80_FR_53496 80 FR 53325 - Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Notice To Delete an Existing System of Records

80 FR 53325 - Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Notice To Delete an Existing System of Records

Bureau of Reclamation

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 171 (September 3, 2015)

Page Range53325-53326
FR Document2015-21924

The Department of the Interior is issuing public notice of its intent to delete the Bureau of Reclamation Privacy Act system of records, Interior-WBR-50, Reclamation Law Enforcement Management Information System, from its existing inventory.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 171 (Thursday, September 3, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 171 (Thursday, September 3, 2015)]
[Pages 53325-53326]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-21924]



Bureau of Reclamation

[RR84420000, 15XR0680R4, RX.19520003.9WOLMIS]

Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Notice To Delete an Existing 
System of Records

AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.

ACTION: Notice to delete an existing system of records.


SUMMARY: The Department of the Interior is issuing public notice of its 
intent to delete the Bureau of Reclamation Privacy Act system of 
records, Interior-WBR-50, Reclamation Law Enforcement Management 
Information System, from its existing inventory.

DATES: This deletion will be effective on September 3, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Deborah Suehr, Privacy Act Officer, 
Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, 6th and Kipling, Bldg. 
67, Denver, Colorado 80225; by telephone at (303) 445-3292; or by email 
at [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy 
Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, as amended, the Bureau of Reclamation 
(Reclamation) is deleting Interior-WBR-50 from its system of records 
inventory. A Federal Register notice was last published for this system 
of records on October 20, 2008 (73 FR 62314).
    Reclamation has decommissioned records previously maintained within 
this system and migrated those records into the DOI-10, Incident 
Management, Analysis, and Reporting System, system of records as 
indicated in the public notice published in the Federal Register on 
June 3, 2014 (79 FR 31974). Deleting the Interior-WBR-50 system of 
records notice will have no adverse impacts on individuals as the 
records are covered under the Department-wide law enforcement system 
notice. Individuals may continue to seek access or correction to their 
records under the DOI-10 system of records notice. This deletion will 
also promote the overall streamlining and management of

[[Page 53326]]

Department of the Interior Privacy Act systems of records.

    Dated: July 9, 2015.
Bruce C. Muller, Jr.,
Director, Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement.
[FR Doc. 2015-21924 Filed 9-2-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Notices                                                 53325

                                              Section 808 of the Alaska National                      or (907) 822–5234, by Wednesday,                      cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                              Interest Lands Conservation Act, (16                    October 14, 2015, to receive                          do so.
                                              U.S.C. 3118), title VIII.                               teleconference information. For more                    Dated: August 31, 2015.
                                                 Aniakchak National Monument SRC                      detailed information regarding this                   Alma Ripps,
                                              Meeting/Teleconfernce Date and                          meeting, or if you are interested in
                                                                                                                                                            Chief, Office of Policy.
                                              Location: The Aniakchak National                        applying for SRC membership, contact
                                              Monument SRC will meet from 1:30                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–21949 Filed 9–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      Barbara Cellarius, Subsistence Manager,
                                              p.m. to 5 p.m. or until business is                     at (907) 822–7236 or via email at                     BILLING CODE 4310–EE–P
                                              completed on Thursday, September 24,                    barbara_cellarius@nps.gov or Clarence
                                              2015, at the Chignik Lagoon Subsistence                 Summers, Subsistence Manager, at (907)
                                              Hall in Chignik Lake, AK.                                                                                     DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                                                                      644–3603 or via email at clarence_
                                              Teleconference participants must call                   summers@nps.gov.                                      Bureau of Reclamation
                                              the National Park Service office in King                   Proposed Meeting Agenda: The
                                              Salmon, AK at (907) 246–2154 or (907)                   agenda may change to accommodate                      [RR84420000, 15XR0680R4,
                                              246–3305, by Thursday, September 17,                    SRC business. The proposed meeting                    RX.19520003.9WOLMIS]
                                              2015, prior to the meeting to receive                   agenda for each meeting includes the
                                              teleconference passcode information.                                                                          Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended;
                                              For more detailed information regarding                                                                       Notice To Delete an Existing System of
                                                                                                      1. Call to Order—Confirm Quorum                       Records
                                              this meeting, or if you are interested in               2. Welcome and Introduction
                                              applying for SRC membership contact                     3. Review and Adoption of Agenda                      AGENCY:   Bureau of Reclamation,
                                              Designated Federal Official Diane                       4. Approval of Minutes                                Interior.
                                              Chung, Superintendent, at (907) 442–                    5. Superintendent’s Welcome and                       ACTION: Notice to delete an existing
                                              3890, or via email at diane_chung@                            Review of the SRC Purpose                       system of records.
                                              nps.gov or Linda Chisholm, Subsistence                  6. SRC Membership Status
                                              Coordinator, at (907) 246–2154, or via                  7. SRC Chair and Members’ Reports                     SUMMARY:    The Department of the
                                              email at linda_chisholm or Clarence                     8. Superintendent’s Report                            Interior is issuing public notice of its
                                              Summers, Subsistence Manager, at (907)                  9. Old Business                                       intent to delete the Bureau of
                                              644–3603 or via email at clarence_                      10. New Business                                      Reclamation Privacy Act system of
                                              summers@nps.gov.                                        11. Federal Subsistence Board Update                  records, Interior–WBR–50, Reclamation
                                                 Lake Clark National Park SRC                         12. Alaska Boards of Fish and Game                    Law Enforcement Management
                                              Meeting/Teleconfernce Date and                                Update                                          Information System, from its existing
                                              Location: The Lake Clark National Park                  13. National Park Service Reports                     inventory.
                                              SRC will meet from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. or                     a. Ranger Update                                   DATES: This deletion will be effective on
                                              until business is completed on                             b. Resource Manager’s Report                       September 3, 2015.
                                              Wednesday, October 7, 2015, at the                         c. Subsistence Manager’s Report
                                              National Park Service Visitor Center in                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      14. Public and Other Agency Comments                  Deborah Suehr, Privacy Act Officer,
                                              Port Alsworth, AK. Teleconference                       15. Work Session
                                              participants must call the National Park                                                                      Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal
                                                                                                      16. Set Tentative Date and Location for               Center, 6th and Kipling, Bldg. 67,
                                              Service office at (907) 644–3626 or (907)                     Next SRC Meeting
                                              781–2218, by Wednesday, September                                                                             Denver, Colorado 80225; by telephone at
                                                                                                      17. Adjourn Meeting                                   (303) 445–3292; or by email at dsuehr@
                                              30, 2015, prior to the meeting to receive
                                              teleconference passcode information.                       SRC meeting locations and dates may                usbr.gov.
                                              For more detailed information regarding                 change based on inclement weather or                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant
                                              this meeting, or if you are interested in               exceptional circumstances. If the                     to the provisions of the Privacy Act of
                                              applying for SRC membership, contact                    meeting date and location are changed,                1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, as amended, the
                                              Designated Federal Official Margaret L.                 the Superintendent will issue a press                 Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is
                                              Goodro, Superintendent, at (907) 644–                   release and use local newspapers and                  deleting Interior–WBR–50 from its
                                              3627, or via email at margaret_goodro@                  radio stations to announce the                        system of records inventory. A Federal
                                              nps.gov, or Liza Rupp, Subsistence                      rescheduled meeting.                                  Register notice was last published for
                                              Manager, at (907) 644–3603, or via email                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SRC                        this system of records on October 20,
                                              at liza_rupp@nps.gov or Clarence                        meetings are open to the public and will              2008 (73 FR 62314).
                                              Summers, Subsistence Manager, at (907)                  have time allocated for public                           Reclamation has decommissioned
                                              644–3603 or via email at clarence_                      testimony. The public is welcome to                   records previously maintained within
                                              summers@nps.gov.                                        present written or oral comments to the               this system and migrated those records
                                                 Wrangell-St. Elias National Park SRC                 SRC. SRC meetings will be recorded and                into the DOI–10, Incident Management,
                                              Meeting/Teleconference Date and                         meeting minutes will be available upon                Analysis, and Reporting System, system
                                              Location: The Wrangell-St. Elias                        request from the Superintendent for                   of records as indicated in the public
                                              National Park SRC will meet from 9 a.m.                 public inspection approximately six                   notice published in the Federal Register
                                              to 5 p.m. on Monday, October 19, 2015,                  weeks after the meeting. Before                       on June 3, 2014 (79 FR 31974). Deleting
                                              and Tuesday, October 20, 2015, or until                 including your address, telephone                     the Interior–WBR–50 system of records
                                              business is completed at the Tazlina                    number, email address, or other                       notice will have no adverse impacts on
                                              Village Hall in Tazlina, AK. Evening                    personal identifying information in your              individuals as the records are covered
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              sessions may take place on these dates                  comment, you should be aware that                     under the Department-wide law
                                              at the call of the chair. If the work of the            your entire comment—including your                    enforcement system notice. Individuals
                                              SRC is completed on Monday, October                     personal identifying information—may                  may continue to seek access or
                                              19, 2015, the SRC will not meet on                      be made publicly available at any time.               correction to their records under the
                                              Tuesday, October 20, 2015.                              While you may ask us in your comment                  DOI–10 system of records notice. This
                                              Teleconference participants must call                   to withhold your personal identifying                 deletion will also promote the overall
                                              National Park Service at (907) 822–7236                 information from public review, we                    streamlining and management of

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:42 Sep 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00049   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\03SEN1.SGM   03SEN1

                                              53326                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 171 / Thursday, September 3, 2015 / Notices

                                              Department of the Interior Privacy Act                               sites at Reclamation projects;                                          contributing to the implementation of
                                              systems of records.                                                  concessionaires, and not-for-profit                                     Reclamation’s mission. More
                                                Dated: July 9, 2015.                                               organizations who operate concessions                                   specifically, the collected information
                                              Bruce C. Muller, Jr.,
                                                                                                                   on Reclamation lands; and the public, to                                enables Reclamation to (1) evaluate the
                                                                                                                   comment on this information collection.                                 effectiveness of program management
                                              Director, Security, Safety, and Law
                                              Enforcement.                                                         DATES: Submit written comments on                                       based on existing recreation and
                                                                                                                   this information collection request on or                               concessionaire resources and facilities,
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–21924 Filed 9–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                   before November 2, 2015.                                                and (2) validate the efficiency of
                                              BILLING CODE 4332–90–P
                                                                                                                                                                                           resources for public use within partner
                                                                                                                   ADDRESSES: Send written comments or
                                                                                                                                                                                           managed recreation resources, located
                                                                                                                   requests for copies of the forms to Mr.
                                              DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                                                                                                   on Reclamation project lands in the 17
                                                                                                                   Jerome Jackson, Bureau of Reclamation,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Western States.
                                                                                                                   Office of Policy and Administration, 84–
                                              Bureau of Reclamation                                                57000, P.O. Box 25007, Denver, CO                                       II. Data
                                              [RR83570000, 156R5065C6,                                             80225–0007; or via email to jjackson@                                     OMB Control Number: 1006–0002.
                                              RX.59389832.1009676]                                                 usbr.gov. Please reference OMB No.                                        Title: Recreation Use Data Report.
                                                                                                                   1006–0002 in your comments.                                               Form Numbers: Form 7–2534—Part I,
                                              Agency Information Collection;                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                                    Managing Partners and Direct Managed
                                              Renewal of a Currently Approved                                      Jerome Jackson at (303) 445–2712.                                       Recreation Areas; Form 7–2535—Part II,
                                              Information Collection; Comment
                                                                                                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                              Concessionaires.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Frequency: Annually.
                                                                                                                   I. Abstract                                                               Respondents: State, local, or tribal
                                              AGENCY:      Bureau of Reclamation,
                                              Interior.                                                              The Bureau of Reclamation                                             governments; agencies who manage
                                              ACTION:  Notice and request for                                      (Reclamation) collects agency-wide                                      Reclamation’s recreation resources and
                                              comments.                                                            recreation and concession information                                   facilities; and commercial concessions,
                                                                                                                   to fulfill congressional reporting                                      subconcessionaires, and nonprofit
                                              SUMMARY:   We, the Bureau of                                         requirements pursuant to current public                                 organizations located on Reclamation
                                              Reclamation, intend to submit a request                              laws, including the Land and Water                                      lands with associated recreation
                                              for renewal of an existing approved                                  Conservation Fund Act (Pub. L. 88–                                      services.
                                              information collection to the Office of                              578), the Federal Water Project                                           Estimated Total Number of
                                              Management and Budget (OMB):                                         Recreation Act (Pub. L. 89–72), and the                                 Respondents: 270.
                                              Recreation Use Data Report, OMB                                      Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement                                      Estimated Number of Responses per
                                              Control Number 1006–0002. As part of                                 Act (Pub. L. 108–477). In addition,                                     Respondent: 1.
                                              its continuing effort to reduce                                      collected information will permit                                         Estimated Total Number of Annual
                                              paperwork and respondent burdens,                                    relevant program assessments of                                         Responses: 270.
                                              Reclamation invites other Federal                                    resources managed by Reclamation, its                                     Estimated Total Annual Burden on
                                              agencies, State, local, or tribal                                    recreation managing partners, and/or                                    Respondents: 136 hours.
                                              governments that manage recreation                                   concessionaires for the purpose of                                        Estimate of Burden for Each Form:

                                                                                                                                                                                            Burden                                               Annual
                                                                                                                                                                                           estimate                                           burden on
                                                                                                      Form number                                                                                                   number of
                                                                                                                                                                                           per form                                          respondents
                                                                                                                                                                                         (in minutes)                                          (in hours)

                                              Form 7–2534 (Part 1, Managing Partners) .................................................................................                                    30                       155                78
                                              Form 7–2535 (Part 2, Concessionaires) .....................................................................................                                  30                       115                58

                                                   Total Burden Hours ..............................................................................................................   ........................   ........................            136

                                              III. Request for Comments                                              We will summarize all comments                                        cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                                We invite your comments on:                                        received regarding this notice. We will                                 do so.
                                                (a) Whether the collection of                                      publish that summary in the Federal                                       Dated: August 12, 2015.
                                              information is necessary for the proper                              Register when the information
                                                                                                                                                                                           Roseann Gonzales,
                                              performance of our functions, including                              collection request is submitted to OMB
                                                                                                                                                                                           Director, Policy and Administration.
                                              whether the information will have                                    for review and approval.
                                                                                                                                                                                           [FR Doc. 2015–21919 Filed 9–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                              practical use;                                                       IV. Public Disclosure
                                                (b) the accuracy of our estimated time                                                                                                     BILLING CODE 4332–90–P

                                              and cost burden of the collection of                                   Before including your address, phone
                                              information, including the validity of                               number, email address, or other
                                              the methodology and assumptions used;                                personal identifying information in your
                                                (c) ways to enhance the quality,                                   comment, you should be aware that
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              usefulness, and clarity of the                                       your entire comment—including your
                                              information to be collected; and                                     personal identifying information—may
                                                (d) ways to minimize the burden of                                 be made publicly available at any time.
                                              the collection of information on
                                                                                                                   While you can ask us in your comment
                                              respondents, including increased use of
                                                                                                                   to withhold your personal identifying
                                              automated collection techniques or
                                                                                                                   information from public review, we
                                              other forms of information technology.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014      14:42 Sep 02, 2015        Jkt 235001      PO 00000      Frm 00050       Fmt 4703      Sfmt 9990      E:\FR\FM\03SEN1.SGM             03SEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:57:02
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:57:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice to delete an existing system of records.
DatesThis deletion will be effective on September 3, 2015.
ContactDeborah Suehr, Privacy Act Officer, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, 6th and Kipling, Bldg. 67, Denver, Colorado 80225; by telephone at (303) 445-3292; or by email at [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 53325 

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