80_FR_52842 80 FR 52673 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Exchange of Flatfish in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

80 FR 52673 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Exchange of Flatfish in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 169 (September 1, 2015)

Page Range52673-52675
FR Document2015-21540

NMFS is exchanging unused Community Development Quota (CDQ) for CDQ acceptable biological catch (ABC) reserves. This action is necessary to allow the 2015 total allowable catch of flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area to be harvested.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 169 (Tuesday, September 1, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 169 (Tuesday, September 1, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52673-52675]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21540]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 679

[Docket No. 141021887-5172-02]
RIN 0648-XE152

Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Exchange of 
Flatfish in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Temporary rule; reallocation.


SUMMARY: NMFS is exchanging unused Community Development Quota (CDQ) 
for CDQ acceptable biological catch (ABC) reserves. This action is 
necessary to allow the 2015 total allowable catch of flathead sole, 
rock sole, and yellowfin sole in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands 
management area to be harvested.

DATES: Effective September 1, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Whitney, 907-586-7228.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS manages the groundfish fishery in the 
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area (BSAI) according to the 
Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian 
Islands Management Area (FMP) prepared by the North Pacific Fishery 
Management Council under authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery 
Conservation and Management Act. Regulations governing fishing by U.S. 
vessels in accordance with the FMP appear at subpart H of 50 CFR part 
600 and 50 CFR part 679.
    The 2015 flathead sole, rock sole and yellowfin sole CDQ reserves 
specified in the BSAI are 2,545 metric tons (mt),

[[Page 52674]]

7,710 mt, and 15,693 mt as established by the final 2015 and 2016 
harvest specifications for groundfish in the BSAI (80 FR 11919, March 
5, 2015) and following revisions (80 FR 38017, July 2, 2015). The 2015 
flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole CDQ ABC reserves are 4,531 
mt, 11,732 mt, and 10,929 mt as established by the final 2015 and 2016 
harvest specifications for groundfish in the BSAI (80 FR 11919, March 
5, 2015) and following revisions (80 FR 38017, July 2, 2015).
    The Coastal Villages Regional Fund has requested that NMFS exchange 
125 mt of flathead sole and 175 mt of rock sole CDQ reserves for 300 mt 
of yellowfin sole CDQ ABC reserves under Sec.  679.31(d). Therefore, in 
accordance with Sec.  679.31(d), NMFS exchanges 125 mt of flathead sole 
and 175 mt of rock sole CDQ reserves for 300 mt of yellowfin sole CDQ 
ABC reserves in the BSAI. This action also decreases and increases the 
TACs and CDQ ABC reserves by the corresponding amounts. Tables 11 and 
13 of the final 2015 and 2016 harvest specifications for groundfish in 
the BSAI (80 FR 11919, March 5, 2015) and following revisions (80 FR 
38017, July 2, 2015) are further revised as follows:

 Table 11--Final 2015 Community Development Quota (CDQ) Reserves, Incidental Catch Amounts (ICAS), and Amendment 80 Allocations of the Aleutian Islands
                                     Pacific Ocean Perch, and BSAI Flathead Sole, Rock Sole, and Yellowfin Sole TACS
                                                              [Amounts are in metric tons]
                                                                        Pacific ocean perch                Flathead sole     Rock sole    Yellowfin sole
                         Sector                               Eastern         Central         Western
                                                             Aleutian        Aleutian        Aleutian          BSAI            BSAI            BSAI
                                                             district        district        district
TAC.....................................................           8,000           7,000           9,000          24,075          69,375         149,050
CDQ.....................................................             856             749             963           2,420           7,535          15,993
ICA.....................................................             100              75              10           5,000           8,000           5,000
BSAI trawl limited access...............................             704             618             161               0               0          16,165
Amendment 80............................................           6,340           5,558           7,866          16,655          53,840         111,892
Alaska Groundfish Cooperative...........................           3,362           2,947           4,171           1,708          13,318          44,455
Alaska Seafood Cooperative..............................           2,978           2,611           3,695          14,947          40,522          67,437
Note: Sector apportionments may not total precisely due to rounding.

 Table 13--Final 2015 and 2016 ABC Surplus, Community Development Quota (CDQ) ABC Reserves, and Amendment 80 ABC Reserves in the BSAI for Flathead Sole,
                                                              Rock Sole, and Yellowfin Sole
                                                              [Amounts are in metric tons]
                                                           2015 Flathead                  2015 Yellowfin   2016 Flathead                  2016 Yellowfin
                         Sector                                sole       2015 Rock sole       sole            sole       2016 Rock sole       sole
ABC.....................................................          66,130         181,700         248,800          63,711         164,800         245,500
TAC.....................................................          24,075          69,375         149,050          24,250          69,250         149,000
ABC surplus.............................................          42,055         112,325          99,750          39,461          95,550          96,500
ABC reserve.............................................          42,055         112,325          99,750          39,461          95,550          96,500
CDQ ABC reserve.........................................           4,656          11,907          10,629           4,222          10,224          10,326
Amendment 80 ABC reserve................................          37,399         100,418          89,121          35,239          85,326          86,175
Alaska Groundfish Cooperative for 2015\1\...............           3,836          24,840          35,408             n/a             n/a             n/a
Alaska Seafood Cooperative for 2015\1\..................          33,563          75,578          53,713             n/a             n/a             n/a
\1\ The 2016 allocations for Amendment 80 species between Amendment 80 cooperatives and the Amendment 80 limited access sector will not be known until
  eligible participants apply for participation in the program by November 1, 2015.


    This action responds to the best available information recently 
obtained from the fishery. The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, 
NOAA (AA), finds good cause to waive the requirement to provide prior 
notice and opportunity for public comment pursuant to the authority set 
forth at 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) as such requirement is impracticable and 
contrary to the public interest. This requirement is impracticable and 
contrary to the public interest as it would prevent NMFS from 
responding to the most recent fisheries data in a timely fashion and 
would delay the flatfish exchange by the Coastal Villages Regional Fund 
in the BSAI. Since these fisheries are currently open, it is important 
to immediately inform the industry as to the revised allocations. 
Immediate notification is necessary to allow for the orderly conduct 
and efficient operation of this fishery, to allow the industry to plan 
for the fishing season, and to avoid potential disruption to the 
fishing fleet as well as processors. NMFS was unable to publish a 
notice providing time for public comment because the most recent, 
relevant data only became available as of August 21, 2015.

[[Page 52675]]

    The AA also finds good cause to waive the 30-day delay in the 
effective date of this action under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). This finding is 
based upon the reasons provided above for waiver of prior notice and 
opportunity for public comment.
    This action is required by Sec.  679.20 and is exempt from review 
under Executive Order 12866.

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: August 26, 2015.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-21540 Filed 8-31-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                             52673

                                                Possession limit is twice the daily bag                 Geese                                                 Permit. Other special regulations
                                                limit.                                                    Season Dates: Open September 1                      established by the White Mountain
                                                                                                        through December 15, 2015.                            Apache Tribe apply on the reservation.
                                                                                                          Daily Bag Limit: 12 geese through                   Tribal and nontribal hunters will
                                                  Season Dates: Open September 2,                                                                             comply with all basic Federal migratory
                                                                                                        September 25, and 5 thereafter.
                                                2015, through February 29, 2016.                                                                              bird hunting regulations in 50 CFR part
                                                  Daily Bag and Possession Limits: Two                  Coots                                                 20 regarding shooting hours and manner
                                                and four brant, respectively.                             Season Dates: Open September 1                      of taking.
                                                Coots                                                   through November 30, 2015.                              (ee) [Reserved]
                                                                                                          Daily Bag Limit: 20 coots.                            Dated: August 26, 2015.
                                                  Season Dates: Open September 2,
                                                2015, through February 29, 2016.                        Snipe                                                 Karen Hyun,
                                                  Daily Bag and Possession Limits: 25                                                                         Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
                                                                                                          Season Dates: Open September 1                      for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
                                                and 25 coots, respectively.                             through November 30, 2015.                            [FR Doc. 2015–21595 Filed 8–31–15; 8:45 am]
                                                Snipe                                                     Daily Bag Limit: 10 snipe.
                                                                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 4310–55–P
                                                  Season Dates: Open September 2,                       Mourning Dove
                                                2015, through February 29, 2016.                          Season Dates: Open September 1
                                                  Daily Bag and Possession Limits: 8                    through November 30, 2015.                            DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                and 16 snipe, respectively.                               Daily Bag Limit: 25 mourning dove.
                                                  General Conditions: All tribal hunters                                                                      National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                must have a valid Tribal identification                 Woodcock                                              Administration
                                                card on his or her person while hunting.                  Season Dates: Open September 1
                                                All nontribal hunters must obtain and                   through November 30, 2015.                            50 CFR Part 679
                                                possess while hunting a valid Tulalip                     Daily Bag Limit: 10 woodcock.                       [Docket No. 141021887–5172–02]
                                                Tribe hunting permit and be
                                                accompanied by a Tulalip Tribal                         Rail                                                  RIN 0648–XE152
                                                member. Shooting hours are one-half                       Season Dates: Open September 1
                                                                                                        through November 30, 2015.                            Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
                                                hour before sunrise to sunset, and steel
                                                                                                          Daily Bag Limit: 25 rail.                           Zone Off Alaska; Exchange of Flatfish
                                                shot is required for all migratory bird
                                                                                                          General Conditions: Shooting hours                  in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
                                                hunting. Hunters must observe all other
                                                                                                        are one-half hour before sunrise to one-              Management Area
                                                basic Federal migratory bird hunting
                                                regulations in 50 CFR part 20.                          half hour after sunset. Nontoxic shot is              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                  (aa) Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, Sedro                 required. All other basic Federal                     Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                Woolley, Washington (Tribal Members                     migratory bird hunting regulations                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                Only).                                                  contained in 50 CFR part 20 will be                   Commerce.
                                                                                                        observed.                                             ACTION: Temporary rule; reallocation.
                                                Mourning Doves                                            (dd) White Mountain Apache Tribe,
                                                   Season Dates: Open September 1                       Fort Apache Indian Reservation,                       SUMMARY:   NMFS is exchanging unused
                                                through December 31, 2015.                              Whiteriver, Arizona (Tribal Members                   Community Development Quota (CDQ)
                                                   Daily Bag and Possession Limits: 12                  and Nontribal Hunters).                               for CDQ acceptable biological catch
                                                and 15 mourning doves, respectively.                                                                          (ABC) reserves. This action is necessary
                                                                                                        Band-Tailed Pigeons (Wildlife
                                                   Tribal members must have the tribal                                                                        to allow the 2015 total allowable catch
                                                                                                        Management Unit 10 and areas south of
                                                identification and harvest report card on                                                                     of flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin
                                                                                                        Y–70 and Y–10 in Wildlife Management
                                                their person to hunt. Tribal members                                                                          sole in the Bering Sea and Aleutian
                                                                                                        Unit 7, Only)
                                                hunting on the Reservation will observe                                                                       Islands management area to be
                                                all basic Federal migratory bird hunting                  Season Dates: Open September 1                      harvested.
                                                regulations found in 50 CFR part 20,                    through 15, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                              DATES:   Effective September 1, 2015.
                                                except shooting hours would be fifteen                    Daily Bag and Possession Limits:
                                                                                                        Three and six pigeons, respectively.                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                minutes before official sunrise to 15
                                                minutes after official sunset.                                                                                Steve Whitney, 907–586–7228.
                                                                                                        Mourning Doves (Wildlife Management                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    NMFS
                                                   (bb) [Reserved]                                      Unit 10 and areas south of Y–70 and Y–
                                                   (cc) White Earth Band of Ojibwe,                                                                           manages the groundfish fishery in the
                                                                                                        10 in Wildlife Management Unit 7,                     Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
                                                White Earth, Minnesota (Tribal                          Only)
                                                Members Only).                                                                                                management area (BSAI) according to
                                                                                                          Season Dates: Open September 1                      the Fishery Management Plan for
                                                Ducks                                                   through 15, 2015.                                     Groundfish of the Bering Sea and
                                                  Season Dates: Open September 12                         Daily Bag and Possession Limits: 10                 Aleutian Islands Management Area
                                                through December 15, 2015.                              and 20 doves, respectively.                           (FMP) prepared by the North Pacific
                                                  Daily Bag Limit for Ducks: 10 ducks,                    General Conditions: All nontribal                   Fishery Management Council under
                                                including no more than 2 female                         hunters hunting band-tailed pigeons                   authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
                                                mallards, 1 pintail, and 1 canvasback.                  and mourning doves on Reservation                     Fishery Conservation and Management
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                        lands shall have in their possession a                Act. Regulations governing fishing by
                                                Mergansers                                              valid White Mountain Apache Daily or                  U.S. vessels in accordance with the FMP
                                                  Season Dates: Open September 12                       Yearly Small Game Permit. In addition                 appear at subpart H of 50 CFR part 600
                                                through December 15, 2015.                              to a small game permit, all nontribal                 and 50 CFR part 679.
                                                  Daily Bag Limit for Mergansers: Five                  hunters hunting band-tailed pigeons                     The 2015 flathead sole, rock sole and
                                                mergansers, including no more than two                  must have in their possession a White                 yellowfin sole CDQ reserves specified in
                                                hooded mergansers.                                      Mountain Special Band-tailed Pigeon                   the BSAI are 2,545 metric tons (mt),

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                                                52674                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                7,710 mt, and 15,693 mt as established                                 March 5, 2015) and following revisions                  yellowfin sole CDQ ABC reserves in the
                                                by the final 2015 and 2016 harvest                                     (80 FR 38017, July 2, 2015).                            BSAI. This action also decreases and
                                                specifications for groundfish in the                                     The Coastal Villages Regional Fund                    increases the TACs and CDQ ABC
                                                BSAI (80 FR 11919, March 5, 2015) and                                  has requested that NMFS exchange 125                    reserves by the corresponding amounts.
                                                following revisions (80 FR 38017, July 2,                              mt of flathead sole and 175 mt of rock                  Tables 11 and 13 of the final 2015 and
                                                2015). The 2015 flathead sole, rock sole,                              sole CDQ reserves for 300 mt of                         2016 harvest specifications for
                                                and yellowfin sole CDQ ABC reserves                                    yellowfin sole CDQ ABC reserves under                   groundfish in the BSAI (80 FR 11919,
                                                are 4,531 mt, 11,732 mt, and 10,929 mt                                 § 679.31(d). Therefore, in accordance                   March 5, 2015) and following revisions
                                                as established by the final 2015 and                                   with § 679.31(d), NMFS exchanges 125                    (80 FR 38017, July 2, 2015) are further
                                                2016 harvest specifications for                                        mt of flathead sole and 175 mt of rock                  revised as follows:
                                                groundfish in the BSAI (80 FR 11919,                                   sole CDQ reserves for 300 mt of

                                                    SOLE, AND YELLOWFIN SOLE TACS
                                                                                                                                  [Amounts are in metric tons]

                                                                                                                                  Pacific ocean perch                        Flathead sole       Rock sole     Yellowfin sole

                                                                          Sector                                     Eastern              Central             Western
                                                                                                                     Aleutian             Aleutian            Aleutian           BSAI              BSAI            BSAI
                                                                                                                      district             district            district

                                                TAC ..........................................................               8,000              7,000                9,000          24,075            69,375         149,050
                                                CDQ .........................................................                  856                749                  963           2,420             7,535          15,993
                                                ICA ...........................................................                100                 75                   10           5,000             8,000           5,000
                                                BSAI trawl limited access ........................                             704                618                  161               0                 0          16,165
                                                Amendment 80 .........................................                       6,340              5,558                7,866          16,655            53,840         111,892
                                                Alaska Groundfish Cooperative ...............                                3,362              2,947                4,171           1,708            13,318          44,455
                                                Alaska Seafood Cooperative ...................                               2,978              2,611                3,695          14,947            40,522          67,437
                                                   Note: Sector apportionments may not total precisely due to rounding.

                                                     TABLE 13—FINAL 2015 AND 2016 ABC SURPLUS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUOTA (CDQ) ABC RESERVES, AND
                                                          AMENDMENT 80 ABC RESERVES IN THE BSAI FOR FLATHEAD SOLE, ROCK SOLE, AND YELLOWFIN SOLE
                                                                                                                                  [Amounts are in metric tons]

                                                                                                                  2015 Flathead          2015 Rock        2015 Yellowfin     2016 Flathead       2016 Rock     2016 Yellowfin
                                                                          Sector                                      sole                  sole              sole               sole               sole           sole

                                                ABC ..........................................................            66,130             181,700              248,800           63,711           164,800         245,500
                                                TAC ..........................................................            24,075              69,375              149,050           24,250            69,250         149,000
                                                ABC surplus .............................................                 42,055             112,325               99,750           39,461            95,550          96,500
                                                ABC reserve .............................................                 42,055             112,325               99,750           39,461            95,550          96,500
                                                CDQ ABC reserve ...................................                        4,656              11,907               10,629            4,222            10,224          10,326
                                                Amendment 80 ABC reserve ...................                              37,399             100,418               89,121           35,239            85,326          86,175
                                                Alaska Groundfish Cooperative for 20151                                    3,836              24,840               35,408               n/a              n/a             n/a
                                                Alaska Seafood Cooperative for 20151 ...                                  33,563              75,578               53,713               n/a              n/a             n/a
                                                  1 The 2016 allocations for Amendment 80 species between Amendment 80 cooperatives and the Amendment 80 limited access sector will not
                                                be known until eligible participants apply for participation in the program by November 1, 2015.

                                                Classification                                                         interest. This requirement is                           necessary to allow for the orderly
                                                   This action responds to the best                                    impracticable and contrary to the public                conduct and efficient operation of this
                                                available information recently obtained                                interest as it would prevent NMFS from                  fishery, to allow the industry to plan for
                                                from the fishery. The Assistant                                        responding to the most recent fisheries                 the fishing season, and to avoid
                                                Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA                                      data in a timely fashion and would                      potential disruption to the fishing fleet
                                                (AA), finds good cause to waive the                                    delay the flatfish exchange by the                      as well as processors. NMFS was unable
                                                requirement to provide prior notice and                                Coastal Villages Regional Fund in the                   to publish a notice providing time for
                                                opportunity for public comment                                         BSAI. Since these fisheries are currently               public comment because the most
                                                pursuant to the authority set forth at 5                               open, it is important to immediately                    recent, relevant data only became
                                                U.S.C. 553(b)(B) as such requirement is                                inform the industry as to the revised                   available as of August 21, 2015.
                                                impracticable and contrary to the public                               allocations. Immediate notification is
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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                             52675

                                                  The AA also finds good cause to                       prior notice and opportunity for public                 Dated: August 26, 2015.
                                                waive the 30-day delay in the effective                 comment.                                              Emily H. Menashes,
                                                date of this action under 5 U.S.C.                        This action is required by § 679.20                 Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                                553(d)(3). This finding is based upon                   and is exempt from review under                       Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                the reasons provided above for waiver of                Executive Order 12866.                                [FR Doc. 2015–21540 Filed 8–31–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                   BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:04:49
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:04:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionTemporary rule; reallocation.
DatesEffective September 1, 2015.
ContactSteve Whitney, 907-586-7228.
FR Citation80 FR 52673 
RIN Number0648-XE15

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