80_FR_54776 80 FR 54601 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto To Establish a New Auction, BX PRISM

80 FR 54601 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto To Establish a New Auction, BX PRISM


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 175 (September 10, 2015)

Page Range54601-54614
FR Document2015-22742

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 175 (Thursday, September 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 175 (Thursday, September 10, 2015)]
[Pages 54601-54614]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-22742]



[Release No. 34-75827; File No. SR-BX-2015-032]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of 
Filing of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto To Establish 
a New Auction, BX PRISM

September 3, 2015.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that 
on August 19, 2015, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (``BX'' or ``Exchange'') filed 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission'') 
the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III, below, 
which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. On September 2, 2015, 
the Exchange filed Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change.\3\ The 
Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the 
proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, from interested 

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ BX filed Amendment No. 1 to correct an inadvertent rule text 
error in Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(6) by removing stray brackets. 
Also, BX filed this amendment to conform rule text in Chapter VI, 
Section 9(ii)(K) to the language in the proposed 19b4 for clarity 
and consistency.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange proposes to amend BX rules at Chapter VI, Section 9, 
which is currently reserved, to establish a price-improvement mechanism 
on BX.
    The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange's 
Web site at http://nasdaqomxbx.cchwallstreet.com, at the principal 
office of the Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in 
sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such 

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The purpose of the proposed rule change is to establish a price-
improvement mechanism, ``PRISM,'' on the Exchange, which includes auto-
match functionality in which a Participant (an ``Initiating 
Participant'') may electronically submit for execution an order it 
represents as agent on behalf of a Public Customer,\4\ Professional 
customer, broker dealer, or any other entity (``PRISM Order'') against 
principal interest or against any other order it represents as agent 
(an ``Initiating Order'') provided it submits the PRISM Order for 
electronic execution into the PRISM Auction (``Auction'') pursuant to 
the proposed Rule.\5\ The Exchange intends to retitle Chapter VI, 
Section 9, which is currently reserved, as ``Price Improvement Auction 
(``PRISM'').'' The Exchange believes that the PRISM auction, as 
proposed herein, will encourage BX Market Makers to quote at the NBBO 
with additional size and thereby result in tighter and deeper markets, 
resulting in more liquidity on BX. Specifically, by offering BX Market 
Makers the ability to receive priority in the proposed allocation 
during the PRISM auction up to the size of their quote, a BX Market 
Maker will be encouraged to quote with additional size outside of the 
PRISM auction at the best and most aggressive prices. BX believes that 
this incentive may result in a narrowing of quotes and thus further 
enhance BX's market quality. Within the PRISM auction, BX believes that 
the rules that are proposed will encourage BX Market Makers to compete 
vigorously to provide the opportunity for price improvement in a 
competitive auction process.

    \4\ For purposes of this Rule, a Public Customer order does not 
include a Professional order, and therefore a Professional would not 
be entitled to Public Customer priority as described herein. A 
Public Customer means a person that is not a broker or dealer in 
securities. See BX Options Rules at Chapter I, Section 1(a)(50). A 
Public Customer order does not include a Professional order for 
purposes of BX Rule at Chapter VI, Section 10(a)(C)(1)(a), which 
governs allocation priority. A ``Professional'' means any person or 
entity that (i) is not a broker or dealer in securities, and (ii) 
places more than 390 orders in listed options per day on average 
during a calendar month for its own beneficial account(s). A 
Participant or a Public Customer may, without limitation, be a 
Professional. All Professional orders shall be appropriately marked 
by Participants. See BX Rules at Chapter I, Section 1(a)(49).
    \5\ BX will only conduct an auction for Simple Orders.

Auction Eligibility Requirements
    All options traded on the Exchange are eligible for PRISM. Proposed 
Rule Chapter VI, Section 9(i) describes the circumstances under which 
an Initiating Participant may initiate an Auction. The Initiating 
Participant may initiate an Auction provided the conditions which 
follow are met: If the PRISM Order is for the account of a Public 
Customer the Initiating Participant must stop the entire PRISM Order at 
a price that is equal to or better than the National Best Bid/Offer 
displayed (``NBBO'') on the opposite side of the market from the PRISM 
Order, provided that such price must be at least one minimum trading 
increment specified in Chapter VI, Section 5 \6\ better than any limit 

[[Page 54602]]

on the limit order book on the same side of the market as the PRISM 
Order.\7\ If the PRISM Order is for the account of a broker dealer or 
any other person or entity that is not a Public Customer, the 
Initiating Participant must stop the entire PRISM at a price that is 
the better of: (i) The displayed BX BBO price improved by at least the 
minimum trading increment on the same side of the market as the PRISM 
Order, or (ii) the PRISM Order's limit price (if the order is a limit 
order), provided in either case that such price is at or better than 
the displayed NBBO.\8\ There is a distinction between proposed Chapter 
VI, Section 9(i)(A) and Section 9(i)(B) in that a PRISM Order that is a 
Public Customer Order must trade at an improved price if there is a 
limit order on the book. A PRISM Order that is for a non-Customer 
(account of a broker-dealer or any other person or entity that is not a 
Public Customer) is always required to improve the same side of the BX 
BBO even if there is no resting limit order on the book.

    \6\ The Board may establish minimum quoting increments for 
options contracts traded on BX Options. The minimum trading 
increment for options contracts traded on BX Options will be one (1) 
cent for all series (``Minimum Increment''). See BX Rules at Chapter 
VI, Section 5(b).
    \7\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(A).
    \8\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(B).

    PRISM Orders that do not comply with these aforementioned 
requirements are not eligible to initiate an Auction and will be 
rejected. Also, PRISM Orders submitted at or before the opening of 
trading are not eligible to initiate an Auction and will be rejected. 
PRISM Orders submitted during the final two seconds of the trading 
session in the affected series are not eligible to initiate an Auction 
and will be rejected. Finally, an Initiating Order may not be a 
solicited order for the account of any BX Options Market Maker assigned 
in the affected series.\9\

    \9\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(C) through 

Auction Process
    Only one Auction may be conducted at a time in any given series. 
Once commenced, an Auction may not be cancelled and would proceed as 
described herein. To initiate the Auction, the Initiating Participant 
must mark the PRISM Order for Auction processing, and specify either: 
(a) A single price at which it seeks to execute the PRISM Order (a 
``stop price''); (b) that it is willing to automatically match as 
principal or as agent on behalf of an Initiating Order the price and 
size of all PRISM Auction Notifications (``PAN'') responses, and 
trading interest (``auto-match'') in which case the PRISM Order will be 
stopped at the NBBO on the Initiating Order side; \10\ or (c) that it 
is willing to either: (i) Stop the entire order at a single stop price 
and auto-match PAN responses and trading interest at a price or prices 
that improve the stop price to a specified price (a ``No Worse Than'' 
or ``NWT'' price); (ii) stop the entire order at a single stop price 
and auto-match all PAN responses and trading interest at or better than 
the stop price; or (iii) stop the entire order at the NBBO on the 
Initiating Order side, and auto-match PAN responses and trading 
interest at a price or prices that improve the stop price up to the NWT 
price. In all cases, if the BX BBO on the same side of the market as 
the PRISM Order represents a limit order on the book, the stop price 
must be at least the Minimum Increment better than the booked limit 
order's limit price. Once the Initiating Participant has submitted a 
PRISM Order for processing as described herein, such PRISM Order may 
not be modified or cancelled. Under no circumstances will the 
Initiating Participant receive an allocation percentage of more than 
50% with one competing order or 40% with multiple competing orders at 
the final price point, except for rounding, when competing orders have 
contracts available for execution.\11\ Under any of the circumstances 
described above, the stop price or NWT price may be improved to the 
benefit of the PRISM Order during the Auction, but may not be 
cancelled. When starting an Auction, the Initiating Participant may 
submit the Initiating Order with a designation of ``surrender'' to 
other PRISM Participants (``Surrender''), which will result in the 
Initiating Participant forfeiting priority and trade allocation 
privileges.\12\ If Surrender is specified the Initiating Order will 
only trade if there is not enough interest available to fully execute 
the PRISM Order at prices which are equal to or improve upon the stop 
price.\13\ The Surrender function will never result in more than the 
maximum allowable allocation percentage to the Initiating Participant 
than that which the Initiating Participant would have otherwise 
received in accordance with the allocation procedures set forth in this 
Rule.\14\ Surrender information will not be available to other market 
participants and may not be modified.

    \10\ This is accomplished by marking the Initiating Order with a 
market (MKT) price.
    \11\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1).
    \12\ The Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated's 
(``CBOE'') has a process whereby initiating participants may elect 
to receive last priority in an allocation. See CBOE Rule 
6.74A(b)(3)(J) (Automated Improvement Mechanism (``AIM'')). See also 
MIAX Rule 5.15(A)(a)(2)(iii)(J). BX will allow surrender only for 
the entire amount, not for a partial amount.
    \13\ Surrender will not be applied if both the Initiating Order 
and PRISM Order are Public Customer Orders.
    \14\ This concept of Surrender is similar to a forfeiture 
concept on the BOX Options Exchange LLC (``BOX''). See BOX Rule 
7150(g) regarding PIP, its price improvement auction.

    When the Exchange receives a PRISM Order for Auction processing, a 
PAN detailing the side, size and options series of the PRISM Order will 
be sent over the Exchange's Specialized Quote Feed (``SQF'').\15\ The 
Auction will last for a period of time, as determined by the Exchange 
and announced on the Nasdaq Trader Web site. The Auction period will be 
no less than one hundred milliseconds \16\ and no more than one 
second.\17\ Any person or entity may submit a response to the PAN, 
provided such response is properly marked specifying price, size and 
side of the market. PAN responses will not be visible to Auction 
participants, including the initiator, and will not be disseminated to 
OPRA. The minimum price increment for PAN responses and for an 
Initiating Participant's stop price and/or NWT price would be the 
minimum price improvement increment established pursuant to proposed 
rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1).\18\

    \15\ SQF is available to Market Makers at no cost. The Depth 
Feed is available to all other market participants that pay to 
subscribe to the service to receive broadcast information regarding 
    \16\ BOX's PIP auction is a duration of one hundred 
milliseconds, commencing on the dissemination of the PIP broadcast. 
See BOX Rule 7150(f)(1).
    \17\ CBOE's AIM auction is a duration of one second. See CBOE 
Rule 6.74A(b)(1)(C).
    \18\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(2) 
through (6).

    NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC (``Phlx'') staff distributed a survey to all 
Phlx market maker firms inquiring as to the timeframe within which 
these market participants respond to an auction with a duration time 
ranging from less than fifty (50) milliseconds to more than one (1) 
second. The market marker firms on Phlx represent membership similar to 
BX Market Makers.\19\ An overwhelming number of the market maker firms 
that responded to the survey indicated that they were capable of 
responding to auctions with a duration time of at least 50 
milliseconds.\20\ Based on the results of the survey, the Exchange 
believes that allowing for an auction period of no less than one 
hundred (100) milliseconds

[[Page 54603]]

and no more than one (1) second would provide a meaningful opportunity 
for BX Participants to respond to the PRISM Auction while at the same 
time facilitating the prompt execution of orders. The Exchange believes 
that BX Participants will have sufficient time to ensure competition 
for PRISM Orders, and could provide orders within the PRISM auction 
additional opportunities for price improvement.

    \19\ Ninety (90) percent of the BX Market Maker firms 
participated in the survey.
    \20\ Of the thirty five (35) Phlx market maker firms that were 
surveyed, twenty (20) of these market makers responded to the survey 
and of those respondents 100% indicated that that their firm could 
respond to auctions with a duration time of at least 50 
milliseconds. This survey was conducted in May 2014.

    BX believes the proposed rule change could provide orders within 
PRISM an opportunity for price improvement. Also, the shorter duration 
of time for the auction reduce the market risk for all Participants 
executing trades in PRISM. Initiating Participants are required to 
guarantee an execution at the NBBO or at a better price, and are 
subject to market risk while their PRISM Order is exposed to other BX 
Participants. While other Participants are also subject to market risk, 
those providing responses in PRISM may cancel or modify their orders. 
BX believes that the Initiating Participant acts in a critical role 
within the PRISM auction. Their willingness to guarantee the orders 
entered into PRISM an execution at NBBO or a better price is the 
keystone to an order gaining the opportunity for price improvement. BX 
believes that allowing for an auction period of no less than one 
hundred milliseconds and no more than one second will benefit 
Participants trading in PRISM. BX believes it is in these Participants' 
best interests to minimize the auction time while continuing to allow 
Participants adequate time to electronically respond. Both the order 
being exposed and the responding orders are subject to market risk 
during the auction.
    While some Participants may wait to respond until later in the 
auction, presumably to minimize their market risk, the Exchange 
believes that a majority of the orders would respond earlier in the 
auction. Based on experience with the Phlx's PIXL mechanism on BX's 
affiliated exchange, BX believes that 100 milliseconds will continue to 
provide all market participants with sufficient time to respond, 
compete, and provide price improvement for orders and will provide 
investors and other market participants with more timely executions, 
thereby reducing their market risk. The proposed rule allows people to 
respond quickly at the most favorable price while reducing the risk 
that the market will move against the response.
    BX believes that its Participants operate electronic systems that 
enable them to react and respond to orders in a meaningful way in 
fractions of a second. BX believes that its Participants will be able 
to compete within 100 milliseconds and this is a sufficient amount of 
time to respond to, compete for, and provide price improvement for 
orders, and will provide investors and other market participants with 
more timely executions, and reduce their market risk.
    Finally, with respect to the impact of this proposal, more 
specifically the timing of the responses proposed herein, on System 
\21\ capacity, BX has analyzed its capacity and represents that it and 
the Options Price Reporting Authority (``OPRA'') have the necessary 
systems capacity to handle the potential additional traffic associated 
with auction transactions resulting specifically from the 
implementation of the auction period of no less than one hundred 
milliseconds and no more than one second. Additionally, in terms of 
overall capacity the Exchange represents that its Systems will be able 
to sufficiently maintain an audit trail for order and trade information 
with the PRISM auction.

    \21\ The term ``System'' is defined in BX Rules at Chapter VI, 
Section 1(a).

    A PAN response size at any given price point may not exceed the 
size of the PRISM Order. A PAN response with a size greater than the 
size of the PRISM Order will be rejected. A PAN response must be equal 
to or better than the NBBO at the time of receipt of the PAN response. 
PAN responses may be modified or cancelled during the Auction.\22\ A 
PAN response submitted with a price that is outside the displayed NBBO 
will be rejected. PAN responses on the same side of the market as the 
PRISM Order are considered invalid and will be rejected. Finally, 
multiple PAN responses from the same Participant may be submitted 
during the Auction. Multiple orders at a particular price point 
submitted by a Participant in response to a PAN may not exceed, in the 
aggregate, the size of the PRISM Order.\23\

    \22\ The modification and cancellation of a PAN response will be 
similar to the manner in which a cancel-replace order would be 
handled outside of the auction process. See BX Rules at Chapter VI, 
Section 1(e)(1).
    \23\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(7) 
through (10).

Conclusion of an Auction
    The PRISM Auction would conclude at the earlier of the end of the 
Auction period, any time the BX BBO crosses the PRISM Order stop price 
on the same side of the market as the PRISM Order \24\ or any time 
there is a trading halt \25\ on the Exchange in the affected 

    \24\ This provision regarding the BX BBO crossing the PRISM 
Order stop price on the same side of the market as the PRISM Order, 
as a conclusion to a PRISM Auction, shall be effective subject to a 
pilot period scheduled to expire July 18, 2016, as proposed.
    \25\ This provision regarding the trading halt, as a conclusion 
to a PRISM Auction, shall be effective subject to a pilot period 
scheduled to expire July 18, 2016, as proposed.
    \26\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(B).

    If the Auction concludes at the earlier of the BX BBO crossing the 
PRISM Order stop price on the same side of the market as the PRISM 
Order or any time there is a trading halt on the Exchange in the 
affected series, the entire PRISM Order will be executed as follows: 
(1) In the case of the BX BBO crossing the PRISM Order stop price, the 
best response price(s) or, if the stop price is the best price in the 
Auction, at the stop price, unless the best response price is equal to 
or better than the price of a limit order resting on the Order Book on 
the same side of the market as the PRISM Order, in which case the PRISM 
Order will be executed against that response, but at a price that is at 
the minimum trading increment better than the price of such limit order 
at the time of the conclusion of the Auction; or (2) in the case of a 
trading halt on the Exchange in the affected series, the stop price, in 
which case the PRISM Order will be executed solely against the 
Initiating Order. In the event of a trading halt, since the Initiating 
Participant has guaranteed that an execution will occur at the stop 
price (or better), and PAN responses offer no such guarantee, the stop 
price is the only valid price at which to execute the PRISM Order, and 
the Initiating Member is the appropriate contra-side.
    Any unexecuted PAN responses will be cancelled.\27\ An unrelated 
market or marketable limit order (against the BX BBO) on the opposite 
side of the market from the PRISM Order received during the Auction 
will not cause the Auction to end early and will execute against 
interest outside of the Auction.\28\ If contracts remain from such 
unrelated order at the time the auction ends, they will be considered 
for participation in the order allocation process.\29\

    \27\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(C). The 
Exchange will not route away any orders to another market center 
submitted into the PRISM auction.
    \28\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(D).
    \29\ This provision shall be effective for a pilot period 
scheduled to expire on July 18, 2016, as proposed.

Order Allocation--Size Pro-Rata
    At the conclusion of the Auction, the PRISM Order will be allocated 
at the best price(s) as follows for underlying symbols which are 
designated as Size

[[Page 54604]]

Pro-Rata, as described in Chapter VI, Section10(1)(C)(1)(a) with 
priority as is described below. First, Public Customer orders would 
have time priority at each price level. Next, the Initiating 
Participant would be allocated after Public Customer Orders.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the single stop price option 
of the PRISM Auction, PRISM executions will occur at prices that 
improve the stop price, and then at the stop price with up to 40% of 
the remaining contracts after Public Customer interest is satisfied 
being allocated to the Initiating Participant the stop price. However, 
if only one other Participant matches the stop price, then the 
Initiating Participant may be allocated up to 50% of the contracts 
executed at such price. Remaining contracts would be allocated, 
pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5), among 
remaining quotes, orders and PAN responses at the stop price. 
Thereafter, remaining contracts, if any, would be allocated to the 
Initiating Participant. The allocation will account for Surrender, if 
    If the Initiating Participant selected the auto-match option of the 
PRISM Auction the Initiating Participant would be allocated an equal 
number of contracts as the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders 
and PAN responses at each price point until a price point is reached 
where the balance of the order can be fully executed, except that the 
Initiating Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% of the 
contracts remaining at the final price point (including situations 
where the stop price is the final price) after Public Customer interest 
has been satisfied but before remaining interest. If there are other 
quotes, orders and PAN responses at the final price point the contracts 
will be allocated to such interest pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, 
Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5). Any remaining contracts would be 
allocated to the Initiating Participant.
    In the case of a PRISM, if the Initiating Participant selected the 
``stop and NWT'' option of the PRISM Auction, contracts would be 
allocated as follows: (i) First to quotes, orders and PAN responses at 
prices better than the NWT price (if any), beginning with the best 
price, pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through 
(5), at each price point; and (ii) next, to quotes, orders and PAN 
responses at prices at the Initiating Participant's NWT price and 
better than the Initiating Participant's stop price, beginning with the 
NWT price. The Initiating Participant would be allocated an equal 
number of contracts as the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders 
and PAN responses at each price point, except that the Initiating 
Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% (multiple competing 
orders) or 50% (one competing order) of the contracts remaining at the 
final price point (including situations where the final price is the 
stop price), after Public Customer interest has been satisfied but 
before remaining interest. In the case of an Initiating Order with a 
NWT price at the market, the Initiating Participant would be allocated 
an equal number of contracts as the aggregate size of all other quotes, 
orders and PAN responses at all price points, except that the 
Initiating Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% of the 
contracts remaining at the final price point (including situations 
where the final price is the stop price), after Public Customer 
interest has been satisfied but before remaining interest. If there are 
other quotes, orders and PAN responses at the final price point the 
contracts will be allocated to such interest pursuant to proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5). Any remaining contracts 
would be allocated to the Initiating Participant.\30\

    \30\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(2)(a) 
through (c).

    Next, BX Options Market Makers that were at a price that is equal 
to or better \31\ than the displayed NBBO on the opposite side of the 
market from the PRISM Order at the time of initiation of the PRISM 
Auction (``Priority Market Makers'') would have priority up to their 
displayed quote size in the NBBO which was present when the PRISM 
Auction was initiated (``Initial Displayed NBBO'') at each price level 
at or better than such Initial Displayed NBBO after Public Customer and 
Initiating Participants have received allocations.\32\ Priority Market 
Maker quotes, orders, and PAN responses will be allocated pursuant to 
the Size Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, 
Section 10(1)(B).\33\ Priority Market Maker status is only valid for 
the duration of the particular PRISM auction.

    \31\ Price Improving Orders are submitted to the System at price 
increments smaller than the displayed Minimum Price Variation and 
are displayed as part of the BX BBO at the Minimum Price Variation. 
See BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 1(e)(6). Price Improving 
interest from a BX Market Maker will be considered as Priority 
Market Maker interest provided the BX BBO is equal to the NBBO.
    \32\ MIAX allocates executions resulting from Priority Public 
Customer interest and priority Market Maker quotes ahead of other 
interest. MIAX's system may designate Market Maker quotes as either 
priority quotes or non-priority quotes in accordance with the 
provisions in MIAX Rule 517(b). The Exchange is prioritizing 
Priority Market Maker allocations in the proposed BX PRISM Auction 
in a similar manner, ahead of other non- Public Customer interest.
    \33\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3).

    Next, Non-Priority Market Makers and Priority Market Maker interest 
which exceeded their displayed size in the Initial Displayed NBBO would 
have priority at each price level at or better than the Initial 
Displayed NBBO after Public Customer, Initiating Participants and 
Priority Market Makers have received allocations. Non-Priority Market 
Maker and Priority Market Maker interest which exceeded their displayed 
size in the Initial Displayed NBBO will be allocated pursuant to the 
Size Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, 
Section 10(1)(B).\34\

    \34\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(4).

    Finally, all other interest will be allocated, after proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(1) through (4) have been satisfied. Such 
interest will be allocated pursuant to the Size Pro-Rata algorithm set 
forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).\35\

    \35\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(5).

Order Allocation--Price/Time
    At the conclusion of the Auction, the PRISM Order will be allocated 
at the best price(s) as indicated below for underlying symbols 
designated as Price/Time as described in proposed Chapter VI, 
Section10(1)(C)(2)(i). First, Public Customer orders would have time 
priority at each price level. Next, the Initiating Participant would be 
allocated after Public Customer Orders.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the single stop price option 
of the PRISM Auction, PRISM executions will occur at prices that 
improve the stop price, and then at the stop price with up to 40% of 
the remaining contracts after Public Customer interest is satisfied 
being allocated to the Initiating Participant the stop price. However, 
if only one other Participant matches the stop price, then the 
Initiating Participant may be allocated up to 50% of the contracts 
executed at such price. Remaining contracts would be allocated pursuant 
to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4), among remaining 
quotes, orders and PAN responses at the stop price. Thereafter, 
remaining contracts, if any, would be allocated to the Initiating 
Participant. The allocation will account for Surrender, if applicable.
    If the Initiating Participant selected the auto-match option of the 
PRISM Auction the Initiating Participant would be allocated an equal 
number of

[[Page 54605]]

contracts as the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders and PAN 
responses at each price point until a price point is reached where the 
balance of the order can be fully executed, except that the Initiating 
Participant would be entitled to receive up to 40% or 50% of the 
contracts remaining at the final price point (including situations 
where the stop price is the final price), after Public Customer 
interest has been satisfied but before remaining interest. If there are 
other quotes, orders and PAN responses at the final price point the 
contracts will be allocated to such interest pursuant to proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4). Any remaining contracts would 
be allocated to the Initiating Participant. In the case of a PRISM, if 
the Initiating Participant selected the ``stop and NWT'' option of the 
PRISM Auction, contracts would be allocated as follows: (i) First to 
quotes, orders and PAN responses at prices better than the NWT price 
(if any), beginning with the best price, pursuant to proposed Chapter 
VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4), at each price point; and (ii) next, to 
quotes, orders and PAN responses at prices at the Initiating 
Participant's NWT price and better than the Initiating Participant's 
stop price, beginning with the NWT price. The Initiating Participant 
would be allocated an equal number of contracts as the aggregate size 
of all other quotes, orders and PAN responses at each price point, 
except that the Initiating Participant would be entitled to receive up 
to 40% of the contracts remaining at the final price point (including 
situations where the final price is the stop price), after Public 
Customer interest has been satisfied but before remaining interest. In 
the case of an Initiating Order with a NWT price at the market, the 
Initiating Participant would be allocated an equal number of contracts 
as the aggregate size of all other quotes, orders and PAN responses at 
all price points, except that the Initiating Participant would be 
entitled to receive up to 40% of the contracts remaining at the final 
price point (including situations where the final price is the stop 
price), after Public Customer interest has been satisfied but before 
remaining interest. If there are other quotes, orders and PAN responses 
at the final price point the contracts will be allocated to such 
interest pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4). 
Any remaining contracts would be allocated to the Initiating 
    Next, Priority Market Makers that were at a price that is equal to 
or better than the displayed NBBO on the opposite side of the market 
from the PRISM Order at the time of initiation of PRISM Auction would 
have priority up to their displayed quote size in the Initial Displayed 
NBBO at each price level better than the Initial Displayed NBBO, after 
Public Customer and Initiating Participants have received allocations. 
Priority Market Maker interest at prices better than the Initial 
Displayed NBBO will be allocated pursuant to the Size Pro-Rata 
algorithm set forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B). 
Priority Market Maker interest at a price equal to or inferior to the 
Initial Displayed NBBO will not have priority over other participants 
and will be allocated pursuant to the Price/Time algorithm set forth in 
Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(A).\36\

    \36\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3).

    Finally, all other interest will be allocated, after proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(1) through (3) have been satisfied. Such 
interest will be allocated pursuant to the Price/Time algorithm set 
forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(A).\37\ The 
Exchange believes using the Price/Time allocation method for interest 
remaining after proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(1) through (3) 
have been satisfied provides consistency with the underlying symbol 
allocation designation. Since the Exchange considers all interest 
present in the System, and not solely auction Responses, for execution 
against the PRISM Order, those participants who are not explicit 
responders to the auction will expect executions based on their Price/
Time priority. In addition, the Exchange believes executing such 
remaining interest in a Price/Time fashion does not unfairly advantage/
disadvantage one participant over another since executions are done 
with price priority first and time only becoming a factor when 
considering equally priced interest for execution.\38\ Other options 
markets utilize Price/Time in auctions.\39\ With respect to either 
allocation method, Size Pro-Rata or Price/Time, a single quote, order 
or PAN response would not be allocated a number of contracts that is 
greater than its size. Residual odd lots will be allocated in time-
priority among interest with the highest priority. Rounding of the 
Initiating Participant will be up or down to the nearest integer,\40\ 
all other rounding is down to the nearest integer. If rounding results 
in an allocation of less than one contract, then one contract will be 
allocated to the Initiating Participant only if the Initiating 
Participant did not otherwise receive an allocation.\41\ The Initiating 
Participant is not eligible to receive residual contracts if already 
allocated, unless no other interest is available to trade. If there are 
PAN responses that cross the then-existing NBBO (provided such NBBO is 
not crossed), such PAN responses will be executed, if possible, at 
their limit price(s). If the price of the PRISM Auction is the same as 
that of an order on the limit order book on the same side of the market 
as the PRISM Order, the PRISM Order may only be executed at a price 
that is at least one minimum trading increment better than the resting 
order's limit price or, if such resting order's limit price is equal to 
or crosses the stop price, then the entire PRISM Order will trade at 
the stop price with all better priced interest being considered for 
execution at the stop price. Any unexecuted PAN responses will be 

    \37\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(4).
    \38\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(2)(a) 
through (c).
    \39\ The International Securities Exchange, LLC (``ISE'') 
executes Priority Customer interest in a Price/Time fashion within 
its PIM auction. See ISE Rule 723. Complex orders are also executed 
within its auction in price time priority. See ISE Rule 722. BOX 
also permits Price/Time priority within PIP and COPIP. See BOX Rules 
7150(g) and 7245(g). See also example number 14 below.
    \40\ When the decimal is exactly 0.5, the rounding direction is 
up to the nearest integer.
    \41\ Similar rounding exists for BX's Direct Market Maker and 
Lead Market Maker. See BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10.
    \42\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(G)-(J).

    With respect to Intermarket Sweep Orders or ``ISO'' Orders,\43\ 
under any allocation, if a PRISM Auction is initiated for an order 
designated as an ISO Order, all executions which are at a price 
inferior to the Initial Displayed NBBO would be allocated pursuant to 
the Size Pro-Rata execution algorithm, as described in Chapter VI, 
Section 10(1)(C)(1)(a), or Price/Time execution algorithm, as described 
in Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(C)(2)(i), and the aforementioned priority 
in proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E) and (F) would not apply, with 
the exception of allocating to the Initiating Participant, which will 
be allocated in accordance with the priority as specified in proposed 
Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)

[[Page 54606]]

and (F).\44\ Specifically, a PRISM ISO is the transmission of two 
orders for crossing without regard for better priced Protected Bids or 
Protected Offers because the Participant transmitting the PRISM ISO to 
the Exchange has, simultaneously with the routing of the PRISM ISO, 
routed one or more ISOs, as necessary, to execute against the full 
displayed size of any Protected Bid or Protected Offer that is superior 
to the starting PRISM Auction price and has swept all interest in the 
Exchange's book priced better than the proposed PRISM Auction starting 
price. The Exchange will accept a PRISM ISO provided the order adheres 
to the PRISM Order acceptance requirements, but without regard to the 
NBBO. The Exchange will execute the PRISM ISO in the same manner as 
other PRISM Orders, except that it will not protect prices away. 
Instead, order flow providers will bear the responsibility to clear all 
better priced interest away simultaneously with submitting the PRISM 
ISO Order. There is no other impact to PRISM functionality. 
Specifically, liquidity present at the end of the PRISM Auction will 
continue to be included in the PRISM Auction as it is with PRISM Orders 
not marked as ISOs. This order type is offered by other options 

    \43\ An ``Intermarket Sweep Order'' or ``ISO'' are limit orders 
that are designated as ISOs in the manner prescribed by BX and are 
executed within the System by Participants at multiple price levels 
without respect to Protected Quotations of other Eligible Exchanges 
as defined in BX Rules at Chapter XII, Section 1. ISOs may have any 
time-in-force designation except WAIT, are handled within the System 
pursuant to BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10 and would not be 
eligible for routing as set out in BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 
11. ISOs with a time-in-force designation of GTC are treated as 
having a time-in-force designation of Day. See BX Options Rules at 
Chapter VI, Section 1(e)(7).
    \44\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(K).
    \45\ See NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC Rules at 1080(n). PIXL ISO Orders 
are permissible. See also CBOE Rule 6.53(q).

    With respect to Post Only Orders resting on the book at the time 
the PRISM Auction is initiated,\46\ these orders will be executed if 
such order would not result in the removal of liquidity when executing 
in the PRISM Auction, in accordance with Chapter VI, Section 1(e)(10). 
A Post Only Order will be cancelled if it is eligible for an execution 
in the PRISM Auction and would be considered the remover of 
liquidity.\47\ Post Only Orders submitted by a Marker Maker during a 
PRISM Auction will not be considered as Priority Market Maker interest 
\48\ but will be considered pursuant to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(E)(4) and Section 9(ii)(F)(4).

    \46\ ``Post-Only Orders'' are orders that will not remove 
liquidity from the System. Post- Only Orders are to be ranked and 
executed on the Exchange or cancelled, as appropriate, without 
routing away to another market. Post-Only Orders are evaluated at 
the time of entry with respect to locking or crossing other orders 
as follows: (i) If a Post-Only Order would lock or cross an order on 
the System, the order will be re-priced to $.01 below the current 
low offer (for bids) or above the current best bid (for offers) and 
displayed by the System at one minimum price increment below the 
current low offer (for bids) or above the current best bid (for 
offers); and (ii) if a Post-Only Order would not lock or cross an 
order on the System but would lock or cross the NBBO as reflected in 
the protected quotation of another market center, the order will be 
handled pursuant to Chapter VI, Section 7(b)(3)(C). Participants may 
choose to have their Post-Only Orders returned whenever the order 
would lock or cross the NBBO or be placed on the book at a price 
other than its limit price. Post-Only Orders received prior to the 
opening cross or after market close will be rejected. Post-Only 
Orders may not have a time-in-force designation of Good Til 
Cancelled or Immediate or Cancel. See BX Options Rules at Chapter 
VI, Section 1(e)(10).
    \47\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(L).
    \48\ Only Market Maker interest submitted through SQF will be 
eligible for Priority Market Maker interest.

Regulatory Concerns--Bona Fide Transactions
    The PRISM Auction may be used only where there is a genuine 
intention to execute a bona fide transaction. It will be considered a 
violation of this Rule and will be deemed conduct inconsistent with 
just and equitable principles of trade and a violation of Rule 2110 if 
an Initiating Participant submits a PRISM Order (initiating an Auction) 
and also submits its own PAN response in the same Auction.\49\ A 
pattern or practice of submitting multiple orders in response to a PAN 
at a particular price point that exceed, in the aggregate, the size of 
the PRISM Order, will be deemed conduct inconsistent with just and 
equitable principles of trade and a violation of Rule 2110.\50\ A 
pattern or practice of submitting unrelated orders or quotes that cross 
the stop price, causing a PRISM Auction to conclude before the end of 
the PRISM Auction period will be deemed conduct inconsistent with just 
and equitable principles of trade and a violation of Rule 2110. It will 
also be deemed conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles 
of trade and a violation of Rule 2110 to engage in a pattern of conduct 
where the Initiating Participant breaks up a PRISM Order into separate 
orders for the purpose of gaining a higher allocation percentage than 
the Initiating Participant would have otherwise received in accordance 
with the allocation procedures contained in proposed subparagraph 
(ii)(E) and (ii)(F) to Chapter VI, Section 9.\51\

    \49\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(iii). BX Rule 
2110 states that, ``A member, in the conduct of its business, shall 
observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable 
principles of trade.''
    \50\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(iv).
    \51\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(v).

Crossing and Agency Orders
    In lieu of the procedures in proposed paragraphs (i)-(ii) to 
Chapter VI, Section 9, an Initiating Participant may enter a PRISM 
Order for the account of a Public Customer paired with an order for the 
account of a Public Customer and such paired orders will be 
automatically executed without a PRISM Auction. The execution price for 
such a PRISM Order must be expressed in the quoting increment 
applicable to the affected series. Such an execution may not trade 
through the NBBO or at the same price as any resting Public Customer 

    \52\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(vi).

    BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 12 \53\ prevents a Participant 
from executing agency orders to increase its economic gain from trading 
against the order without first giving other trading interests on the 
Exchange an opportunity to either trade with the agency order or to 
trade at the execution price when the Participant was already bidding 
or offering on the book. However, the Exchange recognizes that it may 
be possible for a Participant to establish a relationship with a Public 
Customer or other person to deny agency orders the opportunity to 
interact on the Exchange and to realize similar economic benefits as it 
would achieve by executing agency orders as principal. It would be a 
violation of BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 12 for a Participant to 
circumvent Chapter VII, Section 12 by providing an opportunity for (i) 
a Public Customer affiliated with the Participant, or (ii) a Public 
Customer with whom the Participant has an arrangement that allows the 
Participant to realize similar economic benefits from the transaction 
as the Participant would achieve by executing agency orders as 
principal, to regularly execute against agency orders handled by the 
firm immediately upon their entry as PRISM Public Customer-to-Public 
Customer immediate crosses.\54\

    \53\ BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 12, entitled ``Anonymity'' 
provides, ``The transaction reports produced by the System will 
indicate the details of the transactions, and would not reveal 
contra party identities. BX would reveal a Participant's identity in 
the following circumstances: (1) When a registered clearing agency 
ceases to act for a participant, or the Participant's clearing firm, 
and the registered clearing agency determines not to guarantee the 
settlement of the Participant's trades; (2) for regulatory purposes 
or to comply with an order of an arbitrator or court; (3) if both 
Participants to the transaction consent; and (4) unless otherwise 
instructed by a member, BX will reveal to a member, no later than 
the end of the day on the date an anonymous trade was executed, when 
the member's order has been decremented by another order submitted 
by that same member.
    \54\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 6(vi)(a).

Pilot Program Information to the Commission
    Subject to a Pilot expiring July 18, 2016, there will be no minimum 
size requirement for orders to be eligible for the Auction. During this 
Pilot Period,

[[Page 54607]]

the Exchange will submit certain data, periodically as required by the 
Commission, to provide supporting evidence that, among other things, 
there is meaningful competition for all size orders, there are 
opportunities for significant price improvement for orders executed 
through PRISM and that there is an active and liquid market functioning 
on the Exchange outside of the Auction mechanism. Any raw data which is 
submitted to the Commission will be provided on a confidential 

    \55\ See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 6(vii).

    The Exchange represents that, in support of its proposed pilot 
program, it proposes three components on a pilot basis: (1) Auction 
eligibility requirements; (2) the early conclusion of the PRISM 
Auction; and (3) no minimum size requirement of orders. the Exchange 
will provide the following additional information on a monthly basis:
    (1) The number of contracts (of orders of 50 contracts or greater) 
entered into the PRISM;
    (2) The number of contracts (of orders of fewer than 50 contracts) 
entered into the PRISM;
    (3) The number of orders of 50 contracts or greater entered into 
the PRISM; and
    (4) The number of orders of fewer than 50 contracts entered into 
the PRISM.
    If the Commission approves this proposed rule change, as amended, 
the Exchange anticipates that it will deploy PRISM within 45 days of 
approval. Members will be notified of the deployment date by way of an 
Options Trader Alert posted on the Exchange's Web site.
Examples of PRISM Order Executions
    EXAMPLE #1 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) 
(PRISM Contra & Priority Market Maker interest fully satisfies PRISM 
order for Pro-Rata or Price/Time):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03 (60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts stopped at 1.02 is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 20 at 1.02 and 
Market Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 30 contracts at 
    Auction ends, PRISM contra is allocated 40 contracts at 1.02 (40% 
carve out); Market Maker A and Market Maker B each trade 30 contracts 
since they are Priority Market Makers for 30 contracts. Market Maker C 
does zero.
    The outcome in this example is the same regardless of the 
underlying symbol being designated as Pro-Rata or Price/Time.

    EXAMPLE #2 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) 
(Pro-Rata among Priority Market Maker interest):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts stopped at 1.02 is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 30 contracts at 1.02, 
and Market Maker D responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 since he was only 
interest offered at best price, PRISM contra is allocated 36 contracts 
at 1.02 (40% carve out); Market Maker A and Market Maker B each trade 
27 contracts (pro rata among Priority Market Makers A and B). Market 
Maker D does zero since there were no contracts open after Priority 
Market Maker A and Priority Market Maker B were filled at that price.

    EXAMPLE #3 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) 
(Price/Time symbol with contracts trading at improving prices and at 
the initial NBBO price):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each (Market Maker A arrived first)
PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts stopped at 1.03 is received
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 10 contracts at 1.02, 
and Market Maker D responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 since he was only 
interest offered at best price; Market Maker A and Market Maker B each 
trade 10 contracts at 1.02 since they have priority status for up to 30 
contracts; Market Maker D then trades 10 contracts at 1.02; PRISM 
Contra trades 40% or 20 contracts at the stop price of 1.03. Assuming 
Market Maker A was at the BX BBO of 1.03 before Market Maker B, Market 
Maker A would execute 30 contracts at 1.03. Market Maker B would not 
trade any at 1.03 since the order is filled before getting to his quote 
in a price time fashion.
    EXAMPLE #4 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) 
(Pro-Rata symbol with Market Makers receiving both priority status and 
non-priority status based on their size at initial NBBO):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts stopped at 1.03 is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 
(priority status for 30 contracts each and non-priority status for 20 
contracts each), and Market Maker D responds to sell 50 contracts at 
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 since he was only 
interest offered at best price; Market Maker A and Market Maker B each 
trade 30 contracts at 1.02 since they have priority up to their size at 
the NBBO when the auction started; Market Maker A, Market Maker B, and 
Market Maker D then pro-rata split the balance of 20 contracts at 1.02 
based on their remaining interest size with Market Maker A being 
allocated 4 contracts (=20/90*20), Market Maker B being allocated 4 
(=20/90*20) contracts, and Market Maker D being allocated 11 contracts 
(=50/90*20) and the residual 1 contract being allocated to one of the 3 
MMs (Market Maker A) in time priority.

    EXAMPLE #5 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Initiating Order utilizes Auto-Match specifying the 
No Worse Than (NWT) feature for Pro-Rata or Price/Time):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.02 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 
(priority status for 30 contracts each and non-priority status for 20 
contracts each), and Market Maker D responds to sell 50 contracts at 
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 since he was only 
interest offered at best price; PRISM Contra is allocated 40% or 32 
contracts at 1.02 since it will be the final price point, Market Maker 
A and Market Maker B

[[Page 54608]]

each trade 24 contracts at 1.02 since they have priority ahead of 
Market Maker D up to their size at the NBBO when the auction started.
    The outcome in this example is the same regardless of Pro-Rata or 
Price/Time designation.

    EXAMPLE #6 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Pro-Rata Symbol with Market Makers receiving both 
priority status and non-priority status based on their size at initial 
NBBO and Initiating Order utilizes NWT feature):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03 (60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.02 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02, 
and Market Maker D responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 since he was only 
interest offered at best price; PRISM Contra is allocated 40% or 56 
contracts at 1.02 since it will be the final price point; Market Maker 
A and Market Maker B each trade 30 contracts at 1.02 since they have 
priority up to their size at the NBBO when the auction started; Market 
Maker A, Market Maker B, and Market Maker D then pro-rata split the 
balance with Market Maker A and Market Maker B each trading 5 
additional contracts at 1.02 (20/90*24) and Market Maker D trading 13 
contracts at 1.02 (50/90*24). The residual 1 contract will be allocated 
among the three MM (Market Maker A) in time priority.

    EXAMPLE #7 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers receiving both 
priority status and non-priority status based on their size at initial 
NBBO, Initiating Order utilizes NWT feature, and quotes move during 

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond in that time order (A before B) 
to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts are considered as 
Priority Market Maker interest), and Market Maker D responds to sell 50 
contracts at 1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote and BX BBO becomes 
.95-1.02 for 30 contracts and NBBO becomes .97-1.02. Market Maker A 
maintains his Priority Market Maker status.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra 
matches and trades 10 at 1.01 based on his NWT price of 1.01; PRISM 
Contra is allocated 40% or 52 contracts at 1.02 since it will be the 
final price point; Market Maker A and Market Maker B each trade 30 
contracts at 1.02 since they have priority up to their size at the NBBO 
when the auction started (since Market Maker A has both a response and 
quote interest, Market Maker A's 30 contracts are allocated in a time 
fashion among Market Maker A's interest at 1.02 with each of the 
responses trading all 30 contracts); the residual 18 contracts are 
traded in a Price/Time fashion at 1.02 among residual Market Maker 
interest with Market Maker A response trading all 18 contracts.

    EXAMPLE #8 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Pro Rata symbol with Market Makers receiving both 
priority status and non-priority status based on their size at initial 
NBBO and Initiating Order utilizes NWT feature):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03 with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 30 
contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond in that order to sell 50 
contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts will be considered as 
Priority Market Maker), and Market Maker D responds to sell 50 
contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra 
matches and trades 10 at 1.01; PRISM Contra is allocated 40% or 52 
contracts at 1.02 since it will be the final price point; remaining 
allocation is in Pro-Rata fashion with priority Market Maker interest 
trading ahead of non-Priority Market Maker interest, Market Maker A and 
Market Maker B each trade 30 contracts as Priority Market Maker then 
Market Maker A, Market Maker B, and Market Maker D Pro Rata split the 
balance with Market Maker A and Market Maker B each trading 4 contracts 
at 1.02 (20/90 *18) and Market Maker D trading 10 contracts at 1.02 

    EXAMPLE #9 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers receiving both 
priority status and non-priority status based on their size at initial 
NBBO, Initiating Order utilizes NWT feature, and quotes move during 
Auction and Public Customer Order received):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond in that order to sell 50 
contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts are considered as Priority 
Market Maker), and Market Maker D responds to sell 50 contracts at 
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (but maintains 
Priority Market Maker status) and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 30 
contracts and NBBO becomes .97-1.02. Then, a Public Customer order is 
received on the opposite side of the PRISM Order, offering 10 contracts 
at 1.02 which does not cause an early auction termination.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra 
matches and trades 10 at 1.01; Public Customer order then trades 10 
contracts at 1.02. After Public Customer is satisfied, PRISM Contra is 
allocated 40% of remaining which equates to 48 contracts; Priority 
Market Maker interest is then traded with Market Maker A trading 30 
contracts at 1.02 (all allocated to response since first in time 
priority of Market Maker A interest at 1.02) and Market Maker B 
response trading 30 contracts at 1.02. The residual 12 contracts are 
allocated among remaining Market Maker interest at 1.02 in a Price/Time 
fashion, with Market Maker A response trading all 12 contracts.

    EXAMPLE #10 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers receiving both 
priority status and non-priority status based on their size at initial 
NBBO, Initiating Order utilizes NWT feature, and Priority Market Maker 
quote moves during Auction and maintains priority status and Public 
Customer Order received):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 

[[Page 54609]]

Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02 (considered as Priority 
Market Maker), Market Maker B responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 (30 
of the 50 contracts are considered as Priority Market Maker), and 
Market Maker D responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (maintains Priority 
Market Maker status) and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 10 contracts and 
NBBO becomes .97-1.02.
    Then, a Public Customer order is received offering 10 contracts at 
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra 
matches and trades 10 at 1.01; Public Customer order then trades 10 
contracts at 1.02. After Public Customer is satisfied, PRISM Contra is 
allocated 40% of remaining which equates to 48 contracts; Priority 
Market Maker interest is then traded with Market Maker A trading 20 
contracts at 1.02 (all of his interest, response and quote, since it is 
less than the 30 he is entitled to as a priority Market Maker) and 
Market Maker B response trades 30 contracts at 1.02. The remaining 22 
contracts are allocated in price time fashion among remaining Market 
Maker interest at 1.02 with Market Maker B response trading 20 
contracts and Market Maker D response trading 2 contracts.

    EXAMPLE #11 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/Time symbol with all executions occurring at 
initial NBBO price):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03 (60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each arriving in that order
PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts stopped at 1.03 is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 20 at 1.03 and 
Public Customer offers 2 contracts at 1.03.
    Auction ends, Public Customer trades 2 contracts at 1.03 and PRISM 
contra is allocated 40% of residual or 39 contracts at 1.03; remaining 
allocation is purely Price/Time with Market Maker A trading 30 
contracts and Market Maker B trading 29 contracts.

    EXAMPLE #12 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Pro-Rata symbol with all executions occurring at 
initial NBBO price and Public Customer order received):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03 (60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each arriving in that order
PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts stopped at 1.03 is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 20 at 1.03 and 
Public Customer offers 2 contracts at 1.03.
    Auction ends, Public Customer trades 2 contracts at 1.03 and PRISM 
contra is allocated 40% of residual or 39 contracts at 1.03; remaining 
allocation is pro-rata among Priority Market Maker interest with Market 
Maker A trading 29 contracts (30/60*59), Market Maker B trading 29 
contracts (30/60*59), and the residual 1 contract being allocated to 
Market Maker A based on time.

    EXAMPLE #13 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Price/Time symbol with Initiating Order specifying 
Auto-Match with the NWT feature and non-Market Maker interest is 
present for execution):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each (arriving in that order)
PRISM Order to buy 300 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02, Market Maker B responds 
to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts are considered as 
Priority Market Maker), and Market Maker D responds to sell 40 
contracts at 1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote for 10 contracts at 
1.02, now alone at that price, (maintains Priority Market Maker status) 
and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 10 contracts and a Firm order arrives 
offering 10 contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 5 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra 
matches and trades 5 at 1.01; All 1.02 interest is then allocated as 
follows: Priority Market Maker interest is fully allocated with Market 
Maker A response trading 10, Market Maker B response trading 30, and 
Market Maker A quote trading 10 at 1.02. Non-Priority MM is allocated 
in Price/Time with Market Maker B trading an additional 20 contracts 
and Market Maker D trading 40 contracts at 1.02. After all Market Maker 
interest is satisfied, the Firm order is allocated its full size of 10 
contracts at 1.02. The PRISM Contra order matches the full volume 
trading at 1.02 (b/c of NWT price) which is 120 contracts. The 
remaining 50 contracts are traded at 1.03 with the PRISM Contra trading 
50% of remaining since only matching one other participant or 25 
contracts. The other 25 contracts are traded in Price/Time fashion in 
accordance with the underlying algorithm with Market Maker B trading 
all 25 contracts at 1.03.

    EXAMPLE #14 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Pro-Rata symbol with Initiating Order specifying 
Auto-Match with the NWT feature, non-Market Maker interest is present 
for execution, Priority Market Maker has multiple price levels of 
interest, and executions occurring at initial NBBO price):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each (arriving in that order)
PRISM Order to buy 300 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02 (considered as Priority 
Market Maker), Market Maker B responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 (30 
of the 50 contracts are considered as Priority Market Maker), Market 
Maker D responds to sell 40 contracts at 1.02, and Market Maker A 
responds with 30 additional contracts at 1.03 (considered as Priority 
Market Maker).
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (maintain Priority 
Market Maker status) and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 10 contracts and a 
Firm order arrives offering 10 contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 5 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra 
matches and trades 5 at 1.01; All 1.02 interest is then allocated as 
follows: Priority Market Maker interest is fully allocated with Market 
Maker A response trading 10, Market Maker B response trading 30, and 
Market Maker A quote trading 10 at 1.02. Non-priority Market Maker is 
allocated with Market Maker B trading an additional 20 contracts and 
Market Maker D trading 40 contracts at 1.02. After all Market Maker 
interest is satisfied, the Firm order is allocated its full size of 10 
contracts at 1.02. The PRISM Contra order matches the full volume 
trading at 1.02 (b/c of NWT price) which is 120 contracts. The 
remaining 50 contracts are traded at 1.03 with the PRISM Contra trading 
40% of remaining or 20 contracts. The other 30 contracts are traded in 
a Pro-Rata fashion in accordance with the underlying algorithm with 
Market Maker A and Market Maker B as Priority Market Maker each trading 
15 contracts at 1.03.

[[Page 54610]]

    EXAMPLE #15 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers receiving both 
priority status and non-priority status at multiple price levels based 
on their size at initial NBBO):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03 (20) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
10 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 200 contracts stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of 1.01 is 
Auction begins.
    During auction (in the following order), Market Maker C responds to 
sell 10 at 1.01, Market Maker A responds to sell 40 at 1.01 (10 of 40 
contracts is considered Priority Market Maker), Market Maker A and 
Market Maker B each respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 (10 of 50 
contracts is considered Priority Market Maker), and Market Maker D 
responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (maintains Priority 
Market Maker status) and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 10 contracts and 
NBBO becomes .97-1.02.
    Then, a Public Customer order is received offering 10 contracts at 
    Auction ends, Market Maker A trades 10 contracts at 1.01 as a 
priority MM, then Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 in price/time and 
Market Maker A trades his additional 30 contracts at 1.01 which 
outsized his priority status, and PRISM Contra matches and trades a 
total of 50 at 1.01; Public Customer order of 10 contracts trades at 
1.02 then PRISM Contra is allocated 40% of 90 or 36 contracts at 1.02. 
The remaining 54 contracts are then allocated at 1.02 with Market Maker 
A and Market Maker B trading 10 contracts each as priority Market Maker 
and 34 contracts are then allocated in price/time to Market Maker A at 

    EXAMPLE #16 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/Time symbol with Initiating Participant 
utilizing Surrender):

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 20 contracts stopped at 1.03 marked as `Surrender' 
is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A responds to sell 5 contracts at 1.02, Market Maker B responds 
to sell 20 contracts at 1.02, and Market Maker D responds to sell 20 
contracts at 1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (maintains Priority 
Market Maker status) and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 5 contracts and 
NBBO becomes .97-1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 5 at 1.01; Priority Market 
Maker interest trades the remaining 15 contracts in a Pro-Rata fashion: 
Market Maker A executes 5 contracts (10/30*15) with all 5 being given 
to the Market Maker A response since he was first in time order of 
Market Maker A interest at 1.02 and Market Maker B response executes 10 
contracts (20/30*15) at 1.02. The PRISM Contra executes no contracts.

    EXAMPLE #17 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Pro-Rata symbol with Initiating Participant utilizing 

NBBO = .97-1.03
BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each
PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts stopped at 1.02 marked as `Surrender' 
is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A responds to sell 5 contracts at 1.02, Market Maker B responds 
to sell 40 contracts at 1.02, and Market Maker D responds to sell 20 
contracts at 1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (maintains Priority 
Market Maker status) and BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 5 contracts and 
NBBO becomes .97-1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 5 at 1.01; Priority Market 
Maker interest at 1.02 then trades with Market Maker A response 
executing 5 contracts, Market Maker B response volume with Priority 
status executes 30 contracts, and Market Maker A quote executes 5 
contracts; Non Priority Market Maker interest at 1.02 then executes 
with Market Maker B trading 10 contracts and Market Maker D trading 20 
contracts. The PRISM Contra then executes the remaining 25 contracts at 
1.02 since there is no other interest to satisfy the PRISM Order at a 
price equal to or better than the stop price of 1.02.

    EXAMPLE #18 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price Improving Orders counted as Priority Market 
Maker interest):

NBBO = .90-1.05 in a non-penny stock (.05 MPV).
BX BBO = .90-1.05(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each (Market Maker A arrived first); Market Maker A quote 
is .90-1.04(30) which is displayed at 1.05 due to this being a non-
penny symbol and Market Maker B quote is .90-1.05(30). Both Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B have Priority status since quotes are 
displayed at NBBO price of 1.05.
PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts stopped at 1.05 is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market 
Maker A and Market Maker B each respond to sell 10 contracts at 1.02, 
and Market Maker D responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02.
    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01 since he was only 
interest offered at best price; Market Maker A and Market Maker B each 
trade 10 contracts at 1.02 since they have priority status for up to 30 
contracts; Market Maker D then trades 10 contracts at 1.02; Market 
Maker A then executes his quote of 30 contracts at 1.04. PRISM Contra 
trades 50% or 10 contracts at the stop price of 1.05 since only one 
Market Maker at 1.05. Market Maker B then trades the remaining 10 
contracts at 1.05.
    The outcome of this example is the same in both Pro-Rata or Price/
Time allocation models.

    EXAMPLE #19 (Related to proposed Chapter VI, Section 
9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/Time symbol with Initiating Participant 
utilizing Surrender and no responders):

BX BBO = .95-1.03(60) with Market Maker A and Market Maker B offering 
30 contracts each.
PRISM Order to buy 20 contracts stopped at 1.02 marked as `Surrender' 
is received.
Auction begins.
    During auction, Market Maker C quotes .95-1.02 for 10 contracts and 
BX BBO becomes .95-1.02 for 10 contracts and NBBO becomes .97-1.02.
    During auction, Market Maker A moves his quote (maintains Priority 
Market Maker status) and joins the BX BBO at .95-1.02 for 10 contracts 
and NBBO remains .97-1.02.
    Auction ends, Priority MM interest trades first: Market Maker A 
gets allocated 10 contracts of PRISM Order. Non priority interest 
trades next: Market Maker C gets allocated 10 contracts. The PRISM 
contra executes no contracts. Market Maker B receives no allocation in 
this example.
2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section 
6(b) of the Act \56\ in general, and furthers the objectives of Section 
6(b)(5) of the Act \57\ in particular, in that it is designed to 
prevent fraudulent and manipulative

[[Page 54611]]

acts and practices, to promote just and equitable principles of trade, 
to foster cooperation and coordination with persons engaged in 
facilitating transactions in securities, to remove impediments to and 
perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and a national market 
system and, in general, to protect investors and the public interest.

    \56\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \57\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

    The Exchange believes that the proposal will result in increased 
liquidity available at improved prices, with competitive final pricing 
out of the Initiating Participant's complete control. PRISM should 
promote and foster competition and provide more options contracts with 
the opportunity for price improvement. As a result of the increased 
opportunities for price improvement, the Exchange believes that 
participants will use PRISM to increase the number of Public Customer 
orders that are provided with the opportunity to receive price 
improvement over the NBBO.
    The Exchange believes that the PRISM auction will encourage BX 
Market Makers to quote at the NBBO with additional size and thereby 
result in tighter and deeper markets, resulting in more liquidity on 
BX. Specifically, by offering BX Market Makers the ability to receive 
priority in the proposed allocation during the PRISM auction, a BX 
Market Maker will be encouraged to quote outside of the PRISM auction 
at the their best and most aggressive prices with additional size. BX 
believes that this incentive may result in a narrowing of quotes and 
thus further enhance BX's market quality. Within the PRISM auction, BX 
believes that the rules that are proposed will encourage BX Market 
Makers to compete vigorously to provide the opportunity for price 
improvement in a competitive auction process.
    Further, the new functionality may lead to an increase in Exchange 
volume and should allow the Exchange to better compete against other 
markets that already offer an electronic solicitation mechanism, while 
providing an opportunity for price improvement for agency orders. The 
Exchange believes that its proposal will allow the Exchange to better 
compete for solicited transactions, while providing an opportunity for 
price improvement for agency orders and assuring that Public Customers 
on the book are protected. The new solicitation mechanism should 
promote and foster competition and provide more options contracts with 
the opportunity for price improvement, which should benefit market 
participants, investors, and traders. The Exchange has proposed a range 
between no less than one hundred milliseconds and no more than one 
second for the duration of the PRISM Auction; therefore the proposed 
rule change will provide investors with more timely execution of their 
options orders than a mechanism that has a one second auction, while 
ensuring that there is an adequate exposure of orders in BX PRISM. The 
Exchange preliminary expects to use a default of 100 milliseconds for 
all symbols. The time will be announced in an Options Trader Alert. The 
proposed auction response time, no less than one hundred milliseconds 
and no more than one second, should allow investors the opportunity to 
receive price improvement through PRISM while reducing market risk. The 
Exchange believes a briefer time period reduces the market risk for the 
Initiating Participant, versus an auction with a one second period, as 
well as for any Participant providing orders in response to a 
broadcast. As such, BX believes the proposed rule change would help 
perfect the mechanism for a free and open national market system, and 
generally help protect investors' and the public interest. The Exchange 
believes the proposed rule change is not unfairly discriminatory 
because the PRISM duration would be the same for all Participants and 
symbols. All Participants will have an equal opportunity to respond 
with their best prices during the PRISM auction.
    The Exchange believes using the Price/Time allocation method for 
interest remaining after proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(1) 
through (3) have been satisfied provides consistency with the 
underlying symbol allocation designation. Since the Exchange considers 
all interest present in the System, and not solely auction Responses, 
for execution against the PRISM Order, those participants who are not 
explicit responders to the auction will expect executions based on 
their Price/Time priority. In addition, the Exchange believes executing 
such remaining interest in a Price/Time fashion does not unfairly 
advantage/disadvantage one participant over another since executions 
are done with price priority first and time only becoming a factor when 
considering equally priced interest for execution. Also, other 
exchanges utilize Price/Time in their auctions today.\58\

    \58\ ISE executes Priority Customer interest in a Price/Time 
fashion within its PIM auction. See ISE Rule 723(d). Complex orders 
are also executed within its auction in price time priority. See ISE 
Rule 722. BOX also permits Price/Time priority within PIP and COPIP. 
See BOX Rules 7150(f)(4) and 7245(f)(3). See also example number 14 

    With respect to trading halts, as described herein, in the case of 
a trading halt on the Exchange in the affected series, the stop price, 
in which case the PRISM Order will be executed solely against the 
Initiating Order. The Exchange believes that executing the stop price 
solely against the Initiating Order promotes just and equitable 
principles of trade, to foster cooperation and coordination with 
persons engaged in facilitating transactions in securities since the 
Initiating Member has guaranteed that an execution will occur at the 
stop price (or better) prior to the trading halt, and PAN responses 
offer no such guarantee, the stop price is the only valid price at 
which to execute the PRISM Order, and the Initiating Member is the 
appropriate contra-side.\59\

    \59\ The Exchange notes that trading on the Exchange in any 
option contract will be halted whenever trading in the underlying 
security has been paused or halted by the primary listing market. 
See BX Rules at Chapter V, Section 3.

    With respect to rounding, the Initiating Participant will be 
rounded up or down to the nearest integer, all other rounding is down 
to the nearest integer. If rounding results in an allocation of less 
than one contract, then one contract will be allocated to the 
Initiating Participant, only if the Initiating Participant did not 
otherwise receive an allocation. The Exchange believes that rounding 
differently for the Initiating Participant as compared to all other 
market participants is not unfairly discriminatory in that the 
Initiating Participant is not eligible to receive residual contracts as 
are other market participants, unless no other interest is available to 
trade. The Exchange is permitting the Initiating Participant to receive 
the benefit of the rounding in an allocation of less than one contract, 
only if the Initiating Participant did not otherwise receive an 
allocation. because the Initiating Participant is not eligible to 
receive residual contracts.
    The Exchange further believes that the proposal is consistent with 
the requirements of Section 11(a) of the Act \60\ and Rule 11a2-2(T) 
\61\ thereunder. Section 11(a) prohibits a member of a national 
securities exchange from effecting transactions on the exchange for its 
own account, the account of an associated person, or an account in 
which it or an associated person exercises investment discretion, 
unless an exception applies (collectively ``Covered Accounts''). Rule 
11a2-2(T) under the Act,\62\ known as the effect versus execute'' rule, 
provides exchange members with an exemption from the

[[Page 54612]]

Section 11(a)(1) prohibition. Rule 11a2-2(T) permits an exchange 
member, subject to certain conditions, to effect transactions for 
Covered Accounts by arranging for an unaffiliated member to execute 
transactions on the exchange.\63\ To comply with Rule 11a2-2(T)'s 
conditions, a member: (i) Must transmit the order from off the exchange 
floor; (ii) may not participate in the execution of the transaction 
once it has been transmitted to the member performing the execution; 
\64\ (iii) may not be affiliated with the executing member; and (iv) 
with respect to an account over which the member has investment 
discretion, neither the member nor its associated person may retain any 
compensation in connection with effecting the transaction except as 
provided in the Rule. For the reasons set forth below, the Exchange 
believes that Exchange members entering orders into PRISM would satisfy 
the requirements of Rule 11a2-2(T).

    \60\ 15 U.S.C. 78k(a)(1).
    \61\ 17 CFR 240.11a2-2(T).
    \62\ CFR 240.11a2-2(T).
    \63\ In enacting this provision, Congress was concerned about 
members benefiting in their principal transactions from special 
``time and place'' advantages associated with floor trading--such as 
the ability to ``execute decisions faster than public investors.'' 
The Commission, however, has adopted a number of exceptions to the 
general statutory prohibition for situations in which the principal 
transactions contribute to the fairness and orderliness of exchange 
markets or do not reflect any time and place trading advantages. See 
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 14563 (March 14, 1978), 43 FR 
11542 (March 17, 1978); Securities Exchange Act Release No. 14713 
(April 28, 1978), 43 FR 18557 (May 1, 1978); Securities Exchange Act 
Release No. 15533 (January 29, 1979), 44 FR 6093 (Jan. 31, 1979). 
The 1978 and 1979 Releases cite the House Report at 54-57.
    \64\ The member may, however, participate in clearing and 
settling the transaction.

    The Exchange does not operate a physical trading floor, rather the 
Exchange operates an electronic market. The Rule's first condition is 
that orders for Covered Accounts be transmitted from off the exchange 
floor. In the context of automated trading systems, the Commission has 
found that the off-floor transmission requirement is met if a Covered 
Account order is transmitted from a remote location directly to an 
exchange's floor by electronic means.\65\ BX represents that the System 
and the proposed PRISM auction receive all orders electronically 
through remote terminals or computer-to-computer interfaces. The 
Exchange represents that orders for Covered Accounts from Participants 
will be transmitted from a remote location directly to the proposed 
PRISM mechanisms by electronic means.

    \65\ See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 61419 
(January 26, 2010), 75 FR 5157 (February 1, 2010) (SR-BATS-2009-031) 
(approving BATS options trading); 59154 (December 23, 2008), 73 FR 
80468 (December 31, 2008) (SR-BSE-2008-48) (approving equity 
securities listing and trading on BSE); 57478 (March 12, 2008), 73 
FR 14521 (March 18, 2008) (SR-NASDAQ-2007-004 and SR-NASDAQ-2007-
080) (approving NOM options trading); 53128 (January 13, 2006), 71 
FR 3550 (January 23, 2006) (File No. 10-131) (approving The Nasdaq 
Stock Market LLC); 44983 (October 25, 2001), 66 FR 55225 (November 
1, 2001) (SR-PCX-00-25) (approving Archipelago Exchange); 29237 (May 
24, 1991), 56 FR 24853 (May 31, 1991) (SR-NYSE-90-52 and SR-NYSE-90-
53) (approving NYSE's Off-Hours Trading Facility); and 15533 
(January 29, 1979), 44 FR 6084 (January 31, 1979) (``1979 

    The second condition of Rule 11a2-2(T) requires that neither a 
member nor an associated person participate in the execution of its 
order once the order is transmitted to the floor for execution. The 
Exchange represents that, upon submission to the PRISM auction, an 
order will be executed automatically pursuant to the rules set forth 
for PRISM. In particular, execution of an order sent to the mechanism 
depends not on the Initiating Participant entering the order, but 
rather on what other orders are present and the priority of those 
orders. Thus, at no time following the submission of an order is a 
Participant able to acquire control or influence over the result or 
timing of order execution.\66\ Once the PRISM Order has been 
transmitted, the Exchange Initiating Member that transmitted the order 
will not participate in the execution of the PRISM Order. Initiating 
Members submitting PRISM Orders will relinquish control of their PRISM 
Orders upon transmission to the Exchange's System. Further, no 
Participant, including the Initiating Participant, will see a PAN 
response submitted into PRISM and therefore and will not be able to 
influence or guide the execution of their PRISM Orders. Finally, the 
Surrender feature will not permit a Participant to have any control 
over an order. The election to Surrender an order is available prior to 
the submission of the order and therefore could not be utilized to gain 
influence or guide the execution of the PRISM Order. The information 
provided with respect to the Surrender feature by the market 
participant will not be broadcast and further, the information may not 
be modified by the market participant during the auction.

    \66\ The Exchange notes that a Participant may cancel or modify 
an order, or modify the instructions for executing an order, but 
that such instructions would be transmitted from off the floor of 
the Exchange. The Commission has stated that the non-participation 
requirement is satisfied under such circumstances so long as such 
modifications or cancellations are also transmitted from off the 
floor. See 1978 Release (stating that the ``non-participation 
requirement does not prevent initiating members from canceling or 
modifying orders (or the instructions pursuant to which the 
initiating member wishes to be executed) after the orders have been 
transmitted to the executing member, provided that any such 
instructions are also transmitted from off the floor'').

    Rule 11a2-2(T)'s third condition requires that the order be 
executed by an exchange member who is unaffiliated with the member 
initiating the order. The Commission has stated that the requirement is 
satisfied when automated exchange facilities, such as the PRISM are 
used, as long as the design of these systems ensures that members do 
not possess any special or unique trading advantages in handling their 
orders after transmitting them to the exchange.\67\ The Exchange 
represents that the PRISM is designed so that no Participant has any 
special or unique trading advantage in the handling of its orders after 
transmitting its orders to the mechanism.

    \67\ In considering the operation of automated execution systems 
operated by an exchange, the Commission noted that, while there is 
not an independent executing exchange member, the execution of an 
order is automatic once it has been transmitted into the system. 
Because the design of these systems ensures that members do not 
possess any special or unique trading advantages in handling their 
orders after transmitting them to the exchange, the Commission has 
stated that executions obtained through these systems satisfy the 
independent execution requirement of Rule 11a2-2(T). See 1979 

    Rule 11a2-2(T)'s fourth condition requires that, in the case of a 
transaction effected for an account with respect to which the 
initiating member or an associated person thereof exercises investment 
discretion, neither the initiating member nor any associated person 
thereof may retain any compensation in connection with effecting the 
transaction, unless the person authorized to transact business for the 
account has expressly provided otherwise by written contract referring 
to Section 11(a) of the Act and Rule 11a2-2(T) thereunder.\68\ The 
Exchange recognizes that Participants relying on Rule 11a2-2(T) for 
transactions effected through the PRISM must comply with this condition 
of the Rule and the Exchange will enforce this requirement

[[Page 54613]]

pursuant to its obligations under Section 6(b)(1) of the Act to enforce 
compliance with federal securities laws.

    \68\ See 17 CFR 240.11a2-2(T)(a)(2)(iv). In addition, Rule 11a2-
2(T)(d) requires a member or associated person authorized by written 
contract to retain compensation, in connection with effecting 
transactions for Covered Accounts over which such member or 
associated persons thereof exercises investment discretion, to 
furnish at least annually to the person authorized to transact 
business for the account a statement setting forth the total amount 
of compensation retained by the member in connection with effecting 
transactions for the account during the period covered by the 
statement which amount must be exclusive of all amounts paid to 
others during that period for services rendered to effect such 
transactions. See also 1978 (stating ``[t]he contractual and 
disclosure requirements are designed to assure that accounts 
electing to permit transaction-related compensation do so only after 
deciding that such arrangements are suitable to their interests'').

    The Exchange believes that the instant proposal is consistent with 
Rule 11a2-2(T), and that therefore the exception should apply in this 
    The Exchange also believes that the proposed rule changes would 
further the objectives of the Act to protect investors by promoting the 
intermarket price protection goals of the Options Intermarket Linkage 
Plan.\69\ The Exchange believes its proposal would help ensure inter-
market competition across all exchanges and facilitate compliance with 
best execution practices. The Exchange believes that these objectives 
are consistent with the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder 
applicable to the Exchange and, in particular, the requirements of 
Section 11A of the Act.

    \69\ See BX Rule at Chapter XII, Section 3 regarding Locked and 
Crossed Markets.

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    The proposed rule change does not impose any burden on competition 
that is not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of 
the Act. The competition among the options exchanges is vigorous and 
this proposal is intended to afford the BX Options market the 
opportunity to compete for order flow by offering an auction mechanism 
on BX similar to that of other exchanges.
    With respect to intra-market competition, the auction will be 
available to all BX Participants. Moreover, as explained above, the 
proposal should encourage BX Participants to compete amongst each other 
by responding with their best price and size for a particular auction. 
With respect to overall market quality, the Exchange believes that the 
PRISM auction, as proposed herein, will encourage BX Market Makers to 
quote at the NBBO with additional size and thereby result in tighter 
and deeper markets, resulting in more liquidity. Specifically, by 
offering BX Market Makers the ability to receive priority in the 
proposed allocation during the PRISM auction, a BX Market Maker will be 
encouraged to quote outside of the PRISM auction at the their best and 
most aggressive prices. BX believes that this incentive may result in a 
narrowing of quotes and thus further enhance BX's and overall market 
quality. Within the PRISM auction, BX believes that the rules that are 
proposed will encourage BX Market Makers to compete vigorously to 
provide the opportunity for price improvement in a competitive auction 
process. The Exchange does not believe that providing BX Market Makers 
with an opportunity to receive priority allocation will create an undue 
burden on intra-market competition. BX Market Makers have obligations 
to the market unlike other market participants.\70\ The allocation 
seeks to reward BX Market Makers with an opportunity to receive 
additional allocations.

    \70\ See BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 6.

    The Exchange's proposal is a competitive response to similar 
provisions in the price improvement auction rules of other options 
exchanges.\71\ The Exchange believes this proposed rule change is 
necessary to permit fair competition among the options exchanges and to 
establish more uniform price improvement auction rules on the various 
options exchanges. The Exchange anticipates that this auction proposal 
will create new opportunities for BX to attract new business and 
compete on equal footing with those options exchanges with auctions and 
for this reason the proposal does not create an undue burden on inter-
market competition. Rather, the Exchange believes that the proposed 
rule would bolster inter-market competition by promoting fair 
competition among individual markets, while at the same time assuring 
that market participants receive the benefits of markets that are 
linked together, through facilities and rules, in a unified system, 
which promotes interaction among the orders of buyers and sellers. The 
Exchange believes its proposal would help ensure inter-market 
competition across all exchanges and facilitate compliance with best 
execution practices. In addition, the Exchange believes that the 
proposed rule change would help promote fair and orderly markets by 
helping ensure compliance with Options Order Protection and Locked and 
Crossed Market Rules.\72\ Thus, the Exchange does not believe the 
proposal creates any significant impact on competition.

    \71\ Today, the following options markets offer auctions: CBOE, 
ISE, BOX, MIAX and Phlx. See CBOE Rule 6.74A, ISE Rule 723, BOX Rule 
7150, MIAX Rule 5.15 and Phlx Rule 1080(n).
    \72\ See Chapter XII of BX Rules.

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    No written comments were either solicited or received.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
Federal Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may 
designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to 
be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
which the Exchange consents, the Commission shall: (a) By order approve 
or disapprove such proposed rule change, or (b) institute proceedings 
to determine whether the proposed rule change should be disapproved.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change, as amended, is consistent with the Act. Comments may be 
submitted by any of the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's Internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number SR-BX-2015-032 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Brent J. Fields, 
Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., 
Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-BX-2015-032. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml).
    Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for Web site viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., Washington, 
DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection 
and copying at the principal

[[Page 54614]]

office of the Exchange. All comments received will be posted without 
change; the Commission does not edit personal identifying information 
from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to 
make available publicly.
    All submissions should refer to File Number SR-BX-2015-032 and 
should be submitted on or before October 1, 2015.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\73\

    \73\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-22742 Filed 9-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                                     54601

                                                  Officers’ Club, 50 Moraga Avenue,                          change as described in Items I, II, and                customer, broker dealer, or any other
                                                  Presidio of San Francisco, California.                     III, below, which Items have been                      entity (‘‘PRISM Order’’) against
                                                  The Presidio Trust was created by                          prepared by the Exchange. On                           principal interest or against any other
                                                  Congress in 1996 to manage                                 September 2, 2015, the Exchange filed                  order it represents as agent (an
                                                  approximately eighty percent of the                        Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule                   ‘‘Initiating Order’’) provided it submits
                                                  former U.S. Army base known as the                         change.3 The Commission is publishing                  the PRISM Order for electronic
                                                  Presidio, in San Francisco, California.                    this notice to solicit comments on the                 execution into the PRISM Auction
                                                    The purposes of this meeting are to                      proposed rule change, as modified by                   (‘‘Auction’’) pursuant to the proposed
                                                  take action on the minutes of a previous                   Amendment No. 1, from interested                       Rule.5 The Exchange intends to retitle
                                                  Board meeting; to provide the                              persons.                                               Chapter VI, Section 9, which is
                                                  Chairperson’s report; to provide the                                                                              currently reserved, as ‘‘Price
                                                                                                             I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                  Interim Leadership Team’s report; to                                                                              Improvement Auction (‘‘PRISM’’).’’ The
                                                                                                             Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                                  provide partners’ reports; to provide                                                                             Exchange believes that the PRISM
                                                                                                             the Proposed Rule Change
                                                  committee reports; to take action on the                                                                          auction, as proposed herein, will
                                                  formation and composition of Board                            The Exchange proposes to amend BX                   encourage BX Market Makers to quote at
                                                  committees; to take action on the Audit,                   rules at Chapter VI, Section 9, which is               the NBBO with additional size and
                                                  Finance, Governance and Human                              currently reserved, to establish a price-              thereby result in tighter and deeper
                                                  Resources, Planning and Real Estate,                       improvement mechanism on BX.                           markets, resulting in more liquidity on
                                                  and Programs and Communications                               The text of the proposed rule change                BX. Specifically, by offering BX Market
                                                  committee charters; and to receive                         is available on the Exchange’s Web site                Makers the ability to receive priority in
                                                  public comment in accordance with the                      at http://                                             the proposed allocation during the
                                                  Trust’s Public Outreach Policy.                            nasdaqomxbx.cchwallstreet.com, at the                  PRISM auction up to the size of their
                                                    Individuals requiring special                            principal office of the Exchange, and at               quote, a BX Market Maker will be
                                                  accommodation at this meeting, such as                     the Commission’s Public Reference                      encouraged to quote with additional
                                                  needing a sign language interpreter,                       Room.                                                  size outside of the PRISM auction at the
                                                  should contact Mollie Matull at                            II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                     best and most aggressive prices. BX
                                                  415.561.5300 prior to October 1, 2015.                     Statement of the Purpose of, and                       believes that this incentive may result in
                                                    Time: The meeting will begin at 6:30                     Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                 a narrowing of quotes and thus further
                                                  p.m. on Thursday, October 8, 2015.                         Change                                                 enhance BX’s market quality. Within the
                                                  ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at                                                                            PRISM auction, BX believes that the
                                                                                                                In its filing with the Commission, the              rules that are proposed will encourage
                                                  the Officers’ Club, 50 Moraga Avenue,
                                                                                                             Exchange included statements                           BX Market Makers to compete
                                                  Presidio of San Francisco.
                                                                                                             concerning the purpose of and basis for                vigorously to provide the opportunity
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                           the proposed rule change and discussed
                                                  Andrea Andersen, Acting General                                                                                   for price improvement in a competitive
                                                                                                             any comments it received on the                        auction process.
                                                  Counsel, the Presidio Trust, 103                           proposed rule change. The text of these
                                                  Montgomery Street, P.O. Box 29052, San                     statements may be examined at the                      Auction Eligibility Requirements
                                                  Francisco, California 94129–0052,                          places specified in Item IV below. The                   All options traded on the Exchange
                                                  Telephone: 415.561.5300.                                   Exchange has prepared summaries, set                   are eligible for PRISM. Proposed Rule
                                                   Dated: September 3, 2015.                                 forth in sections A, B, and C below, of                Chapter VI, Section 9(i) describes the
                                                  Andrea Andersen,                                           the most significant aspects of such                   circumstances under which an Initiating
                                                  Acting General Counsel.                                    statements.                                            Participant may initiate an Auction. The
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–22857 Filed 9–9–15; 8:45 am]                 A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                      Initiating Participant may initiate an
                                                  BILLING CODE 4310–4R–P                                     Statement of the Purpose of, and                       Auction provided the conditions which
                                                                                                             Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                 follow are met: If the PRISM Order is for
                                                                                                             Change                                                 the account of a Public Customer the
                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                                                                           Initiating Participant must stop the
                                                  COMMISSION                                                 1. Purpose                                             entire PRISM Order at a price that is
                                                                                                                The purpose of the proposed rule                    equal to or better than the National Best
                                                  [Release No. 34–75827; File No. SR–BX–                                                                            Bid/Offer displayed (‘‘NBBO’’) on the
                                                  2015–032]                                                  change is to establish a price-
                                                                                                             improvement mechanism, ‘‘PRISM,’’ on                   opposite side of the market from the
                                                  Self-Regulatory Organizations;                             the Exchange, which includes auto-                     PRISM Order, provided that such price
                                                  NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing                      match functionality in which a                         must be at least one minimum trading
                                                  of Proposed Rule Change and                                Participant (an ‘‘Initiating Participant’’)            increment specified in Chapter VI,
                                                                                                             may electronically submit for execution                Section 5 6 better than any limit order
                                                  Amendment No. 1 Thereto To Establish
                                                  a New Auction, BX PRISM                                    an order it represents as agent on behalf
                                                                                                                                                                    does not include a Professional order for purposes
                                                                                                             of a Public Customer,4 Professional                    of BX Rule at Chapter VI, Section 10(a)(C)(1)(a),
                                                  September 3, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                    which governs allocation priority. A ‘‘Professional’’
                                                     Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the                        3 BX filed Amendment No. 1 to correct an
                                                                                                                                                                    means any person or entity that (i) is not a broker
                                                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934                            inadvertent rule text error in Chapter VI, Section     or dealer in securities, and (ii) places more than 390
                                                  (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                    9(ii)(A)(6) by removing stray brackets. Also, BX       orders in listed options per day on average during
                                                                                                             filed this amendment to conform rule text in           a calendar month for its own beneficial account(s).
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  notice is hereby given that on August                      Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(K) to the language in the    A Participant or a Public Customer may, without
                                                  19, 2015, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’                      proposed 19b4 for clarity and consistency.             limitation, be a Professional. All Professional orders
                                                  or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities                    4 For purposes of this Rule, a Public Customer      shall be appropriately marked by Participants. See
                                                  and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or                        order does not include a Professional order, and       BX Rules at Chapter I, Section 1(a)(49).
                                                                                                                                                                      5 BX will only conduct an auction for Simple
                                                                                                             therefore a Professional would not be entitled to
                                                  ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule                          Public Customer priority as described herein. A        Orders.
                                                                                                             Public Customer means a person that is not a broker      6 The Board may establish minimum quoting
                                                    1 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                 or dealer in securities. See BX Options Rules at       increments for options contracts traded on BX
                                                    2 17   CFR 240.19b–4.                                    Chapter I, Section 1(a)(50). A Public Customer order                                               Continued

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                                                  54602                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  on the limit order book on the same side                Initiating Order side; 10 or (c) that it is             received in accordance with the
                                                  of the market as the PRISM Order.7 If                   willing to either: (i) Stop the entire                  allocation procedures set forth in this
                                                  the PRISM Order is for the account of                   order at a single stop price and auto-                  Rule.14 Surrender information will not
                                                  a broker dealer or any other person or                  match PAN responses and trading                         be available to other market participants
                                                  entity that is not a Public Customer, the               interest at a price or prices that improve              and may not be modified.
                                                  Initiating Participant must stop the                    the stop price to a specified price (a ‘‘No                When the Exchange receives a PRISM
                                                  entire PRISM at a price that is the better              Worse Than’’ or ‘‘NWT’’ price); (ii) stop               Order for Auction processing, a PAN
                                                  of: (i) The displayed BX BBO price                      the entire order at a single stop price                 detailing the side, size and options
                                                  improved by at least the minimum                        and auto-match all PAN responses and                    series of the PRISM Order will be sent
                                                  trading increment on the same side of                   trading interest at or better than the stop             over the Exchange’s Specialized Quote
                                                  the market as the PRISM Order, or (ii)                  price; or (iii) stop the entire order at the            Feed (‘‘SQF’’).15 The Auction will last
                                                  the PRISM Order’s limit price (if the                   NBBO on the Initiating Order side, and                  for a period of time, as determined by
                                                  order is a limit order), provided in                    auto-match PAN responses and trading                    the Exchange and announced on the
                                                  either case that such price is at or better             interest at a price or prices that improve              Nasdaq Trader Web site. The Auction
                                                  than the displayed NBBO.8 There is a                    the stop price up to the NWT price. In                  period will be no less than one hundred
                                                  distinction between proposed Chapter                    all cases, if the BX BBO on the same                    milliseconds 16 and no more than one
                                                  VI, Section 9(i)(A) and Section 9(i)(B) in              side of the market as the PRISM Order                   second.17 Any person or entity may
                                                  that a PRISM Order that is a Public                     represents a limit order on the book, the               submit a response to the PAN, provided
                                                  Customer Order must trade at an                         stop price must be at least the Minimum                 such response is properly marked
                                                  improved price if there is a limit order                Increment better than the booked limit                  specifying price, size and side of the
                                                  on the book. A PRISM Order that is for                  order’s limit price. Once the Initiating                market. PAN responses will not be
                                                  a non-Customer (account of a broker-                    Participant has submitted a PRISM                       visible to Auction participants,
                                                  dealer or any other person or entity that               Order for processing as described                       including the initiator, and will not be
                                                  is not a Public Customer) is always                     herein, such PRISM Order may not be                     disseminated to OPRA. The minimum
                                                  required to improve the same side of the                modified or cancelled. Under no                         price increment for PAN responses and
                                                  BX BBO even if there is no resting limit                circumstances will the Initiating                       for an Initiating Participant’s stop price
                                                  order on the book.                                      Participant receive an allocation                       and/or NWT price would be the
                                                     PRISM Orders that do not comply                      percentage of more than 50% with one                    minimum price improvement increment
                                                  with these aforementioned requirements                  competing order or 40% with multiple                    established pursuant to proposed rule at
                                                  are not eligible to initiate an Auction                 competing orders at the final price                     Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1).18
                                                  and will be rejected. Also, PRISM                       point, except for rounding, when                           NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC (‘‘Phlx’’)
                                                  Orders submitted at or before the                       competing orders have contracts                         staff distributed a survey to all Phlx
                                                  opening of trading are not eligible to                  available for execution.11 Under any of                 market maker firms inquiring as to the
                                                  initiate an Auction and will be rejected.               the circumstances described above, the                  timeframe within which these market
                                                  PRISM Orders submitted during the                       stop price or NWT price may be                          participants respond to an auction with
                                                  final two seconds of the trading session                improved to the benefit of the PRISM                    a duration time ranging from less than
                                                  in the affected series are not eligible to              Order during the Auction, but may not                   fifty (50) milliseconds to more than one
                                                  initiate an Auction and will be rejected.               be cancelled. When starting an Auction,                 (1) second. The market marker firms on
                                                  Finally, an Initiating Order may not be                 the Initiating Participant may submit the               Phlx represent membership similar to
                                                  a solicited order for the account of any                Initiating Order with a designation of                  BX Market Makers.19 An overwhelming
                                                  BX Options Market Maker assigned in                     ‘‘surrender’’ to other PRISM Participants               number of the market maker firms that
                                                  the affected series.9                                   (‘‘Surrender’’), which will result in the               responded to the survey indicated that
                                                                                                          Initiating Participant forfeiting priority              they were capable of responding to
                                                  Auction Process                                                                                                 auctions with a duration time of at least
                                                                                                          and trade allocation privileges.12 If
                                                     Only one Auction may be conducted                    Surrender is specified the Initiating                   50 milliseconds.20 Based on the results
                                                  at a time in any given series. Once                     Order will only trade if there is not                   of the survey, the Exchange believes that
                                                  commenced, an Auction may not be                        enough interest available to fully                      allowing for an auction period of no less
                                                  cancelled and would proceed as                          execute the PRISM Order at prices                       than one hundred (100) milliseconds
                                                  described herein. To initiate the                       which are equal to or improve upon the
                                                  Auction, the Initiating Participant must                stop price.13 The Surrender function
                                                                                                                                                                     14 This concept of Surrender is similar to a

                                                  mark the PRISM Order for Auction                                                                                forfeiture concept on the BOX Options Exchange
                                                                                                          will never result in more than the                      LLC (‘‘BOX’’). See BOX Rule 7150(g) regarding PIP,
                                                  processing, and specify either: (a) A                   maximum allowable allocation                            its price improvement auction.
                                                  single price at which it seeks to execute               percentage to the Initiating Participant                   15 SQF is available to Market Makers at no cost.

                                                  the PRISM Order (a ‘‘stop price’’); (b)                 than that which the Initiating                          The Depth Feed is available to all other market
                                                  that it is willing to automatically match                                                                       participants that pay to subscribe to the service to
                                                                                                          Participant would have otherwise                        receive broadcast information regarding auctions.
                                                  as principal or as agent on behalf of an                                                                           16 BOX’s PIP auction is a duration of one hundred
                                                  Initiating Order the price and size of all                 10 This is accomplished by marking the Initiating    milliseconds, commencing on the dissemination of
                                                  PRISM Auction Notifications (‘‘PAN’’)                   Order with a market (MKT) price.                        the PIP broadcast. See BOX Rule 7150(f)(1).
                                                  responses, and trading interest (‘‘auto-                   11 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section             17 CBOE’s AIM auction is a duration of one

                                                  match’’) in which case the PRISM Order                  9(ii)(A)(1).                                            second. See CBOE Rule 6.74A(b)(1)(C).
                                                                                                             12 The Chicago Board Options Exchange,                  18 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                  will be stopped at the NBBO on the                                                                              9(ii)(A)(2) through (6).
                                                                                                          Incorporated’s (‘‘CBOE’’) has a process whereby
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          initiating participants may elect to receive last          19 Ninety (90) percent of the BX Market Maker
                                                  Options. The minimum trading increment for              priority in an allocation. See CBOE Rule                firms participated in the survey.
                                                  options contracts traded on BX Options will be one      6.74A(b)(3)(J) (Automated Improvement Mechanism            20 Of the thirty five (35) Phlx market maker firms
                                                  (1) cent for all series (‘‘Minimum Increment’’). See    (‘‘AIM’’)). See also MIAX Rule 5.15(A)(a)(2)(iii)(J).   that were surveyed, twenty (20) of these market
                                                  BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 5(b).                   BX will allow surrender only for the entire amount,     makers responded to the survey and of those
                                                    7 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(A).
                                                                                                          not for a partial amount.                               respondents 100% indicated that that their firm
                                                    8 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(B).      13 Surrender will not be applied if both the         could respond to auctions with a duration time of
                                                    9 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(i)(C)    Initiating Order and PRISM Order are Public             at least 50 milliseconds. This survey was conducted
                                                  through (G).                                            Customer Orders.                                        in May 2014.

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                                      54603

                                                  and no more than one (1) second would                   second. BX believes that its Participants              or any time there is a trading halt 25 on
                                                  provide a meaningful opportunity for                    will be able to compete within 100                     the Exchange in the affected series.26
                                                  BX Participants to respond to the PRISM                 milliseconds and this is a sufficient                     If the Auction concludes at the earlier
                                                  Auction while at the same time                          amount of time to respond to, compete                  of the BX BBO crossing the PRISM
                                                  facilitating the prompt execution of                    for, and provide price improvement for                 Order stop price on the same side of the
                                                  orders. The Exchange believes that BX                   orders, and will provide investors and                 market as the PRISM Order or any time
                                                  Participants will have sufficient time to               other market participants with more                    there is a trading halt on the Exchange
                                                  ensure competition for PRISM Orders,                    timely executions, and reduce their                    in the affected series, the entire PRISM
                                                  and could provide orders within the                     market risk.                                           Order will be executed as follows: (1) In
                                                  PRISM auction additional opportunities                     Finally, with respect to the impact of              the case of the BX BBO crossing the
                                                  for price improvement.                                  this proposal, more specifically the                   PRISM Order stop price, the best
                                                     BX believes the proposed rule change                 timing of the responses proposed                       response price(s) or, if the stop price is
                                                  could provide orders within PRISM an                    herein, on System 21 capacity, BX has                  the best price in the Auction, at the stop
                                                  opportunity for price improvement.                      analyzed its capacity and represents that              price, unless the best response price is
                                                  Also, the shorter duration of time for the              it and the Options Price Reporting                     equal to or better than the price of a
                                                  auction reduce the market risk for all                  Authority (‘‘OPRA’’) have the necessary                limit order resting on the Order Book on
                                                  Participants executing trades in PRISM.                 systems capacity to handle the potential               the same side of the market as the
                                                  Initiating Participants are required to                 additional traffic associated with                     PRISM Order, in which case the PRISM
                                                  guarantee an execution at the NBBO or                   auction transactions resulting                         Order will be executed against that
                                                  at a better price, and are subject to                   specifically from the implementation of                response, but at a price that is at the
                                                  market risk while their PRISM Order is                  the auction period of no less than one                 minimum trading increment better than
                                                  exposed to other BX Participants. While                 hundred milliseconds and no more than                  the price of such limit order at the time
                                                  other Participants are also subject to                  one second. Additionally, in terms of                  of the conclusion of the Auction; or (2)
                                                  market risk, those providing responses                  overall capacity the Exchange represents               in the case of a trading halt on the
                                                  in PRISM may cancel or modify their                     that its Systems will be able to                       Exchange in the affected series, the stop
                                                  orders. BX believes that the Initiating                 sufficiently maintain an audit trail for               price, in which case the PRISM Order
                                                  Participant acts in a critical role within              order and trade information with the                   will be executed solely against the
                                                  the PRISM auction. Their willingness to                 PRISM auction.                                         Initiating Order. In the event of a trading
                                                  guarantee the orders entered into PRISM                    A PAN response size at any given                    halt, since the Initiating Participant has
                                                  an execution at NBBO or a better price                  price point may not exceed the size of                 guaranteed that an execution will occur
                                                  is the keystone to an order gaining the                 the PRISM Order. A PAN response with                   at the stop price (or better), and PAN
                                                  opportunity for price improvement. BX                   a size greater than the size of the PRISM              responses offer no such guarantee, the
                                                  believes that allowing for an auction                   Order will be rejected. A PAN response                 stop price is the only valid price at
                                                  period of no less than one hundred                      must be equal to or better than the                    which to execute the PRISM Order, and
                                                  milliseconds and no more than one                       NBBO at the time of receipt of the PAN                 the Initiating Member is the appropriate
                                                  second will benefit Participants trading                response. PAN responses may be                         contra-side.
                                                  in PRISM. BX believes it is in these                    modified or cancelled during the                          Any unexecuted PAN responses will
                                                  Participants’ best interests to minimize                Auction.22 A PAN response submitted                    be cancelled.27 An unrelated market or
                                                  the auction time while continuing to                    with a price that is outside the                       marketable limit order (against the BX
                                                  allow Participants adequate time to                     displayed NBBO will be rejected. PAN                   BBO) on the opposite side of the market
                                                  electronically respond. Both the order                  responses on the same side of the                      from the PRISM Order received during
                                                  being exposed and the responding                        market as the PRISM Order are                          the Auction will not cause the Auction
                                                  orders are subject to market risk during                considered invalid and will be rejected.               to end early and will execute against
                                                  the auction.                                            Finally, multiple PAN responses from                   interest outside of the Auction.28 If
                                                     While some Participants may wait to                  the same Participant may be submitted                  contracts remain from such unrelated
                                                  respond until later in the auction,                     during the Auction. Multiple orders at                 order at the time the auction ends, they
                                                  presumably to minimize their market                     a particular price point submitted by a                will be considered for participation in
                                                  risk, the Exchange believes that a                      Participant in response to a PAN may                   the order allocation process.29
                                                  majority of the orders would respond                    not exceed, in the aggregate, the size of              Order Allocation—Size Pro-Rata
                                                  earlier in the auction. Based on                        the PRISM Order.23
                                                  experience with the Phlx’s PIXL                                                                                  At the conclusion of the Auction, the
                                                  mechanism on BX’s affiliated exchange,                  Conclusion of an Auction                               PRISM Order will be allocated at the
                                                  BX believes that 100 milliseconds will                     The PRISM Auction would conclude                    best price(s) as follows for underlying
                                                  continue to provide all market                          at the earlier of the end of the Auction               symbols which are designated as Size
                                                  participants with sufficient time to                    period, any time the BX BBO crosses the
                                                  respond, compete, and provide price                     PRISM Order stop price on the same                     period scheduled to expire July 18, 2016, as
                                                  improvement for orders and will                         side of the market as the PRISM Order 24                 25 This provision regarding the trading halt, as a
                                                  provide investors and other market                                                                             conclusion to a PRISM Auction, shall be effective
                                                  participants with more timely                             21 The term ‘‘System’’ is defined in BX Rules at     subject to a pilot period scheduled to expire July
                                                  executions, thereby reducing their                      Chapter VI, Section 1(a).                              18, 2016, as proposed.
                                                                                                            22 The modification and cancellation of a PAN          26 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                  market risk. The proposed rule allows
                                                                                                          response will be similar to the manner in which a      9(ii)(B).
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  people to respond quickly at the most                   cancel-replace order would be handled outside of         27 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                  favorable price while reducing the risk                 the auction process. See BX Rules at Chapter VI,       9(ii)(C). The Exchange will not route away any
                                                  that the market will move against the                   Section 1(e)(1).                                       orders to another market center submitted into the
                                                  response.                                                 23 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section          PRISM auction.
                                                     BX believes that its Participants                    9(ii)(A)(7) through (10).                                28 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                                                                            24 This provision regarding the BX BBO crossing      9(ii)(D).
                                                  operate electronic systems that enable                  the PRISM Order stop price on the same side of the       29 This provision shall be effective for a pilot
                                                  them to react and respond to orders in                  market as the PRISM Order, as a conclusion to a        period scheduled to expire on July 18, 2016, as
                                                  a meaningful way in fractions of a                      PRISM Auction, shall be effective subject to a pilot   proposed.

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                                                  54604                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Pro-Rata, as described in Chapter VI,                   of all other quotes, orders and PAN                    Priority Market Maker status is only
                                                  Section10(1)(C)(1)(a) with priority as is               responses at each price point, except                  valid for the duration of the particular
                                                  described below. First, Public Customer                 that the Initiating Participant would be               PRISM auction.
                                                  orders would have time priority at each                 entitled to receive up to 40% (multiple                   Next, Non-Priority Market Makers and
                                                  price level. Next, the Initiating                       competing orders) or 50% (one                          Priority Market Maker interest which
                                                  Participant would be allocated after                    competing order) of the contracts                      exceeded their displayed size in the
                                                  Public Customer Orders.                                 remaining at the final price point                     Initial Displayed NBBO would have
                                                     If the Initiating Participant selected               (including situations where the final                  priority at each price level at or better
                                                  the single stop price option of the                     price is the stop price), after Public                 than the Initial Displayed NBBO after
                                                  PRISM Auction, PRISM executions will                    Customer interest has been satisfied but               Public Customer, Initiating Participants
                                                  occur at prices that improve the stop                   before remaining interest. In the case of              and Priority Market Makers have
                                                  price, and then at the stop price with up               an Initiating Order with a NWT price at                received allocations. Non-Priority
                                                  to 40% of the remaining contracts after                 the market, the Initiating Participant                 Market Maker and Priority Market
                                                  Public Customer interest is satisfied                   would be allocated an equal number of                  Maker interest which exceeded their
                                                  being allocated to the Initiating                       contracts as the aggregate size of all                 displayed size in the Initial Displayed
                                                  Participant the stop price. However, if                 other quotes, orders and PAN responses                 NBBO will be allocated pursuant to the
                                                  only one other Participant matches the                  at all price points, except that the                   Size Pro-Rata algorithm set forth in
                                                  stop price, then the Initiating                         Initiating Participant would be entitled               Exchange Rules at Chapter VI, Section
                                                  Participant may be allocated up to 50%                  to receive up to 40% of the contracts                  10(1)(B).34
                                                  of the contracts executed at such price.                remaining at the final price point                        Finally, all other interest will be
                                                  Remaining contracts would be allocated,                 (including situations where the final                  allocated, after proposed Chapter VI,
                                                  pursuant to proposed Chapter VI,                        price is the stop price), after Public                 Section 9(ii)(E)(1) through (4) have been
                                                  Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through (5), among                  Customer interest has been satisfied but               satisfied. Such interest will be allocated
                                                  remaining quotes, orders and PAN                        before remaining interest. If there are                pursuant to the Size Pro-Rata algorithm
                                                  responses at the stop price. Thereafter,                other quotes, orders and PAN responses                 set forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter
                                                  remaining contracts, if any, would be                   at the final price point the contracts will            VI, Section 10(1)(B).35
                                                  allocated to the Initiating Participant.                be allocated to such interest pursuant to
                                                  The allocation will account for                         proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3)               Order Allocation—Price/Time
                                                  Surrender, if applicable.                               through (5). Any remaining contracts                      At the conclusion of the Auction, the
                                                     If the Initiating Participant selected               would be allocated to the Initiating                   PRISM Order will be allocated at the
                                                  the auto-match option of the PRISM                      Participant.30                                         best price(s) as indicated below for
                                                  Auction the Initiating Participant would                   Next, BX Options Market Makers that                 underlying symbols designated as Price/
                                                  be allocated an equal number of                         were at a price that is equal to or                    Time as described in proposed Chapter
                                                  contracts as the aggregate size of all                  better 31 than the displayed NBBO on                   VI, Section10(1)(C)(2)(i). First, Public
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  the opposite side of the market from the               Customer orders would have time
                                                  at each price point until a price point is              PRISM Order at the time of initiation of               priority at each price level. Next, the
                                                  reached where the balance of the order                  the PRISM Auction (‘‘Priority Market                   Initiating Participant would be allocated
                                                  can be fully executed, except that the                  Makers’’) would have priority up to                    after Public Customer Orders.
                                                  Initiating Participant would be entitled                their displayed quote size in the NBBO                    If the Initiating Participant selected
                                                  to receive up to 40% of the contracts                   which was present when the PRISM                       the single stop price option of the
                                                  remaining at the final price point                      Auction was initiated (‘‘Initial                       PRISM Auction, PRISM executions will
                                                  (including situations where the stop                    Displayed NBBO’’) at each price level at               occur at prices that improve the stop
                                                  price is the final price) after Public                  or better than such Initial Displayed                  price, and then at the stop price with up
                                                  Customer interest has been satisfied but                NBBO after Public Customer and                         to 40% of the remaining contracts after
                                                  before remaining interest. If there are                 Initiating Participants have received                  Public Customer interest is satisfied
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  allocations.32 Priority Market Maker                   being allocated to the Initiating
                                                  at the final price point the contracts will             quotes, orders, and PAN responses will                 Participant the stop price. However, if
                                                  be allocated to such interest pursuant to               be allocated pursuant to the Size Pro-                 only one other Participant matches the
                                                  proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3)                Rata algorithm set forth in Exchange                   stop price, then the Initiating
                                                  through (5). Any remaining contracts                    Rules at Chapter VI, Section 10(1)(B).33               Participant may be allocated up to 50%
                                                  would be allocated to the Initiating                                                                           of the contracts executed at such price.
                                                  Participant.                                              30 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                                                                                                                                 Remaining contracts would be allocated
                                                     In the case of a PRISM, if the                       9(ii)(E)(2)(a) through (c).
                                                                                                            31 Price Improving Orders are submitted to the       pursuant to proposed Chapter VI,
                                                  Initiating Participant selected the ‘‘stop
                                                                                                          System at price increments smaller than the            Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4), among
                                                  and NWT’’ option of the PRISM                           displayed Minimum Price Variation and are              remaining quotes, orders and PAN
                                                  Auction, contracts would be allocated as                displayed as part of the BX BBO at the Minimum
                                                                                                                                                                 responses at the stop price. Thereafter,
                                                  follows: (i) First to quotes, orders and                Price Variation. See BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section
                                                  PAN responses at prices better than the                 1(e)(6). Price Improving interest from a BX Market     remaining contracts, if any, would be
                                                  NWT price (if any), beginning with the
                                                                                                          Maker will be considered as Priority Market Maker      allocated to the Initiating Participant.
                                                                                                          interest provided the BX BBO is equal to the NBBO.     The allocation will account for
                                                  best price, pursuant to proposed                          32 MIAX allocates executions resulting from

                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(3) through                 Priority Public Customer interest and priority
                                                                                                                                                                 Surrender, if applicable.
                                                                                                          Market Maker quotes ahead of other interest.              If the Initiating Participant selected
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                                                  (5), at each price point; and (ii) next, to
                                                                                                          MIAX’s system may designate Market Maker quotes        the auto-match option of the PRISM
                                                  quotes, orders and PAN responses at                     as either priority quotes or non-priority quotes in    Auction the Initiating Participant would
                                                  prices at the Initiating Participant’s                  accordance with the provisions in MIAX Rule
                                                                                                                                                                 be allocated an equal number of
                                                  NWT price and better than the Initiating                517(b). The Exchange is prioritizing Priority Market
                                                  Participant’s stop price, beginning with                Maker allocations in the proposed BX PRISM
                                                                                                          Auction in a similar manner, ahead of other non-         34 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                  the NWT price. The Initiating                           Public Customer interest.                              9(ii)(E)(4).
                                                  Participant would be allocated an equal                   33 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section            35 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section

                                                  number of contracts as the aggregate size               9(ii)(E)(3).                                           9(ii)(E)(5).

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                                     54605

                                                  contracts as the aggregate size of all                  PRISM Auction would have priority up                    the Initiating Participant will be up or
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  to their displayed quote size in the                    down to the nearest integer,40 all other
                                                  at each price point until a price point is              Initial Displayed NBBO at each price                    rounding is down to the nearest integer.
                                                  reached where the balance of the order                  level better than the Initial Displayed                 If rounding results in an allocation of
                                                  can be fully executed, except that the                  NBBO, after Public Customer and                         less than one contract, then one contract
                                                  Initiating Participant would be entitled                Initiating Participants have received                   will be allocated to the Initiating
                                                  to receive up to 40% or 50% of the                      allocations. Priority Market Maker                      Participant only if the Initiating
                                                  contracts remaining at the final price                  interest at prices better than the Initial              Participant did not otherwise receive an
                                                  point (including situations where the                   Displayed NBBO will be allocated                        allocation.41 The Initiating Participant is
                                                  stop price is the final price), after Public            pursuant to the Size Pro-Rata algorithm                 not eligible to receive residual contracts
                                                  Customer interest has been satisfied but                set forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter                  if already allocated, unless no other
                                                  before remaining interest. If there are                 VI, Section 10(1)(B). Priority Market                   interest is available to trade. If there are
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  Maker interest at a price equal to or                   PAN responses that cross the then-
                                                  at the final price point the contracts will             inferior to the Initial Displayed NBBO                  existing NBBO (provided such NBBO is
                                                  be allocated to such interest pursuant to               will not have priority over other                       not crossed), such PAN responses will
                                                  proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3)                participants and will be allocated                      be executed, if possible, at their limit
                                                  and (4). Any remaining contracts would                  pursuant to the Price/Time algorithm set                price(s). If the price of the PRISM
                                                  be allocated to the Initiating Participant.             forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI,                  Auction is the same as that of an order
                                                  In the case of a PRISM, if the Initiating               Section 10(1)(A).36                                     on the limit order book on the same side
                                                  Participant selected the ‘‘stop and                        Finally, all other interest will be                  of the market as the PRISM Order, the
                                                  NWT’’ option of the PRISM Auction,                      allocated, after proposed Chapter VI,                   PRISM Order may only be executed at
                                                  contracts would be allocated as follows:                Section 9(ii)(E)(1) through (3) have been               a price that is at least one minimum
                                                  (i) First to quotes, orders and PAN                     satisfied. Such interest will be allocated              trading increment better than the resting
                                                  responses at prices better than the NWT                 pursuant to the Price/Time algorithm set                order’s limit price or, if such resting
                                                  price (if any), beginning with the best                 forth in Exchange Rules at Chapter VI,                  order’s limit price is equal to or crosses
                                                  price, pursuant to proposed Chapter VI,                 Section 10(1)(A).37 The Exchange                        the stop price, then the entire PRISM
                                                  Section 9(ii)(F)(3) and (4), at each price              believes using the Price/Time allocation                Order will trade at the stop price with
                                                  point; and (ii) next, to quotes, orders                 method for interest remaining after                     all better priced interest being
                                                  and PAN responses at prices at the                      proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(1)                considered for execution at the stop
                                                  Initiating Participant’s NWT price and                  through (3) have been satisfied provides                price. Any unexecuted PAN responses
                                                  better than the Initiating Participant’s                consistency with the underlying symbol                  will be cancelled.42
                                                  stop price, beginning with the NWT                      allocation designation. Since the                          With respect to Intermarket Sweep
                                                  price. The Initiating Participant would                 Exchange considers all interest present                 Orders or ‘‘ISO’’ Orders,43 under any
                                                  be allocated an equal number of                         in the System, and not solely auction                   allocation, if a PRISM Auction is
                                                  contracts as the aggregate size of all                  Responses, for execution against the                    initiated for an order designated as an
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  PRISM Order, those participants who                     ISO Order, all executions which are at
                                                  at each price point, except that the                    are not explicit responders to the                      a price inferior to the Initial Displayed
                                                  Initiating Participant would be entitled                auction will expect executions based on                 NBBO would be allocated pursuant to
                                                  to receive up to 40% of the contracts                   their Price/Time priority. In addition,                 the Size Pro-Rata execution algorithm,
                                                  remaining at the final price point                      the Exchange believes executing such                    as described in Chapter VI, Section
                                                  (including situations where the final                   remaining interest in a Price/Time                      10(1)(C)(1)(a), or Price/Time execution
                                                  price is the stop price), after Public                  fashion does not unfairly advantage/                    algorithm, as described in Chapter VI,
                                                  Customer interest has been satisfied but                disadvantage one participant over                       Section 10(1)(C)(2)(i), and the
                                                  before remaining interest. In the case of               another since executions are done with                  aforementioned priority in proposed
                                                  an Initiating Order with a NWT price at                 price priority first and time only                      Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E) and (F)
                                                  the market, the Initiating Participant                  becoming a factor when considering                      would not apply, with the exception of
                                                  would be allocated an equal number of                   equally priced interest for execution.38                allocating to the Initiating Participant,
                                                  contracts as the aggregate size of all                  Other options markets utilize Price/                    which will be allocated in accordance
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  Time in auctions.39 With respect to                     with the priority as specified in
                                                  at all price points, except that the                    either allocation method, Size Pro-Rata                 proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)
                                                  Initiating Participant would be entitled                or Price/Time, a single quote, order or
                                                  to receive up to 40% of the contracts                   PAN response would not be allocated a                     40 When the decimal is exactly 0.5, the rounding

                                                  remaining at the final price point                      number of contracts that is greater than                direction is up to the nearest integer.
                                                  (including situations where the final                   its size. Residual odd lots will be                       41 Similar rounding exists for BX’s Direct Market

                                                                                                          allocated in time-priority among interest               Maker and Lead Market Maker. See BX Rules at
                                                  price is the stop price), after Public                                                                          Chapter VI, Section 10.
                                                  Customer interest has been satisfied but                with the highest priority. Rounding of                    42 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section

                                                  before remaining interest. If there are                    36 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                                                                                                                                    43 An ‘‘Intermarket Sweep Order’’ or ‘‘ISO’’ are
                                                  other quotes, orders and PAN responses                  9(ii)(F)(3).                                            limit orders that are designated as ISOs in the
                                                  at the final price point the contracts will                37 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                                                                                                                                  manner prescribed by BX and are executed within
                                                  be allocated to such interest pursuant to               9(ii)(F)(4).                                            the System by Participants at multiple price levels
                                                  proposed Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(F)(3)                   38 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                                                                                                                                  without respect to Protected Quotations of other
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                                                  and (4). Any remaining contracts would                  9(ii)(F)(2)(a) through (c).                             Eligible Exchanges as defined in BX Rules at
                                                                                                             39 The International Securities Exchange, LLC        Chapter XII, Section 1. ISOs may have any time-in-
                                                  be allocated to the Initiating Participant.             (‘‘ISE’’) executes Priority Customer interest in a      force designation except WAIT, are handled within
                                                     Next, Priority Market Makers that                    Price/Time fashion within its PIM auction. See ISE      the System pursuant to BX Rules at Chapter VI,
                                                  were at a price that is equal to or better              Rule 723. Complex orders are also executed within       Section 10 and would not be eligible for routing as
                                                                                                          its auction in price time priority. See ISE Rule 722.   set out in BX Rules at Chapter VI, Section 11. ISOs
                                                  than the displayed NBBO on the                          BOX also permits Price/Time priority within PIP         with a time-in-force designation of GTC are treated
                                                  opposite side of the market from the                    and COPIP. See BOX Rules 7150(g) and 7245(g). See       as having a time-in-force designation of Day. See BX
                                                  PRISM Order at the time of initiation of                also example number 14 below.                           Options Rules at Chapter VI, Section 1(e)(7).

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                                                  54606                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  and (F).44 Specifically, a PRISM ISO is                  be cancelled if it is eligible for an                   Customer paired with an order for the
                                                  the transmission of two orders for                       execution in the PRISM Auction and                      account of a Public Customer and such
                                                  crossing without regard for better priced                would be considered the remover of                      paired orders will be automatically
                                                  Protected Bids or Protected Offers                       liquidity.47 Post Only Orders submitted                 executed without a PRISM Auction. The
                                                  because the Participant transmitting the                 by a Marker Maker during a PRISM                        execution price for such a PRISM Order
                                                  PRISM ISO to the Exchange has,                           Auction will not be considered as                       must be expressed in the quoting
                                                  simultaneously with the routing of the                   Priority Market Maker interest 48 but                   increment applicable to the affected
                                                  PRISM ISO, routed one or more ISOs, as                   will be considered pursuant to proposed                 series. Such an execution may not trade
                                                  necessary, to execute against the full                   Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(4) and                     through the NBBO or at the same price
                                                  displayed size of any Protected Bid or                   Section 9(ii)(F)(4).                                    as any resting Public Customer order.52
                                                  Protected Offer that is superior to the                                                                             BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 12 53
                                                                                                           Regulatory Concerns—Bona Fide                           prevents a Participant from executing
                                                  starting PRISM Auction price and has
                                                                                                           Transactions                                            agency orders to increase its economic
                                                  swept all interest in the Exchange’s
                                                  book priced better than the proposed                        The PRISM Auction may be used only                   gain from trading against the order
                                                  PRISM Auction starting price. The                        where there is a genuine intention to                   without first giving other trading
                                                  Exchange will accept a PRISM ISO                         execute a bona fide transaction. It will                interests on the Exchange an
                                                  provided the order adheres to the                        be considered a violation of this Rule                  opportunity to either trade with the
                                                  PRISM Order acceptance requirements,                     and will be deemed conduct                              agency order or to trade at the execution
                                                  but without regard to the NBBO. The                      inconsistent with just and equitable                    price when the Participant was already
                                                  Exchange will execute the PRISM ISO in                   principles of trade and a violation of                  bidding or offering on the book.
                                                  the same manner as other PRISM                           Rule 2110 if an Initiating Participant                  However, the Exchange recognizes that
                                                  Orders, except that it will not protect                  submits a PRISM Order (initiating an                    it may be possible for a Participant to
                                                  prices away. Instead, order flow                         Auction) and also submits its own PAN                   establish a relationship with a Public
                                                  providers will bear the responsibility to                response in the same Auction.49 A                       Customer or other person to deny
                                                  clear all better priced interest away                    pattern or practice of submitting                       agency orders the opportunity to
                                                  simultaneously with submitting the                       multiple orders in response to a PAN at                 interact on the Exchange and to realize
                                                  PRISM ISO Order. There is no other                       a particular price point that exceed, in                similar economic benefits as it would
                                                  impact to PRISM functionality.                           the aggregate, the size of the PRISM                    achieve by executing agency orders as
                                                  Specifically, liquidity present at the end               Order, will be deemed conduct                           principal. It would be a violation of BX
                                                  of the PRISM Auction will continue to                    inconsistent with just and equitable                    Rules at Chapter VII, Section 12 for a
                                                  be included in the PRISM Auction as it                   principles of trade and a violation of                  Participant to circumvent Chapter VII,
                                                  is with PRISM Orders not marked as                       Rule 2110.50 A pattern or practice of                   Section 12 by providing an opportunity
                                                  ISOs. This order type is offered by other                submitting unrelated orders or quotes                   for (i) a Public Customer affiliated with
                                                  options exchanges.45                                     that cross the stop price, causing a                    the Participant, or (ii) a Public Customer
                                                     With respect to Post Only Orders                      PRISM Auction to conclude before the                    with whom the Participant has an
                                                  resting on the book at the time the                      end of the PRISM Auction period will                    arrangement that allows the Participant
                                                  PRISM Auction is initiated,46 these                      be deemed conduct inconsistent with                     to realize similar economic benefits
                                                  orders will be executed if such order                    just and equitable principles of trade                  from the transaction as the Participant
                                                  would not result in the removal of                       and a violation of Rule 2110. It will also              would achieve by executing agency
                                                  liquidity when executing in the PRISM                    be deemed conduct inconsistent with                     orders as principal, to regularly execute
                                                  Auction, in accordance with Chapter VI,                  just and equitable principles of trade                  against agency orders handled by the
                                                  Section 1(e)(10). A Post Only Order will                 and a violation of Rule 2110 to engage                  firm immediately upon their entry as
                                                                                                           in a pattern of conduct where the                       PRISM Public Customer-to-Public
                                                    44 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section            Initiating Participant breaks up a PRISM                Customer immediate crosses.54
                                                  9(ii)(K).                                                Order into separate orders for the
                                                    45 See NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC Rules at
                                                                                                           purpose of gaining a higher allocation                  Pilot Program Information to the
                                                  1080(n). PIXL ISO Orders are permissible. See also
                                                                                                           percentage than the Initiating                          Commission
                                                  CBOE Rule 6.53(q).
                                                    46 ‘‘Post-Only Orders’’ are orders that will not       Participant would have otherwise                          Subject to a Pilot expiring July 18,
                                                  remove liquidity from the System. Post- Only             received in accordance with the                         2016, there will be no minimum size
                                                  Orders are to be ranked and executed on the              allocation procedures contained in                      requirement for orders to be eligible for
                                                  Exchange or cancelled, as appropriate, without           proposed subparagraph (ii)(E) and (ii)(F)               the Auction. During this Pilot Period,
                                                  routing away to another market. Post-Only Orders
                                                  are evaluated at the time of entry with respect to       to Chapter VI, Section 9.51
                                                                                                                                                                     52 See  proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(vi).
                                                  locking or crossing other orders as follows: (i) If a
                                                  Post-Only Order would lock or cross an order on          Crossing and Agency Orders                                53 BX   Rules at Chapter VI, Section 12, entitled
                                                  the System, the order will be re-priced to $.01             In lieu of the procedures in proposed                ‘‘Anonymity’’ provides, ‘‘The transaction reports
                                                  below the current low offer (for bids) or above the                                                              produced by the System will indicate the details of
                                                  current best bid (for offers) and displayed by the
                                                                                                           paragraphs (i)–(ii) to Chapter VI, Section              the transactions, and would not reveal contra party
                                                  System at one minimum price increment below the          9, an Initiating Participant may enter a                identities. BX would reveal a Participant’s identity
                                                  current low offer (for bids) or above the current best   PRISM Order for the account of a Public                 in the following circumstances: (1) When a
                                                  bid (for offers); and (ii) if a Post-Only Order would                                                            registered clearing agency ceases to act for a
                                                  not lock or cross an order on the System but would         47 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section
                                                                                                                                                                   participant, or the Participant’s clearing firm, and
                                                  lock or cross the NBBO as reflected in the protected                                                             the registered clearing agency determines not to
                                                  quotation of another market center, the order will         48 Only Market Maker interest submitted through
                                                                                                                                                                   guarantee the settlement of the Participant’s trades;
                                                                                                                                                                   (2) for regulatory purposes or to comply with an
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                                                  be handled pursuant to Chapter VI, Section
                                                  7(b)(3)(C). Participants may choose to have their        SQF will be eligible for Priority Market Maker          order of an arbitrator or court; (3) if both
                                                  Post-Only Orders returned whenever the order             interest.                                               Participants to the transaction consent; and (4)
                                                                                                             49 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(iii).
                                                  would lock or cross the NBBO or be placed on the                                                                 unless otherwise instructed by a member, BX will
                                                  book at a price other than its limit price. Post-Only    BX Rule 2110 states that, ‘‘A member, in the            reveal to a member, no later than the end of the day
                                                  Orders received prior to the opening cross or after      conduct of its business, shall observe high             on the date an anonymous trade was executed,
                                                  market close will be rejected. Post-Only Orders may      standards of commercial honor and just and              when the member’s order has been decremented by
                                                  not have a time-in-force designation of Good Til         equitable principles of trade.’’                        another order submitted by that same member.
                                                                                                             50 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(iv).
                                                  Cancelled or Immediate or Cancel. See BX Options                                                                    54 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section

                                                  Rules at Chapter VI, Section 1(e)(10).                     51 See proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 9(v).     6(vi)(a).

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                          54607

                                                  the Exchange will submit certain data,                    Maker B each trade 30 contracts since                 filled before getting to his quote in a
                                                  periodically as required by the                           they are Priority Market Makers for 30                price time fashion.
                                                  Commission, to provide supporting                         contracts. Market Maker C does zero.                     EXAMPLE #4 (Related to proposed
                                                  evidence that, among other things, there                     The outcome in this example is the                 Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Pro-
                                                  is meaningful competition for all size                    same regardless of the underlying                     Rata symbol with Market Makers
                                                  orders, there are opportunities for                       symbol being designated as Pro-Rata or                receiving both priority status and non-
                                                  significant price improvement for orders                  Price/Time.                                           priority status based on their size at
                                                  executed through PRISM and that there                        EXAMPLE #2 (Related to proposed                    initial NBBO):
                                                  is an active and liquid market                            Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Pro-             NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                  functioning on the Exchange outside of                    Rata among Priority Market Maker                      BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market
                                                  the Auction mechanism. Any raw data                       interest):                                                 Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                  which is submitted to the Commission                      NBBO = .97¥1.03                                            offering 30 contracts each
                                                  will be provided on a confidential                        BX BBO = .95¥1.03(60) with Market                     PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts
                                                  basis.55                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                            stopped at 1.03 is received.
                                                     The Exchange represents that, in                            offering 30 contracts each                       Auction begins.
                                                  support of its proposed pilot program, it                 PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts                         During auction, Market Maker C
                                                  proposes three components on a pilot                           stopped at 1.02 is received.                     responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market
                                                  basis: (1) Auction eligibility                            Auction begins.                                       Maker A and Market Maker B each
                                                  requirements; (2) the early conclusion of                    During auction, Market Maker C                     respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02
                                                  the PRISM Auction; and (3) no                             responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market                   (priority status for 30 contracts each and
                                                  minimum size requirement of orders.                       Maker A and Market Maker B each                       non-priority status for 20 contracts
                                                  the Exchange will provide the following                   respond to sell 30 contracts at 1.02, and             each), and Market Maker D responds to
                                                  additional information on a monthly                       Market Maker D responds to sell 10                    sell 50 contracts at 1.02.
                                                  basis:                                                    contracts at 1.02.                                       Auction ends, Market Maker C trades
                                                     (1) The number of contracts (of orders                    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                10 at 1.01 since he was only interest
                                                  of 50 contracts or greater) entered into                  10 at 1.01 since he was only interest                 offered at best price; Market Maker A
                                                  the PRISM;                                                offered at best price, PRISM contra is                and Market Maker B each trade 30
                                                     (2) The number of contracts (of orders                 allocated 36 contracts at 1.02 (40%                   contracts at 1.02 since they have priority
                                                  of fewer than 50 contracts) entered into                  carve out); Market Maker A and Market                 up to their size at the NBBO when the
                                                  the PRISM;                                                Maker B each trade 27 contracts (pro                  auction started; Market Maker A, Market
                                                     (3) The number of orders of 50                         rata among Priority Market Makers A                   Maker B, and Market Maker D then pro-
                                                  contracts or greater entered into the                     and B). Market Maker D does zero since                rata split the balance of 20 contracts at
                                                  PRISM; and                                                there were no contracts open after                    1.02 based on their remaining interest
                                                     (4) The number of orders of fewer                      Priority Market Maker A and Priority                  size with Market Maker A being
                                                  than 50 contracts entered into the                        Market Maker B were filled at that price.             allocated 4 contracts (=20/90*20),
                                                  PRISM.                                                                                                          Market Maker B being allocated 4 (=20/
                                                                                                               EXAMPLE #3 (Related to proposed
                                                  Implementation                                            Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/           90*20) contracts, and Market Maker D
                                                                                                            Time symbol with contracts trading at                 being allocated 11 contracts (=50/90*20)
                                                    If the Commission approves this                                                                               and the residual 1 contract being
                                                  proposed rule change, as amended, the                     improving prices and at the initial
                                                                                                            NBBO price):                                          allocated to one of the 3 MMs (Market
                                                  Exchange anticipates that it will deploy                                                                        Maker A) in time priority.
                                                  PRISM within 45 days of approval.                         NBBO = .97¥1.03
                                                  Members will be notified of the                           BX BBO = .95¥1.03(60) with Market                        EXAMPLE #5 (Related to proposed
                                                  deployment date by way of an Options                           Maker A and Market Maker B                       Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))
                                                  Trader Alert posted on the Exchange’s                          offering 30 contracts each (Market               (Initiating Order utilizes Auto-Match
                                                  Web site.                                                      Maker A arrived first)                           specifying the No Worse Than (NWT)
                                                                                                            PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts                       feature for Pro-Rata or Price/Time):
                                                  Examples of PRISM Order Executions                             stopped at 1.03 is received                      NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                     EXAMPLE #1 (Related to proposed                        Auction begins.                                       BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a))                          During auction, Market Maker C                          Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                  (PRISM Contra & Priority Market Maker                     responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market                        offering 30 contracts each
                                                  interest fully satisfies PRISM order for                  Maker A and Market Maker B each                       PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts
                                                  Pro-Rata or Price/Time):                                  respond to sell 10 contracts at 1.02, and                  stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of
                                                  NBBO = .97¥1.03                                           Market Maker D responds to sell 10                         1.02 is received.
                                                  BX BBO = .95¥1.03 (60) with Market                        contracts at 1.02.                                    Auction begins.
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                              Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                   During auction, Market Maker C
                                                       offering 30 contracts each                           10 at 1.01 since he was only interest                 responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market
                                                  PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts                          offered at best price; Market Maker A                 Maker A and Market Maker B each
                                                       stopped at 1.02 is received.                         and Market Maker B each trade 10                      respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02
                                                  Auction begins.                                           contracts at 1.02 since they have priority            (priority status for 30 contracts each and
                                                     During auction, Market Maker C                         status for up to 30 contracts; Market                 non-priority status for 20 contracts
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                                                  responds to sell 20 at 1.02 and Market                    Maker D then trades 10 contracts at                   each), and Market Maker D responds to
                                                  Maker A and Market Maker B each                           1.02; PRISM Contra trades 40% or 20                   sell 50 contracts at 1.02.
                                                  respond to sell 30 contracts at 1.02.                     contracts at the stop price of 1.03.                     Auction ends, Market Maker C trades
                                                     Auction ends, PRISM contra is                          Assuming Market Maker A was at the                    10 at 1.01 since he was only interest
                                                  allocated 40 contracts at 1.02 (40%                       BX BBO of 1.03 before Market Maker B,                 offered at best price; PRISM Contra is
                                                  carve out); Market Maker A and Market                     Market Maker A would execute 30                       allocated 40% or 32 contracts at 1.02
                                                                                                            contracts at 1.03. Market Maker B would               since it will be the final price point,
                                                    55 See   proposed rule at Chapter VI, Section 6(vii).   not trade any at 1.03 since the order is              Market Maker A and Market Maker B

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                                                  each trade 24 contracts at 1.02 since                   Market Maker interest), and Market                       EXAMPLE #9 (Related to proposed
                                                  they have priority ahead of Market                      Maker D responds to sell 50 contracts at              Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))
                                                  Maker D up to their size at the NBBO                    1.02.                                                 (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers
                                                  when the auction started.                                  During auction, Market Maker A                     receiving both priority status and non-
                                                     The outcome in this example is the                   moves his quote and BX BBO becomes                    priority status based on their size at
                                                  same regardless of Pro-Rata or Price/                   .95–1.02 for 30 contracts and NBBO                    initial NBBO, Initiating Order utilizes
                                                  Time designation.                                       becomes .97–1.02. Market Maker A                      NWT feature, and quotes move during
                                                     EXAMPLE #6 (Related to proposed                      maintains his Priority Market Maker                   Auction and Public Customer Order
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))                  status.                                               received):
                                                  (Pro-Rata Symbol with Market Makers                        Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                  receiving both priority status and non-                 10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra matches                   BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market
                                                  priority status based on their size at                  and trades 10 at 1.01 based on his NWT                     Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                  initial NBBO and Initiating Order                       price of 1.01; PRISM Contra is allocated                   offering 30 contracts each
                                                  utilizes NWT feature):                                  40% or 52 contracts at 1.02 since it will             PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts
                                                                                                          be the final price point; Market Maker                     stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of
                                                  NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                                                                          A and Market Maker B each trade 30                         1.01 is received.
                                                  BX BBO = .95–1.03 (60) with Market
                                                                                                          contracts at 1.02 since they have priority            Auction begins.
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                                                                          up to their size at the NBBO when the                    During auction, Market Maker C
                                                       offering 30 contracts each
                                                                                                          auction started (since Market Maker A                 responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market
                                                  PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts
                                                                                                          has both a response and quote interest,               Maker A and Market Maker B each
                                                       stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of
                                                                                                          Market Maker A’s 30 contracts are                     respond in that order to sell 50 contracts
                                                       1.02 is received.
                                                                                                          allocated in a time fashion among                     at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts are
                                                  Auction begins.
                                                                                                          Market Maker A’s interest at 1.02 with                considered as Priority Market Maker),
                                                     During auction, Market Maker C
                                                                                                          each of the responses trading all 30                  and Market Maker D responds to sell 50
                                                  responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market
                                                                                                          contracts); the residual 18 contracts are             contracts at 1.02.
                                                  Maker A and Market Maker B each                                                                                  During auction, Market Maker A
                                                                                                          traded in a Price/Time fashion at 1.02
                                                  respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02, and                                                                     moves his quote (but maintains Priority
                                                                                                          among residual Market Maker interest
                                                  Market Maker D responds to sell 50                                                                            Market Maker status) and BX BBO
                                                                                                          with Market Maker A response trading
                                                  contracts at 1.02.                                                                                            becomes .95–1.02 for 30 contracts and
                                                                                                          all 18 contracts.
                                                     Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                                                                        NBBO becomes .97–1.02. Then, a Public
                                                  10 at 1.01 since he was only interest                      EXAMPLE #8 (Related to proposed
                                                                                                          Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i)) (Pro           Customer order is received on the
                                                  offered at best price; PRISM Contra is                                                                        opposite side of the PRISM Order,
                                                  allocated 40% or 56 contracts at 1.02                   Rata symbol with Market Makers
                                                                                                          receiving both priority status and non-               offering 10 contracts at 1.02 which does
                                                  since it will be the final price point;                                                                       not cause an early auction termination.
                                                  Market Maker A and Market Maker B                       priority status based on their size at
                                                                                                          initial NBBO and Initiating Order                        Auction ends, Market Maker C trades
                                                  each trade 30 contracts at 1.02 since                                                                         10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra matches
                                                  they have priority up to their size at the              utilizes NWT feature):
                                                                                                          NBBO = .97–1.03                                       and trades 10 at 1.01; Public Customer
                                                  NBBO when the auction started; Market                                                                         order then trades 10 contracts at 1.02.
                                                  Maker A, Market Maker B, and Market                     BX BBO = .95–1.03 with Market Maker
                                                                                                               A and Market Maker B offering 30                 After Public Customer is satisfied,
                                                  Maker D then pro-rata split the balance                                                                       PRISM Contra is allocated 40% of
                                                  with Market Maker A and Market Maker                         contracts each
                                                                                                          PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts                      remaining which equates to 48
                                                  B each trading 5 additional contracts at                                                                      contracts; Priority Market Maker interest
                                                                                                               stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of
                                                  1.02 (20/90*24) and Market Maker D                                                                            is then traded with Market Maker A
                                                                                                               1.01 is received.
                                                  trading 13 contracts at 1.02 (50/90*24).                Auction begins.                                       trading 30 contracts at 1.02 (all allocated
                                                  The residual 1 contract will be allocated                  During auction, Market Maker C                     to response since first in time priority of
                                                  among the three MM (Market Maker A)                     responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market                   Market Maker A interest at 1.02) and
                                                  in time priority.                                       Maker A and Market Maker B each                       Market Maker B response trading 30
                                                     EXAMPLE #7 (Related to proposed                      respond in that order to sell 50 contracts            contracts at 1.02. The residual 12
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))                  at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts will be               contracts are allocated among remaining
                                                  (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers                   considered as Priority Market Maker),                 Market Maker interest at 1.02 in a Price/
                                                  receiving both priority status and non-                 and Market Maker D responds to sell 50                Time fashion, with Market Maker A
                                                  priority status based on their size at                  contracts at 1.02.                                    response trading all 12 contracts.
                                                  initial NBBO, Initiating Order utilizes                    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                   EXAMPLE #10 (Related to proposed
                                                  NWT feature, and quotes move during                     10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra matches                   Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))
                                                  Auction):                                               and trades 10 at 1.01; PRISM Contra is                (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers
                                                  NBBO = .97–1.03                                         allocated 40% or 52 contracts at 1.02                 receiving both priority status and non-
                                                  BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market                       since it will be the final price point;               priority status based on their size at
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                         remaining allocation is in Pro-Rata                   initial NBBO, Initiating Order utilizes
                                                       offering 30 contracts each                         fashion with priority Market Maker                    NWT feature, and Priority Market Maker
                                                  PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts                        interest trading ahead of non-Priority                quote moves during Auction and
                                                       stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of                     Market Maker interest, Market Maker A                 maintains priority status and Public
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                                                       1.01 is received.                                  and Market Maker B each trade 30                      Customer Order received):
                                                  Auction begins.                                         contracts as Priority Market Maker then               NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                     During auction, Market Maker C                       Market Maker A, Market Maker B, and                   BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market
                                                  responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market                     Market Maker D Pro Rata split the                          Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                  Maker A and Market Maker B each                         balance with Market Maker A and                            offering 30 contracts each
                                                  respond in that time order (A before B)                 Market Maker B each trading 4 contracts               PRISM Order to buy 150 contracts
                                                  to sell 50 contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50              at 1.02 (20/90 *18) and Market Maker D                     stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of
                                                  contracts are considered as Priority                    trading 10 contracts at 1.02 (50/90*18).                   1.01 is received.

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                           54609

                                                  Auction begins.                                         PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts                      The other 25 contracts are traded in
                                                     During auction, Market Maker C                            stopped at 1.03 is received.                     Price/Time fashion in accordance with
                                                  responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market                     Auction begins.                                       the underlying algorithm with Market
                                                  Maker A responds to sell 10 contracts at                   During auction, Market Maker C                     Maker B trading all 25 contracts at 1.03.
                                                  1.02 (considered as Priority Market                     responds to sell 20 at 1.03 and Public                   EXAMPLE #14 (Related to proposed
                                                  Maker), Market Maker B responds to sell                 Customer offers 2 contracts at 1.03.                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))
                                                  50 contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50                         Auction ends, Public Customer trades               (Pro-Rata symbol with Initiating Order
                                                  contracts are considered as Priority                    2 contracts at 1.03 and PRISM contra is               specifying Auto-Match with the NWT
                                                  Market Maker), and Market Maker D                       allocated 40% of residual or 39                       feature, non-Market Maker interest is
                                                  responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02.                  contracts at 1.03; remaining allocation is            present for execution, Priority Market
                                                     During auction, Market Maker A                       pro-rata among Priority Market Maker                  Maker has multiple price levels of
                                                  moves his quote (maintains Priority                     interest with Market Maker A trading 29               interest, and executions occurring at
                                                  Market Maker status) and BX BBO                         contracts (30/60*59), Market Maker B
                                                  becomes .95–1.02 for 10 contracts and                                                                         initial NBBO price):
                                                                                                          trading 29 contracts (30/60*59), and the
                                                  NBBO becomes .97–1.02.                                  residual 1 contract being allocated to                NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                     Then, a Public Customer order is                     Market Maker A based on time.                         BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market
                                                  received offering 10 contracts at 1.02.                                                                            Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                     Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                     EXAMPLE #13 (Related to proposed
                                                                                                          Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))                     offering 30 contracts each (arriving
                                                  10 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra matches                                                                                in that order)
                                                  and trades 10 at 1.01; Public Customer                  (Price/Time symbol with Initiating
                                                                                                          Order specifying Auto-Match with the                  PRISM Order to buy 300 contracts
                                                  order then trades 10 contracts at 1.02.                                                                            stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of
                                                  After Public Customer is satisfied,                     NWT feature and non-Market Maker
                                                                                                          interest is present for execution):                        1.01 is received.
                                                  PRISM Contra is allocated 40% of                                                                              Auction begins.
                                                  remaining which equates to 48                           NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                                                                          BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market                        During auction, Market Maker C
                                                  contracts; Priority Market Maker interest
                                                                                                               Maker A and Market Maker B                       responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market Maker
                                                  is then traded with Market Maker A
                                                                                                               offering 30 contracts each (arriving             A responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02
                                                  trading 20 contracts at 1.02 (all of his
                                                                                                               in that order)                                   (considered as Priority Market Maker),
                                                  interest, response and quote, since it is
                                                                                                          PRISM Order to buy 300 contracts                      Market Maker B responds to sell 50
                                                  less than the 30 he is entitled to as a
                                                  priority Market Maker) and Market                            stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of                   contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts
                                                  Maker B response trades 30 contracts at                      1.01 is received.                                are considered as Priority Market
                                                  1.02. The remaining 22 contracts are                    Auction begins.                                       Maker), Market Maker D responds to sell
                                                  allocated in price time fashion among                      During auction, Market Maker C                     40 contracts at 1.02, and Market Maker
                                                  remaining Market Maker interest at 1.02                 responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market Maker              A responds with 30 additional contracts
                                                  with Market Maker B response trading                    A responds to sell 10 contracts at 1.02,              at 1.03 (considered as Priority Market
                                                  20 contracts and Market Maker D                         Market Maker B responds to sell 50                    Maker).
                                                  response trading 2 contracts.                           contracts at 1.02 (30 of the 50 contracts                During auction, Market Maker A
                                                     EXAMPLE #11 (Related to proposed                     are considered as Priority Market                     moves his quote (maintain Priority
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/             Maker), and Market Maker D responds                   Market Maker status) and BX BBO
                                                  Time symbol with all executions                         to sell 40 contracts at 1.02.                         becomes .95–1.02 for 10 contracts and a
                                                  occurring at initial NBBO price):                          During auction, Market Maker A                     Firm order arrives offering 10 contracts
                                                                                                          moves his quote for 10 contracts at 1.02,             at 1.02.
                                                  NBBO = .97–1.03
                                                  BX BBO = .95–1.03 (60) with Market                      now alone at that price, (maintains                      Auction ends, Market Maker C trades
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                         Priority Market Maker status) and BX                  5 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra matches
                                                       offering 30 contracts each arriving                BBO becomes .95–1.02 for 10 contracts                 and trades 5 at 1.01; All 1.02 interest is
                                                       in that order                                      and a Firm order arrives offering 10                  then allocated as follows: Priority
                                                  PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts                        contracts at 1.02.                                    Market Maker interest is fully allocated
                                                       stopped at 1.03 is received.                          Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                with Market Maker A response trading
                                                  Auction begins.                                         5 at 1.01 and PRISM Contra matches                    10, Market Maker B response trading 30,
                                                     During auction, Market Maker C                       and trades 5 at 1.01; All 1.02 interest is            and Market Maker A quote trading 10 at
                                                  responds to sell 20 at 1.03 and Public                  then allocated as follows: Priority                   1.02. Non-priority Market Maker is
                                                  Customer offers 2 contracts at 1.03.                    Market Maker interest is fully allocated              allocated with Market Maker B trading
                                                     Auction ends, Public Customer trades                 with Market Maker A response trading                  an additional 20 contracts and Market
                                                  2 contracts at 1.03 and PRISM contra is                 10, Market Maker B response trading 30,               Maker D trading 40 contracts at 1.02.
                                                  allocated 40% of residual or 39                         and Market Maker A quote trading 10 at                After all Market Maker interest is
                                                  contracts at 1.03; remaining allocation is              1.02. Non-Priority MM is allocated in                 satisfied, the Firm order is allocated its
                                                  purely Price/Time with Market Maker A                   Price/Time with Market Maker B trading                full size of 10 contracts at 1.02. The
                                                  trading 30 contracts and Market Maker                   an additional 20 contracts and Market                 PRISM Contra order matches the full
                                                  B trading 29 contracts.                                 Maker D trading 40 contracts at 1.02.                 volume trading at 1.02 (b/c of NWT
                                                     EXAMPLE #12 (Related to proposed                     After all Market Maker interest is                    price) which is 120 contracts. The
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Pro-               satisfied, the Firm order is allocated its            remaining 50 contracts are traded at
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                                                  Rata symbol with all executions                         full size of 10 contracts at 1.02. The                1.03 with the PRISM Contra trading
                                                  occurring at initial NBBO price and                     PRISM Contra order matches the full                   40% of remaining or 20 contracts. The
                                                  Public Customer order received):                        volume trading at 1.02 (b/c of NWT                    other 30 contracts are traded in a Pro-
                                                  NBBO = .97–1.03                                         price) which is 120 contracts. The                    Rata fashion in accordance with the
                                                  BX BBO = .95–1.03 (60) with Market                      remaining 50 contracts are traded at                  underlying algorithm with Market
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                         1.03 with the PRISM Contra trading                    Maker A and Market Maker B as Priority
                                                       offering 30 contracts each arriving                50% of remaining since only matching                  Market Maker each trading 15 contracts
                                                       in that order                                      one other participant or 25 contracts.                at 1.03.

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                                                     EXAMPLE #15 (Related to proposed                     Market Maker status) and BX BBO                            Market Maker B have Priority status
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(c)(i))                  becomes .95–1.02 for 5 contracts and                       since quotes are displayed at NBBO
                                                  (Price/Time symbol with Market Makers                   NBBO becomes .97–1.02.                                     price of 1.05.
                                                  receiving both priority status and non-                    Auction ends, Market Maker C trades                PRISM Order to buy 90 contracts
                                                  priority status at multiple price levels                5 at 1.01; Priority Market Maker interest                  stopped at 1.05 is received.
                                                  based on their size at initial NBBO):                   trades the remaining 15 contracts in a                Auction begins.
                                                  NBBO = .97–1.03                                         Pro-Rata fashion: Market Maker A                         During auction, Market Maker C
                                                  BX BBO = .95–1.03 (20) with Market                      executes 5 contracts (10/30*15) with all              responds to sell 10 at 1.01, Market
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                         5 being given to the Market Maker A                   Maker A and Market Maker B each
                                                       offering 10 contracts each                         response since he was first in time order             respond to sell 10 contracts at 1.02, and
                                                  PRISM Order to buy 200 contracts                        of Market Maker A interest at 1.02 and                Market Maker D responds to sell 10
                                                       stopped at 1.03 with an NWT of                     Market Maker B response executes 10                   contracts at 1.02.
                                                       1.01 is received.                                  contracts (20/30*15) at 1.02. The PRISM                  Auction ends, Market Maker C trades
                                                  Auction begins.                                         Contra executes no contracts.                         10 at 1.01 since he was only interest
                                                     During auction (in the following                        EXAMPLE #17 (Related to proposed                   offered at best price; Market Maker A
                                                  order), Market Maker C responds to sell                 Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Pro-             and Market Maker B each trade 10
                                                  10 at 1.01, Market Maker A responds to                  Rata symbol with Initiating Participant               contracts at 1.02 since they have priority
                                                  sell 40 at 1.01 (10 of 40 contracts is                  utilizing Surrender):                                 status for up to 30 contracts; Market
                                                  considered Priority Market Maker),                      NBBO = .97–1.03                                       Maker D then trades 10 contracts at
                                                  Market Maker A and Market Maker B                       BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market                     1.02; Market Maker A then executes his
                                                  each respond to sell 50 contracts at 1.02                    Maker A and Market Maker B                       quote of 30 contracts at 1.04. PRISM
                                                  (10 of 50 contracts is considered Priority                   offering 30 contracts each                       Contra trades 50% or 10 contracts at the
                                                  Market Maker), and Market Maker D                       PRISM Order to buy 100 contracts                      stop price of 1.05 since only one Market
                                                  responds to sell 50 contracts at 1.02.                       stopped at 1.02 marked as                        Maker at 1.05. Market Maker B then
                                                     During auction, Market Maker A                            ‘Surrender’ is received.                         trades the remaining 10 contracts at
                                                  moves his quote (maintains Priority                     Auction begins.                                       1.05.
                                                  Market Maker status) and BX BBO                            During auction, Market Maker C                        The outcome of this example is the
                                                  becomes .95–1.02 for 10 contracts and                   responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market Maker              same in both Pro-Rata or Price/Time
                                                  NBBO becomes .97–1.02.                                  A responds to sell 5 contracts at 1.02,               allocation models.
                                                     Then, a Public Customer order is                     Market Maker B responds to sell 40                       EXAMPLE #19 (Related to proposed
                                                  received offering 10 contracts at 1.02.                 contracts at 1.02, and Market Maker D                 Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/
                                                     Auction ends, Market Maker A trades                  responds to sell 20 contracts at 1.02.                Time symbol with Initiating Participant
                                                  10 contracts at 1.01 as a priority MM,                     During auction, Market Maker A                     utilizing Surrender and no responders):
                                                  then Market Maker C trades 10 at 1.01                   moves his quote (maintains Priority
                                                                                                                                                                BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market
                                                  in price/time and Market Maker A                        Market Maker status) and BX BBO
                                                                                                                                                                     Maker A and Market Maker B
                                                  trades his additional 30 contracts at 1.01              becomes .95–1.02 for 5 contracts and
                                                                                                                                                                     offering 30 contracts each.
                                                  which outsized his priority status, and                 NBBO becomes .97–1.02.
                                                                                                                                                                PRISM Order to buy 20 contracts
                                                  PRISM Contra matches and trades a                          Auction ends, Market Maker C trades
                                                                                                                                                                     stopped at 1.02 marked as
                                                  total of 50 at 1.01; Public Customer                    5 at 1.01; Priority Market Maker interest
                                                                                                                                                                     ‘Surrender’ is received.
                                                  order of 10 contracts trades at 1.02 then               at 1.02 then trades with Market Maker
                                                                                                                                                                Auction begins.
                                                  PRISM Contra is allocated 40% of 90 or                  A response executing 5 contracts,
                                                                                                                                                                   During auction, Market Maker C
                                                  36 contracts at 1.02. The remaining 54                  Market Maker B response volume with
                                                                                                                                                                quotes .95–1.02 for 10 contracts and BX
                                                  contracts are then allocated at 1.02 with               Priority status executes 30 contracts,
                                                                                                                                                                BBO becomes .95–1.02 for 10 contracts
                                                  Market Maker A and Market Maker B                       and Market Maker A quote executes 5
                                                                                                                                                                and NBBO becomes .97–1.02.
                                                  trading 10 contracts each as priority                   contracts; Non Priority Market Maker
                                                                                                                                                                   During auction, Market Maker A
                                                  Market Maker and 34 contracts are then                  interest at 1.02 then executes with
                                                                                                                                                                moves his quote (maintains Priority
                                                  allocated in price/time to Market Maker                 Market Maker B trading 10 contracts
                                                                                                                                                                Market Maker status) and joins the BX
                                                  A at 1.02.                                              and Market Maker D trading 20
                                                                                                                                                                BBO at .95–1.02 for 10 contracts and
                                                     EXAMPLE #16 (Related to proposed                     contracts. The PRISM Contra then
                                                                                                                                                                NBBO remains .97–1.02.
                                                  Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price/             executes the remaining 25 contracts at
                                                                                                                                                                   Auction ends, Priority MM interest
                                                  Time symbol with Initiating Participant                 1.02 since there is no other interest to
                                                                                                                                                                trades first: Market Maker A gets
                                                  utilizing Surrender):                                   satisfy the PRISM Order at a price equal
                                                                                                                                                                allocated 10 contracts of PRISM Order.
                                                  NBBO = .97–1.03                                         to or better than the stop price of 1.02.
                                                                                                                                                                Non priority interest trades next: Market
                                                  BX BBO = .95–1.03(60) with Market                          EXAMPLE #18 (Related to proposed                   Maker C gets allocated 10 contracts. The
                                                       Maker A and Market Maker B                         Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(A)(1)(a)) (Price            PRISM contra executes no contracts.
                                                       offering 30 contracts each                         Improving Orders counted as Priority                  Market Maker B receives no allocation
                                                  PRISM Order to buy 20 contracts                         Market Maker interest):                               in this example.
                                                       stopped at 1.03 marked as                          NBBO = .90–1.05 in a non-penny stock
                                                       ‘Surrender’ is received.                                (.05 MPV).                                       2. Statutory Basis
                                                  Auction begins.                                         BX BBO = .90–1.05(60) with Market                       The Exchange believes that its
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                     During auction, Market Maker C                            Maker A and Market Maker B                       proposal is consistent with Section 6(b)
                                                  responds to sell 5 at 1.01, Market Maker                     offering 30 contracts each (Market               of the Act 56 in general, and furthers the
                                                  A responds to sell 5 contracts at 1.02,                      Maker A arrived first); Market                   objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act 57
                                                  Market Maker B responds to sell 20                           Maker A quote is .90–1.04(30)                    in particular, in that it is designed to
                                                  contracts at 1.02, and Market Maker D                        which is displayed at 1.05 due to                prevent fraudulent and manipulative
                                                  responds to sell 20 contracts at 1.02.                       this being a non-penny symbol and
                                                     During auction, Market Maker A                            Market Maker B quote is .90–                       56 15   U.S.C. 78f(b).
                                                  moves his quote (maintains Priority                          1.05(30). Both Market Maker A and                  57 15   U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                                  54611

                                                  acts and practices, to promote just and                 no less than one hundred milliseconds                    With respect to trading halts, as
                                                  equitable principles of trade, to foster                and no more than one second for the                   described herein, in the case of a trading
                                                  cooperation and coordination with                       duration of the PRISM Auction;                        halt on the Exchange in the affected
                                                  persons engaged in facilitating                         therefore the proposed rule change will               series, the stop price, in which case the
                                                  transactions in securities, to remove                   provide investors with more timely                    PRISM Order will be executed solely
                                                  impediments to and perfect the                          execution of their options orders than a              against the Initiating Order. The
                                                  mechanism of a free and open market                     mechanism that has a one second                       Exchange believes that executing the
                                                  and a national market system and, in                    auction, while ensuring that there is an              stop price solely against the Initiating
                                                  general, to protect investors and the                   adequate exposure of orders in BX                     Order promotes just and equitable
                                                  public interest.                                        PRISM. The Exchange preliminary                       principles of trade, to foster cooperation
                                                     The Exchange believes that the                       expects to use a default of 100                       and coordination with persons engaged
                                                  proposal will result in increased                       milliseconds for all symbols. The time                in facilitating transactions in securities
                                                  liquidity available at improved prices,                 will be announced in an Options Trader                since the Initiating Member has
                                                  with competitive final pricing out of the               Alert. The proposed auction response                  guaranteed that an execution will occur
                                                  Initiating Participant’s complete control.              time, no less than one hundred                        at the stop price (or better) prior to the
                                                  PRISM should promote and foster                         milliseconds and no more than one                     trading halt, and PAN responses offer no
                                                  competition and provide more options                    second, should allow investors the                    such guarantee, the stop price is the
                                                  contracts with the opportunity for price                opportunity to receive price                          only valid price at which to execute the
                                                  improvement. As a result of the                         improvement through PRISM while                       PRISM Order, and the Initiating Member
                                                  increased opportunities for price                       reducing market risk. The Exchange                    is the appropriate contra-side.59
                                                  improvement, the Exchange believes                      believes a briefer time period reduces                   With respect to rounding, the
                                                  that participants will use PRISM to                     the market risk for the Initiating                    Initiating Participant will be rounded up
                                                  increase the number of Public Customer                  Participant, versus an auction with a                 or down to the nearest integer, all other
                                                  orders that are provided with the                       one second period, as well as for any                 rounding is down to the nearest integer.
                                                  opportunity to receive price                            Participant providing orders in response              If rounding results in an allocation of
                                                  improvement over the NBBO.                              to a broadcast. As such, BX believes the              less than one contract, then one contract
                                                     The Exchange believes that the PRISM                 proposed rule change would help                       will be allocated to the Initiating
                                                  auction will encourage BX Market                        perfect the mechanism for a free and                  Participant, only if the Initiating
                                                  Makers to quote at the NBBO with                        open national market system, and                      Participant did not otherwise receive an
                                                  additional size and thereby result in                   generally help protect investors’ and the             allocation. The Exchange believes that
                                                  tighter and deeper markets, resulting in                public interest. The Exchange believes                rounding differently for the Initiating
                                                  more liquidity on BX. Specifically, by                  the proposed rule change is not unfairly              Participant as compared to all other
                                                  offering BX Market Makers the ability to                discriminatory because the PRISM                      market participants is not unfairly
                                                  receive priority in the proposed                        duration would be the same for all                    discriminatory in that the Initiating
                                                  allocation during the PRISM auction, a                  Participants and symbols. All                         Participant is not eligible to receive
                                                  BX Market Maker will be encouraged to                   Participants will have an equal                       residual contracts as are other market
                                                  quote outside of the PRISM auction at                   opportunity to respond with their best                participants, unless no other interest is
                                                  the their best and most aggressive prices               prices during the PRISM auction.                      available to trade. The Exchange is
                                                  with additional size. BX believes that                     The Exchange believes using the                    permitting the Initiating Participant to
                                                  this incentive may result in a narrowing                Price/Time allocation method for                      receive the benefit of the rounding in an
                                                  of quotes and thus further enhance BX’s                 interest remaining after proposed                     allocation of less than one contract, only
                                                  market quality. Within the PRISM                        Chapter VI, Section 9(ii)(E)(1) through               if the Initiating Participant did not
                                                  auction, BX believes that the rules that                (3) have been satisfied provides                      otherwise receive an allocation. because
                                                  are proposed will encourage BX Market                   consistency with the underlying symbol                the Initiating Participant is not eligible
                                                  Makers to compete vigorously to                         allocation designation. Since the                     to receive residual contracts.
                                                  provide the opportunity for price                       Exchange considers all interest present                  The Exchange further believes that the
                                                  improvement in a competitive auction                    in the System, and not solely auction                 proposal is consistent with the
                                                  process.                                                Responses, for execution against the                  requirements of Section 11(a) of the
                                                     Further, the new functionality may                   PRISM Order, those participants who                   Act 60 and Rule 11a2–2(T) 61 thereunder.
                                                  lead to an increase in Exchange volume                  are not explicit responders to the                    Section 11(a) prohibits a member of a
                                                  and should allow the Exchange to better                 auction will expect executions based on               national securities exchange from
                                                  compete against other markets that                      their Price/Time priority. In addition,               effecting transactions on the exchange
                                                  already offer an electronic solicitation                the Exchange believes executing such                  for its own account, the account of an
                                                  mechanism, while providing an                           remaining interest in a Price/Time                    associated person, or an account in
                                                  opportunity for price improvement for                   fashion does not unfairly advantage/                  which it or an associated person
                                                  agency orders. The Exchange believes                    disadvantage one participant over                     exercises investment discretion, unless
                                                  that its proposal will allow the                        another since executions are done with                an exception applies (collectively
                                                  Exchange to better compete for solicited                price priority first and time only                    ‘‘Covered Accounts’’). Rule 11a2–2(T)
                                                  transactions, while providing an                        becoming a factor when considering                    under the Act,62 known as the effect
                                                  opportunity for price improvement for                   equally priced interest for execution.                versus execute’’ rule, provides exchange
                                                  agency orders and assuring that Public                  Also, other exchanges utilize Price/Time              members with an exemption from the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Customers on the book are protected.                    in their auctions today.58
                                                  The new solicitation mechanism should                                                                           59 The Exchange notes that trading on the

                                                  promote and foster competition and                        58 ISE executes Priority Customer interest in a     Exchange in any option contract will be halted
                                                  provide more options contracts with the                 Price/Time fashion within its PIM auction. See ISE    whenever trading in the underlying security has
                                                                                                          Rule 723(d). Complex orders are also executed         been paused or halted by the primary listing
                                                  opportunity for price improvement,                                                                            market. See BX Rules at Chapter V, Section 3.
                                                                                                          within its auction in price time priority. See ISE
                                                  which should benefit market                             Rule 722. BOX also permits Price/Time priority
                                                                                                                                                                  60 15 U.S.C. 78k(a)(1).

                                                  participants, investors, and traders. The               within PIP and COPIP. See BOX Rules 7150(f)(4)          61 17 CFR 240.11a2–2(T).

                                                  Exchange has proposed a range between                   and 7245(f)(3). See also example number 14 below.       62 CFR 240.11a2–2(T).

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                                                  54612                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Section 11(a)(1) prohibition. Rule 11a2–                 BX represents that the System and the                  and further, the information may not be
                                                  2(T) permits an exchange member,                         proposed PRISM auction receive all                     modified by the market participant
                                                  subject to certain conditions, to effect                 orders electronically through remote                   during the auction.
                                                  transactions for Covered Accounts by                     terminals or computer-to-computer                         Rule 11a2–2(T)’s third condition
                                                  arranging for an unaffiliated member to                  interfaces. The Exchange represents that               requires that the order be executed by
                                                  execute transactions on the exchange.63                  orders for Covered Accounts from                       an exchange member who is unaffiliated
                                                  To comply with Rule 11a2–2(T)’s                          Participants will be transmitted from a                with the member initiating the order.
                                                  conditions, a member: (i) Must transmit                  remote location directly to the proposed               The Commission has stated that the
                                                  the order from off the exchange floor;                   PRISM mechanisms by electronic                         requirement is satisfied when
                                                  (ii) may not participate in the execution                means.                                                 automated exchange facilities, such as
                                                  of the transaction once it has been                         The second condition of Rule 11a2–                  the PRISM are used, as long as the
                                                  transmitted to the member performing                     2(T) requires that neither a member nor                design of these systems ensures that
                                                  the execution; 64 (iii) may not be                       an associated person participate in the                members do not possess any special or
                                                  affiliated with the executing member;                    execution of its order once the order is               unique trading advantages in handling
                                                  and (iv) with respect to an account over                 transmitted to the floor for execution.                their orders after transmitting them to
                                                  which the member has investment                          The Exchange represents that, upon                     the exchange.67 The Exchange
                                                  discretion, neither the member nor its                   submission to the PRISM auction, an                    represents that the PRISM is designed so
                                                  associated person may retain any                         order will be executed automatically                   that no Participant has any special or
                                                  compensation in connection with                          pursuant to the rules set forth for                    unique trading advantage in the
                                                  effecting the transaction except as                      PRISM. In particular, execution of an                  handling of its orders after transmitting
                                                  provided in the Rule. For the reasons set                order sent to the mechanism depends                    its orders to the mechanism.
                                                  forth below, the Exchange believes that                  not on the Initiating Participant entering                Rule 11a2–2(T)’s fourth condition
                                                  Exchange members entering orders into                    the order, but rather on what other                    requires that, in the case of a transaction
                                                  PRISM would satisfy the requirements                     orders are present and the priority of                 effected for an account with respect to
                                                  of Rule 11a2–2(T).                                       those orders. Thus, at no time following               which the initiating member or an
                                                                                                           the submission of an order is a                        associated person thereof exercises
                                                     The Exchange does not operate a                       Participant able to acquire control or                 investment discretion, neither the
                                                  physical trading floor, rather the                       influence over the result or timing of                 initiating member nor any associated
                                                  Exchange operates an electronic market.                  order execution.66 Once the PRISM                      person thereof may retain any
                                                  The Rule’s first condition is that orders                Order has been transmitted, the                        compensation in connection with
                                                  for Covered Accounts be transmitted                      Exchange Initiating Member that                        effecting the transaction, unless the
                                                  from off the exchange floor. In the                      transmitted the order will not                         person authorized to transact business
                                                  context of automated trading systems,                    participate in the execution of the                    for the account has expressly provided
                                                  the Commission has found that the off-                   PRISM Order. Initiating Members                        otherwise by written contract referring
                                                  floor transmission requirement is met if                 submitting PRISM Orders will                           to Section 11(a) of the Act and Rule
                                                  a Covered Account order is transmitted                   relinquish control of their PRISM                      11a2–2(T) thereunder.68 The Exchange
                                                  from a remote location directly to an                    Orders upon transmission to the                        recognizes that Participants relying on
                                                  exchange’s floor by electronic means.65                  Exchange’s System. Further, no                         Rule 11a2–2(T) for transactions effected
                                                                                                           Participant, including the Initiating                  through the PRISM must comply with
                                                     63 In enacting this provision, Congress was

                                                  concerned about members benefiting in their
                                                                                                           Participant, will see a PAN response                   this condition of the Rule and the
                                                  principal transactions from special ‘‘time and           submitted into PRISM and therefore and                 Exchange will enforce this requirement
                                                  place’’ advantages associated with floor trading—        will not be able to influence or guide the
                                                  such as the ability to ‘‘execute decisions faster than   execution of their PRISM Orders.                          67 In considering the operation of automated
                                                  public investors.’’ The Commission, however, has                                                                execution systems operated by an exchange, the
                                                  adopted a number of exceptions to the general
                                                                                                           Finally, the Surrender feature will not
                                                                                                                                                                  Commission noted that, while there is not an
                                                  statutory prohibition for situations in which the        permit a Participant to have any control               independent executing exchange member, the
                                                  principal transactions contribute to the fairness and    over an order. The election to Surrender               execution of an order is automatic once it has been
                                                  orderliness of exchange markets or do not reflect        an order is available prior to the                     transmitted into the system. Because the design of
                                                  any time and place trading advantages. See                                                                      these systems ensures that members do not possess
                                                  Securities Exchange Act Release No. 14563 (March
                                                                                                           submission of the order and therefore
                                                                                                                                                                  any special or unique trading advantages in
                                                  14, 1978), 43 FR 11542 (March 17, 1978); Securities      could not be utilized to gain influence                handling their orders after transmitting them to the
                                                  Exchange Act Release No. 14713 (April 28, 1978),         or guide the execution of the PRISM                    exchange, the Commission has stated that
                                                  43 FR 18557 (May 1, 1978); Securities Exchange Act       Order. The information provided with                   executions obtained through these systems satisfy
                                                  Release No. 15533 (January 29, 1979), 44 FR 6093                                                                the independent execution requirement of Rule
                                                  (Jan. 31, 1979). The 1978 and 1979 Releases cite the
                                                                                                           respect to the Surrender feature by the
                                                                                                                                                                  11a2–2(T). See 1979 Release.
                                                  House Report at 54–57.                                   market participant will not be broadcast                  68 See 17 CFR 240.11a2–2(T)(a)(2)(iv). In addition,
                                                     64 The member may, however, participate in
                                                                                                                                                                  Rule 11a2–2(T)(d) requires a member or associated
                                                  clearing and settling the transaction.                   (January 29, 1979), 44 FR 6084 (January 31, 1979)      person authorized by written contract to retain
                                                     65 See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release Nos.    (‘‘1979 Release’’).                                    compensation, in connection with effecting
                                                  61419 (January 26, 2010), 75 FR 5157 (February 1,           66 The Exchange notes that a Participant may        transactions for Covered Accounts over which such
                                                  2010) (SR–BATS–2009–031) (approving BATS                 cancel or modify an order, or modify the               member or associated persons thereof exercises
                                                  options trading); 59154 (December 23, 2008), 73 FR       instructions for executing an order, but that such     investment discretion, to furnish at least annually
                                                  80468 (December 31, 2008) (SR–BSE–2008–48)               instructions would be transmitted from off the floor   to the person authorized to transact business for the
                                                  (approving equity securities listing and trading on      of the Exchange. The Commission has stated that        account a statement setting forth the total amount
                                                  BSE); 57478 (March 12, 2008), 73 FR 14521 (March         the non-participation requirement is satisfied under   of compensation retained by the member in
                                                  18, 2008) (SR–NASDAQ–2007–004 and SR–                    such circumstances so long as such modifications       connection with effecting transactions for the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  NASDAQ–2007–080) (approving NOM options                  or cancellations are also transmitted from off the     account during the period covered by the statement
                                                  trading); 53128 (January 13, 2006), 71 FR 3550           floor. See 1978 Release (stating that the ‘‘non-       which amount must be exclusive of all amounts
                                                  (January 23, 2006) (File No. 10–131) (approving The      participation requirement does not prevent             paid to others during that period for services
                                                  Nasdaq Stock Market LLC); 44983 (October 25,             initiating members from canceling or modifying         rendered to effect such transactions. See also 1978
                                                  2001), 66 FR 55225 (November 1, 2001) (SR–PCX–           orders (or the instructions pursuant to which the      (stating ‘‘[t]he contractual and disclosure
                                                  00–25) (approving Archipelago Exchange); 29237           initiating member wishes to be executed) after the     requirements are designed to assure that accounts
                                                  (May 24, 1991), 56 FR 24853 (May 31, 1991) (SR–          orders have been transmitted to the executing          electing to permit transaction-related compensation
                                                  NYSE–90–52 and SR–NYSE–90–53) (approving                 member, provided that any such instructions are        do so only after deciding that such arrangements are
                                                  NYSE’s Off-Hours Trading Facility); and 15533            also transmitted from off the floor’’).                suitable to their interests’’).

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices                                          54613

                                                  pursuant to its obligations under                       for price improvement in a competitive                III. Date of Effectiveness of the
                                                  Section 6(b)(1) of the Act to enforce                   auction process. The Exchange does not                Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
                                                  compliance with federal securities laws.                believe that providing BX Market                      Commission Action
                                                    The Exchange believes that the instant                Makers with an opportunity to receive                    Within 45 days of the date of
                                                  proposal is consistent with Rule 11a2–                  priority allocation will create an undue              publication of this notice in the Federal
                                                  2(T), and that therefore the exception                  burden on intra-market competition. BX                Register or within such longer period (i)
                                                  should apply in this case.                              Market Makers have obligations to the
                                                    The Exchange also believes that the                                                                         as the Commission may designate up to
                                                                                                          market unlike other market                            90 days of such date if it finds such
                                                  proposed rule changes would further
                                                                                                          participants.70 The allocation seeks to               longer period to be appropriate and
                                                  the objectives of the Act to protect
                                                                                                          reward BX Market Makers with an                       publishes its reasons for so finding or
                                                  investors by promoting the intermarket
                                                                                                          opportunity to receive additional                     (ii) as to which the Exchange consents,
                                                  price protection goals of the Options
                                                  Intermarket Linkage Plan.69 The                         allocations.                                          the Commission shall: (a) By order
                                                  Exchange believes its proposal would                       The Exchange’s proposal is a                       approve or disapprove such proposed
                                                  help ensure inter-market competition                    competitive response to similar                       rule change, or (b) institute proceedings
                                                  across all exchanges and facilitate                     provisions in the price improvement                   to determine whether the proposed rule
                                                  compliance with best execution                          auction rules of other options                        change should be disapproved.
                                                  practices. The Exchange believes that                   exchanges.71 The Exchange believes this               IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                                  these objectives are consistent with the                proposed rule change is necessary to
                                                                                                                                                                  Interested persons are invited to
                                                  Act and the rules and regulations                       permit fair competition among the                     submit written data, views, and
                                                  thereunder applicable to the Exchange                   options exchanges and to establish more               arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                                  and, in particular, the requirements of                 uniform price improvement auction                     including whether the proposed rule
                                                  Section 11A of the Act.                                 rules on the various options exchanges.               change, as amended, is consistent with
                                                  B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                       The Exchange anticipates that this                    the Act. Comments may be submitted by
                                                  Statement on Burden on Competition                      auction proposal will create new                      any of the following methods:
                                                                                                          opportunities for BX to attract new
                                                     The proposed rule change does not                    business and compete on equal footing                 Electronic Comments
                                                  impose any burden on competition that
                                                  is not necessary or appropriate in
                                                                                                          with those options exchanges with                       • Use the Commission’s Internet
                                                                                                          auctions and for this reason the                      comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                  furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
                                                                                                          proposal does not create an undue                     rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                  The competition among the options
                                                  exchanges is vigorous and this proposal
                                                                                                          burden on inter-market competition.                     • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                                                                          Rather, the Exchange believes that the                sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
                                                  is intended to afford the BX Options
                                                  market the opportunity to compete for                   proposed rule would bolster inter-                    BX–2015–032 on the subject line.
                                                  order flow by offering an auction                       market competition by promoting fair
                                                                                                                                                                Paper Comments
                                                  mechanism on BX similar to that of                      competition among individual markets,
                                                                                                          while at the same time assuring that                     • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                  other exchanges.
                                                     With respect to intra-market                         market participants receive the benefits              to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities
                                                  competition, the auction will be                        of markets that are linked together,                  and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street
                                                  available to all BX Participants.                       through facilities and rules, in a unified            NE., Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                  Moreover, as explained above, the                       system, which promotes interaction                    All submissions should refer to File
                                                  proposal should encourage BX                            among the orders of buyers and sellers.               Number SR–BX–2015–032. This file
                                                  Participants to compete amongst each                    The Exchange believes its proposal                    number should be included on the
                                                  other by responding with their best                     would help ensure inter-market                        subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                  price and size for a particular auction.                competition across all exchanges and                  Commission process and review your
                                                  With respect to overall market quality,                 facilitate compliance with best                       comments more efficiently, please use
                                                  the Exchange believes that the PRISM                    execution practices. In addition, the                 only one method. The Commission will
                                                  auction, as proposed herein, will                       Exchange believes that the proposed                   post all comments on the Commission’s
                                                  encourage BX Market Makers to quote at                  rule change would help promote fair                   Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                  the NBBO with additional size and                       and orderly markets by helping ensure                 rules/sro.shtml).
                                                  thereby result in tighter and deeper                    compliance with Options Order                            Copies of the submission, all
                                                  markets, resulting in more liquidity.                   Protection and Locked and Crossed                     subsequent amendments, all written
                                                  Specifically, by offering BX Market                     Market Rules.72 Thus, the Exchange                    statements with respect to the proposed
                                                  Makers the ability to receive priority in               does not believe the proposal creates                 rule change that are filed with the
                                                  the proposed allocation during the                      any significant impact on competition.                Commission, and all written
                                                  PRISM auction, a BX Market Maker will                                                                         communications relating to the
                                                  be encouraged to quote outside of the                   C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                     proposed rule change between the
                                                  PRISM auction at the their best and                     Statement on Comments on the                          Commission and any person, other than
                                                  most aggressive prices. BX believes that                Proposed Rule Change Received From                    those that may be withheld from the
                                                  this incentive may result in a narrowing                Members, Participants, or Others                      public in accordance with the
                                                  of quotes and thus further enhance BX’s                                                                       provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                                                                            No written comments were either
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  and overall market quality. Within the                                                                        available for Web site viewing and
                                                                                                          solicited or received.                                printing in the Commission’s Public
                                                  PRISM auction, BX believes that the
                                                  rules that are proposed will encourage                                                                        Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                                                                            70 See BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 6.
                                                  BX Market Makers to compete                                                                                   Washington, DC 20549, on official
                                                                                                            71 Today, the following options markets offer
                                                  vigorously to provide the opportunity                                                                         business days between the hours of
                                                                                                          auctions: CBOE, ISE, BOX, MIAX and Phlx. See
                                                                                                          CBOE Rule 6.74A, ISE Rule 723, BOX Rule 7150,         10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
                                                    69 See BX Rule at Chapter XII, Section 3 regarding    MIAX Rule 5.15 and Phlx Rule 1080(n).                 filing also will be available for
                                                  Locked and Crossed Markets.                               72 See Chapter XII of BX Rules.                     inspection and copying at the principal

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                                                  54614                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 175 / Thursday, September 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                  office of the Exchange. All comments                    [sic] indicate a time upon which their                7:00 a.m. rather than 8:00 a.m. Eastern
                                                  received will be posted without change;                 order may become eligible for                         Time.4
                                                  the Commission does not edit personal                   execution.                                               The Exchange also proposes to amend
                                                  identifying information from                               The text of the proposed rule change               Rule 11.1(a) to account for the Pre-
                                                  submissions. You should submit only                     is available at the Exchange’s Web site               Opening Session starting at 7:00 a.m.
                                                  information that you wish to make                       at www.batstrading.com, at the                        Eastern Time. Other than the proposal
                                                  available publicly.                                     principal office of the Exchange, and at              to change the start of the Pre-Opening
                                                    All submissions should refer to File                  the Commission’s Public Reference                     Session from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
                                                  Number SR–BX–2015–032 and should                        Room.                                                 Eastern Time discussed above, the
                                                  be submitted on or before October 1,                                                                          Exchange does not propose to amend
                                                  2015.                                                   II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                    the substance or operation of Rule
                                                                                                          Statement of the Purpose of, and                      11.1(a).
                                                    For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                          Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                   As amended, orders entered between
                                                  Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                  authority.73                                            Change                                                6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time,
                                                  Robert W. Errett,                                         In its filing with the Commission, the              rather than 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
                                                                                                          Exchange included statements                          Eastern Time, would not eligible for
                                                  Deputy Secretary.
                                                                                                                                                                execution until the start of the Pre-
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–22742 Filed 9–9–15; 8:45 am]              concerning the purpose of and basis for
                                                                                                                                                                Opening Session or Regular Trading
                                                  BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  the proposed rule change and discussed
                                                                                                                                                                Hours,5 depending on the Time-in-Force
                                                                                                          any comments it received on the
                                                                                                                                                                (‘‘TIF’’) 6 selected by the User.7 Rule
                                                                                                          proposed rule change. The text of these
                                                                                                                                                                11.1(a) will also be amended to state
                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 statements may be examined at the
                                                                                                                                                                that the Exchange will not accept the
                                                  COMMISSION                                              places specified in Item IV below. The
                                                                                                                                                                following orders prior to 7:00 a.m.
                                                                                                          Exchange has prepared summaries, set
                                                  [Release No. 34–75832; File No. SR–BATS–                                                                      Eastern Time, rather than 8:00 a.m.:
                                                                                                          forth in Sections A, B, and C below, of
                                                  2015–69]                                                                                                      BATS Post Only Orders,8 Partial Post
                                                                                                          the most significant parts of such
                                                                                                                                                                Only at Limit Orders,9 Intermarket
                                                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; BATS                     statements.                                           Sweep Orders (‘‘ISOs’’),10 BATS Market
                                                  Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing of                     A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                     Orders 11 with a TIF other than Regular
                                                  Proposed Rule Change To Amend                           Statement of the Purpose of, and                      Hours Only,12 Minimum Quantity
                                                  Rules 1.5(r), 11.1(a), 11.23, 14.6, 14.11,              Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                Orders 13 that also include a TIF of
                                                  and 14.12 and Adopt Rule 11.1(a)(1)                     Change                                                Regular Hours Only, and all orders with
                                                  September 3, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                a TIF instruction of Immediate-or-
                                                                                                          1. Purpose                                            Cancel (‘‘IOC’’) 14 or Fill-or-Kill
                                                     Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the                      The Exchange proposes to amend the                  (‘‘FOK’’).15 At the commencement of the
                                                                                                          definition of Pre-Opening Session under               Pre-Opening Session, orders entered
                                                  ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
                                                                                                          Rule 1.5(r) to state that the Pre-Opening             between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Eastern
                                                  notice is hereby given that on
                                                                                                          Session will start at 7:00 a.m. rather                Time, rather than 6:00 a.m. and 8:00
                                                  September 1, 2015, BATS Exchange,
                                                                                                          than 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time, Rule                     a.m. Eastern Time, will be handled in
                                                  Inc. (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘BATS’’) filed
                                                                                                          11.1(a) to account for the Pre-Opening                time sequence, beginning with the order
                                                  with the Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                          Session starting at 7:00 a.m. Eastern                 with the oldest time stamp, and will be
                                                  Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the
                                                                                                          Time, and to make related changes to                  placed on the BATS Book,16 routed,
                                                  proposed rule change as described in
                                                  Items I and II below, which Items have                  Rules 11.23, 14.6, 14.11, and 14.12. The
                                                                                                                                                                   4 The Exchange notes that NYSE Arca, Inc.
                                                  been prepared by the Exchange. The                      Exchange also proposes to adopt new
                                                                                                                                                                (‘‘NYSE Arca’’) operates an Opening Session that
                                                  Commission is publishing this notice to                 Rule 11.1(a)(1) to define Effective Start             starts at 4:00 a.m. Eastern Time (1:00 a.m. Pacific
                                                  solicit comments on the proposed rule                   Time, which would be an order                         Time) and ends at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time (6:30 a.m.
                                                  change from interested persons.                         instruction enabling Members indicate a               Pacific Time). See NYSE Arca Rule 7.34(a)(1). The
                                                                                                          time upon which their order may                       Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (‘‘Nasdaq’’) operates a
                                                  I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                                                                             pre-market session that also opens at 4:00 a.m. and
                                                                                                          become eligible for execution.                        ends at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. See Nasdaq Rule
                                                  Statement of the Terms of Substance of                                                                        4701(g). See also Securities Exchange Act Release
                                                  the Proposed Rule Change                                Pre-Opening Session 7:00 a.m. Start                   No. 69151 (March 15, 2013), 78 FR 17464 (March
                                                                                                                                                                21, 2013) (SR–Nasdaq–2013–033) (Notice of Filing
                                                     The Exchange filed a proposal to                       The Exchange trading day is currently               and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule
                                                  amend the definition of Pre-Opening                     divided into two sessions: (i) The Pre-               Change to Extend the Pre-Market Hours of the
                                                  Session under Rule 1.5(r) to state that                 Opening Session which starts at 8:00                  Exchange to 4:00 a.m. EST).
                                                  the Pre-Opening Session will start at                   a.m. and ends at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time;                 5 ‘‘Regular Trading Hours’’ is defined as ‘‘the time

                                                                                                          and (ii) the Regular Trading Hours                    between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.’’ See
                                                  7:00 a.m. rather than 8:00 a.m. Eastern                                                                       Exchange Rule 1.5(w).
                                                  Time, Rule 11.1(a) to account for the                   which runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.                   6 The Times-In-Force instructions available on the

                                                  Pre-Opening Session starting at 7:00                    Eastern Time. The Exchange proposes to                Exchange are set forth under Exchange Rule 11.9(b).
                                                  a.m. Eastern Time, and to make related                  amend the definition of ‘‘Pre-Opening                    7 ‘‘User’’ is defined as ‘‘any Member or Sponsored

                                                  changes to Rules 11.23, 14.6, 14.11, and                Session’’ under Rule 1.5(r) to state that             Participant who is authorized to obtain access to the
                                                                                                                                                                System pursuant to Rule 11.3.’’ See Exchange Rule
                                                  14.12. The Exchange also proposes to                    the Pre-Opening Session will start at                 1.5(cc).
                                                  adopt new Rule 11.1(a)(1) to define                                                                              8 See Exchange Rule 11.9(c)(6).
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Effective Start Time, which would be an                 to membership in the Exchange. A Member will             9 See Exchange Rule 11.9(c)(7).

                                                  order instruction enabling Members 3                    have the status of a ‘‘member’’ of the Exchange as       10 See Exchange Rule 11.9(d).
                                                                                                          that term is defined in Section 3(a)(3) of the Act.      11 See Exchange Rule 11.9(a)(2).

                                                    73 17
                                                                                                          Membership may be granted to a sole proprietor,          12 See Exchange Rule 11.9(b)(7).
                                                          CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            partnership, corporation, limited liability company
                                                    1 15                                                                                                           13 See Exchange Rule 11.9(c)(5).
                                                         U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                or other organization which is a registered broker
                                                    2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                                                                            14 See Exchange Rule 11.9(b)(1).
                                                                                                          or dealer pursuant to Section 15 of the Act, and
                                                    3 The term ‘‘Member’’ is defined as ‘‘any                                                                      15 See Exchange Rule 11.9(b)(6).
                                                                                                          which has been approved by the Exchange.’’ See
                                                  registered broker or dealer that has been admitted      Exchange Rule 1.5(n).                                    16 See Exchange Rule 1.5(e).

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 10:04:02
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 10:04:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 54601 

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