80_FR_55327 80 FR 55150 - Notice of Availability of Record of Decision for the Jarbidge Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement

80 FR 55150 - Notice of Availability of Record of Decision for the Jarbidge Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement

Bureau of Land Management

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 177 (September 14, 2015)

Page Range55150-55151
FR Document2015-23060

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Approved Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Jarbidge Field Office located in the Twin Falls District (Idaho and Nevada). The Idaho State Director signed the ROD on September 2, 2015, which constitutes the final decision of the BLM and makes the Approved RMP effective immediately.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 177 (Monday, September 14, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 177 (Monday, September 14, 2015)]
[Pages 55150-55151]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-23060]



Bureau of Land Management

[15XL.LLIDT01000.L10200000.DR0000.LXSSD0080000.241A 4500080108]

Notice of Availability of Record of Decision for the Jarbidge 
Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of availability.


SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability 
of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Approved Resource Management 
Plan (RMP) for the Jarbidge Field Office located in the Twin Falls 
District (Idaho and Nevada). The Idaho State Director signed the ROD on 
September 2, 2015, which constitutes the final decision of the BLM and 
makes the Approved RMP effective immediately.

ADDRESSES: Copies of the ROD/Approved RMP are available upon request 
from the Field Manager, Jarbidge Field Office, Bureau of Land 
Management, 2536 Kimberly Road, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 and online at 
http://www.blm.gov/id/st/en/prog/nepa_register/jarbidge-rmp-revision.html. Copies of the ROD/Approved RMP are also available for 
public inspection at 2536 Kimberly Road, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elliot Traher, Jarbidge Field Manager, 
or Heidi Whitlach, Jarbidge RMP Project Manager, telephone 208-736-
2350; address Jarbidge Field Office, 2536 Kimberly Road, Twin Falls, 
Idaho 83301; email blm_id_jarbidgermp@blm.gov. Persons who use a 
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal 
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to contact the above 
individual during normal business hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours 
a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question with the above 
individual. You will receive a reply during normal business hours.

[[Page 55151]]

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Approved RMP was developed with public 
participation through a collaborative planning process in accordance 
with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, 
and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. The 
Approved RMP addresses the management of resources and resource uses on 
about 1,371,000 acres of public land surface; 1,497,000 acres of 
Federal mineral estate; and 1,463,000 acres of livestock grazing 
(including 1,371,000 acres of public land surface and an additional 
92,000 acres on the US Air Force Saylor Creek Training Range) in 
Elmore, Owyhee, and Twin Falls Counties in Idaho and Elko County in 
Nevada. The Approved RMP describes the landscape-level conservation and 
management actions needed to meet desired resource conditions and 
regional mitigation objectives for vegetation, wild horses, livestock 
grazing, recreation, energy development, and Areas of Critical 
Environmental Concern (ACECs).
    In the Draft RMP/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Alternative 
IV-B was selected as the BLM's Preferred Alternative. As a result of 
public comment, internal review, and cooperating agency coordination on 
the Draft RMP/EIS, Alternative IV-B was adjusted to become Alternative 
VI (Proposed RMP) and analyzed in the Proposed RMP/Final EIS. The 
Proposed RMP/Final EIS was published in theFederal Registeron August 
22, 2014 (79 FR 49774).
    The BLM received 8 protest letters during the 30-day protest 
period. The BLM Director denied all protest issues as reported in the 
Director's Protest Resolution Report, which can be reviewed at the 
following Web site:http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/planning/planning_overview/protest_resolution/protestreports.html.
    While the Approved RMP contains some conservation management 
measures for greater sage-grouse habitat, final decisions on how to 
manage habitat within the Jarbidge Field Office will be made in the 
Records of Decision for the Idaho/Southwest (SW) Montana Greater Sage-
Grouse Plan Amendment and the Nevada/Northeast (NE) California Greater 
Sage-Grouse Plan Amendment. The Idaho/SW Montana and Nevada/NE 
California Greater Sage-grouse Plan Amendment EISs will fully analyze 
applicable greater sage-grouse conservation measures, consistent with 
BLM Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-044. The BLM expects to make a 
comprehensive set of decisions for managing greater sage-grouse on 
lands administered by the Jarbidge Field Office in the Records of 
Decision for the Idaho/SW Montana and Nevada/NE California Greater 
Sage-Grouse Plan Amendments.
    During the Governor's consistency review process, the Idaho 
Governor's Office identified discrepancies between the Jarbidge 
Proposed RMP and laws, plans, policies and programs of the State of 
Idaho. The discrepancies mostly concerned greater sage-grouse direction 
and conservation actions in the Proposed RMP and Governor C.L. 
``Butch'' Otter's ``Alternative for Federal Lands for Greater Sage-
grouse Management in Idaho'' and the Idaho Department of Lands Greater 
Sage-grouse Conservation Plan for State Endowment Lands. The issues 
raised by the State of Idaho were responded to by letter from the BLM 
Idaho State Director. The Governor's Office did not appeal the State 
Director's decision to the BLM Director. The Nevada Governor's Office 
did not submit a response to the BLM during the Governor's consistency 
review period.

    Authority:  40 CFR 1506.6.

Timothy M. Murphy,
BLM Idaho State Director.
[FR Doc. 2015-23060 Filed 9-11-15; 8:45 am]

                                              55150                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 177 / Monday, September 14, 2015 / Notices

                                                 • Web site: http://www.blm.gov/wy/                   2.2 million pounds of uranium per year.               you may ask us in your comment to
                                              st/en/info/NEPA/documents/rfo/                          This includes an increase of 0.2 million              withhold your personal identifying
                                              lostcreek.html.                                         pounds of uranium per year from the                   information from public review, we
                                                 • Email: Lost_Crk_Mine_WY@                           facility well fields, plus an increase of             cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                              blm.gov.                                                1 million pounds of uranium per year                  do so.
                                                 • Fax: 307–328–4224.                                 from the toll milling resin or slurry from              Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7.
                                                 • Mail: John Russell, Project Manager,               other off-site facilities. The purpose of
                                              BLM Rawlins Field Office, 1300 North                    the public scoping process is to                      Larry Claypool,
                                              Third Street, P.O. Box 2407, Rawlins,                   determine relevant issues that will                   Acting, State Director.
                                              WY 82301–2407                                           influence the scope of the                            [FR Doc. 2015–23059 Filed 9–11–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 • Documents pertinent to this                        environmental analysis, including                     BILLING CODE 4310–22–P
                                              proposal may be examined at the BLM                     alternatives, and guide the process for
                                              Rawlins Field Office.                                   developing the EIS. At present, the BLM
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John                   has identified the following preliminary              DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                              Russell, Project Manager, telephone                     issues: (1) Potential impacts to range,
                                                                                                      water, recreation, wild horses, and                   Bureau of Land Management
                                              307–328–4224; address Bureau of Land
                                              Management, Rawlins Field Office, 1300                  wildlife resources (e.g., Greater Sage-               [15XL.LLIDT01000.L10200000.DR0000.
                                              N. Third Street, P.O. Box 2407, Rawlins,                Grouse, Wyoming Pocket Gopher); (2)                   LXSSD0080000.241A 4500080108]
                                              Wyoming 82301; email Lost_Crk_Mine_                     the need to identify opportunities to
                                              WY@blm.gov. Contact Mr. Russell to                      apply mitigation hierarchy strategies for             Notice of Availability of Record of
                                              have your name added to our mailing                     on-site, regional, and compensatory                   Decision for the Jarbidge Resource
                                              list. Persons who use a                                 mitigation efforts; and, (3) the need to              Management Plan Final Environmental
                                              telecommunications device for the deaf                  apply landscape-level conservation and                Impact Statement
                                              (TDD) may call the Federal Information                  management actions that are                           AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,
                                              Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339                  appropriate to the size of the project in             Interior.
                                              to contact the above individual during                  order to achieve resource objectives.
                                                                                                                                                            ACTION: Notice of availability.
                                              normal business hours. The FIRS is                         The BLM will use NEPA public
                                              available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,                participation requirements to assist the              SUMMARY:    The Bureau of Land
                                              to leave a message or question with the                 agency in satisfying the public                       Management (BLM) announces the
                                              above individual. You will receive a                    involvement requirements under section                availability of the Record of Decision
                                              reply during normal business hours.                     106 of the National Historic                          (ROD) for the Approved Resource
                                                                                                      Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 U.S.C.                    Management Plan (RMP) for the Jarbidge
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                                                                      470(f)) pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3).               Field Office located in the Twin Falls
                                              applicant, Lost Creek ISR, LLC, (LCI), a                The information about historic and
                                              wholly owned subsidiary of Ur-Energy                                                                          District (Idaho and Nevada). The Idaho
                                                                                                      cultural resources within the area                    State Director signed the ROD on
                                              Inc., has requested to modify their Lost                potentially affected by the proposed
                                              Creek Uranium In-Situ Recovery Project,                                                                       September 2, 2015, which constitutes
                                                                                                      plan amendments will assist the BLM in                the final decision of the BLM and makes
                                              43 CFR 3809 Plan of Operations,                         identifying and evaluating impacts to
                                              approved October 5, 2012. The                                                                                 the Approved RMP effective
                                                                                                      such resources in the context of both                 immediately.
                                              proposed plan amendments (Lost Creek                    NEPA and section 106 of the NHPA.
                                              East, KM Horizon, and secondary                            The BLM will consult with Indian                   ADDRESSES: Copies of the ROD/
                                              objectives received September 29, 2014)                 tribes on a government-to-government                  Approved RMP are available upon
                                              would expand uranium production by                      basis in accordance with Executive                    request from the Field Manager, Jarbidge
                                              in-situ recovery methods and increase                   Order 13175 and other policies. Tribal                Field Office, Bureau of Land
                                              associated milling facilities, located in               concerns, including impacts on Indian                 Management, 2536 Kimberly Road,
                                              T. 25 N., R. 92 W.; and T. 25 N., R. 93                 trust assets and potential impacts to                 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 and online at
                                              W., 6th P.M., Sweetwater County,                        cultural resources, will be given due                 http://www.blm.gov/id/st/en/prog/
                                              Wyoming.                                                consideration. Federal, State, and local              nepa_register/jarbidge-rmp-
                                                 The Lost Creek East amendment                        agencies, along with tribes and other                 revision.html. Copies of the ROD/
                                              would add approximately 5,750 acres to                  stakeholders that may be interested in or             Approved RMP are also available for
                                              the existing Lost Creek Project area of                 affected by the proposed plan                         public inspection at 2536 Kimberly
                                              approximately 4,254 acres for a new                     amendments that the BLM is evaluating,                Road, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301.
                                              total project area of approximately                     are invited to participate in the scoping             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              10,000 acres. LCI’s proposed KM                         process and, if eligible, may request or              Elliot Traher, Jarbidge Field Manager, or
                                              Horizon amendment would allow in-                       be requested by the BLM to participate                Heidi Whitlach, Jarbidge RMP Project
                                              situ mining of uranium from the KM                      in the development of the                             Manager, telephone 208–736–2350;
                                              horizon, and increases the extent of                    environmental analysis as a cooperating               address Jarbidge Field Office, 2536
                                              mining in the existing HJ horizon within                agency.                                               Kimberly Road, Twin Falls, Idaho
                                              the existing project area, approved                        The Nuclear Regulatory Commission                  83301; email blm_id_jarbidgermp@
                                              October 5, 2012. Development of the                     and the State of Wyoming will be                      blm.gov. Persons who use a
                                              proposed amendments would result in                     cooperating agencies for this project.                telecommunications device for the deaf
                                              approximately 650 acres of new surface                  Others are pending. Before including                  (TDD) may call the Federal Information
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              disturbance including 5 new mine units,                 your address, phone number, email                     Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
                                              additional Class 1 deep disposal well                   address, or other personal identifying                to contact the above individual during
                                              pads, roads, pipelines, power lines,                    information in your comment, you                      normal business hours. The FIRS is
                                              header houses, and mud pits. LCI also                   should be aware that your entire                      available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
                                              requested the BLM approve an increase                   comment—including your personal                       to leave a message or question with the
                                              of the overall production rate from 1.0                 identifying information—may be made                   above individual. You will receive a
                                              million pounds of uranium per year to                   publicly available at any time. While                 reply during normal business hours.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:15 Sep 11, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00069   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\14SEN1.SGM   14SEN1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 177 / Monday, September 14, 2015 / Notices                                                  55151

                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The                      administered by the Jarbidge Field                    sale, including minimum bids, royalty
                                              Approved RMP was developed with                         Office in the Records of Decision for the             rates, and rental rates.
                                              public participation through a                          Idaho/SW Montana and Nevada/NE                        DATES: Affected States may comment on
                                              collaborative planning process in                       California Greater Sage-Grouse Plan                   the size, timing, and location of
                                              accordance with the Federal Land                        Amendments.                                           proposed CPA Sale 241 within 60 days
                                              Policy and Management Act of 1976, as                      During the Governor’s consistency                  following their receipt of the Proposed
                                              amended, and the National                               review process, the Idaho Governor’s                  NOS. The Final NOS will be published
                                              Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as                    Office identified discrepancies between               in the Federal Register at least 30 days
                                              amended. The Approved RMP addresses                     the Jarbidge Proposed RMP and laws,                   prior to the date of bid opening. Bid
                                              the management of resources and                         plans, policies and programs of the State             opening currently is scheduled for
                                              resource uses on about 1,371,000 acres                  of Idaho. The discrepancies mostly                    March 23, 2016.
                                              of public land surface; 1,497,000 acres                 concerned greater sage-grouse direction               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                              of Federal mineral estate; and 1,463,000                and conservation actions in the                       Proposed NOS for CPA Sale 241 and a
                                              acres of livestock grazing (including                   Proposed RMP and Governor C.L.                        Proposed NOS Package containing
                                              1,371,000 acres of public land surface                  ‘‘Butch’’ Otter’s ‘‘Alternative for Federal           information essential to potential
                                              and an additional 92,000 acres on the                   Lands for Greater Sage-grouse                         bidders may be obtained from the Public
                                              US Air Force Saylor Creek Training                      Management in Idaho’’ and the Idaho                   Information Unit, Gulf of Mexico
                                              Range) in Elmore, Owyhee, and Twin                      Department of Lands Greater Sage-                     Region, Bureau of Ocean Energy
                                              Falls Counties in Idaho and Elko County                 grouse Conservation Plan for State                    Management, 1201 Elmwood Park
                                              in Nevada. The Approved RMP                             Endowment Lands. The issues raised by                 Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana
                                              describes the landscape-level                           the State of Idaho were responded to by               70123–2394. Telephone: (504) 736–
                                              conservation and management actions                     letter from the BLM Idaho State                       2519. The Proposed NOS and Proposed
                                              needed to meet desired resource                         Director. The Governor’s Office did not               NOS Package also are available on
                                              conditions and regional mitigation                      appeal the State Director’s decision to
                                              objectives for vegetation, wild horses,                                                                       BOEM’s Web site at http://
                                                                                                      the BLM Director. The Nevada                          www.boem.gov/Sale-241/.
                                              livestock grazing, recreation, energy                   Governor’s Office did not submit a                      Agency Contact: David Diamond,
                                              development, and Areas of Critical                      response to the BLM during the
                                              Environmental Concern (ACECs).                                                                                Chief, Leasing Division,
                                                                                                      Governor’s consistency review period.                 David.Diamond@boem.gov.
                                                 In the Draft RMP/Environmental
                                              Impact Statement (EIS), Alternative IV–                   Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6.                             Dated: September 3, 2015.
                                              B was selected as the BLM’s Preferred                   Timothy M. Murphy,                                    Abigail Ross Hopper,
                                              Alternative. As a result of public                      BLM Idaho State Director.                             Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy
                                              comment, internal review, and                           [FR Doc. 2015–23060 Filed 9–11–15; 8:45 am]           Management.
                                              cooperating agency coordination on the                                                                        [FR Doc. 2015–23104 Filed 9–11–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 4310–GG–P
                                              Draft RMP/EIS, Alternative IV–B was                                                                           BILLING CODE 4310– MR–P
                                              adjusted to become Alternative VI
                                              (Proposed RMP) and analyzed in the                      DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                              Proposed RMP/Final EIS. The Proposed                                                                          DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                              RMP/Final EIS was published in                          Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
                                              theFederal Registeron August 22, 2014                                                                         Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
                                              (79 FR 49774).                                          [MMAA 104000]                                         [MMAA 104000]
                                                 The BLM received 8 protest letters
                                              during the 30-day protest period. The                   Notice of Availability of the Proposed                Notice of Availability of the Proposed
                                              BLM Director denied all protest issues                  Notice of Sale for Central Gulf of                    Notice of Sale for Eastern Gulf of
                                              as reported in the Director’s Protest                   Mexico Planning Area Outer                            Mexico Planning Area Outer
                                              Resolution Report, which can be                         Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease                   Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease
                                              reviewed at the following Web                           Sale 241                                              Sale 226
                                              planning/planning_overview/protest_                     AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy                        AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy
                                              resolution/protestreports.html.                         Management (BOEM), Interior.                          Management (BOEM), Interior.
                                                 While the Approved RMP contains                      ACTION: Notice of availability of the                 ACTION: Notice of availability of the
                                              some conservation management                            proposed notice of sale for CPA sale                  proposed notice of sale for EPA sale
                                              measures for greater sage-grouse habitat,               241.                                                  226.
                                              final decisions on how to manage
                                              habitat within the Jarbidge Field Office                SUMMARY:   BOEM announces the                         SUMMARY:   BOEM announces the
                                              will be made in the Records of Decision                 availability of the Proposed Notice of                availability of the Proposed Notice of
                                              for the Idaho/Southwest (SW) Montana                    Sale (NOS) for the proposed Central                   Sale (NOS) for the proposed Eastern
                                              Greater Sage-Grouse Plan Amendment                      Gulf of Mexico Planning Area (CPA)                    Gulf of Mexico Planning Area (EPA)
                                              and the Nevada/Northeast (NE)                           Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and                 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and
                                              California Greater Sage-Grouse Plan                     Gas Lease Sale 241 (CPA Sale 241). This               Gas Lease Sale 226 (EPA Sale 226). This
                                              Amendment. The Idaho/SW Montana                         Notice is published pursuant to 30 CFR                Notice is published pursuant to 30 CFR
                                              and Nevada/NE California Greater Sage-                  556.29(c) as a matter of information to               556.29(c) as a matter of information to
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              grouse Plan Amendment EISs will fully                   the public. With regard to oil and gas                the public. With regard to oil and gas
                                              analyze applicable greater sage-grouse                  leasing on the OCS, the Secretary of the              leasing on the OCS, the Secretary of the
                                              conservation measures, consistent with                  Interior, pursuant to section 19 of the               Interior, pursuant to section 19 of the
                                              BLM Instruction Memorandum No.                          OCS Lands Act, provides affected States               OCS Lands Act, provides affected States
                                              2012–044. The BLM expects to make a                     the opportunity to review the Proposed                the opportunity to review the Proposed
                                              comprehensive set of decisions for                      NOS. The Proposed NOS sets forth the                  NOS. The Proposed NOS sets forth the
                                              managing greater sage-grouse on lands                   proposed terms and conditions of the                  proposed terms and conditions of the

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:15 Sep 11, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00070   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\14SEN1.SGM   14SEN1

Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:14:55
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:14:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability.
ContactElliot Traher, Jarbidge Field Manager, or Heidi Whitlach, Jarbidge RMP Project Manager, telephone 208-736-
FR Citation80 FR 55150 

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