80_FR_42891 80 FR 42753 - Bird Strike Requirements for Transport Category Airplanes

80 FR 42753 - Bird Strike Requirements for Transport Category Airplanes

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 138 (July 20, 2015)

Page Range42753-42756
FR Document2015-17404

This document solicits public comments on the need for, and the possible scope of, changes to the bird strike certification requirements for transport category airplanes. The FAA is not currently proposing a specific regulatory action. The purpose of this request is to gather comments from airplane manufacturers and other interested parties on this subject.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 138 (Monday, July 20, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 138 (Monday, July 20, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 42753-42756]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-17404]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 138 / Monday, July 20, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 42753]]


Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. FAA-2015-2490]

Bird Strike Requirements for Transport Category Airplanes

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Request for comments on bird strike requirements for transport 
category airplanes.


SUMMARY: This document solicits public comments on the need for, and 
the possible scope of, changes to the bird strike certification 
requirements for transport category airplanes. The FAA is not currently 
proposing a specific regulatory action. The purpose of this request is 
to gather comments from airplane manufacturers and other interested 
parties on this subject.

DATES: Send comments by November 17, 2015.
    Comments to: Todd.Martin@faa.gov.

ADDRESSES: Send comments, identified by Docket No. FAA-2015-2490, using 
any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and follow the online instructions for sending your 
comments electronically.
     Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30; U.S. 
Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, 
West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket 
Operations in Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., 
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
     Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at 202-493-2251.
    Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments 
from the public to better inform its rulemaking process. DOT posts 
these comments, without edit, including any personal information the 
commenter provides, to www.regulations.gov, as described in the system 
of records notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at 
    Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at 
http://www.regulations.gov at any time. Follow the online instructions 
for accessing the docket or go to Docket Operations in Room W12-140 of 
the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Martin, Airframe and Cabin Safety 
Branch, ANM-115, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft 
Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057-3356; 
telephone (425) 227-1178; facsimile (425) 227-1232; email 


Comments Invited

    The FAA invites interested persons to comment on the need for, and 
the possible scope of, changes to the bird strike requirements for 
transport category airplanes by submitting written data, views, or 
arguments as they may desire. We have conducted a review of bird strike 
data, and we are considering whether to revise the requirements, as 
described in this document. We invite comments relating to the 
technical or economic impact that might result from any of the rule 
changes discussed herein, as well as any alternative suggestions. 
Substantive comments should be accompanied by estimates of their 
economic impact if possible. All comments received by the closing date 
for comments will be considered by the FAA.


    Bird strike requirements for transport category airplanes are 
specified in Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 25, 
and vary depending on the structural component being evaluated. Section 
25.775 requires windshields and their supporting structure withstand, 
without penetration, impact with a four-pound bird at VC 
(design cruising speed) at sea level. This regulation has been in place 
and is unchanged since part 25 was introduced in 1965.
    Section 25.631 requires the empennage structure be designed to 
assure continued safe flight after impact with an eight-pound bird at 
VC at sea level, including consideration of control system 
elements. This regulation was introduced at Amendment 25-23 (effective 
May 8, 1970) as a result of the 1962 Vickers Viscount accident, which 
was caused by impact with a swan, estimated to weigh between 12 and 17 
pounds, that damaged the horizontal stabilizer and elevator.
    Section 25.571 considers the rest of the airframe and requires the 
airplane be capable of continued safe flight after impact with a four-
pound bird at VC at sea level, and .85 VC at 8000 
feet. This regulation was introduced at Amendment 25-45 (effective 
December 1, 1978) with some changes in the speed definition since then. 
A speed criterion is provided at 8000 feet to ensure adequate bird 
strike resistance capability up to that altitude.
    In 1993, the FAA was developing a notice of proposed rulemaking to 
establish a consistent eight-pound bird requirement for all structures. 
The FAA decided instead to task the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory 
Committee (ARAC) to evaluate the bird strike requirements and make 
recommendations. The working group completed its deliberations in 2003 
without reaching agreement. All members in the working group, except 
the FAA, favored reducing the eight-pound bird requirement in Sec.  
25.631 to four pounds, thus establishing a consistent four-pound bird 
requirement for all structures. Other changes to the requirements were 
considered by the group, but none were adopted. The working group 
report is available at: http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking/committees/documents/media/TAEgshT1-031593.pdf.
    More recently, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) 
issued the following Safety Recommendation to the FAA as a result of a 
fatal Cessna 500 accident that occurred in 2008: A-09-072, ``Revise the 
bird-strike certification requirements for Part 25 airplanes so that 
protection from in-flight impact with birds is consistent across all 
airframe structures. Consider the most current military and

[[Page 42754]]

civilian bird-strike database information and trends in bird 
populations in drafting this revision.''
    To determine the adequacy of current bird strike certification 
requirements, the FAA reviewed a number of reports, including the 2003 
ARAC report, and other reports that address bird populations. We also 
reviewed recent bird strike event data and compared the energy levels 
of bird strike events to the energy levels prescribed in the current 
requirements. We found numerous bird strike events in which the energy 
level exceeded that specified in current part 25 requirements.

Sample of Bird Strike Event Data

    The severity of a bird strike depends primarily on kinetic energy, 
which is proportional to mass times velocity squared. Bird strikes 
involving birds greater than four pounds occur often, but usually at 
speeds below the design cruising speed, VC. Therefore, the 
energy level of such strikes is usually below that specified in current 
requirements. However, in some cases, that energy level is exceeded.
    In each of the bird strike events shown below, the FAA estimates 
that the energy level of the strike exceeded that specified in current 
requirements. This is not an exhaustive list; these are just some 
examples of events that occurred in the US since the 2008 Cessna 
accident. For these events, we estimated the energy level of the event 
and compared it to the current four-pound bird requirement specified in 
Sec. Sec.  25.571 and 25.775.

Recent Examples of Bird Strike Events in Which the Energy Level Exceeded
                   the Current Airplane-Level Standard
                          [4 Pound Bird at VC]
1. Energy level approximately 1.8 times current certification standard:
    Date: 4 March 2008.
    Aircraft: Cessna Citation Model 500.
    Airport: Wiley Post (OK).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (3,100' MSL (mean sea level)).
    Estimated Airspeed: 198 KTAS (knots true airspeed).
    Effect on Flight: Crashed.
    Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.).
     Multiple birds.
    Damage: Aircraft destroyed. Five fatalities. Shortly after takeoff,
     the airplane flew through a flock of birds. There was no evidence
     that any pieces of the airplane separated in flight. Bird residues
     were identified on the right horizontal stabilizer and the right
     side of the vertical stabilizer.
2. Energy level approximately 2.3 times current certification standard:
    Date: 8 April 2008.
    Aircraft: Bombardier Challenger 600.
    Airport: Colorado Springs (CO).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (8,000' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 260 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
    Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.).
     Multiple birds.
    Damage: One bird penetrated the fuselage below the cockpit windows,
     through the forward pressure bulkhead and into the cockpit. Both
     engines ingested at least 1 bird. The #1 engine had fan damage; the
     #2 engine lost power and had a dented inlet lip. Noise and wind in
     the flightdeck. The left engine had high vibration levels. The
     fuselage skin and forward pressure bulkhead were penetrated and
     contained bird matter. The left engine thrust reverser torque box
     assembly and pylon tracks were bent, and the engine cowl supports
     were broken.
3. Energy level approximately 1.5 times current certification standard:
    Date: 3 February 2009.
    Aircraft: Boeing 757-200.
    Airport: Denver International (CO).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (7,500' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 270 KTAS (Airspeed not recorded. Airspeed
     estimate assumes airplane was flying 10 knots below 250 KIAS speed
     restriction. At 7500' MSL, 250 KIAS is approximately equal to 280
    Effect on Flight: Emergency landing.
    Wildlife Species: Bald eagle (mean weight 10.4 lb.). Single bird.
    Damage: Bird hit right side of engine cowling making a large dent
     before entering the engine where it damaged all fan blades.
4. Energy level approximately 4.2 times current certification standard:
    Date: 10 August 2010.
    Aircraft: Embraer 145.
    Airport: Salt Lake City International (UT).
    Phase of Flight: Approach (11,000' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 290 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Landed using back up radio.
    Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.).
     Multiple birds.
    Damage: Birds punctured the nose of the aircraft between the nose
     cone and windshield. The birds damaged the skin, stringers,
     structural mounts and various avionics equipment. One bird
     penetrated the airplane's skin and entered the forward avionics
     bay. The captain lost a number of his primary instruments.
5. Energy level approximately 2.3 times current certification standard:
    Date: 08 November 2010.
    Aircraft: Bombardier DHC-8.
    Airport: Los Angeles International (CA).
    Phase of Flight: Approach (6,600' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 243 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Emergency landing.
    Wildlife Species: Common loon (mean weight 9.1 lb.). Single bird.

[[Page 42755]]

    Damage: Bird impact resulted in a 12-inch hole in the right wing
     leading edge, and internal structural damage to the right wing and
     fuel tank.
6. Energy level approximately 1.2 times current certification standard:
    Date: 15 November 2010.
    Aircraft: Embraer 170.
    Airport: Minneapolis-St. Paul International (MN).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (5000' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 270 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
    Wildlife Species: Snow goose (mean weight 5.8 lb.). Multiple birds.
    Damage: Radome, engine, fuselage. Autothrottle system disengaged.
     First officer's primary flight display had alert flags for the
     indicated airspeed and altitude parameters. Substantial damage to
     the radome and its underlying structural components. The forward
     pressure bulkhead web contained a dent and puncture. The left
     engine compressor section was damaged.
7. Energy level approximately 1.4 times current certification standard:
    Date: 01 November 2011.
    Aircraft: Airbus 320.
    Airport: Minneapolis-St Paul International (MN).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (3300' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 220 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing, emergency declared.
    Wildlife Species: Tundra swan (mean weight 14.8 lb.). Single bird.
    Damage: Bird hit right side of nose. Substantial damage to the
     radome, nose, #2 engine and forward pressure bulkhead.
8. Energy level approximately 1.8 times current certification standard:
    Date: 25 October 2012.
    Aircraft: Boeing 757-200.
    Airport: Boise Air Terminal (ID).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (14,000' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 390 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
    Wildlife Species: Snow goose (mean weight 5.8 lb.). Multiple birds.
    Damage: The radome was penetrated and the bulkhead was punctured.
     There was extensive damage to the #2 engine.
9. Energy level approximately 2.2 times current certification standard:
    Date: 12 October 2013.
    Aircraft: Cessna 525.
    Airport: Lincoln (NE).
    Phase of Flight: Climb (6400' MSL).
    Estimated Airspeed: 220 KTAS.
    Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
    Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.).
     Single bird.
    Damage: Substantial damage to the outer right wing spar.

    These event data, including estimated airplane altitude and 
airspeed, are derived from the following reports:
    1. The FAA Wildlife Strike Database, available at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_safety/wildlife.
    2. The FAA Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) 
System, available at: http://www.asias.faa.gov. This includes the FAA 
Accident/Incident Data System, and the NTSB Aviation Accident and 
Incident Data System.
    3. National Transportation Safety Board. 2009. Aircraft Accident 
Report: Crash of Cessna 500, N113SH, Following an In-Flight Collision 
with Large Birds, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 4, 2008. Aircraft 
Accident Report NTSB/AAR-09/05. Washington, DC.
    In addition to the events listed above, there are hundreds of 
examples of bird strike events in which the energy level did not exceed 
current requirements, but substantial damage to the airframe occurred. 
In addition to structural damage, major damage to electrical, flight 
control and fuel systems has occurred, and there have been dozens of 
incidents in which the flight deck was penetrated.

Bird Population Trends

    The bird strike threat has increased, especially the threat due to 
larger birds. In a report commissioned by the FAA, Assessment of 
Wildlife Strike Risk to Airframes; Herricks, Mankin, and Shaeffer; 
December 2002; the authors wrote, ``The findings of this report, 
supported by other literature, indicate that future operational 
environments for aircraft can be expected to contain larger numbers of 
birds, and larger numbers of birds with weights greater than four 
    According to Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United 
States, 1990-2013, US Depts. of Transportation and Agriculture, July 
2014: ``Many populations of large bird and mammal species commonly 
involved in strikes have increased markedly in the last few decades and 
adapted to living in urban environments, including airports. For 
example, the resident (non-migratory) Canada goose population in the 
USA and Canada increased from about 0.5 million to 3.8 million from 
1980 to 2013 (Dolbeer et al. 2014, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 
2013). During the same time period, the North American snow goose 
population increased from about 2.1 million to 6.6 million birds (U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service. 2013). Other large-bird species that have 
shown significant population increases from 1980 to 2012 include bald 
eagles (6.4 percent annual rate of increase), wild turkeys (9.5 
percent), turkey vultures (2.7 percent), American white pelicans (7.9 
percent), double-crested cormorants (6.1 percent), sandhill cranes (5.9 
percent), great blue herons (1.2 percent), and ospreys (3.0 percent, 
Sauer et al. 2014). Dolbeer and Begier (2013) examined the estimated 

[[Page 42756]]

trends and numbers for the 21 species of birds in North America with 
mean body masses greater than 4 pounds and at least 10 strikes with 
civil aircraft from 1990-2012. Of these 21 species, 17 had shown 
population increases from 1990-2012 with a net gain of 17 million 
birds. Previous research had documented that 13 of the 14 bird species 
in North America with mean body masses greater than 8 pounds showed 
significant population increases from 1970 to the early 1990s (Dolbeer 
and Eschenfelder 2003).''

Airspeed Information

    In the U.S., Sec.  91.117 prescribes a speed restriction of 250 
knots indicated airspeed below 10,000 feet mean sea level. The 250 knot 
speed restriction is also in place in Mexico and Canada, and in many 
areas around the world, but not everywhere. Where this speed 
restriction is in place, it provides a significant safety benefit with 
respect to bird strikes.
    While deviations to this speed restriction are allowed, and the 
requirement is not global, it does indicate that limiting airspeed 
below 10,000 feet is operationally feasible for transport category 
airplanes. Indeed, to meet current bird strike criteria, some 
manufacturers specify relatively low VMO and VC 
airspeeds up to 8000 feet, that increase above that altitude. These 
speed ``cutbacks'' at lower altitudes are beneficial for three reasons: 
(1) They increase safety by reducing the energy of any bird strike that 
occurs below 8000 feet, (2) they apply to all airspace, not just those 
areas covered by US operating regulations, or those of other countries, 
and (3) they reduce the bird strike speeds to which the airplane must 
be designed.
    To encourage these speed cutbacks, we believe establishing the bird 
strike speed criteria based on VMO rather than VC 
may be warranted. While most structures rules are based on 
VC, allowing these very speed-dependent criteria to be based 
on VMO may make the establishment of speed cutbacks easier 
to achieve.

Summary of FAA Findings

    Our review of bird strike event data and bird population data 
indicates the following:
    1. Bird strikes have occurred and will continue to occur at energy 
levels that exceed the level provided by current requirements.
    2. Numerous bird strikes have resulted in penetration into the 
flight deck, mostly below the windshield, even at energy levels below 
current requirements. Penetration of the cockpit obviously introduces a 
number of significant risks to the airplane. Currently, there is no 
requirement that specifically prohibits penetration of the flight deck 
through structure other than the windshield.
    3. The bird strike threat has increased, especially the threat due 
to larger birds. Therefore, current fleet history may not be indicative 
of what to expect in the future.
    4. Bird strike events often involve more than one bird. Such 
multiple bird strikes may result in structural damage in several areas, 
pilot disorientation, engine failure and systems failures. Any one of 
these effects can significantly reduce the controllability of the 
airplane. Sections 25.571 and 25.631 assume a single bird strike, 
rather than multiple bird strikes. The FAA believes that this single 
bird strike approach is an adequate approach for airframe structure as 
long as the single bird strike criteria are robust. By showing the 
structure capable of withstanding a significant bird strike in any one 
area, a bird strike to that area should not compound the hazard from 
strikes in other areas.
    5. Limiting airspeed below 10,000 feet is operationally feasible 
for transport category airplanes. Bird strike data indicate numerous 
damaging bird strikes have occurred above 8000 feet, but above 10,000 
feet, bird strikes are rare. Therefore, expanding the envelope above 
8000 feet, but limiting it at 10,000 feet, may be warranted.
    6. Establishing reduced VMO and VC airspeeds 
at lower altitudes provides a significant safety benefit with respect 
to bird strikes.

Request for Comments

    The FAA invites interested persons to comment on the need for, and 
the possible scope of, changes to the bird strike requirements for 
transport category airplanes by submitting written data, views, or 
arguments as they may desire. We invite comments relating to the 
technical or economic impact that might result from any considerations 
discussed herein, as well as any alternative suggestions. In 
particular, we invite information, comments, and opinion on the 
following questions:
    1. Should the bird weight requirement be applied consistently 
across the airplane?
    2. Should the bird weight requirement be increased, to eight pounds 
or some other value?
    3. Should a ``no-penetration'' requirement be applied to the entire 
fuselage, not just the windshields?
    4. Should the bird strike criteria be expanded to 10,000 feet?
    5. Should the 0.85 speed reduction factor at 8000 feet, currently 
specified in Sec.  25.571, be removed?
    6. Should the speed criterion for bird strikes be based on 
VMO rather than VC?


    This document solicits public comments on the need for, and the 
possible scope of, changes to the bird strike certification 
requirements for transport category airplanes.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25

    Aircraft, Aircraft safety.

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on June 25, 2015.
Jeffrey E. Duven,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 2015-17404 Filed 7-17-15; 8:45 am]


                                                    Proposed Rules                                                                                                 Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                   Vol. 80, No. 138

                                                                                                                                                                   Monday, July 20, 2015

                                                    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                     process. DOT posts these comments,                    and is unchanged since part 25 was
                                                    contains notices to the public of the proposed           without edit, including any personal                  introduced in 1965.
                                                    issuance of rules and regulations. The                   information the commenter provides, to                   Section 25.631 requires the
                                                    purpose of these notices is to give interested           www.regulations.gov, as described in                  empennage structure be designed to
                                                    persons an opportunity to participate in the             the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–                assure continued safe flight after impact
                                                    rule making prior to the adoption of the final
                                                                                                             14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at                    with an eight-pound bird at VC at sea
                                                                                                             www.dot.gov/privacy.                                  level, including consideration of control
                                                                                                                Docket: Background documents or                    system elements. This regulation was
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                             comments received may be read at                      introduced at Amendment 25–23
                                                                                                             http://www.regulations.gov at any time.               (effective May 8, 1970) as a result of the
                                                    Federal Aviation Administration                          Follow the online instructions for                    1962 Vickers Viscount accident, which
                                                                                                             accessing the docket or go to Docket                  was caused by impact with a swan,
                                                    14 CFR Part 25                                           Operations in Room W12–140 of the                     estimated to weigh between 12 and 17
                                                                                                             West Building Ground Floor at 1200                    pounds, that damaged the horizontal
                                                    [Docket No. FAA–2015–2490]
                                                                                                             New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,                    stabilizer and elevator.
                                                    Bird Strike Requirements for Transport                   DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday                    Section 25.571 considers the rest of
                                                    Category Airplanes                                       through Friday, except Federal holidays.              the airframe and requires the airplane be
                                                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      capable of continued safe flight after
                                                    AGENCY:   Federal Aviation                               Todd Martin, Airframe and Cabin Safety                impact with a four-pound bird at VC at
                                                    Administration (FAA), DOT.                               Branch, ANM–115, FAA, Transport                       sea level, and .85 VC at 8000 feet. This
                                                    ACTION: Request for comments on bird                     Airplane Directorate, Aircraft                        regulation was introduced at
                                                    strike requirements for transport                        Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue               Amendment 25–45 (effective December
                                                    category airplanes.                                      SW., Renton, WA 98057–3356;                           1, 1978) with some changes in the speed
                                                                                                             telephone (425) 227–1178; facsimile                   definition since then. A speed criterion
                                                    SUMMARY:    This document solicits public                (425) 227–1232; email Todd.Martin@                    is provided at 8000 feet to ensure
                                                    comments on the need for, and the                        faa.gov.                                              adequate bird strike resistance
                                                    possible scope of, changes to the bird                                                                         capability up to that altitude.
                                                    strike certification requirements for                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                      In 1993, the FAA was developing a
                                                    transport category airplanes. The FAA is                 Comments Invited                                      notice of proposed rulemaking to
                                                    not currently proposing a specific                                                                             establish a consistent eight-pound bird
                                                                                                                The FAA invites interested persons to
                                                    regulatory action. The purpose of this                                                                         requirement for all structures. The FAA
                                                                                                             comment on the need for, and the
                                                    request is to gather comments from                                                                             decided instead to task the Aviation
                                                                                                             possible scope of, changes to the bird
                                                    airplane manufacturers and other                                                                               Rulemaking Advisory Committee
                                                                                                             strike requirements for transport
                                                    interested parties on this subject.                                                                            (ARAC) to evaluate the bird strike
                                                                                                             category airplanes by submitting written
                                                    DATES: Send comments by November                         data, views, or arguments as they may                 requirements and make
                                                    17, 2015.                                                desire. We have conducted a review of                 recommendations. The working group
                                                       Comments to: Todd.Martin@faa.gov.                     bird strike data, and we are considering              completed its deliberations in 2003
                                                    ADDRESSES: Send comments, identified                     whether to revise the requirements, as                without reaching agreement. All
                                                    by Docket No. FAA–2015–2490, using                       described in this document. We invite                 members in the working group, except
                                                    any of the following methods:                            comments relating to the technical or                 the FAA, favored reducing the eight-
                                                       • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                   economic impact that might result from                pound bird requirement in § 25.631 to
                                                    http://www.regulations.gov and follow                    any of the rule changes discussed                     four pounds, thus establishing a
                                                    the online instructions for sending your                 herein, as well as any alternative                    consistent four-pound bird requirement
                                                    comments electronically.                                 suggestions. Substantive comments                     for all structures. Other changes to the
                                                       • Mail: Send comments to Docket                       should be accompanied by estimates of                 requirements were considered by the
                                                    Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of                     their economic impact if possible. All                group, but none were adopted. The
                                                    Transportation, 1200 New Jersey                          comments received by the closing date                 working group report is available at:
                                                    Avenue SE., Room W12–140, West                           for comments will be considered by the                http://www.faa.gov/regulations_
                                                    Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC                    FAA.                                                  policies/rulemaking/committees/
                                                    20590–0001.                                                                                                    documents/media/TAEgshT1-
                                                       • Hand Delivery or Courier: Take                      Background                                            031593.pdf.
                                                    comments to Docket Operations in                            Bird strike requirements for transport                More recently, the National
                                                    Room W12–140 of the West Building                        category airplanes are specified in Title             Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
                                                    Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey                          14, Code of Federal Regulations (14                   issued the following Safety
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9                    CFR), part 25, and vary depending on                  Recommendation to the FAA as a result
                                                    a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through                          the structural component being                        of a fatal Cessna 500 accident that
                                                    Friday, except Federal holidays.                         evaluated. Section 25.775 requires                    occurred in 2008: A–09–072, ‘‘Revise
                                                       • Fax: Fax comments to Docket                         windshields and their supporting                      the bird-strike certification requirements
                                                    Operations at 202–493–2251.                              structure withstand, without                          for Part 25 airplanes so that protection
                                                       Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C.                  penetration, impact with a four-pound                 from in-flight impact with birds is
                                                    553(c), DOT solicits comments from the                   bird at VC (design cruising speed) at sea             consistent across all airframe structures.
                                                    public to better inform its rulemaking                   level. This regulation has been in place              Consider the most current military and

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:10 Jul 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00001   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\20JYP1.SGM   20JYP1

                                                    42754                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 138 / Monday, July 20, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    civilian bird-strike database information                exceeded that specified in current part                requirements. However, in some cases,
                                                    and trends in bird populations in                        25 requirements.                                       that energy level is exceeded.
                                                    drafting this revision.’’                                                                                         In each of the bird strike events
                                                       To determine the adequacy of current                  Sample of Bird Strike Event Data                       shown below, the FAA estimates that
                                                    bird strike certification requirements,                    The severity of a bird strike depends                the energy level of the strike exceeded
                                                    the FAA reviewed a number of reports,                    primarily on kinetic energy, which is                  that specified in current requirements.
                                                    including the 2003 ARAC report, and                      proportional to mass times velocity                    This is not an exhaustive list; these are
                                                    other reports that address bird                                                                                 just some examples of events that
                                                                                                             squared. Bird strikes involving birds
                                                    populations. We also reviewed recent                                                                            occurred in the US since the 2008
                                                                                                             greater than four pounds occur often,
                                                    bird strike event data and compared the                                                                         Cessna accident. For these events, we
                                                                                                             but usually at speeds below the design
                                                    energy levels of bird strike events to the                                                                      estimated the energy level of the event
                                                    energy levels prescribed in the current                  cruising speed, VC. Therefore, the                     and compared it to the current four-
                                                    requirements. We found numerous bird                     energy level of such strikes is usually                pound bird requirement specified in
                                                    strike events in which the energy level                  below that specified in current                        §§ 25.571 and 25.775.

                                                                                                                              [4 Pound Bird at VC]

                                                    1. Energy level approximately 1.8 times current certification standard:
                                                        Date: 4 March 2008.
                                                        Aircraft: Cessna Citation Model 500.
                                                        Airport: Wiley Post (OK).
                                                        Phase of Flight: Climb (3,100′ MSL (mean sea level)).
                                                        Estimated Airspeed: 198 KTAS (knots true airspeed).
                                                        Effect on Flight: Crashed.
                                                        Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.). Multiple birds.
                                                        Damage: Aircraft destroyed. Five fatalities. Shortly after takeoff, the airplane flew through a flock of birds. There was no evidence that any
                                                          pieces of the airplane separated in flight. Bird residues were identified on the right horizontal stabilizer and the right side of the vertical
                                                    2. Energy level approximately 2.3 times current certification standard:
                                                        Date: 8 April 2008.
                                                        Aircraft: Bombardier Challenger 600.
                                                        Airport: Colorado Springs (CO).
                                                        Phase of Flight: Climb (8,000′ MSL).
                                                        Estimated Airspeed: 260 KTAS.
                                                        Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
                                                        Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.). Multiple birds.
                                                        Damage: One bird penetrated the fuselage below the cockpit windows, through the forward pressure bulkhead and into the cockpit. Both
                                                          engines ingested at least 1 bird. The #1 engine had fan damage; the #2 engine lost power and had a dented inlet lip. Noise and wind in
                                                          the flightdeck. The left engine had high vibration levels. The fuselage skin and forward pressure bulkhead were penetrated and contained
                                                          bird matter. The left engine thrust reverser torque box assembly and pylon tracks were bent, and the engine cowl supports were broken.
                                                    3. Energy level approximately 1.5 times current certification standard:
                                                        Date: 3 February 2009.
                                                        Aircraft: Boeing 757–200.
                                                        Airport: Denver International (CO).
                                                        Phase of Flight: Climb (7,500′ MSL).
                                                        Estimated Airspeed: 270 KTAS (Airspeed not recorded. Airspeed estimate assumes airplane was flying 10 knots below 250 KIAS speed re-
                                                          striction. At 7500′ MSL, 250 KIAS is approximately equal to 280 KTAS).
                                                        Effect on Flight: Emergency landing.
                                                        Wildlife Species: Bald eagle (mean weight 10.4 lb.). Single bird.
                                                        Damage: Bird hit right side of engine cowling making a large dent before entering the engine where it damaged all fan blades.
                                                    4. Energy level approximately 4.2 times current certification standard:
                                                        Date: 10 August 2010.
                                                        Aircraft: Embraer 145.
                                                        Airport: Salt Lake City International (UT).
                                                        Phase of Flight: Approach (11,000′ MSL).
                                                        Estimated Airspeed: 290 KTAS.
                                                        Effect on Flight: Landed using back up radio.
                                                        Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.). Multiple birds.
                                                        Damage: Birds punctured the nose of the aircraft between the nose cone and windshield. The birds damaged the skin, stringers, structural
                                                          mounts and various avionics equipment. One bird penetrated the airplane’s skin and entered the forward avionics bay. The captain lost a
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                          number of his primary instruments.
                                                    5. Energy level approximately 2.3 times current certification standard:
                                                        Date: 08 November 2010.
                                                        Aircraft: Bombardier DHC–8.
                                                        Airport: Los Angeles International (CA).
                                                        Phase of Flight: Approach (6,600′ MSL).
                                                        Estimated Airspeed: 243 KTAS.
                                                        Effect on Flight: Emergency landing.
                                                        Wildlife Species: Common loon (mean weight 9.1 lb.). Single bird.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 138 / Monday, July 20, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            42755

                                                                                                                              [4 Pound Bird at VC]

                                                          Damage: Bird impact resulted in a 12-inch hole in the right wing leading edge, and internal structural damage to the right wing and fuel
                                                    6.   Energy level approximately 1.2 times current certification standard:
                                                          Date: 15 November 2010.
                                                          Aircraft: Embraer 170.
                                                          Airport: Minneapolis-St. Paul International (MN).
                                                          Phase of Flight: Climb (5000′ MSL).
                                                          Estimated Airspeed: 270 KTAS.
                                                          Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
                                                          Wildlife Species: Snow goose (mean weight 5.8 lb.). Multiple birds.
                                                          Damage: Radome, engine, fuselage. Autothrottle system disengaged. First officer’s primary flight display had alert flags for the indicated
                                                            airspeed and altitude parameters. Substantial damage to the radome and its underlying structural components. The forward pressure
                                                            bulkhead web contained a dent and puncture. The left engine compressor section was damaged.
                                                    7.   Energy level approximately 1.4 times current certification standard:
                                                          Date: 01 November 2011.
                                                          Aircraft: Airbus 320.
                                                          Airport: Minneapolis-St Paul International (MN).
                                                          Phase of Flight: Climb (3300′ MSL).
                                                          Estimated Airspeed: 220 KTAS.
                                                          Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing, emergency declared.
                                                          Wildlife Species: Tundra swan (mean weight 14.8 lb.). Single bird.
                                                          Damage: Bird hit right side of nose. Substantial damage to the radome, nose, #2 engine and forward pressure bulkhead.
                                                    8.   Energy level approximately 1.8 times current certification standard:
                                                          Date: 25 October 2012.
                                                          Aircraft: Boeing 757–200.
                                                          Airport: Boise Air Terminal (ID).
                                                          Phase of Flight: Climb (14,000′ MSL).
                                                          Estimated Airspeed: 390 KTAS.
                                                          Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
                                                          Wildlife Species: Snow goose (mean weight 5.8 lb.). Multiple birds.
                                                          Damage: The radome was penetrated and the bulkhead was punctured. There was extensive damage to the #2 engine.
                                                    9.   Energy level approximately 2.2 times current certification standard:
                                                          Date: 12 October 2013.
                                                          Aircraft: Cessna 525.
                                                          Airport: Lincoln (NE).
                                                          Phase of Flight: Climb (6400′ MSL).
                                                          Estimated Airspeed: 220 KTAS.
                                                          Effect on Flight: Precautionary landing.
                                                          Wildlife Species: American white pelican (mean weight 12.5 lb.). Single bird.
                                                          Damage: Substantial damage to the outer right wing spar.

                                                       These event data, including estimated                 damage, major damage to electrical,                    have increased markedly in the last few
                                                    airplane altitude and airspeed, are                      flight control and fuel systems has                    decades and adapted to living in urban
                                                    derived from the following reports:                      occurred, and there have been dozens of                environments, including airports. For
                                                       1. The FAA Wildlife Strike Database,                  incidents in which the flight deck was                 example, the resident (non-migratory)
                                                    available at: http://www.faa.gov/                        penetrated.                                            Canada goose population in the USA
                                                    airports/airport_safety/wildlife.                                                                               and Canada increased from about 0.5
                                                       2. The FAA Aviation Safety                            Bird Population Trends
                                                                                                                                                                    million to 3.8 million from 1980 to 2013
                                                    Information Analysis and Sharing                           The bird strike threat has increased,                (Dolbeer et al. 2014, U.S. Fish and
                                                    (ASIAS) System, available at: http://                    especially the threat due to larger birds.
                                                                                                                                                                    Wildlife Service. 2013). During the same
                                                    www.asias.faa.gov. This includes the                     In a report commissioned by the FAA,
                                                                                                                                                                    time period, the North American snow
                                                    FAA Accident/Incident Data System,                       Assessment of Wildlife Strike Risk to
                                                                                                                                                                    goose population increased from about
                                                    and the NTSB Aviation Accident and                       Airframes; Herricks, Mankin, and
                                                                                                             Shaeffer; December 2002; the authors                   2.1 million to 6.6 million birds (U.S.
                                                    Incident Data System.
                                                       3. National Transportation Safety                     wrote, ‘‘The findings of this report,                  Fish and Wildlife Service. 2013). Other
                                                    Board. 2009. Aircraft Accident Report:                   supported by other literature, indicate                large-bird species that have shown
                                                    Crash of Cessna 500, N113SH,                             that future operational environments for               significant population increases from
                                                    Following an In-Flight Collision with                    aircraft can be expected to contain larger             1980 to 2012 include bald eagles (6.4
                                                    Large Birds, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,                    numbers of birds, and larger numbers of                percent annual rate of increase), wild
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    March 4, 2008. Aircraft Accident Report                  birds with weights greater than four                   turkeys (9.5 percent), turkey vultures
                                                    NTSB/AAR–09/05. Washington, DC.                          pounds.’’                                              (2.7 percent), American white pelicans
                                                       In addition to the events listed above,                 According to Wildlife Strikes to Civil               (7.9 percent), double-crested cormorants
                                                    there are hundreds of examples of bird                   Aircraft in the United States, 1990–                   (6.1 percent), sandhill cranes (5.9
                                                    strike events in which the energy level                  2013, US Depts. of Transportation and                  percent), great blue herons (1.2 percent),
                                                    did not exceed current requirements,                     Agriculture, July 2014: ‘‘Many                         and ospreys (3.0 percent, Sauer et al.
                                                    but substantial damage to the airframe                   populations of large bird and mammal                   2014). Dolbeer and Begier (2013)
                                                    occurred. In addition to structural                      species commonly involved in strikes                   examined the estimated population

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                                                    42756                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 138 / Monday, July 20, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    trends and numbers for the 21 species                    obviously introduces a number of                         5. Should the 0.85 speed reduction
                                                    of birds in North America with mean                      significant risks to the airplane.                    factor at 8000 feet, currently specified in
                                                    body masses greater than 4 pounds and                    Currently, there is no requirement that               § 25.571, be removed?
                                                    at least 10 strikes with civil aircraft from             specifically prohibits penetration of the                6. Should the speed criterion for bird
                                                    1990–2012. Of these 21 species, 17 had                   flight deck through structure other than              strikes be based on VMO rather than VC?
                                                    shown population increases from 1990–                    the windshield.
                                                    2012 with a net gain of 17 million birds.                   3. The bird strike threat has increased,           Conclusion
                                                    Previous research had documented that                    especially the threat due to larger birds.
                                                    13 of the 14 bird species in North                       Therefore, current fleet history may not                 This document solicits public
                                                    America with mean body masses greater                    be indicative of what to expect in the                comments on the need for, and the
                                                    than 8 pounds showed significant                         future.                                               possible scope of, changes to the bird
                                                    population increases from 1970 to the                       4. Bird strike events often involve                strike certification requirements for
                                                    early 1990s (Dolbeer and Eschenfelder                    more than one bird. Such multiple bird                transport category airplanes.
                                                    2003).’’                                                 strikes may result in structural damage               List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
                                                                                                             in several areas, pilot disorientation,
                                                    Airspeed Information                                     engine failure and systems failures. Any                 Aircraft, Aircraft safety.
                                                       In the U.S., § 91.117 prescribes a                    one of these effects can significantly                  Issued in Renton, Washington, on June 25,
                                                    speed restriction of 250 knots indicated                 reduce the controllability of the                     2015.
                                                    airspeed below 10,000 feet mean sea                      airplane. Sections 25.571 and 25.631                  Jeffrey E. Duven,
                                                    level. The 250 knot speed restriction is                 assume a single bird strike, rather than              Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
                                                    also in place in Mexico and Canada, and                  multiple bird strikes. The FAA believes               Aircraft Certification Service.
                                                    in many areas around the world, but not                  that this single bird strike approach is              [FR Doc. 2015–17404 Filed 7–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    everywhere. Where this speed                             an adequate approach for airframe
                                                                                                                                                                   BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                    restriction is in place, it provides a                   structure as long as the single bird strike
                                                    significant safety benefit with respect to               criteria are robust. By showing the
                                                    bird strikes.                                            structure capable of withstanding a                   DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                       While deviations to this speed                        significant bird strike in any one area,
                                                    restriction are allowed, and the                         a bird strike to that area should not                 Federal Aviation Administration
                                                    requirement is not global, it does                       compound the hazard from strikes in
                                                    indicate that limiting airspeed below                    other areas.                                          14 CFR Part 39
                                                    10,000 feet is operationally feasible for                   5. Limiting airspeed below 10,000 feet
                                                    transport category airplanes. Indeed, to                 is operationally feasible for transport
                                                                                                                                                                   [Docket No. FAA–2015–2462; Directorate
                                                    meet current bird strike criteria, some                  category airplanes. Bird strike data                  Identifier 2014–NM–224–AD]
                                                    manufacturers specify relatively low                     indicate numerous damaging bird
                                                    VMO and VC airspeeds up to 8000 feet,                    strikes have occurred above 8000 feet,
                                                    that increase above that altitude. These                 but above 10,000 feet, bird strikes are               RIN 2120–AA64
                                                    speed ‘‘cutbacks’’ at lower altitudes are                rare. Therefore, expanding the envelope
                                                    beneficial for three reasons: (1) They                                                                         Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing
                                                                                                             above 8000 feet, but limiting it at 10,000            Company Airplanes
                                                    increase safety by reducing the energy of                feet, may be warranted.
                                                    any bird strike that occurs below 8000                      6. Establishing reduced VMO and VC                 AGENCY:Federal Aviation
                                                    feet, (2) they apply to all airspace, not                airspeeds at lower altitudes provides a               Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                    just those areas covered by US operating                 significant safety benefit with respect to
                                                    regulations, or those of other countries,                bird strikes.                                               Notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                    and (3) they reduce the bird strike                                                                            (NPRM).
                                                                                                             Request for Comments
                                                    speeds to which the airplane must be
                                                    designed.                                                   The FAA invites interested persons to              SUMMARY:   We propose to adopt a new
                                                       To encourage these speed cutbacks,                    comment on the need for, and the                      airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
                                                    we believe establishing the bird strike                  possible scope of, changes to the bird                The Boeing Company Model 737–100,
                                                    speed criteria based on VMO rather than                  strike requirements for transport                     –200, –200C, –300, –400, –500 series
                                                    VC may be warranted. While most                          category airplanes by submitting written              airplanes. This proposed AD was
                                                    structures rules are based on VC,                        data, views, or arguments as they may                 prompted by reports of cracked antenna
                                                    allowing these very speed-dependent                      desire. We invite comments relating to                support channels, skin cracking
                                                    criteria to be based on VMO may make                     the technical or economic impact that                 underneath the number 2 very high
                                                    the establishment of speed cutbacks                      might result from any considerations                  frequency (VHF) antenna, and cracking
                                                    easier to achieve.                                       discussed herein, as well as any                      in the frames attached to the internal
                                                                                                             alternative suggestions. In particular, we            support structure. This proposed AD
                                                    Summary of FAA Findings
                                                                                                             invite information, comments, and                     would require repetitive inspections to
                                                      Our review of bird strike event data                   opinion on the following questions:                   determine the condition of the skin and
                                                    and bird population data indicates the                      1. Should the bird weight requirement              the internal support structure, and
                                                    following:                                               be applied consistently across the                    follow-on actions including corrective
                                                      1. Bird strikes have occurred and will
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                             airplane?                                             action as necessary. We are proposing
                                                    continue to occur at energy levels that                     2. Should the bird weight requirement              this AD to detect and correct skin
                                                    exceed the level provided by current                     be increased, to eight pounds or some                 cracking of the fuselage which could
                                                    requirements.                                            other value?                                          result in separation of the number 2
                                                      2. Numerous bird strikes have                             3. Should a ‘‘no-penetration’’                     VHF antenna from the airplane and
                                                    resulted in penetration into the flight                  requirement be applied to the entire                  rapid depressurization of the cabin.
                                                    deck, mostly below the windshield,                       fuselage, not just the windshields?
                                                    even at energy levels below current                         4. Should the bird strike criteria be              DATES:  We must receive comments on
                                                    requirements. Penetration of the cockpit                 expanded to 10,000 feet?                              this proposed AD by September 3, 2015.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 12:58:27
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 12:58:27
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionRequest for comments on bird strike requirements for transport category airplanes.
DatesSend comments by November 17, 2015.
ContactTodd Martin, Airframe and Cabin Safety Branch, ANM-115, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1178; facsimile (425) 227-1232; email [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 42753 
CFR AssociatedAircraft and Aircraft Safety

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