcomes-Focused
                                                      Electronic mail: amatkinson@blm.gov.                   BLM staff would lead participants                     Management.
                                                      Please indicate ‘‘Attn: 1004–XXXX’’                    through a series of topics regarding how                 Affected Public: Visitors to BLM
                                                    regardless of the form of your                           often participants visit the site in                  resource areas, residents and other
                                                    comments.                                                question, what makes the site special to              relevant stakeholders (e.g.,
                                                                                                             them/the local community, reasons for                 representatives of the business
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:   Dr.                   visiting, desired outcomes from the site,             community, local government, etc.) of
                                                    Peter J. Fix, University of Alaska                       perceived positive/negative changes to                communities near BLM resource areas.
                                                    Fairbanks, Department of Natural                         the site, and the participants’ thoughts                 Respondent Obligation: Voluntary.
                                                    Resources Management, Fairbanks, AK                      on partnerships and management.                          Frequency of Collection: Annually, no
                                                    99775–7200; email: pjfix@alaska.edu; or                  Questions asked of participants would                 more than 36 BLM field offices would
                                                    phone: 907–474–6926.                                     include a mix of open-ended and fixed-                be surveyed (32 would be pre-LUP
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               choice responses. Answers will be                     inventory/needs assessment surveys and
                                                                                                             recorded by electronic clickers and/or                4 would be post-LUP monitoring
                                                    I. Abstract
                                                                                                             paper forms. The BLM field offices                    surveys) and no more than 216 focus
                                                      The BLM’s recently issued planning                     would be selected to administer a visitor             groups would be conducted.
                                                    and management guidelines for outdoor                    survey based on one of two conditions:                   Estimated Number of Annual
                                                    recreation in Handbook 8320–1 require                    (1) A forthcoming Land Use Plan (LUP)                 Responses: pre-LUP inventory/needs
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    managers to consider recreational                        in which Special Recreation                           assessment visitor surveys: 12,800; post-
                                                    visitors’ and local community members’                   Management Areas (SRMA) might be                      LUP monitoring visitor surveys: 1,600;
                                                    perspectives on the preferred                            considered (e.g., high visitation, unique             focus groups: 5,400
                                                    characteristics of the resource area (e.g.,              recreation opportunities, and unique                     Annual Burden Hours: We estimate
                                                    the type and amount of facilities/                       natural features); or (2) a recently                  the public reporting burden to be
                                                    development, the number of other                         completed LUP in which SRMAs were                     approximately 30 minutes per
                                                    visitors present, etc.), the desired                     designated. Gateway communities                       completed inventory/needs assessment
                                                    recreational experience, and longer-term                 selected for focus groups would be those              visitor survey, 10 minutes per

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:09 Jul 13, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00066   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\14JYN1.SGM   14JYN1

                                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Notices                                                                                           41057

                                                    monitoring survey, and 90 minutes per                                     focus group meeting participant. Total
                                                                                                                              annual burden hours: 14,772.

                                                                                                                        A.                                                                                    B.                         C.                    D.

                                                                                                             Type of response                                                                          Number of                   Time per                Total hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                       responses                   response               (Col. B × Col.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (minutes)                C/60 min)

                                                    Pre-RMP, onsite contact ..............................................................................................................                         20729                          0.5                173
                                                    Pre-RMP, onsite survey (95% of above) .....................................................................................                                    19692                            5               1641
                                                    Pre-RMP follow-up contacts (100% of above) ............................................................................                                        19692                            1                328
                                                    Pre-RMP follow-up completion of survey (65% of above) ..........................................................                                               12800                           20               4267

                                                          Total for Pre-RMP ................................................................................................................        ........................   ........................             6409

                                                                                                                        A.                                                                                    B.                         C.                    D.

                                                                                                             Type of response                                                                          Number of                   Time per                Total hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                       responses                   response               (Col. B × Col.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (minutes)                C/60 min)

                                                    Post-RMP, onsite contact ............................................................................................................                          2591                           0.5                22
                                                    Post-RMP, onsite survey (95% of above) ...................................................................................                                     2462                             1                41
                                                    Post-RMP follow-up contacts (100% of above) ..........................................................................                                         2462                             1                41
                                                    Post-RMP follow-up completion of survey (65% of above) ........................................................                                                1600                             6               160

                                                          Total for Post-RMP ...............................................................................................................        ........................   ........................             264

                                                                                                                        A.                                                                                    B.                         C.                    D.

                                                                                                             Type of response                                                                          Number of                   Time per                Total hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                       responses                   response               (Col. B × Col.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (minutes)                C/60 min)

                                                    Focus group .................................................................................................................................                   5400                           90               8100

                                                      Estimated Reporting and                                                 review, we cannot guarantee that it will                                  number 1004–0185 to this information
                                                    Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’                                           be done.                                                                  collection.
                                                    Burden: There are no identified ‘‘non-                                                                                                              DATES: Submit comments on the
                                                                                                                              Anna Atkinson,
                                                    hour cost’’ burdens associated with this                                                                                                            proposed information collection by
                                                    collection of information.                                                Bureau of Land Management, Information
                                                                                                                              Collection Clearance Officer (Acting).                                    September 14, 2015.
                                                    III. Request for Comments                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–17231 Filed 7–13–15; 8:45 am]                               ADDRESSES: Comments may be
                                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 4310–84–P
                                                                                                                                                                                                        submitted by mail, fax, or electronic
                                                      Comments are invited on: (1) The                                                                                                                  mail.
                                                    practical utility of the information being                                                                                                            Mail: U.S. Department of the Interior,
                                                    gathered; (2) the accuracy of the burden                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                                Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C
                                                    hour estimate; (3) ways to enhance the                                                                                                              Street NW., Room 2134LM, Attention:
                                                    quality, utility, and clarity of the                                      Bureau of Land Management                                                 Jean Sonneman, Washington, DC 20240.
                                                    information to be collected; and (4)                                                                                                                  Fax: to Anna Atkinson at 202–245–
                                                    ways to minimize the burden of the                                        [LL WO31000.L13100000.PB0000.15X]                                         0050.
                                                    collection of information on                                                                                                                          Electronic mail: amatkinson@blm.gov.
                                                    respondents, including use of                                             Renewal of Approved Information                                             Please indicate ‘‘Attn: 1004–0185’’
                                                    automated information techniques or                                       Collection; OMB Control No. 1004–                                         regardless of the form of your
                                                    other forms of information technology.                                    0185                                                                      comments.
                                                      Please note that the comments                                           AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    submitted in response to this notice are                                  Interior.                                                                 Jennifer Spencer, Division of Fluid
                                                    a matter of public record. We will                                        ACTION: 60-day notice and request for                                     Minerals, at 202–912–7146. Persons
                                                    include or summarize each comment in                                      comments.                                                                 who use a telecommunication device for
                                                    our request to OMB to approve this IC.                                                                                                              the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
                                                    Before including your address, phone                                      SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                                         Information Relay Service (FIRS) at
                                                    number, email address, or other                                           Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of                                    1–800–877–8339, to leave a message for
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    personal identifying information in your                                  Land Management (BLM) invites public                                      Ms. Spencer.
                                                    comment, you should be aware that                                         comments on, and plans to request                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OMB
                                                    your entire comment, including your                                       approval to continue, the collection of                                   regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which
                                                    personal identifying information, may                                     information pertaining to Federal and                                     implement provisions of the Paperwork
                                                    be made publicly available at any time.                                   Indian oil and gas leasing and drainage                                   Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501–3521,
                                                    While you can ask BLM in your                                             protection (except on the Osage                                           require that interested members of the
                                                    comment to withhold your personal                                         Reservation). The Office of Management                                    public and affected agencies be given an
                                                    identifying information from public                                       and Budget (OMB) has assigned control                                     opportunity to comment on information

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014         21:01 Jul 13, 2015       Jkt 235001      PO 00000        Frm 00067       Fmt 4703      Sfmt 4703       E:\FR\FM\14JYN1.SGM              14JYN1

Document Created: 2018-02-23 09:19:49
Document Modified: 2018-02-23 09:19:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Action60-day notice and request for comments.
DatesPlease submit comments on the proposed information collection by September 14, 2015.
ContactDr. Peter J. Fix, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Natural Resources Management, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7200; email: [email protected]; or phone: 907-474-6926.
FR Citation80 FR 41056 

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