80_FR_54101 80 FR 53928 - Solicitation of Nomination for Appointment to the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

80 FR 53928 - Solicitation of Nomination for Appointment to the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 173 (September 8, 2015)

Page Range53928-53929
FR Document2015-22057

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is seeking nominees to be considered for membership on the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses (Committee). The Committee is authorized by Public Law 105-368, Sec. 104 (the statute), to provide advice to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Secretary) on the proposed research studies, plans, and strategies related to understanding and treating the health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia theatre of operations during the 1990-1991 Gulf War. In accordance with the statute and the Committee's current charter, the majority of the membership shall consist of non-Federal employees, appointed by the Secretary from the general public, serving as Special Government Employees. The Committee provides, not later than December 1 of each year, an annual report summarizing its activities for the preceding year. The Committee reports to the Secretary through the Under Secretary for Health. The Secretary appoints Committee members for a period of 2 to 3 years. A term of service for any member may not exceed 3 years. The Secretary may reappoint members for additional terms. Self-nominations and nominations of non-Veterans will be accepted. Any letters of nomination from organizations or other individuals should accompany the package when it is submitted. In accordance with OMB guidance, federally-registered lobbyists may not serve on Federal advisory committees in their individual capacity. Additional information regarding this issue can be found at: www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/08/13/2014-19140/revised- guidance-on-appointment-of- lobbyists-to-federal-advisory-committees-boards-and-commissions.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 173 (Tuesday, September 8, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 173 (Tuesday, September 8, 2015)]
[Pages 53928-53929]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-22057]



Solicitation of Nomination for Appointment to the Research 
Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is seeking nominees to 
be considered for membership on the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf 
War Veterans' Illnesses (Committee). The Committee is authorized by 
Public Law 105-368, Sec.  104 (the statute), to provide advice to the 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Secretary) on the proposed research 
studies, plans, and strategies related to understanding and treating 
the health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia 
theatre of operations during the 1990-1991 Gulf War. In accordance with 
the statute and the Committee's current charter, the majority of the 
membership shall consist of non-Federal employees, appointed by the 
Secretary from the general public, serving as Special Government 
Employees. The Committee provides, not later than December 1 of each 
year, an annual report summarizing its activities for the preceding 
year. The Committee reports to the Secretary through the Under 
Secretary for Health. The Secretary appoints Committee members for a 
period of 2 to 3 years. A term of service for any member may not exceed 
3 years. The Secretary may reappoint members for additional terms.
    Self-nominations and nominations of non-Veterans will be accepted. 
Any letters of nomination from organizations or other individuals 
should accompany the package when it is submitted.
    In accordance with OMB guidance, federally-registered lobbyists may 
not serve on Federal advisory committees in their individual capacity. 
Additional information regarding this issue can be found at: 

[[Page 53929]]


    In accordance with the statute, the members of the Committee are 
appointed by the Secretary from the general public, including but not 
limited to:
    (1) Gulf War Veterans;
    (2) Representatives of such Veterans;
    (3) Members of the medical and scientific communities representing 
disciplines, such as, but not limited to, epidemiology, immunology, 
environmental health, neurology, and toxicology.
    The Committee meets at least once and up to three times annually. 
In accordance with Federal Travel Regulation, VA will cover travel 
expenses--to include per diem--for all members of the Committee, for 
any travel associated with official Committee duties. A copy of the 
Committee's most recent charter and a list of the current membership 
can be found at www.va.gov/ADVISORY/ or www.va.gov/rac-gwvi/.
    The Department makes every effort to ensure that the membership of 
its advisory committees is fairly balanced, in terms of points of view 
represented. In the review process, consideration is given to nominees' 
potential to address the Committee's demographic needs (regional 
representation, race/ethnicity representation, professional expertise, 
war era service, gender, former enlisted or officer status, branch of 
service, etc.). Other considerations to promote a balanced membership 
include longevity of military service, significant deployment 
experience, ability to handle complex issues, experience running large 
organizations, and ability to contribute to the health care and 
benefits needs of Gulf War Veterans.

Nomination Package Requirements

    Nomination packages must be typed (12 point font) and include: (1) 
A cover letter from the nominee, and (2) a current resume that is no 
more than four pages in length. The cover letter must summarize: The 
nominees' interest in serving on the committee and contributions she/he 
can make to the work of the committee; any relevant Veterans service 
activities she/he is currently engaged in; the military branch 
affiliation and timeframe of military service (if applicable). To 
promote a balanced membership, please provide information about your 
personal and professional qualifications and background that would give 
you a diverse perspective on Gulf War Veterans' matters. Finally, 
please include in the cover letter the nominee's complete contact 
information (name, address, email address, and phone number); and a 
statement confirming that she/he is not a Federally-registered 
lobbyist. The resume should show professional work experience, and 
Veterans service involvement, especially service that involves Gulf War 
Veterans' issues.
    Nominations for membership on the Committee must be received by 
October 9, 2015, no later than 4:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. All 
nomination packages should be sent to:

Dr. Victor Kalasinsky, Veterans Health Administration, Department of 
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20420.

    Should you need additional information, you may contact Dr. 
Kalasinsky at the address above or by phone at (202) 443-5600. (NOTE: 
This is not a toll-free number.) You may also email the nomination 
package to victor.kalasinsky@va.gov or fax to (202) 495-6155.

    Dated: September 1, 2015.
Rebecca Schiller,
Federal Advisory Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-22057 Filed 9-4-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    53928                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices

                                                       • Record of time expended assisting                  Notice of New Post-Award Reporting                    whether action will be taken to recover
                                                    with the provision of transportation                    Requirements                                          the grant funds. When VA determines
                                                    services.                                                  Applicants should anticipate that all              action will be taken to recover grant
                                                       • Record of grant funds expended                     recipients (excluding an individual                   funds from the grantee, the grantee is
                                                    assisting with the provision of                         recipient of Federal assistance) of                   then prohibited under § 17.730(b) from
                                                    transportation services.                                awards of $25,000 or more under this                  receipt of any further grant funds.
                                                       • Trips completed.                                   solicitation, consistent with the Federal               Approved: September 2, 2015.
                                                       • Total distance covered.                            Funding Accountability and                            William F. Russo,
                                                       • Veterans served.                                   Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA),                     Acting Director, Office of Regulation Policy
                                                       • Locations which received                           Public Law 109–282 (Sept. 26, 2006)                   and Management, Office of General Counsel.
                                                    transportation services.                                will be required to report award                      [FR Doc. 2015–22576 Filed 9–4–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            information on the subaward reporting
                                                       • Results of veteran satisfaction                                                                          BILLING CODE P
                                                                                                            system of any first-tier subawards
                                                                                                            totaling $25,000 or more, and, in certain
                                                    Program Monitoring                                      cases, to report information on the                   DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS
                                                                                                            names and total compensation of the                   AFFAIRS
                                                       The Veterans Transportation Program
                                                                                                            five most highly compensated
                                                    is responsible for program monitoring.                                                                        Solicitation of Nomination for
                                                                                                            executives of the recipient and first-tier
                                                    All awardees will be required to                                                                              Appointment to the Research Advisory
                                                                                                            subrecipients. Each applicant entity
                                                    cooperate in providing the necessary                                                                          Committee on Gulf War Veterans’
                                                                                                            must ensure that it has the necessary
                                                    data elements to the VTP. The goal of                                                                         Illnesses
                                                                                                            processes and systems in place to
                                                    program monitoring is to ensure
                                                                                                            comply with the reporting requirements
                                                    program requirements are met; this will                                                                       ACTION:   Notice.
                                                                                                            should it receive funding.
                                                    be accomplished by tracking                                It is expected that reports regarding
                                                    performance and identifying quality and                 subawards will be made through the                    SUMMARY:    The Department of Veterans
                                                    compliance problems through early                       FFATA Subaward Reporting System                       Affairs (VA) is seeking nominees to be
                                                    detection. Methods of program                           (FSRS) found at https://www.fsrs.gov.                 considered for membership on the
                                                    monitoring may include: Monitoring the                  The FFATA Subaward Reporting                          Research Advisory Committee on Gulf
                                                    performance of a grantee’s or                           System is the reporting tool Federal                  War Veterans’ Illnesses (Committee).
                                                    subrecipient’s personnel, procurements,                 prime awardees (i.e. prime contractors                The Committee is authorized by Public
                                                    and/or use of grant-funded property;                    and prime grants recipients) use to                   Law 105–368, § 104 (the statute), to
                                                    collecting, analyzing data, and assessing               capture and report subaward and                       provide advice to the Secretary of
                                                    program implementation and                              executive compensation data regarding                 Veterans Affairs (Secretary) on the
                                                    effectiveness; assessing costs and                      their first-tier subawards to meet the                proposed research studies, plans, and
                                                    utilization; and providing technical                    FFATA reporting requirements. Prime                   strategies related to understanding and
                                                    assistance when needed. Site visit                      contract awardees will report against                 treating the health consequences of
                                                    monitoring will include the above-                      sub-contracts awarded and prime grant                 military service in the Southwest Asia
                                                    described activities, in addition to the                awardees will report against sub-grants               theatre of operations during the 1990–
                                                    conduct of safety assessments and, if                   awarded. Prime Contractors awarded a                  1991 Gulf War. In accordance with the
                                                    applicable, verification of both current                Federal contract or order that is subject             statute and the Committee’s current
                                                    driver’s licenses and vehicle insurance                 to Federal Acquisition Regulation clause              charter, the majority of the membership
                                                    coverage.                                               52.204–10 (Reporting Executive                        shall consist of non-Federal employees,
                                                                                                            Compensation and First-Tier                           appointed by the Secretary from the
                                                    Federal Financial Report
                                                                                                            Subcontract Awards) are required to file              general public, serving as Special
                                                      Awardees are required to submit the                   a FFATA subaward report by the end of                 Government Employees. The Committee
                                                    FFR SF 425 on quarterly basis. More                     the month following the month in                      provides, not later than December 1 of
                                                    details will be announced in the Notice                 which the prime contractor awards any                 each year, an annual report
                                                    of Award.                                               subcontract greater than $25,000.                     summarizing its activities for the
                                                                                                               Please note also that applicants                   preceding year. The Committee reports
                                                    Audit Requirements
                                                                                                            should anticipate that no subaward of                 to the Secretary through the Under
                                                      Awardees must comply with the audit                   an award made under this solicitation                 Secretary for Health. The Secretary
                                                    requirements of Office of Management                    may be made to a subrecipient that is                 appoints Committee members for a
                                                    and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance 2                     subject to the terms of FFATA unless                  period of 2 to 3 years. A term of service
                                                    CFR part 200, subpart F. Information on                 the potential subrecipient acquires and               for any member may not exceed 3 years.
                                                    the scope, frequency and other aspects                  provides a Data Universal Numbering                   The Secretary may reappoint members
                                                    of the audits can be found on the                       System (DUNS) number.                                 for additional terms.
                                                    Internet at https://federalregister.gov/a/                                                                       Self-nominations and nominations of
                                                    2013–30465.                                             Other Information                                     non-Veterans will be accepted. Any
                                                                                                              Pursuant to § 17.730(a), VA may                     letters of nomination from organizations
                                                    Program Variations
                                                                                                            recover from the grantee any funds that               or other individuals should accompany
                                                       Any changes in a grantee’s program                   are not used in accordance with a grant               the package when it is submitted.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    activities which result in deviations                   agreement. If VA decides to recover                      In accordance with OMB guidance,
                                                    from the grant renewal agreement must                   funds, VA will issue to the grantee a                 federally-registered lobbyists may not
                                                    be reported to VA.                                      notice of intent to recover grant funds,              serve on Federal advisory committees in
                                                                                                            and the grantee will then have 30 days                their individual capacity. Additional
                                                    Additional Reporting
                                                                                                            to submit documentation demonstrating                 information regarding this issue can be
                                                      Additional reporting requirements                     why the grant funds should not be                     found at: www.federalregister.gov/
                                                    may be requested by VA to allow VA to                   recovered. After review of all submitted              articles/2014/08/13/2014-19140/
                                                    fully assess program effectiveness.                     documentation, VA will determine                      revised-guidance-on-appointment-of-

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:04 Sep 04, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00170   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\08SEN1.SGM   08SEN1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices                                                 53929

                                                    lobbyists-to-federal-advisory-                          (regional representation, race/ethnicity              complete contact information (name,
                                                    committees-boards-and-commissions.                      representation, professional expertise,               address, email address, and phone
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              war era service, gender, former enlisted              number); and a statement confirming
                                                       In accordance with the statute, the                  or officer status, branch of service, etc.).          that she/he is not a Federally-registered
                                                    members of the Committee are                            Other considerations to promote a                     lobbyist. The resume should show
                                                    appointed by the Secretary from the                     balanced membership include longevity                 professional work experience, and
                                                    general public, including but not                       of military service, significant                      Veterans service involvement,
                                                    limited to:                                             deployment experience, ability to                     especially service that involves Gulf
                                                       (1) Gulf War Veterans;                               handle complex issues, experience                     War Veterans’ issues.
                                                       (2) Representatives of such Veterans;                running large organizations, and ability
                                                       (3) Members of the medical and                                                                                Nominations for membership on the
                                                                                                            to contribute to the health care and                  Committee must be received by October
                                                    scientific communities representing                     benefits needs of Gulf War Veterans.
                                                    disciplines, such as, but not limited to,                                                                     9, 2015, no later than 4:00 p.m., Eastern
                                                    epidemiology, immunology,                               Nomination Package Requirements                       Standard Time. All nomination
                                                    environmental health, neurology, and                                                                          packages should be sent to:
                                                    toxicology.                                                Nomination packages must be typed
                                                                                                            (12 point font) and include: (1) A cover              Dr. Victor Kalasinsky, Veterans Health
                                                       The Committee meets at least once                                                                            Administration, Department of
                                                    and up to three times annually. In                      letter from the nominee, and (2) a
                                                                                                            current resume that is no more than four                Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont
                                                    accordance with Federal Travel                                                                                  Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20420.
                                                    Regulation, VA will cover travel                        pages in length. The cover letter must
                                                    expenses—to include per diem—for all                    summarize: The nominees’ interest in                     Should you need additional
                                                    members of the Committee, for any                       serving on the committee and                          information, you may contact Dr.
                                                    travel associated with official                         contributions she/he can make to the                  Kalasinsky at the address above or by
                                                    Committee duties. A copy of the                         work of the committee; any relevant                   phone at (202) 443–5600. (NOTE: This
                                                    Committee’s most recent charter and a                   Veterans service activities she/he is                 is not a toll-free number.) You may also
                                                    list of the current membership can be                   currently engaged in; the military                    email the nomination package to
                                                    found at www.va.gov/ADVISORY/ or                        branch affiliation and timeframe of                   victor.kalasinsky@va.gov or fax to (202)
                                                    www.va.gov/rac-gwvi/.                                   military service (if applicable). To                  495–6155.
                                                       The Department makes every effort to                 promote a balanced membership, please
                                                    ensure that the membership of its                       provide information about your                          Dated: September 1, 2015.
                                                    advisory committees is fairly balanced,                 personal and professional qualifications              Rebecca Schiller,
                                                    in terms of points of view represented.                 and background that would give you a                  Federal Advisory Committee Management
                                                    In the review process, consideration is                 diverse perspective on Gulf War                       Officer.
                                                    given to nominees’ potential to address                 Veterans’ matters. Finally, please                    [FR Doc. 2015–22057 Filed 9–4–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    the Committee’s demographic needs                       include in the cover letter the nominee’s             BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:13:16
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:13:16
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 53928 

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