80_FR_51492 80 FR 51329 - In the Matter of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC; River Bend Station, Unit 1

80 FR 51329 - In the Matter of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC; River Bend Station, Unit 1


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 163 (August 24, 2015)

Page Range51329-51330
FR Document2015-20868

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an order to permit the direct transfer of Facility Operating License No. NPF-47 for River Bend Station, Unit 1 (RBS), to a new limited liability company named Entergy Louisiana, LLC. The applicants have also requested approval of a conforming amendment to reflect the change in the owner licensee for RBS, from Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC, to the newly formed Entergy Louisiana LLC. In addition, the applicants requested the NRC's consent to approve an associated indirect license transfer of RBS to the extent such would be affected by a new intermediary holding company. Entergy Corporation will remain as the ultimate parent company, but a new intermediate company, Entergy Utility Holding Company, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, will be the direct parent company of the newly formed Entergy Louisiana, LLC.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 163 (Monday, August 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 163 (Monday, August 24, 2015)]
[Pages 51329-51330]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-20868]



[Docket No. 50-458; License No. NPF-47; NRC-2014-0258]

In the Matter of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC; River Bend 
Station, Unit 1

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Direct and indirect transfer of license; order.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an 
order to permit the direct transfer of Facility Operating License No. 
NPF-47 for River Bend Station, Unit 1 (RBS), to a new limited liability 
company named Entergy Louisiana, LLC. The applicants have also 
requested approval of a conforming amendment to reflect the change in 
the owner licensee for RBS, from Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC, to 
the newly formed Entergy Louisiana LLC. In addition, the applicants 
requested the NRC's consent to approve an associated indirect license 
transfer of RBS to the extent such would be affected by a new 
intermediary holding company. Entergy Corporation will remain as the 
ultimate parent company, but a new intermediate company, Entergy 
Utility Holding Company, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, will 
be the direct parent company of the newly formed Entergy Louisiana, 

DATES: The Order was issued on August 14, 2015, and is effective for 
one year.

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2014-0258 when contacting the 
NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You 
may obtain publicly-available information related to this document 
using any of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2014-0258. Address 
questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-415-
3463; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For technical questions, contact 
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of 
this document.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Documents collection at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``ADAMS Public Documents'' and 
then select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, 
please contact the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 
1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The 
ADAMS accession number for each document referenced (if that document 
is available in ADAMS) is provided the first time that a document is 
     NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public 
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-1445; email: Alan.Wang@nrc.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The text of the Order is attached.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 14 day of August, 2015.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
A. Louise Lund,
Acting Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of 
Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Attachment--Order Approving Direct and Indirect Transfers of License 
and Conforming Amendment



In the Matter of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C.; River Bend 
Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458, License No. NPF-47 Order Approving 
Direct and Indirect Transfers of License and Conforming Amendment


    Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. (EGSL) and Entergy 
Operations, Inc. (EOI) (the licensees), are co-holders of Facility 
Operating License (FOL) No. NPF-47 for the River Bend Station, Unit 1 
(RBS). EGSL is the licensed owner, and EOI is the licensed operator and 
is authorized to possess, use, and operate RBS, which is located in 
West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana.
    Entergy Louisiana, LLC (ELL) and EOI (the licensees), are co-
holders of FOL No. NPF-38 for the Waterford Steam Electric Station, 
Unit 3 (Waterford). ELL is the licensed owner, and EOI is the licensed 
operator and is authorized to possess, use, and operate Waterford, 
which is located in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana.


    By application dated June 10, 2014, as supplemented by letters 
dated October 9, 2014, December 31, 2014, and January 30, 2015, EOI 
requested on behalf of itself, EGSL, ELL, and their parent companies 
(together, the Applicants), under Section 50.80, ``Transfer of 
licenses,'' of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), 
that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) consent to the direct 
transfers of control of the operating licenses for RBS and Waterford to 
a new limited liability company named Entergy Louisiana, LLC. The 
Applicants also requested approval of a conforming amendment to reflect 
the change in the ownership for RBS from EGSL to the newly formed 
Entergy Louisiana, LLC. In addition, the Applicants requested the NRC's 
consent to the associated indirect license transfers of RBS and 
Waterford due to the creation of a new intermediary holding company. 
The license transfers are necessary to support the corporate 
reorganization to permit the combination of the assets and liabilities

[[Page 51330]]

of two utility operating companies which are subsidiaries of Entergy 
Corporation (Entergy). Entergy will remain as the ultimate parent 
company, but a new intermediate company, Entergy Utility Holding 
Company, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, will become the direct 
parent company of the newly formed Entergy Louisiana, LLC. When the 
transactions are completed, the newly formed Entergy Louisiana, LLC 
will acquire 100 percent ownership of RBS and Waterford. EOI will 
remain responsible for the operation and maintenance of RBS and 
Waterford. The transaction will also result in the transfer of the 
general license for the RBS independent spent fuel storage installation 
held by the Applicants under 10 CFR part 50.
    No physical changes to the RBS facility or operational changes are 
being proposed in the application.
    Approval of the direct and indirect transfers of the FOLs was 
requested by EOI, acting on behalf of EGSL, as well as their parent 
companies and itself. A notice entitled, ``River Bend Station, Unit 1, 
and Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3; Consideration of Approval 
of Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment,'' was published in the 
Federal Register on December 3, 2014 (79 FR 71803). The NRC has 
received two comments from the public. No hearing requests or petitions 
to intervene were received.
    Under 10 CFR 50.80, no license, or any right thereunder, shall be 
transferred, directly or indirectly, through transfer of control of the 
license, unless the Commission gives its consent in writing. Upon 
review of the information in the licensees' application, and other 
information before the Commission, relying upon the representations and 
agreements contained in the application, the NRC staff has determined 
that the newly formed Entergy Louisiana, LLC is qualified to acquire 
and directly hold the ownership interest under FOL No. 47 for RBS, as 
described in the application, and has further determined that both the 
direct and indirect transfers of control of the subject license, as 
described in the application, are otherwise consistent with the 
applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the 
NRC, pursuant thereto, subject to the conditions set forth below.
    The application also requests approval of a conforming amendment to 
FOL No. NPF-47 for RBS. The RBS amendment replaces references to EGSL, 
the current licensed owner, with Entergy Louisiana, LLC. The change 
does no more than accurately reflect the approved transfer action. The 
conforming amendment involves no safety questions and is administrative 
in nature. The NRC has determined that the proposed amendment is 
    The findings set forth above are supported by a safety evaluation 
dated August 14, 2015.


    Accordingly, under Sections 161b, 161i, 161o, and 184 of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Sections 2201(b), 2201(i), 
2201(o), and 2234; and 10 CFR 50.80, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the 
application for the direct and indirect license transfers related to 
the proposed corporate restructuring, in connection with the merger of 
EGSL and ELL, is approved, subject to the following condition:
    1. Before completion of the proposed transaction, Entergy 
Operations, Inc. shall provide the Director of the Office of Nuclear 
Reactor Regulation satisfactory documentary evidence that the newly 
formed Entergy Louisiana, LLC has obtained the appropriate amount of 
insurance required of the licensees under 10 CFR part 140, ``Financial 
Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements,'' of the Commission's 
    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that after receipt of all required regulatory 
approvals of the proposed direct transfer action, EOI shall inform the 
Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in writing of such 
receipt, and of the date of closing, no later than 1 business day 
before the closing of the direct transfer. Should the proposed direct 
transfer not be completed within 1 year of this Order's date of 
issuance, this Order shall become null and void. However, upon written 
application and good cause shown, such date may be extended by Order.
    This Order is effective upon issuance.
    For further details with respect to this Order, see the initial 
application dated June 10, 2014 (Agencywide Documents Access and 
Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML14161A698), as supplemented 
by letters dated October 9, 2014, December 31, 2014, and January 30, 
2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML15154B588, ML14365A404, and ML15030A495, 
respectively), and the safety evaluation dated the same date as this 
Order (ADAMS Accession No. ML15138A440), which are available for public 
inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room (PDR), located at 
One White Flint North, Public File Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike 
(first floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly available documents 
created or received at the NRC are accessible electronically through 
ADAMS in the NRC Library at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. 
Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in 
accessing the documents located in ADAMS, should contact the NRC PDR 
reference staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209, or 301-415-4737, or by 
email to PDR.Resource@nrc.gov.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 14 day of August 2015.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
William M. Dean,
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2015-20868 Filed 8-21-15; 08:45 am]

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 2015 / Notices                                                51329

                                                10. Abstract: Completion of the NRC                   will remain as the ultimate parent                       For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                              Form 790 is a mandatory requirement                     company, but a new intermediate                        A. Louise Lund,
                                              for NRC licensees, licensees’                           company, Entergy Utility Holding                       Acting Director, Division of Operating Reactor
                                              contractors, and certificate holder who                 Company, LLC, a Texas limited liability                Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
                                              classify and declassify NRC information                 company, will be the direct parent                     Regulation.
                                              in accordance with Executive Order                      company of the newly formed Entergy                    Attachment—Order Approving Direct
                                              13526, ‘‘Classified National Security                   Louisiana, LLC.                                        and Indirect Transfers of License and
                                              Information,’’ the Atomic Energy Act,                                                                          Conforming Amendment
                                              and implementing directives.                            DATES: The Order was issued on August
                                                                                                      14, 2015, and is effective for one year.               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                              III. Specific Requests for Comments
                                                                                                      ADDRESSES:   Please refer to Docket ID                 NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                                                 The NRC is seeking comments that                                                                            COMMISSION
                                              address the following questions:                        NRC–2014–0258 when contacting the
                                                 1. Is the proposed collection of                     NRC about the availability of                          In the Matter of Entergy Gulf States
                                              information necessary for the NRC to                    information regarding this document.                   Louisiana, L.L.C.; River Bend Station,
                                              properly perform its functions? Does the                You may obtain publicly-available                      Unit 1 Docket No. 50–458, License No.
                                              information have practical utility?                     information related to this document                   NPF–47 Order Approving Direct and
                                                 2. Is the estimate of the burden of the              using any of the following methods:                    Indirect Transfers of License and
                                              information collection accurate?                           • Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to                Conforming Amendment
                                                 3. Is there a way to enhance the                     http://www.regulations.gov and search                  I.
                                              quality, utility, and clarity of the                    for Docket ID NRC–2014–0258. Address
                                              information to be collected?                                                                                      Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C.
                                                                                                      questions about NRC dockets to Carol                   (EGSL) and Entergy Operations, Inc.
                                                 4. How can the burden of the
                                              information collection on respondents                   Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;                    (EOI) (the licensees), are co-holders of
                                              be minimized, including the use of                      email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For                    Facility Operating License (FOL) No.
                                              automated collection techniques or                      technical questions, contact the                       NPF–47 for the River Bend Station, Unit
                                              other forms of information technology?                  individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                   1 (RBS). EGSL is the licensed owner,
                                                                                                      INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                    and EOI is the licensed operator and is
                                                Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day
                                              of August 2015.                                         document.                                              authorized to possess, use, and operate
                                                For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.                   • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                        RBS, which is located in West Feliciana
                                              Tremaine Donnell,                                       Access and Management System                           Parish, Louisiana.
                                                                                                      (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly                          Entergy Louisiana, LLC (ELL) and EOI
                                              NRC Clearance Officer, Office of Information
                                                                                                      available documents online in the                      (the licensees), are co-holders of FOL
                                                                                                      ADAMS Public Documents collection at                   No. NPF–38 for the Waterford Steam
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–20824 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                         Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford). ELL
                                              BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                                                                                                                             is the licensed owner, and EOI is the
                                                                                                      adams.html. To begin the search, select
                                                                                                                                                             licensed operator and is authorized to
                                                                                                      ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then
                                                                                                                                                             possess, use, and operate Waterford,
                                              NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                      select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS                         which is located in St. Charles Parish,
                                              COMMISSION                                              Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,                     Louisiana.
                                              [Docket No. 50–458; License No. NPF–47;                 please contact the NRC’s Public
                                              NRC–2014–0258]                                          Document Room (PDR) reference staff at                 II.
                                                                                                      1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by                       By application dated June 10, 2014, as
                                              In the Matter of Entergy Gulf States                    email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The                     supplemented by letters dated October
                                              Louisiana, LLC; River Bend Station,                     ADAMS accession number for each                        9, 2014, December 31, 2014, and January
                                              Unit 1                                                  document referenced (if that document                  30, 2015, EOI requested on behalf of
                                              AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                             is available in ADAMS) is provided the                 itself, EGSL, ELL, and their parent
                                              Commission.                                             first time that a document is referenced.              companies (together, the Applicants),
                                              ACTION: Direct and indirect transfer of                    • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and                    under Section 50.80, ‘‘Transfer of
                                              license; order.                                         purchase copies of public documents at                 licenses,’’ of Title 10 of the Code of
                                                                                                                                                             Federal Regulations (10 CFR), that the
                                                                                                      the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
                                              SUMMARY:   The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                                                                         U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                                                                                                      White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
                                              Commission (NRC) is issuing an order to                                                                        (NRC) consent to the direct transfers of
                                                                                                      Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
                                              permit the direct transfer of Facility                                                                         control of the operating licenses for RBS
                                              Operating License No. NPF–47 for River                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       and Waterford to a new limited liability
                                              Bend Station, Unit 1 (RBS), to a new                    Alan B. Wang, Office of Nuclear Reactor                company named Entergy Louisiana,
                                              limited liability company named                         Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                    LLC. The Applicants also requested
                                              Entergy Louisiana, LLC. The applicants                  Commission, Washington, DC 20555–                      approval of a conforming amendment to
                                              have also requested approval of a                       0001; telephone: 301–415–1445; email:                  reflect the change in the ownership for
                                              conforming amendment to reflect the                     Alan.Wang@nrc.gov.                                     RBS from EGSL to the newly formed
                                              change in the owner licensee for RBS,                                                                          Entergy Louisiana, LLC. In addition, the
                                              from Entergy Gulf States Louisiana,                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:               The text of   Applicants requested the NRC’s consent
                                                                                                      the Order is attached.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              LLC, to the newly formed Entergy                                                                               to the associated indirect license
                                              Louisiana LLC. In addition, the                           Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 14 day             transfers of RBS and Waterford due to
                                              applicants requested the NRC’s consent                  of August, 2015.                                       the creation of a new intermediary
                                              to approve an associated indirect license                                                                      holding company. The license transfers
                                              transfer of RBS to the extent such would                                                                       are necessary to support the corporate
                                              be affected by a new intermediary                                                                              reorganization to permit the
                                              holding company. Entergy Corporation                                                                           combination of the assets and liabilities

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:48 Aug 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00134   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24AUN1.SGM   24AUN1

                                              51330                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 2015 / Notices

                                              of two utility operating companies                      approved transfer action. The                         available documents created or received
                                              which are subsidiaries of Entergy                       conforming amendment involves no                      at the NRC are accessible electronically
                                              Corporation (Entergy). Entergy will                     safety questions and is administrative in             through ADAMS in the NRC Library at
                                              remain as the ultimate parent company,                  nature. The NRC has determined that                   http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/
                                              but a new intermediate company,                         the proposed amendment is acceptable.                 adams.html. Persons who do not have
                                              Entergy Utility Holding Company, LLC,                     The findings set forth above are                    access to ADAMS or who encounter
                                              a Texas limited liability company, will                 supported by a safety evaluation dated                problems in accessing the documents
                                              become the direct parent company of                     August 14, 2015.                                      located in ADAMS, should contact the
                                              the newly formed Entergy Louisiana,                     III.                                                  NRC PDR reference staff by telephone at
                                              LLC. When the transactions are                                                                                1–800–397–4209, or 301–415–4737, or
                                              completed, the newly formed Entergy                        Accordingly, under Sections 161b,                  by email to PDR.Resource@nrc.gov.
                                              Louisiana, LLC will acquire 100 percent                 161i, 161o, and 184 of the Atomic
                                                                                                      Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42                      Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 14 day
                                              ownership of RBS and Waterford. EOI                                                                           of August 2015.
                                              will remain responsible for the                         U.S.C. Sections 2201(b), 2201(i),
                                                                                                      2201(o), and 2234; and 10 CFR 50.80, IT                 For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                              operation and maintenance of RBS and
                                                                                                      IS HEREBY ORDERED that the                            William M. Dean,
                                              Waterford. The transaction will also
                                              result in the transfer of the general                   application for the direct and indirect               Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor
                                                                                                      license transfers related to the proposed             Regulation.
                                              license for the RBS independent spent
                                              fuel storage installation held by the                   corporate restructuring, in connection                [FR Doc. 2015–20868 Filed 8–21–15; 08:45 am]
                                              Applicants under 10 CFR part 50.                        with the merger of EGSL and ELL, is                   BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                 No physical changes to the RBS                       approved, subject to the following
                                              facility or operational changes are being               condition:
                                              proposed in the application.                               1. Before completion of the proposed               NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                                                 Approval of the direct and indirect                  transaction, Entergy Operations, Inc.                 COMMISSION
                                              transfers of the FOLs was requested by                  shall provide the Director of the Office
                                              EOI, acting on behalf of EGSL, as well                  of Nuclear Reactor Regulation                         [NRC–2015–0001]
                                              as their parent companies and itself. A                 satisfactory documentary evidence that
                                              notice entitled, ‘‘River Bend Station,                  the newly formed Entergy Louisiana,                   Sunshine Act Meeting Notice
                                              Unit 1, and Waterford Steam Electric                    LLC has obtained the appropriate
                                              Station, Unit 3; Consideration of                       amount of insurance required of the                   DATE: August 24, 31, September 7, 14,
                                              Approval of Transfer of License and                     licensees under 10 CFR part 140,                      21, 28, 2015.
                                              Conforming Amendment,’’ was                             ‘‘Financial Protection Requirements and               PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference
                                              published in the Federal Register on                    Indemnity Agreements,’’ of the                        Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
                                              December 3, 2014 (79 FR 71803). The                     Commission’s regulations.                             Maryland.
                                              NRC has received two comments from                         IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that after                   STATUS: Public and Closed.
                                              the public. No hearing requests or                      receipt of all required regulatory
                                              petitions to intervene were received.                   approvals of the proposed direct transfer             Week of August 24, 2015
                                                 Under 10 CFR 50.80, no license, or                   action, EOI shall inform the Director of                There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              any right thereunder, shall be                          the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation              the week of August 24, 2015.
                                              transferred, directly or indirectly,                    in writing of such receipt, and of the
                                              through transfer of control of the                      date of closing, no later than 1 business             Week of August 31, 2015—Tentative
                                              license, unless the Commission gives its                day before the closing of the direct                    There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              consent in writing. Upon review of the                  transfer. Should the proposed direct                  the week of August 31, 2015.
                                              information in the licensees’                           transfer not be completed within 1 year
                                              application, and other information                                                                            Week of September 7, 2015—Tentative
                                                                                                      of this Order’s date of issuance, this
                                              before the Commission, relying upon                     Order shall become null and void.                     Tuesday, September 8, 2015
                                              the representations and agreements                      However, upon written application and                 9:30 a.m. Briefing on Project AIM 2020
                                              contained in the application, the NRC                   good cause shown, such date may be                        (Public Meeting); (Contact: Karen
                                              staff has determined that the newly                     extended by Order.                                        Fitch: 301–415–7358).
                                              formed Entergy Louisiana, LLC is                           This Order is effective upon issuance.
                                              qualified to acquire and directly hold                     For further details with respect to this             This meeting will be webcast live at
                                              the ownership interest under FOL No.                    Order, see the initial application dated              the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.
                                              47 for RBS, as described in the                         June 10, 2014 (Agencywide Documents                   Thursday, September 10, 2015
                                              application, and has further determined                 Access and Management System
                                              that both the direct and indirect                       (ADAMS) Accession No.                                 9:30 a.m. Briefing on NRC
                                              transfers of control of the subject                     ML14161A698), as supplemented by                          International Activities (Closed—
                                              license, as described in the application,               letters dated October 9, 2014, December                   Ex. 1 & 9).
                                              are otherwise consistent with the                       31, 2014, and January 30, 2015 (ADAMS                 Week of September 14, 2015—Tentative
                                              applicable provisions of law,                           Accession Nos. ML15154B588,
                                                                                                      ML14365A404, and ML15030A495,                           There are no meetings scheduled for
                                              regulations, and orders issued by the
                                                                                                      respectively), and the safety evaluation              the week of September 14, 2015.
                                              NRC, pursuant thereto, subject to the
                                              conditions set forth below.                             dated the same date as this Order                     Week of September 21, 2015—Tentative
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                 The application also requests                        (ADAMS Accession No. ML15138A440),
                                              approval of a conforming amendment to                   which are available for public                        Thursday, September 24, 2015
                                              FOL No. NPF–47 for RBS. The RBS                         inspection at the Commission’s Public                 9:30 a.m. Strategic Programmatic
                                              amendment replaces references to                        Document Room (PDR), located at One                       Overview of the New Reactors
                                              EGSL, the current licensed owner, with                  White Flint North, Public File Area 01                    Business Line (Public Meeting);
                                              Entergy Louisiana, LLC. The change                      F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor),                  (Contact: Donna Williams: 301–
                                              does no more than accurately reflect the                Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly                       415–1322).

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:48 Aug 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00135   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24AUN1.SGM   24AUN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 10:54:59
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 10:54:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionDirect and indirect transfer of license; order.
DatesThe Order was issued on August 14, 2015, and is effective for one year.
ContactAlan B. Wang, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-1445; email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 51329 

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