80_FR_52365 80 FR 52198 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas

80 FR 52198 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 167 (August 28, 2015)

Page Range52198-52204
FR Document2015-21147

NMFS hereby modifies the baseline annual U.S. quota and subquotas for Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT). Specifically for 2015, NMFS augments the Reserve category quota with available underharvest of the 2014 adjusted U.S. BFT quota and also recalculates the Purse Seine and Reserve category quotas that were announced earlier this year (consistent with the Amendment 7 annual reallocation process) to reflect the increased U.S. quota. Furthermore, NMFS makes minor modifications to the regulations regarding Atlantic tunas purse seine auxiliary vessel activity under the ``transfer at sea'' provisions. This action is necessary to implement binding recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), as required by the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (ATCA), and to achieve domestic management objectives under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 167 (Friday, August 28, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 167 (Friday, August 28, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52198-52204]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21147]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 635

[Docket No. 150121066-5717-02]
RIN 0648-BE81

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule; notice of adjusted 2015 Purse Seine and Reserve 
category quotas.


SUMMARY: NMFS hereby modifies the baseline annual U.S. quota and 
subquotas for Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT). Specifically for 2015, NMFS 
augments the Reserve category quota with available underharvest of the 
2014 adjusted U.S. BFT quota and also recalculates the Purse Seine and 
Reserve category quotas that were announced earlier this year 
(consistent with the Amendment 7 annual reallocation process) to 
reflect the increased U.S. quota. Furthermore, NMFS makes minor 
modifications to the regulations regarding Atlantic tunas purse seine 
auxiliary vessel activity under the ``transfer at sea'' provisions. 
This action is necessary to implement binding recommendations of the 
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas 
(ICCAT), as required by the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (ATCA), and 
to achieve domestic management objectives under the Magnuson-Stevens 
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).

DATES: Effective September 26, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Supporting documents such as the Environmental Assessments 
and Fishery Management Plans described below may be downloaded from the 
HMS Web site at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/hms/. These documents also are 
available upon request from Sarah McLaughlin or Brad McHale at the 
telephone number below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarah McLaughlin or Brad McHale, 978-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Atlantic bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore 
tuna, yellowfin tuna, and skipjack tuna (hereafter referred to as 
``Atlantic tunas'') are managed under the dual authority of the 
Magnuson-Stevens Act and ATCA. As an active member of ICCAT, the United 
States implements binding ICCAT recommendations. ATCA authorizes the 
Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) to promulgate regulations, as may be 
necessary and appropriate to carry out ICCAT recommendations. The 
authority to issue regulations under the Magnuson-Stevens Act and ATCA 
has been delegated from the Secretary to the Assistant Administrator 
for Fisheries, NMFS.


    Background information about the need to modify the U.S. BFT base 
quota and the subquotas for all domestic fishing categories, as well as 
the regulatory text regarding Atlantic tunas purse seine auxiliary 
vessel activity under the ``transfer at sea'' provisions, were provided 
in the preamble to the proposed rule (80 FR 33467, June 12, 2015) and 
most of that information is not repeated here.

Changes From the Proposed Rule

    In this final rule, NMFS is changing text at Sec.  
635.27(a)(4)(ii), to reflect the equal allocation of the baseline Purse 
Seine category quota that is finalized in this action among the five 
individual Purse Seine category participants. NMFS inadvertently 
omitted this calculation in the regulatory text for the proposed rule. 
Specifically, in the proposed rule, NMFS proposed updating the baseline 
Purse Seine quota to 184.3 mt (Sec.  635.27(a)(4)(i)) to reflect the 
increased U.S. quota. However, NMFS did not carry this change through 
to the codified text in Sec.  635.27(a)(4)(ii) to reflect the division 
of that Purse Seine category quota equally among the five individual 
Purse Seine fishery participants. The existing regulatory text 
specifies that annually, NMFS will make equal allocations of the 
baseline Purse Seine category quota described under paragraph (a)(4)(i) 
of the section to individual Purse Seine participants. To reflect the 
increase in the baseline Purse Seine category quota to 184.3 mt for 
each Purse Seine category participant, NMFS is updating the amount in 
the regulatory text at Sec.  635.27(a)(4)(ii) to 36.9 mt (i.e., 184.3 
mt/5 = 36.9 mt each). Because the change in the final rule simply 
reflects a mathematical function of the amount in Sec.  635.27(a)(4)(i) 
and corrects the now-outdated number for the individual Purse Seine 
participants in Sec.  635.27(a)(4)(ii) and does not alter the formula 
used or substance of the proposed rule, NMFS has determined that it is 
appropriate to make this change in this final rule.

2014 ICCAT Recommendation

    At its November 2014 meeting, ICCAT adopted a western Atlantic BFT 
TAC of 2,000 mt annually for 2015 and 2016 after considering the 
results of the 2014 BFT stock assessment and following negotiations 
among Contracting Parties (ICCAT Recommendation 14-05). This TAC, which 
is an increase from the 1,750-mt TAC that has applied annually since 
2011, is consistent with scientific advice from the 2014 stock 
assessment, which indicated that annual catches of less than 2,250 mt 
would have a 50-percent probability of allowing the spawning stock 
biomass to be at or above its 2013 level by 2019 under either 
recruitment scenario, and that annual catches of 2,000 mt or less would 
continue to allow stock growth under both the low and high recruitment 
scenarios for the remainder of the rebuilding program. All TAC, quota, 
and weight information discussed in this notice are whole weight 
    For 2015 and 2016, the ICCAT Recommendation also makes the 
following allocations from the western BFT 2,000-mt TAC for bycatch 
related to directed longline fisheries in the Northeast Distant gear 
restricted area (NED): 15 mt for Canada and 25 mt for the United 
States. Following subtraction of these allocations from the TAC, the 
recommendation allocates the remainder to the United States (54.02 
percent), Canada (22.32 percent) Japan (17.64 percent), Mexico (5.56 
percent), UK (0.23 percent), and France (0.23 percent). For the United 
States, 54.02 percent of the remaining 1,960 mt is 1,058.79 mt annually 
for 2015 and 2016. This represents an increase of approximately 135 mt 
(approximately 14 percent) from the U.S. baseline BFT

[[Page 52199]]

quota that applied annually for 2011 through 2014. Thus, the annual 
total U.S. quota, including the 25 mt to account for bycatch related to 
pelagic longline fisheries in the NED, is 1,083.79 mt.
    As a method for limiting fishing mortality on juvenile BFT, ICCAT 
continued to recommend a tolerance limit on the annual harvest of BFT 
measuring less than 115 cm (straight fork length) to no more than 10 
percent by weight of a Contracting Party's total BFT quota over the 
2015 and 2016 fishing periods. The United States implements this 
provision by limiting the harvest of school BFT (measuring 27 to less 
than 47 inches (68.5 to less than 119 cm curved fork length)) as 
appropriate to not exceed the 10-percent limit over the two-year 

Domestic Allocations and Quotas

    The table below shows the final baseline quotas and subquotas that 
result from applying the process established in Amendment 7 to the 2006 
Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan 
(Amendment 7) to the higher U.S. BFT quota that ICCAT recommended in 
2014. These quotas are codified at Sec.  635.27(a) and will remain in 
effect until changed (for instance, if any new ICCAT western BFT TAC 
recommendation is adopted). Because ICCAT adopted TACs for 2015 and 
2016 in Recommendation 14-05, NMFS currently anticipates that these 
annual base quotas would be in effect through 2016, but they will 
remain in place unless and until a new TAC is adopted by ICCAT.

                        Table 1--Final Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (BFT) Annual Baseline Quotas
                                                [In metric tons]
                 Category                                   Annual baseline quotas and subquotas
                                               Quota                            Subquotas
General...................................        466.7  January-March \1\............         24.7  ...........
                                            ...........  June-August..................        233.3  ...........
                                            ...........  September....................        123.7  ...........
                                            ...........  October-November.............         60.7  ...........
                                            ...........  December.....................         24.3  ...........
Harpoon...................................         38.6  School.......................        108.4  ...........
Longline..................................        148.3     Reserve...................  ...........         20.1
Trap......................................          1.0     North of 39[deg]18' N. lat  ...........         41.7
Purse Seine...............................    \2\ 184.3     South of 39[deg]18' N. lat  ...........         46.6
Angling...................................        195.2  Large School/Small Medium....         82.3  ...........
                                            ...........     North of 39[deg]18' N. lat  ...........         38.9
                                            ...........     South of 39[deg]18' N. lat  ...........         43.5
                                            ...........  Trophy.......................          4.5  ...........
                                            ...........     North of 39[deg]18' N. lat  ...........          1.5
                                            ...........     South of 39[deg]18' N. lat  ...........          1.5
                                            ...........     Gulf of Mexico............  ...........          1.5
Reserve...................................     \2\ 24.8  .............................  ...........  ...........
U.S. Baseline BFT Quota...................  \3\ 1,058.9  .............................  ...........  ...........
    Total U.S. Quota, including 25 mt for   \3\ 1,083.9  .............................  ...........  ...........
     NED (Longline).
\1\ January 1 through the effective date of a closure notice filed by NMFS announcing that the January subquota
  is reached or projected to be reached, or through March 31, whichever comes first.
\2\ Baseline amount shown. Does not reflect the annual adjustment process (for the Purse Seine and Reserve
  category quotas) adopted in Amendment 7, discussed below.
\3\ Totals subject to rounding error.

    The proposed rule described how Amendment 7 also changed the way 
that NMFS adjusts the U.S. annual quota for any previous year's 
underharvest. Rather than publishing proposed and final quota 
specifications annually to adjust the quota for the underharvest as 
NMFS has in the past, NMFS will automatically augment the Reserve 
category quota to the extent that underharvest from the previous year 
is available. Such adjustment will be consistent with ICCAT limits and 
will be calculated when complete BFT catch information for the prior 
year is available and finalized. Consistent with the quota regulations, 
NMFS may allocate any portion of the Reserve category quota for 
inseason or annual adjustments to any fishing category quota pursuant 
to regulatory determination criteria described at 50 CFR 635.27(a)(8), 
or for scientific research.
    In the proposed rule, NMFS stated that the preliminary 2014 
landings and dead discard estimate (i.e., using the 160.6-mt total of 
the 2013 estimated longline dead discards (156.4 mt) and the observed 
2014 purse seine dead discards (4.2 mt) as a proxy for estimated 2014 
dead discards) indicated an underharvest of approximately 218 mt. The 
preliminary 2014 pelagic longline dead discard estimate of 138.8 mt is 
now available from the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center. Adding 
the 2014 observed dead discards of 4.2 mt for the purse seine fishery, 
the best available annual estimate of U.S. dead discards that could be 
expected in 2015 is now 143 mt. As anticipated and explained to the 
public at the proposed rule stage, NMFS is using the updated total in 
this final rule because it is the best available and most complete 
information NMFS has regarding dead discards. Based on data available 
as of July 7, 2015, BFT landings in 2014 totaled 667.3 mt. Adding the 
143-mt estimate of dead discards results in a preliminary 2014 total 
catch of 810.3 mt, which is 233.3 mt less than the amount of quota 
(inclusive of dead discards) allowed under ICCAT Recommendation 13-09 
(i.e., 948.7 mt plus 94.9 mt of 2013 underharvest carried forward to 
2014, totaling 1,043.6 mt). Thus, the underharvest for 2014 is 233.3 
mt. Per the 2014 ICCAT

[[Page 52200]]

recommendation, only 10 percent of the total 2014 U.S. quota, or 94.9 
mt, of that underharvest is carried forward to the 2015 fishing year. 
NMFS anticipated this amount of available underharvest to carry forward 
to 2015 in the proposed rule.
    Consistent with the process adopted in the Amendment 7 implementing 
regulations, NMFS calculated at the beginning of the year the quota 
available to individual Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine category fishery 
participants for 2015 based on BFT catch (landings and dead discards) 
by those fishery participants in 2014. Based on that information, 87.4 
mt of the baseline Purse Seine category quota of 159.1 mt was 
reallocated to the Reserve category for the 2015 fishing year. This 
process resulted in a total of 71.7 mt for Purse Seine fishery 
participants for 2015 and 108.8 mt (i.e., the base Reserve quota of 
21.4 mt + 87.4 mt from the Purse Seine category) for the Reserve 
category (80 FR 7547, February 11, 2015). As discussed in the proposed 
rule, NMFS is first adjusting the 2015 Purse Seine category quota based 
on the ICCAT quota increase in this rule. As a result, the baseline 
Purse Seine category quota would increase by 25.2 mt to 184.3 mt. We 
then recalculate the amounts of quota available to individual Purse 
Seine fishery participants for 2015 applying the final baseline Purse 
Seine category (184.3 mt), and adjust the 2015 Purse Seine and Reserve 
category quotas as appropriate. This process results in a total of 82.9 
mt for Purse Seine fishery participants in 2015, with the remainder 
(i.e., 184.3-82.9 = 101.4 mt) added to the Reserve category. Consistent 
with Sec.  635.27(a)(4)(v)(C), NMFS will notify Atlantic Tunas Purse 
Seine fishery participants of the adjusted amount of quota available 
for their use in 2015 through the Individual Bluefin Quota (IBQ) 
electronic system and in writing.
    NMFS recently implemented two inseason transfers from the Reserve 
category for 2015 (34 mt to the Longline category and 40 mt to the 
Harpoon category), so the adjusted 2015 Reserve category quota as of 
publication of this action, including the allowable underharvest 
described above, would be 24.8-34-40 + 101.4 + 94.9 = 147.1 mt (80 FR 
45098, July 29, 2015 and 80 FR 46516, August 5, 2015, respectively).

Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine Auxiliary Vessel Activity

    Currently, HMS regulations specify that an owner or operator of a 
vessel for which an Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine category permit has been 
issued may transfer large medium and giant BFT at sea from the net of 
the catching vessel to another vessel for which an Atlantic Tunas Purse 
Seine category permit has been issued, provided the amount transferred 
does not cause the receiving vessel to exceed its currently authorized 
vessel allocation, including incidental catch limits. NMFS is making 
minor modifications to this regulatory text to clarify that this text 
was not meant to allow ``transfer at sea,'' which clearly is prohibited 
by ICCAT Recommendation 14-05, but is only meant to allow the routine, 
limited operations of an auxiliary vessel (i.e., a skiff) in assisting 
its associated purse seine vessel in catch operations for BFT. Such 
activities are not the type of activity meant to be prohibited by that 
Recommendation. This clarification is administrative, reflects current 
practice, and would have no environmental impacts or effects on current 
fishing operations.

Comments and Responses

    NMFS received two written comments on the proposed rule, as well as 
two verbal comments through the public conference call/webinar. Few of 
the comments NMFS received focused specifically on the proposed rule. 
Below, NMFS summarizes and responds to all comments made specifically 
on the proposed rule during the comment period. The comments that were 
outside the scope of this rule are summarized under ``Other Issues'' 
    Comment 1: One commenter suggested that, for conservation reasons 
and to allow the BFT stock to grow, NMFS should not increase the quota.
    Response: The western Atlantic BFT TAC, which includes the U.S. 
quota, is expected to allow for continued BFT stock growth under the 
both the low and high stock recruitment scenarios considered by ICCAT's 
Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) and is consistent 
with ICCAT recommendations, ATCA, and domestic and international 
management objectives. Furthermore, NMFS is required under the 
Magnuson-Stevens Act and ATCA to provide U.S. fishing vessels with a 
reasonable opportunity to harvest the ICCAT-recommended quota.
    Comment 2: Two commenters, representing fishing industry 
organizations, supported finalizing the rule as proposed but encouraged 
NMFS to increase BFT daily retention limits to allow more of the 
available quota to be harvested.
    Response: This rulemaking does not address daily retention limits. 
Adjusting daily retention limits occurs through separate inseason 
actions. NMFS has the authority to adjust the daily retention limits 
for the General, Harpoon, and Angling categories inseason, based on 
consideration of applicable regulatory determination criteria at Sec.  
635.27(a)(8). In adjusting Angling category limits, NMFS also considers 
the ICCAT tolerance limit of school BFT, which NMFS manages as 
appropriate to not exceed 10 percent (108.4 mt) of the annual U.S. BFT 
quota over each two-consecutive-year period (starting with 2015-2016). 
To date in 2015, NMFS has taken two inseason actions to increase the 
General and Angling category retention limit from the default levels 
(79 FR 77943, December 29, 2014, and 80 FR 27863, May 15, 2015). These 
actions may result in more of the General and Angling category 
subquotas to be harvested, relative to 2014, depending on the 
availability of BFT to the fisheries. NMFS also may adjust recreational 
effort controls inseason based on the best information available, but 
landings data are not available with the timing and frequency of 
commercial data (submitted within 24 hours to NMFS through required 
landings reports for each fish) such that adjustments in recreational 
fishing effort may need to be made in subsequent fishing years.
    Comment 3: One representative of an environmental non-governmental 
organization commented that the proposed rule is reasonable but 
expressed disappointment in ICCAT's recommendation to increase the TAC, 
given stock assessment uncertainties, and expressed concern that a 
quota increase could jeopardize rebuilding the stock by 2019.
    Response: The TAC recommended by ICCAT in 2014 followed the 
scientific advice of ICCAT's SCRS and considered the results of the 
2014 stock assessment update while also taking into account remaining 
uncertainties. The SCRS indicated that annual catches of less than 
2,250 mt would have a 50 percent probability of allowing the spawning 
stock biomass to be at or above its 2013 level by 2019 under either 
recruitment scenario, and that annual catches of 2,000 mt or less would 
continue to allow stock growth under both the low and high recruitment 
scenarios for the remainder of the rebuilding program. NMFS is 
committed to the sustainable, science-based management of BFT and is 
hopeful that the updated information and new data that will be 
incorporated into the next benchmark/full stock assessment will help to 
reduce some of the scientific uncertainty that the SCRS has identified 
for this stock.

Other Issues

    In addition to the above comments specifically on the content of 
the proposed rule, other commenters raised

[[Page 52201]]

issues that are outside the scope of this rule, particularly regarding 
Amendment 7 implementation. These comments included concern about the 
potential impact of quota transfers to the Longline category on IBQ 
shareholders and interest in how the reporting by commercial handgear 
vessel owners is proceeding during the initial implementation this 
    Although outside the scope of this rulemaking, NMFS is noting here 
that it carefully considers the regulatory determination regarding 
inseason adjustments before making an inseason quota transfer. These 
criteria include the effects of the adjustment on accomplishing the 
objectives of the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments. Thus, 
NMFS would consider, among other things, how such a transfer would 
optimize fishing opportunity and contribute to full accounting for 
landings and dead discards, while still supporting the broader 
objectives of the fishery management plan. NMFS considered these and 
other requisite factors in its recently published inseason action 
transferring 34 mt of quota from the Reserve to the Longline category 
(80 FR 45098, July 29, 2015). NMFS will report on the progress of 
Amendment 7 implementation (including the IBQ program and vessel catch 
reporting) at upcoming meetings of the HMS Advisory Panel, and these 
presentations and transcripts will be publically accessible through the 
HMS Web site (see ADDRESSES).


    The NMFS Assistant Administrator has determined that this final 
rule is consistent with the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
amendments, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, ATCA, and other applicable law.
    This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    In compliance with section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
(RFA), a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) was prepared for 
this rule. The FRFA incorporates the Initial Regulatory Flexibility 
Analysis (IRFA), a summary of the significant issues raised by the 
public comments in response to the IRFA, and NMFS responses to those 
comments, and a summary of the analyses completed to support the 
action. The full FRFA and analysis of economic and ecological impacts 
are available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES). A summary of the FRFA follows.
    In compliance with section 604(a)(1) of the Regulatory Flexibility 
Act, the purpose of this rulemaking is, consistent with the 2006 
Consolidated HMS FMP objectives, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other 
applicable law, to analyze the impacts of the alternatives for 
implementing and allocating the ICCAT-recommended U.S. quota for 2015 
and 2016; and to clarify the purse seine transfer at sea regulations 
for Atlantic tunas.
    Section 604(a)(2) of the RFA requires agencies to summarize 
significant issues raised by the public in response to the IRFA, a 
summary of the agency's assessment of such issues, and a statement of 
any changes made as a result of the comments. NMFS received a few 
comments on the proposed rule (80 FR 33467, June 12, 2015) during the 
comment period. A summary of these comments and the Agency's responses 
are included in Section 13 of the EA/RIR/FRFA and are included in this 
final rule. However, NMFS did not receive comment specifically on the 
    Section 604(a)(3) of the RFA requires agencies to provide an 
estimate of the number of small entities to which the rule would apply. 
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has established size criteria 
for all major industry sectors in the United States, including fish 
harvesters. This final rule is expected to directly affect commercial 
and for-hire fishing vessels that possess an Atlantic Tunas permit or 
Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permit. In general, the HMS Charter/
Headboat category permit holders can be regarded as small entities for 
RFA purposes. HMS Angling (recreational) category permit holders are 
typically obtained by individuals who are not considered small entities 
for purposes of the RFA. The SBA has established size criteria for all 
major industry sectors in the United States including fish harvesters 
(79 FR 33647; June 12, 2014). A business involved in fish harvesting is 
classified as a ``small business'' if it is independently owned and 
operated, is not dominant in its field of operation (including its 
affiliates), and has combined annual receipts (revenue) not in excess 
of $20.5 million for all of its affiliated operations worldwide (NAICS 
code 114111, finfish fishing). NAICS is the North American Industry 
Classification System, a standard system used by business and 
government to classify business establishments into industries, 
according to their economic activity. The United States government 
developed NAICS to collect, analyze, and publish data about the 
economy. In addition, the SBA has defined a small charter/party boat 
entity (NAICS code 487210, for-hire) as one with average annual 
receipts (revenue) of less than $7.5 million.
    As described in the final rule to implement Amendment 7 to the 2006 
Consolidated HMS FMP (79 FR 71510, December 2, 2014), the average 
annual gross revenue per active pelagic longline vessel was estimated 
to be $187,000 based on the 170 active vessels between 2006 and 2012 
that produced an estimated $31.8 million in revenue annually. The 
maximum annual revenue for any pelagic longline vessel during that time 
period was less than $1.4 million, well below the SBA size threshold of 
$20.5 million in combined annual receipts. Therefore, NMFS considers 
all Atlantic Tunas Longline category permit holders to be small 
entities. NMFS is unaware of any other Atlantic Tunas category permit 
holders that potentially could earn more than $20.5 million in revenue 
annually. NMFS is also unaware of any charter/headboat businesses that 
could exceed the $7.5 million thresholds for those small entities. HMS 
Angling category permit holders are typically obtained by individuals 
who are not considered small entities for purposes of the RFA. 
Therefore, NMFS considers all Atlantic Tunas permit holders and HMS 
Charter/Headboat permit holders subject to this action to be small 
    This action would apply to all participants in the Atlantic BFT 
fishery, i.e., to the over 27,000 vessels that held an Atlantic HMS 
Charter/Headboat, Atlantic HMS Angling, or an Atlantic Tunas permit as 
of October 2014. This final rule is expected to directly affect 
commercial and for-hire fishing vessels that possess an Atlantic Tunas 
permit or Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permit. It is unknown what 
portion of HMS Charter/Headboat permit holders actively participate in 
the BFT fishery or fishing services for recreational anglers. As 
summarized in the 2014 SAFE Report for Atlantic HMS, there were 6,792 
commercial Atlantic tunas or Atlantic HMS permits in 2014, as follows: 
2,782 in the Atlantic Tunas General category; 14 in the Atlantic Tunas 
Harpoon category; 5 in the Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine category; 246 in 
the Atlantic Tunas Longline category; 3 in the Atlantic Tunas Trap 
category; and 3,742 in the HMS Charter/Headboat category. In Amendment 
7, authorized 136 Longline category permits for IBQ shares. This 
constitutes the best available information regarding the universe of 
permits and permit holders recently analyzed. No impacts are expected 
to occur from the clarification of the transfer at sea prohibition 
regulatory text.
    NMFS has determined that this action would not likely directly 
affect any

[[Page 52202]]

small government jurisdictions, as that term is defined under the RFA.
    Under section 604(a)(4) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, agencies 
are required to describe any new reporting, record-keeping, and other 
compliance requirements. There are no new reporting or recordkeeping 
requirements in any of the alternatives considered for this action.
    Under section 604(a)(5) of the RFA, agencies are required to 
describe any alternatives to the rule which accomplish the stated 
objectives and which minimize any significant economic impacts. These 
alternatives and their impacts are discussed below. Additionally, the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 603 (c) (1)-(4)) lists four 
general categories of significant alternatives that would assist an 
agency in the development of significant alternatives. These categories 
of alternatives include: (1) Establishment of differing compliance or 
reporting requirements or timetables that take into account the 
resources available to small entities; (2) clarification, 
consolidation, or simplification of compliance and reporting 
requirements under the rule for such small entities; (3) use of 
performance rather than design standards; and, (4) exemptions from 
coverage of the rule for small entities.
    In order to meet the objectives of this rule, consistent with the 
Magnuson-Stevens Act, ATCA, and the ESA, NMFS cannot exempt small 
entities or change the reporting requirements only for small entities 
because all the entities affected are considered small entities. Thus, 
no alternatives are discussed that fall under the first and fourth 
categories described above. Amendment 7 implemented criteria for 
determining the availability of quota for Purse Seine fishery category 
participants and IBQs for the Longline category. Both of these and the 
eligibility criteria for IBQs and access to the Cape Hatteras GRA for 
the Longline category can be considered individual performance 
standards. NMFS has not yet found a practical means of applying 
individual performance standards to the other quota categories while, 
concurrently, complying with the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Thus, there are 
no alternatives considered under the third category. In this 
rulemaking, NMFS analyzed two quota implementation alternatives: First, 
the status quo U.S. baseline quota and quotas established in 2011, and 
second, the preferred alternative to implement the U.S. quota to 
domestic categories in accordance with the 2014 ICCAT Recommendation, 
Amendment 7, and implementing regulations. NMFS considered a third 
quota alternative, which would use an allocation scheme other than the 
one recently established in Amendment 7 for the purpose of implementing 
BFT fishing category subquotas, but did not analyze this alternative 
further because it would not satisfy the purpose and need of the action 
(i.e., modifications to domestic management of BFT outside the 
limitations of the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP, as amended, and current 
ICCAT recommendations do not satisfy the purpose and need for the 
    NMFS has estimated the average impact that establishing the 
increased baseline annual U.S. BFT quota for all domestic fishing 
categories would have on each quota category and the vessels within 
those categories. As mentioned above, the 2014 ICCAT recommendation 
increased the annual U.S. baseline BFT quota for each of 2015 and 2016 
to 1,058.79 mt and provides 25 mt annually for incidental catch of BFT 
related to directed longline fisheries in the NED. The baseline annual 
subquotas would be adjusted consistent with the process established in 
Amendment 7 (79 FR 71510, December 2, 2014), and these amounts would be 
    To calculate the average ex-vessel revenues under this action, NMFS 
first estimated potential category-wide revenues. The most recent ex-
vessel average price per pound information for each commercial quota 
category is used to estimate potential ex-vessel gross revenues under 
each of the subquotas (i.e., 2014 prices for the General, Harpoon, 
Purse Seine, and Longline/Trap categories). For comparison, in 2014, 
gross revenues were approximately $7.8 million, broken out by category 
as follows: General--$5.9 million, Harpoon--$544,778, Purse Seine--
$391,607, Longline--$953,055, and Trap--$0. The baseline subquotas 
could result in estimated gross revenues of $11 million, if finalized 
and fully utilized, broken out by category as follows: General 
category: $6.8 million (466.7 mt * $6.60/lb); Harpoon category: 
$611,851 (38.6 mt * $7.19/lb); Purse Seine category: $1.9 million 
(184.3 mt * $ 4.77/lb); Longline category: $1.7 million (148.3 mt * 
$5.22/lb); and Trap category: $11,508 (1.0 mt * $ 5.22/lb). This rule 
implements the recently adopted ICCAT-recommended U.S. quota and 
applies the allocations for each quota category as recently amended in 
the implementing regulations for Amendment 7 to the 2006 Consolidated 
HMS FMP. This action would be consistent with ATCA, under which the 
Secretary promulgates regulations as necessary and appropriate to carry 
out ICCAT recommendations.
    No affected entities would be expected to experience negative, 
direct economic impacts as a result of the preferred alternative. On 
the contrary, each of the quota categories would increase relative to 
the baseline quotas that applied in 2011 through 2014 and the quotas 
finalized in Amendment 7. To the extent that Purse Seine fishery 
participants and IBQ participants could receive additional quota as a 
result of Amendment 7-implemented allocation formulas being applied to 
increases in available Purse Seine and Longline category quota, those 
participants would receive varying increases, which would result in 
direct benefits from either increased fishing opportunities or quota 
    To estimate potential average ex-vessel revenues that could result 
from this action, NMFS divides the potential annual gross revenues for 
the General, Harpoon, Purse Seine, and Trap category by the number of 
permit holders. For the Longline category, NMFS divides the potential 
annual gross revenues by the number of active vessels as defined in 
Amendment 7. This is an appropriate approach for BFT fisheries, in 
particular because available landings data (weight and ex-vessel value 
of the fish in price-per-pound) allow NMFS to calculate the gross 
revenue earned by a fishery participant on a successful trip. The 
available data (particularly from non-Longline participants) do not, 
however, allow NMFS to calculate the effort and cost associated with 
each successful trip (e.g., the cost of gas, bait, ice, etc.), so net 
revenue for each participant cannot be calculated. As a result, NMFS 
analyzes the average impact of the alternatives among all participants 
in each category.
    Success rates vary widely across participants in each category (due 
to extent of vessel effort and availability of commercial-sized BFT to 
participants where they fish) but for the sake of estimating potential 
revenues per vessel, category-wide revenues can be divided by the 
number of permitted vessels in each category. For the Longline fishery, 
the number of permits authorized for IBQ shares is used, and actual 
revenues would depend, in part, on each vessel's IBQ in 2015. Although 
HMS Charter/Headboat vessels may fish commercially under the General 
category quota and retention limits, because it is unknown what portion 
of HMS Charter/Headboat permit holders actively participate in the BFT 
fishery, NMFS is estimating potential General category ex-vessel 
revenue changes using the number of General category vessels only.

[[Page 52203]]

    Estimated potential 2015 revenues on a per vessel basis, 
considering the number of permit holders listed above and the final 
subquotas, could be $2,441 for the General category; $43,703 for the 
Harpoon category; $387,618 for the Purse Seine category; $12,549 for 
the Longline category, using the 136 permits authorized for IBQ shares; 
and $3,836 for the Trap category. Thus, all of the entities affected by 
this rule are considered to be small entities for the purposes of the 
    Consistent with Amendment 7 regulations, NMFS calculated the quota 
available to Purse Seine fishery participants for 2015 and then 
reallocated the remaining 87.4 mt of available Purse Seine category 
quota to the Reserve category (80 FR 7547, February 11, 2015). NMFS has 
recalculated those amounts based on the final U.S. baseline BFT quota 
and subquotas in this rule, with an increase of 11.2 mt and 17.4 mt for 
the Purse Seine and Reserve categories, respectively.
    Because the directed commercial categories have underharvested 
their subquotas in recent years, the potential increases in ex-vessel 
revenues above may overestimate the probable economic impacts to those 
categories relative to recent conditions. Additionally, there has been 
substantial interannual variability in ex-vessel revenues per category 
in recent years due to recent changes in BFT availability and other 
    The modifications to the regulatory text concerning Atlantic tunas 
purse seine transfer at sea are intended to clarify the prohibition on 
transfer at sea. They apply to the five Purse Seine fishery 
participants only and are not expected to have significant economic 
impacts as they are administrative in nature, reflect current practice, 
and would not result in changes to Atlantic tunas purse seine 
    Section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act of 1996 states that, for each rule or group of related rules for 
which an agency is required to prepare a FRFA, the agency shall publish 
one or more guides to assist small entities in complying with the rule, 
and shall designate such publications as ``small entity compliance 
guides.'' The agency shall explain the actions a small entity is 
required to take to comply with a rule or group of rules. As part of 
this rulemaking process, NMFS has prepared a brochure summarizing 
fishery information and regulations for Atlantic tuna fisheries for 
2015. This brochure also serves as the small entity compliance guide. 
Copies of the compliance guide are available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES).

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 635

    Fisheries, Fishing, Fishing vessels, Foreign relations, Imports, 
Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Treaties.

    Dated: August 20, 2015.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 635 is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 635 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

2. In Sec.  635.27, revise paragraphs (a) introductory text, (a)(1)(i), 
(a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4) introductory text, (a)(4)(i), (a)(4)(ii), 
(a)(5), (a)(6), (a)(7)(i), and (a)(7)(ii) to read as follows:

Sec.  635.27  Quotas.

    (a) Bluefin tuna. Consistent with ICCAT recommendations, and with 
paragraph (a)(10)(iv) of this section, NMFS may subtract the most 
recent, complete, and available estimate of dead discards from the 
annual U.S. bluefin tuna quota, and make the remainder available to be 
retained, possessed, or landed by persons and vessels subject to U.S. 
jurisdiction. The remaining baseline annual U.S. bluefin tuna quota 
will be allocated among the General, Angling, Harpoon, Purse Seine, 
Longline, Trap, and Reserve categories, as described in this section. 
Bluefin tuna quotas are specified in whole weight. The baseline annual 
U.S. bluefin tuna quota is 1,058.79 mt, not including an additional 
annual 25-mt allocation provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. 
The bluefin quota for the quota categories is calculated through the 
following process. First, 68 mt is subtracted from the baseline annual 
U.S. bluefin tuna quota and allocated to the Longline category quota. 
Second, the remaining quota is divided among the categories according 
to the following percentages: General--47.1 percent (466.7 mt); 
Angling--19.7 percent (195.2 mt), which includes the school bluefin 
tuna held in reserve as described under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this 
section; Harpoon--3.9 percent (38.6 mt); Purse Seine--18.6 percent 
(184.3 mt); Longline--8.1 percent (80.3 mt) plus the 68-mt allocation 
(i.e., 148.3 mt total not including the 25-mt allocation from paragraph 
(a)(3)); Trap--0.1 percent (1.0 mt); and Reserve--2.5 percent (24.8 
mt). NMFS may make inseason and annual adjustments to quotas as 
specified in paragraphs (a)(9) and (10) of this section, including 
quota adjustments as a result of the annual reallocation of Purse Seine 
quota described under paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section.
    (1) * * *
    (i) Catches from vessels for which General category Atlantic Tunas 
permits have been issued and certain catches from vessels for which an 
HMS Charter/Headboat permit has been issued are counted against the 
General category quota in accordance with Sec.  635.23(c)(3). Pursuant 
to paragraph (a) of this section, the amount of large medium and giant 
bluefin tuna that may be caught, retained, possessed, landed, or sold 
under the General category quota is 466.7 mt, and is apportioned as 
follows, unless modified as described under paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of 
this section:
    (A) January 1 through the effective date of a closure notice filed 
by NMFS announcing that the January subquota is reached, or projected 
to be reached under Sec.  635.28(a)(1), or through March 31, whichever 
comes first--5.3 percent (24.7 mt);
    (B) June 1 through August 31--50 percent (233.3 mt);
    (C) September 1 through September 30--26.5 percent (123.7 mt);
    (D) October 1 through November 30--13 percent (60.7 mt); and
    (E) December 1 through December 31--5.2 percent (24.3 mt).
* * * * *
    (2) Angling category quota. In accordance with the framework 
procedures of the Consolidated HMS FMP, prior to each fishing year, or 
as early as feasible, NMFS will establish the Angling category daily 
retention limits. In accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, the 
total amount of bluefin tuna that may be caught, retained, possessed, 
and landed by anglers aboard vessels for which an HMS Angling permit or 
an HMS Charter/Headboat permit has been issued is 195.2 mt. No more 
than 2.3 percent (4.5 mt) of the annual Angling category quota may be 
large medium or giant bluefin tuna. In addition, over each two-
consecutive-year period (starting with 2015-2016), no more than 10 
percent of the annual U.S. bluefin tuna quota, inclusive of the 
allocation specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, may be school 
bluefin tuna (i.e., 108.4 mt). The Angling category quota includes the 
amount of school bluefin tuna held in reserve under paragraph

[[Page 52204]]

(a)(7)(ii) of this section. The size class subquotas for bluefin tuna 
are further subdivided as follows:
    (i) After adjustment for the school bluefin tuna quota held in 
reserve (under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section), 52.8 percent 
(46.6 mt) of the school bluefin tuna Angling category quota may be 
caught, retained, possessed, or landed south of 39[deg]18' N. lat. The 
remaining school bluefin tuna Angling category quota (41.7 mt) may be 
caught, retained, possessed or landed north of 39[deg]18' N. lat.
    (ii) An amount equal to 52.8 percent (43.5 mt) of the large school/
small medium bluefin tuna Angling category quota may be caught, 
retained, possessed, or landed south of 39[deg]18' N. lat. The 
remaining large school/small medium bluefin tuna Angling category quota 
(38.9 mt) may be caught, retained, possessed or landed north of 
39[deg]18' N. lat.
    (iii) One third (1.5 mt) of the large medium and giant bluefin tuna 
Angling category quota may be caught retained, possessed, or landed, in 
each of the three following geographic areas: North of 39[deg]18' N. 
lat.; south of 39[deg]18' N. lat., and outside of the Gulf of Mexico; 
and in the Gulf of Mexico. For the purposes of this section, the Gulf 
of Mexico region includes all waters of the U.S. EEZ west and north of 
the boundary stipulated at 50 CFR 600.105(c).
    (3) Longline category quota. Pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
section, the total amount of large medium and giant bluefin tuna that 
may be caught, discarded dead, or retained, possessed, or landed by 
vessels that possess Atlantic Tunas Longline category permits is 148.3 
mt. In addition, 25 mt shall be allocated for incidental catch by 
pelagic longline vessels fishing in the Northeast Distant gear 
restricted area, and subject to the restrictions under Sec.  
    (4) Purse Seine category quota--(i) Baseline Purse Seine quota. 
Pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the baseline amount of large 
medium and giant bluefin tuna that may be caught, retained, possessed, 
or landed by vessels that possess Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine category 
permits is 184.3 mt, unless adjusted as a result of inseason and/or 
annual adjustments to quotas as specified in paragraphs (a)(9) and (10) 
of this section; or adjusted (prior to allocation to individual 
participants) based on the previous year's catch as described under 
paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section. Annually, NMFS will make a 
determination when the Purse Seine fishery will start, based on 
variations in seasonal distribution, abundance or migration patterns of 
bluefin tuna, cumulative and projected landings in other commercial 
fishing categories, the potential for gear conflicts on the fishing 
grounds, or market impacts due to oversupply. NMFS will start the 
bluefin tuna purse seine season between June 1 and August 15, by filing 
an action with the Office of the Federal Register, and notifying the 
public. The Purse Seine category fishery closes on December 31 of each 
    (ii) Allocation of bluefin quota to Purse Seine category 
participants. Annually, NMFS will make equal allocations of the 
baseline Purse Seine category quota described under paragraph (a)(4)(i) 
of this section to individual Purse Seine participants (i.e., 36.9 mt 
each), then make further determinations regarding the allocations per 
paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section. Allocations of individual bluefin 
quota to individual Purse Seine participants may only be transferred 
through leasing in accordance with procedures and requirements at Sec.  
635.15(c) and other requirements under this paragraph (a)(4).
* * * * *
    (5) Harpoon category quota. The total amount of large medium and 
giant bluefin tuna that may be caught, retained, possessed, landed, or 
sold by vessels that possess Harpoon category Atlantic Tunas permits is 
38.6 mt. The Harpoon category fishery commences on June 1 of each year, 
and closes on November 15 of each year.
    (6) Trap category quota. The total amount of large medium and giant 
bluefin tuna that may be caught, retained, possessed, or landed by 
vessels that possess Trap category Atlantic Tunas permits is 1.0 mt.
    (7) * * *
    (i) The total amount of bluefin tuna that is held in reserve for 
inseason or annual adjustments and research using quota or subquotas is 
24.8 mt, which may be augmented by allowable underharvest from the 
previous year, or annual reallocation of Purse Seine category quota as 
described under paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section. Consistent with 
paragraphs (a)(8) through (10) of this section, NMFS may allocate any 
portion of the Reserve category quota for inseason or annual 
adjustments to any fishing category quota.
    (ii) The total amount of school bluefin tuna that is held in 
reserve for inseason or annual adjustments and fishery-independent 
research is 18.5 percent (20.1 mt) of the total school bluefin tuna 
Angling category quota as described under paragraph (a)(2) of this 
section. This amount is in addition to the amounts specified in 
paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section. Consistent with paragraph (a)(8) 
of this section, NMFS may allocate any portion of the school bluefin 
tuna Angling category quota held in reserve for inseason or annual 
adjustments to the Angling category.
* * * * *

3. In Sec.  635.29, revise paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  635.29  Transfer at sea and transshipment.

* * * * *
    (c) An owner or operator of a vessel for which an Atlantic Tunas 
Purse Seine category permit has been issued under Sec.  635.4 may use 
an auxiliary vessel (i.e., a skiff) associated with the permitted 
vessel to assist in routine purse seine fishery operations, provided 
that the auxiliary vessel has not been issued an Atlantic Tunas or HMS 
vessel permit and functions only in an auxiliary capacity during 
routine purse seine operations (i.e., it conducts limited assistance 
activities such as assistance with purse seine deployment and removal 
of BFT from the purse seine). The auxiliary vessel may transfer large 
medium and giant Atlantic BFT to its associated purse seine vessel 
during routine purse seine operations, provided that the amount 
transferred does not cause the receiving vessel to exceed its currently 
authorized vessel allocation, including incidental catch limits.

[FR Doc. 2015-21147 Filed 8-27-15; 8:45 am]

                                           52198              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                           ‘‘major rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C.                   Conservation and Management Act                       specifies that annually, NMFS will
                                           804(2).                                                 (Magnuson-Stevens Act).                               make equal allocations of the baseline
                                                                                                   DATES: Effective September 26, 2015.                  Purse Seine category quota described
                                           List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 271
                                                                                                   ADDRESSES: Supporting documents such                  under paragraph (a)(4)(i) of the section
                                             Environmental protection;                                                                                   to individual Purse Seine participants.
                                                                                                   as the Environmental Assessments and
                                           Administrative practice and procedure;                                                                        To reflect the increase in the baseline
                                                                                                   Fishery Management Plans described
                                           Confidential business information;                                                                            Purse Seine category quota to 184.3 mt
                                                                                                   below may be downloaded from the
                                           Hazardous materials transportation;                                                                           for each Purse Seine category
                                                                                                   HMS Web site at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/
                                           Hazardous waste; Indians—lands;                                                                               participant, NMFS is updating the
                                                                                                   sfa/hms/. These documents also are
                                           Intergovernmental relations; Penalties;                                                                       amount in the regulatory text at
                                                                                                   available upon request from Sarah
                                           Reporting, and Recordkeeping                                                                                  § 635.27(a)(4)(ii) to 36.9 mt (i.e., 184.3
                                                                                                   McLaughlin or Brad McHale at the
                                           requirements.                                                                                                 mt/5 = 36.9 mt each). Because the
                                                                                                   telephone number below.
                                             Authority: This action is issued under the                                                                  change in the final rule simply reflects
                                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                           authority of Sections 2002(a), 3006 and                                                                       a mathematical function of the amount
                                                                                                   Sarah McLaughlin or Brad McHale,
                                           7004(b) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as                                                                   in § 635.27(a)(4)(i) and corrects the now-
                                           amended, 42 U.S.C. 6912(a), 6926, 6974(b).              978–281–9260.
                                                                                                                                                         outdated number for the individual
                                                                                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Atlantic                   Purse Seine participants in
                                             Dated: August 10, 2015.
                                                                                                   bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore tuna,             § 635.27(a)(4)(ii) and does not alter the
                                           Susan Hedman,
                                                                                                   yellowfin tuna, and skipjack tuna                     formula used or substance of the
                                           Regional Administrator, Region 5.                       (hereafter referred to as ‘‘Atlantic                  proposed rule, NMFS has determined
                                           [FR Doc. 2015–21385 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]             tunas’’) are managed under the dual                   that it is appropriate to make this
                                           BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act                 change in this final rule.
                                                                                                   and ATCA. As an active member of
                                                                                                   ICCAT, the United States implements                   2014 ICCAT Recommendation
                                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  binding ICCAT recommendations.                           At its November 2014 meeting, ICCAT
                                                                                                   ATCA authorizes the Secretary of                      adopted a western Atlantic BFT TAC of
                                           National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        Commerce (Secretary) to promulgate                    2,000 mt annually for 2015 and 2016
                                           Administration                                          regulations, as may be necessary and                  after considering the results of the 2014
                                                                                                   appropriate to carry out ICCAT                        BFT stock assessment and following
                                           50 CFR Part 635                                         recommendations. The authority to                     negotiations among Contracting Parties
                                           [Docket No. 150121066–5717–02]                          issue regulations under the Magnuson-                 (ICCAT Recommendation 14–05). This
                                                                                                   Stevens Act and ATCA has been                         TAC, which is an increase from the
                                           RIN 0648–BE81                                           delegated from the Secretary to the                   1,750-mt TAC that has applied annually
                                           Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;                      Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,                since 2011, is consistent with scientific
                                           Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas                            NMFS.                                                 advice from the 2014 stock assessment,
                                                                                                                                                         which indicated that annual catches of
                                           AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      Background                                            less than 2,250 mt would have a 50-
                                           Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                       Background information about the                   percent probability of allowing the
                                           Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      need to modify the U.S. BFT base quota                spawning stock biomass to be at or
                                           Commerce.                                               and the subquotas for all domestic                    above its 2013 level by 2019 under
                                           ACTION: Final rule; notice of adjusted                  fishing categories, as well as the                    either recruitment scenario, and that
                                           2015 Purse Seine and Reserve category                   regulatory text regarding Atlantic tunas              annual catches of 2,000 mt or less
                                           quotas.                                                 purse seine auxiliary vessel activity                 would continue to allow stock growth
                                                                                                   under the ‘‘transfer at sea’’ provisions,             under both the low and high
                                           SUMMARY:    NMFS hereby modifies the                    were provided in the preamble to the                  recruitment scenarios for the remainder
                                           baseline annual U.S. quota and                          proposed rule (80 FR 33467, June 12,                  of the rebuilding program. All TAC,
                                           subquotas for Atlantic bluefin tuna                     2015) and most of that information is                 quota, and weight information
                                           (BFT). Specifically for 2015, NMFS                      not repeated here.                                    discussed in this notice are whole
                                           augments the Reserve category quota                                                                           weight amounts.
                                           with available underharvest of the 2014                 Changes From the Proposed Rule                           For 2015 and 2016, the ICCAT
                                           adjusted U.S. BFT quota and also                           In this final rule, NMFS is changing               Recommendation also makes the
                                           recalculates the Purse Seine and Reserve                text at § 635.27(a)(4)(ii), to reflect the            following allocations from the western
                                           category quotas that were announced                     equal allocation of the baseline Purse                BFT 2,000-mt TAC for bycatch related to
                                           earlier this year (consistent with the                  Seine category quota that is finalized in             directed longline fisheries in the
                                           Amendment 7 annual reallocation                         this action among the five individual                 Northeast Distant gear restricted area
                                           process) to reflect the increased U.S.                  Purse Seine category participants.                    (NED): 15 mt for Canada and 25 mt for
                                           quota. Furthermore, NMFS makes minor                    NMFS inadvertently omitted this                       the United States. Following subtraction
                                           modifications to the regulations                        calculation in the regulatory text for the            of these allocations from the TAC, the
                                           regarding Atlantic tunas purse seine                    proposed rule. Specifically, in the                   recommendation allocates the
                                           auxiliary vessel activity under the                     proposed rule, NMFS proposed                          remainder to the United States (54.02
                                           ‘‘transfer at sea’’ provisions. This action             updating the baseline Purse Seine quota               percent), Canada (22.32 percent) Japan
                                           is necessary to implement binding                       to 184.3 mt (§ 635.27(a)(4)(i)) to reflect            (17.64 percent), Mexico (5.56 percent),
                                           recommendations of the International                    the increased U.S. quota. However,                    UK (0.23 percent), and France (0.23

                                           Commission for the Conservation of                      NMFS did not carry this change through                percent). For the United States, 54.02
                                           Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), as required by                  to the codified text in § 635.27(a)(4)(ii)            percent of the remaining 1,960 mt is
                                           the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act                       to reflect the division of that Purse                 1,058.79 mt annually for 2015 and 2016.
                                           (ATCA), and to achieve domestic                         Seine category quota equally among the                This represents an increase of
                                           management objectives under the                         five individual Purse Seine fishery                   approximately 135 mt (approximately
                                           Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                                participants. The existing regulatory text            14 percent) from the U.S. baseline BFT

                                      VerDate Sep<11>2014   12:56 Aug 27, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00026   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\28AUR1.SGM   28AUR1

                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                              52199

                                           quota that applied annually for 2011                                       fishing periods. The United States                                    (Amendment 7) to the higher U.S. BFT
                                           through 2014. Thus, the annual total                                       implements this provision by limiting                                 quota that ICCAT recommended in
                                           U.S. quota, including the 25 mt to                                         the harvest of school BFT (measuring 27                               2014. These quotas are codified at
                                           account for bycatch related to pelagic                                     to less than 47 inches (68.5 to less than                             § 635.27(a) and will remain in effect
                                           longline fisheries in the NED, is                                          119 cm curved fork length)) as                                        until changed (for instance, if any new
                                           1,083.79 mt.                                                               appropriate to not exceed the 10-percent                              ICCAT western BFT TAC
                                                                                                                      limit over the two-year period.                                       recommendation is adopted). Because
                                             As a method for limiting fishing
                                           mortality on juvenile BFT, ICCAT                                           Domestic Allocations and Quotas                                       ICCAT adopted TACs for 2015 and 2016
                                           continued to recommend a tolerance                                           The table below shows the final                                     in Recommendation 14–05, NMFS
                                           limit on the annual harvest of BFT                                         baseline quotas and subquotas that                                    currently anticipates that these annual
                                           measuring less than 115 cm (straight                                       result from applying the process                                      base quotas would be in effect through
                                           fork length) to no more than 10 percent                                    established in Amendment 7 to the 2006                                2016, but they will remain in place
                                           by weight of a Contracting Party’s total                                   Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory                                unless and until a new TAC is adopted
                                           BFT quota over the 2015 and 2016                                           Species Fishery Management Plan                                       by ICCAT.

                                                                                    TABLE 1—FINAL ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA (BFT) ANNUAL BASELINE QUOTAS
                                                                                                                                       [In metric tons]

                                                                          Category                                                                          Annual baseline quotas and subquotas

                                                                                                                           Quota                                                               Subquotas

                                           General .................................................................          466.7     January–March 1             ...................................................                 24.7      ....................
                                                                                                                                        June–August .........................................................                         233.3       ....................
                                                                                                                                        September ............................................................                        123.7       ....................
                                                                                                                                        October–November ..............................................                                 60.7      ....................
                                                                                                                                        December .............................................................                          24.3      ....................
                                           Harpoon ................................................................             38.6    School ...................................................................                    108.4       ....................
                                           Longline ................................................................           148.3           Reserve .........................................................           ....................                20.1
                                           Trap .......................................................................          1.0           North of 39°18′ N. lat ....................................                 ....................                41.7
                                           Purse Seine ..........................................................            2 184.3           South of 39°18′ N. lat ....................................                 ....................                46.6
                                           Angling ..................................................................          195.2    Large School/Small Medium ................................                                      82.3      ....................
                                                                                                                                               North of 39°18′ N. lat ....................................                 ....................                38.9
                                                                                                                                               South of 39°18′ N. lat ....................................                 ....................                43.5
                                                                                                                                        Trophy ..................................................................                         4.5     ....................
                                                                                                                                               North of 39°18′ N. lat ....................................                 ....................                  1.5
                                                                                                                                               South of 39°18′ N. lat ....................................                 ....................                  1.5
                                                                                                                                               Gulf of Mexico ...............................................              ....................                  1.5
                                           Reserve .................................................................          2 24.8    ...............................................................................    ....................   ....................
                                           U.S. Baseline BFT Quota .....................................                   3 1,058.9    ...............................................................................    ....................   ....................

                                                 Total U.S. Quota, including 25 mt for NED                                 3 1,083.9     ...............................................................................   ....................   ....................
                                             1 January 1 through the effective date of a closure notice filed by NMFS announcing that the January subquota is reached or projected to be
                                           reached, or through March 31, whichever comes first.
                                             2 Baseline amount shown. Does not reflect the annual adjustment process (for the Purse Seine and Reserve category quotas) adopted in
                                           Amendment 7, discussed below.
                                             3 Totals subject to rounding error.

                                              The proposed rule described how                                         quota pursuant to regulatory                                          dead discards that could be expected in
                                           Amendment 7 also changed the way                                           determination criteria described at 50                                2015 is now 143 mt. As anticipated and
                                           that NMFS adjusts the U.S. annual                                          CFR 635.27(a)(8), or for scientific                                   explained to the public at the proposed
                                           quota for any previous year’s                                              research.                                                             rule stage, NMFS is using the updated
                                           underharvest. Rather than publishing                                         In the proposed rule, NMFS stated                                   total in this final rule because it is the
                                           proposed and final quota specifications                                    that the preliminary 2014 landings and                                best available and most complete
                                           annually to adjust the quota for the                                       dead discard estimate (i.e., using the                                information NMFS has regarding dead
                                           underharvest as NMFS has in the past,                                      160.6-mt total of the 2013 estimated                                  discards. Based on data available as of
                                           NMFS will automatically augment the                                        longline dead discards (156.4 mt) and                                 July 7, 2015, BFT landings in 2014
                                           Reserve category quota to the extent that                                  the observed 2014 purse seine dead                                    totaled 667.3 mt. Adding the 143-mt
                                           underharvest from the previous year is                                     discards (4.2 mt) as a proxy for                                      estimate of dead discards results in a
                                           available. Such adjustment will be                                         estimated 2014 dead discards) indicated                               preliminary 2014 total catch of 810.3
                                           consistent with ICCAT limits and will                                      an underharvest of approximately 218                                  mt, which is 233.3 mt less than the
                                           be calculated when complete BFT catch                                      mt. The preliminary 2014 pelagic                                      amount of quota (inclusive of dead

                                           information for the prior year is                                          longline dead discard estimate of 138.8                               discards) allowed under ICCAT
                                           available and finalized. Consistent with                                   mt is now available from the NMFS                                     Recommendation 13–09 (i.e., 948.7 mt
                                           the quota regulations, NMFS may                                            Southeast Fisheries Science Center.                                   plus 94.9 mt of 2013 underharvest
                                           allocate any portion of the Reserve                                        Adding the 2014 observed dead discards                                carried forward to 2014, totaling 1,043.6
                                           category quota for inseason or annual                                      of 4.2 mt for the purse seine fishery, the                            mt). Thus, the underharvest for 2014 is
                                           adjustments to any fishing category                                        best available annual estimate of U.S.                                233.3 mt. Per the 2014 ICCAT

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                                           52200              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                           recommendation, only 10 percent of the                  to another vessel for which an Atlantic               consideration of applicable regulatory
                                           total 2014 U.S. quota, or 94.9 mt, of that              Tunas Purse Seine category permit has                 determination criteria at § 635.27(a)(8).
                                           underharvest is carried forward to the                  been issued, provided the amount                      In adjusting Angling category limits,
                                           2015 fishing year. NMFS anticipated                     transferred does not cause the receiving              NMFS also considers the ICCAT
                                           this amount of available underharvest to                vessel to exceed its currently authorized             tolerance limit of school BFT, which
                                           carry forward to 2015 in the proposed                   vessel allocation, including incidental               NMFS manages as appropriate to not
                                           rule.                                                   catch limits. NMFS is making minor                    exceed 10 percent (108.4 mt) of the
                                              Consistent with the process adopted                  modifications to this regulatory text to              annual U.S. BFT quota over each two-
                                           in the Amendment 7 implementing                         clarify that this text was not meant to               consecutive-year period (starting with
                                           regulations, NMFS calculated at the                     allow ‘‘transfer at sea,’’ which clearly is           2015–2016). To date in 2015, NMFS has
                                           beginning of the year the quota available               prohibited by ICCAT Recommendation                    taken two inseason actions to increase
                                           to individual Atlantic Tunas Purse                      14–05, but is only meant to allow the                 the General and Angling category
                                           Seine category fishery participants for                 routine, limited operations of an                     retention limit from the default levels
                                           2015 based on BFT catch (landings and                   auxiliary vessel (i.e., a skiff) in assisting         (79 FR 77943, December 29, 2014, and
                                           dead discards) by those fishery                         its associated purse seine vessel in catch            80 FR 27863, May 15, 2015). These
                                           participants in 2014. Based on that                     operations for BFT. Such activities are               actions may result in more of the
                                           information, 87.4 mt of the baseline                    not the type of activity meant to be                  General and Angling category subquotas
                                           Purse Seine category quota of 159.1 mt                  prohibited by that Recommendation.                    to be harvested, relative to 2014,
                                           was reallocated to the Reserve category                 This clarification is administrative,                 depending on the availability of BFT to
                                           for the 2015 fishing year. This process                 reflects current practice, and would                  the fisheries. NMFS also may adjust
                                           resulted in a total of 71.7 mt for Purse                have no environmental impacts or                      recreational effort controls inseason
                                           Seine fishery participants for 2015 and                 effects on current fishing operations.                based on the best information available,
                                           108.8 mt (i.e., the base Reserve quota of                                                                     but landings data are not available with
                                           21.4 mt + 87.4 mt from the Purse Seine                  Comments and Responses
                                                                                                                                                         the timing and frequency of commercial
                                           category) for the Reserve category (80 FR                  NMFS received two written                          data (submitted within 24 hours to
                                           7547, February 11, 2015). As discussed                  comments on the proposed rule, as well                NMFS through required landings
                                           in the proposed rule, NMFS is first                     as two verbal comments through the                    reports for each fish) such that
                                           adjusting the 2015 Purse Seine category                 public conference call/webinar. Few of                adjustments in recreational fishing effort
                                           quota based on the ICCAT quota                          the comments NMFS received focused                    may need to be made in subsequent
                                           increase in this rule. As a result, the                 specifically on the proposed rule.                    fishing years.
                                           baseline Purse Seine category quota                     Below, NMFS summarizes and responds                      Comment 3: One representative of an
                                           would increase by 25.2 mt to 184.3 mt.                  to all comments made specifically on                  environmental non-governmental
                                           We then recalculate the amounts of                      the proposed rule during the comment                  organization commented that the
                                           quota available to individual Purse                     period. The comments that were outside                proposed rule is reasonable but
                                           Seine fishery participants for 2015                     the scope of this rule are summarized                 expressed disappointment in ICCAT’s
                                           applying the final baseline Purse Seine                 under ‘‘Other Issues’’ below.                         recommendation to increase the TAC,
                                           category (184.3 mt), and adjust the 2015                   Comment 1: One commenter                           given stock assessment uncertainties,
                                           Purse Seine and Reserve category quotas                 suggested that, for conservation reasons              and expressed concern that a quota
                                           as appropriate. This process results in a               and to allow the BFT stock to grow,                   increase could jeopardize rebuilding the
                                           total of 82.9 mt for Purse Seine fishery                NMFS should not increase the quota.                   stock by 2019.
                                           participants in 2015, with the remainder                   Response: The western Atlantic BFT                    Response: The TAC recommended by
                                           (i.e., 184.3¥82.9 = 101.4 mt) added to                  TAC, which includes the U.S. quota, is                ICCAT in 2014 followed the scientific
                                           the Reserve category. Consistent with                   expected to allow for continued BFT                   advice of ICCAT’s SCRS and considered
                                           § 635.27(a)(4)(v)(C), NMFS will notify                  stock growth under the both the low and               the results of the 2014 stock assessment
                                           Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine fishery                      high stock recruitment scenarios                      update while also taking into account
                                           participants of the adjusted amount of                  considered by ICCAT’s Standing                        remaining uncertainties. The SCRS
                                           quota available for their use in 2015                   Committee on Research and Statistics                  indicated that annual catches of less
                                           through the Individual Bluefin Quota                    (SCRS) and is consistent with ICCAT                   than 2,250 mt would have a 50 percent
                                           (IBQ) electronic system and in writing.                 recommendations, ATCA, and domestic                   probability of allowing the spawning
                                              NMFS recently implemented two                        and international management                          stock biomass to be at or above its 2013
                                           inseason transfers from the Reserve                     objectives. Furthermore, NMFS is                      level by 2019 under either recruitment
                                           category for 2015 (34 mt to the Longline                required under the Magnuson-Stevens                   scenario, and that annual catches of
                                           category and 40 mt to the Harpoon                       Act and ATCA to provide U.S. fishing                  2,000 mt or less would continue to
                                           category), so the adjusted 2015 Reserve                 vessels with a reasonable opportunity to              allow stock growth under both the low
                                           category quota as of publication of this                harvest the ICCAT-recommended quota.                  and high recruitment scenarios for the
                                           action, including the allowable                            Comment 2: Two commenters,                         remainder of the rebuilding program.
                                           underharvest described above, would be                  representing fishing industry                         NMFS is committed to the sustainable,
                                           24.8¥34¥40 + 101.4 + 94.9 = 147.1 mt                    organizations, supported finalizing the               science-based management of BFT and
                                           (80 FR 45098, July 29, 2015 and 80 FR                   rule as proposed but encouraged NMFS                  is hopeful that the updated information
                                           46516, August 5, 2015, respectively).                   to increase BFT daily retention limits to             and new data that will be incorporated
                                                                                                   allow more of the available quota to be               into the next benchmark/full stock
                                           Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine Auxiliary                    harvested.                                            assessment will help to reduce some of
                                           Vessel Activity                                            Response: This rulemaking does not                 the scientific uncertainty that the SCRS

                                              Currently, HMS regulations specify                   address daily retention limits. Adjusting             has identified for this stock.
                                           that an owner or operator of a vessel for               daily retention limits occurs through
                                           which an Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine                     separate inseason actions. NMFS has the               Other Issues
                                           category permit has been issued may                     authority to adjust the daily retention                 In addition to the above comments
                                           transfer large medium and giant BFT at                  limits for the General, Harpoon, and                  specifically on the content of the
                                           sea from the net of the catching vessel                 Angling categories inseason, based on                 proposed rule, other commenters raised

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        52201

                                           issues that are outside the scope of this               with the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP                       As described in the final rule to
                                           rule, particularly regarding Amendment                  objectives, the Magnuson-Stevens Act,                 implement Amendment 7 to the 2006
                                           7 implementation. These comments                        and other applicable law, to analyze the              Consolidated HMS FMP (79 FR 71510,
                                           included concern about the potential                    impacts of the alternatives for                       December 2, 2014), the average annual
                                           impact of quota transfers to the Longline               implementing and allocating the ICCAT-                gross revenue per active pelagic longline
                                           category on IBQ shareholders and                        recommended U.S. quota for 2015 and                   vessel was estimated to be $187,000
                                           interest in how the reporting by                        2016; and to clarify the purse seine                  based on the 170 active vessels between
                                           commercial handgear vessel owners is                    transfer at sea regulations for Atlantic              2006 and 2012 that produced an
                                           proceeding during the initial                           tunas.                                                estimated $31.8 million in revenue
                                           implementation this year.                                  Section 604(a)(2) of the RFA requires              annually. The maximum annual
                                              Although outside the scope of this                   agencies to summarize significant issues              revenue for any pelagic longline vessel
                                           rulemaking, NMFS is noting here that it                 raised by the public in response to the               during that time period was less than
                                           carefully considers the regulatory                      IRFA, a summary of the agency’s                       $1.4 million, well below the SBA size
                                           determination regarding inseason                        assessment of such issues, and a                      threshold of $20.5 million in combined
                                           adjustments before making an inseason                   statement of any changes made as a                    annual receipts. Therefore, NMFS
                                           quota transfer. These criteria include the              result of the comments. NMFS received                 considers all Atlantic Tunas Longline
                                           effects of the adjustment on                            a few comments on the proposed rule                   category permit holders to be small
                                           accomplishing the objectives of the 2006                (80 FR 33467, June 12, 2015) during the               entities. NMFS is unaware of any other
                                           Consolidated HMS FMP and its                            comment period. A summary of these                    Atlantic Tunas category permit holders
                                           amendments. Thus, NMFS would                            comments and the Agency’s responses                   that potentially could earn more than
                                           consider, among other things, how such                  are included in Section 13 of the EA/                 $20.5 million in revenue annually.
                                           a transfer would optimize fishing                       RIR/FRFA and are included in this final               NMFS is also unaware of any charter/
                                           opportunity and contribute to full                      rule. However, NMFS did not receive                   headboat businesses that could exceed
                                           accounting for landings and dead                        comment specifically on the IRFA.                     the $7.5 million thresholds for those
                                           discards, while still supporting the                       Section 604(a)(3) of the RFA requires              small entities. HMS Angling category
                                           broader objectives of the fishery                       agencies to provide an estimate of the                permit holders are typically obtained by
                                           management plan. NMFS considered                        number of small entities to which the                 individuals who are not considered
                                           these and other requisite factors in its                rule would apply. The Small Business                  small entities for purposes of the RFA.
                                           recently published inseason action                      Administration (SBA) has established                  Therefore, NMFS considers all Atlantic
                                           transferring 34 mt of quota from the                    size criteria for all major industry                  Tunas permit holders and HMS Charter/
                                           Reserve to the Longline category (80 FR                 sectors in the United States, including               Headboat permit holders subject to this
                                           45098, July 29, 2015). NMFS will report                 fish harvesters. This final rule is                   action to be small entities.
                                           on the progress of Amendment 7                          expected to directly affect commercial
                                                                                                   and for-hire fishing vessels that possess                This action would apply to all
                                           implementation (including the IBQ
                                                                                                   an Atlantic Tunas permit or Atlantic                  participants in the Atlantic BFT fishery,
                                           program and vessel catch reporting) at
                                                                                                   HMS Charter/Headboat permit. In                       i.e., to the over 27,000 vessels that held
                                           upcoming meetings of the HMS
                                                                                                   general, the HMS Charter/Headboat                     an Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat,
                                           Advisory Panel, and these presentations
                                                                                                   category permit holders can be regarded               Atlantic HMS Angling, or an Atlantic
                                           and transcripts will be publically
                                                                                                   as small entities for RFA purposes. HMS               Tunas permit as of October 2014. This
                                           accessible through the HMS Web site
                                                                                                   Angling (recreational) category permit                final rule is expected to directly affect
                                           (see ADDRESSES).
                                                                                                   holders are typically obtained by                     commercial and for-hire fishing vessels
                                           Classification                                          individuals who are not considered                    that possess an Atlantic Tunas permit or
                                             The NMFS Assistant Administrator                      small entities for purposes of the RFA.               Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permit.
                                           has determined that this final rule is                  The SBA has established size criteria for             It is unknown what portion of HMS
                                           consistent with the 2006 Consolidated                   all major industry sectors in the United              Charter/Headboat permit holders
                                           HMS FMP and its amendments, the                         States including fish harvesters (79 FR               actively participate in the BFT fishery or
                                           Magnuson-Stevens Act, ATCA, and                         33647; June 12, 2014). A business                     fishing services for recreational anglers.
                                           other applicable law.                                   involved in fish harvesting is classified             As summarized in the 2014 SAFE
                                             This final rule has been determined to                as a ‘‘small business’’ if it is                      Report for Atlantic HMS, there were
                                           be not significant for purposes of                      independently owned and operated, is                  6,792 commercial Atlantic tunas or
                                           Executive Order 12866.                                  not dominant in its field of operation                Atlantic HMS permits in 2014, as
                                             In compliance with section 604 of the                 (including its affiliates), and has                   follows: 2,782 in the Atlantic Tunas
                                           Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), a Final               combined annual receipts (revenue) not                General category; 14 in the Atlantic
                                           Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA)                  in excess of $20.5 million for all of its             Tunas Harpoon category; 5 in the
                                           was prepared for this rule. The FRFA                    affiliated operations worldwide (NAICS                Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine category;
                                           incorporates the Initial Regulatory                     code 114111, finfish fishing). NAICS is               246 in the Atlantic Tunas Longline
                                           Flexibility Analysis (IRFA), a summary                  the North American Industry                           category; 3 in the Atlantic Tunas Trap
                                           of the significant issues raised by the                 Classification System, a standard system              category; and 3,742 in the HMS Charter/
                                           public comments in response to the                      used by business and government to                    Headboat category. In Amendment 7,
                                           IRFA, and NMFS responses to those                       classify business establishments into                 authorized 136 Longline category
                                           comments, and a summary of the                          industries, according to their economic               permits for IBQ shares. This constitutes
                                           analyses completed to support the                       activity. The United States government                the best available information regarding
                                           action. The full FRFA and analysis of                   developed NAICS to collect, analyze,                  the universe of permits and permit

                                           economic and ecological impacts are                     and publish data about the economy. In                holders recently analyzed. No impacts
                                           available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES).                    addition, the SBA has defined a small                 are expected to occur from the
                                           A summary of the FRFA follows.                          charter/party boat entity (NAICS code                 clarification of the transfer at sea
                                             In compliance with section 604(a)(1)                  487210, for-hire) as one with average                 prohibition regulatory text.
                                           of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the                  annual receipts (revenue) of less than                   NMFS has determined that this action
                                           purpose of this rulemaking is, consistent               $7.5 million.                                         would not likely directly affect any

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                                           52202              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                           small government jurisdictions, as that                 which would use an allocation scheme                     No affected entities would be
                                           term is defined under the RFA.                          other than the one recently established               expected to experience negative, direct
                                              Under section 604(a)(4) of the                       in Amendment 7 for the purpose of                     economic impacts as a result of the
                                           Regulatory Flexibility Act, agencies are                implementing BFT fishing category                     preferred alternative. On the contrary,
                                           required to describe any new reporting,                 subquotas, but did not analyze this                   each of the quota categories would
                                           record-keeping, and other compliance                    alternative further because it would not              increase relative to the baseline quotas
                                           requirements. There are no new                          satisfy the purpose and need of the                   that applied in 2011 through 2014 and
                                           reporting or recordkeeping requirements                 action (i.e., modifications to domestic               the quotas finalized in Amendment 7.
                                           in any of the alternatives considered for               management of BFT outside the                         To the extent that Purse Seine fishery
                                           this action.                                            limitations of the 2006 Consolidated                  participants and IBQ participants could
                                              Under section 604(a)(5) of the RFA,                  HMS FMP, as amended, and current                      receive additional quota as a result of
                                           agencies are required to describe any                   ICCAT recommendations do not satisfy                  Amendment 7-implemented allocation
                                           alternatives to the rule which                          the purpose and need for the action).                 formulas being applied to increases in
                                           accomplish the stated objectives and                       NMFS has estimated the average                     available Purse Seine and Longline
                                           which minimize any significant                          impact that establishing the increased                category quota, those participants would
                                           economic impacts. These alternatives                    baseline annual U.S. BFT quota for all                receive varying increases, which would
                                           and their impacts are discussed below.                  domestic fishing categories would have                result in direct benefits from either
                                           Additionally, the Regulatory Flexibility                on each quota category and the vessels                increased fishing opportunities or quota
                                           Act (5 U.S.C. 603 (c) (1)–(4)) lists four               within those categories. As mentioned                 leasing.
                                           general categories of significant                       above, the 2014 ICCAT recommendation                     To estimate potential average ex-
                                           alternatives that would assist an agency                increased the annual U.S. baseline BFT                vessel revenues that could result from
                                           in the development of significant                       quota for each of 2015 and 2016 to                    this action, NMFS divides the potential
                                           alternatives. These categories of                                                                             annual gross revenues for the General,
                                                                                                   1,058.79 mt and provides 25 mt
                                           alternatives include: (1) Establishment
                                                                                                   annually for incidental catch of BFT                  Harpoon, Purse Seine, and Trap
                                           of differing compliance or reporting
                                                                                                   related to directed longline fisheries in             category by the number of permit
                                           requirements or timetables that take into
                                                                                                   the NED. The baseline annual subquotas                holders. For the Longline category,
                                           account the resources available to small
                                                                                                   would be adjusted consistent with the                 NMFS divides the potential annual
                                           entities; (2) clarification, consolidation,
                                                                                                   process established in Amendment 7 (79                gross revenues by the number of active
                                           or simplification of compliance and
                                                                                                   FR 71510, December 2, 2014), and these                vessels as defined in Amendment 7.
                                           reporting requirements under the rule
                                                                                                   amounts would be codified.                            This is an appropriate approach for BFT
                                           for such small entities; (3) use of
                                                                                                      To calculate the average ex-vessel                 fisheries, in particular because available
                                           performance rather than design
                                                                                                   revenues under this action, NMFS first                landings data (weight and ex-vessel
                                           standards; and, (4) exemptions from
                                           coverage of the rule for small entities.                estimated potential category-wide                     value of the fish in price-per-pound)
                                              In order to meet the objectives of this              revenues. The most recent ex-vessel                   allow NMFS to calculate the gross
                                           rule, consistent with the Magnuson-                     average price per pound information for               revenue earned by a fishery participant
                                           Stevens Act, ATCA, and the ESA, NMFS                    each commercial quota category is used                on a successful trip. The available data
                                           cannot exempt small entities or change                  to estimate potential ex-vessel gross                 (particularly from non-Longline
                                           the reporting requirements only for                     revenues under each of the subquotas                  participants) do not, however, allow
                                           small entities because all the entities                 (i.e., 2014 prices for the General,                   NMFS to calculate the effort and cost
                                           affected are considered small entities.                 Harpoon, Purse Seine, and Longline/                   associated with each successful trip
                                           Thus, no alternatives are discussed that                Trap categories). For comparison, in                  (e.g., the cost of gas, bait, ice, etc.), so
                                           fall under the first and fourth categories              2014, gross revenues were                             net revenue for each participant cannot
                                           described above. Amendment 7                            approximately $7.8 million, broken out                be calculated. As a result, NMFS
                                           implemented criteria for determining                    by category as follows: General—$5.9                  analyzes the average impact of the
                                           the availability of quota for Purse Seine               million, Harpoon—$544,778, Purse                      alternatives among all participants in
                                           fishery category participants and IBQs                  Seine—$391,607, Longline—$953,055,                    each category.
                                           for the Longline category. Both of these                and Trap—$0. The baseline subquotas                      Success rates vary widely across
                                           and the eligibility criteria for IBQs and               could result in estimated gross revenues              participants in each category (due to
                                           access to the Cape Hatteras GRA for the                 of $11 million, if finalized and fully                extent of vessel effort and availability of
                                           Longline category can be considered                     utilized, broken out by category as                   commercial-sized BFT to participants
                                           individual performance standards.                       follows: General category: $6.8 million               where they fish) but for the sake of
                                           NMFS has not yet found a practical                      (466.7 mt * $6.60/lb); Harpoon category:              estimating potential revenues per vessel,
                                           means of applying individual                            $611,851 (38.6 mt * $7.19/lb); Purse                  category-wide revenues can be divided
                                           performance standards to the other                      Seine category: $1.9 million (184.3 mt *              by the number of permitted vessels in
                                           quota categories while, concurrently,                   $ 4.77/lb); Longline category: $1.7                   each category. For the Longline fishery,
                                           complying with the Magnuson-Stevens                     million (148.3 mt * $5.22/lb); and Trap               the number of permits authorized for
                                           Act. Thus, there are no alternatives                    category: $11,508 (1.0 mt * $ 5.22/lb).               IBQ shares is used, and actual revenues
                                           considered under the third category. In                 This rule implements the recently                     would depend, in part, on each vessel’s
                                           this rulemaking, NMFS analyzed two                      adopted ICCAT-recommended U.S.                        IBQ in 2015. Although HMS Charter/
                                           quota implementation alternatives:                      quota and applies the allocations for                 Headboat vessels may fish commercially
                                           First, the status quo U.S. baseline quota               each quota category as recently                       under the General category quota and
                                           and quotas established in 2011, and                     amended in the implementing                           retention limits, because it is unknown

                                           second, the preferred alternative to                    regulations for Amendment 7 to the                    what portion of HMS Charter/Headboat
                                           implement the U.S. quota to domestic                    2006 Consolidated HMS FMP. This                       permit holders actively participate in
                                           categories in accordance with the 2014                  action would be consistent with ATCA,                 the BFT fishery, NMFS is estimating
                                           ICCAT Recommendation, Amendment                         under which the Secretary promulgates                 potential General category ex-vessel
                                           7, and implementing regulations. NMFS                   regulations as necessary and appropriate              revenue changes using the number of
                                           considered a third quota alternative,                   to carry out ICCAT recommendations.                   General category vessels only.

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        52203

                                              Estimated potential 2015 revenues on                 compliance guide are available from                   including the 25-mt allocation from
                                           a per vessel basis, considering the                     NMFS (see ADDRESSES).                                 paragraph (a)(3)); Trap—0.1 percent (1.0
                                           number of permit holders listed above                                                                         mt); and Reserve—2.5 percent (24.8 mt).
                                                                                                   List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 635
                                           and the final subquotas, could be $2,441                                                                      NMFS may make inseason and annual
                                           for the General category; $43,703 for the                 Fisheries, Fishing, Fishing vessels,                adjustments to quotas as specified in
                                           Harpoon category; $387,618 for the                      Foreign relations, Imports, Penalties,                paragraphs (a)(9) and (10) of this
                                           Purse Seine category; $12,549 for the                   Reporting and recordkeeping                           section, including quota adjustments as
                                           Longline category, using the 136 permits                requirements, Treaties.                               a result of the annual reallocation of
                                           authorized for IBQ shares; and $3,836                     Dated: August 20, 2015.                             Purse Seine quota described under
                                           for the Trap category. Thus, all of the                 Samuel D. Rauch III,                                  paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section.
                                           entities affected by this rule are                      Deputy Assistant Administrator for                       (1) * * *
                                           considered to be small entities for the                 Regulatory Programs, National Marine                     (i) Catches from vessels for which
                                           purposes of the RFA.                                    Fisheries Service.                                    General category Atlantic Tunas permits
                                              Consistent with Amendment 7                                                                                have been issued and certain catches
                                           regulations, NMFS calculated the quota                    For the reasons set out in the
                                                                                                   preamble, 50 CFR part 635 is amended                  from vessels for which an HMS Charter/
                                           available to Purse Seine fishery                                                                              Headboat permit has been issued are
                                           participants for 2015 and then                          as follows:
                                                                                                                                                         counted against the General category
                                           reallocated the remaining 87.4 mt of                                                                          quota in accordance with § 635.23(c)(3).
                                                                                                   PART 635—ATLANTIC HIGHLY
                                           available Purse Seine category quota to                                                                       Pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section,
                                                                                                   MIGRATORY SPECIES
                                           the Reserve category (80 FR 7547,                                                                             the amount of large medium and giant
                                           February 11, 2015). NMFS has                            ■ 1. The authority citation for part 635              bluefin tuna that may be caught,
                                           recalculated those amounts based on the                 continues to read as follows:                         retained, possessed, landed, or sold
                                           final U.S. baseline BFT quota and                                                                             under the General category quota is
                                                                                                     Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C.
                                           subquotas in this rule, with an increase                                                                      466.7 mt, and is apportioned as follows,
                                                                                                   1801 et seq.
                                           of 11.2 mt and 17.4 mt for the Purse                                                                          unless modified as described under
                                           Seine and Reserve categories,                           ■ 2. In § 635.27, revise paragraphs (a)
                                                                                                                                                         paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section:
                                           respectively.                                           introductory text, (a)(1)(i), (a)(2), (a)(3),
                                                                                                                                                            (A) January 1 through the effective
                                              Because the directed commercial                      (a)(4) introductory text, (a)(4)(i),
                                                                                                                                                         date of a closure notice filed by NMFS
                                           categories have underharvested their                    (a)(4)(ii), (a)(5), (a)(6), (a)(7)(i), and
                                                                                                                                                         announcing that the January subquota is
                                           subquotas in recent years, the potential                (a)(7)(ii) to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                         reached, or projected to be reached
                                           increases in ex-vessel revenues above                                                                         under § 635.28(a)(1), or through March
                                                                                                   § 635.27    Quotas.
                                           may overestimate the probable                                                                                 31, whichever comes first—5.3 percent
                                           economic impacts to those categories                      (a) Bluefin tuna. Consistent with
                                                                                                   ICCAT recommendations, and with                       (24.7 mt);
                                           relative to recent conditions.
                                                                                                   paragraph (a)(10)(iv) of this section,                   (B) June 1 through August 31—50
                                           Additionally, there has been substantial
                                                                                                   NMFS may subtract the most recent,                    percent (233.3 mt);
                                           interannual variability in ex-vessel
                                                                                                   complete, and available estimate of dead                 (C) September 1 through September
                                           revenues per category in recent years
                                                                                                   discards from the annual U.S. bluefin                 30—26.5 percent (123.7 mt);
                                           due to recent changes in BFT
                                                                                                   tuna quota, and make the remainder                       (D) October 1 through November 30—
                                           availability and other factors.
                                              The modifications to the regulatory                  available to be retained, possessed, or               13 percent (60.7 mt); and
                                           text concerning Atlantic tunas purse                    landed by persons and vessels subject to                 (E) December 1 through December
                                           seine transfer at sea are intended to                   U.S. jurisdiction. The remaining                      31—5.2 percent (24.3 mt).
                                           clarify the prohibition on transfer at sea.             baseline annual U.S. bluefin tuna quota               *      *     *    *     *
                                           They apply to the five Purse Seine                      will be allocated among the General,                     (2) Angling category quota. In
                                           fishery participants only and are not                   Angling, Harpoon, Purse Seine,                        accordance with the framework
                                           expected to have significant economic                   Longline, Trap, and Reserve categories,               procedures of the Consolidated HMS
                                           impacts as they are administrative in                   as described in this section. Bluefin                 FMP, prior to each fishing year, or as
                                           nature, reflect current practice, and                   tuna quotas are specified in whole                    early as feasible, NMFS will establish
                                           would not result in changes to Atlantic                 weight. The baseline annual U.S.                      the Angling category daily retention
                                           tunas purse seine operations.                           bluefin tuna quota is 1,058.79 mt, not                limits. In accordance with paragraph (a)
                                              Section 212 of the Small Business                    including an additional annual 25-mt                  of this section, the total amount of
                                           Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of                  allocation provided in paragraph (a)(3)               bluefin tuna that may be caught,
                                           1996 states that, for each rule or group                of this section. The bluefin quota for the            retained, possessed, and landed by
                                           of related rules for which an agency is                 quota categories is calculated through                anglers aboard vessels for which an
                                           required to prepare a FRFA, the agency                  the following process. First, 68 mt is                HMS Angling permit or an HMS
                                           shall publish one or more guides to                     subtracted from the baseline annual U.S.              Charter/Headboat permit has been
                                           assist small entities in complying with                 bluefin tuna quota and allocated to the               issued is 195.2 mt. No more than 2.3
                                           the rule, and shall designate such                      Longline category quota. Second, the                  percent (4.5 mt) of the annual Angling
                                           publications as ‘‘small entity                          remaining quota is divided among the                  category quota may be large medium or
                                           compliance guides.’’ The agency shall                   categories according to the following                 giant bluefin tuna. In addition, over
                                           explain the actions a small entity is                   percentages: General—47.1 percent                     each two-consecutive-year period
                                           required to take to comply with a rule                  (466.7 mt); Angling—19.7 percent (195.2               (starting with 2015–2016), no more than
                                           or group of rules. As part of this                      mt), which includes the school bluefin                10 percent of the annual U.S. bluefin

                                           rulemaking process, NMFS has prepared                   tuna held in reserve as described under               tuna quota, inclusive of the allocation
                                           a brochure summarizing fishery                          paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section;                 specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this
                                           information and regulations for Atlantic                Harpoon—3.9 percent (38.6 mt); Purse                  section, may be school bluefin tuna (i.e.,
                                           tuna fisheries for 2015. This brochure                  Seine—18.6 percent (184.3 mt);                        108.4 mt). The Angling category quota
                                           also serves as the small entity                         Longline—8.1 percent (80.3 mt) plus the               includes the amount of school bluefin
                                           compliance guide. Copies of the                         68-mt allocation (i.e., 148.3 mt total not            tuna held in reserve under paragraph

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                                           52204              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                           (a)(7)(ii) of this section. The size class              migration patterns of bluefin tuna,                   This amount is in addition to the
                                           subquotas for bluefin tuna are further                  cumulative and projected landings in                  amounts specified in paragraph (a)(7)(i)
                                           subdivided as follows:                                  other commercial fishing categories, the              of this section. Consistent with
                                              (i) After adjustment for the school                  potential for gear conflicts on the fishing           paragraph (a)(8) of this section, NMFS
                                           bluefin tuna quota held in reserve                      grounds, or market impacts due to                     may allocate any portion of the school
                                           (under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this                     oversupply. NMFS will start the bluefin               bluefin tuna Angling category quota
                                           section), 52.8 percent (46.6 mt) of the                 tuna purse seine season between June 1                held in reserve for inseason or annual
                                           school bluefin tuna Angling category                    and August 15, by filing an action with               adjustments to the Angling category.
                                           quota may be caught, retained,                          the Office of the Federal Register, and               *     *     *      *    *
                                           possessed, or landed south of 39°18′ N.                 notifying the public. The Purse Seine                 ■ 3. In § 635.29, revise paragraph (c) to
                                           lat. The remaining school bluefin tuna                  category fishery closes on December 31
                                           Angling category quota (41.7 mt) may be                                                                       read as follows:
                                                                                                   of each year.
                                           caught, retained, possessed or landed                      (ii) Allocation of bluefin quota to                § 635.29 Transfer at sea and
                                           north of 39°18′ N. lat.                                 Purse Seine category participants.                    transshipment.
                                              (ii) An amount equal to 52.8 percent                 Annually, NMFS will make equal                        *      *     *     *    *
                                           (43.5 mt) of the large school/small                     allocations of the baseline Purse Seine                  (c) An owner or operator of a vessel
                                           medium bluefin tuna Angling category                    category quota described under                        for which an Atlantic Tunas Purse Seine
                                           quota may be caught, retained,                          paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section to                category permit has been issued under
                                           possessed, or landed south of 39°18′ N.                 individual Purse Seine participants (i.e.,            § 635.4 may use an auxiliary vessel (i.e.,
                                           lat. The remaining large school/small                   36.9 mt each), then make further                      a skiff) associated with the permitted
                                           medium bluefin tuna Angling category                    determinations regarding the allocations              vessel to assist in routine purse seine
                                           quota (38.9 mt) may be caught, retained,                per paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section.              fishery operations, provided that the
                                           possessed or landed north of 39°18′ N.                  Allocations of individual bluefin quota               auxiliary vessel has not been issued an
                                           lat.                                                    to individual Purse Seine participants                Atlantic Tunas or HMS vessel permit
                                              (iii) One third (1.5 mt) of the large                may only be transferred through leasing               and functions only in an auxiliary
                                           medium and giant bluefin tuna Angling
                                                                                                   in accordance with procedures and                     capacity during routine purse seine
                                           category quota may be caught retained,
                                                                                                   requirements at § 635.15(c) and other                 operations (i.e., it conducts limited
                                           possessed, or landed, in each of the
                                                                                                   requirements under this paragraph                     assistance activities such as assistance
                                           three following geographic areas: North
                                                                                                   (a)(4).                                               with purse seine deployment and
                                           of 39°18′ N. lat.; south of 39°18′ N. lat.,
                                           and outside of the Gulf of Mexico; and                  *       *    *     *     *                            removal of BFT from the purse seine).
                                           in the Gulf of Mexico. For the purposes                    (5) Harpoon category quota. The total              The auxiliary vessel may transfer large
                                           of this section, the Gulf of Mexico                     amount of large medium and giant                      medium and giant Atlantic BFT to its
                                           region includes all waters of the U.S.                  bluefin tuna that may be caught,                      associated purse seine vessel during
                                           EEZ west and north of the boundary                      retained, possessed, landed, or sold by               routine purse seine operations, provided
                                           stipulated at 50 CFR 600.105(c).                        vessels that possess Harpoon category                 that the amount transferred does not
                                              (3) Longline category quota. Pursuant                Atlantic Tunas permits is 38.6 mt. The                cause the receiving vessel to exceed its
                                           to paragraph (a) of this section, the total             Harpoon category fishery commences on                 currently authorized vessel allocation,
                                           amount of large medium and giant                        June 1 of each year, and closes on                    including incidental catch limits.
                                           bluefin tuna that may be caught,                        November 15 of each year.                             [FR Doc. 2015–21147 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]
                                           discarded dead, or retained, possessed,                    (6) Trap category quota. The total                 BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                           or landed by vessels that possess                       amount of large medium and giant
                                           Atlantic Tunas Longline category                        bluefin tuna that may be caught,
                                           permits is 148.3 mt. In addition, 25 mt                 retained, possessed, or landed by                     DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                           shall be allocated for incidental catch by              vessels that possess Trap category
                                           pelagic longline vessels fishing in the                 Atlantic Tunas permits is 1.0 mt.                     National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                           Northeast Distant gear restricted area,                    (7) * * *                                          Administration
                                           and subject to the restrictions under                      (i) The total amount of bluefin tuna
                                           § 635.15(b)(8).                                         that is held in reserve for inseason or               50 CFR Part 679
                                              (4) Purse Seine category quota—(i)                   annual adjustments and research using                 [Docket No. 141021887–5172–02]
                                           Baseline Purse Seine quota. Pursuant to                 quota or subquotas is 24.8 mt, which
                                           paragraph (a) of this section, the                      may be augmented by allowable                         RIN 0648–XE144
                                           baseline amount of large medium and                     underharvest from the previous year, or
                                                                                                                                                         Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
                                           giant bluefin tuna that may be caught,                  annual reallocation of Purse Seine
                                                                                                                                                         Zone Off Alaska; Several Groundfish
                                           retained, possessed, or landed by                       category quota as described under
                                                                                                                                                         Species in the Bering Sea and Aleutian
                                           vessels that possess Atlantic Tunas                     paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section.
                                                                                                                                                         Islands Management Area
                                           Purse Seine category permits is 184.3                   Consistent with paragraphs (a)(8)
                                           mt, unless adjusted as a result of                      through (10) of this section, NMFS may                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                           inseason and/or annual adjustments to                   allocate any portion of the Reserve                   Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                           quotas as specified in paragraphs (a)(9)                category quota for inseason or annual                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                           and (10) of this section; or adjusted                   adjustments to any fishing category                   Commerce.
                                           (prior to allocation to individual                      quota.                                                ACTION: Temporary rule; apportionment
                                           participants) based on the previous                        (ii) The total amount of school bluefin            of reserves; request for comments.

                                           year’s catch as described under                         tuna that is held in reserve for inseason
                                           paragraph (a)(4)(v) of this section.                    or annual adjustments and fishery-                    SUMMARY:   NMFS apportions amounts of
                                           Annually, NMFS will make a                              independent research is 18.5 percent                  the non-specified reserve to the initial
                                           determination when the Purse Seine                      (20.1 mt) of the total school bluefin tuna            total allowable catch (ITAC) of Bering
                                           fishery will start, based on variations in              Angling category quota as described                   Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI)
                                           seasonal distribution, abundance or                     under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.               northern rockfish, BSAI squids, Bering

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 11:04:23
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 11:04:23
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule; notice of adjusted 2015 Purse Seine and Reserve category quotas.
DatesEffective September 26, 2015.
ContactSarah McLaughlin or Brad McHale, 978- 281-9260.
FR Citation80 FR 52198 
RIN Number0648-BE81
CFR AssociatedFisheries; Fishing; Fishing Vessels; Foreign Relations; Imports; Penalties; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Treaties

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