80_FR_52811 80 FR 52642 - NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Denied Access to NASA Facilities (2015-N002)

80 FR 52642 - NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Denied Access to NASA Facilities (2015-N002)


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 169 (September 1, 2015)

Page Range52642-52645
FR Document2015-21584

NASA is issuing a final rule amending the NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NFS) to delete the observance of legal holidays clause with its alternates and replace it with a new clause that prescribes conditions and procedures pertaining to the closure of NASA facilities.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 169 (Tuesday, September 1, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 169 (Tuesday, September 1, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52642-52645]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21584]



48 CFR Parts 1842 and 1852

RIN 2700-AE14

NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Denied Access to 
NASA Facilities (2015-N002)

AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: NASA is issuing a final rule amending the NASA Federal 
Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NFS) to delete the observance of 
legal holidays clause with its alternates and replace it with a new 
clause that prescribes conditions and procedures pertaining to the 
closure of NASA facilities.

DATES: Effective: October 1, 2015.

Procurement, Contract and Grant Policy Division, 202-358-4560, email: 


I. Background

    A proposed rule was published on May 13, 2015 (80 FR 27278) to 
delete NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) clause 1852.242-72, Observance of 
Legal Holidays with its alternates and replace it with a new clause 
that prescribes conditions and procedures pertaining to the closure of 
NASA facilities. NFS clause 1852.242-72, Observance of Legal Holidays 
with its alternates, was included in Agency contracts where contractor 
performance was to be performed on a NASA facility. It was intended to 
identify dates that Government employees would not be available and 
provide notification to contractors of those dates considering that the 
absence of Government employees might impact contractor performance or 
contractor access to NASA facilities. Further, the same clause has two 
alternates, the first addresses contractors who are denied access to 
NASA workspaces within a NASA facility and the second addresses other 
instances, such as weather and safety emergencies, which could result 
in contractors being denied access to the entire NASA facility. Recent 
events, especially the Government shut-down during October 2013, have 
revealed a need for NASA to be more specific and to differentiate 
between these two conditions when contractor employees may be denied 
access to NASA workspaces or the entire NASA facility. The fact that 
Government employees may not be at a NASA facility is not an automatic 
reason for contractor personnel not to be required to be present at 
their required NASA workspace on a NASA facility. Unless a contractor 
is denied access to the NASA facility, contractors are expected to 
perform in accordance with their contractual requirements. This NFS 
change provides clarity and information beneficial to NASA contractors 
that are denied access to a NASA facility when a NASA facility is 
closed to all personnel. Specifically, the change deletes the 
prescription at NFS 1842.7001, Observance of Legal Holidays, in its 
entirety, and clause 1852.242-72, Observance of Legal Holidays, with 
alternates, and replaces it with the prescription at NFS 1842.7001 
Denied Access to NASA Facilities and clause 1852.242-72, Denied Access 
to NASA Facilities, respectively. The clause would be included in 
solicitations and contracts where contractor personnel would be 
required to work onsite at a NASA facility.

II. Discussion and Analysis

    NASA published a proposed rule in the Federal Register on May 13, 
2015 (80 FR 27278). The sixty-day public comment period expired on July 
13, 2015. NASA received comments from one respondent. NASA reviewed the 
respondent's comments in the formation of the final rule. No revisions 
to the proposed rule were made as a result of the public comments 
received. A discussion of the comments is provided as follows:

A. Retain Existing Language

    Comment: The respondent submitted a comment indicating that it was 
in the best interest of both NASA and NASA contractors to retain the 
language of 48 CFR parts 1842 and 1852 as it currently exists.
    Response: NASA disagrees with retaining the existing NFS clause. As 
stated in the proposed rule, there was a need for NASA to be more 
specific when contractor employees may be denied access to NASA 
workspaces or the entire NASA facility. This revision to the NFS 
provides this clarity with information that is beneficial to both the 
Government and NASA contractors who are denied access to a NASA 
facility when that facility is closed to all personnel.

B. Revised Language is Less Clear

    Comment: The respondent submitted a comment stating that the 
revised language in the proposed rule is actually

[[Page 52643]]

less clear than the current ``Holidays'' clause and may adversely 
impact consistency of application. The respondent stated that the 
revised language suggests that direction from the contracting officer 
may or may not be forthcoming; the contractor ``minimize unnecessary 
contract costs and performance impact'' by performing work off-site or 
having personnel perform other duties makes it wholly unclear what 
NASA's expectations of the contractor may be, and what potential 
financial losses may or may not be incurred, depending on various 
circumstances. The respondent stated the proposed revised language 
creates a significantly increased potential for inconsistent 
interpretation not only for contractors at different NASA 
installations, but for different contractors at the same NASA 
    Response: NASA disagrees that the revised clause is less clear and 
may have inconsistent application. The revised clause indicates that 
the contractor shall exercise sound judgment to minimize unnecessary 
contract costs and provides examples of such actions. The examples are 
provided for the contractor to consider and not to limit the 
contractor. The revised clause will be included in NASA solicitations 
and contracts where contractor personnel would be required to work 
onsite at a NASA facility and NASA does not agree that there is 
potential for inconsistent interpretation or application.

C. Violations of the Anti-Deficiency Act

    Comment: The respondent submitted a comment stating the proposed 
language may lead to unintentional, but consequential, violations of 
the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 1341), to the financial detriment of 
contractor organizations. The respondent indicated that their issue is 
with the proposed revised clause 1852.242-72 paragraph (a)(3)(b), and 
the respondent's concern that implementation of this clause will set up 
inevitable competitive pressure (even if self-imposed) for contractors 
to compel their employees to continue NASA contract work off-site or 
through teleworking in the event of a NASA installation closure 
(regardless of the reason for the closure), even in the absence of 
approval that such work will be covered as an allowable cost. Should 
such costs then subsequently not be allowed, this could effectively 
place NASA as an agency in the role of accepting voluntary services 
from the contractor and its employees, and clearly imposes a financial 
risk for the Contractor that is not imposed by the current language of 
    Response: NASA disagrees that the revised clause may lead to 
violations of the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 1341). The revised 
clause indicates that in all instances where contractor employees are 
denied access or required to vacate a NASA facility, in part or in 
whole, the contractor shall be responsible to ensure contractor 
personnel working under the contract comply and the contractor shall 
exercise sound judgment to minimize unnecessary contract costs and 
performance. The revised clause provides an example for contractors to 
consider e.g. performing required work off-site. The revised clause 
does not require contractors to compel their employees to continue NASA 
contract work off-site or through teleworking; the revised clause 
merely provides an example for contractors to consider in meeting the 
contract requirements in the event of a NASA facility closure. NASA 
does not agree that taking a prudent business decision in the event of 
a NASA facility closure will lead to violation of the Anti-Deficiency 
Act (31 U.S.C. 1341).

D. Increased Administrative Burden

    Comment: The respondent stated that the proposed language may lead 
to increased, versus decreased, administrative burden for both NASA and 
on-site contractors, resulting in a decrease of value delivered to the 
Government. The respondent indicated that contractors will need to 
develop revised employee policies that cover all contingencies of the 
revised language of 1852.242-72. Contractors will need to vet the 
language of these policy changes with their employment attorneys, 
adding costs that will ultimately be included in indirect rates. The 
respondent indicated that the administrative burden to fully and fairly 
implement revised 1852.242-72 would be increased for both contractors 
and NASA.
    Response: NASA does not agree that the revised clause may lead to 
increased administrative burden for both NASA and on-site contractors. 
Contractors performing work on a NASA facility should already have 
established company polices to cover events referenced in the revised 
clause such as policy related to Federal public holidays. Also, since 
the revised clause will be included in NASA solicitations a company 
interested in submitting a proposal would review applicable company 
polices as part of the proposal preparation and address changes, if 
any, at that time with little to no additional cost or administrative 

E. Institutionalize a ``Two-Class'' System

    Comment: The respondent stated that the proposed revised clause 
1852.242-72 would institutionalize a ``two-class'' system of treatment 
of Government employees versus contractor employees, to the detriment 
of effective teamwork and morale. The respondent indicated that that 
the proposed revised clause would create competitive pressure for 
contractors to require their employees to work off-site or telework 
during virtually all circumstances when NASA installations may be 
closed, when no such requirement will apply to Federal employees. The 
respondent stated that in reference to the proposed revised clause 
1852.242-72 paragraph (e)(1), which states that ``Moreover, the leave 
status of NASA employees shall not be conveyed or imputed to contractor 
personnel.'' The respondent saw no compelling reason why a decision by 
an appropriately empowered federal official to grant Federal employees 
leave under appropriate circumstances should not be conveyed to 
contractor employees, along with appropriate guidance from the 
contractor as to whether or not contractor employees are to report to 
work. The responded noted that inconsistent treatment of contractor 
employees, as compared to their Federal colleagues under the same 
circumstances, would become institutionalized by the proposed revised 
clause and would be detrimental to teamwork and morale.
    Response: NASA does not agree. While NASA federal and contractor 
employees are members of the same NASA team, different standards apply 
to the various members of the team. NASA acquires services from 
contractors utilizing nonpersonal services contracts. A nonpersonal 
services contract means a contract under which the personnel rendering 
the services are not subject, either by the contract's terms or by the 
manner of its administration, to the supervision and control usually 
prevailing in relationships between the Government and its employees 
(see FAR 37.101). A personal services contract is characterized by the 
employer-employee relationship it creates between the Government and 
the contractor's personnel. The Government is normally required to 
obtain its employees by direct hire under competitive appointment or 
other procedures required by the civil service laws. Obtaining personal 
services by contract, rather than by direct hire, circumvents those 
laws unless Congress has

[[Page 52644]]

specifically authorized acquisition of the services by contract. 
Agencies are prohibited from awarding personal services contracts 
unless specifically authorized by statute to do so. An employer-
employee relationship under a service contract occurs when, as a result 
of (i) the contract's terms or (ii) the manner of its administration 
during performance, contractor personnel are subject to the relatively 
continuous supervision and control of a Government officer or employee 
(see FAR 37.104). In addition, the leave administration for Federal 
employees is covered under title 5 of the United States Code and title 
5 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The leave administration for a 
contractor is covered under the contractor's company policy. Therefore, 
the revised clause language is correct and the leave status of NASA 
Federal employees shall not be conveyed or imputed to contractor 

III. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563

    Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess 
all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). E.O. 
13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, 
of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility. 
This rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) of 
Executive Order 12866. This rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 

IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    NASA certifies that this final rule will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities within the 
meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., 
because it provides clarity and information beneficial to NASA 
contractors that are denied access to a NASA facility when a NASA 
facility is closed. The rule imposes no new reporting requirements. The 
rule does not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with any other Federal 
rules. No alternatives were identified that would meet the objectives 
of the rule. No comments from small entities were submitted in 
reference to the Regulatory Flexibility Act request in the proposed 

V. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Paperwork Reduction Act (Pub. L. 104-13) does not apply because 
this final rule contains no information collection requirements that 
require the approval of the Office of Management and Budget under 44 
U.S.C. 3501, et seq.

List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1842 and 1852

    Government procurement.

Manuel Quinones,
Federal Register Liaison.

    Accordingly, 48 CFR parts 1842 and 1852 are amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 1842 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  51 U.S.C. 20113 and 48 CFR chapter 1.

2. Revise subpart 1842.70 to read as follows:

Subpart 1842.70--Additional NASA Contract Clauses

1842.7001  Denied Access to NASA Facilities.

    The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.242-72, 
Denied Access to NASA Facilities, in solicitations and contracts where 
contractor personnel will be working onsite at a NASA facility such as: 
NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and 
Technical and Service Support Centers. For a list of NASA facilities 
see NPD 1000.3 ``The NASA Organization''. The contracting officer shall 
not insert the clause where contractor personnel will be working onsite 
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory including the Deep Space Network 
Communication Facilities (Goldstone, CA; Canberra, Australia; and 
Madrid, Spain).


3. The authority citation for part 1852 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1.

    4. Revise section 1852.242-72 to read as follows:

1852.242-72  Denied Access to NASA Facilities.

    As prescribed in 1842.7001, insert the following clause:

Denied Access to NASA Facilities (OCT 2015)

    (a)(1) The performance of this contract requires contractor 
employees of the prime contractor or any subcontractor, affiliate, 
partner, joint venture, or team member with which the contractor is 
associated, including consultants engaged by any of these entities, 
to have access to, physical entry into, and to the extent 
authorized, mobility within, a NASA facility.
    (2) NASA may close and or deny contractor access to a NASA 
facility for a portion of a business day or longer due to any one of 
the following events:
    (i) Federal public holidays for federal employees in accordance 
with 5 U.S.C. 6103.
    (ii) Fires, floods, earthquakes, unusually severe weather to 
include snow storms, tornadoes and hurricanes.
    (iii) Occupational safety or health hazards.
    (iv) Non-appropriation of funds by Congress.
    (v) Any other reason.
    (3) In such events, the contractor employees may be denied 
access to a NASA facility, in part or in whole, to perform work 
required by the contract. Contractor personnel already present at a 
NASA facility during such events may be required to leave the 
    (b) In all instances where contractor employees are denied 
access or required to vacate a NASA facility, in part or in whole, 
the contractor shall be responsible to ensure contractor personnel 
working under the contract comply. If the circumstances permit, the 
contracting officer will provide direction to the contractor, which 
could include continuing on-site performance during the NASA 
facility closure period. In the absence of such direction, the 
contractor shall exercise sound judgment to minimize unnecessary 
contract costs and performance impacts by, for example, performing 
required work off-site if possible or reassigning personnel to other 
activities if appropriate.
    (c) The contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the local 
radio, television stations, NASA Web sites, other communications 
channels, for example contracting officer notification, that the 
NASA facility is accessible. Once accessible the contractor shall 
resume contract performance as required by the contract.
    (d) For the period that NASA facilities were not accessible to 
contractor employees, the contracting officer may--
    (1) Adjust the contract performance or delivery schedule for a 
period equivalent to the period the NASA facility was not 
    (2) Forego the work;
    (3) Reschedule the work by mutual agreement of the parties; or
    (4) Consider properly documented requests for equitable 
adjustment, claim, or any other remedy pursuant to the terms and 
conditions of the contract.
    (e) Notification procedures of a NASA facility closure, 
including contractor denial of access, as follows:
    (1) The contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the local 
radio, television stations, NASA Web sites, other communications 
channels, for example contracting officer notification, for 
announcement of a NASA facility closure to include denial of access 
to the NASA facility. The contractor shall be responsible for 
notification of its employees of the NASA

[[Page 52645]]

facility closure to include denial of access to the NASA facility. 
The dismissal of NASA employees in accordance with statute and 
regulations providing for such dismissals shall not, in itself, 
equate to a NASA facility closure in which contractor employees are 
denied access. Moreover, the leave status of NASA employees shall 
not be conveyed or imputed to contractor personnel. Accordingly, 
unless a NASA facility is closed and the contractor is denied access 
to the facility, the contractor shall continue performance in 
accordance with the contract.
    (2) NASA's Emergency Notification System (ENS). ENS is a NASA-
wide Emergency Notification and Accountability System that provides 
NASA the ability to send messages, both Agency-related and/or 
Center-related, in the event of an emergency or emerging situation 
at a NASA facility. Notification is provided via multiple 
communication devices, e.g. Email, text, cellular, home/office 
numbers. The ENS provides the capability to respond to notifications 
and provide the safety status. Contractor employees may register for 
these notifications at the ENS Web site: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/ops/nasaonly/ENSinformation.html.

(End of clause)
[FR Doc. 2015-21584 Filed 8-31-15; 8:45 am]

                                                52642            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                and revenue reporting requirements to                   NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND                              The fact that Government employees
                                                entities providing international calling                SPACE ADMINISTRATION                                  may not be at a NASA facility is not an
                                                service via Voice over Internet Protocol                                                                      automatic reason for contractor
                                                (VoIP) connected to the public switched                 48 CFR Parts 1842 and 1852                            personnel not to be required to be
                                                telephone network (PSTN), and                           RIN 2700–AE14                                         present at their required NASA
                                                requiring submarine cable landing                                                                             workspace on a NASA facility. Unless a
                                                licensees to file reports identifying                   NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation                   contractor is denied access to the NASA
                                                capacity they own or lease on each                      Supplement: Denied Access to NASA                     facility, contractors are expected to
                                                submarine cable. The Petition relies on                 Facilities (2015–N002)                                perform in accordance with their
                                                facts and arguments that do not meet the                                                                      contractual requirements. This NFS
                                                requirements of the Commission’s rules                  AGENCY:  National Aeronautics and                     change provides clarity and information
                                                and the Petition plainly does not                       Space Administration.                                 beneficial to NASA contractors that are
                                                warrant consideration by the                            ACTION: Final rule.                                   denied access to a NASA facility when
                                                Commission.                                                                                                   a NASA facility is closed to all
                                                                                                        SUMMARY:    NASA is issuing a final rule              personnel. Specifically, the change
                                                DATES:   September 1, 2015.                             amending the NASA Federal                             deletes the prescription at NFS
                                                                                                        Acquisition Regulation Supplement                     1842.7001, Observance of Legal
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                        (NFS) to delete the observance of legal               Holidays, in its entirety, and clause
                                                David Krech, Policy Division,
                                                                                                        holidays clause with its alternates and               1852.242–72, Observance of Legal
                                                International Bureau at 202–418–7443;
                                                                                                        replace it with a new clause that                     Holidays, with alternates, and replaces
                                                or Veronica Garcia-Ulloa, Policy
                                                                                                        prescribes conditions and procedures                  it with the prescription at NFS
                                                Division, International Bureau at 202–
                                                                                                        pertaining to the closure of NASA                     1842.7001 Denied Access to NASA
                                                                                                        facilities.                                           Facilities and clause 1852.242–72,
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      This is a                                                                     Denied Access to NASA Facilities,
                                                                                                        DATES:   Effective: October 1, 2015.
                                                summary of the Commission’s Order                                                                             respectively. The clause would be
                                                dismissing the petition for                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                        Andrew O’Rourke, NASA Office of                       included in solicitations and contracts
                                                reconsideration, DA 15–711, adopted                                                                           where contractor personnel would be
                                                and released on June 17, 2015. Under                    Procurement, Contract and Grant Policy
                                                                                                        Division, 202–358–4560, email:                        required to work onsite at a NASA
                                                the Commission’s rules, petitions for                                                                         facility.
                                                reconsideration that rely on facts or                   andrew.orourke@nasa.gov.
                                                arguments that have not previously been                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            II. Discussion and Analysis
                                                presented to the Commission will be                     I. Background                                            NASA published a proposed rule in
                                                considered only under certain limited                                                                         the Federal Register on May 13, 2015
                                                circumstances and may be dismissed by                      A proposed rule was published on
                                                                                                                                                              (80 FR 27278). The sixty-day public
                                                the relevant bureau if they do not meet                 May 13, 2015 (80 FR 27278) to delete
                                                                                                                                                              comment period expired on July 13,
                                                those circumstances. The Petition relies                NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) clause
                                                                                                                                                              2015. NASA received comments from
                                                on facts and arguments that do not meet                 1852.242–72, Observance of Legal
                                                                                                                                                              one respondent. NASA reviewed the
                                                the requirements of § 1.429(b)(1)                       Holidays with its alternates and replace
                                                                                                                                                              respondent’s comments in the formation
                                                through (3) of the Commission’s rules.                  it with a new clause that prescribes
                                                                                                                                                              of the final rule. No revisions to the
                                                Petitioner previously could have                        conditions and procedures pertaining to
                                                                                                                                                              proposed rule were made as a result of
                                                presented these facts and arguments to                  the closure of NASA facilities. NFS
                                                                                                                                                              the public comments received. A
                                                the Commission in response to the                       clause 1852.242–72, Observance of
                                                                                                                                                              discussion of the comments is provided
                                                Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking                   Legal Holidays with its alternates, was
                                                                                                                                                              as follows:
                                                in this proceeding, but did not present.                included in Agency contracts where
                                                Accordingly, pursuant to § 1.429(l) of                  contractor performance was to be                      A. Retain Existing Language
                                                the Commission’s rules, the Petition                    performed on a NASA facility. It was                    Comment: The respondent submitted
                                                plainly does not warrant consideration                  intended to identify dates that                       a comment indicating that it was in the
                                                by the Commission. The Order on                         Government employees would not be                     best interest of both NASA and NASA
                                                Reconsideration is available for                        available and provide notification to                 contractors to retain the language of 48
                                                inspection and copying during normal                    contractors of those dates considering                CFR parts 1842 and 1852 as it currently
                                                business hours in the FCC Reference                     that the absence of Government                        exists.
                                                Center, 445 12th Street SW.,                            employees might impact contractor                       Response: NASA disagrees with
                                                Washington, DC 20554. The document                      performance or contractor access to                   retaining the existing NFS clause. As
                                                is also available for download over the                 NASA facilities. Further, the same                    stated in the proposed rule, there was a
                                                Internet at http://transition.fcc.gov/                  clause has two alternates, the first                  need for NASA to be more specific
                                                Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2015/                     addresses contractors who are denied                  when contractor employees may be
                                                db0617/DA-15-711A1.pdf. The                             access to NASA workspaces within a                    denied access to NASA workspaces or
                                                Commission will not send a copy of this                 NASA facility and the second addresses                the entire NASA facility. This revision
                                                Order pursuant to the Congressional                     other instances, such as weather and                  to the NFS provides this clarity with
                                                Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A),                      safety emergencies, which could result                information that is beneficial to both the
                                                because this Order does not have an                     in contractors being denied access to the             Government and NASA contractors who
                                                impact on any rules of particular                       entire NASA facility. Recent events,                  are denied access to a NASA facility
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                applicability.                                          especially the Government shut-down                   when that facility is closed to all
                                                                                                        during October 2013, have revealed a                  personnel.
                                                  Federal Communications Commission.                    need for NASA to be more specific and
                                                Nese Guendelsberger,                                    to differentiate between these two                    B. Revised Language is Less Clear
                                                Deputy Chief, International Bureau.                     conditions when contractor employees                    Comment: The respondent submitted
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–21091 Filed 8–31–15; 8:45 am]             may be denied access to NASA                          a comment stating that the revised
                                                BILLING CODE 6712–01–P                                  workspaces or the entire NASA facility.               language in the proposed rule is actually

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:50 Aug 31, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00038   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\01SER1.SGM   01SER1

                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        52643

                                                less clear than the current ‘‘Holidays’’                Contractor that is not imposed by the                 at that time with little to no additional
                                                clause and may adversely impact                         current language of 1852.242–72.                      cost or administrative burden.
                                                consistency of application. The                           Response: NASA disagrees that the                   E. Institutionalize a ‘‘Two-Class’’ System
                                                respondent stated that the revised                      revised clause may lead to violations of
                                                language suggests that direction from                   the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 U.S.C.                      Comment: The respondent stated that
                                                the contracting officer may or may not                  1341). The revised clause indicates that              the proposed revised clause 1852.242–
                                                be forthcoming; the contractor                          in all instances where contractor                     72 would institutionalize a ‘‘two-class’’
                                                ‘‘minimize unnecessary contract costs                   employees are denied access or required               system of treatment of Government
                                                and performance impact’’ by performing                  to vacate a NASA facility, in part or in              employees versus contractor employees,
                                                work off-site or having personnel                       whole, the contractor shall be                        to the detriment of effective teamwork
                                                perform other duties makes it wholly                    responsible to ensure contractor                      and morale. The respondent indicated
                                                unclear what NASA’s expectations of                     personnel working under the contract                  that that the proposed revised clause
                                                the contractor may be, and what                         comply and the contractor shall exercise              would create competitive pressure for
                                                potential financial losses may or may                   sound judgment to minimize                            contractors to require their employees to
                                                not be incurred, depending on various                   unnecessary contract costs and                        work off-site or telework during
                                                circumstances. The respondent stated                    performance. The revised clause                       virtually all circumstances when NASA
                                                the proposed revised language creates a                 provides an example for contractors to                installations may be closed, when no
                                                significantly increased potential for                   consider e.g. performing required work                such requirement will apply to Federal
                                                inconsistent interpretation not only for                                                                      employees. The respondent stated that
                                                                                                        off-site. The revised clause does not
                                                contractors at different NASA                                                                                 in reference to the proposed revised
                                                                                                        require contractors to compel their
                                                installations, but for different                                                                              clause 1852.242–72 paragraph (e)(1),
                                                                                                        employees to continue NASA contract
                                                contractors at the same NASA                                                                                  which states that ‘‘Moreover, the leave
                                                                                                        work off-site or through teleworking; the
                                                installation.                                                                                                 status of NASA employees shall not be
                                                                                                        revised clause merely provides an
                                                                                                                                                              conveyed or imputed to contractor
                                                  Response: NASA disagrees that the                     example for contractors to consider in
                                                                                                                                                              personnel.’’ The respondent saw no
                                                revised clause is less clear and may                    meeting the contract requirements in the
                                                                                                                                                              compelling reason why a decision by an
                                                have inconsistent application. The                      event of a NASA facility closure. NASA
                                                                                                                                                              appropriately empowered federal
                                                revised clause indicates that the                       does not agree that taking a prudent
                                                                                                                                                              official to grant Federal employees leave
                                                contractor shall exercise sound                         business decision in the event of a                   under appropriate circumstances should
                                                judgment to minimize unnecessary                        NASA facility closure will lead to                    not be conveyed to contractor
                                                contract costs and provides examples of                 violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act (31              employees, along with appropriate
                                                such actions. The examples are                          U.S.C. 1341).                                         guidance from the contractor as to
                                                provided for the contractor to consider                 D. Increased Administrative Burden                    whether or not contractor employees are
                                                and not to limit the contractor. The                                                                          to report to work. The responded noted
                                                revised clause will be included in                        Comment: The respondent stated that                 that inconsistent treatment of contractor
                                                NASA solicitations and contracts where                  the proposed language may lead to                     employees, as compared to their Federal
                                                contractor personnel would be required                  increased, versus decreased,                          colleagues under the same
                                                to work onsite at a NASA facility and                   administrative burden for both NASA                   circumstances, would become
                                                NASA does not agree that there is                       and on-site contractors, resulting in a               institutionalized by the proposed
                                                potential for inconsistent interpretation               decrease of value delivered to the                    revised clause and would be detrimental
                                                or application.                                         Government. The respondent indicated                  to teamwork and morale.
                                                                                                        that contractors will need to develop                   Response: NASA does not agree.
                                                C. Violations of the Anti-Deficiency Act                revised employee policies that cover all              While NASA federal and contractor
                                                   Comment: The respondent submitted                    contingencies of the revised language of              employees are members of the same
                                                a comment stating the proposed                          1852.242–72. Contractors will need to                 NASA team, different standards apply
                                                language may lead to unintentional, but                 vet the language of these policy changes              to the various members of the team.
                                                consequential, violations of the Anti-                  with their employment attorneys,                      NASA acquires services from
                                                Deficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 1341), to the                 adding costs that will ultimately be                  contractors utilizing nonpersonal
                                                financial detriment of contractor                       included in indirect rates. The                       services contracts. A nonpersonal
                                                organizations. The respondent indicated                 respondent indicated that the                         services contract means a contract under
                                                that their issue is with the proposed                   administrative burden to fully and fairly             which the personnel rendering the
                                                revised clause 1852.242–72 paragraph                    implement revised 1852.242–72 would                   services are not subject, either by the
                                                (a)(3)(b), and the respondent’s concern                 be increased for both contractors and                 contract’s terms or by the manner of its
                                                that implementation of this clause will                 NASA.                                                 administration, to the supervision and
                                                set up inevitable competitive pressure                    Response: NASA does not agree that                  control usually prevailing in
                                                (even if self-imposed) for contractors to               the revised clause may lead to increased              relationships between the Government
                                                compel their employees to continue                      administrative burden for both NASA                   and its employees (see FAR 37.101). A
                                                NASA contract work off-site or through                  and on-site contractors. Contractors                  personal services contract is
                                                teleworking in the event of a NASA                      performing work on a NASA facility                    characterized by the employer-employee
                                                installation closure (regardless of the                 should already have established                       relationship it creates between the
                                                reason for the closure), even in the                    company polices to cover events                       Government and the contractor’s
                                                absence of approval that such work will                 referenced in the revised clause such as              personnel. The Government is normally
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                be covered as an allowable cost. Should                 policy related to Federal public                      required to obtain its employees by
                                                such costs then subsequently not be                     holidays. Also, since the revised clause              direct hire under competitive
                                                allowed, this could effectively place                   will be included in NASA solicitations                appointment or other procedures
                                                NASA as an agency in the role of                        a company interested in submitting a                  required by the civil service laws.
                                                accepting voluntary services from the                   proposal would review applicable                      Obtaining personal services by contract,
                                                contractor and its employees, and                       company polices as part of the proposal               rather than by direct hire, circumvents
                                                clearly imposes a financial risk for the                preparation and address changes, if any,              those laws unless Congress has

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                                                52644            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                specifically authorized acquisition of                  collection requirements that require the              partner, joint venture, or team member with
                                                the services by contract. Agencies are                  approval of the Office of Management                  which the contractor is associated, including
                                                prohibited from awarding personal                       and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501, et                   consultants engaged by any of these entities,
                                                                                                                                                              to have access to, physical entry into, and to
                                                services contracts unless specifically                  seq.
                                                                                                                                                              the extent authorized, mobility within, a
                                                authorized by statute to do so. An                                                                            NASA facility.
                                                                                                        List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1842
                                                employer-employee relationship under                                                                            (2) NASA may close and or deny contractor
                                                                                                        and 1852
                                                a service contract occurs when, as a                                                                          access to a NASA facility for a portion of a
                                                result of (i) the contract’s terms or (ii)                Government procurement.                             business day or longer due to any one of the
                                                the manner of its administration during                 Manuel Quinones,                                      following events:
                                                performance, contractor personnel are                                                                           (i) Federal public holidays for federal
                                                                                                        Federal Register Liaison.                             employees in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 6103.
                                                subject to the relatively continuous
                                                supervision and control of a                              Accordingly, 48 CFR parts 1842 and                    (ii) Fires, floods, earthquakes, unusually
                                                                                                        1852 are amended as follows:                          severe weather to include snow storms,
                                                Government officer or employee (see
                                                                                                                                                              tornadoes and hurricanes.
                                                FAR 37.104). In addition, the leave                                                                             (iii) Occupational safety or health hazards.
                                                administration for Federal employees is                 PART 1842—CONTRACT
                                                                                                        ADMINISTRATION AND AUDIT                                (iv) Non-appropriation of funds by
                                                covered under title 5 of the United                                                                           Congress.
                                                States Code and title 5 of the Code of                  SERVICES                                                (v) Any other reason.
                                                Federal Regulations. The leave                          ■  1. The authority citation for part 1842              (3) In such events, the contractor
                                                administration for a contractor is                                                                            employees may be denied access to a NASA
                                                                                                        is revised to read as follows:                        facility, in part or in whole, to perform work
                                                covered under the contractor’s company
                                                policy. Therefore, the revised clause                     Authority: 51 U.S.C. 20113 and 48 CFR               required by the contract. Contractor
                                                                                                        chapter 1.                                            personnel already present at a NASA facility
                                                language is correct and the leave status
                                                                                                                                                              during such events may be required to leave
                                                of NASA Federal employees shall not be                  ■ 2. Revise subpart 1842.70 to read as                the facility.
                                                conveyed or imputed to contractor                       follows:                                                (b) In all instances where contractor
                                                personnel.                                                                                                    employees are denied access or required to
                                                                                                        Subpart 1842.70—Additional NASA                       vacate a NASA facility, in part or in whole,
                                                III. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563                   Contract Clauses                                      the contractor shall be responsible to ensure
                                                   Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and                                                                         contractor personnel working under the
                                                13563 direct agencies to assess all costs               1842.7001     Denied Access to NASA                   contract comply. If the circumstances permit,
                                                and benefits of available regulatory                    Facilities.                                           the contracting officer will provide direction
                                                alternatives and, if regulation is                        The contracting officer shall insert the            to the contractor, which could include
                                                necessary, to select regulatory                         clause at 1852.242–72, Denied Access to               continuing on-site performance during the
                                                                                                        NASA Facilities, in solicitations and                 NASA facility closure period. In the absence
                                                approaches that maximize net benefits
                                                                                                        contracts where contractor personnel                  of such direction, the contractor shall
                                                (including potential economic,                                                                                exercise sound judgment to minimize
                                                environmental, public health and safety                 will be working onsite at a NASA
                                                                                                                                                              unnecessary contract costs and performance
                                                effects, distributive impacts, and                      facility such as: NASA Headquarters
                                                                                                                                                              impacts by, for example, performing required
                                                equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the                      and NASA Centers, including                           work off-site if possible or reassigning
                                                importance of quantifying both costs                    Component Facilities and Technical and                personnel to other activities if appropriate.
                                                and benefits, of reducing costs, of                     Service Support Centers. For a list of                  (c) The contractor shall be responsible for
                                                harmonizing rules, and of promoting                     NASA facilities see NPD 1000.3 ‘‘The                  monitoring the local radio, television
                                                flexibility. This rule is not a significant             NASA Organization’’. The contracting                  stations, NASA Web sites, other
                                                                                                        officer shall not insert the clause where             communications channels, for example
                                                regulatory action under section 3(f) of
                                                                                                        contractor personnel will be working                  contracting officer notification, that the
                                                Executive Order 12866. This rule is not                                                                       NASA facility is accessible. Once accessible
                                                a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804.                        onsite at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                                                                                                                                                              the contractor shall resume contract
                                                                                                        including the Deep Space Network
                                                IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act                                                                                performance as required by the contract.
                                                                                                        Communication Facilities (Goldstone,                    (d) For the period that NASA facilities
                                                   NASA certifies that this final rule will             CA; Canberra, Australia; and Madrid,                  were not accessible to contractor employees,
                                                not have a significant economic impact                  Spain).                                               the contracting officer may—
                                                on a substantial number of small entities                                                                       (1) Adjust the contract performance or
                                                within the meaning of the Regulatory                    PART 1852—SOLICITATION                                delivery schedule for a period equivalent to
                                                Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.,                 PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT                               the period the NASA facility was not
                                                because it provides clarity and                         CLAUSES                                               accessible;
                                                                                                                                                                (2) Forego the work;
                                                information beneficial to NASA                          ■ 3. The authority citation for part 1852               (3) Reschedule the work by mutual
                                                contractors that are denied access to a                 continues to read as follows:                         agreement of the parties; or
                                                NASA facility when a NASA facility is                                                                           (4) Consider properly documented requests
                                                closed. The rule imposes no new                           Authority: 51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR
                                                                                                                                                              for equitable adjustment, claim, or any other
                                                reporting requirements. The rule does                   chapter 1.
                                                                                                                                                              remedy pursuant to the terms and conditions
                                                not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with                  4. Revise section 1852.242–72 to read               of the contract.
                                                any other Federal rules. No alternatives                as follows:                                             (e) Notification procedures of a NASA
                                                were identified that would meet the                                                                           facility closure, including contractor denial
                                                                                                        1852.242–72       Denied Access to NASA               of access, as follows:
                                                objectives of the rule. No comments                     Facilities.                                             (1) The contractor shall be responsible for
                                                from small entities were submitted in
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                          As prescribed in 1842.7001, insert the              monitoring the local radio, television
                                                reference to the Regulatory Flexibility                                                                       stations, NASA Web sites, other
                                                                                                        following clause:
                                                Act request in the proposed rule.                                                                             communications channels, for example
                                                                                                        Denied Access to NASA Facilities (OCT                 contracting officer notification, for
                                                V. Paperwork Reduction Act                              2015)                                                 announcement of a NASA facility closure to
                                                   The Paperwork Reduction Act (Pub.                      (a)(1) The performance of this contract             include denial of access to the NASA facility.
                                                L. 104–13) does not apply because this                  requires contractor employees of the prime            The contractor shall be responsible for
                                                final rule contains no information                      contractor or any subcontractor, affiliate,           notification of its employees of the NASA

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                      52645

                                                facility closure to include denial of access to         DATES: This rule is effective on                      duck seasons in the Atlantic Flyway;
                                                the NASA facility. The dismissal of NASA                September 1, 2015.                                    and extended falconry seasons. In
                                                employees in accordance with statute and                                                                      addition, we reviewed and discussed
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: You may inspect comments
                                                regulations providing for such dismissals                                                                     preliminary information on the status of
                                                shall not, in itself, equate to a NASA facility         received on the migratory bird hunting
                                                closure in which contractor employees are               regulations during normal business                    waterfowl. We published the proposed
                                                denied access. Moreover, the leave status of            hours at the Service’s office at 5275                 frameworks for early-season regulations
                                                NASA employees shall not be conveyed or                 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia.                in a July 21, 2015, Federal Register (80
                                                imputed to contractor personnel.                        You may obtain copies of referenced                   FR 43266) and final frameworks in an
                                                Accordingly, unless a NASA facility is closed           reports from the street address above, or             August 21, 2015, Federal Register (80
                                                and the contractor is denied access to the              from the Division of Migratory Bird                   FR 51090).
                                                facility, the contractor shall continue                 Management’s Web site at http://                         On July 29–30, 2015, we held open
                                                performance in accordance with the contract.                                                                  meetings with the Flyway Council
                                                                                                        www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/, or at
                                                   (2) NASA’s Emergency Notification System                                                                   Consultants at which the participants
                                                (ENS). ENS is a NASA-wide Emergency                     http://www.regulations.gov at Docket
                                                                                                        No. FWS–HQ–MB–2014–0064.                              reviewed the status of waterfowl and
                                                Notification and Accountability System that                                                                   developed recommendations for the
                                                provides NASA the ability to send messages,             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ron
                                                both Agency-related and/or Center-related, in
                                                                                                                                                              2015–16 regulations for these species.
                                                                                                        W. Kokel, Division of Migratory Bird
                                                the event of an emergency or emerging                                                                         Proposed hunting regulations were
                                                                                                        Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                situation at a NASA facility. Notification is                                                                 discussed for late seasons. We
                                                                                                        Service, (703) 358–1714.                              published the proposed frameworks for
                                                provided via multiple communication
                                                devices, e.g. Email, text, cellular, home/office        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            late-season regulations (primarily
                                                numbers. The ENS provides the capability to             Regulations Schedule for 2015                         hunting seasons that start after October
                                                respond to notifications and provide the                                                                      1 and most waterfowl seasons) in an
                                                safety status. Contractor employees may                    On April 13, 2015, we published in                 August 25, 2015, Federal Register (80
                                                register for these notifications at the ENS             the Federal Register (80 FR 19852) a                  FR 51658).
                                                Web site: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/ops/            proposal to amend 50 CFR part 20. The                    The final rule described here is the
                                                nasaonly/ENSinformation.html.                           proposal provided a background and                    sixth in the series of proposed,
                                                                                                        overview of the migratory bird hunting                supplemental, and final rulemaking
                                                (End of clause)
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–21584 Filed 8–31–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        regulations process, and addressed the                documents for migratory game bird
                                                                                                        establishment of seasons, limits, and                 hunting regulations and deals
                                                BILLING CODE 7510–13–P
                                                                                                        other regulations for hunting migratory               specifically with amending subpart K of
                                                                                                        game birds under §§ 20.101 through                    50 CFR part 20. It sets hunting seasons,
                                                                                                        20.107, 20.109, and 20.110 of subpart K.              hours, areas, and limits for mourning,
                                                DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              Major steps in the 2015–16 regulatory                 white-winged, and white-tipped doves;
                                                                                                        cycle relating to open public meetings                band-tailed pigeons; rails; moorhens
                                                Fish and Wildlife Service
                                                                                                        and Federal Register notifications were               and gallinules; woodcock; common
                                                                                                        also identified in the April 13 proposed              snipe; sandhill cranes; sea ducks; early
                                                50 CFR Part 20
                                                                                                        rule. Further, we explained that all                  (September) waterfowl seasons;
                                                [Docket No. FWS–HQ–MB–2014–0064: FF09                   sections of subsequent documents                      migratory game birds in Alaska, Hawaii,
                                                M21200–156–FXMB1231099BPP0]                             outlining hunting frameworks and                      Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands;
                                                                                                        guidelines were organized under                       youth waterfowl hunting day; and some
                                                RIN 1018–BA67
                                                                                                        numbered headings. Subsequent                         extended falconry seasons. This final
                                                Migratory Bird Hunting; Early Seasons                   documents will refer only to numbered                 rule is the culmination of the
                                                and Bag and Possession Limits for                       items requiring attention. Therefore, it is           rulemaking process for the migratory
                                                Certain Migratory Game Birds in the                     important to note that we omit those                  game bird early hunting seasons, which
                                                Contiguous United States, Alaska,                       items requiring no attention, and                     started with the April 13 proposed rule.
                                                Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin                     remaining numbered items might be                     As discussed elsewhere in this
                                                Islands                                                 discontinuous or appear incomplete.                   document, we supplemented that
                                                                                                           On June 11, 2015, we published in the              proposal on June 11 and July 21, and
                                                AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                    Federal Register (80 FR 33223) a second               published final early-season frameworks
                                                Interior.                                               document providing supplemental                       in an August 21, 2015, Federal Register
                                                ACTION: Final rule.                                     proposals for early- and late-season                  that provided the season selection
                                                                                                        migratory bird hunting regulations. The               criteria from which the States selected
                                                SUMMARY:   This rule prescribes the                     June 11 supplement also provided                      these seasons. This final rule sets the
                                                hunting seasons, hours, areas, and daily                detailed information on the 2015–16                   migratory game bird early hunting
                                                bag and possession limits of mourning,                  regulatory schedule and announced the                 seasons based on that input from the
                                                white-winged, and white-tipped doves;                   Service Regulations Committee (SRC)                   States. We previously addressed all
                                                band-tailed pigeons; rails; moorhens                    and Flyway Council meetings.                          comments pertaining to early season
                                                and gallinules; woodcock; common                           On June 24–25, 2015, we held open                  issues in that August 21 Federal
                                                snipe; sandhill cranes; sea ducks; early                meetings with the Flyway Council                      Register.
                                                (September) waterfowl seasons;                          Consultants at which participants
                                                migratory game birds in Alaska, Hawaii,                 reviewed information on the current                   National Environmental Policy Act
                                                Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands;                    status of migratory shore and upland                  (NEPA)
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                youth waterfowl day; and some                           game birds and developed 2015–16                         The programmatic document,
                                                extended falconry seasons. Taking of                    migratory game bird regulations                       ‘‘Second Final Supplemental
                                                migratory birds is prohibited unless                    recommendations for these species plus                Environmental Impact Statement:
                                                specifically provided for by annual                     regulations for migratory game birds in               Issuance of Annual Regulations
                                                regulations. This rule permits taking of                Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin              Permitting the Sport Hunting of
                                                designated species during the 2015–16                   Islands; special September waterfowl                  Migratory Birds (EIS 20130139),’’ filed
                                                season.                                                 seasons in designated States; special sea             with the Environmental Protection

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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:04:28
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:04:28
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective: October 1, 2015.
ContactAndrew O'Rourke, NASA Office of Procurement, Contract and Grant Policy Division, 202-358-4560, email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 52642 
RIN Number2700-AE14
CFR Citation48 CFR 1842
48 CFR 1852

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