80_FR_55747 80 FR 55568 - Treatment of Certain Transfers of Property to Foreign Corporations

80 FR 55568 - Treatment of Certain Transfers of Property to Foreign Corporations

Internal Revenue Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 179 (September 16, 2015)

Page Range55568-55583
FR Document2015-23279

This document contains proposed regulations relating to certain transfers of property by United States persons to foreign corporations. The proposed regulations affect United States persons that transfer certain property, including foreign goodwill and going concern value, to foreign corporations in nonrecognition transactions described in section 367 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). The proposed regulations also combine portions of the existing regulations under section 367(a) into a single regulation. In addition, in the Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the Federal Register, temporary regulations are being issued under section 482 to clarify the coordination of the transfer pricing rules with other Code provisions. The text of those temporary regulations serves as the text of a portion of these proposed regulations.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 179 (Wednesday, September 16, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 179 (Wednesday, September 16, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 55568-55583]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-23279]



Internal Revenue Service

26 CFR Part 1

RIN 1545-BL87

Treatment of Certain Transfers of Property to Foreign 

AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking; notice of proposed rulemaking by 
cross-reference to temporary regulation.


SUMMARY: This document contains proposed regulations relating to 
certain transfers of property by United States persons to foreign 
corporations. The proposed regulations affect United States persons 
that transfer certain property, including foreign goodwill and going 
concern value, to foreign corporations in nonrecognition transactions 
described in section 367 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). The 
proposed regulations also combine portions of the existing regulations 
under section 367(a) into a single regulation. In addition, in the 
Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the Federal Register, 
temporary regulations are being issued under section 482 to clarify the 
coordination of the transfer pricing rules with other Code provisions. 
The text of those temporary regulations serves as the text of a portion 
of these proposed regulations.

DATES: Written or electronic comments and requests for a public hearing 
must be received by December 15, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Send submissions to: CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG-139483-13), Internal 
Revenue Service, Room 5203, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, 
Washington, DC 20044. Submissions may be hand-delivered Monday through 
Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG-
139483-13), Courier's Desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution 
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20224; or sent electronically via the 
Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov (IRS REG-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Concerning the proposed regulations, 
Ryan A. Bowen, (202) 317-6937; concerning submissions of comments or 
requests for a public hearing, Regina Johnson, (202) 317-6901 (not 
toll-free numbers).


Paperwork Reduction Act

    The collections of information contained in the regulations have 
been submitted for review and approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 
U.S.C. 3507 (d)) under control number 1545-0026.
    The collections of information are in Sec.  1.6038B-1(c)(4) and 
(d)(1). The collections of information are mandatory. The likely 
respondents are domestic corporations. Burdens associated with these 
requirements will

[[Page 55569]]

be reflected in the burden for Form 926. Estimates for completing the 
Form 926 can be located in the form instructions.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
control number.
    Books and records relating to a collection of information must be 
retained as long as their contents might become material in the 
administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and 
tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.


I. Current Law

A. Section 367(a)
    Section 367(a)(1) provides that if, in connection with any exchange 
described in section 332, 351, 354, 356, or 361, a United States person 
(U.S. transferor) transfers property to a foreign corporation (outbound 
transfer), the transferee foreign corporation will not, for purposes of 
determining the extent to which gain shall be recognized on such 
transfer, be considered to be a corporation. As a result, under section 
367(a)(1), the U.S. transferor recognizes any gain (but not loss) on 
the outbound transfer of the property. Section 367(a)(2) provides an 
exception to the application of section 367(a)(1) for certain transfers 
of stock or securities, and section 367(a)(3) provides an exception for 
transfers of certain property used in a trade or business.
    Specifically, section 367(a)(3)(A) provides that, except as 
provided in regulations prescribed by the Secretary, the general rule 
of section 367(a)(1) will not apply to any property transferred to a 
foreign corporation for use by such foreign corporation in the active 
conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States (ATB 
exception). Section 367(a)(3)(B) provides that, except as provided in 
regulations prescribed by the Secretary, certain property is not 
eligible for the ATB exception. The statute describes five categories 
of property that are not eligible for the ATB exception: (i) Property 
described in paragraph (1) or (3) of section 1221(a) (relating to 
inventory and copyrights, etc.); (ii) installment obligations, accounts 
receivable, or similar property; (iii) foreign currency or other 
property denominated in foreign currency; (iv) intangible property 
within the meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B); and (v) property with 
respect to which the U.S. transferor is a lessor at the time of the 
transfer, unless the foreign corporation was the lessee.
    Section 367(a)(3)(C) provides that, except as provided in 
regulations prescribed by the Secretary, the ATB exception will not 
apply to gain realized on an outbound transfer of the assets of a 
foreign branch to the extent that previously deducted losses of the 
branch exceed the taxable income earned by the branch after the losses 
were incurred (branch loss recapture rule). However, any realized gain 
in the property transferred that exceeds the branch losses that must be 
recaptured under this rule may qualify for the ATB exception.
    Section 367(a)(6) provides that section 367(a)(1) will not apply to 
an outbound transfer of any property that the Secretary, in order to 
carry out the purposes of section 367(a), designates by regulation.
    Sections 1.367(a)-2 and 1.367(a)-2T provide general rules for 
determining whether property is transferred for use by a transferee 
foreign corporation in the active conduct of a trade or business 
outside of the United States for purposes of the ATB exception.
    Sections 1.367(a)-4 and 1.367(a)-4T provide special rules for 
determining whether certain property satisfies the ATB exception, 
including rules that apply to (i) property to be leased by the 
transferee foreign corporation, (ii) oil and gas working interests, 
(iii) compulsory transfers of property, and (iv) property to be sold by 
the foreign corporation. Section 1.367(a)-4T also provides special 
rules requiring the recapture of depreciation upon an outbound transfer 
of U.S. depreciated property and exempting outbound transfers of 
property to a FSC (within the meaning of section 922(a)) from the 
application of paragraphs (a) and (d) of section 367.
    Sections 1.367(a)-5 and 1.367(a)-5T address the five categories of 
property ineligible for the ATB exception that are described in section 
367(a)(3)(B) and provide narrow exceptions to certain of those 
categories. Section 1.367(a)-5T(d) (which addresses foreign currency 
and other property denominated in a foreign currency) allows certain 
property denominated in the foreign currency of the country in which 
the foreign corporation is organized to qualify under the ATB exception 
if that property was acquired in the ordinary course of the business of 
the U.S. transferor that will be carried on by the foreign corporation. 
Section 1.367(a)-5T(e) (which addresses intangible property) contains a 
deadwood reference to the application of section 367(a)(1) to a 
transfer of intangible property pursuant to section 332. In this 
regard, see Sec.  1.367(e)-2(a)(2), providing that section 367(a) does 
not apply to a liquidation described in section 332 of a U.S. 
subsidiary into a foreign parent corporation. Section 1.367(a)-5T(e) 
also provides a cross reference to section 367(d) for transfers of 
intangible property described in section 351 or 361.
    Sections 1.367(a)-6 and 1.367(a)-6T provide rules for applying the 
branch loss recapture rule of section 367(a)(3)(C).
B. Section 367(d)
    Section 367(d) provides rules for certain outbound transfers of 
intangible property. Section 367(d)(1) provides that, except as 
provided in regulations, if a U.S. transferor transfers any intangible 
property, within the meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B), to a foreign 
corporation in an exchange described in section 351 or 361, section 
367(d) (and not section 367(a)) applies to such transfer.
    Section 936(h)(3)(B) defines intangible property broadly to mean 
    (i) patent, invention, formula, process, design, pattern, or know-
    (ii) copyright, literary, musical, or artistic composition;
    (iii) trademark, trade name, or brand name;
    (iv) franchise, license, or contract;
    (v) method, program, system, procedure, campaign, survey, study, 
forecast, estimate, customer list, or technical data; or
    (vi) any similar item, which has substantial value independent of 
the services of any individual (section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible 
    Section 367(d)(2)(A) provides that a U.S. transferor that transfers 
intangible property subject to section 367(d) is treated as having sold 
the property in exchange for payments that are contingent upon the 
productivity, use, or disposition of the property. Specifically, the 
U.S. transferor is treated as receiving amounts that reasonably reflect 
the amounts that would have been received annually in the form of such 
payments over the useful life of such property (section 
367(d)(2)(A)(ii)(I)), or in the case of a disposition of the intangible 
property following such transfer (whether direct or indirect), at the 
time of the disposition (section 367(d)(2)(A)(ii)(II)). The amounts 
taken into account under section 367(d)(2)(A)(ii) must be commensurate 
with the income attributable to the intangible. Section 367(d)(2)(A) 
(flush language).

[[Page 55570]]

    Section 1.367(d)-1T(b) generally provides that section 367(d) and 
Sec.  1.367(d)-1T apply to the transfer of any intangible property, but 
not to the transfer of foreign goodwill or going concern value, as 
defined in Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(d)(5)(iii) (foreign goodwill exception). 
Section 1.367(a)-1T(d)(5)(i) generally defines ``intangible property,'' 
for purposes of section 367, as knowledge, rights, documents, and any 
other intangible item within the meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B) that 
constitutes property for purposes of section 332, 351, 354, 355, 356, 
or 361, as applicable. The regulation further provides that a working 
interest in oil and gas property will not be considered to be 
intangible property for purposes of section 367 and the regulations 
    Section 1.367(a)-1T(d)(5)(iii) defines ``foreign goodwill or going 
concern value'' as the residual value of a business operation conducted 
outside of the United States after all other tangible and intangible 
assets have been identified and valued. Section 1.367(a)-1T(d)(5)(iii) 
also provides that, for purposes of section 367 and the regulations 
thereunder, the value of a right to use a corporate name in a foreign 
country is treated as foreign goodwill or going concern value.
    In addition to providing the foreign goodwill exception, Sec.  
1.367(d)-1T(b) also excepts from section 367(d) property that is 
described in Sec.  1.367(a)-5T(b)(2), which, in general, consists of 
copyrights and other items described in section 1221(a)(3). Those 
items, however, are not eligible for the ATB exception by reason of 
Sec.  1.367(a)-5T.
    For purposes of Sec.  1.367(d)-1T, the useful life of intangible 
property is limited to 20 years under Sec.  1.367(d)-1T(c)(3).
C. Legislative History of Section 367(d)
    Congress amended section 367 in 1984 to create objective statutory 
rules because, among other reasons, the IRS was experiencing challenges 
administering the prior version of the statute. The prior version 
provided that certain outbound transfers of property qualified for tax-
free treatment only if the U.S. transferor established that the 
outbound transfer was ``not in pursuance of a plan having as one its 
principal purposes the avoidance of Federal income taxes.''
    In amending section 367, Congress also noted that ``specific and 
unique problems exist'' with respect to outbound transfers of 
intangible property and enacted section 367(d) in substantially its 
present form to address these transfers. S. Rep. No 169, 98th Cong., 2d 
Sess., at 360 (1984); H.R. Rep. No. 432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 1315 
(1984). Congress identified problems as arising when ``transferor U.S. 
companies hope to reduce their U.S. taxable income by deducting 
substantial research and experimentation expenses associated with the 
development of the transferred intangible and, by transferring the 
intangible to a foreign corporation at the point of profitability, to 
ensure deferral of U.S. tax on the profits generated by the 
intangible.'' Id.
    The favorable treatment of foreign goodwill and going concern value 
available under existing law is premised on statements in the 
legislative history of section 367(d). ``The committee contemplates 
that, ordinarily, no gain will be recognized on the transfer of 
goodwill or going concern value for use in an active trade or 
business.'' S. Rep. No. 169, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 364; H.R. Rep. 
No. 432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 1319. The Senate Finance Committee 
and the House Committee on Ways and Means each noted, without 
explanation, that it ``does not anticipate that the transfer of 
goodwill or going concern value developed by a foreign branch to a 
newly organized foreign corporation will result in abuse of the U.S. 
tax system.'' S. Rep. No. 169, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 362; H.R. Rep. 
No. 432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 1317. However, neither section 367 
nor its legislative history defines goodwill or going concern value of 
a foreign branch or discusses how goodwill or going concern value is 
attributed to a foreign branch.
D. Taxpayer Interpretations Regarding Foreign Goodwill and Going 
Concern Value Under Section 367
    In general, taxpayers interpret section 367 and the regulations 
under section 367(a) and (d) in one of two alternative ways when 
claiming favorable treatment for foreign goodwill and going concern 
    Under one interpretation, taxpayers take the position that goodwill 
and going concern value are not section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible 
property and therefore are not subject to section 367(d) because 
section 367(d) applies only to section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible 
property. Under this interpretation, taxpayers assert that the foreign 
goodwill exception has no application. Furthermore, these taxpayers 
assert that gain realized with respect to the outbound transfer of 
goodwill or going concern value is not recognized under the general 
rule of section 367(a)(1) because the goodwill or going concern value 
is eligible for, and satisfies, the ATB exception under section 
    Under a second interpretation, taxpayers take the position that, 
although goodwill and going concern value are section 936(h)(3)(B) 
intangible property, the foreign goodwill exception applies. These 
taxpayers also assert that section 367(a)(1) does not apply to foreign 
goodwill or going concern value, either because of section 367(d)(1)(A) 
(providing that, except as provided in regulations, section 367(d) and 
not section 367(a) applies to section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible property) 
or because of the ATB exception.

II. Reasons for Change

    The Treasury Department and the IRS are aware that, in the context 
of outbound transfers, certain taxpayers attempt to avoid recognizing 
gain or income attributable to high-value intangible property by 
asserting that an inappropriately large share (in many cases, the 
majority) of the value of the property transferred is foreign goodwill 
or going concern value that is eligible for favorable treatment under 
section 367.
    Specifically, the Treasury Department and the IRS are aware that 
some taxpayers value the property transferred in a manner contrary to 
section 482 in order to minimize the value of the property transferred 
that they identify as section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible property for 
which a deemed income inclusion is required under section 367(d) and to 
maximize the value of the property transferred that they identify as 
exempt from current tax. For example, some taxpayers (i) use valuation 
methods that value items of intangible property on an item-by-item 
basis, when valuing the items on an aggregate basis would achieve a 
more reliable result under the arm's length standard of the section 482 
regulations, or (ii) do not properly perform a full factual and 
functional analysis of the business in which the intangible property is 
    The Treasury Department and the IRS also are aware that some 
taxpayers broadly interpret the meaning of foreign goodwill and going 
concern value for purposes of section 367. Specifically, although the 
existing regulations under section 367 define foreign goodwill or going 
concern value by reference to a business operation conducted outside of 
the United States, some taxpayers have asserted that they have 
transferred significant foreign goodwill or going concern value when a 
large share of that value was associated with a business operated 
primarily by employees in the United States, where the business simply 
earned income remotely from

[[Page 55571]]

foreign customers. In addition, some taxpayers take the position that 
value created through customer-facing activities occurring within the 
United States is foreign goodwill or going concern value.
    The Treasury Department and the IRS have concluded that the 
taxpayer positions and interpretations described in this section of the 
preamble raise significant policy concerns and are inconsistent with 
the expectation, expressed in legislative history, that the transfer of 
foreign goodwill or going concern value developed by a foreign branch 
to a foreign corporation was unlikely to result in abuse of the U.S. 
tax system. See S. Rep. No. 169, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 362; H.R. 
Rep. No. 432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 1317. The Treasury Department 
and the IRS considered whether the favorable treatment for foreign 
goodwill and going concern value under current law could be preserved 
while protecting the U.S. tax base through regulations expressly 
prescribing parameters for the portion of the value of a business that 
qualifies for the favorable treatment. For example, regulations could 
require that, to be eligible for the favorable treatment, the value 
must have been created by activities conducted outside of the United 
States through an actual foreign branch that had been in operation for 
a minimum number of years and be attributable to unrelated foreign 
customers. The Treasury Department and the IRS ultimately determined, 
however, that such an approach would be impractical to administer. In 
particular, while the temporary regulations under section 482 that are 
published in the Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the 
Federal Register clarify the proper application of section 482 in 
important respects, there will continue to be challenges in 
administering the transfer pricing rules whenever the transfer of 
different types of intangible property gives rise to significantly 
different tax consequences. Given the amounts at stake, as long as 
foreign goodwill and going concern value are afforded favorable 
treatment, taxpayers will continue to have strong incentives to take 
aggressive transfer pricing positions to inappropriately exploit the 
favorable treatment of foreign goodwill and going concern value, 
however defined, and thereby erode the U.S. tax base.
    For the reasons discussed in this section of the preamble, the 
Treasury Department and the IRS have determined that allowing 
intangible property to be transferred outbound in a tax-free manner is 
inconsistent with the policies of section 367 and sound tax 
administration and therefore will amend the regulations under section 
367 as described in the Explanation of Provisions section of this 

III. Coordination with Section 482

    The temporary regulations under section 482 published in the Rules 
and Regulations section of this issue of the Federal Register clarify 
the coordination of the application of the arm's length standard and 
the best method rule in the regulations under section 482 in 
conjunction with other Code provisions, including section 367, in 
determining the proper tax treatment of controlled transactions. The 
text of the temporary regulations under section 482 also serves as the 
text of a portion of these proposed regulations. The preamble to the 
temporary regulations explains the temporary regulations and the 
corresponding proposed regulations.

Explanation of Provisions

I. Eliminating the Foreign Goodwill Exception and Limiting the Scope of 
the ATB Exception

A. In General
    The proposed regulations eliminate the foreign goodwill exception 
under Sec.  1.367(d)-1T and limit the scope of property that is 
eligible for the ATB exception generally to certain tangible property 
and financial assets. Accordingly, under the proposed regulations, upon 
an outbound transfer of foreign goodwill or going concern value, a U.S. 
transferor will be subject to either current gain recognition under 
section 367(a)(1) or the tax treatment provided under section 367(d).
B. Modifications to Sec.  1.367(d)-1T
    Proposed Sec.  1.367(d)-1(b) provides that section 367(d) and Sec.  
1.367(d)-1 apply to an outbound transfer of intangible property, as 
defined in proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-1(d)(5). Proposed Sec.  1.367(d)-
1(b) does not provide an exception for any intangible property. Rather, 
as described in part II. of the Explanation of Provisions section of 
this preamble, proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-1(d)(5) modifies the definition 
of intangible property that applies for purposes of section 367(a) and 
(d). The modified definition facilitates both the elimination of the 
foreign goodwill exception as well as the addition of a rule under 
which U.S. transferors may apply section 367(d) with respect to certain 
outbound transfers of property that otherwise would be subject to 
section 367(a) under the U.S. transferor's interpretation of section 
936(h)(3)(B). The proposed regulations make certain coordinating 
changes to Sec.  1.367(d)-1T to take into account the elimination of 
the foreign goodwill exception and the revised definition of intangible 
property. The proposed regulations also eliminate the definition of 
foreign goodwill and going concern value under existing Sec.  1.367(a)-
1T(d)(5)(iii) because it is no longer needed.
    In addition, the proposed regulations eliminate the existing rule 
under Sec.  1.367(d)-1T(c)(3) that limits the useful life of intangible 
property to 20 years. When the useful life of the intangible property 
transferred exceeds 20 years, the limitation might result in less than 
all of the income attributable to the property being taken into account 
by the U.S. transferor. Accordingly, proposed Sec.  1.367(d)-1(c)(3) 
provides that the useful life of intangible property is the entire 
period during which the exploitation of the intangible property is 
reasonably anticipated to occur, as of the time of transfer. For this 
purpose, exploitation includes use of the intangible property in 
research and development. Consistent with the guidance for cost sharing 
arrangements in Sec.  1.482-7(g)(2)(ii)(A), if the intangible property 
is reasonably anticipated to contribute to its own further development 
or to developing other intangibles, then the period includes the 
period, reasonably anticipated at the time of the transfer, of 
exploiting (including use in research and development) such further 
development. Consequently, depending on the facts, the cessation of 
exploitation activity after a specific period of time may or may not be 
reasonably anticipated. See, e.g., Sec.  1.482-7(g)(4)(viii), Examples 
1 (cessation anticipated after 15 years) and 7 (cessation not 
anticipated at any determinable date).
C. Modifications Relating to the ATB Exception
    The rules for determining whether property is eligible for the ATB 
exception and whether the property satisfies the ATB exception 
currently are found in numerous regulations, namely Sec. Sec.  
1.367(a)-2, 1.367(a)-2T, 1.367(a)-4, 1.367(a)-4T, 1.367(a)-5, and 
1.367(a)-5T (collectively, the ATB regulations). To make the 
regulations more accessible, the proposed regulations combine the ATB 
regulations, other than the depreciation recapture rule, into a single 
regulation under proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2. The proposed regulations 
retain a coordination rule pursuant to which a transfer of stock or 
securities in an exchange subject to Sec.  1.367(a)-3 is not subject to 
Sec.  1.367(a)-2. See Sec.  1.367(a)-

[[Page 55572]]

2(a)(1). The proposed regulations make conforming changes to the 
depreciation recapture rule, which is moved from Sec.  1.367(a)-4T to 
Sec.  1.367(a)-4, and the branch loss recapture rule, which remains 
under Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-6 and 1.367(a)-6T. Although minor wording 
changes have been made to certain aspects of the ATB regulations as 
part of consolidating them into a single regulation, the proposed 
regulations are not intended to be interpreted as making substantive 
changes to the ATB regulations except as otherwise described in this 
section of the preamble.
    Under existing regulations, all property is eligible for the ATB 
exception, unless the property is specifically excluded. Under this 
structure, taxpayers have an incentive to take the position that 
certain intangible property is not described in section 936(h)(3)(B) 
and therefore not subject to section 367(d) and is instead subject to 
section 367(a) but eligible for the ATB exception because the 
intangible property is not specifically excluded from the ATB 
exception. The Treasury Department and the IRS have concluded that 
providing an exclusive list of property eligible for the ATB exception 
will reduce the incentives for taxpayers to undervalue intangible 
property subject to section 367(d).
    Thus, the proposed regulations provide that only certain types of 
property (as described in the next paragraph) are eligible for the ATB 
exception. However, in order for eligible property to satisfy the ATB 
exception, that property must also be considered transferred for use in 
the active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States. 
Specifically, proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(a)(2) provides the general rule 
that an outbound transfer of property satisfies the ATB exception if 
(i) the property constitutes eligible property, (ii) the property is 
transferred for use by the foreign corporation in the active conduct of 
a trade or business outside of the United States, and (iii) certain 
reporting requirements under section 6038B are satisfied.
    Under proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(b), eligible property is tangible 
property, working interests in oil and gas property, and certain 
financial assets, unless the property is also described in one of four 
categories of ineligible property. Proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c) lists 
four categories of property not eligible for the ATB exception, which, 
in general, are (i) inventory or similar property; (ii) installment 
obligations, accounts receivable, or similar property; (iii) foreign 
currency or certain other property denominated in foreign currency; and 
(iv) certain leased tangible property. These four categories of 
property not eligible for the ATB exception include four of the five 
categories described in existing regulations under Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-
5 and 1.367-5T. The category for intangible property is not retained 
because it is not relevant: Intangible property transferred to a 
foreign corporation pursuant to section 351 or 361 is not eligible 
property under proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(b) without regard to the 
application of proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c).
    The proposed regulations also eliminate the exception in existing 
Sec.  1.367(a)-5T(d)(2) that allows certain property denominated in the 
foreign currency of the country in which the foreign corporation is 
organized to qualify under the ATB exception if that property was 
acquired in the ordinary course of the business of the U.S. transferor 
that will be carried on by the foreign corporation. The Treasury 
Department and the IRS have determined that removing the exception is 
consistent with the general policy of section 367(a)(3)(B)(iii) to 
require gain to be recognized on an outbound transfer of foreign 
currency denominated property. Removing the exception will preserve the 
character, source, and amount of gain attributable to section 988 
transactions that otherwise could be lost or changed if such gain were 
not immediately recognized but instead were reflected only in the U.S. 
transferor's basis in the stock of the foreign corporation.
    The general rules for determining whether eligible property is 
transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business 
outside of the United States are described in proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-
2(d). Also, paragraphs (e) through (h) of proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2 
provide special rules for certain property to be leased after the 
transfer, a working interest in oil and gas property, property that is 
re-transferred by the transferee foreign corporation to another person, 
and certain compulsory transfers of property, respectively. The 
proposed regulations also combine existing Sec.  1.367(a)-2T(c) 
(relating to property that is re-transferred by the foreign 
corporation) and a portion of Sec.  1.367(a)-4T(d) (relating to 
property to be sold by the foreign corporation) into proposed Sec.  
1.367(a)-2(g), because both of these existing provisions relate to 
subsequent transfers of property by the foreign corporation. See 
proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(g)(1) and (2), respectively. Proposed Sec.  
1.367(a)-2(g)(2) does not retain the portion of existing Sec.  
1.367(a)-4T(d) that applies to certain transfers of stock or 
securities. The Treasury Department and the IRS have determined that 
Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-3 and 1.367(a)-8 (generally requiring U.S. 
transferors that own five-percent or more of the stock of the foreign 
corporation to enter into a gain recognition agreement to avoid 
recognizing gain under section 367(a)(1) upon the outbound transfer of 
stock or securities) adequately carry out the policy of section 367(a) 
with respect to the transfer of stock or securities.
    The proposed regulations modify the scope of the term U.S. 
depreciated property for purposes of the depreciation recapture rule to 
include section 126 property (as defined in section 1255(a)(2)).
    The proposed regulations eliminate the special rules for outbound 
transfers of property to a FSC, because the FSC provisions have been 
repealed. Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005, Pub 
L. 109-222, Sec.  513, 120 Stat. 366 (2006); FSC Repeal and 
Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act of 2000, Pub. L. 106-519, Sec.  
2, 114 Stat. 2423 (2000).
    Finally, the proposed regulations make conforming changes to the 
reporting requirements under Sec.  1.6038B-1(c)(4) to take into account 
the proposed regulations under Sec.  1.367(a)-2. The proposed 
regulations retain a rule providing relief for certain failures to 
comply with the reporting requirements of section 6038B and the 
regulations thereunder for qualification under the ATB exception, but 
that rule is moved to proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(j).

II. Treatment of Certain Property as Subject to Section 367(d)

    Taxpayers take different positions as to whether goodwill and going 
concern value are section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible property, as 
discussed in part I.D. of the Background section of this preamble. The 
proposed regulations do not address this issue. However, the proposed 
regulations under Sec.  1.367(a)-1(b)(5) provide that a U.S. transferor 
may apply section 367(d) to a transfer of property, other than certain 
property described below, that otherwise would be subject to section 
367(a) under the U.S. transferor's interpretation of section 
936(h)(3)(B). Under this rule, a U.S. transferor that takes the 
position that goodwill and going concern value are not section 
936(h)(3)(B) intangible property may nonetheless apply section 367(d) 
to goodwill and going concern value. This rule furthers sound tax 
administration by reducing the consequences of uncertainty as to 
whether value is attributable to property subject to section 367(a) or 
property subject to section 367(d). The application of section 367(d) 
in lieu of

[[Page 55573]]

section 367(a) is available only for property that is not eligible 
property, as defined in proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(b) but, for this 
purpose, determined without regard to Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c) (which 
describes four categories of property explicitly excluded from the ATB 
exception). A U.S. transferor must disclose whether it is applying 
section 367(a) or (d) to a transfer of such property. See proposed 
Sec. Sec.  1.6038B-1(c)(4)(vii) and -1(d)(1)(iv).
    To implement this new rule under proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-1(b)(5) 
and the removal of the foreign goodwill exception, the proposed 
regulations revise the definition of ``intangible property'' that 
applies for purposes of sections 367(a) and (d). As revised, the term 
means either property described in section 936(h)(3)(B) or property to 
which a U.S. transferor applies section 367(d) (in lieu of applying 
section 367(a)). However, for this purpose and consistent with existing 
regulations, intangible property does not include property described in 
section 1221(a)(3) (generally relating to certain copyrights) or a 
working interest in oil and gas property.
    The regulations under Sec.  1.367(a)-7 (concerning outbound 
transfers of property subject to section 367(a) in certain asset 
reorganizations) use the term ``section 367(d) property'' to describe 
property that is not subject to section 367(a) and is therefore not 
subject to Sec.  1.367(a)-7. The proposed regulations modify the 
definition of section 367(d) property in Sec.  1.367(a)-7(f)(11) (which 
currently defines section 367(d) property as property described in 
section 936(h)(3)(B)) by reference to the new definition of 
``intangible property'' under the proposed regulations. When the 
Treasury Department and the IRS issue regulations to implement the 
guidance described in Notice 2012-39 (IRB 2012-31) (announcing 
regulations to be issued addressing outbound transfers of intangible 
property subject to section 367(d) in certain asset reorganizations), 
the definition of ``section 367(d) property'' provided in section 
4.05(3) of the notice will be similarly modified.

III. Modifications to Sec.  1.367(a)-1T

    Section 1.482-1T(f)(2)(i) of the temporary regulations published 
elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the 
Federal Register clarify the coordination of the application of the 
arm's length standard and the best method rule in the regulations under 
section 482 in conjunction with other Code provisions, including 
section 367, in determining the proper tax treatment of controlled 
transactions. Proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-1(b)(3) provides that, in cases 
where an outbound transfer of property subject to section 367(a) 
constitutes a controlled transaction, as defined in Sec.  1.482-
1(i)(8), the value of the property transferred is determined in 
accordance with section 482 and the regulations thereunder. This rule 
replaces existing Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(3), which includes three rules.
    First, Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(3)(i) provides that ``the gain required 
to be recognized . . . shall in no event exceed the gain that would 
have been recognized on a taxable sale of those items of property if 
sold individually and without offsetting individual losses against 
individual gains'' (emphasis added). The Treasury Department and the 
IRS are concerned that in controlled transactions, taxpayers might have 
interpreted the wording ``if sold individually'' as inconsistent with 
Sec.  1.482-1T(f)(2)(i)(B) (as clarified in temporary regulations 
published elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations section in this issue 
of the Federal Register), which provides that an aggregate analysis of 
transactions may provide the most reliable measure of an arm's length 
result in certain circumstances.
    Second, Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(3)(ii) provides that no loss may be 
recognized by reason of section 367. That rule duplicates a loss 
disallowance rule in Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(1), which provides that 
section 367(a)(1) denies nonrecognition only to transfers of items of 
property on which gain is realized and that losses do not affect the 
amount of the gain recognized because of section 367(a)(1).
    Third, Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(3)(iii) provides a rule to address a 
scenario in which ordinary income and capital gain could exceed the 
amount described in Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(3)(i). Because these 
regulations replace Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(b)(3)(i), Sec.  1.367(a)-
1T(b)(3)(iii) is no longer necessary.

IV. Proposed Effective/Applicability Dates

    The proposed regulations are proposed to apply to transfers 
occurring on or after September 14, 2015 and to transfers occurring 
before September 14, 2015 resulting from entity classification 
elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are filed on or after 
September 14, 2015. However, the removal of the exception currently 
provided in Sec.  1.367(a)-5T(d)(2) will apply to transfers occurring 
on or after the date that the rules proposed in this section are 
adopted as final regulations in a Treasury decision published in the 
Federal Register and to transfers occurring before that date resulting 
from entity classification elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that 
are filed on or after that date. For proposed dates of applicability, 
see Sec.  1.367(a)-1(g)(5), -2(k), -4(b), -6(k), -7(j)(2), 1.367(d)-
1(j), and 1.6038B-1(g)(7). No inference is intended as to the 
application of the provisions proposed to be amended by these proposed 
regulations under current law. The IRS may, where appropriate, 
challenge transactions under applicable provisions or judicial 

Special Analyses

    Certain IRS regulations, including this one, are exempt from the 
requirements of Executive Order 12866, as supplemented and reaffirmed 
by Executive Order 13563. Therefore, a regulatory impact assessment is 
not required. It has been determined that section 553(b) and (d) of the 
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 5) does not apply to 
these regulations. It is hereby certified that the collection of 
information contained in this regulation will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Accordingly, 
a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required. This certification 
is based on the fact that the proposed regulations under section 367(a) 
and (d) simplify existing regulations, and the regulations under 
section 6038B make relatively minor changes to existing information 
reporting requirements. Moreover, these regulations primarily will 
affect large domestic corporations filing consolidated returns. In 
addition, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) does not 
apply to the regulations under section 482 that are proposed herein, 
and published as temporary regulations in the Rules and Regulations 
section of this issue of the Federal Register, because those 
regulations do not impose a collection of information requirement on 
small entities. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Code, these 
regulations have been submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of 
the Small Business Administration for comment on their impact on small 

Comments and Requests for Public Hearing

    Before these proposed regulations are adopted as final regulations, 
consideration will be given to any comments that are submitted timely 
to the IRS as prescribed in this preamble under the Addresses heading. 
The Treasury Department and the IRS request comments on all aspects of 

[[Page 55574]]

proposed rules. In particular, comments are requested on whether, with 
respect to the proposed elimination of the foreign goodwill exception 
and narrowing of the scope of the ATB exception, a limited exception 
should be provided for certain narrow cases where there is limited 
potential for abuse. One such case, for example, might be a financial 
services business that operates in true branch form and for which there 
is regulatory pressure or compulsion to incorporate the assets of the 
branch in a foreign corporation. Comments should discuss how the IRS 
would administer any such exception. With respect to the ATB exception, 
comments are requested as to whether the definition of ``financial 
asset'' under proposed Sec.  1.367(a)-2(b)(3) should be expanded to 
include other items. With respect to the proposed elimination of the 
20-year limitation on the useful life of intangible property under 
Sec.  1.367(d)-1T(c)(3), comments are requested on ways to simplify the 
administration of inclusions that section 367(d) requires for property 
with a very long useful life. All comments will be available at 
www.regulations.gov or upon request. A public hearing will be scheduled 
if requested in writing by any person that timely submits written 
comments. If a public hearing is scheduled, notice of the date, time, 
and place for the public hearing will be published in the Federal 

Drafting Information

    The principal author of these proposed regulations is Ryan Bowen, 
Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International). However, other 
personnel from the Treasury Department and the IRS participated in 
their development.

List of Subjects in 26 CFR Part 1

    Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Proposed Amendments to the Regulations

    Accordingly, 26 CFR part 1 is proposed to be amended as follows:


Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read in 
part as follows:

    Authority:  26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
    Sections 1.367(a)-1 through 1.367(a)-7 also issued under 26 
U.S.C. 367(a). * * *
    Section 1.367(d)-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 367(d). * * *
    Section 1.482-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 482.
    Section 1.6038B-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6038B. * * *

 Par. 2. Section 1.367(a)-0 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(a)-0  Table of Contents.

    This section lists the paragraphs contained in Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-
1 through 1.367(a)-8.

Sec.  1.367(a)-1 Transfers to foreign corporations subject to 
section 367(a): In general.

    (a) Scope.
    (b) General rules.
    (1) Foreign corporation not considered a corporation for 
purposes of certain transfers.
    (2) Cases in which foreign corporate status is not disregarded.
    (3) Determination of value.
    (b)(4)(i)(A) [Reserved].
    (b)(4)(ii) [Reserved].
    (5) Treatment of certain property as subject to section 367(d).
    (c) [Reserved].
    (d) Definitions.
    (d)(1) through (d)(2) [Reserved].
    (3) Transfer.
    (d)(4) [Reserved].
    (5) Intangible property.
    (6) Operating intangibles.
    (e) Close of taxable year in certain section 368(a)(1)(F) 
    (f) Exchanges under sections 354(a) and 361(a) in certain 
section 368(a)(1)(F) reorganizations.
    (1) Rule
    (2) Rule applies regardless of whether a continuance under 
applicable law.
    (g) Effective date of certain sections.
    (1) In general.
    (g)(2) through (3) [Reserved].
    (5) Effective/applicability dates.

Sec.  1.367(a)-2 Exceptions for transfers of property for use in the 
active conduct of a trade or business.

    (a) Scope and general rule.
    (1) Scope.
    (2) General rule.
    (b) Eligible property.
    (c) Exception for certain property.
    (1) Inventory.
    (2) Installment obligations, etc.
    (3) Foreign currency, etc.
    (4) Certain leased tangible property.
    (d) Active conduct of a trade or business outside the United 
    (1) In general.
    (2) Trade or business.
    (3) Active conduct.
    (4) Outside of the United States.
    (5) Use in the trade or business.
    (6) Active leasing and licensing.
    (e) Special rules for certain property to be leased.
    (1) Leasing business of the foreign corporation.
    (2) De minimis leasing by the foreign corporation.
    (3) Aircraft and vessels leased in foreign commerce.
    (f) Special rules for oil and gas working interests.
    (1) In general.
    (2) Active use of working interest.
    (3) Start-up operations.
    (4) Other applicable rules.
    (g) Property retransferred by the foreign corporation.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) Exception.
    (h) Compulsory transfers of property.
    (i) [Reserved].
    (j) Failure to comply with reporting requirements of section 
    (1) Failure to comply.
    (2) Relief for certain failures to comply that are not willful.
    (k) Effective/applicability dates.
    (1) In general.
    (2) Foreign currency exception.

Sec.  1.367(a)-3 Treatment of transfers of stock or securities to 
foreign corporations.

    (a) In general.
    (1) Overview.
    (2) Exceptions for certain exchanges of stock or securities.
    (3) Cross-references.
    (b) Transfers of stock or securities of foreign corporations.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) Certain transfers subject to sections 367(a) and (b).
    (c) Transfers of stock or securities of domestic corporations.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) Ownership presumption.
    (3) Active trade or business test.
    (4) Special rules.
    (5) Definitions.
    (6) Reporting requirements of U.S. target company.
    (7) Ownership statements.
    (8) Certain transfers in connection with performance of 
    (9) Private letter ruling option.
    (10) Examples.
    (11) Effective date.
    (d) Indirect stock transfers in certain nonrecognition 
    (1) In general.
    (2) Special rules for indirect transfers.
    (3) Examples.
    (e) [Reserved].
    (f) Failure to file statements.
    (1) Failure to file.
    (2) Relief for certain failures to file that are not willful.
    (g) Effective/applicability dates.
    (1) Rules of applicability.
    (2) Election.
    (h) Former 10-year gain recognition agreements.
    (i) [Reserved].
    (j) Transition rules regarding certain transfers of domestic or 
foreign stock or securities after December 16, 1987, and prior to 
July 20, 1998.
    (1) Scope.
    (2) Transfers of domestic or foreign stock or securities: 
Additional substantive rules.
    (k) [Reserved].

Sec.  1.367(a)-4 Special rule applicable to U.S. depreciated 

    (a) Depreciated property used in the United States.
    (1) In general.
    (2) U.S. depreciated property.
    (3) Property used within and without the United States.
    (b) Effective/applicability dates.

Sec.  1.367(a)-5 [Reserved].

[[Page 55575]]

Sec.  1.367(a)-6 Transfer of foreign branch with previously deducted 

    (a) through (b)(1) [Reserved].
    (2) No active conduct exception.
    (c)(1) [Reserved].
    (2) Gain limitation.
    (3) [Reserved].
    (c)(4) through (j) [Reserved].
    (k) Effective/applicability dates.

Sec.  1.367(a)-7 Outbound transfers of property described in section 
361(a) or (b).

    (a) Scope and purpose.
    (b) General rule.
    (1) Nonrecognition exchanges enumerated in section 367(a)(1).
    (2) Nonrecognition exchanges not enumerated in section 
    (c) Elective exception.
    (1) Control.
    (2) Gain recognition.
    (3) Basis adjustments required for control group members.
    (4) Agreement to amend or file a U.S. income tax return.
    (5) Election and reporting requirements.
    (d) Section 361 exchange followed by successive distributions to 
which section 355 applies.
    (e) Other rules.
    (1) Section 367(a) property with respect to which gain is 
    (2) Relief for certain failures to comply that are not willful.
    (3) Anti-abuse rule.
    (4) Certain income inclusions under Sec.  1.367(b)-4.
    (5) Certain gain under Sec.  1.367(a)-6.
    (f) Definitions.
    (g) Examples.
    (h) Applicable cross-references.
    (i) [Reserved].
    (j) Effective/applicability dates.
    (1) In general.
    (2) Section 367(d) property.

Sec.  1.367(a)-8 Gain recognition agreement requirements.

    (a) Scope.
    (b) Definitions and special rules.
    (1) Definitions.
    (2) Special rules.
    (c) Gain recognition agreement.
    (1) Terms of agreement.
    (2) Content of gain recognition agreement.
    (3) Description of transferred stock or securities and other 
    (4) Basis adjustments for gain recognized.
    (5) Terms and conditions of a new gain recognition agreement.
    (6) Cross-reference.
    (d) Filing requirements.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) Special requirements.
    (3) Common parent as agent for U.S. transferor.
    (e) Signatory.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) Signature requirement.
    (f) Extension of period of limitations on assessments of tax.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) New gain recognition agreement.
    (g) Annual certification.
    (h) Use of security.
    (i) [Reserved].
    (j) Triggering events.
    (1) Disposition of transferred stock or securities.
    (2) Disposition of substantially all of the assets of the 
transferred corporation.
    (3) Disposition of certain partnership interests.
    (4) Disposition of stock of the transferee foreign corporation.
    (5) Deconsolidation.
    (6) Consolidation.
    (7) Death of an individual; trust or estate ceases to exist.
    (8) Failure to comply.
    (9) Gain recognition agreement filed in connection with indirect 
stock transfers and certain triangular asset reorganizations.
    (10) Gain recognition agreement filed pursuant to paragraph 
(k)(14) of this section.
    (k) Triggering event exceptions.
    (1) Transfers of stock of the transferee foreign corporation to 
a corporation or partnership.
    (2) Complete liquidation of U.S. transferor under sections 332 
and 337.
    (3) Transfers of transferred stock or securities to a 
corporation or partnership.
    (4) Transfers of substantially all of the assets of the 
transferred corporation.
    (5) Recapitalizations and section 1036 exchanges.
    (6) Certain asset reorganizations.
    (7) Certain triangular reorganizations.
    (8) Complete liquidation of transferred corporation.
    (9) Death of U.S. transferor.
    (10) Deconsolidation.
    (11) Consolidation.
    (12) Intercompany transactions.
    (13) Deemed asset sales pursuant to section 338(g) elections.
    (14) Other dispositions or events.
    (l) [Reserved].
    (m) Receipt of boot in nonrecognition transactions.
    (1) Dispositions of transferred stock or securities.
    (2) Dispositions of assets of transferred corporation.
    (n) Special rules for distributions with respect to stock.
    (1) Certain dividend equivalent redemptions treated as 
    (2) Gain recognized under section 301(c)(3).
    (o) Dispositions or other events that terminate or reduce the 
amount of gain subject to the gain recognition agreement.
    (1) Taxable disposition of stock of the transferee foreign 
    (2) Gain recognized in connection with certain nonrecognition 
    (3) Gain recognized under section 301(c)(3).
    (4) Dispositions of substantially all of the assets of a 
domestic transferred corporation.
    (5) Certain distributions or transfers of transferred stock or 
securities to U.S. persons.
    (6) Dispositions or other event following certain intercompany 
    (7) Expropriations under foreign law.
    (p) Relief for certain failures to file or failures to comply 
that are not willful.
    (1) In general.
    (2) Procedures for establishing that a failure to file or 
failure to comply was not willful.
    (3) Examples.
    (q) Examples.
    (1) Presumed facts and references.
    (2) Examples.
    (r) Effective/applicability date.
    (1) General rule.
    (2) Applicability to transfers occurring before March 13, 2009.
    (3) Applicability to requests for relief submitted before 
November 19, 2014.

 Par. 3. Section 1.367(a)-1 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), 
(b)(1) through (3), (b)(4)(i)(B), (b)(5), (c)(3)(ii), (d) introductory 
text, (d)(5), (d)(6), and (g)(1) and (5) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(a)-1  Transfers to foreign corporations subject to section 
367(a): In general.

    (a) Scope. Section 367(a)(1) provides the general rule concerning 
certain transfers of property by a United States person (referred to at 
times in this section as the ``U.S. person'' or ``U.S. transferor'') to 
a foreign corporation. Paragraph (b) of this section provides general 
rules explaining the effect of section 367(a)(1). Paragraph (c) of this 
section describes transfers of property that are described in section 
367(a)(1). Paragraph (d) of this section provides definitions that 
apply for purposes of sections 367(a) and (d) and the regulations 
thereunder. Paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section provide rules that 
apply to certain reorganizations described in section 368(a)(1)(F). 
Paragraph (g) of this section provides dates of applicability. For 
rules concerning the reporting requirements under section 6038B for 
certain transfers of property to a foreign corporation, see Sec.  
    (b) General rules--(1) Foreign corporation not considered a 
corporation for purposes of certain transfers. If a U.S. person 
transfers property to a foreign corporation in connection with an 
exchange described in section 351, 354, 356, or 361, then, pursuant to 
section 367(a)(1), the foreign corporation will not be considered to be 
a corporation for purposes of determining the extent to which gain is 
recognized on the transfer. Section 367(a)(1) denies nonrecognition 
treatment only to transfers of items of property on which gain is 
realized. Thus, the amount of gain recognized because of section 
367(a)(1) is unaffected by the transfer of items of property on which 
loss is realized (but not recognized).
    (2) Cases in which foreign corporate status is not disregarded. For 
circumstances in which section 367(a)(1) does not apply to a U.S. 
transferor's transfer of property to a foreign corporation, and thus 
the foreign corporation is considered to be a

[[Page 55576]]

corporation, see Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-2, 1.367(a)-3, and 1.367(a)-7.
    (3) Determination of value. In cases in which a U.S. transferor's 
transfer of property to a foreign corporation constitutes a controlled 
transaction as defined in Sec.  1.482-1(i)(8), the value of the 
property transferred is determined in accordance with section 482 and 
the regulations thereunder.
    (4)(i)(A) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(a)-
    (B) Appropriate adjustments to earnings and profits, basis, and 
other affected items will be made according to otherwise applicable 
rules, taking into account the gain recognized under section 367(a)(1). 
For purposes of applying section 362, the foreign corporation's basis 
in the property received is increased by the amount of gain recognized 
by the U.S. transferor under section 367(a) and the regulations issued 
pursuant to that section. To the extent the regulations provide that 
the U.S. transferor recognizes gain with respect to a particular item 
of property, the foreign corporation increases its basis in that item 
of property by the amount of such gain recognized. For example, 
Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-2, 1.367(a)-3, and 1.367(a)-4, provide that gain is 
recognized with respect to particular items of property. To the extent 
the regulations do not provide that gain recognized by the U.S. 
transferor is with respect to a particular item of property, such gain 
is treated as recognized with respect to items of property subject to 
section 367(a) in proportion to the U.S. transferor's gain realized in 
such property, after taking into account gain recognized with respect 
to particular items of property transferred under any other provision 
of section 367(a). For example, Sec.  1.367(a)-6 provides that branch 
losses must be recaptured by the recognition of gain realized on the 
transfer but does not associate the gain with particular items of 
property. See also Sec.  1.367(a)-1(c)(3) for rules concerning 
transfers by partnerships or of partnership interests.
* * * * *
    (b)(4)(ii) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(a)-
    (5) Treatment of certain property as subject to section 367(d). A 
U.S. transferor may apply section 367(d) and Sec.  1.367(d)-1, rather 
than section 367(a) and the regulations thereunder, to a transfer of 
property to a foreign corporation that otherwise would be subject to 
section 367(a), provided that the property is not eligible property, as 
defined in Sec.  1.367(a)-2(b) but determined without regard to Sec.  
1.367(a)-2(c). A U.S. transferor and any other U.S. transferor that is 
related (within the meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b)(1)) to the U.S. 
transferor must consistently apply this paragraph (b)(5) to all 
property described in this paragraph (b)(5) that is transferred to one 
or more foreign corporations pursuant to a plan. A U.S. transferor 
applies the provisions of this paragraph (b)(5) in the form and manner 
set forth in Sec.  1.6038B-1(d)(1)(iv) and (v).
    (c)(1) through (3)(i) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.367(a)-1T(c)(1) through (3)(i).
    (c)(3)(ii) Transfer of partnership interest treated as transfer of 
proportionate share of assets--(A) In general. If a U.S. person 
transfers an interest as a partner in a partnership (whether foreign or 
domestic) in an exchange described in section 367(a)(1), then that 
person is treated as having transferred a proportionate share of the 
property of the partnership in an exchange described in section 
367(a)(1). Accordingly, the applicability of the exception to section 
367(a)(1) provided in Sec.  1.367(a)-2 is determined with reference to 
the property of the partnership rather than the partnership interest 
itself. A U.S. person's proportionate share of partnership property is 
determined under the rules and principles of sections 701 through 761 
and the regulations thereunder.
    (c)(3)(ii)(B) through (7) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see 
Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(c)(3)(ii)(B) through (7).
* * * * *
    (d) Definitions. The following definitions apply for purposes of 
sections 367(a) and (d) and the regulations thereunder.
    (1) and (2) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(a)-
1T(d)(1) and (2).
* * * * *
    (4) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(a)-1T(d)(4).
    (5) Intangible property. The term ``intangible property'' means 
either property described in section 936(h)(3)(B) or property to which 
a U.S. person applies section 367(d) pursuant to paragraph (b)(5) of 
this section, but does not include property described in section 
1221(a)(3) or a working interest in oil and gas property.
    (6) Operating intangibles. An operating intangible is any property 
described in section 936(h)(3)(B) of a type not ordinarily licensed or 
otherwise transferred in transactions between unrelated parties for 
consideration contingent upon the licensee's or transferee's use of the 
property. Examples of operating intangibles may include long-term 
purchase or supply contracts, surveys, studies, and customer lists.
* * * * *
    (g) Effective date of certain sections--(1) In general. Except as 
specifically provided to the contrary elsewhere in these sections, 
Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-1T and 1.367(a)-6T apply to transfers occurring 
after December 31, 1984.
    (2) and (3) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(a)-
1T(g)(2) and (3).
* * * * *
    (5) Effective/applicability dates. Paragraphs (a), (b)(1), (b)(2), 
(b)(3), (b)(5), (d) introductory text, (d)(5), and (d)(6) of this 
section apply to transfers occurring on or after September 14, 2015, 
and to transfers occurring before September 14, 2015, resulting from 
entity classification elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are 
filed on or after September 14, 2015. For transfers occurring before 
this section is applicable, see Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-1 and 1.367(a)-1T 
as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.
Par. 4. Section 1.367(a)-2 is amended by:
1. Revising paragraphs (a) through (d).
2. Redesignating paragraph (e)(1) as paragraph (d)(6) and revising, and 
removing paragraph (e)(2).
3. Redesignating paragraph (f) as paragraph (j), and revising newly 
redesignated paragraphs (j)(1), (j)(2)(i), the first sentence of 
paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(B), and (j)(3) and (4).
4. Adding paragraphs (e) through (i) and (k).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(a)-2  Exceptions for transfers of property for use in the 
active conduct of a trade or business.

    (a) Scope and general rule--(1) Scope. Paragraph (a)(2) of this 
section provides the general exception to section 367(a)(1) for certain 
property transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or 
business. Paragraph (b) of this section describes property that is 
eligible for the exception provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
section. Paragraph (c) of this section describes property that is not 
eligible for the exception provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
section. Paragraph (d) of this section provides general rules, and 
paragraphs (e) through (h) of this section provide special rules, for 
determining whether property is used in the active conduct of a trade 
or business outside of the United States. Paragraph (i) of this section 
is reserved. Paragraph (j) of this section provides relief for certain 
failures to comply with the reporting requirements under paragraph 

[[Page 55577]]

of this section that are not willful. Paragraph (k) of this section 
provides dates of applicability. The rules of this section do not apply 
to a transfer of stock or securities in an exchange subject to Sec.  
    (2) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in Sec. Sec.  
1.367(a)-4, 1.367(a)-6, and 1.367(a)-7, section 367(a)(1) does not 
apply to property transferred by a United States person (U.S. 
transferor) to a foreign corporation if--
    (i) The property constitutes eligible property;
    (ii) The property is transferred for use by the foreign corporation 
in the active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United 
States, as determined under paragraph (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) of 
this section, as applicable; and
    (iii) The U.S. transferor complies with the reporting requirements 
of section 6038B and the regulations thereunder.
    (b) Eligible property. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this 
section, eligible property means--
    (1) Tangible property;
    (2) A working interest in oil and gas property; and
    (3) A financial asset. For purposes of this section, a financial 
asset is--
    (i) a cash equivalent;
    (ii) a security within the meaning of section 475(c)(2), without 
regard to the last sentence of section 475(c)(2) (referencing section 
1256) and without regard to section 475(c)(4), but excluding an 
interest in a partnership;
    (iii) a commodities position described in section 475(e)(2)(B), 
475(e)(2)(C), or 475(e)(2)(D); and
    (iv) a notional principal contract described in Sec.  1.446-
    (c) Exception for certain property. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) 
of this section, property described in paragraph (c)(1), (2), (3), or 
(4) of this section does not constitute eligible property.
    (1) Inventory. Stock in trade of the taxpayer or other property of 
a kind which would properly be included in the inventory of the 
taxpayer if on hand at the close of the taxable year, or property held 
by the taxpayer primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course 
of its trade or business (including raw materials and supplies, 
partially completed goods, and finished products).
    (2) Installment obligations, etc. Installment obligations, accounts 
receivable, or similar property, but only to the extent that the 
principal amount of any such obligation has not previously been 
included by the taxpayer in its taxable income.
    (3) Foreign currency, etc.--(i) In general. Foreign currency or 
other property denominated in foreign currency, including installment 
obligations, futures contracts, forward contracts, accounts receivable, 
or any other obligation entitling its payee to receive payment in a 
currency other than U.S. dollars.
    (ii) Limitation of gain required to be recognized. If section 
367(a)(1) applies to a transfer of property described in paragraph 
(c)(3)(i) of this section, then the gain required to be recognized is 
limited to the gain realized as part of the same transaction upon the 
transfer of property described in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, 
less any loss realized as part of the same transaction upon the 
transfer of property described in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section. 
This limitation applies in lieu of the rule in Sec.  1.367(a)-1(b)(1). 
No loss is recognized with respect to property described in this 
paragraph (c)(3).
    (4) Certain leased tangible property. Tangible property with 
respect to which the transferor is a lessor at the time of the 
transfer, unless either the foreign corporation is the lessee at the 
time of the transfer or the foreign corporation will lease the property 
to third persons.
    (d) Active conduct of a trade or business outside the United 
States--(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (e), (f), (g), 
and (h) of this section, to determine whether property is transferred 
for use by the foreign corporation in the active conduct of a trade or 
business outside of the United States, four factual determinations must 
be made:
    (i) What is the trade or business of the foreign corporation (see 
paragraph (d)(2) of this section);
    (ii) Do the activities of the foreign corporation constitute the 
active conduct of that trade or business (see paragraph (d)(3) of this 
    (iii) Is the trade or business conducted outside of the United 
States (see paragraph (d)(4) of this section); and
    (iv) Is the transferred property used or held for use in the trade 
or business (see paragraph (d)(5) of this section)?
    (2) Trade or business. Whether the activities of the foreign 
corporation constitute a trade or business is determined based on all 
the facts and circumstances. In general, a trade or business is a 
specific unified group of activities that constitute (or could 
constitute) an independent economic enterprise carried on for profit. 
For example, the activities of a foreign selling subsidiary could 
constitute a trade or business if they could be independently carried 
on for profit, even though the subsidiary acts exclusively on behalf 
of, and has operations fully integrated with, its parent corporation. 
To constitute a trade or business, a group of activities must 
ordinarily include every operation which forms a part of, or a step in, 
a process by which an enterprise may earn income or profit. In this 
regard, one or more of such activities may be carried on by independent 
contractors under the direct control of the foreign corporation. 
(However, see paragraph (d)(3) of this section.) The group of 
activities must ordinarily include the collection of income and the 
payment of expenses. If the activities of the foreign corporation do 
not constitute a trade or business, then the exception provided by this 
section does not apply, regardless of the level of activities carried 
on by the corporation. The following activities are not considered to 
constitute by themselves a trade or business for purposes of this 
    (i) Any activity giving rise to expenses that would be deductible 
only under section 212 if the activities were carried on by an 
individual; or
    (ii) The holding for one's own account of investments in stock, 
securities, land, or other property, including casual sales thereof.
    (3) Active conduct. Whether a trade or business is actively 
conducted by the foreign corporation is determined based on all the 
facts and circumstances. In general, a corporation actively conducts a 
trade or business only if the officers and employees of the corporation 
carry out substantial managerial and operational activities. A 
corporation may be engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business 
even though incidental activities of the trade or business are carried 
out on behalf of the corporation by independent contractors. In 
determining whether the officers and employees of the corporation carry 
out substantial managerial and operational activities, however, the 
activities of independent contractors are disregarded. On the other 
hand, the officers and employees of the corporation are considered to 
include the officers and employees of related entities who are made 
available to and supervised on a day-to-day basis by, and whose 
salaries are paid by (or reimbursed to the lending related entity by), 
the foreign corporation. See paragraph (d)(6) of this section for the 
standard that applies to determine whether a trade or business that 
produces rents or royalties is actively conducted. The rule of this 
paragraph (d)(3) is illustrated by the following example.

    Example. X, a domestic corporation, and Y, a foreign corporation 
not related to X, transfer property to Z, a newly formed foreign 
corporation organized for the purpose of combining the research 
activities of X and Y.

[[Page 55578]]

Z contracts all of its operational and research activities to Y for 
an arm's-length fee. Z's activities do not constitute the active 
conduct of a trade or business.

    (4) Outside of the United States. Whether the foreign corporation 
conducts a trade or business outside of the United States is determined 
based on all the facts and circumstances. Generally, the primary 
managerial and operational activities of the trade or business must be 
conducted outside the United States and immediately after the transfer 
the transferred assets must be located outside the United States. Thus, 
the exception provided by this section would not apply to the transfer 
of the assets of a domestic business to a foreign corporation if the 
domestic business continued to operate in the United States after the 
transfer. In such a case, the primary operational activities of the 
business would continue to be conducted in the United States. Moreover, 
the transferred assets would be located in the United States. However, 
it is not necessary that every item of property transferred be used 
outside of the United States. As long as the primary managerial and 
operational activities of the trade or business are conducted outside 
of the United States and substantially all of the transferred assets 
are located outside the United States, incidental items of transferred 
property located in the United States may be considered to have been 
transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business 
outside of the United States.
    (5) Use in the trade or business. Whether property is used or held 
for use by the foreign corporation in a trade or business is determined 
based on all the facts and circumstances. In general, property is used 
or held for use in the foreign corporation's trade or business if it 
    (i) Held for the principal purpose of promoting the present conduct 
of the trade or business;
    (ii) Acquired and held in the ordinary course of the trade or 
business; or
    (iii) Otherwise held in a direct relationship to the trade or 
business. Property is considered held in a direct relationship to a 
trade or business if it is held to meet the present needs of that trade 
or business and not its anticipated future needs. Thus, property will 
not be considered to be held in a direct relationship to a trade or 
business if it is held for the purpose of providing for future 
diversification into a new trade or business, future expansion of trade 
or business activities, future plant replacement, or future business 
    (6) Active leasing and licensing. For purposes of paragraph (d)(3) 
of this section, whether a trade or business that produces rents or 
royalties is actively conducted is determined under the principles of 
section 954(c)(2)(A) and the regulations thereunder, but without regard 
to whether the rents or royalties are received from an unrelated party. 
See Sec. Sec.  1.954-2(c) and (d).
    (e) Special rules for certain property to be leased--(1) Leasing 
business of the foreign corporation. Except as otherwise provided in 
this paragraph (e), tangible property that will be leased to another 
person by the foreign corporation will be considered to be transferred 
for use by the foreign corporation in an active trade or business 
outside the United States only if--
    (i) The foreign corporation's leasing of the property constitutes 
the active conduct of a leasing business, as determined under paragraph 
(d)(6) of this section;
    (ii) The lessee of the property is not expected to, and does not, 
use the property in the United States; and
    (iii) The foreign corporation has a need for substantial investment 
in assets of the type transferred.
    (2) De minimis leasing by the foreign corporation. Tangible 
property that will be leased to another person by the foreign 
corporation but that does not satisfy the conditions of paragraph 
(e)(1) of this section will, nevertheless, be considered to be 
transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business if 
    (i) The property transferred will be used by the foreign 
corporation in the active conduct of a trade or business but will be 
leased during occasional brief periods when the property would 
otherwise be idle, such as an airplane leased during periods of excess 
capacity; or
    (ii) The property transferred is real property located outside the 
United States and--
    (A) The property will be used primarily in the active conduct of a 
trade or business of the foreign corporation; and
    (B) Not more than ten percent of the square footage of the property 
will be leased to others.
    (3) Aircraft and vessels leased in foreign commerce. For purposes 
of satisfying paragraph (e)(1) of this section, an aircraft or vessel, 
including component parts such as an engine leased separately from the 
aircraft or vessel, that will be leased to another person by the 
foreign corporation will be considered to be transferred for use in the 
active conduct of a trade or business if--
    (i) The employees of the foreign corporation perform substantial 
managerial and operational activities of leasing aircraft or vessels 
outside the United States; and
    (ii) The leased property is predominantly used outside the United 
States, as determined under Sec.  1.954-2(c)(2)(v).
    (f) Special rules for oil and gas working interests--(1) In 
general. A working interest in oil and gas property will be considered 
to be transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business 
    (i) The transfer satisfies the conditions of paragraph (f)(2) or 
(f)(3) of this section;
    (ii) At the time of the transfer, the foreign corporation has no 
intention to farm out or otherwise transfer any part of the transferred 
working interest; and
    (iii) During the first three years after the transfer there are no 
farmouts or other transfers of any part of the transferred working 
interest as a result of which the foreign corporation retains less than 
a 50-percent share of the transferred working interest.
    (2) Active use of working interest. A working interest in oil and 
gas property that satisfies the conditions in paragraphs (f)(1)(ii) and 
(iii) of this section will be considered to be transferred for use in 
the active conduct of a trade or business if--
    (i) The U.S. transferor is regularly and substantially engaged in 
exploration for and extraction of minerals, either directly or through 
working interests in joint ventures, other than by reason of the 
property that is transferred;
    (ii) The terms of the working interest transferred were actively 
negotiated among the joint venturers;
    (iii) The working interest transferred constitutes at least a five 
percent working interest;
    (iv) Before and at the time of the transfer, through its own 
employees or officers, the U.S. transferor was regularly and actively 
engaged in--
    (A) Operating the working interest, or
    (B) Analyzing technical data relating to the activities of the 
    (v) Before and at the time of the transfer, through its own 
employees or officers, the U.S. transferor was regularly and actively 
involved in decision making with respect to the operations of the 
venture, including decisions relating to exploration, development, 
production, and marketing; and
    (vi) After the transfer, the foreign corporation will for the 
foreseeable future satisfy the requirements of subparagraphs (iv) and 
(v) of this paragraph (f)(2).

[[Page 55579]]

    (3) Start-up operations. A working interest in oil and gas property 
that satisfies the conditions in paragraphs (f)(1)(ii) and (iii) of 
this section but that does not satisfy all the requirements of 
paragraph (f)(2) of this section will, nevertheless, be considered to 
be transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business 
    (i) The working interest was acquired by the U.S. transferor 
immediately before the transfer and for the specific purpose of 
transferring it to the foreign corporation;
    (ii) The requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this 
section are satisfied; and
    (iii) The foreign corporation will for the foreseeable future 
satisfy the requirements of paragraph (f)(2)(iv) and (v) of this 
    (4) Other applicable rules. A working interest in oil and gas 
property that is not described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section may 
nonetheless qualify for the exception to section 367(a)(1) contained in 
this section depending upon the facts and circumstances.
    (g) Property retransferred by the foreign corporation--(1) General 
rule. Property will not be considered to be transferred for use in the 
active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States if--
    (i) At the time of the transfer, it is reasonable to believe that, 
in the reasonably foreseeable future, the foreign corporation will sell 
or otherwise dispose of any material portion of the property other than 
in the ordinary course of business; or
    (ii) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this section, the 
foreign corporation receives the property in an exchange described in 
section 367(a)(1), and, as part of the same transaction, transfers the 
property to another person. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a 
subsequent transfer within six months of the initial transfer will be 
considered to be part of the same transaction, and a subsequent 
transfer more than six months after the initial transfer may be 
considered to be part of the same transaction under step-transaction 
    (2) Exception. Notwithstanding paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this 
section, property will be considered to be transferred for use in the 
active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States if--
    (i) The initial transfer to the foreign corporation is followed by 
one or more subsequent transfers described in section 351 or 721; and
    (ii) Each subsequent transferee is either a partnership in which 
the preceding transferor is a general partner or a corporation in which 
the preceding transferor owns common stock; and
    (iii) The ultimate transferee is considered to use the property in 
the active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States, 
as determined by applying paragraph (d), (e), or (f) of this section, 
as applicable, with respect to the ultimate transferee rather than the 
foreign corporation.
    (h) Compulsory transfers of property. Property is presumed to be 
transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business 
outside of the United States, if--
    (1) The property was previously in use in the country in which the 
foreign corporation is organized; and
    (2) The transfer is either:
    (i) Legally required by the foreign government as a necessary 
condition of doing business; or
    (ii) Compelled by a genuine threat of immediate expropriation by 
the foreign government.
    (i) [Reserved].
    (j) Failure to comply with reporting requirements of section 
6038B--(1) Failure to comply. For purposes of the exception to the 
application of section 367(a)(1) provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
section, a failure to comply with the reporting requirements of section 
6038B and the regulations thereunder (failure to comply) has the 
meaning set forth in Sec.  1.6038B-1(f)(2).
    (2) Relief for certain failures to comply that are not willful--(i) 
In general. A failure to comply described in paragraph (j)(1) of this 
section will be deemed not to have occurred for purposes of satisfying 
the requirements of this section if the taxpayer demonstrates that the 
failure was not willful using the procedure set forth in this paragraph 
(j)(2). For this purpose, willful is to be interpreted consistent with 
the meaning of that term in the context of other civil penalties, which 
would include a failure due to gross negligence, reckless disregard, or 
willful neglect. Whether a failure to comply was a willful failure will 
be determined by the Director of Field Operations International, Large 
Business & International (or any successor to the roles and 
responsibilities of such position, as appropriate) (Director) based on 
all the facts and circumstances. The taxpayer must submit a request for 
relief and an explanation as provided in paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(A) of 
this section. Although a taxpayer whose failure to comply is determined 
not to be willful will not be subject to gain recognition under this 
section, the taxpayer will be subject to a penalty under section 6038B 
if the taxpayer fails to demonstrate that the failure was due to 
reasonable cause and not willful neglect. See Sec.  1.6038B-1(b)(1) and 
(f). The determination of whether the failure to comply was willful 
under this section has no effect on any request for relief made under 
Sec.  1.6038B 1(f).
    (ii) * * *
    (B) Notice requirement. In addition to the requirements of 
paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, the taxpayer must comply with 
the notice requirements of this paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(B). * * *
    (3) For illustrations of the application of the willfulness 
standard of this paragraph (j), see the examples in Sec.  1.367(a)-
    (4) Paragraph (j) applies to requests for relief submitted on or 
after November 19, 2014.
    (k) Effective/applicability dates--(1) In general. Except as 
provided in paragraph (k)(2) of this section, the rules of this section 
apply to transfers occurring on or after September 14, 2015, and to 
transfers occurring before September 14, 2015, resulting from entity 
classification elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are filed on 
or after September 14, 2015. For transfers occurring before this 
section is applicable, see Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-2, -2T, -4, -4T, -5, and 
-5T as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.
    (2) Foreign currency exception. Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(3)(i) 
of this section, Sec.  1.367(a)-5T(d)(2) as contained in 26 CFR part 1 
revised as of April 1, 2015, applies to transfers of property 
denominated in a foreign currency occurring before the date that the 
rules proposed in this section are adopted as final regulations in a 
Treasury decision published in the Federal Register, other than 
transfers occurring before that date resulting from entity 
classification elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are filed on 
or after that date.

Sec.  1.367(a)-3  [Amended]

Par. 5. For each section listed in following the table, remove the 
language in the ``Remove'' column and add in its place the language in 
the ``Add'' column.

[[Page 55580]]

           Section                   Remove                  Add
Sec.   1.367(a)-3(a)(3),      Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 first sentence.               1T(c).                1(c).
Sec.   1.367(a)-3(c)(4)(i),   Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 last sentence.                1T(c)(3).             1(c)(3).
Sec.   1.367(a)-3(c)(4)(iv),  Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 first sentence.               1T(d)(1).             1(d)(1).
Sec.   1.367(a)-              Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 3(c)(3)(i)(A).                2T(b)(2) and (3).     2(d)(2), (3), and
Sec.   1.367(a)-              Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 3(c)(3)(ii)(B), last          2T(b)(2) and (3).     2(d)(2) and (3).
Sec.   1.367(a)-3(d)(3)       Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 Example 7A(ii), penultimate   2T(a)(2).             2(a)(2)(iii).
Sec.   1.367(a)-3(d)(3)       Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 Example 13(i), penultimate    2T(c)(2).             2(g)(2).

Par. 6. Section 1.367(a)-4 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(a)-4  Special rule applicable to U.S. depreciated property.

    (a) Depreciated property used in the United States--(1) In general. 
A U.S. person that transfers U.S. depreciated property (as defined in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section) to a foreign corporation in an 
exchange described in section 367(a)(1), must include in its gross 
income for the taxable year in which the transfer occurs ordinary 
income equal to the gain realized that would have been includible in 
the transferor's gross income as ordinary income under section 
617(d)(1), 1245(a), 1250(a), 1252(a), 1254(a), or 1255(a), whichever is 
applicable, if at the time of the transfer the U.S. person had sold the 
property at its fair market value. Recapture of depreciation under this 
paragraph (a) is required regardless of whether the exception to 
section 367(a)(1) provided by Sec.  1.367(a)-2(a)(2) applies to the 
transfer of the U.S. depreciated property. However, the transfer of the 
U.S. depreciated property may qualify for the exception with respect to 
realized gain that is not included in ordinary income pursuant to this 
paragraph (a).
    (2) U.S. depreciated property. U.S. depreciated property subject to 
the rules of this paragraph (a) is any property that--
    (i) Is either mining property (as defined in section 617(f)(2)), 
section 1245 property (as defined in section 1245(a)(3)), section 1250 
property (as defined in section 1250(c)), farm land (as defined in 
section 1252(a)(2)), section 1254 property (as defined in section 
1254(a)(3)), or section 126 property (as defined in section 
1255(a)(2)); and
    (ii) Has been used in the United States or has been described in 
section 168(g)(4) before its transfer.
    (3) Property used within and without the United States. (i) If U.S. 
depreciated property has been used partly within and partly without the 
United States, then the amount required to be included in ordinary 
income pursuant to this paragraph (a) is reduced to an amount 
determined in accordance with the following formula:


    (ii) For purposes of the fraction in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this 
section, the ``full recapture amount'' is the amount that would 
otherwise be included in the transferor's income under paragraph (a)(1) 
of this section. ``U.S. use'' is the number of months that the property 
either was used within the United States or qualified as section 38 
property by virtue of section 48(a)(2)(B), and was subject to 
depreciation by the transferor or a related person. ``Total use'' is 
the total number of months that the property was used (or available for 
use), and subject to depreciation, by the transferor or a related 
person. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(3), property is not 
considered to have been in use outside of the United States during any 
period in which such property was, for purposes of section 48 or 168, 
treated as property not used predominantly outside the United States 
pursuant to the provisions of section 48(a)(2)(B). For purposes of this 
paragraph (b)(3) the term ``related person'' has the meaning set forth 
in Sec.  1.367(d)-1(h).
    (b) Effective/applicability dates. The rules of this section apply 
to transfers occurring on or after September 14, 2015,] and to 
transfers occurring before September 14, 2015, resulting from entity 
classification elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are filed on 
or after September 14, 2015. For transfers occurring before this 
section is applicable, see Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-4 and 1.367(a)-4T as 
contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.

Sec.  1.367(a)-5  [Removed and Reserved]

 Par. 7. Section 1.367(a)-5 is removed and reserved.
Par. 8. Section 1.367(a)-6 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(a)-6  Transfer of foreign branch with previously deducted 

    (a) through (b)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.367(a)-6T(a) through (b)(1).
    (b)(2) No active conduct exception. The rules of this paragraph (b) 
apply regardless of whether any of the assets of the foreign branch 
satisfy the active trade or business exception of Sec.  1.367(a)-
    (c)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(a)-
    (2) Gain limitation. The gain required to be recognized under 
paragraph (b)(1) of this section will not exceed the aggregate amount 
of gain realized on the transfer of all branch assets (without regard 
to the transfer of any assets on which loss is realized but not 
    (3) [Reserved].
    (c)(4) Transfers of certain intangible property. Gain realized on 
the transfer of intangible property (computed with reference to the 
fair market value of the intangible property as of the date of the 
transfer) that is an asset of a foreign branch is taken into account in 
computing the limitation on loss recapture under paragraph (c)(2) of 
this section. For rules relating to the crediting of gain recognized 
under this section against income deemed to arise by operation of 
section 367(d), see Sec.  1.367(d)-1(g)(3).
    (d) through (j) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.367(a)-6T(d) through (j).
    (k) Effective/applicability dates. The rules of this section apply 
to transfers occurring on or after September 14, 2015, and to transfers 
occurring before

[[Page 55581]]

September 14, 2015, resulting from entity classification elections made 
under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are filed on or after September 14, 2015. 
For transfers occurring before this section is applicable, see 
Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-6T as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of 
April 1, 2015.
Par. 9. Section 1.367(a)-7 is amended by:
1. Revising paragraph (f)(11).
2. Redesignating paragraph (j) as (j)(1) and revising the first 
sentence, and adding paragraph (j)(2).
    The revision and addition read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(a)-7  Outbound transfers of property described in section 
361(a) or (b).

* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (11) Section 367(d) property is intangible property as defined in 
Sec.  1.367(a)-1(d)(5).
* * * * *
    (j) Effective/applicability dates--(1) In general. Except as 
provided in paragraphs (e)(2) and (j)(2) of this section, this section 
applies to transfers occurring on or after April 18, 2013. * * *
    (2) Section 367(d) property. The definition provided in paragraph 
(f)(11) of this section applies to transfers occurring on or after 
September 14, 2015, and to transfers occurring before September 14, 
2015, resulting from entity classification elections made under Sec.  
301.7701-3 that are filed on or after September 14, 2015. For transfers 
occurring before this section is applicable, see Sec.  1.367(a)-7 as 
contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.

Sec.  1.367(a)-7  [Amended]

Par. 10. For each section listed in the following table, remove the 
language in the ``Remove'' column and add in its place the language in 
the ``Add'' column.

           Section                   Remove                  Add
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(a), sixth   Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(c), second  Sec.   1.367(a)-2T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-2.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(c), second  Sec.   1.367(a)-4T,   Sec.   1.367(a)-4.
 sentence.                     1.367(a)-5T.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(c), second  Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
Sec.   1.367(a)-              Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
Sec.   1.367(a)-              Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(1),      Sec.   1.367(a)-2T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-2.
 third sentence.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(1),      Sec.   1.367(a)-4T,   Sec.   1.367(a)-4.
 third sentence.               1.367(a)-5T.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(1),      Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
 third sentence.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(1),      Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 last sentence.                1T(b)(4) and Sec.     1(b)(4).
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(4)(ii),  Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
 first and second sentences.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(5),      Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(5)(i),   Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
 first sentence.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(e)(5)(ii),  Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
 first sentence.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(f)(4)(ii).  Sec.   1.367(a)-6T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-6.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(g), last    Sec.   1.367(a)-2T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-2.
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(g),         Sec.   1.367(a)-2T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-2.
 Example 1 (ii)(A), last
Sec.   1.367(a)-7(g),         Sec.   1.367(a)-2T..  Sec.   1.367(a)-2.
 Example 2 (ii)(A), last

Sec.  1.367(a)-8  [Amended]

Par. 11. For each section listed in the following table, remove the 
language in the ``Remove'' column and add in its place the language in 
the ``Add'' column.

           Section                   Remove                  Add
Sec.   1.367(a)-8(b)(1)(xv),  Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 first sentence.               1T(d)(1).             1(d)(1).
Sec.   1.367(a)-8(b)(1)(xv),  Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 second sentence.              1T(c)(3)(i).          1(c)(3)(i).
Sec.   1.367(a)-              Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
 8(c)(3)(viii).                1T(c)(3)(i) and       1(c)(3)(i) and Sec.
                               Sec.   1.367(a)-        1.367(a)-
                               1T(c)(3)(ii).         1(c)(3)(ii).
Sec.   1.367(a)-8(c)(4)(iv).  Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
                               1T(b)(4).             1(b)(4).
Sec.   1.367(a)-8(j)(3).....  Sec.   1.367(a)-      Sec.   1.367(a)-
                               1T(c)(3)(ii).         1(c)(3)(ii).

Par. 12. Section 1.367(d)-1 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(d)-1  Transfers of intangible property to foreign 

    (a) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.367(d)-1T(a).
    (b) Property subject to section 367(d). Section 367(d) and the 
rules of this section apply to the transfer of intangible property, as 
defined in Sec.  1.367(a)-1(d)(5), by a U.S. person to a foreign 
corporation in an exchange described in section 351 or 361. See section 
367(a) and the regulations thereunder for the rules that apply to the 
transfer of any property other than intangible property.
    (c)(1) and (2) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.367(d)-1T(c)(1) and (2).
    (3) Useful life. For purposes of this section, the useful life of 
intangible property is the entire period during which exploitation of 
the intangible property is reasonably anticipated to occur, as of the 
time of transfer. Exploitation of intangible property includes any 
direct or indirect use or transfer of the intangible property, 
including use without further development, use in the further 
development of the intangible property itself (and any exploitation of 
the further developed intangible property), and use in the development 
of other intangible property (and any exploitation of the developed 
other intangible property).
    (c)(4) through (g)(2) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.367(d)-1T(c)(4) through (g)(2).

[[Page 55582]]

    (g)(2)(i) The intangible property transferred constitutes an 
operating intangible, as defined in Sec.  1.367(a)-1(d)(6).
    (g)(2)(ii) through (iii)(D) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see 
Sec.  1.367(d)-1T(g)(2)(ii) through (iii)(D).
    (E) The transferred intangible property will be used in the active 
conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States within the 
meaning of Sec.  1.367(a)-2 and will not be used in connection with the 
manufacture or sale of products in or for use or consumption in the 
United States.
    (3) Intangible property transferred from branch with previously 
deducted losses. (i) If income is required to be recognized under 
section 904(f)(3) and the regulations thereunder or under Sec.  
1.367(a)-6 upon the transfer of intangible property of a foreign branch 
that had previously deducted losses, then the income recognized under 
those sections with respect to that property is credited against 
amounts that would otherwise be required to be recognized with respect 
to that same property under paragraphs (c) through (f) of this section 
in either the current or future taxable years. The amount recognized 
under section 904(f)(3) or Sec.  1.367(a)-6 with respect to the 
transferred intangible property is determined in accordance with the 
following formula:


    (ii) For purposes of the formula in paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this 
section, the ``loss recapture income'' is the total amount required to 
be recognized by the U.S. transferor pursuant to section 904(f)(3) or 
Sec.  1.367(a)-6. The ``gain from intangible property'' is the total 
amount of gain realized by the U.S. transferor pursuant to section 
904(f)(3) and Sec.  1.367(a)-6 upon the transfer of items of property 
that are subject to section 367(d). ``Gain from intangible property'' 
does not include gain realized with respect to intangible property by 
reason of an election under paragraph (g)(2) of this section. The 
``gain from all branch assets'' is the total amount of gain realized by 
the transferor upon the transfer of items of property of the branch for 
which gain is realized.
    (g)(4) through (i) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.367(d)-1T(g)(4) through (i).
    (j) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies to 
transfers occurring on or after September 14, 2015, and to transfers 
occurring before September 14, 2015, resulting from entity 
classification elections made under Sec.  301.7701-3 that are filed on 
or after September 14, 2015. For transfers occurring before this 
section is applicable, see Sec.  1.367(d)-1T as contained in 26 CFR 
part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.
Par. 13. Section 1.367(e)-2 is amended by revising paragraph 
(b)(3)(iii) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.367(e)-2  Distributions described in section 367(e)(2).

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) * * *
    (iii) Other rules. For other rules that may apply, see sections 
381, 897, 1248, and Sec.  1.482-1(f)(2)(i)(C).
* * * * *
Par. 14. Section 1.482-1 is amended by revising paragraphs (f)(2)(i) 
and (f)(2)(ii)(B) and adding paragraph (j)(7) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.482-1  Allocation of income and deductions among taxpayers.

    [The text of the proposed amendments to Sec.  1.482-1 is the same 
as the text of Sec.  1.482-1T(f)(2)(i), (f)(2)(ii)(B), and (j)(7) 
published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register].

Sec.  1.884-5  [Amended]

 Par. 15. Section 1.884-5 is amended in paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A) by 
removing the citation ``1.367(a)-2T(b)(5),'' and adding the citation 
``1.367(a)-2(d)(5)'' in its place.

Sec.  1.1248-8  [Amended]

Par. 16. Section 1.1248-8 is amended in paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(B)(1)(ii) 
by removing the citation ``1.367(a)-6T,'' and adding the citation 
``1.367(a)-6'' in its place.

Sec.  1.1248(f)-2  [Amended]

Par. 17. Section 1.1248(f)-2 is amended in the last sentence of 
paragraph (e) by removing the citation ``1.367(a)-2T,'' and adding the 
citation ``1.367(a)-2'' in its place.
Par. 18. Section 1.6038B-1 is amended by:
1. Removing the citation ``1.367(a)-1T(c),'' in the fourth sentence of 
paragraph (b)(1)(i) and adding the citation ``1.367(a)-1(c)'' in its 
2. Adding paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (vii), (c)(5), and (d)(1)(iv) 
and (vii)
3. Revising the first sentence of paragraph (g)(1).
4. Adding paragraph (g)(7).
    The additions and revision read as follows:

Sec.  1.6038B-1  Reporting of certain transfers to foreign 

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) through (4) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.6038B-1T(c)(1) through (4).
    (i) Active business property. Describe any transferred property 
that qualifies under Sec.  1.367(a)-2(a)(2). Provide here a general 
description of the business conducted (or to be conducted) by the 
transferee, including the location of the business, the number of its 
employees, the nature of the business, and copies of the most recently 
prepared balance sheet and profit and loss statement. Property listed 
within this category may be identified by general type. For example, 
upon the transfer of the assets of a manufacturing operation, a 
reasonable description of the property to be used in the business might 
include the categories of office equipment and supplies, computers and 
related equipment, motor vehicles, and several major categories of 
manufacturing equipment. However, any property that is includible in 
both paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (iii) of this section (property subject 
to depreciation recapture under Sec.  1.367(a)-4(a)) must be identified 
in the manner required in paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section. If 
property is considered to be transferred for use in the active conduct 
of a trade or business under a special rule in paragraph (e), (f), or 
(g) of Sec.  1.367(a)-2, specify the applicable rule and provide 
information supporting the application of the rule.
    (ii) Stock or securities. Describe any transferred stock or 
securities, including the class or type, amount, and characteristics of 
the transferred stock or securities, as well as the name, address, 
place of incorporation, and general description of the corporation 
issuing the stock or securities.
    (iii) Depreciated property. Describe any property that is subject 
to depreciation recapture under Sec.  1.367(a)-4(a). Property within 
this category must be separately identified to the same extent as was 
required for purposes of the previously claimed depreciation deduction. 
Specify with respect to each such asset the relevant recapture 
provision, the number of months that such property was in use within 

[[Page 55583]]

United States, the total number of months the property was in use, the 
fair market value of the property, a schedule of the depreciation 
deduction taken with respect to the property, and a calculation of the 
amount of depreciation required to be recaptured.
    (iv) Property not transferred for use in the active conduct of a 
trade or business. Describe any property that is eligible property, as 
defined in Sec.  1.367(a)-2(b) taking into account the application of 
Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c), that was transferred to the foreign corporation 
but not for use in the active conduct of a trade or business outside 
the United States (and was therefore not listed under paragraph 
(c)(4)(i) of this section).
    (v) Property transferred under compulsion. If property qualifies 
for the exception of Sec.  1.367(a)-2(a)(2) under the rules of 
paragraph (h) of that section, provide information supporting the 
claimed application of such exception.
    (vi) Certain ineligible property. Describe any property that is 
described in Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c) and that therefore cannot qualify 
under Sec.  1.367(a)-2(a)(2) regardless of its use in the active 
conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States. The 
description must be divided into the relevant categories, as follows:
    (A) Inventory, etc. Property described in Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c)(1);
    (B) Installment obligations, etc. Property described in Sec.  
    (C) Foreign currency, etc. Property described in Sec.  1.367(a)-
2(c)(3); and
    (D) Leased property. Property described in Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c)(4).
    (vii) Other property that is ineligible property. Describe any 
property, other than property described in Sec.  1.367(a)-2(c), that 
cannot qualify under Sec.  1.367(a)-2(a)(2) regardless of its use in 
the active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States 
and that is not subject to the rules of section 367(d) under Sec.  
1.367(a)-1(b)(5). Each item of property must be separately identified.
    (c)(4)(viii) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  1.6038B-
    (5) Transfer of foreign branch with previously deducted losses. If 
the property transferred is property of a foreign branch with 
previously deducted losses subject to Sec. Sec.  1.367(a)-6 and -6T, 
provide the following information:
    (i) through (iv) [Reserved]. For further information, see Sec.  
1.6038B-1T(c)(5)(i) through (iv).
* * * * *
    (d)(1) through (1)(iii) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see Sec.  
1.6038B-1T(d)(1) through (1)(iii).
    (iv) Intangible property transferred. Provide a description of the 
intangible property transferred, including its adjusted basis. 
Generally, each item of intangible property must be separately 
identified, including intangible property described in Sec.  1.367(d)-
1(g)(2)(i) or that is subject to the rules of section 367(d) under 
Sec.  1.367(a)-1(b)(5).
    (d)(1)(v) through (d)(1)(vi) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see 
Sec.  1.6038B-1T(d)(1)(v) through (1)(vi).
    (d)(1)(vii) Coordination with loss rules. List any intangible 
property subject to section 367(d) the transfer of which also gives 
rise to the recognition of gain under section 904(f)(3) or Sec. Sec.  
1.367(a)-6 or -6T. Provide a calculation of the gain required to be 
recognized with respect to such property, in accordance with the 
provisions of Sec.  1.367(d)-1(g)(4).
    (d)(1)(viii) through (d)(2) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see 
Sec.  1.6038B-1T(d)(1)(viii) through (2).
* * * * *
    (g) Effective/applicability dates. (1) Except as provided in 
paragraphs (g)(2) through (g)(7) of this section, this section applies 
to transfers occurring on or after July 20, 1998, except for transfers 
of cash made in tax years beginning on or before February 5, 1999 
(which are not required to be reported under section 6038B), and except 
for transfers described in paragraph (e) of this section, which applies 
to transfers that are subject to Sec. Sec.  1.367(e)-1(f) and 1.367(e)-
2(e). * * *
* * * * *
    (7) Paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (vii), (c)(5), and (d)(1)(iv) and 
(vii) of this section apply to transfers occurring on or after 
September 14, 2015, and to transfers occurring before September 14, 
2015, resulting from entity classification elections made under Sec.  
301.7701-3 that are filed on or after September 14, 2015. For guidance 
with respect to paragraphs (c)(4), (c)(5), and (d)(1) of this section 
before this section is applicable, see Sec. Sec.  1.6038B-1 and 
1.6038B-1T as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.

John M. Dalrymple,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement.
[FR Doc. 2015-23279 Filed 9-14-15; 11:15 am]

                                                      55568             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      scheduling orders are not subject to                    accordingly, this action has not been                 ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
                                                      judicial review. 21 U.S.C. 811(h)(6).                   reviewed by the Office of Management                  notice of proposed rulemaking by cross-
                                                                                                              and Budget.                                           reference to temporary regulation.
                                                      Regulatory Matters
                                                                                                                This action will not have substantial
                                                         Section 201(h) of the CSA, 21 U.S.C.                 direct effects on the States, on the                  SUMMARY:   This document contains
                                                      811(h), provides for an expedited                       relationship between the national                     proposed regulations relating to certain
                                                      temporary scheduling action where                       government and the States, or on the                  transfers of property by United States
                                                      such action is necessary to avoid an                    distribution of power and                             persons to foreign corporations. The
                                                      imminent hazard to the public safety.                   responsibilities among the various                    proposed regulations affect United
                                                      As provided in this subsection, the                     levels of government. Therefore, in                   States persons that transfer certain
                                                      Attorney General may, by order,                         accordance with Executive Order 13132                 property, including foreign goodwill
                                                      schedule a substance in schedule I on a                 (Federalism), it is determined that this              and going concern value, to foreign
                                                      temporary basis. Such an order may not                  action does not have sufficient                       corporations in nonrecognition
                                                      be issued before the expiration of 30                   federalism implications to warrant the                transactions described in section 367 of
                                                      days from (1) the publication of a notice               preparation of a Federalism Assessment.               the Internal Revenue Code (Code). The
                                                      in the Federal Register of the intention                                                                      proposed regulations also combine
                                                      to issue such order and the grounds                     List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308                  portions of the existing regulations
                                                      upon which such order is to be issued,                    Administrative practice and                         under section 367(a) into a single
                                                      and (2) the date that notice of the                     procedure, Drug traffic control,                      regulation. In addition, in the Rules and
                                                      proposed temporary scheduling order is                  Reporting and recordkeeping                           Regulations section of this issue of the
                                                      transmitted to the Assistant Secretary.                 requirements.                                         Federal Register, temporary regulations
                                                      21 U.S.C. 811(h)(1).                                                                                          are being issued under section 482 to
                                                         Inasmuch as section 201(h) of the                      For the reasons set out above, the DEA
                                                                                                              proposes to amend 21 CFR part 1308 as                 clarify the coordination of the transfer
                                                      CSA directs that temporary scheduling                                                                         pricing rules with other Code
                                                      actions be issued by order and sets forth               follows:
                                                                                                                                                                    provisions. The text of those temporary
                                                      the procedures by which such orders are                 PART 1308—SCHEDULES OF                                regulations serves as the text of a
                                                      to be issued, the DEA believes that the                 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES                                 portion of these proposed regulations.
                                                      notice and comment requirements of the                                                                        DATES: Written or electronic comments
                                                      Administrative Procedure Act (APA) at                   ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1308             and requests for a public hearing must
                                                      5 U.S.C. 553, do not apply to this notice               continues to read as follows:                         be received by December 15, 2015.
                                                      of intent. In the alternative, even
                                                                                                                Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b),              ADDRESSES: Send submissions to:
                                                      assuming that this notice of intent might
                                                                                                              unless otherwise noted.                               CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG–139483–13),
                                                      be subject to section 5 U.S.C. 553, the
                                                                                                              ■ 2. In § 1308.11, add paragraph (h)(25)              Internal Revenue Service, Room 5203,
                                                      Administrator finds that there is good
                                                                                                              to read as follows:                                   P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station,
                                                      cause to forgo the notice and comment
                                                                                                                                                                    Washington, DC 20044. Submissions
                                                      requirements of section 553, as any
                                                                                                              § 1308.11    Schedule I.                              may be hand-delivered Monday through
                                                      further delays in the process for
                                                                                                              *     *     *    *    *                               Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and
                                                      issuance of temporary scheduling orders
                                                                                                                (h) * * *                                           4 p.m. to CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG–139483–
                                                      would be impracticable and contrary to
                                                                                                                (25) N-(1-amino-3,3-dimethyl-1-                     13), Courier’s Desk, Internal Revenue
                                                      the public interest in view of the
                                                                                                              oxobutan-2-yl)-1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-                  Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                      manifest urgency to avoid an imminent
                                                                                                              1H-indazole-3-carboxamide, its optical,               Washington, DC 20224; or sent
                                                      hazard to the public safety.
                                                         Although the DEA believes this notice                positional, and geometric isomers, salts              electronically via the Federal
                                                      of intent to issue a temporary                          and salts of isomers—7032 (Other                      eRulemaking Portal at http://
                                                      scheduling order is not subject to the                  names: MAB–CHMINACA; ADB–                             www.regulations.gov (IRS REG–139483–
                                                      notice and comment requirements of the                  CHMINACA)                                             13).
                                                      APA, the DEA notes that in accordance                     Dated: September 10, 2015.                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      with 21 U.S.C. 811(h)(4), the                           Chuck Rosenberg,
                                                                                                                                                                    Concerning the proposed regulations,
                                                      Administrator will take into                                                                                  Ryan A. Bowen, (202) 317–6937;
                                                                                                              Acting Administrator.
                                                      consideration any comments submitted                                                                          concerning submissions of comments or
                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–23198 Filed 9–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      by the Assistant Secretary with regard to                                                                     requests for a public hearing, Regina
                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 4410–09–P                                Johnson, (202) 317–6901 (not toll-free
                                                      the proposed temporary scheduling
                                                      order.                                                                                                        numbers).
                                                         Further, the DEA believes that this                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                      temporary scheduling action is not a                    DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                      ‘‘rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 601(2),                                                                       Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                      and, accordingly, is not subject to the                 Internal Revenue Service                                The collections of information
                                                      requirements of the Regulatory                                                                                contained in the regulations have been
                                                      Flexibility Act. The requirements for the               26 CFR Part 1                                         submitted for review and approved by
                                                      preparation of an initial regulatory                                                                          the Office of Management and Budget in
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      flexibility analysis in 5 U.S.C. 603(a) are             [REG–139483–13]                                       accordance with the Paperwork
                                                      not applicable where, as here, the DEA                                                                        Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507
                                                      is not required by the APA or any other                                                                       (d)) under control number 1545–0026.
                                                                                                              RIN 1545–BL87                                           The collections of information are in
                                                      law to publish a general notice of
                                                      proposed rulemaking.                                    Treatment of Certain Transfers of                     § 1.6038B–1(c)(4) and (d)(1). The
                                                         Additionally, this action is not a                   Property to Foreign Corporations                      collections of information are
                                                      significant regulatory action as defined                                                                      mandatory. The likely respondents are
                                                      by Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory                    AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS),               domestic corporations. Burdens
                                                      Planning and Review), section 3(f), and,                Treasury.                                             associated with these requirements will

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:11 Sep 15, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\16SEP1.SGM   16SEP1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           55569

                                                      be reflected in the burden for Form 926.                unless the foreign corporation was the                property pursuant to section 332. In this
                                                      Estimates for completing the Form 926                   lessee.                                               regard, see § 1.367(e)–2(a)(2), providing
                                                      can be located in the form instructions.                   Section 367(a)(3)(C) provides that,                that section 367(a) does not apply to a
                                                        An agency may not conduct or                          except as provided in regulations                     liquidation described in section 332 of
                                                      sponsor, and a person is not required to                prescribed by the Secretary, the ATB                  a U.S. subsidiary into a foreign parent
                                                      respond to, a collection of information                 exception will not apply to gain realized             corporation. Section 1.367(a)–5T(e) also
                                                      unless it displays a valid control                      on an outbound transfer of the assets of              provides a cross reference to section
                                                      number.                                                 a foreign branch to the extent that                   367(d) for transfers of intangible
                                                        Books and records relating to a                       previously deducted losses of the                     property described in section 351 or
                                                      collection of information must be                       branch exceed the taxable income                      361.
                                                      retained as long as their contents might                earned by the branch after the losses                    Sections 1.367(a)–6 and 1.367(a)–6T
                                                      become material in the administration                   were incurred (branch loss recapture                  provide rules for applying the branch
                                                      of any internal revenue law. Generally,                 rule). However, any realized gain in the              loss recapture rule of section
                                                      tax returns and tax return information                  property transferred that exceeds the                 367(a)(3)(C).
                                                      are confidential, as required by 26                     branch losses that must be recaptured
                                                                                                              under this rule may qualify for the ATB               B. Section 367(d)
                                                      U.S.C. 6103.
                                                                                                              exception.                                               Section 367(d) provides rules for
                                                      Background                                                 Section 367(a)(6) provides that section            certain outbound transfers of intangible
                                                                                                              367(a)(1) will not apply to an outbound               property. Section 367(d)(1) provides
                                                      I. Current Law
                                                                                                              transfer of any property that the                     that, except as provided in regulations,
                                                      A. Section 367(a)                                       Secretary, in order to carry out the                  if a U.S. transferor transfers any
                                                                                                              purposes of section 367(a), designates                intangible property, within the meaning
                                                         Section 367(a)(1) provides that if, in
                                                                                                              by regulation.                                        of section 936(h)(3)(B), to a foreign
                                                      connection with any exchange                               Sections 1.367(a)–2 and 1.367(a)–2T
                                                      described in section 332, 351, 354, 356,                                                                      corporation in an exchange described in
                                                                                                              provide general rules for determining                 section 351 or 361, section 367(d) (and
                                                      or 361, a United States person (U.S.                    whether property is transferred for use
                                                      transferor) transfers property to a foreign                                                                   not section 367(a)) applies to such
                                                                                                              by a transferee foreign corporation in                transfer.
                                                      corporation (outbound transfer), the                    the active conduct of a trade or business
                                                      transferee foreign corporation will not,                                                                         Section 936(h)(3)(B) defines
                                                                                                              outside of the United States for
                                                      for purposes of determining the extent                                                                        intangible property broadly to mean
                                                                                                              purposes of the ATB exception.
                                                      to which gain shall be recognized on                       Sections 1.367(a)–4 and 1.367(a)–4T                any:
                                                      such transfer, be considered to be a                    provide special rules for determining                    (i) patent, invention, formula, process,
                                                      corporation. As a result, under section                 whether certain property satisfies the                design, pattern, or know-how;
                                                      367(a)(1), the U.S. transferor recognizes               ATB exception, including rules that                      (ii) copyright, literary, musical, or
                                                      any gain (but not loss) on the outbound                 apply to (i) property to be leased by the             artistic composition;
                                                      transfer of the property. Section                       transferee foreign corporation, (ii) oil                 (iii) trademark, trade name, or brand
                                                      367(a)(2) provides an exception to the                  and gas working interests, (iii)                      name;
                                                      application of section 367(a)(1) for                    compulsory transfers of property, and                    (iv) franchise, license, or contract;
                                                      certain transfers of stock or securities,               (iv) property to be sold by the foreign                  (v) method, program, system,
                                                      and section 367(a)(3) provides an                       corporation. Section 1.367(a)–4T also                 procedure, campaign, survey, study,
                                                      exception for transfers of certain                      provides special rules requiring the                  forecast, estimate, customer list, or
                                                      property used in a trade or business.                   recapture of depreciation upon an                     technical data; or
                                                         Specifically, section 367(a)(3)(A)                   outbound transfer of U.S. depreciated                    (vi) any similar item, which has
                                                      provides that, except as provided in                    property and exempting outbound                       substantial value independent of the
                                                      regulations prescribed by the Secretary,                transfers of property to a FSC (within                services of any individual (section
                                                      the general rule of section 367(a)(1) will              the meaning of section 922(a)) from the               936(h)(3)(B) intangible property).
                                                      not apply to any property transferred to                application of paragraphs (a) and (d) of                 Section 367(d)(2)(A) provides that a
                                                      a foreign corporation for use by such                   section 367.                                          U.S. transferor that transfers intangible
                                                      foreign corporation in the active                          Sections 1.367(a)–5 and 1.367(a)–5T                property subject to section 367(d) is
                                                      conduct of a trade or business outside                  address the five categories of property               treated as having sold the property in
                                                      of the United States (ATB exception).                   ineligible for the ATB exception that are             exchange for payments that are
                                                      Section 367(a)(3)(B) provides that,                     described in section 367(a)(3)(B) and                 contingent upon the productivity, use,
                                                      except as provided in regulations                       provide narrow exceptions to certain of               or disposition of the property.
                                                      prescribed by the Secretary, certain                    those categories. Section 1.367(a)–5T(d)              Specifically, the U.S. transferor is
                                                      property is not eligible for the ATB                    (which addresses foreign currency and                 treated as receiving amounts that
                                                      exception. The statute describes five                   other property denominated in a foreign               reasonably reflect the amounts that
                                                      categories of property that are not                     currency) allows certain property                     would have been received annually in
                                                      eligible for the ATB exception: (i)                     denominated in the foreign currency of                the form of such payments over the
                                                      Property described in paragraph (1) or                  the country in which the foreign                      useful life of such property (section
                                                      (3) of section 1221(a) (relating to                     corporation is organized to qualify                   367(d)(2)(A)(ii)(I)), or in the case of a
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                                                      inventory and copyrights, etc.); (ii)                   under the ATB exception if that                       disposition of the intangible property
                                                      installment obligations, accounts                       property was acquired in the ordinary                 following such transfer (whether direct
                                                      receivable, or similar property; (iii)                  course of the business of the U.S.                    or indirect), at the time of the
                                                      foreign currency or other property                      transferor that will be carried on by the             disposition (section 367(d)(2)(A)(ii)(II)).
                                                      denominated in foreign currency; (iv)                   foreign corporation. Section 1.367(a)–                The amounts taken into account under
                                                      intangible property within the meaning                  5T(e) (which addresses intangible                     section 367(d)(2)(A)(ii) must be
                                                      of section 936(h)(3)(B); and (v) property               property) contains a deadwood                         commensurate with the income
                                                      with respect to which the U.S. transferor               reference to the application of section               attributable to the intangible. Section
                                                      is a lessor at the time of the transfer,                367(a)(1) to a transfer of intangible                 367(d)(2)(A) (flush language).

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                                                      55570             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         Section 1.367(d)–1T(b) generally                     Cong., 2d Sess., at 360 (1984); H.R. Rep.             ATB exception under section
                                                      provides that section 367(d) and                        No. 432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 1315                367(a)(3)(A).
                                                      § 1.367(d)–1T apply to the transfer of                  (1984). Congress identified problems as                  Under a second interpretation,
                                                      any intangible property, but not to the                 arising when ‘‘transferor U.S. companies              taxpayers take the position that,
                                                      transfer of foreign goodwill or going                   hope to reduce their U.S. taxable                     although goodwill and going concern
                                                      concern value, as defined in § 1.367(a)–                income by deducting substantial                       value are section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible
                                                      1T(d)(5)(iii) (foreign goodwill                         research and experimentation expenses                 property, the foreign goodwill exception
                                                      exception). Section 1.367(a)–1T(d)(5)(i)                associated with the development of the                applies. These taxpayers also assert that
                                                      generally defines ‘‘intangible property,’’              transferred intangible and, by                        section 367(a)(1) does not apply to
                                                      for purposes of section 367, as                         transferring the intangible to a foreign              foreign goodwill or going concern value,
                                                      knowledge, rights, documents, and any                   corporation at the point of profitability,            either because of section 367(d)(1)(A)
                                                      other intangible item within the                        to ensure deferral of U.S. tax on the                 (providing that, except as provided in
                                                      meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B) that                    profits generated by the intangible.’’ Id.            regulations, section 367(d) and not
                                                      constitutes property for purposes of                       The favorable treatment of foreign                 section 367(a) applies to section
                                                      section 332, 351, 354, 355, 356, or 361,                goodwill and going concern value                      936(h)(3)(B) intangible property) or
                                                      as applicable. The regulation further                   available under existing law is premised              because of the ATB exception.
                                                      provides that a working interest in oil                 on statements in the legislative history              II. Reasons for Change
                                                      and gas property will not be considered                 of section 367(d). ‘‘The committee
                                                      to be intangible property for purposes of                                                                        The Treasury Department and the IRS
                                                                                                              contemplates that, ordinarily, no gain
                                                      section 367 and the regulations                                                                               are aware that, in the context of
                                                                                                              will be recognized on the transfer of
                                                      thereunder.                                                                                                   outbound transfers, certain taxpayers
                                                                                                              goodwill or going concern value for use               attempt to avoid recognizing gain or
                                                         Section 1.367(a)–1T(d)(5)(iii) defines               in an active trade or business.’’ S. Rep.
                                                      ‘‘foreign goodwill or going concern                                                                           income attributable to high-value
                                                                                                              No. 169, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 364;                intangible property by asserting that an
                                                      value’’ as the residual value of a                      H.R. Rep. No. 432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess.,
                                                      business operation conducted outside of                                                                       inappropriately large share (in many
                                                                                                              at 1319. The Senate Finance Committee                 cases, the majority) of the value of the
                                                      the United States after all other tangible              and the House Committee on Ways and
                                                      and intangible assets have been                                                                               property transferred is foreign goodwill
                                                                                                              Means each noted, without explanation,                or going concern value that is eligible
                                                      identified and valued. Section 1.367(a)–                that it ‘‘does not anticipate that the
                                                      1T(d)(5)(iii) also provides that, for                                                                         for favorable treatment under section
                                                                                                              transfer of goodwill or going concern                 367.
                                                      purposes of section 367 and the
                                                                                                              value developed by a foreign branch to                   Specifically, the Treasury Department
                                                      regulations thereunder, the value of a
                                                                                                              a newly organized foreign corporation                 and the IRS are aware that some
                                                      right to use a corporate name in a
                                                                                                              will result in abuse of the U.S. tax                  taxpayers value the property transferred
                                                      foreign country is treated as foreign
                                                                                                              system.’’ S. Rep. No. 169, 98th Cong., 2d             in a manner contrary to section 482 in
                                                      goodwill or going concern value.
                                                                                                              Sess., at 362; H.R. Rep. No. 432, 98th                order to minimize the value of the
                                                         In addition to providing the foreign
                                                                                                              Cong., 2d Sess., at 1317. However,                    property transferred that they identify as
                                                      goodwill exception, § 1.367(d)–1T(b)
                                                                                                              neither section 367 nor its legislative               section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible property
                                                      also excepts from section 367(d)
                                                                                                              history defines goodwill or going                     for which a deemed income inclusion is
                                                      property that is described in § 1.367(a)–
                                                                                                              concern value of a foreign branch or                  required under section 367(d) and to
                                                      5T(b)(2), which, in general, consists of
                                                                                                              discusses how goodwill or going                       maximize the value of the property
                                                      copyrights and other items described in
                                                                                                              concern value is attributed to a foreign              transferred that they identify as exempt
                                                      section 1221(a)(3). Those items,
                                                                                                              branch.                                               from current tax. For example, some
                                                      however, are not eligible for the ATB
                                                      exception by reason of § 1.367(a)–5T.                   D. Taxpayer Interpretations Regarding                 taxpayers (i) use valuation methods that
                                                         For purposes of § 1.367(d)–1T, the                   Foreign Goodwill and Going Concern                    value items of intangible property on an
                                                      useful life of intangible property is                   Value Under Section 367                               item-by-item basis, when valuing the
                                                      limited to 20 years under § 1.367(d)–                                                                         items on an aggregate basis would
                                                      1T(c)(3).                                                 In general, taxpayers interpret section             achieve a more reliable result under the
                                                                                                              367 and the regulations under section                 arm’s length standard of the section 482
                                                      C. Legislative History of Section 367(d)                367(a) and (d) in one of two alternative              regulations, or (ii) do not properly
                                                        Congress amended section 367 in                       ways when claiming favorable treatment                perform a full factual and functional
                                                      1984 to create objective statutory rules                for foreign goodwill and going concern                analysis of the business in which the
                                                      because, among other reasons, the IRS                   value.                                                intangible property is employed.
                                                      was experiencing challenges                               Under one interpretation, taxpayers                    The Treasury Department and the IRS
                                                      administering the prior version of the                  take the position that goodwill and                   also are aware that some taxpayers
                                                      statute. The prior version provided that                going concern value are not section                   broadly interpret the meaning of foreign
                                                      certain outbound transfers of property                  936(h)(3)(B) intangible property and                  goodwill and going concern value for
                                                      qualified for tax-free treatment only if                therefore are not subject to section                  purposes of section 367. Specifically,
                                                      the U.S. transferor established that the                367(d) because section 367(d) applies                 although the existing regulations under
                                                      outbound transfer was ‘‘not in                          only to section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible               section 367 define foreign goodwill or
                                                      pursuance of a plan having as one its                   property. Under this interpretation,                  going concern value by reference to a
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                                                      principal purposes the avoidance of                     taxpayers assert that the foreign                     business operation conducted outside of
                                                      Federal income taxes.’’                                 goodwill exception has no application.                the United States, some taxpayers have
                                                        In amending section 367, Congress                     Furthermore, these taxpayers assert that              asserted that they have transferred
                                                      also noted that ‘‘specific and unique                   gain realized with respect to the                     significant foreign goodwill or going
                                                      problems exist’’ with respect to                        outbound transfer of goodwill or going                concern value when a large share of that
                                                      outbound transfers of intangible                        concern value is not recognized under                 value was associated with a business
                                                      property and enacted section 367(d) in                  the general rule of section 367(a)(1)                 operated primarily by employees in the
                                                      substantially its present form to address               because the goodwill or going concern                 United States, where the business
                                                      these transfers. S. Rep. No 169, 98th                   value is eligible for, and satisfies, the             simply earned income remotely from

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            55571

                                                      foreign customers. In addition, some                    tax administration and therefore will                 § 1.367(d)–1T to take into account the
                                                      taxpayers take the position that value                  amend the regulations under section                   elimination of the foreign goodwill
                                                      created through customer-facing                         367 as described in the Explanation of                exception and the revised definition of
                                                      activities occurring within the United                  Provisions section of this preamble.                  intangible property. The proposed
                                                      States is foreign goodwill or going                                                                           regulations also eliminate the definition
                                                                                                              III. Coordination with Section 482
                                                      concern value.                                                                                                of foreign goodwill and going concern
                                                         The Treasury Department and the IRS                     The temporary regulations under                    value under existing § 1.367(a)–
                                                      have concluded that the taxpayer                        section 482 published in the Rules and                1T(d)(5)(iii) because it is no longer
                                                      positions and interpretations described                 Regulations section of this issue of the              needed.
                                                      in this section of the preamble raise                   Federal Register clarify the                             In addition, the proposed regulations
                                                      significant policy concerns and are                     coordination of the application of the                eliminate the existing rule under
                                                      inconsistent with the expectation,                      arm’s length standard and the best                    § 1.367(d)–1T(c)(3) that limits the useful
                                                      expressed in legislative history, that the              method rule in the regulations under                  life of intangible property to 20 years.
                                                      transfer of foreign goodwill or going                   section 482 in conjunction with other                 When the useful life of the intangible
                                                      concern value developed by a foreign                    Code provisions, including section 367,               property transferred exceeds 20 years,
                                                      branch to a foreign corporation was                     in determining the proper tax treatment               the limitation might result in less than
                                                      unlikely to result in abuse of the U.S.                 of controlled transactions. The text of               all of the income attributable to the
                                                      tax system. See S. Rep. No. 169, 98th                   the temporary regulations under section               property being taken into account by the
                                                      Cong., 2d Sess., at 362; H.R. Rep. No.                  482 also serves as the text of a portion              U.S. transferor. Accordingly, proposed
                                                      432, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., at 1317. The                 of these proposed regulations. The                    § 1.367(d)–1(c)(3) provides that the
                                                      Treasury Department and the IRS                         preamble to the temporary regulations                 useful life of intangible property is the
                                                      considered whether the favorable                        explains the temporary regulations and                entire period during which the
                                                      treatment for foreign goodwill and going                the corresponding proposed regulations.               exploitation of the intangible property is
                                                      concern value under current law could                   Explanation of Provisions                             reasonably anticipated to occur, as of
                                                      be preserved while protecting the U.S.                                                                        the time of transfer. For this purpose,
                                                      tax base through regulations expressly                  I. Eliminating the Foreign Goodwill                   exploitation includes use of the
                                                      prescribing parameters for the portion of               Exception and Limiting the Scope of the               intangible property in research and
                                                      the value of a business that qualifies for              ATB Exception                                         development. Consistent with the
                                                      the favorable treatment. For example,                   A. In General                                         guidance for cost sharing arrangements
                                                      regulations could require that, to be                                                                         in § 1.482–7(g)(2)(ii)(A), if the intangible
                                                      eligible for the favorable treatment, the                 The proposed regulations eliminate                  property is reasonably anticipated to
                                                      value must have been created by                         the foreign goodwill exception under                  contribute to its own further
                                                      activities conducted outside of the                     § 1.367(d)–1T and limit the scope of                  development or to developing other
                                                      United States through an actual foreign                 property that is eligible for the ATB                 intangibles, then the period includes the
                                                      branch that had been in operation for a                 exception generally to certain tangible               period, reasonably anticipated at the
                                                      minimum number of years and be                          property and financial assets.                        time of the transfer, of exploiting
                                                      attributable to unrelated foreign                       Accordingly, under the proposed                       (including use in research and
                                                      customers. The Treasury Department                      regulations, upon an outbound transfer                development) such further
                                                      and the IRS ultimately determined,                      of foreign goodwill or going concern                  development. Consequently, depending
                                                      however, that such an approach would                    value, a U.S. transferor will be subject              on the facts, the cessation of
                                                      be impractical to administer. In                        to either current gain recognition under              exploitation activity after a specific
                                                      particular, while the temporary                         section 367(a)(1) or the tax treatment                period of time may or may not be
                                                      regulations under section 482 that are                  provided under section 367(d).                        reasonably anticipated. See, e.g.,
                                                      published in the Rules and Regulations                  B. Modifications to § 1.367(d)–1T                     § 1.482–7(g)(4)(viii), Examples 1
                                                      section of this issue of the Federal                                                                          (cessation anticipated after 15 years)
                                                      Register clarify the proper application                    Proposed § 1.367(d)–1(b) provides                  and 7 (cessation not anticipated at any
                                                      of section 482 in important respects,                   that section 367(d) and § 1.367(d)–1                  determinable date).
                                                      there will continue to be challenges in                 apply to an outbound transfer of
                                                                                                              intangible property, as defined in                    C. Modifications Relating to the ATB
                                                      administering the transfer pricing rules
                                                                                                              proposed § 1.367(a)–1(d)(5). Proposed                 Exception
                                                      whenever the transfer of different types
                                                      of intangible property gives rise to                    § 1.367(d)–1(b) does not provide an                      The rules for determining whether
                                                      significantly different tax consequences.               exception for any intangible property.                property is eligible for the ATB
                                                      Given the amounts at stake, as long as                  Rather, as described in part II. of the               exception and whether the property
                                                      foreign goodwill and going concern                      Explanation of Provisions section of this             satisfies the ATB exception currently
                                                      value are afforded favorable treatment,                 preamble, proposed § 1.367(a)–1(d)(5)                 are found in numerous regulations,
                                                      taxpayers will continue to have strong                  modifies the definition of intangible                 namely §§ 1.367(a)–2, 1.367(a)–2T,
                                                      incentives to take aggressive transfer                  property that applies for purposes of                 1.367(a)–4, 1.367(a)–4T, 1.367(a)–5, and
                                                      pricing positions to inappropriately                    section 367(a) and (d). The modified                  1.367(a)–5T (collectively, the ATB
                                                      exploit the favorable treatment of                      definition facilitates both the                       regulations). To make the regulations
                                                      foreign goodwill and going concern                      elimination of the foreign goodwill                   more accessible, the proposed
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                                                      value, however defined, and thereby                     exception as well as the addition of a                regulations combine the ATB
                                                      erode the U.S. tax base.                                rule under which U.S. transferors may                 regulations, other than the depreciation
                                                         For the reasons discussed in this                    apply section 367(d) with respect to                  recapture rule, into a single regulation
                                                      section of the preamble, the Treasury                   certain outbound transfers of property                under proposed § 1.367(a)–2. The
                                                      Department and the IRS have                             that otherwise would be subject to                    proposed regulations retain a
                                                      determined that allowing intangible                     section 367(a) under the U.S.                         coordination rule pursuant to which a
                                                      property to be transferred outbound in                  transferor’s interpretation of section                transfer of stock or securities in an
                                                      a tax-free manner is inconsistent with                  936(h)(3)(B). The proposed regulations                exchange subject to § 1.367(a)–3 is not
                                                      the policies of section 367 and sound                   make certain coordinating changes to                  subject to § 1.367(a)–2. See § 1.367(a)–

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                                                      55572             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      2(a)(1). The proposed regulations make                  currency; and (iv) certain leased                     and the IRS have determined that
                                                      conforming changes to the depreciation                  tangible property. These four categories              §§ 1.367(a)–3 and 1.367(a)–8 (generally
                                                      recapture rule, which is moved from                     of property not eligible for the ATB                  requiring U.S. transferors that own five-
                                                      § 1.367(a)–4T to § 1.367(a)–4, and the                  exception include four of the five                    percent or more of the stock of the
                                                      branch loss recapture rule, which                       categories described in existing                      foreign corporation to enter into a gain
                                                      remains under §§ 1.367(a)–6 and                         regulations under §§ 1.367(a)–5 and                   recognition agreement to avoid
                                                      1.367(a)–6T. Although minor wording                     1.367–5T. The category for intangible                 recognizing gain under section 367(a)(1)
                                                      changes have been made to certain                       property is not retained because it is not            upon the outbound transfer of stock or
                                                      aspects of the ATB regulations as part of               relevant: Intangible property transferred             securities) adequately carry out the
                                                      consolidating them into a single                        to a foreign corporation pursuant to                  policy of section 367(a) with respect to
                                                      regulation, the proposed regulations are                section 351 or 361 is not eligible                    the transfer of stock or securities.
                                                      not intended to be interpreted as making                property under proposed § 1.367(a)–2(b)                  The proposed regulations modify the
                                                      substantive changes to the ATB                          without regard to the application of                  scope of the term U.S. depreciated
                                                      regulations except as otherwise                         proposed § 1.367(a)–2(c).                             property for purposes of the
                                                      described in this section of the                           The proposed regulations also                      depreciation recapture rule to include
                                                      preamble.                                               eliminate the exception in existing                   section 126 property (as defined in
                                                         Under existing regulations, all                      § 1.367(a)–5T(d)(2) that allows certain               section 1255(a)(2)).
                                                      property is eligible for the ATB                        property denominated in the foreign                      The proposed regulations eliminate
                                                      exception, unless the property is                       currency of the country in which the                  the special rules for outbound transfers
                                                      specifically excluded. Under this                       foreign corporation is organized to                   of property to a FSC, because the FSC
                                                      structure, taxpayers have an incentive to               qualify under the ATB exception if that               provisions have been repealed. Tax
                                                      take the position that certain intangible               property was acquired in the ordinary                 Increase Prevention and Reconciliation
                                                      property is not described in section                    course of the business of the U.S.                    Act of 2005, Pub L. 109–222, § 513, 120
                                                      936(h)(3)(B) and therefore not subject to               transferor that will be carried on by the             Stat. 366 (2006); FSC Repeal and
                                                      section 367(d) and is instead subject to                foreign corporation. The Treasury                     Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act of
                                                      section 367(a) but eligible for the ATB                 Department and the IRS have                           2000, Pub. L. 106–519, § 2, 114 Stat.
                                                      exception because the intangible                        determined that removing the exception                2423 (2000).
                                                      property is not specifically excluded                   is consistent with the general policy of                 Finally, the proposed regulations
                                                      from the ATB exception. The Treasury                    section 367(a)(3)(B)(iii) to require gain             make conforming changes to the
                                                      Department and the IRS have concluded                   to be recognized on an outbound                       reporting requirements under
                                                      that providing an exclusive list of                     transfer of foreign currency                          § 1.6038B–1(c)(4) to take into account
                                                      property eligible for the ATB exception                 denominated property. Removing the                    the proposed regulations under
                                                      will reduce the incentives for taxpayers                exception will preserve the character,                § 1.367(a)–2. The proposed regulations
                                                      to undervalue intangible property                       source, and amount of gain attributable               retain a rule providing relief for certain
                                                      subject to section 367(d).                              to section 988 transactions that                      failures to comply with the reporting
                                                         Thus, the proposed regulations                       otherwise could be lost or changed if                 requirements of section 6038B and the
                                                      provide that only certain types of                      such gain were not immediately                        regulations thereunder for qualification
                                                      property (as described in the next                      recognized but instead were reflected                 under the ATB exception, but that rule
                                                      paragraph) are eligible for the ATB                     only in the U.S. transferor’s basis in the            is moved to proposed § 1.367(a)–2(j).
                                                      exception. However, in order for eligible               stock of the foreign corporation.                     II. Treatment of Certain Property as
                                                      property to satisfy the ATB exception,                     The general rules for determining                  Subject to Section 367(d)
                                                      that property must also be considered                   whether eligible property is transferred
                                                      transferred for use in the active conduct               for use in the active conduct of a trade                 Taxpayers take different positions as
                                                      of a trade or business outside of the                   or business outside of the United States              to whether goodwill and going concern
                                                      United States. Specifically, proposed                   are described in proposed § 1.367(a)–                 value are section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible
                                                      § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2) provides the general                 2(d). Also, paragraphs (e) through (h) of             property, as discussed in part I.D. of the
                                                      rule that an outbound transfer of                       proposed § 1.367(a)–2 provide special                 Background section of this preamble.
                                                      property satisfies the ATB exception if                 rules for certain property to be leased               The proposed regulations do not
                                                      (i) the property constitutes eligible                   after the transfer, a working interest in             address this issue. However, the
                                                      property, (ii) the property is transferred              oil and gas property, property that is re-            proposed regulations under § 1.367(a)–
                                                      for use by the foreign corporation in the               transferred by the transferee foreign                 1(b)(5) provide that a U.S. transferor
                                                      active conduct of a trade or business                   corporation to another person, and                    may apply section 367(d) to a transfer of
                                                      outside of the United States, and (iii)                 certain compulsory transfers of                       property, other than certain property
                                                      certain reporting requirements under                    property, respectively. The proposed                  described below, that otherwise would
                                                      section 6038B are satisfied.                            regulations also combine existing                     be subject to section 367(a) under the
                                                         Under proposed § 1.367(a)–2(b),                      § 1.367(a)–2T(c) (relating to property                U.S. transferor’s interpretation of
                                                      eligible property is tangible property,                 that is re-transferred by the foreign                 section 936(h)(3)(B). Under this rule, a
                                                      working interests in oil and gas                        corporation) and a portion of § 1.367(a)–             U.S. transferor that takes the position
                                                      property, and certain financial assets,                 4T(d) (relating to property to be sold by             that goodwill and going concern value
                                                      unless the property is also described in                the foreign corporation) into proposed                are not section 936(h)(3)(B) intangible
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      one of four categories of ineligible                    § 1.367(a)–2(g), because both of these                property may nonetheless apply section
                                                      property. Proposed § 1.367(a)–2(c) lists                existing provisions relate to subsequent              367(d) to goodwill and going concern
                                                      four categories of property not eligible                transfers of property by the foreign                  value. This rule furthers sound tax
                                                      for the ATB exception, which, in                        corporation. See proposed § 1.367(a)–                 administration by reducing the
                                                      general, are (i) inventory or similar                   2(g)(1) and (2), respectively. Proposed               consequences of uncertainty as to
                                                      property; (ii) installment obligations,                 § 1.367(a)–2(g)(2) does not retain the                whether value is attributable to property
                                                      accounts receivable, or similar property;               portion of existing § 1.367(a)–4T(d) that             subject to section 367(a) or property
                                                      (iii) foreign currency or certain other                 applies to certain transfers of stock or              subject to section 367(d). The
                                                      property denominated in foreign                         securities. The Treasury Department                   application of section 367(d) in lieu of

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            55573

                                                      section 367(a) is available only for                    transactions. Proposed § 1.367(a)–1(b)(3)             occurring before that date resulting from
                                                      property that is not eligible property, as              provides that, in cases where an                      entity classification elections made
                                                      defined in proposed § 1.367(a)–2(b) but,                outbound transfer of property subject to              under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or
                                                      for this purpose, determined without                    section 367(a) constitutes a controlled               after that date. For proposed dates of
                                                      regard to § 1.367(a)–2(c) (which                        transaction, as defined in § 1.482–                   applicability, see § 1.367(a)–1(g)(5),
                                                      describes four categories of property                   1(i)(8), the value of the property                    –2(k), –4(b), –6(k), –7(j)(2), 1.367(d)–1(j),
                                                      explicitly excluded from the ATB                        transferred is determined in accordance               and 1.6038B–1(g)(7). No inference is
                                                      exception). A U.S. transferor must                      with section 482 and the regulations                  intended as to the application of the
                                                      disclose whether it is applying section                 thereunder. This rule replaces existing               provisions proposed to be amended by
                                                      367(a) or (d) to a transfer of such                     § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(3), which includes                   these proposed regulations under
                                                      property. See proposed §§ 1.6038B–                      three rules.                                          current law. The IRS may, where
                                                      1(c)(4)(vii) and –1(d)(1)(iv).                             First, § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(3)(i) provides             appropriate, challenge transactions
                                                         To implement this new rule under                     that ‘‘the gain required to be recognized             under applicable provisions or judicial
                                                      proposed § 1.367(a)–1(b)(5) and the                     . . . shall in no event exceed the gain               doctrines.
                                                      removal of the foreign goodwill                         that would have been recognized on a
                                                      exception, the proposed regulations                     taxable sale of those items of property               Special Analyses
                                                      revise the definition of ‘‘intangible                   if sold individually and without                        Certain IRS regulations, including this
                                                      property’’ that applies for purposes of                 offsetting individual losses against                  one, are exempt from the requirements
                                                      sections 367(a) and (d). As revised, the                individual gains’’ (emphasis added).                  of Executive Order 12866, as
                                                      term means either property described in                 The Treasury Department and the IRS                   supplemented and reaffirmed by
                                                      section 936(h)(3)(B) or property to                     are concerned that in controlled                      Executive Order 13563. Therefore, a
                                                      which a U.S. transferor applies section                 transactions, taxpayers might have                    regulatory impact assessment is not
                                                      367(d) (in lieu of applying section                     interpreted the wording ‘‘if sold                     required. It has been determined that
                                                      367(a)). However, for this purpose and                  individually’’ as inconsistent with                   section 553(b) and (d) of the
                                                      consistent with existing regulations,                   § 1.482–1T(f)(2)(i)(B) (as clarified in               Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
                                                      intangible property does not include                    temporary regulations published                       chapter 5) does not apply to these
                                                      property described in section 1221(a)(3)                elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations                regulations. It is hereby certified that the
                                                      (generally relating to certain copyrights)              section in this issue of the Federal                  collection of information contained in
                                                      or a working interest in oil and gas                    Register), which provides that an                     this regulation will not have a
                                                      property.                                               aggregate analysis of transactions may                significant economic impact on a
                                                         The regulations under § 1.367(a)–7                   provide the most reliable measure of an               substantial number of small entities.
                                                      (concerning outbound transfers of                       arm’s length result in certain                        Accordingly, a regulatory flexibility
                                                      property subject to section 367(a) in                   circumstances.                                        analysis is not required. This
                                                      certain asset reorganizations) use the                     Second, § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(3)(ii)                    certification is based on the fact that the
                                                      term ‘‘section 367(d) property’’ to                     provides that no loss may be recognized               proposed regulations under section
                                                      describe property that is not subject to                by reason of section 367. That rule                   367(a) and (d) simplify existing
                                                      section 367(a) and is therefore not                     duplicates a loss disallowance rule in                regulations, and the regulations under
                                                      subject to § 1.367(a)–7. The proposed                   § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(1), which provides that              section 6038B make relatively minor
                                                      regulations modify the definition of                    section 367(a)(1) denies nonrecognition               changes to existing information
                                                      section 367(d) property in § 1.367(a)–                  only to transfers of items of property on             reporting requirements. Moreover, these
                                                      7(f)(11) (which currently defines section               which gain is realized and that losses do             regulations primarily will affect large
                                                      367(d) property as property described in                not affect the amount of the gain                     domestic corporations filing
                                                      section 936(h)(3)(B)) by reference to the               recognized because of section 367(a)(1).              consolidated returns. In addition, the
                                                      new definition of ‘‘intangible property’’                  Third, § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(3)(iii)                    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
                                                      under the proposed regulations. When                    provides a rule to address a scenario in              chapter 6) does not apply to the
                                                      the Treasury Department and the IRS                     which ordinary income and capital gain                regulations under section 482 that are
                                                      issue regulations to implement the                      could exceed the amount described in                  proposed herein, and published as
                                                      guidance described in Notice 2012–39                    § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(3)(i). Because these                 temporary regulations in the Rules and
                                                      (IRB 2012–31) (announcing regulations                   regulations replace § 1.367(a)–                       Regulations section of this issue of the
                                                      to be issued addressing outbound                        1T(b)(3)(i), § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(3)(iii) is no           Federal Register, because those
                                                      transfers of intangible property subject                longer necessary.                                     regulations do not impose a collection
                                                      to section 367(d) in certain asset                                                                            of information requirement on small
                                                                                                              IV. Proposed Effective/Applicability
                                                      reorganizations), the definition of                                                                           entities. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of
                                                      ‘‘section 367(d) property’’ provided in                                                                       the Code, these regulations have been
                                                      section 4.05(3) of the notice will be                      The proposed regulations are                       submitted to the Chief Counsel for
                                                      similarly modified.                                     proposed to apply to transfers occurring              Advocacy of the Small Business
                                                                                                              on or after September 14, 2015 and to                 Administration for comment on their
                                                      III. Modifications to § 1.367(a)–1T                     transfers occurring before September 14,              impact on small business.
                                                         Section 1.482–1T(f)(2)(i) of the                     2015 resulting from entity classification
                                                      temporary regulations published                         elections made under § 301.7701–3 that                Comments and Requests for Public
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations                  are filed on or after September 14, 2015.             Hearing
                                                      section of this issue of the Federal                    However, the removal of the exception                   Before these proposed regulations are
                                                      Register clarify the coordination of the                currently provided in § 1.367(a)–                     adopted as final regulations,
                                                      application of the arm’s length standard                5T(d)(2) will apply to transfers                      consideration will be given to any
                                                      and the best method rule in the                         occurring on or after the date that the               comments that are submitted timely to
                                                      regulations under section 482 in                        rules proposed in this section are                    the IRS as prescribed in this preamble
                                                      conjunction with other Code provisions,                 adopted as final regulations in a                     under the ADDRESSES heading. The
                                                      including section 367, in determining                   Treasury decision published in the                    Treasury Department and the IRS
                                                      the proper tax treatment of controlled                  Federal Register and to transfers                     request comments on all aspects of the

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                                                      55574             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      proposed rules. In particular, comments                 ■ Par. 2. Section 1.367(a)–0 is added to                 (g) Property retransferred by the foreign
                                                      are requested on whether, with respect                  read as follows:                                      corporation.
                                                      to the proposed elimination of the                                                                               (1) General rule.
                                                                                                              § 1.367(a)–0      Table of Contents.                     (2) Exception.
                                                      foreign goodwill exception and
                                                                                                                This section lists the paragraphs                      (h) Compulsory transfers of property.
                                                      narrowing of the scope of the ATB                                                                                (i) [Reserved].
                                                      exception, a limited exception should                   contained in §§ 1.367(a)–1 through
                                                                                                                                                                       (j) Failure to comply with reporting
                                                      be provided for certain narrow cases                    1.367(a)–8.                                           requirements of section 6038B.
                                                      where there is limited potential for                    § 1.367(a)–1 Transfers to foreign                        (1) Failure to comply.
                                                      abuse. One such case, for example,                            corporations subject to section 367(a): In         (2) Relief for certain failures to comply that
                                                      might be a financial services business                        general.                                        are not willful.
                                                      that operates in true branch form and for                  (a) Scope.                                            (k) Effective/applicability dates.
                                                                                                                 (b) General rules.                                    (1) In general.
                                                      which there is regulatory pressure or
                                                                                                                 (1) Foreign corporation not considered a              (2) Foreign currency exception.
                                                      compulsion to incorporate the assets of
                                                                                                              corporation for purposes of certain transfers.        § 1.367(a)–3 Treatment of transfers of stock
                                                      the branch in a foreign corporation.                       (2) Cases in which foreign corporate status              or securities to foreign corporations.
                                                      Comments should discuss how the IRS                     is not disregarded.                                      (a) In general.
                                                      would administer any such exception.                       (3) Determination of value.                           (1) Overview.
                                                      With respect to the ATB exception,                         (b)(4)(i)(A) [Reserved].                              (2) Exceptions for certain exchanges of
                                                      comments are requested as to whether                       (b)(4)(ii) [Reserved].                             stock or securities.
                                                      the definition of ‘‘financial asset’’ under                (5) Treatment of certain property as subject          (3) Cross-references.
                                                      proposed § 1.367(a)–2(b)(3) should be                   to section 367(d).                                       (b) Transfers of stock or securities of
                                                      expanded to include other items. With                      (c) [Reserved].                                    foreign corporations.
                                                                                                                 (d) Definitions.                                      (1) General rule.
                                                      respect to the proposed elimination of                     (d)(1) through (d)(2) [Reserved].
                                                      the 20-year limitation on the useful life                                                                        (2) Certain transfers subject to sections
                                                                                                                 (3) Transfer.                                      367(a) and (b).
                                                      of intangible property under § 1.367(d)–                   (d)(4) [Reserved].                                    (c) Transfers of stock or securities of
                                                      1T(c)(3), comments are requested on                        (5) Intangible property.                           domestic corporations.
                                                      ways to simplify the administration of                     (6) Operating intangibles.                            (1) General rule.
                                                      inclusions that section 367(d) requires                    (e) Close of taxable year in certain section          (2) Ownership presumption.
                                                      for property with a very long useful life.              368(a)(1)(F) reorganizations.                            (3) Active trade or business test.
                                                      All comments will be available at                          (f) Exchanges under sections 354(a) and               (4) Special rules.
                                                                                                              361(a) in certain section 368(a)(1)(F)                   (5) Definitions.
                                                      www.regulations.gov or upon request. A                  reorganizations.
                                                      public hearing will be scheduled if                                                                              (6) Reporting requirements of U.S. target
                                                                                                                 (1) Rule                                           company.
                                                      requested in writing by any person that                    (2) Rule applies regardless of whether a              (7) Ownership statements.
                                                      timely submits written comments. If a                   continuance under applicable law.                        (8) Certain transfers in connection with
                                                      public hearing is scheduled, notice of                     (g) Effective date of certain sections.            performance of services.
                                                      the date, time, and place for the public                   (1) In general.                                       (9) Private letter ruling option.
                                                      hearing will be published in the Federal                   (g)(2) through (3) [Reserved].                        (10) Examples.
                                                      Register.                                                  (4)                                                   (11) Effective date.
                                                                                                                 (5) Effective/applicability dates.                    (d) Indirect stock transfers in certain
                                                      Drafting Information                                    § 1.367(a)–2 Exceptions for transfers of              nonrecognition transfers.
                                                         The principal author of these                              property for use in the active conduct of          (1) In general.
                                                      proposed regulations is Ryan Bowen,                           a trade or business.                               (2) Special rules for indirect transfers.
                                                      Office of Associate Chief Counsel                          (a) Scope and general rule.                           (3) Examples.
                                                                                                                 (1) Scope.                                            (e) [Reserved].
                                                      (International). However, other
                                                                                                                 (2) General rule.                                     (f) Failure to file statements.
                                                      personnel from the Treasury                                (b) Eligible property.                                (1) Failure to file.
                                                      Department and the IRS participated in                     (c) Exception for certain property.                   (2) Relief for certain failures to file that are
                                                      their development.                                         (1) Inventory.                                     not willful.
                                                                                                                 (2) Installment obligations, etc.                     (g) Effective/applicability dates.
                                                      List of Subjects in 26 CFR Part 1
                                                                                                                 (3) Foreign currency, etc.                            (1) Rules of applicability.
                                                        Income taxes, Reporting and                              (4) Certain leased tangible property.                 (2) Election.
                                                      recordkeeping requirements.                                (d) Active conduct of a trade or business             (h) Former 10-year gain recognition
                                                                                                              outside the United States.                            agreements.
                                                      Proposed Amendments to the                                 (1) In general.                                       (i) [Reserved].
                                                      Regulations                                                (2) Trade or business.                                (j) Transition rules regarding certain
                                                        Accordingly, 26 CFR part 1 is                            (3) Active conduct.                                transfers of domestic or foreign stock or
                                                                                                                 (4) Outside of the United States.                  securities after December 16, 1987, and prior
                                                      proposed to be amended as follows:
                                                                                                                 (5) Use in the trade or business.                  to July 20, 1998.
                                                                                                                 (6) Active leasing and licensing.                     (1) Scope.
                                                      PART 1—INCOME TAXES
                                                                                                                 (e) Special rules for certain property to be          (2) Transfers of domestic or foreign stock
                                                      ■ Paragraph 1. The authority citation                   leased.                                               or securities: Additional substantive rules.
                                                                                                                 (1) Leasing business of the foreign                   (k) [Reserved].
                                                      for part 1 continues to read in part as                 corporation.
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      follows:                                                                                                      § 1.367(a)–4 Special rule applicable to U.S.
                                                                                                                 (2) De minimis leasing by the foreign                    depreciated property.
                                                         Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *                      corporation.
                                                         Sections 1.367(a)–1 through 1.367(a)–7 also             (3) Aircraft and vessels leased in foreign            (a) Depreciated property used in the United
                                                      issued under 26 U.S.C. 367(a). * * *                    commerce.                                             States.
                                                         Section 1.367(d)–1 also issued under 26                 (f) Special rules for oil and gas working             (1) In general.
                                                      U.S.C. 367(d). * * *                                    interests.                                               (2) U.S. depreciated property.
                                                         Section 1.482–1 also issued under 26                    (1) In general.                                       (3) Property used within and without the
                                                      U.S.C. 482.                                                (2) Active use of working interest.                United States.
                                                         Section 1.6038B–1 also issued under 26                  (3) Start-up operations.                              (b) Effective/applicability dates.
                                                      U.S.C. 6038B. * * *                                        (4) Other applicable rules.                        § 1.367(a)–5 [Reserved].

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                              55575

                                                      § 1.367(a)–6 Transfer of foreign branch with               (1) Disposition of transferred stock or              (3) Examples.
                                                            previously deducted losses.                       securities.                                             (q) Examples.
                                                         (a) through (b)(1) [Reserved].                          (2) Disposition of substantially all of the          (1) Presumed facts and references.
                                                         (2) No active conduct exception.                     assets of the transferred corporation.                  (2) Examples.
                                                         (c)(1) [Reserved].                                      (3) Disposition of certain partnership               (r) Effective/applicability date.
                                                         (2) Gain limitation.                                 interests.                                              (1) General rule.
                                                         (3) [Reserved].                                         (4) Disposition of stock of the transferee           (2) Applicability to transfers occurring
                                                         (c)(4) through (j) [Reserved].                       foreign corporation.                                  before March 13, 2009.
                                                         (k) Effective/applicability dates.                      (5) Deconsolidation.                                 (3) Applicability to requests for relief
                                                                                                                 (6) Consolidation.                                 submitted before November 19, 2014.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7 Outbound transfers of property                (7) Death of an individual; trust or estate
                                                            described in section 361(a) or (b).                                                                     ■ Par. 3. Section 1.367(a)–1 is amended
                                                                                                              ceases to exist.
                                                         (a) Scope and purpose.                                  (8) Failure to comply.                             by revising paragraphs (a), (b)(1)
                                                         (b) General rule.                                       (9) Gain recognition agreement filed in            through (3), (b)(4)(i)(B), (b)(5), (c)(3)(ii),
                                                         (1) Nonrecognition exchanges enumerated              connection with indirect stock transfers and          (d) introductory text, (d)(5), (d)(6), and
                                                      in section 367(a)(1).                                   certain triangular asset reorganizations.             (g)(1) and (5) to read as follows:
                                                         (2) Nonrecognition exchanges not                        (10) Gain recognition agreement filed
                                                      enumerated in section 367(a)(1).                        pursuant to paragraph (k)(14) of this section.        § 1.367(a)–1 Transfers to foreign
                                                         (c) Elective exception.                                 (k) Triggering event exceptions.                   corporations subject to section 367(a): In
                                                         (1) Control.                                            (1) Transfers of stock of the transferee           general.
                                                         (2) Gain recognition.                                foreign corporation to a corporation or                  (a) Scope. Section 367(a)(1) provides
                                                         (3) Basis adjustments required for control           partnership.                                          the general rule concerning certain
                                                      group members.                                             (2) Complete liquidation of U.S. transferor        transfers of property by a United States
                                                         (4) Agreement to amend or file a U.S.                under sections 332 and 337.
                                                      income tax return.
                                                                                                                                                                    person (referred to at times in this
                                                                                                                 (3) Transfers of transferred stock or
                                                         (5) Election and reporting requirements.             securities to a corporation or partnership.           section as the ‘‘U.S. person’’ or ‘‘U.S.
                                                         (d) Section 361 exchange followed by                    (4) Transfers of substantially all of the          transferor’’) to a foreign corporation.
                                                      successive distributions to which section 355           assets of the transferred corporation.                Paragraph (b) of this section provides
                                                      applies.                                                   (5) Recapitalizations and section 1036             general rules explaining the effect of
                                                         (e) Other rules.                                     exchanges.                                            section 367(a)(1). Paragraph (c) of this
                                                         (1) Section 367(a) property with respect to             (6) Certain asset reorganizations.                 section describes transfers of property
                                                      which gain is recognized.                                  (7) Certain triangular reorganizations.            that are described in section 367(a)(1).
                                                         (2) Relief for certain failures to comply that          (8) Complete liquidation of transferred
                                                                                                                                                                    Paragraph (d) of this section provides
                                                      are not willful.                                        corporation.
                                                         (3) Anti-abuse rule.                                    (9) Death of U.S. transferor.                      definitions that apply for purposes of
                                                         (4) Certain income inclusions under                     (10) Deconsolidation.                              sections 367(a) and (d) and the
                                                      § 1.367(b)–4.                                              (11) Consolidation.                                regulations thereunder. Paragraphs (e)
                                                         (5) Certain gain under § 1.367(a)–6.                    (12) Intercompany transactions.                    and (f) of this section provide rules that
                                                         (f) Definitions.                                        (13) Deemed asset sales pursuant to section        apply to certain reorganizations
                                                         (g) Examples.                                        338(g) elections.                                     described in section 368(a)(1)(F).
                                                         (h) Applicable cross-references.                        (14) Other dispositions or events.                 Paragraph (g) of this section provides
                                                         (i) [Reserved].                                         (l) [Reserved].                                    dates of applicability. For rules
                                                         (j) Effective/applicability dates.                      (m) Receipt of boot in nonrecognition
                                                                                                                                                                    concerning the reporting requirements
                                                         (1) In general.                                                                                            under section 6038B for certain transfers
                                                         (2) Section 367(d) property.                            (1) Dispositions of transferred stock or
                                                                                                              securities.                                           of property to a foreign corporation, see
                                                      § 1.367(a)–8 Gain recognition agreement                                                                       § 1.6038B–1.
                                                                                                                 (2) Dispositions of assets of transferred
                                                            requirements.                                                                                              (b) General rules—(1) Foreign
                                                         (a) Scope.                                              (n) Special rules for distributions with           corporation not considered a
                                                         (b) Definitions and special rules.                   respect to stock.                                     corporation for purposes of certain
                                                         (1) Definitions.                                        (1) Certain dividend equivalent
                                                         (2) Special rules.
                                                                                                                                                                    transfers. If a U.S. person transfers
                                                                                                              redemptions treated as dispositions.                  property to a foreign corporation in
                                                         (c) Gain recognition agreement.                         (2) Gain recognized under section
                                                         (1) Terms of agreement.                              301(c)(3).
                                                                                                                                                                    connection with an exchange described
                                                         (2) Content of gain recognition agreement.              (o) Dispositions or other events that              in section 351, 354, 356, or 361, then,
                                                         (3) Description of transferred stock or              terminate or reduce the amount of gain                pursuant to section 367(a)(1), the foreign
                                                      securities and other information.                       subject to the gain recognition agreement.            corporation will not be considered to be
                                                         (4) Basis adjustments for gain recognized.              (1) Taxable disposition of stock of the            a corporation for purposes of
                                                         (5) Terms and conditions of a new gain               transferee foreign corporation.                       determining the extent to which gain is
                                                      recognition agreement.                                     (2) Gain recognized in connection with             recognized on the transfer. Section
                                                         (6) Cross-reference.                                 certain nonrecognition transactions.
                                                         (d) Filing requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                    367(a)(1) denies nonrecognition
                                                                                                                 (3) Gain recognized under section
                                                         (1) General rule.                                    301(c)(3).
                                                                                                                                                                    treatment only to transfers of items of
                                                         (2) Special requirements.                               (4) Dispositions of substantially all of the       property on which gain is realized.
                                                         (3) Common parent as agent for U.S.                  assets of a domestic transferred corporation.         Thus, the amount of gain recognized
                                                      transferor.                                                (5) Certain distributions or transfers of          because of section 367(a)(1) is
                                                         (e) Signatory.                                       transferred stock or securities to U.S.               unaffected by the transfer of items of
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                         (1) General rule.                                    persons.                                              property on which loss is realized (but
                                                         (2) Signature requirement.                              (6) Dispositions or other event following          not recognized).
                                                         (f) Extension of period of limitations on            certain intercompany transactions.                       (2) Cases in which foreign corporate
                                                      assessments of tax.                                        (7) Expropriations under foreign law.              status is not disregarded. For
                                                         (1) General rule.                                       (p) Relief for certain failures to file or
                                                         (2) New gain recognition agreement.                  failures to comply that are not willful.
                                                                                                                                                                    circumstances in which section
                                                         (g) Annual certification.                               (1) In general.                                    367(a)(1) does not apply to a U.S.
                                                         (h) Use of security.                                    (2) Procedures for establishing that a             transferor’s transfer of property to a
                                                         (i) [Reserved].                                      failure to file or failure to comply was not          foreign corporation, and thus the foreign
                                                         (j) Triggering events.                               willful.                                              corporation is considered to be a

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                                                      corporation, see §§ 1.367(a)–2, 1.367(a)–               any other U.S. transferor that is related             purchase or supply contracts, surveys,
                                                      3, and 1.367(a)–7.                                      (within the meaning of section 267(b) or              studies, and customer lists.
                                                         (3) Determination of value. In cases in              707(b)(1)) to the U.S. transferor must                *      *      *     *      *
                                                      which a U.S. transferor’s transfer of                   consistently apply this paragraph (b)(5)                 (g) Effective date of certain sections—
                                                      property to a foreign corporation                       to all property described in this                     (1) In general. Except as specifically
                                                      constitutes a controlled transaction as                 paragraph (b)(5) that is transferred to               provided to the contrary elsewhere in
                                                      defined in § 1.482–1(i)(8), the value of                one or more foreign corporations                      these sections, §§ 1.367(a)–1T and
                                                      the property transferred is determined                  pursuant to a plan. A U.S. transferor                 1.367(a)–6T apply to transfers occurring
                                                      in accordance with section 482 and the                  applies the provisions of this paragraph              after December 31, 1984.
                                                      regulations thereunder.                                 (b)(5) in the form and manner set forth                  (2) and (3) [Reserved]. For further
                                                         (4)(i)(A) [Reserved]. For further                    in § 1.6038B–1(d)(1)(iv) and (v).                     guidance, see § 1.367(a)–1T(g)(2) and
                                                      guidance, see § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(4)(i)(A).                   (c)(1) through (3)(i) [Reserved]. For              (3).
                                                         (B) Appropriate adjustments to                       further guidance, see § 1.367(a)–1T(c)(1)             *      *      *     *      *
                                                      earnings and profits, basis, and other                  through (3)(i).                                          (5) Effective/applicability dates.
                                                      affected items will be made according to                   (c)(3)(ii) Transfer of partnership                 Paragraphs (a), (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3),
                                                      otherwise applicable rules, taking into                 interest treated as transfer of                       (b)(5), (d) introductory text, (d)(5), and
                                                      account the gain recognized under                       proportionate share of assets—(A) In                  (d)(6) of this section apply to transfers
                                                      section 367(a)(1). For purposes of                      general. If a U.S. person transfers an                occurring on or after September 14,
                                                      applying section 362, the foreign                       interest as a partner in a partnership                2015, and to transfers occurring before
                                                      corporation’s basis in the property                     (whether foreign or domestic) in an                   September 14, 2015, resulting from
                                                      received is increased by the amount of                  exchange described in section 367(a)(1),              entity classification elections made
                                                      gain recognized by the U.S. transferor                  then that person is treated as having                 under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or
                                                      under section 367(a) and the regulations                transferred a proportionate share of the              after September 14, 2015. For transfers
                                                      issued pursuant to that section. To the                 property of the partnership in an                     occurring before this section is
                                                      extent the regulations provide that the                 exchange described in section 367(a)(1).              applicable, see §§ 1.367(a)–1 and
                                                      U.S. transferor recognizes gain with                    Accordingly, the applicability of the                 1.367(a)–1T as contained in 26 CFR part
                                                      respect to a particular item of property,               exception to section 367(a)(1) provided               1 revised as of April 1, 2015.
                                                      the foreign corporation increases its                   in § 1.367(a)–2 is determined with                    ■ Par. 4. Section 1.367(a)–2 is amended
                                                      basis in that item of property by the                   reference to the property of the                      by:
                                                      amount of such gain recognized. For                     partnership rather than the partnership               ■ 1. Revising paragraphs (a) through (d).
                                                      example, §§ 1.367(a)–2, 1.367(a)–3, and                 interest itself. A U.S. person’s                      ■ 2. Redesignating paragraph (e)(1) as
                                                      1.367(a)–4, provide that gain is                        proportionate share of partnership                    paragraph (d)(6) and revising, and
                                                      recognized with respect to particular                   property is determined under the rules                removing paragraph (e)(2).
                                                      items of property. To the extent the                    and principles of sections 701 through                ■ 3. Redesignating paragraph (f) as
                                                      regulations do not provide that gain                    761 and the regulations thereunder.                   paragraph (j), and revising newly
                                                      recognized by the U.S. transferor is with                  (c)(3)(ii)(B) through (7) [Reserved]. For          redesignated paragraphs (j)(1), (j)(2)(i),
                                                      respect to a particular item of property,               further guidance, see § 1.367(a)–                     the first sentence of paragraph
                                                      such gain is treated as recognized with                 1T(c)(3)(ii)(B) through (7).                          (j)(2)(ii)(B), and (j)(3) and (4).
                                                      respect to items of property subject to                 *      *      *     *    *                            ■ 4. Adding paragraphs (e) through (i)
                                                      section 367(a) in proportion to the U.S.                   (d) Definitions. The following                     and (k).
                                                      transferor’s gain realized in such                      definitions apply for purposes of                        The revisions and additions read as
                                                      property, after taking into account gain                sections 367(a) and (d) and the                       follows:
                                                      recognized with respect to particular                   regulations thereunder.                               § 1.367(a)–2 Exceptions for transfers of
                                                      items of property transferred under any                    (1) and (2) [Reserved]. For further                property for use in the active conduct of a
                                                      other provision of section 367(a). For                  guidance, see § 1.367(a)–1T(d)(1) and                 trade or business.
                                                      example, § 1.367(a)–6 provides that                     (2).                                                     (a) Scope and general rule—(1) Scope.
                                                      branch losses must be recaptured by the                 *      *      *     *    *                            Paragraph (a)(2) of this section provides
                                                      recognition of gain realized on the                        (4) [Reserved]. For further guidance,              the general exception to section
                                                      transfer but does not associate the gain                see § 1.367(a)–1T(d)(4).                              367(a)(1) for certain property transferred
                                                      with particular items of property. See                     (5) Intangible property. The term                  for use in the active conduct of a trade
                                                      also § 1.367(a)–1(c)(3) for rules                       ‘‘intangible property’’ means either                  or business. Paragraph (b) of this section
                                                      concerning transfers by partnerships or                 property described in section                         describes property that is eligible for the
                                                      of partnership interests.                               936(h)(3)(B) or property to which a U.S.              exception provided in paragraph (a)(2)
                                                      *      *      *    *     *                              person applies section 367(d) pursuant                of this section. Paragraph (c) of this
                                                         (b)(4)(ii) [Reserved]. For further                   to paragraph (b)(5) of this section, but              section describes property that is not
                                                      guidance, see § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(4)(ii).                  does not include property described in                eligible for the exception provided in
                                                         (5) Treatment of certain property as                 section 1221(a)(3) or a working interest              paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
                                                      subject to section 367(d). A U.S.                       in oil and gas property.                              Paragraph (d) of this section provides
                                                      transferor may apply section 367(d) and                    (6) Operating intangibles. An                      general rules, and paragraphs (e)
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                                                      § 1.367(d)–1, rather than section 367(a)                operating intangible is any property                  through (h) of this section provide
                                                      and the regulations thereunder, to a                    described in section 936(h)(3)(B) of a                special rules, for determining whether
                                                      transfer of property to a foreign                       type not ordinarily licensed or                       property is used in the active conduct
                                                      corporation that otherwise would be                     otherwise transferred in transactions                 of a trade or business outside of the
                                                      subject to section 367(a), provided that                between unrelated parties for                         United States. Paragraph (i) of this
                                                      the property is not eligible property, as               consideration contingent upon the                     section is reserved. Paragraph (j) of this
                                                      defined in § 1.367(a)–2(b) but                          licensee’s or transferee’s use of the                 section provides relief for certain
                                                      determined without regard to                            property. Examples of operating                       failures to comply with the reporting
                                                      § 1.367(a)–2(c). A U.S. transferor and                  intangibles may include long-term                     requirements under paragraph (a)(2)(iii)

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                                                      of this section that are not willful.                   currency, including installment                       or business, a group of activities must
                                                      Paragraph (k) of this section provides                  obligations, futures contracts, forward               ordinarily include every operation
                                                      dates of applicability. The rules of this               contracts, accounts receivable, or any                which forms a part of, or a step in, a
                                                      section do not apply to a transfer of                   other obligation entitling its payee to               process by which an enterprise may
                                                      stock or securities in an exchange                      receive payment in a currency other                   earn income or profit. In this regard, one
                                                      subject to § 1.367(a)–3.                                than U.S. dollars.                                    or more of such activities may be carried
                                                         (2) General rule. Except as otherwise                   (ii) Limitation of gain required to be             on by independent contractors under
                                                      provided in §§ 1.367(a)–4, 1.367(a)–6,                  recognized. If section 367(a)(1) applies              the direct control of the foreign
                                                      and 1.367(a)–7, section 367(a)(1) does                  to a transfer of property described in                corporation. (However, see paragraph
                                                      not apply to property transferred by a                  paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, then             (d)(3) of this section.) The group of
                                                      United States person (U.S. transferor) to               the gain required to be recognized is                 activities must ordinarily include the
                                                      a foreign corporation if—                               limited to the gain realized as part of the           collection of income and the payment of
                                                         (i) The property constitutes eligible                same transaction upon the transfer of                 expenses. If the activities of the foreign
                                                      property;                                               property described in paragraph (c)(3)(i)             corporation do not constitute a trade or
                                                         (ii) The property is transferred for use             of this section, less any loss realized as            business, then the exception provided
                                                      by the foreign corporation in the active                part of the same transaction upon the                 by this section does not apply,
                                                      conduct of a trade or business outside                  transfer of property described in                     regardless of the level of activities
                                                      of the United States, as determined                     paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section. This             carried on by the corporation. The
                                                      under paragraph (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h)              limitation applies in lieu of the rule in             following activities are not considered
                                                      of this section, as applicable; and                     § 1.367(a)–1(b)(1). No loss is recognized             to constitute by themselves a trade or
                                                         (iii) The U.S. transferor complies with              with respect to property described in                 business for purposes of this section:
                                                      the reporting requirements of section                   this paragraph (c)(3).                                   (i) Any activity giving rise to expenses
                                                      6038B and the regulations thereunder.                      (4) Certain leased tangible property.              that would be deductible only under
                                                         (b) Eligible property. Except as                     Tangible property with respect to which               section 212 if the activities were carried
                                                      provided in paragraph (c) of this                       the transferor is a lessor at the time of             on by an individual; or
                                                      section, eligible property means—                       the transfer, unless either the foreign                  (ii) The holding for one’s own account
                                                         (1) Tangible property;                               corporation is the lessee at the time of              of investments in stock, securities, land,
                                                         (2) A working interest in oil and gas                the transfer or the foreign corporation               or other property, including casual sales
                                                      property; and                                           will lease the property to third persons.             thereof.
                                                         (3) A financial asset. For purposes of                  (d) Active conduct of a trade or                      (3) Active conduct. Whether a trade or
                                                      this section, a financial asset is—                     business outside the United States—(1)                business is actively conducted by the
                                                         (i) a cash equivalent;                               In general. Except as provided in                     foreign corporation is determined based
                                                         (ii) a security within the meaning of                paragraphs (e), (f), (g), and (h) of this             on all the facts and circumstances. In
                                                      section 475(c)(2), without regard to the                section, to determine whether property                general, a corporation actively conducts
                                                      last sentence of section 475(c)(2)                      is transferred for use by the foreign                 a trade or business only if the officers
                                                      (referencing section 1256) and without                  corporation in the active conduct of a                and employees of the corporation carry
                                                      regard to section 475(c)(4), but                        trade or business outside of the United               out substantial managerial and
                                                      excluding an interest in a partnership;                 States, four factual determinations must              operational activities. A corporation
                                                         (iii) a commodities position described               be made:                                              may be engaged in the active conduct of
                                                      in section 475(e)(2)(B), 475(e)(2)(C), or                  (i) What is the trade or business of the           a trade or business even though
                                                      475(e)(2)(D); and                                       foreign corporation (see paragraph (d)(2)             incidental activities of the trade or
                                                         (iv) a notional principal contract                   of this section);                                     business are carried out on behalf of the
                                                      described in § 1.446–3(c)(1).                              (ii) Do the activities of the foreign              corporation by independent contractors.
                                                         (c) Exception for certain property.                  corporation constitute the active                     In determining whether the officers and
                                                      Notwithstanding paragraph (b) of this                   conduct of that trade or business (see                employees of the corporation carry out
                                                      section, property described in paragraph                paragraph (d)(3) of this section);                    substantial managerial and operational
                                                      (c)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section does              (iii) Is the trade or business conducted           activities, however, the activities of
                                                      not constitute eligible property.                       outside of the United States (see                     independent contractors are
                                                         (1) Inventory. Stock in trade of the                 paragraph (d)(4) of this section); and                disregarded. On the other hand, the
                                                      taxpayer or other property of a kind                       (iv) Is the transferred property used or           officers and employees of the
                                                      which would properly be included in                     held for use in the trade or business (see            corporation are considered to include
                                                      the inventory of the taxpayer if on hand                paragraph (d)(5) of this section)?                    the officers and employees of related
                                                      at the close of the taxable year, or                       (2) Trade or business. Whether the                 entities who are made available to and
                                                      property held by the taxpayer primarily                 activities of the foreign corporation                 supervised on a day-to-day basis by, and
                                                      for sale to customers in the ordinary                   constitute a trade or business is                     whose salaries are paid by (or
                                                      course of its trade or business (including              determined based on all the facts and                 reimbursed to the lending related entity
                                                      raw materials and supplies, partially                   circumstances. In general, a trade or                 by), the foreign corporation. See
                                                      completed goods, and finished                           business is a specific unified group of               paragraph (d)(6) of this section for the
                                                      products).                                              activities that constitute (or could                  standard that applies to determine
                                                         (2) Installment obligations, etc.                    constitute) an independent economic                   whether a trade or business that
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                                                      Installment obligations, accounts                       enterprise carried on for profit. For                 produces rents or royalties is actively
                                                      receivable, or similar property, but only               example, the activities of a foreign                  conducted. The rule of this paragraph
                                                      to the extent that the principal amount                 selling subsidiary could constitute a                 (d)(3) is illustrated by the following
                                                      of any such obligation has not                          trade or business if they could be                    example.
                                                      previously been included by the                         independently carried on for profit,
                                                                                                                                                                       Example. X, a domestic corporation, and
                                                      taxpayer in its taxable income.                         even though the subsidiary acts                       Y, a foreign corporation not related to X,
                                                         (3) Foreign currency, etc.—(i) In                    exclusively on behalf of, and has                     transfer property to Z, a newly formed foreign
                                                      general. Foreign currency or other                      operations fully integrated with, its                 corporation organized for the purpose of
                                                      property denominated in foreign                         parent corporation. To constitute a trade             combining the research activities of X and Y.

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                                                      Z contracts all of its operational and research            (6) Active leasing and licensing. For                 (i) The employees of the foreign
                                                      activities to Y for an arm’s-length fee. Z’s            purposes of paragraph (d)(3) of this                  corporation perform substantial
                                                      activities do not constitute the active conduct         section, whether a trade or business that             managerial and operational activities of
                                                      of a trade or business.                                 produces rents or royalties is actively               leasing aircraft or vessels outside the
                                                         (4) Outside of the United States.                    conducted is determined under the                     United States; and
                                                      Whether the foreign corporation                         principles of section 954(c)(2)(A) and                   (ii) The leased property is
                                                      conducts a trade or business outside of                 the regulations thereunder, but without               predominantly used outside the United
                                                      the United States is determined based                   regard to whether the rents or royalties              States, as determined under § 1.954–
                                                      on all the facts and circumstances.                     are received from an unrelated party.                 2(c)(2)(v).
                                                      Generally, the primary managerial and                   See §§ 1.954–2(c) and (d).                               (f) Special rules for oil and gas
                                                      operational activities of the trade or                     (e) Special rules for certain property             working interests—(1) In general. A
                                                      business must be conducted outside the                  to be leased—(1) Leasing business of the              working interest in oil and gas property
                                                      United States and immediately after the                 foreign corporation. Except as otherwise              will be considered to be transferred for
                                                      transfer the transferred assets must be                 provided in this paragraph (e), tangible              use in the active conduct of a trade or
                                                      located outside the United States. Thus,                property that will be leased to another               business if—
                                                      the exception provided by this section                  person by the foreign corporation will                   (i) The transfer satisfies the conditions
                                                      would not apply to the transfer of the                  be considered to be transferred for use               of paragraph (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this
                                                      assets of a domestic business to a                      by the foreign corporation in an active               section;
                                                      foreign corporation if the domestic                     trade or business outside the United                     (ii) At the time of the transfer, the
                                                      business continued to operate in the                    States only if—                                       foreign corporation has no intention to
                                                      United States after the transfer. In such                  (i) The foreign corporation’s leasing of           farm out or otherwise transfer any part
                                                      a case, the primary operational activities              the property constitutes the active                   of the transferred working interest; and
                                                      of the business would continue to be                    conduct of a leasing business, as                        (iii) During the first three years after
                                                      conducted in the United States.                         determined under paragraph (d)(6) of                  the transfer there are no farmouts or
                                                      Moreover, the transferred assets would                  this section;                                         other transfers of any part of the
                                                      be located in the United States.                           (ii) The lessee of the property is not             transferred working interest as a result
                                                      However, it is not necessary that every                 expected to, and does not, use the                    of which the foreign corporation retains
                                                      item of property transferred be used                    property in the United States; and                    less than a 50-percent share of the
                                                      outside of the United States. As long as                   (iii) The foreign corporation has a                transferred working interest.
                                                      the primary managerial and operational                  need for substantial investment in assets                (2) Active use of working interest. A
                                                      activities of the trade or business are                 of the type transferred.                              working interest in oil and gas property
                                                      conducted outside of the United States                     (2) De minimis leasing by the foreign              that satisfies the conditions in
                                                      and substantially all of the transferred                corporation. Tangible property that will              paragraphs (f)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this
                                                      assets are located outside the United                   be leased to another person by the                    section will be considered to be
                                                      States, incidental items of transferred                 foreign corporation but that does not                 transferred for use in the active conduct
                                                      property located in the United States                   satisfy the conditions of paragraph (e)(1)            of a trade or business if—
                                                                                                              of this section will, nevertheless, be                   (i) The U.S. transferor is regularly and
                                                      may be considered to have been
                                                                                                              considered to be transferred for use in               substantially engaged in exploration for
                                                      transferred for use in the active conduct
                                                                                                              the active conduct of a trade or business             and extraction of minerals, either
                                                      of a trade or business outside of the
                                                                                                              if either—                                            directly or through working interests in
                                                      United States.
                                                                                                                 (i) The property transferred will be               joint ventures, other than by reason of
                                                         (5) Use in the trade or business.                    used by the foreign corporation in the                the property that is transferred;
                                                      Whether property is used or held for use                active conduct of a trade or business but                (ii) The terms of the working interest
                                                      by the foreign corporation in a trade or                will be leased during occasional brief                transferred were actively negotiated
                                                      business is determined based on all the                 periods when the property would                       among the joint venturers;
                                                      facts and circumstances. In general,                    otherwise be idle, such as an airplane                   (iii) The working interest transferred
                                                      property is used or held for use in the                 leased during periods of excess                       constitutes at least a five percent
                                                      foreign corporation’s trade or business if              capacity; or                                          working interest;
                                                      it is—                                                     (ii) The property transferred is real                 (iv) Before and at the time of the
                                                         (i) Held for the principal purpose of                property located outside the United                   transfer, through its own employees or
                                                      promoting the present conduct of the                    States and—                                           officers, the U.S. transferor was
                                                      trade or business;                                         (A) The property will be used                      regularly and actively engaged in—
                                                         (ii) Acquired and held in the ordinary               primarily in the active conduct of a                     (A) Operating the working interest, or
                                                      course of the trade or business; or                     trade or business of the foreign                         (B) Analyzing technical data relating
                                                         (iii) Otherwise held in a direct                     corporation; and                                      to the activities of the venture;
                                                      relationship to the trade or business.                     (B) Not more than ten percent of the                  (v) Before and at the time of the
                                                      Property is considered held in a direct                 square footage of the property will be                transfer, through its own employees or
                                                      relationship to a trade or business if it               leased to others.                                     officers, the U.S. transferor was
                                                      is held to meet the present needs of that                  (3) Aircraft and vessels leased in                 regularly and actively involved in
                                                      trade or business and not its anticipated               foreign commerce. For purposes of                     decision making with respect to the
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                                                      future needs. Thus, property will not be                satisfying paragraph (e)(1) of this                   operations of the venture, including
                                                      considered to be held in a direct                       section, an aircraft or vessel, including             decisions relating to exploration,
                                                      relationship to a trade or business if it               component parts such as an engine                     development, production, and
                                                      is held for the purpose of providing for                leased separately from the aircraft or                marketing; and
                                                      future diversification into a new trade or              vessel, that will be leased to another                   (vi) After the transfer, the foreign
                                                      business, future expansion of trade or                  person by the foreign corporation will                corporation will for the foreseeable
                                                      business activities, future plant                       be considered to be transferred for use               future satisfy the requirements of
                                                      replacement, or future business                         in the active conduct of a trade or                   subparagraphs (iv) and (v) of this
                                                      contingencies.                                          business if—                                          paragraph (f)(2).

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                                                         (3) Start-up operations. A working                      (ii) Each subsequent transferee is                 determined not to be willful will not be
                                                      interest in oil and gas property that                   either a partnership in which the                     subject to gain recognition under this
                                                      satisfies the conditions in paragraphs                  preceding transferor is a general partner             section, the taxpayer will be subject to
                                                      (f)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section but that           or a corporation in which the preceding               a penalty under section 6038B if the
                                                      does not satisfy all the requirements of                transferor owns common stock; and                     taxpayer fails to demonstrate that the
                                                      paragraph (f)(2) of this section will,                     (iii) The ultimate transferee is                   failure was due to reasonable cause and
                                                      nevertheless, be considered to be                       considered to use the property in the                 not willful neglect. See § 1.6038B–
                                                      transferred for use in the active conduct               active conduct of a trade or business                 1(b)(1) and (f). The determination of
                                                      of a trade or business if—                              outside of the United States, as                      whether the failure to comply was
                                                         (i) The working interest was acquired                determined by applying paragraph (d),                 willful under this section has no effect
                                                      by the U.S. transferor immediately                      (e), or (f) of this section, as applicable,           on any request for relief made under
                                                      before the transfer and for the specific                with respect to the ultimate transferee               § 1.6038B 1(f).
                                                      purpose of transferring it to the foreign               rather than the foreign corporation.
                                                      corporation;                                               (h) Compulsory transfers of property.                  (ii) * * *
                                                         (ii) The requirements of paragraphs                  Property is presumed to be transferred                   (B) Notice requirement. In addition to
                                                      (f)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this section are                for use in the active conduct of a trade              the requirements of paragraph
                                                      satisfied; and                                          or business outside of the United States,             (j)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, the taxpayer
                                                         (iii) The foreign corporation will for               if—                                                   must comply with the notice
                                                      the foreseeable future satisfy the                         (1) The property was previously in                 requirements of this paragraph
                                                      requirements of paragraph (f)(2)(iv) and                use in the country in which the foreign               (j)(2)(ii)(B). * * *
                                                      (v) of this section.                                    corporation is organized; and
                                                                                                                 (2) The transfer is either:                          (3) For illustrations of the application
                                                         (4) Other applicable rules. A working                                                                      of the willfulness standard of this
                                                                                                                 (i) Legally required by the foreign
                                                      interest in oil and gas property that is                                                                      paragraph (j), see the examples in
                                                                                                              government as a necessary condition of
                                                      not described in paragraph (f)(1) of this
                                                                                                              doing business; or                                    § 1.367(a)–8(p)(3).
                                                      section may nonetheless qualify for the
                                                                                                                 (ii) Compelled by a genuine threat of                (4) Paragraph (j) applies to requests
                                                      exception to section 367(a)(1) contained
                                                                                                              immediate expropriation by the foreign                for relief submitted on or after
                                                      in this section depending upon the facts
                                                                                                              government.                                           November 19, 2014.
                                                      and circumstances.
                                                                                                                 (i) [Reserved].
                                                         (g) Property retransferred by the                       (j) Failure to comply with reporting                  (k) Effective/applicability dates—(1)
                                                      foreign corporation—(1) General rule.                   requirements of section 6038B—(1)                     In general. Except as provided in
                                                      Property will not be considered to be                   Failure to comply. For purposes of the                paragraph (k)(2) of this section, the rules
                                                      transferred for use in the active conduct               exception to the application of section               of this section apply to transfers
                                                      of a trade or business outside of the                   367(a)(1) provided in paragraph (a)(2) of             occurring on or after September 14,
                                                      United States if—                                       this section, a failure to comply with the            2015, and to transfers occurring before
                                                         (i) At the time of the transfer, it is               reporting requirements of section 6038B               September 14, 2015, resulting from
                                                      reasonable to believe that, in the                      and the regulations thereunder (failure               entity classification elections made
                                                      reasonably foreseeable future, the                      to comply) has the meaning set forth in               under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or
                                                      foreign corporation will sell or                        § 1.6038B–1(f)(2).                                    after September 14, 2015. For transfers
                                                      otherwise dispose of any material                          (2) Relief for certain failures to                 occurring before this section is
                                                      portion of the property other than in the               comply that are not willful—(i) In                    applicable, see §§ 1.367(a)–2, –2T, –4,
                                                      ordinary course of business; or                         general. A failure to comply described                –4T, –5, and –5T as contained in 26 CFR
                                                         (ii) Except as provided in paragraph                 in paragraph (j)(1) of this section will be           part 1 revised as of April 1, 2015.
                                                      (g)(2) of this section, the foreign                     deemed not to have occurred for
                                                      corporation receives the property in an                 purposes of satisfying the requirements                  (2) Foreign currency exception.
                                                      exchange described in section 367(a)(1),                of this section if the taxpayer                       Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(3)(i) of
                                                      and, as part of the same transaction,                   demonstrates that the failure was not                 this section, § 1.367(a)–5T(d)(2) as
                                                      transfers the property to another person.               willful using the procedure set forth in              contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of
                                                      For purposes of the preceding sentence,                 this paragraph (j)(2). For this purpose,              April 1, 2015, applies to transfers of
                                                      a subsequent transfer within six months                 willful is to be interpreted consistent               property denominated in a foreign
                                                      of the initial transfer will be considered              with the meaning of that term in the                  currency occurring before the date that
                                                      to be part of the same transaction, and                 context of other civil penalties, which               the rules proposed in this section are
                                                      a subsequent transfer more than six                     would include a failure due to gross                  adopted as final regulations in a
                                                      months after the initial transfer may be                negligence, reckless disregard, or willful            Treasury decision published in the
                                                      considered to be part of the same                       neglect. Whether a failure to comply                  Federal Register, other than transfers
                                                      transaction under step-transaction                      was a willful failure will be determined              occurring before that date resulting from
                                                      principles.                                             by the Director of Field Operations                   entity classification elections made
                                                         (2) Exception. Notwithstanding                       International, Large Business &                       under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section,                   International (or any successor to the                after that date.
                                                      property will be considered to be                       roles and responsibilities of such
                                                      transferred for use in the active conduct               position, as appropriate) (Director)                  § 1.367(a)–3      [Amended]
                                                      of a trade or business outside of the                   based on all the facts and
                                                      United States if—                                                                                             ■ Par. 5. For each section listed in
                                                                                                              circumstances. The taxpayer must
                                                                                                              submit a request for relief and an                    following the table, remove the language
                                                         (i) The initial transfer to the foreign
                                                      corporation is followed by one or more                  explanation as provided in paragraph                  in the ‘‘Remove’’ column and add in its
                                                      subsequent transfers described in                       (j)(2)(ii)(A) of this section. Although a             place the language in the ‘‘Add’’
                                                      section 351 or 721; and                                 taxpayer whose failure to comply is                   column.

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                                                      55580                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                Section                                                            Remove                                                         Add

                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(a)(3), first sentence .......................         § 1.367(a)–1T(c) ...............................................   § 1.367(a)–1(c).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(c)(4)(i), last sentence ....................          § 1.367(a)–1T(c)(3) ..........................................     § 1.367(a)–1(c)(3).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(c)(4)(iv), first sentence ..................          § 1.367(a)–1T(d)(1) ..........................................     § 1.367(a)–1(d)(1).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(c)(3)(i)(A) .......................................   § 1.367(a)–2T(b)(2) and (3) .............................          § 1.367(a)–2(d)(2), (3), and (4).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(c)(3)(ii)(B), last sentence ...............           § 1.367(a)–2T(b)(2) and (3) .............................          § 1.367(a)–2(d)(2) and (3).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(d)(3) Example 7A(ii), penultimate                     § 1.367(a)–2T(a)(2) ..........................................     § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2)(iii).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–3(d)(3) Example 13(i), penultimate                      § 1.367(a)–2T(c)(2) ..........................................     § 1.367(a)–2(g)(2).

                                                      ■ Par. 6. Section 1.367(a)–4 is revised to                         transfer the U.S. person had sold the                              1245(a)(3)), section 1250 property (as
                                                      read as follows:                                                   property at its fair market value.                                 defined in section 1250(c)), farm land
                                                                                                                         Recapture of depreciation under this                               (as defined in section 1252(a)(2)),
                                                      § 1.367(a)–4 Special rule applicable to U.S.                       paragraph (a) is required regardless of                            section 1254 property (as defined in
                                                      depreciated property.
                                                                                                                         whether the exception to section                                   section 1254(a)(3)), or section 126
                                                         (a) Depreciated property used in the                            367(a)(1) provided by § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2)                           property (as defined in section
                                                      United States—(1) In general. A U.S.                               applies to the transfer of the U.S.                                1255(a)(2)); and
                                                      person that transfers U.S. depreciated                             depreciated property. However, the
                                                      property (as defined in paragraph (a)(2)                                                                                                (ii) Has been used in the United States
                                                                                                                         transfer of the U.S. depreciated property
                                                      of this section) to a foreign corporation                                                                                             or has been described in section
                                                                                                                         may qualify for the exception with
                                                      in an exchange described in section                                                                                                   168(g)(4) before its transfer.
                                                                                                                         respect to realized gain that is not
                                                      367(a)(1), must include in its gross                               included in ordinary income pursuant                                 (3) Property used within and without
                                                      income for the taxable year in which the                           to this paragraph (a).                                             the United States. (i) If U.S. depreciated
                                                      transfer occurs ordinary income equal to                              (2) U.S. depreciated property. U.S.                             property has been used partly within
                                                      the gain realized that would have been                             depreciated property subject to the rules                          and partly without the United States,
                                                      includible in the transferor’s gross                               of this paragraph (a) is any property                              then the amount required to be included
                                                      income as ordinary income under                                    that—                                                              in ordinary income pursuant to this
                                                      section 617(d)(1), 1245(a), 1250(a),                                  (i) Is either mining property (as                               paragraph (a) is reduced to an amount
                                                      1252(a), 1254(a), or 1255(a), whichever                            defined in section 617(f)(2)), section                             determined in accordance with the
                                                      is applicable, if at the time of the                               1245 property (as defined in section                               following formula:

                                                         (ii) For purposes of the fraction in                            occurring on or after September 14,                                   (2) Gain limitation. The gain required
                                                      paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, the                           2015,] and to transfers occurring before                           to be recognized under paragraph (b)(1)
                                                      ‘‘full recapture amount’’ is the amount                            September 14, 2015, resulting from                                 of this section will not exceed the
                                                      that would otherwise be included in the                            entity classification elections made                               aggregate amount of gain realized on the
                                                      transferor’s income under paragraph                                under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or                            transfer of all branch assets (without
                                                      (a)(1) of this section. ‘‘U.S. use’’ is the                        after September 14, 2015. For transfers                            regard to the transfer of any assets on
                                                      number of months that the property                                 occurring before this section is                                   which loss is realized but not
                                                      either was used within the United States                           applicable, see §§ 1.367(a)–4 and                                  recognized).
                                                      or qualified as section 38 property by                             1.367(a)–4T as contained in 26 CFR part                               (3) [Reserved].
                                                      virtue of section 48(a)(2)(B), and was                             1 revised as of April 1, 2015.                                        (c)(4) Transfers of certain intangible
                                                      subject to depreciation by the transferor                                                                                             property. Gain realized on the transfer of
                                                      or a related person. ‘‘Total use’’ is the                          § 1.367(a)–5      [Removed and Reserved]                           intangible property (computed with
                                                      total number of months that the                                    ■ Par. 7. Section 1.367(a)–5 is removed                            reference to the fair market value of the
                                                      property was used (or available for use),                          and reserved.                                                      intangible property as of the date of the
                                                      and subject to depreciation, by the                                ■ Par. 8. Section 1.367(a)–6 is added to                           transfer) that is an asset of a foreign
                                                      transferor or a related person. For                                read as follows:                                                   branch is taken into account in
                                                      purposes of this paragraph (a)(3),                                                                                                    computing the limitation on loss
                                                      property is not considered to have been                            § 1.367(a)–6 Transfer of foreign branch                            recapture under paragraph (c)(2) of this
                                                                                                                         with previously deducted losses.
                                                      in use outside of the United States                                                                                                   section. For rules relating to the
                                                      during any period in which such                                       (a) through (b)(1) [Reserved]. For                              crediting of gain recognized under this
                                                      property was, for purposes of section 48                           further guidance, see § 1.367(a)–6T(a)                             section against income deemed to arise
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                                                      or 168, treated as property not used                               through (b)(1).                                                    by operation of section 367(d), see
                                                      predominantly outside the United States                               (b)(2) No active conduct exception.                             § 1.367(d)–1(g)(3).
                                                      pursuant to the provisions of section                              The rules of this paragraph (b) apply                                 (d) through (j) [Reserved]. For further
                                                      48(a)(2)(B). For purposes of this                                  regardless of whether any of the assets                            guidance, see § 1.367(a)–6T(d) through
                                                      paragraph (b)(3) the term ‘‘related                                of the foreign branch satisfy the active                           (j).
                                                      person’’ has the meaning set forth in                              trade or business exception of                                        (k) Effective/applicability dates. The
                                                      § 1.367(d)–1(h).                                                   § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2).                                                rules of this section apply to transfers
                                                         (b) Effective/applicability dates. The                             (c)(1) [Reserved]. For further                                  occurring on or after September 14,

                                                      rules of this section apply to transfers                           guidance, see § 1.367(a)–6T(c)(1).                                 2015, and to transfers occurring before

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                                                      September 14, 2015, resulting from                                    § 1.367(a)–7 Outbound transfers of                                         occurring on or after September 14,
                                                      entity classification elections made                                  property described in section 361(a) or (b).                               2015, and to transfers occurring before
                                                      under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or                               *      *     *    *    *                                                   September 14, 2015, resulting from
                                                      after September 14, 2015. For transfers                                 (f) * * *                                                                entity classification elections made
                                                      occurring before this section is                                        (11) Section 367(d) property is                                          under § 301.7701–3 that are filed on or
                                                      applicable, see §§ 1.367(a)–6T as                                     intangible property as defined in                                          after September 14, 2015. For transfers
                                                      contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of                              § 1.367(a)–1(d)(5).                                                        occurring before this section is
                                                      April 1, 2015.                                                        *      *     *    *    *                                                   applicable, see § 1.367(a)–7 as contained
                                                      ■ Par. 9. Section 1.367(a)–7 is amended                                 (j) Effective/applicability dates—(1) In                                 in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1,
                                                      by:                                                                   general. Except as provided in                                             2015.
                                                                                                                            paragraphs (e)(2) and (j)(2) of this
                                                      ■ 1. Revising paragraph (f)(11).                                                                                                                 § 1.367(a)–7    [Amended]
                                                                                                                            section, this section applies to transfers
                                                      ■ 2. Redesignating paragraph (j) as (j)(1)                            occurring on or after April 18, 2013.                                      ■ Par. 10. For each section listed in the
                                                      and revising the first sentence, and                                  * * *                                                                      following table, remove the language in
                                                      adding paragraph (j)(2).                                                 (2) Section 367(d) property. The                                        the ‘‘Remove’’ column and add in its
                                                         The revision and addition read as                                  definition provided in paragraph (f)(11)                                   place the language in the ‘‘Add’’
                                                      follows:                                                              of this section applies to transfers                                       column.

                                                                                  Section                                                              Remove                                                                    Add

                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(a), sixth sentence ..........................             § 1.367(a)–6T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(c), second sentence ......................                § 1.367(a)–2T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–2.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(c), second sentence ......................                § 1.367(a)–4T, 1.367(a)–5T .............................                  § 1.367(a)–4.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(c), second sentence ......................                § 1.367(a)–6T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(c)(2)(i)(B) .......................................       § 1.367(a)–6T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(c)(2)(ii)(A)(2) ..................................        § 1.367(a)–6T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(1), third sentence ......................              § 1.367(a)–2T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–2.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(1), third sentence ......................              § 1.367(a)–4T, 1.367(a)–5T .............................                  § 1.367(a)–4.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(1), third sentence ......................              § 1.367(a)–6T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(1), last sentence .......................              § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(4)            and             § 1.367(a)–                § 1.367(a)–1(b)(4).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(4)(ii), first and second sen-                          § 1.367(a)–6T ...................................................         § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(5), heading ................................           § 1.367(a)–6T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(5)(i), first sentence ....................             § 1.367(a)–6T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(e)(5)(ii), first sentence ...................             § 1.367(a)–6T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(f)(4)(ii) ............................................    § 1.367(a)–6T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–6.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(g), last sentence ............................            § 1.367(a)–2T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–2.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(g), Example 1 (ii)(A), last sentence                      § 1.367(a)–2T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–2.
                                                      § 1.367(a)–7(g), Example 2 (ii)(A), last sentence                      § 1.367(a)–2T       ...................................................   § 1.367(a)–2.

                                                      § 1.367(a)–8        [Amended]                                         the ‘‘Remove’’ column and add in its
                                                      ■ Par. 11. For each section listed in the                             place the language in the ‘‘Add’’
                                                      following table, remove the language in                               column.

                                                                                  Section                                                              Remove                                                                    Add

                                                      § 1.367(a)–8(b)(1)(xv), first sentence .................               § 1.367(a)–1T(d)(1) ..........................................            § 1.367(a)–1(d)(1).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–8(b)(1)(xv), second sentence ...........                    § 1.367(a)–1T(c)(3)(i) .......................................            § 1.367(a)–1(c)(3)(i).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–8(c)(3)(viii) ........................................      § 1.367(a)–1T(c)(3)(i)        and           § 1.367(a)–                   § 1.367(a)–1(c)(3)(i) and § 1.367(a)–1(c)(3)(ii).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–8(c)(4)(iv) ..........................................      § 1.367(a)–1T(b)(4) ..........................................            § 1.367(a)–1(b)(4).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–8(j)(3) ................................................    § 1.367(a)–1T(c)(3)(ii) ......................................            § 1.367(a)–1(c)(3)(ii).

                                                      ■ Par. 12. Section 1.367(d)-1 is added to                             thereunder for the rules that apply to                                     transfer of the intangible property,
                                                      read as follows:                                                      the transfer of any property other than                                    including use without further
                                                                                                                            intangible property.                                                       development, use in the further
                                                      § 1.367(d)–1 Transfers of intangible
                                                      property to foreign corporations.                                       (c)(1) and (2) [Reserved]. For further                                   development of the intangible property
                                                                                                                            guidance, see § 1.367(d)–1T(c)(1) and                                      itself (and any exploitation of the
                                                        (a) [Reserved]. For further guidance,
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                                                                                                                            (2).                                                                       further developed intangible property),
                                                      see § 1.367(d)–1T(a).
                                                                                                                              (3) Useful life. For purposes of this                                    and use in the development of other
                                                        (b) Property subject to section 367(d).
                                                      Section 367(d) and the rules of this                                  section, the useful life of intangible                                     intangible property (and any
                                                      section apply to the transfer of                                      property is the entire period during                                       exploitation of the developed other
                                                      intangible property, as defined in                                    which exploitation of the intangible                                       intangible property).
                                                      § 1.367(a)–1(d)(5), by a U.S. person to a                             property is reasonably anticipated to                                         (c)(4) through (g)(2) [Reserved]. For
                                                      foreign corporation in an exchange                                    occur, as of the time of transfer.                                         further guidance, see § 1.367(d)–1T(c)(4)
                                                      described in section 351 or 361. See                                  Exploitation of intangible property                                        through (g)(2).
                                                      section 367(a) and the regulations                                    includes any direct or indirect use or

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                                                         (g)(2)(i) The intangible property                    connection with the manufacture or sale               sections with respect to that property is
                                                      transferred constitutes an operating                    of products in or for use or consumption              credited against amounts that would
                                                      intangible, as defined in § 1.367(a)–                   in the United States.                                 otherwise be required to be recognized
                                                      1(d)(6).                                                  (3) Intangible property transferred                 with respect to that same property
                                                         (g)(2)(ii) through (iii)(D) [Reserved].              from branch with previously deducted                  under paragraphs (c) through (f) of this
                                                      For further guidance, see § 1.367(d)–                   losses. (i) If income is required to be               section in either the current or future
                                                      1T(g)(2)(ii) through (iii)(D).                          recognized under section 904(f)(3) and                taxable years. The amount recognized
                                                         (E) The transferred intangible                       the regulations thereunder or under                   under section 904(f)(3) or § 1.367(a)–6
                                                      property will be used in the active                     § 1.367(a)–6 upon the transfer of
                                                                                                                                                                    with respect to the transferred
                                                      conduct of a trade or business outside                  intangible property of a foreign branch
                                                                                                                                                                    intangible property is determined in
                                                      of the United States within the meaning                 that had previously deducted losses,
                                                      of § 1.367(a)–2 and will not be used in                 then the income recognized under those                accordance with the following formula:

                                                         (ii) For purposes of the formula in                  § 1.482–1 Allocation of income and                    under § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2). Provide here a
                                                      paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this section, the                deductions among taxpayers.                           general description of the business
                                                      ‘‘loss recapture income’’ is the total                     [The text of the proposed                          conducted (or to be conducted) by the
                                                      amount required to be recognized by the                 amendments to § 1.482–1 is the same as                transferee, including the location of the
                                                      U.S. transferor pursuant to section                     the text of § 1.482–1T(f)(2)(i),                      business, the number of its employees,
                                                      904(f)(3) or § 1.367(a)–6. The ‘‘gain from              (f)(2)(ii)(B), and (j)(7) published                   the nature of the business, and copies of
                                                      intangible property’’ is the total amount               elsewhere in this issue of the Federal                the most recently prepared balance
                                                      of gain realized by the U.S. transferor                 Register].                                            sheet and profit and loss statement.
                                                      pursuant to section 904(f)(3) and                                                                             Property listed within this category may
                                                      § 1.367(a)–6 upon the transfer of items                 § 1.884–5    [Amended]
                                                                                                                                                                    be identified by general type. For
                                                      of property that are subject to section                 ■  Par. 15. Section 1.884–5 is amended                example, upon the transfer of the assets
                                                      367(d). ‘‘Gain from intangible property’’               in paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A) by removing                of a manufacturing operation, a
                                                      does not include gain realized with                     the citation ‘‘1.367(a)–2T(b)(5),’’ and               reasonable description of the property to
                                                      respect to intangible property by reason                adding the citation ‘‘1.367(a)–2(d)(5)’’ in           be used in the business might include
                                                      of an election under paragraph (g)(2) of                its place.                                            the categories of office equipment and
                                                      this section. The ‘‘gain from all branch                § 1.1248–8      [Amended]                             supplies, computers and related
                                                      assets’’ is the total amount of gain                                                                          equipment, motor vehicles, and several
                                                                                                              ■  Par. 16. Section 1.1248–8 is amended
                                                      realized by the transferor upon the                                                                           major categories of manufacturing
                                                                                                              in paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(B)(1)(ii) by
                                                      transfer of items of property of the                                                                          equipment. However, any property that
                                                                                                              removing the citation ‘‘1.367(a)–6T,’’
                                                      branch for which gain is realized.                                                                            is includible in both paragraphs (c)(4)(i)
                                                         (g)(4) through (i) [Reserved]. For                   and adding the citation ‘‘1.367(a)–6’’ in
                                                                                                              its place.                                            and (iii) of this section (property subject
                                                      further guidance, see § 1.367(d)–1T(g)(4)                                                                     to depreciation recapture under
                                                      through (i).                                            § 1.1248(f)–2     [Amended]                           § 1.367(a)–4(a)) must be identified in the
                                                         (j) Effective/applicability dates. This                                                                    manner required in paragraph (c)(4)(iii)
                                                                                                              ■  Par. 17. Section 1.1248(f)–2 is
                                                      section applies to transfers occurring on                                                                     of this section. If property is considered
                                                                                                              amended in the last sentence of
                                                      or after September 14, 2015, and to                                                                           to be transferred for use in the active
                                                                                                              paragraph (e) by removing the citation
                                                      transfers occurring before September 14,                                                                      conduct of a trade or business under a
                                                                                                              ‘‘1.367(a)–2T,’’ and adding the citation
                                                      2015, resulting from entity classification                                                                    special rule in paragraph (e), (f), or (g)
                                                                                                              ‘‘1.367(a)–2’’ in its place.
                                                      elections made under § 301.7701–3 that                  ■ Par. 18. Section 1.6038B–1 is                       of § 1.367(a)–2, specify the applicable
                                                      are filed on or after September 14, 2015.               amended by:                                           rule and provide information supporting
                                                      For transfers occurring before this                     ■ 1. Removing the citation ‘‘1.367(a)–                the application of the rule.
                                                      section is applicable, see § 1.367(d)–1T                1T(c),’’ in the fourth sentence of                       (ii) Stock or securities. Describe any
                                                      as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as                paragraph (b)(1)(i) and adding the                    transferred stock or securities, including
                                                      of April 1, 2015.                                       citation ‘‘1.367(a)–1(c)’’ in its place.              the class or type, amount, and
                                                      ■ Par. 13. Section 1.367(e)–2 is                        ■ 2. Adding paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through              characteristics of the transferred stock or
                                                      amended by revising paragraph                           (vii), (c)(5), and (d)(1)(iv) and (vii)               securities, as well as the name, address,
                                                      (b)(3)(iii) to read as follows:                         ■ 3. Revising the first sentence of                   place of incorporation, and general
                                                      § 1.367(e)–2 Distributions described in                 paragraph (g)(1).                                     description of the corporation issuing
                                                                                                              ■ 4. Adding paragraph (g)(7).
                                                      section 367(e)(2).                                                                                            the stock or securities.
                                                                                                                 The additions and revision read as
                                                      *       *     *    *     *                                                                                       (iii) Depreciated property. Describe
                                                         (b) * * *                                                                                                  any property that is subject to
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                                                         (3) * * *                                            § 1.6038B–1 Reporting of certain transfers            depreciation recapture under § 1.367(a)–
                                                         (iii) Other rules. For other rules that              to foreign corporations.                              4(a). Property within this category must
                                                      may apply, see sections 381, 897, 1248,                 *     *     *    *     *                              be separately identified to the same
                                                      and § 1.482–1(f)(2)(i)(C).                                (c) * * *                                           extent as was required for purposes of
                                                      *       *     *    *     *                                (1) through (4) [Reserved]. For further             the previously claimed depreciation
                                                      ■ Par. 14. Section 1.482–1 is amended                   guidance, see § 1.6038B–1T(c)(1)                      deduction. Specify with respect to each
                                                      by revising paragraphs (f)(2)(i) and                    through (4).                                          such asset the relevant recapture
                                                      (f)(2)(ii)(B) and adding paragraph (j)(7)                 (i) Active business property. Describe              provision, the number of months that

                                                      to read as follows:                                     any transferred property that qualifies               such property was in use within the

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                55583

                                                      United States, the total number of                      property transferred, including its                   DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                                      months the property was in use, the fair                adjusted basis. Generally, each item of               SECURITY
                                                      market value of the property, a schedule                intangible property must be separately
                                                      of the depreciation deduction taken                     identified, including intangible property             Coast Guard
                                                      with respect to the property, and a                     described in § 1.367(d)–1(g)(2)(i) or that
                                                      calculation of the amount of                            is subject to the rules of section 367(d)             33 CFR Part 165
                                                      depreciation required to be recaptured.                 under § 1.367(a)–1(b)(5).                             [Docket Number USCG–2015–0677]
                                                         (iv) Property not transferred for use in
                                                      the active conduct of a trade or                           (d)(1)(v) through (d)(1)(vi) [Reserved].           RIN 1625–AA00
                                                      business. Describe any property that is                 For further guidance, see § 1.6038B–
                                                      eligible property, as defined in                        1T(d)(1)(v) through (1)(vi).                          Safety Zones; Lower Mississippi River
                                                      § 1.367(a)–2(b) taking into account the                                                                       Miles 95.7 to 96.7; New Orleans, LA
                                                                                                                 (d)(1)(vii) Coordination with loss
                                                      application of § 1.367(a)–2(c), that was                rules. List any intangible property                   AGENCY:   Coast Guard, DHS.
                                                      transferred to the foreign corporation                  subject to section 367(d) the transfer of             ACTION:   Notice of proposed rulemaking.
                                                      but not for use in the active conduct of                which also gives rise to the recognition
                                                      a trade or business outside the United                  of gain under section 904(f)(3) or                    SUMMARY:    The Coast Guard proposes to
                                                      States (and was therefore not listed                    §§ 1.367(a)–6 or –6T. Provide a                       establish two temporary safety zones
                                                      under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section).             calculation of the gain required to be                from Mile Marker (MM) 95.7 to MM
                                                         (v) Property transferred under                                                                             96.7 above Head of Passes (AHP) on the
                                                                                                              recognized with respect to such
                                                      compulsion. If property qualifies for the                                                                     Lower Mississippi River (LMR) on two
                                                                                                              property, in accordance with the                      different dates. These safety zones are
                                                      exception of § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2) under the
                                                                                                              provisions of § 1.367(d)–1(g)(4).                     necessary to protect persons and vessels
                                                      rules of paragraph (h) of that section,
                                                      provide information supporting the                         (d)(1)(viii) through (d)(2) [Reserved].            from potential safety hazards associated
                                                      claimed application of such exception.                  For further guidance, see § 1.6038B–                  with fireworks displays on or over
                                                         (vi) Certain ineligible property.                    1T(d)(1)(viii) through (2).                           navigable waterways. Entry into these
                                                      Describe any property that is described                 *      *     *      *    *                            zones is prohibited unless specifically
                                                      in § 1.367(a)–2(c) and that therefore                                                                         authorized by the Captain of the Port
                                                      cannot qualify under § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2)                    (g) Effective/applicability dates. (1)             New Orleans or a designated
                                                      regardless of its use in the active                     Except as provided in paragraphs (g)(2)               representative.
                                                      conduct of a trade or business outside                  through (g)(7) of this section, this
                                                                                                                                                                    DATES: Comments and related material
                                                      of the United States. The description                   section applies to transfers occurring on
                                                                                                                                                                    must be received by the Coast Guard on
                                                      must be divided into the relevant                       or after July 20, 1998, except for
                                                                                                                                                                    or before October 1, 2015.
                                                      categories, as follows:                                 transfers of cash made in tax years
                                                                                                                                                                    ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                         (A) Inventory, etc. Property described               beginning on or before February 5, 1999
                                                                                                                                                                    identified by docket number using any
                                                      in § 1.367(a)–2(c)(1);                                  (which are not required to be reported                one of the following methods:
                                                         (B) Installment obligations, etc.                    under section 6038B), and except for                    (1) Federal eRulemaking Portal:
                                                      Property described in § 1.367(a)–2(c)(2);               transfers described in paragraph (e) of               http://www.regulations.gov.
                                                         (C) Foreign currency, etc. Property                  this section, which applies to transfers                (2) Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                      described in § 1.367(a)–2(c)(3); and                    that are subject to §§ 1.367(e)–1(f) and                 (3) Mail or Delivery: Docket
                                                         (D) Leased property. Property                        1.367(e)–2(e). * * *                                  Management Facility (M–30), U.S.
                                                      described in § 1.367(a)–2(c)(4).                                                                              Department of Transportation, West
                                                         (vii) Other property that is ineligible              *      *     *      *    *
                                                                                                                                                                    Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
                                                      property. Describe any property, other                     (7) Paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (vii),            1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                      than property described in § 1.367(a)–                  (c)(5), and (d)(1)(iv) and (vii) of this              Washington, DC 20590–0001. Deliveries
                                                      2(c), that cannot qualify under                         section apply to transfers occurring on               accepted between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
                                                      § 1.367(a)–2(a)(2) regardless of its use in             or after September 14, 2015, and to                   Monday through Friday, except federal
                                                      the active conduct of a trade or business               transfers occurring before September 14,              holidays. The telephone number is 202–
                                                      outside of the United States and that is                2015, resulting from entity classification            366–9329. See the ‘‘Public Participation
                                                      not subject to the rules of section 367(d)              elections made under § 301.7701–3 that                and Request for Comments’’ portion of
                                                      under § 1.367(a)–1(b)(5). Each item of                  are filed on or after September 14, 2015.             the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section
                                                      property must be separately identified.                 For guidance with respect to paragraphs               below for further instructions on
                                                         (c)(4)(viii) [Reserved]. For further                                                                       submitting comments. To avoid
                                                                                                              (c)(4), (c)(5), and (d)(1) of this section
                                                      guidance, see § 1.6038B–1T(c)(4)(viii).                                                                       duplication, please use only one of
                                                         (5) Transfer of foreign branch with                  before this section is applicable, see
                                                                                                              §§ 1.6038B–1 and 1.6038B–1T as                        these three methods.
                                                      previously deducted losses. If the
                                                                                                              contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If
                                                      property transferred is property of a
                                                      foreign branch with previously                          April 1, 2015.                                        you have questions on this rule, call or
                                                      deducted losses subject to §§ 1.367(a)–6                                                                      email Lieutenant Commander (LCDR)
                                                                                                              John M. Dalrymple,                                    James Gatz, Sector New Orleans, at (504)
                                                      and –6T, provide the following
                                                                                                              Deputy Commissioner for Services and                  365–2281 or James.C.Gatz@uscg.mil. If
asabaliauskas on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              Enforcement.                                          you have questions on viewing or
                                                         (i) through (iv) [Reserved]. For further
                                                      information, see § 1.6038B–1T(c)(5)(i)                  [FR Doc. 2015–23279 Filed 9–14–15; 11:15 am]          submitting material to the docket, call
                                                      through (iv).                                           BILLING CODE 4830–01–P                                Cheryl F. Collins, Program Manager,
                                                                                                                                                                    Docket Operations, telephone (202)
                                                      *       *    *      *    *
                                                         (d)(1) through (1)(iii) [Reserved]. For                                                                    366–9826.
                                                      further guidance, see § 1.6038B–1T(d)(1)                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                      through (1)(iii).                                                                                             Table of Acronyms
                                                         (iv) Intangible property transferred.
                                                      Provide a description of the intangible                                                                       BNM      Broadcast Notice to Mariners

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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:16:51
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:16:51
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed rulemaking; notice of proposed rulemaking by cross-reference to temporary regulation.
DatesWritten or electronic comments and requests for a public hearing must be received by December 15, 2015.
ContactConcerning the proposed regulations, Ryan A. Bowen, (202) 317-6937; concerning submissions of comments or requests for a public hearing, Regina Johnson, (202) 317-6901 (not toll-free numbers).
FR Citation80 FR 55568 
RIN Number1545-BL87
CFR AssociatedIncome Taxes and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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