80_FR_51314 80 FR 51151 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Missouri; Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

80 FR 51151 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Missouri; Cross-State Air Pollution Rule


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 163 (August 24, 2015)

Page Range51151-51152
FR Document2015-20773

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the State of Missouri in a letter dated March 30, 2015. This SIP revision provides Missouri's state-determined allowance allocations for existing electric generating units (EGUs) in the state for the 2016 control period and replaces certain allowance allocations for the 2016 control periods established by EPA under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). The CSAPR addresses the ``good neighbor'' provision of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) that requires states to reduce the transport of pollution that significantly affects downwind air quality. In this action EPA is proposing to approve Missouri's SIP revision, incorporating the state-determined allocations for the 2016 control periods into the SIP, and amending the regulatory text of the CSAPR Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) to reflect this approval and inclusion of the state-determined allocations. EPA is proposing to take direct final action to approve Missouri's SIP revision because it meets the requirements of the CAA and the CSAPR requirements to replace EPA's allowance allocations for the 2016 control periods. This action is being proposed pursuant to the CAA and its implementing regulations. EPA's allocations of CSAPR trading program allowances for Missouri for control periods in 2017 and beyond remain in place until the State submits and EPA approves state-determined allocations for those control periods through another SIP revision. The CSAPR FIPs for Missouri remain in place until such time as the State decides to replace the FIPs with a SIP revision.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 163 (Monday, August 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 163 (Monday, August 24, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 51151-51152]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-20773]



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0556; FRL-9932-94-Region 7]

Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
State of Missouri; Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to 
approve revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by 
the State of Missouri in a letter dated March 30, 2015. This SIP 
revision provides Missouri's state-determined allowance allocations for 
existing electric generating units (EGUs) in the state for the 2016 
control period and replaces certain allowance allocations for the 2016 
control periods established by EPA under the Cross-State Air Pollution 
Rule (CSAPR). The CSAPR addresses the ``good neighbor'' provision of 
the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) that requires states to reduce the 
transport of pollution that significantly affects downwind air quality. 
In this action EPA is proposing to approve Missouri's SIP revision, 
incorporating the state-determined allocations for the 2016 control 
periods into the SIP, and amending the regulatory text of the CSAPR 
Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) to reflect this approval and 
inclusion of the state-determined allocations. EPA is proposing to take 
direct final action to

[[Page 51152]]

approve Missouri's SIP revision because it meets the requirements of 
the CAA and the CSAPR requirements to replace EPA's allowance 
allocations for the 2016 control periods. This action is being proposed 
pursuant to the CAA and its implementing regulations. EPA's allocations 
of CSAPR trading program allowances for Missouri for control periods in 
2017 and beyond remain in place until the State submits and EPA 
approves state-determined allocations for those control periods through 
another SIP revision. The CSAPR FIPs for Missouri remain in place until 
such time as the State decides to replace the FIPs with a SIP revision.

DATES: Comments on this proposed action must be received in writing by 
September 23, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-R07-
OAR-2015-0556, by mail to Lachala Kemp, Environmental Protection 
Agency, Air Planning and Development Branch, 11201 Renner Boulevard, 
Lenexa, Kansas 66219. Comments may also be submitted electronically or 
through hand delivery/courier by following the detailed instructions in 
the ADDRESSES section of the direct final rule located in the rules 
section of this Federal Register.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lachala Kemp, Environmental Protection 
Agency, Air Planning and Development Branch, 11201 Renner Boulevard, 
Lenexa, Kansas 66219 at (913) 551-7214 or by email at 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the final rules section of this Federal 
Register, EPA is approving the state's SIP revision as a direct final 
rule without prior proposal because the Agency views this as a 
noncontroversial revision amendment and anticipates no relevant adverse 
comments to this action. A detailed rationale for the approval is set 
forth in the direct final rule. If no relevant adverse comments are 
received in response to this action, no further activity is 
contemplated in relation to this action. If EPA receives relevant 
adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all 
public comments received will be addressed in a subsequent final rule 
based on this proposed action. EPA will not institute a second comment 
period on this action. Any parties interested in commenting on this 
action should do so at this time. Please note that if EPA receives 
adverse comment on part of this rule and if that part can be severed 
from the remainder of the rule, EPA may adopt as final those parts of 
the rule that are not the subject of an adverse comment. For additional 
information, see the direct final rule which is located in the rules 
section of this Federal Register.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by 
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, 
Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur 

    Dated: August 12, 2015.
Mark Hague,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 7.
[FR Doc. 2015-20773 Filed 8-21-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                 51151

                                                 SIP commitment have in fact been                          We will accept comments from the                    Indian tribe has demonstrated that a
                                                 achieved, not to satisfy a future                       public on this proposed action until the              tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of
                                                 emission reduction requirement.                         date noted in the DATES section above.                Indian country, the proposed rule does
                                                 Accordingly, it is not necessary to                                                                           not have tribal implications and will not
                                                                                                         V. Statutory and Executive Order
                                                 require the State to submit additional                                                                        impose substantial direct costs on tribal
                                                 commitments for this purpose.                                                                                 governments or preempt tribal law as
                                                                                                            Under the Clean Air Act, the                       specified by Executive Order 13175 (65
                                                 C. Sections 110(l) and 193 of the Act                   Administrator is required to approve a                FR 67249, November 9, 2000).
                                                                                                         SIP submission that complies with the
                                                   Section 110(l) of the CAA prohibits                                                                         List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
                                                                                                         provisions of the Act and applicable
                                                 EPA from approving any SIP revision
                                                                                                         Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k);                 Environmental protection, Air
                                                 that would interfere with any applicable
                                                                                                         40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in reviewing SIP               pollution control, Incorporation by
                                                 requirement concerning attainment and
                                                                                                         submissions, EPA’s role is to approve                 reference, Intergovernmental relations,
                                                 RFP or any other applicable CAA                         state choices, provided that they meet                Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter,
                                                 requirement. The Emission Reduction                     the criteria of the Clean Air Act.                    Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                 Report documents CARB’s bases for                       Accordingly, this proposed action                     requirements.
                                                 concluding that specific incentive                      merely approves state law as meeting
                                                 projects implemented by January 1,                                                                              Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
                                                                                                         Federal requirements and does not
                                                 2014, in accordance with the identified                 impose additional requirements beyond                   Dated: August 6, 2015.
                                                 portions of the Carl Moyer Program and                  those imposed by state law. For that                  Jared Blumenfeld,
                                                 Prop 1B Program guidelines, have                        reason, this proposed action:                         Regional Administrator, Region IX.
                                                 achieved a total of 7.8 tpd of NOX                         • Is not a significant regulatory action           [FR Doc. 2015–20749 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 emission reductions and 0.2 tpd of                      subject to review by the Office of                    BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                 PM2.5 emission reductions in the SJV                    Management and Budget under
                                                 area which may be credited toward the                   Executive Orders 12866 (58 FR 51735,
                                                 State’s 2014 emission reduction                         October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821,               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                 commitment in the 2008 PM2.5 Plan.                      January 21, 2011);                                    AGENCY
                                                 These calculations of emission                             • does not impose an information
                                                 reductions are based on actions taken by                collection burden under the provisions                40 CFR Part 52
                                                 grantees before January 1, 2014 which                   of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44                    [EPA–R07–OAR–2015–0556; FRL–9932–94–
                                                 reduced emissions of NOX and PM2.5 in                   U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);                                 Region 7]
                                                 the SJV (e.g., through replacement of                      • is certified as not having a
                                                 older, higher-polluting vehicles                        significant economic impact on a                      Approval and Promulgation of Air
                                                 operating in the SJV area with newer,                   substantial number of small entities                  Quality Implementation Plans; State of
                                                 cleaner vehicles). The Emission                         under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5               Missouri; Cross-State Air Pollution
                                                 Reduction Report does not establish or                  U.S.C. 601 et seq.);                                  Rule
                                                 revise any emission limitation, control                    • does not contain any unfunded
                                                 measure, or other requirement in the                    mandate or significantly or uniquely                  AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                 applicable SIP. We propose to                           affect small governments, as described                Agency (EPA).
                                                 determine that our approval of the                      in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                   ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                 Emission Reduction Report would                         of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
                                                 comply with CAA section 110(l)                             • does not have Federalism                         SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                                 because the proposed SIP revision                       implications as specified in Executive                Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve
                                                 would not interfere with the on-going                   Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,                  revisions to the State Implementation
                                                 process for ensuring that requirements                  1999);                                                Plan (SIP) submitted by the State of
                                                 for attainment of the NAAQS and other                      • is not an economically significant               Missouri in a letter dated March 30,
                                                 CAA provisions are met.                                 regulatory action based on health or                  2015. This SIP revision provides
                                                                                                         safety risks subject to Executive Order               Missouri’s state-determined allowance
                                                   Section 193 of the Act does not apply                                                                       allocations for existing electric
                                                                                                         13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
                                                 to this proposed action because the
                                                                                                            • is not a significant regulatory action           generating units (EGUs) in the state for
                                                 Emission Reduction Report does not                                                                            the 2016 control period and replaces
                                                                                                         subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR
                                                 modify any SIP-approved control                                                                               certain allowance allocations for the
                                                                                                         28355, May 22, 2001);
                                                 requirement in effect before November                      • is not subject to requirements of                2016 control periods established by EPA
                                                 15, 1990.                                               Section 12(d) of the National                         under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
                                                 IV. Proposed Action and Public                          Technology Transfer and Advancement                   (CSAPR). The CSAPR addresses the
                                                 Comment                                                 Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because              ‘‘good neighbor’’ provision of the Clean
                                                                                                         application of those requirements would               Air Act (CAA or Act) that requires states
                                                   Under section 110(k)(3) of the Act,                   be inconsistent with the Clean Air Act;               to reduce the transport of pollution that
                                                 EPA is proposing to fully approve the                   and                                                   significantly affects downwind air
                                                 submitted Emission Reduction Report                        • does not provide EPA with the                    quality. In this action EPA is proposing
                                                 and, based on CARB’s documentation                      discretionary authority to address, as                to approve Missouri’s SIP revision,

                                                 therein of actions taken by grantees in                 appropriate, disproportionate human                   incorporating the state-determined
                                                 accordance with the identified incentive                health or environmental effects, using                allocations for the 2016 control periods
                                                 program guidelines, to approve 7.8 tpd                  practicable and legally permissible                   into the SIP, and amending the
                                                 of NOX emission reductions and 0.2 tpd                  methods, under Executive Order 12898                  regulatory text of the CSAPR Federal
                                                 of PM2.5 emission reductions for credit                 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).                      Implementation Plan (FIP) to reflect this
                                                 toward the State’s 2014 emission                           In addition, the SIP is not approved               approval and inclusion of the state-
                                                 reduction commitment in the 2008                        to apply on any Indian reservation land               determined allocations. EPA is
                                                 PM2.5 Plan.                                             or in any other area where EPA or an                  proposing to take direct final action to

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   12:29 Aug 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00006   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\24AUP1.SGM   24AUP1

                                                 51152                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 approve Missouri’s SIP revision because                 comment. For additional information,                  from our July 14, 2015 action. EPA is
                                                 it meets the requirements of the CAA                    see the direct final rule which is located            instead proposing not to take action on
                                                 and the CSAPR requirements to replace                   in the rules section of this Federal                  South Dakota’s updates to this
                                                 EPA’s allowance allocations for the                     Register.                                             provision.
                                                 2016 control periods. This action is
                                                                                                         List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52                    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
                                                 being proposed pursuant to the CAA
                                                 and its implementing regulations. EPA’s                   Environmental protection, Air                         Environmental protection, Air
                                                 allocations of CSAPR trading program                    pollution control, Incorporation by                   pollution control, Carbon monoxide,
                                                 allowances for Missouri for control                     reference, Intergovernmental relations,               Incorporation by Reference,
                                                 periods in 2017 and beyond remain in                    Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate                  Intergovernmental relations, Lead,
                                                 place until the State submits and EPA                   matter, Reporting and recordkeeping                   Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate
                                                 approves state-determined allocations                   requirements, Sulfur dioxides.                        matter, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                 for those control periods through                        Dated: August 12, 2015.                              requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile
                                                 another SIP revision. The CSAPR FIPs                    Mark Hague,                                           organic compounds.
                                                 for Missouri remain in place until such                                                                         Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
                                                                                                         Acting Regional Administrator, Region 7.
                                                 time as the State decides to replace the
                                                 FIPs with a SIP revision.                               [FR Doc. 2015–20773 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]             Dated: August 10, 2015.
                                                 DATES: Comments on this proposed
                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                Debra H. Thomas,
                                                 action must be received in writing by                                                                         Acting Regional Administrator, Region 8.
                                                 September 23, 2015.                                     ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                                                                               [FR Doc. 2015–20740 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                        AGENCY
                                                                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                 identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R07–
                                                 OAR–2015–0556, by mail to Lachala                       40 CFR Part 52
                                                 Kemp, Environmental Protection                                                                                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                         [EPA–R08–OAR–2014–0916; FRL–9932–89–                  AGENCY
                                                 Agency, Air Planning and Development
                                                                                                         Region 8]
                                                 Branch, 11201 Renner Boulevard,
                                                                                                                                                               40 CFR Part 52
                                                 Lenexa, Kansas 66219. Comments may                      Approval and Promulgation of Air
                                                 also be submitted electronically or                     Quality Implementation Plans; South                   [EPA–R05–OAR–2015–0408; EPA–R05–
                                                 through hand delivery/courier by                                                                              OAR–2015–0409; FRL–9932–62–Region 5]
                                                                                                         Dakota; Revisions to South Dakota
                                                 following the detailed instructions in                  Administrative Code; Correction
                                                 the ADDRESSES section of the direct final                                                                     Air Plan Approval; IL; MN;
                                                 rule located in the rules section of this               AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                     Determinations of Attainment of the
                                                 Federal Register.                                       Agency (EPA).                                         2008 Lead Standard for Chicago and
                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        ACTION: Proposed rule; correction.                    Eagan
                                                 Lachala Kemp, Environmental                                                                                   AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                 Protection Agency, Air Planning and                     SUMMARY:   This document contains a
                                                                                                         correction to the proposed rulemaking,                Agency (EPA).
                                                 Development Branch, 11201 Renner                                                                              ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                 Boulevard, Lenexa, Kansas 66219 at                      which was published on July 14, 2015.
                                                 (913) 551–7214 or by email at                           The proposal contained an error that is
                                                                                                                                                               SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
                                                 kemp.lachala@epa.gov.                                   identified and corrected in this action.
                                                                                                                                                               Agency (EPA) is proposing to make
                                                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the                       DATES: This document is effective                     determinations under the Clean Air Act
                                                 final rules section of this Federal                     August 24, 2015.                                      (CAA) that the Chicago, Illinois and
                                                 Register, EPA is approving the state’s                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Eagan, Minnesota nonattainment areas
                                                 SIP revision as a direct final rule                     Adam Clark, Air Program, U.S.                         (hereafter also referred to, respectively,
                                                 without prior proposal because the                      Environmental Protection Agency,                      as the ‘‘Chicago area,’’ ‘‘Eagan area,’’ or
                                                 Agency views this as a noncontroversial                 Region 8, Mailcode 8P–AR, 1595                        ‘‘areas’’) have attained the 2008 lead
                                                 revision amendment and anticipates no                   Wynkoop, Denver, Colorado 80202–                      (Pb) national ambient air quality
                                                 relevant adverse comments to this                       1129, (303) 312–7104, clark.adam@                     standard (NAAQS or standard). These
                                                 action. A detailed rationale for the                    epa.gov.                                              determinations of attainment are based
                                                 approval is set forth in the direct final               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            upon complete, quality-assured, and
                                                 rule. If no relevant adverse comments                                                                         certified ambient air monitoring data for
                                                 are received in response to this action,                Background                                            the 2012–2014 design period showing
                                                 no further activity is contemplated in                     In a proposed rule published July 14,              that the areas have achieved attainment
                                                 relation to this action. If EPA receives                2015 (80 FR 40952), EPA proposed to                   of the 2008 Pb NAAQS. Additionally, as
                                                 relevant adverse comments, the direct                   approve updates to Administrative                     a result of these determinations, EPA
                                                 final rule will be withdrawn and all                    Rules of South Dakota (ARSD) into the                 proposes to suspend the requirements
                                                 public comments received will be                        South Dakota State Implementation Plan                for the areas to submit attainment
                                                 addressed in a subsequent final rule                    (SIP). Among the updates EPA proposed                 demonstrations, and associated
                                                 based on this proposed action. EPA will                 to approve was Article 74:36:05,                      reasonably available control measures
                                                 not institute a second comment period                   ‘‘Operating Permits for Part 70 Sources’’             (RACM), reasonable further progress

                                                 on this action. Any parties interested in               which details South Dakota’s Clean Air                (RFP) plans, contingency measures for
                                                 commenting on this action should do so                  Act Title V program. Clean Air Act Title              failure to meet RFP, and attainment
                                                 at this time. Please note that if EPA                   V requirements are not subject to                     deadlines, for as long as the areas
                                                 receives adverse comment on part of                     Section 110 of the Clean Air Act and are              continue to attain the 2008 Pb NAAQS.
                                                 this rule and if that part can be severed               thus not required to be incorporated                  In this action EPA is not proposing a
                                                 from the remainder of the rule, EPA may                 into SIPs. Therefore, EPA is issuing this             redesignation of the areas to attainment
                                                 adopt as final those parts of the rule that             correction document to remove the                     of the 2008 Pb NAAQS; the areas remain
                                                 are not the subject of an adverse                       proposed approval of ARSD 74:36:05                    designated nonattainment until such

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 10:54:31
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 10:54:31
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments on this proposed action must be received in writing by September 23, 2015.
ContactLachala Kemp, Environmental Protection Agency, Air Planning and Development Branch, 11201 Renner Boulevard, Lenexa, Kansas 66219 at (913) 551-7214 or by email at [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 51151 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations; Nitrogen Dioxide; Ozone; Particulate Matter; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Sulfur Dioxides

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