80_FR_55255 80 FR 55078 - Clean Vessel Act Grant Program

80 FR 55078 - Clean Vessel Act Grant Program

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 177 (September 14, 2015)

Page Range55078-55081
FR Document2015-22723

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is seeking comments to assist us in developing a proposed rule for the Clean Vessel Act Grant Program (CVA). The proposed rule will use plain language to clarify topics that have led to varying interpretations and will incorporate changes in legislation and technology. We seek public input to advise us on topics of interest to the boating community in regard to projects funded through CVA. We ask for response from anyone having an interest in CVA and associated topics, but particularly from members of the public having experience, expertise, or both in administering CVA; entities receiving services from CVA-funded facilities; entities manufacturing, selling, or installing CVA-funded facilities and equipment; or persons possessing other professional or practical knowledge of the subjects we present in this document. We present topics of interest, but encourage comments on any topic relevant to CVA and the proposed rulemaking. The terms you or your in this document refer to those members of the public from whom we seek response. The terms we, us, and our refer to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 177 (Monday, September 14, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 177 (Monday, September 14, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 55078-55081]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-22723]

[[Page 55078]]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 85

[Docket No: FWS-HQ-WSR-2015-0006; FVWF94100900000-XXX-FF09W11000]
RIN 1018-AW66

Clean Vessel Act Grant Program

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking; notice of intent.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is seeking 
comments to assist us in developing a proposed rule for the Clean 
Vessel Act Grant Program (CVA). The proposed rule will use plain 
language to clarify topics that have led to varying interpretations and 
will incorporate changes in legislation and technology. We seek public 
input to advise us on topics of interest to the boating community in 
regard to projects funded through CVA. We ask for response from anyone 
having an interest in CVA and associated topics, but particularly from 
members of the public having experience, expertise, or both in 
administering CVA; entities receiving services from CVA-funded 
facilities; entities manufacturing, selling, or installing CVA-funded 
facilities and equipment; or persons possessing other professional or 
practical knowledge of the subjects we present in this document. We 
present topics of interest, but encourage comments on any topic 
relevant to CVA and the proposed rulemaking. The terms you or your in 
this document refer to those members of the public from whom we seek 
response. The terms we, us, and our refer to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 

DATES: Submit comments on or before November 13, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number FWS-R9-
WSR-2015-0006, by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     U.S. mail: Public Comments Processing, Attn: Docket No. 
FWS-R9-WSR-2015-0006; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Division of 
Policy, Performance, and Management Programs; MS: BPHC; 5275 Leesburg 
Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-4501.
     Hand Delivery/Courier: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 
Division of Policy, Performance, and Management Programs; 5275 Leesburg 
Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-4501.
    We will not accept email or faxes. All submissions received must 
include the agency name and docket number for this rulemaking. We will 
post all comments received without change to http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. For 
detailed instructions on submitting comments and other information on 
the rulemaking process, see the ``Public Participation'' heading in 
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for FWS-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa E. Van Alstyne, Wildlife and 
Sport Fish Restoration Program, Division of Policy and Programs, U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service, 703-358-1942.



    The Clean Vessel Act of 1992 (Act) (Pub. L. 102-587, title V, 
subtitle F) amends the Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777c) and 
establishes a program that provides matching grants to States for 
projects that address septic waste from recreational vessels. Grants 
may be used to conduct coastal surveys and establish plans; construct, 
renovate, operate, and maintain pumpout and other waste reception 
facilities for recreational vessels; and conduct programs to educate 
boaters about the environmental and health issues associated with 
improperly disposing of human waste. Priority consideration was 
established in the Act for projects that are in coastal States, include 
public/private partnerships, and include innovative ways to increase 
project availability and use. The Sportfishing and Recreational Boating 
Safety Act of 2005 (SAFETEA-LU) (Pub. L. 109-59, Title X, section 
10131) amends the Clean Vessel Act to remove the preference for 
projects in coastal States.
    Since inception, the Clean Vessel Act grant program (CVA) has 
awarded more than $246 million. The projects funded have helped States 
to build an infrastructure that links services within and between 
States and raised awareness of the benefits of properly disposing of 
septic waste. As a result, States have experienced a reduction in beach 
and shellfish bed closures, enhanced boater awareness and satisfaction, 
and improved water quality in recreational areas.
    In the 1990s, we published in the Federal Register three documents 
related to CVA: Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Grant Program, Final rule (59 
FR 11204, March 10, 1994); Clean Vessel Act: Pumpout Station and Dump 
Station Technical Guidelines, Notice of final guidelines (59 FR 11290, 
March 10, 1994); and Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Symbol, Slogan, and 
Program Crediting, Final rule (62 FR 45344, August 27, 1997). The CVA 
regulations are located in title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
(CFR) in part 85 (50 CFR part 85).
    As we move forward in the program, we propose not only to build on 
the success of CVA to date, but also to seek new and innovative ways to 
serve the boating public into the future. We hosted four open forum 
discussions between October 2014 and February 2015 in which we asked 
States and other stakeholders to share their knowledge and opinions on 
topics associated with implementing CVA nationally. Participants 
informed us on challenges to implementation and consistency that have 
arisen since the program began, changes in focus that have evolved as 
the program has matured, and successful approaches they would like to 
continue. These discussions prompted us to seek input on certain topics 
from a larger audience.

Information Requested

    With this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR), the Service 
is seeking information, comments, and suggestions that will help us to 
consider how best to address updating the CVA regulations and Technical 
Guidelines. We ask for your help in identifying significant issues that 
interfere with participation in CVA, administration of CVA, services 
provided under CVA, or successful implementation of CVA projects. We 
ask for your responses on successful approaches or foundational 
benefits that you suggest we should preserve in future rulemaking. We 
intend to use your input to develop updated regulations and guidelines 
in one location at 50 CFR part 85. After receiving and considering your 
responses to our requests in this ANPR, we will publish a proposed rule 
in the Federal Register for public review and comment. In particular, 
we encourage you to give comments and suggestions on the issues 
described in the body of the ANPR. When commenting, please indicate 
which of the listed issues your comment addresses and to which question 
you are responding. If your comments cover issues outside of those 
listed, please identify them as Other.
    There are several topics where your response may reference a State 
or local law, regulation, standard, or other legal

[[Page 55079]]

reference. When your comments include a legal reference, please 
specifically cite the legal document. We recommend you use citation 
formats in Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) Guide to Legal 
Citation or Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation as your guide. If 
possible, please give a location where we may access the document 

Issue 1: Technical information

    (a) The Technical Guidelines (Guidelines) issued on March 10, 1994, 
reflect a collaborative effort between the Service and various entities 
that have expertise or interest in boating, clean water, waste disposal 
equipment, and other associated topics. We consulted with the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and 
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) when 
developing the guidelines. We also asked for advice and input from 
States, local municipalities, boat users, manufacturers of pumpout 
equipment, marina operators, conservation groups, interest 
organizations, and the public. The resulting document reflects the best 
available knowledge at that time and informs the public on basic 
principles that were foundational to the grant program in the beginning 
stages of development.
    (b) We are aware that advances have been made in technology, 
technique, and approach since we published the Guidelines. Through this 
notice, we ask for those same groups and any new user and interest 
groups, technical experts, and practitioners to advise us on some 
specific and some general technology issues. When responding to a 
topic, please address to the extent possible the following regarding 
the technology, technique, or approach:
    (1) For technology, if it is currently available or would need to 
be developed;
    (2) Cost;
    (3) Expertise needed;
    (4) Supporting infrastructure or other technology needed;
    (5) Long-term personnel investment; and
    (6) Any known obstacles.
    (c) We ask that if you have knowledge of such advancements, you 
discuss developments that have been made since 1994, or are anticipated 
in the next few years, that improve, support, or otherwise affect CVA. 
Discuss how you suggest we should use this information to inform new 
    (d) We ask your comments on these specific topics:
    (1) States that experience seasonal cold weather likely have 
pumpout facility operators that choose to close for the season, 
winterize their pumpout equipment, or both. However, boaters may travel 
to those areas seeking pumpout services. What technology, technique, or 
approach would address the need to provide pumpout services in cold 
weather areas?
    (2) How important is it for States to monitor the amount of waste 
removed through pumpouts? Should the guidelines strongly recommend 
meters or other ``add-on'' equipment to accomplish this? Should the 
regulations require it? If so, when should the new requirement be 
    (3) Floating restrooms are eligible for CVA funding. However, with 
the emphasis of the program on providing facilities that benefit 
boaters, the current regulations state they cannot be connected to land 
or anything else that is connected to land, restricting floating 
restrooms to water-only access. Therefore, floating restrooms connected 
to an attached dock cannot be funded through CVA. (Land-based restrooms 
are currently ineligible.) We have received requests to revisit this 
restriction and consider the possibility of allowing floating restrooms 
to be attached to a dock and to allow piping to run directly from the 
floating restroom to a land connection for waste disposal. We ask you 
to comment on:
    (i) Whether we should allow floating restrooms to be connected to 
land or docks. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Should there 
be limitations?
    (ii) Are you aware of legal issues that affect floating restrooms, 
such as State or local regulations, permit restrictions, or building 
standards? If so, please discuss the effect and cite the regulation, 
code, or standard.
    (iii) There are concerns with protecting floating restrooms from 
vandalism and other damage. If floating restrooms are allowed to be 
connected to land or docks, the potential for vandalism may increase 
with easier land-side access. Do you have any suggestions for how to 
address these concerns?
    (iv) Is it important to maintain the emphasis on floating restrooms 
serving only the boating public? If we were to allow floating restrooms 
to be connected to docks, what approaches would restrict use to serve 
only the boating public?
    (v) What approaches would ensure that floating restrooms are 
designed to limit land-side access and potential over-use by the non-
boating public?
    (vi) Should we participate in efforts to develop standards or best 
management practices for floating restrooms?

Issue 2: State Participation in Offering Operation and Maintenance 
(O&M) Funds for CVA Projects

    (a) Some States offer CVA O&M, and some do not. We suggest that 
offering O&M greatly benefits CVA by:
    (1) Increasing the number of pumpout facilities by supporting 
operators that otherwise might not be able to financially support 
ongoing service;
    (2) Providing a mechanism to reimburse operators when they respond 
to equipment failures, increasing pumpout facility availability and 
functionality; and
    (3) Helping to extend the useful life of the investment.
    (b) The Service does not have a comprehensive list of how many and 
which States do not participate in offering O&M for pumpout projects, 
or the reasons why these States have chosen this approach. We would 
like to know more about those States that participate, and those that 
do not, in order to identify if changes in regulations or guidelines 
could improve this aspect of CVA. We ask States to respond telling us:
    (1) Does your State offer O&M grant funding to subgrantees and 
    (2) If your State does offer O&M funding, describe your program, 
    (i) Any restrictions on the type of projects that may receive O&M 
    (ii) Any limits on O&M funds;
    (iii) How you administer O&M processing; and
    (iv) Any obstacles you currently experience that you suggest we may 
alleviate either through regulation or other means.
    (3) If your State does not offer O&M funding, describe the reasons 
why your State has chosen not to offer O&M funding. If the reasons 
include laws or regulations, please cite as directed under Information 
Requested. Include in your comments changes you suggest we consider 
that might assist your State to begin a CVA O&M program.

Issue 3: Do any existing or proposed State or local laws affect CVA?

    (a) Please cite, as directed under Information Requested, and 
discuss any State or local laws or regulations that either support or 
impede CVA projects. When available, include web links to the law or 
    (b) Discuss specifically how the law or regulation affects CVA 
projects. If it is a positive effect, tell us if you believe the 
Service should consider adopting similar principles. If it is a 
negative effect, tell us how it restricts your ability to complete 
successful projects. Please

[[Page 55080]]

suggest any changes in the CVA regulation that would increase your 
ability to complete successful projects within the parameters of 
current or proposed State and local laws and regulations.

Issue 4: User Fees

    (a) The current regulations at 50 CFR 85.44 allow operators of 
facilities constructed, operated, or maintained with CVA grant funds to 
charge users a maximum $5 fee, with no justification. If an operator 
chooses to charge a higher fee, it must be justified. The proceeds must 
be accounted for and used by the operator to defray the operation and 
maintenance costs of the facility as long as the facility is needed and 
serves its intended purpose. The Service was to evaluate the maximum 
fee each year for inflation and other potential considerations. The 
Service has not taken this action to date.
    (b) During an open forum discussion at the States Organization for 
Boating Access Conference on October 6, 2014, we asked States to 
comment on the following questions:
    (1) Should the maximum fee be increased? Decreased?
    (2) What are the pros and cons of higher fees?
    (3) What alternatives do you suggest other than a maximum fee (Ex: 
sliding scale)?
    (4) Should fees correspond to usage (Ex: gallons pumped, holding 
tank size)?
    (5) Should the method of service influence the fees charged (Ex: 
self-serve vs. pumpout assistance)?
    (c) We received a range of responses that fall into five general 
    (1) Support no change to the current regulations. The $5 maximum 
fee works well, and boaters are used to it.
    (2) Suggest the regulations be changed to mandate or encourage free 
pumpout services. Offering free pumpout services increases the number 
of boaters using pumpouts, decreases the amount of inappropriately 
disposed boater septic waste, and reduces the burden for operators in 
States that offer CVA O&M funding.
    (3) Suggest the regulations be changed to allow a sliding scale 
with a $5 maximum for boats with smaller holding tanks, increasing fees 
with the size of the holding tank. An issue with this option is that 
not all pumpout equipment is installed with monitoring capability to 
gauge the number of gallons pumped.
    (4) Address the fee issue by maintaining a similar approach as in 
the current regulations, but increase the fee.
    (5) Allow operators to charge a fee according to the prevailing 
market rate for the area they serve.
    (d) We are interested in comments from States, boaters, operators, 
and interest organizations that address the questions and responses 
above. When responding, please consider:
    (1) The maximum fee that boaters will accept as reasonable for the 
service they receive;
    (2) How the fee schedule may influence boater usage;
    (3) How the fee schedule may affect water quality;
    (4) If we need to consider State and local laws or codes when 
establishing a fee schedule; and
    (5) How reduced fees may affect operators that incur additional 
costs for:
    (i) Removing septic waste via a waste hauler from an on-site 
holding tank where municipal sewer service is not available;
    (ii) Disposing of boater waste via municipal sewer connections 
where the municipality charges an additional fee for boater waste (Ex: 
hazardous waste disposal fee); or
    (iii) Other actions to process or dispose of boater waste.

Issue 5: Defining ``Recreational Vessel'' and Access to CVA-Funded 

    (a) We have received many comments requesting clarity on how to 
define ``recreational vessel'' in the context of CVA and whether we 
should consider allowing CVA-funded facilities to be available to non-
recreational vessels (Ex: house boats, commercial vessels). We ask your 
comments on the following:
    (1) How should we define ``recreational vessel'' for CVA? Should 
the term include vessels that are not for personal use, but that 
transport the public to recreational opportunities? (Ex: dive boats, 
fishing charters)
    (2) What criteria might we use that would clearly separate a 
recreational vessel from a non-recreational vessel?
    (b) We have considered that the ultimate benefit of CVA is clean 
recreational waters that benefit all users. We have engaged in 
discussions that ask us to consider allowing CVA-funded pumpouts to be 
available for use by other than what we define as a ``recreational 
vessel.'' We ask for comments on the following:
    (1) Should CVA-funded facilities be available to serve all vessels, 
regardless of their designation as recreational or non-recreational? 
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
    (2) If CVA-funded facilities are used to service other than non-
recreational vessels, should operators be allowed to charge a higher 
fee for non-recreational use? (The rationale is that the higher fees 
would help pay for replacement/repairs of the equipment that will have 
a reduced useful life due to the additional burden on the equipment.)
    (3) Are there any user groups or vessel types that should be fully 
excluded from consideration for expanding availability of CVA-funded 
pumpouts? Why or why not?
    (4) If we choose to expand eligible use, what restrictions, if any, 
should be imposed on non-recreational vessels using CVA-funded 

Issue 6: Definition of ``Useful Life''

    (a) The term ``useful life'' as used in the current CVA regulations 
was intended to relate to the functional longevity of the equipment. 
Using this approach, there are multiple considerations that could 
influence the useful life of a pumpout project, such as environmental 
effects (marine vs. freshwater environment, weather), biological 
effects (quagga mussels), amount and type of usage, adequate 
maintenance, boater education on proper use, and equipment components 
that are more vulnerable to wear or failure. In addition, it is likely 
that more than one of these considerations are present at one time, 
compounding potential impacts. Many States indicate that they have 
moved away from looking at the operational longevity of the equipment 
and instead have set a contractual requirement for the number of years 
the operator must maintain the equipment.
    The above information has led us to reconsider our regulatory 
approach for how long a pumpout facility must be maintained and 
operational for its intended purpose. We also consider that a primary 
goal of CVA is to have sufficient available and functional pumpout 
facilities and that they contribute to a network of pumpout facilities 
for continued boater access and use.
    (b) We typically employ useful life consideration for capital 
improvements. We define a ``capital improvement'' as: (1) a new 
structure that costs at least $25,000 to build; or (2) altering, 
renovating, or repairing an existing structure if it increases the 
structure's useful life by 10 years or if it costs at least $25,000. 
The focus is on structures attached to real property.
    The cost of a typical land-based pumpout facility is below the 
threshold for a capital improvement. Mobile or movable pumpout 
facilities, such as boats and floating restrooms, we consider personal 
property and not a capital improvement. We, therefore, must consider 
that using useful life to

[[Page 55081]]

measure obligation for a pumpout facility may not benefit the 
consistency and viability of the CVA program mission.
    We suggest the alternative approach of applying in regulation an 
obligation for a minimum number of years that an operator must maintain 
an operational pumpout for its intended purpose. After this time, an 
operator may choose to continue the obligation for another period under 
the CVA grant program, continue operation outside the CVA grant 
program, or cease operation of the pumpout facility.
    The majority of States responding to an inquiry suggested 10 years, 
but other suggestions ranged from 4 to 20 years.
    (c) We ask for your comments on the following:
    (1) Which approach do you suggest is the best for the continued 
success of CVA, and why do you prefer it?
    (2) What obligation do you suggest an operator assume when 
participating in CVA, including how long an operator must maintain a 
CVA-funded pumpout facility?
    (3) If a State offers O&M funding for existing facilities, should 
participation in O&M extend the obligation to maintain and operate the 
facility? For example, if we assume a fixed-year obligation for 
maintaining a pumpout facility, for each year that the operator 
receives O&M funding should it extend the obligation an additional 
    (4) What CVA-funded actions would you suggest we identify that, if 
completed, will restart the fixed-year obligation period? (Ex: 
replacement, major renovation, etc.)
    (5) We discussed in Issue 5 the possibility of expanding the type 
of vessels that could be serviced by CVA-funded facilities. If we 
choose the approach to require a fixed-year obligation for a CVA-funded 
facility, the CVA-funded facility would be obligated to be maintained 
and functional for the designated period regardless of use, so 
additional wear and tear would be the responsibility of the operator to 
address during that period. What advantages, disadvantages, or other 
effects should we consider regarding this combined approach?

Public Participation

    We seek comments from you in response to the topics and questions 
above. We also seek any relevant comments on other issues related to 
this proposed rulemaking. We especially seek recommendations for 
effective and efficient approaches to CVA. After analyzing the comments 
received from this ANPR, we will proceed with a proposed rulemaking.
    All submissions received must include the Service docket number for 
this notice. Before including your address, phone number, email 
address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you 
should be aware that your entire comment--including your personal 
information--may be made publicly available. While you can ask us in 
your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from 
public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
    The Service supports a collaborative process as we develop the 
proposed rule. After the comment period ends for the ANPR, we will post 
information on other opportunities to comment prior to the proposed 
rule, background, and past comments received at: http://fawiki.fws.gov/display/CR5C8/CVA+Review+50+CFR+85+Home.

    Dated: August 31, 2015.
Karen Hyun,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and 
[FR Doc. 2015-22723 Filed 9-11-15; 8:45 am]

                                                55078               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 177 / Monday, September 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              Programs; 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls                   related to CVA: Clean Vessel Act
                                                                                                        Church, VA 22041–4501.                                Pumpout Grant Program, Final rule (59
                                                Fish and Wildlife Service                                 We will not accept email or faxes. All              FR 11204, March 10, 1994); Clean
                                                                                                        submissions received must include the                 Vessel Act: Pumpout Station and Dump
                                                50 CFR Part 85                                          agency name and docket number for this                Station Technical Guidelines, Notice of
                                                                                                        rulemaking. We will post all comments                 final guidelines (59 FR 11290, March 10,
                                                [Docket No: FWS–HQ–WSR–2015–0006;                       received without change to http://                    1994); and Clean Vessel Act Pumpout
                                                FVWF94100900000–XXX–FF09W11000]                                                                               Symbol, Slogan, and Program Crediting,
                                                                                                        www.regulations.gov, including any
                                                RIN 1018–AW66                                           personal information provided. For                    Final rule (62 FR 45344, August 27,
                                                                                                        detailed instructions on submitting                   1997). The CVA regulations are located
                                                Clean Vessel Act Grant Program                          comments and other information on the                 in title 50 of the Code of Federal
                                                                                                        rulemaking process, see the ‘‘Public                  Regulations (CFR) in part 85 (50 CFR
                                                AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                    Participation’’ heading in                            part 85).
                                                Interior.                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.                               As we move forward in the program,
                                                ACTION: Advance notice of proposed                        Docket: For access to the docket to                 we propose not only to build on the
                                                rulemaking; notice of intent.                           read background documents or                          success of CVA to date, but also to seek
                                                                                                        comments received, go to http://                      new and innovative ways to serve the
                                                SUMMARY:    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife                  www.regulations.gov and search for                    boating public into the future. We
                                                Service (Service) is seeking comments to                FWS–R9–WSR–2015–0006.                                 hosted four open forum discussions
                                                assist us in developing a proposed rule                                                                       between October 2014 and February
                                                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa
                                                for the Clean Vessel Act Grant Program                                                                        2015 in which we asked States and
                                                                                                        E. Van Alstyne, Wildlife and Sport Fish
                                                (CVA). The proposed rule will use plain                                                                       other stakeholders to share their
                                                                                                        Restoration Program, Division of Policy
                                                language to clarify topics that have led                                                                      knowledge and opinions on topics
                                                                                                        and Programs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                to varying interpretations and will                                                                           associated with implementing CVA
                                                                                                        Service, 703–358–1942.
                                                incorporate changes in legislation and                                                                        nationally. Participants informed us on
                                                technology. We seek public input to                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            challenges to implementation and
                                                advise us on topics of interest to the                  Background                                            consistency that have arisen since the
                                                boating community in regard to projects                                                                       program began, changes in focus that
                                                funded through CVA. We ask for                            The Clean Vessel Act of 1992 (Act)                  have evolved as the program has
                                                response from anyone having an interest                 (Pub. L. 102–587, title V, subtitle F)                matured, and successful approaches
                                                in CVA and associated topics, but                       amends the Sport Fish Restoration Act                 they would like to continue. These
                                                particularly from members of the public                 (16 U.S.C. 777c) and establishes a                    discussions prompted us to seek input
                                                having experience, expertise, or both in                program that provides matching grants                 on certain topics from a larger audience.
                                                administering CVA; entities receiving                   to States for projects that address septic
                                                                                                        waste from recreational vessels. Grants               Information Requested
                                                services from CVA-funded facilities;
                                                entities manufacturing, selling, or                     may be used to conduct coastal surveys                   With this advance notice of proposed
                                                installing CVA-funded facilities and                    and establish plans; construct, renovate,             rulemaking (ANPR), the Service is
                                                equipment; or persons possessing other                  operate, and maintain pumpout and                     seeking information, comments, and
                                                professional or practical knowledge of                  other waste reception facilities for                  suggestions that will help us to consider
                                                the subjects we present in this                         recreational vessels; and conduct                     how best to address updating the CVA
                                                document. We present topics of interest,                programs to educate boaters about the                 regulations and Technical Guidelines.
                                                but encourage comments on any topic                     environmental and health issues                       We ask for your help in identifying
                                                relevant to CVA and the proposed                        associated with improperly disposing of               significant issues that interfere with
                                                rulemaking. The terms you or your in                    human waste. Priority consideration                   participation in CVA, administration of
                                                this document refer to those members of                 was established in the Act for projects               CVA, services provided under CVA, or
                                                the public from whom we seek                            that are in coastal States, include                   successful implementation of CVA
                                                response. The terms we, us, and our                     public/private partnerships, and include              projects. We ask for your responses on
                                                refer to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife                     innovative ways to increase project                   successful approaches or foundational
                                                Service.                                                availability and use. The Sportfishing                benefits that you suggest we should
                                                                                                        and Recreational Boating Safety Act of                preserve in future rulemaking. We
                                                DATES:  Submit comments on or before                    2005 (SAFETEA–LU) (Pub. L. 109–59,                    intend to use your input to develop
                                                November 13, 2015.                                      Title X, section 10131) amends the                    updated regulations and guidelines in
                                                ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                     Clean Vessel Act to remove the                        one location at 50 CFR part 85. After
                                                identified by docket number FWS–R9–                     preference for projects in coastal States.            receiving and considering your
                                                WSR–2015–0006, by any of the                              Since inception, the Clean Vessel Act               responses to our requests in this ANPR,
                                                following methods:                                      grant program (CVA) has awarded more                  we will publish a proposed rule in the
                                                  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 than $246 million. The projects funded                Federal Register for public review and
                                                www.regulations.gov. Follow the                         have helped States to build an                        comment. In particular, we encourage
                                                instructions for submitting comments.                   infrastructure that links services within             you to give comments and suggestions
                                                  • U.S. mail: Public Comments                          and between States and raised                         on the issues described in the body of
                                                Processing, Attn: Docket No. FWS–R9–                    awareness of the benefits of properly                 the ANPR. When commenting, please

                                                WSR–2015–0006; U.S. Fish and Wildlife                   disposing of septic waste. As a result,               indicate which of the listed issues your
                                                Service; Division of Policy,                            States have experienced a reduction in                comment addresses and to which
                                                Performance, and Management                             beach and shellfish bed closures,                     question you are responding. If your
                                                Programs; MS: BPHC; 5275 Leesburg                       enhanced boater awareness and                         comments cover issues outside of those
                                                Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–4501.                      satisfaction, and improved water quality              listed, please identify them as Other.
                                                  • Hand Delivery/Courier: U.S. Fish                    in recreational areas.                                   There are several topics where your
                                                and Wildlife Service; Division of Policy,                 In the 1990s, we published in the                   response may reference a State or local
                                                Performance, and Management                             Federal Register three documents                      law, regulation, standard, or other legal

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 177 / Monday, September 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             55079

                                                reference. When your comments include                   facility operators that choose to close for           Issue 2: State Participation in Offering
                                                a legal reference, please specifically cite             the season, winterize their pumpout                   Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
                                                the legal document. We recommend you                    equipment, or both. However, boaters                  Funds for CVA Projects
                                                use citation formats in Association of                  may travel to those areas seeking                        (a) Some States offer CVA O&M, and
                                                Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) Guide to                 pumpout services. What technology,                    some do not. We suggest that offering
                                                Legal Citation or Bluebook: A Uniform                   technique, or approach would address                  O&M greatly benefits CVA by:
                                                System of Citation as your guide. If                    the need to provide pumpout services in                  (1) Increasing the number of pumpout
                                                possible, please give a location where                  cold weather areas?                                   facilities by supporting operators that
                                                we may access the document                                 (2) How important is it for States to
                                                                                                                                                              otherwise might not be able to
                                                electronically.                                         monitor the amount of waste removed
                                                                                                                                                              financially support ongoing service;
                                                                                                        through pumpouts? Should the
                                                Issue 1: Technical information                                                                                   (2) Providing a mechanism to
                                                                                                        guidelines strongly recommend meters
                                                                                                        or other ‘‘add-on’’ equipment to                      reimburse operators when they respond
                                                   (a) The Technical Guidelines
                                                                                                        accomplish this? Should the regulations               to equipment failures, increasing
                                                (Guidelines) issued on March 10, 1994,
                                                                                                        require it? If so, when should the new                pumpout facility availability and
                                                reflect a collaborative effort between the
                                                                                                        requirement be effective?                             functionality; and
                                                Service and various entities that have
                                                                                                           (3) Floating restrooms are eligible for               (3) Helping to extend the useful life of
                                                expertise or interest in boating, clean
                                                                                                        CVA funding. However, with the                        the investment.
                                                water, waste disposal equipment, and
                                                                                                        emphasis of the program on providing                     (b) The Service does not have a
                                                other associated topics. We consulted
                                                                                                        facilities that benefit boaters, the current          comprehensive list of how many and
                                                with the Environmental Protection
                                                                                                        regulations state they cannot be                      which States do not participate in
                                                Agency (EPA), the U.S. Coast Guard
                                                                                                        connected to land or anything else that               offering O&M for pumpout projects, or
                                                (USCG), and the National Oceanic and
                                                                                                        is connected to land, restricting floating            the reasons why these States have
                                                Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
                                                                                                        restrooms to water-only access.                       chosen this approach. We would like to
                                                when developing the guidelines. We
                                                                                                        Therefore, floating restrooms connected               know more about those States that
                                                also asked for advice and input from
                                                                                                        to an attached dock cannot be funded                  participate, and those that do not, in
                                                States, local municipalities, boat users,
                                                                                                        through CVA. (Land-based restrooms are                order to identify if changes in
                                                manufacturers of pumpout equipment,
                                                                                                        currently ineligible.) We have received               regulations or guidelines could improve
                                                marina operators, conservation groups,
                                                                                                        requests to revisit this restriction and              this aspect of CVA. We ask States to
                                                interest organizations, and the public.
                                                                                                        consider the possibility of allowing                  respond telling us:
                                                The resulting document reflects the best
                                                                                                        floating restrooms to be attached to a                   (1) Does your State offer O&M grant
                                                available knowledge at that time and
                                                                                                        dock and to allow piping to run directly              funding to subgrantees and operators?
                                                informs the public on basic principles
                                                                                                        from the floating restroom to a land                     (2) If your State does offer O&M
                                                that were foundational to the grant
                                                                                                        connection for waste disposal. We ask                 funding, describe your program,
                                                program in the beginning stages of
                                                                                                        you to comment on:                                    including:
                                                                                                           (i) Whether we should allow floating                  (i) Any restrictions on the type of
                                                   (b) We are aware that advances have
                                                                                                        restrooms to be connected to land or                  projects that may receive O&M funds;
                                                been made in technology, technique,
                                                                                                        docks. What are the advantages and                       (ii) Any limits on O&M funds;
                                                and approach since we published the
                                                                                                        disadvantages? Should there be                           (iii) How you administer O&M
                                                Guidelines. Through this notice, we ask
                                                                                                        limitations?                                          processing; and
                                                for those same groups and any new user
                                                                                                           (ii) Are you aware of legal issues that               (iv) Any obstacles you currently
                                                and interest groups, technical experts,
                                                                                                        affect floating restrooms, such as State              experience that you suggest we may
                                                and practitioners to advise us on some
                                                                                                        or local regulations, permit restrictions,            alleviate either through regulation or
                                                specific and some general technology
                                                                                                        or building standards? If so, please                  other means.
                                                issues. When responding to a topic,
                                                                                                        discuss the effect and cite the                          (3) If your State does not offer O&M
                                                please address to the extent possible the
                                                                                                        regulation, code, or standard.                        funding, describe the reasons why your
                                                following regarding the technology,
                                                                                                           (iii) There are concerns with                      State has chosen not to offer O&M
                                                technique, or approach:
                                                   (1) For technology, if it is currently               protecting floating restrooms from                    funding. If the reasons include laws or
                                                available or would need to be                           vandalism and other damage. If floating               regulations, please cite as directed
                                                developed;                                              restrooms are allowed to be connected                 under Information Requested. Include
                                                   (2) Cost;                                            to land or docks, the potential for                   in your comments changes you suggest
                                                   (3) Expertise needed;                                vandalism may increase with easier                    we consider that might assist your State
                                                   (4) Supporting infrastructure or other               land-side access. Do you have any                     to begin a CVA O&M program.
                                                technology needed;                                      suggestions for how to address these                  Issue 3: Do any existing or proposed
                                                   (5) Long-term personnel investment;                  concerns?                                             State or local laws affect CVA?
                                                and                                                        (iv) Is it important to maintain the
                                                   (6) Any known obstacles.                             emphasis on floating restrooms serving                   (a) Please cite, as directed under
                                                   (c) We ask that if you have knowledge                only the boating public? If we were to                Information Requested, and discuss any
                                                of such advancements, you discuss                       allow floating restrooms to be connected              State or local laws or regulations that
                                                developments that have been made                        to docks, what approaches would                       either support or impede CVA projects.
                                                since 1994, or are anticipated in the                   restrict use to serve only the boating                When available, include web links to

                                                next few years, that improve, support, or               public?                                               the law or regulation.
                                                otherwise affect CVA. Discuss how you                      (v) What approaches would ensure                      (b) Discuss specifically how the law
                                                suggest we should use this information                  that floating restrooms are designed to               or regulation affects CVA projects. If it
                                                to inform new guidelines.                               limit land-side access and potential                  is a positive effect, tell us if you believe
                                                   (d) We ask your comments on these                    over-use by the non-boating public?                   the Service should consider adopting
                                                specific topics:                                           (vi) Should we participate in efforts to           similar principles. If it is a negative
                                                   (1) States that experience seasonal                  develop standards or best management                  effect, tell us how it restricts your ability
                                                cold weather likely have pumpout                        practices for floating restrooms?                     to complete successful projects. Please

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                                                55080               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 177 / Monday, September 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                suggest any changes in the CVA                            (5) Allow operators to charge a fee                 use? (The rationale is that the higher
                                                regulation that would increase your                     according to the prevailing market rate               fees would help pay for replacement/
                                                ability to complete successful projects                 for the area they serve.                              repairs of the equipment that will have
                                                within the parameters of current or                       (d) We are interested in comments                   a reduced useful life due to the
                                                proposed State and local laws and                       from States, boaters, operators, and                  additional burden on the equipment.)
                                                regulations.                                            interest organizations that address the                  (3) Are there any user groups or vessel
                                                                                                        questions and responses above. When                   types that should be fully excluded from
                                                Issue 4: User Fees                                      responding, please consider:                          consideration for expanding availability
                                                   (a) The current regulations at 50 CFR                  (1) The maximum fee that boaters will               of CVA-funded pumpouts? Why or why
                                                85.44 allow operators of facilities                     accept as reasonable for the service they             not?
                                                constructed, operated, or maintained                    receive;                                                 (4) If we choose to expand eligible
                                                with CVA grant funds to charge users a                    (2) How the fee schedule may                        use, what restrictions, if any, should be
                                                maximum $5 fee, with no justification.                  influence boater usage;                               imposed on non-recreational vessels
                                                If an operator chooses to charge a higher                 (3) How the fee schedule may affect                 using CVA-funded pumpouts?
                                                fee, it must be justified. The proceeds                 water quality;                                        Issue 6: Definition of ‘‘Useful Life’’
                                                must be accounted for and used by the                     (4) If we need to consider State and
                                                                                                        local laws or codes when establishing a                  (a) The term ‘‘useful life’’ as used in
                                                operator to defray the operation and
                                                                                                        fee schedule; and                                     the current CVA regulations was
                                                maintenance costs of the facility as long
                                                                                                          (5) How reduced fees may affect                     intended to relate to the functional
                                                as the facility is needed and serves its
                                                                                                        operators that incur additional costs for:            longevity of the equipment. Using this
                                                intended purpose. The Service was to
                                                                                                          (i) Removing septic waste via a waste               approach, there are multiple
                                                evaluate the maximum fee each year for
                                                                                                        hauler from an on-site holding tank                   considerations that could influence the
                                                inflation and other potential
                                                                                                        where municipal sewer service is not                  useful life of a pumpout project, such as
                                                considerations. The Service has not                                                                           environmental effects (marine vs.
                                                taken this action to date.                              available;
                                                                                                          (ii) Disposing of boater waste via                  freshwater environment, weather),
                                                   (b) During an open forum discussion                                                                        biological effects (quagga mussels),
                                                                                                        municipal sewer connections where the
                                                at the States Organization for Boating                                                                        amount and type of usage, adequate
                                                                                                        municipality charges an additional fee
                                                Access Conference on October 6, 2014,                                                                         maintenance, boater education on
                                                                                                        for boater waste (Ex: hazardous waste
                                                we asked States to comment on the                                                                             proper use, and equipment components
                                                                                                        disposal fee); or
                                                following questions:                                      (iii) Other actions to process or                   that are more vulnerable to wear or
                                                   (1) Should the maximum fee be                        dispose of boater waste.                              failure. In addition, it is likely that more
                                                increased? Decreased?                                                                                         than one of these considerations are
                                                   (2) What are the pros and cons of                    Issue 5: Defining ‘‘Recreational Vessel’’             present at one time, compounding
                                                higher fees?                                            and Access to CVA-Funded Services                     potential impacts. Many States indicate
                                                   (3) What alternatives do you suggest                    (a) We have received many comments                 that they have moved away from
                                                other than a maximum fee (Ex: sliding                   requesting clarity on how to define                   looking at the operational longevity of
                                                scale)?                                                 ‘‘recreational vessel’’ in the context of             the equipment and instead have set a
                                                   (4) Should fees correspond to usage                  CVA and whether we should consider                    contractual requirement for the number
                                                (Ex: gallons pumped, holding tank size)?                allowing CVA-funded facilities to be                  of years the operator must maintain the
                                                   (5) Should the method of service                     available to non-recreational vessels (Ex:            equipment.
                                                influence the fees charged (Ex: self-serve              house boats, commercial vessels). We                     The above information has led us to
                                                vs. pumpout assistance)?                                ask your comments on the following:                   reconsider our regulatory approach for
                                                   (c) We received a range of responses                    (1) How should we define                           how long a pumpout facility must be
                                                that fall into five general categories:                 ‘‘recreational vessel’’ for CVA? Should               maintained and operational for its
                                                                                                        the term include vessels that are not for             intended purpose. We also consider that
                                                   (1) Support no change to the current
                                                                                                        personal use, but that transport the                  a primary goal of CVA is to have
                                                regulations. The $5 maximum fee works
                                                                                                        public to recreational opportunities?                 sufficient available and functional
                                                well, and boaters are used to it.
                                                                                                        (Ex: dive boats, fishing charters)                    pumpout facilities and that they
                                                   (2) Suggest the regulations be changed                  (2) What criteria might we use that                contribute to a network of pumpout
                                                to mandate or encourage free pumpout                    would clearly separate a recreational                 facilities for continued boater access
                                                services. Offering free pumpout services                vessel from a non-recreational vessel?                and use.
                                                increases the number of boaters using                      (b) We have considered that the                       (b) We typically employ useful life
                                                pumpouts, decreases the amount of                       ultimate benefit of CVA is clean                      consideration for capital improvements.
                                                inappropriately disposed boater septic                  recreational waters that benefit all users.           We define a ‘‘capital improvement’’ as:
                                                waste, and reduces the burden for                       We have engaged in discussions that ask               (1) a new structure that costs at least
                                                operators in States that offer CVA O&M                  us to consider allowing CVA-funded                    $25,000 to build; or (2) altering,
                                                funding.                                                pumpouts to be available for use by                   renovating, or repairing an existing
                                                   (3) Suggest the regulations be changed               other than what we define as a                        structure if it increases the structure’s
                                                to allow a sliding scale with a $5                      ‘‘recreational vessel.’’ We ask for                   useful life by 10 years or if it costs at
                                                maximum for boats with smaller                          comments on the following:                            least $25,000. The focus is on structures
                                                holding tanks, increasing fees with the                    (1) Should CVA-funded facilities be                attached to real property.
                                                size of the holding tank. An issue with

                                                                                                        available to serve all vessels, regardless               The cost of a typical land-based
                                                this option is that not all pumpout                     of their designation as recreational or               pumpout facility is below the threshold
                                                equipment is installed with monitoring                  non-recreational? What are the                        for a capital improvement. Mobile or
                                                capability to gauge the number of                       advantages and disadvantages?                         movable pumpout facilities, such as
                                                gallons pumped.                                            (2) If CVA-funded facilities are used              boats and floating restrooms, we
                                                   (4) Address the fee issue by                         to service other than non-recreational                consider personal property and not a
                                                maintaining a similar approach as in the                vessels, should operators be allowed to               capital improvement. We, therefore,
                                                current regulations, but increase the fee.              charge a higher fee for non-recreational              must consider that using useful life to

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 177 / Monday, September 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                 55081

                                                measure obligation for a pumpout                        obligation for maintaining a pumpout                  analyzing the comments received from
                                                facility may not benefit the consistency                facility, for each year that the operator             this ANPR, we will proceed with a
                                                and viability of the CVA program                        receives O&M funding should it extend                 proposed rulemaking.
                                                mission.                                                the obligation an additional year?                      All submissions received must
                                                  We suggest the alternative approach                     (4) What CVA-funded actions would                   include the Service docket number for
                                                of applying in regulation an obligation                 you suggest we identify that, if                      this notice. Before including your
                                                for a minimum number of years that an                   completed, will restart the fixed-year                address, phone number, email address,
                                                operator must maintain an operational                   obligation period? (Ex: replacement,                  or other personal identifying
                                                pumpout for its intended purpose. After                 major renovation, etc.)                               information in your comment, you
                                                this time, an operator may choose to                      (5) We discussed in Issue 5 the                     should be aware that your entire
                                                continue the obligation for another                     possibility of expanding the type of                  comment—including your personal
                                                period under the CVA grant program,                     vessels that could be serviced by CVA-                information—may be made publicly
                                                continue operation outside the CVA                      funded facilities. If we choose the                   available. While you can ask us in your
                                                grant program, or cease operation of the                approach to require a fixed-year                      comment to withhold your personal
                                                pumpout facility.                                       obligation for a CVA-funded facility, the             identifying information from public
                                                  The majority of States responding to                  CVA-funded facility would be obligated                review, we cannot guarantee that we
                                                an inquiry suggested 10 years, but other                to be maintained and functional for the               will be able to do so.
                                                suggestions ranged from 4 to 20 years.                  designated period regardless of use, so                 The Service supports a collaborative
                                                  (c) We ask for your comments on the                   additional wear and tear would be the                 process as we develop the proposed
                                                following:                                              responsibility of the operator to address             rule. After the comment period ends for
                                                  (1) Which approach do you suggest is                  during that period. What advantages,                  the ANPR, we will post information on
                                                the best for the continued success of                   disadvantages, or other effects should                other opportunities to comment prior to
                                                CVA, and why do you prefer it?                          we consider regarding this combined                   the proposed rule, background, and past
                                                  (2) What obligation do you suggest an                 approach?                                             comments received at: http://
                                                operator assume when participating in                                                                         fawiki.fws.gov/display/CR5C8/
                                                CVA, including how long an operator                     Public Participation
                                                must maintain a CVA-funded pumpout                         We seek comments from you in
                                                facility?                                               response to the topics and questions                    Dated: August 31, 2015.
                                                  (3) If a State offers O&M funding for                 above. We also seek any relevant                      Karen Hyun,
                                                existing facilities, should participation               comments on other issues related to this              Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
                                                in O&M extend the obligation to                         proposed rulemaking. We especially                    for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
                                                maintain and operate the facility? For                  seek recommendations for effective and                [FR Doc. 2015–22723 Filed 9–11–15; 8:45 am]
                                                example, if we assume a fixed-year                      efficient approaches to CVA. After                    BILLING CODE 4310–55–P

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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:14:49
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:14:49
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionAdvance notice of proposed rulemaking; notice of intent.
DatesSubmit comments on or before November 13, 2015.
ContactLisa E. Van Alstyne, Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, Division of Policy and Programs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 703-358-1942.
FR Citation80 FR 55078 
RIN Number1018-AW66

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