80_FR_52576 80 FR 52408 - Radio Experimentation and Market Trials

80 FR 52408 - Radio Experimentation and Market Trials


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 168 (August 31, 2015)

Page Range52408-52415
FR Document2015-21295

This document responds to three petitions for reconsideration seeking to modify certain rules adopted in the Report and Order in this proceeding. In response, the Commission modifies its rules, consistent with past practice, to permit conventional Experimental Radio Service (ERS) licensees and compliance testing licensees to use bands exclusively allocated to the passive services in some circumstances; clarifies that some cost recovery is permitted for the testing and operation of experimental medical devices that take place under its market trial rules; and adds a definition of ``emergency notification providers'' to its rules to clarify that all participants in the Emergency Alert System (EAS) are such providers. However, the Commission declines to expand the eligibility for medical testing licenses.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 168 (Monday, August 31, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 168 (Monday, August 31, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52408-52415]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21295]



47 CFR Parts 2 and 5

[ET Docket Nos. 10-236, 06-155; FCC 15-76]

Radio Experimentation and Market Trials

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This document responds to three petitions for reconsideration 
seeking to modify certain rules adopted

[[Page 52409]]

in the Report and Order in this proceeding. In response, the Commission 
modifies its rules, consistent with past practice, to permit 
conventional Experimental Radio Service (ERS) licensees and compliance 
testing licensees to use bands exclusively allocated to the passive 
services in some circumstances; clarifies that some cost recovery is 
permitted for the testing and operation of experimental medical devices 
that take place under its market trial rules; and adds a definition of 
``emergency notification providers'' to its rules to clarify that all 
participants in the Emergency Alert System (EAS) are such providers. 
However, the Commission declines to expand the eligibility for medical 
testing licenses.

DATES: Effective September 30, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rodney Small, Office of Engineering 
and Technology, (202) 418-2452, email: Rodney.Small@fcc.gov, TTY (202) 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's 
Memorandum Opinion & Order (MO&O), ET Docket Nos. 10-236 and 06-155, 
FCC 15-76, adopted July 6, 2015, and released July 8, 2015. The full 
text of this document is available for inspection and copying during 
normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center (Room CY-A257), 445 
12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554. The full text may also be 
downloaded at: www.fcc.gov. People with Disabilities: To request 
materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (braille, 
large print, electronic files, audio format), send an email to 
fcc504@fcc.gov or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 
202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (tty).

Summary of Memorandum Opinion and Order

    1. In the Report and Order (R&O) in this proceeding, 78 FR 25138, 
April 29, 2013, the Commission updated its part 5 ERS rules to add 
options that provide additional flexibility to keep pace with the speed 
of modern technological change, and an environment where creativity can 
thrive. Specifically, the Commission added three new types of ERS 
licenses to supplement the existing conventional ERS license: the 
program license, the medical testing license, and the compliance 
testing license. The Commission also modified its market trial rules to 
eliminate confusion and more clearly articulate its policies with 
respect to marketing products prior to equipment certification, 
including establishing a subpart for product development and market 
    2. In this MO&O, the Commission responds to petitions for 
reconsideration of the R&O filed by Marcus Spectrum Solutions LLC 
(Marcus); Medtronic, Inc. (Medtronic); and Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Sirius 
XM) and EchoStar Technologies, Inc. (EchoStar).

Marcus Petition

    3. In its petition, Marcus asks that the Commission reconsider a 
modified provision in Sec.  5.85(a) of the Commission's rules that 
prohibits all experimental licensees from using bands exclusively 
allocated to the passive services. Marcus notes that, while the 
modified rule was proposed in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) 
in this proceeding (76 FR 6928, February 8, 2011) and adopted in the 
rules appendix of the R&O, it is inconsistent with both the text of the 
R&O and existing policy under which conventional experimental licensees 
have been allowed to operate in bands allocated to the passive 
services. Marcus argues that there are legitimate reasons for short-
term conventional experiments in some of the bands allocated for 
passive use. Specifically, Marcus argues that testing new concepts in 
modulation, high bandwidth, or other technical details in a given non-
passive band that might be appropriate as a future home for a new 
service can be very expensive if that testing requires custom-made 
equipment. Marcus maintains that there is a valid reason to verify the 
new technical concepts in a band in which equipment is much less 
expensive, even though long-term use of that band might not be 
possible. Therefore, Marcus recommends new language for Sec.  5.85(a) 
that would prohibit experimental use of the passive bands by the new 
types of ERS licensees and in product development and market trials, 
while also specifying that any conventional experimental licensee 
proposing use of the passive bands for an experiment must include a 
justification of why non-passive bands are inadequate for that 
experiment. The Boeing Company (Boeing) and Battelle Memorial Institute 
(Battelle) support grant of the Marcus Petition, and no commenting 
parties objects.
    4. As Marcus observes, Sec.  5.85(a) of the rules is inconsistent 
with both the Commission's existing treatment of conventional ERS 
licenses and the text of the R&O. This inconsistency arose in the NPRM, 
where the text proposed that only program licenses would be prohibited 
from using ``restricted'' bands (including passive service bands) 
listed in Sec.  15.205(a) of the Commission's rules. In contrast, Sec.  
5.85(a) of the rules proposed that all experimental use of ``any 
frequency or frequency band exclusively allocated to the passive 
services'' be prohibited. This inconsistency was not addressed by any 
commenting party, but the Commission's stated intent in the text of the 
R&O was to continue previous practice regarding conventional ERS 
licenses. In addition, the Commission observes that the R&O stated: 
``Due to the nature of the compliance testing process, the Commission 
will not impose on them most of the limitations and reporting 
requirements that it will impose on program licenses. Specifically, 
because compliance testing often involves emission measurements in 
restricted bands, compliance testing licensees will be exempt from the 
prohibition on operating in the restricted bands listed in Sec.  
15.205(a) of the rules and from operating in the bands allocated 
exclusively to the passive services.'' Thus, the Commission modifies 
Sec.  5.85(a) to permit conventional and compliance testing licensees 
to operate on passive bands.
    5. In making these modifications to Sec.  5.85(a), the Commission 
observes that a number of conventional experiments have operated in 
passive service bands without causing harmful interference to passive 
services, and the Commission concurs with Marcus, Boeing, and Battelle 
that such conventional experimental use should be permitted to continue 
under some circumstances. The Commission observes that in those 
instances in which an experimental applicant had requested use of a 
passive band, OET staff in coordination with NTIA undertook a case-by-
case review of the application and imposed specific conditions on the 
applicant, as warranted, to minimize the potential that the experiment 
would cause harmful interference to passive service(s) that use that 
band. The Commission therefore finds generally appropriate Marcus's 
recommended new language for Sec.  5.85(a) that would continue to 
permit conventional ERS use of the passive bands under limited 
circumstances, and further modifies the language to also permit 
compliance testing licensees to use those bands.

Medtronic Petition

    6. A medical testing experimental radio license (medical testing 
license) is issued to hospitals and health care institutions that 
demonstrate expertise in testing and operation of experimental medical 
devices that use wireless telecommunications technology or 
communications functions in clinical trials for diagnosis, treatment, 
or patient

[[Page 52410]]

monitoring. These licenses are for testing medical devices that would 
operate under existing rules and use radio frequency (RF) wireless 
technology for diagnosis, treatment, or patient monitoring for the 
purposes of, but not limited to, assessing patient compatibility and 
usage issues, as well as operational, interference, and RF immunity 
issues. Unlike a conventional experimental license, a medical testing 
license would allow a health care institution to conduct a wide variety 
of unrelated clinical trials under a single authorization. The 
Commission will grant authorizations for a geographic area that is 
inclusive of an institution's real-property facilities where the 
experimentation will be conducted and that is under the applicant's 
control. Applications also may specify, and the Commission will grant 
authorizations for, defined geographic areas beyond the institution's 
real-property facilities that will be included in clinical trials and 
monitored by the licensee.
    7. Medtronic's petition raises two issues, which the Commission 
addresses in turn. First, Medtronic asks that the Commission expand the 
eligibility for the medical testing license. The second issue pertains 
to cost reimbursement for clinical trials, which is permitted under 
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules. Medtronic requests that the 
Commission clarify that such reimbursement does not constitute 
impermissible marketing under Sec. Sec.  2.803 or 2.805 of its rules. 
Medtronic asserts that these changes could greatly facilitate clinical 
trials because the devices would not need to have first been approved 
by the Commission under its equipment authorization program. No party 
filed comments regarding any of the issues raised by Medtronic's 
    8. Medical testing license eligibility. Medtronic observes that the 
R&O established this license to meet the needs of the medical community 
and to allow medical researchers to conduct clinical trials, but 
limited eligibility for medical testing licenses to health care 
facilities. Medtronic notes that FDA rules permit a wide range of 
entities, including non-health care facilities, to sponsor or conduct 
clinical trial testing. In particular, Medtronic notes that the FDA 
classifies certain entities involved in medical device research as 
either ``sponsors'' or ``sponsor-investigators'' of clinical trials, 
with those terms defined as follows:

    Sponsor--A person who initiates, but who does not actually 
conduct, the investigation, that is, the investigational device is 
administered, dispensed, or used under the immediate direction of 
another individual. A person other than an individual that uses one 
or more of its own employees to conduct an investigation that it has 
initiated is a sponsor, not a sponsor-investigator, and the 
employees are investigators.
    Sponsor-investigator--An individual who both initiates and 
actually conducts, alone or with others, an investigation, that is, 
under whose immediate direction the investigational device is 
administered, dispensed, or used. The term does not include any 
person other than an individual. The obligations of a sponsor-
investigator under this part include those of an investigator and 
those of a sponsor.

    9. Medtronic observes that under these FDA classifications, a wide-
range of entities, including device manufacturers, act as sponsors and 
sponsor-investigators of clinical trials and engage in real-world 
patient testing, but that these entities do not always meet the more 
limited definition of a ``health care facility'' under the Commission's 
rules. Thus, Medtronic argues, a ``significant portion'' of these 
entities are not eligible to apply for a medical testing license. These 
entities, it claims, will be subject to testing limitations and added 
costs and burdens by having to design their tests to comply with the 
Commission's other experimental authorization rules (or not be able to 
conduct them in a manner that provides the most utility for device 
evaluation purposes). Medtronic asserts that the Commission's licensing 
structure is inconsistent with FDA regulations that permit a wider 
variety of entities to sponsor or conduct clinical trial testing, and 
creates regulatory uncertainty, does not meet the development and 
testing needs of the medical community, and threatens to frustrate the 
very innovation that this proceeding is intended to promote. Medtronic 
also asserts that the new program experimental license (program 
license) is inappropriate for medical testing because that license does 
not unreservedly cover clinical trials. Medtronic therefore recommends 
that the Commission extend the eligibility for medical testing licenses 
to FDA sponsors and sponsor-investigators of clinical trials involving 
the testing and operation of new medical devices.
    10. Medtronic argues that expanding the eligibility to device 
manufacturers would level the playing field under the rules since the 
line between device manufacturers and health care facilities is 
blurring as healthcare providers are among those who develop medical 
devices. More specifically, given this overlap between the two with 
respect to their involvement in developing such devices, Medtronic 
argues that the following two disparities in regulatory treatment 
unfairly skew the playing field: (1) Medical testing licensees can 
operate on frequency bands restricted under Sec.  15.205(a) if the 
device being tested complies with rules in part 18, part 95, Subpart H 
(Wireless Medical Telemetry Service), or part 95, Subpart I (Medical 
Device Radiocommunication Service), but program and conventional 
experimental licensees cannot; and (2) medical testing licensees can 
conduct clinical trials outside the physical facilities under their 
control, but program licensees cannot.
    11. The Commission addresses separately in a Further Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking released simultaneously with this MO&O, whether it 
should permit program licensees to experiment on frequency bands 
restricted under Sec.  15.205(a), if the device being tested is 
designed to comply with all applicable service rules in part 18 
(Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment), part 95 (Personal 
Radio Services), Subpart H (Wireless Medical Telemetry Service), or 
part 95, Subpart I (Medical Device Radiocommunication Service).
    12. After careful consideration, the Commission finds good reason 
to deny Medtronic's request. In the R&O, the Commission recognized the 
importance of its experimental licensing program to the development of 
RF-based medical devices, and its rules provide a variety of 
authorizations under which medical device experimentation and clinical 
trials can be conducted, including program licenses, conventional 
licenses for market trials, and medical testing licenses. The 
Commission limited the eligibility and scope of a medical testing 
license to hospitals and health care institutions to address their 
particular needs in conducting multiple clinical trials, both within 
their institutions and at defined geographic areas beyond their 
facilities that will be monitored by the licensee. This license allows 
a health care institution to assess patient compatibility and use, as 
well as operational, interference, and RF immunity issues in real use 
settings. To accomplish this objective, the medical testing license has 
elements similar to program licenses and to market trial licenses. As 
with program licenses, a medical testing licensee can conduct multiple 
unrelated experiments at its own facility that is under its control. As 
with market trials, the medical testing licensee can request permission 
to conduct clinical trials at other specified locations that it 
monitors. The Commission envisions, for example, that a medical testing 
license would be helpful to those health care institutions when RF-
based medical devices used in clinical trials would be operated

[[Page 52411]]

primarily within the institution by hospital staff who can observe how 
those devices perform in the presence of other RF equipment. In the 
R&O, the Commission recognized that, although a health care facility 
could oversee a clinical trial beyond its facility, it may not want to 
assume this responsibility in some cases and instead may prefer that 
the device manufacturer or health practitioner, under a conventional or 
market trial license, assume responsibility for clinical trials outside 
the health care facility.
    13. The Commission concludes that if it were to expand eligibility 
for a medical testing licensee to align with the FDA's regulations, it 
would undermine the Commission's ability to meet its own objectives. 
Each agency's rules are designed to satisfy different purposes. The 
Commission's primary concern in authorizing experimentation with RF 
devices is to ensure that the devices do not cause harmful interference 
to authorized users of the spectrum and that the devices do not enter 
into commerce prior to Commission certification. A part 5 licensee is 
the party that the Commission holds responsible for the proper 
operation of the experimental RF devices to avoid harmful interference 
to authorized spectrum users and to take corrective action as 
necessary. A part 5 license also specifies the locations for 
experimentation, e.g., a conventional license would specify the 
locations where the licensee is conducting experimentation, and a 
program license limits operation to locations directly under the 
licensee's control. The FDA's Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) 
rules cited by Medtronic are designed for a different purpose--to 
determine the safety or effectiveness of a medical device. To 
accomplish this objective, the FDA's regulations allow for different 
categories of participation in clinical trials (e.g., sponsors who 
initiate, investigators who conduct trials, and sponsor-investigators 
who take on both roles). A sponsor does not necessarily conduct the 
investigation, and thus would not be directly responsible for the 
operation of the experimental RF-based devices as intended by the 
Commission's part 5 rules. Numerous investigators may conduct the 
clinical trials, often at a variety of locations which are not required 
to be, and most likely are not, under the sponsor's control. The 
Commission is concerned that allowing an FDA sponsor or sponsor-
investigator to hold a medical testing experimental license would 
create confusion in determining who is responsible for the proper 
operation of the experimental RF devices to avoid harmful interference 
to other spectrum users and to take corrective action as necessary. 
Also, trials may be conducted by multiple investigators who are not 
licensees at many different locations that would not be under the 
licensee's control. This would be contrary to the basic principles 
underlying the experimental licensing program. The Commission 
emphasizes that any health care facility that wishes to be eligible for 
grant of a medical testing license must meet all eligibility 
requirements contained in its rules, including the requisite RF 
    14. The Commission finds it better serves the public interest to 
maintain the structure that it adopted, wherein a medical testing 
license is available only to a qualified health care facility that is 
solely responsible for clinical trials within its institution. The key 
element here is that the licensee controls the facility--and hence the 
interference environment--where multiple clinical trials are being 
conducted. The medical testing license is designed to address the 
particular needs of health care institutions in conducting multiple 
clinical trials within its institution under real use conditions, 
whether the RF-based medical devices being tested are manufactured by 
themselves or other manufacturers. To expand eligibility for this 
license to any manufacturer of medical devices, the Commission would 
have to identify the real-property facilities that they control and 
where clinical trials would be conducted. It seems unlikely that a 
manufacturer would conduct clinical trials at its manufacturing 
facility if this does not provide real use conditions. Moreover, 
Medtronic does not ask to conduct clinical trials at its own facilities 
but rather to conduct such trials at multiple other locations as 
approved under FDA rules on a trial-by-trial basis. This is 
fundamentally different than how the medical testing license is 
intended to operate.
    15. In declining to modify the rules as requested by Medtronic, the 
Commission notes that the part 5 rules provide other options for 
conducting clinical trials that other entities, such as sponsors, 
investigators and medical device manufacturers, can use. First, 
entities may evaluate product performance of an experimental wireless 
medical device under a market trial by obtaining a conventional 
experimental license. Typically, market trials are conducted prior to 
the production stage to evaluate product performance and customer 
acceptability under expected use conditions. As with medical testing 
licenses, market trials are authorized for devices that are designed to 
comply with existing Commission rules. However, unlike a regular 
conventional experimental license, a market trial license can be used 
to conduct clinical trials in locations not under the licensee's direct 
control, such as at a patient's home. Second, for instances where a 
party is developing a device that would not be able to be operated in 
compliance with existing rules, the Commission envisioned that such 
devices can be tested under a conventional experimental license. In 
summary, manufacturers of medical devices, whether associated with a 
health care facility or not, would have similar opportunities for 
experimenting with such devices even though they may do so under 
different types of authorizations. Both health care institutions that 
qualify for a medical testing license and device manufacturers that do 
not must obtain either a program or conventional experimental license 
to conduct basic research and experimentation. Device manufacturers 
that do not qualify for a medical testing license would need to obtain 
a market trial license to conduct clinical trials, which provides more 
flexibility than a medical testing license for specifying the area(s) 
within which the trial will be conducted. Health care facilities that 
qualify for a medical testing license could conduct clinical trials 
under either a medical testing license or a market trial license. Under 
the medical testing license, the licensee is limited to areas close to 
the licensee's own facility, and if it wants to conduct a clinical 
trial in a location not specified in its license, it would do so under 
a market trial license.
    16. Also, as acknowledged by Medtronic, the Commission may declare 
a specific geographic area an innovation zone for the purpose of 
conducting a clinical trial. Such a declaration, which could be made on 
the Commission's own motion or in response to a public request--such as 
from a health care facility lacking the RF expertise necessary for 
obtaining a medical testing licensee--would permit the Commission to 
designate a defined geographic area and frequency range(s) for specific 
types of experiments by program licensees within guidelines that the 
Commission may establish on a case-by-case basis. These innovation 
zones can include geographic areas beyond a program licensee's 
authorized area without the licensee having to apply for a new license 
to cover a new location. Thus, they can serve to effectively extend a 
program license

[[Page 52412]]

without the licensee being required to modify its license to cover a 
new location. Accordingly, innovation zones will provide opportunities 
for program licensees, including FDA sponsors and sponsor-
investigators, to test potentially innovative wireless devices in real 
world operating environments, such as testing medical devices in health 
care institutions. In the R&O, the Commission stated that this approach 
``may be particularly useful for manufacturers who want to test medical 
or other types of equipment that will be used in a health care setting 
while it is in the product development stage, but who will not be 
eligible for the medical testing license. A manufacturer of medical 
devices would be able to continue its product testing for clinical 
trials under its program license at a designated innovation zone 
without having to apply for a separate market trial license.''
    17. As the Commission concluded in the R&O, the different licensing 
options represent a multi-faceted approach to facilitate robust medical 
RF experimentation that responds to the record developed in this 
proceeding. The medical testing experimental license complements the 
types of medical RF experimentation that parties will be able to 
conduct under a conventional, program, or market trial experimental 
license. Accordingly, the Commission discovered that limiting 
eligibility for a medical testing license to hospitals and health care 
facilities is not detrimental to medical innovation and product 
development. The Commission's goal in this proceeding is to facilitate 
bringing ground-breaking new technologies and services to consumers 
more rapidly, and it finds that its current rules provide the proper 
incentives toward achieving that goal to both FDA-approved sponsors/
sponsor-investigators and to health care facilities. Accordingly, the 
Commission denies Medtronic's request to expand the eligibility for the 
medical testing license at this time. As licensees take advantage of 
the new flexible licenses, the Commission will gain valuable insight as 
to whether it could modify the rules in the future without sacrificing 
its objective of ensuring that each clinical trial is conducted in a 
way that minimizes the potential for harmful interference to authorized 
    18. Cost reimbursement for clinical trials. The second issue raised 
by Medtronic pertains to cost reimbursement for clinical trials of 
experimental medical devices. Medtronic explains that, while 
manufacturers of medical devices are not permitted by the FDA to profit 
from clinical trials, they are allowed to recover certain 
manufacturing, research, development and handling costs associated with 
FDA-defined ``investigational devices.'' Medtronic further states that 
the FDA typically allows sponsors to charge investigators for such 
devices, and that the costs are usually passed on to the clinical trial 
subjects. The FDA rules permit a sponsor or investigator to charge 
subjects for an investigational device, but those entities may not 
commercialize that device by charging a price larger than that 
necessary to recover the costs of manufacture, research, development, 
and handling. Medtronic requests that the Commission clarify that such 
reimbursement does not constitute impermissible marketing under 
Sec. Sec.  2.803 or 2.805 of its rules. Medtronic argues that the 
requested clarification will ensure consistency between the regulatory 
regimes of the Commission and the FDA, simplify manufacturers' 
compliance, and encourage medical device testing and innovation. 
Medtronic maintains that the purposes of FDA's cost recovery mechanism 
align with the Commission's marketing restrictions, and that permitting 
cost recovery in clinical trials will encourage medical device research 
and development that will ultimately benefit consumers.
    19. The Commission's rules generally prohibit the operation and 
marketing of RF products prior to equipment authorization except under 
certain specified conditions. Sec.  2.805 (``Operation of radio 
frequency devices prior to equipment authorization'') lists conditions 
under which RF devices may be operated prior to equipment 
authorization, including operation under an experimental radio license 
issued under part 5 of the rules, and states that an RF device that may 
be operated prior to equipment authorization ``may not be marketed (as 
defined in Sec.  2.803(a)) except as provided elsewhere in this 
chapter.'' Sec.  2.803 (``Marketing of radio frequency products prior 
to equipment authorization'') defines marketing as ``sale or lease, or 
offering for sale or lease, including advertising for sale or lease, or 
importation, shipment, or distribution for the purpose of selling or 
leasing or offering for sale or lease.'' These restrictions on 
marketing are intended to prevent the unchecked dissemination of 
experimental devices into the stream of commerce, where they may not 
always be easily recalled. The Commission concludes here that accepting 
reimbursement payments under the FDA's rules for the use of an 
unauthorized RF device in a clinical trial falls within this definition 
of ``marketing.'' However, Sec.  2.803 includes a number of exceptions 
to the general prohibition against marketing unauthorized equipment. 
One of those exceptions is for market trials conducted under a part 5 
experimental license. Accordingly, and, as explained below, the 
Commission clarifies that the marketing advocated by Medtronic is 
permitted on a limited basis under the Sec.  2.803 exception for market 
trials conducted by part 5 experimental licensees.
    20. In the R&O, the Commission modified its part 5 rules to provide 
more flexibility for market trials, including some forms of cost 
recovery, while continuing to provide safeguards to protect the public. 
Section 5.602 (``Market Trials'') permits marketing of devices (as 
defined in Sec.  2.803) and provision of services for hire prior to 
equipment authorization, provided that the devices included in the 
market trial are authorized under this rule section and will be 
operated under the current rules; could be authorized under waivers of 
such rules that are in effect at the time of marketing; or could be 
authorized under rules that have been adopted by the Commission, but 
that have not yet become effective. The rule stipulates that the 
experimental licensee must own all transmitting and/or receiving 
equipment, but also permits the experimental licensee to: (1) Sell 
equipment to other licensees (e.g. manufacturer to licensed service 
provider), and (2) lease equipment to trial participants for purposes 
of the study. Equipment must be retrieved or rendered inoperable after 
the trial.
    21. The Commission finds that, for devices that necessitate an 
experimental license for the conduct of a clinical trial, the market 
trial rule allows for some cost recovery for investigational devices 
used in those trials consistent with the Commission's purpose to 
prevent the unchecked dissemination of experimental devices into the 
stream of commerce. While the Commission's market trial rules differ 
from the FDA rules, they do provide manufacturers of experimental 
medical devices a mechanism for offsetting costs associated with the 
development of those devices. For example, FDA rules allow sponsors to 
charge investigators for medical devices and these costs may be passed 
on to the clinical trial participants, and a part 5 market trial 
licensee may sell devices to another licensee (e.g., a health care 
facility that is a medical testing licensee) or lease medical devices 
to trial participants, which may permit full or partial cost

[[Page 52413]]

recovery. The Commission believes that this structure generally 
accommodates Medtronic's request, and serves the public interest by 
providing medical device manufacturers an incentive to develop 
innovative, but potentially costly, devices for use in clinical trials.
    22. The Commission also observes that not all clinical trials occur 
under part 5 experimental rules. The Commission's experience has been 
that clinical trials, especially those involving implanted devices 
which cannot be easily returned to the licensee as the rules require, 
occur after the FCC has issued an equipment authorization grant for the 
device. In those cases, there is no FCC marketing restriction that 
conflicts with FDA rules.
    23. The Commission also clarifies that a medical testing licensee 
conducting clinical trials that wants to seek reimbursement under the 
FDA's rules should follow the requirements for market trials in Sec.  
5.602. In establishing the medical testing license, the Commission 
observed that the license will allow for ``clinical trials of medical 
devices that have already passed through the early developmental stage 
and are ready to be assessed for patient compatibility and use, as well 
as operational, interference, and RF immunity issues in real world 
situations.'' This is conceptually analogous to a market trial, which 
``com[es] later in the development process'' and is a ``program 
designed to evaluate product performance and customer acceptability 
prior to the production stage.'' Also, both medical testing licenses 
and market trials licenses are used for devices that will be operated 
under the current rules; could be authorized under waivers of such 
rules that are in effect at the time of marketing; or could be 
authorized under rules that have been adopted by the Commission, but 
that have not yet become effective. In the R&O the Commission stated 
that it would require a market trial to be authorized under a 
conventional, rather than a program, license ``in recognition of the 
inherent difference between market trials and `regular' experimentation 
and testing--the most prominent difference being the necessity to 
prevent an experimental licensee from creating a de facto service 
through the experimental licensing process.'' As discussed above, 
clinical trials are analogous to market trials, and should be treated 
like market trials for cost recovery purposes by the experimental 
license rules. Accordingly, the Commission modifies Sec.  5.402 to make 
clear that medical testing licensees may recover their costs to the 
extent they are permitted by the market trial rule.
    24. The Commission also clarifies that, under a conventional 
license issued for a product development trial, a licensee conducting a 
clinical trial could not be reimbursed for its costs, and the 
Commission takes this opportunity to correct a contradiction in its 
current rules regarding product development trials. Although Sec.  
2.803 exempts product development trials from the marketing rule for 
equipment operated prior to certification, the product development 
trial rule (Sec.  5.601) expressly prohibits marketing of devices as 
defined in Sec.  2.803 or the provision of services for hire. This 
prohibition in the rule is consistent with the Commission's statement 
in the R&O that licensees conducting a product development trial must 
not market devices or offer services for hire. The Commission 
differentiated product development trials, which occur very early in 
the development process, from market trials for marketing purposes. 
Market trials, which occur later in the development process, can engage 
in marketing activity if they use equipment that could be operated 
under the current rules; could be authorized under waivers of such 
rules that are in effect at the time of marketing; or could be 
authorized under rules that have been adopted by the Commission, but 
that have not yet become effective. Product development trials have no 
such restrictions and thus restricting marketing is important to 
prevent the unchecked dissemination of experimental devices into the 
stream of commerce. Clearly, the Commission's intent was to prohibit 
marketing for product development trials and erred in its drafting of 
the marketing exceptions in Sec.  2.803. Accordingly, the Commission 
herein corrects Sec.  2.803(c)(1) to refer only to market trials and 
remove the reference to product development trials. Thus, the 
Commission notes that reimbursement under the FDA's rules for clinical 
trials would not be permitted for a product development trial.
    25. Thus, the Commission concludes that Medtronic's requests are 
best accommodated under the existing rules. To the extent that cost 
recovery for medical devices used in clinical trials is done under the 
market trial rules set forth in Sec.  5.602, the Commission grants 
Medtronic's request and clarifies that such cost recovery does not 
constitute impermissible marketing under Sec. Sec.  2.803 and 2.805 of 
its rules.

Sirius XM and EchoStar Petition

    26. In their petition, Sirius XM and EchoStar request that the 
Commission add a definition of ``emergency notifications'' to its rules 
to clarify that all participants in the Emergency Alert System are 
emergency notification providers, and are therefore entitled to 
notification of program experiments that might affect them, as well as 
protection from harmful interference that such experiments might cause 
to them. The R&O specified that for program license experiments that 
may affect critical service bands (i.e. bands used for the provision of 
commercial mobile services, emergency notifications, or public safety 
purposes), the program licensee must take the additional steps of 
developing a specific plan to avoid causing harmful interference to 
operations in those bands prior to commencing operations and providing 
notice to those critical service licensees who might be affected by the 
planned experiment.
    27. Sirius XM and EchoStar observe that the NPRM explicitly 
recognized that EAS participants provide emergency notifications, and 
that the R&O required that any program licensee seeking to undertake an 
experiment in a band used for emergency notifications must develop a 
plan to avoid interference to emergency notification providers, but 
that the R&O failed to specify that such providers include all EAS 
participants. Sirius XM and EchoStar contend that this failure will 
create confusion on the part of program license applicants and 
undermine the Commission's goal of avoiding interference threats to the 
EAS network. Therefore, to avoid the possibility that program licensees 
may fail to notify EAS participants of their planned experiments or 
cause harmful interference to EAS participants, Sirius XM and EchoStar 
recommend that the Commission set forth a definition of emergency 
notification providers that includes all EAS participants. No party 
filed comments regarding the Sirius XM/EchoStar Petition.
    28. The Commission's goal throughout this proceeding has been to 
foster new experimental uses of the RF spectrum, while protecting 
authorized radio services from any harmful interference that these new 
uses might cause. Moreover, the Commission has recognized that an 
additional measure of protection must be afforded to bands used by 
services that are crucial to the public safety and well-being. The 
Commission's clear intent in this proceeding has been to include all 
EAS participants as emergency notification providers. For example, the 
Commission included this discussion in the NPRM: ``. . . Television and 
radio broadcast bands are used in support of the

[[Page 52414]]

Emergency Alert System (EAS). In recognition of these vital interests, 
the Commission proposes to require that, for tests that affect bands 
use for the provision of commercial mobile services, emergency 
notifications, or public safety purposes on the institution's grounds, 
the licensee first develop a specific plan that avoids interference to 
these bands.'' As Sirius XM and EchoStar observe, the R&O adopted the 
NPRM's proposal that the program licensee must develop a specific plan 
to avoid harmful interference to operations in these critical service 
bands, but failed to explicitly state that emergency notification 
providers include all EAS participants. Accordingly, and to avoid any 
confusion, the Commission is adding to Sec.  5.5 of the rules a 
definition of emergency notification providers as inclusive of all EAS 
    29. Regulatory Flexibility Certification. The Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (RFA) requires that agencies prepare a regulatory 
flexibility analysis for notice-and-comment rulemaking proceedings, 
unless the agency certifies that ``the rule will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.'' The 
Commission hereby certifies that the rule revisions set forth herein 
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities for the following reasons: (1) The modification of Sec.  
5.85(a) essentially restores that rule to what existed prior to 
initiation of this proceeding, but with the further modification that 
permits use of passive service bands by compliance testing licensees, 
as was explicitly authorized in the R&O. As explained above, the 
prohibitions adopted in the rules appendix of the R&O was over-
inclusive--the stated intent in this proceeding was to prohibit 
experimental use of the passive bands only by program and medical 
testing licensees and in product development and market trials. 
Restoring the rule to allow for the grant of conventional experimental 
licenses that use the passive bands, which had been permitted for many 
years prior to adoption of the R&O, as well as permitting use of these 
bands by new compliance testing licensees, will not have an adverse 
impact on any small entities. (2) Denying FDA sponsors and sponsor-
investigators eligibility for medical testing licenses in Sec.  5.402 
of the Commission's rules will not adversely impact small entities, as 
they will still have the ability to conduct clinical medical trials 
under the auspices of a product development trial, or under a program 
license in cases in which the Commission establishes an innovation zone 
for a clinical trial. (3) Clarifying that some cost reimbursement for 
medical devices used in clinical trials is permissible under the Sec.  
5.602 market trial rules may benefit some small entities, without 
adversely impacting any such entities. (4) Clarifying in Sec.  5.5 of 
the rules that all participants in the Emergency Alert System are 
emergency notification providers simply codifies what was adopted in 
the R&O, and will not adversely impact any small entities. The 
Commission will send a copy of this Memorandum Opinion and Order, 
including this certification, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the 
Small Business Administration.
    30. Paperwork Reduction Act Analysis. This document contains no new 
or modified information collection requirement that are subject to the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. The 
Commission notes that pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief 
Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), it 
previously sought specific comment on how it might further reduce the 
information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer 
than 25 employees.
    31. Congressional Review Act. The Commission will send a copy of 
this Memorandum Opinion and Order in a report to Congress and the 
Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review 
Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).

Ordering Clauses

    32. Pursuant to section 4(i), 301, 303 and 405 of the 
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 301, 303, and 
405 and Sec.  1.1, 1.2, and 1.429 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 
1.1, 1.2, and 1.429, this Memorandum Opinion and Order is adopted.
    33. The petitions for reconsideration filed by Marcus Spectrum 
Solutions LLC; Medtronic, Inc.; and Sirius XM Radio Inc. and EchoStar 
Technologies Inc. Are granted, to the extent indicated above, and 
otherwise are denied.
    34. Parts 2 and 5 of the Commission's rules are amended, as set 
forth in the Final Rules. These revisions will be effective September 
30, 2015 of this Memorandum Opinion and Order.

List of Subject in 47 CFR Part 5

    Radio, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,

Final Rules

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
Communications Commission amends 47 CFR parts 2 and 5 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 2 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, and 336, unless otherwise 

2. Section 2.803 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(1) to read as 

Sec.  2.803  Marketing of radio frequency devices prior to equipment 

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) Activities under market trials conducted pursuant to subpart H 
of part 5.
* * * * *


3. The authority citation for part 5 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  Secs. 4, 302, 303, 307, 336 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as 
amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 302, 303, 307, 336. Interpret or apply sec. 
301, 48 Stat. 1081, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 301.

4. Section 5.5 is amended by adding a definition in alphabetical for 
``emergency notification providers'' to read as follows:

Sec.  5.5  Definition of terms.

* * * * *
    Emergency notification providers. All participants in the Emergency 
Alert System, as identified in section 11.1 of this chapter.
* * * * *

5. Section 5.85 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 

Sec.  5.85  Frequencies and policy governing their assignment.

    (a)(1) Stations operating in the Experimental Radio Service may be 
authorized to use any Federal or non-Federal frequency designated in 
the Table of Frequency Allocations set forth in part 2 of this chapter, 
provided that the need for the frequency requested is fully justified 
by the applicant. Stations authorized under Subparts E and F are 
subject to additional restrictions.

[[Page 52415]]

    (2) Applications to use any frequency or frequency band exclusively 
allocated to the passive services (including the radio astronomy 
service) must include an explicit justification of why nearby bands 
that have non-passive allocations are not adequate for the experiment. 
Such applications must also state that the applicant acknowledges that 
long term or multiple location use of passive bands is not possible and 
that the applicant intends to transition any long-term use to a band 
with appropriate allocations.
* * * * *

6. Section 5.402 is amended by adding paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  5.402  Eligibility and usage.

* * * * *
    (c) Marketing of devices (as defined in Sec.  2.803(a) of this 
chapter) is permitted under this license as provided in Sec.  5.602.

[FR Doc. 2015-21295 Filed 8-28-15; 8:45 am]

                                             52408             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             1-yl]morpholine, including its                          1999) and Executive Order 13175,                      (3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propen-
                                             metabolites and degradates, in or on the                entitled ‘‘Consultation and Coordination              1-yl]morpholine, including its
                                             commodities in the following table.                     with Indian Tribal Governments’’ (65 FR               metabolites and degradates, in or on the
                                             Compliance with the tolerance levels                    67249, November 9, 2000) do not apply                 commodities in the following table.
                                             specified in the following table is to be               to this action. In addition, this action              Compliance with the tolerance levels
                                             determined by measuring only                            does not impose any enforceable duty or               specified in the following table is to be
                                             dimethomorph in or on the commodity.                    contain any unfunded mandate as                       determined by measuring only
                                             VI. Statutory and Executive Order                       described under Title II of the Unfunded              dimethomorph in or on the
                                             Reviews                                                 Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) (2 U.S.C.                  commodities.
                                                                                                     1501 et se.).
                                                This action establishes tolerances                     This action does not involve any                                                                  Parts per
                                             under FFDCA section 408(d) in                           technical standards that would require                                                               million
                                             response to a petition submitted to the                 Agency consideration of voluntary
                                             Agency. The Office of Management and                    consensus standards pursuant to section
                                             Budget (OMB) has exempted these types                                                                            *         *              *             *            *
                                                                                                     12(d) of the National Technology                      Strawberry ............................         0.90
                                             of actions from review under Executive                  Transfer and Advancement Act
                                             Order 12866, entitled ‘‘Regulatory                      (NTTAA) (15 U.S.C. 272 note).                             *            *            *           *            *
                                             Planning and Review’’ (58 FR 51735,
                                             October 4, 1993). Because this action                   VII. Congressional Review Act
                                                                                                                                                           *     *     *     *     *
                                             has been exempted from review under                       Pursuant to the Congressional Review                  (c) Tolerances with regional
                                             Executive Order 12866, this action is                   Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et se.), EPA will                   registrations. Tolerances with regional
                                             not subject to Executive Order 13211,                   submit a report containing this rule and              registrations are established for residues
                                             entitled ‘‘Actions Concerning                           other required information to the U.S.                of the fungicide dimethomorph, 4-[3-(4-
                                             Regulations That Significantly Affect                   Senate, the U.S. House of                             chlorophenyl)-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-
                                             Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use’’ (66               Representatives, and the Comptroller                  1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl]morpholine,
                                             FR 28355, May 22, 2001) or Executive                    General of the United States prior to                 including its metabolites and
                                             Order 13045, entitled ‘‘Protection of                   publication of the rule in the Federal                degradates, in or on the commodities in
                                             Children from Environmental Health                      Register. This action is not a ‘‘major                the following table. Compliance with
                                             Risks and Safety Risks’’ (62 FR 19885,                  rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).                 the tolerance levels specified in the
                                             April 23, 1997). This action does not                                                                         following table is to be determined by
                                             contain any information collections                     List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180
                                                                                                                                                           measuring only dimethomorph in or on
                                             subject to OMB approval under the                         Environmental protection,                           the commodity.
                                             Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44                       Administrative practice and procedure,
                                             U.S.C. 3501 et se.), nor does it require                                                                      *     *     *     *     *
                                                                                                     Agricultural commodities, Pesticides
                                             any special considerations under                                                                                (d) Indirect or inadvertent residues.
                                                                                                     and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                             Executive Order 12898, entitled                                                                               Tolerances are established for the
                                             ‘‘Federal Actions to Address                                                                                  indirect or inadvertent residues of the
                                                                                                       Dated: August 10, 2015.                             fungicide dimethomorph, 4-[3-(4-
                                             Environmental Justice in Minority
                                             Populations and Low-Income                              Susan Lewis,                                          chlorophenyl)-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-
                                             Populations’’ (59 FR 7629, February 16,                 Director, Registration Division, Office of            1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl]morpholine,
                                             1994).                                                  Pesticide Programs.                                   including its metabolites and
                                                Since tolerances and exemptions that                   Therefore, 40 CFR chapter I is                      degradates, in or on the commodities in
                                             are established on the basis of a petition              amended as follows:                                   the following table. Compliance with
                                             under FFDCA section 408(d), such as                                                                           the tolerance levels specified in the
                                             the tolerance in this final rule, do not                PART 180—[AMENDED]                                    following table is to be determined by
                                             require the issuance of a proposed rule,                                                                      measuring only dimethomorph in or on
                                             the requirements of the Regulatory                      ■ 1. The authority citation for part 180              the commodity.
                                             Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 et                  continues to read as follows:                         *     *     *     *     *
                                             se.), do not apply.                                         Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371.        [FR Doc. 2015–21192 Filed 8–28–15; 8:45 am]
                                                This action directly regulates growers,                                                                    BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                     ■  2. In § 180.493:
                                             food processors, food handlers, and food
                                                                                                     ■  a. Revise the introductory text of
                                             retailers, not States or tribes, nor does
                                                                                                     paragraph (a).
                                             this action alter the relationships or                                                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                     ■ b. Remove the entries in the table in
                                             distribution of power and                                                                                     COMMISSION
                                                                                                     paragraph (a) for ‘‘Lettuce, head’’, and
                                             responsibilities established by Congress
                                                                                                     ‘‘Lettuce leaf’’.
                                             in the preemption provisions of FFDCA                   ■ c. Add alphabetically the entry for                 47 CFR Parts 2 and 5
                                             section 408(n)(4). As such, the Agency                  ‘‘Strawberry’’ to the table in paragraph
                                             has determined that this action will not                                                                      [ET Docket Nos. 10–236, 06–155; FCC 15–
                                                                                                     (a).                                                  76]
                                             have a substantial direct effect on States              ■ d. Revise the introductory text of
                                             or tribal governments, on the                           paragraphs (c) and (d).                               Radio Experimentation and Market
                                             relationship between the national                          The additions and revisions read as                Trials
                                             government and the States or tribal                     follows:
                                             governments, or on the distribution of
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                           AGENCY:  Federal Communications
                                             power and responsibilities among the                    § 180.493 Dimethomorph; tolerances for                Commission.
                                             various levels of government or between                 residues.                                             ACTION: Final rule.
                                             the Federal Government and Indian                         (a) * * *
                                             tribes. Thus, the Agency has determined                   Tolerances are established for                      SUMMARY:   This document responds to
                                             that Executive Order 13132, entitled                    residues of the fungicide                             three petitions for reconsideration
                                             ‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255, August 10,                 dimethomorph, 4-[3-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-                seeking to modify certain rules adopted

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                          52409

                                             in the Report and Order in this                         establishing a subpart for product                    rules. In contrast, § 5.85(a) of the rules
                                             proceeding. In response, the                            development and market trials.                        proposed that all experimental use of
                                             Commission modifies its rules,                            2. In this MO&O, the Commission                     ‘‘any frequency or frequency band
                                             consistent with past practice, to permit                responds to petitions for reconsideration             exclusively allocated to the passive
                                             conventional Experimental Radio                         of the R&O filed by Marcus Spectrum                   services’’ be prohibited. This
                                             Service (ERS) licensees and compliance                  Solutions LLC (Marcus); Medtronic, Inc.               inconsistency was not addressed by any
                                             testing licensees to use bands                          (Medtronic); and Sirius XM Radio Inc.                 commenting party, but the
                                             exclusively allocated to the passive                    (Sirius XM) and EchoStar Technologies,                Commission’s stated intent in the text of
                                             services in some circumstances; clarifies               Inc. (EchoStar).                                      the R&O was to continue previous
                                             that some cost recovery is permitted for                Marcus Petition                                       practice regarding conventional ERS
                                             the testing and operation of                                                                                  licenses. In addition, the Commission
                                             experimental medical devices that take                     3. In its petition, Marcus asks that the           observes that the R&O stated: ‘‘Due to
                                             place under its market trial rules; and                 Commission reconsider a modified                      the nature of the compliance testing
                                             adds a definition of ‘‘emergency                        provision in § 5.85(a) of the                         process, the Commission will not
                                             notification providers’’ to its rules to                Commission’s rules that prohibits all                 impose on them most of the limitations
                                             clarify that all participants in the                    experimental licensees from using                     and reporting requirements that it will
                                             Emergency Alert System (EAS) are such                   bands exclusively allocated to the                    impose on program licenses.
                                             providers. However, the Commission                      passive services. Marcus notes that,                  Specifically, because compliance testing
                                             declines to expand the eligibility for                  while the modified rule was proposed                  often involves emission measurements
                                             medical testing licenses.                               in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking                  in restricted bands, compliance testing
                                                                                                     (NPRM) in this proceeding (76 FR 6928,                licensees will be exempt from the
                                             DATES:   Effective September 30, 2015.                  February 8, 2011) and adopted in the                  prohibition on operating in the
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        rules appendix of the R&O, it is                      restricted bands listed in § 15.205(a) of
                                             Rodney Small, Office of Engineering                     inconsistent with both the text of the                the rules and from operating in the
                                             and Technology, (202) 418–2452, email:                  R&O and existing policy under which                   bands allocated exclusively to the
                                             Rodney.Small@fcc.gov, TTY (202) 418–                    conventional experimental licensees                   passive services.’’ Thus, the
                                             2989.                                                   have been allowed to operate in bands                 Commission modifies § 5.85(a) to permit
                                                                                                     allocated to the passive services. Marcus             conventional and compliance testing
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:       This is a              argues that there are legitimate reasons
                                             summary of the Commission’s                                                                                   licensees to operate on passive bands.
                                                                                                     for short-term conventional experiments                  5. In making these modifications to
                                             Memorandum Opinion & Order                              in some of the bands allocated for                    § 5.85(a), the Commission observes that
                                             (MO&O), ET Docket Nos. 10–236 and                       passive use. Specifically, Marcus argues              a number of conventional experiments
                                             06–155, FCC 15–76, adopted July 6,                      that testing new concepts in                          have operated in passive service bands
                                             2015, and released July 8, 2015. The full               modulation, high bandwidth, or other                  without causing harmful interference to
                                             text of this document is available for                  technical details in a given non-passive              passive services, and the Commission
                                             inspection and copying during normal                    band that might be appropriate as a                   concurs with Marcus, Boeing, and
                                             business hours in the FCC Reference                     future home for a new service can be                  Battelle that such conventional
                                             Center (Room CY–A257), 445 12th                         very expensive if that testing requires               experimental use should be permitted to
                                             Street SW., Washington, DC 20554. The                   custom-made equipment. Marcus                         continue under some circumstances.
                                             full text may also be downloaded at:                    maintains that there is a valid reason to             The Commission observes that in those
                                             www.fcc.gov. People with Disabilities:                  verify the new technical concepts in a                instances in which an experimental
                                             To request materials in accessible                      band in which equipment is much less                  applicant had requested use of a passive
                                             formats for people with disabilities                    expensive, even though long-term use of               band, OET staff in coordination with
                                             (braille, large print, electronic files,                that band might not be possible.                      NTIA undertook a case-by-case review
                                             audio format), send an email to fcc504@                 Therefore, Marcus recommends new                      of the application and imposed specific
                                             fcc.gov or call the Consumer &                          language for § 5.85(a) that would                     conditions on the applicant, as
                                             Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202–                     prohibit experimental use of the passive              warranted, to minimize the potential
                                             418–0530 (voice), 202–418–0432 (tty).                   bands by the new types of ERS licensees               that the experiment would cause
                                             Summary of Memorandum Opinion                           and in product development and market                 harmful interference to passive
                                             and Order                                               trials, while also specifying that any                service(s) that use that band. The
                                                                                                     conventional experimental licensee                    Commission therefore finds generally
                                                1. In the Report and Order (R&O) in                  proposing use of the passive bands for                appropriate Marcus’s recommended
                                             this proceeding, 78 FR 25138, April 29,                 an experiment must include a                          new language for § 5.85(a) that would
                                             2013, the Commission updated its part                   justification of why non-passive bands                continue to permit conventional ERS
                                             5 ERS rules to add options that provide                 are inadequate for that experiment. The               use of the passive bands under limited
                                             additional flexibility to keep pace with                Boeing Company (Boeing) and Battelle                  circumstances, and further modifies the
                                             the speed of modern technological                       Memorial Institute (Battelle) support                 language to also permit compliance
                                             change, and an environment where                        grant of the Marcus Petition, and no                  testing licensees to use those bands.
                                             creativity can thrive. Specifically, the                commenting parties objects.
                                             Commission added three new types of                        4. As Marcus observes, § 5.85(a) of the            Medtronic Petition
                                             ERS licenses to supplement the existing                 rules is inconsistent with both the                      6. A medical testing experimental
                                             conventional ERS license: the program                   Commission’s existing treatment of                    radio license (medical testing license) is
                                             license, the medical testing license, and               conventional ERS licenses and the text                issued to hospitals and health care
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                             the compliance testing license. The                     of the R&O. This inconsistency arose in               institutions that demonstrate expertise
                                             Commission also modified its market                     the NPRM, where the text proposed that                in testing and operation of experimental
                                             trial rules to eliminate confusion and                  only program licenses would be                        medical devices that use wireless
                                             more clearly articulate its policies with               prohibited from using ‘‘restricted’’                  telecommunications technology or
                                             respect to marketing products prior to                  bands (including passive service bands)               communications functions in clinical
                                             equipment certification, including                      listed in § 15.205(a) of the Commission’s             trials for diagnosis, treatment, or patient

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                                             52410             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             monitoring. These licenses are for                      person other than an individual that uses one         field: (1) Medical testing licensees can
                                             testing medical devices that would                      or more of its own employees to conduct an            operate on frequency bands restricted
                                             operate under existing rules and use                    investigation that it has initiated is a sponsor,     under § 15.205(a) if the device being
                                                                                                     not a sponsor-investigator, and the
                                             radio frequency (RF) wireless                                                                                 tested complies with rules in part 18,
                                                                                                     employees are investigators.
                                             technology for diagnosis, treatment, or                   Sponsor-investigator—An individual who              part 95, Subpart H (Wireless Medical
                                             patient monitoring for the purposes of,                 both initiates and actually conducts, alone or        Telemetry Service), or part 95, Subpart
                                             but not limited to, assessing patient                   with others, an investigation, that is, under         I (Medical Device Radiocommunication
                                             compatibility and usage issues, as well                 whose immediate direction the                         Service), but program and conventional
                                             as operational, interference, and RF                    investigational device is administered,               experimental licensees cannot; and (2)
                                             immunity issues. Unlike a conventional                  dispensed, or used. The term does not                 medical testing licensees can conduct
                                             experimental license, a medical testing                 include any person other than an individual.          clinical trials outside the physical
                                                                                                     The obligations of a sponsor-investigator
                                             license would allow a health care                                                                             facilities under their control, but
                                                                                                     under this part include those of an
                                             institution to conduct a wide variety of                investigator and those of a sponsor.                  program licensees cannot.
                                             unrelated clinical trials under a single                                                                         11. The Commission addresses
                                             authorization. The Commission will                         9. Medtronic observes that under                   separately in a Further Notice of
                                             grant authorizations for a geographic                   these FDA classifications, a wide-range               Proposed Rulemaking released
                                             area that is inclusive of an institution’s              of entities, including device                         simultaneously with this MO&O,
                                             real-property facilities where the                      manufacturers, act as sponsors and                    whether it should permit program
                                             experimentation will be conducted and                   sponsor-investigators of clinical trials              licensees to experiment on frequency
                                             that is under the applicant’s control.                  and engage in real-world patient testing,             bands restricted under § 15.205(a), if the
                                             Applications also may specify, and the                  but that these entities do not always                 device being tested is designed to
                                             Commission will grant authorizations                    meet the more limited definition of a                 comply with all applicable service rules
                                             for, defined geographic areas beyond the                ‘‘health care facility’’ under the                    in part 18 (Industrial, Scientific, and
                                             institution’s real-property facilities that             Commission’s rules. Thus, Medtronic                   Medical Equipment), part 95 (Personal
                                             will be included in clinical trials and                 argues, a ‘‘significant portion’’ of these            Radio Services), Subpart H (Wireless
                                             monitored by the licensee.                              entities are not eligible to apply for a              Medical Telemetry Service), or part 95,
                                                7. Medtronic’s petition raises two                   medical testing license. These entities, it           Subpart I (Medical Device
                                             issues, which the Commission addresses                  claims, will be subject to testing                    Radiocommunication Service).
                                             in turn. First, Medtronic asks that the                 limitations and added costs and burdens                  12. After careful consideration, the
                                             Commission expand the eligibility for                   by having to design their tests to comply             Commission finds good reason to deny
                                             the medical testing license. The second                 with the Commission’s other                           Medtronic’s request. In the R&O, the
                                             issue pertains to cost reimbursement for                experimental authorization rules (or not              Commission recognized the importance
                                             clinical trials, which is permitted under               be able to conduct them in a manner                   of its experimental licensing program to
                                             Food and Drug Administration (FDA)                      that provides the most utility for device             the development of RF-based medical
                                             rules. Medtronic requests that the                      evaluation purposes). Medtronic asserts               devices, and its rules provide a variety
                                             Commission clarify that such                            that the Commission’s licensing                       of authorizations under which medical
                                             reimbursement does not constitute                       structure is inconsistent with FDA                    device experimentation and clinical
                                             impermissible marketing under §§ 2.803                  regulations that permit a wider variety               trials can be conducted, including
                                             or 2.805 of its rules. Medtronic asserts                of entities to sponsor or conduct clinical            program licenses, conventional licenses
                                             that these changes could greatly                        trial testing, and creates regulatory                 for market trials, and medical testing
                                             facilitate clinical trials because the                  uncertainty, does not meet the                        licenses. The Commission limited the
                                             devices would not need to have first                    development and testing needs of the                  eligibility and scope of a medical testing
                                             been approved by the Commission                         medical community, and threatens to                   license to hospitals and health care
                                             under its equipment authorization                       frustrate the very innovation that this               institutions to address their particular
                                             program. No party filed comments                        proceeding is intended to promote.                    needs in conducting multiple clinical
                                             regarding any of the issues raised by                   Medtronic also asserts that the new                   trials, both within their institutions and
                                             Medtronic’s petition.                                   program experimental license (program                 at defined geographic areas beyond their
                                                8. Medical testing license eligibility.              license) is inappropriate for medical                 facilities that will be monitored by the
                                             Medtronic observes that the R&O                         testing because that license does not                 licensee. This license allows a health
                                             established this license to meet the                    unreservedly cover clinical trials.                   care institution to assess patient
                                             needs of the medical community and to                   Medtronic therefore recommends that                   compatibility and use, as well as
                                             allow medical researchers to conduct                    the Commission extend the eligibility                 operational, interference, and RF
                                             clinical trials, but limited eligibility for            for medical testing licenses to FDA                   immunity issues in real use settings. To
                                             medical testing licenses to health care                 sponsors and sponsor-investigators of                 accomplish this objective, the medical
                                             facilities. Medtronic notes that FDA                    clinical trials involving the testing and             testing license has elements similar to
                                             rules permit a wide range of entities,                  operation of new medical devices.                     program licenses and to market trial
                                             including non-health care facilities, to                   10. Medtronic argues that expanding                licenses. As with program licenses, a
                                             sponsor or conduct clinical trial testing.              the eligibility to device manufacturers               medical testing licensee can conduct
                                             In particular, Medtronic notes that the                 would level the playing field under the               multiple unrelated experiments at its
                                             FDA classifies certain entities involved                rules since the line between device                   own facility that is under its control. As
                                             in medical device research as either                    manufacturers and health care facilities              with market trials, the medical testing
                                             ‘‘sponsors’’ or ‘‘sponsor-investigators’’               is blurring as healthcare providers are               licensee can request permission to
                                                                                                     among those who develop medical
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                                             of clinical trials, with those terms                                                                          conduct clinical trials at other specified
                                             defined as follows:                                     devices. More specifically, given this                locations that it monitors. The
                                                                                                     overlap between the two with respect to               Commission envisions, for example,
                                               Sponsor—A person who initiates, but who
                                             does not actually conduct, the investigation,           their involvement in developing such                  that a medical testing license would be
                                             that is, the investigational device is                  devices, Medtronic argues that the                    helpful to those health care institutions
                                             administered, dispensed, or used under the              following two disparities in regulatory               when RF-based medical devices used in
                                             immediate direction of another individual. A            treatment unfairly skew the playing                   clinical trials would be operated

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                           52411

                                             primarily within the institution by                     the experimental RF devices to avoid                  are authorized for devices that are
                                             hospital staff who can observe how                      harmful interference to other spectrum                designed to comply with existing
                                             those devices perform in the presence of                users and to take corrective action as                Commission rules. However, unlike a
                                             other RF equipment. In the R&O, the                     necessary. Also, trials may be conducted              regular conventional experimental
                                             Commission recognized that, although a                  by multiple investigators who are not                 license, a market trial license can be
                                             health care facility could oversee a                    licensees at many different locations                 used to conduct clinical trials in
                                             clinical trial beyond its facility, it may              that would not be under the licensee’s                locations not under the licensee’s direct
                                             not want to assume this responsibility                  control. This would be contrary to the                control, such as at a patient’s home.
                                             in some cases and instead may prefer                    basic principles underlying the                       Second, for instances where a party is
                                             that the device manufacturer or health                  experimental licensing program. The                   developing a device that would not be
                                             practitioner, under a conventional or                   Commission emphasizes that any health                 able to be operated in compliance with
                                             market trial license, assume                            care facility that wishes to be eligible for          existing rules, the Commission
                                             responsibility for clinical trials outside              grant of a medical testing license must               envisioned that such devices can be
                                             the health care facility.                               meet all eligibility requirements                     tested under a conventional
                                                13. The Commission concludes that if                 contained in its rules, including the                 experimental license. In summary,
                                             it were to expand eligibility for a                     requisite RF expertise.                               manufacturers of medical devices,
                                             medical testing licensee to align with                     14. The Commission finds it better                 whether associated with a health care
                                             the FDA’s regulations, it would                         serves the public interest to maintain                facility or not, would have similar
                                                                                                     the structure that it adopted, wherein a              opportunities for experimenting with
                                             undermine the Commission’s ability to
                                                                                                     medical testing license is available only             such devices even though they may do
                                             meet its own objectives. Each agency’s
                                                                                                     to a qualified health care facility that is           so under different types of
                                             rules are designed to satisfy different
                                                                                                     solely responsible for clinical trials                authorizations. Both health care
                                             purposes. The Commission’s primary
                                                                                                     within its institution. The key element               institutions that qualify for a medical
                                             concern in authorizing experimentation
                                                                                                     here is that the licensee controls the                testing license and device
                                             with RF devices is to ensure that the
                                                                                                     facility—and hence the interference                   manufacturers that do not must obtain
                                             devices do not cause harmful
                                                                                                     environment—where multiple clinical                   either a program or conventional
                                             interference to authorized users of the
                                                                                                     trials are being conducted. The medical               experimental license to conduct basic
                                             spectrum and that the devices do not
                                                                                                     testing license is designed to address the            research and experimentation. Device
                                             enter into commerce prior to                            particular needs of health care
                                             Commission certification. A part 5                                                                            manufacturers that do not qualify for a
                                                                                                     institutions in conducting multiple                   medical testing license would need to
                                             licensee is the party that the                          clinical trials within its institution
                                             Commission holds responsible for the                                                                          obtain a market trial license to conduct
                                                                                                     under real use conditions, whether the                clinical trials, which provides more
                                             proper operation of the experimental RF                 RF-based medical devices being tested
                                             devices to avoid harmful interference to                                                                      flexibility than a medical testing license
                                                                                                     are manufactured by themselves or                     for specifying the area(s) within which
                                             authorized spectrum users and to take                   other manufacturers. To expand
                                             corrective action as necessary. A part 5                                                                      the trial will be conducted. Health care
                                                                                                     eligibility for this license to any                   facilities that qualify for a medical
                                             license also specifies the locations for                manufacturer of medical devices, the
                                             experimentation, e.g., a conventional                                                                         testing license could conduct clinical
                                                                                                     Commission would have to identify the                 trials under either a medical testing
                                             license would specify the locations                     real-property facilities that they control
                                             where the licensee is conducting                                                                              license or a market trial license. Under
                                                                                                     and where clinical trials would be
                                             experimentation, and a program license                                                                        the medical testing license, the licensee
                                                                                                     conducted. It seems unlikely that a
                                             limits operation to locations directly                                                                        is limited to areas close to the licensee’s
                                                                                                     manufacturer would conduct clinical
                                             under the licensee’s control. The FDA’s                                                                       own facility, and if it wants to conduct
                                                                                                     trials at its manufacturing facility if this
                                             Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)                                                                        a clinical trial in a location not specified
                                                                                                     does not provide real use conditions.
                                             rules cited by Medtronic are designed                                                                         in its license, it would do so under a
                                                                                                     Moreover, Medtronic does not ask to
                                             for a different purpose—to determine                                                                          market trial license.
                                                                                                     conduct clinical trials at its own
                                             the safety or effectiveness of a medical                facilities but rather to conduct such                    16. Also, as acknowledged by
                                             device. To accomplish this objective,                   trials at multiple other locations as                 Medtronic, the Commission may declare
                                             the FDA’s regulations allow for different               approved under FDA rules on a trial-by-               a specific geographic area an innovation
                                             categories of participation in clinical                 trial basis. This is fundamentally                    zone for the purpose of conducting a
                                             trials (e.g., sponsors who initiate,                    different than how the medical testing                clinical trial. Such a declaration, which
                                             investigators who conduct trials, and                   license is intended to operate.                       could be made on the Commission’s
                                             sponsor-investigators who take on both                     15. In declining to modify the rules as            own motion or in response to a public
                                             roles). A sponsor does not necessarily                  requested by Medtronic, the                           request—such as from a health care
                                             conduct the investigation, and thus                     Commission notes that the part 5 rules                facility lacking the RF expertise
                                             would not be directly responsible for                   provide other options for conducting                  necessary for obtaining a medical testing
                                             the operation of the experimental RF-                   clinical trials that other entities, such as          licensee—would permit the
                                             based devices as intended by the                        sponsors, investigators and medical                   Commission to designate a defined
                                             Commission’s part 5 rules. Numerous                     device manufacturers, can use. First,                 geographic area and frequency range(s)
                                             investigators may conduct the clinical                  entities may evaluate product                         for specific types of experiments by
                                             trials, often at a variety of locations                 performance of an experimental                        program licensees within guidelines
                                             which are not required to be, and most                  wireless medical device under a market                that the Commission may establish on a
                                             likely are not, under the sponsor’s                                                                           case-by-case basis. These innovation
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                                                                                                     trial by obtaining a conventional
                                             control. The Commission is concerned                    experimental license. Typically, market               zones can include geographic areas
                                             that allowing an FDA sponsor or                         trials are conducted prior to the                     beyond a program licensee’s authorized
                                             sponsor-investigator to hold a medical                  production stage to evaluate product                  area without the licensee having to
                                             testing experimental license would                      performance and customer acceptability                apply for a new license to cover a new
                                             create confusion in determining who is                  under expected use conditions. As with                location. Thus, they can serve to
                                             responsible for the proper operation of                 medical testing licenses, market trials               effectively extend a program license

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                                             52412             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             without the licensee being required to                  clinical trials, they are allowed to                  unauthorized RF device in a clinical
                                             modify its license to cover a new                       recover certain manufacturing, research,              trial falls within this definition of
                                             location. Accordingly, innovation zones                 development and handling costs                        ‘‘marketing.’’ However, § 2.803 includes
                                             will provide opportunities for program                  associated with FDA-defined                           a number of exceptions to the general
                                             licensees, including FDA sponsors and                   ‘‘investigational devices.’’ Medtronic                prohibition against marketing
                                             sponsor-investigators, to test potentially              further states that the FDA typically                 unauthorized equipment. One of those
                                             innovative wireless devices in real                     allows sponsors to charge investigators               exceptions is for market trials
                                             world operating environments, such as                   for such devices, and that the costs are              conducted under a part 5 experimental
                                             testing medical devices in health care                  usually passed on to the clinical trial               license. Accordingly, and, as explained
                                             institutions. In the R&O, the                           subjects. The FDA rules permit a                      below, the Commission clarifies that the
                                             Commission stated that this approach                    sponsor or investigator to charge                     marketing advocated by Medtronic is
                                             ‘‘may be particularly useful for                        subjects for an investigational device,               permitted on a limited basis under the
                                             manufacturers who want to test medical                  but those entities may not                            § 2.803 exception for market trials
                                             or other types of equipment that will be                commercialize that device by charging a               conducted by part 5 experimental
                                             used in a health care setting while it is               price larger than that necessary to                   licensees.
                                             in the product development stage, but                   recover the costs of manufacture,                        20. In the R&O, the Commission
                                             who will not be eligible for the medical                research, development, and handling.                  modified its part 5 rules to provide more
                                             testing license. A manufacturer of                      Medtronic requests that the Commission                flexibility for market trials, including
                                             medical devices would be able to                        clarify that such reimbursement does                  some forms of cost recovery, while
                                             continue its product testing for clinical               not constitute impermissible marketing                continuing to provide safeguards to
                                             trials under its program license at a                   under §§ 2.803 or 2.805 of its rules.                 protect the public. Section 5.602
                                             designated innovation zone without                      Medtronic argues that the requested                   (‘‘Market Trials’’) permits marketing of
                                             having to apply for a separate market                   clarification will ensure consistency                 devices (as defined in § 2.803) and
                                             trial license.’’                                        between the regulatory regimes of the                 provision of services for hire prior to
                                                17. As the Commission concluded in                   Commission and the FDA, simplify                      equipment authorization, provided that
                                             the R&O, the different licensing options                manufacturers’ compliance, and                        the devices included in the market trial
                                             represent a multi-faceted approach to                   encourage medical device testing and                  are authorized under this rule section
                                             facilitate robust medical RF                            innovation. Medtronic maintains that                  and will be operated under the current
                                             experimentation that responds to the                    the purposes of FDA’s cost recovery                   rules; could be authorized under
                                             record developed in this proceeding.                    mechanism align with the Commission’s                 waivers of such rules that are in effect
                                             The medical testing experimental                        marketing restrictions, and that                      at the time of marketing; or could be
                                             license complements the types of                        permitting cost recovery in clinical                  authorized under rules that have been
                                             medical RF experimentation that parties                 trials will encourage medical device                  adopted by the Commission, but that
                                             will be able to conduct under a                         research and development that will                    have not yet become effective. The rule
                                             conventional, program, or market trial                  ultimately benefit consumers.                         stipulates that the experimental licensee
                                             experimental license. Accordingly, the                                                                        must own all transmitting and/or
                                             Commission discovered that limiting                        19. The Commission’s rules generally               receiving equipment, but also permits
                                             eligibility for a medical testing license               prohibit the operation and marketing of               the experimental licensee to: (1) Sell
                                             to hospitals and health care facilities is              RF products prior to equipment                        equipment to other licensees (e.g.
                                             not detrimental to medical innovation                   authorization except under certain                    manufacturer to licensed service
                                             and product development. The                            specified conditions. § 2.805                         provider), and (2) lease equipment to
                                             Commission’s goal in this proceeding is                 (‘‘Operation of radio frequency devices               trial participants for purposes of the
                                             to facilitate bringing ground-breaking                  prior to equipment authorization’’) lists             study. Equipment must be retrieved or
                                             new technologies and services to                        conditions under which RF devices may                 rendered inoperable after the trial.
                                             consumers more rapidly, and it finds                    be operated prior to equipment                           21. The Commission finds that, for
                                             that its current rules provide the proper               authorization, including operation                    devices that necessitate an experimental
                                             incentives toward achieving that goal to                under an experimental radio license                   license for the conduct of a clinical trial,
                                             both FDA-approved sponsors/sponsor-                     issued under part 5 of the rules, and                 the market trial rule allows for some
                                             investigators and to health care                        states that an RF device that may be                  cost recovery for investigational devices
                                             facilities. Accordingly, the Commission                 operated prior to equipment                           used in those trials consistent with the
                                             denies Medtronic’s request to expand                    authorization ‘‘may not be marketed (as               Commission’s purpose to prevent the
                                             the eligibility for the medical testing                 defined in § 2.803(a)) except as provided             unchecked dissemination of
                                             license at this time. As licensees take                 elsewhere in this chapter.’’ § 2.803                  experimental devices into the stream of
                                             advantage of the new flexible licenses,                 (‘‘Marketing of radio frequency products              commerce. While the Commission’s
                                             the Commission will gain valuable                       prior to equipment authorization’’)                   market trial rules differ from the FDA
                                             insight as to whether it could modify                   defines marketing as ‘‘sale or lease, or              rules, they do provide manufacturers of
                                             the rules in the future without                         offering for sale or lease, including                 experimental medical devices a
                                             sacrificing its objective of ensuring that              advertising for sale or lease, or                     mechanism for offsetting costs
                                             each clinical trial is conducted in a way               importation, shipment, or distribution                associated with the development of
                                             that minimizes the potential for harmful                for the purpose of selling or leasing or              those devices. For example, FDA rules
                                             interference to authorized services.                    offering for sale or lease.’’ These                   allow sponsors to charge investigators
                                                18. Cost reimbursement for clinical                  restrictions on marketing are intended                for medical devices and these costs may
                                                                                                     to prevent the unchecked dissemination
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                                             trials. The second issue raised by                                                                            be passed on to the clinical trial
                                             Medtronic pertains to cost                              of experimental devices into the stream               participants, and a part 5 market trial
                                             reimbursement for clinical trials of                    of commerce, where they may not                       licensee may sell devices to another
                                             experimental medical devices.                           always be easily recalled. The                        licensee (e.g., a health care facility that
                                             Medtronic explains that, while                          Commission concludes here that                        is a medical testing licensee) or lease
                                             manufacturers of medical devices are                    accepting reimbursement payments                      medical devices to trial participants,
                                             not permitted by the FDA to profit from                 under the FDA’s rules for the use of an               which may permit full or partial cost

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                           52413

                                             recovery. The Commission believes that                  extent they are permitted by the market               add a definition of ‘‘emergency
                                             this structure generally accommodates                   trial rule.                                           notifications’’ to its rules to clarify that
                                             Medtronic’s request, and serves the                        24. The Commission also clarifies                  all participants in the Emergency Alert
                                             public interest by providing medical                    that, under a conventional license                    System are emergency notification
                                             device manufacturers an incentive to                    issued for a product development trial,               providers, and are therefore entitled to
                                             develop innovative, but potentially                     a licensee conducting a clinical trial                notification of program experiments that
                                             costly, devices for use in clinical trials.             could not be reimbursed for its costs,                might affect them, as well as protection
                                                22. The Commission also observes                     and the Commission takes this                         from harmful interference that such
                                             that not all clinical trials occur under                opportunity to correct a contradiction in             experiments might cause to them. The
                                             part 5 experimental rules. The                          its current rules regarding product                   R&O specified that for program license
                                             Commission’s experience has been that                   development trials. Although § 2.803                  experiments that may affect critical
                                             clinical trials, especially those involving             exempts product development trials                    service bands (i.e. bands used for the
                                             implanted devices which cannot be                       from the marketing rule for equipment                 provision of commercial mobile
                                             easily returned to the licensee as the                  operated prior to certification, the                  services, emergency notifications, or
                                             rules require, occur after the FCC has                  product development trial rule (§ 5.601)              public safety purposes), the program
                                             issued an equipment authorization grant                 expressly prohibits marketing of devices              licensee must take the additional steps
                                             for the device. In those cases, there is no             as defined in § 2.803 or the provision of             of developing a specific plan to avoid
                                             FCC marketing restriction that conflicts                services for hire. This prohibition in the            causing harmful interference to
                                             with FDA rules.                                         rule is consistent with the Commission’s              operations in those bands prior to
                                                                                                     statement in the R&O that licensees                   commencing operations and providing
                                                23. The Commission also clarifies that
                                                                                                     conducting a product development trial                notice to those critical service licensees
                                             a medical testing licensee conducting
                                                                                                     must not market devices or offer                      who might be affected by the planned
                                             clinical trials that wants to seek
                                                                                                     services for hire. The Commission                     experiment.
                                             reimbursement under the FDA’s rules
                                                                                                     differentiated product development                       27. Sirius XM and EchoStar observe
                                             should follow the requirements for
                                                                                                     trials, which occur very early in the                 that the NPRM explicitly recognized
                                             market trials in § 5.602. In establishing
                                                                                                     development process, from market trials               that EAS participants provide
                                             the medical testing license, the
                                                                                                     for marketing purposes. Market trials,                emergency notifications, and that the
                                             Commission observed that the license
                                                                                                     which occur later in the development                  R&O required that any program licensee
                                             will allow for ‘‘clinical trials of medical             process, can engage in marketing                      seeking to undertake an experiment in
                                             devices that have already passed                        activity if they use equipment that could             a band used for emergency notifications
                                             through the early developmental stage                   be operated under the current rules;                  must develop a plan to avoid
                                             and are ready to be assessed for patient                could be authorized under waivers of                  interference to emergency notification
                                             compatibility and use, as well as                       such rules that are in effect at the time             providers, but that the R&O failed to
                                             operational, interference, and RF                       of marketing; or could be authorized                  specify that such providers include all
                                             immunity issues in real world                           under rules that have been adopted by                 EAS participants. Sirius XM and
                                             situations.’’ This is conceptually                      the Commission, but that have not yet                 EchoStar contend that this failure will
                                             analogous to a market trial, which                      become effective. Product development                 create confusion on the part of program
                                             ‘‘com[es] later in the development                      trials have no such restrictions and thus             license applicants and undermine the
                                             process’’ and is a ‘‘program designed to                restricting marketing is important to                 Commission’s goal of avoiding
                                             evaluate product performance and                        prevent the unchecked dissemination of                interference threats to the EAS network.
                                             customer acceptability prior to the                     experimental devices into the stream of               Therefore, to avoid the possibility that
                                             production stage.’’ Also, both medical                  commerce. Clearly, the Commission’s                   program licensees may fail to notify
                                             testing licenses and market trials                      intent was to prohibit marketing for                  EAS participants of their planned
                                             licenses are used for devices that will be              product development trials and erred in               experiments or cause harmful
                                             operated under the current rules; could                 its drafting of the marketing exceptions              interference to EAS participants, Sirius
                                             be authorized under waivers of such                     in § 2.803. Accordingly, the Commission               XM and EchoStar recommend that the
                                             rules that are in effect at the time of                 herein corrects § 2.803(c)(1) to refer only           Commission set forth a definition of
                                             marketing; or could be authorized under                 to market trials and remove the                       emergency notification providers that
                                             rules that have been adopted by the                     reference to product development trials.              includes all EAS participants. No party
                                             Commission, but that have not yet                       Thus, the Commission notes that                       filed comments regarding the Sirius
                                             become effective. In the R&O the                        reimbursement under the FDA’s rules                   XM/EchoStar Petition.
                                             Commission stated that it would require                 for clinical trials would not be                         28. The Commission’s goal
                                             a market trial to be authorized under a                 permitted for a product development                   throughout this proceeding has been to
                                             conventional, rather than a program,                    trial.                                                foster new experimental uses of the RF
                                             license ‘‘in recognition of the inherent                   25. Thus, the Commission concludes                 spectrum, while protecting authorized
                                             difference between market trials and                    that Medtronic’s requests are best                    radio services from any harmful
                                             ‘regular’ experimentation and testing—                  accommodated under the existing rules.                interference that these new uses might
                                             the most prominent difference being the                 To the extent that cost recovery for                  cause. Moreover, the Commission has
                                             necessity to prevent an experimental                    medical devices used in clinical trials is            recognized that an additional measure
                                             licensee from creating a de facto service               done under the market trial rules set                 of protection must be afforded to bands
                                             through the experimental licensing                      forth in § 5.602, the Commission grants               used by services that are crucial to the
                                             process.’’ As discussed above, clinical                 Medtronic’s request and clarifies that                public safety and well-being. The
                                             trials are analogous to market trials, and
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                                                                                                     such cost recovery does not constitute                Commission’s clear intent in this
                                             should be treated like market trials for                impermissible marketing under §§ 2.803                proceeding has been to include all EAS
                                             cost recovery purposes by the                           and 2.805 of its rules.                               participants as emergency notification
                                             experimental license rules. Accordingly,                                                                      providers. For example, the Commission
                                             the Commission modifies § 5.402 to                      Sirius XM and EchoStar Petition                       included this discussion in the NPRM:
                                             make clear that medical testing                           26. In their petition, Sirius XM and                ‘‘. . . Television and radio broadcast
                                             licensees may recover their costs to the                EchoStar request that the Commission                  bands are used in support of the

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                                             52414             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             Emergency Alert System (EAS). In                        program license in cases in which the                 Federal Communications Commission.
                                             recognition of these vital interests, the               Commission establishes an innovation                  Marlene H. Dortch,
                                             Commission proposes to require that,                    zone for a clinical trial. (3) Clarifying             Secretary.
                                             for tests that affect bands use for the                 that some cost reimbursement for
                                             provision of commercial mobile                                                                                Final Rules
                                                                                                     medical devices used in clinical trials is
                                             services, emergency notifications, or                   permissible under the § 5.602 market                    For the reasons discussed in the
                                             public safety purposes on the                           trial rules may benefit some small                    preamble, the Federal Communications
                                             institution’s grounds, the licensee first               entities, without adversely impacting                 Commission amends 47 CFR parts 2 and
                                             develop a specific plan that avoids                     any such entities. (4) Clarifying in § 5.5            5 as follows:
                                             interference to these bands.’’ As Sirius                of the rules that all participants in the
                                             XM and EchoStar observe, the R&O                                                                              PART 2—FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS
                                                                                                     Emergency Alert System are emergency                  AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS;
                                             adopted the NPRM’s proposal that the                    notification providers simply codifies
                                             program licensee must develop a                                                                               GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS
                                                                                                     what was adopted in the R&O, and will
                                             specific plan to avoid harmful
                                                                                                     not adversely impact any small entities.              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 2
                                             interference to operations in these
                                             critical service bands, but failed to                   The Commission will send a copy of                    continues to read as follows:
                                             explicitly state that emergency                         this Memorandum Opinion and Order,                      Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, and
                                             notification providers include all EAS                  including this certification, to the Chief            336, unless otherwise noted.
                                             participants. Accordingly, and to avoid                 Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
                                                                                                     Business Administration.                              ■ 2. Section 2.803 is amended by
                                             any confusion, the Commission is                                                                              revising paragraph (c)(1) to read as
                                             adding to § 5.5 of the rules a definition                  30. Paperwork Reduction Act                        follows:
                                             of emergency notification providers as                  Analysis. This document contains no
                                             inclusive of all EAS participants.                      new or modified information collection                § 2.803 Marketing of radio frequency
                                                                                                     requirement that are subject to the                   devices prior to equipment authorization.
                                                29. Regulatory Flexibility
                                             Certification. The Regulatory Flexibility               Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                       *      *    *      *    *
                                             Act (RFA) requires that agencies prepare                (PRA), Public Law 104–13. The                            (c) * * *
                                             a regulatory flexibility analysis for                   Commission notes that pursuant to the                    (1) Activities under market trials
                                             notice-and-comment rulemaking                           Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of                conducted pursuant to subpart H of part
                                             proceedings, unless the agency certifies                2002, Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.               5.
                                             that ‘‘the rule will not have a significant             3506(c)(4), it previously sought specific             *      *    *      *    *
                                             economic impact on a substantial                        comment on how it might further
                                             number of small entities.’’ The                         reduce the information collection                     PART 5—EXPERIMENTAL RADIO
                                             Commission hereby certifies that the                                                                          SERVICE
                                                                                                     burden for small business concerns with
                                             rule revisions set forth herein will not                fewer than 25 employees.
                                             have a significant economic impact on                                                                         ■ 3. The authority citation for part 5
                                             a substantial number of small entities                     31. Congressional Review Act. The                  continues to read as follows:
                                             for the following reasons: (1) The                      Commission will send a copy of this                     Authority: Secs. 4, 302, 303, 307, 336 48
                                             modification of § 5.85(a) essentially                   Memorandum Opinion and Order in a                     Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154,
                                             restores that rule to what existed prior                report to Congress and the Government                 302, 303, 307, 336. Interpret or apply sec.
                                             to initiation of this proceeding, but with              Accountability Office pursuant to the                 301, 48 Stat. 1081, as amended; 47 U.S.C.
                                                                                                     Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.                301.
                                             the further modification that permits
                                             use of passive service bands by                         801(a)(1)(A).                                         ■  4. Section 5.5 is amended by adding
                                             compliance testing licensees, as was                                                                          a definition in alphabetical for
                                                                                                     Ordering Clauses
                                             explicitly authorized in the R&O. As                                                                          ‘‘emergency notification providers’’ to
                                             explained above, the prohibitions                          32. Pursuant to section 4(i), 301, 303             read as follows:
                                             adopted in the rules appendix of the                    and 405 of the Communications Act of
                                             R&O was over-inclusive—the stated                                                                             § 5.5    Definition of terms.
                                                                                                     1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 301,
                                             intent in this proceeding was to prohibit                                                                     *     *    *     *     *
                                                                                                     303, and 405 and § 1.1, 1.2, and 1.429
                                             experimental use of the passive bands                                                                           Emergency notification providers. All
                                                                                                     of the Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.1,                participants in the Emergency Alert
                                             only by program and medical testing                     1.2, and 1.429, this Memorandum
                                             licensees and in product development                                                                          System, as identified in section 11.1 of
                                                                                                     Opinion and Order is adopted.                         this chapter.
                                             and market trials. Restoring the rule to
                                             allow for the grant of conventional                        33. The petitions for reconsideration              *     *    *     *     *
                                             experimental licenses that use the                      filed by Marcus Spectrum Solutions                    ■ 5. Section 5.85 is amended by revising
                                             passive bands, which had been                           LLC; Medtronic, Inc.; and Sirius XM                   paragraph (a) to read as follows:
                                             permitted for many years prior to                       Radio Inc. and EchoStar Technologies
                                             adoption of the R&O, as well as                         Inc. Are granted, to the extent indicated             § 5.85 Frequencies and policy governing
                                             permitting use of these bands by new                    above, and otherwise are denied.                      their assignment.
                                             compliance testing licensees, will not                     34. Parts 2 and 5 of the Commission’s                (a)(1) Stations operating in the
                                             have an adverse impact on any small                     rules are amended, as set forth in the                Experimental Radio Service may be
                                             entities. (2) Denying FDA sponsors and                  Final Rules. These revisions will be                  authorized to use any Federal or non-
                                             sponsor-investigators eligibility for                                                                         Federal frequency designated in the
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     effective September 30, 2015 of this
                                             medical testing licenses in § 5.402 of the                                                                    Table of Frequency Allocations set forth
                                                                                                     Memorandum Opinion and Order.
                                             Commission’s rules will not adversely                                                                         in part 2 of this chapter, provided that
                                             impact small entities, as they will still               List of Subject in 47 CFR Part 5                      the need for the frequency requested is
                                             have the ability to conduct clinical                                                                          fully justified by the applicant. Stations
                                             medical trials under the auspices of a                    Radio, Reporting and recordkeeping                  authorized under Subparts E and F are
                                             product development trial, or under a                   requirements.                                         subject to additional restrictions.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:58 Aug 28, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00040   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\31AUR1.SGM   31AUR1

                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                        52415

                                                (2) Applications to use any frequency                              SUMMARY:    In this final rule, NMFS                                       Federal fishing moratoria or
                                             or frequency band exclusively allocated                               specifies the 2015 annual catch limits                                     prohibitions. These MUS include all
                                             to the passive services (including the                                (ACLs) for Pacific Island bottomfish,                                      species of gold coral, the three Hawaii
                                             radio astronomy service) must include                                 crustacean, precious coral, and coral                                      seamount groundfish (pelagic
                                             an explicit justification of why nearby                               reef ecosystem fisheries, and                                              armorhead, alfonsin, and raftfish), and
                                             bands that have non-passive allocations                               accountability measures (AMs) to                                           deepwater precious corals at the
                                             are not adequate for the experiment.                                  correct or mitigate any overages of catch                                  Westpac Bed Refugia. The current
                                             Such applications must also state that                                limits. The ACLs and AMs support the                                       prohibitions on fishing for these MUS
                                             the applicant acknowledges that long                                  long-term sustainability of fishery                                        serve as the functional equivalent of an
                                             term or multiple location use of passive                              resources of the U.S. Pacific Islands.                                     ACL of zero.
                                             bands is not possible and that the                                    DATES: The final specifications are
                                             applicant intends to transition any long-                             effective September 30, 2015, through                                         Additionally, NMFS is not specifying
                                             term use to a band with appropriate                                   December 31, 2015.                                                         ACLs for bottomfish, crustacean,
                                             allocations.                                                                                                                                     precious coral, or coral reef ecosystem
                                                                                                                   ADDRESSES: Copies of the fishery
                                                                                                                   ecosystem plans are available from the                                     MUS identified in the Pacific Remote
                                             *      *    *     *     *
                                                                                                                   Western Pacific Fishery Management                                         Islands Area (PRIA) FEP. This is
                                             ■ 6. Section 5.402 is amended by adding                                                                                                          because fishing is prohibited in the EEZ
                                             paragraph (c) to read as follows:                                     Council (Council), 1164 Bishop St.,
                                                                                                                   Suite 1400, Honolulu, HI 96813, tel                                        within 12 nm of emergent land of the
                                             § 5.402      Eligibility and usage.                                   808–522–8220, fax 808–522–8226, or                                         PRIA, unless authorized by the U.S.
                                             *     *     *     *    *                                              www.wpcouncil.org. Copies of the                                           Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), in
                                               (c) Marketing of devices (as defined in                             environmental assessments and findings                                     consultation with NMFS and the
                                             § 2.803(a) of this chapter) is permitted                              of no significant impact for this action,                                  Council. Additionally, there is no
                                             under this license as provided in                                     identified by NOAA–NMFS–2013–0156,                                         suitable habitat for these stocks beyond
                                             § 5.602.                                                              are available from www.regulations.gov,                                    the 12-nm no-fishing zone, except at
                                             [FR Doc. 2015–21295 Filed 8–28–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                   or from Michael D. Tosatto, Regional                                       Kingman Reef, where fishing for these
                                                                                                                   Administrator, NMFS Pacific Islands                                        resources does not occur. To date, the
                                             BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                                                                                                   Region (PIR), 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg.                                       USFWS has not consulted with NMFS
                                                                                                                   176, Honolulu, HI 96818.                                                   for any fishing that the USFWS may
                                                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                           authorize within 12 nm of the PRIA.
                                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                Jarad Makaiau, NMFS PIRO Sustainable                                       NMFS will continue to monitor
                                                                                                                   Fisheries, 808–725–5176.                                                   authorized fishing within 12 nm of the
                                             National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                                                                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS is                                         PRIA in consultation with the USFWS,
                                                                                                                   specifying the 2015 ACLs and AMs for                                       and may develop additional fishing
                                             50 CFR Part 665                                                       bottomfish, crustacean, precious coral,                                    requirements, including catch limits for
                                                                                                                   and coral reef ecosystem fishery                                           species that may require them.
                                             [Docket No. 141009847–5746–02]                                        management unit species (MUS) in                                              NMFS is also not specifying ACLs for
                                                                                                                   American Samoa, Guam, the CNMI, and                                        pelagic MUS at this time, because
                                             RIN 0648–XD558                                                        Hawaii. NMFS proposed these                                                NMFS previously determined that
                                                                                                                   specifications on July 21, 2015 (80 FR                                     pelagic species are subject to
                                             Pacific Island Fisheries; 2015 Annual
                                                                                                                   43046), and the final specifications do
                                             Catch Limits and Accountability                                                                                                                  international fishery agreements or have
                                                                                                                   not differ from those proposed. The
                                             Measures                                                                                                                                         a life cycle of approximately 1 year and
                                                                                                                   2015 fishing year began on January 1
                                                                                                                                                                                              are, therefore, statutorily excepted from
                                             AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                                    and ends on December 31, except for
                                                                                                                   precious coral fisheries, for which the                                    the ACL requirements.
                                             Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                             Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                                    fishing year began on July 1, 2015, and                                    2015 Annual Catch Limit Specifications
                                             Commerce.                                                             ends on June 30, 2016.
                                                                                                                      NMFS is not specifying ACLs for                                           Tables 1–4 list the ACL specifications
                                             ACTION: Final specifications.
                                                                                                                   MUS that are currently subject to                                          for 2015.

                                                                                                                             TABLE 1—AMERICAN SAMOA
                                                                     Fishery                                                                         Management unit species                                                               Specification

                                             Bottomfish ................................................   Bottomfish multi-species stock complex ...................................................................                             101,000
                                             Crustacean ..............................................     Deepwater shrimp .....................................................................................................                  80,000
                                                                                                           Spiny lobster ..............................................................................................................             4,845
                                                                                                           Slipper lobster ............................................................................................................                30
                                                                                                           Kona crab ..................................................................................................................             3,200
                                             Precious Coral .........................................      Black coral .................................................................................................................              790
                                                                                                           Precious corals in the American Samoa Exploratory Area .......................................                                           2,205
                                             Coral Reef Ecosystem .............................            Selar crumenophthalmus—atule, bigeye scad ..........................................................                                    37,400
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                           Acanthuridae—surgeonfish .......................................................................................                       129,400
                                                                                                           Carangidae—jacks ....................................................................................................                   19,900
                                                                                                           Carcharhinidae—reef sharks .....................................................................................                         1,615
                                                                                                           Crustaceans—crabs ..................................................................................................                     4,300
                                                                                                           Holocentridae—squirrelfish ........................................................................................                     15,100
                                                                                                           Kyphosidae—rudderfishes .........................................................................................                        2,000
                                                                                                           Labridae—wrasses ....................................................................................................                   16,200

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Document Created: 2018-02-23 11:04:14
Document Modified: 2018-02-23 11:04:14
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective September 30, 2015.
ContactRodney Small, Office of Engineering and Technology, (202) 418-2452, email: [email protected], TTY (202) 418-2989.
FR Citation80 FR 52408 
CFR Citation47 CFR 2
47 CFR 5
CFR AssociatedRadio and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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