80_FR_56671 80 FR 56490 - Notice of Realty Action; Recreation and Public Purposes Act Classification for Lease in Chaffee County, Colorado

80 FR 56490 - Notice of Realty Action; Recreation and Public Purposes Act Classification for Lease in Chaffee County, Colorado

Bureau of Land Management

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 181 (September 18, 2015)

Page Range56490-56491
FR Document2015-23483

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has examined and found suitable for classification for lease under the Recreation and Public Purposes (R&PP) Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 860 et seq.), approximately 19.34 acres of public land in Chaffee County, Colorado. The BLM proposes to amend the Colorado Parks and Wildlife's (CPW) existing R&PP Lease (COC-49757) to include the following 19.34 acres in the BLM Salida East Recreation area. The BLM and CPW jointly manage a number of recreation sites in the Arkansas River corridor under a cooperative management agreement. Public lands jointly managed by the BLM and CPW are designated as the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA). The lands requested in the CPW's lease amendment application are located on public lands within the river corridor and are currently managed by the BLM as a developed recreational facility. If the lease is approved the lands will become part of the AHRA. An R&PP lease to CPW will allow improvements in the Salida East facilities and enhance opportunities for public recreation and public safety.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 181 (Friday, September 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 181 (Friday, September 18, 2015)]
[Pages 56490-56491]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-23483]



Bureau of Land Management

[LLCOF02000 L14400000.ER0000; COC-49757]

Notice of Realty Action; Recreation and Public Purposes Act 
Classification for Lease in Chaffee County, Colorado

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of realty action.


SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has examined and found 
suitable for classification for lease under the Recreation and Public 
Purposes (R&PP) Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 860 et seq.), approximately 
19.34 acres of public land in Chaffee County, Colorado. The BLM 
proposes to amend the Colorado Parks and Wildlife's (CPW) existing R&PP 
Lease (COC-49757) to include the following 19.34 acres in the BLM 
Salida East Recreation area. The BLM and CPW jointly manage a number of 
recreation sites in the Arkansas River corridor under a cooperative 
management agreement. Public lands jointly managed by the BLM and CPW 
are designated as the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA). The 
lands requested in the CPW's lease amendment application are located on 
public lands within the river corridor and are currently managed by the 
BLM as a developed recreational facility. If the lease is approved the 
lands will become part of the AHRA. An R&PP lease to CPW will allow 
improvements in the Salida East facilities and enhance opportunities 
for public recreation and public safety.

DATES: Interested parties may submit written comments regarding the 
proposed classification of lands, or lease of the land, on or before 
November 2, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Written comments concerning this notice should be addressed 
to: Bureau of Land Management, Royal Gorge Field Office, 3028 East Main 
St., Ca[ntilde]on City, CO 81212.

Front Range District Office, by phone (719) 852-6260, or by email at 
j75brown@blm.gov. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the 
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-
800-877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal business 
hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a 
message or question with the above individual. You will receive a reply 
during normal business hours.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following public land in Chaffee County, 
Colorado, has been examined and found suitable for classification, for 
lease, to CPW under the provisions of the R&PP Act, as amended (43 
U.S.C 869 et seq.):
    A certain parcel of land, located entirely within government lots 
17, 18 and 19, sec. 10, T. 49 N., R. 9 E., N.M.P.M., as surveyed in the 
official plat of record, accepted December 22, 1999, T. 49 N., R. 9 E., 
NMPM, Sec. 10, described as follows:
    Beginning at corner no. 1 of Tract 37, as surveyed in the official 
plat of record, accepted December 22, 1999; thence northerly along the 
western boundary of government lot 17 to the intersection of the 
centerline of the Arkansas River; thence southeasterly along the 
centerline of the Arkansas River to the intersection of the southerly 
boundary of sec. 10; thence westerly, along the southern boundary of 
sec. 10 to the intersection with the northerly Right-of-Way for U.S. 
Highway 50, as described in the BLM Right-of-Way Grant No. COD-0-
054071; thence northwesterly along said U.S. Highway 50 Right-of-Way to 
a point at the intersection of the projected 3-4 line of said Tract 37 
and the said U.S. Highway Right-of-Way; thence northeasterly to corner 
no. 3 of said Tract 37; thence along the 3-4 line of said Tract 37 to 
corner no. 4 of said Tract 37; thence along the 4-5 line of said Tract 
37 to corner no. 5 of said Tract 37; thence along the 5-6 line of said 
Tract 37 to corner no. 6 of said Tract 37; thence along the 6-1 line of 
said Tract 37 to corner no. 1 of said Tract 37, the point of beginning.
    Excluding any portions of any valid and existing mining claims 
located within the above described parcel at the time of the 
publication of this notice.

    The above described parcel of land contains 19.34 ac. more or less, 
as determined through official records.
    The land is not needed for any Federal purpose other than for 
current and proposed recreational purposes. The lease is consistent 
with current bureau land use planning and would be in the public 
    Detailed information concerning this proposed project, including, 
but not limited to documentation relating to compliance with applicable 
environmental and cultural resource laws, is available for review at 
the BLM Royal Gorge Field Office at the address above.
    Upon publication of this notice in the Federal Register, the lands 
described above will be segregated from all forms of appropriation 
under the public lands laws, including the general mining laws, except 
for lease under the R&PP Act; leasing under the mineral leasing laws; 
and disposal under the mineral material disposal laws.
    Classification Comments: Interested parties may submit comments 
involving the suitability of the land for joint management by the BLM 
and CPW with the additional improvements and upgrades proposed by CPW. 
Comments on the classification are restricted to whether the land is 
physically suited for the proposal, whether the use will maximize the 
future use or uses of the land, whether the use is consistent with 
local planning and zoning, or if the use

[[Page 56491]]

is consistent with State and Federal programs.
    Application Comments: Interested parties may submit comments 
regarding the specific use proposed in the application and plan of 
development that would amend R&PP lease COC- 49757 and whether the BLM 
followed proper administrative procedures in reaching the decision to 
lease under the R&PP Act.
    Any comments will be reviewed by the BLM who may sustain, vacate, 
or modify this realty action. In the absence of any adverse comments, 
the classification of the land described in this notice will become 
effective November 17, 2015.
    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can 
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying 
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be 
able to do so.

    Authority: 43 CFR 2741.5.

Ruth Welch,
BLM Colorado State Director.
[FR Doc. 2015-23483 Filed 9-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                              56490                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 181 / Friday, September 18, 2015 / Notices

                                              standard form required for use as a                     U.S.C. 860 et seq.), approximately 19.34              northerly along the western boundary of
                                              cover sheet for submission of pre-                      acres of public land in Chaffee County,               government lot 17 to the intersection of
                                              applications and applications and                       Colorado. The BLM proposes to amend                   the centerline of the Arkansas River;
                                              related information under discretionary                 the Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s (CPW)               thence southeasterly along the
                                              programs. Some of the items are                         existing R&PP Lease (COC–49757) to                    centerline of the Arkansas River to the
                                              required and some are optional at the                   include the following 19.34 acres in the              intersection of the southerly boundary
                                              discretion of the applicant or the federal              BLM Salida East Recreation area. The                  of sec. 10; thence westerly, along the
                                              agency (agency). Required fields on the                 BLM and CPW jointly manage a number                   southern boundary of sec. 10 to the
                                              form are identified with an asterisk (*)                of recreation sites in the Arkansas River             intersection with the northerly Right-of-
                                              and are also specified as ‘‘Required’’ in               corridor under a cooperative                          Way for U.S. Highway 50, as described
                                              the instructions below. In addition to                  management agreement. Public lands                    in the BLM Right-of-Way Grant No.
                                              these instructions, applicants must                     jointly managed by the BLM and CPW                    COD–0–054071; thence northwesterly
                                              consult agency instructions to                          are designated as the Arkansas                        along said U.S. Highway 50 Right-of-
                                              determine other specific requirements.                  Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA).                    Way to a point at the intersection of the
                                                Agency form numbers, if applicable:                   The lands requested in the CPW’s lease                projected 3–4 line of said Tract 37 and
                                              SF–424 Application for Federal                          amendment application are located on                  the said U.S. Highway Right-of-Way;
                                              Assistance.                                             public lands within the river corridor                thence northeasterly to corner no. 3 of
                                                Estimation of the total number of                     and are currently managed by the BLM                  said Tract 37; thence along the 3–4 line
                                              hours needed to prepare the information                 as a developed recreational facility. If              of said Tract 37 to corner no. 4 of said
                                              collection including number of                          the lease is approved the lands will                  Tract 37; thence along the 4–5 line of
                                              respondents, frequency of response, and                 become part of the AHRA. An R&PP                      said Tract 37 to corner no. 5 of said
                                              hours of response. An estimation of the                 lease to CPW will allow improvements                  Tract 37; thence along the 5–6 line of
                                              total number of hours needed to prepare                 in the Salida East facilities and enhance             said Tract 37 to corner no. 6 of said
                                              the forms for each grant application is                 opportunities for public recreation and               Tract 37; thence along the 6–1 line of
                                              estimated to average 30 minutes per                     public safety.                                        said Tract 37 to corner no. 1 of said
                                              response however, the burden will be                    DATES: Interested parties may submit                  Tract 37, the point of beginning.
                                              assessed against each individual grant                  written comments regarding the                          Excluding any portions of any valid
                                              program submission under the                            proposed classification of lands, or lease            and existing mining claims located
                                              Paperwork Reduction Act; number of                      of the land, on or before November 2,                 within the above described parcel at the
                                              respondents is 33,000 frequency of                      2015.                                                 time of the publication of this notice.
                                              response is on the occasion of                                                                                  The above described parcel of land
                                              application for benefits.                               ADDRESSES:  Written comments
                                                                                                      concerning this notice should be                      contains 19.34 ac. more or less, as
                                                Status of the proposed information                                                                          determined through official records.
                                              collection: Extension of currently                      addressed to: Bureau of Land
                                                                                                      Management, Royal Gorge Field Office,                   The land is not needed for any
                                              approved collection.                                                                                          Federal purpose other than for current
                                                                                                      3028 East Main St., Cañon City, CO
                                                Authority: PL: Pub. L. 106–107 468 Name               81212.                                                and proposed recreational purposes.
                                              of Law: Federal Financial Assistance                                                                          The lease is consistent with current
                                              Management Improvement Act of 1999. PL:                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:       Jeff           bureau land use planning and would be
                                              Pub. L. 109–282 2590 Name of Law: Federal               Brown, Realty Specialist, BLM Front                   in the public interest.
                                              Funding Accountability and Transparency                 Range District Office, by phone (719)                   Detailed information concerning this
                                              Act of 2006.                                            852–6260, or by email at j75brown@                    proposed project, including, but not
                                                Dated: September 14, 2015.                            blm.gov. Persons who use a                            limited to documentation relating to
                                              Julie D. Hopkins,                                       telecommunications device for the deaf                compliance with applicable
                                              Grants Management and Oversight, Director,              (TDD) may call the Federal Information                environmental and cultural resource
                                              Office of Strategic Planning and Management.            Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339                laws, is available for review at the BLM
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–23463 Filed 9–17–15; 8:45 am]             to contact the above individual during                Royal Gorge Field Office at the address
                                              BILLING CODE 4210–67–P
                                                                                                      normal business hours. The FIRS is                    above.
                                                                                                      available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,                Upon publication of this notice in the
                                                                                                      to leave a message or question with the               Federal Register, the lands described
                                                                                                      above individual. You will receive a                  above will be segregated from all forms
                                              DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              reply during normal business hours.                   of appropriation under the public lands
                                              Bureau of Land Management                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        laws, including the general mining laws,
                                                                                                      following public land in Chaffee                      except for lease under the R&PP Act;
                                              [LLCOF02000 L14400000.ER0000; COC–                      County, Colorado, has been examined                   leasing under the mineral leasing laws;
                                              49757]                                                  and found suitable for classification, for            and disposal under the mineral material
                                                                                                      lease, to CPW under the provisions of                 disposal laws.
                                              Notice of Realty Action; Recreation
                                                                                                      the R&PP Act, as amended (43 U.S.C                      Classification Comments: Interested
                                              and Public Purposes Act Classification
                                                                                                      869 et seq.):                                         parties may submit comments involving
                                              for Lease in Chaffee County, Colorado
                                                                                                         A certain parcel of land, located                  the suitability of the land for joint
                                              AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,                    entirely within government lots 17, 18                management by the BLM and CPW with
                                              Interior.                                               and 19, sec. 10, T. 49 N., R. 9 E.,                   the additional improvements and
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              ACTION: Notice of realty action.                        N.M.P.M., as surveyed in the official                 upgrades proposed by CPW. Comments
                                                                                                      plat of record, accepted December 22,                 on the classification are restricted to
                                              SUMMARY:  The Bureau of Land                            1999, T. 49 N., R. 9 E., NMPM, Sec. 10,               whether the land is physically suited for
                                              Management (BLM) has examined and                       described as follows:                                 the proposal, whether the use will
                                              found suitable for classification for lease                Beginning at corner no. 1 of Tract 37,             maximize the future use or uses of the
                                              under the Recreation and Public                         as surveyed in the official plat of record,           land, whether the use is consistent with
                                              Purposes (R&PP) Act, as amended (43                     accepted December 22, 1999; thence                    local planning and zoning, or if the use

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:47 Sep 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00054   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\18SEN1.SGM   18SEN1

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 181 / Friday, September 18, 2015 / Notices                                                56491

                                              is consistent with State and Federal                    DATES:  Any party claiming a property                 consecutive weeks in the Arctic
                                              programs.                                               interest in the lands affected by the                 Sounder.
                                                 Application Comments: Interested                     decision may appeal the decision in                      Any party claiming a property interest
                                              parties may submit comments regarding                   accordance with the requirements of 43                in the lands affected by the decision
                                              the specific use proposed in the                        CFR part 4. Please see the                            may appeal the decision in accordance
                                              application and plan of development                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for                 with the requirements of 43 CFR part 4
                                              that would amend R&PP lease COC-                        the time limits for appealing the                     within the following time limits:
                                              49757 and whether the BLM followed                      decision.                                                1. Unknown parties, parties unable to
                                              proper administrative procedures in                                                                           be located after reasonable efforts have
                                                                                                      ADDRESSES:    A copy of the decision may
                                              reaching the decision to lease under the                                                                      been expended to locate, parties who
                                                                                                      be obtained from: Bureau of Land
                                              R&PP Act.                                                                                                     fail or refuse to sign their return receipt,
                                                                                                      Management, Alaska State Office, 222
                                                 Any comments will be reviewed by                                                                           and parties who receive a copy of the
                                                                                                      West Seventh Avenue, #13, Anchorage,
                                              the BLM who may sustain, vacate, or                                                                           decision by regular mail which is not
                                                                                                      AK 99513–7504.
                                              modify this realty action. In the absence                                                                     certified, return receipt requested, shall
                                              of any adverse comments, the                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The                  have until October 19, 2015 to file an
                                              classification of the land described in                 BLM by phone at 907–271–5960 or by                    appeal.
                                              this notice will become effective                       email at blm_ak_akso_public_room@                        2. Parties receiving service of the
                                              November 17, 2015.                                      blm.gov. Persons who use a                            decision by certified mail shall have 30
                                                 Before including your address, phone                 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf                days from the date of receipt to file an
                                              number, email address, or other                         (TDD) may call the Federal Information                appeal.
                                              personal identifying information in your                Relay Service (FIRS) at 1 800–877–8339                   Parties who do not file an appeal in
                                              comment, you should be aware that                       to contact the BLM during normal                      accordance with the requirements of 43
                                              your entire comment—including your                      business hours. In addition, the FIRS is              CFR part 4 shall be deemed to have
                                              personal identifying information—may                    available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,              waived their rights. Notices of appeal
                                              be made publicly available at any time.                 to leave a message or question with the               transmitted by electronic means, such as
                                              While you can ask us in your comment                    BLM. The BLM will reply during                        facsimile or email, will not be accepted
                                              to withhold your personal identifying                   normal business hours.                                as timely filed.
                                              information from public review, we                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As
                                                                                                                                                            Ralph L. Eluska, Sr.,
                                              cannot guarantee that we will be able to                required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is
                                              do so.                                                                                                        Land Transfer Resolution Specialist, Division
                                                                                                      hereby given that an appealable                       of Lands and Cadastral.
                                                 Authority: 43 CFR 2741.5.                            decision will be issued by the BLM to
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–23480 Filed 9–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.,
                                              Ruth Welch,                                             Successor in Interest to Deering                      BILLING CODE 4310–JA–P

                                              BLM Colorado State Director.                            Ipnatchiak Corporation, and Katyaak
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–23483 Filed 9–17–15; 8:45 am]             Corporation. The decision approves the                DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                              BILLING CODE 4310–JB–P                                  surface estate in the lands described
                                                                                                      below for conveyance pursuant to the                  Bureau of Land Management
                                                                                                      Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43
                                              DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              U.S.C. 1601, et. seq.). The subsurface                DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
                                                                                                      estate in these lands will be conveyed
                                              Bureau of Land Management                               to NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.,                   Forest Service
                                                                                                      when the surface estate is conveyed to
                                              [F–14851–B2, F–14874–B2; LLAK940000–                    NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.,                      [15XL LLIDI02000 L71220000.EO0000–
                                              L14100000–HY0000–P]                                                                                           LVTFDX508400 241A 4500080287]
                                                                                                      Successor in Interest to Deering
                                                                                                      Ipnatchiak Corporation, and Katyaak                   Notice of Availability of Draft
                                              Alaska Native Claims Selection                          Corporation. Deering Ipnatchiak                       Environmental Impact Statement for
                                              AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,                    Corporation, and Katyaak Corporation                  the Proposed Rasmussen Valley Mine,
                                              Interior.                                               were the original ANCSA corporations                  Caribou County, Idaho
                                              ACTION: Notice of decision approving                    for the villages of Deering and Kiana,
                                              lands for conveyance.                                   and merged with NANA Regional                         AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,
                                                                                                      Corporation, Inc. in 1976 under the                   Interior; United States Forest Service,
                                              SUMMARY:    Notice is hereby given that an              authority of Public Law 94–204.                       USDA.
                                              appealable decision will be issued by                     The lands are located in the vicinity               ACTION: Notice of availability.
                                              the Bureau of Land Management (BLM),                    of Deering and Kiana, Alaska and are
                                              approving conveyance of the surface                     described as:                                         SUMMARY:    In accordance with the
                                              estate in the lands described below to                                                                        National Environmental Policy Act of
                                                                                                      Kateel River Meridian, Alaska                         1969, as amended (NEPA), the Bureau of
                                              NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.,
                                              Successor in Interest to Deering                        T. 18 N., R. 9 W.,                                    Land Management (BLM) and the U.S.
                                                                                                        Sec. 21.                                            Department of Agriculture, Forest
                                              Ipnatchiak Corporation, and Katyaak                       Containing 640 acres.
                                              Corporation, pursuant to the Alaska                                                                           Service (USFS), Caribou-Targhee
                                                                                                      T. 6 N., R. 17 W.,
                                              Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).                     Secs. 1 to 36, inclusive.
                                                                                                                                                            National Forest (CTNF), have prepared
                                                                                                                                                            a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              The subsurface estate in these lands will                 Containing 22,923.84 acres.
                                              be conveyed to NANA Regional                            T. 7 N., R. 18 W.,                                    (EIS) for the proposed Rasmussen Valley
                                              Corporation, Inc., when the surface                       Secs. 16 to 36, inclusive.                          Mine, and by this Notice are
                                              estate is conveyed to NANA Regional                       Containing 13,319.47 acres.                         announcing the opening of the comment
                                              Corporation, Inc., as Successor in                        Aggregating 36,883.31 acres.                        period.
                                              Interest to Deering Ipnatchiak                            Notice of the decision will also be                 DATES: To ensure comments will be
                                              Corporation, and Katyaak Corporation.                   published once a week for four                        considered, the Agencies must receive

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:47 Sep 17, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00055   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\18SEN1.SGM   18SEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:27:55
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:27:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of realty action.
DatesInterested parties may submit written comments regarding the proposed classification of lands, or lease of the land, on or before November 2, 2015.
ContactJeff Brown, Realty Specialist, BLM Front Range District Office, by phone (719) 852-6260, or by email at [email protected] Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1- 800-877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal business hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question with the above individual. You will receive a reply during normal business hours.
FR Citation80 FR 56490 

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