80_FR_46387 80 FR 46238 - 2017 Economic Census

80 FR 46238 - 2017 Economic Census

Bureau of the Census

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 149 (August 4, 2015)

Page Range46238-46239
FR Document2015-19147

The Bureau of the Census (U.S. Census Bureau) publishes this notice to announce that it is planning to conduct the 2017 Economic Census. The Census Bureau also is requesting public comment on the 2017 Economic Census content. This collection will be fully electronic using a secure encrypted Internet data collection system called Centurion. The Economic Census is conducted at 5-year intervals (years ending in 2 and 7) and is the most comprehensive compilation of statistics about U.S. businesses and the economy. The granting of specific authority to conduct the program is Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 131, which authorizes and requires the Economic Census.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 149 (Tuesday, August 4, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 149 (Tuesday, August 4, 2015)]
[Pages 46238-46239]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-19147]



Bureau of the Census

[Docket Number 150721631-5631-01]

2017 Economic Census

AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of Determination and Request for Comment.


SUMMARY: The Bureau of the Census (U.S. Census Bureau) publishes this 
notice to announce that it is planning to conduct the 2017 Economic 
Census. The Census Bureau also is requesting public comment on the 2017 
Economic Census content. This collection will be fully electronic using 
a secure encrypted Internet data collection system called Centurion. 
The Economic Census is conducted at 5-year intervals (years ending in 2 
and 7) and is the most comprehensive compilation of statistics about 
U.S. businesses and the economy. The granting of specific authority to 
conduct the program is Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 
131, which authorizes and requires the Economic Census.

DATES: The Census Bureau will begin the electronic mailout for the 2017 
Economic Census in the Fall of 2017,

[[Page 46239]]

and responses will be due by February 12, 2018. Written comments must 
be submitted on or before October 5, 2015 to ensure consideration of 
your comments on the 2017 Economic Census content.

ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments regarding the 2017 Economic 
Census to Kevin Deardorff, Chief, Economy Wide Statistics Division, 
U.S. Census Bureau, Room 8K154, Washington, DC 20233; or Email 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Economy-Wide Statistics Division, U.S. 
Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Room 6K141, Washington, DC 20233-
6700, by phone (800) 242-2184, or by email ec.frn17@census.gov>.


A. Background

    Section 131 of Title 13 U.S.C. directs the Secretary [of Commerce] 
to ``. . . take, compile, and publish censuses of manufactures, of 
mineral industries, and of other businesses, including the distributive 
trades, service establishments, and transportation (exclusive of means 
of transportation for which statistics are required by law to be filed 
with, and are compiled and published by, a designated regulatory body), 
in the year 1964, then in the year 1968, and every fifth year 
thereafter, and each such census shall relate to the year immediately 
preceding the taking thereof.''
    This notice announces that the Census Bureau is preparing to 
conduct the 2017 Economic Census. The Economic Census is the U.S. 
Government's official 5-year measure of American Business and the 
economy, and has been taken periodically since 1810. The Economic 
Census is the most comprehensive source of information about American 
businesses from the national to the local level. These Economic Census 
data products provide uniquely detailed basic measures that are 
summarized by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
industry for the U.S., states, metropolitan areas, counties, economic 
places, and ZIP Code areas. Data include details on the product 
composition of industry sales, receipts, revenue, or shipments; and on 
a great variety of industry-specific subjects. Additionally, the 
Economic Census produces statistics about businesses in Puerto Rico, 
American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, 
and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and it provides data on selected special-
interest topics, including the characteristics of business owners, 
domestic freight shipments, and business expenses. Published data cover 
close to 1,000 industries, 8,000 goods and services, every state, the 
District of Columbia, over 3,000 counties and 15,000 cities and towns.
    The Economic Census is a primary source of facts about the 
structure and functioning of the U.S. economy. Economic Census 
statistics are more complete, specific, and reliable than any other 
single set of economic information. It provides comprehensive, 
detailed, high quality, and authoritative statistics that meet the 
needs of government, businesses, policymakers, academic researchers, 
and the American public. The program's data products inform policies 
and programs that promote business vitality, job creation, and 
sustainable growth. Moreover, they provide the official measures of 
output for industries and geographic areas and serve much of the 
foundation for the National Income and Product Accounts, Gross Domestic 
Product estimates, and other composite measures of the Nation's 
economic performance. These data supply weights and benchmarks for 
indexes of industrial production, productivity, and prices; and provide 
benchmarks for other Federal statistical series. Some of these 
statistical series include current business surveys done by the Census 
Bureau, which are used by trade associations, business organizations, 
economic development agencies, and individual businesses to assess and 
improve business performance.

B. Electronic Collection

    The 2017 Economic Census will be the first to be conducted 
completely by electronic collection (100 percent Internet Collection). 
The electronic instrument, Centurion, provides improved quality with 
automatic data checks and is context-sensitive to assist the data 
provider in identifying potential reporting problems before submission, 
thus reducing the need for follow-up. Centurion is Internet-based, 
eliminating the need for downloading software and increasing the 
integrity and confidentiality of the data. The Census Bureau will 
furnish usernames and passwords for the electronic instrument to the 
organizations included in the survey, and an image of the electronic 
instrument will be available on the 2017 Economic Census Web site once 
the census has launched.

C. Economic Census Content

    The Census Bureau posted copies of the 2012 Economic Census forms 
on its Web site at: https://bhs.econ.census.gov/ec12/php/census-form.php. Please take a moment to review the forms relevant to your 
interests and provide us with your comments for us to consider as we 
prepare content for the 2017 questionnaires. In particular, Item 26 
``Special Inquiries'' may be of the most interest to you. The Special 
Inquiries item is dedicated to variable questions of particular 
interest to the industries to which the questionnaire is directed. 
While general questions are asked of all establishments, these variable 
questions allow special data to be collected, which measure important 
changes in our economy and support the needs of individual industries. 
We are particularly interested in comments on the usefulness of 
existing inquiries for continued inclusion and in suggestions for new 
measures that would be appropriate to include in the Economic Census.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure 
to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements 
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) unless that collection of 
information displays a current valid Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) control number. The Census Bureau, through the proper established 
procedures, will be obtaining an OMB control number under the PRA as we 
get closer to launching the program in 2017.
    I have, therefore, directed that the 2017 Economic Census be 
conducted for the purpose of collecting these data.

    Dated: July 30, 2015.
John H. Thompson,
Director, Bureau of the Census.
[FR Doc. 2015-19147 Filed 8-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                              46238                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices

                                              farm, ranch, and forest land to                         public for 30 days on its analysis and                environmental impact statement is not
                                              voluntarily make that land available for                received only one comment that                        needed for this project.
                                              access by the public for hunting, fishing,              expressed no concerns.                                   The project purpose is continued
                                              and other wildlife-dependent recreation.                  Other Environmental Review and                      flood prevention. The planned works of
                                              Grant recipients may also use VPA–HIP                   Coordination Requirements: VPA–HIP                    improvement include upgrading an
                                              funds to improve habitat on enrolled                    grant recipients will conduct site-                   existing floodwater retarding structure.
                                              public access program lands.                            specific evaluations of lands where                      The Notice of a Finding of No
                                                 NRCS expects most actions carried                    habitat improvement projects are                      Significant Impact (FONSI) has been
                                              out with VPA–HIP funds to follow                        planned to address project compliance                 forwarded to the various Federal, State,
                                              NRCS conservation practice standards                    with applicable laws and regulations,                 and local agencies and interested
                                              and fall within existing categorical                    including NEPA, Clean Water Act,                      parties. A limited number of the FONSI
                                              exclusions. Although VPA–HIP                            Endangered Species Act, and the                       are available to fill single copy requests
                                              applicants that agree to follow NRCS                    National Historic Preservation Act.                   at the above address. Basic data
                                              conservation practice standards will                    NRCS will conduct or oversee any                      developed during the environmental
                                              receive preference for acceptance and                   required consultation with the VPA–HIP                assessment are on file and may be
                                              funding, there is no requirement they do                grant recipients in accordance with                   reviewed by contacting John A. Bricker
                                              so. It is also possible some actions may                applicable regulations.                               at the above number.
                                              not fall within a categorical exclusion.                  Signed this 22nd day of July 2015, in                  No administrative action on
                                              Therefore, NRCS decided to prepare a                    Washington, DC.                                       implementation of the proposal will be
                                              Programmatic EA to review the effects                   Jason A. Weller,                                      taken until 30 days after the date of this
                                              of activities that are likely to occur with             Chief, Natural Resources Conservation                 publication in the Federal Register.
                                              VPA–HIP grants.                                         Service.
                                                 Proposed Action: The Proposed                                                                              John A. Bricker,
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–19036 Filed 8–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                              Action is to award VPA–HIP grants as                                                                          State Conservationist.
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 3410–16–P
                                              authorized by the 2008 Farm Bill, as                                                                            [This activity is listed in the Catalog of
                                              amended. Under this alternative, NRCS                                                                         Federal Domestic Assistance under 10.904,
                                              will provide an opportunity for State                   DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                             Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention,
                                              and Tribal governments to apply for                                                                           and is subject to the provisions of Executive
                                              grants to encourage owners and                          Natural Resources Conservation                        Order 12372, which requires inter-
                                              operators of privately held farm, ranch,                Service                                               government consultation with State and local
                                              and forest land to voluntarily make that                                                                      officials].
                                              land available for access by the public                 Upper North River Watershed Dam No.                   [FR Doc. 2015–19091 Filed 8–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                              for hunting, fishing, and other wildlife-               77, Augusta County, Virginia                          BILLING CODE 3410–16–P
                                              dependent recreation, and to improve
                                                                                                      AGENCY:  Natural Resources
                                              and manage fish and wildlife habitat on
                                                                                                      Conservation Service, USDA.                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              their land under programs administered
                                              by State or Tribal governments. Grants                  ACTION: Notice of a Finding of No
                                              will be awarded through a competitive                   Significant Impact.                                   Bureau of the Census
                                              process.                                                SUMMARY:   Pursuant to Section 102[2][c]              [Docket Number 150721631–5631–01]
                                                 Alternatives: The Programmatic EA                    of the National Environmental Policy
                                              evaluates the environmental impacts of                  Act of 1969, the Council on                           2017 Economic Census
                                              the Proposed Action and the no-action                   Environmental Quality Regulations [40                 AGENCY: Bureau of the Census,
                                              alternative. The Proposed Action is the                 CFR part 1500]; and the Natural                       Commerce.
                                              agency’s preferred alternative, and it                  Resources Conservation Service
                                              meets the purpose of and need for the                                                                         ACTION: Notice of Determination and
                                                                                                      Regulations [7 CFR part 650]; the                     Request for Comment.
                                              project with only minor, short-term                     Natural Resources Conservation Service,
                                              adverse impacts to the environment                      U.S. Department of Agriculture, gives                 SUMMARY:   The Bureau of the Census
                                              anticipated. The no-action alternative                  notice that an environmental impact                   (U.S. Census Bureau) publishes this
                                              does not meet the purpose and need for                  statement is not being prepared for the               notice to announce that it is planning to
                                              the action, and results in more adverse
                                                                                                      rehabilitation of Upper North River                   conduct the 2017 Economic Census. The
                                              impacts to the environment than the
                                                                                                      Watershed Dam No. 77, Augusta                         Census Bureau also is requesting public
                                              preferred alternative.
                                                 Scoping: In developing the                           County, Virginia.                                     comment on the 2017 Economic Census
                                              Programmatic EA, NRCS conducted                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John                 content. This collection will be fully
                                              internal scoping with various agency                    A. Bricker, State Conservationist,                    electronic using a secure encrypted
                                              discipline experts, and used experience                 Natural Resources Conservation Service,               Internet data collection system called
                                              gained from previous VPA–HIP grants                     1606 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 209,                      Centurion. The Economic Census is
                                              and associated EAs. Potential adverse                   Richmond, Virginia 23229. Telephone                   conducted at 5-year intervals (years
                                              impacts identified through the scoping                  (804) 287–1691, email jack.bricker@                   ending in 2 and 7) and is the most
                                              process include localized, temporary,                   va.usda.gov.                                          comprehensive compilation of statistics
                                              minor increases in soil erosion,                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                                                                                                                            about U.S. businesses and the economy.
                                              sediment transport, and particulate                     environmental assessment of this                      The granting of specific authority to
                                                                                                                                                            conduct the program is Title 13, United
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              matter from ground-disturbing activities                federally assisted action indicates that
                                              and the use of agricultural equipment                   the project will not cause significant                States Code (U.S.C.), Section 131, which
                                              during the installation of conservation                 local, regional, or national impacts on               authorizes and requires the Economic
                                              practices. In the longer term, there will               the environment. As a result of these                 Census.
                                              be habitat improvements, and increased                  findings, John A. Bricker, State                      DATES:  The Census Bureau will begin
                                              recreational and economic benefits.                     Conservationist, has determined that the              the electronic mailout for the 2017
                                              NRCS solicited comments from the                        preparation and review of an                          Economic Census in the Fall of 2017,

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:45 Aug 03, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM   04AUN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices                                                 46239

                                              and responses will be due by February                   business expenses. Published data cover               to your interests and provide us with
                                              12, 2018. Written comments must be                      close to 1,000 industries, 8,000 goods                your comments for us to consider as we
                                              submitted on or before October 5, 2015                  and services, every state, the District of            prepare content for the 2017
                                              to ensure consideration of your                         Columbia, over 3,000 counties and                     questionnaires. In particular, Item 26
                                              comments on the 2017 Economic                           15,000 cities and towns.                              ‘‘Special Inquiries’’ may be of the most
                                              Census content.                                           The Economic Census is a primary                    interest to you. The Special Inquiries
                                              ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments                  source of facts about the structure and               item is dedicated to variable questions
                                              regarding the 2017 Economic Census to                   functioning of the U.S. economy.                      of particular interest to the industries to
                                              Kevin Deardorff, Chief, Economy Wide                    Economic Census statistics are more                   which the questionnaire is directed.
                                              Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau,                complete, specific, and reliable than any             While general questions are asked of all
                                              Room 8K154, Washington, DC 20233; or                    other single set of economic                          establishments, these variable questions
                                              Email [ec.frn17@census.gov].                            information. It provides comprehensive,               allow special data to be collected, which
                                                                                                      detailed, high quality, and authoritative             measure important changes in our
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      statistics that meet the needs of                     economy and support the needs of
                                              Economy-Wide Statistics Division, U.S.
                                                                                                      government, businesses, policymakers,                 individual industries. We are
                                              Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road,
                                                                                                      academic researchers, and the American                particularly interested in comments on
                                              Room 6K141, Washington, DC 20233–
                                                                                                      public. The program’s data products                   the usefulness of existing inquiries for
                                              6700, by phone (800) 242–2184, or by
                                                                                                      inform policies and programs that                     continued inclusion and in suggestions
                                              email ec.frn17@census.gov>.
                                                                                                      promote business vitality, job creation,              for new measures that would be
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              and sustainable growth. Moreover, they                appropriate to include in the Economic
                                              A. Background                                           provide the official measures of output               Census.
                                                                                                      for industries and geographic areas and                  Notwithstanding any other provision
                                                Section 131 of Title 13 U.S.C. directs                serve much of the foundation for the
                                              the Secretary [of Commerce] to ‘‘. . .                                                                        of law, no person is required to respond
                                                                                                      National Income and Product Accounts,                 to, nor shall a person be subject to a
                                              take, compile, and publish censuses of                  Gross Domestic Product estimates, and
                                              manufactures, of mineral industries, and                                                                      penalty for failure to comply with a
                                                                                                      other composite measures of the                       collection of information subject to the
                                              of other businesses, including the                      Nation’s economic performance. These
                                              distributive trades, service                                                                                  requirements of the Paperwork
                                                                                                      data supply weights and benchmarks for                Reduction Act (PRA) unless that
                                              establishments, and transportation                      indexes of industrial production,
                                              (exclusive of means of transportation for                                                                     collection of information displays a
                                                                                                      productivity, and prices; and provide                 current valid Office of Management and
                                              which statistics are required by law to                 benchmarks for other Federal statistical
                                              be filed with, and are compiled and                                                                           Budget (OMB) control number. The
                                                                                                      series. Some of these statistical series              Census Bureau, through the proper
                                              published by, a designated regulatory                   include current business surveys done
                                              body), in the year 1964, then in the year                                                                     established procedures, will be
                                                                                                      by the Census Bureau, which are used                  obtaining an OMB control number
                                              1968, and every fifth year thereafter, and              by trade associations, business
                                              each such census shall relate to the year                                                                     under the PRA as we get closer to
                                                                                                      organizations, economic development                   launching the program in 2017.
                                              immediately preceding the taking                        agencies, and individual businesses to                   I have, therefore, directed that the
                                              thereof.’’                                              assess and improve business
                                                This notice announces that the                                                                              2017 Economic Census be conducted for
                                                                                                      performance.                                          the purpose of collecting these data.
                                              Census Bureau is preparing to conduct
                                              the 2017 Economic Census. The                           B. Electronic Collection                                Dated: July 30, 2015.
                                              Economic Census is the U.S.                                The 2017 Economic Census will be                   John H. Thompson,
                                              Government’s official 5-year measure of                 the first to be conducted completely by               Director, Bureau of the Census.
                                              American Business and the economy,                      electronic collection (100 percent                    [FR Doc. 2015–19147 Filed 8–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                              and has been taken periodically since                   Internet Collection). The electronic                  BILLING CODE 3510–07–P
                                              1810. The Economic Census is the most                   instrument, Centurion, provides
                                              comprehensive source of information                     improved quality with automatic data
                                              about American businesses from the                      checks and is context-sensitive to assist             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              national to the local level. These                      the data provider in identifying
                                              Economic Census data products provide                   potential reporting problems before                   Census Bureau
                                              uniquely detailed basic measures that                   submission, thus reducing the need for
                                              are summarized by North American                                                                              Proposed Information Collection;
                                                                                                      follow-up. Centurion is Internet-based,               Comment Request; 2016 Census Test
                                              Industry Classification System (NAICS)                  eliminating the need for downloading
                                              industry for the U.S., states,                          software and increasing the integrity                 AGENCY: U.S. Census Bureau,
                                              metropolitan areas, counties, economic                  and confidentiality of the data. The                  Commerce.
                                              places, and ZIP Code areas. Data include                Census Bureau will furnish usernames                  ACTION: Notice.
                                              details on the product composition of                   and passwords for the electronic
                                              industry sales, receipts, revenue, or                   instrument to the organizations                       The Department of
                                              shipments; and on a great variety of                    included in the survey, and an image of   Commerce, as part of its continuing
                                              industry-specific subjects. Additionally,               the electronic instrument will be         effort to reduce paperwork and
                                              the Economic Census produces statistics                 available on the 2017 Economic Census     respondent burden, invites the general
                                              about businesses in Puerto Rico,                        Web site once the census has launched.    public and other Federal agencies to
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              American Samoa, the Commonwealth of                                                               take this opportunity to comment on
                                              the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam,                     C. Economic Census Content                proposed and/or continuing information
                                              and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and it                       The Census Bureau posted copies of      collections, as required by the
                                              provides data on selected special-                      the 2012 Economic Census forms on its     Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
                                              interest topics, including the                          Web site at: https://bhs.econ.census.gov/ DATES: To ensure consideration, written
                                              characteristics of business owners,                     ec12/php/census-form.php. Please take     comments must be submitted on or
                                              domestic freight shipments, and                         a moment to review the forms relevant     before October 5, 2015.

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 14:51:49
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 14:51:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Determination and Request for Comment.
DatesThe Census Bureau will begin the electronic mailout for the 2017 Economic Census in the Fall of 2017, and responses will be due by February 12, 2018. Written comments must be submitted on or before October 5, 2015 to ensure consideration of your comments on the 2017 Economic Census content.
ContactEconomy-Wide Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Room 6K141, Washington, DC 20233- 6700, by phone (800) 242-2184, or by email [email protected]>.
FR Citation80 FR 46238 

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