80_FR_53437 80 FR 53266 - Rescinding Spent Fuel Pool Exclusion Regulations

80 FR 53266 - Rescinding Spent Fuel Pool Exclusion Regulations


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 171 (September 3, 2015)

Page Range53266-53272
FR Document2015-21834

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is denying a petition for rulemaking (PRM), PRM-51-29, submitted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the Commonwealth or the petitioner). The petitioner requested that, in light of information gained from the Fukushima Dai- ichi accident, the NRC rescind its regulations that make a generic determination that spent fuel pool storage does not have a significant environmental impact for nuclear power plant license renewal actions. The NRC is denying the petition because the NRC finds no basis to consider a rulemaking to revise such regulations.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 171 (Thursday, September 3, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 171 (Thursday, September 3, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53266-53272]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21834]



10 CFR Part 51

[Docket Nos. PRM-51-29; NRC-2012-0215]

Rescinding Spent Fuel Pool Exclusion Regulations

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Petition for rulemaking; denial.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is denying a 
petition for rulemaking (PRM), PRM-51-29, submitted by the Commonwealth 
of Massachusetts (the Commonwealth or the petitioner). The petitioner 
requested that, in light of information gained from the Fukushima Dai-
ichi accident, the NRC rescind its regulations that make a generic 
determination that spent fuel pool storage does not have a significant 
environmental impact for nuclear power plant license renewal actions. 
The NRC is denying the petition because the NRC finds no basis to 
consider a rulemaking to revise such regulations.

DATES: The docket for the petition for rulemaking, PRM-51-29, is closed 
on September 3, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2012-0215 when contacting the 
NRC about the availability of information for this action. You may 
obtain publicly-available information related to this action by any of 
the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2012-0215. Address 
questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-415-
3463; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For technical questions, contact 
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of 
this document.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the 
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SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section. For the convenience of the reader, 
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     NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public 
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jenny Tobin, Office of Nuclear Reactor 
Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-
0001; telephone: 301-415-2328; email: Jennifer.Tobin@nrc.gov.


Table of Contents

I. The Petition
II. Reasons for Denial
III. Conclusion
IV. Availability of Documents

I. The Petition

    On June 2, 2011, before the NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 
(ASLB), the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of the Attorney 
General, Environmental Protection Division, requested a waiver of the 
NRC's generic determination regarding spent fuel pool (SFP) storage 
impacts in the Pilgrim nuclear power plant (NPP) license renewal 
proceeding. The petitioner also requested that, if the ASLB rejected 
the Commonwealth's waiver, then the NRC should consider the waiver 
request to be a PRM. Specifically, the petitioner requested that the 
NRC's regulations in Sec.  51.71(d) \1\ of Title 10 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations (10 CFR) and table B-1 \2\ in appendix B to subpart 
A of 10 CFR part 51 be revised because these regulations, according to 
the petitioner, incorrectly

[[Page 53267]]

``generically classify the environmental impacts of high-density pool 
storage of spent fuel as insignificant and thereby permit their 
exclusion from consideration in environmental impact statements (EISs) 
for renewal of nuclear power plant operating licenses.''

    \1\ 10 CFR 51.71 is entitled, ``Draft environmental impact 
statement- contents''; Sec.  51.71(d) describes the analysis 
required to be included in the draft EIS. For license renewal, the 
draft supplemental EIS (1) relies on supporting information in 
NUREG-1437, ``Generic Environmental Impact Statement [GEIS] for 
License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,'' for generic issues and (2) 
provides an analysis for the site-specific issues.
    \2\ Table B-1 is entitled, ``Summary of Findings on NEPA Issues 
for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants,'' and is the 
codification of the GEIS. In table B-1, generic issues are 
designated as ``Category 1'' issues and site-specific issues are 
designated as ``Category 2'' issues.

    The petitioner asserted that the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident 
provides ``new and significant'' information that would affect the 
NRC's impact analysis for SFPs in license renewal. The petitioner 
contends that this event provides the justification for its request 
that the NRC revise 10 CFR 51.71(d) and table B-1 in appendix B to 
subpart A of 10 CFR part 51. The petitioner made the following three 
    1. The impacts from the onsite storage of spent fuel are 
understated in NUREG-1437, ``Generic Environmental Impact Statement 
[GEIS] for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,'' because the Fukushima 
Dai-ichi event indicates that the probability-weighted consequences of 
a spent fuel pool accident are greater than what was considered in the 
    2. The impacts from the onsite storage of spent fuel are 
understated in the license renewal GEIS analysis because the mitigation 
measures implemented at NPPs after the September 11, 2001 (9/11), 
terrorist attacks will not effectively mitigate the impacts of SFP 
accidents, given the new information gained from the Fukushima accident 
along with the NRC's policy of imposing secrecy on the mitigation 
measures, and the mitigation measures were improperly relied upon in 
the denial of PRM-51-10.\3\

    \3\ The request presented in the petition is essentially 
identical to the request presented in another PRM submitted by the 
Commonwealth on August 25, 2006, PRM-51-10 (ADAMS Accession No. 
ML081890124) (although the basis for the request in each case is 
unique). The State of California also submitted a petition, PRM-51-
12, in 2007 that was nearly identical to PRM-51-10. The NRC denied 
PRM-51-10 and PRM-51-12 on August 8, 2008 (73 FR 46204). The NRC's 
denials of these two petitions were upheld. New York v. U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, 589 F.3d 551 (2nd Cir. 2009). The arguments 
presented in support of PRM-51-10 are similar to those presented in 
support of this petition.

    3. The license renewal GEIS impact analysis must address spent fuel 
storage impacts on a site-specific, rather than generic basis.
    On December 13, 2011, the ASLB denied the Commonwealth's waiver 
petition (LBP-11-35). On March 8, 2012, in Memorandum and Order CLI-12-
06, the Commission affirmed the ASLB's denial of the waiver request and 
granted the Commonwealth's alternative request that its waiver request 
be treated as a PRM; the petition was referred to the NRC staff. The 
NRC assigned the petition Docket No. PRM-51-29. The NRC published a 
notice of receipt of the petition in the Federal Register (FR) on 
December 19, 2012 (77 FR 75065), and supplemented the notice on 
December 31, 2012 (77 FR 76952). The NRC did not request public comment 
on the petition because sufficient information was available for the 
NRC staff to form a technical opinion regarding the merits of the 
petition, which is similar to the Commonwealth's previous petition 
    For the purposes of this review, the issues that the petitioner 
raised about the Pilgrim NPP licensing proceeding were considered 
generically, to the extent practicable. Other statements concerning the 
Pilgrim NPP license renewal proceeding, including those concerns 
related to the risk of severe reactor accidents, are beyond the scope 
of this PRM.

II. Reasons for Denial

    The NRC complies with Section 102(2) of the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) in its consideration of NPP license renewal 
applications through the implementation of its environmental protection 
regulations in 10 CFR part 51. In accordance with 10 CFR 51.95(c), the 
NRC relies upon its environmental impact statement, NUREG-1437, 
``Generic Environmental Impact Statement [GEIS] for License Renewal of 
Nuclear Plants,'' as the basis for environmental reviews of NPP license 
renewal actions. The NRC published the GEIS in May 1996 (1996 GEIS) and 
then revised and updated it in June 2013 (2013 GEIS).\4\ The GEIS 
reflects lessons learned and knowledge gained during previous license 
renewal environmental reviews and describes the potential environmental 
impacts of renewing the operating license of a NPP for up to an 
additional 20 years. The findings of the GEIS have been codified into 
table B-1, ``Summary of Findings on NEPA Issues for License Renewal of 
Nuclear Power Plants,'' in appendix B to subpart A of 10 CFR part 

    \4\ The NRC's regulations in 10 CFR 51.95(c) require, for the 
consideration of potential environmental impacts of renewing a NPP's 
operating license under 10 CFR part 54, that the NRC prepare an 
environmental impact statement, which is a supplement to the 2013 
GEIS. At the time the petition was filed in 2011, 10 CFR 51.95(c) 
referred to the initial 1996 GEIS. The NRC published a notice of 
issuance for the updated 2013 GEIS on June 20, 2013 (78 FR 37325).
    \5\ See Baltimore Gas and Elec. Co. v. NRDC, 462 U.S. 87, 100-
01, 103 S. Ct. 2246 (1983) (upholds use of generic environmental 
analyses) and Massachusetts v. NRC, 708 F.3d 63, 68 (1st Cir. 2013) 
(``the Supreme Court has held that the NRC is permitted to make 
generic determinations to meet its NEPA obligations'').

    The NRC classifies the license renewal issues described in the GEIS 
as either generic or site-specific. Generic issues (i.e., environmental 
impacts common to all nuclear power plants) are addressed in the GEIS. 
Site-specific issues are addressed initially by the license renewal 
applicant (i.e., a nuclear power plant licensee seeking a renewal of 
its operating license under the NRC's license renewal regulations in 10 
CFR part 54) in its environmental report, which is required by 10 CFR 
51.45, and then by the NRC in a supplemental environmental impact 
statement (SEIS) prepared for each license renewal application. The 
plant-specific SEIS and the GEIS, together, constitute the NRC's NEPA 
analysis for any given NPP license renewal action. In table B-1, the 
``Onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel'' issue has been classified as a 
Category 1, or generic, issue with an impact level finding of 
``small.'' The ``Onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel'' finding states 
``[t]he expected increase in the volume of spent fuel from an 
additional 20 years of operation can be safely accommodated onsite 
during the license renewal term with small environmental effects 
through dry or pool storage at all plants.'' The designation of an 
issue as a Category 1 (generic resolution) issue in the GEIS does not 
mean that potential impacts cannot be considered in a license renewal 
SEIS. If there are changes in plant operating parameters or new and 
significant information pertinent to an evaluation of impacts, these 
are considered during preparation of plant-specific supplements to the 
NRC's license renewal GEIS.
    Under 10 CFR part 51, neither the applicant's environmental report 
nor the NRC's SEIS is required to address issues previously resolved 
generically, as set forth in the GEIS and table B-1, absent new and 
significant information. Section 51.92(a)(2) requires a supplement to 
an EIS if there is new and significant information relevant to 
environmental concerns and bearing on the license renewal or its 
impacts. The NRC standard for the evaluation of ``new and significant'' 
information is that the information must present ``a seriously 
different picture of the environmental impact of the proposed project 
from what was previously envisioned.'' \6\ Therefore, to be

[[Page 53268]]

``significant,'' any information must lead to a conclusion seriously 
different than that currently set forth in the GEIS.\7\

    \6\ Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri (Callaway 
Plant, Unit 2), et al, CLI-11-05, 74 NRC 141, 167-68 (2011) quoting 
Hydro Resources, Inc., CLI-99-22, 50 NRC 3, 14 (1999) (alteration in 
the original) (supporting citations omitted) (``To merit this 
additional review, information must be both `new' and `significant,' 
and it must bear on the proposed action or its impacts. As we have 
explained, `[t]he new information must present a seriously different 
picture of the environmental impact of the proposed project from 
what was previously envisioned'.''); see also Sierra Club v. 
Froehlke, 816 F.2d 205, 210 (5th Cir. 1987) (alteration added) 
(supporting citations omitted) (``In making its determination 
whether to supplement an existing EIS because of new information, 
the [United States Army, Corps of Engineers] should consider `the 
extent to which the new information presents a picture of the likely 
environmental consequences associated with the proposed action not 
envisioned by the original EIS'.''); Wisconsin v. Weinberger, 745 
F.2d 412, 418 (7th Cir.1984) (supplementation required where new 
information ``provides a seriously different picture of the 
environmental landscape.'').
    \7\ See Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1, Preparation of 
Supplemental Environmental Reports for Applications to Renew Nuclear 
Power Plant Operating Licenses, Chapter 5 (September 2000), and 
Revision 1 published June 20, 2013 (78 FR 37324).

    The petitioner claimed that the Fukushima nuclear accident, 
including possible damage to the SFP, provides new and significant 
information that requires the NRC to reconsider its impact findings in 
the license renewal GEIS. With respect to the March 2011 Fukushima 
accident, a Japanese government report, issued in June 2011, found that 
the Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4 spent fuel pool, the one believed to 
have sustained the most serious damage, actually remained ``nearly 
undamaged.'' \8\ The report noted that visual inspections found no 
water leaks or serious damage to the Unit 4 spent fuel pool. 
Additionally, on April 25, 2014, the NRC issued a report entitled, 
``NRC Overview of the Structural Integrity of the Spent Fuel Pool at 
Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4.'' The results indicated that the structural 
integrity of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool was sound.

    \8\ See ``Report of Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial 
Conference on Nuclear Safety-The Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima 
Nuclear Power Stations,'' IV-91. English version available at http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/kan/topics/201106/iaea_houkokusho_e.html, 
last visited on July 15, 2015.

    With respect to the Fukushima event, the Commission has taken 
action to mitigate beyond design basis external events, including 
imposing new requirements to develop mitigating strategies for beyond 
design basis external events, to install hardened severe accident 
capable vents for boiling water reactors with Mark I and II 
containments, to install reliable SFP water level instrumentation, to 
re-evaluate seismic and flooding hazards, and to enhance emergency 
preparedness capabilities.\9\

    \9\ Order EA-12-051, ``NRC Order on Spent Fuel Pool 
Instrumentation,'' dated March 12, 2012; Order EA-12-049, ``NRC 
Order on Mitigating Strategies,'' dated March 12, 2012; Order EA-13-
109, ``NRC Order on Severe Accident Capable Hardened Vents,'' dated 
June 6, 2013; 10 CFR 50.54(f) letters were issued on March 12, 2012, 
to NPP licensees for seismic/flooding re-evaluations and assessing 
emergency response capabilities.

    The accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP in Japan led to 
additional questions about the safe storage of spent fuel and whether 
the NRC should require the expedited transfer of spent fuel from spent 
fuel pools to dry cask storage at nuclear power plants in the United 
States. This issue was identified by the NRC staff subsequent to the 
``Near-Term Task Force [NTTF] Review of Insights from the Fukushima 
Dai-ichi Accident'' report. At the time this issue was identified, the 
NRC staff recognized that further study was needed to determine if 
regulatory action was warranted. On October 9, 2013, the NRC released a 
report, NUREG-2161, ``Consequence Study of a Beyond-Design-Basis 
Earthquake Affecting the Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I Boiling 
Water Reactor'' (the ``Spent Fuel Pool Study''). Additionally, the NRC 
conducted a regulatory analysis in COMSECY-13-0030, ``Staff Evaluation 
and Recommendation for Japan Lessons Learned Tier 3 Issue on Expedited 
Transfer of Spent Fuel,'' dated November 12, 2013. This study and the 
regulatory analysis concluded that SFPs are very robust structures with 
large safety margins, and that regulatory actions to reduce the amount 
of fuel in the spent fuel pool were not warranted. The Commission 
subsequently concluded in SRM-COMSECY-13-0030, issued on May 23, 2014, 
that further regulatory action need not be pursued in light of the low 
risk of accident for SFP storage.
    As will be discussed in more detail in response to Issues 1 and 2, 
the event at Fukushima Dai-ichi does not provide any new and 
significant information that would have materially altered the 
conclusions in the GEIS, or in its underlying assumptions.\10\

    \10\ While the ASLB and Commission were principally concerned 
with the petitioner's claims regarding reactor accidents, not SFP 
accidents (both were held to be out of scope of the Pilgrim NPP 
license renewal process), the condition of the SFP at Fukushima Dai-
ichi, Unit 4, did not support the petitioner's position that impacts 
from the earthquake constituted new and significant information. In 
LBP-11-35, the ASLB observed that the event at Fukushima did not 
demonstrate new and significant information in the Pilgrim NPP 
license renewal proceeding.

    In the petition, the Commonwealth raises three principal arguments; 
each is summarized and evaluated in the subsequent discussion.

Issue 1: The Petitioner Asserts That the Impacts From the Onsite 
Storage of Spent Fuel Are Understated in the License Renewal GEIS 
Analysis Because the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Event Indicates That the 
Probability-Weighted Consequences of a Spent Fuel Pool Accident Are 
Greater Than What Was Considered in the GEIS

    The petitioner argued that the Fukushima event provided new and 
significant information challenging the generic conclusions in the 
license renewal GEIS. Specifically, the petitioner claimed that ``the 
Fukushima accident shows . . . there is a substantial conditional 
probability of a pool fire during or following a reactor accident'' and 
that ``[t]his relationship between a pool fire and a core melt accident 
is not addressed in the License Renewal GEIS'' or the denial of PRM 51-
10 (73 FR 46204; August 8, 2008).\11\ Further, the petitioner 
referenced a report by Dr. Gordon Thompson, ``New and Significant 
Information from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident in the Context of 
Future Operation of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant'' (the ``Thompson 
Report''), to support its argument that the GEIS understates the 
probability and impacts of an SFP accident.

    \11\ PRM at 27.

NRC Response to Issue 1
    The evaluation of the environmental impacts of the onsite storage 
of spent nuclear fuel during the license renewal term, including 
potential spent fuel pool accidents, was documented in the 1996 GEIS 
and reaffirmed in the 2013 GEIS. Based on this evaluation, the ``Onsite 
storage of spent nuclear fuel'' NEPA issue in table B-1 has been 
classified as a Category 1 issue, or as a generic issue, with a 
probability-weighted impact level finding of ``small.'' \12\

    \12\ For most table B-1 NEPA issues, the NRC determined whether 
the impacts of license renewal would have a small, moderate, or 
large environmental impact. The statements of consideration for the 
June 20, 2013, rulemaking note that ``[a] small impact means that 
the environmental effects are not detectable, or are so minor that 
they would neither destabilize nor noticeably alter any important 
attribute of the resource. A moderate impact means that the 
environmental effects are sufficient to alter noticeably, but not 
destabilize, important attributes of the resource. A large impact 
means that the environmental effects would be clearly noticeable and 
would be sufficient to destabilize important attributes of the 
resource'' (78 FR 37285).

    First, the petitioners' assertion that the Fukushima event revealed 
a previously unconsidered aspect of spent fuel storage is incorrect. In 
response to PRM-51-10, the Commission rejected a similar argument 
regarding the probability ``that a severe accident at the

[[Page 53269]]

adjacent reactor would result in a SFP zirconium fire.'' \13\ The 
Commission noted that a series of unlikely events must occur for a 
severe reactor accident to lead to a spent fuel pool fire, including 
the accident itself, ``[c]ontainment failure or bypass,'' ``[l]oss of 
SFP cooling,'' ``[e]xtreme radiation levels precluding personnel 
access,'' ``[i]nability to restart cooling or makeup systems due to 
extreme radiation doses,'' ``[l]oss of most or all pool water through 
evaporation,'' and ``[i]nitiation of a zirconium fire in the SFP.'' 
\14\ As a result, the Commission concluded that ``the probability of a 
SFP zirconium fire due to a severe reactor accident and subsequent 
containment failure would be well below the Petitioners' 2E-5 per year 
estimate.'' \15\ The agency cited the denial of the PRM in the 2013 
update to the GEIS.\16\ Therefore, the Commission has previously 
considered the probability of a severe reactor accident causing a spent 
fuel pool fire and found it to be low. Petitioners have not 
demonstrated how information regarding the Fukushima accident provides 
a seriously different picture of this issue.

    \13\ 73 FR at 46210.
    \14\ Id.
    \15\ Id.
    \16\ 2013 GEIS at E-38.

    Moreover, the NRC has completed several studies of SFP safety, 
including NUREG-1353, ``Regulatory Analysis for the Resolution of 
Generic Issue 82, `Beyond Design Basis Accidents in Spent Fuel 
Pools';'' NUREG-1738, ``Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident 
Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants;'' and NUREG-2161, 
``Consequence Study of a Beyond-Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the 
Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I Boiling-Water Reactor.'' These 
studies have all concluded that SFPs continue to provide adequate 
protection of public health and safety and are consistent with the 
findings in the 2013 GEIS that onsite storage of spent fuel during the 
license renewal term would have a small impact on the environment.
    On September 19, 2014, the Commission published the ``continued 
storage'' final rule (formerly known as the ``waste confidence rule,'' 
79 FR 56238) and its associated generic environmental impact statement 
(NUREG-2157, ``Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued 
Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel''), amending 10 CFR 51.23 to revise the 
generic determination on the environmental impacts of continued storage 
of spent nuclear fuel beyond the licensed life for operation of a 
reactor. The final rule also makes conforming changes to the ``Onsite 
storage of spent nuclear fuel'' issue finding under the ``Waste 
Management'' section in table B-1 in appendix B to subpart A of 10 CFR 
part 51. The final rule revises the finding to address both the impacts 
of onsite storage during the license renewal term and adds generic 
determinations of the environmental impacts of continued storage of 
spent nuclear fuel beyond a reactor's licensed life (i.e., those 
impacts that could occur as a result of the storage of spent nuclear 
fuel at at-reactor or away-from-reactor sites after a reactor has 
permanently shut down and until a permanent repository becomes 
available). The continued storage final rule affirms that the 
environmental impacts from the onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel, 
including potential spent fuel pool accidents, are small during the 
short-term storage timeframe (i.e., 60 years of continued storage after 
permanent shut down, after which the continued storage rule assumes 
that spent fuel will be moved to dry storage). This finding is 
consistent with the finding of the license renewal GEIS. Further, the 
Commission stated in the final rule that the direct and indirect 
environmental impacts of continued storage can be analyzed generically 
and that the impact determinations are not expected to differ from 
those that would result from individual site-specific reviews for the 
continued storage period. In reaching this result, the agency responded 
to a comment that suggested that the underlying analyses did not 
appropriately account for the possibility of a severe reactor accident 
leading to a spent fuel pool accident.\17\ The NRC disagreed with this 
comment, in part, based on the conservative aspects of the agency's 
previous studies of SFP accidents.\18\

    \17\ NUREG-2161 at D-438 to D-440.
    \18\ Id.

    As previously discussed, a report issued by the Japanese government 
in June 2011 found that the SFP at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4, the SFP 
which presented the highest safety concern among the SFPs, remained 
nearly undamaged. This report notes that from the analysis of nuclides 
in the water extracted from the spent fuel pool, it appears that no 
extensive damage occurred to the fuel rods. No serious damage to the 
pool, including water leaks, was found from visual inspections of the 
pool's condition. Additionally, on April 25, 2014, the NRC issued a 
report entitled, ``NRC Overview of the Structural Integrity of the 
Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4.'' The results indicated 
that the structural integrity of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool was sound. 
Consequently, the petitioners have not shown that the Fukushima event 
constitutes new and significant information regarding the probability 
of a SFP fire. For the reasons discussed previously, the PRM does not 
provide a seriously different picture of the agency's previous analyses 
of a spent fuel pool accident, which have all concluded that despite 
the potential for large consequences of a severe spent fuel pool 
accident, the probability-weighted consequences are small due to the 
low probability of such an event.

Issue 2: The Petitioner Asserts That the Impacts From the Onsite 
Storage of Spent Fuel Are Understated in the License Renewal GEIS 
Analysis Because the Mitigation Measures Implemented After the 
September 11, 2001 (9/11), Terrorist Attacks Will Not Effectively 
Mitigate the Impacts of SFP Accidents, Given the New Information Gained 
From the Fukushima Accident Along With the NRC's Policy of Imposing 
Secrecy on the Mitigation Measures, and the Mitigation Measures Were 
Improperly Relied Upon in the Denial of PRM-51-10 (73 FR 46204)

    The petitioner claimed that information about the Fukushima 
accident undermines the following two conclusions from the Commission's 
denial of PRM-51-10 (73 FR 46204; August 8, 2008): (1) Post-9/11 
mitigation measures relied upon by the NRC would permit recovery of 
lost water from spent fuel pools, and (2) the NRC's policy of imposing 
secrecy on these mitigation measures would not impair their 
effectiveness. With regard to the first claim, the petitioner argued 
that lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi event undermine the 
Commission's reliance on post-9/11 mitigation measures that enable 
recovery of lost water from SFPs to prevent the onset of fire or other 
accidents, and that therefore, the Commission's denial of PRM-51-10 
must be reconsidered. With regard to the second claim, the petitioner 
referenced statements in a declaration provided by Dr. Gordon Thompson 
that the ``NRC's excessive secrecy degrades the licensee's capability 
to mitigate an accident.'' The petitioner asserted that by keeping the 
post-9/11 mitigation measures secret, ``the NRC also raises the risk 
that first-responders from the surrounding community, who may be called 
upon to assist in the implementation of [the mitigation measures], will 
not have sufficient understanding of them to implement them 

[[Page 53270]]

    The petitioner's 2006 petition (PRM-51-10) requested changes to the 
Commission's generic findings regarding the environmental impacts from 
onsite spent fuel pool storage during the license renewal period of an 
operating NPP. In its denial (73 FR 46204; August 8, 2008), the NRC 
noted that spent fuel pools are ``massive, extremely-robust structures 
designed to safely contain the spent fuel discharged from a nuclear 
reactor under a variety of normal, off-normal, and hypothetical 
accident conditions (e.g., loss of electrical power, floods, 
earthquakes, or tornadoes).''
    The petitioner asserted that the Fukushima accident demonstrates 
that the conclusions in the denial of PRM-51-10 were incorrect, and 
that in light of the new information about the Fukushima event, the NRC 
should reevaluate its impact analysis in the license renewal GEIS 
because the new information undermines the staff's position that the 
post-9/11 mitigation measures would prevent the onset of a spent fuel 
pool fire following an attack or other severe accident by permitting 
recovery of lost water.
NRC Response to Issue 2
    The petitioner's fundamental claim is that new and significant 
information from the Fukushima accident undermines the conclusions the 
Commission reached in denying PRM-51-10. As previously discussed, a 
report issued by the Japanese government in June 2011 found that the 
SFP at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4, which presented the most safety 
concern, remained nearly undamaged. This report notes that no extensive 
damage in the fuel rods appears to have occurred, based on an analysis 
of SFP water. No serious damage to the pool, including water leaks, was 
found from visual inspections of the pool's condition. Additionally, on 
April 25, 2014, the NRC issued a report entitled, ``NRC Overview of the 
Structural Integrity of the Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 
4.'' The results indicated that the structural integrity of the Unit 4 
spent fuel pool was sound.
    As the Commission noted in its 2008 denial of PRM-51-10, and as 
demonstrated by NUREG-1738 and subsequent SFP studies: (1) Spent fuel 
pools are robust structures capable of withstanding numerous hazards, 
(2) additional mitigation strategies are available to maintain cooling 
in the event of an incident that results in a loss of cooling water, 
and (3) the risk of SFP accidents is very low. Indeed, subsequent 
studies, such as NUREG-2161, conclude that spent fuel risks at the 
reference plant are very low. The Spent Fuel Pool Study also found that 
for the specific reference plant and earthquake analyzed, SFPs are 
likely to withstand severe earthquakes without leaking.
    The NRC's regulatory approach for maintaining the safety and 
security of power reactors, and therefore SFPs, is based upon robust 
designs that are coupled with a strategic triad of preventive/
protective systems, mitigative systems, and emergency-preparedness and 
response. Licensees develop protective strategies in order to meet the 
NRC design-basis threat. As noted in the Commission's denial of PRM-51-
10 and PRM-51-12 (73 FR 46204), studies conducted by Sandia National 
Laboratories also confirmed the effectiveness of additional mitigation 
strategies to maintain spent fuel cooling in the event the pool is 
drained and its initial water inventory is reduced or lost entirely. 
Based on this more recent information, and the implementation of 
additional strategies following September 11, 2001, the probability, 
and accordingly, the risk, of a SFP zirconium fire initiation is 
expected to be less than reported in NUREG-1738 and previous studies. 
Taken as a whole, these systems, personnel, and procedures provide 
reasonable assurance that public health and safety, the environment, 
and the common defense and security will be adequately protected.
    In addition, following the Fukushima Dai-ichi event, the NRC issued 
Order EA-12-049, which requires, in part, that licensees establish 
plans and procedures associated with restoring and maintaining SFP 
cooling capability following a beyond-design-basis external event. 
These enhancements will provide additional capability for mitigating 
events that result in SFP draining, beyond those already required. 
Therefore, as discussed previously, the NRC does not simply rely on the 
post September 11, 2001, mitigating strategies to conclude the 
probability of an SFP accident is small. Rather, the NRC relies on the 
robust nature of the SFPs, the low probability of a SFP fire, and other 
mitigating measures, as well. Moreover, petitioners concede that 
measures to add water were ultimately successful at Fukushima, and 
observations to date have not revealed any cladding damage.\19\ 
Consequently, the petitioner's information in PRM-51-29 regarding the 
effectiveness of measures does not present a seriously different 
picture of this issue.

    \19\ COMSECY-13-0030 at 2.

    The petitioner also asserted that treating the mitigation measures 
as sensitive information impacts their effectiveness. Certain aspects 
of the enhancements are security-related and not publicly available, 
but in general include the following: (1) Significant reinforcement of 
the defense capabilities for nuclear facilities; (2) better control of 
sensitive information; (3) enhancements in emergency preparedness to 
further strengthen the NRC's nuclear facility security program; and (4) 
implementation of mitigating strategies to deal with postulated events 
potentially causing loss of large areas of the plant due to explosions 
or fires, including those that an aircraft impact might create. These 
measures are outlined in greater detail in a memorandum to the 
Commission entitled, ``Documentation of Evolution of Security 
Requirements at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants with Respect to 
Mitigation Measures for Large Fires and Explosions,'' dated February 4, 
    Plant-specific mitigation strategies are designated as security 
related information in accordance with the Commission's guidance in 
SECY-04-0191, ``Withholding Sensitive Unclassified Information 
Concerning Nuclear Power Reactors from Public Disclosure.'' However, 
there is publicly-available, industry-developed guidance on 
implementing these requirements. Specifically, the NRC endorsed NEI 06-
12, ``B.5.b Phase 2 & 3 Submittal Guideline,'' in a letter from the NRC 
to NEI dated December 22, 2006. The NRC found NEI-06-12 is a generally 
acceptable means for licensees to meet the NRC's requirements 
associated with mitigating potential loss of large areas due to fires 
or explosions, as explained in SECY-11-0125, ``Issuance of Bulletin 
2011-01, `Mitigating Strategies'.'' Therefore, the agency has made 
sufficient information available to the public regarding mitigation 
strategies. Moreover, petitioners have not alleged that the measures 
used to restore cooling to the SFPs during the Fukushima accident were 
developed under similar secret conditions or indicated how any such 
secrecy hindered the effectiveness of those measures.\20\

    \20\ E.g., Thompson Report at 21-23.

    Because the petitioner has not provided new and significant 
information about the 9/11 mitigation measures with respect to the 
effectiveness of the measures to provide water to the SFPs, there is no 
need to supplement the GEIS.

[[Page 53271]]

Issue 3: The License Renewal GEIS Impact Analysis Must Address Spent 
Fuel Storage Impacts on a Site-Specific, Rather Than Generic Basis

    The petitioner asserted that the NRC's generic findings in table B-
1 in appendix B to subpart A of 10 CFR part 51 with respect to the 
Category 1 onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel issue would not be 
supportable where the Fukushima accident otherwise demonstrates that 
the environmental impacts could be significant and argued that these 
impacts must be evaluated on a plant-specific Category 2 basis. The 
petitioner specifically argued that the NRC has not considered the new 
information previously presented by the petitioner in PRM-51-10 that 
contradicts the NRC's conclusions regarding the environmental impacts 
of the onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel.
NRC Response to Issue 3
    Spent fuel storage impacts during the license renewal term were 
evaluated in the 1996 GEIS. The NRC staff concluded that the impacts 
would be small for all plants and, therefore, the onsite storage of 
spent fuel during the license renewal term was designated a Category 1 
issue. Specifically, the Commission concluded in the 1996 GEIS that 
continued storage of existing spent fuel and storage of spent fuel 
generated during the license renewal term can be accomplished safely 
and without significant environmental impacts, and that radiation doses 
will be well within regulatory limits. The 2013 update to the GEIS 
confirmed the 1996 evaluation.
    Further, the Commission affirmed the treatment of SFP storage 
impacts as Category 1 in 2008 upon denying the two petitions for 
rulemaking (PRM-51-10 and PRM-51-12). The two petitions requested that 
the NRC initiate a rulemaking concerning the environmental impacts of 
the high-density storage of spent nuclear fuel in SFPs. The two 
petitions asserted that ``new and significant information'' shows that 
the NRC incorrectly characterized the environmental impacts of high-
density spent fuel storage as ``insignificant'' in the 1996 GEIS for 
the renewal of nuclear power plant licenses. Specifically, the 
petitioner at that time asserted that spent fuel stored in high-density 
SFPs is more vulnerable to a zirconium fire than the NRC concluded in 
its analysis in the 1996 GEIS. On August 8, 2008, the Commission denied 
the petitions, stating:

    Based upon its review of the petitions, the NRC has determined 
that the studies upon which the Petitioners rely do not constitute 
new and significant information. The NRC has further determined that 
its findings related to the storage of spent nuclear fuel in pools, 
as set forth in NUREG-1437 and in Table B-1, of Appendix B to 
Subpart A of 10 CFR part 51, remain valid. Thus, the NRC has met and 
continues to meet its obligations under NEPA. For the reasons 
discussed previously, the Commission denies PRM-51-10 and PRM-51-12.

    Likewise here, because the impacts from SFP storage have been 
consistently demonstrated to be small and because the events in Japan 
do not challenge the NRC's assumptions or conclusions as to the 
applicability of its generic impact determination for spent fuel 
storage during license renewal, the NRC has determined that the 
petitioner's assertions do not present an adequate basis for the NRC to 
forego using a generic environmental analysis.

III. Conclusion

    For the reasons described in Section II of this document, the NRC 
is denying the petition under 10 CFR 2.803. The petitioner did not 
present any information that would contradict conclusions reached by 
the Commission when it established or updated the license renewal rule, 
nor did the petitioner provide new and significant information to 
demonstrate that sufficient reason exists to revise the current 
regulations. The NRC elected not to request public comments on PRM-51-
29 because it had sufficient information to make a determination.
    The events at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant have and 
will continue to inform improvements to the NRC's regulation of nuclear 
energy. Building upon the conclusions of the NTTF, the NRC is actively 
implementing significant enhancements through orders, rulemaking, and 
other regulatory initiatives. With regard to the petitioner's arguments 
that the events in Japan demonstrate that post-9/11 enhancements that 
enable the recovery of lost cooling water in SFPs will be ineffective, 
the petitioner did not provide sufficient information to support this 
claim, especially in light of the Commission's experiences and other 
studies noted previously.
    Therefore, the NRC denies the petitioner's request to revise 
regulations that make generic determinations about the environmental 
impacts of onsite spent fuel storage in license renewal environmental 

IV. Availability of Documents

    The documents identified in the following table are available to 
interested persons as indicated. For more information on accessing 
ADAMS, see the ADDRESSES section of this document.

                                               ADAMS Accession Number/
                  Document                    Federal Register Citation/
CLI-11-05, Union Electric Company d/b/a      http://www.nrc.gov/reading-
 Ameren Missouri (Callaway Plant, Unit 2),    rm/doc-collections/
 September 9, 2011.                           commission/orders/2011/
CLI-99-22, Hydro Resources, Inc., July 23,   http://www.nrc.gov/reading-
 1999.                                        rm/doc-collections/
COMSECY-13-0030, ``Staff Evaluation and      ML13329A918.
 Recommendation for Japan Lessons Learned
 Tier 3 Issue on Expedited Transfer of
 Spent Fuel,'' November 12, 2013.
Declaration of Dr. Gordon R. Thompson in     ML111530345.
 Support of Commonwealth of Massachusetts'
 Contention and Related Petitions and
 Motions, June 1, 2011.
Documentation of Evolution of Security       ML092990438.
 Requirements at Commercial Nuclear Power
 Plants with Respect to Mitigation Measures
 for Large Fires and Explosions, February
 4, 2010.
Federal Register notice--Continued Storage   79 FR 56238.
 of Spent Nuclear Fuel, September 19, 2014.
Federal Register notice--Environmental       61 FR 28467.
 Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant
 Operating Licenses Final Rule, June 5,
Federal Register notice--License Renewal of  78 FR 37325.
 Nuclear Power Plants; Generic
 Environmental Impact Statement and
 Standard Review Plans for Environmental
 Reviews, Issuance of NUREG-1437 and NUREG-
 1555, June 20, 2013.
Federal Register notice--PRM-51-10, NRC      73 FR 46204.
 denial of Petition for Rulemaking, August
 8, 2008.
Federal Register notice--PRM-51-29,          77 FR 75065.
 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Notice of
 Receipt, December 19, 2012.

[[Page 53272]]

Federal Register notice--PRM-51-29,          77 FR 76952.
 Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
 Supplemental Information, December 31,
Federal Register notice--Revisions to        78 FR 37282.
 Environmental Review of Renewal of Nuclear
 Power Plant Operating Licenses Final Rule,
 June 20, 2013.
Generic Environmental Impact Statement for   ML13107A023.
 License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, NUREG-
 1437, Revision 1 (Volumes 1-3), June 21,
LBP-11-35, Memorandum and Order, denial of   ML11332A152.
 waiver in Pilgrim adjudicatory proceeding,
 December 13, 2011.
NEI 06-12, ``B.5.b Phases 2 & 3 Submittal    ML070090060.
 Guideline, Revision 2,'' Project 689,
 December 14, 2006.
NRC Overview of the Structural Integrity of  ML14111A099.
 the Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima Dai-ichi,
 Unit 4, April 25, 2014.
NUREG-1353, ``Regulatory Analysis for the    ML082330232.
 Resolution of Generic Issue 82, `Beyond
 Design Basis Accidents in Spent Fuel
 Pools,' '' April 30, 1989.
NUREG-1437, ``Generic Environmental Impact   ML13107A023.
 Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear
 Plants'' (2013 GEIS), June 20, 2013.
NUREG-1437, ``Generic Environmental Impact   ML040690705, ML040690738.
 Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear
 Plants'' (1996 GEIS; Volumes 1 and 2), May
 31, 1996.
NUREG-1738, ``Technical Study of Spent Fuel  ML010430066.
 Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning
 Nuclear Power Plants,'' S102686, February
 28, 2001.
NUREG-2157, ``Generic Environmental Impact   ML14196A105, ML14196A107.
 Statement for Continued Storage of Spent
 Nuclear Fuel''.
NUREG-2161, ``Consequence Study of a Beyond- ML14255A365.
 Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the
 Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I Boiling-
 Water Reactor'' (Spent Fuel Pool Study),
 October 9, 2013.
Order EA-12-049, NRC Order on Mitigating     ML12054A735.
 Strategies, March 12, 2012.
Order EA-12-051, NRC Order on Spent Fuel     ML12056A044.
 Pool Instrumentation, March 12, 2012.
Order EA-13-109, NRC Order on Severe         ML13143A321.
 Accident Capable Hardened Vents, June 6,
PRM-51-10, Commonwealth of Massachusetts,    ML062640409.
 August 25, 2006.
PRM-51-29, from Mathew Brock, Commonwealth   ML12254A005.
 Of Mass. Petition for Waiver of C.F.R.
 Part 51 Subpart A, Appendix B or In
 Alternative Petition For Rulemaking to
 Rescind Regulations Excluding
 Consideration Of Spent Fuel Storage
 Impacts, June 2, 2011.
Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1,          ML13067A354.
 Revision 1, ``Preparation of Environmental
 Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License
 Renewal Applications,'' June 20, 2013.
Report of Japanese Government to the IAEA    http://www.kantei.go.jp/
 Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety--   foreign/kan/topics/201106/
 The Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear    iaea_houkokusho_e.html.
 Power Stations, June 2011.
Sandia Letter Report, Revision 2,            ML120970086.
 Mitigation of Spent Fuel Pool Loss-of-
 Coolant Inventory Accidents And Extension
 of Reference Plant Analyses to Other Spent
 Fuel Pools, November 30, 2006.
Sandia Report: MELCOR 1.8.5 Separate Effect  ML062290362.
 Analysis of Spent Fuel Assembly Accident
 Response, June 30, 2003.
SECY-04-0191, ``Withholding Sensitive        ML042310663.
 Unclassified Information Concerning
 Nuclear Power Reactors From Public
 Disclosure,'' October 19, 2004.
SECY-11-0125, ``Issuance of Bulletin 2011-   ML111250360.
 01, ``Mitigating Strategies,'' September
 12, 2011.
SRM-COMSECY-13-0030, Staff Evaluation and    ML14143A360.
 Recommendation for Japan Lessons-Learned
 Tier 3 Issue on Expedited Transfer of
 Spent Fuel, May 23, 2014.
The Thompson Report, ``New And Significant   ML12094A183.
 Information From The Fukushima Daiichi
 Accident In The Context Of Future
 Operation Of The Pilgrim Nuclear Power
 Plant,'' June 1, 2011.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 25th day of August, 2015.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Annette L. Vietti-Cook,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2015-21834 Filed 9-2-15; 8:45 am]

                                                 53266               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 Upland cotton is $0.690 per pound or                    adopted, should be implemented as                     select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS
                                                 $1.521 per kg. ($0.690 × 2.2046).                       soon as possible.                                     Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,
                                                   Five tenths of one percent of the                       Authority: 7 U.S.C. 2101–2118.                      please contact the NRC’s Public
                                                 average price equals $0.007604 per kg.                                                                        Document Room (PDR) reference staff at
                                                                                                           Dated: August 28, 2015.
                                                 (1.521 × 0.005).                                                                                              1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by
                                                                                                         Rex A. Barnes,                                        email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The
                                                 Total Assessment                                        Associate Administrator.                              ADAMS accession number for each
                                                   The total assessment per kilogram of                  [FR Doc. 2015–21865 Filed 9–2–15; 8:45 am]            document referenced (if it is available in
                                                 raw cotton is obtained by adding the $1                 BILLING CODE 3410–02–P                                ADAMS) is provided the first time that
                                                 per bale equivalent assessment of                                                                             it is mentioned in the SUPPLEMENTARY
                                                 $0.004409 per kg. and the supplemental                                                                        INFORMATION section. For the
                                                 assessment $0.007604 per kg., which                     NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                    convenience of the reader, instructions
                                                 equals $0.012013 per kg.                                COMMISSION                                            about obtaining materials referenced in
                                                   The current assessment on imported                                                                          this document are provided in Section
                                                 cotton is $0.012728 per kilogram of                     10 CFR Part 51                                        IV, Availability of Documents.
                                                 imported cotton. The revised                                                                                     • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
                                                                                                         [Docket Nos. PRM–51–29; NRC–2012–0215]                purchase copies of public documents at
                                                 assessment in this direct final rule is
                                                 $0.012013, a decrease of $0.000715 per                                                                        the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
                                                                                                         Rescinding Spent Fuel Pool Exclusion
                                                 kilogram. This decrease reflects the                                                                          White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
                                                 decrease in the average weighted price                                                                        Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
                                                 of Upland cotton received by U.S.                       AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 Farmers during the period January                       Commission.                                           Jenny Tobin, Office of Nuclear Reactor
                                                 through December 2014.                                  ACTION: Petition for rulemaking; denial.              Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                                                   Import Assessment Table in section                                                                          Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
                                                 1205.510(b)(3) indicates the total                      SUMMARY:    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory               0001; telephone: 301–415–2328; email:
                                                 assessment rate ($ per kilogram) due for                Commission (NRC) is denying a petition                Jennifer.Tobin@nrc.gov.
                                                 each Harmonized Tariff Schedule                         for rulemaking (PRM), PRM–51–29,                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                 number that is subject to assessment.                   submitted by the Commonwealth of
                                                                                                         Massachusetts (the Commonwealth or                    Table of Contents
                                                 This table must be revised each year to
                                                 reflect changes in supplemental                         the petitioner). The petitioner requested             I. The Petition
                                                                                                         that, in light of information gained from             II. Reasons for Denial
                                                 assessment rates and any changes to the
                                                                                                         the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident, the                  III. Conclusion
                                                 HTS numbers. In this direct final rule,                                                                       IV. Availability of Documents
                                                 AMS is amending the Import                              NRC rescind its regulations that make a
                                                 Assessment Table.                                       generic determination that spent fuel                 I. The Petition
                                                   AMS believes that these amendments                    pool storage does not have a significant                 On June 2, 2011, before the NRC’s
                                                 are necessary to ensure that assessments                environmental impact for nuclear power                Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
                                                 collected on imported cotton and the                    plant license renewal actions. The NRC                (ASLB), the Commonwealth of
                                                 cotton content of imported products are                 is denying the petition because the NRC               Massachusetts, Office of the Attorney
                                                 the same as those paid on domestically                  finds no basis to consider a rulemaking               General, Environmental Protection
                                                 produced cotton. Accordingly, changes                   to revise such regulations.                           Division, requested a waiver of the
                                                 reflected in this rule should be adopted                DATES: The docket for the petition for                NRC’s generic determination regarding
                                                 and implemented as soon as possible                     rulemaking, PRM–51–29, is closed on                   spent fuel pool (SFP) storage impacts in
                                                 since it is required by regulation.                     September 3, 2015.                                    the Pilgrim nuclear power plant (NPP)
                                                   The amendment proposed by this                        ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID                  license renewal proceeding. The
                                                 document is the same as the amendment                   NRC–2012–0215 when contacting the                     petitioner also requested that, if the
                                                 contained in the direct final rule. Please              NRC about the availability of                         ASLB rejected the Commonwealth’s
                                                 refer to the preamble and regulatory text               information for this action. You may                  waiver, then the NRC should consider
                                                 of the direct final rule for further                    obtain publicly-available information                 the waiver request to be a PRM.
                                                 information and the actual text of the                  related to this action by any of the                  Specifically, the petitioner requested
                                                 amendment. Statutory review and                         following methods:                                    that the NRC’s regulations in § 51.71(d) 1
                                                 Executive Orders for this proposed rule                    • Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to               of Title 10 of the Code of Federal
                                                 can be found in the SUPPLEMENTARY                       http://www.regulations.gov and search                 Regulations (10 CFR) and table B–1 2 in
                                                 INFORMATION section of the direct final                 for Docket ID NRC–2012–0215. Address                  appendix B to subpart A of 10 CFR part
                                                 rule.                                                   questions about NRC dockets to Carol                  51 be revised because these regulations,
                                                   A 30-day comment period is provided                   Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;                   according to the petitioner, incorrectly
                                                 to comment on the changes to the                        email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For
                                                                                                                                                                  1 10 CFR 51.71 is entitled, ‘‘Draft environmental
                                                 Cotton Board Rules and Regulations                      technical questions, contact the
                                                                                                                                                               impact statement- contents’’; § 51.71(d) describes
                                                 proposed herein. This period is deemed                  individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                  the analysis required to be included in the draft EIS.
                                                 appropriate because this rule would                     INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                   For license renewal, the draft supplemental EIS (1)
                                                 decrease the assessments paid by                        document.                                             relies on supporting information in NUREG–1437,

                                                 importers under the Cotton Research                        • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                       ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact Statement [GEIS]
                                                                                                                                                               for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,’’ for generic
                                                 and Promotion Order. An amendment is                    Access and Management System                          issues and (2) provides an analysis for the site-
                                                 required to adjust the assessments                      (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-                     specific issues.
                                                 collected on imported cotton and the                    available documents online in the                        2 Table B–1 is entitled, ‘‘Summary of Findings on

                                                 cotton content of imported products to                  ADAMS Public Documents collection at                  NEPA Issues for License Renewal of Nuclear Power
                                                                                                                                                               Plants,’’ and is the codification of the GEIS. In table
                                                 be the same as those paid on                            http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                        B–1, generic issues are designated as ‘‘Category 1’’
                                                 domestically produced cotton.                           adams.html. To begin the search, select               issues and site-specific issues are designated as
                                                 Accordingly, the change in this rule, if                ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then                   ‘‘Category 2’’ issues.

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:54 Sep 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\03SEP1.SGM   03SEP1

                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                   53267

                                                 ‘‘generically classify the environmental                petition in the Federal Register (FR) on               either generic or site-specific. Generic
                                                 impacts of high-density pool storage of                 December 19, 2012 (77 FR 75065), and                   issues (i.e., environmental impacts
                                                 spent fuel as insignificant and thereby                 supplemented the notice on December                    common to all nuclear power plants) are
                                                 permit their exclusion from                             31, 2012 (77 FR 76952). The NRC did                    addressed in the GEIS. Site-specific
                                                 consideration in environmental impact                   not request public comment on the                      issues are addressed initially by the
                                                 statements (EISs) for renewal of nuclear                petition because sufficient information                license renewal applicant (i.e., a nuclear
                                                 power plant operating licenses.’’                       was available for the NRC staff to form                power plant licensee seeking a renewal
                                                    The petitioner asserted that the                     a technical opinion regarding the merits               of its operating license under the NRC’s
                                                 Fukushima Dai-ichi accident provides                    of the petition, which is similar to the               license renewal regulations in 10 CFR
                                                 ‘‘new and significant’’ information that                Commonwealth’s previous petition                       part 54) in its environmental report,
                                                 would affect the NRC’s impact analysis                  (PRM–51–10).                                           which is required by 10 CFR 51.45, and
                                                 for SFPs in license renewal. The                           For the purposes of this review, the                then by the NRC in a supplemental
                                                 petitioner contends that this event                     issues that the petitioner raised about                environmental impact statement (SEIS)
                                                 provides the justification for its request              the Pilgrim NPP licensing proceeding                   prepared for each license renewal
                                                 that the NRC revise 10 CFR 51.71(d) and                 were considered generically, to the                    application. The plant-specific SEIS and
                                                 table B–1 in appendix B to subpart A of                 extent practicable. Other statements                   the GEIS, together, constitute the NRC’s
                                                 10 CFR part 51. The petitioner made the                 concerning the Pilgrim NPP license                     NEPA analysis for any given NPP
                                                 following three claims:                                 renewal proceeding, including those                    license renewal action. In table B–1, the
                                                    1. The impacts from the onsite storage               concerns related to the risk of severe                 ‘‘Onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel’’
                                                 of spent fuel are understated in                        reactor accidents, are beyond the scope                issue has been classified as a Category
                                                 NUREG–1437, ‘‘Generic Environmental                     of this PRM.                                           1, or generic, issue with an impact level
                                                 Impact Statement [GEIS] for License                                                                            finding of ‘‘small.’’ The ‘‘Onsite storage
                                                 Renewal of Nuclear Plants,’’ because the                II. Reasons for Denial
                                                                                                                                                                of spent nuclear fuel’’ finding states
                                                 Fukushima Dai-ichi event indicates that                    The NRC complies with Section                       ‘‘[t]he expected increase in the volume
                                                 the probability-weighted consequences                   102(2) of the National Environmental                   of spent fuel from an additional 20 years
                                                 of a spent fuel pool accident are greater               Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) in its                       of operation can be safely
                                                 than what was considered in the GEIS.                   consideration of NPP license renewal                   accommodated onsite during the license
                                                    2. The impacts from the onsite storage               applications through the                               renewal term with small environmental
                                                 of spent fuel are understated in the                    implementation of its environmental                    effects through dry or pool storage at all
                                                 license renewal GEIS analysis because                   protection regulations in 10 CFR part                  plants.’’ The designation of an issue as
                                                 the mitigation measures implemented at                  51. In accordance with 10 CFR 51.95(c),                a Category 1 (generic resolution) issue in
                                                 NPPs after the September 11, 2001 (9/                   the NRC relies upon its environmental                  the GEIS does not mean that potential
                                                 11), terrorist attacks will not effectively             impact statement, NUREG–1437,                          impacts cannot be considered in a
                                                 mitigate the impacts of SFP accidents,                  ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact                         license renewal SEIS. If there are
                                                 given the new information gained from                   Statement [GEIS] for License Renewal of                changes in plant operating parameters
                                                 the Fukushima accident along with the                   Nuclear Plants,’’ as the basis for                     or new and significant information
                                                 NRC’s policy of imposing secrecy on the                 environmental reviews of NPP license                   pertinent to an evaluation of impacts,
                                                 mitigation measures, and the mitigation                 renewal actions. The NRC published the                 these are considered during preparation
                                                 measures were improperly relied upon                    GEIS in May 1996 (1996 GEIS) and then                  of plant-specific supplements to the
                                                 in the denial of PRM–51–10.3                            revised and updated it in June 2013                    NRC’s license renewal GEIS.
                                                    3. The license renewal GEIS impact                   (2013 GEIS).4 The GEIS reflects lessons                   Under 10 CFR part 51, neither the
                                                 analysis must address spent fuel storage                learned and knowledge gained during                    applicant’s environmental report nor the
                                                 impacts on a site-specific, rather than                 previous license renewal environmental                 NRC’s SEIS is required to address issues
                                                 generic basis.                                          reviews and describes the potential                    previously resolved generically, as set
                                                    On December 13, 2011, the ASLB                       environmental impacts of renewing the                  forth in the GEIS and table B–1, absent
                                                 denied the Commonwealth’s waiver                        operating license of a NPP for up to an                new and significant information.
                                                 petition (LBP–11–35). On March 8,                       additional 20 years. The findings of the               Section 51.92(a)(2) requires a
                                                 2012, in Memorandum and Order CLI–                      GEIS have been codified into table B–1,                supplement to an EIS if there is new and
                                                 12–06, the Commission affirmed the                      ‘‘Summary of Findings on NEPA Issues                   significant information relevant to
                                                 ASLB’s denial of the waiver request and                 for License Renewal of Nuclear Power                   environmental concerns and bearing on
                                                 granted the Commonwealth’s alternative                  Plants,’’ in appendix B to subpart A of                the license renewal or its impacts. The
                                                 request that its waiver request be treated              10 CFR part 51.5                                       NRC standard for the evaluation of
                                                 as a PRM; the petition was referred to                     The NRC classifies the license                      ‘‘new and significant’’ information is
                                                 the NRC staff. The NRC assigned the                     renewal issues described in the GEIS as                that the information must present ‘‘a
                                                 petition Docket No. PRM–51–29. The                                                                             seriously different picture of the
                                                 NRC published a notice of receipt of the                   4 The NRC’s regulations in 10 CFR 51.95(c)
                                                                                                                                                                environmental impact of the proposed
                                                                                                         require, for the consideration of potential
                                                   3 The request presented in the petition is            environmental impacts of renewing a NPP’s
                                                                                                                                                                project from what was previously
                                                 essentially identical to the request presented in       operating license under 10 CFR part 54, that the       envisioned.’’ 6 Therefore, to be
                                                 another PRM submitted by the Commonwealth on            NRC prepare an environmental impact statement,
                                                 August 25, 2006, PRM–51–10 (ADAMS Accession             which is a supplement to the 2013 GEIS. At the           6 Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri

                                                 No. ML081890124) (although the basis for the            time the petition was filed in 2011, 10 CFR 51.95(c)   (Callaway Plant, Unit 2), et al, CLI–11–05, 74 NRC

                                                 request in each case is unique). The State of           referred to the initial 1996 GEIS. The NRC             141, 167–68 (2011) quoting Hydro Resources, Inc.,
                                                 California also submitted a petition, PRM–51–12, in     published a notice of issuance for the updated 2013    CLI–99–22, 50 NRC 3, 14 (1999) (alteration in the
                                                 2007 that was nearly identical to PRM–51–10. The        GEIS on June 20, 2013 (78 FR 37325).                   original) (supporting citations omitted) (‘‘To merit
                                                 NRC denied PRM–51–10 and PRM–51–12 on                      5 See Baltimore Gas and Elec. Co. v. NRDC, 462      this additional review, information must be both
                                                 August 8, 2008 (73 FR 46204). The NRC’s denials         U.S. 87, 100–01, 103 S. Ct. 2246 (1983) (upholds       ‘new’ and ‘significant,’ and it must bear on the
                                                 of these two petitions were upheld. New York v.         use of generic environmental analyses) and             proposed action or its impacts. As we have
                                                 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 589 F.3d 551        Massachusetts v. NRC, 708 F.3d 63, 68 (1st Cir.        explained, ‘[t]he new information must present a
                                                 (2nd Cir. 2009). The arguments presented in             2013) (‘‘the Supreme Court has held that the NRC       seriously different picture of the environmental
                                                 support of PRM–51–10 are similar to those               is permitted to make generic determinations to meet    impact of the proposed project from what was
                                                 presented in support of this petition.                  its NEPA obligations’’).                                                                          Continued

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                                                 53268               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 ‘‘significant,’’ any information must lead                 The accident at the Fukushima Dai-                  Issue 1: The Petitioner Asserts That the
                                                 to a conclusion seriously different than                ichi NPP in Japan led to additional                    Impacts From the Onsite Storage of
                                                 that currently set forth in the GEIS.7                  questions about the safe storage of spent              Spent Fuel Are Understated in the
                                                    The petitioner claimed that the                      fuel and whether the NRC should                        License Renewal GEIS Analysis Because
                                                 Fukushima nuclear accident, including                   require the expedited transfer of spent                the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Event Indicates
                                                 possible damage to the SFP, provides                    fuel from spent fuel pools to dry cask                 That the Probability-Weighted
                                                 new and significant information that                    storage at nuclear power plants in the                 Consequences of a Spent Fuel Pool
                                                 requires the NRC to reconsider its                      United States. This issue was identified               Accident Are Greater Than What Was
                                                 impact findings in the license renewal                                                                         Considered in the GEIS
                                                                                                         by the NRC staff subsequent to the
                                                 GEIS. With respect to the March 2011                                                                              The petitioner argued that the
                                                                                                         ‘‘Near-Term Task Force [NTTF] Review
                                                 Fukushima accident, a Japanese                                                                                 Fukushima event provided new and
                                                 government report, issued in June 2011,                 of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi
                                                                                                         Accident’’ report. At the time this issue              significant information challenging the
                                                 found that the Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit                                                                        generic conclusions in the license
                                                 4 spent fuel pool, the one believed to                  was identified, the NRC staff recognized
                                                                                                         that further study was needed to                       renewal GEIS. Specifically, the
                                                 have sustained the most serious damage,                                                                        petitioner claimed that ‘‘the Fukushima
                                                 actually remained ‘‘nearly                              determine if regulatory action was
                                                                                                         warranted. On October 9, 2013, the NRC                 accident shows . . . there is a
                                                 undamaged.’’ 8 The report noted that                                                                           substantial conditional probability of a
                                                 visual inspections found no water leaks                 released a report, NUREG–2161,
                                                                                                                                                                pool fire during or following a reactor
                                                 or serious damage to the Unit 4 spent                   ‘‘Consequence Study of a Beyond-
                                                                                                                                                                accident’’ and that ‘‘[t]his relationship
                                                 fuel pool. Additionally, on April 25,                   Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the                  between a pool fire and a core melt
                                                 2014, the NRC issued a report entitled,                 Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I                      accident is not addressed in the License
                                                 ‘‘NRC Overview of the Structural                        Boiling Water Reactor’’ (the ‘‘Spent Fuel              Renewal GEIS’’ or the denial of PRM
                                                 Integrity of the Spent Fuel Pool at                     Pool Study’’). Additionally, the NRC                   51–10 (73 FR 46204; August 8, 2008).11
                                                 Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4.’’ The                       conducted a regulatory analysis in                     Further, the petitioner referenced a
                                                 results indicated that the structural                   COMSECY–13–0030, ‘‘Staff Evaluation                    report by Dr. Gordon Thompson, ‘‘New
                                                 integrity of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool                 and Recommendation for Japan Lessons                   and Significant Information from the
                                                 was sound.                                              Learned Tier 3 Issue on Expedited                      Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident in the
                                                    With respect to the Fukushima event,
                                                                                                         Transfer of Spent Fuel,’’ dated                        Context of Future Operation of the
                                                 the Commission has taken action to
                                                                                                         November 12, 2013. This study and the                  Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant’’ (the
                                                 mitigate beyond design basis external
                                                                                                         regulatory analysis concluded that SFPs                ‘‘Thompson Report’’), to support its
                                                 events, including imposing new
                                                                                                         are very robust structures with large                  argument that the GEIS understates the
                                                 requirements to develop mitigating
                                                                                                         safety margins, and that regulatory                    probability and impacts of an SFP
                                                 strategies for beyond design basis
                                                                                                         actions to reduce the amount of fuel in                accident.
                                                 external events, to install hardened
                                                 severe accident capable vents for boiling               the spent fuel pool were not warranted.                NRC Response to Issue 1
                                                 water reactors with Mark I and II                       The Commission subsequently
                                                                                                                                                                   The evaluation of the environmental
                                                 containments, to install reliable SFP                   concluded in SRM–COMSECY–13–                           impacts of the onsite storage of spent
                                                 water level instrumentation, to re-                     0030, issued on May 23, 2014, that                     nuclear fuel during the license renewal
                                                 evaluate seismic and flooding hazards,                  further regulatory action need not be                  term, including potential spent fuel pool
                                                 and to enhance emergency preparedness                   pursued in light of the low risk of                    accidents, was documented in the 1996
                                                 capabilities.9                                          accident for SFP storage.                              GEIS and reaffirmed in the 2013 GEIS.
                                                                                                            As will be discussed in more detail in              Based on this evaluation, the ‘‘Onsite
                                                 previously envisioned’.’’); see also Sierra Club v.                                                            storage of spent nuclear fuel’’ NEPA
                                                 Froehlke, 816 F.2d 205, 210 (5th Cir. 1987)             response to Issues 1 and 2, the event at
                                                 (alteration added) (supporting citations omitted)       Fukushima Dai-ichi does not provide                    issue in table B–1 has been classified as
                                                 (‘‘In making its determination whether to               any new and significant information                    a Category 1 issue, or as a generic issue,
                                                 supplement an existing EIS because of new                                                                      with a probability-weighted impact
                                                 information, the [United States Army, Corps of          that would have materially altered the
                                                 Engineers] should consider ‘the extent to which the     conclusions in the GEIS, or in its                     level finding of ‘‘small.’’ 12
                                                 new information presents a picture of the likely                                                                  First, the petitioners’ assertion that
                                                                                                         underlying assumptions.10
                                                 environmental consequences associated with the                                                                 the Fukushima event revealed a
                                                 proposed action not envisioned by the original             In the petition, the Commonwealth                   previously unconsidered aspect of spent
                                                 EIS’.’’); Wisconsin v. Weinberger, 745 F.2d 412, 418    raises three principal arguments; each is              fuel storage is incorrect. In response to
                                                 (7th Cir.1984) (supplementation required where
                                                 new information ‘‘provides a seriously different
                                                                                                         summarized and evaluated in the                        PRM–51–10, the Commission rejected a
                                                 picture of the environmental landscape.’’).             subsequent discussion.                                 similar argument regarding the
                                                    7 See Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1,                                                                   probability ‘‘that a severe accident at the
                                                 Preparation of Supplemental Environmental
                                                 Reports for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power                                                                  11 PRM   at 27.
                                                 Plant Operating Licenses, Chapter 5 (September          were issued on March 12, 2012, to NPP licensees
                                                                                                                                                                  12 For most table B–1 NEPA issues, the NRC
                                                 2000), and Revision 1 published June 20, 2013 (78       for seismic/flooding re-evaluations and assessing
                                                                                                                                                                determined whether the impacts of license renewal
                                                 FR 37324).                                              emergency response capabilities.
                                                                                                                                                                would have a small, moderate, or large
                                                    8 See ‘‘Report of Japanese Government to the            10 While the ASLB and Commission were
                                                                                                                                                                environmental impact. The statements of
                                                 IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety-The       principally concerned with the petitioner’s claims     consideration for the June 20, 2013, rulemaking
                                                 Accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Power             regarding reactor accidents, not SFP accidents (both   note that ‘‘[a] small impact means that the

                                                 Stations,’’ IV–91. English version available at         were held to be out of scope of the Pilgrim NPP        environmental effects are not detectable, or are so
                                                 http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/kan/topics/201106/      license renewal process), the condition of the SFP     minor that they would neither destabilize nor
                                                 iaea_houkokusho_e.html, last visited on July 15,                                                               noticeably alter any important attribute of the
                                                                                                         at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4, did not support the
                                                 2015.                                                                                                          resource. A moderate impact means that the
                                                    9 Order EA–12–051, ‘‘NRC Order on Spent Fuel         petitioner’s position that impacts from the
                                                                                                                                                                environmental effects are sufficient to alter
                                                 Pool Instrumentation,’’ dated March 12, 2012; Order     earthquake constituted new and significant
                                                                                                                                                                noticeably, but not destabilize, important attributes
                                                 EA–12–049, ‘‘NRC Order on Mitigating Strategies,’’      information. In LBP–11–35, the ASLB observed that      of the resource. A large impact means that the
                                                 dated March 12, 2012; Order EA–13–109, ‘‘NRC            the event at Fukushima did not demonstrate new         environmental effects would be clearly noticeable
                                                 Order on Severe Accident Capable Hardened               and significant information in the Pilgrim NPP         and would be sufficient to destabilize important
                                                 Vents,’’ dated June 6, 2013; 10 CFR 50.54(f) letters    license renewal proceeding.                            attributes of the resource’’ (78 FR 37285).

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                       53269

                                                 adjacent reactor would result in a SFP                     also makes conforming changes to the                  the structural integrity of the Unit 4
                                                 zirconium fire.’’ 13 The Commission                        ‘‘Onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel’’              spent fuel pool was sound.
                                                 noted that a series of unlikely events                     issue finding under the ‘‘Waste                       Consequently, the petitioners have not
                                                 must occur for a severe reactor accident                   Management’’ section in table B–1 in                  shown that the Fukushima event
                                                 to lead to a spent fuel pool fire,                         appendix B to subpart A of 10 CFR part                constitutes new and significant
                                                 including the accident itself,                             51. The final rule revises the finding to             information regarding the probability of
                                                 ‘‘[c]ontainment failure or bypass,’’                       address both the impacts of onsite                    a SFP fire. For the reasons discussed
                                                 ‘‘[l]oss of SFP cooling,’’ ‘‘[e]xtreme                     storage during the license renewal term               previously, the PRM does not provide a
                                                 radiation levels precluding personnel                      and adds generic determinations of the                seriously different picture of the
                                                 access,’’ ‘‘[i]nability to restart cooling or              environmental impacts of continued                    agency’s previous analyses of a spent
                                                 makeup systems due to extreme                              storage of spent nuclear fuel beyond a                fuel pool accident, which have all
                                                 radiation doses,’’ ‘‘[l]oss of most or all                 reactor’s licensed life (i.e., those impacts          concluded that despite the potential for
                                                 pool water through evaporation,’’ and                      that could occur as a result of the                   large consequences of a severe spent
                                                 ‘‘[i]nitiation of a zirconium fire in the                  storage of spent nuclear fuel at at-reactor           fuel pool accident, the probability-
                                                 SFP.’’ 14 As a result, the Commission                      or away-from-reactor sites after a reactor            weighted consequences are small due to
                                                 concluded that ‘‘the probability of a SFP                  has permanently shut down and until a                 the low probability of such an event.
                                                 zirconium fire due to a severe reactor                     permanent repository becomes
                                                 accident and subsequent containment                        available). The continued storage final               Issue 2: The Petitioner Asserts That the
                                                 failure would be well below the                            rule affirms that the environmental                   Impacts From the Onsite Storage of
                                                 Petitioners’ 2E–5 per year estimate.’’ 15                  impacts from the onsite storage of spent              Spent Fuel Are Understated in the
                                                 The agency cited the denial of the PRM                     nuclear fuel, including potential spent               License Renewal GEIS Analysis Because
                                                 in the 2013 update to the GEIS.16                          fuel pool accidents, are small during the             the Mitigation Measures Implemented
                                                 Therefore, the Commission has                              short-term storage timeframe (i.e., 60                After the September 11, 2001 (9/11),
                                                 previously considered the probability of                   years of continued storage after                      Terrorist Attacks Will Not Effectively
                                                 a severe reactor accident causing a spent                  permanent shut down, after which the                  Mitigate the Impacts of SFP Accidents,
                                                 fuel pool fire and found it to be low.                     continued storage rule assumes that                   Given the New Information Gained
                                                 Petitioners have not demonstrated how                      spent fuel will be moved to dry storage).             From the Fukushima Accident Along
                                                 information regarding the Fukushima                        This finding is consistent with the                   With the NRC’s Policy of Imposing
                                                 accident provides a seriously different                    finding of the license renewal GEIS.                  Secrecy on the Mitigation Measures, and
                                                 picture of this issue.                                     Further, the Commission stated in the                 the Mitigation Measures Were
                                                    Moreover, the NRC has completed                         final rule that the direct and indirect               Improperly Relied Upon in the Denial of
                                                 several studies of SFP safety, including                   environmental impacts of continued                    PRM–51–10 (73 FR 46204)
                                                 NUREG–1353, ‘‘Regulatory Analysis for                      storage can be analyzed generically and
                                                 the Resolution of Generic Issue 82,                                                                                 The petitioner claimed that
                                                                                                            that the impact determinations are not
                                                 ‘Beyond Design Basis Accidents in                                                                                information about the Fukushima
                                                                                                            expected to differ from those that would
                                                 Spent Fuel Pools’;’’ NUREG–1738,                                                                                 accident undermines the following two
                                                                                                            result from individual site-specific
                                                 ‘‘Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool                       reviews for the continued storage                     conclusions from the Commission’s
                                                 Accident Risk at Decommissioning                           period. In reaching this result, the                  denial of PRM–51–10 (73 FR 46204;
                                                 Nuclear Power Plants;’’ and NUREG–                         agency responded to a comment that                    August 8, 2008): (1) Post-9/11 mitigation
                                                 2161, ‘‘Consequence Study of a Beyond-                     suggested that the underlying analyses                measures relied upon by the NRC would
                                                 Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the                      did not appropriately account for the                 permit recovery of lost water from spent
                                                 Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I                          possibility of a severe reactor accident              fuel pools, and (2) the NRC’s policy of
                                                 Boiling-Water Reactor.’’ These studies                     leading to a spent fuel pool accident.17              imposing secrecy on these mitigation
                                                 have all concluded that SFPs continue                      The NRC disagreed with this comment,                  measures would not impair their
                                                 to provide adequate protection of public                   in part, based on the conservative                    effectiveness. With regard to the first
                                                 health and safety and are consistent                       aspects of the agency’s previous studies              claim, the petitioner argued that lessons
                                                 with the findings in the 2013 GEIS that                    of SFP accidents.18                                   learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi
                                                 onsite storage of spent fuel during the                       As previously discussed, a report                  event undermine the Commission’s
                                                 license renewal term would have a                          issued by the Japanese government in                  reliance on post-9/11 mitigation
                                                 small impact on the environment.                           June 2011 found that the SFP at                       measures that enable recovery of lost
                                                    On September 19, 2014, the                              Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4, the SFP                   water from SFPs to prevent the onset of
                                                 Commission published the ‘‘continued                       which presented the highest safety                    fire or other accidents, and that
                                                 storage’’ final rule (formerly known as                    concern among the SFPs, remained                      therefore, the Commission’s denial of
                                                 the ‘‘waste confidence rule,’’ 79 FR                       nearly undamaged. This report notes                   PRM–51–10 must be reconsidered. With
                                                 56238) and its associated generic                          that from the analysis of nuclides in the             regard to the second claim, the
                                                 environmental impact statement                             water extracted from the spent fuel pool,             petitioner referenced statements in a
                                                 (NUREG–2157, ‘‘Generic Environmental                       it appears that no extensive damage                   declaration provided by Dr. Gordon
                                                 Impact Statement for Continued Storage                     occurred to the fuel rods. No serious                 Thompson that the ‘‘NRC’s excessive
                                                 of Spent Nuclear Fuel’’), amending 10                      damage to the pool, including water                   secrecy degrades the licensee’s
                                                 CFR 51.23 to revise the generic                            leaks, was found from visual                          capability to mitigate an accident.’’ The
                                                 determination on the environmental                         inspections of the pool’s condition.                  petitioner asserted that by keeping the

                                                 impacts of continued storage of spent                      Additionally, on April 25, 2014, the                  post-9/11 mitigation measures secret,
                                                 nuclear fuel beyond the licensed life for                  NRC issued a report entitled, ‘‘NRC                   ‘‘the NRC also raises the risk that first-
                                                 operation of a reactor. The final rule                     Overview of the Structural Integrity of               responders from the surrounding
                                                                                                            the Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima Dai-                 community, who may be called upon to
                                                   13 73    FR at 46210.                                    ichi, Unit 4.’’ The results indicated that            assist in the implementation of [the
                                                   14 Id.                                                                                                         mitigation measures], will not have
                                                   15 Id.                                                     17 NUREG–2161    at D–438 to D–440.                 sufficient understanding of them to
                                                   16 2013    GEIS at E–38.                                   18 Id.                                              implement them effectively.’’

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                                                 53270               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    The petitioner’s 2006 petition (PRM–                 the reference plant are very low. The                    The petitioner also asserted that
                                                 51–10) requested changes to the                         Spent Fuel Pool Study also found that                 treating the mitigation measures as
                                                 Commission’s generic findings                           for the specific reference plant and                  sensitive information impacts their
                                                 regarding the environmental impacts                     earthquake analyzed, SFPs are likely to               effectiveness. Certain aspects of the
                                                 from onsite spent fuel pool storage                     withstand severe earthquakes without                  enhancements are security-related and
                                                 during the license renewal period of an                 leaking.                                              not publicly available, but in general
                                                 operating NPP. In its denial (73 FR                        The NRC’s regulatory approach for                  include the following: (1) Significant
                                                 46204; August 8, 2008), the NRC noted                   maintaining the safety and security of                reinforcement of the defense capabilities
                                                 that spent fuel pools are ‘‘massive,                    power reactors, and therefore SFPs, is                for nuclear facilities; (2) better control of
                                                 extremely-robust structures designed to                 based upon robust designs that are                    sensitive information; (3) enhancements
                                                 safely contain the spent fuel discharged                coupled with a strategic triad of                     in emergency preparedness to further
                                                 from a nuclear reactor under a variety of               preventive/protective systems,                        strengthen the NRC’s nuclear facility
                                                 normal, off-normal, and hypothetical                    mitigative systems, and emergency-                    security program; and (4)
                                                 accident conditions (e.g., loss of                      preparedness and response. Licensees                  implementation of mitigating strategies
                                                 electrical power, floods, earthquakes, or               develop protective strategies in order to             to deal with postulated events
                                                 tornadoes).’’                                           meet the NRC design-basis threat. As                  potentially causing loss of large areas of
                                                    The petitioner asserted that the                     noted in the Commission’s denial of                   the plant due to explosions or fires,
                                                 Fukushima accident demonstrates that                    PRM–51–10 and PRM–51–12 (73 FR                        including those that an aircraft impact
                                                 the conclusions in the denial of PRM–                   46204), studies conducted by Sandia                   might create. These measures are
                                                 51–10 were incorrect, and that in light                 National Laboratories also confirmed                  outlined in greater detail in a
                                                 of the new information about the                        the effectiveness of additional                       memorandum to the Commission
                                                 Fukushima event, the NRC should                         mitigation strategies to maintain spent               entitled, ‘‘Documentation of Evolution
                                                 reevaluate its impact analysis in the                   fuel cooling in the event the pool is                 of Security Requirements at Commercial
                                                 license renewal GEIS because the new                    drained and its initial water inventory is            Nuclear Power Plants with Respect to
                                                 information undermines the staff’s                      reduced or lost entirely. Based on this
                                                 position that the post-9/11 mitigation                                                                        Mitigation Measures for Large Fires and
                                                                                                         more recent information, and the                      Explosions,’’ dated February 4, 2010.
                                                 measures would prevent the onset of a                   implementation of additional strategies
                                                 spent fuel pool fire following an attack                                                                         Plant-specific mitigation strategies are
                                                                                                         following September 11, 2001, the
                                                 or other severe accident by permitting                                                                        designated as security related
                                                                                                         probability, and accordingly, the risk, of
                                                 recovery of lost water.                                                                                       information in accordance with the
                                                                                                         a SFP zirconium fire initiation is
                                                                                                                                                               Commission’s guidance in SECY–04–
                                                 NRC Response to Issue 2                                 expected to be less than reported in
                                                                                                         NUREG–1738 and previous studies.                      0191, ‘‘Withholding Sensitive
                                                    The petitioner’s fundamental claim is                                                                      Unclassified Information Concerning
                                                 that new and significant information                    Taken as a whole, these systems,
                                                                                                         personnel, and procedures provide                     Nuclear Power Reactors from Public
                                                 from the Fukushima accident                                                                                   Disclosure.’’ However, there is publicly-
                                                 undermines the conclusions the                          reasonable assurance that public health
                                                                                                         and safety, the environment, and the                  available, industry-developed guidance
                                                 Commission reached in denying PRM–                                                                            on implementing these requirements.
                                                 51–10. As previously discussed, a report                common defense and security will be
                                                                                                         adequately protected.                                 Specifically, the NRC endorsed NEI 06–
                                                 issued by the Japanese government in                                                                          12, ‘‘B.5.b Phase 2 & 3 Submittal
                                                 June 2011 found that the SFP at                            In addition, following the Fukushima
                                                                                                         Dai-ichi event, the NRC issued Order                  Guideline,’’ in a letter from the NRC to
                                                 Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4, which                                                                             NEI dated December 22, 2006. The NRC
                                                 presented the most safety concern,                      EA–12–049, which requires, in part, that
                                                                                                         licensees establish plans and procedures              found NEI–06–12 is a generally
                                                 remained nearly undamaged. This                                                                               acceptable means for licensees to meet
                                                 report notes that no extensive damage in                associated with restoring and
                                                                                                         maintaining SFP cooling capability                    the NRC’s requirements associated with
                                                 the fuel rods appears to have occurred,                                                                       mitigating potential loss of large areas
                                                 based on an analysis of SFP water. No                   following a beyond-design-basis
                                                                                                         external event. These enhancements                    due to fires or explosions, as explained
                                                 serious damage to the pool, including
                                                                                                         will provide additional capability for                in SECY–11–0125, ‘‘Issuance of Bulletin
                                                 water leaks, was found from visual
                                                                                                         mitigating events that result in SFP                  2011–01, ‘Mitigating Strategies’.’’
                                                 inspections of the pool’s condition.
                                                                                                         draining, beyond those already required.              Therefore, the agency has made
                                                 Additionally, on April 25, 2014, the
                                                                                                         Therefore, as discussed previously, the               sufficient information available to the
                                                 NRC issued a report entitled, ‘‘NRC
                                                                                                         NRC does not simply rely on the post                  public regarding mitigation strategies.
                                                 Overview of the Structural Integrity of
                                                                                                         September 11, 2001, mitigating                        Moreover, petitioners have not alleged
                                                 the Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima Dai-
                                                                                                         strategies to conclude the probability of             that the measures used to restore
                                                 ichi, Unit 4.’’ The results indicated that
                                                                                                         an SFP accident is small. Rather, the                 cooling to the SFPs during the
                                                 the structural integrity of the Unit 4
                                                                                                         NRC relies on the robust nature of the                Fukushima accident were developed
                                                 spent fuel pool was sound.
                                                    As the Commission noted in its 2008                  SFPs, the low probability of a SFP fire,              under similar secret conditions or
                                                 denial of PRM–51–10, and as                             and other mitigating measures, as well.               indicated how any such secrecy
                                                 demonstrated by NUREG–1738 and                          Moreover, petitioners concede that                    hindered the effectiveness of those
                                                 subsequent SFP studies: (1) Spent fuel                  measures to add water were ultimately                 measures.20
                                                 pools are robust structures capable of                  successful at Fukushima, and                             Because the petitioner has not

                                                 withstanding numerous hazards, (2)                      observations to date have not revealed                provided new and significant
                                                 additional mitigation strategies are                    any cladding damage.19 Consequently,                  information about the 9/11 mitigation
                                                 available to maintain cooling in the                    the petitioner’s information in PRM–51–               measures with respect to the
                                                 event of an incident that results in a loss             29 regarding the effectiveness of                     effectiveness of the measures to provide
                                                 of cooling water, and (3) the risk of SFP               measures does not present a seriously                 water to the SFPs, there is no need to
                                                 accidents is very low. Indeed,                          different picture of this issue.                      supplement the GEIS.
                                                 subsequent studies, such as NUREG–
                                                 2161, conclude that spent fuel risks at                   19 COMSECY–13–0030     at 2.                          20 E.g.,   Thompson Report at 21–23.

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                          53271

                                                 Issue 3: The License Renewal GEIS                             rulemaking concerning the                                     petitioner did not present any
                                                 Impact Analysis Must Address Spent                            environmental impacts of the high-                            information that would contradict
                                                 Fuel Storage Impacts on a Site-Specific,                      density storage of spent nuclear fuel in                      conclusions reached by the Commission
                                                 Rather Than Generic Basis                                     SFPs. The two petitions asserted that                         when it established or updated the
                                                    The petitioner asserted that the NRC’s                     ‘‘new and significant information’’                           license renewal rule, nor did the
                                                 generic findings in table B–1 in                              shows that the NRC incorrectly                                petitioner provide new and significant
                                                 appendix B to subpart A of 10 CFR part                        characterized the environmental                               information to demonstrate that
                                                 51 with respect to the Category 1 onsite                      impacts of high-density spent fuel                            sufficient reason exists to revise the
                                                 storage of spent nuclear fuel issue                           storage as ‘‘insignificant’’ in the 1996                      current regulations. The NRC elected
                                                 would not be supportable where the                            GEIS for the renewal of nuclear power
                                                                                                                                                                             not to request public comments on
                                                 Fukushima accident otherwise                                  plant licenses. Specifically, the
                                                                                                                                                                             PRM–51–29 because it had sufficient
                                                 demonstrates that the environmental                           petitioner at that time asserted that
                                                                                                               spent fuel stored in high-density SFPs is                     information to make a determination.
                                                 impacts could be significant and argued
                                                 that these impacts must be evaluated on                       more vulnerable to a zirconium fire than                         The events at the Fukushima Dai-ichi
                                                 a plant-specific Category 2 basis. The                        the NRC concluded in its analysis in the                      nuclear power plant have and will
                                                 petitioner specifically argued that the                       1996 GEIS. On August 8, 2008, the                             continue to inform improvements to the
                                                 NRC has not considered the new                                Commission denied the petitions,                              NRC’s regulation of nuclear energy.
                                                 information previously presented by the                       stating:                                                      Building upon the conclusions of the
                                                 petitioner in PRM–51–10 that                                    Based upon its review of the petitions, the                 NTTF, the NRC is actively
                                                 contradicts the NRC’s conclusions                             NRC has determined that the studies upon                      implementing significant enhancements
                                                 regarding the environmental impacts of                        which the Petitioners rely do not constitute                  through orders, rulemaking, and other
                                                 the onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel.                     new and significant information. The NRC                      regulatory initiatives. With regard to the
                                                                                                               has further determined that its findings
                                                                                                               related to the storage of spent nuclear fuel in               petitioner’s arguments that the events in
                                                 NRC Response to Issue 3
                                                                                                               pools, as set forth in NUREG–1437 and in                      Japan demonstrate that post-9/11
                                                    Spent fuel storage impacts during the                      Table B–1, of Appendix B to Subpart A of 10                   enhancements that enable the recovery
                                                 license renewal term were evaluated in                        CFR part 51, remain valid. Thus, the NRC has                  of lost cooling water in SFPs will be
                                                 the 1996 GEIS. The NRC staff concluded                        met and continues to meet its obligations                     ineffective, the petitioner did not
                                                 that the impacts would be small for all                       under NEPA. For the reasons discussed
                                                                                                                                                                             provide sufficient information to
                                                 plants and, therefore, the onsite storage                     previously, the Commission denies PRM–51–
                                                                                                               10 and PRM–51–12.                                             support this claim, especially in light of
                                                 of spent fuel during the license renewal
                                                 term was designated a Category 1 issue.                                                                                     the Commission’s experiences and other
                                                                                                                  Likewise here, because the impacts
                                                 Specifically, the Commission concluded                                                                                      studies noted previously.
                                                                                                               from SFP storage have been consistently
                                                 in the 1996 GEIS that continued storage                       demonstrated to be small and because                             Therefore, the NRC denies the
                                                 of existing spent fuel and storage of                         the events in Japan do not challenge the                      petitioner’s request to revise regulations
                                                 spent fuel generated during the license                       NRC’s assumptions or conclusions as to                        that make generic determinations about
                                                 renewal term can be accomplished                              the applicability of its generic impact                       the environmental impacts of onsite
                                                 safely and without significant                                determination for spent fuel storage                          spent fuel storage in license renewal
                                                 environmental impacts, and that                               during license renewal, the NRC has                           environmental reviews.
                                                 radiation doses will be well within                           determined that the petitioner’s
                                                 regulatory limits. The 2013 update to                         assertions do not present an adequate                         IV. Availability of Documents
                                                 the GEIS confirmed the 1996 evaluation.                       basis for the NRC to forego using a
                                                    Further, the Commission affirmed the                                                                                       The documents identified in the
                                                                                                               generic environmental analysis.                               following table are available to
                                                 treatment of SFP storage impacts as
                                                 Category 1 in 2008 upon denying the                           III. Conclusion                                               interested persons as indicated. For
                                                 two petitions for rulemaking (PRM–51–                            For the reasons described in Section                       more information on accessing ADAMS,
                                                 10 and PRM–51–12). The two petitions                          II of this document, the NRC is denying                       see the ADDRESSES section of this
                                                 requested that the NRC initiate a                             the petition under 10 CFR 2.803. The                          document.

                                                                                                                                                                             ADAMS Accession Number/Federal Register
                                                                                                       Document                                                                           Citation/URL

                                                 CLI–11–05, Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri (Callaway Plant, Unit 2), Sep-                                      http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/
                                                   tember 9, 2011.                                                                                                              commission/orders/2011/2011-05cli.pdf.
                                                 CLI–99–22, Hydro Resources, Inc., July 23, 1999 .........................................................................   http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/
                                                 COMSECY–13–0030, ‘‘Staff Evaluation and Recommendation for Japan Lessons Learned Tier                                       ML13329A918.
                                                   3 Issue on Expedited Transfer of Spent Fuel,’’ November 12, 2013.
                                                 Declaration of Dr. Gordon R. Thompson in Support of Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Con-                                     ML111530345.
                                                   tention and Related Petitions and Motions, June 1, 2011.
                                                 Documentation of Evolution of Security Requirements at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants                                      ML092990438.
                                                   with Respect to Mitigation Measures for Large Fires and Explosions, February 4, 2010.
                                                 Federal Register notice—Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, September 19, 2014 ........                                79 FR 56238.

                                                 Federal Register notice—Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Oper-                                       61 FR 28467.
                                                   ating Licenses Final Rule, June 5, 1996.
                                                 Federal Register notice—License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants; Generic Environmental                                      78 FR 37325.
                                                   Impact Statement and Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews, Issuance of
                                                   NUREG–1437 and NUREG–1555, June 20, 2013.
                                                 Federal Register notice—PRM–51–10, NRC denial of Petition for Rulemaking, August 8, 2008                                    73 FR 46204.
                                                 Federal Register notice—PRM–51–29, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Notice of Receipt,                                        77 FR 75065.
                                                   December 19, 2012.

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014     13:54 Sep 02, 2015    Jkt 235001    PO 00000     Frm 00007    Fmt 4702    Sfmt 4702    E:\FR\FM\03SEP1.SGM       03SEP1

                                                 53272               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                                                                               ADAMS Accession Number/Federal Register
                                                                                                    Document                                                                Citation/URL

                                                 Federal Register notice—PRM–51–29, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Supplemental Infor-                         77 FR 76952.
                                                   mation, December 31, 2012.
                                                 Federal Register notice—Revisions to Environmental Review of Renewal of Nuclear Power                         78 FR 37282.
                                                   Plant Operating Licenses Final Rule, June 20, 2013.
                                                 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, NUREG–                          ML13107A023.
                                                   1437, Revision 1 (Volumes 1–3), June 21, 2013.
                                                 LBP–11–35, Memorandum and Order, denial of waiver in Pilgrim adjudicatory proceeding, De-                     ML11332A152.
                                                   cember 13, 2011.
                                                 NEI 06–12, ‘‘B.5.b Phases 2 & 3 Submittal Guideline, Revision 2,’’ Project 689, December 14,                  ML070090060.
                                                 NRC Overview of the Structural Integrity of the Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima Dai-ichi, Unit 4,                ML14111A099.
                                                   April 25, 2014.
                                                 NUREG–1353, ‘‘Regulatory Analysis for the Resolution of Generic Issue 82, ‘Beyond Design                      ML082330232.
                                                   Basis Accidents in Spent Fuel Pools,’ ’’ April 30, 1989.
                                                 NUREG–1437, ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear                           ML13107A023.
                                                   Plants’’ (2013 GEIS), June 20, 2013.
                                                 NUREG–1437, ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear                           ML040690705, ML040690738.
                                                   Plants’’ (1996 GEIS; Volumes 1 and 2), May 31, 1996.
                                                 NUREG–1738, ‘‘Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nu-                         ML010430066.
                                                   clear Power Plants,’’ S102686, February 28, 2001.
                                                 NUREG–2157, ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nu-                       ML14196A105, ML14196A107.
                                                   clear Fuel’’.
                                                 NUREG–2161, ‘‘Consequence Study of a Beyond-Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the Spent                       ML14255A365.
                                                   Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I Boiling-Water Reactor’’ (Spent Fuel Pool Study), October 9, 2013.
                                                 Order EA–12–049, NRC Order on Mitigating Strategies, March 12, 2012 ....................................      ML12054A735.
                                                 Order EA–12–051, NRC Order on Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation, March 12, 2012 .................               ML12056A044.
                                                 Order EA–13–109, NRC Order on Severe Accident Capable Hardened Vents, June 6, 2013 .....                      ML13143A321.
                                                 PRM–51–10, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, August 25, 2006 ...............................................     ML062640409.
                                                 PRM–51–29, from Mathew Brock, Commonwealth Of Mass. Petition for Waiver of C.F.R. Part                        ML12254A005.
                                                   51 Subpart A, Appendix B or In Alternative Petition For Rulemaking to Rescind Regulations
                                                   Excluding Consideration Of Spent Fuel Storage Impacts, June 2, 2011.
                                                 Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1, Revision 1, ‘‘Preparation of Environmental Reports for                    ML13067A354.
                                                   Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications,’’ June 20, 2013.
                                                 Report of Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety—The                        http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/kan/topics/
                                                   Accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations, June 2011.                                               201106/iaea_houkokusho_e.html.
                                                 Sandia Letter Report, Revision 2, Mitigation of Spent Fuel Pool Loss-of-Coolant Inventory Acci-               ML120970086.
                                                   dents And Extension of Reference Plant Analyses to Other Spent Fuel Pools, November 30,
                                                 Sandia Report: MELCOR 1.8.5 Separate Effect Analysis of Spent Fuel Assembly Accident Re-                      ML062290362.
                                                   sponse, June 30, 2003.
                                                 SECY–04–0191, ‘‘Withholding Sensitive Unclassified Information Concerning Nuclear Power                       ML042310663.
                                                   Reactors From Public Disclosure,’’ October 19, 2004.
                                                 SECY–11–0125, ‘‘Issuance of Bulletin 2011–01, ‘‘Mitigating Strategies,’’ September 12, 2011 ...               ML111250360.
                                                 SRM–COMSECY–13–0030, Staff Evaluation and Recommendation for Japan Lessons-Learned                            ML14143A360.
                                                   Tier 3 Issue on Expedited Transfer of Spent Fuel, May 23, 2014.
                                                 The Thompson Report, ‘‘New And Significant Information From The Fukushima Daiichi Acci-                       ML12094A183.
                                                   dent In The Context Of Future Operation Of The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant,’’ June 1, 2011.

                                                   Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 25th day           Rule, which requires that eyecare                     written data, views, and arguments
                                                 of August, 2015.                                        prescribers provide a copy of a                       concerning the Rule.
                                                   For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.                consumer’s prescription to the                        DATES: Written comments must be
                                                 Annette L. Vietti-Cook,                                 consumer upon completion of a contact                 received on or before October 26, 2015.
                                                 Secretary of the Commission.                            lens fitting and verify or provide
                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–21834 Filed 9–2–15; 8:45 am]              prescriptions to authorized third parties.            ADDRESSES:   Interested parties may file a
                                                                                                                                                               comment at https://
                                                 BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                  The Rule also mandates that a contact
                                                                                                         lens seller may sell contact lenses only
                                                                                                                                                               contactlensrule online or on paper, by
                                                                                                         in accordance with a prescription that
                                                                                                                                                               following the instructions in the
                                                 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION                                the seller either: (a) Has received from              Instructions for Submitting Comments
                                                                                                         the patient or prescriber; or (b) has                 part of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                                                 16 CFR Part 315                                         verified through direct communication                 section below. Write ‘‘Contact Lens

                                                                                                         with the prescriber. The Commission is                Rule, 16 CFR part 315, Project No.
                                                 Contact Lens Rule                                       soliciting comments about the                         R511995’’ on your comment, and file
                                                 AGENCY:   Federal Trade Commission                      efficiency, costs, benefits, and                      your comment online at https://
                                                 (‘‘FTC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’).                            regulatory impact of the Rule as part of              ftcpublic.commentworks.com/ftc/
                                                 ACTION: Request for comment.
                                                                                                         its systematic review of all current                  contactlensrule by following the
                                                                                                         Commission regulations and guides. All                instructions on the web-based form. If
                                                 SUMMARY:  The Commission is requesting                  interested persons are hereby given                   you prefer to file your comment on
                                                 public comments on the Contact Lens                     notice of the opportunity to submit                   paper, write ‘‘Contact Lens Rule, 16 CFR

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:54 Sep 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00008   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\03SEP1.SGM   03SEP1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:56:23
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:56:23
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionPetition for rulemaking; denial.
DatesThe docket for the petition for rulemaking, PRM-51-29, is closed on September 3, 2015.
ContactJenny Tobin, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555- 0001; telephone: 301-415-2328; email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 53266 

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