80_FR_50097 80 FR 49938 - Special Conditions: Cessna Airplane Company Model 680A Airplane, Side-Facing Seats Equipped With Airbag Systems

80 FR 49938 - Special Conditions: Cessna Airplane Company Model 680A Airplane, Side-Facing Seats Equipped With Airbag Systems

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 159 (August 18, 2015)

Page Range49938-49945
FR Document2015-20300

This action proposes special conditions for the Cessna Model 680A airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport-category airplanes. This design features side-facing seats equipped with airbag systems. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These proposed special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 49938-49945]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-20300]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. FAA-2015-2271; Notice No. 25-15-06-SC]

Special Conditions: Cessna Airplane Company Model 680A Airplane, 
Side-Facing Seats Equipped With Airbag Systems

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of proposed special conditions.


SUMMARY: This action proposes special conditions for the Cessna Model 
680A airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features 
when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the 
airworthiness standards for transport-category airplanes. This design 
features side-facing seats equipped with airbag systems. The applicable 
airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety 
standards for this design feature. These proposed special conditions 
contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator 
considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that 
established by the existing airworthiness standards.

DATES: Send your comments on or before October 2, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by docket number FAA-2015-2271 
using any of the following methods:
     Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov/ and follow the online instructions for sending 
your comments electronically.
     Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30, U.S. 
Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room 
W12-140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket 
Operations in

[[Page 49939]]

Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, except Federal holidays.
     Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at 202-493-2251.
    Privacy: The FAA will post all comments it receives, without 
change, to http://www.regulations.gov/, includ ing any personal 
information the commenter provides. Using the search function of the 
docket Web site, anyone can find and read the electronic form of all 
comments received into any FAA docket, including the name of the indi 
vid ual sending the comment (or signing the comment for an association, 
business, labor union, etc.). DOT's com plete Privacy Act Statement can 
be found in the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 
19477-19478), as well as at http://DocketsInfo.dot.gov/.
    Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at 
http://www.regulations.gov/ at any time. Follow the online instructions 
for accessing the docket or go to Docket Operations in Room W12-140 of 
the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Sinclair, FAA, Airframe and Cabin 
Safety, ANM-115, Transport Airplane Directorate, Airplane Certification 
Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Washington 98057-3356; telephone 
425-227-2195; facsimile 425-227-1320.


Comments Invited

    We invite interested people to take part in this rulemaking by 
sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments 
reference a specific portion of the special conditions, explain the 
reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data.
    We will consider all comments we receive by the closing date for 
comments. We may change these special conditions based on the comments 
we receive.


    On January 25, 2012, Cessna Airplane Company applied for an 
amendment to Type Certificate no. T00012WI to include the new Model 
680A airplane. The Cessna 680A airplane, which is a derivative of the 
Cessna Model 680 airplane currently approved under Type Certificate no. 
T00012WI, is a new, high-performance, low-wing airplane derived from 
the Cessna Model 680 beginning with serial no. 680-0501. This airplane 
will have a maximum takeoff weight of 30,800 pounds with a wingspan of 
72 feet, and will have two aft-mounted Pratt & Whitney PW306D1 FADEC-
controlled turbofan engines.
    The pressurized cabin of the Model 680A airplane is designed to 
accommodate a crew of two, plus nine passengers in the baseline 
interior configuration, and will make use of a forward, right-hand-
belted, two-place, side-facing seat. An optional seven-passenger 
interior configuration is also offered, which has a single-place side-
facing seat on the forward right-hand side of the airplane. Both the 
baseline multiple-place and optional single-place side-facing seats are 
to be occupied for taxi, takeoff, and landing, and will incorporate an 
integrated, inflatable-airbag occupant-protection system.

Type Certification Basis

    Under the provisions of Sec.  21.101, Cessna Airplane Company must 
show that the Model 680A airplane meets the applicable provisions of 
the regulations listed in Type Certificate no. T00012WI, or the 
applicable regulations in effect on the date of application for the 
change, except for earlier amendments as agreed upon by the FAA.
    The regulations listed in the type certificate are commonly 
referred to as the ``original type certification basis.'' The 
regulations listed in T00012WI are as follows:
    14 CFR part 25, effective February 1, 1965, including Amendments 
25-1 through 25-98, with special conditions, exemptions, and later 
amended sections.
    In addition, the certification basis includes other regulations, 
special conditions, and exemptions that are not relevant to these 
proposed special conditions. Type Certificate no. T00012WI will be 
updated to include a complete description of the certification basis 
for this airplane model.
    If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain adequate or 
appropriate safety standards for the Cessna Model 680A airplane because 
of a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are prescribed 
under the provisions of Sec.  21.16.
    Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which 
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended 
later to include any other model that incorporates the same novel or 
unusual design feature, these special conditions would also apply to 
the other model under Sec.  21.101.
    In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special 
conditions, the Cessna Model 680A airplane must comply with the fuel-
vent and exhaust-emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, and the 
noise-certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
    The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in 
accordance with Sec.  11.38, and they become part of the type-
certification basis under Sec.  21.101.

Novel or Unusual Design Features

    The Cessna Model 680A airplane will incorporate the following novel 
or unusual design features: Inflatable airbags on multiple-place and 
single-place side-facing seats of Cessna Model 680A airplanes to reduce 
the potential for both head and leg injury in the event of an accident.


    The FAA policy for side-facing seats at the time of application was 
provided in Policy Statement ANM-03-115-30. This policy statement 
describes the performance criteria and procedures to follow to certify 
single- and multiple-place side-facing seats.
    Also at the time of Cessna's application, the FAA indicated that 
further research would be conducted to define criteria to establish a 
level of safety equivalent to that provided by the current regulations 
for forward- and aft-facing seats. Research later conducted by the FAA, 
as documented in report DOT/FAA/AR-09/41, resulted in new policy issued 
to identify new certification criteria based on the research findings. 
Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-03 was released on June 8, 2012 (and was 
subsequently revised and reissued as Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-03-R1 
on November 5, 2012). This new policy statement describes how to 
certify all side-facing seats to the new performance criteria through 
the issuance of special conditions.
    Along with the general seat-performance criteria, also included in 
the policy statement are the performance criteria for airbag systems 
used in shoulder-belt restraint systems. However, the policy statement 
does not specifically address airbag systems that are integrated into 
passenger-cabin monuments. Although the application date for the Model 
680A airplane preceded Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-03, Cessna proposed 
using the guidance in Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-03-R1 to develop new 

[[Page 49940]]

conditions applicable to the Model 680A airplane's side-facing seats.
    These proposed special conditions allow installation of an airbag 
system for a two-place side-facing seat and a single-place side-facing 
seat to protect the occupant from both head and leg-flail injury in 
Model 680A airplanes. Cessna's proposed airbag system is designed to 
limit occupant forward excursion in the event of an accident. This will 
reduce the potential for head injury by reducing the head-injury 
criteria (HIC) measurement, and will also provide a means for limiting 
the lower-leg flail of the occupant. The inflatable-airbag system 
behaves similarly to an automotive inflatable airbag, but in this 
design, the airbag system is integrated into passenger-cabin monuments; 
the airbags inflate away from the seated occupants. While inflatable 
airbags are now standard in the automotive industry, the use of 
inflatable-airbag systems in commercial aviation is novel and unusual.
    14 CFR 25.785 requires that occupants must be protected from head 
injury by either the elimination of any injurious object within the 
striking radius of the head, or by padding. Traditionally, this has 
required a seat setback of 35 inches from any bulkhead or other rigid 
interior feature or, where such spacing is not practical, the 
installation of specified types of padding. The relative effectiveness 
of these means of injury protection was not quantified in the original 
rule. Amendment 25-64 to Sec.  25.562 established a standard that 
quantifies required head-injury protection.
    Section 25.562 specifies that each seat-type design, approved for 
crew or passenger occupancy during taxi, takeoff, and landing, must 
successfully complete dynamic tests, or be shown to be compliant by 
rational analysis based on dynamic tests of a similar type of seat. In 
particular, the regulations require that persons must not suffer 
serious head injury under the conditions specified in the tests, and 
that protection must be provided, or the seat must be designed such 
that the head impact does not exceed a HIC of 1000 units. While the 
test conditions described for HIC are detailed and specific, it is the 
intent of the requirement that an adequate level of head-injury 
protection must be provided for passengers the event of an airplane 
    Because Sec. Sec.  25.562 and 25.785 and associated guidance do not 
adequately address seats with inflatable-airbag systems, the FAA 
recognizes that appropriate pass/fail criteria are required to fully 
address the safety concerns specific to occupants of these seats. 
Previously issued special conditions addressed airbag systems integral 
to the shoulder belt for some forward-facing seats. The proposed 
special conditions for the Model 680A inflatable-airbag systems are 
based on the shoulder-belt airbag systems.
    Although the special conditions are applicable to the inflatable-
airbag system as installed, compliance with the special conditions is 
not an installation approval. Therefore, while the special conditions 
relate to each such system installed, the overall installation approval 
is a separate finding, and must consider the combined effects of all 
such systems installed.
    Part 25 states the performance criteria for head-injury protection 
in objective terms. However, none of these criteria are adequate to 
address the specific issues raised concerning seats with inflatable-
airbag systems. In addition to the requirements of part 25, special 
conditions are needed to address requirements particular to seats 
equipped with an integrated, inflatable-airbag system.
    Part 25, appendix F, part I specifies the flammability requirements 
for interior materials and components. This rule does not reference 
inflatable-airbag systems because such devices did not exist at the 
time the flammability requirements were written. The existing 
requirements are based on material types as well as material 
applications, and have been specified in light of the state-of-the-art 
materials available to perform a given function. In the absence of such 
a specific reference, the default requirement, per the rule, would 
apply to the type of material used in constructing the inflatable 
restraint, which, in the case of the rule, would be a fabric.
    In writing special conditions, the FAA must also consider how the 
material is used within the cabin interior, and whether the default 
requirement is appropriate. Here, the specialized function of the 
inflatable-airbag system means that highly specialized materials are 
required. The standard normally applied to fabrics is a 12-second 
vertical ignition test. However, materials that meet this standard do 
not perform adequately as inflatable restraints; and materials used in 
the construction of inflatable-airbag systems do not perform well in 
this test.
    Because the safety benefit of the inflatable-airbag system is very 
significant, the FAA has determined that the flammability standard 
appropriate for these devices should not prohibit suitable inflatable-
airbag system materials; disqualifying these materials would 
effectively not allow the use of inflatable-airbag systems. The FAA 
therefore is required to establish a balance between the safety benefit 
of the inflatable-airbag system and its flammability performance. At 
this time, the 2.5-inches-per-minute horizontal burn test provides that 
necessary balance. As the technology in materials progresses, the FAA 
may change this standard in subsequent special conditions to account 
for improved materials.
    From the standpoint of a passenger-safety system, the inflatable-
airbag system is unique in that it is both an active and entirely 
autonomous device. While the automotive industry has good experience 
with inflatable airbags, the conditions of use and reliance on the 
inflatable-airbag system as the sole means of injury protection are 
quite different. In automobile installations, the airbag is a 
supplemental system and works in conjunction with an upper-torso 
restraint. In addition, the crash event is more definable and of 
typically shorter duration, which can simplify the activation logic. 
The airplane-operating environment is quite different from automobiles, 
and includes the potential for greater wear and tear, and unanticipated 
abuse conditions (due to galley loading, passenger baggage, etc.); 
airplanes also operate where exposure to high-intensity electromagnetic 
fields could affect the activation system.
    The inflatable-airbag system has two potential advantages over 
other means of head-impact protection. First, it can provide 
significantly greater protection than would be expected with energy-
absorbing pads, and second, it can provide essentially equivalent 
protection for occupants of all stature. These are significant 
advantages from a safety standpoint because such devices will likely 
provide a level of safety that exceeds the minimum standards of the 
Federal aviation regulations. Conversely, inflatable-airbag systems 
are, in general, active systems and must be relied upon to activate 
properly when needed, as opposed to an energy-absorbing pad or upper 
torso restraint that is passive and always available. Therefore, the 
potential advantages must be balanced against this and other potential 
disadvantages in developing standards for this design feature.
    The FAA considers the installation of inflatable-airbag systems to 
have two primary safety concerns: First, that they perform properly 
under foreseeable operating conditions, and second, that they do not 
perform in a manner or at such times as would constitute a hazard to 
the airplane or occupants. This latter point has the potential to be 
the more

[[Page 49941]]

rigorous of the requirements, owing to the active nature of the system.
    The inflatable-airbag system will rely on electronic sensors for 
signaling, and a stored gas canister for inflation. The sensors and 
canister could be susceptible to inadvertent activation, causing a 
potentially unsafe deployment. The consequences of inadvertent 
deployment, as well as a failure to deploy in a timely manner, must be 
considered in establishing the reliability of the system. Cessna must 
substantiate that an inadvertent deployment in-flight either would not 
cause injuries to occupants, or that the probability of such a 
deployment meets the requirements of Sec.  25.1309(b). The effect of an 
inadvertent deployment on a passenger or crewmember, who could be 
positioned close to an airbag, should also be considered. The person 
could be either standing or sitting. A minimum reliability level must 
be established for this case, depending upon the consequences, even if 
the effect on the airplane is negligible.
    The potential for an inadvertent deployment could increase as a 
result of conditions in service. The installation must take into 
account wear and tear so that the likelihood of an inadvertent 
deployment is not increased to an unacceptable level. In this context, 
an appropriate inspection interval and self-test capability are 
considered necessary. In addition, outside influences, such as 
lightning and high-intensity radiated fields (HIRF), may also 
contribute to or cause inadvertent deployment. Existing regulations 
regarding lightning, Sec.  25.1316, and HIRF, Sec.  25.1317, are 
applicable to the Model 680A airplane.
    The applicant must verify that electromagnetic interference (EMI) 
present, under foreseeable operating conditions, will not affect the 
function of the inflatable-airbag system or cause inadvertent 
deployment. Finally, the inflatable-airbag system installation must be 
protected from the effects of fire, so that an additional hazard is not 
created by, for example, a rupture of the pyrotechnic squib.
    To be an effective safety system, the inflatable-airbag system must 
function properly and must not introduce any additional hazards to 
occupants or the airplane as a result of its functioning. The 
inflatable-airbag system differs from traditional occupant-protection 
systems in several ways, requiring special conditions to ensure 
adequate performance.
    Because the inflatable-airbag system is a single-use device, it 
potentially could deploy under crash conditions that are not 
sufficiently severe as to require injury protection from the 
inflatable-airbag system. Because an actual crash is frequently 
composed of a series of impacts before the airplane comes to rest, this 
could render the inflatable-airbag system useless if a larger impact 
follows the initial impact. This situation does not exist with energy 
absorbing pads or upper-torso restraints, which tend to provide 
continuous protection regardless of severity or number of impacts in a 
crash event. Therefore, the inflatable-airbag system installation 
should provide protection, when it is required, and not expend its 
protection when it is not required. And while several large impact 
events may occur during the course of a crash, there are no 
requirements for the inflatable-airbag system to provide protection for 
multiple impacts.
    Each occupant's restraint system provides protection for that 
occupant only. Likewise, the installation must address seats that are 
unoccupied. The applicant must show that the required protection is 
provided for each occupant regardless of the number of occupied seats, 
considering that unoccupied seats may have airbag systems that are 
    The inflatable-airbag system should be effective for a wide range 
of occupants. The FAA has historically considered the range from the 
5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male as the range of 
occupants that must be taken into account. In this case, the FAA is 
proposing consideration of a broader range of occupants, i.e., a two-
year-old child to a 95th percentile male, plus pregnant females. This 
is due to the nature of the inflatable-airbag system installation and 
its close proximity to the occupant. In a similar vein, these persons 
could assume the brace position for those accidents where an impact is 
anticipated. Test data indicate that occupants in the brace position do 
not require supplemental protection, and so it would not be necessary 
to show that the inflatable-airbag system will enhance the brace 
position. However, the inflatable-airbag system must not introduce a 
hazard in the case of deploying into the seated, braced occupant.
    Another area of concern is the use of seats so equipped, by 
children, whether lap-held, in approved child-safety seats, or 
occupying the seat directly. Similarly, if the seat is occupied by a 
pregnant woman, the installation should address such use, either by 
demonstrating that it will function properly, or by adding appropriate 
limitation on persons allowed to occupy the seat.
    Given that the airbag system will be electrically powered, the 
possibility exists that the system could fail due to a separation in 
the fuselage. And because this system is intended as a means of crash/
post-crash protection, failure to deploy due to fuselage separation is 
not acceptable. As with emergency lighting, the system should function 
properly if such a separation occurs at any point in the fuselage. As 
required by Sec.  25.1353(a), operation of the existing airplane 
electrical equipment should not adversely impact the function of the 
inflatable-airbag system under all foreseeable conditions.
    The inflatable-airbag system is likely to have a large volume 
displacement, and, likewise, the inflated airbag could potentially 
impede egress of passengers. Because the airbag deflates to absorb 
energy, it is likely that an inflatable-airbag system would be deflated 
at the time that persons would be trying to leave their seats. 
Nonetheless, the FAA considers it appropriate to specify a time 
interval after which the inflatable-airbag system may not impede rapid 
egress. Ten seconds is indicated as a reasonable time because this 
corresponds to the maximum time allowed for an exit to be openable 
(reference: Sec.  25.809).
    The FAA position is provided in Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-03-R1 
``Technical Criteria for Approving Side Facing Seats.'' This policy 
statement refers to airbag systems in the shoulder belts, while 
Cessna's design configuration has airbag systems integrated into the 
side-facing seats. The FAA genericized these proposed special 
conditions to be applicable to the Cessna design configuration.
    These proposed special conditions contain the additional safety 
standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a 
level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing 
airworthiness standards.


    As discussed above, these special conditions are applicable to the 
Cessna Model 680A airplane. Should Cessna apply at a later date for a 
change to the type certificate to include another model incorporating 
the same novel or unusual design feature, these special conditions 
would apply to that model as well.


    This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features 
on one model of airplane. It is not a rule of general applicability.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25

    Airplane, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 

[[Page 49942]]

    The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.

The Proposed Special Conditions

    Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes the 
following special conditions are issued as part of the type 
certification basis for Cessna Model 680A airplanes.
    In addition to the requirements of Sec. Sec.  25.562 and 25.785, 
the following special conditions 1 and 2 are proposed as part of the 
type certification basis of the Model 680A airplane with side-facing 
seat installations. For seat places equipped with airbag systems, 
additional special conditions 3 through 16 are proposed as part of the 
type certification basis.
    1. Additional requirements applicable to tests or rational analysis 
conducted to show compliance with Sec. Sec.  25.562 and 25.785 for 
side-facing seats:
    1.1. The longitudinal tests conducted in accordance with Sec.  
25.562(b)(2), to show compliance with the seat-strength requirements of 
Sec.  25.562(c)(7) and (8) and these special conditions, must have an 
ES-2re anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) (49 CFR part 572, subpart U) or 
equivalent, or a Hybrid-II ATD (49 CFR part 572, subpart B, as 
specified in Sec.  25.562) or equivalent, occupying each seat position, 
and including all items contactable by the occupant (e.g., armrest, 
interior wall, or furnishing) if those items are necessary to restrain 
the occupant. If included, the floor representation and contactable 
items must be located such that their relative position, with respect 
to the center of the nearest seat place, is the same at the start of 
the test as before floor misalignment is applied. For example, if floor 
misalignment rotates the centerline of the seat place nearest the 
contactable item 8 degrees clockwise about the airplane x-axis, then 
the item and floor representations also must be rotated by 8 degrees 
clockwise to maintain the same relative position to the seat place, as 
shown in Figure 1 of these special conditions. Each ATD's relative 
position to the seat, after application of floor misalignment, must be 
the same as before misalignment is applied. To ensure proper loading of 
the seat by the occupants, the ATD pelvis must remain supported by the 
seat pan, and the restraint system must remain on the pelvis and 
shoulder of the ATD until rebound begins. No injury-criteria evaluation 
is necessary for tests conducted only to assess seat-strength 
    1.2. The longitudinal tests conducted in accordance with Sec.  
25.562(b)(2), to show compliance with the injury assessments required 
by Sec.  25.562(c) and these special conditions, may be conducted 
separately from the tests to show structural integrity. In this case, 
structural-assessment tests must be conducted as specified in paragraph 
1.1 of these special conditions, and the injury-assessment test must be 
conducted without yaw or floor misalignment. Injury assessments may be 
accomplished by testing with ES-2re ATD (49 CFR part 572, subpart U) or 
equivalent at all places. Alternatively, these assessments may be 
accomplished by multiple tests that use an ES-2re at the seat place 
being evaluated, and a Hybrid-II ATD (49 CFR part 572, subpart B, as 
specified in Sec.  25.562) or equivalent used in all seat places 
forward of the one being assessed, to evaluate occupant interaction. In 
this case, seat places aft of the one being assessed may be unoccupied. 
If a seat installation includes adjacent items that are contactable by 
the occupant, the injury potential of that contact must be assessed. To 
make this assessment, tests may be conducted that include the actual 
item, located and attached in a representative fashion. Alternatively, 
the injury potential may be assessed by a combination of tests with 
items having the same geometry as the actual item, but having stiffness 
characteristics that would create the worst case for injury (injuries 
due to both contact with the item and lack of support from the item).
    1.3. If a seat is installed aft of structure (e.g., an interior 
wall or furnishing) that does not have a homogeneous surface 
contactable by the occupant, additional analysis and/or tests may be 
required to demonstrate that the injury criteria are met for the area 
upon which an occupant could contact. For example, different yaw angles 
could result in different injury considerations, and may require 
additional analysis or separate tests to evaluate.

[[Page 49943]]


    1.4. To accommodate a range of occupant heights (5th percentile 
female to 95th percentile male), the surface of items contactable by 
the occupant must be homogenous 7.3 inches (185 mm) above and 7.9 
inches (200 mm) below the point (center of area) that is contacted by 
the 50th percentile male-sized ATD's head during the longitudinal 
tests, conducted in accordance with paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 of 
these special conditions. Otherwise, additional HIC assessment tests 
may be necessary. Any surface (inflatable or otherwise) that provides 
support for the occupant of any seat place must provide that support in 
a consistent manner regardless of occupant stature. For example, if an 
inflatable shoulder belt is used to mitigate injury risk, then it must 
be demonstrated by inspection to bear against the range of occupants in 
a similar manner before and after inflation. Likewise, the means of 
limiting lower-leg flail must be demonstrated by inspection to provide 
protection for the range of occupants in a similar manner.
    1.5. For longitudinal tests conducted in accordance with 14 CFR 
25.562(b)(2) and these special conditions, the ATDs must be positioned, 
clothed, and have lateral instrumentation configured as follows:
    1.5.1. ATD positioning: Lower the ATD vertically into the seat (see 
Figure 2 of these special conditions) while simultaneously: Aligning the midsagittal plane (a vertical plane through 
the midline of the body; dividing the body into right and left halves) 
with approximately the middle of the seat place.

[[Page 49944]]

[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TP18AU15.015 Applying a horizontal x-axis direction (in the ATD 
coordinate system) force of about 20 lb (89 N) to the torso, at 
approximately the intersection of the midsagittal plane and the bottom 
rib of the ES-2re or lower sternum of the Hybrid-II at the midsagittal 
plane, to compress the seat-back cushion. Keeping the upper legs nearly horizontal by supporting 
them just behind the knees.
    1.5.2. After all lifting devices have been removed from the ATD: Rock it slightly to settle it into the seat. Separate the knees by about 4 inches (100 mm). Set the ES-2re's head at approximately the midpoint of the 
available range of z-axis rotation (to align the head and torso 
midsagittal planes). Position the ES-2re's arms at the joint's mechanical 
detent that puts them at approximately a 40-degree angle with respect 
to the torso. Position the Hybrid-II ATD hands on top of its upper 
legs. Position the feet such that the centerlines of the lower 
legs are approximately parallel to a lateral vertical plane (in the 
airplane coordinate system).
    1.5.3. ATD clothing: Clothe each ATD in form-fitting, mid-calf-
length (minimum) pants and shoes (size 11E), all clothing weighing 
about 2.5 lb (1.1 Kg) total. The color of the clothing should be in 
contrast to the color of the restraint system. The ES-2re jacket is 
sufficient for torso clothing, although a form-fitting shirt may be 
used in addition if desired.
    1.5.4. ES-2re ATD lateral instrumentation: The rib-module linear 
slides are directional, i.e., deflection occurs in either a positive or 
negative ATD y-axis direction. The modules must be installed such that 
the moving end of the rib module is toward the front of the airplane. 
The three abdominal-force sensors must be installed such that they are 
on the side of the ATD toward the front of the airplane.
    1.6. The combined horizontal/vertical test, required by Sec.  
25.562(b)(1) and these special conditions, must be conducted with a 
Hybrid II ATD (49 CFR part 572, subpart B, as specified in Sec.  
25.562), or equivalent, occupying each seat position.
    1.7. The design and installation of seatbelt buckles must prevent 
unbuckling due to applied inertial forces or impact of the hands/arms 
of the occupant during an emergency landing.
    1.8. Inflatable-airbag systems must be active during all dynamic 
tests conducted to show compliance with Sec.  25.562.
    2. Additional performance measures applicable to tests and rational 
analysis conducted to show compliance with Sec. Sec.  25.562 and 25.785 
for side-facing seats:
    2.1. Body-to-body contact: Contact between the head, pelvis, torso, 
or shoulder area of one ATD with the adjacent-seated ATD's head, 
pelvis, torso, or shoulder area is not allowed. Contact during rebound 
is allowed.
    2.2. Thoracic: The deflection of any of the ES-2re ATD upper, 
middle, and lower ribs must not exceed 1.73 inches (44 mm). Data must 
be processed as defined in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 
(FMVSS) 571.214.
    2.3. Abdominal: The sum of the measured ES-2re ATD front, middle, 
and rear abdominal forces must not exceed 562 lbs (2,500 N). Data must 

[[Page 49945]]

processed as defined in FMVSS 571.214.
    2.4. Pelvic: The pubic symphysis force measured by the ES-2re ATD 
must not exceed 1,350 lbs (6,000 N). Data must be processed as defined 
in FMVSS 571.214.
    2.5. Leg: Axial rotation of the upper leg (femur) must be limited 
to 35 degrees in either direction from the nominal seated position.
    2.6. Neck: As measured by the ES-2re ATD and filtered at CFC 600 as 
defined in SAE J211:
    2.6.1. The upper-neck tension force at the occipital condyle (O.C.) 
location must be less than 405 lb (1,800 N).
    2.6.2. The upper-neck compression force at the O.C. location must 
be less than 405 lb (1,800 N).
    2.6.3. The upper-neck bending torque about the ATD x-axis at the 
O.C. location must be less than 1,018 in.-lb (115 N-m).
    2.6.4. The upper-neck resultant shear force at the O.C. location 
must be less than 186 lb (825 N).
    2.7. Occupant (ES-2re ATD) retention: The pelvic restraint must 
remain on the ES-2re ATD's pelvis during the impact and rebound phases 
of the test. The upper-torso restraint straps (if present) must remain 
on the ATD's shoulder during the impact.
    2.8. Occupant (ES-2re ATD) support:
    2.8.1. Pelvis excursion: The load-bearing portion of the bottom of 
the ATD pelvis must not translate beyond the edges of its seat's bottom 
seat-cushion supporting structure.
    2.8.2. Upper-torso support: The lateral flexion of the ATD torso 
must not exceed 40 degrees from the normal upright position during the 
    3. For seats with an airbag system, show that the airbag system 
will deploy and provide protection under crash conditions where it is 
necessary to prevent serious injury. The means of protection must take 
into consideration a range of stature from a 2-year-old child to 95th 
percentile male. The airbag system must provide a consistent approach 
to energy absorption throughout that range of occupants. When the seat 
systems include airbag systems, the systems must be included in each of 
the certification tests as they would be installed in the airplane. In 
addition, the following situations must be considered:
    3.1. The seat occupant is holding an infant.
    3.2. The seat occupant is a pregnant woman.
    4. The airbag systems must provide adequate protection for each 
occupant regardless of the number of occupants of the seat assembly, 
considering that unoccupied seats may have an active airbag system.
    5. The design must prevent the airbag systems from being either 
incorrectly buckled or incorrectly installed, such that the airbag 
systems would not properly deploy. Alternatively, it must be shown that 
such deployment is not hazardous to the occupant and will provide the 
required injury protection.
    6. It must be shown that the airbag system is not susceptible to 
inadvertent deployment as a result of wear and tear, or inertial loads 
resulting from in-flight or ground maneuvers (including gusts and hard 
landings), and other operating and environment conditions (vibrations, 
moisture, etc.) likely to occur in service.
    7. Deployment of the airbag system must not introduce injury 
mechanisms to the seated occupant, nor result in injuries that could 
impede rapid egress. This assessment should include an occupant whose 
restraint is loosely fastened.
    8. It must be shown that inadvertent deployment of the airbag 
system, during the most critical part of the flight, will either meet 
the requirement of Sec.  25.1309(b) or not cause a hazard to the 
airplane or its occupants.
    9. It must be shown that the airbag system will not impede rapid 
egress of occupants 10 seconds after airbag deployment.
    10. The airbag systems must be protected from lightning and high-
intensity radiated fields (HIRF). The threats to the airplane specified 
in existing regulations regarding lighting, Sec.  25.1316, and HIRF, 
Sec.  25.1317 apply to these special conditions for the purpose of 
measuring lightning and HIRF protection.
    11. The airbag system must function properly after loss of normal 
airplane electrical power, and after a transverse separation of the 
fuselage at the most critical location. A separation at the location of 
the airbag systems does not have to be considered.
    12. It must be shown that the airbag system will not release 
hazardous quantities of gas or particulate matter into the cabin.
    13. The airbag system installations must be protected from the 
effects of fire such that no hazard to occupants will result.
    14. A means must be available for a crew member to verify the 
integrity of the airbag system's activation system prior to each 
flight, or it must be demonstrated to reliably operate between 
inspection intervals. The FAA considers that the loss of the airbag-
system deployment function alone (i.e., independent of the conditional 
event that requires the airbag-system deployment) is a major-failure 
    15. The inflatable material may not have an average burn rate of 
greater than 2.5 inches/minute when tested using the horizontal 
flammability test defined in 14 CFR part 25, appendix F, part I, 
paragraph (b)(5).
    16. The airbag system, once deployed, must not adversely affect the 
emergency lighting system (e.g., block floor proximity lights to the 
extent that the lights no longer meet their intended function).

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on August 5, 2015.
Michael Kaszycki,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 2015-20300 Filed 8-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                                      49938                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      that will not be exceeded, taking into                     (b) From a speed below VC/MC, with                 exceeding those speeds, must be
                                                      account the performance of the high-                    power to maintain stabilized level flight             equivalent to that of the normal airplane
                                                      speed protection system as well as its                  at this speed, the airplane is upset so as            with the high-speed protection system
                                                      failure modes, failure indications, and                 to accelerate through VC/MC at a flight               operative. Also, the applicant must
                                                      accompanying flight-manual                              path 15 degrees below the initial path                show that no additional hazards are
                                                      instructions.                                           (or at the steepest nose-down attitude                introduced with the high-speed
                                                                                                              that the system will permit with full                 protection system inoperative.
                                                      Applicability                                           control authority if less than 15                        Issued in Renton, Washington, on August
                                                        As discussed above, these special                     degrees). The pilot’s controls may be in              5, 2015.
                                                      conditions are applicable to the Model                  the neutral position after reaching VC/               Michael Kaszycki,
                                                      GVII–G500 airplane. Should Gulfstream                   MC and before recovery is initiated.                  Acting Manager, Transport Airplane
                                                      apply at a later date for a change to the               Recovery may be initiated 3 seconds                   Directorate Aircraft Certification Service.
                                                      type certificate to include another                     after operation of the high-speed                     [FR Doc. 2015–20297 Filed 8–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      model incorporating the same novel or                   warning system by application of a load
                                                                                                                                                                    BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                      unusual design feature, the special                     of 1.5g (0.5 acceleration increment), or
                                                      conditions would apply to that model as                 such greater load factor that is
                                                      well.                                                   automatically applied by the system                   DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                              with the pilot’s pitch control neutral.
                                                      Conclusion                                              Power may be reduced simultaneously.                  Federal Aviation Administration
                                                        This action affects only certain novel                All other means of decelerating the
                                                      or unusual design features on one model                 airplane, the use of which is authorized              14 CFR Part 25
                                                      of airplane. It is not a rule of general                up to the highest speed reached in the
                                                                                                                                                                    [Docket No. FAA–2015–2271; Notice No. 25–
                                                      applicability.                                          maneuver, may be used. The interval                   15–06–SC]
                                                                                                              between successive pilot actions must
                                                      List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
                                                                                                              not be less than 1 second.                            Special Conditions: Cessna Airplane
                                                        Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting                     2. The applicant must also                         Company Model 680A Airplane, Side-
                                                      and recordkeeping requirements.                         demonstrate that the speed margin,                    Facing Seats Equipped With Airbag
                                                        The authority citation for these                      established as above, will not be                     Systems
                                                      special conditions is as follows:                       exceeded in inadvertent or gust-induced
                                                                                                              upsets resulting in initiation of the dive            AGENCY: Federal Aviation
                                                        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,                                                                  Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                                                                              from non-symmetric attitudes, unless
                                                      44702, 44704.
                                                                                                              the airplane is protected by the flight-              ACTION: Notice of proposed special
                                                      The Proposed Special Conditions                         control laws from getting into non-                   conditions.
                                                                                                              symmetric upset conditions. The upset
                                                      ■  Accordingly, the Federal Aviation                    maneuvers described in Advisory                       SUMMARY:   This action proposes special
                                                      Administration (FAA) proposes the                       Circular 25–7C, ‘‘Flight Test Guide for               conditions for the Cessna Model 680A
                                                      following special conditions as part of                 Certification of Transport Category                   airplane. This airplane will have novel
                                                      the type certification basis for                        Airplanes,’’ section 8, paragraph 32,                 or unusual design features when
                                                      Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 airplanes.                   sub-paragraphs c(3)(a), (b), and (c), may             compared to the state of technology
                                                         1. In lieu of compliance with                        be used to comply with this                           envisioned in the airworthiness
                                                      § 25.335(b)(1), if the flight-control                   requirement.                                          standards for transport-category
                                                      system includes functions that act                         3. The probability of any failure of the           airplanes. This design features side-
                                                      automatically to initiate recovery before               high-speed protection system, which                   facing seats equipped with airbag
                                                      the end of the 20-second period                         would result in an airspeed exceeding                 systems. The applicable airworthiness
                                                      specified in § 25.335(b)(1), VD/MD must                 those determined by Special Conditions                regulations do not contain adequate or
                                                      be determined from the greater of the                   1 and 2, must be less than 10¥5 per                   appropriate safety standards for this
                                                      speeds resulting from conditions (a) and                flight hour.                                          design feature. These proposed special
                                                      (b) of these special cConditions. The                      4. Failures of the system must be                  conditions contain the additional safety
                                                      speed increase occurring in these                       annunciated to the pilots. Flight manual              standards that the Administrator
                                                      maneuvers may be calculated if reliable                 instructions must be provided that                    considers necessary to establish a level
                                                      or conservative aerodynamic data are                    reduce the maximum operating speeds,                  of safety equivalent to that established
                                                      used.                                                   VMO/MMO. With the system failed, the                  by the existing airworthiness standards.
                                                         (a) From an initial condition of                     operating speed must be reduced to a                  DATES: Send your comments on or
                                                      stabilized flight at VC/MC, the airplane                value that maintains a speed margin                   before October 2, 2015.
                                                      is upset so as to take up a new flight                  between VMO/MMO and VD/MD, and that                   ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
                                                      path 7.5 degrees below the initial path.                is consistent with showing compliance                 by docket number FAA–2015–2271
                                                      Control application, up to full authority,              with § 25.335(b) without the benefit of               using any of the following methods:
                                                      is made to try to maintain this new                     the high-speed protection system.                       • Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to
                                                      flight path. Twenty seconds after                          5. The applicant may request that the              http://www.regulations.gov/ and follow
                                                      initiating the upset, manual recovery is                Master Minimum Equipment List relief                  the online instructions for sending your
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      made at a load factor of 1.5g (0.5                      for the high-speed protection system be               comments electronically.
                                                      acceleration increment), or such greater                considered by the FAA Flight                            • Mail: Send comments to Docket
                                                      load factor that is automatically applied               Operations Evaluation Board, provided                 Operations, M–30, U.S. Department of
                                                      by the system with the pilot’s pitch                    that the flight manual instructions                   Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey
                                                      control neutral. Power, as specified in                 indicate reduced maximum operating                    Avenue SE., Room W12–140, West
                                                      § 25.175(b)(1)(iv), is assumed until                    speeds as described in Special                        Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
                                                      recovery is initiated, at which time                    Condition 4. In addition, the flightdeck              20590–0001.
                                                      power reduction, and the use of pilot-                  display of the reduced operating speeds,                • Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
                                                      controlled drag devices, may be used.                   as well as the overspeed warning for                  comments to Docket Operations in

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:36 Aug 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00009   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\18AUP1.SGM   18AUP1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                         49939

                                                      Room W12–140 of the West Building                       high-performance, low-wing airplane                   would also apply to the other model
                                                      Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey                         derived from the Cessna Model 680                     under § 21.101.
                                                      Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9                   beginning with serial no. 680–0501.                     In addition to the applicable
                                                      a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through                         This airplane will have a maximum                     airworthiness regulations and special
                                                      Friday, except Federal holidays.                        takeoff weight of 30,800 pounds with a                conditions, the Cessna Model 680A
                                                         • Fax: Fax comments to Docket                        wingspan of 72 feet, and will have two                airplane must comply with the fuel-vent
                                                      Operations at 202–493–2251.                             aft-mounted Pratt & Whitney PW306D1                   and exhaust-emission requirements of
                                                         Privacy: The FAA will post all                       FADEC-controlled turbofan engines.                    14 CFR part 34, and the noise-
                                                      comments it receives, without change,                      The pressurized cabin of the Model                 certification requirements of 14 CFR
                                                      to http://www.regulations.gov/,                         680A airplane is designed to                          part 36.
                                                      including any personal information the                  accommodate a crew of two, plus nine                    The FAA issues special conditions, as
                                                      commenter provides. Using the search                    passengers in the baseline interior                   defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance
                                                      function of the docket Web site, anyone                 configuration, and will make use of a                 with § 11.38, and they become part of
                                                      can find and read the electronic form of                forward, right-hand-belted, two-place,                the type-certification basis under
                                                      all comments received into any FAA                      side-facing seat. An optional seven-                  § 21.101.
                                                      docket, including the name of the                       passenger interior configuration is also
                                                      individual sending the comment (or                      offered, which has a single-place side-               Novel or Unusual Design Features
                                                      signing the comment for an association,                 facing seat on the forward right-hand                   The Cessna Model 680A airplane will
                                                      business, labor union, etc.). DOT’s                     side of the airplane. Both the baseline               incorporate the following novel or
                                                      complete Privacy Act Statement can be                   multiple-place and optional single-place              unusual design features: Inflatable
                                                      found in the Federal Register published                 side-facing seats are to be occupied for              airbags on multiple-place and single-
                                                      on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477–19478),                  taxi, takeoff, and landing, and will                  place side-facing seats of Cessna Model
                                                      as well as at http://DocketsInfo.dot                    incorporate an integrated, inflatable-                680A airplanes to reduce the potential
                                                      .gov/.                                                  airbag occupant-protection system.                    for both head and leg injury in the event
                                                         Docket: Background documents or                      Type Certification Basis                              of an accident.
                                                      comments received may be read at
                                                      http://www.regulations.gov/ at any time.                   Under the provisions of § 21.101,                  Discussion
                                                      Follow the online instructions for                      Cessna Airplane Company must show
                                                                                                                                                                       The FAA policy for side-facing seats
                                                      accessing the docket or go to Docket                    that the Model 680A airplane meets the
                                                                                                                                                                    at the time of application was provided
                                                      Operations in Room W12–140 of the                       applicable provisions of the regulations
                                                                                                                                                                    in Policy Statement ANM–03–115–30.
                                                      West Building Ground Floor at 1200                      listed in Type Certificate no. T00012WI,
                                                                                                                                                                    This policy statement describes the
                                                      New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,                      or the applicable regulations in effect on
                                                                                                                                                                    performance criteria and procedures to
                                                      DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday                   the date of application for the change,
                                                                                                                                                                    follow to certify single- and multiple-
                                                      through Friday, except Federal holidays.                except for earlier amendments as agreed
                                                                                                                                                                    place side-facing seats.
                                                                                                              upon by the FAA.
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                           The regulations listed in the type                    Also at the time of Cessna’s
                                                      Alan Sinclair, FAA, Airframe and Cabin                  certificate are commonly referred to as               application, the FAA indicated that
                                                      Safety, ANM–115, Transport Airplane                     the ‘‘original type certification basis.’’            further research would be conducted to
                                                      Directorate, Airplane Certification                     The regulations listed in T00012WI are                define criteria to establish a level of
                                                      Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW.,                          as follows:                                           safety equivalent to that provided by the
                                                      Renton, Washington 98057–3356;                             14 CFR part 25, effective February 1,              current regulations for forward- and aft-
                                                      telephone 425–227–2195; facsimile                       1965, including Amendments 25–1                       facing seats. Research later conducted
                                                      425–227–1320.                                           through 25–98, with special conditions,               by the FAA, as documented in report
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              exemptions, and later amended                         DOT/FAA/AR–09/41, resulted in new
                                                                                                              sections.                                             policy issued to identify new
                                                      Comments Invited                                                                                              certification criteria based on the
                                                                                                                 In addition, the certification basis
                                                        We invite interested people to take                   includes other regulations, special                   research findings. Policy Statement PS–
                                                      part in this rulemaking by sending                      conditions, and exemptions that are not               ANM–25–03 was released on June 8,
                                                      written comments, data, or views. The                   relevant to these proposed special                    2012 (and was subsequently revised and
                                                      most helpful comments reference a                       conditions. Type Certificate no.                      reissued as Policy Statement PS–ANM–
                                                      specific portion of the special                         T00012WI will be updated to include a                 25–03–R1 on November 5, 2012). This
                                                      conditions, explain the reason for any                  complete description of the certification             new policy statement describes how to
                                                      recommended change, and include                         basis for this airplane model.                        certify all side-facing seats to the new
                                                      supporting data.                                           If the Administrator finds that the                performance criteria through the
                                                        We will consider all comments we                      applicable airworthiness regulations                  issuance of special conditions.
                                                      receive by the closing date for                         (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain                    Along with the general seat-
                                                      comments. We may change these special                   adequate or appropriate safety standards              performance criteria, also included in
                                                      conditions based on the comments we                     for the Cessna Model 680A airplane                    the policy statement are the
                                                      receive.                                                because of a novel or unusual design                  performance criteria for airbag systems
                                                                                                              feature, special conditions are                       used in shoulder-belt restraint systems.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      Background                                                                                                    However, the policy statement does not
                                                                                                              prescribed under the provisions of
                                                        On January 25, 2012, Cessna Airplane                  § 21.16.                                              specifically address airbag systems that
                                                      Company applied for an amendment to                        Special conditions are initially                   are integrated into passenger-cabin
                                                      Type Certificate no. T00012WI to                        applicable to the model for which they                monuments. Although the application
                                                      include the new Model 680A airplane.                    are issued. Should the type certificate               date for the Model 680A airplane
                                                      The Cessna 680A airplane, which is a                    for that model be amended later to                    preceded Policy Statement PS–ANM–
                                                      derivative of the Cessna Model 680                      include any other model that                          25–03, Cessna proposed using the
                                                      airplane currently approved under Type                  incorporates the same novel or unusual                guidance in Policy Statement PS–ANM–
                                                      Certificate no. T00012WI, is a new,                     design feature, these special conditions              25–03–R1 to develop new special

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                                                      49940                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      conditions applicable to the Model                      concerns specific to occupants of these               materials would effectively not allow
                                                      680A airplane’s side-facing seats.                      seats. Previously issued special                      the use of inflatable-airbag systems. The
                                                         These proposed special conditions                    conditions addressed airbag systems                   FAA therefore is required to establish a
                                                      allow installation of an airbag system for              integral to the shoulder belt for some                balance between the safety benefit of the
                                                      a two-place side-facing seat and a                      forward-facing seats. The proposed                    inflatable-airbag system and its
                                                      single-place side-facing seat to protect                special conditions for the Model 680A                 flammability performance. At this time,
                                                      the occupant from both head and leg-                    inflatable-airbag systems are based on                the 2.5-inches-per-minute horizontal
                                                      flail injury in Model 680A airplanes.                   the shoulder-belt airbag systems.                     burn test provides that necessary
                                                      Cessna’s proposed airbag system is                         Although the special conditions are                balance. As the technology in materials
                                                      designed to limit occupant forward                      applicable to the inflatable-airbag                   progresses, the FAA may change this
                                                      excursion in the event of an accident.                  system as installed, compliance with the              standard in subsequent special
                                                      This will reduce the potential for head                 special conditions is not an installation             conditions to account for improved
                                                      injury by reducing the head-injury                      approval. Therefore, while the special                materials.
                                                      criteria (HIC) measurement, and will                    conditions relate to each such system                    From the standpoint of a passenger-
                                                      also provide a means for limiting the                   installed, the overall installation                   safety system, the inflatable-airbag
                                                      lower-leg flail of the occupant. The                    approval is a separate finding, and must              system is unique in that it is both an
                                                      inflatable-airbag system behaves                        consider the combined effects of all                  active and entirely autonomous device.
                                                      similarly to an automotive inflatable                   such systems installed.                               While the automotive industry has good
                                                      airbag, but in this design, the airbag                     Part 25 states the performance criteria            experience with inflatable airbags, the
                                                      system is integrated into passenger-                    for head-injury protection in objective               conditions of use and reliance on the
                                                      cabin monuments; the airbags inflate                    terms. However, none of these criteria                inflatable-airbag system as the sole
                                                      away from the seated occupants. While                   are adequate to address the specific                  means of injury protection are quite
                                                      inflatable airbags are now standard in                  issues raised concerning seats with                   different. In automobile installations,
                                                      the automotive industry, the use of                     inflatable-airbag systems. In addition to             the airbag is a supplemental system and
                                                      inflatable-airbag systems in commercial                 the requirements of part 25, special                  works in conjunction with an upper-
                                                      aviation is novel and unusual.                          conditions are needed to address                      torso restraint. In addition, the crash
                                                         14 CFR 25.785 requires that occupants                requirements particular to seats                      event is more definable and of typically
                                                      must be protected from head injury by                   equipped with an integrated, inflatable-              shorter duration, which can simplify the
                                                      either the elimination of any injurious                 airbag system.                                        activation logic. The airplane-operating
                                                      object within the striking radius of the                   Part 25, appendix F, part I specifies              environment is quite different from
                                                      head, or by padding. Traditionally, this                the flammability requirements for                     automobiles, and includes the potential
                                                      has required a seat setback of 35 inches                interior materials and components. This               for greater wear and tear, and
                                                      from any bulkhead or other rigid                        rule does not reference inflatable-airbag             unanticipated abuse conditions (due to
                                                      interior feature or, where such spacing                 systems because such devices did not                  galley loading, passenger baggage, etc.);
                                                      is not practical, the installation of                   exist at the time the flammability                    airplanes also operate where exposure
                                                      specified types of padding. The relative                requirements were written. The existing               to high-intensity electromagnetic fields
                                                      effectiveness of these means of injury                  requirements are based on material                    could affect the activation system.
                                                      protection was not quantified in the                    types as well as material applications,                  The inflatable-airbag system has two
                                                      original rule. Amendment 25–64 to                       and have been specified in light of the               potential advantages over other means
                                                      § 25.562 established a standard that                    state-of-the-art materials available to               of head-impact protection. First, it can
                                                      quantifies required head-injury                         perform a given function. In the absence              provide significantly greater protection
                                                      protection.                                             of such a specific reference, the default             than would be expected with energy-
                                                         Section 25.562 specifies that each                   requirement, per the rule, would apply                absorbing pads, and second, it can
                                                      seat-type design, approved for crew or                  to the type of material used in                       provide essentially equivalent
                                                      passenger occupancy during taxi,                        constructing the inflatable restraint,                protection for occupants of all stature.
                                                      takeoff, and landing, must successfully                 which, in the case of the rule, would be              These are significant advantages from a
                                                      complete dynamic tests, or be shown to                  a fabric.                                             safety standpoint because such devices
                                                      be compliant by rational analysis based                    In writing special conditions, the FAA             will likely provide a level of safety that
                                                      on dynamic tests of a similar type of                   must also consider how the material is                exceeds the minimum standards of the
                                                      seat. In particular, the regulations                    used within the cabin interior, and                   Federal aviation regulations.
                                                      require that persons must not suffer                    whether the default requirement is                    Conversely, inflatable-airbag systems
                                                      serious head injury under the                           appropriate. Here, the specialized                    are, in general, active systems and must
                                                      conditions specified in the tests, and                  function of the inflatable-airbag system              be relied upon to activate properly
                                                      that protection must be provided, or the                means that highly specialized materials               when needed, as opposed to an energy-
                                                      seat must be designed such that the                     are required. The standard normally                   absorbing pad or upper torso restraint
                                                      head impact does not exceed a HIC of                    applied to fabrics is a 12-second vertical            that is passive and always available.
                                                      1000 units. While the test conditions                   ignition test. However, materials that                Therefore, the potential advantages
                                                      described for HIC are detailed and                      meet this standard do not perform                     must be balanced against this and other
                                                      specific, it is the intent of the                       adequately as inflatable restraints; and              potential disadvantages in developing
                                                      requirement that an adequate level of                   materials used in the construction of                 standards for this design feature.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      head-injury protection must be provided                 inflatable-airbag systems do not perform                 The FAA considers the installation of
                                                      for passengers the event of an airplane                 well in this test.                                    inflatable-airbag systems to have two
                                                      accident.                                                  Because the safety benefit of the                  primary safety concerns: First, that they
                                                         Because §§ 25.562 and 25.785 and                     inflatable-airbag system is very                      perform properly under foreseeable
                                                      associated guidance do not adequately                   significant, the FAA has determined                   operating conditions, and second, that
                                                      address seats with inflatable-airbag                    that the flammability standard                        they do not perform in a manner or at
                                                      systems, the FAA recognizes that                        appropriate for these devices should not              such times as would constitute a hazard
                                                      appropriate pass/fail criteria are                      prohibit suitable inflatable-airbag                   to the airplane or occupants. This latter
                                                      required to fully address the safety                    system materials; disqualifying these                 point has the potential to be the more

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          49941

                                                      rigorous of the requirements, owing to                  airbag system. Because an actual crash                a separation in the fuselage. And
                                                      the active nature of the system.                        is frequently composed of a series of                 because this system is intended as a
                                                         The inflatable-airbag system will rely               impacts before the airplane comes to                  means of crash/post-crash protection,
                                                      on electronic sensors for signaling, and                rest, this could render the inflatable-               failure to deploy due to fuselage
                                                      a stored gas canister for inflation. The                airbag system useless if a larger impact              separation is not acceptable. As with
                                                      sensors and canister could be                           follows the initial impact. This situation            emergency lighting, the system should
                                                      susceptible to inadvertent activation,                  does not exist with energy absorbing                  function properly if such a separation
                                                      causing a potentially unsafe                            pads or upper-torso restraints, which                 occurs at any point in the fuselage. As
                                                      deployment. The consequences of                         tend to provide continuous protection                 required by § 25.1353(a), operation of
                                                      inadvertent deployment, as well as a                    regardless of severity or number of                   the existing airplane electrical
                                                      failure to deploy in a timely manner,                   impacts in a crash event. Therefore, the              equipment should not adversely impact
                                                      must be considered in establishing the                  inflatable-airbag system installation                 the function of the inflatable-airbag
                                                      reliability of the system. Cessna must                  should provide protection, when it is                 system under all foreseeable conditions.
                                                      substantiate that an inadvertent                        required, and not expend its protection                  The inflatable-airbag system is likely
                                                      deployment in-flight either would not                   when it is not required. And while                    to have a large volume displacement,
                                                      cause injuries to occupants, or that the                several large impact events may occur                 and, likewise, the inflated airbag could
                                                      probability of such a deployment meets                  during the course of a crash, there are               potentially impede egress of passengers.
                                                      the requirements of § 25.1309(b). The                   no requirements for the inflatable-airbag             Because the airbag deflates to absorb
                                                      effect of an inadvertent deployment on                  system to provide protection for                      energy, it is likely that an inflatable-
                                                      a passenger or crewmember, who could                    multiple impacts.                                     airbag system would be deflated at the
                                                      be positioned close to an airbag, should                   Each occupant’s restraint system                   time that persons would be trying to
                                                      also be considered. The person could be                 provides protection for that occupant                 leave their seats. Nonetheless, the FAA
                                                      either standing or sitting. A minimum                   only. Likewise, the installation must                 considers it appropriate to specify a
                                                      reliability level must be established for               address seats that are unoccupied. The                time interval after which the inflatable-
                                                      this case, depending upon the                           applicant must show that the required                 airbag system may not impede rapid
                                                      consequences, even if the effect on the                 protection is provided for each occupant              egress. Ten seconds is indicated as a
                                                      airplane is negligible.                                 regardless of the number of occupied                  reasonable time because this
                                                         The potential for an inadvertent                     seats, considering that unoccupied seats              corresponds to the maximum time
                                                      deployment could increase as a result of                may have airbag systems that are active.              allowed for an exit to be openable
                                                      conditions in service. The installation                    The inflatable-airbag system should
                                                                                                                                                                    (reference: § 25.809).
                                                      must take into account wear and tear so                 be effective for a wide range of
                                                      that the likelihood of an inadvertent                   occupants. The FAA has historically                      The FAA position is provided in
                                                      deployment is not increased to an                       considered the range from the 5th                     Policy Statement PS–ANM–25–03–R1
                                                      unacceptable level. In this context, an                 percentile female to the 95th percentile              ‘‘Technical Criteria for Approving Side
                                                      appropriate inspection interval and self-               male as the range of occupants that must              Facing Seats.’’ This policy statement
                                                      test capability are considered necessary.               be taken into account. In this case, the              refers to airbag systems in the shoulder
                                                      In addition, outside influences, such as                FAA is proposing consideration of a                   belts, while Cessna’s design
                                                      lightning and high-intensity radiated                   broader range of occupants, i.e., a two-              configuration has airbag systems
                                                      fields (HIRF), may also contribute to or                year-old child to a 95th percentile male,             integrated into the side-facing seats. The
                                                      cause inadvertent deployment. Existing                  plus pregnant females. This is due to the             FAA genericized these proposed special
                                                      regulations regarding lightning,                        nature of the inflatable-airbag system                conditions to be applicable to the
                                                      § 25.1316, and HIRF, § 25.1317, are                     installation and its close proximity to               Cessna design configuration.
                                                      applicable to the Model 680A airplane.                  the occupant. In a similar vein, these                   These proposed special conditions
                                                         The applicant must verify that                       persons could assume the brace position               contain the additional safety standards
                                                      electromagnetic interference (EMI)                      for those accidents where an impact is                that the Administrator considers
                                                      present, under foreseeable operating                    anticipated. Test data indicate that                  necessary to establish a level of safety
                                                      conditions, will not affect the function                occupants in the brace position do not                equivalent to that established by the
                                                      of the inflatable-airbag system or cause                require supplemental protection, and so               existing airworthiness standards.
                                                      inadvertent deployment. Finally, the                    it would not be necessary to show that                Applicability
                                                      inflatable-airbag system installation                   the inflatable-airbag system will
                                                      must be protected from the effects of                   enhance the brace position. However,                    As discussed above, these special
                                                      fire, so that an additional hazard is not               the inflatable-airbag system must not                 conditions are applicable to the Cessna
                                                      created by, for example, a rupture of the               introduce a hazard in the case of                     Model 680A airplane. Should Cessna
                                                      pyrotechnic squib.                                      deploying into the seated, braced                     apply at a later date for a change to the
                                                         To be an effective safety system, the                occupant.                                             type certificate to include another
                                                      inflatable-airbag system must function                     Another area of concern is the use of              model incorporating the same novel or
                                                      properly and must not introduce any                     seats so equipped, by children, whether               unusual design feature, these special
                                                      additional hazards to occupants or the                  lap-held, in approved child-safety seats,             conditions would apply to that model as
                                                      airplane as a result of its functioning.                or occupying the seat directly.                       well.
                                                      The inflatable-airbag system differs from               Similarly, if the seat is occupied by a
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      traditional occupant-protection systems                 pregnant woman, the installation should
                                                      in several ways, requiring special                      address such use, either by                             This action affects only certain novel
                                                      conditions to ensure adequate                           demonstrating that it will function                   or unusual design features on one model
                                                      performance.                                            properly, or by adding appropriate                    of airplane. It is not a rule of general
                                                         Because the inflatable-airbag system is              limitation on persons allowed to occupy               applicability.
                                                      a single-use device, it potentially could               the seat.                                             List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
                                                      deploy under crash conditions that are                     Given that the airbag system will be
                                                      not sufficiently severe as to require                   electrically powered, the possibility                   Airplane, Aviation safety, Reporting
                                                      injury protection from the inflatable-                  exists that the system could fail due to              and recordkeeping requirements.

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                                                      49942                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                        The authority citation for these                      representation and contactable items                  be accomplished by testing with ES–2re
                                                      special conditions is as follows:                       must be located such that their relative              ATD (49 CFR part 572, subpart U) or
                                                        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,            position, with respect to the center of               equivalent at all places. Alternatively,
                                                      44702, 44704.                                           the nearest seat place, is the same at the            these assessments may be accomplished
                                                                                                              start of the test as before floor                     by multiple tests that use an ES–2re at
                                                      The Proposed Special Conditions                         misalignment is applied. For example, if              the seat place being evaluated, and a
                                                        Accordingly, the Federal Aviation                     floor misalignment rotates the centerline             Hybrid-II ATD (49 CFR part 572, subpart
                                                      Administration (FAA) proposes the                       of the seat place nearest the contactable             B, as specified in § 25.562) or equivalent
                                                      following special conditions are issued                 item 8 degrees clockwise about the                    used in all seat places forward of the
                                                      as part of the type certification basis for             airplane x-axis, then the item and floor              one being assessed, to evaluate occupant
                                                      Cessna Model 680A airplanes.                            representations also must be rotated by               interaction. In this case, seat places aft
                                                        In addition to the requirements of                    8 degrees clockwise to maintain the                   of the one being assessed may be
                                                      §§ 25.562 and 25.785, the following                     same relative position to the seat place,             unoccupied. If a seat installation
                                                      special conditions 1 and 2 are proposed                 as shown in Figure 1 of these special                 includes adjacent items that are
                                                      as part of the type certification basis of              conditions. Each ATD’s relative position              contactable by the occupant, the injury
                                                      the Model 680A airplane with side-                      to the seat, after application of floor               potential of that contact must be
                                                      facing seat installations. For seat places              misalignment, must be the same as                     assessed. To make this assessment, tests
                                                      equipped with airbag systems,                           before misalignment is applied. To                    may be conducted that include the
                                                      additional special conditions 3 through                 ensure proper loading of the seat by the              actual item, located and attached in a
                                                      16 are proposed as part of the type                     occupants, the ATD pelvis must remain                 representative fashion. Alternatively,
                                                      certification basis.                                    supported by the seat pan, and the                    the injury potential may be assessed by
                                                        1. Additional requirements applicable                 restraint system must remain on the                   a combination of tests with items having
                                                      to tests or rational analysis conducted to              pelvis and shoulder of the ATD until                  the same geometry as the actual item,
                                                      show compliance with §§ 25.562 and                      rebound begins. No injury-criteria                    but having stiffness characteristics that
                                                      25.785 for side-facing seats:                           evaluation is necessary for tests                     would create the worst case for injury
                                                        1.1. The longitudinal tests conducted                 conducted only to assess seat-strength                (injuries due to both contact with the
                                                      in accordance with § 25.562(b)(2), to                   requirements.                                         item and lack of support from the item).
                                                      show compliance with the seat-strength                     1.2. The longitudinal tests conducted                 1.3. If a seat is installed aft of
                                                      requirements of § 25.562(c)(7) and (8)                  in accordance with § 25.562(b)(2), to                 structure (e.g., an interior wall or
                                                      and these special conditions, must have                 show compliance with the injury                       furnishing) that does not have a
                                                      an ES–2re anthropomorphic test dummy                    assessments required by § 25.562(c) and               homogeneous surface contactable by the
                                                      (ATD) (49 CFR part 572, subpart U) or                   these special conditions, may be                      occupant, additional analysis and/or
                                                      equivalent, or a Hybrid-II ATD (49 CFR                  conducted separately from the tests to                tests may be required to demonstrate
                                                      part 572, subpart B, as specified in                    show structural integrity. In this case,              that the injury criteria are met for the
                                                      § 25.562) or equivalent, occupying each                 structural-assessment tests must be                   area upon which an occupant could
                                                      seat position, and including all items                  conducted as specified in paragraph 1.1               contact. For example, different yaw
                                                      contactable by the occupant (e.g.,                      of these special conditions, and the                  angles could result in different injury
                                                      armrest, interior wall, or furnishing) if               injury-assessment test must be                        considerations, and may require
                                                      those items are necessary to restrain the               conducted without yaw or floor                        additional analysis or separate tests to
                                                      occupant. If included, the floor                        misalignment. Injury assessments may                  evaluate.
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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          49943

                                                         1.4. To accommodate a range of                       support for the occupant of any seat                     1.5. For longitudinal tests conducted
                                                      occupant heights (5th percentile female                 place must provide that support in a                  in accordance with 14 CFR 25.562(b)(2)
                                                      to 95th percentile male), the surface of                consistent manner regardless of                       and these special conditions, the ATDs
                                                      items contactable by the occupant must                  occupant stature. For example, if an                  must be positioned, clothed, and have
                                                      be homogenous 7.3 inches (185 mm)                       inflatable shoulder belt is used to                   lateral instrumentation configured as
                                                      above and 7.9 inches (200 mm) below                     mitigate injury risk, then it must be                 follows:
                                                      the point (center of area) that is                      demonstrated by inspection to bear                       1.5.1. ATD positioning: Lower the
                                                      contacted by the 50th percentile male-                  against the range of occupants in a                   ATD vertically into the seat (see Figure
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      sized ATD’s head during the                             similar manner before and after                       2 of these special conditions) while
                                                      longitudinal tests, conducted in                        inflation. Likewise, the means of                     simultaneously:
                                                      accordance with paragraphs 1.1, 1.2,                    limiting lower-leg flail must be                Aligning the midsagittal plane
                                                      and 1.3 of these special conditions.                    demonstrated by inspection to provide                 (a vertical plane through the midline of
                                                      Otherwise, additional HIC assessment                                                                          the body; dividing the body into right
                                                                                                              protection for the range of occupants in
                                                      tests may be necessary. Any surface                                                                           and left halves) with approximately the
                                                                                                              a similar manner.
                                                      (inflatable or otherwise) that provides                                                                       middle of the seat place.

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                                                      49944                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                Applying a horizontal x-axis                vertical plane (in the airplane                         1.7. The design and installation of
                                                      direction (in the ATD coordinate                        coordinate system).                                   seatbelt buckles must prevent
                                                      system) force of about 20 lb (89 N) to the                 1.5.3. ATD clothing: Clothe each ATD               unbuckling due to applied inertial
                                                      torso, at approximately the intersection                in form-fitting, mid-calf-length                      forces or impact of the hands/arms of
                                                      of the midsagittal plane and the bottom                 (minimum) pants and shoes (size 11E),                 the occupant during an emergency
                                                      rib of the ES–2re or lower sternum of                   all clothing weighing about 2.5 lb (1.1               landing.
                                                      the Hybrid-II at the midsagittal plane, to              Kg) total. The color of the clothing                    1.8. Inflatable-airbag systems must be
                                                      compress the seat-back cushion.                         should be in contrast to the color of the             active during all dynamic tests
                                                Keeping the upper legs nearly               restraint system. The ES–2re jacket is                conducted to show compliance with
                                                      horizontal by supporting them just                      sufficient for torso clothing, although a             § 25.562.
                                                      behind the knees.                                       form-fitting shirt may be used in                       2. Additional performance measures
                                                         1.5.2. After all lifting devices have                addition if desired.                                  applicable to tests and rational analysis
                                                      been removed from the ATD:                                 1.5.4. ES–2re ATD lateral                          conducted to show compliance with
                                                Rock it slightly to settle it into          instrumentation: The rib-module linear                §§ 25.562 and 25.785 for side-facing
                                                      the seat.                                               slides are directional, i.e., deflection              seats:
                                                Separate the knees by about 4               occurs in either a positive or negative                 2.1. Body-to-body contact: Contact
                                                      inches (100 mm).                                        ATD y-axis direction. The modules                     between the head, pelvis, torso, or
                                                Set the ES–2re’s head at                    must be installed such that the moving                shoulder area of one ATD with the
                                                      approximately the midpoint of the                       end of the rib module is toward the                   adjacent-seated ATD’s head, pelvis,
                                                      available range of z-axis rotation (to                  front of the airplane. The three                      torso, or shoulder area is not allowed.
                                                      align the head and torso midsagittal                    abdominal-force sensors must be                       Contact during rebound is allowed.
                                                      planes).                                                installed such that they are on the side                2.2. Thoracic: The deflection of any of
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                                                Position the ES–2re’s arms at               of the ATD toward the front of the                    the ES–2re ATD upper, middle, and
                                                      the joint’s mechanical detent that puts                 airplane.                                             lower ribs must not exceed 1.73 inches
                                                      them at approximately a 40-degree angle                    1.6. The combined horizontal/vertical              (44 mm). Data must be processed as
                                                      with respect to the torso. Position the                 test, required by § 25.562(b)(1) and these            defined in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
                                                      Hybrid-II ATD hands on top of its upper                 special conditions, must be conducted                 Standards (FMVSS) 571.214.
                                                      legs.                                                   with a Hybrid II ATD (49 CFR part 572,                  2.3. Abdominal: The sum of the
                                                Position the feet such that the             subpart B, as specified in § 25.562), or              measured ES–2re ATD front, middle,
                                                      centerlines of the lower legs are                       equivalent, occupying each seat                       and rear abdominal forces must not

                                                      approximately parallel to a lateral                     position.                                             exceed 562 lbs (2,500 N). Data must be

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                49945

                                                      processed as defined in FMVSS                           unoccupied seats may have an active                   deployment) is a major-failure
                                                      571.214.                                                airbag system.                                        condition.
                                                         2.4. Pelvic: The pubic symphysis                        5. The design must prevent the airbag                 15. The inflatable material may not
                                                      force measured by the ES–2re ATD must                   systems from being either incorrectly                 have an average burn rate of greater than
                                                      not exceed 1,350 lbs (6,000 N). Data                    buckled or incorrectly installed, such                2.5 inches/minute when tested using the
                                                      must be processed as defined in FMVSS                   that the airbag systems would not                     horizontal flammability test defined in
                                                      571.214.                                                properly deploy. Alternatively, it must               14 CFR part 25, appendix F, part I,
                                                         2.5. Leg: Axial rotation of the upper                be shown that such deployment is not                  paragraph (b)(5).
                                                      leg (femur) must be limited to 35                       hazardous to the occupant and will                       16. The airbag system, once deployed,
                                                      degrees in either direction from the                    provide the required injury protection.               must not adversely affect the emergency
                                                      nominal seated position.                                   6. It must be shown that the airbag                lighting system (e.g., block floor
                                                         2.6. Neck: As measured by the ES–2re                 system is not susceptible to inadvertent              proximity lights to the extent that the
                                                      ATD and filtered at CFC 600 as defined                  deployment as a result of wear and tear,              lights no longer meet their intended
                                                      in SAE J211:                                            or inertial loads resulting from in-flight            function).
                                                         2.6.1. The upper-neck tension force at               or ground maneuvers (including gusts                     Issued in Renton, Washington, on August
                                                      the occipital condyle (O.C.) location                   and hard landings), and other operating               5, 2015.
                                                      must be less than 405 lb (1,800 N).                     and environment conditions (vibrations,               Michael Kaszycki,
                                                         2.6.2. The upper-neck compression                    moisture, etc.) likely to occur in service.           Acting Manager, Transport Airplane
                                                      force at the O.C. location must be less                    7. Deployment of the airbag system                 Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
                                                      than 405 lb (1,800 N).                                  must not introduce injury mechanisms
                                                                                                                                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–20300 Filed 8–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                         2.6.3. The upper-neck bending torque                 to the seated occupant, nor result in
                                                                                                                                                                    BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                      about the ATD x-axis at the O.C.                        injuries that could impede rapid egress.
                                                      location must be less than 1,018 in.-lb                 This assessment should include an
                                                      (115 N-m).                                              occupant whose restraint is loosely
                                                         2.6.4. The upper-neck resultant shear                fastened.                                             DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                                                      force at the O.C. location must be less                    8. It must be shown that inadvertent
                                                      than 186 lb (825 N).                                    deployment of the airbag system, during               Office of Workers’ Compensation
                                                         2.7. Occupant (ES–2re ATD)                           the most critical part of the flight, will            Programs
                                                      retention: The pelvic restraint must                    either meet the requirement of
                                                      remain on the ES–2re ATD’s pelvis                       § 25.1309(b) or not cause a hazard to the             20 CFR Parts 702 and 703
                                                      during the impact and rebound phases                    airplane or its occupants.                            RIN 1240–AA09
                                                      of the test. The upper-torso restraint                     9. It must be shown that the airbag
                                                      straps (if present) must remain on the                  system will not impede rapid egress of                Longshore and Harbor Workers’
                                                      ATD’s shoulder during the impact.                       occupants 10 seconds after airbag                     Compensation Act: Transmission of
                                                         2.8. Occupant (ES–2re ATD) support:                  deployment.                                           Documents and Information
                                                         2.8.1. Pelvis excursion: The load-                      10. The airbag systems must be
                                                                                                                                                                    AGENCY: Office of Workers’
                                                      bearing portion of the bottom of the                    protected from lightning and high-
                                                                                                                                                                    Compensation Programs, Labor.
                                                      ATD pelvis must not translate beyond                    intensity radiated fields (HIRF). The
                                                      the edges of its seat’s bottom seat-                                                                          ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
                                                                                                              threats to the airplane specified in
                                                      cushion supporting structure.                           existing regulations regarding lighting,              withdrawal.
                                                         2.8.2. Upper-torso support: The lateral              § 25.1316, and HIRF, § 25.1317 apply to               SUMMARY:   The Office of Workers’
                                                      flexion of the ATD torso must not                       these special conditions for the purpose              Compensation Programs (OWCP)
                                                      exceed 40 degrees from the normal                       of measuring lightning and HIRF                       published a notice of proposed
                                                      upright position during the impact.                     protection.                                           rulemaking and companion direct final
                                                         3. For seats with an airbag system,                     11. The airbag system must function                rule in the Federal Register on March
                                                      show that the airbag system will deploy                 properly after loss of normal airplane                12, 2015, broadening the acceptable
                                                      and provide protection under crash                      electrical power, and after a transverse              methods by which claimants,
                                                      conditions where it is necessary to                     separation of the fuselage at the most                employers, and insurers can
                                                      prevent serious injury. The means of                    critical location. A separation at the                communicate with OWCP and each
                                                      protection must take into consideration                 location of the airbag systems does not               other regarding claims arising under the
                                                      a range of stature from a 2-year-old child              have to be considered.                                Longshore and Harbor Workers’
                                                      to 95th percentile male. The airbag                        12. It must be shown that the airbag               Compensation Act and its extensions.
                                                      system must provide a consistent                        system will not release hazardous                     The comment period closed on May 11,
                                                      approach to energy absorption                           quantities of gas or particulate matter               2015. OWCP did not receive significant
                                                      throughout that range of occupants.                     into the cabin.                                       adverse comment and therefore the
                                                      When the seat systems include airbag                       13. The airbag system installations
                                                                                                                                                                    direct final rule took effect on June 10,
                                                      systems, the systems must be included                   must be protected from the effects of fire
                                                                                                                                                                    2015. For these reasons, OWCP is
                                                      in each of the certification tests as they              such that no hazard to occupants will
                                                                                                                                                                    withdrawing the notice of proposed
                                                      would be installed in the airplane. In                  result.
                                                                                                                 14. A means must be available for a                rulemaking.
                                                      addition, the following situations must
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      be considered:                                          crew member to verify the integrity of                DATES: Effective August 18, 2015, the
                                                         3.1. The seat occupant is holding an                 the airbag system’s activation system                 notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                      infant.                                                 prior to each flight, or it must be                   published on March 12, 2015 (80 FR
                                                         3.2. The seat occupant is a pregnant                 demonstrated to reliably operate                      12957), is withdrawn.
                                                      woman.                                                  between inspection intervals. The FAA                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                         4. The airbag systems must provide                   considers that the loss of the airbag-                Antonio Rios, Director, Division of
                                                      adequate protection for each occupant                   system deployment function alone (i.e.,               Longshore and Harbor Workers’
                                                      regardless of the number of occupants of                independent of the conditional event                  Compensation, Office of Workers’
                                                      the seat assembly, considering that                     that requires the airbag-system                       Compensation Programs, U.S.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 12:05:21
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 12:05:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed special conditions.
DatesSend your comments on or before October 2, 2015.
ContactAlan Sinclair, FAA, Airframe and Cabin Safety, ANM-115, Transport Airplane Directorate, Airplane Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Washington 98057-3356; telephone 425-227-2195; facsimile 425-227-1320.
FR Citation80 FR 49938 
CFR AssociatedAirplane; Aviation Safety and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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