80_FR_52452 80 FR 52285 - Submission to OMB for Review; OMB Control No. 3090-00XX; Wireless Telecommunications Company Application

80 FR 52285 - Submission to OMB for Review; OMB Control No. 3090-00XX; Wireless Telecommunications Company Application


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 167 (August 28, 2015)

Page Range52285-52287
FR Document2015-21249

Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35), GSA will be submitting to OMB for review and approval a new information collection request concerning the Wireless Telecommunications Company Application. GSA will also be requesting from OMB approval to characterize this form as a common form, meaning that GSA will only request approval for its own use of the form, rather than aggregating the burden estimate across all Federal agencies that may use this form. A previous notice relating to the Wireless Telecommunications Company Application was published in the Federal Register on March 12, 2015, at 80 FR 13004. One respondent submitted 20 comments on this collection.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 167 (Friday, August 28, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 167 (Friday, August 28, 2015)]
[Pages 52285-52287]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21249]



[OMB Control No. 3090-00XX]; [Docket No. 2015-0001; Sequence No. 6]

Submission to OMB for Review; OMB Control No. 3090-00XX; Wireless 
Telecommunications Company Application

AGENCY: Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration 

ACTION: Notice of request for public comments regarding a new Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) information clearance.


SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
(44 U.S.C. chapter 35), GSA will be submitting to OMB for review and 
approval a new information collection request concerning the Wireless 
Telecommunications Company Application. GSA will also be requesting 
from OMB approval to characterize this form as a common form, meaning 
that GSA will only request approval for its own use of the form, rather 
than aggregating the burden estimate across all Federal agencies that 
may use this form. A previous notice relating to the Wireless 
Telecommunications Company Application was published in the Federal 
Register on March 12, 2015, at 80 FR 13004. One respondent submitted 20 
comments on this collection.

DATES: Submit comments on or before September 28, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Submit comments identified by Information Collection 3090-
00XX regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this 
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this 
burden to: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB, 
Attention: Desk Officer for GSA, Room 10236, NEOB, Washington, DC 
20503. Additionally submit a copy to GSA by any of the following 

 Regulations.gov: http://www.regulations.gov. Submit 
comments via the Federal eRulemaking portal by searching for 
Information Collection 3090-00XX. Select the link ``Comment Now'' 
that corresponds with ``Information Collection 3090-00xx; Wireless 
Telecommunications Company Application.'' Follow the instructions 
provided on the screen. Please include your name, company name (if 
any) and ``Information Collection 3090-00XX; Wireless 
Telecommunications Company Application'' on your attached document.
 Mail: U.S. General Services Administration, Regulatory 
Secretariat Division (MVCB), 1800 F Street NW.,

[[Page 52286]]

Washington, DC 20405, ATTN: Ms. Flowers/IC 3090-00XX.

    Instructions: Please submit comments only and cite Information 
Collection 3090-00XX; Wireless Telecommunications Company Application, 
in all correspondence related to this collection. All comments received 
will be posted without change to http://www.regulations.gov, including 
any personal and business confidential information provided. To confirm 
receipt of your comment(s), please check www.regulations.gov, 
approximately two to three days after submission to verify posting 
(except allow 30 days for posting of comments submitted by mail).

Outlease Program Manager, PBS, GSA, at telephone 202-208-6139, or via 
email to [email protected].


A. Purpose

    The purpose of this application is to streamline the business 
information collection process to accelerate the approval process 
between the Federal Government and a commercial wireless 
telecommunications company wishing to install a wireless antenna on a 
Federal asset for the expansion of the company's wireless network. 
Federal executive agencies with landholding authority will use this 

B. Discussion and Analysis

    One respondent submitted multiple comments on the request to 
approve the new information collection. The analysis of the public 
comments is summarized as follows:
    Comment: The proposed application form requests site-specific, 
detailed information that may not be available to the applicant at the 
time of the application.
    Response: The submission of site-specific, detailed, complete, and 
accurate drawings and specifications is not required at the time the 
application is submitted. However, if the application is approved, 
detailed drawings and specifications are required and critical to 
determine if an installation would be suitable, particularly for a 
rooftop antenna. The Government reserves the right to reject a request 
if the applicant does not provide detailed drawings and specifications 
of the proposed equipment, structures and installation prior to the 
completion of contract negotiations.
    Comment: GSA should require each agency to provide a contact person 
for handling applications related to each property.
    Response: The application requests the name of individuals who will 
serve as the respective points of contact for the applicant and the 
Government. Since the application is project/building specific (i.e., 
not a blanket application for multiple installations at multiple 
locations,) the desired results will be attained with use of the 
application. GSA already maintains an online map of all federally owned 
properties under GSA's jurisdiction, custody, and control with point-
of-contact information specific to using space for private sector 
antenna installations and will encourage the other executive 
landholding agencies to do the same.
    Comment: Online tracking mechanisms should be utilized.
    Response: GSA agrees online tracking mechanisms are useful tools. 
GSA, in consultation with other executive landholding agencies, will 
work to develop an online tracking system.
    Comment: RFI certification report requirement should be clarified.
    Response: The RFI certification is listed as a potential 
requirement because it is not required for all projects; for instance, 
the RFI certification is of no benefit for land-sited towers, as these 
types of towers are secured against unauthorized access. The RFI 
certification is a long standing requirement for rooftop antenna 
installations so that the many individuals requiring access to building 
rooftops may do so safely and so that the new antenna microwave 
frequencies will not cause interference with existing rooftop antennas. 
This certification requirement is a business practice that GSA 
encourages other executive landholding agencies to adopt for their 
rooftop antenna installations. It is not the intention of this 
application to require a RFI certification for those secured Government 
campuses where access to the antenna installation is restricted.
    Comment: ``Federal, state and local statutory recording 
requirements'' should be clarified or deleted.
    Response: GSA currently requires vendors to comply with all 
Federal, state and local statutory requirements and will encourage 
other executive landholding agencies to adopt this practice. No change 
will be made in response to this comment.
    Comment: Requirements for a security deposit should be eliminated 
at the application stage.
    Response: The security deposit is not required until after the 
application is approved. GSA requires a security deposit for antenna 
installations to protect against damage and abandonment. While the 
majority of large carriers are responsible tenants, carrier bankruptcy 
is a possibility. The Government reserves the right to avoid the 
necessity of using appropriated funds to address damage or equipment 
    Comment: Requirements for a performance bond should be eliminated.
    Response: Requiring a performance bond is standard business 
practice. The purpose of the application is to pre-qualify the carrier. 
The applicant is not expected to furnish the performance bond at the 
time it submits the application. This provision is intended to notify 
applicants that a performance bond may be required prior to commencing 
installation of the equipment.
    Comment: Certain information requested is too broad, the Federal 
Communications Commission (FCC) License does not apply to all, and 
clarification needed for Check List items 1 and 7.
    Response: The information being collected is standard business 
information required to establish the financial viability of a business 
to determine whether to enter into negotiations. The information would 
only be collected by the Contracting Officer (CO) or the Contracting 
Officer's Representative (COR). The CO or the COR may not handle day-
to-day site issues, but are reliable agency points of contact for the 
carrier throughout the life of the contract.
    If the application is being used for a system that does not require 
an FCC license, the carrier can notify the agency and the agency can, 
in turn, confirm with the FCC that a license is not required for the 
proposed installation.
    With regard to the Potential Document Check List, item No. 1 refers 
to the business license that most, if not all, states require for a 
commercial business to be conducted in their state. Item No. 7 refers 
to the contractual requirement that lessees must comply with all 
applicable Federal, state, local government, and municipal laws, 
statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, decrees, orders and 
other such requirements, including, without limitation, those laws 
regarding wages and hours, health, safety, building codes, emergencies, 
and security.
    Comment: GSA should clarify the title of the proposed common form 
    Response: The posting to the Federal Register for the second 
request for comments will use the correct title for the application.

[[Page 52287]]

    Comment: The application form should be used by all federal 
    Response: The current draft application for wireless antenna 
installations is being processed as a Common Form for use by all 
federal agencies. Once the Federal Register posting process is 
complete, the application will be submitted to OMB for approval. An 
application for right-of-way and easements, the SF299 ``Application for 
Transportations and Utility Systems on Federal Land,'' is already in 
existence, and its use is required for all federal agencies. The SF-299 
was developed by the Departments of Agriculture, Interior, and 
    Comment: Moratoria on accepting applications are prohibited.
    Response: This comment speaks not to the application, but rather to 
shared policy and procedures to be developed by the executive 
landholding agencies acting in common in support of the application 
process. This comment will be taken into consideration; however, no 
change will be made to the application in response to this comment.
    Comment: Timely responses to applications are mandatory.
    Response: It is agreed that timely responses are important; 
however, the comment speaks not to the application, but rather to 
shared policy and procedures to be developed by the executive 
landholding agencies acting in common in support of the application 
process. No change will be made to the application in response to this 
    Comment: Applications should be ``deemed approved'' upon passage of 
    Response: While timely approval is a shared goal, federal agencies 
must perform the due diligence required to confirm that implementation 
of a proposal is in the best interests of the Government and the 
    Comment: Applications should be presumed consistent with each 
agency's mission and property use.
    Response: Given the different missions and property uses existent 
among the executive landholding agencies, it is not clear how making 
such a presumption is in the best interest of the Government and the 
    Comment: The application form should not implicate a Joint Spectrum 
Center review for commercial providers of unlicensed wireless services.
    Response: The decision to use unlicensed wireless services is an 
internal policy decision to be developed in concert among the executive 
landholding agencies in support of the application process. No change 
will be made to the application in response to this comment.
    Comment: Applicants may opt in to the rates, terms, and conditions 
of other providers located at the federal property.
    Response: This comment speaks not to the application, but rather to 
shared policy and procedures to be developed by the executive 
landholding agencies acting in common in support of the application 
process. No change will be made to the application in response to this 
    Comment: The ``Notice of Competitive Procedures'' should be posted 
to FedBizOps.gov upon receipt of an application.
    Response: This comment speaks not to the application, but rather to 
shared policy and procedures to be developed by the executive 
landholding agencies acting in common in support of the application 
process. No change will be made to the application in response to this 
    Comment: Application forms should be utilized to initiate 
amendments to existing installations and the applicable lease, 
easement, or right-of-way.
    Response: This comment speaks not to the application, but rather to 
shared policy and procedures to be developed by the executive 
landholding agencies acting in common in support of the application 
process. No change will be made to the application in response to this 
    Comment: Executive agencies may utilize easements or leases with 
25-year terms for wireless siting requests.
    Response: This comment speaks not to the application, but rather to 
shared policy and procedures to be developed by the executive 
landholding agencies acting in common in support of the application 
process. No change will be made to the application in response to this 

C. Annual Reporting Burden

    Respondents: 20.
    Responses per Respondent: 1.
    Total Response Hours: 20.
    Hours per Response: 1.
    Total Burden Hours: 20.

D. Public Comments

    Public comments are particularly invited on: Whether this 
collection of information is necessary and whether it will have 
practical utility; whether our estimate of the public burden of this 
collection of information is accurate and based on valid assumptions 
and methodology; ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of 
the information to be collected; and ways in which we can minimize the 
burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond 
through the use of appropriate technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology.
    Obtaining Copies of Proposals: Requesters may obtain a copy of the 
information collection documents from the General Services 
Administration, Regulatory Secretariat Division (MVCB), 1800 F Street 
NW., Second Floor, Washington, DC 20405, telephone 202-501-4755. Please 
cite OMB Control No. 3090-00XX, Wireless Telecommunications Company 
Application, in all correspondence.

    Dated: August 21, 2015.
David A. Shive,
Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-21249 Filed 8-27-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Notices                                             52285

                                             be requested in accordance with the                     investment Edge corporations, only                    GENERAL SERVICES
                                             instructions to the form, pursuant to                   information collected on Schedule RC–                 ADMINISTRATION
                                             sections (b)(4), (b)(6), or (b)(8) of FOIA              M (with the exception of item 3) are
                                             (5 U.S.C. 522(b)(4), (b)(6), and (b)(8)).               given confidential treatment pursuant to              [OMB Control No. 3090–00XX]; [Docket No.
                                                Abstract: The FR H–(b)11 collects                    Section (b)(4) of FOIA (5 U.S.C.                      2015–0001; Sequence No. 6]
                                             from exempt SLHCs information on                        552(b)(4)).
                                             filings with the Securities and Exchange                                                                      Submission to OMB for Review; OMB
                                             Commission (SEC), reports provided by                      In addition, the information provided              Control No. 3090–00XX; Wireless
                                             the nationally recognized statistical                   in the Patriot Act Contact Information                Telecommunications Company
                                             rating organizations and securities                     section may be withheld as confidential               Application
                                             analysts, supplemental information for                  under FOIA to prevent unauthorized
                                                                                                                                                           AGENCY: Public Buildings Service,
                                             select questions from the FR 2320,                      individuals from falsely posing as an
                                                                                                                                                           General Services Administration (GSA).
                                             financial statements, and other                         institution’s point-of-contact in order to
                                                                                                                                                           ACTION: Notice of request for public
                                             materially important events and                         gain access to the highly sensitive and
                                                                                                     confidential communications sent by                   comments regarding a new Office of
                                             exhibits. The Federal Reserve uses the
                                                                                                                                                           Management and Budget (OMB)
                                             FR H–(b)11 data to analyze the overall                  email between the Financial Crimes
                                                                                                                                                           information clearance.
                                             financial condition of exempt SLHCs to                  Enforcement Network or federal law
                                             ensure safe and sound operations.                       enforcement officials and the Patriot Act             SUMMARY:   Under the provisions of the
                                                9. Report title: Consolidated Report of              point-of-contact. The identity and                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                             Condition and Income for Edge and                       contact information of private                        U.S.C. chapter 35), GSA will be
                                             Agreement Corporations.                                 individuals, which is collected and                   submitting to OMB for review and
                                                Agency form number: FR 2886b.                        maintained for law enforcement                        approval a new information collection
                                                OMB control number: 7100–0086.                       purposes under the Patriot Act, appears               request concerning the Wireless
                                                Frequency: Quarterly and annually.
                                                Reporters: Banking Edge and                          exempt from disclosure pursuant to                    Telecommunications Company
                                             agreement corporations and investment                   exemption 7(C) of FOIA (5 U.S.C.                      Application. GSA will also be
                                             (nonbanking) Edge and agreement                         552(b)(7)(C)).                                        requesting from OMB approval to
                                             corporations.                                              Abstract: The FR 2886b collects                    characterize this form as a common
                                                Estimated annual reporting hours:                                                                          form, meaning that GSA will only
                                                                                                     quarterly financial data from banking
                                             Banking Edge and agreement                                                                                    request approval for its own use of the
                                                                                                     Edge and agreement corporations and
                                             corporations (quarterly): 424 hours;                                                                          form, rather than aggregating the burden
                                                                                                     investment (nonbanking) Edge and                      estimate across all Federal agencies that
                                             banking Edge and agreement                              agreement corporations. Except for
                                             corporations (annual): 15 hours;                                                                              may use this form. A previous notice
                                                                                                     examination reports, it provides the                  relating to the Wireless
                                             investment Edge and agreement                           only financial data available for these
                                             corporations: (quarterly): 768 hours;                                                                         Telecommunications Company
                                                                                                     corporations. The Federal Reserve is                  Application was published in the
                                             investment Edge and agreement                           solely responsible for authorizing,
                                             corporations: (annual): 182 hours.                                                                            Federal Register on March 12, 2015, at
                                                                                                     supervising, and assigning ratings to                 80 FR 13004. One respondent submitted
                                                Estimated average hours per response:
                                                                                                     Edge and agreement corporations. The                  20 comments on this collection.
                                             Banking Edge and agreement
                                             corporations: 15.15 hours; investment                   Federal Reserve uses the data collected               DATES: Submit comments on or before
                                             Edge and agreement corporations: 9.60                   on the FR 2886b to identify present and               September 28, 2015.
                                             hours.                                                  potential problems and monitor and                    ADDRESSES: Submit comments
                                                Number of respondents: Banking Edge                  develop a better understanding of                     identified by Information Collection
                                             and agreement corporations (quarterly):                 activities within the industry.                       3090–00XX regarding this burden
                                             7; banking Edge and agreement                              Current Actions: On March 27, 2015,                estimate or any other aspect of this
                                             corporations (annual): 1; investment                    the Federal Reserve published a notice                collection of information, including
                                             Edge and agreement corporations:                        in the Federal Register (80 FR 16386)                 suggestions for reducing this burden to:
                                             (quarterly): 20; investment Edge and                    requesting public comment for 60 days                 Office of Information and Regulatory
                                             agreement corporations: (annual): 19.                   on the revision, without extension, of                Affairs of OMB, Attention: Desk Officer
                                                General description of report: This                  the financial statements for holding                  for GSA, Room 10236, NEOB,
                                             information is mandatory (12 U.S.C.                                                                           Washington, DC 20503. Additionally
                                                                                                     companies. The comment period
                                             602, 625). In addition, with respect to                                                                       submit a copy to GSA by any of the
                                                                                                     expired on May 26, 2015. The Federal
                                             the contact information collected in the                                                                      following methods:
                                                                                                     Reserve did not receive any public
                                             Patriot Act Contact Information section,
                                                                                                     comments addressing the proposed                      • Regulations.gov: http://
                                             the Board’s regulation’s (12 CFR part                                                                           www.regulations.gov. Submit comments
                                             211.5(m)) instruct Edge and agreement                   revisions to these information
                                                                                                     collections. However, due to delays in                  via the Federal eRulemaking portal by
                                             corporations to comply with the                                                                                 searching for Information Collection 3090–
                                             information sharing regulations that the                enhancements to the Federal Reserve’s                   00XX. Select the link ‘‘Comment Now’’
                                             Department of the Treasury issued                       automated systems, the Federal Reserve                  that corresponds with ‘‘Information
                                             pursuant to Section 314(a) of the USA                   is extending the implementation date to                 Collection 3090–00xx; Wireless
                                             Patriot Act of 2001, Public Law 107–56,                 March 31, 2016.                                         Telecommunications Company
                                             115 Stat. 307 (31 U.S.C. 5318(h)); and                                                                          Application.’’ Follow the instructions
                                                                                                       Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

                                             implemented at 31 CFR part                                                                                      provided on the screen. Please include
                                                                                                     System, August 25, 2015.                                your name, company name (if any) and
                                             1010.520(b).                                            Robert deV. Frierson,                                   ‘‘Information Collection 3090–00XX;
                                                For Edge corporations engaged in                                                                             Wireless Telecommunications Company
                                             banking, current Schedules RC–M (with                   Secretary of the Board.
                                                                                                                                                             Application’’ on your attached document.
                                             the exception of item 3) and RC–V are                   [FR Doc. 2015–21367 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                           • Mail: U.S. General Services
                                             held confidential pursuant to Section                   BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                  Administration, Regulatory Secretariat
                                             (b)(4) of FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)). For                                                                        Division (MVCB), 1800 F Street NW.,

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:19 Aug 27, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00041   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM   28AUN1

                                             52286                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Notices

                                                Washington, DC 20405, ATTN: Ms.                      handling applications related to each                 protect against damage and
                                                Flowers/IC 3090–00XX.                                property.                                             abandonment. While the majority of
                                                Instructions: Please submit comments                    Response: The application requests                 large carriers are responsible tenants,
                                             only and cite Information Collection                    the name of individuals who will serve                carrier bankruptcy is a possibility. The
                                             3090–00XX; Wireless                                     as the respective points of contact for               Government reserves the right to avoid
                                             Telecommunications Company                              the applicant and the Government.                     the necessity of using appropriated
                                             Application, in all correspondence                      Since the application is project/building             funds to address damage or equipment
                                             related to this collection. All comments                specific (i.e., not a blanket application             abandonment.
                                             received will be posted without change                  for multiple installations at multiple                   Comment: Requirements for a
                                             to http://www.regulations.gov, including                locations,) the desired results will be               performance bond should be eliminated.
                                             any personal and business confidential                  attained with use of the application.                    Response: Requiring a performance
                                             information provided. To confirm                        GSA already maintains an online map of                bond is standard business practice. The
                                             receipt of your comment(s), please                      all federally owned properties under                  purpose of the application is to pre-
                                             check www.regulations.gov,                              GSA’s jurisdiction, custody, and control              qualify the carrier. The applicant is not
                                             approximately two to three days after                   with point-of-contact information                     expected to furnish the performance
                                             submission to verify posting (except                    specific to using space for private sector            bond at the time it submits the
                                             allow 30 days for posting of comments                   antenna installations and will encourage              application. This provision is intended
                                             submitted by mail).                                     the other executive landholding                       to notify applicants that a performance
                                                                                                     agencies to do the same.                              bond may be required prior to
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.
                                                                                                        Comment: Online tracking                           commencing installation of the
                                             Mary Ann Hillier, National Outlease                     mechanisms should be utilized.
                                             Program Manager, PBS, GSA, at                                                                                 equipment.
                                                                                                        Response: GSA agrees online tracking                  Comment: Certain information
                                             telephone 202–208–6139, or via email to                 mechanisms are useful tools. GSA, in
                                             maryann.hillier@gsa.gov.                                                                                      requested is too broad, the Federal
                                                                                                     consultation with other executive                     Communications Commission (FCC)
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              landholding agencies, will work to                    License does not apply to all, and
                                             A. Purpose                                              develop an online tracking system.                    clarification needed for Check List items
                                                                                                        Comment: RFI certification report
                                                The purpose of this application is to                                                                      1 and 7.
                                                                                                     requirement should be clarified.
                                             streamline the business information                        Response: The RFI certification is                    Response: The information being
                                             collection process to accelerate the                    listed as a potential requirement                     collected is standard business
                                             approval process between the Federal                    because it is not required for all                    information required to establish the
                                             Government and a commercial wireless                    projects; for instance, the RFI                       financial viability of a business to
                                             telecommunications company wishing                      certification is of no benefit for land-              determine whether to enter into
                                             to install a wireless antenna on a                      sited towers, as these types of towers are            negotiations. The information would
                                             Federal asset for the expansion of the                  secured against unauthorized access.                  only be collected by the Contracting
                                             company’s wireless network. Federal                     The RFI certification is a long standing              Officer (CO) or the Contracting Officer’s
                                             executive agencies with landholding                     requirement for rooftop antenna                       Representative (COR). The CO or the
                                             authority will use this form.                           installations so that the many                        COR may not handle day-to-day site
                                                                                                     individuals requiring access to building              issues, but are reliable agency points of
                                             B. Discussion and Analysis                                                                                    contact for the carrier throughout the
                                                                                                     rooftops may do so safely and so that
                                                One respondent submitted multiple                    the new antenna microwave frequencies                 life of the contract.
                                             comments on the request to approve the                  will not cause interference with existing                If the application is being used for a
                                             new information collection. The                         rooftop antennas. This certification                  system that does not require an FCC
                                             analysis of the public comments is                      requirement is a business practice that               license, the carrier can notify the agency
                                             summarized as follows:                                  GSA encourages other executive                        and the agency can, in turn, confirm
                                                Comment: The proposed application                    landholding agencies to adopt for their               with the FCC that a license is not
                                             form requests site-specific, detailed                   rooftop antenna installations. It is not              required for the proposed installation.
                                             information that may not be available to                the intention of this application to                     With regard to the Potential
                                             the applicant at the time of the                        require a RFI certification for those                 Document Check List, item No. 1 refers
                                             application.                                            secured Government campuses where                     to the business license that most, if not
                                                Response: The submission of site-                    access to the antenna installation is                 all, states require for a commercial
                                             specific, detailed, complete, and                       restricted.                                           business to be conducted in their state.
                                             accurate drawings and specifications is                    Comment: ‘‘Federal, state and local                Item No. 7 refers to the contractual
                                             not required at the time the application                statutory recording requirements’’                    requirement that lessees must comply
                                             is submitted. However, if the                           should be clarified or deleted.                       with all applicable Federal, state, local
                                             application is approved, detailed                          Response: GSA currently requires                   government, and municipal laws,
                                             drawings and specifications are required                vendors to comply with all Federal,                   statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations,
                                             and critical to determine if an                         state and local statutory requirements                codes, decrees, orders and other such
                                             installation would be suitable,                         and will encourage other executive                    requirements, including, without
                                             particularly for a rooftop antenna. The                 landholding agencies to adopt this                    limitation, those laws regarding wages
                                             Government reserves the right to reject                 practice. No change will be made in                   and hours, health, safety, building
                                             a request if the applicant does not                     response to this comment.                             codes, emergencies, and security.

                                             provide detailed drawings and                              Comment: Requirements for a security                  Comment: GSA should clarify the title
                                             specifications of the proposed                          deposit should be eliminated at the                   of the proposed common form
                                             equipment, structures and installation                  application stage.                                    application.
                                             prior to the completion of contract                        Response: The security deposit is not                 Response: The posting to the Federal
                                             negotiations.                                           required until after the application is               Register for the second request for
                                                Comment: GSA should require each                     approved. GSA requires a security                     comments will use the correct title for
                                             agency to provide a contact person for                  deposit for antenna installations to                  the application.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:19 Aug 27, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00042   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM   28AUN1

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Notices                                                 52287

                                                Comment: The application form                        landholding agencies in support of the                information to be collected; and ways in
                                             should be used by all federal agencies.                 application process. No change will be                which we can minimize the burden of
                                                Response: The current draft                          made to the application in response to                the collection of information on those
                                             application for wireless antenna                        this comment.                                         who are to respond through the use of
                                             installations is being processed as a                     Comment: Applicants may opt in to                   appropriate technological collection
                                             Common Form for use by all federal                      the rates, terms, and conditions of other             techniques or other forms of information
                                             agencies. Once the Federal Register                     providers located at the federal                      technology.
                                             posting process is complete, the                        property.                                               Obtaining Copies of Proposals:
                                             application will be submitted to OMB                      Response: This comment speaks not                   Requesters may obtain a copy of the
                                             for approval. An application for right-of-              to the application, but rather to shared              information collection documents from
                                             way and easements, the SF299                            policy and procedures to be developed                 the General Services Administration,
                                             ‘‘Application for Transportations and                   by the executive landholding agencies                 Regulatory Secretariat Division (MVCB),
                                             Utility Systems on Federal Land,’’ is                   acting in common in support of the                    1800 F Street NW., Second Floor,
                                             already in existence, and its use is                    application process. No change will be                Washington, DC 20405, telephone 202–
                                             required for all federal agencies. The                  made to the application in response to                501–4755. Please cite OMB Control No.
                                             SF–299 was developed by the                             this comment.                                         3090–00XX, Wireless
                                             Departments of Agriculture, Interior,                     Comment: The ‘‘Notice of Competitive                Telecommunications Company
                                             and Transportation.                                     Procedures’’ should be posted to                      Application, in all correspondence.
                                                Comment: Moratoria on accepting                      FedBizOps.gov upon receipt of an                        Dated: August 21, 2015.
                                             applications are prohibited.                            application.
                                                                                                                                                           David A. Shive,
                                                Response: This comment speaks not                      Response: This comment speaks not
                                             to the application, but rather to shared                to the application, but rather to shared              Chief Information Officer.
                                             policy and procedures to be developed                   policy and procedures to be developed                 [FR Doc. 2015–21249 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]
                                             by the executive landholding agencies                   by the executive landholding agencies                 BILLING CODE 6820–14–P
                                             acting in common in support of the                      acting in common in support of the
                                             application process. This comment will                  application process. No change will be
                                             be taken into consideration; however,                   made to the application in response to                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                             no change will be made to the                           this comment.                                         HUMAN SERVICES
                                             application in response to this                           Comment: Application forms should
                                             comment.                                                be utilized to initiate amendments to                 Centers for Disease Control and
                                                Comment: Timely responses to                         existing installations and the applicable             Prevention
                                             applications are mandatory.                             lease, easement, or right-of-way.                     [60 Day–15–0960: Docket No. CDC–2015–
                                                Response: It is agreed that timely                     Response: This comment speaks not                   0073]
                                             responses are important; however, the                   to the application, but rather to shared
                                             comment speaks not to the application,                  policy and procedures to be developed                 Proposed Data Collection Submitted
                                             but rather to shared policy and                         by the executive landholding agencies                 for Public Comment and
                                             procedures to be developed by the                       acting in common in support of the                    Recommendations
                                             executive landholding agencies acting                   application process. No change will be
                                             in common in support of the application                                                                       AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and
                                                                                                     made to the application in response to
                                             process. No change will be made to the                                                                        Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
                                                                                                     this comment.
                                             application in response to this                                                                               and Human Services (HHS).
                                                                                                       Comment: Executive agencies may
                                             comment.                                                utilize easements or leases with 25-year              ACTION: Notice with comment period.
                                                Comment: Applications should be                      terms for wireless siting requests.                   SUMMARY:   The Centers for Disease
                                             ‘‘deemed approved’’ upon passage of                       Response: This comment speaks not                   Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of
                                             time.                                                   to the application, but rather to shared              its continuing efforts to reduce public
                                                Response: While timely approval is a                 policy and procedures to be developed                 burden and maximize the utility of
                                             shared goal, federal agencies must                      by the executive landholding agencies                 government information, invites the
                                             perform the due diligence required to                   acting in common in support of the                    general public and other Federal
                                             confirm that implementation of a                        application process. No change will be                agencies to take this opportunity to
                                             proposal is in the best interests of the                made to the application in response to                comment on proposed and/or
                                             Government and the taxpayer.                            this comment.
                                                Comment: Applications should be                                                                            continuing information collections, as
                                             presumed consistent with each agency’s                  C. Annual Reporting Burden                            required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                             mission and property use.                                                                                     Act of 1995. This notice invites
                                                                                                       Respondents: 20.
                                                Response: Given the different                          Responses per Respondent: 1.                        comment on Epidemiologic Study of
                                             missions and property uses existent                       Total Response Hours: 20.                           Health Effects Associated With Low
                                             among the executive landholding                           Hours per Response: 1.                              Pressure Events in Drinking Water
                                             agencies, it is not clear how making                      Total Burden Hours: 20.                             Distribution Systems.
                                             such a presumption is in the best                                                                             DATES: Written comments must be
                                                                                                     D. Public Comments                                    received on or before October 27, 2015.
                                             interest of the Government and the
                                             taxpayer.                                                 Public comments are particularly                    ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                Comment: The application form                        invited on: Whether this collection of                identified by Docket No. CDC–2015–

                                             should not implicate a Joint Spectrum                   information is necessary and whether it               0073 by any of the following methods:
                                             Center review for commercial providers                  will have practical utility; whether our                 • Federal eRulemaking Portal:
                                             of unlicensed wireless services.                        estimate of the public burden of this                 Regulation.gov. Follow the instructions
                                                Response: The decision to use                        collection of information is accurate and             for submitting comments.
                                             unlicensed wireless services is an                      based on valid assumptions and                           • Mail: Leroy A. Richardson,
                                             internal policy decision to be developed                methodology; ways to enhance the                      Information Collection Review Office,
                                             in concert among the executive                          quality, utility and clarity of the                   Centers for Disease Control and

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 11:04:11
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 11:04:11
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of request for public comments regarding a new Office of Management and Budget (OMB) information clearance.
DatesSubmit comments on or before September 28, 2015.
ContactMs. Mary Ann Hillier, National Outlease Program Manager, PBS, GSA, at telephone 202-208-6139, or via email to [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 52285 

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