80_FR_46420 80 FR 46271 - Notice of Availability of the Environmental Protection Agency's Updated Ozone Transport Modeling Data for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)

80 FR 46271 - Notice of Availability of the Environmental Protection Agency's Updated Ozone Transport Modeling Data for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 149 (August 4, 2015)

Page Range46271-46280
FR Document2015-18878

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing notice that interstate ozone transport modeling and associated data and methods are available for public review and comment. These data and methods will be used to inform a rulemaking proposal that the EPA is developing and expects to release later this year to address interstate ozone transport for the 2008 ozone national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). This notice also meets the EPA's expressed intent to update the air quality modeling data that were released on January 22, 2015, and to share the updated data with states and other stakeholders. The information available includes: (1) Emission inventories for 2011 and 2017, supporting data used to develop those emission inventories, methods and data used to process emission inventories into a form that can be used for air quality modeling; and (2) base year 2011 and projected 2017 ozone concentrations and projected 2017 ozone state contribution data at individual ozone monitoring sites based on air quality modeling, supporting data including 2009-2013 base period and 2017 projected ozone design values, and methods used to process air quality model outputs to calculate 2017 ozone concentrations and contributions at individual monitoring sites. A docket has been established to facilitate public review of the data and to track comments.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 149 (Tuesday, August 4, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 149 (Tuesday, August 4, 2015)]
[Pages 46271-46280]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-18878]



[EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0500; FRL-9931-68-OAR]

Notice of Availability of the Environmental Protection Agency's 
Updated Ozone Transport Modeling Data for the 2008 Ozone National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of data availability (NODA); request for public comment.


[[Page 46272]]

SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing notice 
that interstate ozone transport modeling and associated data and 
methods are available for public review and comment. These data and 
methods will be used to inform a rulemaking proposal that the EPA is 
developing and expects to release later this year to address interstate 
ozone transport for the 2008 ozone national ambient air quality 
standards (NAAQS). This notice also meets the EPA's expressed intent to 
update the air quality modeling data that were released on January 22, 
2015, and to share the updated data with states and other stakeholders. 
The information available includes: (1) Emission inventories for 2011 
and 2017, supporting data used to develop those emission inventories, 
methods and data used to process emission inventories into a form that 
can be used for air quality modeling; and (2) base year 2011 and 
projected 2017 ozone concentrations and projected 2017 ozone state 
contribution data at individual ozone monitoring sites based on air 
quality modeling, supporting data including 2009-2013 base period and 
2017 projected ozone design values, and methods used to process air 
quality model outputs to calculate 2017 ozone concentrations and 
contributions at individual monitoring sites. A docket has been 
established to facilitate public review of the data and to track 

DATES: Comments must be received on or before September 23, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2015-0500, by one of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
     Fax: (202)566-9744. Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
     Mail: EPA Docket Center, WJC West Building, Attention 
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0500, U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency, Mailcode: 28221T, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 
20460. Please include a total of 2 copies.
     Hand Delivery: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, WJC 
West Building, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Room 3334, Washington, DC 
20004, Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0500. Such deliveries 
are only accepted during the Docket's normal hours of operation, and 
special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed 
    Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2015-0500. The EPA's policy is that all comments received will be 
included in the public docket without change and may be made available 
online at www.regulations.gov, including any personal information 
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you 
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through www.regulations.gov 
or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you 
claim to be CBI. For CBI information on a disk or CD-ROM that you mail 
to the EPA docket office, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI 
and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the specific 
information that is claimed as CBI. Information so marked will not be 
disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 
2. In addition to one complete version of the comment that includes 
information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain 
the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the 
public docket.
    The www.regulations.gov Web site is an ``anonymous access'' system, 
which means the EPA will not know your identity or contact information 
unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an email 
comment directly to the EPA without going through www.regulations.gov, 
your email address will be automatically captured and included as part 
of the comment that is placed in the public docket and made available 
on the Internet. If you submit an electronic comment, the EPA 
recommends that you include your name and other contact information in 
the body of your comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you submit. If the 
EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties and cannot 
contact you for clarification, the EPA may not be able to consider your 
comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special characters, 
any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses.
    When submitting comments, remember to:
    1. Identify the notification by docket number and other identifying 
information (subject heading, Federal Register date and page number).
    2. Explain your comments, why you agree or disagree; suggest 
alternatives and substitute data that reflect your requested changes.
    3. Describe any assumptions and provide any technical information 
and/or data that you used.
    4. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns, and 
suggest alternatives.
    5. Explain your views as clearly as possible, avoiding the use of 
profanity or personal threats.
    6. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period deadline 
    For additional information about the EPA's public docket, visit the 
EPA Docket Center homepage at http://www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.
    Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the 
www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, some 
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information 
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such 
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy. 
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically 
in www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Air and Radiation Docket 
and Information Center, EPA/DC, WJC West Building, Room 3334, 1301 
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open 
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 
566-1744, and the telephone number for the Air Docket is (202) 566-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions on the emissions data 
and on how to submit comments on the emissions data and related 
methodologies, contact Alison Eyth, Air Quality Assessment Division, 
Environmental Protection Agency, C339-02, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, 
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; telephone number: (919)541-2478; fax 
number: (919)541-1903; email: eyth.alison@epa.gov. For questions on the 
air quality modeling and ozone contributions and how to submit comments 
on the air quality modeling data and related methodologies, contact 
Norm Possiel, Air Quality Assessment Division, Environmental Protection 
Agency, C439-01, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 
27709; telephone number: (919)541-5692; fax number: (919)541-0044; 
email: possiel.norm@epa.gov.


I. Background

    On January 22, 2015, the EPA issued a memo and preliminary air 
quality modeling data that would help states as

[[Page 46273]]

they develop State Implementation Plans to address cross-state 
transport of air pollution under the ``Good Neighbor'' Provision of the 
Clean Air Act (CAA), section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), as it pertains to the 
2008 ozone NAAQS.\1\ That information included the EPA's preliminary 
air quality modeling data that applies the Cross-State Air Pollution 
Rule (CSAPR--76 FR 48208) approach to contribution projections for the 
year 2018 for the 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Specifically, the EPA 
provided data identifying ozone monitoring sites that are projected to 
be nonattainment or have maintenance problems for the 2008 ozone NAAQS 
in 2018. The EPA also provided the projected contribution estimates 
from 2018 anthropogenic oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and 
volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in each state to ozone 
concentrations at each of these sites. The year 2018 was used as the 
analytic year for the preliminary modeling because at the onset of the 
modeling assessment, that year aligned with the December 2018 
attainment date for Moderate ozone nonattainment areas. However, 
subsequent to the completion of the 2018 modeling, the EPA issued the 
final 2008 Ozone NAAQS SIP Requirements Rule,\2\ which revised the 
attainment deadline for ozone nonattainment areas currently designated 
as Moderate for the 2008 ozone NAAQS to July 2018. The EPA established 
this deadline in the 2015 Ozone SIP Requirements Rule after previously 
establishing a deadline of December 31, 2018, that was vacated by the 
DC Circuit in Natural Resources Defense Council v. EPA. In order to 
demonstrate attainment by the revised attainment deadline, the 
demonstration would have to be based on design values calculated using 
2015 through 2017 ozone season data, since the July 2018 deadline does 
not afford a full ozone season of measured data. Therefore, the EPA has 
adopted 2017 as the analytic year for the updated ozone transport 
modeling information being released as part of this NODA.

    \1\ Memorandum from Stephen D. Page, Information on the 
Interstate Transport ``Good Neighbor'' Provision for the 2008 Ozone 
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) under CAA section 
110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), January 22, 2015, available at http://www.epa.gov/airtransport/GoodNeighborProvision2008NAAQS.pdf.
    \2\ 80 FR 12264, 12268 (Mar. 6, 2015); 40 CFR 51.1103.

    The 2011 and 2018 emissions inventory data used for the preliminary 
air quality modeling were released for public review on November 27, 
2013 (78 FR 70935), and January 14, 2014 (79 FR 2437), respectively. 
Based in part on comments received from the public review process, the 
EPA updated the 2011 emissions inventory data, developed emissions 
inventory data for 2017, and used these data in air quality modeling to 
develop updated projections of future year ozone concentrations and 
    In the January 22, 2015 memo, the EPA expressed its intent to 
update the preliminary air quality modeling data and to share the 
updated data with states and other stakeholders. This notice meets this 
intent. Additionally, the EPA, together with its state partners, is 
assessing the next steps to address interstate air pollution transport 
for the 2008 ozone NAAQS under the CAA. The EPA recognizes its backstop 
role to develop and promulgate federal implementation plans, as 
appropriate. We are planning to take this action, if necessary, by 
issuing a proposal for a federal rule later this year. This notice 
provides an opportunity to review and comment on the agency's ozone 
transport modeling data that EPA intends to use in this forthcoming 

II. Air Quality Modeling Data and Methodologies

    Using the updated emissions inventories, the EPA performed 
photochemical air quality modeling to project ozone concentrations at 
air quality monitoring sites to 2017, and to estimate state-by-state 
contributions to those 2017 concentrations. We then used the air 
quality modeling results to identify nonattainment or maintenance sites 
for the 2008 ozone NAAQS in 2017, consistent with the CSAPR approach to 
identify such sites. We used the contribution information to quantify 
projected interstate contributions from emissions in each upwind state 
to ozone concentrations at each of the projected 2017 nonattainment and 
maintenance sites in downwind states.
    The EPA's air quality modeling used the updated version of the 
2011-based air quality modeling platform. This platform includes 
emissions for the 2011 base year and a 2017 future base case as well as 
meteorology for 2011. The 2011 meteorology was used in air quality 
model simulations for both 2011 and 2017. The 2011 and 2017 emissions 
data are described in more detail in Section III.
    The EPA used the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions 
(CAMx version 6.11) for modeling the 2011 base year and 2017 future 
base case emissions scenarios to identify sites with projected 
nonattainment and maintenance problems in 2017. The air quality model 
runs were performed for a modeling domain that covers the 48 states in 
the contiguous U.S. along with adjacent portions of Canada and Mexico. 
The spatial resolution (i.e., grid size) for this modeling domain is 12 
km x 12 km. The 2011 and 2017 scenarios were both modeled for the full 
year with 2011 meteorology. The meteorological data used as input to 
the air quality modeling was obtained from an annual simulation of 
version 3.4 of the Weather Research Forecast Model (WRF) for 2011. The 
initial and boundary concentration inputs to the air quality modeling 
were derived from an annual simulation of the Goddard Earth Observing 
System global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). The CAMx 
predictions for 2011 were compared to corresponding measurements as 
part of a model performance evaluation. Information on the development 
of the 2011 meteorological and initial and boundary concentration 
inputs to the CAMx simulations and the model performance evaluation 
methodologies and results are described in the ``Updated Air Quality 
Modeling Technical Support Document'' (AQM TSD) for the 2008 Ozone 
NAAQS Interstate Transport Assessment, which is available in the docket 
for this notice. Also in this docket is a report on the performance 
evaluation for the annual 2011 WRF meteorological model simulation.

A. Identification of Projected 2017 Nonattainment and Maintenance Sites

    The ozone predictions from the 2011 and 2017 CAMx model runs were 
used to project measured ozone design values to 2017 following the 
approach described in the EPA's draft guidance for attainment 
demonstration modeling.\3\ We selected 2011 as the base year to reflect 
the most recent National Emissions Inventory (NEI). In addition, the 
meteorological conditions during the summer of 2011 were generally 
conducive for ozone formation across much of the U.S., particularly the 
eastern U.S. We selected 2017 as the projected analysis year to 
coincide with the attainment date for Moderate nonattainment areas 
under the 2008 ozone NAAQS. The draft attainment modeling guidance 
recommends using 5-year weighted average ambient design values \4\ 
centered on the base year as the starting point for projecting design 
values to the future. Because 2011 is the

[[Page 46274]]

base year of emissions, we started with the average ambient 8-hour 
ozone design values for the period 2009 through 2013 (i.e., the average 
of design values for 2009-2011, 2010-2012, and 2011-2013). The 5-year 
weighted average ambient design value at each site was projected to 
2017 using model-predicted Relative Response Factors (RRFs) \5\ that 
were calculated based on procedures described in the draft attainment 
demonstration modeling guidance. The 2017 projected average ozone 
design values were evaluated to identify those sites with design values 
that exceed the 2008 ozone NAAQS.\6\ Consistent with the approach used 
in CSAPR, those sites with 2017 average design values that exceed the 
NAAQS are projected to be in nonattainment in 2017.

    \3\ The December 3, 2014, draft ozone, fine particulate matter 
and regional haze SIP modeling guidance is available at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/scram/guidance/guide/Draft_O3-PM-RH_Modeling_Guidance-2014.pdf.
    \4\ The air quality design value for a site is the 3-year 
average annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone 
    \5\ In brief, the RRF for a particular location is the ratio of 
the 2017 ozone model prediction to the 2011 ozone model prediction. 
The RRFs were calculated using model outputs for the May through 
September period.
    \6\ In determining compliance with the NAAQS, ozone design 
values are truncated to integer values. For example, a design value 
of 75.9 ppb is truncated to 75 ppb which is attainment. In this 
manner, design values at or above 76.0 ppb are considered 

    As noted above, we followed the CSAPR approach to identify sites 
with projected maintenance problems in 2017. As part of the approach 
for identifying sites with projected future maintenance problems, the 
highest (i.e., maximum) ambient design value from the 2011-centered 5-
year period (i.e., the maximum of design values from 2009-2011, 2010-
2012, and 2011-2013) was projected to 2017 for each site using the 
site-specific RRFs. Following the CSAPR approach, monitoring sites with 
a maximum design value that exceeds the NAAQS, even if the average 
design value is below the NAAQS, are projected to have a maintenance 
problem in 2017. In this regard, nonattainment sites are also 
maintenance sites because the maximum design value at nonattainment 
sites is always greater than or equal to the 5-year weighted average. 
Monitoring sites with a 2017 average design value below the NAAQS, but 
with a maximum design value that exceeds the NAAQS, are considered 
maintenance-only sites. These sites are projected to have a maintenance 
problem, but not a nonattainment problem in 2017.
    The base period ambient and projected 2017 average and maximum 
design values at individual nonattainment sites and maintenance-only 
sites are provided in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.

           Table 1--2009-2013 and 2017 Average and Maximum Design Values at Projected Nonattainment Sites in the East (Top) and West (Bottom)
                                                                     [Units are ppb]
                                                                                             2009-2013       2009-2013
           Monitor ID                        State                      County            average design  maximum design   2017 average    2017 maximum
                                                                                               value           value       design value    design value
90013007........................  Connecticut...............  Fairfield.................            84.3            89.0            77.1            81.4
90019003........................  Connecticut...............  Fairfield.................            83.7            87.0            78.0            81.1
90099002........................  Connecticut...............  New Haven.................            85.7            89.0            77.2            80.2
240251001.......................  Maryland..................  Harford...................            90.0            93.0            81.3            84.0
360850067.......................  New York..................  Richmond..................            81.3            83.0            76.3            77.8
361030002.......................  New York..................  Suffolk...................            83.3            85.0            79.2            80.8
390610006.......................  Ohio......................  Hamilton..................            82.0            85.0            76.3            79.1
480391004.......................  Texas.....................  Brazoria..................            88.0            89.0            81.4            82.3
481210034.......................  Texas.....................  Denton....................            84.3            87.0            76.9            79.4
482011034.......................  Texas.....................  Harris....................            81.0            82.0            76.8            77.8
482011039.......................  Texas.....................  Harris....................            82.0            84.0            78.2            80.2
484392003.......................  Texas.....................  Tarrant...................            87.3            90.0            79.6            82.1
484393009.......................  Texas.....................  Tarrant...................            86.0            86.0            78.6            78.6
551170006.......................  Wisconsin.................  Sheboygan.................            84.3            87.0            77.0            79.4
60190007........................  California................  Fresno....................            94.7            95.0            89.0            89.3
60190011........................  California................  Fresno....................            93.0            96.0            87.6            90.4
60190242........................  California................  Fresno....................            91.7            95.0            87.1            90.3
60194001........................  California................  Fresno....................            90.7            92.0            84.2            85.4
60195001........................  California................  Fresno....................            97.0            99.0            90.6            92.5
60251003........................  California................  Imperial..................            81.0            82.0            79.3            80.3
60290007........................  California................  Kern......................            91.7            96.0            86.2            90.2
60290008........................  California................  Kern......................            86.3            88.0            80.6            82.2
60290011........................  California................  Kern......................            80.0            81.0            76.2            77.1
60290014........................  California................  Kern......................            87.7            89.0            82.8            84.0
60290232........................  California................  Kern......................            87.3            89.0            82.2            83.8
60295002........................  California................  Kern......................            90.0            91.0            84.5            85.5
60296001........................  California................  Kern......................            84.3            86.0            79.7            81.3
60311004........................  California................  Kings.....................            87.0            90.0            81.1            83.9
60370002........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            80.0            82.0            79.0            81.0
60370016........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            94.0            97.0            92.8            95.8
60371002........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            80.0            81.0            77.1            78.1
60371201........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            90.0            90.0            87.9            87.9
60371701........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            84.0            85.0            82.2            83.2
60372005........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            79.5            82.0            78.1            80.6
60376012........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            97.3            99.0            94.5            96.2
60379033........................  California................  Los Angeles...............            90.0            91.0            86.0            86.9
60392010........................  California................  Madera....................            85.0            86.0            79.8            80.8
60470003........................  California................  Merced....................            82.7            84.0            78.1            79.3
60610006........................  California................  Placer....................            84.0            86.0            78.2            80.0

[[Page 46275]]

60650004........................  California................  Riverside.................            85.0            85.0            82.3            82.3
60650012........................  California................  Riverside.................            97.3            99.0            93.5            95.1
60651016........................  California................  Riverside.................           100.7           101.0            95.7            96.0
60652002........................  California................  Riverside.................            84.3            85.0            79.8            80.5
60655001........................  California................  Riverside.................            92.3            93.0            87.6            88.2
60656001........................  California................  Riverside.................            94.0            98.0            88.1            91.9
60658001........................  California................  Riverside.................            97.0            98.0            93.3            94.3
60658005........................  California................  Riverside.................            92.7            94.0            89.2            90.4
60659001........................  California................  Riverside.................            88.3            91.0            82.7            85.2
60670012........................  California................  Sacramento................            93.3            95.0            85.7            87.3
60675003........................  California................  Sacramento................            86.3            88.0            80.5            82.0
60710005........................  California................  San Bernardino............           105.0           107.0           103.6           105.6
60710012........................  California................  San Bernardino............            95.0            97.0            91.8            93.8
60710306........................  California................  San Bernardino............            83.7            85.0            81.2            82.4
60711004........................  California................  San Bernardino............            96.7            98.0            94.3            95.6
60712002........................  California................  San Bernardino............           101.0           103.0            99.5           101.5
60714001........................  California................  San Bernardino............            94.3            97.0            92.3            95.0
60714003........................  California................  San Bernardino............           105.0           107.0           101.8           103.8
60719002........................  California................  San Bernardino............            92.3            94.0            88.0            89.6
60719004........................  California................  San Bernardino............            98.7            99.0            95.7            96.0
60731006........................  California................  San Diego.................            81.0            82.0            76.6            77.6
60990006........................  California................  Stanislaus................            87.0            88.0            83.0            83.9
61070006........................  California................  Tulare....................            81.7            85.0            77.0            80.1
61070009........................  California................  Tulare....................            94.7            96.0            87.3            88.5
61072002........................  California................  Tulare....................            85.0            88.0            78.6            81.4
61072010........................  California................  Tulare....................            89.0            90.0            82.7            83.6
61112002........................  California................  Ventura...................            81.0            83.0            78.3            80.2
80350004........................  Colorado..................  Douglas...................            80.7            83.0            76.0            78.1
80590006........................  Colorado..................  Jefferson.................            80.3            83.0            76.3            78.8

          Table 2--2009-2013 and 2017 Average and Maximum Design Values at Projected Maintenance-Only Sites in the East (Top) and West (Bottom)
                                                                     [Units are ppb]
                                                                                             2009-2013       2009-2013
           Monitor ID                        State                      County            average design  maximum design   2017 average    2017 maximum
                                                                                               value           value       design value    design value
90010017........................  Connecticut...............  Fairfield.................            80.3            83.0            75.8            78.4
211110067.......................  Kentucky..................  Jefferson.................            82.0            85.0            75.8            78.6
211850004.......................  Kentucky..................  Oldham....................            82.0            86.0            73.7            77.3
240053001.......................  Maryland..................  Baltimore.................            80.7            84.0            73.2            76.2
260050003.......................  Michigan..................  Allegan...................            82.7            86.0            75.5            78.5
261630019.......................  Michigan..................  Wayne.....................            78.7            81.0            74.0            76.2
340071001.......................  New Jersey................  Camden....................            82.7            87.0            74.2            78.1
340150002.......................  New Jersey................  Gloucester................            84.3            87.0            75.1            77.5
340230011.......................  New Jersey................  Middlesex.................            81.3            85.0            73.0            76.3
340290006.......................  New Jersey................  Ocean.....................            82.0            85.0            73.9            76.6
360810124.......................  New York..................  Queens....................            78.0            80.0            75.7            77.6
420031005.......................  Pennsylvania..............  Allegheny.................            80.7            82.0            75.3            76.5
421010024.......................  Pennsylvania..............  Philadelphia..............            83.3            87.0            75.1            78.4
480850005.......................  Texas.....................  Collin....................            82.7            84.0            74.9            76.0
481130069.......................  Texas.....................  Dallas....................            79.7            84.0            74.0            78.0
481130075.......................  Texas.....................  Dallas....................            82.0            83.0            75.8            76.7
481211032.......................  Texas.....................  Denton....................            82.7            84.0            75.1            76.3
482010024.......................  Texas.....................  Harris....................            80.3            83.0            75.9            78.5
482010026.......................  Texas.....................  Harris....................            77.3            80.0            73.5            76.1
482010055.......................  Texas.....................  Harris....................            81.3            83.0            75.4            77.0
482011050.......................  Texas.....................  Harris....................            78.3            80.0            74.6            76.2
484390075.......................  Texas.....................  Tarrant...................            82.0            83.0            75.5            76.4
484393011.......................  Texas.....................  Tarrant...................            80.7            83.0            74.5            76.6
40131004........................  Arizona...................  Maricopa..................            79.7            81.0            75.0            76.2
60170020........................  California................  El Dorado.................            82.7            84.0            75.1            76.3
60390004........................  California................  Madera....................            79.3            81.0            75.3            76.9
60610003........................  California................  Placer....................            83.0            85.0            75.4            77.2

[[Page 46276]]

60670006........................  California................  Sacramento................            78.7            81.0            74.0            76.1
60773005........................  California................  San Joaquin...............            79.0            80.0            75.9            76.8
80050002........................  Colorado..................  Arapahoe..................            76.7            79.0            74.4            76.6
80590011........................  Colorado..................  Jefferson.................            78.7            82.0            75.8            78.9

B. Quantification of Interstate Ozone Contributions

    The EPA performed nationwide, state-level ozone source 
apportionment modeling using the CAMx Ozone Source Apportionment 
Technology/Anthropogenic Precursor Culpability Analysis (OSAT/APCA) 
technique \7\ to quantify the contribution of 2017 base case 
NOX and VOC emissions from all sources in each state to 
projected 2017 ozone concentrations at each air quality monitoring 
site. In the source apportionment model run, we tracked the ozone 
formed from each of the following contribution categories (i.e., 

    \7\ As part of this technique, ozone formed from reactions 
between biogenic VOC and NOX with anthropogenic 
NOX and VOC are assigned to the anthropogenic emissions.

     States--anthropogenic NOX and VOC emissions 
from each state tracked individually (emissions from all anthropogenic 
sectors in a given state were combined);
     Biogenics--biogenic NOX and VOC emissions 
domain-wide (i.e., not by state);
     Boundary Concentrations--concentrations transported into 
the modeling domain;
     Tribes--the emissions from those tribal lands for which we 
have point source inventory data in the 2011 NEI (we did not model the 
contributions from individual tribes);
     Canada and Mexico--anthropogenic emissions from sources in 
the portions of Canada and Mexico included in the modeling domain (we 
did not model the contributions from Canada and Mexico separately);
     Fires--combined emissions from wild and prescribed fires; 
     Offshore--combined emissions from offshore marine vessels 
and offshore drilling platforms.
    The CAMx OSAT/APCA model run was performed for the period May 1 
through September 30 using the 2017 future base case emissions and 2011 
meteorology for this time period. The hourly contributions \8\ from 
each tag were processed to obtain the 8-hour average contributions 
corresponding to the time period of the 8-hour daily maximum 
concentration on each day in the 2017 model simulation. This step was 
performed for those model grid cells containing monitoring sites in 
order to obtain 8-hour average contributions for each day at the 
location of each site. The model-predicted contributions were then 
applied in a relative sense to quantify the contributions to the 2017 
average design value at each site. Additional details on the source 
apportionment modeling and the procedures for calculating contributions 
can be found in the AQM TSD.

    \8\ Contributions from anthropogenic emissions under 
``NOX-limited'' and ``VOC-limited'' chemical regimes were 
combined to obtain the net contribution from NOX and VOC 
anthropogenic emissions in each state.

    The average contribution metric is intended to provide a reasonable 
representation of the contribution from individual states to the 
projected 2017 design value, based on modeled transport patterns and 
other meteorological conditions generally associated with modeled high 
ozone concentrations in the vicinity of the monitoring site. An average 
contribution metric constructed in this manner is beneficial since the 
magnitude of the contributions is directly related to the magnitude of 
the design value at each site.
    The resulting 2017 contributions from each tag to each monitoring 
site are provided in the AQM TSD. The largest contributions from each 
state to projected 2017 downwind nonattainment sites and to projected 
downwind maintenance-only sites are provided in Table 3.

  Table 3--Largest Ozone Contributions From Each State to Downwind 2017
  Projected Nonattainment and to 2017 Projected Maintenance-Only Sites
                             [Units are ppb]
                                    contribution to a       Largest
                                           2017        contribution to a
           Upwind state               nonattainment    2017 maintenance-
                                     site in downwind     only site in
                                          states        downwind states
Alabama...........................               0.79               1.28
Arizona...........................               1.78               0.41
Arkansas..........................               1.24               2.15
California........................               1.75               3.44
Colorado..........................               0.36               0.34
Connecticut.......................               0.46               0.41
Delaware..........................               0.68               2.23
District of Columbia..............               0.73               0.64
Florida...........................               0.57               0.72
Georgia...........................               0.58               0.56
Idaho.............................               0.23               0.35

[[Page 46277]]

Illinois..........................              17.48              23.17
Indiana...........................               7.15              14.95
Iowa..............................               0.61               0.85
Kansas............................               0.80               1.03
Kentucky..........................              11.17               2.14
Louisiana.........................               3.81               4.23
Maine.............................               0.00               0.08
Maryland..........................               2.39               7.11
Massachusetts.....................               0.10               0.37
Michigan..........................               2.69               1.79
Minnesota.........................               0.40               0.47
Mississippi.......................               0.78               1.48
Missouri..........................               1.63               3.69
Montana...........................               0.15               0.17
Nebraska..........................               0.51               0.36
Nevada............................               0.84               0.73
New Hampshire.....................               0.02               0.07
New Jersey........................              12.38              11.48
New Mexico........................               1.05               0.54
New York..........................              16.96              17.21
North Carolina....................               0.55               0.93
North Dakota......................               0.14               0.28
Ohio..............................               3.99               7.92
Oklahoma..........................               1.70               2.46
Oregon............................               0.65               0.65
Pennsylvania......................              13.51              15.93
Rhode Island......................               0.02               0.08
South Carolina....................               0.19               0.21
South Dakota......................               0.08               0.12
Tennessee.........................               1.67               0.90
Texas.............................               2.44               2.95
Utah..............................               1.59               1.66
Vermont...........................               0.01               0.05
Virginia..........................               5.29               4.70
Washington........................               0.22               0.09
West Virginia.....................               2.99               3.11
Wisconsin.........................               0.56               2.59
Wyoming...........................               1.22               1.22

    In CSAPR, the EPA used a contribution screening threshold of 1 
percent of the NAAQS to identify upwind states in the eastern U.S. that 
may significantly contribute to downwind nonattainment and/or 
maintenance problems and which warrant further analysis. The EPA will 
take comment on the appropriate threshold to be applied for purposes of 
the 2008 ozone NAAQS in the upcoming rulemaking proposal to address 
interstate ozone transport for that standard. The EPA is not proposing 
or taking comment on this threshold as part of this NODA.

C. Air Quality Modeling Information Available for Public Comment

    The EPA is requesting comment on the components of the 2011 air 
quality modeling platform, the air quality model applications and model 
performance evaluation, and the projected 2017 ozone design value 
concentrations and contribution data. The EPA is also seeking comment 
on the methodology for calculating contributions at individual 
monitoring sites. The EPA encourages all states and sources to review 
and comment on the information provided in this NODA.
    The EPA has placed key information related to the air quality 
modeling into the electronic docket for this notice (EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-
0500) which is available at www.regulations.gov. This includes the AQM 
TSD, an Excel file which contains the 2009-2013 base period and 2017 
projected average and maximum ozone design values at individual 
monitoring sites, and an Excel file with the ozone contributions from 
each state and all other source tags to each monitoring site. However, 
the air quality modeling input and output data files are too large to 
be directly uploaded into the electronic docket and/or are not in 
formats accepted by that docket. These air quality modeling files have 
been placed on a data drive in the docket office. Electronic copies of 
the non-emissions air quality modeling input files and the air quality 
modeling output files can also be obtained prior to the end of the 
comment period by contacting Norm Possiel at possiel.norm@epa.gov. A 
detailed description of the 2011 and 2017 emissions data and procedures 
for accessing and commenting on these data are provided below.

III. Emissions Data and Methodologies

    The EPA is requesting comment on the updated 2011 and 2017 emission

[[Page 46278]]

inventories; supporting ancillary files used to allocate emissions 
temporally, spatially, and by emissions species; and on the emissions 
modeling methods used to develop the emission inventories, including 
but not restricted to, the activity data, model input databases, and 
the projection, control, and closure data used to develop projected 
2017 emissions. Summaries of the emission inventories are provided to 
aid in the review of the data, but comments are sought on the actual 
inventories, model inputs, data, and methods used to develop the 
projected emissions.

A. Instructions for Submitting Emissions Comments and Alternative 
Emissions Data

    The EPA can most effectively use comments on emissions data that 
provide specific alternative values to those in the EPA data sets, and 
for which accompanying documentation supports the alternative values. 
Commenters should provide the alternative data at a level of detail 
appropriate to the data set into which it will be incorporated, thereby 
including all key fields needed to substitute the old data with the 
new. For example, any data provided as an alternative to the EPA's 
point source emissions data should include all key fields used to 
identify point source data such as facility, unit, release point, 
process, and pollutant, along with alternative emissions values. If a 
commenter were to provide a new set of county total emissions as an 
alternative to detailed point source emissions data, the EPA would not 
be able to use that new data. Commenters should also include 
documentation that describes methods for development of any alternative 
values and relevant references supporting the alternative approach.
    Any alternative emission inventory or ancillary data provided 
should be compatible with the formats used by the Sparse Matrix 
Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) modeling system version 3.6.5, which 
is used by the EPA to process emission inventories into a format that 
can be used for air quality modeling. Formats are defined in the SMOKE 
Version 3.6.5 User's Manual available from http://www.cmascenter.org/smoke/. Only the rows of data that have changed from those provided by 
the EPA should be included in the alternative data sets. Alternative 
data that are not an input to SMOKE, such as model input databases for 
mobile source models, should be provided in a format in which it could 
be directly input to the model.
    Commenters wishing to comment on inventory projection methods 
should submit to the docket comments that describe an alternative 
approach to the existing methods, along with documentation describing 
why that method is an improvement over the existing method.

B. Emissions Information Available for Public Comment

    The released data include emission inventories that represent 
projected emissions into the atmosphere of criteria and some hazardous 
air pollutants in the years 2011 and 2017, additional ancillary data 
files that are used to convert the NEI emissions into a form that can 
be used for air quality modeling, and methods used to prepare the air 
quality model inputs and to develop projections of emissions for the 
year 2017. The platform includes emission inventories for sources at 
specific locations called point sources; emissions from fire events; 
and county-level emissions of onroad mobile sources, nonroad mobile 
sources, and nonpoint stationary sources.
    The provided emission inventories are split into categories called 
modeling sectors. For example, facility-specific point emission sources 
are split into electric generating units (EGUs), oil and gas point 
sources, and other point sources. Nonpoint emission sources are split 
into agricultural ammonia sources, area fugitive dust sources, non-
Category 3 commercial marine and locomotive sources, residential wood 
sources, oil and gas nonpoint sources, agricultural burning sources, 
and other nonpoint sources. Additional modeling sectors are onroad and 
nonroad mobile sources, Category 3 commercial marine sources, and 
emissions from wild and prescribed fires.
    The emission inventories for the future year of 2017 have been 
developed using projection methods that are specific to the type of 
emission source. Future emissions are projected from the 2011 base case 
either by running models to estimate future year emissions from 
specific types of emission sources (i.e., EGUs, and onroad and nonroad 
mobile sources), or for other types of sources by adjusting the base 
year emissions according to the best estimate of changes expected to 
occur in the intervening years (i.e., non-EGU point and nonpoint 
    For some sectors, the same emissions are used in the base and 
future years, such as biogenic emissions, wild and prescribed fire 
emissions, and Canadian emissions. For all other sectors, rules and 
specific legal obligations that go into effect in the intervening 
years, along with changes in activity for the sector, are considered 
when possible. Documentation of the methods used for each sector is 
provided in the TSD Preparation of Emissions Inventories for the 
Version 6.2, 2011 Emissions Modeling Platform, which can be found in 
the docket for this notice.
    Emission projections for EGUs for 2017 were developed using the 
Integrated Planning Model (IPM). The National Electric Energy Data 
System (NEEDS) database contains the generation unit records used for 
the model plants that represent existing and planned/committed units in 
EPA modeling applications of IPM. The NEEDS database includes basic 
geographic, operating, air emissions, and other data on these 
generating units and is updated for the EPA's version 5.14 power sector 
modeling platform. The EGU emission projections included in this data 
release are reported in an air quality modeling-ready flat file taken 
from the EPA Base Case v.5.14, developed using IPM. The 2017 EGU 
emission projections in the flat file format, the corresponding NEEDS 
database, and user guides and documentation are available in the docket 
for this notice, and at http://www.epa.gov/powersectormodeling.
    To project future emissions from onroad and nonroad mobile sources, 
the EPA uses the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) and the 
National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM), respectively. Development of 
the future year onroad and nonroad emissions requires a substantial 
amount of lead time and resources. The EPA had already prepared the 
emissions projections for 2018 when the attainment deadline for 
Moderate nonattainment areas was revised to July 2018 in the 2008 Ozone 
SIP Requirements Rule, as discussed above, effectively requiring the 
agency to adjust its projection year to 2017. Thus, for purposes of 
this NODA, the EPA calculated the 2017 emissions from mobile sources 
using post-modeling adjustments to 2018 emissions, but the agency 
anticipates that it will directly generate the mobile source emissions 
for 2017 that will be used in the air quality modeling for the final 
rule to address interstate transport for the 2008 ozone standard. The 
EPA obtained 2018 projections by running the MOVES and NMIM models 
using year-specific information about fuel mixtures, activity data, and 
the impacts of national and state-level rules and control programs. The 
input databases and future year activity data for onroad mobile sources 
are provided with the 2011v6.2 platform available at http://

[[Page 46279]]

chief/emch/index.html#2011. The 2018 onroad and nonroad mobile source 
emissions were adjusted for 2017 using factors derived from national 
scale runs of MOVES and NMIM, respectively.
    For non-EGU point and nonpoint sources, projections of 2017 
emissions were developed by starting with the 2011 emissions 
inventories and applying adjustments that represent the impact of 
national, state, and local rules coming into effect in the years 2012 
through 2017, along with the impacts of planned shutdowns, the 
construction of new plants, specific information provided by states, 
and specific legal obligations resolving alleged environmental 
violations, such as consent decrees. Changes in activity are considered 
for sectors such as oil and gas, residential wood combustion, cement 
kilns, livestock, aircraft, commercial marine vessels and locomotives. 
Data files that include factors that represent the changes are 
provided, along with summaries that quantify the emission changes 
resulting from the projections at a state and national level.
    The provided data include relevant emissions inventories for 
neighboring countries used in our modeling, specifically the 2010 
emissions inventories for Canada and the 2008 and 2018 emissions 
inventories for Mexico. Canadian emissions for a future year were not 
    Ancillary data files used to allocate annual emissions to the 
hourly, gridded emissions of chemical species used by the air quality 
model are also provided. The types of ancillary data files include 
temporal profiles that allocate annual and monthly emissions down to 
days and hours, spatial surrogates that allocate county-level emissions 
onto the grid cells used by the AQM, and speciation profiles that 
allocate the pollutants in the NEI to the chemical species used by the 
air quality model. In addition, there are temporal, spatial, and 
speciation cross-reference files that map the emission sources in the 
emission inventories to the appropriate profiles based on their 
location, emissions source classification code (SCC), and, in some 
cases, the specific facility or unit. With the exception of some 
speciation profiles and temporal profiles for EGUs and mobile sources, 
the same ancillary data files are used to prepare the 2011 and 2017 
emissions inventories for air quality modeling.
    Information related to this section is located in the docket. 
However, as mentioned above, some of the emissions data files are too 
large to be directly uploaded into the electronic docket and/or are not 
in formats accepted by that docket. Therefore, the information placed 
in the electronic docket, associated detailed data, and summaries to 
help with interpretation of the data are available for public review 
with the 2011v6.2 platform available on the Emissions Modeling 
Clearinghouse on the EPA's Web site at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/index.html#2011. Requests for electronic copies of pre-merged, 
intermediate and air quality model-ready emissions files for input to 
air quality modeling can be obtained by contacting Alison Eyth at 
    The emissions inventories, along with many of the ancillary files, 
are provided in the form of flat files that can be input to SMOKE. Flat 
files are comma-separated values-style text files with columns and rows 
that can be loaded into spreadsheet or database software. The columns 
of interest in the emission inventory files are specified in each 
subsection below. The EPA specifically requests comment on the 
following components of the provided emissions modeling inventories and 
ancillary files:
     Emissions values and supporting data for EGUs. The EPA 
requests comment on the IPM version 5.14 input assumptions, NEEDS 
database, 2018 unit-level parsed files because 2017 parsed files are 
not available, 2017 flat file inputs and outputs (including 
modifications to the IPM 2018 Base Case to inform 2017 NOX 
emissions), temporal profiles use to allocate seasonal emissions to 
hours, and cross references and matching between IPM and NEI.
     Emission values for non-EGU sources. The EPA requests 
comment on the criteria air pollutant projected 2017 emissions in the 
modeling inventories, such as NOX, VOC, sulfur dioxide, 
particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers, particulate matter less 
than 10 micrometers, and ammonia, with a focus on the ozone precursors 
NOX and VOC. The EPA will also accept comments on 2017 
projections of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as they are included in 
the outputs of models used to develop 2017 emission projections. 
However, HAPs are not the focus of this effort. The annual emissions 
values are located in the ANN_VALUE column of emission inventory files 
in the Flat File 2010 (FF10) format. Some emission inventories (e.g., 
nonroad) may also have values filled in to the monthly value columns 
(e.g., JAN_VALUE, FEB_VALUE, . . ., DEC_VALUE). The EPA requests 
comment on both the annual and monthly emissions values, where 
applicable. Summaries of emissions by state and county are provided to 
aid in the review of emissions values.
     Model inputs and activity data used to develop mobile 
source emission inventories. The EPA requests comment on the mobile 
source model input data used to develop the projected future mobile 
source emission inventories. These include both the databases used to 
create emission factors and the vehicle miles traveled and vehicle 
population activity data used to compute the emissions. Of particular 
interest are county total vehicle miles traveled, the mixture of 
vehicle types in 2017, hoteling hours of combination long-haul trucks, 
and changes to the inspection and maintenance programs. Alternative 
activity data should be provided in the SMOKE FF10 activity data 
     Projection data and methods. The EPA seeks comment on the 
data used to project point and nonpoint source emissions from 2011 to 
2017, and on the methods and assumptions used to implement the 
projections. In this context, nonpoint source emissions are inclusive 
of commercial marine vessel, railroad, oil and gas, and other nonpoint 
emissions. In particular, the EPA seeks comment on its assumptions 
regarding the manner in which specific consent decrees and state- or 
locality-specific control programs will be implemented.
     Existing control techniques. The emission inventories 
include information on emissions control techniques listed in terms of 
control codes submitted to the EIS. These are listed in the CONTROL_IDS 
and CONTROL_MEASURES columns in the emission inventory flat files, with 
levels of reduction in the ANN_PCT_RED column. Projection of non-EGU 
point source emissions to future years is dependent on this 
information. The EPA seeks comment on whether data on existing controls 
given in the inventory flat files are incomplete or erroneous. The flat 
files must be consulted for details of control techniques by pollutant.
     Emissions modeling methods. The EPA is using SMOKE version 
3.6.5 to prepare data for air quality modeling. The EPA requests 
comment on the methods by which SMOKE is used to develop air quality 
model-ready emissions, as illustrated in the scripts provided with the 
modeling platform and as described in the TSD Preparation of Emissions 
Inventories for the Version 6.2, 2011 Emissions Modeling Platform, 
available with the 2011v6.2 platform at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/index.html#2011.
     Temporal allocation. Annual emission inventories must be 

[[Page 46280]]

to hourly values prior to air quality modeling. This may be done with 
temporal profiles in several steps, such as annual-to-month, month-to-
day, and day-to-hour. The exact method used depends on the type of 
emissions being processed. The EPA seeks comment on the allocation of 
the emission inventories to month, day, and hour for all types of 
emission processes. In particular, the EPA seeks information that could 
help improve the temporal allocation in 2017 of emissions from EGUs, 
nonroad mobile sources, residential wood combustion sources, and the 
temporal allocation of vehicle miles traveled needed to model onroad 
mobile sources. The EPA seeks local- and region-specific data that can 
be used to improve the temporal allocation of emissions data.
     Spatial surrogates. Spatial surrogates are used to 
allocate county-level emissions to the grid cells used for air quality 
modeling. The EPA requests comment on the spatial surrogates used to 
spatially allocate the 2011 and 2017 emissions. The same spatial 
surrogates are used in the base and future years.
     Chemical speciation. Prior to air quality modeling, the 
pollutants in the emission inventories must be converted into the 
chemical species used by the air quality model using speciation 
profiles. The speciation profiles provided are consistent with version 
4.4 of the SPECIATE database. The EPA requests comment on the provided 
speciation profiles, as well as any information that could help improve 
the speciation of oil and gas emissions in both the eastern and western 
U.S. in 2017. Oil and gas speciation information, along with VOC to TOG 
adjustment factors that are used to compute methane emissions, would be 
of the most use at the county or oil/gas basin level of detail and also 
for each distinct process at oil and gas drilling/production facilities 
(e.g., glycol dehydrators).
    To aid in the interpretation of the provided data files and how 
they relate to the aspects of the data on which the EPA is requesting 
comment, the EPA has provided a summary document in the docket that 
describes in more detail the provided data and summary files.

    Dated: July 23, 2015.
Stephen D. Page,
Director, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.
[FR Doc. 2015-18878 Filed 8-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices                                                                                      46271

                                              the potential for serious delivery                                       identification of the facilities damaged;                                    required by Department of
                                              problems on the pipeline’s own system                                    (4) The time the service interruption or                                     Transportation (DOT) reporting
                                              or the pipeline grid.                                                    damage to the facilities occurred; (5)                                       requirements under the Natural Gas
                                                 Filings (in accordance with the                                       The customers affected by the service                                        Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, a copy of
                                              provisions of section 4(d) of the NGA) 2                                 interruption or damage to the facilities;                                    such report shall be submitted to the
                                              must contain information necessary to                                    (6) Emergency actions taken to maintain                                      Director of the Commission’s Division of
                                              advise the Commission when a change                                      service; and (7) Company contact and                                         Pipeline Certificates, within 30 days of
                                              in service has occurred. Section 7(d) of                                 telephone number. The Commission                                             the reportable incident.4
                                              the NGA 3 authorizes the Commission to                                   may contact pipelines reporting damage
                                              issue a temporary certificate in cases of                                or other pipelines to determine                                                If the Commission failed to collect
                                              emergency to assure maintenance of                                       availability of supply, and if necessary,                                    these data, it would lose the ability to
                                              adequate service or to serve particular                                  authorize transportation or construction                                     monitor and evaluate transactions,
                                              customers, without notice or hearing.                                    of facilities to alleviate constraints in                                    operations, and reliability of interstate
                                                 Respondents to the FERC–576 are                                       response to these reports.                                                   pipelines and perform its regulatory
                                              encouraged to submit the reports by                                         A report required by 18 CFR                                               functions. These reports are kept by the
                                              email to pipelineoutage@ferc.gov but                                     260.9(a)(1)(i) of damage to natural gas                                      Commission Staff as non-public
                                              also have the option of faxing the                                       facilities resulting in loss of pipeline                                     information and are not made part of the
                                              reports to the Director of the Division of                               throughput or storage deliverability                                         public record.
                                              Pipeline Certificates. 18 CFR 260.9(b)                                   shall be reported to the Director of the
                                              requires that a report of service                                                                                                                       Type of Respondents: Natural gas
                                                                                                                       Commission’s Division of Pipeline
                                              interruption or damage to natural gas                                    Certificates at the earliest feasible time                                   companies.
                                              facilities state: (1) The location of the                                when pipeline throughput or storage                                            Estimate of Annual Burden 5: The
                                              service interruption or damage to                                        deliverability has been restored.                                            Commission estimates the annual public
                                              natural gas pipeline or storage facilities;                                 In any instance in which an incident                                      reporting burden for the information
                                              (2) The nature of any damage to pipeline                                 or damage report involving                                                   collection as:
                                              or storage facilities; (3) Specific                                      jurisdictional natural gas facilities is

                                                                                                              FERC–576—REPORT OF SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS
                                                                                                                                               Annual                                                                      Total annual
                                                                                                                                              number                                              Average
                                                                                                                                                                           Total                                           burden hours       Cost per
                                                                                                                 Number of                       of                                             burden & cost
                                                                                                                                                                        number of                                                &           respondent
                                                                                                                respondents                  responses                                               per
                                                                                                                                                                        responses                                              total             ($)
                                                                                                                                                per                                              response 6                 annual cost

                                                                                                                        (1)                        (2)                (1) * (2) = (3)                    (4)               (3) * (4) = (5)    (5) ÷ (1)

                                              Submittal of Original Email/Fax ...............                                     22                           2                        44                          1                   44                72
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $72               $3,168
                                              Submittal of Damage Report ...................                                       22                           2                       44                       0.25                   11                18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $18                 $198
                                              Submittal of DOT Incident Report ...........                                         22                           1                       22                       0.25                  5.5                18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $18                  $99

                                                   Total ..................................................    ........................   ........................   ........................   ........................             60.5             108

                                                Comments: Comments are invited on:                                     of automated collection techniques or                                        ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                              (1) Whether the collection of                                            other forms of information technology.                                       AGENCY
                                              information is necessary for the proper                                    Dated: July 29, 2015.
                                              performance of the functions of the                                                                                                                   [EPA–HQ–OAR–2015–0500; FRL–9931–68–
                                                                                                                       Kimberly D. Bose,                                                            OAR]
                                              Commission, including whether the
                                              information will have practical utility;                                                                                                              Notice of Availability of the
                                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2015–19058 Filed 8–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                              (2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate                                                                                                             Environmental Protection Agency’s
                                              of the burden and cost of the collection                                 BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Updated Ozone Transport Modeling
                                              of information, including the validity of                                                                                                             Data for the 2008 Ozone National
                                              the methodology and assumptions used;                                                                                                                 Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)
                                              (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility
                                              and clarity of the information collection;                                                                                                            AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                              and (4) ways to minimize the burden of                                                                                                                Agency (EPA).
                                              the collection of information on those                                                                                                                ACTION: Notice of data availability
                                              who are to respond, including the use                                                                                                                 (NODA); request for public comment.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                2 (15 U.S.C. 717c).                                                    provide information to or for a Federal agency. For                          per Response * $72.00 per Hour = Average Cost per
                                                3 (15 U.S.C. 717f).                                                    further explanation of what is included in the                               Response. The hourly cost figure comes from the
                                                4 18 CFR 260.9(d).                                                     information collection burden, reference 5 Code of                           FERC average salary ($149,489/year). Commission
                                                5 The Commission defines burden as the total                           Federal Regulations 1320.3.                                                  staff believes the FERC average salary to be
                                              time, effort, or financial resources expended by                           6 The estimates for cost per response are derived
                                                                                                                                                                                                    representative wage for industry respondents.
                                              persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or                    using the following formula: Average Burden Hours

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014       18:45 Aug 03, 2015         Jkt 235001       PO 00000        Frm 00038       Fmt 4703        Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM               04AUN1

                                              46272                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices

                                              SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection                    Instructions: Direct your comments to                 3. Describe any assumptions and
                                              Agency (EPA) is providing notice that                   Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2015–                        provide any technical information and/
                                              interstate ozone transport modeling and                 0500. The EPA’s policy is that all                    or data that you used.
                                              associated data and methods are                         comments received will be included in                    4. Provide specific examples to
                                              available for public review and                         the public docket without change and                  illustrate your concerns, and suggest
                                              comment. These data and methods will                    may be made available online at                       alternatives.
                                              be used to inform a rulemaking proposal                 www.regulations.gov, including any                       5. Explain your views as clearly as
                                              that the EPA is developing and expects                  personal information provided, unless                 possible, avoiding the use of profanity
                                              to release later this year to address                   the comment includes information                      or personal threats.
                                              interstate ozone transport for the 2008                 claimed to be Confidential Business                      6. Make sure to submit your
                                              ozone national ambient air quality                      Information (CBI) or other information                comments by the comment period
                                              standards (NAAQS). This notice also                     whose disclosure is restricted by statute.            deadline identified.
                                              meets the EPA’s expressed intent to                     Do not submit information that you                       For additional information about the
                                              update the air quality modeling data                    consider to be CBI or otherwise                       EPA’s public docket, visit the EPA
                                              that were released on January 22, 2015,                 protected through www.regulations.gov                 Docket Center homepage at http://
                                              and to share the updated data with                      or email. Clearly mark the part or all of             www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.
                                              states and other stakeholders. The                      the information that you claim to be                     Docket: All documents in the docket
                                              information available includes: (1)                     CBI. For CBI information on a disk or                 are listed in the www.regulations.gov
                                              Emission inventories for 2011 and 2017,                 CD–ROM that you mail to the EPA                       index. Although listed in the index,
                                              supporting data used to develop those                   docket office, mark the outside of the                some information is not publicly
                                              emission inventories, methods and data                  disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then                        available, e.g., CBI or other information
                                              used to process emission inventories                    identify electronically within the disk or            whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
                                              into a form that can be used for air                    CD–ROM the specific information that                  Certain other material, such as
                                              quality modeling; and (2) base year 2011                is claimed as CBI. Information so                     copyrighted material, will be publicly
                                              and projected 2017 ozone                                marked will not be disclosed except in                available only in hard copy. Publicly
                                              concentrations and projected 2017                       accordance with procedures set forth in               available docket materials are available
                                              ozone state contribution data at                        40 CFR part 2. In addition to one                     either electronically in
                                              individual ozone monitoring sites based                 complete version of the comment that                  www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
                                              on air quality modeling, supporting data                includes information claimed as CBI, a                the Air and Radiation Docket and
                                              including 2009–2013 base period and                     copy of the comment that does not                     Information Center, EPA/DC, WJC West
                                              2017 projected ozone design values, and                 contain the information claimed as CBI                Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution
                                              methods used to process air quality                     must be submitted for inclusion in the                Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public
                                              model outputs to calculate 2017 ozone                   public docket.                                        Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
                                              concentrations and contributions at                        The www.regulations.gov Web site is                4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
                                              individual monitoring sites. A docket                   an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which                 excluding legal holidays. The telephone
                                              has been established to facilitate public               means the EPA will not know your                      number for the Public Reading Room is
                                              review of the data and to track                         identity or contact information unless                (202) 566–1744, and the telephone
                                              comments.                                               you provide it in the body of your                    number for the Air Docket is (202) 566–
                                                                                                      comment. If you send an email                         1742.
                                              DATES:  Comments must be received on
                                                                                                      comment directly to the EPA without                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                              or before September 23, 2015.
                                                                                                      going through www.regulations.gov,                    questions on the emissions data and on
                                              ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                        your email address will be                            how to submit comments on the
                                              identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                     automatically captured and included as                emissions data and related
                                              OAR–2015–0500, by one of the                            part of the comment that is placed in the             methodologies, contact Alison Eyth, Air
                                              following methods:                                      public docket and made available on the               Quality Assessment Division,
                                                • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 Internet. If you submit an electronic                 Environmental Protection Agency,
                                              www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                  comment, the EPA recommends that                      C339–02, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive,
                                              instructions for submitting comments.                   you include your name and other                       Research Triangle Park, NC 27709;
                                                • Fax: (202)566–9744. Attention                       contact information in the body of your               telephone number: (919)541–2478; fax
                                              Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2015–                          comment and with any disk or CD–ROM                   number: (919)541–1903; email:
                                              0500.                                                   you submit. If the EPA cannot read your               eyth.alison@epa.gov. For questions on
                                                • Mail: EPA Docket Center, WJC West                   comment due to technical difficulties                 the air quality modeling and ozone
                                              Building, Attention Docket ID No. EPA–                  and cannot contact you for clarification,             contributions and how to submit
                                              HQ–OAR–2015–0500, U.S.                                  the EPA may not be able to consider                   comments on the air quality modeling
                                              Environmental Protection Agency,                        your comment. Electronic files should                 data and related methodologies, contact
                                              Mailcode: 28221T, 1200 Pennsylvania                     avoid the use of special characters, any              Norm Possiel, Air Quality Assessment
                                              Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460.                         form of encryption, and be free of any                Division, Environmental Protection
                                              Please include a total of 2 copies.                     defects or viruses.                                   Agency, C439–01, 109 T.W. Alexander
                                                • Hand Delivery: U.S. Environmental                      When submitting comments,                          Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC
                                              Protection Agency, WJC West Building,                   remember to:                                          27709; telephone number: (919)541–
                                              1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Room                         1. Identify the notification by docket             5692; fax number: (919)541–0044;
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              3334, Washington, DC 20004, Attention                   number and other identifying                          email: possiel.norm@epa.gov.
                                              Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2015–                          information (subject heading, Federal                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              0500. Such deliveries are only accepted                 Register date and page number).
                                              during the Docket’s normal hours of                        2. Explain your comments, why you                  I. Background
                                              operation, and special arrangements                     agree or disagree; suggest alternatives                 On January 22, 2015, the EPA issued
                                              should be made for deliveries of boxed                  and substitute data that reflect your                 a memo and preliminary air quality
                                              information.                                            requested changes.                                    modeling data that would help states as

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices                                                     46273

                                              they develop State Implementation                       review process, the EPA updated the                   states in the contiguous U.S. along with
                                              Plans to address cross-state transport of               2011 emissions inventory data,                        adjacent portions of Canada and
                                              air pollution under the ‘‘Good                          developed emissions inventory data for                Mexico. The spatial resolution (i.e., grid
                                              Neighbor’’ Provision of the Clean Air                   2017, and used these data in air quality              size) for this modeling domain is 12 km
                                              Act (CAA), section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), as               modeling to develop updated                           x 12 km. The 2011 and 2017 scenarios
                                              it pertains to the 2008 ozone NAAQS.1                   projections of future year ozone                      were both modeled for the full year with
                                              That information included the EPA’s                     concentrations and contributions.                     2011 meteorology. The meteorological
                                              preliminary air quality modeling data                      In the January 22, 2015 memo, the                  data used as input to the air quality
                                              that applies the Cross-State Air                        EPA expressed its intent to update the                modeling was obtained from an annual
                                              Pollution Rule (CSAPR—76 FR 48208)                      preliminary air quality modeling data                 simulation of version 3.4 of the Weather
                                              approach to contribution projections for                and to share the updated data with                    Research Forecast Model (WRF) for
                                              the year 2018 for the 2008 8-hour ozone                 states and other stakeholders. This                   2011. The initial and boundary
                                              NAAQS. Specifically, the EPA provided                   notice meets this intent. Additionally,               concentration inputs to the air quality
                                              data identifying ozone monitoring sites                 the EPA, together with its state partners,            modeling were derived from an annual
                                              that are projected to be nonattainment                  is assessing the next steps to address                simulation of the Goddard Earth
                                              or have maintenance problems for the                    interstate air pollution transport for the            Observing System global chemical
                                              2008 ozone NAAQS in 2018. The EPA                       2008 ozone NAAQS under the CAA.                       transport model (GEOS-Chem). The
                                              also provided the projected contribution                The EPA recognizes its backstop role to               CAMx predictions for 2011 were
                                              estimates from 2018 anthropogenic                       develop and promulgate federal                        compared to corresponding
                                              oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and volatile                   implementation plans, as appropriate.                 measurements as part of a model
                                              organic compound (VOC) emissions in                     We are planning to take this action, if               performance evaluation. Information on
                                              each state to ozone concentrations at                   necessary, by issuing a proposal for a                the development of the 2011
                                              each of these sites. The year 2018 was                  federal rule later this year. This notice             meteorological and initial and boundary
                                              used as the analytic year for the                       provides an opportunity to review and                 concentration inputs to the CAMx
                                              preliminary modeling because at the                     comment on the agency’s ozone                         simulations and the model performance
                                              onset of the modeling assessment, that                  transport modeling data that EPA                      evaluation methodologies and results
                                              year aligned with the December 2018                     intends to use in this forthcoming                    are described in the ‘‘Updated Air
                                              attainment date for Moderate ozone                      proposal.                                             Quality Modeling Technical Support
                                              nonattainment areas. However,                           II. Air Quality Modeling Data and                     Document’’ (AQM TSD) for the 2008
                                              subsequent to the completion of the                     Methodologies                                         Ozone NAAQS Interstate Transport
                                              2018 modeling, the EPA issued the final                                                                       Assessment, which is available in the
                                              2008 Ozone NAAQS SIP Requirements                          Using the updated emissions                        docket for this notice. Also in this
                                              Rule,2 which revised the attainment                     inventories, the EPA performed                        docket is a report on the performance
                                              deadline for ozone nonattainment areas                  photochemical air quality modeling to                 evaluation for the annual 2011 WRF
                                              currently designated as Moderate for the                project ozone concentrations at air                   meteorological model simulation.
                                              2008 ozone NAAQS to July 2018. The                      quality monitoring sites to 2017, and to
                                                                                                      estimate state-by-state contributions to              A. Identification of Projected 2017
                                              EPA established this deadline in the                                                                          Nonattainment and Maintenance Sites
                                              2015 Ozone SIP Requirements Rule after                  those 2017 concentrations. We then
                                                                                                      used the air quality modeling results to                The ozone predictions from the 2011
                                              previously establishing a deadline of
                                                                                                      identify nonattainment or maintenance                 and 2017 CAMx model runs were used
                                              December 31, 2018, that was vacated by
                                                                                                      sites for the 2008 ozone NAAQS in                     to project measured ozone design values
                                              the DC Circuit in Natural Resources
                                                                                                      2017, consistent with the CSAPR                       to 2017 following the approach
                                              Defense Council v. EPA. In order to
                                                                                                      approach to identify such sites. We used              described in the EPA’s draft guidance
                                              demonstrate attainment by the revised
                                                                                                      the contribution information to quantify              for attainment demonstration
                                              attainment deadline, the demonstration
                                                                                                      projected interstate contributions from               modeling.3 We selected 2011 as the base
                                              would have to be based on design
                                                                                                      emissions in each upwind state to ozone               year to reflect the most recent National
                                              values calculated using 2015 through
                                                                                                      concentrations at each of the projected               Emissions Inventory (NEI). In addition,
                                              2017 ozone season data, since the July
                                                                                                      2017 nonattainment and maintenance                    the meteorological conditions during
                                              2018 deadline does not afford a full
                                                                                                      sites in downwind states.                             the summer of 2011 were generally
                                              ozone season of measured data.                             The EPA’s air quality modeling used
                                              Therefore, the EPA has adopted 2017 as                                                                        conducive for ozone formation across
                                                                                                      the updated version of the 2011-based                 much of the U.S., particularly the
                                              the analytic year for the updated ozone                 air quality modeling platform. This
                                              transport modeling information being                                                                          eastern U.S. We selected 2017 as the
                                                                                                      platform includes emissions for the                   projected analysis year to coincide with
                                              released as part of this NODA.                          2011 base year and a 2017 future base
                                                 The 2011 and 2018 emissions                                                                                the attainment date for Moderate
                                                                                                      case as well as meteorology for 2011.                 nonattainment areas under the 2008
                                              inventory data used for the preliminary
                                                                                                      The 2011 meteorology was used in air                  ozone NAAQS. The draft attainment
                                              air quality modeling were released for
                                                                                                      quality model simulations for both 2011               modeling guidance recommends using
                                              public review on November 27, 2013 (78
                                                                                                      and 2017. The 2011 and 2017 emissions                 5-year weighted average ambient design
                                              FR 70935), and January 14, 2014 (79 FR
                                                                                                      data are described in more detail in                  values 4 centered on the base year as the
                                              2437), respectively. Based in part on
                                                                                                      Section III.                                          starting point for projecting design
                                              comments received from the public                          The EPA used the Comprehensive Air                 values to the future. Because 2011 is the
                                                1 Memorandum from Stephen D. Page,
                                                                                                      Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Information on the Interstate Transport ‘‘Good          version 6.11) for modeling the 2011 base                3 The December 3, 2014, draft ozone, fine

                                              Neighbor’’ Provision for the 2008 Ozone National        year and 2017 future base case                        particulate matter and regional haze SIP modeling
                                              Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) under             emissions scenarios to identify sites                 guidance is available at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/
                                              CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), January 22, 2015,       with projected nonattainment and                      scram/guidance/guide/Draft_O3–PM–RH_
                                              available at http://www.epa.gov/airtransport/Good                                                             Modeling_Guidance-2014.pdf.
                                              NeighborProvision2008NAAQS.pdf.                         maintenance problems in 2017. The air                   4 The air quality design value for a site is the 3-
                                                2 80 FR 12264, 12268 (Mar. 6, 2015); 40 CFR           quality model runs were performed for                 year average annual fourth-highest daily maximum
                                              51.1103.                                                a modeling domain that covers the 48                  8-hour average ozone concentration.

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                                              46274                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices

                                              base year of emissions, we started with                             are projected to be in nonattainment in                       nonattainment sites are also
                                              the average ambient 8-hour ozone                                    2017.                                                         maintenance sites because the
                                              design values for the period 2009                                      As noted above, we followed the                            maximum design value at
                                              through 2013 (i.e., the average of design                           CSAPR approach to identify sites with                         nonattainment sites is always greater
                                              values for 2009–2011, 2010–2012, and                                projected maintenance problems in                             than or equal to the 5-year weighted
                                              2011–2013). The 5-year weighted                                     2017. As part of the approach for                             average. Monitoring sites with a 2017
                                              average ambient design value at each                                identifying sites with projected future                       average design value below the NAAQS,
                                              site was projected to 2017 using model-                             maintenance problems, the highest (i.e.,                      but with a maximum design value that
                                                                                                                  maximum) ambient design value from                            exceeds the NAAQS, are considered
                                              predicted Relative Response Factors
                                                                                                                  the 2011-centered 5-year period (i.e., the                    maintenance-only sites. These sites are
                                              (RRFs) 5 that were calculated based on
                                                                                                                  maximum of design values from 2009–
                                              procedures described in the draft                                                                                                 projected to have a maintenance
                                                                                                                  2011, 2010–2012, and 2011–2013) was
                                              attainment demonstration modeling                                                                                                 problem, but not a nonattainment
                                                                                                                  projected to 2017 for each site using the
                                              guidance. The 2017 projected average                                site-specific RRFs. Following the                             problem in 2017.
                                              ozone design values were evaluated to                               CSAPR approach, monitoring sites with                            The base period ambient and
                                              identify those sites with design values                             a maximum design value that exceeds                           projected 2017 average and maximum
                                              that exceed the 2008 ozone NAAQS.6                                  the NAAQS, even if the average design                         design values at individual
                                              Consistent with the approach used in                                value is below the NAAQS, are                                 nonattainment sites and maintenance-
                                              CSAPR, those sites with 2017 average                                projected to have a maintenance                               only sites are provided in Tables 1 and
                                              design values that exceed the NAAQS                                 problem in 2017. In this regard,                              2, respectively.

                                               TABLE 1—2009–2013 AND 2017 AVERAGE AND MAXIMUM DESIGN VALUES AT PROJECTED NONATTAINMENT SITES IN THE
                                                                                  EAST (TOP) AND WEST (BOTTOM)
                                                                                                                                          [Units are ppb]

                                                                                                                                                             2009–2013 av-     2009–2013                             2017 max-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2017 average
                                                  Monitor ID                         State                                      County                        erage design    maximum de-                           imum design
                                                                                                                                                                                                  design value
                                                                                                                                                                 value         sign value                              value

                                              90013007 ..........    Connecticut .......................          Fairfield .............................              84.3              89.0              77.1                81.4
                                              90019003 ..........    Connecticut .......................          Fairfield .............................              83.7              87.0              78.0                81.1
                                              90099002 ..........    Connecticut .......................          New Haven .......................                    85.7              89.0              77.2                80.2
                                              240251001 ........     Maryland ...........................         Harford ..............................               90.0              93.0              81.3                84.0
                                              360850067 ........     New York ..........................          Richmond ..........................                  81.3              83.0              76.3                77.8
                                              361030002 ........     New York ..........................          Suffolk ...............................              83.3              85.0              79.2                80.8
                                              390610006 ........     Ohio ...................................     Hamilton ............................                82.0              85.0              76.3                79.1
                                              480391004 ........     Texas ................................       Brazoria .............................               88.0              89.0              81.4                82.3
                                              481210034 ........     Texas ................................       Denton ...............................               84.3              87.0              76.9                79.4
                                              482011034 ........     Texas ................................       Harris .................................             81.0              82.0              76.8                77.8
                                              482011039 ........     Texas ................................       Harris .................................             82.0              84.0              78.2                80.2
                                              484392003 ........     Texas ................................       Tarrant ...............................              87.3              90.0              79.6                82.1
                                              484393009 ........     Texas ................................       Tarrant ...............................              86.0              86.0              78.6                78.6
                                              551170006 ........     Wisconsin ..........................         Sheboygan ........................                   84.3              87.0              77.0                79.4
                                              60190007 ..........    California     ...........................   Fresno ...............................               94.7              95.0              89.0                89.3
                                              60190011 ..........    California     ...........................   Fresno ...............................               93.0              96.0              87.6                90.4
                                              60190242 ..........    California     ...........................   Fresno ...............................               91.7              95.0              87.1                90.3
                                              60194001 ..........    California     ...........................   Fresno ...............................               90.7              92.0              84.2                85.4
                                              60195001 ..........    California     ...........................   Fresno ...............................               97.0              99.0              90.6                92.5
                                              60251003 ..........    California     ...........................   Imperial .............................               81.0              82.0              79.3                80.3
                                              60290007 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             91.7              96.0              86.2                90.2
                                              60290008 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             86.3              88.0              80.6                82.2
                                              60290011 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             80.0              81.0              76.2                77.1
                                              60290014 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             87.7              89.0              82.8                84.0
                                              60290232 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             87.3              89.0              82.2                83.8
                                              60295002 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             90.0              91.0              84.5                85.5
                                              60296001 ..........    California     ...........................   Kern ...................................             84.3              86.0              79.7                81.3
                                              60311004 ..........    California     ...........................   Kings .................................              87.0              90.0              81.1                83.9
                                              60370002 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   80.0              82.0              79.0                81.0
                                              60370016 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   94.0              97.0              92.8                95.8
                                              60371002 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   80.0              81.0              77.1                78.1
                                              60371201 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   90.0              90.0              87.9                87.9
                                              60371701 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   84.0              85.0              82.2                83.2
                                              60372005 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   79.5              82.0              78.1                80.6
                                              60376012 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   97.3              99.0              94.5                96.2
                                              60379033 ..........    California     ...........................   Los Angeles ......................                   90.0              91.0              86.0                86.9
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                                              60392010 ..........    California     ...........................   Madera ..............................                85.0              86.0              79.8                80.8
                                              60470003 ..........    California     ...........................   Merced ..............................                82.7              84.0              78.1                79.3
                                              60610006 ..........    California     ...........................   Placer ................................              84.0              86.0              78.2                80.0

                                                5 In brief, the RRF for a particular location is the              calculated using model outputs for the May through            For example, a design value of 75.9 ppb is truncated
                                              ratio of the 2017 ozone model prediction to the                     September period.                                             to 75 ppb which is attainment. In this manner,
                                              2011 ozone model prediction. The RRFs were                            6 In determining compliance with the NAAQS,                 design values at or above 76.0 ppb are considered
                                                                                                                  ozone design values are truncated to integer values.          nonattainment.

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices                                                           46275

                                               TABLE 1—2009–2013 AND 2017 AVERAGE AND MAXIMUM DESIGN VALUES AT PROJECTED NONATTAINMENT SITES IN THE
                                                                             EAST (TOP) AND WEST (BOTTOM)—Continued
                                                                                                                                        [Units are ppb]

                                                                                                                                                           2009–2013 av-     2009–2013                          2017 max-
                                                                                                                                                                                                2017 average
                                                  Monitor ID                          State                                   County                        erage design    maximum de-                        imum design
                                                                                                                                                                                                design value
                                                                                                                                                               value         sign value                           value

                                              60650004    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                85.0               85.0            82.3           82.3
                                              60650012    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                97.3               99.0            93.5           95.1
                                              60651016    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................               100.7              101.0            95.7           96.0
                                              60652002    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                84.3               85.0            79.8           80.5
                                              60655001    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                92.3               93.0            87.6           88.2
                                              60656001    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                94.0               98.0            88.1           91.9
                                              60658001    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                97.0               98.0            93.3           94.3
                                              60658005    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                92.7               94.0            89.2           90.4
                                              60659001    ..........   California ...........................   Riverside ...........................                88.3               91.0            82.7           85.2
                                              60670012    ..........   California ...........................   Sacramento .......................                   93.3               95.0            85.7           87.3
                                              60675003    ..........   California ...........................   Sacramento .......................                   86.3               88.0            80.5           82.0
                                              60710005    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                    105.0              107.0           103.6          105.6
                                              60710012    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                     95.0               97.0            91.8           93.8
                                              60710306    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                     83.7               85.0            81.2           82.4
                                              60711004    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                     96.7               98.0            94.3           95.6
                                              60712002    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                    101.0              103.0            99.5          101.5
                                              60714001    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                     94.3               97.0            92.3           95.0
                                              60714003    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                    105.0              107.0           101.8          103.8
                                              60719002    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                     92.3               94.0            88.0           89.6
                                              60719004    ..........   California ...........................   San Bernardino .................                     98.7               99.0            95.7           96.0
                                              60731006    ..........   California ...........................   San Diego .........................                  81.0               82.0            76.6           77.6
                                              60990006    ..........   California ...........................   Stanislaus ..........................                87.0               88.0            83.0           83.9
                                              61070006    ..........   California ...........................   Tulare ................................              81.7               85.0            77.0           80.1
                                              61070009    ..........   California ...........................   Tulare ................................              94.7               96.0            87.3           88.5
                                              61072002    ..........   California ...........................   Tulare ................................              85.0               88.0            78.6           81.4
                                              61072010    ..........   California ...........................   Tulare ................................              89.0               90.0            82.7           83.6
                                              61112002    ..........   California ...........................   Ventura ..............................               81.0               83.0            78.3           80.2
                                              80350004    ..........   Colorado ............................    Douglas .............................                80.7               83.0            76.0           78.1
                                              80590006    ..........   Colorado ............................    Jefferson ...........................                80.3               83.0            76.3           78.8

                                               TABLE 2—2009–2013 AND 2017 AVERAGE AND MAXIMUM DESIGN VALUES AT PROJECTED MAINTENANCE-ONLY SITES IN
                                                                                THE EAST (TOP) AND WEST (BOTTOM)
                                                                                                                                        [Units are ppb]

                                                                                                                                                           2009–2013 av-     2009–2013                          2017 max-
                                                                                                                                                                                                2017 average
                                                  Monitor ID                          State                                   County                        erage design    maximum de-                        imum design
                                                                                                                                                                                                design value
                                                                                                                                                               value         sign value                           value

                                              90010017 ..........      Connecticut .......................      Fairfield .............................              80.3               83.0            75.8           78.4
                                              211110067 ........       Kentucky ...........................     Jefferson ...........................                82.0               85.0            75.8           78.6
                                              211850004 ........       Kentucky ...........................     Oldham ..............................                82.0               86.0            73.7           77.3
                                              240053001 ........       Maryland ...........................     Baltimore ...........................                80.7               84.0            73.2           76.2
                                              260050003 ........       Michigan ............................    Allegan ..............................               82.7               86.0            75.5           78.5
                                              261630019 ........       Michigan ............................    Wayne ...............................                78.7               81.0            74.0           76.2
                                              340071001 ........       New Jersey .......................       Camden .............................                 82.7               87.0            74.2           78.1
                                              340150002 ........       New Jersey .......................       Gloucester .........................                 84.3               87.0            75.1           77.5
                                              340230011 ........       New Jersey .......................       Middlesex ..........................                 81.3               85.0            73.0           76.3
                                              340290006 ........       New Jersey .......................       Ocean ................................               82.0               85.0            73.9           76.6
                                              360810124 ........       New York ..........................      Queens ..............................                78.0               80.0            75.7           77.6
                                              420031005 ........       Pennsylvania .....................       Allegheny ..........................                 80.7               82.0            75.3           76.5
                                              421010024 ........       Pennsylvania .....................       Philadelphia .......................                 83.3               87.0            75.1           78.4
                                              480850005 ........       Texas ................................   Collin .................................             82.7               84.0            74.9           76.0
                                              481130069 ........       Texas ................................   Dallas ................................              79.7               84.0            74.0           78.0
                                              481130075 ........       Texas ................................   Dallas ................................              82.0               83.0            75.8           76.7
                                              481211032 ........       Texas ................................   Denton ...............................               82.7               84.0            75.1           76.3
                                              482010024 ........       Texas ................................   Harris .................................             80.3               83.0            75.9           78.5
                                              482010026 ........       Texas ................................   Harris .................................             77.3               80.0            73.5           76.1
                                              482010055 ........       Texas ................................   Harris .................................             81.3               83.0            75.4           77.0
                                              482011050 ........       Texas ................................   Harris .................................             78.3               80.0            74.6           76.2
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                                              484390075 ........       Texas ................................   Tarrant ...............................              82.0               83.0            75.5           76.4
                                              484393011 ........       Texas ................................   Tarrant ...............................              80.7               83.0            74.5           76.6

                                              40131004    ..........   Arizona ..............................   Maricopa ...........................                 79.7               81.0            75.0           76.2
                                              60170020    ..........   California ...........................   El Dorado ..........................                 82.7               84.0            75.1           76.3
                                              60390004    ..........   California ...........................   Madera ..............................                79.3               81.0            75.3           76.9
                                              60610003    ..........   California ...........................   Placer ................................              83.0               85.0            75.4           77.2

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                                              46276                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices

                                               TABLE 2—2009–2013 AND 2017 AVERAGE AND MAXIMUM DESIGN VALUES AT PROJECTED MAINTENANCE-ONLY SITES IN
                                                                           THE EAST (TOP) AND WEST (BOTTOM)—Continued
                                                                                                                                                    [Units are ppb]

                                                                                                                                                                        2009–2013 av-                 2009–2013                              2017 max-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2017 average
                                                   Monitor ID                                State                                        County                         erage design                maximum de-                            imum design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            design value
                                                                                                                                                                            value                     sign value                               value

                                              60670006         ..........   California ...........................        Sacramento .......................                             78.7                      81.0             74.0             76.1
                                              60773005         ..........   California ...........................        San Joaquin ......................                             79.0                      80.0             75.9             76.8
                                              80050002         ..........   Colorado ............................         Arapahoe ...........................                           76.7                      79.0             74.4             76.6
                                              80590011         ..........   Colorado ............................         Jefferson ...........................                          78.7                      82.0             75.8             78.9

                                              B. Quantification of Interstate Ozone                                        source inventory data in the 2011 NEI                                        applied in a relative sense to quantify
                                              Contributions                                                                (we did not model the contributions                                          the contributions to the 2017 average
                                                 The EPA performed nationwide, state-                                      from individual tribes);                                                     design value at each site. Additional
                                                                                                                              • Canada and Mexico—                                                      details on the source apportionment
                                              level ozone source apportionment
                                                                                                                           anthropogenic emissions from sources                                         modeling and the procedures for
                                              modeling using the CAMx Ozone
                                                                                                                           in the portions of Canada and Mexico                                         calculating contributions can be found
                                              Source Apportionment Technology/                                             included in the modeling domain (we
                                              Anthropogenic Precursor Culpability                                                                                                                       in the AQM TSD.
                                                                                                                           did not model the contributions from                                            The average contribution metric is
                                              Analysis (OSAT/APCA) technique 7 to                                          Canada and Mexico separately);
                                              quantify the contribution of 2017 base                                                                                                                    intended to provide a reasonable
                                                                                                                              • Fires—combined emissions from
                                              case NOX and VOC emissions from all                                                                                                                       representation of the contribution from
                                                                                                                           wild and prescribed fires; and
                                              sources in each state to projected 2017                                         • Offshore—combined emissions                                             individual states to the projected 2017
                                              ozone concentrations at each air quality                                     from offshore marine vessels and                                             design value, based on modeled
                                              monitoring site. In the source                                               offshore drilling platforms.                                                 transport patterns and other
                                              apportionment model run, we tracked                                             The CAMx OSAT/APCA model run                                              meteorological conditions generally
                                              the ozone formed from each of the                                            was performed for the period May 1                                           associated with modeled high ozone
                                              following contribution categories (i.e.,                                     through September 30 using the 2017                                          concentrations in the vicinity of the
                                              ‘‘tags’’):                                                                   future base case emissions and 2011                                          monitoring site. An average contribution
                                                 • States—anthropogenic NOX and                                            meteorology for this time period. The                                        metric constructed in this manner is
                                              VOC emissions from each state tracked                                        hourly contributions 8 from each tag                                         beneficial since the magnitude of the
                                              individually (emissions from all                                             were processed to obtain the 8-hour                                          contributions is directly related to the
                                              anthropogenic sectors in a given state                                       average contributions corresponding to                                       magnitude of the design value at each
                                              were combined);                                                              the time period of the 8-hour daily                                          site.
                                                 • Biogenics—biogenic NOX and VOC                                          maximum concentration on each day in                                            The resulting 2017 contributions from
                                              emissions domain-wide (i.e., not by                                          the 2017 model simulation. This step                                         each tag to each monitoring site are
                                              state);                                                                      was performed for those model grid                                           provided in the AQM TSD. The largest
                                                 • Boundary Concentrations—                                                cells containing monitoring sites in                                         contributions from each state to
                                              concentrations transported into the                                          order to obtain 8-hour average                                               projected 2017 downwind
                                              modeling domain;                                                             contributions for each day at the                                            nonattainment sites and to projected
                                                 • Tribes—the emissions from those                                         location of each site. The model-                                            downwind maintenance-only sites are
                                              tribal lands for which we have point                                         predicted contributions were then                                            provided in Table 3.

                                                                            TO 2017 PROJECTED MAINTENANCE-ONLY SITES
                                                                                                                                                    [Units are ppb]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Largest contribu-   Largest contribu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tion to a 2017       tion to a 2017
                                                                                                                    Upwind state                                                                                   nonattainment site   maintenance-only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in downwind       site in downwind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          states              states

                                              Alabama .......................................................................................................................................................                    0.79                1.28
                                              Arizona .........................................................................................................................................................                  1.78                0.41
                                              Arkansas ......................................................................................................................................................                    1.24                2.15
                                              California ......................................................................................................................................................                  1.75                3.44
                                              Colorado ......................................................................................................................................................                    0.36                0.34
                                              Connecticut ..................................................................................................................................................                     0.46                0.41
                                              Delaware ......................................................................................................................................................                    0.68                2.23
                                              District of Columbia .....................................................................................................................................                         0.73                0.64
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                                              Florida ..........................................................................................................................................................                 0.57                0.72
                                              Georgia ........................................................................................................................................................                   0.58                0.56
                                              Idaho ............................................................................................................................................................                 0.23                0.35

                                                7 As part of this technique, ozone formed from                               8 Contributions from anthropogenic emissions                               contribution from NOX and VOC anthropogenic
                                              reactions between biogenic VOC and NOX with                                  under ‘‘NOX-limited’’ and ‘‘VOC-limited’’ chemical                           emissions in each state.
                                              anthropogenic NOX and VOC are assigned to the                                regimes were combined to obtain the net
                                              anthropogenic emissions.

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices                                                                                    46277

                                                                       TO 2017 PROJECTED MAINTENANCE-ONLY SITES—Continued
                                                                                                                                                     [Units are ppb]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Largest contribu-   Largest contribu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tion to a 2017       tion to a 2017
                                                                                                                     Upwind state                                                                                    nonattainment site   maintenance-only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in downwind       site in downwind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            states              states

                                              Illinois ...........................................................................................................................................................               17.48                23.17
                                              Indiana .........................................................................................................................................................                   7.15                14.95
                                              Iowa .............................................................................................................................................................                  0.61                 0.85
                                              Kansas .........................................................................................................................................................                    0.80                 1.03
                                              Kentucky ......................................................................................................................................................                    11.17                 2.14
                                              Louisiana ......................................................................................................................................................                    3.81                 4.23
                                              Maine ...........................................................................................................................................................                   0.00                 0.08
                                              Maryland ......................................................................................................................................................                     2.39                 7.11
                                              Massachusetts .............................................................................................................................................                         0.10                 0.37
                                              Michigan .......................................................................................................................................................                    2.69                 1.79
                                              Minnesota ....................................................................................................................................................                      0.40                 0.47
                                              Mississippi ....................................................................................................................................................                    0.78                 1.48
                                              Missouri ........................................................................................................................................................                   1.63                 3.69
                                              Montana .......................................................................................................................................................                     0.15                 0.17
                                              Nebraska ......................................................................................................................................................                     0.51                 0.36
                                              Nevada .........................................................................................................................................................                    0.84                 0.73
                                              New Hampshire ...........................................................................................................................................                           0.02                 0.07
                                              New Jersey ..................................................................................................................................................                      12.38                11.48
                                              New Mexico .................................................................................................................................................                        1.05                 0.54
                                              New York .....................................................................................................................................................                     16.96                17.21
                                              North Carolina ..............................................................................................................................................                       0.55                 0.93
                                              North Dakota ................................................................................................................................................                       0.14                 0.28
                                              Ohio .............................................................................................................................................................                  3.99                 7.92
                                              Oklahoma .....................................................................................................................................................                      1.70                 2.46
                                              Oregon .........................................................................................................................................................                    0.65                 0.65
                                              Pennsylvania ................................................................................................................................................                      13.51                15.93
                                              Rhode Island ................................................................................................................................................                       0.02                 0.08
                                              South Carolina .............................................................................................................................................                        0.19                 0.21
                                              South Dakota ...............................................................................................................................................                        0.08                 0.12
                                              Tennessee ...................................................................................................................................................                       1.67                 0.90
                                              Texas ...........................................................................................................................................................                   2.44                 2.95
                                              Utah .............................................................................................................................................................                  1.59                 1.66
                                              Vermont .......................................................................................................................................................                     0.01                 0.05
                                              Virginia .........................................................................................................................................................                  5.29                 4.70
                                              Washington ..................................................................................................................................................                       0.22                 0.09
                                              West Virginia ................................................................................................................................................                      2.99                 3.11
                                              Wisconsin .....................................................................................................................................................                     0.56                 2.59
                                              Wyoming ......................................................................................................................................................                      1.22                 1.22

                                                In CSAPR, the EPA used a                                                    model applications and model                                                  to each monitoring site. However, the
                                              contribution screening threshold of 1                                         performance evaluation, and the                                               air quality modeling input and output
                                              percent of the NAAQS to identify                                              projected 2017 ozone design value                                             data files are too large to be directly
                                              upwind states in the eastern U.S. that                                        concentrations and contribution data.                                         uploaded into the electronic docket
                                              may significantly contribute to                                               The EPA is also seeking comment on the                                        and/or are not in formats accepted by
                                              downwind nonattainment and/or                                                 methodology for calculating                                                   that docket. These air quality modeling
                                              maintenance problems and which                                                contributions at individual monitoring                                        files have been placed on a data drive
                                              warrant further analysis. The EPA will                                        sites. The EPA encourages all states and                                      in the docket office. Electronic copies of
                                              take comment on the appropriate                                               sources to review and comment on the                                          the non-emissions air quality modeling
                                              threshold to be applied for purposes of                                       information provided in this NODA.                                            input files and the air quality modeling
                                              the 2008 ozone NAAQS in the                                                      The EPA has placed key information                                         output files can also be obtained prior
                                              upcoming rulemaking proposal to                                               related to the air quality modeling into                                      to the end of the comment period by
                                              address interstate ozone transport for                                        the electronic docket for this notice                                         contacting Norm Possiel at
                                              that standard. The EPA is not proposing                                       (EPA–HQ–OAR–2015–0500) which is                                               possiel.norm@epa.gov. A detailed
                                              or taking comment on this threshold as                                        available at www.regulations.gov. This                                        description of the 2011 and 2017
                                              part of this NODA.                                                                                                                                          emissions data and procedures for
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                            includes the AQM TSD, an Excel file
                                                                                                                            which contains the 2009–2013 base                                             accessing and commenting on these data
                                              C. Air Quality Modeling Information                                                                                                                         are provided below.
                                              Available for Public Comment                                                  period and 2017 projected average and
                                                                                                                            maximum ozone design values at                                                III. Emissions Data and Methodologies
                                                The EPA is requesting comment on                                            individual monitoring sites, and an
                                              the components of the 2011 air quality                                        Excel file with the ozone contributions                                         The EPA is requesting comment on
                                              modeling platform, the air quality                                            from each state and all other source tags                                     the updated 2011 and 2017 emission

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                                              46278                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices

                                              inventories; supporting ancillary files                   Commenters wishing to comment on                    along with changes in activity for the
                                              used to allocate emissions temporally,                  inventory projection methods should                   sector, are considered when possible.
                                              spatially, and by emissions species; and                submit to the docket comments that                    Documentation of the methods used for
                                              on the emissions modeling methods                       describe an alternative approach to the               each sector is provided in the TSD
                                              used to develop the emission                            existing methods, along with                          Preparation of Emissions Inventories for
                                              inventories, including but not restricted               documentation describing why that                     the Version 6.2, 2011 Emissions
                                              to, the activity data, model input                      method is an improvement over the                     Modeling Platform, which can be found
                                              databases, and the projection, control,                 existing method.                                      in the docket for this notice.
                                              and closure data used to develop                                                                                 Emission projections for EGUs for
                                                                                                      B. Emissions Information Available for                2017 were developed using the
                                              projected 2017 emissions. Summaries of                  Public Comment
                                              the emission inventories are provided to                                                                      Integrated Planning Model (IPM). The
                                              aid in the review of the data, but                         The released data include emission                 National Electric Energy Data System
                                              comments are sought on the actual                       inventories that represent projected                  (NEEDS) database contains the
                                              inventories, model inputs, data, and                    emissions into the atmosphere of                      generation unit records used for the
                                              methods used to develop the projected                   criteria and some hazardous air                       model plants that represent existing and
                                              emissions.                                              pollutants in the years 2011 and 2017,                planned/committed units in EPA
                                                                                                      additional ancillary data files that are              modeling applications of IPM. The
                                              A. Instructions for Submitting Emissions                used to convert the NEI emissions into                NEEDS database includes basic
                                              Comments and Alternative Emissions                      a form that can be used for air quality               geographic, operating, air emissions,
                                              Data                                                    modeling, and methods used to prepare                 and other data on these generating units
                                                 The EPA can most effectively use                     the air quality model inputs and to                   and is updated for the EPA’s version
                                              comments on emissions data that                         develop projections of emissions for the              5.14 power sector modeling platform.
                                              provide specific alternative values to                  year 2017. The platform includes                      The EGU emission projections included
                                                                                                      emission inventories for sources at                   in this data release are reported in an air
                                              those in the EPA data sets, and for
                                                                                                      specific locations called point sources;              quality modeling-ready flat file taken
                                              which accompanying documentation
                                                                                                      emissions from fire events; and county-               from the EPA Base Case v.5.14,
                                              supports the alternative values.
                                                                                                      level emissions of onroad mobile                      developed using IPM. The 2017 EGU
                                              Commenters should provide the
                                                                                                      sources, nonroad mobile sources, and                  emission projections in the flat file
                                              alternative data at a level of detail
                                                                                                      nonpoint stationary sources.                          format, the corresponding NEEDS
                                              appropriate to the data set into which it                  The provided emission inventories
                                              will be incorporated, thereby including                                                                       database, and user guides and
                                                                                                      are split into categories called modeling             documentation are available in the
                                              all key fields needed to substitute the                 sectors. For example, facility-specific
                                              old data with the new. For example, any                                                                       docket for this notice, and at http://
                                                                                                      point emission sources are split into                 www.epa.gov/powersectormodeling.
                                              data provided as an alternative to the                  electric generating units (EGUs), oil and                To project future emissions from
                                              EPA’s point source emissions data                       gas point sources, and other point                    onroad and nonroad mobile sources, the
                                              should include all key fields used to                   sources. Nonpoint emission sources are                EPA uses the Motor Vehicle Emissions
                                              identify point source data such as                      split into agricultural ammonia sources,              Simulator (MOVES) and the National
                                              facility, unit, release point, process, and             area fugitive dust sources, non-Category              Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM),
                                              pollutant, along with alternative                       3 commercial marine and locomotive                    respectively. Development of the future
                                              emissions values. If a commenter were                   sources, residential wood sources, oil                year onroad and nonroad emissions
                                              to provide a new set of county total                    and gas nonpoint sources, agricultural                requires a substantial amount of lead
                                              emissions as an alternative to detailed                 burning sources, and other nonpoint                   time and resources. The EPA had
                                              point source emissions data, the EPA                    sources. Additional modeling sectors                  already prepared the emissions
                                              would not be able to use that new data.                 are onroad and nonroad mobile sources,                projections for 2018 when the
                                              Commenters should also include                          Category 3 commercial marine sources,                 attainment deadline for Moderate
                                              documentation that describes methods                    and emissions from wild and prescribed                nonattainment areas was revised to July
                                              for development of any alternative                      fires.                                                2018 in the 2008 Ozone SIP
                                              values and relevant references                             The emission inventories for the                   Requirements Rule, as discussed above,
                                              supporting the alternative approach.                    future year of 2017 have been developed               effectively requiring the agency to adjust
                                                 Any alternative emission inventory or                using projection methods that are                     its projection year to 2017. Thus, for
                                              ancillary data provided should be                       specific to the type of emission source.              purposes of this NODA, the EPA
                                              compatible with the formats used by the                 Future emissions are projected from the               calculated the 2017 emissions from
                                              Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel                           2011 base case either by running models               mobile sources using post-modeling
                                              Emissions (SMOKE) modeling system                       to estimate future year emissions from                adjustments to 2018 emissions, but the
                                              version 3.6.5, which is used by the EPA                 specific types of emission sources (i.e.,             agency anticipates that it will directly
                                              to process emission inventories into a                  EGUs, and onroad and nonroad mobile                   generate the mobile source emissions for
                                              format that can be used for air quality                 sources), or for other types of sources by            2017 that will be used in the air quality
                                              modeling. Formats are defined in the                    adjusting the base year emissions                     modeling for the final rule to address
                                              SMOKE Version 3.6.5 User’s Manual                       according to the best estimate of                     interstate transport for the 2008 ozone
                                              available from http://                                  changes expected to occur in the                      standard. The EPA obtained 2018
                                              www.cmascenter.org/smoke/. Only the                     intervening years (i.e., non-EGU point                projections by running the MOVES and
                                              rows of data that have changed from                     and nonpoint sources).                                NMIM models using year-specific
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              those provided by the EPA should be                        For some sectors, the same emissions               information about fuel mixtures, activity
                                              included in the alternative data sets.                  are used in the base and future years,                data, and the impacts of national and
                                              Alternative data that are not an input to               such as biogenic emissions, wild and                  state-level rules and control programs.
                                              SMOKE, such as model input databases                    prescribed fire emissions, and Canadian               The input databases and future year
                                              for mobile source models, should be                     emissions. For all other sectors, rules               activity data for onroad mobile sources
                                              provided in a format in which it could                  and specific legal obligations that go                are provided with the 2011v6.2 platform
                                              be directly input to the model.                         into effect in the intervening years,                 available at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices                                           46279

                                              chief/emch/index.html#2011. The 2018                    that docket. Therefore, the information               state and county are provided to aid in
                                              onroad and nonroad mobile source                        placed in the electronic docket,                      the review of emissions values.
                                              emissions were adjusted for 2017 using                  associated detailed data, and summaries                  • Model inputs and activity data used
                                              factors derived from national scale runs                to help with interpretation of the data               to develop mobile source emission
                                              of MOVES and NMIM, respectively.                        are available for public review with the              inventories. The EPA requests comment
                                                 For non-EGU point and nonpoint                       2011v6.2 platform available on the                    on the mobile source model input data
                                              sources, projections of 2017 emissions                  Emissions Modeling Clearinghouse on                   used to develop the projected future
                                              were developed by starting with the                     the EPA’s Web site at http://                         mobile source emission inventories.
                                              2011 emissions inventories and                          www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/                           These include both the databases used
                                              applying adjustments that represent the                 index.html#2011. Requests for                         to create emission factors and the
                                              impact of national, state, and local rules              electronic copies of pre-merged,                      vehicle miles traveled and vehicle
                                              coming into effect in the years 2012                    intermediate and air quality model-                   population activity data used to
                                              through 2017, along with the impacts of                 ready emissions files for input to air                compute the emissions. Of particular
                                              planned shutdowns, the construction of                  quality modeling can be obtained by                   interest are county total vehicle miles
                                              new plants, specific information                        contacting Alison Eyth at eyth.alison@                traveled, the mixture of vehicle types in
                                              provided by states, and specific legal                  epa.gov.                                              2017, hoteling hours of combination
                                              obligations resolving alleged                              The emissions inventories, along with              long-haul trucks, and changes to the
                                              environmental violations, such as                       many of the ancillary files, are provided             inspection and maintenance programs.
                                              consent decrees. Changes in activity are                in the form of flat files that can be input           Alternative activity data should be
                                              considered for sectors such as oil and                  to SMOKE. Flat files are comma-                       provided in the SMOKE FF10 activity
                                              gas, residential wood combustion,                       separated values-style text files with                data format.
                                              cement kilns, livestock, aircraft,                      columns and rows that can be loaded                      • Projection data and methods. The
                                              commercial marine vessels and                           into spreadsheet or database software.                EPA seeks comment on the data used to
                                              locomotives. Data files that include                    The columns of interest in the emission               project point and nonpoint source
                                              factors that represent the changes are                  inventory files are specified in each                 emissions from 2011 to 2017, and on the
                                              provided, along with summaries that                     subsection below. The EPA specifically                methods and assumptions used to
                                              quantify the emission changes resulting                 requests comment on the following                     implement the projections. In this
                                              from the projections at a state and                     components of the provided emissions                  context, nonpoint source emissions are
                                              national level.                                         modeling inventories and ancillary files:             inclusive of commercial marine vessel,
                                                 The provided data include relevant                      • Emissions values and supporting                  railroad, oil and gas, and other nonpoint
                                              emissions inventories for neighboring                   data for EGUs. The EPA requests                       emissions. In particular, the EPA seeks
                                              countries used in our modeling,                         comment on the IPM version 5.14 input                 comment on its assumptions regarding
                                              specifically the 2010 emissions                         assumptions, NEEDS database, 2018                     the manner in which specific consent
                                              inventories for Canada and the 2008 and                 unit-level parsed files because 2017                  decrees and state- or locality-specific
                                              2018 emissions inventories for Mexico.                  parsed files are not available, 2017 flat             control programs will be implemented.
                                              Canadian emissions for a future year                    file inputs and outputs (including                       • Existing control techniques. The
                                              were not available.                                     modifications to the IPM 2018 Base Case               emission inventories include
                                                 Ancillary data files used to allocate                to inform 2017 NOX emissions),                        information on emissions control
                                              annual emissions to the hourly, gridded                 temporal profiles use to allocate                     techniques listed in terms of control
                                              emissions of chemical species used by                   seasonal emissions to hours, and cross                codes submitted to the EIS. These are
                                              the air quality model are also provided.                references and matching between IPM                   listed in the CONTROL_IDS and
                                              The types of ancillary data files include               and NEI.                                              CONTROL_MEASURES columns in the
                                              temporal profiles that allocate annual                     • Emission values for non-EGU                      emission inventory flat files, with levels
                                              and monthly emissions down to days                      sources. The EPA requests comment on                  of reduction in the ANN_PCT_RED
                                              and hours, spatial surrogates that                      the criteria air pollutant projected 2017             column. Projection of non-EGU point
                                              allocate county-level emissions onto the                emissions in the modeling inventories,                source emissions to future years is
                                              grid cells used by the AQM, and                         such as NOX, VOC, sulfur dioxide,                     dependent on this information. The EPA
                                              speciation profiles that allocate the                   particulate matter less than 2.5                      seeks comment on whether data on
                                              pollutants in the NEI to the chemical                   micrometers, particulate matter less                  existing controls given in the inventory
                                              species used by the air quality model. In               than 10 micrometers, and ammonia,                     flat files are incomplete or erroneous.
                                              addition, there are temporal, spatial,                  with a focus on the ozone precursors                  The flat files must be consulted for
                                              and speciation cross-reference files that               NOX and VOC. The EPA will also accept                 details of control techniques by
                                              map the emission sources in the                         comments on 2017 projections of                       pollutant.
                                              emission inventories to the appropriate                 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as they                 • Emissions modeling methods. The
                                              profiles based on their location,                       are included in the outputs of models                 EPA is using SMOKE version 3.6.5 to
                                              emissions source classification code                    used to develop 2017 emission                         prepare data for air quality modeling.
                                              (SCC), and, in some cases, the specific                 projections. However, HAPs are not the                The EPA requests comment on the
                                              facility or unit. With the exception of                 focus of this effort. The annual                      methods by which SMOKE is used to
                                              some speciation profiles and temporal                   emissions values are located in the                   develop air quality model-ready
                                              profiles for EGUs and mobile sources,                   ANN_VALUE column of emission                          emissions, as illustrated in the scripts
                                              the same ancillary data files are used to               inventory files in the Flat File 2010                 provided with the modeling platform
                                              prepare the 2011 and 2017 emissions                     (FF10) format. Some emission                          and as described in the TSD Preparation
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              inventories for air quality modeling.                   inventories (e.g., nonroad) may also                  of Emissions Inventories for the Version
                                                 Information related to this section is               have values filled in to the monthly                  6.2, 2011 Emissions Modeling Platform,
                                              located in the docket. However, as                      value columns (e.g., JAN_VALUE, FEB_                  available with the 2011v6.2 platform at
                                              mentioned above, some of the emissions                  VALUE, . . ., DEC_VALUE). The EPA                     http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/
                                              data files are too large to be directly                 requests comment on both the annual                   index.html#2011.
                                              uploaded into the electronic docket                     and monthly emissions values, where                      • Temporal allocation. Annual
                                              and/or are not in formats accepted by                   applicable. Summaries of emissions by                 emission inventories must be allocated

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                                              46280                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 149 / Tuesday, August 4, 2015 / Notices

                                              to hourly values prior to air quality                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                              electronically through the United States
                                              modeling. This may be done with                         AGENCY                                                government online source for Federal
                                              temporal profiles in several steps, such                                                                      regulations at http://
                                                                                                      [EPA–HQ–OW–2014–0170; FRL—9931–67–
                                              as annual-to-month, month-to-day, and                   OW]                                                   www.regulations.gov.
                                              day-to-hour. The exact method used                                                                              3. Internet access. Copies of the
                                              depends on the type of emissions being                  RIN 2040–ZA24
                                                                                                                                                            supporting documents are available at
                                              processed. The EPA seeks comment on                     Final 2014 Effluent Guidelines Program                http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/
                                              the allocation of the emission                          Plan and 2014 Annual Effluent                         lawsguidance/cwa/304m/index.cfm
                                              inventories to month, day, and hour for                 Guidelines Review Report
                                              all types of emission processes. In                                                                           II. How Is This Document Organized?
                                              particular, the EPA seeks information                   AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                                                                                      Agency (EPA).                                           The outline of this notice follows.
                                              that could help improve the temporal
                                              allocation in 2017 of emissions from                    ACTION: Notice of availability.                       A. Legal Authority
                                              EGUs, nonroad mobile sources,                                                                                 B. Summary of the Final 2014 Effluent
                                                                                                      SUMMARY:   This notice announces the                    Guidelines Program Plan
                                              residential wood combustion sources,
                                                                                                      availability of the Environmental
                                              and the temporal allocation of vehicle
                                                                                                      Protection Agency’s (EPA) Final 2014                  A. Legal Authority
                                              miles traveled needed to model onroad                   Effluent Guidelines Program Plan and
                                              mobile sources. The EPA seeks local-                    EPA’s 2014 Annual Effluent Guidelines                    This notice is published under the
                                              and region-specific data that can be                    Review Report. Section 304(m) of the                  authority of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. 1251,
                                              used to improve the temporal allocation                 Clean Water Act requires EPA to                       et seq., and in particular sections 301(d),
                                              of emissions data.                                      biennially publish a plan for new and                 304(b), 304(g), 304(m), 306, 307(b) and
                                                 • Spatial surrogates. Spatial                        revised effluent guidelines, after public             308 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 1311(d),
                                              surrogates are used to allocate county-                 notice and comment. The Plan identifies               1314(b), 1314(g), 1314(m), 1316,
                                              level emissions to the grid cells used for              any new or existing industrial categories             1317(b), and 1318.
                                              air quality modeling. The EPA requests                  selected for effluent guidelines and
                                                                                                      provides a schedule. EPA typically                    B. Summary of the Final 2014 Effluent
                                              comment on the spatial surrogates used
                                                                                                      publishes a preliminary plan upon                     Guidelines Program Plan
                                              to spatially allocate the 2011 and 2017
                                              emissions. The same spatial surrogates                  which the public is invited to comment,                 EPA prepared the Final 2014 Effluent
                                              are used in the base and future years.                  and then publishes a final plan                       Guidelines Program Plan (the Plan)
                                                                                                      thereafter. EPA published the
                                                 • Chemical speciation. Prior to air                  Preliminary 2014 Plan on September 16,
                                                                                                                                                            pursuant to Clean Water Act section
                                              quality modeling, the pollutants in the                                                                       304(m). The Plan provides a summary of
                                                                                                      2014, and received public comment on
                                              emission inventories must be converted                  it.                                                   EPA’s review of effluent guidelines and
                                              into the chemical species used by the air                                                                     pretreatment standards, consistent with
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                              quality model using speciation profiles.                                                                      CWA sections 301(d), 304(b), 304(g),
                                                                                                      William F. Swietlik, Engineering and
                                              The speciation profiles provided are                                                                          304(m), and 307(b). It includes EPA’s
                                                                                                      Analysis Division, Office of Water,
                                              consistent with version 4.4 of the                      4303T, U.S. Environmental Protection                  evaluation of indirect discharge
                                              SPECIATE database. The EPA requests                     Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue                      categories that do not have categorical
                                              comment on the provided speciation                      NW., Washington, DC., 20460;                          pretreatment standards for the purpose
                                              profiles, as well as any information that               telephone number: (202) 566–1129; fax                 of identifying potential new categories
                                              could help improve the speciation of oil                number: (202) 566–1053; email address:                for which pretreatment standards under
                                              and gas emissions in both the eastern                   swietlik.william@epa.gov                              CWA section 307(b) might be warranted.
                                              and western U.S. in 2017. Oil and gas                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            From these reviews, the Plan identifies
                                              speciation information, along with VOC                                                                        any new or existing industrial categories
                                              to TOG adjustment factors that are used                 I. General Information                                selected for effluent guidelines, and
                                              to compute methane emissions, would                       A. Supporting Documents—Key                         provides a schedule. In addition, the
                                              be of the most use at the county or oil/                documents providing additional                        Plan presents any new or existing
                                              gas basin level of detail and also for                  information about EPA’s 2014 annual                   categories of industry selected for
                                              each distinct process at oil and gas                    review and the Final 2014 Plan include                further review and analysis. The Final
                                              drilling/production facilities (e.g., glycol            the 2014 Effluent Guidelines Review                   2014 Plan and the 2014 Annual Review
                                              dehydrators).                                           Report and the Final 2014 Effluent                    Report can be found at http://
                                                                                                      Guidelines Program Plan.                              water.epa.gov/lawsregs/lawsguidance/
                                                 To aid in the interpretation of the                    B. How can I get copies of these
                                              provided data files and how they relate                                                                       cwa/304m/index.cfm
                                                                                                      documents and other related
                                              to the aspects of the data on which the                                                                         Dated: July 24, 2015.
                                              EPA is requesting comment, the EPA                        1. Docket. EPA has established official             Kenneth J. Kopocis,
                                              has provided a summary document in                      public dockets for these actions under                Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water.
                                              the docket that describes in more detail                Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2014–                         [FR Doc. 2015–18877 Filed 8–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                              the provided data and summary files.                    0170. The official public docket is the               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                Dated: July 23, 2015.                                 collection of materials that is available
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Stephen D. Page,
                                                                                                      for public viewing at the Water Docket
                                                                                                      in the EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC)
                                              Director, Office of Air Quality Planning and
                                                                                                      EPA West, Room 3334,
                                                                                                      1301Constitution Ave. NW.,
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–18878 Filed 8–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20460.
                                              BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                    2. Electronic Access. You can access
                                                                                                      this Federal Register document

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 14:51:58
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 14:51:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of data availability (NODA); request for public comment.
DatesComments must be received on or before September 23, 2015.
ContactFor questions on the emissions data and on how to submit comments on the emissions data and related methodologies, contact Alison Eyth, Air Quality Assessment Division, Environmental Protection Agency, C339-02, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; telephone number: (919)541-2478; fax number: (919)541-1903; email: [email protected] For questions on the air quality modeling and ozone contributions and how to submit comments on the air quality modeling data and related methodologies, contact Norm Possiel, Air Quality Assessment Division, Environmental Protection Agency, C439-01, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; telephone number: (919)541-5692; fax number: (919)541-0044; email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 46271 

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