80_FR_50167 80 FR 50008 - Select Updates for Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems; Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Availability

80 FR 50008 - Select Updates for Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems; Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Availability

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 159 (August 18, 2015)

Page Range50008-50009
FR Document2015-20308

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of the guidance entitled ``Select Updates for Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems.'' FDA has developed this guidance to inform the coronary and peripheral stent industry about selected updates to FDA's thinking regarding certain non-clinical testing for these devices. While FDA is considering more substantial updates to the ``Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems'' guidance (http:/ /www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/ guidancedocuments/ucm071863.htm), we are issuing this update on select sections in order to notify the industry in a timely manner of our revised recommendations.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 159 (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)]
[Pages 50008-50009]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-20308]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2013-D-0920]

Select Updates for Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended 
Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems; 
Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; 

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the 
availability of the guidance entitled ``Select Updates for Non-Clinical 
Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and 
Associated Delivery Systems.'' FDA has developed this guidance to 
inform the coronary and peripheral stent industry about selected 
updates to FDA's thinking regarding certain non-clinical testing for 
these devices. While FDA is considering more substantial updates to the 
``Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for 
Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems'' guidance (http://www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/guidancedocuments/ucm071863.htm), we are issuing this update on select 
sections in order to notify the industry in a timely manner of our 
revised recommendations.

DATES: Submit either electronic or written comments on this guidance at 
any time. General comments on Agency guidance documents are welcome at 
any time.

ADDRESSES: An electronic copy of the guidance document is available for 
download from the Internet. See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section 
for information on electronic access to the guidance. Submit written 
requests for a single hard copy of the guidance document entitled 
``Select Updates for Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended 
Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems'' to 
the Office of the Center Director, Guidance and Policy Development, 
Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug 
Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 66, Rm. 5431, Silver 
Spring, MD 20993-0002. Send one self-addressed adhesive label to assist 
that office in processing your request.
    Submit electronic comments on the guidance to http://www.regulations.gov. Submit written comments to the Division of Dockets 
Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, 
Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Identify comments with the docket number 
found in brackets in the heading of this document.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Katharine Chowdhury, Center for 
Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 
New Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 66, Rm. 1222, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 
301-796-6344, or Erica Takai, Center for Devices and Radiological 
Health, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 
62, Rm. 3226, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 301-796-6353.


I. Background

    FDA held a public workshop entitled ``Cardiovascular Metallic 
Implants: Corrosion, Surface Characterization, and Nickel Leaching'' on 
March 8 and 9, 2012, that provided information on current practices for 
performing these tests (see http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/NewsEvents/WorkshopsConferences/ucm287535.htm). A group of participants 
from industry, test facilities, and academia provided comments on 
practices for corrosion testing and nickel ion release testing. Based 
on the discussion at the workshop, this guidance updates a key aspect 
of sample conditioning for pitting corrosion testing that is less 
burdensome, and includes additional information on when galvanic 
corrosion testing may be omitted with justification, based on 
information gained from the workshop. This guidance provides updates 
only for the following topics:

 Pitting corrosion potential
 Galvanic corrosion
 Surface characterization
 Nickel ion release

    This guidance provides cross-references and updates to the related

[[Page 50009]]

sections of the existing ``Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and 
Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery 
Systems'' guidance.
    In the Federal Register on August 30, 2013 (78 FR 53773), FDA 
announced the availability of the draft guidance document. Interested 
persons were invited to comment by September 30, 2013. Four sets of 
comments were received and, in general, were supportive of the 
guidance. There were multiple comments regarding the need for 
clarification of acceptance criteria and the desire for a flow chart to 
visualize the overall testing paradigm described in the guidance 
update. In response to these comments, FDA revised the guidance 
document to include more specific information on acceptance criteria 
for pitting corrosion and surface oxide properties, as well as a flow 
chart. General concerns were noted that the guidance modifications 
might be interpreted to be more burdensome. However, the addition of 
the flowchart is intended to clarify when testing beyond pitting 
corrosion testing should be considered, and based on prior experience, 
it is anticipated that few stents will need further assessment. In 
addition, there were several comments regarding the lack of utility of 
post-fatigue pitting corrosion assessment. In response to these 
comments, as well as discussions at the March 2012 workshop, FDA has 
removed the suggestion to consider post-fatigue pitting corrosion 
testing when damage to samples is noted due to fatigue testing. There 
was also a comment that the 60-day suggested duration for nickel 
release may be unnecessarily long and burdensome, and in response, FDA 
has reduced the minimum duration to 30 days if the release rate falls 
below a predetermined level based on toxicological risk assessment.

II. Significance of Guidance

    This guidance is being issued consistent with FDA's good guidance 
practices regulation (21 CFR 10.115). The guidance represents the 
current thinking of FDA on certain non-clinical testing for coronary 
and peripheral stents. It does not establish any rights for any person 
and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative 
approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statute and 

III. Electronic Access

    Persons interested in obtaining a copy of the guidance may do so by 
downloading an electronic copy from the Internet. A search capability 
for all Center for Devices and Radiological Health guidance documents 
is available at http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/default.htm. Guidance 
documents are also available at http://www.regulations.gov. Persons 
unable to download an electronic copy of ``Select Updates for Non-
Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular 
Stents and Associated Delivery Systems '' may send an email request to 
CDRH-Guidance@fda.hhs.gov to receive an electronic copy of the 
document. Please use the document number 1826 to identify the guidance 
you are requesting.

IV. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

    This draft guidance refers to previously approved collections of 
information found in FDA regulations. These collections of information 
are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). The 
collections of information in 21 CFR part 814 have been approved under 
OMB control number 0910-0231.

V. Comments

    Interested persons may submit either electronic comments regarding 
this document to http://www.regulations.gov or written comments to the 
Division of Dockets Management (see ADDRESSES). It is only necessary to 
send one set of comments. Identify comments with the docket number 
found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received comments 
may be seen in the Division of Dockets Management between 9 a.m. and 4 
p.m., Monday through Friday, and will be posted to the docket at http://www.regulations.gov.

    Dated: August 12, 2015.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2015-20308 Filed 8-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    50008                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Notices

                                                                                                                     EXHIBIT 2—ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED COST BURDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                             Total burden       Average hourly    Total cost
                                                                                                       Form name/activity                                                                       hours            wage rate *       burden

                                                    Cognitive interviews (HSOPS 2.0 and supplemental items) ...........................................                                                  90            a $35.38      $3,184.20
                                                    Pilot test and bridge study ...............................................................................................                       2,297             b 34.98      80,349.06

                                                          Total ..........................................................................................................................            2,387                 na       83,533.26
                                                       a Based on the weighted average hourly wage in hospitals for one physician (29–1060; $101.53), one registered nurse (29–1141; $30.22), one
                                                    general and operations manager (11–1021; $52.64), and six clinical lab techs (29–2010; $22.34) whose hourly wage is meant to represent
                                                    wages for other hospital employees who may participate in cognitive interviews
                                                      b Based on the weighted average hourly wage in hospitals for 1,981 registered nurses, 209 clinical lab techs, 176 physicians and surgeons,
                                                    and 21 general and operations managers
                                                      * National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, May 2013, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (available at http://
                                                    www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics4_621100.htm [for general medical and surgical hospitals, NAICS 622100]).

                                                    Request for Comments                                                        SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug                                        Division of Dockets Management (HFA–
                                                      In accordance with the Paperwork                                          Administration (FDA) is announcing the                              305), Food and Drug Administration,
                                                    Reduction Act, comments on AHRQ’s                                           availability of the guidance entitled                               5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville,
                                                    information collection are requested                                        ‘‘Select Updates for Non-Clinical                                   MD 20852. Identify comments with the
                                                    with regard to any of the following: (a)                                    Engineering Tests and Recommended                                   docket number found in brackets in the
                                                    Whether the proposed collection of                                          Labeling for Intravascular Stents and                               heading of this document.
                                                    information is necessary for the proper                                     Associated Delivery Systems.’’ FDA has                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    performance of AHRQ health care                                             developed this guidance to inform the                               Katharine Chowdhury, Center for
                                                    research and health care information                                        coronary and peripheral stent industry                              Devices and Radiological Health, Food
                                                    dissemination functions, including                                          about selected updates to FDA’s                                     and Drug Administration, 10903 New
                                                    whether the information will have                                           thinking regarding certain non-clinical                             Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 66, Rm. 1222,
                                                    practical utility; (b) the accuracy of                                      testing for these devices. While FDA is                             Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
                                                    AHRQ’s estimate of burden (including                                        considering more substantial updates to                             796–6344, or Erica Takai, Center for
                                                    hours and costs) of the proposed                                            the ‘‘Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and                            Devices and Radiological Health, Food
                                                                                                                                Recommended Labeling for                                            and Drug Administration, 10903 New
                                                    collection(s) of information; (c) ways to
                                                                                                                                Intravascular Stents and Associated                                 Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 62, Rm. 3226,
                                                    enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
                                                                                                                                Delivery Systems’’ guidance (http://                                Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
                                                    of the information to be collected; and
                                                                                                                                www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/                                         796–6353.
                                                    (d) ways to minimize the burden of the
                                                                                                                                deviceregulationandguidance/                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    collection of information upon the
                                                    respondents, including the use of                                                                                                               I. Background
                                                                                                                                we are issuing this update on select
                                                    automated collection techniques or
                                                                                                                                sections in order to notify the industry                               FDA held a public workshop entitled
                                                    other forms of information technology.
                                                                                                                                in a timely manner of our revised                                   ‘‘Cardiovascular Metallic Implants:
                                                      Comments submitted in response to
                                                                                                                                recommendations.                                                    Corrosion, Surface Characterization, and
                                                    this notice will be summarized and
                                                    included in the Agency’s subsequent                                         DATES: Submit either electronic or                                  Nickel Leaching’’ on March 8 and 9,
                                                    request for OMB approval of the                                             written comments on this guidance at                                2012, that provided information on
                                                    proposed information collection. All                                        any time. General comments on Agency                                current practices for performing these
                                                    comments will become a matter of                                            guidance documents are welcome at any                               tests (see http://www.fda.gov/
                                                    public record.                                                              time.                                                               MedicalDevices/NewsEvents/
                                                                                                                                ADDRESSES: An electronic copy of the                                WorkshopsConferences/
                                                    Sharon B. Arnold,                                                                                                                               ucm287535.htm). A group of
                                                                                                                                guidance document is available for
                                                    Deputy Director.                                                            download from the Internet. See the                                 participants from industry, test
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–20359 Filed 8–17–15; 8:45 am]                                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for                               facilities, and academia provided
                                                    BILLING CODE 4160–90–P                                                      information on electronic access to the                             comments on practices for corrosion
                                                                                                                                guidance. Submit written requests for a                             testing and nickel ion release testing.
                                                                                                                                single hard copy of the guidance                                    Based on the discussion at the
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                                    document entitled ‘‘Select Updates for                              workshop, this guidance updates a key
                                                    HUMAN SERVICES                                                              Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and                                  aspect of sample conditioning for pitting
                                                                                                                                Recommended Labeling for                                            corrosion testing that is less
                                                    Food and Drug Administration                                                                                                                    burdensome, and includes additional
                                                                                                                                Intravascular Stents and Associated
                                                    [Docket No. FDA–2013–D–0920]                                                Delivery Systems’’ to the Office of the                             information on when galvanic corrosion
                                                                                                                                Center Director, Guidance and Policy                                testing may be omitted with
                                                    Select Updates for Non-Clinical                                             Development, Center for Devices and                                 justification, based on information
                                                    Engineering Tests and Recommended                                           Radiological Health, Food and Drug                                  gained from the workshop. This
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Labeling for Intravascular Stents and                                       Administration, 10903 New Hampshire                                 guidance provides updates only for the
                                                    Associated Delivery Systems;                                                Ave. Bldg. 66, Rm. 5431, Silver Spring,                             following topics:
                                                    Guidance for Industry and Food and                                          MD 20993–0002. Send one self-                                       • Pitting corrosion potential
                                                    Drug Administration Staff; Availability                                     addressed adhesive label to assist that                             • Galvanic corrosion
                                                    AGENCY:       Food and Drug Administration,                                 office in processing your request.                                  • Surface characterization
                                                                                                                                   Submit electronic comments on the                                • Nickel ion release
                                                                                                                                guidance to http://www.regulations.gov.                                This guidance provides cross-
                                                    ACTION:      Notice.
                                                                                                                                Submit written comments to the                                      references and updates to the related

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014         17:02 Aug 17, 2015         Jkt 235001       PO 00000        Frm 00024        Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703       E:\FR\FM\18AUN1.SGM    18AUN1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 159 / Tuesday, August 18, 2015 / Notices                                           50009

                                                    sections of the existing ‘‘Non-Clinical                 Center for Devices and Radiological                   SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                                    Engineering Tests and Recommended                       Health guidance documents is available                Administration (FDA or Agency) is
                                                    Labeling for Intravascular Stents and                   at http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/                 announcing the availability of a
                                                    Associated Delivery Systems’’ guidance.                 DeviceRegulationandGuidance/                          guidance for industry entitled
                                                       In the Federal Register on August 30,                GuidanceDocuments/default.htm.                        ‘‘Uncomplicated Gonorrhea: Developing
                                                    2013 (78 FR 53773), FDA announced the                   Guidance documents are also available                 Drugs for Treatment.’’ The purpose of
                                                    availability of the draft guidance                      at http://www.regulations.gov. Persons                this guidance is to assist sponsors in the
                                                    document. Interested persons were                       unable to download an electronic copy                 clinical development of drugs for the
                                                    invited to comment by September 30,                     of ‘‘Select Updates for Non-Clinical                  treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea.
                                                    2013. Four sets of comments were                        Engineering Tests and Recommended                     This guidance finalizes the draft
                                                    received and, in general, were                          Labeling for Intravascular Stents and                 guidance of the same name issued on
                                                    supportive of the guidance. There were                  Associated Delivery Systems ’’ may                    June 19, 2014.
                                                    multiple comments regarding the need                    send an email request to CDRH-                        DATES: Submit either electronic or
                                                    for clarification of acceptance criteria                Guidance@fda.hhs.gov to receive an                    written comments on Agency guidances
                                                    and the desire for a flow chart to                      electronic copy of the document. Please               at any time.
                                                    visualize the overall testing paradigm                  use the document number 1826 to                       ADDRESSES: Submit written requests for
                                                    described in the guidance update. In                    identify the guidance you are                         single copies of this guidance to the
                                                    response to these comments, FDA                         requesting.                                           Division of Drug Information, Center for
                                                    revised the guidance document to
                                                                                                            IV. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                   Drug Evaluation and Research, Food
                                                    include more specific information on
                                                                                                                                                                  and Drug Administration, 10001 New
                                                    acceptance criteria for pitting corrosion                 This draft guidance refers to                       Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Building,
                                                    and surface oxide properties, as well as                previously approved collections of                    4th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20993–
                                                    a flow chart. General concerns were                     information found in FDA regulations.                 0002. Send one self-addressed adhesive
                                                    noted that the guidance modifications                   These collections of information are
                                                    might be interpreted to be more                                                                               label to assist that office in processing
                                                                                                            subject to review by the Office of                    your requests. See the SUPPLEMENTARY
                                                    burdensome. However, the addition of                    Management and Budget (OMB) under                     INFORMATION section for electronic
                                                    the flowchart is intended to clarify                    the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                    when testing beyond pitting corrosion                                                                         access to the guidance document.
                                                                                                            (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520). The collections                   Submit electronic comments on the
                                                    testing should be considered, and based                 of information in 21 CFR part 814 have                guidance to http://www.regulations.gov.
                                                    on prior experience, it is anticipated                  been approved under OMB control                       Submit written comments to the
                                                    that few stents will need further                       number 0910–0231.
                                                    assessment. In addition, there were                                                                           Division of Dockets Management (HFA–
                                                    several comments regarding the lack of                  V. Comments                                           305), Food and Drug Administration,
                                                    utility of post-fatigue pitting corrosion                                                                     5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville,
                                                                                                               Interested persons may submit either               MD 20852.
                                                    assessment. In response to these                        electronic comments regarding this
                                                    comments, as well as discussions at the                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                            document to http://www.regulations.gov
                                                    March 2012 workshop, FDA has                                                                                  Maria Allende or Joseph Toerner, Center
                                                                                                            or written comments to the Division of
                                                    removed the suggestion to consider                                                                            for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food
                                                                                                            Dockets Management (see ADDRESSES). It
                                                    post-fatigue pitting corrosion testing                                                                        and Drug Administration, 10903 New
                                                                                                            is only necessary to send one set of
                                                    when damage to samples is noted due                                                                           Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, Rm. 6244,
                                                                                                            comments. Identify comments with the
                                                    to fatigue testing. There was also a                                                                          Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
                                                                                                            docket number found in brackets in the
                                                    comment that the 60-day suggested                                                                             796–1400.
                                                                                                            heading of this document. Received
                                                    duration for nickel release may be                      comments may be seen in the Division                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    unnecessarily long and burdensome,                      of Dockets Management between 9 a.m.                  I. Background
                                                    and in response, FDA has reduced the                    and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and
                                                    minimum duration to 30 days if the                                                                               FDA is announcing the availability of
                                                                                                            will be posted to the docket at http://
                                                    release rate falls below a predetermined                                                                      a guidance for industry entitled
                                                    level based on toxicological risk                                                                             ‘‘Uncomplicated Gonorrhea: Developing
                                                                                                              Dated: August 12, 2015.                             Drugs for Treatment.’’ The purpose of
                                                                                                            Leslie Kux,                                           this guidance is to assist sponsors in the
                                                    II. Significance of Guidance                            Associate Commissioner for Policy.                    development of drugs for the treatment
                                                       This guidance is being issued                        [FR Doc. 2015–20308 Filed 8–17–15; 8:45 am]           of uncomplicated gonorrhea.
                                                    consistent with FDA’s good guidance                     BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                     This guidance describes approaches
                                                    practices regulation (21 CFR 10.115).                                                                         for trial designs for the evaluation of
                                                    The guidance represents the current                                                                           new drugs for the treatment of
                                                    thinking of FDA on certain non-clinical                 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              uncomplicated gonorrhea. The guidance
                                                    testing for coronary and peripheral                     HUMAN SERVICES                                        focuses on the noninferiority trial
                                                    stents. It does not establish any rights                                                                      design and describes an efficacy
                                                    for any person and is not binding on                    Food and Drug Administration                          endpoint for which there is a well-
                                                    FDA or the public. You can use an                                                                             defined treatment effect. The guidance
                                                                                                            [Docket No. FDA–2014–D–0640]                          also provides the justification for the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    alternative approach if it satisfies the
                                                    requirements of the applicable statute                                                                        noninferiority margin. After careful
                                                                                                            Uncomplicated Gonorrhea: Developing                   consideration of comments received in
                                                    and regulations.
                                                                                                            Drugs for Treatment; Guidance for                     response to the draft guidance issued on
                                                    III. Electronic Access                                  Industry; Availability                                June 19, 2014 (79 FR 35172), we added
                                                       Persons interested in obtaining a copy               AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,              a brief discussion of the potential for
                                                    of the guidance may do so by                            HHS.                                                  pregnant women to be included in
                                                    downloading an electronic copy from                                                                           specific populations for drug
                                                                                                            ACTION:   Notice.
                                                    the Internet. A search capability for all                                                                     development. In addition, this guidance

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:02 Aug 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00025   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\18AUN1.SGM   18AUN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 12:04:41
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 12:04:41
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesSubmit either electronic or written comments on this guidance at any time. General comments on Agency guidance documents are welcome at any time.
ContactKatharine Chowdhury, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 66, Rm. 1222, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 301-796-6344, or Erica Takai, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Bldg. 62, Rm. 3226, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 301-796-6353.
FR Citation80 FR 50008 

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