80_FR_50076 80 FR 49917 - Revisions to Framework Adjustment 53 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan and Sector Annual Catch Entitlements; Updated Annual Catch Limits for Sectors and the Common Pool for Fishing Year 2015

80 FR 49917 - Revisions to Framework Adjustment 53 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan and Sector Annual Catch Entitlements; Updated Annual Catch Limits for Sectors and the Common Pool for Fishing Year 2015

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 159 (August 18, 2015)

Page Range49917-49929
FR Document2015-20303

Based on the final Northeast multispecies sector rosters submitted as of May 1, 2015, we are adjusting the fishing year 2015 specification of annual catch limits for commercial groundfish vessels, as well as sector annual catch entitlements and common pool allocations for groundfish stocks. This revision to fishing year 2015 catch levels is necessary to account for changes in the number of participants electing to fish in either sectors or the common pool fishery. This action details unused sector quotas that may be carried over from fishing year 2014 to fishing year 2015. This action also reduces the fishing year 2015 common pool allocation of Eastern Georges Bank cod and adjusts common pool incidental catch limits to account for a common pool fishing year 2014 overage.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 49917-49929]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-20303]

[[Page 49917]]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 648

[Docket No. 150623545-5545-01]
RIN 0648-XE015

Revisions to Framework Adjustment 53 to the Northeast 
Multispecies Fishery Management Plan and Sector Annual Catch 
Entitlements; Updated Annual Catch Limits for Sectors and the Common 
Pool for Fishing Year 2015

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Temporary final rule; adjustment to specifications.


SUMMARY: Based on the final Northeast multispecies sector rosters 
submitted as of May 1, 2015, we are adjusting the fishing year 2015 
specification of annual catch limits for commercial groundfish vessels, 
as well as sector annual catch entitlements and common pool allocations 
for groundfish stocks. This revision to fishing year 2015 catch levels 
is necessary to account for changes in the number of participants 
electing to fish in either sectors or the common pool fishery. This 
action details unused sector quotas that may be carried over from 
fishing year 2014 to fishing year 2015. This action also reduces the 
fishing year 2015 common pool allocation of Eastern Georges Bank cod 
and adjusts common pool incidental catch limits to account for a common 
pool fishing year 2014 overage.

DATES: Effective August 17, 2015, through April 30, 2016.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William Whitmore, Fishery Policy 
Analyst, (978) 281-9128.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The New England Fishery Management Council 
(Council) developed Amendment 16 to the Northeast (NE) Multispecies 
Fishery Management Plan (FMP), in part, to establish a process for 
setting groundfish annual catch limits (also referred to as ACLs or 
catch limits) and accountability measures. Framework Adjustment 
(Framework) 53 set annual catch limits for groundfish stocks and three 
jointly managed U.S./Canada stocks for fishing year 2015. We recently 
approved Framework 53, which became effective on May 1, 2015 (80 FR 
    We also recently approved fishing year 2015 sector operations plans 
and allocations (80 FR 25143; May 2, 2015; ``sector final rule''). A 
sector receives an allocation of each stock, or annual catch 
entitlement (referred to as ACE, or allocation), based on its members' 
catch histories. State-operated permit banks also receive an allocation 
that can be transferred to qualifying sector vessels. The sum of all 
sector and state-operated permit bank allocations is referred to as the 
sector sub-ACL. Whatever groundfish allocations remain after sectors 
and state-operated permit banks receive their allocations are then 
allocated to the common pool (i.e., vessels not enrolled in a sector).
    This rule adjusts the fishing year 2015 sector and common pool 
allocations based on final sector membership as of May 1, 2015. Since 
the final rules are not effective until the beginning of the fishing 
year (May 1), permits enrolled in a sector and the vessels associated 
with those permits have until April 30, the last day prior to the 
beginning of a new fishing year, to withdraw from a sector and fish in 
the common pool. As a result, the actual sector enrollment for the new 
fishing year is unknown when the specifications (in this case, 
Framework 53) and sector final rules publish. To address this issue, 
each year we publish an adjustment rule modifying sector and common 
pool allocations based on final sector enrollment. If the sector 
allocation increases as a result of sector membership changes, the 
common pool allocation decreases--the opposite is true as well. The 
Framework 53 and the fishing year 2015 sector proposed and final rules 
both explained that sector enrollments may change and that there would 
be a need to adjust the sub-ACLs and ACEs accordingly.
    Adjustments to sector ACEs and the sub-ACLs for sectors and the 
common pool are typically minimal as historically there has been little 
change in sector enrollment. Tables 1, 2, and 3 explain the revised 
fishing year 2015. Table 4 compares the allocation changes between the 
sector final rule and this adjustment rule. Vessels currently enrolled 
in sectors have accounted for approximately 99 percent of the 
historical groundfish landings. This year's sector final rule specified 
sector ACEs based on the 842 permits enrolled in sectors on February 
25, 2015. As of May 1, 2015, there are 838 NE multispecies permits 
enrolled in sectors, which means four permits elected to leave sectors 
and operate in common pool for fishing year 2015.

[[Page 49918]]


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[[Page 49920]]


[[Page 49921]]


[[Page 49922]]

    We have completed fishing year 2014 data reconciliation with 
sectors and determined final fishing year 2014 sector catch and the 
amount of quota that sectors may carry from fishing year 2014 into 
fishing year 2015. A recent emergency rule (79 FR 36433; June 27, 2014) 
described changes to carryover and catch accounting in response to 
litigation by Conservation Law Foundation (Conservation Law Foundation 
v. Pritzker, et al. (Case No. 1:13-CV-0821-JEB)). This rule ensures 
that catch does not exceed the allowable biological catch for any 
stock. Because of this, the maximum carryover for certain stocks may be 
lower than what a sector expects. Table 5 includes the maximum amount 
of quota that sectors may carry over from fishing year 2014 into 
fishing year 2015. Table 6 includes the de minimis amount of quota that 
sectors may carry over from fishing year 2014 into fishing year 2015. 
Tables 7 and 8 list the final ACE available to sectors for fishing year 
2015, including carryover.

[[Page 49923]]


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[[Page 49926]]


    This rule also reduces the Eastern GB cod common pool sub-ACL for 
fishing year 2015 due to a fishing year 2014 overage (Tables 9 and 10). 
When the common pool sub-ACL for any stock is exceeded in one fishing 
year, the

[[Page 49927]]

accountability measures in the FMP require us to reduce the common pool 
sub-ACL by the amount of the overage in the next fishing year. The 2.8 
mt fishing year 2014 common pool sub-ACL for Eastern GB cod was 
exceeded by 1.3 mt (48 percent). Therefore, this action reduces the 
initially allocated 2.7 mt fishing year 2015 Eastern GB cod common pool 
sub-ACL by 1.3 mt, leaving an adjusted allocation of 1.4 mt for the 
remainder of the fishing year.
    Framework 53 specified incidental catch limits (or incidental total 
allowable catches, ``TACs'') applicable to the common pool and 
groundfish Special Management Programs for fishing year 2015, including 
the B day-at-sea (DAS) Program. Because these incidental catch limits 
are based on the common-pool allocation, they also must be revised to 
match current common pool enrollment allocation and, in this instance, 
to account for the Eastern GB cod accountability measure for fishing 
year 2015. Final common pool trimester quotas (including adjustments 
for the Eastern GB cod overage) and incidental catch limits are 
included in Tables 11-15 below.
    This is only a temporary final rule. After we finish reconciling 
differences in fishing year 2014 catch accounting between our data and 
each sector manager's data, each sector will have 2 weeks to trade its 
fishing year 2014 ACE to account for any overages. After that 2-week 
trading window, a sector that still has exceeded its fishing year 2014 
allocation will have its fishing year 2015 allocation reduced, pursuant 
to regulatory requirements. Because data reconciliation and the 2-week 
trading window take place after the new fishing year beings, we reserve 
20 percent of each sector's fishing year 2015 allocation until fishing 
year 2014 catch data are reconciled. Sectors can carryover up to 10 
percent of their fishing year 2014 ACE, or an amount of ACE that does 
not result in exceeding the allowable biological catch, into fishing 
year 2015. We will publish a final follow-up rule detailing any 
carryover of fishing year 2014 sector allocation or reduction in 
fishing year 2014 allocation resulting from sectors under or 
overharvesting their allocations.

[[Page 49928]]


                          Table 12--Fishing Year 2015 Common Pool Incidental Catch TACs
                  Stock                    Percentage of common pool sub-ACL       Incidental catch TAC (mt)
GB cod..................................                                   2                                0.75
GOM cod.................................                                   1                                0.06
GB yellowtail flounder..................                                   2                                0.08
CC/GOM yellowtail flounder..............                                   1                                0.21
American Plaice.........................                                   5                                1.35
Witch Flounder..........................                                   5                                 0.7
SNE/MA winter flounder..................                                   1                                1.59

         Table 13--Distribution of Common Pool Incidental Catch TACs to Each Special Management Program
                                                           Closed Area I                        Southern closed
                Stock                   Regular B DAS        hook gear       Eastern U.S./CA    Area II haddock
                                         program (%)      haddock SAP (%)    haddock SAP (%)          SAP
GB cod..............................                 50                 16                 34                 NA
GOM cod.............................                100                 NA                 NA                 NA
GB yellowtail flounder..............                 50                 NA                 50                 NA
CC/GOM yellowtail flounder..........                100                 NA                 NA                 NA
American Plaice.....................                100                 NA                 NA                 NA
Witch Flounder......................                100                 NA                 NA                 NA
SNE/MA winter flounder..............                100                 NA                 NA                 NA

        Table 14--Fishing Year 2015 Common Pool Incidental Catch TACs for Each Special Management Program
                                                                              Closed Area I      Eastern U.S./
                         Stock                             Regular B DAS    hook gear haddock    Canada haddock
                                                              program              SAP                SAP
GB cod.................................................               0.38               0.12               0.26
GOM cod................................................               0.06                 NA                 NA
GB yellowtail flounder.................................               0.04                 NA               0.04
CC/GOM yellowtail flounder.............................               0.21                 NA                 NA
American Plaice........................................               1.35                 NA                 NA
Witch Flounder.........................................               0.70                 NA                 NA
SNE/MA winter flounder.................................               1.59                 NA                 NA

          Table 15--Fishing Year 2015 Common Pool Regular B DAS Program Quarterly Incidental Catch TACs
                Stock                 1st Quarter (13%)  2nd Quarter (29%)  3rd Quarter (29%)  4th Quarter (29%)
GB cod..............................               0.05               0.11               0.11               0.11
GOM cod.............................               0.01               0.02               0.02               0.02
GB yellowtail flounder..............               0.01               0.01               0.01               0.01
CC/GOM yellowtail flounder..........               0.03               0.06               0.06               0.06
American Plaice.....................               0.18               0.39               0.39               0.39
Witch Flounder......................               0.09               0.20               0.20               0.20
SNE/MA winter flounder..............               0.21               0.46               0.46               0.46


    Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the 
NMFS Assistant Administrator has determined that this final rule is 
consistent with the FMP, other provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, 
and other applicable law.
    This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), we find good cause to waive 
prior public notice and opportunity for public comment on the catch 
limit and allocation adjustments because allowing time for notice and 
comment is impracticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the public 
interest. We also find good cause to waive the 30-day delay in 
effectiveness pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), so that this final rule 
may become effective upon filing.
    There are several reasons that notice and comment are 
impracticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the public interest. First, 
the proposed and final rules for fishing year 2015 sector operations 
plans and contracts explained the need and likelihood for adjustments 
of sector and common pool allocations based on final sector rosters.

[[Page 49929]]

No comments were received on the potential for these adjustments, which 
provide an accurate accounting of a sector's or common pool's 
allocation at this time. Furthermore, we have followed a similar 
process since Amendment 16 was implemented in 2010; this annual 
adjustment action is anticipated by industry. The accountability 
measure and adjustment process to account for the fishing year 2014 
Eastern Georges Bank cod overage was also already subject to notice and 
comment during Amendment 16 development and implementation. Second, 
these adjustments are based on either objective sector enrollment data 
or a pre-determined accountability measure and are not subject to NMFS' 
discretion, so there would be no benefit to allowing time for prior 
notice and comment. Third, a delay would potentially impair achievement 
of the management plan's objectives for the common pool of preventing 
overfishing and achieving optimum yield by staying within ACLs or 
allocations. Finally, if this rule is not effective immediately, the 
sector and common pool vessels will be operating under incorrect 
information on the catch limits for each stock for sectors and the 
common pool. This could cause negative economic impacts to the both 
sectors and the common pool, depending on the size of the allocation, 
the degree of change in the allocation, and the catch rate of a 
particular stock.
    The catch limit and allocation adjustments are not controversial 
and the need for them was clearly explained in the proposed and final 
rules for fishing year 2015 sector operations plans and contracts. 
Adjustments for overages are also explained in detail in the Amendment 
16 proposed and final rules. As a result, NE multispecies permit 
holders are expecting these adjustments and awaiting their 
implementation. Fishermen may make both short- and long-term business 
decisions based on the catch limits in a given sector or the common 
pool. Any delays in adjusting these limits may cause the affected 
fishing entities to slow down, or speed up, their fishing activities 
during the interim period before this rule becomes effective. Both of 
these reactions could negatively affect the fishery and the businesses 
and communities that depend on them. Therefore, it is important to 
implement adjusted catch limits and allocations as soon as possible. 
For these reasons, we are waiving the public comment period and delay 
in effectiveness for this rule, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B) and 
(d), respectively.
    Because advanced notice and the opportunity for public comment are 
not required under the Administrative Procedure Act, or any other law, 
the analytical requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 
601, et seq., do not apply to this rule. Therefore, no final regulatory 
flexibility analysis is required and none has been prepared.

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: August 11, 2015.
Eileen Sobeck,
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2015-20303 Filed 8-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                       49917

                                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  DATES: Effective August 17, 2015,                     those permits have until April 30, the
                                                                                                     through April 30, 2016.                               last day prior to the beginning of a new
                                             National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      fishing year, to withdraw from a sector
                                             Administration                                          William Whitmore, Fishery Policy                      and fish in the common pool. As a
                                                                                                     Analyst, (978) 281–9128.                              result, the actual sector enrollment for
                                             50 CFR Part 648                                                                                               the new fishing year is unknown when
                                                                                                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The New
                                             [Docket No. 150623545–5545–01]                          England Fishery Management Council                    the specifications (in this case,
                                                                                                     (Council) developed Amendment 16 to                   Framework 53) and sector final rules
                                             RIN 0648–XE015                                          the Northeast (NE) Multispecies Fishery               publish. To address this issue, each year
                                                                                                     Management Plan (FMP), in part, to                    we publish an adjustment rule
                                             Revisions to Framework Adjustment
                                                                                                     establish a process for setting                       modifying sector and common pool
                                             53 to the Northeast Multispecies
                                                                                                     groundfish annual catch limits (also                  allocations based on final sector
                                             Fishery Management Plan and Sector
                                                                                                     referred to as ACLs or catch limits) and              enrollment. If the sector allocation
                                             Annual Catch Entitlements; Updated
                                                                                                     accountability measures. Framework                    increases as a result of sector
                                             Annual Catch Limits for Sectors and
                                                                                                     Adjustment (Framework) 53 set annual                  membership changes, the common pool
                                             the Common Pool for Fishing Year
                                                                                                     catch limits for groundfish stocks and                allocation decreases—the opposite is
                                                                                                     three jointly managed U.S./Canada                     true as well. The Framework 53 and the
                                             AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      stocks for fishing year 2015. We recently
                                                                                                                                                           fishing year 2015 sector proposed and
                                             Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    approved Framework 53, which became
                                                                                                                                                           final rules both explained that sector
                                             Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      effective on May 1, 2015 (80 FR 25110).
                                                                                                        We also recently approved fishing                  enrollments may change and that there
                                                                                                     year 2015 sector operations plans and                 would be a need to adjust the sub-ACLs
                                             ACTION: Temporary final rule;
                                                                                                     allocations (80 FR 25143; May 2, 2015;                and ACEs accordingly.
                                             adjustment to specifications.
                                                                                                     ‘‘sector final rule’’). A sector receives an            Adjustments to sector ACEs and the
                                             SUMMARY:   Based on the final Northeast                 allocation of each stock, or annual catch             sub-ACLs for sectors and the common
                                             multispecies sector rosters submitted as                entitlement (referred to as ACE, or                   pool are typically minimal as
                                             of May 1, 2015, we are adjusting the                    allocation), based on its members’ catch              historically there has been little change
                                             fishing year 2015 specification of annual               histories. State-operated permit banks                in sector enrollment. Tables 1, 2, and 3
                                             catch limits for commercial groundfish                  also receive an allocation that can be                explain the revised fishing year 2015.
                                             vessels, as well as sector annual catch                 transferred to qualifying sector vessels.             Table 4 compares the allocation changes
                                             entitlements and common pool                            The sum of all sector and state-operated              between the sector final rule and this
                                             allocations for groundfish stocks. This                 permit bank allocations is referred to as
                                                                                                                                                           adjustment rule. Vessels currently
                                             revision to fishing year 2015 catch                     the sector sub-ACL. Whatever
                                                                                                                                                           enrolled in sectors have accounted for
                                             levels is necessary to account for                      groundfish allocations remain after
                                                                                                                                                           approximately 99 percent of the
                                             changes in the number of participants                   sectors and state-operated permit banks
                                             electing to fish in either sectors or the               receive their allocations are then                    historical groundfish landings. This
                                             common pool fishery. This action                        allocated to the common pool (i.e.,                   year’s sector final rule specified sector
                                             details unused sector quotas that may be                vessels not enrolled in a sector).                    ACEs based on the 842 permits enrolled
                                             carried over from fishing year 2014 to                     This rule adjusts the fishing year 2015            in sectors on February 25, 2015. As of
                                             fishing year 2015. This action also                     sector and common pool allocations                    May 1, 2015, there are 838 NE
                                             reduces the fishing year 2015 common                    based on final sector membership as of                multispecies permits enrolled in sectors,
                                             pool allocation of Eastern Georges Bank                 May 1, 2015. Since the final rules are                which means four permits elected to
                                             cod and adjusts common pool                             not effective until the beginning of the              leave sectors and operate in common
                                             incidental catch limits to account for a                fishing year (May 1), permits enrolled in             pool for fishing year 2015.
                                             common pool fishing year 2014 overage.                  a sector and the vessels associated with              BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

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Table 1. Final Sector Enrollment and Percentage (%) of ACE for Each Sector, by Stock for Fishing Year 2015‘

                  B     B      6|       j       &      |Pil$filsGfil                   s lsilfifil]ldiiil®il                          i       i       g
                 iz            "C       %       §      .E   im     Te        0e                  Th   2   L    §   Th   fié     Ti             2

 Sector Name     Y      :      >        S       2      1|3 51g4 5 5|09 35 5)           |®%£ 8|z §              2 §      < §          S        o       =
                 2      §      o                =      |— l2z 30 322]|                A      |ZF 8    |afRl&8]Z8|                     &       &       2
                 =             &        &       6      |& =      |&# 2 E   |Q 2 E               =     1|85     |g =     |a =                  >
                                                &                                                                       9
      FGS        113   27.68 2.60      5.76     1.84    0.01       0.37      3.04     0.98    2.14     0.03     13.47    2.34        2.74     5.70    7.38
     MCCS         45    0.21  4.59     0.04     2.56    0.00       0.66       1.05    7.55    5.06     0.01      1.96    0.19        2.50     4.39    3.79
     MPB          11    0.13  1.15     0.04     1.12    0.01       0.03      0.32     1.16    0.73     0.00     0.43     0.02        0.82     1.65    1.69
     NHPB          4    0.00  1.14     0.00     0.03    0.00       0.00      0.02     0.03    0.01     0.00     0.06     0.00        0.02     0.08    O0.11
     NCCS         26    0.18  0.87     0.14     0.39    0.84       0.72      0.62     0.31    0.30     0.05     0.93     0.29        045      0.86    0.51
    NEFS 1         3    0.00  0.03     0.00     0.00    0.00       0.00      0.04     0.01    0.01     0.00     0.05     0.00        0.00     0.00    0.00
    NEFS 2        80    5.69 18.28     10.68   16.45    1.91        1.40    18.84     7.78    12.59    3.21     18.17    3.19        14.71    6.04   11.84
    NEFS 3        72    1.12 13.67     0.14     8.94    0.05       0.41      8.50     4.05    2.85     0.03     9.18     0.75         1.29    4.51    6.05
    NEFS 4        50    4.14  9.59     5.33     8.27    2.16       2.35      5.46     9.29    8.49     0.69     6.24      1.28       6.63     8.05    6.14
    NEFS 5        28    0.73  O.11     0.86     0.13    1.26      20.66      0.21     0.38    0.55     0.43     0.02     12.32       0.02     0.10    0.09
    NEFS 6        22    2.87  2.95     2.92     3.85    2.70       5.26      3.73     3.89    5.20      1.50    4.55      1.94       5.30     3.91    3.29
    NEFS 7        28    4.59  0.82     4.51     0.69   10.45       4.33      4.36     3.69    3.67     10.26    3.01     4.87        O0.61    0.88    0.76
    NEFS 8        16    5.89  0.18     5.86     0.08    9.75       5.43      4.32     1.54    2.12     15.05     1.04    9.77        0.53     046     0.57
    NEFS 9        60   14.23 1.75      11.60    4.80   26.78       7.90     10.43     8.27    8.27    39.54     245      18.36       5.82     4.15    4.23
    NEFS 10       44    0.74  5.40     0.25     2.59    0.00       0.55     13.05     1.71    2.39     0.01     18.10    0.73        0.55     0.91    1.46
    NEFS 11       56    041  13.62     0.04     3.21    0.00       0.02      2.58     2.10    2.07     0.00     2.25     0.02         1.98    4.83    9.44
    NEFS 13       50    7.95  0.84     15.97    0.93   24.74       18.57     4.74     5.15    6.17     7.24     2.06     10.82       3.98     1.74    2.27
     SHS 1        25    1.82  4.33     2.24     3.94    0.92       0.44      2.81     5.75    3.95     5.75     5.06     0.82        4.26     4.87    3.94
     SHS 3       105   19.46 15.37    32.73    38.89   16.50       10.37    11.30    34.44   31.13     15.23    5.55    20.07       47.20    46.14   35.82
  Sector Total   838   97.84 97.29|   99.11    98.72   98.09      79.45     95.43    98.09   97.71    99.03    94.58    87.80       99.42    99.27   99.37
 Common Pool     522   2.16 2.71       0.89     1.28    1.91      20.55      4.57     1.91   2.29      0.97     5.42    |12.20       0.58     0.73   0.63
Georges Bank Cod Fixed Gear Sector (FGS), Maine Coast Community Sector (MCCS), Maine Permit Bank (MPB), New Hampshire Permit Bank (NHPB),
Northeast Coastal Communities Sector (NCCS), Northeast Fishery Sectors (NEFS), and Sustainable Harvest Sector (SHS)
‘All ACE values for sectors outlined in Table 1 assume that each sector permit is valid for fishing year 2015.

Table 2. Final ACE, for Each Sector, by Stock for Fishing Year 2015 (mt)‘"

                                                                                                                                                              suonenSday pue sa[nNy¥/SIOZ ‘81 isngny ‘AKepsan.|/6STI ‘ON ‘08 ‘[TOA /Jolst8ay jeapaq
                  rslzel e                     Léksukbscill          d ctEil& tE alsdlidhksggs4) a                                            i        |
                  6        |0"|        §       i£~]     #"I°4]|      Rélsf@|83E|®|"4)ge1PFEs®E 4                                              &        &
      FGS          34        460        35    1,023     230    18     0      2        14      14      13       1      53     31      302     247     1,013
     MCCS             0           3    10       7        2     24     0      4         35     106     31      0        8      3      276      191     520
      MPB             0           2     2       8        2     11     0      0         1      16              0        2      0       91      72      232
     NHPB             0           0     2       0        0            0      0         0      0               0        0      0       2        4       15
     NCCS             0           3            24        6            2      4         3                       1       4      4       50      37       70
     NEFS 1           0           0             0        0            0      0         0                      0        0      0       0        0       0
     NEFS 2           7       95       38     1,897     427    158    4      8        86      110     77      61      71     42      1,624   262     1,625
     NEFS 3           1           19   28      235       6     86     0      2        39      57      17      0       36     10      142      196     830
     NEFS 4           35      69       20     947       213    79     4     13        25      131     52      13      24     17      732     350      842
     NEFS 5           1           12    0      152      34      1     2     115        1      3        3      8        0     161      2        4       13
     NEFS 6           4       48        6     519       117    37     35    29        17      55      32      28      18     25      585      170     452
     NEFS 7           6       76        2     801       180     7    20     24        20      32      22     194      12     6A       67      38      104
     NEFS 8           7       98        0     1,041     234          19     30        20      22      13     285       4     128      58      20       78
     NEFS 9           18     237        4     2,060     464    46    52     44        48      116     50     748      10     240     643      180     580
    NEFS 10           1           12   11      45       10     235    0      3        60      24      15      0       71     10       60      40      200
    NEFS 11           1           7    28       7        2     31     0      0        12      30      13      0        9      0      219     210     1,295
    NEFS 13           10     132        2     2,836     639     9    48     103       22      73      38     137       8     141     439      76      311
     SHS 1            2       30        9     397       89     38     2      2        13      81      24     109      20     11      470     211      341
     SHS 3         24        324       32     5,813    1,309   373   32     58        52     485      190    288      22     262     5,208   2,004   4,914
  Sectors Total   121      |1,627      201   |17,603   3,964   946   191   443       437    |1,381|   596   |1,873|   371   1,147   |10,970| 4,311   13,634
  Common Pool         3       36        6     157       35     12     4    114        21      27      14     18       21    159       64      32      86
 ‘All ACE values for sectors outlined in Table 2 assume that each sector permit is valid for fishing year 2015.
*These values do not include any potential ACE carryover or deductions from fishing year 2014 sector ACE underages or overages or common pool overages.
The common pool Eastern GB cod overage adjustment is explained in Tables 5—6. Adjustments for any sector carryover or deductions will be made in a future
action following reconciliation.


Table 3. Final ACE for Each Sector by Stock for Fishing Year 2015 (1,000 Ib)""

                                                                                                                                                           suonenSday pue sa[nNy¥/SIOZ ‘81 isngny ‘AKepsan.|/6STI ‘ON ‘08 ‘[TOA /Jolst8ay jeapaq
                 a      C            o         3                8        ==     =                      =        E                           2

 GectorName 5C 3& 30 &§4 &<g |$3|HR c2:E |aissc  ted § |EEE& 35i)E 822C |wmRsiE d
                                             2 E10 2 E
                                                                                                                                           i§       fA—
     FGS         76    1,015   12     2,2535    508      39         0     3     31      30      29         1    116       67      666      5345    2,232
    MCCS          1      8     21        15        3     534        0     8     11      234     68         0        17     6      608      421     1,146
     MPB          0      3      3        17        4     24         0     0      3      36      10         0        4      1      200      158     510
    NHPB          0      0      3        0         0      1         0     0      0       1       0         0        1      0       3        8       34
    NCCS          0      7             534         12     8         4     9      6       10                2               8      111      82      155
   NEFS 1         0      0               0         0                0     0      0       0                 0               0       0        0       0
   NEFS 2        16     208    83     4,182     942      347        8    17     190     242     169     134     157       92     3,579     579     3,581
   NEFS 3         3     41     62      56          13    189        0     3     86      126     38         1    79        22      313      432     1,829
   NEFS 4        11     152    44     2,089     470      175        9    29     55      288     114     29      34        37      1,614    771     1,857
   NEFS 5         2     27      0     336       76        3         3    2534    2       12      7         18       0     355      3       10       28
   NEFS 6               105    13     1,144     258      81         12   65     38      121     70      63      39        56      1,290    374     996
   NEFS 7        13     168     4     1,765     397      15     45       53     44      115     49      428     26        140     148      84      229
   NEFS 8        16     216     1     2,296     517       2     42       67     44      48      28      628         9     281     129      44       172
   NEFS 9        39     522     8     4,542    1,023     101    115      97     105     257     111    1,648    21        529     1,417    397     1,278
   NEFS 10        2     27     25      98       22       55         0     7     132     53      32         0    156       21      133      88      441
   NEFS 11        1     15     62        15        3     68         0     0     26      65      28         0        19     1      482      463     2,854
   NEFS 13       22     291     4     6,252    1,408     20     106      228    48      160     83      302         18    311     968      167     687
    SHS 1         3     67     20     875       197      83         4     3     28      179     53      240     44        24      1,037    466     1,192
    SHS 3        33     713    70    12,815    2,886     821    71       127    114    1,069    419     635     48        578    11,482   4417    10,834
 Sectors Total   267   3,587   444   38,807    8,738    2,085   422      976    964    3,045   1,314   4,129    817      2,528   24,185   9,505   30,057
 Common Pool      6     79     12     347       78       27         8    252    46      59      31      40      47       351      140      69      191
‘All ACE values for sectors outlined in Table 3 assume that each sector permit is valid for fishing year 2015.
*These values do not include any potential ACE carryover or deductions from fishing year 2014 sector ACE underages or overages or common pool overages.
The common pool Eastern GB cod overage is explained in Tables 5—6. Adjustments for any sector carryover or deductions will be made in a future action
following reconciliation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                suonenSday pue sa[nNy¥/SIOZ ‘81 isngny ‘AKepsan.|/6STI ‘ON ‘08 ‘[TOA /Jolst8ay jeapaq
Table 4. ACE Comparison Between Final Sector and Adjustment Rules (mt)

                9      9              ad         d                                                                                       >
                a      O       3      &          &             Je    I=    &        I=    &    I=    &                Tam   3        m   8         _           Ti             2
                2              C      =          =                    a    92        3    Ls|a s     5                &     8        9   a=        o           &                        d
                3o     23      2E>    +43 %.38   §s ¢2   EémEEEEEOEE
                                                         0 4 L 5 sy 2 s|VU 5 3
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                                                                                                                = 5
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                                      |o  C      "~  m TL #
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                                                                              4 D                                                                                             |z>ij|    &
TotalACE       124    1.663    207    17.760     3.999    9s8%      195             557       4ss        1408    610        1891          392          1.306        11.034   4.343     13.720

 Pool ACE       ,      32       5      127        29       9         3              102        16         27     12             15            17       157           60       32        97
 from Final
  (;rgaon       3      36       6      157        35      12         4              114        21         27     14             18        21           159           64       32        86
Sector ACE
 fromFinal     122    1.631    202    17.633     3.970    949       192             455       442        1381    598        1.876         375          1.149        10.974   4311      13.628
   Sector       121   1.627    z201   17.603     3.964    946        191            443       437        1381    596        1.873         371          1.147        10.970   4311      13.634
  % ACE
 Sectzfsl ,,   —05%   —0.2%   —0.3%   —0.2%      —0.2%   —0.3%      —04%        —22%         —1.1%       0.0%   —0.3%       |—0.2%       —1.1%         —02%         0.0%     0.0%      0.0%


                                             49922             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                               We have completed fishing year 2014                   litigation by Conservation Law                        maximum amount of quota that sectors
                                             data reconciliation with sectors and                    Foundation (Conservation Law                          may carry over from fishing year 2014
                                             determined final fishing year 2014                      Foundation v. Pritzker, et al. (Case No.              into fishing year 2015. Table 6 includes
                                             sector catch and the amount of quota                    1:13–CV–0821–JEB)). This rule ensures                 the de minimis amount of quota that
                                             that sectors may carry from fishing year                that catch does not exceed the allowable              sectors may carry over from fishing year
                                             2014 into fishing year 2015. A recent                   biological catch for any stock. Because               2014 into fishing year 2015. Tables 7
                                             emergency rule (79 FR 36433; June 27,                   of this, the maximum carryover for                    and 8 list the final ACE available to
                                             2014) described changes to carryover                    certain stocks may be lower than what                 sectors for fishing year 2015, including
                                             and catch accounting in response to                     a sector expects. Table 5 includes the                carryover.
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

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                                                                                                                                                                              suonenSday pue sa[nNy¥/SIOZ ‘81 isngny ‘AKepsan.|/6STI ‘ON ‘08 ‘[TOA /Jolst8ay jeapaq
Table 5. Maximum Carryover ACE from Fishing Year 2014 to Fishing Year 2015 (Ib)
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   FGS      48,857      908      148,776     1,768      0     278     1,641     1,959     1,668          36      6,168     2,880             35,537     29,439      120,414

  MCCS        479      2,357      1,018      2,451      0     246      594      7,839     5,773             8     940          334           32,432     22,697      61,818

  NCCS        395       437       3,139       346       0     692      353       318       21            89       444          516           5,601       4,201       8,281

  NEFS 1       0         3          0          2        0       0       10        9         6               0      7            0              0           0           0

  NEFS 2    13,140     9,376    276,008      15,724     0      159    10,913    7,660     5,494        4,184     8,83 1     5,634           191,150     30,683      183,721

  NEFS 3     2,867     7,410      3,770      8,924      0     205     5,010     4,495      508           34      4,549         1,333         17,414     24,528      111,131

  NEFS 4     8,8 15    4,929     137,234     8,029      0     2,093   1,836    11,660     5,243         903      2,989     2,231             86,109     41,613      100,191

  NEFS 5     1,774       6       27,216       279       0    21,371    273       875       759          670       31       20,719             996         623        1,715

  NEFS 6     6,514     1,517     75,474      3,698      0     5,034   2,115     4,472     4,153         1,963    2,180     3,350             68,843     20,202      53,743

  NEFS 7    10,603      200      119,167      451       0     3,896   1,326     7,063     3,695        16,872     359          8,892         7,593       4,243      11,582

  NEFS 8    13,962      236      154,842      193       0     5,736   3,616     3,436     2,932        20,221    1,515     17,474            7,126       2,650       9,904

  NEFS 9    31,863      891     299,569      4,609      0     7,598   5.887    15,896     5,321        51,384    1,167     32,204            75,607     21,451      68,976

  NEFS 10    1,656     2,677      6,488      2,435      0     411     7,164     3,410     2,213             17   8,547         1,265         7,075       4,618      22,654

  NEFS 11     924      2,432       984       2,904      0      18     1,462     4,205     2,137             4    1,077          37           25,738     24,967      153,992

  NEFS 13   17,995      487     411,921       950       0    17,809   2,843    10,289     4,279         9,442    1,121     18,952            51,613      8,980      37,036

   SHS 1    46,950     10,104    886,366     41,056     0     7,972   7,471    79,099     26,182       22,516    4,972     33,731           665,116     |262,229|   645,586

   SHS 3      542       76       10,359       63        0     2,149    636       694       383          599       630          1,933         2,351        802        1,207

   Total    207,336|   44,046   2,562,331|   93,882     0    75,667   53,150   163,379|   70,767       128,942   45,527    151,485          1,280,301   503,926| 1,591,951


                                                                                                                                                       suonenSday pue sa[nNy¥/SIOZ ‘81 isngny ‘AKepsan.|/6STI ‘ON ‘08 ‘[TOA /Jolst8ay jeapaq
Table 6. De Minimis Carryover ACE from Fishing Year 2014 to Fishing Year 2015 (Ib)

                                                  =—1            —                       —

            e         E |°pr\S:bi:riic:iEi |f
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                                                                                   2     5 &             Em o         2
                                                                                                                            i       |®5#)      f
   FGS      10,907   119     27,634     389       0      45     307      304     288      12      1,164         673       6,661     5,454    22,323

   MCCS      83      210      186       540       0      81     106     2, 344   680         3    170            55       6,078     4,205    11,458

   NCCS      71       40      661       83        0      88      63      95       21      22       80            82        1,107     821      1,549

  NEFS 1      0        1       0         1        0      0       4        3       2          0     4             0          0         0        0

  NEFS 2    2,240    834     51,242    3,474      0      159    1,902   2,417    1,693   1,338    1,570         919       35,793    5,786    35,8 14

  NEFS 3     443     624      684      1,888      0      50     858     1,258    383         11   794           217       3,132     4,315    18,295

  NEFS 4    1,632    437     25,588    1,746      0     288     552     2,882    1,142    288     540           369       16,136    7,709    18,571

  NEFS 5     286      5       4,119     28        0     2,537    21      119      74      181      2            3,548       51       97       281

  NEFS 6    1,129    135     14,019     814       0     646     377     1,208    700      627     394           559       12,901    3, 743   9,962

  NEFS 7    1,809     37     21,626     146       0     532     440     1,145    494     4,276    260           1,403      1,478     840     2,285

  NEFS 8    2,320      8     28,128      16       0     667     436      479     285     6,276     90           2,814      1,289     440      1,723

  NEFS 9    5,606     80     55,641    1,014      0     970     1,053   2,566    1,113   16,484   212           5,287     14,168    3,974    12,785

  NEFS 10    290     247      1,206     546       0      67     1,318    530     322         4    1,564         210        1,333     876     4,406

  NEFS 11    160     622       183      679       0       2     261      651     279         1     194            6       4,823     4,625    28,543

  NEFS 13   3,132     38     76,592     197       0     2,281   479     1,599    830     3,017     178          3,114      9,675    1,671     6,866

   SHS 1     718      198    10,725     832       0      53     284     1,785    531     2,396    437           237       10,368    4,662    11,924

   SHS 3     542      76     10,359     63        0     1,273   636      694     383      599     480           1,933      2,351     802      1,207

   Total    31,368   3,711   328,593   12,456     0     9,739   9,097   20,079   9,220   35,535   8,133     21,426        127,344   50,020   187,992

                                                                                                                                                            suonenSday pue sa[nNy¥/SIOZ ‘81 isngny ‘AKepsan.|/6STI ‘ON ‘08 ‘[TOA /Jolst8ay jeapaq
Table 7. Total ACE Available to Sectors in Fishing Year 2014 with Maximum Carryover (mt)

           §*§   g?      2e     mg‘gmg%%g mé%géggéé                           $      §§m§§§§§§§§                                     a      € $      s
           a =   &z      5 V    UEHUEB UE              O 3 5|12 S §)G s 3)    :E     2 §       |V & 5)02 5 2 & 2                     E      z |      $
                                                         a~ E|&G — E|Q — ®                E.          E.          E |&         E
   FGS      34    483     6     1,023    298     18      0      2     15      15     14          1         56            32         318     261     1,067
  MCCS      0      4      11      7        2     26      0      4      3     110     33          0                        3         290     201     548
   MPB      0      2      2       8        2     11      0      0      1      16      4          0          2             0         91       72     232
  NCCS      0                    24        7      4      2      4      3      4                  1                        4          53      39      74
  NEFS 1    0      0      0       0        0      0      0      0      0      0       0          0          0             0          0        0       0
  NEFS 2    7     101    42     1,897    552     165     4      8     91     113     79         63         75            44        1,710    276     1,708
  NEFS 3    1     20     32      25        7     90      0      2     41      59     18          1         38            10         150     207     880
  NEFS 4    3     73     22      947     276     83      4     14     26     136     54         13         26            18         771     369     888
  NEFS 5    1     13      0      152      47      1      2     125     1      6       4          9          0            170         3        5      14
  NEFS 6    4     51      7      519      151    39      3     32     18      57     34         29         19            27         616      179    476
  NEFS 7    6     81      2      801     234      7      20    26     21      55     24         202        12            68         70       40      109
  NEFS 8    7     104     0     1,041    305      1      19    33     21      23     14         294         3            136        62       21      83
  NEFS 9    18    251     4     2,060    600     48      52    47     50     124     53         771        10            254        677      190    611
 NEFS 10    1     13      12     45       13     26      0      3     63      26     16          0         75            10         64       42     210
 NEFS 11    1      7     29       7        2     32      0      0     12      31     14          0          9             0         230     221     1.365
 NEFS 13    10    140     2     2,836    825      9      48    112    23      77     40         141         9            150        462      80     328
  NHPB      0      0      2       0        0      0      0      0      0      0       0          0          0             0          2        4      15
  SHS 1     2     52      14     397     491     56      2      6     16     117     36         119        22            26         772     330     834
  SHS 3     24    324    32     5,813    1,314   373     32    59     52     485     190        288        22            263       5,209    2,004   4,915
   Total   121   1,721   221|   17,603   5.126   988    191    477    461    1,455   628       1,931       391|      1,215         11,551   4,540 |14,356


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                                                                                  Table 8. Total ACE Available to Sectors in Fishing Year 2014 with Maximum Carryover (1,000 Ib)
                                                                                                                                              —=    —=      =                      2
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                                                                                     FGS      76    1,064    13    2,255     657      41      0     5       32      32      30         1    123    70      702      575    2,353

                                                                                    MCCS       1      8      23     15        4       56      0     8       11     242      74A        0     18    6       640      443    1,208
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                                                                                     MPB      0       5      5      17        4       24      0     0       3       36      10         0     4      1      200      158     510

                                                                                    NCCS      0       7      4      54       15       9       4     10      7       10      4          2     8     9       116      86      163

                                                                                    NEFS 1    0       0      0       0        0       0       0     0       0       0       0          0     0     0        0        0       0

                                                                                    NEFS 2    16    222      93    4,182    1,218    363      8     17     201     249     175     138      166    98     3,770     609    3,765

                                                                                    NEFS 3    3      44      70     56       16      198      0     5       91     130      39         1     84    23      331      456    1,941

                                                                                    NEFS 4    11     161     49    2,089     608     183      9     31      57     300     119         30    57    39     1,700     813    1,957

                                                                                    NEFS 5    2      28      0      336      103      3       5    275      2       13      8          19    0    376       6       10      30

                                                                                    NEFS 6     8     112     15    1,144     333      85      12    70      40     125      74A        65    42    59     1,359     394    1,050

                                                                                    NEFS 7    13     179     4     1,765     517      15     45     57      45     122      53     445       26   149      155      88      240

                                                                                    NEFS 8    16    230       1    2,296     672.     2      42     72      47      51      31     648       11   299      136      47      182

                                                                                    NEFS 9    39     554     9     4, 542   1,322    106     115   105     111     273     117     1,700     22   561     1,492     419    1,347

                                                                                    NEFS 10   2      29      27     98       29       57      0     7      139      56      34         0    165    22      140      92      463
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                                                                                    NEFS 11    1     16      65      15       4       71      0     0       28      69      30         0     21     1      508      487    3,008

                                                                                    NEFS 13   22     309      4    6,252    1,820     21     106   246      51      170     87     311       19   330     1,019     176     724

                                                                                     NHPB      0      0       5      0        0        1      0     0       0        1       0         0     1      0       5        8      34

                                                                                     SHS 1     5     114     30     875     1,083     124     4     13      36     258      79     262       49    57     1,702     728    1,838

                                                                                     SHS 3    53     714     70    12,815   2,896    821      71   129     115     1,070   419     636       49   580     11,484   4,418   10,836

                                                                                     Total    267   3, 794   488   38,807   11,301   2,179   422   1,051   1,017   3,208   1,385   4,258    863   2,679   25,466   10,009| 31,649

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                       49927

                                             accountability measures in the FMP                      common-pool allocation, they also must                allocation reduced, pursuant to
                                             require us to reduce the common pool                    be revised to match current common                    regulatory requirements. Because data
                                             sub-ACL by the amount of the overage                    pool enrollment allocation and, in this               reconciliation and the 2-week trading
                                             in the next fishing year. The 2.8 mt                    instance, to account for the Eastern GB               window take place after the new fishing
                                             fishing year 2014 common pool sub-                      cod accountability measure for fishing                year beings, we reserve 20 percent of
                                             ACL for Eastern GB cod was exceeded                     year 2015. Final common pool trimester                each sector’s fishing year 2015
                                             by 1.3 mt (48 percent). Therefore, this                 quotas (including adjustments for the                 allocation until fishing year 2014 catch
                                             action reduces the initially allocated 2.7              Eastern GB cod overage) and incidental                data are reconciled. Sectors can
                                             mt fishing year 2015 Eastern GB cod                     catch limits are included in Tables 11–               carryover up to 10 percent of their
                                             common pool sub-ACL by 1.3 mt,                          15 below.
                                                                                                                                                           fishing year 2014 ACE, or an amount of
                                             leaving an adjusted allocation of 1.4 mt                   This is only a temporary final rule.
                                                                                                     After we finish reconciling differences               ACE that does not result in exceeding
                                             for the remainder of the fishing year.
                                                Framework 53 specified incidental                    in fishing year 2014 catch accounting                 the allowable biological catch, into
                                             catch limits (or incidental total                       between our data and each sector                      fishing year 2015. We will publish a
                                             allowable catches, ‘‘TACs’’) applicable                 manager’s data, each sector will have 2               final follow-up rule detailing any
                                             to the common pool and groundfish                       weeks to trade its fishing year 2014 ACE              carryover of fishing year 2014 sector
                                             Special Management Programs for                         to account for any overages. After that               allocation or reduction in fishing year
                                             fishing year 2015, including the B day-                 2-week trading window, a sector that                  2014 allocation resulting from sectors
                                             at-sea (DAS) Program. Because these                     still has exceeded its fishing year 2014              under or overharvesting their
                                             incidental catch limits are based on the                allocation will have its fishing year 2015            allocations.
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES


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                                             49928                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             BILLING CODE 3510–22–C

                                                                                        TABLE 12—FISHING YEAR 2015 COMMON POOL INCIDENTAL CATCH TACS
                                                                                                                                                            Percentage of common pool                            Incidental catch TAC
                                                                                           Stock                                                                     sub-ACL                                              (mt)

                                             GB cod .............................................................................................                                                   2                                    0.75
                                             GOM cod .........................................................................................                                                      1                                    0.06
                                             GB yellowtail flounder ......................................................................                                                          2                                    0.08
                                             CC/GOM yellowtail flounder ............................................................                                                                1                                    0.21
                                             American Plaice ...............................................................................                                                        5                                    1.35
                                             Witch Flounder .................................................................................                                                       5                                     0.7
                                             SNE/MA winter flounder ..................................................................                                                              1                                    1.59

                                                                                                                                                                                Closed Area I
                                                                                                                                                   Regular B                                            Eastern U.S./CA      Southern closed
                                                                                                                                                                                 hook gear
                                                                                       Stock                                                      DAS program                                            haddock SAP         Area II haddock
                                                                                                                                                                                haddock SAP
                                                                                                                                                      (%)                                                     (%)                 SAP

                                             GB cod .....................................................................................                             50                       16                       34                   NA
                                             GOM cod .................................................................................                               100                       NA                       NA                   NA
                                             GB yellowtail flounder ..............................................................                                    50                       NA                       50                   NA
                                             CC/GOM yellowtail flounder ....................................................                                         100                       NA                       NA                   NA
                                             American Plaice .......................................................................                                 100                       NA                       NA                   NA
                                             Witch Flounder .........................................................................                                100                       NA                       NA                   NA
                                             SNE/MA winter flounder ..........................................................                                       100                       NA                       NA                   NA


                                                                                                                                                                                                         Closed Area I          Eastern
                                                                                                                                                                               Regular B DAS
                                                                                                       Stock                                                                                              hook gear           U.S./Canada
                                                                                                                                                                                  program                haddock SAP          haddock SAP

                                             GB cod .......................................................................................................................                0.38                     0.12                 0.26
                                             GOM cod ...................................................................................................................                   0.06                      NA                   NA
                                             GB yellowtail flounder ................................................................................................                       0.04                      NA                  0.04
                                             CC/GOM yellowtail flounder ......................................................................................                             0.21                      NA                   NA
                                             American Plaice .........................................................................................................                     1.35                      NA                   NA
                                             Witch Flounder ...........................................................................................................                    0.70                      NA                   NA
                                             SNE/MA winter flounder ............................................................................................                           1.59                      NA                   NA


                                                                                                                                                    1st Quarter                  2nd Quarter              3rd Quarter          4th Quarter
                                                                                       Stock                                                           (13%)                       (29%)                     (29%)                (29%)

                                             GB cod .....................................................................................                           0.05                   0.11                     0.11                 0.11
                                             GOM cod .................................................................................                              0.01                   0.02                     0.02                 0.02
                                             GB yellowtail flounder ..............................................................                                  0.01                   0.01                     0.01                 0.01
                                             CC/GOM yellowtail flounder ....................................................                                        0.03                   0.06                     0.06                 0.06
                                             American Plaice .......................................................................                                0.18                   0.39                     0.39                 0.39
                                             Witch Flounder .........................................................................                               0.09                   0.20                     0.20                 0.20
                                             SNE/MA winter flounder ..........................................................                                      0.21                   0.46                     0.46                 0.46

                                             Classification                                                                Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), we                           U.S.C. 553(d)(3), so that this final rule
                                                                                                                        find good cause to waive prior public                              may become effective upon filing.
                                               Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the                                  notice and opportunity for public
                                             Magnuson-Stevens Act, the NMFS                                                                                                                   There are several reasons that notice
                                                                                                                        comment on the catch limit and                                     and comment are impracticable,
                                             Assistant Administrator has determined                                     allocation adjustments because allowing                            unnecessary, and contrary to the public
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                             that this final rule is consistent with the                                time for notice and comment is                                     interest. First, the proposed and final
                                             FMP, other provisions of the Magnuson-                                     impracticable, unnecessary, and                                    rules for fishing year 2015 sector
                                             Stevens Act, and other applicable law.                                     contrary to the public interest. We also                           operations plans and contracts
                                               This final rule has been determined to                                   find good cause to waive the 30-day                                explained the need and likelihood for
                                             be not significant for purposes of                                         delay in effectiveness pursuant to 5                               adjustments of sector and common pool
                                             Executive Order 12866.                                                                                                                        allocations based on final sector rosters.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                               49929

                                             No comments were received on the                        be operating under incorrect                          of these reactions could negatively affect
                                             potential for these adjustments, which                  information on the catch limits for each              the fishery and the businesses and
                                             provide an accurate accounting of a                     stock for sectors and the common pool.                communities that depend on them.
                                             sector’s or common pool’s allocation at                 This could cause negative economic                    Therefore, it is important to implement
                                             this time. Furthermore, we have                         impacts to the both sectors and the                   adjusted catch limits and allocations as
                                             followed a similar process since                        common pool, depending on the size of                 soon as possible. For these reasons, we
                                             Amendment 16 was implemented in                         the allocation, the degree of change in               are waiving the public comment period
                                             2010; this annual adjustment action is                  the allocation, and the catch rate of a               and delay in effectiveness for this rule,
                                             anticipated by industry. The                            particular stock.                                     pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B) and
                                             accountability measure and adjustment                      The catch limit and allocation                     (d), respectively.
                                             process to account for the fishing year                 adjustments are not controversial and
                                                                                                     the need for them was clearly explained                  Because advanced notice and the
                                             2014 Eastern Georges Bank cod overage
                                                                                                     in the proposed and final rules for                   opportunity for public comment are not
                                             was also already subject to notice and
                                             comment during Amendment 16                             fishing year 2015 sector operations                   required under the Administrative
                                             development and implementation.                         plans and contracts. Adjustments for                  Procedure Act, or any other law, the
                                             Second, these adjustments are based on                  overages are also explained in detail in              analytical requirements of the
                                             either objective sector enrollment data                 the Amendment 16 proposed and final                   Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601,
                                             or a pre-determined accountability                      rules. As a result, NE multispecies                   et seq., do not apply to this rule.
                                             measure and are not subject to NMFS’                    permit holders are expecting these                    Therefore, no final regulatory flexibility
                                             discretion, so there would be no benefit                adjustments and awaiting their                        analysis is required and none has been
                                             to allowing time for prior notice and                   implementation. Fishermen may make                    prepared.
                                             comment. Third, a delay would                           both short- and long-term business                      Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                             potentially impair achievement of the                   decisions based on the catch limits in a
                                                                                                                                                             Dated: August 11, 2015.
                                             management plan’s objectives for the                    given sector or the common pool. Any
                                             common pool of preventing overfishing                   delays in adjusting these limits may                  Eileen Sobeck,
                                             and achieving optimum yield by staying                  cause the affected fishing entities to                Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,
                                             within ACLs or allocations. Finally, if                 slow down, or speed up, their fishing                 National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                             this rule is not effective immediately,                 activities during the interim period                  [FR Doc. 2015–20303 Filed 8–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                             the sector and common pool vessels will                 before this rule becomes effective. Both              BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 12:05:17
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 12:05:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionTemporary final rule; adjustment to specifications.
DatesEffective August 17, 2015, through April 30, 2016.
ContactWilliam Whitmore, Fishery Policy Analyst, (978) 281-9128.
FR Citation80 FR 49917 
RIN Number0648-XE01

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