80_FR_46099 80 FR 45951 - Supercalendered Paper From Canada: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination

80 FR 45951 - Supercalendered Paper From Canada: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 148 (August 3, 2015)

Page Range45951-45952
FR Document2015-18980

The Department of Commerce (the Department) preliminarily determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to producers and exporters of supercalendered paper (SC paper) from Canada. The period of investigation is January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 148 (Monday, August 3, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 148 (Monday, August 3, 2015)]
[Pages 45951-45952]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-18980]



International Trade Administration


Supercalendered Paper From Canada: Preliminary Affirmative 
Countervailing Duty Determination

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (the Department) preliminarily 
determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to 
producers and exporters of supercalendered paper (SC paper) from 
Canada. The period of investigation is January 1, 2014, through 
December 31, 2014. Interested parties are invited to comment on this 
preliminary determination.

DATES: Effective Date: August 3, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dana Mermelstein or Shane Subler, AD/
CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
1391 and (202) 482-0189, respectively.

    On March 18, 2015, the Department initiated this countervailing 
duty (CVD) investigation.\1\ On April 15, in response to a request from 
the petitioner, the Coalition for Fair Paper Imports,\2\ the Department 
postponed the preliminary determination in the CVD investigation.\3\

    \1\ See Supercalendered Paper From Canada: Initiation of 
Countervailing Duty Investigation, 80 FR 15981 (March 26, 2015).
    \2\ The individual member companies of the Coalition for Fair 
Paper Imports are Madison Paper Industries and Verso Corporation.
    \3\ See Supercalendered Paper From Canada: Postponement of 
Preliminary Determinations in the Countervailing Duty Investigation, 
80 FR 22477 (April 22, 2015).

Scope of the Investigation

    The product covered by this investigation is SC paper. For a 
complete description of the scope of the investigation, see Appendix 1 
to this notice.


    The Department is conducting this CVD investigation in accordance 
with section 701 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). For a 
full description of the methodology underlying our preliminary 
conclusions, see the Preliminary Decision Memorandum.\4\ The list of 
topics discussed in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum is included as 
Appendix 2 to this notice. The Preliminary Decision Memorandum is a 
public document and is on file electronically via Enforcement and 
Compliance's Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic 
Service System (ACCESS). ACCESS is available to registered users at 
http://access.trade.gov, and is available to all parties in the Central 
Records Unit, Room B8024 of the main Department of Commerce building. 
In addition, a complete version of the Preliminary Decision Memorandum 
can be accessed directly on the Internet at http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html. The signed Preliminary Decision 
Memorandum and the electronic versions of the Preliminary Decision 
Memorandum are identical in content.

    \4\ See Memorandum from Gary Taverman, Associate Deputy 
Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Operations, to Paul Piquado, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and 
Compliance, regarding ``Decision Memorandum for the Preliminary 
Determination in the Countervailing Duty Investigation of 
Supercalendered Paper From Canada,'' dated concurrently with this 
notice (Preliminary Decision Memorandum).

    For this preliminary determination, we have relied partially on 
facts available for Resolute, because the company did not act to the 
best of its ability when responding to the Department's request for 
information. Further, we have drawn an adverse inference in selecting 
from among the facts otherwise available to calculate the ad valorem 
rate for Resolute.\5\ For further information, see ``Use of Facts 
Otherwise Available and Adverse Inferences'' in the Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum.

    \5\ See sections 776(a) and (b) of the Act.

    In accordance with section 703(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, we 
calculated a CVD rate for each individually investigated producer/
exporter of the subject merchandise.

Preliminary Determination and Suspension of Liquidation

    We preliminarily determine the countervailable subsidy rates to be:

                                                           Subsidy rate
                         Company                             (percent)
Port Hawkesbury Paper LP (Port Hawkesbury)..............           20.33
Resolute FP Canada Inc. (Resolute)......................            2.04
All Others..............................................           11.19

    In accordance with sections 703(d)(1)(B) and (2) of the Act, we are 
directing U.S. Customs and Border Protection to suspend liquidation of 
all entries of SC paper from Canada that are entered, or withdrawn from 
warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of the publication of 
this notice in the Federal Register, and to require a cash deposit for 
such entries of merchandise in the amounts indicated above.
    In accordance with section 705(c)(1)(B)(i) of the Act, we 
calculated a rate for each company respondent. Section 705(c)(5)(A)(i) 
of the Act states that, for companies not individually investigated, we 
will determine an ``all others'' rate equal to the weighted-average 
countervailable subsidy rates established for exporters and producers 
individually investigated, excluding any zero and de minimis 
countervailable subsidy rates, and any rates determined entirely under 
section 776 of the Act.
    Notwithstanding the language of section 705(c)(5)(A)(i) of the Act, 
we have not calculated the ``all others'' rate by weight averaging the 
rates of Port Hawkesbury and Resolute because doing so risks disclosure 
of proprietary

[[Page 45952]]

information. Therefore, we calculated a simple average of Port 
Hawkesbury's and Resolute's rates.\6\

    \6\ We have calculated the simple average of the two responding 
firm's rates for the all-others rate using the following 
calculation: (20.33 (Port Hawkesbury's calculated rate) + 2.04 
(Resolute's calculated rate))/2 = 11.19 (the all others rate).


    As provided in section 782(i)(1) of the Act, we intend to verify 
the information submitted by the respondents prior to making our final 

Disclosure and Public Comment

    The Department intends to disclose to interested parties the 
calculations performed in connection with this preliminary 
determination within five days of its public announcement.\7\ 
Interested parties may submit case and rebuttal briefs,\8\ and request 
a hearing.\9\ For a schedule of the deadlines for filing case briefs, 
rebuttal briefs, and hearing requests, see the Preliminary Decision 

    \7\ See 19 CFR 351.224(b).
    \8\ See 19 CFR 351.309(c) and (d).
    \9\ See 19 CFR 351.510.

U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) Notification

    In accordance with section 703(f) of the Act, we will notify the 
ITC of our determination. In addition, we are making available to the 
ITC all non-privileged and non-proprietary information relating to this 
investigation. We will allow the ITC access to all privileged and 
business proprietary information in our files, provided the ITC 
confirms that it will not disclose such information, either publicly or 
under an administrative protective order, without the written consent 
of the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
    In accordance with section 705(b)(2) of the Act, if our final 
determination is affirmative, the ITC will make its final determination 
within 45 days after the Department makes its final determination.
    This determination is issued and published pursuant to sections 
703(f) and 777(i) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.205(c).

    Dated: July 27, 2015.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.

Appendix 1

Scope of the Investigation

    The merchandise covered by this investigation is supercalendered 
paper (SC paper). SC paper is uncoated paper that has undergone a 
calendering process in which the base sheet, made of pulp and filler 
(typically, but not limited to, clay, talc, or other mineral 
additive), is processed through a set of supercalenders, a 
supercalender, or a soft nip calender operation.\1\

    \1\ Supercalendering and soft nip calendering processing, in 
conjunction with the mineral filler contained in the base paper, are 
performed to enhance the surface characteristics of the paper by 
imparting a smooth and glossy printing surface. Supercalendering and 
soft nip calendering also increase the density of the base paper.

    The scope of this investigation covers all SC paper regardless 
of basis weight, brightness, opacity, smoothness, or grade, and 
whether in rolls or in sheets. Further, the scope covers all SC 
paper that meets the scope definition regardless of the type of pulp 
fiber or filler material used to produce the paper.
    Specifically excluded from the scope are imports of paper 
printed with final content of printed text or graphics.
    Subject merchandise primarily enters under Harmonized Tariff 
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheading 4802.61.3035, but 
may also enter under subheadings 4802.61.3010, 4802.62.3000, 
4802.62.6020, and 4802.69.3000. Although the HTSUS subheadings are 
provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written 
description of the scope of the investigation is dispositive.

Appendix 2

List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum

I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope Comments
IV. Scope of the Investigation
V. Injury Test
VI. Subsidies Valuation
VII. Analysis of Programs
VIII. Calculation of the All Others Rate
IX. ITC Notification
X. Disclosure and Public Comment
XI. Verification
XII. Conclusion

[FR Doc. 2015-18980 Filed 7-31-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 148 / Monday, August 3, 2015 / Notices                                                           45951

                                                  surrogate country and surrogate values                   CVD Operations, Enforcement and                       The signed Preliminary Decision
                                                  and rebuttal; (4) comments concerning                    Compliance, International Trade                       Memorandum and the electronic
                                                  U.S. Customs and Border Protection                       Administration, U.S. Department of                    versions of the Preliminary Decision
                                                  data; and (5) quantity and value                         Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution                Memorandum are identical in content.
                                                  questionnaires. Under certain                            Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230;                       For this preliminary determination,
                                                  circumstances, the Department may                        telephone: (202) 482–1391 and (202)                   we have relied partially on facts
                                                  elect to specify a different time limit by               482–0189, respectively.                               available for Resolute, because the
                                                  which extension requests will be                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            company did not act to the best of its
                                                  considered untimely for submissions                        On March 18, 2015, the Department                   ability when responding to the
                                                  which are due from multiple parties                      initiated this countervailing duty (CVD)              Department’s request for information.
                                                  simultaneously. In such a case, the                      investigation.1 On April 15, in response              Further, we have drawn an adverse
                                                  Department will inform parties in the                    to a request from the petitioner, the                 inference in selecting from among the
                                                  letter or memorandum setting forth the                   Coalition for Fair Paper Imports,2 the                facts otherwise available to calculate the
                                                  deadline (including a specified time) by                 Department postponed the preliminary                  ad valorem rate for Resolute.5 For
                                                  which extension requests must be filed                   determination in the CVD                              further information, see ‘‘Use of Facts
                                                  to be considered timely. This                            investigation.3                                       Otherwise Available and Adverse
                                                  modification also requires that an                                                                             Inferences’’ in the Preliminary Decision
                                                  extension request must be made in a                      Scope of the Investigation                            Memorandum.
                                                  separate, stand-alone submission, and                      The product covered by this                           In accordance with section
                                                  clarifies the circumstances under which                  investigation is SC paper. For a                      703(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, we calculated
                                                  the Department will grant untimely-                      complete description of the scope of the              a CVD rate for each individually
                                                  filed requests for the extension of time                 investigation, see Appendix 1 to this                 investigated producer/exporter of the
                                                  limits. These modifications are effective                notice.                                               subject merchandise.
                                                  for all segments initiated on or after                                                                         Preliminary Determination and
                                                  October 21, 2013. Please review the                                                                            Suspension of Liquidation
                                                  final rule, available at http://                            The Department is conducting this
                                                  www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-09-20/                     CVD investigation in accordance with                    We preliminarily determine the
                                                  html/2013-22853.htm, prior to                            section 701 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as             countervailable subsidy rates to be:
                                                  submitting factual information in these                  amended (the Act). For a full
                                                                                                           description of the methodology                                                                    Subsidy rate
                                                  segments.                                                                                                                   Company                         (percent)
                                                     These initiations and this notice are                 underlying our preliminary conclusions,
                                                  in accordance with section 751(a) of the                 see the Preliminary Decision                          Port Hawkesbury Paper LP
                                                  Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)) and 19 CFR                       Memorandum.4 The list of topics                         (Port Hawkesbury) ............                   20.33
                                                  351.221(c)(1)(i).                                        discussed in the Preliminary Decision                 Resolute FP Canada Inc.
                                                                                                           Memorandum is included as Appendix                      (Resolute) ..........................             2.04
                                                    Dated: July 27, 2015.
                                                                                                           2 to this notice. The Preliminary                     All Others ..............................          11.19
                                                  Christian Marsh,
                                                                                                           Decision Memorandum is a public
                                                  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping                                                                        In accordance with sections
                                                  and Countervailing Duty Operations.                      document and is on file electronically
                                                                                                           via Enforcement and Compliance’s                      703(d)(1)(B) and (2) of the Act, we are
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–18978 Filed 7–31–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                           Antidumping and Countervailing Duty                   directing U.S. Customs and Border
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                                                                           Centralized Electronic Service System                 Protection to suspend liquidation of all
                                                                                                           (ACCESS). ACCESS is available to                      entries of SC paper from Canada that are
                                                                                                           registered users at http://                           entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                                                         for consumption on or after the date of
                                                                                                           access.trade.gov, and is available to all
                                                                                                           parties in the Central Records Unit,                  the publication of this notice in the
                                                  International Trade Administration
                                                                                                           Room B8024 of the main Department of                  Federal Register, and to require a cash
                                                                                                           Commerce building. In addition, a                     deposit for such entries of merchandise
                                                                                                           complete version of the Preliminary                   in the amounts indicated above.
                                                  Supercalendered Paper From Canada:                                                                                In accordance with section
                                                  Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing                   Decision Memorandum can be accessed
                                                                                                                                                                 705(c)(1)(B)(i) of the Act, we calculated
                                                  Duty Determination                                       directly on the Internet at http://
                                                                                                                                                                 a rate for each company respondent.
                                                  AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,                                                                           Section 705(c)(5)(A)(i) of the Act states
                                                  International Trade Administration,                        1 See Supercalendered Paper From Canada:            that, for companies not individually
                                                  Department of Commerce.                                  Initiation of Countervailing Duty Investigation, 80   investigated, we will determine an ‘‘all
                                                                                                           FR 15981 (March 26, 2015).                            others’’ rate equal to the weighted-
                                                  SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce                        2 The individual member companies of the
                                                                                                                                                                 average countervailable subsidy rates
                                                  (the Department) preliminarily                           Coalition for Fair Paper Imports are Madison Paper    established for exporters and producers
                                                  determines that countervailable                          Industries and Verso Corporation.
                                                                                                                                                                 individually investigated, excluding any
                                                  subsidies are being provided to                            3 See Supercalendered Paper From Canada:

                                                                                                           Postponement of Preliminary Determinations in the     zero and de minimis countervailable
                                                  producers and exporters of
                                                                                                           Countervailing Duty Investigation, 80 FR 22477        subsidy rates, and any rates determined
                                                  supercalendered paper (SC paper) from                    (April 22, 2015).                                     entirely under section 776 of the Act.
                                                  Canada. The period of investigation is                     4 See Memorandum from Gary Taverman,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                    Notwithstanding the language of
                                                  January 1, 2014, through December 31,                    Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for
                                                                                                                                                                 section 705(c)(5)(A)(i) of the Act, we
                                                  2014. Interested parties are invited to                  Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations,
                                                                                                           to Paul Piquado, Assistant Secretary for              have not calculated the ‘‘all others’’ rate
                                                  comment on this preliminary                              Enforcement and Compliance, regarding ‘‘Decision      by weight averaging the rates of Port
                                                  determination.                                           Memorandum for the Preliminary Determination in       Hawkesbury and Resolute because
                                                  DATES: Effective Date: August 3, 2015.                   the Countervailing Duty Investigation of
                                                                                                           Supercalendered Paper From Canada,’’ dated
                                                                                                                                                                 doing so risks disclosure of proprietary
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         concurrently with this notice (Preliminary Decision
                                                  Dana Mermelstein or Shane Subler, AD/                    Memorandum).                                            5 See   sections 776(a) and (b) of the Act.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:35 Jul 31, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00020   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM     03AUN1

                                                  45952                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 148 / Monday, August 3, 2015 / Notices

                                                  information. Therefore, we calculated a                  the base sheet, made of pulp and filler               Background
                                                  simple average of Port Hawkesbury’s                      (typically, but not limited to, clay, talc, or
                                                                                                           other mineral additive), is processed through           Each year during the anniversary
                                                  and Resolute’s rates.6                                                                                         month of the publication of an
                                                                                                           a set of supercalenders, a supercalender, or
                                                  Verification                                             a soft nip calender operation.1                       antidumping or countervailing duty
                                                                                                              The scope of this investigation covers all         order, finding, or suspended
                                                    As provided in section 782(i)(1) of the                SC paper regardless of basis weight,
                                                  Act, we intend to verify the information                                                                       investigation, an interested party, as
                                                                                                           brightness, opacity, smoothness, or grade,            defined in section 771(9) of the Tariff
                                                  submitted by the respondents prior to                    and whether in rolls or in sheets. Further, the
                                                  making our final determination.                          scope covers all SC paper that meets the
                                                                                                                                                                 Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the Act’’),
                                                                                                           scope definition regardless of the type of            may request, in accordance with 19 CFR
                                                  Disclosure and Public Comment                            pulp fiber or filler material used to produce         351.213, that the Department of
                                                    The Department intends to disclose to                  the paper.                                            Commerce (‘‘the Department’’) conduct
                                                  interested parties the calculations                         Specifically excluded from the scope are           an administrative review of that
                                                  performed in connection with this                        imports of paper printed with final content           antidumping or countervailing duty
                                                                                                           of printed text or graphics.                          order, finding, or suspended
                                                  preliminary determination within five                       Subject merchandise primarily enters
                                                  days of its public announcement.7                                                                              investigation.
                                                                                                           under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
                                                  Interested parties may submit case and                   United States (HTSUS) subheading                        All deadlines for the submission of
                                                  rebuttal briefs,8 and request a hearing.9                4802.61.3035, but may also enter under                comments or actions by the Department
                                                  For a schedule of the deadlines for filing               subheadings 4802.61.3010, 4802.62.3000,               discussed below refer to the number of
                                                  case briefs, rebuttal briefs, and hearing                4802.62.6020, and 4802.69.3000. Although              calendar days from the applicable
                                                  requests, see the Preliminary Decision                   the HTSUS subheadings are provided for                starting date.
                                                                                                           convenience and customs purposes, the
                                                  Memorandum.                                              written description of the scope of the               Respondent Selection
                                                  U.S. International Trade Commission                      investigation is dispositive.                            In the event the Department limits the
                                                  (ITC) Notification                                       Appendix 2                                            number of respondents for individual
                                                     In accordance with section 703(f) of                                                                        examination for administrative reviews
                                                                                                           List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
                                                  the Act, we will notify the ITC of our                   Decision Memorandum
                                                                                                                                                                 initiated pursuant to requests made for
                                                  determination. In addition, we are                                                                             the orders identified below, the
                                                                                                           I. Summary
                                                  making available to the ITC all non-                                                                           Department intends to select
                                                                                                           II. Background
                                                  privileged and non-proprietary                           III. Scope Comments                                   respondents based on U.S. Customs and
                                                  information relating to this                             IV. Scope of the Investigation                        Border Protection (‘‘CBP’’) data for U.S.
                                                  investigation. We will allow the ITC                     V. Injury Test                                        imports during the period of review. We
                                                  access to all privileged and business                    VI. Subsidies Valuation                               intend to release the CBP data under
                                                  proprietary information in our files,                    VII. Analysis of Programs                             Administrative Protective Order
                                                                                                           VIII. Calculation of the All Others Rate              (‘‘APO’’) to all parties having an APO
                                                  provided the ITC confirms that it will
                                                                                                           IX. ITC Notification                                  within five days of publication of the
                                                  not disclose such information, either                    X. Disclosure and Public Comment
                                                  publicly or under an administrative                      XI. Verification                                      initiation notice and to make our
                                                  protective order, without the written                    XII. Conclusion                                       decision regarding respondent selection
                                                  consent of the Assistant Secretary for                                                                         within 21 days of publication of the
                                                                                                           [FR Doc. 2015–18980 Filed 7–31–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  Enforcement and Compliance.                                                                                    initiation Federal Register notice.
                                                                                                           BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                     In accordance with section 705(b)(2)                                                                        Therefore, we encourage all parties
                                                  of the Act, if our final determination is                                                                      interested in commenting on respondent
                                                  affirmative, the ITC will make its final                 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                selection to submit their APO
                                                  determination within 45 days after the                                                                         applications on the date of publication
                                                  Department makes its final                               International Trade Administration                    of the initiation notice, or as soon
                                                  determination.                                                                                                 thereafter as possible. The Department
                                                     This determination is issued and                      Antidumping or Countervailing Duty                    invites comments regarding the CBP
                                                  published pursuant to sections 703(f)                    Order, Finding, or Suspended                          data and respondent selection within
                                                  and 777(i) of the Act and 19 CFR                         Investigation; Opportunity To Request                 five days of placement of the CBP data
                                                  351.205(c).                                              Administrative Review                                 on the record of the review.
                                                    Dated: July 27, 2015.                                  AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,                     In the event the Department decides
                                                  Paul Piquado,                                            International Trade Administration,                   it is necessary to limit individual
                                                                                                           Department of Commerce.                               examination of respondents and
                                                  Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
                                                  Compliance.                                                                                                    conduct respondent selection under
                                                                                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                 section 777A(c)(2) of the Act:
                                                  Appendix 1                                               Brenda E. Waters, Office of AD/CVD
                                                                                                                                                                    In general, the Department finds that
                                                                                                           Operations, Customs Liaison Unit,
                                                  Scope of the Investigation                                                                                     determinations concerning whether
                                                                                                           Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                                                                                                                                 particular companies should be
                                                    The merchandise covered by this                        International Trade Administration,
                                                  investigation is supercalendered paper (SC                                                                     ‘‘collapsed’’ (i.e., treated as a single
                                                                                                           U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
                                                  paper). SC paper is uncoated paper that has                                                                    entity for purposes of calculating
                                                                                                           Street and Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                  undergone a calendering process in which                                                                       antidumping duty rates) require a
                                                                                                           Washington, DC 20230, telephone: (202)
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                 substantial amount of detailed
                                                    6 We have calculated the simple average of the                                                               information and analysis, which often
                                                  two responding firm’s rates for the all-others rate        1 Supercalendering and soft nip calendering         require follow-up questions and
                                                  using the following calculation: (20.33 (Port                                                                  analysis. Accordingly, the Department
                                                                                                           processing, in conjunction with the mineral filler
                                                  Hawkesbury’s calculated rate) + 2.04 (Resolute’s
                                                  calculated rate))/2 = 11.19 (the all others rate).
                                                                                                           contained in the base paper, are performed to         will not conduct collapsing analyses at
                                                                                                           enhance the surface characteristics of the paper by   the respondent selection phase of this
                                                    7 See 19 CFR 351.224(b).
                                                                                                           imparting a smooth and glossy printing surface.
                                                    8 See 19 CFR 351.309(c) and (d).
                                                                                                           Supercalendering and soft nip calendering also        review and will not collapse companies
                                                    9 See 19 CFR 351.510.                                  increase the density of the base paper.               at the respondent selection phase unless

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:35 Jul 31, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00021   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM   03AUN1

Document Created: 2018-02-23 10:51:47
Document Modified: 2018-02-23 10:51:47
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesEffective Date: August 3, 2015.
ContactDana Mermelstein or Shane Subler, AD/ CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482- 1391 and (202) 482-0189, respectively.
FR Citation80 FR 45951 

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